Towards benefit orientated business process modelling: a canonical


Towards benefit orientated business process modelling: a canonical
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Towards benet orientated
business process modelling: a
canonical action research
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AITKEN, A., COOMBS, C. and DOHERTY, N., 2015. Towards
benet orientated business process modelling: a canonical action research study.
IN: Wastell, D., Wainwright, D. and Brooks, L. (eds). Information Systems Impact: Making Research Matter. Proceedings of UKAIS 2015, 16th-18th March
2015, Oxford, paper 2.
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Proceedings of the 20th UK Academy for Information Systems Annual Conference (UKAIS 2015)
March 2015; Oxford, UK
ISBN: 978-0-9560272-8-3
Andrew Aitken, Crispin Coombs, Neil Doherty
Centre for Information Management, Loughborough University, Loughborough UK
Organizations are increasingly employing business process modelling techniques in an attempt to visualise their
processes and highlight the improvements that need to be made. However, despite the plethora of modelling
techniques available, the main focus has typically been the graphical depiction of a process. As of yet little
consideration has been given into how a process can be presented in such a way as to allow the key
stakeholders to realise its true value. The aim of this paper is to establish if benefits realisation can help develop
a value focused process modelling technique. Stakeholder and Sense making theory will be employed to develop
practical guidelines around how the modelling should be conducted and presented. The research presents a new
modelling prototype that addresses the gap in the literature concerning benefits orientated process modelling.
Keywords: Business Process Modelling (BPM), Benefits Realisation Management (BRM),
Stakeholder Theory, Sense-making Theory
Increased world-wide competition means companies have to review their operational and
logistical procedures to improve their performance and maintain a competitive edge. Business
Process Modelling (BPM) is an increasingly popular way for organizations to understand
their current processes with an aim to improving them, thereby maximising their efficiency
and becoming a more valuable enterprise (vom Brocke et al., 2010). Changes in business
processes frequently require a complex IT support structure and as such IT implementations
need to be closely aligned with BPM (LeDuc, 2014). However, despite their popularity,
business process models are rarely value orientated. They present a picture of how a process
is without highlighting the considerations that need to be made in order to bring out the
required value or benefit of a new process (vom Brocke et al. 2010). This lack of a benefit
focus may explain why many business process change initiatives fail to deliver planned
benefits (Coombs, 2014).
The Benefits Realisation Management (BRM) literature suggests that most benefits from
IS/IT come from changes in the way an organization does business and not from the
introduction of the new technology itself (Marchand & Peppard, 2008). Such benefits can
range from providing ‘problem-based solutions’ to help achieve business objectives to
‘innovation-based solutions’, which allow organizations to exploit business opportunities or
create new organizational competencies to achieve a competitive advantage (Peppard et al.
2007). However, the successful implementation of organizational change can present
considerable challenges for projects. For example, it may be difficult to convince
stakeholders of the need for change, to agree a suitable strategy for the change process, to
overcome resistance, and secure top management commitment for the proposed changes
(Fernandez & Rainey, 2006). Thus, for the results of benefit–oriented BPM to be successfully
Proceedings of the 20th UK Academy for Information Systems Annual Conference (UKAIS 2015)
March 2015; Oxford, UK
ISBN: 978-0-9560272-8-3
implemented, managers need to consider how stakeholders within the organisation make
sense of, and engage with, the new processes that are to be implemented.
Stakeholder theory views the organization as a collection of various stakeholders who drive
the business forward (vom Brocke & Recker, 2010). Typical stakeholders include customers,
suppliers, employees and managers. Each stakeholder makes a highly important contribution
to the success of the company. Kummamuru & Zope (2008) argue that in order to improve a
business process, the key stakeholders need to be identified and involved in any business
process improvement initiative and the stakeholders needs and wants from the process
improvement process need to be clearly and effectively communicated and due consideration
taken. Thus, to maximise the value of a business process change, it is vital to accommodate
the needs and wants of key stakeholders. Stakeholder theory provides valuable insights into
identifying stakeholders and planning the levels of resistance that might occur. However,
there are still implementation issues that the theory does not adequately consider. For
example, there is the challenge of getting the stakeholders to work together and achieve a
common level of understanding regarding new business processes. This is an important issue
as a visual modelling technique that cannot be understood by stakeholders will ultimately be
a failure. Visualisation is a form of sense making that can serve as a communication medium,
a knowledge management means and a decision support instrument (Al-Kassab et al. 2014).
Thus, sense making theory can provide complementary insights to explain how to help the
communication of ideas between stakeholders through visual modelling techniques.
Klein et al. (2006) describe sense making as a motivated, continuous effort to understand
connections (which can be among people, places, and events) in order to anticipate their
trajectories and act effectively. Sense making theory assumes that the issues and events
surrounding change-oriented situations, are often ambiguous and fuzzy and that people
engage in sense making processes to construe the meaning of those issues and events (Weick,
2005). If they come to the conclusion that the change is desirable then they are more inclined
to act in a way to make that change possible, however if they do not see that change as
desirable they are more likely to resist (Hon et al. 2014).
This study utilises the complementary perspectives of stakeholder and sense making theory to
address the following research questions: 1) How can BPM be combined with BRM to realise
the value of a business process? 2) How should a benefit orientated BPM technique be
implemented in a business environment in order to deliver business benefits? The study was
co-sponsored by an SME that had recently implemented a new Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) system and was keen to leverage further benefits from their investment. In order to
address the research questions the study adopted a Canonical Action Research (CAR)
approach owing to its focus on both rigour and relevance (Davison et al. 2004) and well as
providing the opportunity to implement research driven recommendations within the
sponsoring SME.
This paper is structured as follows. First, the Business Process Modelling and Benefits
Realisation Management literature is reviewed before explanations of Stakeholder and Sense
making theory are provided. Second, the research method employed is be discussed in
greater detail. Third, the initial design of the benefits orientated BPM technique is described,
followed by a discussion of the initial implementation experiences. Finally, the progress of
the study is reviewed so far and the initial findings discussed.
Proceedings of the 20th UK Academy for Information Systems Annual Conference (UKAIS 2015)
March 2015; Oxford, UK
ISBN: 978-0-9560272-8-3
Literature Review
Business Process Modelling
BPM forms a part of the much larger process of business process management which has
become a popular approach in information systems and business management (vom Brocke et
al. 2010). One of the main tasks when improving processes is to highlight current business
operations and present them in a way that can help key stakeholders make the necessary
decisions for improvement (Burlton, 2001). It is in this context that business process
modelling is employed. Aldin and de Cesare (2009) identified five key uses of business
process models: facilitating a group to share their understanding of the process by using a
common process representation; providing the advantage of reuse, where the same business
process model can act as the basis for several information systems, it can be reused as the
basic input for defining the requirements of each system; creating suitable information
systems that support the business by providing a descriptive model for learning; supporting
process improvement and re-engineering through business process analysis and simulation;
and enabling decision support during process execution, and control. BPM achieves these
purposes by graphically conveying activities, events or states, and control flow logic that
constitute a business process in a way that helps managers making improvement or change
decisions (Recker, 2007).
There are a wide variety of techniques for the representation of organisational processes and
their requirements (Luo and Tung, 1999). Kettinger et al. (1997) analysed a total of 72
techniques and 102 tools. The most prominent techniques are, flow charts, petri nets, role
activity diagrams, business process modelling notation and unified modelling language.
However, despite the various methods of modelling, the graphical description of events and
tasks does not in itself help managers make change decisions. Whilst there is a strong focus
on how a model can provide a graphical representation of a process and the various elements
involved, there is little focus on how a model can get the best value out of a process. What is
missing in process modelling practice is a focus on business value considerations (vom
Brocke et al. 2010). Indulska et al. (2009) conducted a study of three key groups within
business process modelling – academics, vendors and practitioners – and they found that a
lack of focus on business benefit orientation was a critical concern across all three groups. A
complementary stream of literature that has considered the delivery of value from business
process change is benefits realisation management.
Benefits Realisation Management
A benefit has been described as ‘an outcome of change which is perceived as positive by a
stakeholder’ (Bradley, 2010). Benefits Realisation Management (BRM) is the promotion of
‘a different mind-set, based on an approach that manages value on an active basis’ (Jenner,
2009). The origins of BRM lie in concerns that benefits of IT investments were not being
realised with too much focus being placed on costs as opposed to other organisational factors
(Coombs, 2014). Also, it is a common mistake for project's and programme's managers to
own the benefits and not involve those directly tasked with managing change within the
business organisation (Glynne, 2007). For a programme or project to be successful, there
must be an agreed governance model that ensures ownership and accountability until all
benefits have been formally reviewed and measured (Ward & Daniel, 2012). Fundamentally,
BRM is a value driven process that is enacted to ensure that the expected benefits of IT
investments are realized (Ashurst et al., 2008).
Proceedings of the 20th UK Academy for Information Systems Annual Conference (UKAIS 2015)
March 2015; Oxford, UK
ISBN: 978-0-9560272-8-3
Several approaches to BRM have been developed, such as the Cranfield Process Model
(Ward et al. 1996), the Benefits Breakdown Hierarchy (Nogeste & Walker, 2005), and the
Benefits Realization Capability Model (Ashurst et al. 2008). Despite the various approaches
to benefits realisation, the actual process to follow has the same basic framework. According
to Ward and Daniel (2012) there are 5 stages in the BRM process: identification, planning
implementation, evaluation and review and future benefits. In addition to these stages,
another aspect of BRM that is common in many of the BRM approaches is the use of benefits
Benefits maps are a fundamental part of BRM (Bradley, 2010). Their visual nature aids
communication, reduces ambiguity and confirms clarity of purpose. Benefits maps move
from right to left and will start with an objective. The objective is what supports the vision.
Each objective will create a number of benefits. The next stage would be to identify the
enablers required to deliver those aims. There are essentially 3 types of benefits mapping
techniques; Results Chain, Benefit Dependency Map and Benefit Dependency Network.
There are two main purposes for developing a benefits map. First, to ensure that focus
remains squarely on delivering benefits necessary to make the IT project a success as
opposed to focusing solely on installing the new system. Second, the visual nature of the
benefits map will make it easier for key stakeholders to envisage benefits and develop a plan
of action of what needs to be done and in what order to realise these benefits. Thus, the value
driven principles of BRM, and in particular benefits maps may present a way of extending
BPM approaches to include a benefit focus. For example, combining benefits maps with a
business process model to create a visualisation of a new business process and the specific
planned benefits the new process will deliver.
However, the BRM literature has a number of limitations. There is little empirical evidence
as to the effectiveness of BRM (Serra & Kunc, 2015) so it is difficult to judge what impact
Benefits Realisation may have on Business Process Modelling. There is also an issue
surrounding the practicality of benefits realisation. As it is still in its infancy there are few
established methods available to define its practice (Doherty, 2014). For example, the BRM
literature advocates the importance of involving and engaging stakeholders to avoid tensions
among stakeholders who may feel they are not being valued, ambiguity over what the actual
benefits to be realised should be, and breakdowns in communication amongst stakeholders
Breese (2012). However, there is little BRM research demonstrating how such involvement
should occur in practice. To address this gap we draw on stakeholder theory, discussed in the
following section.
Stakeholder Theory
Shraeder and Self (2010) argue that effective application of stakeholder theory can achieve
accelerated change, enhanced recovery and renewed loyalty. Accelerated change occurs
because directly involving primary stakeholders may enhance the planning process associated
with possible change by providing leadership with key insight regarding potential barriers
that may impede the change process, as well as unknown driving forces that may accelerate
the change process. Further, by directly engaging the primary stakeholders, especially the
employees, there is an increased likelihood that they will be supportive of future changes.
Enhanced recovery occurs because if any difficulties are encountered leadership and
stakeholders have direct insight into how to resolve them. Renewed loyalty can be achieved
because involving primary stakeholders may foster a collective sense of buy-in as a result of
perceived ownership associated with having a hand in crafting the new vision. This, in turn,
Proceedings of the 20th UK Academy for Information Systems Annual Conference (UKAIS 2015)
March 2015; Oxford, UK
ISBN: 978-0-9560272-8-3
may intensify loyalty and commitment to the organization since these stakeholders will want
to see “their” vision become a reality.
In the BRM literature, Ward and Daniel (2012) use stakeholder theory to guide how
stakeholders should be involved in a benefits orientated process change. They argue that
managers should identify all the stakeholders whose knowledge, commitment or action is
needed to make the project a success, determine the view held by each stakeholder and any
dis-benefits they perceive, understand how change might affect them and their motivation to
achieve or resist change, and identify the actions needed to gain their commitment and
provide the necessary justifications for the change. In the majority of cases stakeholder
engagement initiatives will predominantly involve workshops to bring the stakeholders
together. However, such workshops may not always be the most useful mechanism for
achieving engagement. For example, the workshops may not be attended by all stakeholders
and the views of either senior or junior employees, or employees from particular parts of the
business may not be represented. BPM may present an complementary engagement method
to address this weakness. The construction of the BPM could be undertaken through separate
meetings with different stakeholder groups, until a final model is produced that incorporates
the views of stakeholders across the business. However, such an approach highlights the
importance of the understandability of the model. How can a model be developed that will
allow all readers (i.e. the stakeholders involved) to understand each other’s point of view
whilst simultaneously communicating their own view? To address such challenges scholars
have turned to sense making theory.
Sense making Theory
Weick (1995) describes sense making as a process that is (1) grounded in identity
construction, (2) retrospective, (3) enactive of sensible environments, (4) social, (5) ongoing,
(6) focused on and by extracted cues, (7) driven by plausibility rather than accuracy.
Brockner and Wiesenfeld (1996) argued that when people are in sense making mode, the cues
that address their informational needs are particularly influential. Therefore is it desirable to
have a process that can ameliorate a person’s sense making process when engaging in
An effective method of eliciting cues from the environment is through visualisation (Baker et
al., 2009). Visualisation can support knowledge creation and can be especially helpful to
advance the individual learning and recall during group decision-making through
visualization tools (Bresciani & Eppler, 2009). Visualisation also has the ability to extend the
working memory which has been shown to enhance the capability of a decision maker to
process information, thereby making faster decisions (Coury & Boulette, 1992). In terms of
communication, by adopting display techniques and approaches, it is possible to elaborate,
package and analyse data in such a way to convey messages to be interpreted by the receiver,
i.e. the person creating the visual tool can use it as a means to communicate their ideas more
effectively (Chen, 2010). These visual tools will not only act as communication mediums but
also enable stakeholders to act as sense-givers (Strømmen-Bakhtiar & Mathisen, 2012).
Sense-giving has been described as the process of attempting to influence the sense making
and meaning construction of others toward a preferred redefinition of organizational reality
(Gioia & Chittipeddi, 1991). Sense-giving is an interpretive process in which actors
endeavour to influence each other and it is used both by organizational leaders and other
stakeholders, including middle managers, directors and other employees (Maitlis &
Lawrence, 2007). Sense-giving can play a significant role in effecting major change (Corley
& Gioia, 2004). Sense-giving by stakeholders can also have profound consequences,
Proceedings of the 20th UK Academy for Information Systems Annual Conference (UKAIS 2015)
March 2015; Oxford, UK
ISBN: 978-0-9560272-8-3
affecting strategic decision making, and stakeholders' integration into or exclusion from a
range of important organizational processes (Balogun & Johnson, 2004). More broadly,
stakeholder sense-giving has been shown to shape the processes and outcomes of
organizational "sense making," or the process of social construction in which individuals
attempt to interpret and explain sets of cues from their environments (Maitlis, 2005). Sensegiving gives individuals the chance to express their opinions, either positive or negative, on
the associated subject and is a complementary part of sense making that contributes to
distributed sense making (Tallon, 2014).
Although there is no explicit definition of distributed sense making, it has been referred to as
a shared understanding in organizations whereby individuals who hold different pieces of
information are able to collectively construct new meaning (Maitlis & Christianson, 2014).
Whereas sense making focuses on the individual level, distributed sense making focuses on
the group level (Tallon, 2014). At its best, distributed sense making could help convey the
information, evidence, judgments, relations and perspectives that individual’s process during
sense making, increasing the depth and/or speed for other information seekers (Fisher et al.
2012) and allow for a consensus of opinion to be reached among stakeholders that can help
achieve strategic alignment (Tallon, 2014).
To summarise, the literature review reveals a number of important gaps. First, while BPM
has received considerable attention there is a lack of research that considers how BPM can
incorporate a benefit focus. Second, BRM literature provides some guidance on how benefits
can be included in visual mapping techniques to support business process change. However,
there is a lack of empirical research that investigates whether such approaches are effective in
practice. Consequently, there is a pressing need for further research to develop new benefits
orientated BPM techniques and to investigate whether the application of such techniques
delivers benefits from business process change. Further, stakeholder and sense making theory
has the potential to provide insights into how and why the application of such BPM
techniques are successful and any refinements and enhancements that may be necessary.
Therefore, this study uses stakeholder and sense making theory to address the following two
objectives: 1) to develop a benefit orientated BPM technique 2) to study and evaluate the
implementation of the benefit orientated BPM within a business organisation.
It was envisaged that achieving these research objectives would provide an important
contribution to the BPM literature by demonstrating a novel BPM technique that highlights
both the structure of a redesigned process and the anticipated business benefit it would
deliver. In addition, studying how the new BPM technique can be applied within an
organisation will provide empirical evidence to establish the validity of the BPM technique,
highlighting necessary refinements as well as providing practical guidance for business
managers in its use. The following section justifies the choice of research method for the
study and describes how it was implemented.
Research Method
An important aspect of this research study was that as well as developing a new BPM
technique, the research should test its applicability and refine the technique accordingly. In so
doing the research project should make significant contributions to both theory and practice.
For these reasons, an action research approach provided an obvious choice of method.
Proceedings of the 20th UK Academy for Information Systems Annual Conference (UKAIS 2015)
March 2015; Oxford, UK
ISBN: 978-0-9560272-8-3
Action Research
Action research is a method that uses applied research to contribute to the solution of a
practical problem whilst simultaneously creating new theoretical knowledge (Azhar et al.
2009). When conducting action research the researcher will review the current situation,
identify the problems and their causes, initiate an intervention to resolve the problem,
evaluate the outcome of the intervention and reflect on any new knowledge generated
(Baskerville, 1999). Action research differs to other approaches as the researcher is more
actively involved in the process that is being studied in order to identify, propose and
evaluate solutions to problems (Azhar et al. 2009). However, action research has not been
without its critics. It has been criticized for producing either research with little action or
action with little research (Dickens & Watkins, 1999). Whilst action research has been
commended for the relevance of its results (Baskerville & Wood- Harper, 1996) there have
been criticisms over its lack of methodological rigor (Cohen & Manion, 1980). Rigor can be
defined as using methods and analysis techniques that are appropriate and in context with the
situation faced (Davison et al. 2004). The same can be said of relevance as it is important to
ascertain and understand who the study is for. It has been claimed that rigor and relevance
have an inverse relationship whereby researchers either met the demands of the practice at the
expense of their methods, or they preserve the methods at the expense of the practice (Senn,
1998). However, to obtain the most relevant research, considerations need to be made to both
professionals and the research domain (Benbasat & Zmud, 1999). In essence, it is important
to produce research that is both rigorous and relevant. Researchers have sought to address
this issue by developing canonical action research.
Canonical Action Research
As with all action research, Canonical Action Research (CAR) aims to address organizational
problems while at the same time contributing to scholarly knowledge. However, to ensure
both rigor and relevance are maintained a set of principles have been developed (Davison et
al. 2004). Each principle has an underlying set of criteria. These criteria may be used by
action researchers as they plan and conduct a project. Each criterion is expressed in the form
of a question of the type ‘has something been done?’ The criteria are designed to be practical
and prescriptive. Table 2 summarises the CAR principles and criteria. Core to most CAR
studies is the Cyclical Process Model that contains five stages: diagnosis, planning,
intervention, evaluation and reflection (Davison et al. 2004).
CAR has emerged as a popular method within information systems research. However, there
have been challenges identified in its use (Davison et al. 2012). A major issue is the potential
tensions that may arise between the researcher and the organizational client (McKay &
Marshall, 2001). In order to combat these tensions Davison et al. (2012) proposed that theory
would play an important role. Specifically they gave mention to instrumental and focal
Proceedings of the 20th UK Academy for Information Systems Annual Conference (UKAIS 2015)
March 2015; Oxford, UK
ISBN: 978-0-9560272-8-3
1 The Principle of
the Researcher–
Client Agreement
2 The Principle of
the Cyclical
Process Model
3 The Principle of
4 The Principle of
Change through
Action; and
5 The Principle of
Learning through
Table 2.
1a Did both the researcher and the client agree that CAR was the appropriate
approach for the organizational situation?
1b Was the focus of the research project specified clearly and explicitly?
1c Did the client make an explicit commitment to the project?
1d Were the roles and responsibilities of the researcher and client organization
members specified explicitly?
1e Were project objectives and evaluation measures specified explicitly?
1f Were the data collection and analysis methods specified explicitly?
2a Did the project follow the CPM or justify any deviation from it?
2b Did the researcher conduct an independent diagnosis of the organizational
2c Were the planned actions based explicitly on the results of the diagnosis?
2d Were the planned actions implemented and evaluated?
2e Did the researcher reflect on the outcomes of the intervention?
2f Was this reflection followed by an explicit decision on whether or not to
proceed through an additional process cycle?
2g Were both the exit of the researcher and the conclusion of the project due to
either the project objectives being met or some other clearly articulated
3a Were the project activities guided by a theory or set of theories?
3b Was the domain of investigation, and the specific problem setting, relevant
and significant to the interests of the researcher’s community of peers as well as
the client?
3c Was a theoretically based model used to derive the causes of the observed
3d Did the planned intervention follow from this theoretically based model?
3e Was the guiding theory, or any other theory, used to evaluate the outcomes
of the intervention?
4a Were both the researcher and client motivated to improve the situation?
4b Were the problem and its hypothesized cause(s) specified as a result of the
4c Were the planned actions designed to address the hypothesized cause(s)?
4d Did the client approve the planned actions before they were implemented?
4e Was the organization situation assessed comprehensively both before and
after the intervention?
4f Were the timing and nature of the actions taken clearly and completely
5a Did the researcher provide progress reports to the client and organizational
5b Did both the researcher and the client reflect upon the outcomes of the
5c Were the research activities and outcomes reported clearly and completely?
5d Were the results considered in terms of implications for further action in this
5e Were the results considered in terms of implications for action to be taken in
related research domains?
5f Were the results considered in terms of implications for the research
community (general knowledge, informing/re-informing theory)?
5g Were the results considered in terms of the general applicability of CAR?
Principles and Criteria in CAR, adapted from Davison et al. (2004)
Proceedings of the 20th UK Academy for Information Systems Annual Conference (UKAIS 2015)
March 2015; Oxford, UK
ISBN: 978-0-9560272-8-3
Instrumental theory enables the researcher to diagnose issues and identify potential solutions
to them. Solutions would be provided through focal theory. The instrumental theory would
serve to operationalize the focal theory. As instrumental theories are used by both researchers
and clients, they also help to ensure that theory is always relevant to practice, and practice is
connected to theory (Davison et al., 2012). The theoretical underpinning of CAR fits well
with this study. We identified two theories that can guide this research; stakeholder theory
and sense making theory. Stakeholder theory will act as the instrumental theory, as it will
involve engaging stakeholders to identify issues and resolve them. Sense making theory will
act as the focal theory as it will provide the platform for solutions to be communicated. In this
case it will quite literally provide something for the stakeholders to focus their attention on,
the visualisation of business process issues. It was for these reasons that CAR was chosen as
the research method for this study.
The CAR Project
The Organization
The organizational client is a SME manufacturing company that has been operating for over
20 years providing specialist equipment primarily for the marine industry. In recent times, the
company has seen its trading volumes increase. This successful period of growth has led the
senior management team to set a target to triple turnover in the next 5 years. This will be a
challenge, not only because of the increased volume in production, but also because
production times will have to be increased. Prior to the recession, customers were large
organisations that were prepared to accept long lead times for production. However, post
recession, the customer profile has changed with individual ship owners becoming a large
customer base of the company. Their needs are different and they require delivery of new
products within weeks or even days of the order being placed. In addition, the company is
exploring opportunities for acquisitions and potentially expanding into new markets.
The senior management team took the view that to transform turnover levels established
business processes needed to change. The production process was slow, cumbersome,
disjointed and hard to monitor. The company attempted to achieve these process changes
through the implementation of a new ERP system to act as a central database for all
departments, standardising processes across the business to become more efficient.
Unfortunately, after one and a half years of using the system these efficiency improvements
had not materialised. Consequently, the head of the company’s Management Information
Systems (MIS) team contacted the authors and asked for their input in resolving this issue.
The company and the university agreed to co-fund and instigate a CAR study with a
researcher (lead author) embedded within the company to develop and trial a new BPM
technique. The main project sponsor from company was the head of the MIS team.
The CAR study commenced in April 2014. The researcher undertook an extensive orientation
process to familiarise himself with the various departments and start to build a rapport with
company employees. During the orientation, employees from different departments took the
opportunity to inform the researcher of several process and technology problems that they
were experiencing. Following the orientation the researcher observed that in order to get a
clear understanding of the business process problems it would be necessary to study several
different departments in more depth. With that in mind it was decided that data would be
Proceedings of the 20th UK Academy for Information Systems Annual Conference (UKAIS 2015)
March 2015; Oxford, UK
ISBN: 978-0-9560272-8-3
collected via in-depth semi-structured interviews, observations and a companywide survey.
Collecting data via a variety of different methods allowed data validation through
triangulation to enhance the accuracy of the study (Creswell 2008).
To gain a deeper understanding of the business process problems, a semi-structured interview
technique was used. A semi-structured technique was chosen over a structured approach
because it allows the interviewer to stick to the topic at hand but gives the interviewee the
opportunity to add what they feel is relevant. It was decided, in the first instance to interview
the team leaders of customer services, production, quality assurance and the MIS team. Team
leaders in these departments were chosen for two important reasons. First, focussing on these
team leaders was considered to be a good starting point to access other employees in the
departments. Second, the departments selected represented the key departments in the
production processes for the business, a key area of concern for the senior management team.
Each interviewee was questioned on where their departments fitted within the company, who
they liaise and interact with and the issues they faced both internally and externally.
To complement and corroborate the interview data the researcher spent several weeks
observing the production, quality assurance and customer services departments. This allowed
him to get to know the ordinary members of staff and observe them in their day to day duties.
Throughout these initial observations, the employees demonstrated the current processes and
gave their opinions on the various issues the company is facing. Each team member had
specific functions to perform and the researcher was able to get a good overview of them in
the initial observation. Following the initial observations, the researcher fed back the
information to the project sponsor. The researcher then repeated the observation process with
more focus on each specific process within the various departments. This was repeated
several times until the researcher was able to produce a map of the various processes and was
able to compile a list of issues highlighted by employees within the company. As the
researcher was based in the MIS team, he was able to observe the issues there on a more
regular basis without the need to book appointments. In addition, a company wide survey
was sent out to all employees focusing on the ERP system and the company intranet to obtain
the views of employees on the main IT/IS issues for the company.
The diagnosis stage revealed several areas of concern. From a business process perspective,
employees felt that the company was disjointed with departments working independently of
each other. Some departments did not fully understand what the other departments were
doing and did not have a full appreciation of their needs and wants. Also, within each
department there was a feeling that the company could be running better, more efficiently and
that maximum potential was not being realised.
Employees were not happy about the lack of involvement in the ERP
development/implementation process and felt they should have been included more. The
team members felt that they were best placed to propose a solution to issues within their
department but had not been included in the business improvement review exercise. In
addition, they felt that improvement initiatives by the IT team had not been successful
because in a quest to fix problems they had inadvertently removed some of the previous
benefits, thereby making the situation worse from the employees’ perspective. This comment
was countered by senior management stating that the company has previously tried to include
employees in the development of the system but there had been low levels of interest. The
dissatisfaction with IT implementations had led employees to develop workarounds. The
employees justified using these workarounds arguing that the benefits of the workarounds
Proceedings of the 20th UK Academy for Information Systems Annual Conference (UKAIS 2015)
March 2015; Oxford, UK
ISBN: 978-0-9560272-8-3
were more obvious to them compared to the ERP system. They also added that they did not
consider the workarounds to be causing any problems for other departments. However, as a
result of using the ERP system incorrectly, erroneous data was being produced. Employees
failed to recognise that this inaccurate data was a result of them using the ERP system
incorrectly, and instead blamed the ERP system for the poor data quality.
There were also concerns raised regarding process ownership. This uncertainty was
illustrated with reporting problems. Employees wanted specific reports produced but were
finding it difficult to produce the reports from the ERP system. Therefore, they asked the
MIS team to produce the reports, but also held the MIS team responsible, not only for the
generation of the report, but any queries associated with it. For example, if the report
contained unexpected results, the MIS team was expected to investigate why this may be the
case, not the department that requested the report. This example also illustrates the lack of
confidence in the ERP system held by many departmental employees.
Reviewing these concerns in relation to the literature, a number of observations could be
made. The company needed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of production
processes. However, these improvements needed to be designed so that the benefit that a
process would provide was clear. Employees had highlighted the frustration of losing
previous benefits. What was required was a way of understanding a process, the benefits the
existing process delivers and opportunities to improve the process to deliver further benefits.
This requirement confirmed the need to develop a benefit orientated process model that
focuses on the needs and wants of stakeholders.
A further observation was the resentment among stakeholders from not being involved in the
ERP implementation. The team members felt this was an important omission as they
considered themselves to be in the best position to propose improvements to the IT systems.
These feelings of resentment led to resistance to the new ERP system and development of
workarounds. This observation, is in line with stakeholder theory which highlights the risks
of insufficient stakeholder involvement. Stakeholder theory also indicates that it is important
to ensure stakeholders appreciate why a process is being changed in a certain way with the
relevant updates justified to them. This communication will reduce resistance, the feeling of
resentment and the need for workarounds. However, the use of workshops was not
considered to be the best way to achieve this communication of change as employees felt
they did not have sufficient time to attend the workshops. The modelling of a process at an
employee’s work station could be more practical but the modeller would need to ensure that
stakeholders were able to understand the process and communicate their issues in a
constructive way.
Action Planning
To address the issues raised in the diagnosis stage a benefit orientated BPM prototype was
developed. The model developed demonstrated how the process works with sections either
side to highlight the benefits and dis-benefits of each section of the process. Alongside the
dis-benefits could be a section highlighting the changes needed. Figure 1 shows an example
of the BPM prototype. It highlights the flow of the process – which is the coloured section with the various benefits to be kept on the right column and the dis-benefits to be improved
on the left column. The far left column contains the changes to be made. The model has been
made combining workflow modelling techniques with a benefits dependency map (Ward and
Daniel, 2007).
Proceedings of the 20th UK Academy for Information Systems Annual Conference (UKAIS 2015)
March 2015; Oxford, UK
ISBN: 978-0-9560272-8-3
Figure 1.
Benefit orientated BPM prototype.
Utilising the BPM prototype should give stakeholders the opportunity to visualise the benefits
and dis-benefits of a process they are connected to. It was envisaged that providing
stakeholders with a graphical visualisation of business process problems would make
proposed changes and associated benefits easier to understand.
Having developed the benefit orientated BPM prototype, the next step was to identify a
suitable process to use to test the prototype modelling technique. The project sponsor
highlighted a specific process to study. The process was chosen because it was a process that
had already been identified as requiring improvement and therefore it represented a business
need for the client organisation. It was a relatively small process involving only a few
employees. It was envisaged that trialling a new process modelling technique would be easier
on a small process rather than a process that involves a large part of the company. Finally,
although the process needed improving, it was not business critical. Therefore, it was
considered a low risk process to test a prototype technique. The key stakeholders involved in
the process were, the head of production (process owner), a production worker to reporter to
the head of production (process doer), the head of quality assurance (process auditor) and an
MIS team member (process change implementer).
The researcher went to the process doers work station and observed the process in action. The
process doer explained each step in detail and was given the opportunity to highlight their
perceived benefits and dis-benefits of each stage of the process. The process doer was also
given an opportunity to say how they would like to see the process improved. This was
repeated with the process owner who viewed the model the researcher had created and added
their own comments on benefits and dis-benefits and how they would like to see it improved.
This was repeated with the process auditor and the researcher was able to produce a complete
model of the process. The complete redesigned model is shown in Figure 2. It highlights the
process in a simple easy to understand manner with the various benefits, dis-benefits and
desired changes on either side.
Proceedings of the 20th UK Academy for Information Systems Annual Conference (UKAIS 2015)
March 2015; Oxford, UK
ISBN: 978-0-9560272-8-3
Equipment Calibration Procedure Main Map
Changes needed
What is the task?
Use equipment calibration register to monitor status of testing equipment
Store in centrally located place
Update the register display, remove columns last modified and record entered by. Change who has it to where is it and include cell names
A colour codes for “Due Calibration Date” column
An automated report -­‐ containing list of equipment due in next month and anything past due date -­‐ sent on a monthly basis Difficult to locate
Columns “last modified” and “record entered by” are irrelevant and need removing
Details of testing equipment are entered into register
Following column needs changing: “Who has it” to “where is it” change names to following departments – Cyscan, AGV, Radascan, Repair Cell , QA.
We have no automated procedure to check due dates. Any checking relies on manual work which may be missed
Rely on 3rd parties. This may be missed by them or we may miss a communication from them causing delays
Although it will be reflected in the paperwork, it will not be reflected on the register making it difficult for people to know
Establish a way of alerting finance should they need to know
What is the Process?
Include a comments section to record comments on checked certificates
Limit access to selected individuals to improve security
Figure 2.
It is difficult to find the paperwork once filed. Ideally needs to be electronically attached to equipment in register
Central record of testing equipment being used and calibration due dates
When calibration is due the 3rd party company responsible will notify Guidance
Done on site saves time
If there are major issues 3rd party will take equipment to their head office for further tests
Upon completion 3rd party will present guidance with paperwork of findings
Enable paperwork to be attached to register
ensure testing equipment is fully calibrated and up to date as per ISO standards
Log into register through old intranet
On calibration date 3rd party will come to guidance to test equipment in their vehicle
Ensure new system reflects status and location of equipment, including if taken offsite for repairs
Benefit of process
Essential for audits etc
The paperwork is filed separately in a filing cabinet
There is no procedure for letting finance know
If equipment is beyond repair it will be written off. Finance need to be made aware if less than 3 years old
There is no record of equipment or records being checked after calibration
Once process is completed, last and due calibrated dates are updated
Record of when last done and when next due date is
People can remove data without any form of approval, data can be lost Re-designed business process using benefit orientated BPM prototype
Proceedings of the 20th UK Academy for Information Systems Annual Conference (UKAIS 2015)
March 2015; Oxford, UK
ISBN: 978-0-9560272-8-3
The redesigned process model was presented to the MIS team member who used it to
extrapolate a list of requirements and conceptualised a new process on the company’s ERP
system. A single meeting was held with the stakeholders to present the redesigned process
and how it would be enacted on the ERP system. It was explained how the new ERP process
would deliver the benefits that the stakeholders had requested and the stakeholders were
provided with the opportunity to ask questions. The new ERP process was agreed by all
parties and responsibilities assigned. The new business and supporting ERP process was
implemented and the researcher held meetings with stakeholders to capture their opinions of
the modelling process. The stakeholders reported that the redesign process had been useful
and that their requirements had been met.
Evaluation and Reflection
Having reviewed the data on this first intervention, the trial of the benefit orientated BPM
prototype, we are able to make a three reflective observations. First, by focusing on the
benefits that the stakeholders wanted to bring to the process, in line with BRM literature
recommendations, the researcher was able to gather the exact requirements for the process
redesign. This was important as there were some specific requirements from the process
owners that they considered very important. The re-designed business process and associated
ERP system process would not have been considered to be a success had these requirements
not been met. The focus on benefits also enabled stakeholders to see the improvements they
would gain from implementing the re-designed process which led to positive attitudes from
stakeholders. Adopting this stakeholder focused approach for the application of the benefit
orientated BPM prototype enabled the stakeholders to feel that that they had contributed to
the re-design exercise. The stakeholders perceived that their ideas had been considered and
valued which made them more receptive to using the ERP system. This is in line with
stakeholder theory as reviewed earlier.
Second, the MIS team found the visualisation of the process to be re-designed and the new
process from the benefit orientated BPM prototype easy to understand and from which derive
the requirements of the new ERP system process. Members of the MIS team admitted that
they would not have identified all of the requirements had they not been visualised in the
BPM prototype. This is in line with sense making theory. By taking guidance from this
theoretical perspective, the BPM technique developed proved to be an effective
communications tool for stakeholders to record their requirements without having to attend
Third, regarding the effectiveness of adopting the CAR approach to the study, the evidence so
far suggests that stakeholder theory was suitable to apply as an instrumental theory as it
enabled the researcher to find a solution that was relevant to the organization, satisfying all
the process stakeholders’ needs. Further, the evidence suggests that sense making theory was
suitable to use a focal theory as it was able to communicate the various issues in an effective
However, while this study has made an encouraging start it is subject to several limitations.
The process that was used to trial the prototype was small and easy to manage. Further
research will be required on much larger, more complex processes that involve many
stakeholders in order to evaluate how effective the new modelling technique can be. In
addition, the MIS team were able to meet all the requirements of the trial process owners and
doers. This may not be possible in future projects and the researcher will need to incorporate
Proceedings of the 20th UK Academy for Information Systems Annual Conference (UKAIS 2015)
March 2015; Oxford, UK
ISBN: 978-0-9560272-8-3
this possibility into the modelling technique as well as a way of justifying why something
cannot be done. This is an important aspect of stakeholder theory. Further, the researcher was
involved in every stage of the benefit orientated BPM prototype trial exercise. At present it is
not clear, whether other employees would find this BPM technique easy or effective to use
without considerable support from the researcher. Consequently, it is envisaged that further
CAR cycles will be conducted to test the modelling technique on additional processes,
involving different stakeholders and different departments.
This study is trying to establish how a benefit orientated BPM technique be implemented in a
business environment in order to deliver business benefits. The principles of stakeholder
theory and sense making theory have been employed guide the study. The researcher has
used CAR within an organization using stakeholder theory as the instrumental theory and
sense making theory as the focal theory. So far the researcher has completed one CAR cycle
and has developed a prototype modelling technique that may help realise benefits from
business processes. While the first CAR cycle has produced some encouraging feedback
further CAR cycles are required in 2015/16 to fully address the research questions.
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