International Astronomical Union - IAU Directory for World Astronomy


International Astronomical Union - IAU Directory for World Astronomy
International Astronomical Union
International Year of Light 2015 Cosmic Light Cornerstone
Global Project Endorsement Form
Please fill in this form in English.
Please use size not smaller than point 12, font face Times New Roman and limit your proposal to 8
sides of A4.
Please print and submit this form in PDF format to avoid compatibility issue.
Please direct enquiries to the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach at
Please submit the form at the above address.
After the submission, if you do not receive the acknowledgement of receipt email within 1 week,
please file an enquiry to the above email.
Part A – Project Overview
1. Project Title
2. Project Summary in about 100 words
(Please summarize your proposed project concisely in about 100 words, e.g. The proposed project aims to
[achieve what/key potential impact] for [main target beneficiaries] by [doing what and how]…)
Part B – Contact Information
3. Project Leader
First Name
Last Name
Job Position
Organization Website
Mailing Address
Mobile Phone Number
Country code (
Office Phone Number
Country code (
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Skype (if applicable)
4. Project Member(s) (Please insert additional tables if necessary)
First Name
Last Name
Job Position
Organization Website
Mailing Address
Mobile Phone Number
Country code (
Office Phone Number
Country code (
Skype (if applicable)
Role in the project
5. Summary of Past Experiences with Demonstrated Outcomes (in no more than 200 words, please attach
full CVs as separate files if necessary)
Part C – Project Details
6. Program Description, including objective, specific plans for project development and execution. (in no
more than 300 words)
7. Target Group(s) (Please list the primary target sector(s) or group(s) first)
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8. Please describe the strategy to achieve global reach and at the same time to ensure the local project leaders
be trained to accomplish these objectives? (In no more than 200 words)
9. Project Timeline
10. Project Deliverables
11. Details on Existing or Confirmed Matching Resources (if any)
12. Expected income arising from the project, if any, and how such income will be used for further
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development of the project
Part D – Project Evaluation
13. How will the project impact be measured and evaluated? (In no more than 200 words)
14. Please use the above metrics to define “project success”.
Thank you for your submission
___ Did you write in no more than 8 pages?
___ Did you print and submit this form in PDF format?
___ Did you attach the additional information (if any)?
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