Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church


Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church
Second Sunday of Easter / Sunday of Divine Mercy
April 12, 2015
Fr. Dan Siepker - After hours (712) 527-9115
Email: frsip@yahoo.com
Rev. Mr. Ron Kohn (712) 527-4032
Rev. Mr. Mike Carney (712) 310-2921
Cathy Evans, Parish Secretary
Jane Buckley, Bookkeeper
Theresa Romens, Faith Formation
Janet Lunning, Montessori Pre-School
Ali Crawley, Custodian
Anne Smith & Sharon Osterholm, Music Coordinators
24116 Marian Avenue Glenwood, IA 51534
Church Office Phone 712-527-5211 FAX 712-527-3829
E-mail holyrosarych@msn.com
Bulletins online: www.holyrosaryglenwood.com
Daily Eucharistic Adoration - 5 am - 12 midnight
Parish Mission Statement:
"To come to Christ and lead others to Christ"
Faith development for the first disciples was a
community affair. Although today's Gospel
highlights "Doubting" Thomas, certainly the other
disciples wrestled with the meaning of the Lord's
Resurrection as well. They were behind locked
doors, huddled in fear, but facing the future
together. It is good for us to remember that the
gift of faith is not a solitary affair; it grows and
matures when we celebrate the Lord's presence
with other Christians. Divine mercy gathers us
together, proclaims to us the gift of peace, and
challenges us to support one another along the
Mark your Calendars for April 12!
We will be having a parish potluck to welcome all
newcomers that have moved into the parish during
this last year, all who entered the Church at the
Easter Vigil and any families with new babies.
Potluck will begin at 5:30pm. Please bring a meat
dish, a salad or a desert. Drinks
and table service provided.
Please come and welcome all those
who are new to our parish.
Congratulations to those who were:
Baptized ~
Kami Pitzl, Niaomi Kuhl, & Giovanni Kuhl
Received into Full Communion ~
Margo Pitzl, John Jay Meneely Jr., Terri Hansen,
Megan Bohlander, & Stephanie Stevens
Confirmed ~
John Jay Meneely Jr., Drew Stewart, Kristen
Kirwan, & Terri Hansen, & Stephanie Stevens
Received into First Holy Communion ~
Margo Pitzl, Kami Pitzl, Emily Rech, John Jay
Meneely Jr., Terri Hansen, & Stephanie Stevens
Journey Together in Faith
An adult faith night will be on Tuesday April 14th
from 7:00 to 8:00. Mass will be at 6:30. We have
two more sacraments to cover in our series. This
month we will be learning about the Sacrament
of Marriage. Join us for dessert and discussion!
Thursday April 16th at 10:00 am. in the conference
room. Please bring your calendars!
Eucharistic Adoration
Your Gift to God and Parish
March 29, 2015
Offertory Envelopes
Easter Envelopes
Offertory Loose
$ 4,470.00
$ 3,950.00
$ 590.00
$ 1,669.00
$ 10,949.00
Year to Date
Budget Required
+/- Budget
$ 6,794.00
$ 4,155.00
$ 4,786.00
Annual Diocesan Appeal
Parish Goal $39,947.00
Pledges to date - $22,453.53
Pledges Needed - $17,493.47
God’s Mercy is Forever Boundless!
Next weekend we celebrate the Second Sunday of
Easter, the Sunday of Divine Mercy. The message of
Divine Mercy is simple; God loves us — all of us. He
wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our
sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive
His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. As part
of this celebration come join us Sunday, April 12 at
2:30pm in the Adoration Chapel for prayer, a
Benediction service, and reposition of the Blessed
Sacrament for the rest of the evening. Read more about
Christ’s boundless mercy highlighted in the visions of St
Faustina and declared by St Pope John Paul II at
Saint Albert Catholic Schools is
celebrating its 50th Anniversary!
Please join us and the greater Southwest Iowa Catholic
community for the annual Benefit Auction “Cheers to
50 Years!” on April 25th at the Mid-America Center,
Council Bluffs. Doors open at 5 pm. A new dinner
format offers a large variety of food options this year.
Tickets are $75 per person, and a special price of $50
per person, ages 21-35. Tickets on sale April 1st and
purchased online at www.SaintAlbertAuction.org
Thank you for your continued support of this event, our
students, and Catholic education.
We Shall Be Restless Until We Find Him
"He reminds us that our hearts, made for God
can have no satisfaction except in him, that
we shall be restless until we find him, that he is in the
Tabernacle to answer to this need of our hearts, to give
himself to us and to bring us peace."
Saint Peter Julian Eymard
The NEST is a free program sponsored by Mills County
Public Health, that allows you to earn points that you
can use to purchase items for you and your child at the
NEST Store. Brochures are on the bulletin board in the
Gathering Space.
The NEST also having their annual diaper drive.
Please take time to invest in the future of our county's
children. Please make a donation to: Prevent Child
Abuse - NEST program, Attn: Melody
212 Independence St., Glenwood, IA 51534
All donations are greatly appreciated!
Understanding your Grief Workshop is being present
by Deacon Mike Carney and Melody Ragland. 8
Monday evenings 7-8:30pm, Staring April 13. For more
information you need to contact Deacon Mike Carney
at (712) 310-2921 (Text OK)mkgcarney@gmail.com
Save the Date!
NCYC Fundraiser!
Join us Sunday April 26 for Breakfast
bakes after the 8:00 am liturgy and a
soup/salad lunch after the 10:00 am
liturgy. Advance tickets on sale next
weekend after masses and from any
students attending NCYC! Thank you for
your support!
Faith Formation Announcement:
Reconciliation Schedule- 4th graders will
celebrate Reconciliation on Wednesday April
15th and 3rd graders on Wednesday April 22nd.
Please meet your catechist in your room for any
last minute instructions. You will then move into
the worship space together.
1st Eucharist Dress Rehearsal and pictures
are Thursday April 16th at 6:30. Please bring
your banners and baptismal candles with you for
practice. This is a complete
Dress rehearsal including music
practice. If you have any
questions please call Theresa at
the office.
1st Eucharist Celebration is Saturday April 18th
at the 4:00 pm Mass. Please keep the following
students and their families in your prayers as
they come to the table for the first time:
Kylie Allen
Sean Allen
Megan Bohlander
Preston Crawley
Isaak Ellis
Will Getter
Olivia Hanover
Madison Jarosz
Riley Jarosz
Tyler Kennedy
Wil Kirwan
Niaomi Kuhl
Seth Lacy
Mason Lunning
Ellie Monahan
Audrey Nieman
Taylor Roenfeldt
Maya Schau
Blake Sneed
Sheldon Vandenberg
Join us for a 50 minute family prayer service using
Easter season music and scriptures, led by featured
musicians and speakers Kate and Christian Basi. Cost:
Free! Refreshments will be provided! Dates: April
18th from 7:00-8:45 p.m. at St. Patrick Parish, 223
Harmony St., Council Bluffs, IA 51503
RSVP for childcare is required, and can be done by
registering at http://www.dmdiocese.org/
easterstations.cfm (please include ages of children
with RSVP).
Calendar of Events & Daily Scripture
Mon. Apr. 13 - Third Week of Easter
Acts 6:8-15; John 6:22-29
8:00 am Liturgy of the Word
Tues. Apr. 14 - Third Week of Easter
Acts 7:51 - 8:1a; John 6:30-35
6:30 pm Mass for Beth Joyce, Int.
7:00 pm Journey Together in Faith
Wed., Apr. 15 - Third Week of Easter
Acts 8:1b-8; John 6:35-40
8:00 am Mass for Sr. Pat Siepker, d.
6:30 pm Faith Formation Grades 3 - 12
Thurs. Apr. 16 - Third Week of Easter
Acts 8:26-40; John 6:44-51
8:30 am Women's Book Study
10:00 am Adult Faith Committee Meeting
10:30 am Mass for Wilbur Tackett, d.
Linnwood Estates
6:30 pm First Eucharist Practice/Pictures
Fri. Apr. 17 - Third Week of Easter
Acts 9:1-20; John 6:52-59
8:00 am Mass for Bill & Sheila Curoe, d.
Sat. Apr. 18 - St. Mark, Evangelist
1 Peter 5:5b-14; Mark 16:15-20
3:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation or
by appointment with Fr. Dan
Sat. 4:00 pm First Eucharist
4:00 pm Mass for Audrey Mingo, d.
April 19 - Fourth Sunday of Easter
Acts 4:8-12; Psalm 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28,
1 John 3:1-2; John 10:11-18
Sun. 8:00 am Mass for Parishioners, d.
9:00 am Faith Formation Prek - 2nd Grade
Sun. 10:00 am Mass for Jennifer Buckley, d.
6:00 pm Prayer for Peace
The St. Thomas More Center is hosting a Family
Day on Sunday, May 17th, from 11 am until 4 PM!
Bring your whole family for games, activities, a keynote
speaker addressing the vocation of the family, and tours
of camp too! The day begins with Mass celebrated by
Bishop Pates at 11 am, with a free lunch to follow. This
day is for all families, whether you’re active in camp life
or have never heard of it! Contact Adam Storey will
questions at 515-237-5056.