April 12, 2015 - Our Lady of Joy Parish


April 12, 2015 - Our Lady of Joy Parish
2000 O’Block Road,
Pittsburgh, Pa 15239
(Holiday Park - Plum Borough)
April 12, 2015
Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Parish Office: ................................... 412-795-3388
Website: ............................................ www.ourladyofjoy.org
Email Address: ................................. church@ourladyofjoy.org
Religious Education Office: ............ 412-795-4389
Father Albert L. Zapf, Pastor
Mr. Gregory Callaghan, Pastoral Associate
Father Ladis J. Cizik, In Residence
St. Vincent Benedictine Monks, Sunday Assistance
Saturday Evening: ........................................... 6:00 p.m.
Sunday: ........... 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., and 12:00 Noon
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: ........ 8:30 a.m.
Thursday: ...................................................... 12:00 Noon
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Saturday: 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
OF THE SICK …… Call Parish Office for appointment.
New parishioners are asked to register by calling the parish office.
Parish Mission Statement
Our Lady of Joy Parish is a Catholic community of faith dedicated to Mary, the
cause of our joy. We are centered in Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit
and nourished by the Eucharist. We are a welcoming family, striving to see Christ
in all and responding to the needs of the members of our parish and community.
Called to act in faith, hope and love we seek to become a visible presence of Christ
in the world.
Reflecting on God’s Word
Can one “fathom” a mystery? “Fathom” derives from an Old English word meaning “outstretched arms;” eventually it referred to
the length from fingertip to fingertip of arms opened wide. As a verb, it means to probe or penetrate in order to understand. Granting the impossibility of ever coming to fathom the Resurrection fully, I like the image of trying to reach out and put my arms
around this great mystery—or, better yet, to have the risen Christ put his outstretched arms around me, drawing me into it more
Which brings us to Thomas. He is the original person who tried to fathom the risen Christ, insisting that if his friends in
the upper room wanted him to believe what he could only think of as nonsense, he needed to touch the wounds of the risen Lord.
Jesus didn’t seem to have much of a problem letting him.
We never learn whether Thomas did touch Jesus or not, but every
second Sunday of Easter we are told this story about Thomas and the risen Lord. It encourages us to fathom the mystery that is
our faith, to learn to penetrate it by confessing Jesus as Lord and God, then allow this belief to flow out into our daily activities,
reaching out to embrace others.
Don’t you think when Thomas left the upper room that day he knew that the Resurrection was
not something to keep to himself? That his whole being was filled with the warmth and light absorbed from being in the presence
of the risen Lord? Is it possible that this can happen to us? - James A. Wallace, C.Ss. R.
April 13 - April 19, 2015
• Weekday Mass - 8:30am
• Chorale - 7pm
• Weekday Mass - 8:30am
• Prayer Shawl - 9am
• Bible Discussion - 9:20am
• Lectio Divina - 6:45pm
• Weekday Mass - 8:30am
• Revelations Study - 7pm
• Bereavement - 7pm
• Hearts Afire - 7pm
• Separated & Divorced - 7pm
• Weekday Mass - 12 Noon
• Adoration & Divine Mercy - 3pm
• Knights of Columbus - 7pm
• Christian Ladies of Joy - 7pm
• Weekday Mass - 8:30am
• Lectio Divina - 9:15am
• First Communion Retreat 9:30am
• Sacrament of Penance - 5pm 5:30pm
• Vigil Mass - 6pm
• Holy Name Bingo - 7:15pm
Continued on Page Three
From the Pastor
Today we continue to celebrate the Easter Season, which will last for 50 days
until Pentecost. I want to give a big Thanks to the Deacon for his help throughout Holy Week, as well as to all the servers, ushers, ministers, decorators, and
music ministry, MC’s, and STAFF. On this second Sunday of Easter, we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. It is really a great day of remembering once again
how wonderfully generous our God is by granting us his mercy and love. On
Our Lord's Divine Mercy Sunday we realize that God extends forgiveness
to all sins, and He offers mercy for even the most hardened sinners! St.
Pope John Paul II also made it clear that the Image of The Divine Mercy which
St. Faustina saw is to be venerated on Divine Mercy Sunday. It represents the
Risen Christ bringing mercy to the world. St. Pope John Paul II said: "Jesus
shows His hands and His side [to the Apostles]. He points, to the wounds of
the Passion, especially the wound in His Heart, the source from which flows
the great wave of mercy poured out on humanity.” Saint Faustina Kowalska, said we will see two rays of light shining from that Heart and illuminating
the world: ‘The two rays,' Jesus Himself explained to her one day, ‘represent
blood and water' (Diary, 299). We immediately think of the testimony given
by the Evangelist John, who, when a soldier on Calvary pierced Christ's side
with his spear, sees blood and water flowing from it (see Jn 19:34). Moreover,
if the blood recalls the sacrifice of the cross and the gift of the Eucharist, the
water, represents not only Baptism but also the gift of the Holy Spirit"
Divine Mercy Sunday then points us to the merciful love of God that lies behind the whole Paschal Mystery — the whole mystery of the death, burial and
resurrection of Christ — made present for us in the Eucharist. In this way, it
also sums up the whole Easter Octave. A Plenary Indulgence is obtained by
observing the usual dispositions that are in place for the granting of this grace
through the Intercession of the Catholic Church, that is: Sacramental Confession (the confession may take place some days before), Holy Eucharistic Communion, to pray for the intentions of the pope (an Our Father and Hail Mary is
minimum requirement), when the faithful detached from any sin, even venial,
either: ----- In any church or chapel take part in the prayers and devotions in
honor of the Divine Mercy. ----- In the presence of the Blessed Sacrament,
exposed or reserved in the tabernacle, say an Our Father and Creed. So, in
Honor the Lord’s DIVINE MERCY, today, Sunday, we will have a holy hour
beginning at 2:30pm and lasting until around 3:30pm, with the Divine Mercy
Chaplet prayed at 3pm, ending with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament of
the Lord. We invite all who are present to come to the hall for refreshments
immediately following. God bless each of you with continued good weather
and good health this spring.
Fr. Al Z+
APRIL 12, 2015
First Communion Mass
There will be First Communion at the 12
Noon Mass on April 19. As a community we
need to pray for them and congratulate them
on this special sacrament. Next weekend,
April 19 the following will receive their First
Daniel Alvarez, Gianna Babilon, Mary
Bricker, Madison D’Antonio, Maria DeMartino, Kayla Diss, Saleena Hickey, Braden
Kane, Cassandra Lake, Dylan
Matenkosky, Braden Mathews, Brady
McLaughlin, Luke Mink, Jack Muldowney,
Marco Pietropaolo, Quet Pilston, Giuliana
Ricciuti, Sophie Robledo, Grace Roedersheimer, Kaylee Sweeney, Samuel Szarmach, Ava Wilson, Dakota Wilson
Pre-Baptism Class
A class is required for any new parent(s) wishing to have their baby baptized at
Our Lady of Joy Parish. The class will be offered at 7:00pm in the Father
Marchukonis Hall on May 6, 2015. Call the Parish Office at 412-795-3388 to
register for the class.
Bible Study on the Book of Revelation
We will continue our study of the Book of Revelation
after Easter on Wednesday evenings for six weeks.
The study will start on Wednesday, April 15 and will
continue each Wednesday (except Wednesday April
29) until Wednesday, May 27. The series is a DVD
series taught by Jeff Cavins, a Scripture scholar, and proves to be very entertaining and exciting as we travel together through this much misinterpreted
book of the Bible. Come and join us but first remember to call to make reservations as seating is limited to only 100 seats and it is first come-first serve.
You may call Greg Callaghan at the rectory to make reservations (412) 7953388.
May Crowning
The month of May is traditionally known as the month of Our Lady. To honor
the Blessed Virgin parishes often process and crown an image of the Blessed
Virgin Mary with flowers. May Crowning at Our Lady of Joy will be on Sunday,
May 3 at the 12 Noon Mass. The crown of flowers represents our prayers.
This often is referred to as “May Crowning.” This rite offers the Church a
chance to reflect on Mary’s important role in the history of salvation and to
learn reverence for our Blessed Mother.
Festival Meeting
We will be holding the 2015 Parish Festival Kick-Off meeting on Tuesday,
April 21 at 7pm in the church hall. Anyone interested in becoming more
involved in this year's festival is encouraged to attend. We are looking for
someone new to chair the Food Tent and Children’s Games this year. Other
commitments have left us vacancies in both of these positions. If you are unable to attend the meeting but would still like to get more involved, please contact Steve Mahr at 412-496-2559, or email him at steve.mahr@comcast.net.
(Continued From Page Two)
Third Sunday of Easter
• Sunday Masses - 8:30am, 10am
and 12 Noon
• Children’s Liturgy of the Word 10am
• First Communion - 12 Noon
Sanctuary & Altar Candles
The Sanctuary Candle burns in honor
of the Blessed Sacrament and In Loving Memory of Florence Besselman.
An Altar Candle burns for the Special
Intention of Gene.
Today’s Readings
First Reading — With great power the
apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus (Acts 4:32-35).
Psalm — Give thanks to the Lord for
he is good, his love is everlasting
(Psalm 118).
Second Reading — The victory that
conquers the world is our faith (1
John 5:1-6).
Gospel — Blessed are those who
have not seen and have believed
(John 20:19-31).
Readings for the Week
Monday: Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-3, 4-9;
Jn 3:1-8
Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5;
Jn 3:7b-15
Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9;
Jn 3:16-21
Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9,
17-20; Jn 3:31-36
Friday: Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 1314; Jn 6:1-15
Saturday: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5,
18-19; Jn 6:16-21
Sunday: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2,
4, 7-9; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48
This Week’s
Priest’s Private Mass Intentions
The Christmas and Easter Story
Monday - April 13
8:30 am Nanette Palmer
(Betty Walls)
Tuesday - April 14
8:30 am William Mahan
(Emmy Lou & Frank Caylor)
Wednesday - April 15
8:30 am Elizabeth Cotter
(Laylock & Siatkosky
Thursday - April 16
12 Noon Sal DiChiera
(Adrienne & Ray Duke)
Friday - April 17
8:30 am Joan Brown
(Adam, Bill, Cory & Shelly)
Saturday - April 18
6:00 pm For all the People of the
Sunday - April 19
8:30 am Robert Schonbachler
(The Kisaks)
10:00 am Special Intention for the
50th Wedding Anniversary
Of Betty & Stan Anderson
12 Noon Sena Petrina
(Joanne & William Mahan)
In Memoriam
In your charity please pray for the
repose of the soul of Mark Flynn, son
of Jean Flynn.
May his soul and the souls of all the
faithfully departed rest in peace.
Parish Share Total
Truth and Life Audio New Testament
Experience these beautiful excerpts from the Truth &
Life Dramatized Audio Bible New Testament. Endorsed
with an Imprimatur and voiced by internationallyrenowned actors, this dramatized audio content is enhanced with sound effects and music that make the
Christmas and Easter narratives come alive.
Separated and Divorced Ministry
The Separated and Divorced Ministry meets every Wednesday at 7pm in
Room 1 in the Father Marchukonis Hall. All persons going through separation
or divorce are welcome to attend. It is not necessary to attend all sessions as
they are independent topics each week. If you are interested please call Greg
Callaghan at the rectory (412) 795-3388 or email Karen Dolan at
kdolan59@gmail.com. “April 15, Session 8 - “Kidcare”
Bereavement Ministry
Our bereavement ministry will have a seven-week grief support series beginning Wednesday, April 8 from 7-8:30pm. We will meet in classroom 2 downstairs in the Father Marchukonis Hall. Our support group is for those who have
lost a loved one and are seeking the company of others in their time of
need. We will meet every Wednesday through May 20. All are welcome. If
you or someone you know might be interested please call Liz Bachtel at 724
337 0049 or the religious education office at 412 795 4389 for more information or to register.
Serving Our Seniors
Our Lady of Joy’s Social Services Area is inviting you to a
“Getting to Know You” luncheon at King’s Family Restaurant in Holiday Park on April 22 at 12:30pm. Social Services is one of several Serving Our Seniors Ministries offered at Our Lady of Joy.
King’s management is offering a 15% discount, and the
use of their private room. If you can join us for food and
fellowship, please RSVP by April 19 to
harkay@comcast.net or phone 724-327-1178 (Beth) or
724-327-7377 (Jane).
Divine Mercy/The Second Greatest Story Ever Told
As a follow up to celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday why not claim your free
copy of Fr. Michael Gailey’s newest book! (Just pay the shipping & handling)
Go to http://www.lighthousecatholicmedia.org/. Then hit Store and search For
The Second Greatest Story Ever Told. From the author of the bestselling
book 33 Days to Morning Glory comes a gripping account of the prophetic witness of St. John Paul II, and the profound connection between Marian Consecration and Divine Mercy. The Second Greatest Story Ever Told is more than
a historical re-telling of the Great Mercy Pope. This book serves as an inspiration for all who desire to bear witness to the mercy of God, focused on Christ
and formed by Mary. It calls us to respond to the urgent need for mercy in our
time of unprecedented evil. Now is the time of mercy. Now is the time to make
St. John Paul II's story your own.
Also, check out the Divine Mercy kiosk
and the Lighthouse kiosk in the back of the church. You can also sign up for
CD of the month.
APRIL 12, 2015
Who: Anyone in the church, regardless of age, can particiPARISH NEWS
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ pate in this faith filled activity. We encourage the children
(with their parents), teens, adults, and the elderly (your speBingo
talents/gifts might be very helpful to someone else).
Saturday, April 18, from 7:15 We
highly encourage families to participate in this bonding
10pm in the Father
Marchukonis Hall. Ticket price $20.00 and one non-perishable
Why: “Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but
food item for the Plum Food
to serve…” ~ Matthew 20:28 “Whatever you do, work heartPantry.
ily, as for the Lord and not for men.” ~ Colossians 3:23. So
then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone,
Price includes 6 cards, 15
and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” ~
$25.00 games, 1-jackpot game. 3 – specials and neighbor Galatians 6:10
bingo. Tickets on sale at the door. Sponsored by Our Lady
How: Contact Mike at mmacconnell09@aol.com for more
of Joy Holy Name Society proceeds support Holy Name
information or to sign up or/your family up. When you
designated charities.
RSVP by April 10th, you will be guaranteed a Service
Charge T-Shirt for the event.
Christmas Shoebox
Once again it is time to start our monthly collections for the
Christmas Shoebox Program. Each month we will be suggesting specific items to be donated, leading up to the annual WRAP PARTY in November. These items will be collected to fill shoeboxes to be sent all over the world for unfortunate children. The suggested items for April are
your donations in the Christmas Shoebox COLLECTION
BOX in the back of Church.
Christian Ladies of Joy
The monthly meeting of the Christian Ladies of Joy will be
held in the Father Marchukonis Hall on April 16, at
7:00pm. All members are asked to attend this meeting.
Help Needed!
Do you have a special talent/trade that you wouldn’t
mind sharing with someone else?
Can you provide four hours of your time to make a difference?
Are you feeling called to lend a hand to your fellow
community members?
If you answered yes to any one of these questions, please
consider joining Our Lady of Joy Youth Ministry in a parish/
community wide Service Charge. The 1st Annual Service
Charge is scheduled for April 25 from 11am to 3pm.
What is it?: The OLOJ Service Charge is set up to help
those in our local community who are in need of help. Generally, these service sites are the homes of the elderly in
our parish who are unable to complete certain projects on
their own.
Appeal for Catechists/Aides/Fall 2015
It is not too soon to consider volunteering for the Fall of
2015 to help as a CCD aide or catechist. Do you have a
want/knack to work with children? Are you kind and compassionate? Consider calling the Religious Education Office at 412-795-4389 to become a part of this educational
ministry. The teaching material is already mapped out for
you with lesson plans, activities and crafts. We pray you
consider helping out with this special ministry.
First Communion Class Retreat
(Note Time Change)
Saturday, April 18 at 9:00am until 12:30pm all Second
Grade students will meet in the Church. Parents/or Guardians are to attend with their child. Instructions will be given
for reception of First Communion. Religious articles will be
blessed. A snack will be provided.
The First Communion Masses
There will be two First Communion Masses which will take
place on Sunday, April 19 (Monday class) and Sunday,
April 26 (Tuesday class) at 12:00 noon. Also, pictures will
be taken in room 1 of the Father Marchukonis Hall. Please
pray for all the students as you reflect on your own First
Communion with gratitude.
CCD Students: Registration 2015-16
If your child is new to the CCD program you may register
by stopping in the Religious Education Office to fill out
forms. All new registrations need to be registered members of the parish, will need a copy of the child’s baptismal
certificate, will need to complete the form choosing your
What will I do?: As a participant in the Service Charge,
you will be provided with lunch and a mini lesson on minis- child’s class time and day, fill out an emergency contact
form and new registration form. If your child is returning
tering to those in need. From there, volunteers will be assigned groups, a service location, and head off to their ser- next year please turn in your updated Registration papers
which were handed out at CCD. These papers are revice site. Service includes (but not limited to): light house
cleaning/yard work, painting, assisting in the nursing home, quired so your child has a space in the CCD program.
If you have any questions please call the Religious Educaetc.
tion Office at 412-795-4389.