Operational Contact Information for Partner Institutions of the BCEHI
Operational Contact Information for Partner Institutions of the BCEHI
Operational Contact Information for Partner Institutions of the BCEHI This document is intended to assist research teams in clarifying who to contact for queries regarding operational/institutional approvals in conjunction with Research Ethics review and approval. Please be aware that requirements may vary by institution and it is the researcher’s responsibility to ensure that all the necessary approvals have been received before research activity commences in each jurisdiction. If this document contains out of date information, please send corrections to: wendy.bond@ors.ubc.ca. REB Fraser Health Contacts and Approval details For department specific approval details: http://research.fraserhealth.ca/media/2014-0530-DAR-form.doc For research using FH collected & maintained data, e.g., medical records, and Privacy Impact Assessments: Sara O’Shaughnessy Sara.OShaughnessy@fraserhealth.ca 604-587-4436 Interior Health Island Health http://research.fraserhealth.ca Dorothy Herbert researchethics@interiorhealth.ca 250-870-4602 http://www.interiorhealth.ca/AboutUs/ResearchandEthics For both HREB and CREB Leah Syme leah.syme@viha.ca 250-370-8620 Terri Fleming terri.fleming@viha.ca 250-519-7700 ext. 13971 Northern Health http://www.viha.ca/rnd/operational_review.htm Investigators should identify that their study is harmonized and provide the file number when making enquiries. ResearchCommittee@northernhealth.ca. http://northernhealth.ca/YourHealth/ResearchandEvaluation/NHResearchReviewCommitt ee.aspx BCEHI Partner operational contacts.May 26, 2015 Page 1 of 3 Operational Contact Information for Partner Institutions of the BCEHI REB Simon Fraser University Contacts and Approval details If research is taking place at SFU campus locations and may involve issues of research safety, please refer to the Environmental Health & Research Safety website for requirements. For studies involving Vancouver Coastal Health sites, see VCHA below. E. Sarah Bennett sarah_bennett_2@sfu.ca 778-782-3447 UBC Behavioural UBC Clinical UBC / BC Cancer Agency UBC / Children’s and Women’s http://www.sfu.ca/srs/ehs/research-safety.html See VCHA below See VCHA below See VCHA below Researchers who do not hold a C&W appointment must appoint an individual as site lead or co-investigator. Maryam Ghafouri mghafouri@cfri.ca 604-875-3103 UBC-Okanagan UBC / Providence Health Care http://cfri.ca/research-support/reb/institutional-approval Lisa Shearer lisa.shearer@ubc.ca 250-807-8289 Investigators holding a Certificate of Ethical Approval issued by a Research Ethics Board other than UBC PHC REB must still apply for PHC institutional approval in circumstances where the research is being conducted at another institution or location but where the investigator, for research purposes, requires access to PHC services, clinical units, patients, staff and to data or tissue held by PHC. Nesa Kruse nkruse@providencehealth.bc.ca 604-806-8567 University of Northern BC Julie Hadden JHadden@providencehealth.bc.ca 604-682-2344 ext. 63496 Rheanna Robinson Rheanna.robinson@unbc.ca 250-960-6735 BCEHI Partner operational contacts.May 26, 2015 Page 2 of 3 Operational Contact Information for Partner Institutions of the BCEHI REB University of Victoria Contacts and Approval details Research conducted at the UVic campus by non-UVic researchers does not normally require operational approvals in addition to ethics review. However, UVic ethics staff will contact university entities, departments, and offices when needed and connect them with non-UVic researchers. Eugenie Lam hrethics@uvic.ca 250-472-5202 Kenna Miskelly hre@uvic.ca 250-472-5555 Jeta Rugova-Plakolli ethics@uvic.ca 250-472-4545 For research conducted at Vancouver Coastal Health Authority (VCHA) sites Vancouver Coast Health Authority does not have a Research Ethics Board. It conducts operational reviews, where applicable, for UBC studies (via RISe ethics applications) as well as for SFU studies (outside RISe). Wylo Kayle (Coordinator, Research Approvals) wylo.kayle@vch.ca 604-875-5125 Stephania Manusha (Director, Clinical Trials Administration) stephania.manusha@vch.ca 604-875-5649 http://www.vchri.ca/services/operational-research-approval BCEHI Partner operational contacts.May 26, 2015 Page 3 of 3