SCA President`s Letter


SCA President`s Letter
SCA President’s Letter
SCA President’s Letter
APRIL / 2015
Dear SCA Stewards:
SCA’s Board Makes Pivotal Decisions
The Board, staff and a number of the SCA family have been praying for months
(perhaps some of us for years) for God to give us clear direction as to where we were
going from here. Since last summer/fall when a legal application was filed against us,
those prayers increased. Certainly the need for direction became very clear. And with
that came the need for unity among the Board. God blessed. We are very united. We
also realized that His direction sometimes comes with one piece of instruction at a time.
Sometimes it comes through the circumstances through which He leads us.
To that end, the SCA Board at its meeting on Tuesday night, March 31st, after reviewing
all our history and all the recent events with some of our facilities across Canada, came
to the following decisions:
SCA Eagle’s Nest in northern Alberta would be sold. It is currently listed on MLS.
SCA Blueberry near Fort St. John, B.C. and SCA Eagle Bay in Hilbre, Manitoba would
be both either sold or leased.
We believe this is preferable to continuing attempts to oversee any ministry that may go
on from those locations from a distance, at this time. Funds raised through a lease
and/or a sale would be channeled into continuing our ministry elsewhere and into
developing and offering additional ministries.
SCA Eagle’s Cove in Thunder Bay, Ontario would be retained and operated as the
Lord leads us. We are currently reviewing our Vision, Mission, Current & Potential
Programs, and the Way Ahead.
We trust with this knowledge, you as donors would be better equipped to pray for the
Mission and us. We fully understand this may not be the option you personally, and
perhaps others, would have chosen, but the Board felt it best that we accept the
messages that God is providing us at this time and work towards the selling or leasing
options now. Clearly, this was not an easy set of decisions to make, but so far, they
seem right.
With respect to the litigation against us, I can report the following: our opponents
indicated a willingness to withdraw their application in full if we were to forget about
the over $65,000 they caused us to spend to defend ourselves needlessly. As a Board,
and after much prayer and discussion, and following the advice of our Christian
lawyers, we felt that while we could forgive all the anguish and trouble that we went
through personally and collectively, we felt we had a responsibility to our donors, as
SCA International
SCA President’s Letter
well as is it being customary in these circumstances, to pursue recouping the costs we
incurred. We do believe an end is in sight.
SCA is reviewing its Vision and Mission statements although our original and on-going
“objects and purposes” remain the same. Briefly, with respect to ministry, these are:
 Carry the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to those who otherwise would not hear it.
 Distribute the Word of God.
What always has to change to a certain extent, in an ever-evolving culture such as
ours, is how we do that. To that end, SCA continues with its current programs as follows:
1. Prayer Ministry
2. Camping Opportunities
3. GPS Life Journey
4. Addiction Counseling for Men
5. E-Bookstore
6. Third-party Administrative Services
In addition, the Board is also considering and/or developing the following programs:
7. Conferences
8. Daniels’ Den for Missional Entrepreneurs
9. Aboriginal Ministry Partnerships
10. Discipleship Training
11. Rentals
I would be more than happy to further discuss all of the above with you and I can be
reached on my cell phone at any reasonable (EST) time. Please pray for all of us for we
have much to do as a result of these decisions. And needless to say that our financial
situation at this very moment, until we can recoup some costs, sell a property, or raise
support for our work, requires much prayer, as well as donations. Our cash flow is very
low and anything you can do would be greatly appreciated as God takes us through
these next few challenging months.
Attached you will find some thoughts written by Nolen Rollins, the founder of the GPS
Life Journey that SCA now offers in Canada. Feel free to share it. As I read it and given
the news I have shared above, I cannot help but believe that Jeremiah 29:11 was
written for SCA as well:
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not
for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
In His Unyielding Grip,
Ken Godevenos, President
SCA International
SCA President’s Letter
You Were Created by God to Make a Difference in the World
You Are Special!
Yes, you are special and you are unique. There is no one else on earth just like you. You
may be thinking, “Why, you don’t even know me. How can you say that you believe I
am special?”
I know that you are special without any doubt. God made you special. I know God
made you special because I believe God’s Word is true. The Psalmist declared, “I praise
you (God), for I am fearfully and wonderfully made (by You). Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.” (Psalm 139:14, parentheses mine) You are a wonderful
creation of God. Know it well.
You Have a Purpose Here on Earth
Again, you may question, “How can you know that God has a purpose for my life?
There are some days that I feel like my life is purposeless or even wasted.”
And once again, I can state with confidence that I know God has a special plan for
your life because He tells us so in His Word. “For I know the plans I have for you,
declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
(Jeremiah 29:11) God has a plan and purpose for your life to give you a blessed hope
for a meaningful future.
You Can Make a Difference in the World
God wants you to make a difference in the world. He created you with particular skills,
abilities, passions, personality, strengths and gifts and has given you specific life
experiences for a reason – so that you may successfully fulfill your God-given purpose
here on earth.
Refuse to live your life without a sense of purpose. Refuse to go through life without
knowing God’s special plan and purpose for you. Refuse to come to the end of your life
and wonder if your life really mattered.
Discover and fulfill your God-given purpose. Understand how God designed you with
special abilities and how to maximize them. Leave a legacy of impact in the lives of
others. Make a difference in the world. Have a strong sense of significance as well as
success in life. Do what God created you to do here on earth. Be a world-changer!
My Story
After having a very successful ministry for over thirty years, I became somewhat
disillusioned because most people I knew were not living as people who knew their
purposes. They may have been living good lives, but they had little or no sense of
This is true for people in different stages of life. Many college graduates complete their
formal education only to feel confusion about what’s next. Young parents often desire
more in life than just paying the price to pursue the [cultural] dream. Mid-career
professionals wonder if the path they have chosen will bring meaning to their lives.
Older adults are asking, “Is this all there is?”
SCA International
SCA President’s Letter
This was expressed well by a friend of mine who stated, “I have been successful by the
world’s standards, but I feel no success in my heart. I do not know that my life is making
any real difference.” He was not an exception; he was the norm.
In 2003 I began a long journey of seeking to discover how to solve this critical problem. I
knew that God had put each of us here on earth for a reason but did not know how to
help people live their lives “on purpose.” I felt “called by God” to pursue my purpose of
helping others discover and fulfill their purposes.
Over the past ten years, I have developed a process to help individuals not only know
that God has a purpose for them but will also help them discover and fulfill their Godgiven purposes in life. It is my passion and desire that take the journey to discover and
engage in your purpose.
The process is called the GPS Life Journey. GPS stands for “God’s Plan for Significance”
and implies that there is direction from above for your journey in life. The GPS Life
Journey answers three life-changing questions . . .
Who am I? How did God design me? How can I know myself?
How do I hear from God and get His plan and purpose for my life?
What is God’s purpose for the next stage of my life? Why did God put me here on
As you learn about the GPS Life Journey, my prayer is that you will realize that . . .
You are special.
You have a special purpose here on earth.
You can make a difference in the world.
You can life a life of significance.
Now, Bon Voyage, as you seek God’s Plan for Significance for your life!
 Nolen Rollins, Founder, GPS Life Journey
Pray about what God would have you do to determine His unique “Plan for
Significance” for your life. Share this with your pastor, relatives, and friends. Find out
more about how you, your group, or your church can participate in the GPS Life
Journey program by contacting us at SCA International, toll-free at 1.877.474.2689. You
can also email us at You can also see more about GPS
Life Journey on our website at God bless you as you
consider this awesome journey!
SCA International