Flipped Classroom - Science Case Network


Flipped Classroom - Science Case Network
Flipping Your Classroom Resources
Supplementary Materials
Annie Prud’homme-Généreux
Science Case Network Workshop
11 April 2015, 9-10:30am, Emory University, Atlanta GA
Flipping your Class with Cases
In a flipped classroom, students get their first exposure to course content through online
videos (or other means) as homework. This frees up class time to apply the knowledge,
explore its implications, work collaborative with peers, and to receive feedback from the
instructor. It’s easy to flip a classroom using cases studies, though many instructors do
not use them in this fashion. In this session, we will explore what’s involved in flipping
your classroom with cases and we will discuss common challenges to this pedagogical
approach and their solutions. This workshop will be offered on a flipped model to give
participants a glimpse of the student experience and an opportunity to reflect. Please do
your homework ahead of this session!
At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
 Develop a flipped lesson plan using a case study
 Experience and reflect upon a flipped classroom
 Discuss common challenges to the flipped classroom and their solutions
 Obtain resources for flipping a class
Homework (to be completed BEFORE the session)
This homework assignment should be completed before the session, will require
internet access, and should take no longer than 15 min.
1. Watch a brief video introduction to the flipped classroom format [3:24min]
https://youtu.be/26pxh_qMppE [or go to http://www.youtube.com and search for
“Flipping the Classroom Simply Speaking”]
2. Read suggestions for identifying lesson plans that are particularly “flippable”
Honeycutt B (2013). Looking for “Flippable” Moments in your Class. Faculty
Focus. http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/instructional-design/lookingfor-flippable-moments-in-your-class/
3. Create a table. Label the two rows “videos” and “readings”, and the two columns
“Strengths” and “Weaknesses”. Reflect on your recent experience of completing
homework assignment by reading and watching a short video. What are some of
the benefits and pitfalls of each format as a strategy for acquiring knowledge
outside of class? Come up with at least two ideas for each. Bring your table to
the workshop! We will use your ideas for an activity…
Flipping Your Classroom Resources
The following materials will be used or discussed during the workshop.
Please do not read ahead!
Readiness Assessment Quiz
1. What is the suggested maximal length of each video assigned as homework in a
flipped classroom?
a. 5 min (research shows that students will not download videos on their
mobile devices that are longer than 5 min)
b. 10 min (10 min videos are short enough to stimulate engagement with the
content and keep student interested)
c. 30 min (brain research suggests that people focus best for 20-30min at a
d. 60 min (the video that replaces your one hour lecture should be
comparable in depth and breadth)
2. Which is NOT an advantage of using class time to work on collaborative research
a. Instructor can offer feedback on research skills and sources of information
b. Instructors know exactly what will happen in the classroom that day
c. Instructor can monitor each student’s contribution to group work
d. It’s easier for students to meet for group work
3. You teach a course in molecular biology. You want to flip one day in the
introductory unit of the course to see how it goes. Which part of the unit would
lend itself the most to a flipped format?
a. The part that introduces the central dogma of gene expression, a
fundamental concept that underpins the entire course
b. The part of the lesson on translation, because students always struggle to
understand how the cell converts the nucleic acid code into an amino
acids sequence
c. The part on regulation of gene expression because it is your area of
expertise and you therefore have the confidence to try new things
d. The part on DNA replication, because students often fall asleep during
your lecture
Flipping Your Classroom Resources
Video Resources
Sources of Existing Videos
You may find helpful videos for teaching science at the following websites. Note that this list is
not exhaustive. Rather, the intent is to focus your search by providing a list of resources
containing quality science videos that may be suitable for a flipped classroom. The resources
highlighted in grey indicate popular sites (favoured by many instructors; they often align with AP
high school and first year undergraduate science course content).
Academic Earth
BBC Science and Nature
JOVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)
Note: Free access from 2006 to 2 years
ago (requires subscription for recent years)
Khan Academy
Learn. Genetics
(Genetic Science Learning Center)
MIT Open Courseware
National Geographic
PBS LearningMedia
PBS Video
Rediscovering Biology
Secrets of the Sequence
(one person’s pick of the 100 best science
videos for the flipped classroom)
Teacher Tube
TED ed
Virtual cell Animation Collection
Webcast Berkeley
YouTube Ed
Recommended YouTube channels:
Amoeba Sisters (cell biology)
Crash Course (quirky videos on biology,
chemistry, ecology, psychology)
Minute Physics (basic physics)
Lab Tricks (lab techniques)
SciShow (same presenter as Crash
Course, but shorter and answers
Veritasium (science videos that teach
through misconceptions)
on iTunes
via PubMed Central at
click into a year, then from the article click the
PubReader link to see any associated videos
Flipping Your Classroom Resources
Resources to Create Videos
Narrated Slide Shows
Using Power Point to Create Animations
While most people are familiar with Power Point for its slide-making abilities, it also
contains the tools necessary for making a narrated animation video. This is easy to
learn, particularly given most people’s familiarity with this software.
 A screencast showing how to do this is shown here
[or go to http://www.youtube.com and search for “anniepg Using Power Point to
Create Short Animation Videos”]
 An example of a video created using PPT (note: no narrations on this one)
[or go to http://www.youtube.com and search for “Sample animation of mitosis
created to show PPT as an animation tool”]
Digital Whiteboards
Imagine that you could record your lecture while using an old-fashion overhead
projector. Bring this vision into the digital age, and you’ve got a digital whiteboard.
These apps, which are mostly designed for tablets, allow you to prepare a lesson by
drawing lecture notes and diagrams “in real time”, showing pictures and adding
comments, recording your narration on top of these animations, and exporting the
product as a video file.
Several affordable apps are on the market. Doceri and Explain Everything are the ones
recommended by Annie. They have the best selection of features, ability to prepare
your slide before you record your narration, and can save your movie to your tablet
(many apps force you to save to a proprietary website and you never have access to
your movie file). The following two webpages contain comparisons and a list of pros and
cons for many of the apps listed below:
 Screencasting Apps for the iPad by Jac de Haan
[http://www.techwithintent.com/2011/09/screencasting-apps-for-the-ipad/ ]
 Appealing Apps for Educators: Screencasting Smackdown – Videos in the
Classroom by Jennie Magiera
Free Trial;
$4.99 Full
$30 Desktop
Pro: Full-feature software, slides enable, video editing, can rerecord a portion of video. This author’s first pick. (Also can be
used to let your tablet remote-control your desktop during a
Con: No typing/text
Pro: Slide-enabled, Re-record individual slides w/o affecting rest
of presentation
Con: A little more time to learn; To fix errors, must re-record
whole slide
Flipping Your Classroom Resources
Doodlecast Pro
Replay Note
Free Trial
$15 Full
Show Me
Teach by
Pro: Professional quality screen recorder and video editor
Con: Does not provide a whiteboard interface designed for
teachers; Cost
Pro: Slide-enabled
Con: No typing/Text
Pro: Simple to use, slides-enabled
Cons: Can only save when record (so no prepping of the slide
show ahead of time); also can only save video to proprietary
Pro: Very easy to use; slide-enable
Con: Can only save video to proprietary site
Pro: Very simple
Con: Can only save video to proprietary site
Pro: Simple
Con: I have yet to find it
Note: this is the app I used to record my screen and make the
instructional videos on how to use PPT to make videos
Pro: Simple
Con: No slide-enabled; No typing/text; Can only save video to
proprietary site
Pro: Slides-enable
Cons: Can only save video to proprietary site
Other Apps to Make Videos
The following apps are cheap (many are free, most under $5) and easy to use,
particularly if you own a tablet. They may be helpful in creating your video.
Embed interactive multiple choice quizzes
inside YouTube videos. Students answer as
they watch the videos and receive feedback
Go Animate
Uses pre-existing cartoon characters to make
an animated video
iMotion HD
Stop motion animation (to make time lapse
videos or Claymation)
NFB Stop Mo Studio
Stop motion animation (to make time lapse
videos or Claymation)
Flipping Your Classroom Resources
Stop motion animation (to make time lapse
videos or Claymation)
Uses pre-existing cartoon characters to make
an animated video
A non-linear online slide show tool
Sock Puppets
Lip synchs a sock puppet of your choice to your
Class Resources
An individual quiz ensures that students have taken responsibility for their learning and
viewed the videos. The group quiz serves as a collaborative learning tool. The “scratchand-win” multiple-choice answer sheets are available from Epstein Educational
Case It!
Case It! is a database of case studies that can be used to teach molecular biology.
What differentiates it from other sites is that it is based around free software that
simulates working at a wet bench – students can choose samples to load on an agarose
gel, or in a PCR reaction, or on a gene chip, and watch the results of the experiment.
They are then asked to interpret these results within the context of the case study.
CASES Online
These investigative cases in various science disciplines are created for K-12 and
undergraduate students. Grounded in problem-based learning and investigative casebased learning, these 50 or so cases were written as part of the Emory College Center
for Science Education.
Consider, Read, Elucidate the hypotheses, Analyze and interpret the data, and
Think of the next Experiment (CREATE)
This method introduces undergraduate students to techniques to make scientific papers
accessible and it also teaches them to read an article deeply and critically. Units follow
a researcher’s work over the course of several published papers to show the continuity
of science. Lesson plans developed by instructors are provided on the website.
Flipping Your Classroom Resources
Investigative Case-Based Learning
These cases are designed by faculty who attended the Investigative Case-Based
Learning workshop, and they are a variant on problem-based learning. This approach
helps students identify what they need to know to solve a problem, and they then
research it themselves, to test their hypothesis and solve the problem. A lot of biology
cases, but there are also some that teach chemistry and physics concepts.
National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science
The National Center for Case Study Teaching in Sciences is a searchable database of
hundreds of peer-reviewed case studies (with teaching notes and answer keys) aimed
at a high school and university-level audience. The database has an excellent biology
collection but many other science disciplines are also represented.
PBL Clearinghouse
The Problem-Based Learning Clearinghouse at the University of Delaware is another
peer-reviewed database of case studies, with a specific focus on PBL cases. The
searchable database contains the cases, teaching notes, and answer keys. Cases are
from a variety of disciplines, and are not limited to the sciences.
Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL)
This approach has been embraced by the chemistry teaching community (though it can
be implemented in other fields). It focuses on problem solving and gives each student
working in a small team a specific responsibility for working on the task.
Case Studies and the Flipped Classroom
By Clyde Freeman Herreid and Nancy A. Schiller
ase study teaching has been
extolled for its ability to
engage students and develop critical-thinking skills,
among other benefits. But there is
a price to be paid: greater preparation time, student resistance to novel
teaching methods, and a concern on
the part of many teachers about content coverage. The latter is especially
worrisome to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) instructors who equate coverage
with learning. They rightfully point
out that there are state and national
standards that must be met, standardized exams that students must
take, and prerequisites for advanced
courses that must be satisfied. What
to do? Must we abandon case studies
and leave storytelling to books, films,
TV, elementary school teachers, and
Wait! Help is on the way in the
form of the “flipped classroom.” The
“flipped” approach to teaching has
become particularly attractive because
of the availability of internet resources
including audio and video on virtually any subject, frequently narrated
by some of the world’s outstanding
authorities. And the approach seems
to have singular appeal to students in
this electronic age where videos in particular have found a special place in the
heart of the “Awesome Generation.”
In the flipped classroom model,
what is normally done in class and
what is normally done as homework
is switched or flipped. Instead of
students listening to a lecture on, say,
genetics in class and then going home
to work on a set of assigned problems,
Journal of College Science Teaching
they read material and view videos on
genetics before coming to class and
then engage in class in active learning using case studies, labs, games,
simulations, or experiments. A guiding
principle of the flipped classroom is
that work typically done as homework
(e.g., problem solving, essay writing)
is better undertaken in class with the
guidance of the instructor. Listening
to lecture or watching videos is better
accomplished at home. Hence the term
flipped or inverted classroom.
The lure of the flipped
Kathleen Fulton (2012) listed the
following among the advantages of
the flipped classroom: (1) students
move at their own pace; (2) doing
“homework” in class gives teachers
better insight into student difficulties
and learning styles; (3) teachers can
more easily customize and update
the curriculum and provide it to students 24/7; (4) classroom time can be
used more effectively and creatively;
(5) teachers using the method report
seeing increased levels of student
achievement, interest, and engagement; (6) learning theory supports the
new approaches; and (7) the use of
technology is flexible and appropriate
for “21st century learning.”
We recently surveyed the 15,000+
members of the National Center for
Case Study Teaching in Science Listserv to see if the method was being
used by STEM case study teachers.
Two hundred case teachers reported
that they teach in a flipped classroom
and cited additional reasons for doing
so, including the following: (8) there
is more time to spend with students
on authentic research; (9) students
get more time working with scientific
equipment that is only available in the
classroom; (10) students who miss
class for debate/sports/etc. can watch
the lectures while on the road; (11)
the method “promotes thinking inside
and outside of the classroom”; (12)
students are more actively involved
in the learning process; and (13) they
also really like it.
A common approach, described by
a physics teacher who responded to
our poll, is to assign an introductory
video podcast the night before the class
in which the case study will be run,
which the teacher posts to YouTube
for students to view. Students receive
a set of guiding questions related to
the podcast to answer before class.
In class, students receive the first part
of the case study to work on and apply what they learned in the previous
night’s podcast. After they complete
the first part of the case study, a second podcast is often shown in class to
spur discussion, after which students
are given the second part of the case.
Another podcast may be assigned that
night covering information students
will need to continue with the next
part of the case in the next class period.
These steps are repeated as needed
until the case study is completed.
Studies published in the peerreviewed literature on the impact of the
flipped classroom on student learning
in STEM classes appear to support
the anecdotal evidence supplied by
teachers in our survey. Strayer (2012)
compared the learning environments
of a flipped introductory statistics class
with a traditional introductory statistics
class at the same university using the
College and University Classroom
Environment Inventory, field notes,
interviews, and focus groups. Students
in the flipped classroom were less satisfied with how the classroom structure
oriented them to the learning tasks in
the course, but they became more open
to cooperative learning and innovative teaching methods. Zappe, Leicht,
Messner, Litzinger, and Lee (2009)
flipped a large undergraduate architectural engineering course. Student
evaluations of the course indicated
that the classroom flip had a positive
impact on student learning: Students
perceived the method of teaching as
more effective than lecturing and reported that they enjoyed the class and
benefited from watching the lecture
videos outside of class.
Ruddick (2012) described a course
redesign project based on the flipped
classroom concept for a college preparatory chemistry course. Students
in the flipped section of the course
watched video lectures at home and
spent class time working on problemsolving activities. Final exam scores
and “percent success” (the percentage
of students who finished the course
with a letter grade of C or higher)
were compared between the “reverseinstruction” (RI; flipped) and regularlecture sections. In addition, student
feedback was gathered using a Student
Assessment of their Learning Gains
(SALG) survey and student course
evaluations. Results showed that the
RI students outperformed the standard
lecture-based students, with higher
final exam scores and overall success
in the class. Comments on the SALG
survey suggested that the RI (flipped)
students became more interested in and
felt less intimidated by chemistry and
found the online video and PowerPoint
materials useful.
Pitfalls of the flipped
There are difficulties with the approach. STEM case teachers who
responded to our poll identified two
major problems:
1. Students new to the method may
be initially resistant because it requires that they do work at home
rather than be first exposed to the
subject matter in school. Consequently, they may come unprepared to class to participate in the
active learning phase of the course.
Faculty solve this problem by giving a short quiz either online or in
class or by requiring homework
that references information that
can only be obtained from the outside reading or videos.
2. The homework (readings, videos)
must be carefully tailored for the
students in order to prepare them
for the in-class activities. For
most teachers (and students), videos are the method of choice for
delivering the out-of-class portion of the instruction. However,
in our survey, teachers said that
finding good quality videos is
difficult. Faculty are using videos produced by sources such as
the Kahn Academy (http://www.
khanacademy.org/) and BozemanScience (http://www.bozemanscience.com/science-videos/)
or are creating their own using
software programs like Camtasia,
PaperShow, and ShowMe or apps
on the iPad like Educreations and
Explain Everything. They then
post these to YouTube, iTunes U,
and Podcasts (Vodcasting) or on
course management systems like
Blackboard or Moodle. The quality of the teacher-created videos is
often marginal, however, and cre-
ating them requires a significant
amount of time.
The flipped classroom is similar to
other methods that depend heavily on
students preparing outside of class.
In team learning, developed by Larry
Michaelsen, students are given reading assignments before class and then
in class encounter individual quizzes,
group quizzes, and finally case studies (Michaelsen, 1992; Michaelsen,
Knight, & Fink, 2002); Herreid (2002)
has described the successful use of
Michaelsen’s method in STEM courses. Just-in-Time Teaching requires
significant student preparation too.
Students are required to accomplish
web-based assignments that are due
shortly before class. The instructor
reads the student submissions to adjust the classroom lesson to suit the
students’ needs. Class time is spent
dealing with questions and introducing material on a need-to-know basis
(Novak, Patterson, Gavrin, & Christian, 1999; Simkins, Maier, & Rhem,
2009). “Hybrid courses” and “blended
courses” have students learning their
subject matter via a combination of
traditional classroom interactions and
some form of internet-based learning.
These and related methodologies share
some of the same advantages as the
flipped classroom as well as the two
major challenges identified previously.
Like the flipped classroom, all of these
methods allow instructors to cover
principles, facts, and terms as part of
out-of-class student preparation and to
use classroom time to deliver the application side where students grapple
with real-world problems and see the
material in context.
Instructional video
For many educators, the flipped classroom is synonymous with the use of
internet technology in general and
Vol. 42, No. 5, 2013
videos specifically (Overmyer, 2012).
In keeping with this, the majority of
teachers who responded to our poll
prefer online videos over reading
material to accomplish the goal of
preparing students out of class for inclass active learning. Their students
prefer video too.
Video podcasts are audio-visual
files distributed in a digital format
through the internet using personal
computers or mobile devices (McGarr,
2009). They are used to support traditional real-time, in-class classroom
activities. They are not the primary
mode of instruction—as in the case
of MOOCs (massive open online
courses), for example, in which an
entire course is delivered online—but
supplemental to it.
There is extensive literature on the
effect of instructional video podcasts,
which have been shown to have a
positive impact on student attitudes
(Bolliger, Supanakorn, & Boggs, 2010;
Fernandez, Simo, & Sallan, 2009; Hill
& Nelson, 2011; Holbrook & Dupont,
2010; Lonn & Teasley, 2009); student
behavior (Chester, Buntine, Hammond, & Atkinson, 2011; Foertsch,
Moses, Strikwerda, & Litzkow, 2002;
McCombs & Liu, 2007); and student
performance (Alpay & Gulati, 2010;
Crippen & Earl, 2004; Traphagan,
Kusera, & Kishi, 2010; Vajoczki, Watt,
Marquis, & Holshausen, 2010). All
of this bodes well for their use in the
flipped classroom
Studies on the use of video podcasts in the STEM flipped classroom
support these findings. He, Swenson, and Lents (2012), for example,
examined the use of video tutorials
as a supplement to learning in an
undergraduate analytical chemistry
course. Concepts and problems that
students found particularly difficult
were identified by assessing students’
homework assignments and exam
Journal of College Science Teaching
responses. A tutorial video clip aimed
at each specific “knowledge point”
was designed by the instructor using
Camtasia and uploaded to the course
website. To assess the effectiveness
of the video tutorials, students’ oral
and written feedback, pre- and postvideo exam performance, and data
from previous classes taught by the
same instructor were examined. The
researchers concluded that online
video tutorials are a valuable, flexible, and cost-effective tool for “improving student mastery of chemistry
problem solving.”
Kay and Kletskin (2012) developed
a series of 59 problem-based video
podcasts covering five key areas in
mathematics (operations with functions, solving equations, linear functions, exponential and logarithmic
functions, and trigonometric functions)
as self-study tools using Camtasia
for a 1st-year undergraduate calculus
course. The podcasts were posted to
the course website and used over a
3-week period. A custom-designed
tracking tool was used to track the total
number of video podcast visits. The
data showed that a majority of students
used the video podcasts frequently
(two-thirds of the students viewed over
4,500 video podcasts during a 21-day
period). Information collected using
a survey and open-ended response
question indicated that students found
the podcasts useful, easy to follow, and
effective in helping them understand
new material.
The future of the flipped
The flipped classroom shows promise. Now what? We can wait for a few
years while teachers plug along producing their own homemade videos
and see if the flipped-teaching movement really has staying power, or we
can buckle down and get serious about
testing this idea. If the latter, we need
to start developing cases that include
preclass videos. An obvious place to
launch this effort would be courses
in general biology or anatomy and
physiology in which there are a large
number of faculty using cases. If we
were to include videos along with the
cases, more teachers would presumably be able to solve the problem of
coverage and go on to use more realworld problems in the classroom.
These videos could be either content
driven or scene setting. As an example,
a content video would be one showing
the structure of DNA. This would then
act as a prelude to a forensic case in
which DNA is used to solve a crime,
such as in the case study, “The Case of
the Druid Dracula” (Brickman, 2006).
A scene-setting video might be one
such as seen in the case study, “Why
Is Patrick Paralyzed?” (Knabb, 2009),
which profiles a young man who is dying of a metabolic disorder. Or it could
be a short film clip of a prison in Russia
beset by multiple drug-resistant TB,
setting the scene for a case on antibiotic resistance. Of course, even though
each case has particular requirements,
many cases could use the same videos.
Right now, this effort needs some
direction, some standardization, and
the sharing of cases and videos. We
at the National Center for Case Study
Teaching in Science stand ready to
assist in this process. We wish to
encourage teachers not only to write
cases so that we can publish them on
our website, but also to include video
material that can be used as preparatory material for the students before
the case is presented. Not only do we
welcome the creation of such video
cases, we welcome existing video material from open-access/public-domain
sources that can be used in conjunction
with current cases on our site (http://
Before the flipped classrooms, there
were auto-tutorials, team learning, peer
instruction, inquiry learning, Just-inTime Teaching, blended classrooms,
hybrid courses, and POGIL (processoriented guided inquiry learning). Educators are forever experimenting and
innovating. A central theme in all of
this activity is the idea that active learning works best. Telling doesn’t work
very well. Doing is the secret. Active
student engagement is necessary, and
one of the best ways to get it is to use
stories that catch students’ interest
and emotion. The best film directors,
authors, preachers, comedians, lecturers, and motivational speakers know
this. So do the best teachers. And they
use a variety of methods to achieve it.
The better a student is prepared, the
more learning that can be achieved.
The flipped classroom idea is not new.
Teachers have forever struggled to get
students to study on their own, either
ahead of time or as homework; that is
when the real learning happens, not
when the teacher is lecturing, droning
on and on. The flipped classroom, with
its use of videos that engage and focus
student learning, offers us a new model
for case study teaching, combining
active, student-centered learning with
content mastery that can be applied to
solving real-world problems.
It’s a win-win. n
Alpay, E., & Gulati, S. (2010). Studentled podcasting for engineering
education. European Journal of
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Bolliger, D. U., Supanakorn, S.,
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in the online learning environment.
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Brickman, P. (2006). The case of
the Druid Dracula [Case Study].
Buffalo, NY: National Center for
Case Study Teaching in Science,
University at Buffalo. Retrieved
from http://sciencecases.lib.buffalo.
Chester, A., Buntine, A., Hammond, K.,
& Atkinson, L. (2011). Podcasting
in education: Student attitudes,
behaviour and self-efficacy. Journal
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Fernandez, V., Simo, P., & Sallan,
J. M. (2009). Podcasting: A new
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good practice in higher education.
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J. C., & Litzkow, M. J. (2002).
Reversing the lecture/homework
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Fulton, K. (2012). Upside down and
inside out: Flip your classroom to
improve student learning. Learning
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He, Y., Swenson, S., & Lents, N.
(2012). Online video tutorials
increase learning of difficult
concepts in an undergraduate
analytical chemistry course. Journal
of Chemical Education, 89, 1128–
Herreid, C. F. (2002). Using case studies
in science, and still covering content.
In L. Michaelsen, A. Knight, & L.
Fink (Eds.), Team based learning: A
transformative use of small groups
(pp. 109–118). Westport, CT:
Hill, J. L., & Nelson, A. (2011).
New technology, new pedagogy?
Employing video podcasts in learning
and teaching about exotic ecosystems.
Environmental Education Research,
17, 393–408.
Holbrook, J., & Dupont, C. (2010).
Making the decision to provide
enhanced podcasts to post-secondary
science students. Journal of Science
Education and Technology, 20,
Kay, R., & Kletskin, I. (2012).
Evaluating the use of problem-based
video podcasts to teach mathematics
in higher education. Computers &
Education, 59, 619–627.
Knabb, M. (2009). Why is Patrick
paralyzed? [Case Study]. Buffalo,
NY: National Center for Case Study
Teaching in Science, University
at Buffalo. Retrieved from http://
Lonn, S., & Teasley, S. D. (2009).
Podcasting in higher education: What
are the implications for teaching
and learning? Internet and Higher
Education, 12(2), 88–92.
McCombs, S., & Liu, Y. (2007). The
efficacy of podcasting technology in
instructional delivery. International
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Clyde Freeman Herreid (herreid@buffalo.edu) is a Distinguished Teaching
Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Buffalo,
State University of New York. He is also
the director of the National Center for
Case Study Teaching in Science (NCCSTS; http://sciencecases.lib.buffalo.edu)
and editor of the Case Study column in
the Journal of College Science Teaching.
Nancy A. Schiller is codirector of NCCSTS and engineering librarian at the University of Buffalo.
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Journal of College Science Teaching

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