retro on roscoe august 2 and 3


retro on roscoe august 2 and 3
July 2008
Retro in full swing
from noon to 10:00PM each day!
Summer is here and that means it’s
time for the ultimate festival in the
city—our own Retro on Roscoe. The
festival will be held along Roscoe
from Damen to Leavitt. Families
will love the central location of the
kids’ area and the main Leavitt
stage family acts.
haven’t already volunteered for a 2hour (or more!) block of time,
PLEASE do so now. Go to and click on
Retro on Roscoe. It’s a great and
fun way to contribute to our
wonderful neighborhood.
Volunteers are needed to work
entrance gates, serve beer and assist
at the kids’ area.
The theme for this year is “Retro
gets its Retro back.” The popular
Antique Car Show will be featured
and disco balls will be hung around
the venue. Festival goers will be
encouraged to dress “retro” for the
event to inject even more fun.
All Retro volunteers will receive
free admission to the festival, a
complimentary Retro on Roscoe
Volunteer T-shirt—with a cool new
design just for this year—plenty of
water and sunblock and an
invitation to our special Volunteer
Thank You Pizza Party on Thursday,
July 31st!
Retro will offer some of the city’s
top music acts along with family
superstars. Local restaurants will
offer tasty treats. Artisans, antique
vendors and merchants will offer
cool stuff for sale and each day will
feature unique events. The Windy
City Chili Cook-off returns, along
with the Antique Car Show and
cooking demonstrations from some
of Chicago’s top chefs.
Retro on Roscoe Needs
400 Volunteers
We need 400 VOLUNTEERS to help us
run this outstanding festival. If you
Why It’s Important to Volunteer
Retro on Roscoe is the primary
funding source for everything that
Roscoe Village Neighbors supports,
including important outreach
efforts to support Jahn and
Audubon Schools and events like
the annual Charity Pub Crawl.
Retro proceeds also support family
events like Spring Brunch,
Winterfest and the Halloween
Parade, along with community
events such as the popular
Welcoming Receptions for new
residents, our free Garden Walk
and the annual Community Garage
Sale. Retro proceeds also keep you
informed of what’s happening in
the Village through our website,
this newsletter and our email
blasts. Retro funds also support the
RVN office at 2144 W. Roscoe.
Without Retro on Roscoe, most of
these important events and efforts
simply could not continue. And
without our volunteers, there’s no
Retro on Roscoe. So come out and
support your neighborhood.
Volunteer and enjoy the best
neighborhood festival in Chicago!
What’s News ... in the Community
19th District Police Officer Killed
At approximately 2:00 a.m. on
July 2, veteran police officer
Richard Francis responded to a call
of a street disturbance at a bus
stop on the corner of Western,
Clybourn and Belmont. In the
struggle, the female offender
somehow grabbed the officer’s
gun and shot him. Other officers,
responding to a call for backup,
then shot the woman several
times. Early reports are that either
mental illness or drugs were
suspected. As of July 2, the
woman was in critical condition at
a local hospital.
While this tragic incident does not
point to any threat to our
neighborhood, it does remind us
that our local police officers always
place themselves in danger when
protecting us. RVN sent flowers to
both the officer’s family and to the
19th District Station as a gesture of
our sympathy and support.
RVN Mural Project
RVN is thrilled to announce that its
Parks, Gardens and Streets
Committee will be installing a
mural on the Roscoe Street
underpass at Ravenswood Street.
This mural will showcase our
“Village within a City,” with Roscoe
Village in the foreground and
Chicago in the background and will
demonstrate the great pride that
Roscoe Village residents and
businesses take in our community.
The highly visible Roscoe/
Ravenswood underpass is a main
artery for commuters walking on
their way to the Paulina El and for
hundreds of Chicagoans making
their way into Roscoe Village on a
daily basis.
The mural will be created by local
artist Heather Gentile of Gentile
Designs. RVN is offering Roscoe,
Belmont or Addison businesses to
be featured in the mural. To defray
the cost of the mural, for $1,500 any
individual establishment can have
its business depicted for three years
(unless a business closes or goes
out of business). In addition,
participating businesses will receive
a framed artist’s sketch of their
business as depicted in the mural.
Based on the current design, only 12
businesses can be featured in the
mural. Once interested businesses
are identified, the 12 “winners” will
be selected by lottery. Other
interested businesses can be listed
as “Friends of Roscoe Village
Neighbors” on the mural for $300.
Letters with more detailed
information will be hand delivered
to each business in the next few
weeks. We hope that you will take
advantage of this opportunity to
showcase your business as well as
contribute to the beautification of
the Village. Thank you!
New Garbage Receptacles
in Roscoe Village
The wire basket garbage cans have
arrived in Roscoe Village and are
now placed along Roscoe, Belmont
and Damen. RVN hopes to
eventually have all these replaced
with black wrought iron garbage
cans. We would like to thank
Streets and Sanitation Ward
Supervisor Pedro Berrero for his
work in getting the needed cans
for Roscoe Village. Garbage
collection will take place twice a
week. Please help us keep our
neighborhood clean by disposing
of your garbage properly!
Free Summer Performance Series
at Felger Park
Bring the whole family out to enjoy
the Summer Concert Series at Felger
Park, taking place on Thursday
evenings beginning July 10 and
running through August 29
(excluding August 21) at 6 p.m. In
the event of rain, concerts/
performances will take place at Beat
Kitchen (2100 West Belmont).
Here’s the lineup:
· July 10: Little Miss Ann/ Smarty
Party Arts/Crafts
· July 17: The Dreamtree Shakers
· July 24: Ricky Recycle
· July 31: Kevin Adair (magician/
· August 7: Mary Macaroni
· August 14: Jaclyn and Gabrielle/
Unicoi Arts/Crafts
· August 28: The Latin Jazz
These concerts are supported by
these generous sponsors: Little
Threads, A Cooler Planet, Sucker’s
Candy, John’s Place, RVN, Smarty
Party, Unicoi, Old Town School of
Folk Music and the Chicago Park
District. Thanks to all! Please enjoy
this unique Summer Series in our
own Roscoe Village!
2008 RVN Board Election Results
The annual elections for RVN
Board positions were held on
June 11. Thanks to all the members
who took the time to get involved
and vote in this year’s elections.
The newly-elected members of the
RVN board:
· Don Tomei, President
· Amy Antoniolli, Secretary
What’s News in Roscoe Village is published
by Roscoe Village Neighbors, a 501(c)(3)
non-profit community organization, as
a service to our members. It contains
information, news, and other items of
general interest to those who live and
work in Roscoe Village. Please direct
submissions and comments to Editor,
What’s News, at the address below.
Don Tomei ................................ President
Lisa Wilkins ...................... Vice President
Amy Antoniolli ........................ Secretary
Steve Miller ............................... Treasurer
Sara Fisher
Colleen Flood
Michael Graham
Andrea Helms
Brian O’Connell
Jonathan Perman
Sarah Warren
Chris Woods
(773) 329-5036
Since 1977.
Celebrating 30 years of
representing Roscoe Village:
Addison to Belmont—
Ravenswood to the Chicago River.
What’s News ... In Member Programs
· Colleen Flood, At-Large Director
· Jonathan Perman, At-Large
· Sarah Warren, At-Large Director
Due to sitting Board members
running for executive office, there
were several Board vacancies
created by the recent RVN
elections. Therefore, immediately
after the elections, and in
accordance with RVN Bylaws, the
following appointments were made
by the RVN Board to fill those
· Lisa Wilkins, Vice President
· Andrea Helms, At-Large Director
· Sara Fisher, At-Large Director
Congratulation to the newest
additions to the Roscoe Village
Board of Directors!
Join the Newly forming EcoMom
Alliance Chicago Chapter
Owners of A Cooler Planet (2211
W. Roscoe), Heidy Baley and Krista
White, and several Roscoe Village
moms are starting a Chicago
Chapter of EcoMom Alliance. This
group aims to support, educate and
promote sustainable living. To
learn more about EcoMom Alliance
and if you are interested in joining
the newly forming Chicago
chapter, contact Heidy or Krista at
19th Police District Events
The 19th District Youth Forum will
be held on July 12, 2008, 10:00 a.m.
at the district station. The Forum
will provide valuable information
on addressing youth anger
management and conflict
resolution. The guest speaker will
be Katie Butler of Chicago
Lakeshore Hospital.
The Block Club Convention will be
held on July 19, 2008, 10:00 a.m. at
DeVry University, 3300 N.
Campbell. We will be providing
information and assistance on
forming block clubs and contact
information to request city services.
Continued on page 6
FunSeekers Find It at Pizza Kickoff
More than 30 folks enjoyed pizza
and beer at the FunSeekers
Kickoff party at Four Treys Tavern
Tuesday night, June 17. Alison
Kramme, immediate past president
Rich and Lois Stephen, Chairperson
Gordon Bieberle, Colleen Flood, Mary
Groth enjoy the fun at the kickoff
pizza party.
of RVN, saluted FunSeekers
organizers and welcomed all the
newcomers. During the evening,
the FunSeekers, Roscoe Village
Neighbors’ 40+ Club, began to
formulate future activities, which
will include trips downtown to
festivals, working a gate at Retro
on Roscoe, and a dinner in the
neighborhood later this summer.
More than a dozen folks signed on
to help make things happen.
Anyone in the area looking for fun
is welcome to join FunSeekers
merely by completing an interest
survey, which is on RVN’s website
at Or email your request for a copy to
While the kickoff party was
compliments of RVN, all future
FunSeekers’ activities will be payas-you-go by participants.
Community Wide Garage Sale
Drew Bargain Seekers
Hundreds of shoppers from far and
wide visited Roscoe Village
residents’ garages on Saturday,
May 17 during our annual
Community Wide Garage Sale.
Villagers sold many items, including
large ticket items like furniture and
exercise equipment. The weather
was beautiful, which helped the
turnout. Kudos to Colleen Flood
and all the organizers for making
this year’s sale a success!
2008 Spring Clean and Green a
Great Success
RVN wishes to thank the over 30
volunteers who joined us at Felger
Park to clean up debris on Belmont,
Roscoe and Damen and to those
residents who took time on May 17
to clean up their blocks. Starbucks
on Belmont and Leavitt generously
donated coffee and
Alderman Waguespack and Ward
Superintendent Pedro Barrero
turned out to help plant bushes in
Felger Park.
Alderman Waguespack and a young
Roscoe Villager finish planting a
new bush
Our many volunteers included:
Beth Nesbit, Liz Muscare (BAA),
Bill Schwartz (BAA), Phyllis Ellin,
Lisa Piemonte (BAA/RVCC),
Ricardo Montano (Ankle and Foot
Center—BAA/RVCC), Kim
Martorano (Chicago Mortgage
Group/RVCC), Jose Manuel
Velasquez (Beat Kitchen), Enrique
Mendez (Beat Kitchen), Christine
Martinez (Starbucks), Chandra
Barzvi (RVCC), Thierry Roger
(Collection Privee Ltd), Andrea
Newman (Jeweled Souls), Aimee
Pribyl, Sue DeThomas, Mary
Beaudry, Claire Beaudry, Anne
Matheny, Bart Harris, Mary
Markarian (RVCC), Sophia
Trimance, Gianni Trimance, The
Nolan Family. Thanks to everyone!
A special thanks goes to Keith
Krisciunas for his continued efforts
to ensure the beautification of the
3300 N. Ravenswood Gardens.
32nd Ward Superintendent Pedro Barrero, Clean and Green Chairperson Brian O’Connell, 32nd Ward Alderman Scott
Waguespack and outgoing RVN President Alison Kramme prepare to plant new bushes at Felger Park
Volunteers getting into the “Clean and Green” mood
An Easy Way To Volunteer
Roscoe Village is lucky to have so
many residents who make regular
commitments to help with
committees, events, and big
projects. But what if committing
time every week or month doesn’t
work for you? Now there’s a way
to volunteer small chunks of time
and energy to help ensure Roscoe
Village is a great place to live and
work—join the Village Volunteers!
RVN would like to recruit 100 or
more volunteers who are willing to
receive emails when volunteers are
needed to help with an event or
project. The RVN events and
projects, like the Pub Crawls, the
Village clean-up, or the Spring
Brunch, will be much more
successful (and fun!) if each Village
Volunteer helped with just one
event per year. That’s right, just ONE
event per year, and we typically
need help for just two to four hours
during the event. RVN expects to
send out just 10 to 12 emails per
year asking Village Volunteers to
come out to help the community—
volunteer for one event, and don’t
worry about the others. If this
sounds like the right volunteer
opportunity for you, or for more
information, click on the Get
Involved link on
What’s News ... from Representative John Fritchey
Cleaning up State Government
Should anybody ever need a
reminder of the importance of
comprehensive ethics and campaign
finance laws, they unfortunately
need look no further than right here
in Illinois. At a time when a
sputtering economy, skyrocketing
gas prices and home foreclosures
dominate the headlines of most
states, residents of Illinois find
themselves confronted daily with
news stories about corruption
investigations, indictments and
convictions of individuals tied to
state government. Making matters
worse is the fact that this same
news cycle has now lasted for
almost a decade, only the names
have been changed—and not to
protect the innocent.
With no limits on campaign
contributions, lax reporting laws
and little lobbyist oversight, Illinois
has long been referred to as the
‘Wild West’ of campaign finance
laws. So perhaps it is no surprise
that three of the last seven Illinois
Governors have gone to jail and
that over 70 lobbyists, state
employees and government
officials have also been convicted in
recent years for offenses related to
the abuse of state government.
While many may feel that the
justice system may have worked as
it was intended to, I would argue
that good prosecution is no
substitute for good government.
To that end, over three years ago, I
introduced legislation which would
be considered a given in most
states, but which was unheard of,
and unwelcome, in Illinois. The
legislation would end pay-to-play
politics in Illinois and reform the
current manner of “doing business”
that has dominated headlines for
far too long. In sum, the legislation
prohibits any person or entity
holding a state contract in excess of
$50,000 from contributing to the
officeholder who awarded the
contract. The bill further requires
that, as part of the procurement
process, bidders on state contracts
disclose all campaign contributions
to the officeholder awarding the
contract for the prior two years.
But Illinois political culture being
what it is, and despite picking up
numerous co-sponsors in the
House, we were unable to gain the
necessary traction to move the bill
forward the first two years of
trying to do so.
Then came what I refer to as a
‘perfect storm for ethics reform.’
Former Governor George Ryan was
convicted and sentenced to 6½
years for offenses related to the
exchange of payoffs for state
business. Concurrently, Governor
Blagojevich was being dogged by
multiple federal investigations and
the indictments and convictions of
multiple individuals in his inner
circle, bringing with it stinging
allegations of what U.S. Attorney
Patrick Fitzgerald referred to as
‘pay-to-play on steroids.’ Add these
two factors to a backdrop of
legislative stalemate and a record
overtime session last year, and you
get a public whose complacency
had quickly vaulted past discontent
and was now in outrage mode.
Following several weeks of
intensive negotiations, an
agreement on language was
reached between the two
chambers. Three years of effort and
countless obstacles along the way
caused me to lead off the press
conference announcing the
agreement by stating that “it must
be snowing in Hell.”
On the last scheduled day of this
legislative session, the Illinois
General Assembly unanimously
passed what the Chicago Tribune
described as “the strongest
campaign fundraising restrictions
state lawmakers have ever
approved.” It must be noted that as
of the time of writing this article, it
remains to be seen what action
Governor Blagojevich will take
with respect to the bill.
I have now served in the Illinois
General Assembly for 12 years,
and am proud to count passage of
this measure among the
achievements of my tenure. Public
confidence in government, once
shaken, is very difficult to rebuild.
But through the passage of this
bill, we have taken a significant
step in the right direction.
Guiness Oyster Fest on Saturday, September 6, 2008
The Fest runs from noon to 10 p.m. at the corner of Damen and Roscoe.
Mark your calendars! Fresh
oysters ... Guinness beer ... and
music on two stages are in the
mix for Guinness Oyster Fest at
2000 W. Roscoe (at Damen) in
the strolling-friendly Roscoe
Village neighborhood.
To many, this post-Labor Day
event heralds the unofficial start
of fall. Oysters (sold on-site) will
be provided by the Whitehall
Hotel’s Fornetto Mei restaurant.
The fest will feature two music
stages. Among the day’s performers
will be high-energy theatrical rockers
Powder ... eclectic New York Irish “jig
punkers” The Prodigals... and Chicago
ska legends Heavy Manners reuniting
after more than two decades. Come out
and enjoy one of the last street festivals
of the summer in Roscoe Village!
The Fest is presented by Roscoe
Village Chamber of Commerce
and Guinness.
What’s News ... from Alderman Scott Waguespack
It is summer in Roscoe Village,
and we are looking forward to a
beautiful season. To kick off the
season, this spring I joined other
Roscoe Village residents to
participate in Clean and Green
Day by planting some trees at
Fellger Park.
Keeping the ward well maintained
is an important priority. Along the
portion of Western Avenue in the
32nd Ward (from Belmont to
Roscoe), we’ve been working with
businesses to control debris by
keeping dumpsters closed and free
of overflow. These efforts will keep
alleys and parking lots cleaner,
make the businesses more
attractive, limit the amount of
garbage that might overflow to
residences and help eliminate
environments where rodents can
thrive. We are also working to
repair and maintain areas in the
Ward with particularly problematic
sewer systems. In Roscoe Village,
the area of Oakley Avenue between
Roscoe and Cornelia is in the
process of receiving sewer
infrastructure repair and
maintenance work.
You probably noticed that wire
trash baskets were delivered to
Roscoe Village this past month. We
have been working with RVN and
RVCC to find a way for businesses
to partner with us to keep streets
and sidewalks clean throughout the
year. Having baskets available for
Community Continued from page 3
The National Night Out will be
held on August 5, 2008, 6:00 p.m.
at Revere Park, 2509 W. Irving.
The district will be providing food
and drinks and then hold an anticrime rally and youth forum. The
purpose of this event is to
demonstrate our district’s
commitment to reducing crime in
our area through our partnership
with the citizens of our district.
cleanup is great, but everyone
needs to pitch in to keep our streets
clean and healthy. If you see trash
lying on the ground, please drop it
in one of the trash cans. If you are a
business owner and a trash can is
full to over flowing, please consider
taking the time to empty it into
your dumpster. Streets and
Sanitation crews will empty the
wire baskets two times per week.
However, if that is not enough and
trash overflows the baskets on a
regular basis, we run the risk that
Streets and Sanitation will remove
these baskets. So pitch in and keep
the Village clean!
My office looks forward to the
various summer festivals and plans
to participate in many that will take
place in the 32nd Ward. We had a
great time marching in the Gay
Pride Parade on June 29. Many
members of my staff and 32nd
Ward constituents met for breakfast
at Anne Sather’s, courtesy of
Alderman Tunney, and joined me
and Alderman Tunney and Cook
County Assessor Jim Houlihan for a
spirited march down Halsted. Also
taking place the weekend of
June 28–29 was the Belmont Arts
and Music (BAM) Festival. 32nd
Ward staff volunteered along with
members of the Roscoe Village
Chamber of Commerce and were
assisted by Belmont Avenue
merchants to create a fun and
interesting event for residents of
Roscoe Village, Hamlin Park and
beyond. Coming up this summer
we look forward to Retro on
Roscoe in August. My office plans
to have a booth at the event to be
shared with other area elected
officials. We look forward to
another safe and fun Retro on
Roscoe event this year.
In the Human Relations committee
at the City Council we recently
passed a resolution to assist in the
enrollment of children from across
the state in a free health insurance
provided through the Governor’s
Illinois All Kids program We
worked closely with Resurrection
Health Care and community
groups in the Chicago-area to
enroll 1,000 children in the Illinois
All Kids health insurance program
as part of the 1,000 Healthy Kids
and Families Campaign. The
program had a successful start. If
you know of children still without
healthcare, please call my office
and we can assist in signing them
up for coverage.
As many of you know, the
Children’s Museum vote passed the
full city council. I joined 15 other
aldermen in voting against the move
by the park district and museum
officials for many reasons—one of
the most important being the move
by a private entity to establish itself
on public land. My full presentation
made during the City Council prevote discussion is available on my
website at
and was also published in my most
recent e-newsletter.
If you would like to sign up for enewletters, please send me an email
at The
newsletter is full of valuable
information about events in the
Ward and across the city.
I look forward to serving the
residents and businesses in the
ward for years to come. If you have
questions or need assistance in
some way, please feel free to stop
by my office at 2657 N. Clybourn,
just a short distance from Roscoe
Village. We are also available via
email at or
by phone at 773-248-1330.
Thank you and have a
wonderful summer.
Alderman Scott Waguespack
What’s News ... from the Lincoln Belmont Library
Check out our new website at Our
extreme makeover includes a
variety of benefits and services for
all of our patrons, including
searchable catalogs for kids, teens
and adults, patron placed HOLDs and
RENEWALs, MyCPL (with added
features to your account), Events
Calendar, Online Resources and
Downloadable Media and more!
Summer Children’s Programs
· Read Green, Live Green:
Through August 2. Children can
give book reports on the books
they have read this Summer and
win a Read Green, Live Green TShirt, new books, and other
prizes. Register today!
· Early Literacy Story Times: Treemendous Toodlers, Tuesday
Mornings at 9:30 a.m.
· Story Sprouts (Lap sit): Tuesday
Mornings and 11:00 a.m.
· Book Huggers: Wednesdays at
3:30 p.m.
· Junior Book Chat: Thursdays at
4:00 p.m.
· Second Saturday Stories: July 12
and September 13 at 10:30 a.m.
· Chris Fascione, Amazing
Storyteller and Juggler: July 15
at 3:30 p.m.
· Kidworks Touring Theatre
Company—Global Warming!
What’s a Kid to Do?: July 29 at
3:30 p.m.
Teen Programs
· Teen Book Chat: Mondays at
4:15 p.m.
· Teen Volume Series – Reader’s
Theatre Troupe: July 29 at
3:30 p.m. Teen actors performing
dramatic readings.
Adult and Family Programs
· Read Green, Live Green:
Through August 31. Read any
two ‘Green theme” titles or any
two of your favorites and
receive a Read Green, Live
Green Tote Bag. Come in for our
RGLG flyer or Guide, and fill out
our form today!
· Armchair Travel Series—
Sponsored by the Friends of
Lincoln Belmont Library.
· Monday, July 14 at 7:00 p.m.:
Travel USA 101 with HIChicago (Lecture).
· Monday, August 11 at
7:00 p.m.: Travels with Charley
· Monday, September 8 at
7:00 p.m.: Traveling through
History on the Chicago “L”
with Greg Borzo (Lecture)
· Adult Book Discussion Group—
Meets every third Thursday of
the month.
· Botany of Desire: July 17 at
7:00 p.m.
· Good Good Pig: August 21 at
7:00 p.m.
· Memory Keeper’s Daughter:
September 18 at 7:00 p.m.
· Friends of the Lincoln Belmont
Library Annual Fall Book Sale:
September 25–27.
A CyberNavigator is now on duty
to help patrons using the public
Internet terminals. Make an
appointment today for a one-onone. Visit during scheduled hours:
Tuesday and Wednesday 3:30 p.m.–
8:30 p.m.; Thursday 9:00 a.m.–
2:00 p.m.; Saturday 11:30
a.m.–4:30 p.m. CPL Website and PC
Use Training coming in the Fall.
More Public Internet Access and
WiFi: More Findit! Terminals with
CPL Catalog and new
enhancements. Laptops now
available to increase access during
peak hours.
Join Friends of the Lincoln Belmont
Library! The Friends are looking for
new members. Recruitment and
membership forms are located at
Continued on page 8
Upcoming Events:
July 13
August 2 and 3
September 10
October 8
Garden Walk
Membership Meeting
Membership Meeting
Roscoe Village Garden Walk Sunday, July 13
Join us for our 8th annual Garden
Walk on Sunday July 13, from
noon till 6 p.m.
Village, the entrance to each
garden is indicated with a
numbered sign and balloons.
The self-guided walk is
sponsored by Roscoe Village
Neighbors and is free.
Pick up guides to the participating
gardens in front of Victory’s
Banner restaurant at 2100 W.
Roscoe Street (at Hoyne),
participating gardens, or online at
the Roscoe Village Neighbors Web
site. The map on the back of this
guide offers a suggested route.
Along the streets of Roscoe
Library Continued from page 7
the Friends Corner across from the
circulation desk. Meetings are held
on the second Tuesday of the
month at 7:00 p.m.
The walk is a friendly opportunity
to meet neighbors and fellow
gardening enthusiasts and obtain
ideas and inspiration from one
another. You won’t find “perfect”
gardens, but “works in progress,”
as exhibitors adapt to the often
fortuitous, if sometimes
challenging, constraints of
gardening in an urban
environment. More broadly, we
hope the garden walk, by example,
highlights how vital it is to
maintain green space in our
“Village within the City.”
Enjoy the walk!
Please check in with us or the
website to confirm dates and times
of many upcoming programs,
including The Living Green Series.