newsletter-2015-03-26 - Collingwood Park State School
newsletter-2015-03-26 - Collingwood Park State School
Collingwood Park State School W E E K TERM ONE DATE CLAIMERS: Thursday 2 April Piccolo Choir Performance CPSS Cross Country Starts 9:00am (Year 4-7) Easter Bonnet Assembly (Prep—Year 3) Starts 9:30am Level 1 Rewards Friday 3 April Good Friday—Public holiday Wanted! Woolworth Dominoes If any families have spare Woolworths dominoes which they do not want, the school maths/ science room would greatly benefit from and appreciate the donation of these items. Dominoes can be dropped to Desiree at the school office. 9 , T E R M 1 , 2 6 M A R C H 2 0 1 5 Principal’s Message: Healthy Active School Travel – Walk to School Day Sergeant Ian Stephens from Goodna Police Station assisted with our Collingwood Park State School walk/ride to school day on Wednesday morning. Around 150 children participated and luckily everyone managed to make it to school before the heavens opened and a storm hit. Police and teachers spoke about road safety and healthy eating options. A big thank you to Mrs Schabrod for her excellent organizational skills; the many staff and parents who walked with students; the team of helpers serving breakfast and of course the Ipswich City Council for their sponsorship of the program. We will hold another walk/ride to school event next term. Breakfast Club We are so lucky to be able to offer a free breakfast to our students on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. This is only possible because of the tireless work of our volunteers, organised by Andy and Aase B, and the sponsorship of the Goodna RSL Club. The Goodna RSL Club donates $400 each month to pay for our Breakfast Club. If you have any spare time to assist with Breakfast Club, it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact the school on 3381 4333. P&C Annual General Meeting – 31 March 7:00pm The Annual General Meeting for the P&C will be held next Tuesday evening in the Seminar Rooms at the back of the school library. Please come along and be a part of the school decision making team. Principal’s Message Cont... Harmony Day Activities Last week our fabulous group of parents organised a variety of activities to celebrate Harmony Day. We had ice-blocks, a festival of food (thank you to the parents who cooked such wonderful food and those that also served the children) and a range of craft activities organised by the parents. On Friday, a boys’ choir from Redbank Plains State High School performed for us. Thanks for your support to make our school a great school for everyone. Photos from the day can be seen on following pages of this newsletter. National Day Against Violence and Bullying If you are looking for support for yourself to deal with a bullying situation, you will find ideas on the Bullying. No Way! website for parents. As well, please contact the school if you would like to discuss any aspect of our approach to preventing bullying. Long Service Leave I will be taking long service leave from the beginning of Term 2 for 5 weeks. I had planned to take the whole term, but that was before I was successful in being appointed to the school as Principal. My husband has long service leave for the first time in his career! So we will be spending the time together, sailing our boat from Hervey Bay to the Whitsundays – I am not a keen sailor! Mrs Belinda Grose will be Acting Principal during the time that I am away. She is currently Deputy Principal at Bundamba State School, but has been a small school Principal over a number of years. Please help to make her feel welcome. Meridee Cuthill Principal COLLINGWOOD PARK STATE SCHOOL PAGE 2 Deputy Principal’s Message Peanut Allergies A concerned parent came to see me last week after overhearing a conversation at the school gate which made light of peanut allergies. There are increasing numbers of children who have nut allergies and the consequences of exposure to nuts can be extremely serious for these students. Whilst we cannot guarantee a nut-free environment at school, we would ask parents and carers to avoid packing nut products in packed lunches as far as possible. ICAS Just a reminder that some students in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 brought home invitations to take part in ICAS competitions this year. ICAS is open to all students in Yrs 3, 4, 5 and 6, so if your child did not bring home a letter, you are very welcome to download one from our school website if you would like them to take part. Our school takes part in three of these competitions – English, Mathematics and Science. The aims of the competition are to: Provide an opportunity for all students to gain a measure of their own achievement in an external assessment situation. Recognise and reward achievement at all levels. Provide students, parents and teachers with a comprehensive analysis of student performance. The competitions are conducted on different days, at school, under teacher supervision. Participation in the competitions is voluntary with parent approval. There is a registration fee of $8.80 per student for each subject entered. The dates for the competitions are as follows: Science: 3rd June 2015 English: 28th July 2015 Mathematics: 11th August 2015 The closing date for payment to our office for all competitions is Friday 27th March 2015. Reading Tips: Visualising Visualising is a comprehension strategy where the reader connects with their prior knowledge and experiences in order to create a picture in their mind. This enables them to make the story or informative text come alive through a series of images. This is a very powerful strategy which harnesses the power of the imagination. Why not try… Next time you read with your child, help then to visualise the text. You can model or prompt this technique in the following ways: “ In my mind I can see…….” “ I can imagine ………” “The movie in my head is showing …………” “ I can just taste /smell/ feel/hear……” By sharing your own responses to promote the use of visualisation and encouraging your children to share theirs, children learn that each person creates their own unique image. There are no right or wrong answers only interpretations based on the clues held within the text. Happy reading! Jill Rutland Deputy Principal COLLINGWOOD PARK STATE SCHOOL PAGE 4 Class Parent Representatives 2015 Class parent representatives will be working actively with teachers, parents and the wider school community throughout 2015. The class parent representative system was implemented in 2014 as part of our school’s Parent And Community Engagement (PACE) initiative. This system provides an important link between teachers, parents and the community. Class parent representatives are part of a school wide network providing a point of contact for parents. Parent representatives: Establish a contact list and welcome parents Share information Answer questions – if they do not know the answer they will do their best to find out! Organise social activities with the class or cohort Thank you to the parents who have kindly volunteered to be class parent representatives this year. If you are interested in becoming a class parent representative, please contact Tracey Boyter CLASS REPRESENTATIVES EMAIL Prep Blue Aimee Watson Prep Red Sam Butler Prep White Delmy Quintanilla 1A Vanessa Langdren 1B 1C Delmy Quintanilla Jodi Ruben 1D Tracey Boyter/Courtney Witts 2A Michelle Grice 2B Jenny/Ross Langford 2C Jasmine Klein 3A Karen Horner Alex Thompson 3B Nikki Elphinstone 3C Sonia Mozes 4A Sarah Wimpenny 4B PR NEEDED 5A Denise Reed 5B PR NEEDED 5C Tracey Boyter 5D Kirsten Anstey 6A Jodi Ruben 6B PR NEEDED 6C Kim Stanton/Nikki Elphinstone Numeracy Natter! In this week’s Numeracy Natter, I would like to discuss the Australian Curriculum in Mathematics and the importance of deep understanding and knowing that Mathematics education is concerned with more than ‘just getting the right answer”. The goal of the Australian Curriculum in Mathematics is to prepare students for 21st Century real-world problems, both at work and in daily life Our aim is to develop confident, creative users and communicators of mathematics. As parents and educators, we must acknowledge that the Maths demands of the next generation may be quite different to those of our generation... How is Maths education different for this generation? For this generation of learners, students are expected to be much more flexible, demonstrating their Mathematical thinking in a range of situations, particularly for solving problems. Communication is also valued more highly. Students are encouraged to share, discuss and evaluate methods and solutions. Maths classrooms today may look, sound and feel quite different to those of the past. Sometimes Maths is messy! Jane Appleton Numeracy Coach COLLINGWOOD PARK STATE SCHOOL PAGE 6 Cross Country News On Thursday 2nd April we will hold our inter-house school cross country for students in years 4-7. There will be a fun run for Year 4 students born in 2006 (9yrs) running at the same time and over the same distance as the 2005 (10yr) event runners. Students born in 2005 (10yrs), 2004 (11Yrs), and 2003 (12yrs) will be eligible for house points and age champion medallions. Only the top 5 girls’ students and the top 5 boys’ students in each age group this year will qualify for the District Cross Country which will be held on Friday 1st May at Woodcrest College. Please see the time table below for the order of events. TIMETABLE 9.00am Start Time Yr. 4 (10yrs) GIRLS & Yr. 4 (9yrs) GIRLS FUN RUN Yr. 4/5 (10yrs) BOYS & Yr. 4 (9yrs) BOYS FUN RUN Yr. 5/6 (11yrs) GIRLS Yr. 5/6 (11yrs) BOYS Yr. 6 (12yrs) GIRLS Yr. 6 (12yrs) BOYS 11.00am Finish Time Tuckshop News. Online Ordering If you are ordering tuckshop online please make sure your student/s class are correct. If you can assist at tuckshop, please give us a call as we would really appreciate your help. Should you have a problem or cannot make your rostered day, please give the tuckshop a call with as much notice as possible. TERM 1 Dianne: (07) 3818 0687 Mobile: 0403 945 014 Tuckshop: (07) 3381 4335 PLEASE NOTE: Prep students are NOT able to order tuckshop until Term 2. COLLINGWOOD PARK STATE SCHOOL 30/3/15 HELP NEEDED 31/3/15 Doreen Clement 1/4/15 Courtney Flynn / HELP NEEDED 2/4/15 Doreen Clement / HELP NEEDED 3/4/15 CLOSED—GOOD FRIDAY PAGE 7 P & C Fundraising Update The Harmony Day disco was a great success. Thank You to all who attended and to the volunteers who helped on the night it was greatly appreciated. Our Easter Raffle is underway and will be drawn at the Easter Bonnet Parade on the 2nd of April. Please return tickets to the uniform shop or office before the 1st April to ensure your tickets are in the draw. Easter Raffle Donations - Could all parents of prep, year 1 and year 2 please send in donations for the Easter raffle by the 27th March these can be left at the office or the uniform shop. Thank you to those who have already handed in donations. COLLINGWOOD PARK STATE SCHOOL PAGE 8 Collingwood Park State School Get Active These Holidays Get out and get active during the school holidays for FREE with Active Breaks. Tuesday 7 April - Friday 17 April. Pathway to Knowledge Burrel Street COLLINGWOOD PARK QLD 4301 Postal Address: P O Box 75 Redbank, QLD 4301 Phone: 07 3381 4333 Fax: 07 3381 4300 E-mail: STUDENT ABSENCES PH: 33814333 Activities available include: Cricket Trampolining Little Athletics Dance Tennis Softball Tennis Basketball Lawn Bowls Rugby League Martial Arts Hockey and many more... 1 hour activities are suitable for children ages 5 - 17 and for children with special needs. For more information and to book visit: or email: or phone: (07) 3102 5437 We’re on the Web…….. COLLINGWOOD PARK STATE SCHOOL PAGE 10