Newsletter - April 2015 - Halton Catholic District School Board
Newsletter - April 2015 - Halton Catholic District School Board
ST. JOHN PAUL II CATHOLIC SCHOOL Principal: Mr. T. Ceelen Vice Principal: Mrs. K. Carter Secretary: Mrs. Page Office Assistant: Mrs. Davoren SAFE ARRIVAL PROGRAM: A REMINDER TO PLEASE PHONE IN YOUR CHILD’S ABSENCE (905) 827-8894. OUR ANSWERING SERVICE IS AVAILABLE 24 HOURS A DAY. MESSAGES ARE PICKED UP REGULARLY BETWEEN 8:00 A.M. AND 4:00 P.M. APRIL 2015 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE The month of April will begin with Holy Week, the most important week in the church’s calendar year. The Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus are the centerpiece to our faith and to our Catholic education system. The teachers and students have made a significant focus on Lent through daily Scripture readings, personal Lenten sacrifices and almsgiving, the very successful Food Drive, and a variety of classroom lessons and activities. You are invited to join us at 2:30 pm on Thursday, April 2 in the gymnasium for a whole school liturgy to celebrate Holy Thursday. The month of April will hopefully bring pleasant weather. We deserve it! There are many tulips and other flowers at the front of our school waiting to bloom! Another busy month is about to start including Grade 2 First Holy Communion, Retreat and Tea, more classes getting Willy Wonka dance instruction, Junior Boys and Girls Charity Indoor Soccer tournaments, numerous lunch hour clubs and activities to promote student engagement, classroom field trips and much much more. National Volunteer Week takes place in the month of April. On behalf of all the staff and students, I want to personally thank the parent volunteers who support the school and our students in various ways. Whether it is helping out with pizza days, helping in the classroom or supervising on school trips, your involvement is much needed and appreciated. We are planning a Volunteer Luncheon on May 4 at 11:45 in the gymnasium. This will follow a whole school mass at St. Matthew Church and is an ideal way of kicking off Catholic Education Week. It is hard to believe there are only three months remaining in the school year. It has been a successful and rewarding school year so far. However, working together, there is still so much more to be accomplish in terms of helping the students grow academically, spiritually, socially and physically. We will continue to emphasize the importance of routines and maintaining high standards and expectations because students flourish under those conditions. Kindest regards. Mr. T. Ceelen ST. MATTHEW PARISH NEWS AND INFORMATION Phone Number: 905-825-0219 Address:1150 Monks Passage, Oakville Good Friday, April 3rd 11:00 a.m. Liturgy for families with young children 3:00 p.m. Solemn Liturgy 7:00 p.m. Solemn Evensong Good Friday is a unique day in the Church’s liturgy. Today we do not celebrate the Eucharist. Holy Communion is distributed from hosts consecrated on Holy Thursday. We venerate the Cross as a sign of our love for the Lord. Today is a day of universal fasting from food and abstaining from meat for all Catholics who are able. Holy Saturday, April 4th 12 Noon - Blessing of Easter Foods 8:00 p.m. Solemn Easter Vigil Our fast continues on Holy Saturday and culminates in the magnificent Easter Vigil - First Mass of Easter Easter Sunday, April 5th Masses - 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. and 12 Noon Please note - no 7:00 p.m. Mass today FIRST HOLY COMMMUNION On Saturday April 18th our Grade two classes will be celebrating the Sacrament of First Holy Communion 10:30 am - students for Mrs. Main, Miss Mendiola and Mrs. Torres 2:00 pm - students for Mrs. MacDonald and Mr. Petruccelli. Parents are encouraged to arrive at the church slightly earlier than the starting mass times. The Communion recipients should be seated on the end of the aisle seats for easy access to the altar during the ceremony. First Holy Communion Retreat In preparation for this sacrament, the students will be participating in a 1st Communion Retreat, being held at St. Matthews Church on April 15th – Mrs. Main, Miss Mendiola and Mrs.Torres’s class and April 16th – Mr. Petrucelli and Mrs. MacDonald’s class. These will take place from 9:00 am - 11:45 am at St. Matthew's Parish. Parents are welcome to meet us at the church for this time if they are interested in helping out during this day. The students will be listening to a story, making a craft, baking bread and talking about their upcoming First Holy Communion. First Holy Communion Tea The First Holy Communion Tea will take place on Tuesday April 21st, in the school gym from 2:15 pm Thank you to our team of volunteers for organizing this wonderful event. This is always a special occasion in the spiritual development of our grade two students. We would like to extend our thanks to our teachers for guiding and teaching our grade two students in the Religion and Family Life programs in preparation for this special sacrament. Thanks is also extended to the entire parish team of St. Matthew’s who work so closely with us and our families in the spiritual development of our students. ROSARY APOSTOLATE The Rosary Apostolate at St. John Paul II School is a wonderful way to foster a spirit of prayer in our children and inspire them to love God and Mary, by teaching them to pray the Rosary! Our volunteers pray the Rosary (or a part of it) with every student in their respective classrooms, once a month, from October to May. Due to health issues and job constraints, several of our Rosary Visitors have had to quit and we are in serious need of new volunteers. If you have a devotion to Our Mother Mary, and are willing to visit your local school to pray the Rosary with students once a month from October to May for about 2 hours per visit, we truly need your help. Training will be provided. If you can give your time and become part of our team at your school, please contact Ellen Dean at or call (905) 469-6581. Mother Mary is counting on your help. KISS AND RIDE Parking Lot Thank you to all parents who are making our Kiss'n'Ride move so smoothly in the morning. By not parking along the curb you allow for cars to move efficiently through the parking lot. Thank you for following the direction of our staff on duty. It is much appreciated! After school we have a busy parking lot with staff cars from SJPII and from the YMCA After School program. We want to thank you for being so diligent in keeping the safety of your children foremost in your mind. The parking lot empties out quickly and safely. Thank you for your cooperation! YMCA Space is available in the YMCA Before and After School program. We are now accepting registrations for our school age classes. The YMCA program operates before school from 7:00 am until school starts and after school until 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday, September to June. Our qualified staff provide an active, engaging, fun and child directed program. Nutritious snacks are offered before and after school. If interested, please contact Nena Pacheco at or by phone at 905-510-5124. EQAO DATES Similar to previous years, our Grade 3 and 6 students will participate in the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) Primary and Junior Division assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics from May 28TH to June 1ST . These EQAO assessments will continue to be administered to all students in Grades 3 and 6. Students will be required to complete three test booklets: one mathematics booklet, one reading booklet and one writing booklet. The types of questions in the booklets will be familiar to your child as they are based on the kinds of work your child has been doing throughout the year. The total amount of time that the students will spend on the testing will be six hours that is generally spread over the course of three days. Sample questions can be viewed on the EQAO website at We ask that you make every effort to avoid holidays during these days and to try to make sure your children are in attendance each day during the assessment. In advance, we appreciate your efforts in scheduling appointments around this block of time. The EQAO assessment results help us to continue to improve the quality Catholic education offered to your children. ARE YOU MOVING? If you are planning to move or have already moved please notify the school office as soon as possible so that we may update our school records and get the appropriate forms filled out. A new Direction of School Support form must be filled out showing your new address and the date of the move so that your taxes will support the Catholic School Board. Otherwise, by default, the support goes to the Public School system. Also, if you have moved out of the Pope John Paul II school boundary, a Cross boundary form must be filled out and approved by the Superintendent of Education/Principal. A Cross Boundary form must be filled out and approved each school year. SCHOOL CASH ONLINE Dear Parents! In February 2015 St. John Paul II School implemented School Cash Online. For safety and efficiency reasons, we want to reduce the amount of cash and cheques coming into our school. We are asking parents to please take 5 minutes to REGISTER, by following the steps below. Once you are registered online, you will begin receiving emails about upcoming events. Here is a one minute movie clip that will give you a brief overview of the registration and online shopping experience. Step 1: Please click on this link: Step 2: Register by selecting the “Get Started Now” and follow the steps. Step 3: After you receive the confirmation email, please select the ‘click here’ option, log in and add each of your children to your household account. √Convenient √Safe √Secure PLEASE NOTE: If you have any questions during the registration process or while shopping online, please select the GET HELP option in the top right hand area of the screen. Or call the school. HEALTH & WELLNESS CARING FOR ALL CHILDREN Recesses serve a special purpose in the school routine and students should participate fully in outside activities during this time. If a child cannot go outside for fresh air and exercise at lunch or recess because of a cough or cold, then they are too contagious to be sitting in the classroom with other children, and should remain at home. The Health Department recommends staying home with all contagious viruses to support a healthy daily school environment. For your information, the Halton Catholic Board has created a set of guidelines to ensure student safety during inclement weather situations. These guidelines respond to extreme cold, extreme heat, smog advisory, UV rays, and lightning and thunder storms. These guidelines provide consistency among all schools. It is also important for health and safety reasons that your child have indoor shoes or slippers on at all times while indoors. An additional pair of dry socks is also a good idea! Look-a-Like Products to Peanut Butter (Peabutter, Sunbutter Spreads, etc.) Once again, recent inquiries have been received with respect to look-a-like products to peanut butter with the brand name of “Peabutter”, “Sunbutter”, or “Wowbutter”. These products are made from soy and sunflower seeds and do not contain the peanut protein which causes the anaphylaxis to occur in a person with a life threatening allergy to peanuts and tree nuts. In fact, these products are almost identical in colour, consistency, smell and taste to peanut butter. Schools cannot be expected to monitor for student safety when it is impossible to differentiate between these products and peanut butter. Therefore, the Board is requesting that parents do not send their children to school with look-a-like products to peanut butter such as “Peabutter”, “Sunbutter” and “Wowbutter” sandwiches. LENTEN FOOD DRIVE A big Thank You to all the parents and students who generously donated to this year’s Lenten Food Drive. Special thanks to our Ambassadors who promoted the food drive on the announcements and by making posters. Great job everyone! GRADE 7 HEPATITIS B/MENACTRA IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM 2014-2015 Hep B #2 HPV #3 Academic Quadrathalon: After much preparation, our students are nearly ready for the second annual competition at Loyola Secondary School on Saturday April 11. The teams have now been finalized and include 5 grade seven students and 12 grade eights students, acting as ambassadors for SJPII. Team 8A consists of Rebekah N (Captain), Cali S, Gabriela L, and Sophia M. Team 8B is now made up of Isaias D (Captain), Terrence P, Evan J, and Lucas G. Team 8C now includes Josh S (Captain), David D, Santino D, and Matthew S. Finally, Team 7A is Grainne M (Captain), Ethan C, Emily P, Steven K, and Bella G. Thanks to Matthew Aslett and Mr. Grande for overseeing this wonderful process of personal growth displayed by each student. SOCIAL MEDIA UPDATE Saint John Paul II Catholic School is now on Twitter! Follow us at @SJPIIOakville ( for updates, news and events at our school. You can also follow the Halton Catholic District School Board at @HCDSB ( COMMUNITY & PARENT PARTNERS FOR KIDS (C.A.P.P FOR KIDS) Community & Parent Partners for Kids Building Stronger Families Free Admission Guest speaker: Mary Tabak Mary Tabak is the Our Kids Network (OKN) Developmental Asset Project Manager and is accredited in the Triple P Positive Parenting Program. She has worked in Halton schools for over 20 years with extensive experience in community development, strength based approaches and parent engagement Halton Health provides a 2-dose Hepatitis B and a single dose Menactra vaccine for all Grade 7 students. The schedule for the school’s Hepatitis B and Menactra immunization clinics are: Monday April 13th, 2015 ACADEMIC QUADRATHALON Gr. 7 (Gr. 8 Girls) Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Time: 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. (Community displays 6:45 to 7:00 p.m.) Location: Gary Allan High School/New St. Education Centre 3250 New Street, Burlington SJPII JUNIOR BOYS SOCCER In preparation for the upcoming soccer season, SJPII will be fielding its first ever junior indoor soccer teams. After many tryouts in March, the boys coaches would like to congratulate and commend each of the players for showing a combination of skill, positive attitude, and effort. The players that have been recognized as representatives for the boys competitive team are: Luke S, Rodrigo N, Matthew Z (Grade 5), Lukas D, Charlie F, Mauro L (Captain), Aidan M, Lucas R, and Joel Z (Grade 6). Two members from the following reserve team will also be invited to the competitive team: Oscar K, Nicolas L, Matthew N, Emilio S (Grade 5), Jervais B, Rasim Q, and Jason S (Grade 6). Continuing in his role as boys head coach for a fourth year will be former student Matthew Aslett. Santino D (Grade 8) is the assistant coach and Mr. Grande is the team manager. The Boys Tournament takes place on Wednesday April 15th and the Girls Tournament takes place on Wednesday April 22nd (both 3:15pm to 8:30pm). All proceeds of this event will be donated to the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Halton organization! SJPII SENIOR BOYS BASKETBALL The school community can take pride in the attitude, effort and results of our Sr. boys basketball team. The majority of the team had not played organized or competitive basketball prior to this season, yet the team finished with an Oakville bronze medal. The success can be attributed to the boys dedication as they spent numerous hours both during and after school practicing. They committed to an aggressive defensive game plan which required intensity and team work. Every player on the team played and contributed this season (and everyone scored!). During the regular season the boys went undefeated in divisional play in the process beating some strong teams. The only loss in Oakville play was in the semi-finals to the eventual champion by only two points. The boys handled all of their wins and their lone loss with class and respect to the game and the opponent. It truly was a memorable and rewarding season. The captains were Daniel B and Tyler K. The graduating Grade 8's on the team were Peter L, Christian M, Nick D, Mateo G, JC R, and Cooper E the remainder of the team were Matthew D, Manny B and Sean S and Trishane W. A special thanks to Mr. Ceelen who despite a bad knee was able to ref many games and to Mr. Petruccelli for being a ref as well. Mrs. Carter for accompanying the team on road games and to Grace and AJ for all of their help this season during home games. Saints on 3....1,2,3 SAINTS TRACK AND FIELD 2015 Save the Date: June 8th 2015, Track and Field at Holy Trinity more news to follow. MINI STICKS AT RECESS Students are bringing plastic mini sticks to school to play hockey with their friends at recess. In order to make sure that our students are safe a designated area will be assigned for mini sticks. Students who are bringing plastic mini sticks must also wear protective eye wear in order to play. Parents are asked to purchase sport goggles to send in with their children who are playing mini sticks. Teachers on duty will be monitoring closely in order to keep our students safe. FROM THE LEARNING COMMONS Saint John Paul II School's Battle of the Books teams will be competing in the annual local competition on April 14th (juniors) and April 17th (seniors). This initiative of the Oakville Public Library supports students' love of books and reading as well as a healthy spirit of competition between Catholic and public Oakville schools. Go Saints Go! ANGEL HAIR FOR KIDS/PANTENE BEAUTIFUL LENGTHS This year we would like to offer our opportunity to share with children, teens and adults coping with hair loss related to cancer treatment by donating their hair. Both of us have decided to grow out our hair and donate it to make wigs for cancer patients. We look forward to including as many people as possible in this cause. We will be raising money in support for cancer research, as well, as not all students will be able to grow their hair to the minimum 8 inch ponytail. Please consider allowing your child to become involved in this worthy cause. The date reserved to have our haircut at school (including all students who have permission to participate) is Monday, June 22nd in the morning. We have chosen this date as most hairstylists typically have Monday as their “day off”. This allows them to donate their time without loss of revenue. We currently have two stylists signed up to help but welcome others who are interested in donating their time. Please note, students will receive a quick “bob cut” but should book an appointment to have their hair styled the way they want. For hair donations 12 inches or longer we can donate the hair to Angel Hair for Kids which specializes in making wigs for children who have lost hair due to illness, cancer treatment or trauma. For hair donations from 8 to just under 12 inches, we can donate to Pantene Beautiful Lengths which makes wigs for women who have experienced hair loss due to cancer treatment. LOYOLA LUNCH HOUR LEADERSHIP Starting on April 7th six wonderful Loyola students will be leading lunch hour sports activities every Tuesday to Friday for 6 weeks. They will be here Tuesday to Fridays from 11:45 to 12:45 working with students in Grades 1 to 8. The focus of these sessions is fun, fitness and friendship. We look forward to having these positive role models at PJPII. TOASTMASTER YOUTH LEADERSHIP Mrs. Hustler and Mr. Kay FRENCH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE The Grade 4 students will be attending the Gregg LeRock Concert at the Meeting House in Oakville on April 30th. Gregg LeRock is a talented musician and educational French as a Second Language performer who uses different genres of music throughout his concert. FSL PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITION Congratulations to Owen Thunich (Gr.4), Yasmine Khoury (Gr.4) and Isaias De Alejandro Souvervielle (Gr.8) who will be representing our school on April 1st at St. Thomas Aquinas School at 6:30 p.m at the FSL Public Speaking Regional Competition. Owen will be participating in the FSL Plus category, Yasmine in the Junior Core FSL category and Isaias in the Intermediate French Immersion category. We wish Owen, Yasmine and Isaias much success in the "concours oratoire" FUTURE LOYOLA HAWKS Grade 8 students You are invited to attend your first official Loyola Secondary School Event! Thursday, May 14th, 2015 4:30-7:00 PM You will meet our Mentors, enjoy some pizza, be able to ask questions about Gr. 9 and watch a movie on the BIG screen!! Register at ATTENTION PARENTS! A “High School 1O1” parent information session will be held in the library from 6:15 – 7:00 PM. Also, a reminder of the upcoming Grade 7 Day at Loyola – Thursday April 23 – More information to follow after Easter. The Toastmaster Youth Leadership members have been busy over the past 10 weeks practising their speaking, evaluation, impromptu speaking, and parliamentary procedure skills. Congratulations to the following students for completing the program: - Isabella S - Sophia M - Julia G - Terrence P - Ethan Calleja - Montse S - Cali S - Kyle N - Bella G - Rebecca N - Gabby L EYE SEE EYE LEARN The Eye See...Eye Learn® (ESEL) program was developed to raise awareness among parents of the importance of having their children's eyes checked upon starting school. The program provides comprehensive eye exams by local Doctors of Optometry to junior kindergarten students in participating school regions. The eye exams are covered under provincial health insurance (or OHIP). This means that there is no out-ofpocket cost for the eye exam. If the child requires a pair of glasses, they will receive a FREE pair donated by Nikon Lenswear, OGI and your participating Doctor of Optometry. The value of the glasses is estimated over $250. Please post the link and the attached flyer for the Eye See...Eye Learn® program on your school and Kindergarten websites and newsletters. Learn more about our Parent’s Checklist of Vision Problems Children may not know that they have a vision problem. They can’t always tell you what they see. 1 out of 4 children have a significant eye problem that can interfere with learning and development. The Ontario Association of Optometrists recommends that every young child has complete eye examinations at ages 6 months, 3 years and every year thereafter. Visit for information. The Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) pays for the cost of an annual eye examination for children aged 0-19 years. To find an optometrist, you can call the Ontario Association of Optometrists at (800) 540-3837 or visit for a list of doctors in your area. DOES YOUR CHILD HAVE AN UNUSUAL EYE APPEARANCE? _ One eye that looks turned in or out? _ Bumps, styes, redness, swelling or crusting of eyelids? _ Drooping eyelid? _ Haziness or whitish appearance inside the pupil? _ Frequently watery eyes? DOES YOUR CHILD BEHAVE IN A WAY THAT COULD SUGGEST A VISION PROBLEM? _ Does not watch or follow an object? _ Touches things to help recognize them? _ Does not make eye contact? _ Closes or covers one eye? _ Squints or frowns when looking far or near? _ Rubs or touches the eyes a lot? _ Blinks more than usual? _ Reacts strongly to light? _ Turns or tilts head when viewing objects? _ Holds objects very close to face? _ Dislikes near tasks?_ Loses interest quickly or becomes irritable with visual activities? _ Has poor depth perception or trouble seeing 3D? _ Trips, falls or bumps into things often? _ Is unco-ordinated for play activities and sports? DOES YOUR CHILD HAVE ANY DIFFICULTIES WITH LEARNING? _ Has poor posture when reading/writing? _ Has poor handwriting? _ Moves head, loses place, skips lines when reading? _ Uses more effort than normal to complete school work? _ Works hard but is not achieving the expected level at school? IS YOUR CHILD AT RISK FOR VISION PROBLEMS? _ Does a family member have a turned or lazy or blind eye? _ Does a family member have glasses with high power? _ Has any family member had early childhood cataracts or glaucoma? _ Were there complications with the pregnancy or delivery? _ Was your child premature at birth? _ Does your child have a hearing loss? _ Does your child have a health condition that can affect eyes, such as: _ Cerebral palsy _ Juvenile arthritis _ Down syndrome _ Autism _ Attention deficit disorder (ADHD) _ Developmental delay ST. JOHN PAUL II CATHOLIC SCHOOL APRIL 2015 SUNDAY To view the entire newsletter please visit our website at If you require a hardcopy of the newsletter please inform your child’s classroom teacher. Please refer to our school website for updates, announcements and a full year calendar activities. If your child will be absent from school, please call, #905-827-8894. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 6:30pm – FSL Public Speaking Competition St. Thomas Aquinas THURSDAY 2 2:30pm Holy Thursday Liturgy FRIDAY SATURDAY 3 Good Friday 4 Holy Saturday Lunch Lady 5 12 HAPPY EASTER 6 Easter Monday 7 Pizza Day 8 Gr. 8 Trip Invention Convention (Notre Dame} 9 Lunch Lady 10 Gr. 8 students Loyola Guidance Teachers visit 11 13 14 Gr. 3-5 Battle of the Books @ OPL (all day) 15 Gr. 2 RetreatSt. Matthews (Main, Mendiola & Torres) 16 17 18 Lunch Lady Gr. 6-8 Battle of the Books @ OPL (all day) First Holy Communion 10:30am (Main, Mendiola, Torres) 2:00pm. Petruccelli, MacDonald) Pizza Day Gr. 7 vaccination Gr. 8 Girls – HPV Gr. 5-6 Boys Indoor Soccer Tourrnament Gr. 3 Game Club 19 20 Pizza Day 21 Rosary Apostolate Gr. 3 Game Club Gr. 2 First Communion Tea 2:15pm Gym 22 Gr. 5-6 Girls Indoor Soccer Tournament 27 Pizza Day Gr. 3 Game Club 28 9:30-11:05am Gr. 2 Visit from Humane Society Gym FDK Trip – Safety Village (Popa, Otterman, Sanfilippo) 23 Lunch Lady Gr. 7 day at Loyola 7:00pm C.A.P.P for kids Gary Allan School Burlington 26 Gr. 2 RetreatSt. Matthews (Petruccelli, MacDonald) 29 30 Lunch Lady 9:00am – Gr. 4 - FSL Trip Gregg LeRock Concert FDK Trip – Safety Village - (Lubanszky, Goncz, Amoruso) 24 PA Day (No School) Loyola Academic Quadrathlon 25