New in 2015


New in 2015
RobecoSAM 2015
Methodology Update
Corporate Sustainability Assessment 2015
Zurich, March 2015
DJSI 2015 – Assessment Criteria
Overview of General Changes
Industry classifications
Industries impacted
Key changes compared to 2014
The DJSI is fully aligned with the Global Industry Classification
System (GICS)*, resulting in 59 RobecoSAM industries. GICS
annually reviews companies to ensure that they have not
redefined their line of business. This has led to some company
reclassifications, which have been included in our online
invitation list:
The question- and criteria-level weights have been reviewed for
all industries to increase the focus on industry-specific material
issues. The criteria-level weights will be publicly available on from March 31st.
*The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®) is owned by MSCI and S&P Dow Jones Indices
DJSI 2015 – Assessment Criteria
Overview of General Methodology Changes (1)
Corporate Governance
Industries impacted
Key changes compared to 2014
Corporate governance systems ensure that a company is
managed in the interests of shareholders (including minority
shareholders). On the one hand, this includes checks and
balances that enable the Board of Directors to have appropriate
control and oversight responsibilities. On the other hand,
management incentives have to be set in such way that
management teams’ interests are aligned with those of
RobecoSAM believes the changes in this criterion better balance
board structure and management incentive related topics.
Risk & Crisis Management
Customer Relationship
The revamp of RobecoSAM’s Risk & Crisis Management criterion
seeks to align the Risk & Crisis Management methodology
across all industries with a focus on Risk Governance, the
identification of Emerging Risks, and the Risk Culture within the
Similar to the changes in Risk & Crisis Management,
RobecoSAM has adjusted the Customer relationship
Management criterion for the 2015 Assessment to be better
aligned between industries. Additionally, the criterion was
updated to meet the increasing management of customers
DJSI 2015 – Assessment Criteria
Overview of General Methodology Changes (2)
Innovation Management
Industries impacted
Key changes compared to 2014
For executives, innovation is one of the key drivers of
companies' future success and therefore one of their top
priorities. Innovation drives product, process and organizational
change and is therefore the key differentiating factor for
companies. The RobecoSAM questions have been developed to
include state-of-the art innovation indicators, covering the
whole development chain from innovation input (R&D
spending), innovation management (processes in place,
environmental and social factors, KPIs) to innovation output
(success rates, return on investment).
The adjustments made to this criterion increase the focus on
the outcome of innovation management processes and stages
through project monitoring and evaluation tools.
Operational Eco-Efficiency
RobecoSAM’s Operational Eco-Efficiency criterion has received
additional mechanisms to assure the quality and comparability
of the collected data. Our questions include, is the data the
company submits different from the data in its reporting, and if
so, why? Why did the company’s data coverage change from
one year to the other?
DJSI 2015 – Assessment Criteria
Overview of General Methodology Changes (3)
Environmental Policy /
Management System
Industries impacted
Key changes compared to 2014
Companies are increasingly facing constraints related to natural
resources globally and to the eco-system services provided by
the regions in which they operate. A strong environmental
policy and management system (EMS) is needed to ensure the
company improves its environmental performance, reducing
raw material consumption and preventing degradation of the
environment through waste and accidents.
With two new questions («Return on Environmental
Investments» and «Environmental Violations»), RobecoSAM is
shifting its focus in this criterion towards the measurement of
performance of environmental management systems.
Successful Talent Attraction & Retention management enables
companies to maintain their competitive advantage and to
execute their corporate strategies.
Talent Attraction &
For the 2015 Corporate Sustainability Assessment, RobecoSAM
has decided to move some questions in this criterion to the
Corporate Governance section, delete other questions, and
increase focus on employees below senior management level.
DJSI 2015 – Assessment Criteria
Overview of Industry Specific Methodology Changes (1)
Social Impact On
Industries impacted
Key changes compared to 2014
Extractive industries (e.g. mining, oil & gas) and companies
producing basic materials (e.g. steel, aluminum) operate
plants and facilities that are potentially hazardous to
neighboring areas, negatively impacting the environment and
the health of local people. In some cases, such projects might
even require the relocation of local communities. To avoid the
possibility of conflict, protest, or the cancellation of
companies’ operating licenses, it is critical to engage with
communities at an early stage of the site’s activities.
RobecoSAM has consolidated similar questions across
industries to fit into this one criterion and added two new
questions covering community engagement and
Asset Closure Management
Mining activities often take place in remote areas with limited
development potential. However, by training local people or
engaging with other organizations in order to improve local
development opportunities, companies can contribute to local
development, strengthening their license to operate.
Similar to the previous criterion, Asset Closure Management
consolidates similar question across industries that were
previously part of different criteria.
DJSI 2015 – Assessment Criteria
Overview of Industry Specific Methodology Changes (2)
Operational Eco-Efficiency:
Data Center Efficiency
Several Industry Specific
Industries impacted
Key changes compared to 2014
For companies in the ICT industries, energy used in data
centers is responsible for a large part of the company's
environmental footprint. More efficient operation of data
centers can therefore not only result in substantial cost
savings, but also attract clients and users that are
increasingly considering data center efficiency and the source
of energy input to data centers when selecting their next ICT
services supplier.
In addition to the changes outlined above, a number of new
industry-specific questions have been implemented or
updated to address emerging material trends:
1. Product Quality & Recall Management – BTC, DRG, MTC
2. Internal Carbon Pricing – COL, MNX, OIX, ELC, GAS, MUW
3. Social Integration & Regeneration – REA
DJSI 2015 – New Assessment Interface &
Overview of the Improved Online Assessment Interface
Key changes compared to 2014
HTML Interface
The improved HTML Online Assessment Interface offers a more userfriendly experience and some additional functionality.
Manage your own user and contact details
Save your questions while working on them
In the improved Online Assessment Interface
( you will be able to change
your registered contact details yourself if you are logged in as
“Administrator”. You simply go to the “Account” section and
implement your changes.
One of the new functionalities in the improved Online Assessment
Interface is the ability to save questions at your convenience while
working on a question.
PDF download with information texts
From 2015 going forward, you will be able to export your company’s
questionnaire to PDF and include all questions’ guidance texts in it.
XBRL Taxonomy
RobecoSAM now provides companies the possibility of downloading the
Corporate Sustainability Assessment XBRL taxonomy, which
companies can use to prepare their submissions to RobecoSAM. XBRL
instance files can be uploaded to the Online Assessment Interface
containing a company’s answers and references, populating the
questionnaire with the company’s answers.
All company inquiries should be directed to
our dedicated DJSI Helpline.
Direct phone: +41 44 653 10 30
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© 2015 RobecoSAM AG