TOM LONG`S POST - Stroud District Community Websites


TOM LONG`S POST - Stroud District Community Websites
Summer 20
Horsfall House Grand Summer Fete
Sunday 31st August at 2pm
People of the Past
page 6
First New Council
Houses since 1983
page 12
National Trust
News page 13
RFC end season on
high note page 19
Parish Office
The Trap House
West End Minchinhampton
Stroud GL6 9JA
Tel 01453 731186
Editor Jacqui Corry
HRH Princess Royal talking to Dr Chris Booth at last year’s fete
On Sunday 31st August at 2pm Horsfall House will be holding their Grand
Summer Fete in the lovely gardens of Horsfall House to raise funds for respite
care at Horsfall House.
There will be a whole host of stalls and attractions, from country pursuits to
handmade crafts. The plant and garden stall and cards and paintings stall will
be back for 2014 along with the popular pony rides, children’s dancing, games
and face painting.
Enjoy delicious homemade Cream Teas and local Ice-creams or something a
little stronger from the beer and wine tent!
Anyone interested in running a stall or anyone willing to help with the fete
please contact Ruth Rabbetts on 01453 882065.
At last year ‘s fete the HRH Princess Royal opened the new David Thomas
wing and the extension to the Cotswold Dementia Nursing Unit. What
gorgeous weather! Let's hope the summer doesn't let us down this year.
Please submit articles and
other contributions by e-mail or
on disc including photographs
with contact name and
telephone number.
Views expressed are not
necessarily those of the
editorial team. The editor
reserves the right to edit or
omit material. No liability is
accepted for loss or damage
arising from any omission of
copy or advertising.
Copy deadline:
Issue September 2014
Copy deadline 27h June
Issue December 2014
Copy deadline 24th October
Issue March 2015
Copy deadline 23rd January
From the editor
Parish Council News
Minchinhampton Parish Council
works in association with the
community, authorities and other
agencies to maintain the character
of the whole civil parish, whilst
striving towards improving public
amenities and services to enhance
the future for all, in the face of everchanging needs.
Dear Parishioners,
Welcome to the Summer
Edition of Tom Long’s Post.
It’s all change in the Trap
We wish Di Wall a long and
happy retirement after 12
years in the post of clerk. Di
is looking forward to having
more time for family and
hobbies but she will still
remain actively involved in
the community through her
role in the Local History
We welcome Jo Barber, her
successor. Jo has worked for
many years as a journalist at
The Citizen and also served
parish councillor for
Amberley ward. We wish Jo
every success in her new
This will be my last edition of
Tom Long’s Post as I am
moving to a new job. I would
like to thank all the
contributors to TLP, I have
thoroughly enjoyed working
with you all over the last six
and a half years and thirty
one issues of Tom Long’s
With best wishes
Jacqui Corry
Chairman: Mr N Hurst
Vice Chairman: Mr R Nicholas
Councillors: Mr M Beard; Mr P
Callaghan-Wright; Mr S Draper; Mr G
Ford;Mr S Hemmings; Mr G Lloyd;
Ms S Morgan; Mr C Morriss;
Mr A Mylecreest; Mr K Plank;
Mrs P Schwartz; Dr J S Waddington;
Mr J Williams.
Clerk: Ms J Barber
P.R. Officer: Mrs J Corry
Parish Councillors can be contacted
via the Parish Office, The Trap House,
West End, Minchinhampton GL6 9JA.
Tel: 01453 731186 or e-mail:
The Parish Office is open Monday Friday from 9am until 1pm.
Pash Awards
Advertising in TLP
2000 copies of TLP are produced
every quarter and are distributed
throughout the parish in a variety of
ways. Every family with a child at
one of our parish schools
(Minchinhampton, Amberley and
Brimscombe) receives a copy
through the ‘book bags scheme’. It
is hand delivered to residents in
some areas of the parish where we
have volunteers, whilst in other
areas it is available through local
outlets such as shops, pubs,
churches, the library, doctor’s
surgery and the parish office.
Prices for advertisements are
shown in the table below. Cheques
should be made payable to
Minchinhampton Parish Council.
Adverts should be sent in JPEG or
PDF format, in black and white and
be correctly sized.
For further information or to place
an advertisement please contact
The Parish Office on 731186 or
Advert Single Annual
Price Price
The recent meeting of the
trustees for the AE Pash
Awards was inconclusive
£295 Portrait 9cm x
and no grants were awarded. Large
New applications can be
made in writing to Jo Barber,
13.5cm x 9cm
Clerk to the Trustees at the
Trap House by 31st March Medium £51
£184 Landscape 9cm x
2015 .
£144 Portrait 4.5cm X
Landscape 9cm x
Parish Council News
Parish Assembly
The community in Minchinhampton
has been urged to take a proactive
approach to development pressures
on the parish.
Retirement of Diana Wall,
Clerk to Minchinhampton
Parish Council
Chairman of Minchinhampton Parish
Council Coun Nick Hurst warned the
Annual Parish Meeting (on May 6)
that a reactive stance to proposed
new housing locally might only lead to
villagers' objections being overturned
on appeal.
Instead Coun Hurst advised residents
that proactive negotiations with the
potential builders of new estates
might ensure badly needed benefits,
including a site for a new doctors'
surgery and car parking, and
Primary School.
"We can sit on our hands and let
developers dictate how the parish
grows ... or we can look at how far the
possibility of development can be
used to sensibly solve some of the
other issues facing us, as a
growth," said Coun Hurst.
Around 75 people at the meeting saw
maps displayed by Banner Homes,
who have already held a public
consultation about building 31 new
Minchinhampton, and also indicative
proposals from Archstone who have
expressed an interest in possibly
building about 140 homes in the
Glebe and Tobacconist Farm area of
the town.
Reports from local clubs and charities
were available for public inspection
and a presentation was made by
Peter Stoat, head of housing
contracts at Stroud District Council,
about social housing developments in
the town.
Di with one of the Camellia’s she was
presented with at the Parish Assembly
The seed of an idea of working in
Local Government was sown even
before I left teaching full-time. My
close friend Rosalind Barker was
clerk to Minchinhampton Parish
Council and always stated her love
for the role. However, like many
people who take early retirement from
a career, I did nothing about it.
It was the sudden and untimely death
of Rosalind thirteen years ago that
spurred me to action. The post was
not advertised for three months; when
it was the grief was less raw and, after
consulting her children, I applied.
The rest, as they say, is history.
When I started all that time ago, the
Parish Office was rented from
Gloucestershire County Council parishioners were asked to use the
door at the back of the library near the
dustbins! One of the highlights of my
time in post was the move to The
Tom Long’s Post
Trap House - converted from a
hairdressing salon to be a
purposeful Parish Office, meeting
room and centre for information.
The provision of a town centre office
had been one of the priorities to
come from the Parish Plan in 2005;
Administrator changed role to
become the first Public Relations
Officer for M.P.C. and together we
were able to open the Office every
weekday morning during term-time.
When Theresa left to pursue a
career in nursery education, Jacqui
Corry joined the team.
What were the other highlights? On
a personal level I was inordinately
proud to be the first Clerk in
Gloucestershire to obtain the
Administration, presented in front of
my peers, although in those days it
was called the A.Q.A.! This was just
Minchinhampton becoming Quality
Parish Council, a status that was
reaccredited just two years ago. It is
a mark of how well M.P.C. serves its
community, also reinforced by
success in several years of the
"Village of the Year" competition
(yes - I know it is a town, but has a
parish council!) culminating in
gaining the title for the South-West
in 2010.
Throughout the twelve-and-a-bit
years, I have enjoyed my role as
Clerk. There have been the low
points, but I have always tried to do
my best for the parish (Once you
have been a Guide or Scout you
don't forget your promise!). As I said
at the Parish Assembly, I calculated
that, in addition to the normal
working hours, I have attended over
500 evening meetings (that is
counting parish, district and county
as well as training, Police etc. etc.)
so I am looking forward to some time
to myself! Retirement really does
look good at the moment!
Diana Wall
Tom Long’s Post
Tom Long’s Post
Helping people cope during
power cuts
Last winter, the UK experienced
widespread severe weather including
heavy rain, strong winds and flooding.
We were very lucky here in
Minchinhampton but elsewhere this
caused significant damage across the
electricity network, leading to power
cuts for many customers. In response
to this, Western Power Distribution
has put together a demonstration
pack to help their customers be better
prepared should this be repeated. The
pack is available for inspection in the
Trap House and will also be doing the
rounds of the parish - the library,
doctor's surgery and so on.
The Demonstration Pack contains
useful items a household should
consider keeping in case of a power
cordless phones will not work during a
power cut)
Torch with batteries
Powerbank (for charging essential
items like mobile phones during a
power cut)
Rechargeable radio
Foil blanket
Reusable hand warmer
First aid kit including medication,
wet wipes, hand sanitiser
They also point out that there are a
number of steps that customers might
take to ensure that they are prepared,
Make sure you have emergency
and neighbours' phone numbers
readily to hand and check to see that
vulnerable neighbours also have a
means of contacting friends or
relatives in an emergency.
If you have a mains-operated stair
lift, check if there is a manual release
handle that can be used to return the
stair lift safely to ground level if it stops
Make sure any medical equipment
that you have at home has a battery
Parish Council News
Liaise with neighbours to ensure
that between you you have a means
of cooking and access to hot water in
the event of a power cut.
If you, or a member of your family or a
neighbour depend on electricity for
communications and would become
vulnerable during a power cut, ensure
that they are signed up to WPD's
Priority Services Register (call 0845
7240240 to register).
Minchinhampton Country
There is a lot more information in the
pack so come to the Trap House to
take a look.
Cllr Pippa Schwartz
Minchinhampton in Bloom
Minchinhampton looked lovely last
year with more residents putting out
hanging baskets and tubs. It was a
delight to see.
Minchinhampton Gardening Club is
Competition which is open to all
residents who live within the
conservation area of the town. There
is no entry required - just put up your
floral exhibit and maintain it through
the summer. This competition is run
as part of the Gardening Club’s
Annual Show which is on Saturday 6th
September 2014. Judging takes place
in late June, July and August.
The Grover Cup will be awarded to a
resident who lives within the town
area, (in a house where the frontage
is visible from the street or road).
The Murray of Minchinhampton Cup
will be awarded to the business
displaying the best floral display.
Any further enquiries about this
competition should be made to the
competition committee chairman John
Bingle on 01453 884017.
John Bingle
Market is held every Thursday
morning from 8.30 to 11.00am.
The Market offers a good selection
of home-made baked goods,
preserves and Jams, eggs, and
fresh vegetables. We have a vast
and varied plant stall and have
beautiful handcrafted gifts, jewellery
and some cosy knitwear. Please pop
by to see what we have to offer, we
are always pleased to see new
customers or join us, Country
Markets is a Country wide cooperative network of local produces.
We are currently in the under-Croft of
Market House as the main hall is
being refurbished and will stay there
over the summer months, we are in
a prominent position visible to
passers-by. So support your local
producers and visit your Country
Market this Thursday.
Sunday Swimmers
Sunday Swimmers are a friendly
group who swim at Beaudesert Park
School Pool on Sundays from
8.30pm to 9.30pm throughout the
membership call 01453 886215 for
more information.
Community News and Views
Police Information
PCSO 9148 Tanya White
Speeding in Minchinhampton
Following reports from the local
community of issues with speeding in
Tetbury Street and Box Lane in
Minchinhampton I requested the
installation of an SDR box in both
(An SDR box is a device that records
the speeds of every vehicle using that
section of road over a 7 day period.)
The devices were in place from the
20th of March to the 26th March.
30MPH:(Box situated on JCT with Friday
The average speed heading towards
Minchinhampton Centre was 22MPH
The average speed heading towards
Avening was 26MPH
14145 vehicles travelled along the
road over the 7 day period and of that
less than 1 % of vehicles were
travelling at a speed that could result
in enforcement action.
Box Lane Minchinhampton 30MPH:(Box situated near play area)
The average speed heading towards
Minchinhampton centre was 35MPH
The average speed heading towards
The Common was 34MPH
7369 vehicles travelled along the
road over the 7 day period and of that
17 % of vehicles were travelling at a
enforcement action. The data shows
that the worst time for offending
vehicles is during 0800-0900 on
I will be available at the Trap House
once a month between 10.30am and
11.30am on the following dates to
offer any advice: - 10th Jun, 10th Jul
and 19th Aug.
I will also be available at
Minchinhampton Library on the
following dates: - 19th Jun 11.00am12pm, 29th Jul 2pm-3pm and 21st
Aug 3pm-4pm.
If you have any problems or would
just like to meet with me to discuss
concerns the please don't hesitate in
contacting the Local Policing team.
Information can be reported in the
following ways…
Phone: 101 (non emergency) or 999
in an emergency.
Police Information Point: situated at
the Trap House, Minchinhampton
Parish Council
In person: At Stroud Police Station
Twitter- @stroudpolice
Neighbourhood Warden
Peter Wilson
Keep Safe in Gloucestershire
All of Stroud District’s local
Neighbourhood Wardens have been
assisting director Kelly HennesseyFord in the areas they work, by trying
to get encourage local businesses of
all descriptions to sign up to an
initiative called the Keep Safe
The scheme was set up in July 2010
in Gloucestershire to support people
Cheltenham, Gloucester, Stroud and
the Forest of Dean.
Three years later in September 2014
the Police and Crime Commissioner
in Gloucestershire commissioned
Tom Long’s Post
Memory Clubs UK to develop and
expand the scheme offering support
for people with learning and physical
disabilities, autism and dementia
county wide.
All adults are welcome to register as
a member of the Keep Safe
Scheme, which identifies safe
places where assistance can be
sought when required. Members
nominate two people as emergency
contacts and a carry a membership
card which bears the contact
If a member requires help when they
are away from their home
environment they have only to look
for the Keep Safe logo in the
windows of shops and businesses
that have agreed to sign up to the
scheme. Staff will be on hand to
provide assistance by telephoning
the contact numbers shown on the
Businesses that register will receive
training for their staff in relation to
disability awareness, dementia
awareness and communication
If you or someone you care for or
know would like to join the scheme
of if you are a member of a business
or other local establishment would
like to get involved please look at the
web site
If you have ever been in any of these
situations or are worried you may so
in the future, then the scheme might
be able to benefit you.
Lost your bus pass and been
worried about how to get home.
Felt frightened when out on your
Felt worried you might be lost.
Needed help to get to where you
want to go.
Had difficulty making yourself
Lost your purse or wallet.
Felt unwell whilst being out on
your own.
The Trap House (Parish Office) has
signed up to the Keep Safe in
Gloucestershire scheme.
Tom Long’s Post
Community News and Views
People of the Past - Recruits to Lord Kitchener's Army 1914
In this edition, a group of people are the focus of the historical research for Minchinhampton. The photograph,
dated September 1914, shows the recruits from the town who had heeded the call "For King and Country". They
assembled in the High Street, where this photograph was taken, and travelled to Stroud in a decorated horse-brake,
accompanied by Minchinhampton Band, seen off by the townspeople, with the children dressed in their Sunday
best. The recruits had earlier been entertained to breakfast at the Crown Hotel, hosted by Mr. A.T. Playne, JP.
A newspaper dated 11th September 1914 recounts that "the recruiting boom in Stroud and district continues and on
Thursday morning there was an animated scene when the recruits from Minchinhampton were driven into the town
to the strains of a band which played popular airs." At Stroud G.W.R. station the Minchinhampton group were
joined by the Recruiting Sergeant, a party from Stroud Brewery Company and other groups from different local
industries - the local equivalent of the "Pals Brigades". Before departure there were speeches from local dignitaries
who addressed the lines of men on the platform; Stroud vicar, Rev. E. Hawkins told them everyone in
Gloucestershire was proud of them and the thousands like them … because they were fighting for their homes and
those dear to them. "We shall be here to welcome you when you return, my good fellows." The recruits then left for
Horfield Barracks in Bristol.
By November 1914 a list of nearly ninety men of the parish who were serving in the Army or Navy was published in
Holy Trinity magazine. There are no names appended to the Local History Group photograph, so no way of
knowing how many of these young men returned to Gloucestershire; comparison with a photograph of "Old
Comrades" in 1921 suggests some of this original group did not. Sixty-four names on the cross in the Market
Square, together with those on Amberley and Brimscombe memorials are testament to the price paid by this area.
Diana Wall
(If you have a copy of this photograph in your family records, or believe a relative may be shown, please contact the
Local History Group. A high-resolution image can be found on the Minchinhampton Local History Group website.
"Sunshine and Shadows", an exhibition looking at Minchinhampton before, during and after the Great War will take
place in the Market House on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th October 2014.)
Diana Wall
Community News and Views
Unusually the Stuart Singers will only
be giving one home Summer Concert
this year. It will be at their usual
Minchinhampton, on Friday 6th June.
Helen Sims our Musical Director has
put together a lovely programme
which includes Handel's magnificent
Zadok the Priest; a medley from
Jesus Christ Superstar; John Rutter's
hauntingly beautiful This is the Day
written for the wedding of William and
Kate in 2011; some Sounds of Simon
and Garfunkle; a selection of fun
songs including Nellie the Elephant
and Teddy Bears' Picnic; the Welsh
Hymn Diolch i'r Iôr; and a new
musical setting of the Rupert Brooke
poem, The
Soldier, by
accompanist Barrie Cooper, which
reflects the fact that we are in the
centenary year of the outbreak of the
Great War.
Tickets prices remain at £8 (to
include a glass of wine or soft drink)
and can be obtained from Market
Stores in Minchinhampton or from
Lynn Bevis on 01666 502410.
If you cannot make the home concert
we will be singing in Tetbury Parish
Church on Saturday 7th June for the
local Rotary.
Leonora Rozee Stuart Singers
Marketing Secretary
Free Golf Taster Sessions
Minchinhampton (New) Golf Club is
offering four free taster sessions for
groups of beginners - Men, Ladies
and Juniors - on Wednesdays,
Thursdays and Sundays. If friends or
family have previously expressed an
interest in the sport then now is their
time! Contact Sue Sturman on 01453
or for more
Tom Long’s Post
Five readers and a
fiddler, who live and
work in the Slad
Valley, present the
life of Laurie Lee in
his own words. The
dominated by Cider
with Rosie, the book
for which he is best
known and loved.
The second half
follows him on his
adventures to Spain,
before returning to
the country and the
valley of his birth.
The extracts have
been compiled and
edited by acclaimed
local author Jamila
Gavin, who is also
one of the readers.
We hope that you
will join us in a
centenary of a man whose groundbreaking work captured the vitality
of childhood, and the pace of rural
change in the early twentieth
Performances are ear-marked for
Minchinhampton hosts the first one
on Wednesday 4th June at 7.30.
The whole event will last about 2
hours and the ticket price includes
a complimentary glass of local
For 2014 this world class touring
circus company will be presenting a
brand new family show in their
sparkling vintage tent.
sandals show. Trip the light fantastic
with fashionista Hermes, a quartet of
Olympian gymnasts and a contorting
nymph. Tweedy is determined to build
the Trojan horse, and the gods have
decreed that the mortals will be struck
by a plague of spots. How will they
retaliate and how will Zeus respond?
handmaidens (who she is turned into
doves by mistake) finally be released
from the underworld? Does Hermes
hold the clue to her future in his
priceless handbag?
Expect the usual hilarity and high jinx,
dancing horses, dashing Dalmatians,
Pat Bradford as Icarus climbing a
tower of chairs, live music, flying
people, our favourite jugglers Bibi and
Bichu, Brian the goose and Tweedy
the clown.
THE THUNDERS presents your
favourite ancient Greek myths and
gods in a beautiful, hilarious rip
roaring 90-minute swords and
Minchinhampton Common from the
7th to 18th August. To book tickets call
0845 459 7469.
Giffords Circus
Tom Long’s Post
Community News and Views
News from Horsfall House
A successful Bridge Evening, which
raised over £550 for the Free Respite
Care facility, took place in April. Our
thanks go to those who took part and
to Muriel Gomm and Kathy Hurst for
their organisational skills.
Stafford Cottage held their Spring and
Summer Fashion Show in the Market
house in April, raising over £963.
There were some lovely outfits to suit
us all, all modelled by local
Barbara, Allyson and Karen from
Horsfall House staff. Our thanks and
gratitude go to them and Ruth Morris
for organising such a fantastic event.
The sponsored walk took place on
Gatcombe Park (by kind permission
of HRH The Princess Royal) ,
Avening Court (by kind permission of
Mr & Mrs Jack Richards) , the
Weighbridge and Box woods. It was
wonderful weather and the Cotswold
countryside was at its most beautiful;
a few bluebells still visible amongst
the white carpets of white garlic in
Gatcombe, and water feature in
Avening Court gardens were simply
About 250 people took advantage of
the fantastic sunshine and together
with the community walkers; Nick
Moss, headteacher of
Minchinhampton Primary School,
Henry Ravenshill from Woefuldane
Dairy and the Doctors' team from the
surgery raised in the region of £4000.
Horsfall have recently launched the
‘Over 60s Tuesday Club ’which is
held every month in the Horsfall
House Day Centre from 4.30pm to
6pm . There will tea and a chat and a
speaker. There is free transport there
and back home - call Jo Fincher
07881 551045 to book transport.
On Tuesday 3rd June Jim Harris will
talk on British Airways and Concorde.
fundraising events
Wedsnesday June 11th 7pm
An opportunity to see the all-male
Festival Players, as they return to
Beaudesert School for their
production of Macbeth. Played
against the background of the
Cotswold buildings of the school,
performing Shakespeare using
beautiful settings to add to the
Tickets cost £12.50 (£9.50
concessions & children). Gates
open an hour before the
performance so bring your own
picnic and rug, and settle down
and enjoy theatre in a magical
venue. Tickets are available from
Horsfall House (01453 731227 or
Horsfall House Satff modelling outfits
at the Stafford Cottage Fashion Show
Sunday August 31st from 2pm
Grand Summer Fete in the gardens of
Horsfall House.
Community News and Views
Coigne Nursery
Minchinhampton Youth Centre,
Tobacconist Road, Minchinhampton
This has been a fantastic year for
the Coigne nursery. Children and
staff have had a fun and rewarding
year with lots of activities and
exciting developments.
We have been thrilled to welcome
some new staff to our 'family' - both
Stacey Walker and Emma Hampton,
and also Janet Tabony in the role of
Deputy Playleader. We can't
imagine any of them not being part
of the Coigne now!
We've had some really exciting
themes for our planning, which have
encompassed several parties, a
pirate day, a Mothers' Day tea party
prepared and served by the
children, an entertaining nativity
play, trips to Butts Farm and
Westonbirt Arboretum, and a visit
from Zoolab, a wonderful animal
handling workshop. It's been really
rewarding to see the enjoyment on
the faces of the children throughout
these trips and events.
We believe outside play is really
important for our children every day,
rain or shine, and we often make
trips to our allotment, but we have
also collaborated with Dazzle dance
workshop this term and have really
enjoyed our energetic sessions
We have further strengthened links
with the school this year, and have
settled into a lovely routine of
regular visits back and forth, with the
community group of children from
school visiting us, and the Coigne
making trips down to school to join
in with their activities too.
Since September we have started
the Friday morning pre-school
sessions. This has been hugely
popular, and adds an extra
dimension to our pre-school
provision. Children and staff love
the session, where we can dedicate
our time more to providing more
challenging, structured, school-type
activities and experiences. As the
summer term approaches we will be
visiting the school, practising putting
PE kits on and generally preparing
the children for the next stage of
their adventure.
The staff and parents at the Coigne
make it a friendly, rewarding place to
be, but most of all it's the children
who make it all worthwhile, and we
have the most incredible group of
individual, sparky, amazing children
whom we have the pleasure of
helping to grow and learn (and
laugh!) in our care.
We are running at almost full
capacity on all sessions, have a
waiting list for some, and a number
of enquiries coming in for September
places. If your child will be 2 or over
this September and you are
interested in finding out more about
the Coigne, please contact us on
07976 570081 or see our website
The Coigne Nursery
Beaudesert School News
A recent survival skills session went
swimmingly at Beaudesert, as
children were taught how to do
eskimo rolls in one of the school's
pools. An eskimo roll is a safety
technique used by kayakers to flip
their kayaks back upright if they end
up upside down in the water.
Eskimo Rolls in the Pool
The extra-curricular sessions were a
Beaudesert Badge activity. A little
like Cubs or Guides, the Beaudesert
Badge is a programme of new
experiences and life-skills activities
which culminate in a Summer
Tom Long’s Post
camping trip and the award of a
badge. It's hugely popular with the
pupils, with the activities ranging
from twilight nature rambles to
learning life-saving skills, and
Scottish dancing to magic tricks!
During lesson time, teaching staff
have been as busy as ever
dreaming up ways to bring lessons
to life for pupils. From castlemaking workshops to the History
Film Club, and school trips to
Forest School forays, the ideas are
as diverse as they are plentiful!
Younger children in Year 1 (aged
5-6) recently enjoyed practising
numeracy, literacy and research
skills in innovative ways as part of
their "Growing" topic. As well as
learning about the concept of
growth in people, animals and
insects, they studied how to grow
healthy, nutritious vegetables.
During one of the sessions they
made their own edible art!
Minchinhampton School
Fete - Saturday 28th June
The Minchinhampton School Fete
will take place on Saturday 28th
June 2014 between 12.30 and
3pm. Entry is free so please come
ready for a barbecue lunch, take
time to watch ferrets racing and
school and local area's clubs
perform. Then get ready to enjoy a
pony ride on the Common or
release some energy on the
bouncy castle, inflatable slide,
gladiators and bungee run, or play
some of the many games available.
With so much to see and do, we
look forward to seeing you there!
Local Organisations- If you would
like to have a stall at the fete,
please contact Naomi Williams for
details -
Tom Long’s Post
News from around the Parish
Amberley Gardening Club
Amberley News
Amberley Holy Trinity Church and
Parish Room on Saturday 12th and
Sunday 13th July 2014 Events and
activities all weekend - wet or dry
Come along and join in the fun!
On Saturday 12th July
From 10.30 - 4:30 in the Parish
Room, there will be a Craft Fair
featuring 16 stalls of high quality
artesans and craftsmen (entry free).
Refreshments and Pimms will also be
Amberley Open Gardens between
10am and 5pm, then come and enjoy
the Hog Roast on the Green, to the
strains of the Band of the
Gloucestershire Constabulary and
Morris Dancers. (Bar open from 5pm,
BBQ from 6pm, pay-as-you-eat, bring
your own salads/nibbles, free squash
all day.)
On Sunday 13th July
There will be a Celebration Service in
Amberley Church at 11am, to which
all are warmly invited, followed by the
result of the Great Amberley Coin
Challenge (a furlong or two of coins
round the Green), and a family picnic
on the Green. A Treasure Trail for
kids and grownups alike will start off
at 2pm from the church area (£2 entry
- prizes for all who finish.) The
weekend will be rounded off with a
concert in church at 4.30pm, featuring
David Ogden and the amazing
Exultate Singers (tickets £10, primary
school children free), with fizz and
For further information/tickets, please
contact Jane Foreman on 01453
Pat Woods (
Now all we need is the weather - but
it will go ahead wet or dry!
Amberley Gardening Club does not
have speaker meetings in June, July
or August however members will
meet to socialise in July at our
Garden Party and there are some
trips organised during the summer
months. Our next speaker meeting at
Amberley Parish Rooms, 7.30pm for
8pm start, is on Thursday 11th
September with a talk by Gail Plant
entitled 'A Scented Garden's Year'.
New members (£10 per year from
January) and visitors (£3 per
meeting) are always welcome.
Please call the Secretary, Jacky Staff
on 01453 872297 for more details or
Amberley Scouts
Amberley Scouts are raising money
for their Amberley Scout Group HQ
Newbuild Project by holding a Car
Boot Sale on Sunday 1st June at
Bond’s Mill, Stonehouse, GL10 3RF
from 8am to 1pm. Sellers from 7am,
cars £5 & vans £6.
Brimscombe News
As reported in the last edition of Tom
Long's Post, the Vision week-end at
Holy Trinity Church produced many
thoughts and ideas on how the
church should be moving on. These
are now firming up.
The Annual Parish Church Meeting
was held on Palm Sunday. During the
churchwardens were re-elected, and
a new PCC member with others
continuing in office. Results from the
Vision were presented, with plans for
more and new style services,
meetings and activities for young
people to the fore. Time for
discussion followed during a shared
It is anticipated that one new style
service, 'Café Church' will take place
in the school on the first Sunday in
each month, welcoming all ages,
regular and not regular churchgoers,
to an informal and relaxed time of
exploring faith, with opportunities for
questions and discussion over
Before the end of school term, the
weather was reasonably kind when
Holy Trinity presented 'Experience
Easter Outside' to Brimscombe
Primary School. Four stations
around the school and grounds told
the Easter story, with opportunity for
thought and prayer; from the
Garden of Gethsemane, through to
the Crucifixion, culminating in the
Resurrection. Followed by Hot
Cross Buns. Then on the Sunday,
the church service took place in the
school, when the congregation and
families from school also received
the same presentation.
Over Easter itself, traditional
services took place. The Last
Supper on Maundy Thursday,
Meditation on Good Friday and on a
beautiful sunny day, celebration of
the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Next step: May have already
happened by the time you read this!
The 175th Anniversary of the laying
of the foundation stone of the
church, on 8th June 1839. Some
events are in the pipeline. 'The Ship'
will be included in the celebrations,
as that is where the original meeting
took place on 2nd January 1837 "To consider the best means of
erecting a Church at Brimscombe."
- An open exhibition of the history of
the Church will be on display in the
Upper Room. It will be visited by
Bishop Martyn of Tewksbury on the
Monday during his first visit to the
parish. We are already praying for
good weather for music and Bar-BQ in the school grounds on the
Saturday evening. Central to the
celebration will be a special service
in the Church on the day itself.
At the April Coffee Morning, we
were delighted when a previous
vicar, David Green came in
Nottingham, he had been visiting in
the area over the week-end.
If you would like to include
something in Tom Long's Post about
anything in Brimscombe, please
contact Pauline Hill on 883197 .
Community News and Views
Cows on the Common
Remember to keep gates closed
onto housing estates and private
gardens to avoid unwanted visitors.
house-memorial where there are
photos of the plaques on the Market
regularly inspects the cattle and
informs the graziers of any problems.
He is on call 24 hours a day over the
summer months and can be
contacted on 07973326772 or 01453
762054 if you see an animal in
The Police, Vets and RSPCA will also
redirect any enquiries to Mark.
The RBL Branch Chairman, Ian
Ross, would welcome submission of
any material that can augment the
memorial photos on the Branch's
website as well as information on
how the memorials were funded,
built etc. He will copy written or
photographic material and then
return the originals to their owners.
He is also happy to receive
guidance as to where archive
material may be held elsewhere and
accounts which he will add to the
records. He has already received
some details from Di Wall, and has
where there is further information.
The History Group is also working
on a Roll of Honour Project linked to
for details.
The Centenary of the First
World War
Drivers are being urged to take extra
care now that the cows are out on the
Last year,12 cattle died in collisions
with vehicles, also putting drivers and
passengers at serious risk.
Signs have been placed across the
commons and banners have been
put up at gateways to the commons
to warn motorists of the risks.
Driving training manager Gary
Handley OBE said:” When a car
collides with a cow it’s not always the
cow that comes off worst, so it has to
be a case of keeping speeds down
and observation up”
Speed enforcement of the 40pmh will
be carried out regularly whilst the
cattle are grazing.
To help alert people to the dangers ,
local school children will be taking
part in a colouring competition to
dress a cow.
The 40mph roundals on the roads
across the commons
will be
repainted once the scheduled surface
dressing on some of the roads has
taken place.
Tom Long’s Post
The 4th of August 2014 marks the
100th anniversary of the day Britain
entered one of the costliest conflicts
in its history, the First World War,
which ended on Armistice Day, 11th
November 1918. Almost everyone in
the UK has an ancestor directly
affected by the First World War. The
losses were felt across every UK
town and village as the lives of nearly
one million men and women were
sacrificed in service of the British
The Minchinhampton War Memorial
has been added to the War
Memorials online web site at
uk/node/164022. A link has been
ce . Within the Minchinhampton
Branch Legion web site there are
additional separate web pages at
anches/minchinhampton/photogallery/minchinhampton-memorials,plaques-and-war-graves where there
are photos and details of the
memorials and graves within the Holy
Trinity Church and the churchyard. In
addition there is a separate web page
Every Man Remembered
commemorate every one of the
fallen by the end of the Centenary.
was built using the Commonwealth
database of every Service man or
woman who died during, or as a
result of, the First World War.
Members of the public can search
the site by name, home town, date
of birth or regiment. You can plant a
virtual poppy in their memory, as
well as upload pictures and share
As part of the Centenary events you
may wish to become involved with
any or all of these projects.
Ian Ross Chairman RBL
Minchinhampton 01453 884654
Tom Long’s Post
Community News and Views
First New Council House
since 1983
Building work has begun on the first
new council house in the Stroud
District for over 30 years. Cllr Mattie
Ross, chair of Stroud District
performed the ground breaking
ceremony in February, at Old
replacement council houses are
being built on the Tynings and on Old
Common. The first of which, are set
to be completed in the late autumn of
this year.
The work at Minchinhampton is the
first part of the council's £15 million
programme to build 150 new homes
in the Stroud District, over the next 5
years. "This is a hugely significant
moment," said Cllr Ross. "Affordable
housing sector has been neglected
for years, with the losers being local
people who have had to move away
or rent in the private sector. I am very
proud that we are one of very few
councils directly doing our bit to
increase the supply of decent
affordable homes."
Cllr Ross was helped by Lin Phillips,
a former resident of a Woolaway
home at Old Common who will be
returning to one of the new homes.
Joining them was Sandra Mutton,
Chair of the Stroud Council Housing
Forum, which represents council
tenants across the district.
The scheme at Minchinhampton will
see new homes being built on the
site of structurally defective concrete
council homes at The Tynings and
Old Common. In a partnership with
Lovell, the new homes are being
financed by the company which will
build and sell another 31 homes on
the same sites.
The last new council houses to be
built in the Stroud District were at
John Bevan Close, Uplands in
1983. No new houses have been
built since then, though replacement
bungalows have been built on the
footprint of post war prefabs.
Stroud District Council is the only
local authority in Gloucestershire to
have retained its housing stock. The
building programme follows a
change of policy by the government.
Councils are now allowed to borrow
money against the value of their
housing stock, which can be
reinvested in new build homes and
upgrading existing ones.
Minchinhampton Scout Group in
April after almost 50 years
involvement. Adrian joined Cubs at
Minchinhampton when he was 8
years old and later ended up as
the Group Scout Leader! He
championed the Scouts and his
care, charity and advocacy will be
hard to replace. Enjoy your free
time, Adrian!
For all enquiries about Scouting in
Minchinhampton or hiring the
Scout Hut please contact the
secretary by e-mail to
by telephone on 01453
Keep Fit for the Over 55’s
Keep Fit Classes for the over
55’s in Minchinhampton with
Claire are run on the following
days:Monday 2pm Keep Fit at the
Scout Hut, Dr Brown’s Road
Tuesday 10am Keep Fit at The
Hub, Tobacconist Road.
Tuesday 11.15am Tai Chi Qi
Gong at The Hub, Tobacconist
Contact Claire for more details
on 01453 886953 or email
Community News and Views
National Trust News
Along with Scots pine and yew,
Juniper Juniperus communis is one
of only three conifers native to
Britain. Although a very long lived
perennial, in the Cotswolds there are
very few sites where Juniper is
Minchinhampton and Rodborough
are the exception to the rule with up
to 450 examples throughout both
management programme to ensure
their survival.
Over the last year we have been
liberating a colony of Juniper at
Bownham on Rodborough where the
habitat began to succeed into mixed
scrub. The threat became advanced
two years ago when we witnessed a
lack of light beginning to weaken the
stems (etiolation) and affecting the
reproductively of the females. Of
course the worst case scenario
would be eventual death.
The removal of the trees and bushes
at this site was phased over two
years to reduce the risk of light shock
and possible wind damage. We are
now completing our final years work
which sees the whole area free of
enveloping scrub.
As pioneer species, the proximity to
bare ground is an important factor for
seed establishment.
We have
identified areas at this site to rake
down the layer of scrub leaf litter and
build-up of soil using teams of
volunteers this Summer. With the
inclusion of seed shelters to prevent
berries and seedlings we hope to
emulate our success elsewhere
across the Rodborough over the last
few years in Juniper management.
National Trust Events
DayRodborough Common - June 7th
10am - 2pm
Working in partnership with Stroud
Festival of Nature, this event will
provide in future years an excellent
component to the overall program of
events related to conservation within
the Stroud Valleys.
It will also
provide an excellent platform to
showcase the conservation work
carried out on the Common. There
will be sessions with specialists in
their field that relate to botany,
entomology, cattle and scrub/juniper
management. Mathew Oates our NT
celebrity butterfly specialist will be
one of our guests for the day.
Booking required limited number of
50 places - Charge-Donations to the
Photography workshops - June
Minchinhampton and Rodborough
Commons are a beautiful place to
discover how photography can be
used to explore our relationship with
the land. Ruth will encourage you to
look at colour, texture, and form, the
big picture and the detail, our sense
of place and the impact we leave on
the land. You will learn to see the
world around you with new eyes.
Art in the Grass - July 11th
Working with local wildlife artist Steve
Roberts, we will provide an excellent
opportunity for budding artists to
explore the Common and capture it
in art, whilst offering a unique way to
understand the habitats and wildlife
of Rodborough Common.
while Steve handles the art elements
of the day.
Charge £85 includes lunch at the
Bear Hotel.
Tom Long’s Post
walks and treasure hunts it should
be another fun afternoon out on
Charge-Donations to the Trust.
There are a series of self led walks
which will focus upon seasonal
experiences such as Cowslips and
Autumn woodland colours. At
present these will be made
available through the National Trust
web site.
For further information please
contact the Ebworth Centre 01452
Richard Evans
Amberley Guides Clean up
Amberley Guides spent a lovely
sunny evening in May collecting
litter on the commons around
They found several large, heavy
items dumped on the common
including car parts and a tin bath!
Thank you to Amberley Guides for
your hard work from the Parish
Council and Richard Evans the
National Trust Ranger.
We have litter picking equipment
available at the Trap House for
community groups to borrow.
Holiday 50 things
Do Before
Eleven And Three
24th 10am - 4pm
The entire ranger
involved again this
year to run a series
of fun activities for
children and adults
kites to sensory
Tom Long’s Post
Community News and Views
Minchinhampton Holy Trinity
It has been a busy couple of months
for the Parish Church. On the evening
of Friday 14th March the church was
packed for the induction and collation
of the Revd Helen Bailey by the
Bishop of Gloucester as the new
Minchinhampton with Box and
gathered from across the benefice
congregations as well as the wider
community. There were also many
congregation in Harrogate North
Yorkshire - around 40 turned up to
wish her well! Bishop Michael gave a
wonderful address (which can still be
heard online if you visit the church
website )
and a celebration tea was held in the
school hall. It was a wonderfully warm
welcome from everyone. There was
also a marvellous turn out for her first
services, with over 160 people at the
10am. Since then, Helen has been
busy trying to visit and get to know
people in the three churches as well
as the wider community.
Rev Helen Bailey with the Bishop of
We also are glad to announce the
news that Revd Brian Atkinson,
currently Team Rector at Fairford
Church, has been appointed as House
for Duty Priest at Amberley and
Associate Priest across the benefice.
We are delighted to welcome Brian to
the clergy team and look forward to
welcoming him when he comes to take
services at Minchinhampton. Brian's
licensing will take place at a joint
benefice service at Amberley Church
on Tuesday 20th May at 7.30pm.
After 30 years of tremendous work as
Parish Administrator, Hilary Sparkhall
is retiring. We are grateful for all she
has done. We have therefore
employed a new Parish Administrator
called Christine Gibson who is now
working in the Parish Office Tues to Fri
each week, 9am-1pm.
The journey through Holy Week and
Easter went very well, with Reflective
Eucharist services taking place in the
evenings of Holy Week and a Maundy
Thursday service that was very well
attended. On Good Friday we held a
variety of opportunities to reflect upon
the meaning of Easter, which included
an inspiring Three Hours Devotion led
by Revd David Deboys, from
Tewkesbury Abbey. Easter Saturday
Night Vigil and the morning Easter
Sunday services were likewise very
well attended, with nearly 300 at the
We were delighted to welcome
Minchinhampton Primary School into
the church for their annual Easter
service, as well as going out into the
community to take other services,
such as at Stroud Court. We were also
extremely fortunate to have been able
to welcome Brian Kay to lead a 'Come
and Sing' day, which culminated in a
wonderful performance of Stainer's
Easter Messy Church
On Good Friday we also held a
fabulous Messy Church to which over
40 parents and children came. There
were many craft activities on offer,
including making crowns, which told
the Easter story, chocolate crispy
Easter cakes, and many others! After
a short service of Easter songs and
telling the story through pictures, hot
cross buns and drinks were served.
The next Messy Church will take place
on Wednesday 18th June 3.15 5.30pm, focusing on the Good
Samaritan story. All are welcome to
come and join this growing community
- children will need to be
accompanied by an adult. There is
no charge for these events and we
end by sharing a meal together.
Dates for your Diary
Sunday 1st June Bishop Michael,
Bishop of Gloucester is presiding
and preaching at our 10am service.
All welcome.
Tuesday 3rd - Thursday 5th June
'Experience Pentecost' in church for
Minchinhampton Primary School
Music@Minch Sunday 29th June
'James Watson - Jazz Quartet' and
Sunday 27th July 'Bristol Brass' 7pm
in the church.
Advance tickets
Deborah Smith 01453 883611 or
M&B Stores £10, ticket price on the
door £12
Friday 6th June The Stuart Singers.
Special Services:
Ascension Day Thursday 29th May
8am and 7:30pm
Pentecost Sun 8th June 8am and
Patronal Festival for Trinity Sunday,
8am and 10am and 5.30pm Joint
Benefice Service at the Parish
Church. All welcome to the above
Holy Trinity Bell Ringers
You will hear more of the bells at
church over the next few months as
we ring for weddings as well as
Sunday services and practices. As
ever, we are on the look-out for new
recruits. If you would like to know
more about the ancient art of
bellringing or would like to have a
go, please do come and find us on a
Friday evening from 7.30pm-9pm or
ring 01453 833192 (Angie Ayling).
There are no constraints as to who
can learn except you really need to
be aged 11+, be reasonably fit (able
to climb 44 stairs) and be prepared
to take a few months to learn how to
handle a bell and then ring in time
with others. It is an enjoyable and
mentally stimulating hobby and very
Angie Ayling
Tom Long’s Post
Community News and Views
Show us your
home and we
will show you
the buyer.
Because it’s important to you.
To discuss your moving plans
please call us on 01453 568147.
Beyond your expectations
Community News and Views
Minchinhampton RFC End
the Season on a High Note
Minch v Dowty team photo
Firmly established at Hollybush
Farm, the new ground opposite
Gatcombe, Minchinhampton RFC
have enjoyed a thriving season at all
levels: Seniors, Ruckers, Juniors and
Minis. The new ground, sited high
and well-drained, showed its value as
the venue where games went ahead
when all others in the county were
repeatedly postponed due to the
protracted floods.
Minch 1sts finished the season in
fourth place in Gloucester Three,
above local rivals Cainscross. They
rounded-off the season with a gutsy
comprehensive 88-24 win over
Quedgeley & Hardwicke Harlequins,
followed by the annual tour which
was to Dorset this year. Young Grant
mention as player of the tour, scoring
four tries in the first game and one in
the second; indeed he performed
consistently high-performing senior
players this season have included
Tom Hiatt, Sam Hester, Dan Wood
and Stu Allen.
However, the Seniors' season was all
about developing a strong squad of
players and bringing forward a
number of highly promising young
players, as captain Matt Austin
highlighted after the final game: "I'm
end the season
on this high
note, with an
depth of talent
we have at
on. Whilst the
been up and
down, we end
having shown
that we can
beat the sides
above us and put away the sides
below us. With the squad beginning
to gel, new players coming through,
and youngsters putting their hands
up for selection, we really do have
much potential to build on moving
The Rams, Minch's 2nd XV, also
finished a commendable fourth in
what was a very competitive
Reserve League 3. Guided by their
tireless captain, Gino Beaumont,
the Rams played more games than
any other team in their division. In
addition, five Rams players with an
average age of 49 played for Stroud
Combination Vets team against
Combination Vets at
Fromehall Park!
It was particularly
encouraging to see
a number of very
selection for the
1sts, including Jack
McKissick and Jake
Lovell-Hewitt. The
club is also proud of
the talented Alex
Tom Long’s Post
Corry who, besides scoring a hat-trick
of tries in the 1sts final game, has
represented the Irish Exiles at U18
and U19 levels with distinction.
The Minis and Juniors have done
Minchinhampton proud too, with all
age groups regularly beating teams
with a much higher profile. The U15s
were eventually knocked out of the
County Plate Cup by Cinderford and
the U13s were County Plate finalists.
The U11s and U12s both got to the
County Cup semi-finals - the latter
finishing the season with a notable win
against Old Patesians - while the
U10s enjoyed victories against local
rivals Stroud and Painswick.
Minch RFC is always happy to
welcome new players, whatever age
or standard. Seniors train on Tuesday
and Thursday evenings, with the
Ruckers touch rugby also on a
Thursday evening, while Juniors and
Minis train on Sunday mornings.
Minchinhampton RFC Contacts:
1sts - Captain: Matt Austin (07811
Rams: Captain: Gino Beaumont
(07989 434212)
Ruckers touch rugby: Jason Richards
Follow us on Twitter@MinchRFC.
Play Minch rugby!
Simon Whittemore
Tom Long’s Post
Community News and Views
Minchinhampton Rangers
Youth Football Club
Dying without a Will. Now that’s a real tragedy.
My name is David Martin and I’m the local
Youth football has been played in
generations and the enthusiasm for
the sport continues to go from
Minchinhampton Rangers Youth
Football Club develops the skills,
confidence and teamwork of nearly
200 boys and girls from the parish
and beyond.
Training and matches take place at
Minchinhampton School and the Polo
Ground on Cirencester Road, and in
the 2014-15 season we will have
teams from U13 to U5. We are a
friendly but competitive club, with the
main emphasis for the younger
players on enjoying the game and
developing their skills while at the
older age groups it gets more
competitive with league positions and
cups to play for.
In 2014/15, we are looking for new
players who are in reception and year
1 2 at junior school in particular.
Some other age groups are now full,
so please do call if your child would
like to play.
Coaches are enhanced CRB
checked and every age group has FA
Level 1 qualified coaching. We have
also gained FA Chartered Status,
taking us to the next stage of our
development and are looking forward
to a bright future.
For more information about the club
to or call or
e-mail Andy Marson on 01453
sional Home Visit Will Writers. I have 28 years’
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existing Will, discuss your Will arrangements,
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Hyde Garage, Cirencester Road
Minchinhampton, Glos, GL6 8PE
01453 882009
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01453 882009
Cotswold Care Hospice
Mark the longest
day of the year by
taking part in a
sponsored walk
in aid of Cotswold
Care Hospice.
People can take
Solstice Walk on Friday June 20 in
memory of a loved one.
The evening country walk across the
Minchinhampton Common, near
Stroud, will start and finish at the
hospice grounds and be open to
Mum Angela Pearce and her family
are taking part in the walk to
remember daughter Vicky WakefieldHeath who died last year from cancer
at the age of 26.
Vicky's 18-month-old son Spencer
lives with Angela and her husband
Ron in Stonehouse.
"I cannot put into words the difference
the wonderful staff at Cotswold Care
Hospice made to Vicky, her baby son
Spencer and myself at a very tragic
and frightening time in our lives," said
Cotswold Care Hospice at Home
nurses helped Angela and her family
fulfil Vicky's wish to die at home.
"For Vicky, she had confidence
knowing the nurses would be
popping in not only to help with her
care but also to have a natter," said
"I will always be thankful to them all
for helping to make her final days less
frightening and less stressful."
Angela, who was Vicky's carer and
looks after Spencer, received support
from the hospice.
"I could not have got through it all
without their loving support and
care both before and after Vicky
died. The complementary therapy
was a massive help to me. I always
feel comforted knowing they are still
there for me whenever I need
them," she said.
People can choose from a 5km or a
10km route and dogs are welcome
and the walk is from 6pm.
Registration is £15 for adults or
£7.50 for children. Under 5s go free.
Entry includes a Solstice Walk Tshirt, ribbon to remember a loved
one, bottle of water, a welcome
pack and a complimentary glass of
fizz on return.
At the hospice in Burleigh Lane
there will be live music, children's
entertainment, food and a bar.
"We know that many people
experience their longest, darkest
nights when caring for loved ones
nearing the end of their lives," said
Jules Eaton, Chief Executive of the
"Help us to support them on their
darkest nights, whatever the time of
To register please contact the
hospice on 01453 886868, email or go
Little Oaks Nursery Arrives
in Minchinhampton
A brand new nursery has opened in
the Scout Hut In Minchinhmpton.
Gill Tomlinson started a nursery in
the Coronation Scout hut on Dr.
Brown's Road and had an amazing 47
year stint at the helm of Minchinhampton's first nursery. Gill has now retired
and the nursery has been taken over
by Helen and Miles Guerrini, the owners of Acorns Nursery in Cirencester
and it's After School Club 'branch',
Mighty Oaks. Keeping the Acorns
theme, the new nursery has been
named 'Little Oaks'.
After-School Club (3:15-6pm) at Scout
Hut is a resounding success!
The Mighty Oaks After-School Club
has exploded into life over the last
couple of weeks and has become a
roaring success! Four children have
also been attending regularly from
Amberley school by special FREE
shuttle service.
Children have hugely enjoyed the new
club. Amongst the fun has been football and tag; the hilarious 'chair ' game
(an adapted indoor running game),
building robots and aliens from bricks
and textured hand painting. The children have enjoyed the 'all the fruit you
can eat' snack and Wednesday's walk
back via the common gave us all a
taste of some of the wonderful opportunities to come.
Many children come to Mighty Oaks
not because their parents need the
child care but because it's just so
much fun! A frequently heard complaint is "Oh mum, why do you have to
pick me up so early!?"
A mother's testiment:
"It's great to have Mighty Oaks afterschool care in Minchinhampton, and
my children have all settled in really
well. They look forward to going after
school and sometimes take a packed
tea with them to eat there. There is a
quiet room where they can get their
homework done, and then there are
healthy snacks and plenty of activities
Community News and Views
with the chance to play outside when
the weather is good.
I really
appreciate the flexibility (for example
they can stay for an after school club
and then go to Mighty Oaks, and
there is also the option of a pick up
from the school nursery), and when I
pick them up it's lovely to see the
excellent rapport that has already
built up between the staff and the
Everyone can have one free trial so
come along and try us out!
Have a look at the photos on our
Nkokoto Link
Child looking after baby
The Boreholes : We have all been
bitterly disappointed to learn that no
water has been found where the Link
has financed the drilling. The rig
sunk boreholes in two separate
places a mile apart in the village, to
depths of 100 metres (over 300 feet)
and similarly in Vumilia (the village
supported by Nailsworth.) All three
boreholes were dry. MajiTech, our
contractors had always stated that
there is a small possibility that we
would not find water but having had
success initially five years ago when
we financed the first borehole and
pump, we were optimistic about the
success of the second one. We
share our disappointment with
MajiTech and all the people who
live in Nkokoto. (A plentiful supply
of clean, healthy water has always
been, and still is the first priority for
villages such as Nkokoto) The Link
Committee must now decide
whether to continue the (costly)
search for water (fund raising will
need to continue apace as we do
not have the funds at the moment)
or to focus on smaller scale
projects. The sponsorship of 22
students at Vumilia Secondary
School and 12 students at the Folk
Development College will continue,
of course, and we are eternally
grateful to our sponsors in
Minchinhampton who donate so
loyally to this important and vital
way of supporting Nkokoto young
people. Rod Harris will be going out
to Nkokoto in the summer to assess
what the Link's next projects should
The Annual Meeting : The Link held
a successful Annual Meeting earlier
in Spring when Julian Marcus,
Chairman of the Tanzanian
Development Trust joined us for the
evening. The AGM business was
conducted efficiently and quickly,
giving Julian over an hour to talk
about the work of the TDT and how
Tanzania is developing and
progressing as a country that
exhibits both massive areas of
poverty but also has considerable
wealth, especially in the urban and
tourist areas. He talked about the
impoverished regions of Tanzania,
which include the Tabora region
where Nkokoto is situated. The
Trust, like the Nkokoto Link, has
local representatives - we have
Stima Hassam in Urambo - who
oversee the Trust's projects and
feed information to the Trust in the
UK. The Trust has been particularly
successful in providing goats to
families on a co-operative basis;
has enabled local communities to
build and operate their own maize
mills; explored a variety of ways to
provide water to communities, e.g.
water towers with diesel pumps;
Tom Long’s Post
and established bee-keeping, poultry
and fishpond projects.
Julian explained how low lifeexpectancy in rural Tanzania, mainly
due to Malaria and AIDS, has resulted
in a huge number of orphans. The
TDT has involved itself in providing
support for families and children. It
programme which includes offering
free drugs, free condoms and
encourages circumcision for boys and
young males (which considerably
reduces the chances of becoming
infected with HIV/AIDS.)
discussed the difficulties that are
faced in trying to eradicate FGM
because of the established tribal
customs that exist in many parts of the
Julian also discussed the problem of
low achievement in schools (an issue
that the Link worries about with our
own sponsored pupils.) Children in
rural areas are often at a distinct
disadvantage because of lack of
equipment in the schools and poorly
trained and poorly paid teachers,
often who have a very poor
knowledge of English. English is used
to teach all subjects in secondary
schools and in which all text books are
Julian talked about how the Link and
the TDT have very similar aims and
objectives and made a number of
suggestions for future Link projects continue with supplying books and
equipment to the schools; researching
alternative methods of providing
Government AIDS programme; inservice
continuing poultry, and bee projects
and possibly goats.
The evening proved most interesting
for everyone who was there and
committee members decide on which
projects to support and invest in the
You can keep up to date with the Link
Rod Harris
Tom Long’s Post
Parish Council Meetings
7.00pm in The Trap House (unless
otherwise stated)
30th Jun
14th Jul
28th Jul
18th Aug
Planning Meeting
Parish Council
Planning Meeting
Parish Council
Parish Council
Dates for your Diary
Music at Minch
Minchinhampton WI
Concerts at Holy Trinity. Contact Joan
Meet in the Scout Hut, at 2pm
Schmeising on 834979. Check posters
4th Jun John Putley - Blood Guts and a
for timings.
Little off the Top.
29th Jun Bristol Brass
2nd Jul Being a Magistrate - Celia
Jul James Watson - Jazz Quartet
31st Aug Gentlemen of St. John’s
Aug Summer Lunch
3rd Sept The Fabulous Fifties - Virginia
Adsett and Gillian Moore
Surgeries at the Trap House
PCSO Surgery 10.30am until 11.30am
10th June, 10th July & 19h Aug.
Village Agent 11am to 1pm , 4th June,
25th June, 29th July & 26th August.
Horsfall House Events
3rd Jun Over 60’s Club 4.30pm - 6pm -
Minchinhampton Local History
Day Centre
11th Jun Macbeth - Festival Players ,
7.30pm in The Hub, Tobacconist Road.
Beaudesert Park School Grounds.
Visitors welcome (£2)
Police Surgeries at Minchinhampton
Tickets £12.50 & £9.50 concessions.
17th Jun Visit to Frampton Court
Community Library
19th Jun 11am to 12 noon
onwards - Horsfall House gardens.
Aug Grand Summer Fete 2pm
Jul 2pm to 3pm
Minchinhampton Ladies Club
Meet at the Porch Room at 7.30pm,
21st Aug 3pm-4pm
Giffords Circus
visitors welcome £3
Minchinhampton Common
9th Jun Afternoon outing to Bristol
Amberley Scouts Car Boot Sale
7th Aug -18th Aug The Thunders - to
Downs with Refreshments
book call 0845 459 7469
14th Jul “Recent Trip to India” - Hilary
Jun 8am to 1pm
Bond’s Mill.
Stonehouse. (Sellers from 7am)
National Trust Events on the
8th Sept “WH Davies Supertramp and
Minchinhampton PTA School Fete
Glendower” - Anthony Burton
Jun 12.30pm to 3pm Free Entry
Jun Photography Workshops
11th Jul Art in Grass
Minchinhampton Gardening Club
Meetings are held in Minchinhampton
Let’s Celebrate Summer
12th Jul Craft Fair 10.30 - 4:30pm
and Three Quarters
School Hall, 7.15pm for 7.30pm start.
Amberley Parish Rooms
Call The Ebworth Centre on 01452
Visitors welcome (£3.00)
Amberley Open Gardens 10am -5pm,
21st Jul A scented garden year - Gail
Aug 50 things to do before Eleven
Hog Roast on the Green . Bar open
from 5pm, BBQ from 6pm
RBL Events
13th July
18th Jun Trip to National Memorial
Amberley Gardening Club
Amberley Church at 11am, followed by
Meetings are held in Amberley Parish
Great Amberley Coin Challenge and a
Rooms, 7.45pm for 8.00pm start, on
family picnic on the Green.
- Minchinhampton Market House
the second Thursday of the month.
Treasure Trail for kids and grownups
Visitors welcome (£3.00). Contact
2pm from the church area
Minchinhampton School
Jacky Staff for further information
Concert 4.30pm Holy Trinity Amberley
featuring David Ogden and the Exultate
Minchinhampton Market House.
Celebration Service in
Jun Mid Summer Dinner & Auction
Jul BBQ and Grand Raffle Sept WW” Themed Concert -
Singers (tickets £10, primary school
children free), with fizz and strawberries.
Box Gardening Club
Minchinhampton Branch RBL
Evening talks on the third Tuesday of
the month. Visitors always welcome.
Stuart Singers Summer Concert
2nd Jul Anne Blagdon - The Art of Belly
Non members £3. Meeting held in Box
Village Hall 7.30pm for 8pm start.
3rd Sept The Falklands
Further details see
June 7.30pm Holy Trinity Church,
Minchinhampton, tickets from Market
Stores or call Lynn Bevis 01666 502410.