bergland ip over voice


bergland ip over voice
Front cover
Portalizing Domino
Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus
Workplace 2.0.1
Integrating existing Domino
applications into a portal
Integration using Domino JSP
Tags, Java and Portlet Builders
Step-by-step integration
John Bergland
Martin Anderle
Lea Medhurst
Sami Salkosuo
Peter K. Weber
Leslie Weng
International Technical Support Organization
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with
Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
April 2005
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in
“Notices” on page xi.
First Edition (April 2005)
This edition applies to Domino Version 6.5.2 / 6.5.3, WebSphere Portal Version 5.02.2, and IBM
Lotus Workplace Version 2.0.1.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005. All rights reserved.
Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP
Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
The team that wrote this redbook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
Additional contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi
Become a published author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi
Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.1 Portal and Domino within the context of the IBM Workplace . . . . . . . 3
1.1.2 Structure of this chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 The vision supporting IBM Workplace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Introduction to IBM Workplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3.1 The business value of IBM Workplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3.2 The product families that make up IBM Workplace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.3 The roadmap of Lotus Notes/Domino, WebSphere Portal, and IBM
Workplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.4 Benefits of Domino and Portal together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.5 Portal architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.5.1 Introduction to portlets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.5.2 Presentation services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.5.3 Layout of the portal page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1.5.4 Customization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1.6 Integrating Domino applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
1.6.1 The portalizing process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
1.6.2 The portalizing challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
1.6.3 Domino applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
1.7 Portlet patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
1.7.1 Link pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
1.7.2 Display pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
1.7.3 Integrated pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
1.7.4 Migrated pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
1.7.5 Designing the integration portlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
1.8 The integration architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
1.8.1 The Portal/Domino server infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
1.9 Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
1.9.1 Multi-server session-based authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
1.9.2 Using Domino LDAP with WebSphere Portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
1.10 Development options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
1.10.1 Target audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
1.10.2 Development environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
1.10.3 Development tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
1.10.4 When to use a specific integration approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
1.11 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Chapter 2. Integration techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.1 Choosing an integration technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
2.1.1 Project considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
2.1.2 Step 1: Pre-project preparation and training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
2.1.3 Step 2: Identification of project requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
2.1.4 Step 3: Selection of an appropriate portlet pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
2.1.5 Step 4: Selection of an appropriate integration technique . . . . . . . . 72
2.2 Integration techniques and development options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
2.2.1 Using existing portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
2.2.2 Domino JSP tag libraries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
2.2.3 Developing Domino portlets using Java . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
2.2.4 Portlet builders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
2.2.5 Integration with Lotus Workplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2.3 Case study: A simple sales tracking application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2.3.1 Case study overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
2.3.2 Case study objective: Sales Workplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
2.3.3 Case study: Application details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
2.4 Deploying the case study portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
2.4.1 Install portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
2.4.2 Creating a label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
2.4.3 Creating a page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
2.4.4 Adding portlets to a page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
3.1.1 Skills and degree of customization - Pre-packaged portlets . . . . . . . 94
3.1.2 Technologies involved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3.1.3 Software and tools used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
3.2 Integration techniques and overview of portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
3.3 Integration Option 1 - Using the Domino V6.5.1 and Extended Products
Portlets: Collaboration the easy way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
3.3.1 Portlets that make up Extended Products Portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
3.3.2 Considerations for the Domino Extended Products Portlets . . . . . . 105
3.3.3 Implementation details for Extended Products Portlets . . . . . . . . . 107
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
3.3.4 Configuring the Document Manager portlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
3.3.5 Configuring the Domino Application portlet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
3.3.6 Configuring the Domino Databases (Notes View) portlet . . . . . . . . 120
3.4 Integration Option 2 - The Domino Application Portlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
3.4.1 Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
3.4.2 Implementation details for the Domino Application Portlet . . . . . . . 123
3.5 Integration Option 3 - using specific Portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
3.5.1 Integrate using Lotus Notes View Portlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
3.5.2 Integrate using the Domino Web Access (iNotes) portlet . . . . . . . . 139
3.5.3 Lotus Web Conferencing (Sametime) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
3.5.4 Lotus Instant Messaging Contact List (Sametime Contact List) . . . 151
3.5.5 My Lotus Team Workplaces (QuickPlace) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
3.5.6 People Finder Portlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
3.5.7 Domino.Doc (Document Manager) Portlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
3.6 Reference material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
4.1.1 Skills and degree of customization - Domino JSP Tags . . . . . . . . . 176
4.2 Technologies involved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
4.2.1 J2EE overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
4.2.2 JavaServer Pages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
4.3 Software and tools used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
4.3.1 WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.1.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
4.3.2 WebSphere Portal Toolkit for WebSphere Studio V5.0.2.2 . . . . . . 189
4.3.3 Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio V1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
4.4 Integration techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
4.5 Integration using Domino custom JSP Tag libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
4.5.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
4.5.2 Domino custom JSP tag libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
4.5.3 The Lotus Domino Object architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
4.5.4 Types of Domino JSP tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
4.5.5 Limitations and considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
4.5.6 Session management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
4.5.7 Object Pooling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
4.5.8 Implementation example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
4.5.9 Conclusions to the custom Domino tags integration technique . . . 286
4.6 Integration via Click-to-Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
4.6.1 Click-to-Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
4.6.2 Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
4.6.3 Implementation of the technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
4.7 Integration via people awareness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
4.7.1 People awareness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
4.7.2 Implementation of the technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
4.8 Reference Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review . . . . . . 313
5.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
5.1.1 Skills and degree of customization with API integration approach . 314
5.2 Domino Java API. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
5.2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
5.2.2 Domino Java classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
5.3 IBM Portlet API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
5.3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
5.3.2 Elements of the IBM Portlet API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
5.4 JSR 168 Java Portlet Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
5.4.1 Relationship to servlet API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
5.4.2 Comparing common portlet API concepts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
5.4.3 Comparing portlet packaging and descriptors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
5.5 Struts framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
5.5.1 Basic elements of Struts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
5.5.2 Struts support in WebSphere Portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
5.6 JSF framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
5.6.1 JSF application concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
5.6.2 JSF support in WPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
5.7 Other technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
5.7.1 JSTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
5.7.2 Object pooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
5.7.3 Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
5.7.4 Domino XML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
5.7.5 Collaborative Services API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
5.7.6 Web services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
5.7.7 WSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
5.8 Portal application design guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
5.8.1 Introduction to object-oriented design patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
5.8.2 Design principles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
5.9 Additional information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples . . . . 391
6.1 WebSphere Studio Application Developer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
6.2 Portalization project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
6.2.1 Sales Tracking Domino application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
6.2.2 Portal application functionality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
6.3 Accessing Domino data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
6.3.1 DominoAccess project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
6.3.2 DominoSessionFactory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
6.3.3 CustomerBean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
6.3.4 CustomerContactBean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
6.3.5 SalesPersonBean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
6.3.6 BeanUtils. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
6.3.7 DominoAccess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
6.3.8 Exporting DominoAccess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
6.4 Sales Tracking application using IBM Portlet API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
6.4.1 SalesTrackingIBMAPI project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
6.4.2 CredentialVaultManager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
6.4.3 CustomersPortlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
6.4.4 CustomersPortlet JSP files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
6.4.5 Testing the application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
6.4.6 CustomerDetailsPortlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
6.4.7 CustomerDetailsPortlet JSP files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
6.4.8 Testing the application, part two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
6.4.9 CustomerContactsPortlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
6.4.10 CustomerContactsPortletView.jsp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
6.4.11 Testing the application, part three . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
6.4.12 Enabling Click-to-Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
6.4.13 Testing the application, part four . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
6.4.14 Deployment descriptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
6.4.15 Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
6.4.16 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
6.5 Sales Tracking application using Struts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
6.5.1 Adding classes to DominoAccess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
6.5.2 SalesTrackingStruts project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
6.5.3 Drawing a Struts application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
6.5.4 Realizing JSPs and JavaBeans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
6.5.5 Realizing actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
6.5.6 Adding global forwards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
6.5.7 Testing the application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
6.5.8 Deployment descriptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
6.5.9 Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
6.5.10 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
6.6 Sales Tracking application using JSF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546
6.6.1 SalesTrackingJSF project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546
6.6.2 index.jsp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548
6.6.3 SalesTrackingJSFView.jsp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
6.6.4 CustomerDetails.jsp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562
6.6.5 Deployment descriptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
6.6.6 Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
6.6.7 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
6.7 Sales Tracking application using JSR 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
6.7.1 Adding functionality to DominoAccess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
6.7.2 SalesTrackingJSR168 project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
6.7.3 SalesTrackingJSR168Portlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
6.7.4 JSP files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
6.7.5 Test the application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
6.7.6 Deployment descriptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584
6.7.7 Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586
6.7.8 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586
6.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
Chapter 7. Portlet builders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
7.1 IBM Portlet Builder for Domino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
7.1.1 Implementation details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
7.1.2 Implementation example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608
7.1.3 Adding People Awareness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608
7.1.4 Enhancing further with Click-to-Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612
7.2 Bowstreet Portlet Factory for WebSphere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619
7.2.1 Implementation details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
7.2.2 Implementation example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
7.2.3 Installing the sample application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657
7.3 CONET Knowledge Director 3.0 for WebSphere Portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660
7.3.1 Knowledge Director components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661
7.3.2 Implementation issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667
7.3.3 Portlet creation methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671
7.4 Implementing the Sales Workplace example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674
7.4.1 Write Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683
7.4.2 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685
Chapter 8. Integration with Lotus Workplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687
8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688
8.1.1 Skills and degree of customization - Workplace Builder . . . . . . . . . 689
8.2 Adding Workplace portlets to Domino portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690
8.3 Adding Domino Portlets to Workplace Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692
8.3.1 Applications and templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692
8.3.2 Workplace Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695
8.3.3 Using the Workplace Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 696
8.4 Working with the Workplace API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708
8.4.1 Using the JSP Tag Library to enhance a Domino Portlet . . . . . . . . 711
8.5 Workplace API and SRI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717
8.5.1 Collaborative Application Component Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 718
8.5.2 Workplace Mail Messaging SPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719
8.5.3 Workplace Instant Messaging SPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720
8.5.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Appendix A. General portlet development guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723
Portlet coding guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 724
Refrain from using instance variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 724
Pass data to the view (JSP) as a bean in the request object . . . . . . . . . . 725
Use the portlet logging facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
Adopt good code documentation habits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
Use the ContentAccessService to fetch external content if necessary . . . 726
Cache portlet settings or portlet data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726
Follow design guidelines for Struts portlets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726
Portlet packaging guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727
Make common functions available externally to portlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727
Combine portlets with similar functions into a single portlet with multiple
configuration settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727
Data management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727
Use portlet settings to store user-independent configuration data . . . . . . 728
Use portlet data to store user-dependent configuration data . . . . . . . . . . 728
Use a servlet configuration for storing the static initialization information for a
portlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 728
General session management guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 728
Limit the use of the portlet session for storing portlet state information . . 728
Do not rely on portlet sessions if the portlet allows anonymous access . . 729
Always request an existing portlet session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729
Prevent temporary sessions from being generated in the JSP . . . . . . . . . 729
Other general development guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730
All portlet strings should be fetched from resource bundles . . . . . . . . . . . 730
Organize portlet help files by language. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731
Use portlet messaging to communicate (send messages) to other portlets on
the same page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731
Avoid the use the HttpSession to share data with other portlets/servlets . 731
Avoid the use of HttpSession to share data with other portlets/servlets . . 732
Performance consideration guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732
Do not spawn threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732
Do not use threads to access J2EE resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732
Limit temporary storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732
Avoid synchronized methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
Avoid long-running loops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
Use JSPs instead of XML/XSLT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
Use caching as much as possible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
Appendix B. Data dictionary for case study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
Product form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 736
Sales person form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 736
Customer form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737
Customer contact form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 738
Sales activity form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739
Appendix C. Additional material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 741
Locating the Web material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 741
Using the Web material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742
How to use the Web material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742
Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743
IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743
Other publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 744
Online resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745
How to get IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 748
Help from IBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 748
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
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Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
This IBM Redbook provides an overview of the options and techniques for
integrating and “portalizing” Domino® applications into WebSphere® Portal and
Lotus® Workplace™. For each of the integration options, we provide an overview
of the technology, an introduction to the software and tools used, and
step-by-step examples of using the techniques to portalize a sample Domino
We begin by explaining why portal integration is so useful for any company that
has a Domino environment, and the importance of integrating Domino
applications into WebSphere Portal and Lotus Workplace. To provide the proper
context, we address the concept and strategy of the IBM Workplace and explain
how Domino, WebSphere Portal, and Lotus Workplace fit into this strategy. We
also explain some of the key concepts of portals and Domino application
integration, and outline some recognized design patterns for Domino application
We cover a broad range of integration options, from using existing collaborative
portlets which ship with Domino and Portal, to using Portlet Builders, or
ultimately, using the Java™ API to customize the integration of the application.
Topics that are covered in detail include:
򐂰 Using existing portlets that ship with WebSphere Portal, and Domino V6.5.3 including a technical review of the Domino Application Portlet (DAP).
򐂰 Using custom Domino JSP tag libraries
򐂰 Using Java programming
򐂰 Using portlet builders, including software products from IBM, and leading
third-party providers.
򐂰 Integrating portlets into the Lotus Workplace
This book is aimed at Domino application developers or anyone else who wants
to learn how to portalize Domino applications.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
The team that wrote this redbook
This redbook was produced by a team of specialists from around the world
working at the International Technical Support Organization, Cambridge,
Massachusetts Center.
John Bergland is a project leader at the International
Technical Support Organization, Cambridge Center.
He manages projects that produce Redbooks™ about
Lotus Software products. Before joining the ITSO in
2003, John worked as an Advisory IT Specialist with
IBM Software Services for Lotus (ISSL), specializing in
Notes and Domino messaging and collaborative
Martin Anderle is a
independent consultant who works with AdHoc Ltd.,
Prague, Czech Republic ( He has
in-depth Linux®, Domino, and WebSphere knowledge.
As a principal WebSphere consultant, he leads and
participates in projects focused on system architecture,
planning and overall system tuning. Martin has over
seven years of experience in system administration
and integration. His time is dedicated mainly to the
European pharmaceutical giant Alliance-Unichem CZ.
Lea Medhurst is a Principal Consultant for Eos
Solution in Brisbane, Australia. In this role, he is
responsible for implementing, administering, and
developing applications within the Lotus and
WebSphere Brands. Lea originally started developing
using Lotus Notes® and has since moved on to J2EE
and in particular WebSphere Portal. Lea has been
working with WebSphere Portal since V4.0 and has
recently gained vast experience with the Lotus
Workplace platform.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Sami Salkosuo is a Software Architect from Helsinki,
Finland where he has worked at IBM for the past six
years. He has eight years of experience in Java
programming and lately his main focus area has been
portlet development on WebSphere Portal Server and
Lotus Workplace.
Peter K. Weber is a Senior
Consultant with IBM Software Services for Lotus
(ISSL) in Munich, Germany and has been working on
various international development and deployment
projects of Lotus software over the last several years in
the EMEA region. Peter holds a diploma in Mechanical
Engineering and is a certified IBM Application
Developer in Lotus Notes and Domino 6. He has been
programming computers since 1989 at the beginning
with C (on UNIX®), started development with Lotus
Notes and Domino in 1995, and joined Lotus in 1999.
Leslie Weng is a Senior I/T Specialist with IBM
Software Services for Lotus (ISSL) based in
Cambridge, MA. She has over eight years of IT
consulting experience and technical knowledge in
Lotus Domino and related products. Her areas of
expertise include analysis, application design,
application development, and system integration. Over
the course of her career, she has had the opportunity
to provide technical leadership for a wide variety of
projects. She is an IBM Certified Advanced
Professional in Lotus Notes Application Development
in R4, R5, and ND6. She holds a Bachelor of Science
degree in Computer Science from Northeastern University.
We also wish to acknowledge and give thanks to the team of authors who
produced the original version of this book, Portalizing Domino Applications for
WebSphere Portal, SG24-7004. The original authors were:
򐂰 Tommi Tulisalo
򐂰 Christopher Heltzel
򐂰 Camilo Rojas
򐂰 Michael Ticknor
򐂰 Oliver Trabert
򐂰 Marko Viksten
Additional contributors
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:
Peter Janzen, Senior Product Manager, Lotus Software
IBM, Cambridge, MA, USA
Steve Leland, Lotus Software
IBM, Westford, MA, USA
Thomas Reske, Student Intern, Applied Computer Science
IBM, Stuttgart, Germany
Philip Monson, ITSO Project Leader
IBM, Cambridge, MA, USA
Tommi Tulisalo, IT Architect, IBM Software Services, EMEA
IBM, Helsinki, Finland
Oliver Trabert, WebSphere Portal Architect, WP Experts
( Cologne, Germany
Special thanks to Ted Snyder and Brian Chaput at Bowstreet
( for their help in providing information about
Bowstreet’s Portlet Factory.
Special thanks for Markus Marenbach and Petra Leuchtenberg at Conet AG
( Their help in providing the information about Conet
Knowledge Director 3.0 for WebSphere Portal was extremely valuable.
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Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
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Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Chapter 1.
Introduction to portalizing
Domino applications
In this chapter, we introduce WebSphere Portal, and discuss the importance and
benefits of integrating Domino applications with Portal and Lotus Workplace. We
will illustrate that for companies moving towards a portal based solution, it is
essential to be able to seamlessly integrate Domino applications.
Within a larger context, we discuss how WebSphere Portal, Domino, and the
Domino Extended products are key components that make up the IBM
Workplace strategy. The term “Workplace” is taking on an increasingly important
and broad meaning for IBM Software. The IBM Workplace strategy represents
the people side of IBM's software business. It is made up of new and existing
products and technologies that connect people with other people, business
processes, information, and applications. We discuss in detail how WebSphere
Portal, Domino, and Lotus Workplace play a key role in forming the IBM
Workplace and ultimately making this vision a reality.
There are many options for Domino integration, and no single method fits all
needs. Using a portalizing methodology can assist the reader in making the right
choice for specific requirements. We introduce the range of options, from using
the ‘out of the box’ collaborative portlets that ship with Domino V6.5.1 and Portal,
to using Java programming to reach a fully customized solution that best meets
your organization’s needs.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
Finally, we introduce the important architectural aspects that need to be
understood for successful integration of Domino applications within WebSphere
Note: Throughout this book, we refer primarily to integrating Domino
applications with WebSphere Portal. In specific instances, we also discuss the
benefits of ‘portalizing’ applications for integration with Lotus Workplace.
Since Lotus Workplace is built upon WebSphere Portal technology, note that
for all practical purposes, the methods we describe for integrating with
WebSphere Portal will also apply to Lotus Workplace as well.
Finally, in Chapter 8, “Integration with Lotus Workplace” on page 687, we
address specific methods that apply directly to Lotus Workplace. We discuss
the Lotus Workplace API and the Workplace Application Builder.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
1.1 Overview
Within this chapter, we introduce the key concepts, technical considerations, and
integration options that apply to portalizing Domino Applications with WebSphere
Portal and Lotus Workplace V2.0.1. This chapter is intended to provide an
overview of the key issues, while subsequent chapters go into much greater
detail on how to implement the different integration methods. Some of the key
questions and issues to be introduced in this chapter are the following:
򐂰 What are the benefits of integrating Domino applications with WebSphere
򐂰 What do we mean by the term and concept of the “IBM Workplace” family of
products? As this family of products for IBM Workplace gains greater
significance within IBM and this vision takes shape, how do Portal, Domino,
and Lotus Workplace V2.0.1 fit into this?
򐂰 Exactly what does the term “portalizing” mean, and what are the different
options for integrating Domino applications within WebSphere Portal?
򐂰 For which situations is each of the different integration methods most
appropriate? Does one specific method of integration provide the most
򐂰 What are the required skills and level of complexity involved with each of the
integration methods?
򐂰 What are the specific portlet development patterns that apply to each level of
integration? Portlet patterns will help to classify what type of integration level
should be used; this information is relevant when deciding what integration
technique to use.
1.1.1 Portal and Domino within the context of the IBM Workplace
Before discussing issues and integration methods that are specific to Portal,
Domino, and Lotus Workplace V2.0.1, it is important to establish a foundation
based upon the concept of an electronic working environment, or more
commonly referred to as a “workplace’. (At the time of this redbook’s publication,
this term is being used broadly within IBM and the IT industry. There is some
confusion, as certain IBM Software products contain the name “Workplace’,
while IBM is also laying out the concept and vision of the “IBM Workplace”.) In
the upcoming sections, we will clarify this issue.
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
In the most basic sense, think of the term workplace as a unified electronic
working environment. It serves as a simple, unified access point to applications.
It is the ‘front end’ environment on which an end user performs their work and
collaborates with others. The productivity and efficiency of an employee can be
directly impacted by the following factors:
򐂰 The degree to which this front end ‘workplace’ is intuitive and easy to use
򐂰 Provides a single point of access to required applications
򐂰 Allows for real time collaboration within the context of a specific task
The following sections illustrate how we introduce the strategy and concept of the
IBM Workplace and then address the issues more specific to WebSphere Portal
and Lotus Domino.
1.1.2 Structure of this chapter
򐂰 Introduction to the concept of the unified electronic working environment and
the specific IBM Workplace strategy
– 1.2, “The vision supporting IBM Workplace” on page 5 discusses the
underlying vision beneath the IBM Workplace by highlighting the concepts
and benefits of the unified electronic working environment.
– 1.3, “Introduction to IBM Workplace” on page 6 introduces IBM Workplace
with its family of products - and what their particular role is in IBM
Workplace. In particular, we want to also clarify the role of Portal, Domino,
and Lotus Workplace within the greater IBM Workplace vision.
򐂰 Introduction to Portal Architecture, Portal functionality, and portlets
– 1.5, “Portal architecture” on page 23 gives an overview about WebSphere
Portal and shows what a portlet is.
– 1.6, “Integrating Domino applications” on page 35 points out the key facts
of the “portalizing” process, what patterns can be used to identify possible
integration techniques, and talks about the integration architecture.
򐂰 Authentication Considerations for Portal and Domino
– 1.9, “Authentication” on page 54 details what authentication is about when
having WebSphere and Domino “talking” to each other.
򐂰 Development options, skills, and degree of customization
– 1.10, “Development options” on page 58 gives the reader
recommendations on what the appropriate “tool” is to get it done.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
1.2 The vision supporting IBM Workplace
Portals serve as a simple, unified access point to applications. This front end of
computing is the people side, the environment where users live and do their
A unified electronic work environment represents a flexible, standards-based
model that can be assembled from various combinations of componentized
capabilities. It brings together whatever users need - business processes,
collaboration capabilities, information, documents, or productivity tools - and
presents these to the user through a unified workplace interface.
This online environment is tailored to the user, based on role. With all required
resources at hand and presented within the business context, users can
conveniently stay in this environment to do all facets of their work throughout the
day. Synchronization services enable users to continue accessing their
workplaces even when disconnected from the network. This means they can
access the same resources whether in the office, at a client site, or in a car or
plane. They can also access their workplaces through server-managed clients of
choice, whether a Web browser, a rich client, or a mobile device.
Figure 1-1 on page 6 shows the users and IT perspective of a unified electronic
work environment.
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
Figure 1-1 The users and IT perspective of workplace
The vision of IBM Workplace is that people can use whatever access point they
choose throughout the day, in order to access the people, information, and
business applications they need, when and where they need them. Whatever
their mode of access, users see their online work environments through a
consistent user interface. In addition to employees, external constituents such as
business partners, suppliers, or customers may also be connected to information
sources and business processes appropriate to their roles.
1.3 Introduction to IBM Workplace
IBM Workplace represents a unified electronic work environment for people
productivity, built with products and technologies from IBM. It is supported by a
family of specific IBM products and technologies that make more people more
productive in the context of the business they do every day. It is made up of new
and existing products that connect people to business processes, information,
applications, and other people.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
The concept of the IBM Workplace represents the front end of computing. Its
mission is to make more people more productive in the context of the business
they do everyday. It enables people to easily connect to the information,
applications, and business processes they need, when they need them, via a
wide spectrum of access points ranging from enterprises desktops to pervasive
IBM Workplace is comprised of new and existing products and technology,
including Lotus Notes and Domino, WebSphere Portal, Lotus Workplace,
WebSphere Everyplace®, and Workplace Client Technology™, and provides
high-performance, role-based Workplaces that are provisioned directly to users.
IBM Workplace also includes industry specific solutions, based upon the IBM
Workplace family of products. Finally, IBM Workplace uniquely combines the
productivity gains of the desktop with the cost advantages of the network.
Over the years, many organizations have utilized Domino (and continue to use it)
for a countless number of collaboration solutions. The following sections outlines
why Lotus Domino takes a key position in the IBM Workplace strategy, what
possibilities for integration within are available, and how to make the decision for
an appropriate integration technique. We will take a deeper look into portal
architecture and portlet technology - always keeping the perspective of the key
issues for integrating Domino with Portal. We will show what integration
techniques are available and how to select “the one” that fits.
So what does IBM Workplace mean in practice for a user?
Things a typical user might need to do in the course of a day:
1. Talk to colleagues one-on-one or in meetings
2. Write/find/share some documents
3. Execute actions to advance a business process
4. Seek quick answers to questions
5. Contribute to a team project
6. Look up personal benefits information
7. Learn about a new company initiative
This user could do all the above without ever leaving his Workplace or opening
and closing different applications. Entering his Workplace with a single sign-on,
the user would have immediate access through portlets in a unified interface to:
򐂰 The application supporting his business process
򐂰 The company's intranet, with an HR site for benefits information, and an
e-learning knowledge repository to get up to speed on the new initiative
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
򐂰 E-mail, instant messaging, group calendaring and scheduling, Web
conferencing, "people finder," and team project workspaces for
communicating, meeting, interacting and advancing group projects with
򐂰 Document management, built-in editors, and other productivity tools for
creating, accessing, and sharing written outputs.
Figure 1-2 shows the front-end integration of IBM Workplace and the
corresponding back-end integration of business processes.
Figure 1-2 IBM Workplace
Various users would have access to the specific business processes,
applications, information sources, and collaboration capabilities required for their
roles and job functions, and they could access these resources through their
clients of choice.
Products that fall within IBM Workplace family of products include:
򐂰 IBM Lotus Notes and Domino
򐂰 WebSphere Portal
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 Lotus Workplace
򐂰 IBM Workplace Client Technology, including both the Micro Edition and the
Rich Edition
򐂰 WebSphere Everyplace
Note: While WebSphere Everyplace is one of the products that make up the
IBM Workplace, we do not focus on this specific product within the context of
this redbook.
1.3.1 The business value of IBM Workplace
Organizations will adopt the IBM Workplace model in differing configurations to
serve particular sets of objectives, but all will benefit from the advantages
inherent in the model itself.
򐂰 Server-managed clients: The server-managed client model, which enables
applications to be extended to a full spectrum of client types that are
deployed, and managed from the server, allows applications to more easily
follow a user across their day, whether the user is working from a
disconnected mobile computer using a managed rich client, a connected
workstation via a browser, or a mobile client via a "sometimes connected"
mobile device. Server managed control of the user environment ensures that
everyone has the latest applications and upgrades in a timely fashion.
򐂰 Flexibility and choice: The standards-based flexibility and choice inherent in
the IBM Workplace family of capabilities supports both preservation of
existing investments and future extensibility. The IBM Workplace model
adapts to the client's IT strategy by offering flexibility across operating
systems, clients, document editors, and applications. The Linux, Windows®,
and Mac OS environments will be supported. This flexibility facilitates
streamlining business processes incorporating customers, partners, and
suppliers, and allows the IT infrastructure to grow and change with the
evolving needs of the business.
򐂰 Support for standards: Interoperability is achieved by the open standards
approach, which enables easier and more effective integration with
customers' existing IT investments. The extensible client platform permits
extending the value of existing Web, Java, .Net, C++, and Notes applications,
developing new applications, leveraging existing investments such as Office
documents and Java.Net and C++ applications, and integrating processes
across the enterprise.
򐂰 Security: Robust, policy managed access and control with built-in data
management and security features protect an organization's information
assets. Applications utilizing IBM Workplace Client Technology benefit from
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
local and server-managed encrypted data stores, in which the local data store
can synchronize with the server, allowing policies and ACLs to be applied.
When documents are moved into the data store, they are effectively managed
and are more secure than if left on the file server where they are vulnerable to
򐂰 Total Cost of Ownership: Simplification and server managed control of the
user environment, with “no touch” deployment, administration, and client
updates, radically reduces the costs of managing the environment.
Standards-based interoperability with existing IT investments preserves their
value and eliminates the costs of forced “rip-and-replace” requirements.
Provisioning capabilities to users on demand based on role, rather than “one
size fits all” provisioning further helps to lower the Total Cost of Ownership.
򐂰 Productivity and responsiveness: The IBM Workplace model makes people
more productive in the context of the business they do every day by giving
them anytime/anywhere access to everything they need to do their jobs.
Users benefits from the simplified user interface, easy access to applications,
business processes and documents, componentized capabilities immediately
available in the context of their work, a new rich user experience for
Web-based applications, and disconnected use and synchronization of
applications once tied to the network. The cumulative effect is increased
organizational productivity, efficiency, and responsiveness.
1.3.2 The product families that make up IBM Workplace
The versatile, componentized capabilities available for assembling an IBM
Workplace are drawn from product families from IBM Software Group, all based
on a common technology platform.
򐂰 Lotus Notes and Domino
A family of messaging, collaborative applications and collaboration products
that can be integrated into a business environment
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Portal
Offers integrated access to information, applications, and business processes
across the organization in a single role-based interface
򐂰 Lotus Workplace
A family of integrated, Web-based collaborative products providing a single
role-based interface to the collaboration tool a user needs
򐂰 IBM Workplace Client Technology
– Micro Edition 5.7
Mobile products and technologies for extending applications and
information out to users working on remote devices, such as PDAs or cell
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
– Rich Edition
Enables development of applications that combine the benefits of a rich
user experience with the ease of deployment and manageability of
browser-based applications
Lotus Notes and Domino and its role within IBM Workplace
Lotus Notes and Domino and its family of collaboration products provide
individual collaboration components of an IBM Workplace. These products
continue to provide large enterprises as well as small and mid-size businesses
with collaboration solutions for their business challenges. Over the past years,
thousands of collaborative applications have been built to support functions such
as HR, quality assurance, ERP, supply chain management, CRM, and Helpdesk.
Lotus Notes and Domino is central to enterprises and is an integral part of IBM
Workplace, which is why Versions 7, 8, and future versions are currently being
Sharing today in the attributes of the IBM Workplace model, Lotus Notes and
Domino offers a choice of e-mail clients to fit the varying needs of different kinds
of users, and flexibility and choice in hardware platforms and operating systems.
With Lotus Notes and Domino V6.5, users have a single point of access to their
most valuable e-mail, collaboration, and personal information management (PIM)
resources through the new Lotus Workplace for Notes welcome page (Figure 1-3
on page 12).
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
Figure 1-3 Lotus Notes V6.5.3 workplace
There is continuing support for disconnected use, and Domino's multi-tier
security enables centralized control of access rights ranging from the server level
down to individual fields on a form. The extended portfolio of Notes and Domino
products leverages the same administrative framework.
Lotus Notes and Domino capabilities and applications can readily be integrated
via portlets into WebSphere Portal and with Lotus Workplace products, thanks to
standards-based interoperability. Meanwhile, the development roadmap for Lotus
Notes calls for leveraging the IBM Workplace Client Technology in future
releases (targeting release 8) so that Notes customers can enjoy the benefits of
Lotus Workplace.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
WebSphere Portal and its role within IBM Workplace
A key part of the IBM Workplace strategy, WebSphere Portal integrates
applications, content, processes, and people in a single point of interaction for
the user. It provides the simplified, role-based user environment that allows
people to interact with the on demand world in a personalized way. The user
interface enables collaboration in the context of the work at hand. With a single
sign-on, users can quickly access the dynamic information they need, execute
business processes across critical applications, and collaborate with portal users
inside and outside the organization.
WebSphere Portal is an open, standards-based framework supporting a wide
array of options for customers across databases, directories, platforms, and
security. With pre-integrated portlets, cross-portlet integration for all application
types, and tools for easy creation of new portlets, WebSphere portal helps
organizations move beyond fragmented application "silos" while hiding the
complexity of the IT infrastructure. It is a particularly cost-effective solution for
self-service applications or for any interactive applications that cross
organizational boundaries.
Product and component matrix WebSphere Portal V5.0.2
Table 1-1 shows the products and components that are packaged in each
WebSphere Portal offering.
Table 1-1 Product and component matrix WebSphere Portal V5.0.2
Product or component
WebSphere Portal
IBM WebSphere Application
Server Enterprise Edition
IBM Directory Server
Lotus Collaborative
Portal Toolkit
IBM WebSphere Studio Site
DB2® Enterprise Edition
IBM Lotus Domino Enterprise
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
Product or component
IBM Lotus Team Workplace
IBM Lotus Instant Messaging
and Web Conferencing
Collaboration Center
WebSphere Portal content
publishing (including
WebSphere Translation
IBM Lotus Extended Search
IBM Tivoli® Web Site
a. The license for Portal includes the IBM Lotus Domino Enterprise Server to support the inclusion of Lotus Instant Messaging (Sametime®) and Team Workplace
(QuickPlace®). Please refer to your IBM Sales representative for exact licensing
b. IBM Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing and IBM Lotus Team
Workplace are limited to portal use only.
Lotus Workplace and its role within IBM Workplace
Lotus Workplace is an integrated family of collaborative products based on open
standards. Lotus Workplace offers flexible server-managed client choices to
deliver the right capability to different types of users in a secure, dynamic work
environment. Collaborative capabilities, such as sending e-mail, scheduling
calendar events, taking training courses, exchanging instant messages with
subject matter experts, creating and managing shared documents or
discussions, holding Web conferences, and creating new workplace applications,
are integrated into a single user experience. Lotus Workplace capabilities can be
activated, administered, and provisioned from a single location, which simplifies
management of the collaboration infrastructure.
Lotus Workplace employs a standards-based platform delivered on top of the
WebSphere and J2EE infrastructure. The base includes WebSphere Application
Server, WebSphere Portal, WebSphere Member Manager, IBM Directory Server
(optional), and a relational data store provided by IBM DB2 UDB.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
With its J2EE platform, Lotus Workplace is easy for IT to deploy and manage
because it leverages a central administration, deployment, and provisioning
model. All collaborative capabilities can be easily activated and controlled from a
single point of administration, even as new Lotus Workplace products are
installed. When more capabilities are added, these can be displayed and
managed within the same Workplace.
Figure 1-4 gives an overview of Lotus Workplace and its parts.
Figure 1-4 Lotus Workplace
Lotus Workplace products and features
Lotus Workplace consists of the following set of integrated products:
򐂰 IBM Lotus Workplace Team Collaboration™
IBM Lotus Workplace Team Collaboration lets users participate in online
meetings, create libraries, and interact with team members through online
chats, threaded discussion forums, and document sharing.
Lotus Workplace Team Collaboration includes the following features:
– Team Spaces are places in which members participate in discussions and
chats, share documents and a team calendar, and search for information
related to a project.
– Web Conferences are online meetings in which moderators make
presentations to conference participants.
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
– Applications provide users with access to workplace applications,
HTML-enabled Domino applications, and applications assembled from
templates that were created or customized in Lotus Workplace Builder.
– Documents contains online document libraries. Users can create and
maintain a list of favorite document libraries.
– Workplace Builder is a tool for creating and managing templates for
assembling workplace applications and for editing existing workplace
applications. Users can also design and customize forms for workplace
򐂰 IBM Lotus Workplace Collaborative Learning™
IBM Lotus Workplace Collaborative Learning is a scalable, flexible product for
managing classroom-based and online learning activities, resources,
curricula, and courseware catalogs.
Lotus Workplace Collaborative Learning includes the following features:
– Learning student experience provides an easy-to-use interface where
students access courses. Students can search for courses and organize
them in personalized folders, as well as preview, enroll in, and participate
in courses online. Information about courses is stored on the Learning
Server, while the courses themselves are presented on the Delivery
– Learning management and delivery system components provide an
administrative interface that course developers and instructors can access
from the Web to manage resources, learning programs, and skills
– Authoring Tool lets course developers create course structure and
content, assemble course packages, and import them to Lotus Workplace
Collaborative Learning servers. The Authoring Tool is used by course
developers at their own workstations.
򐂰 IBM Lotus Workplace Messaging™
IBM Lotus Workplace Messaging is a cost-effective, standards-based
messaging product that is security-rich, scalable, and easily deployed. It
integrates with an organization's existing corporate infrastructure and uses
the organization's LDAP directory to automatically create, delete, and
authenticate user accounts, resolve addresses, and route mail. Lotus
Workplace Messaging supports a choice of client experiences from a
standard browser to a rich client experience.
Lotus Workplace Messaging includes the following capabilities:
– Mail lets users send and receive e-mail messages.
– Calendar and Scheduling lets users maintain and manage calendar
events and schedule meetings.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
– Personal Address Book lets users maintain and manage contact
information for people and for group mailing lists.
򐂰 IBM Lotus Workplace Documents
IBM Lotus Workplace Documents provides systematic, controlled access to
critical documents and provides a fundamental document management
capability that is standards-based and has integrated collaborative
Lotus Workplace Documents includes the following features:
– Document library capabilities provide document check-in and check-out,
document locking, and version control.
– Structured access provides an easy method for setting up library access so
that information needed organization-wide can be easily viewed, but
selective information can be viewed only by a limited audience.
– Document editors provide the power to modify popular document types
even when native editors are unavailable.
– Choice of client experience provides either a browser or rich client
– Document author/owner/editor awareness through integrated instant
messaging and chat capabilities.
– Offline support through the rich client provides a secure method for users
to create, import, edit, and save documents, presentations, and
spreadsheets by supporting offline use and synchronization between local
and server stores.
– Security lets users store documents outside the file system to increase
protection from viruses and other risks.
򐂰 IBM Lotus Workplace Web Content Management™
IBM Lotus Workplace Web Content Management delivers powerful
end-to-end Web content management through multiple Internet, intranet,
extranet, and portal sites.
Lotus Workplace Web Content Management includes the following features:
– Content authoring is template-based, with a WYSIWYG rich text editor
providing a guided process that does not require technical skills.
– Versioning and rollback provides a method for creating multiple content
versions that can be used at different times or restored to previous
versions, as needed.
– Automatic workflow processing ensures that the right people approve
Web content before it is published and assures accuracy and relevancy of
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
– Integration of information from various sources allows reuse of
information from back-end systems, improving transactional performance.
– Personalized delivery lets authors create content once and reuse it in
different sites for users with different roles or preferences.
– Multiple database support allows use of Domino, DB2, Oracle, or DB2
Content Manager as repositories.
Note: Please refer to the redbook Lotus Workplace Web Content
Management, SG24-6309-00 for much greater detail on the features,
functions, and recommended method for deployment of this product. You
can find it on the Web at:
IBM Workplace Client Technology and its role within IBM
IBM Workplace Client Technology, Micro Edition V5.7 is a family of products
and technologies that allow enterprises to extend access to business processes
and information to remote and mobile workers anytime, anyplace, and over a
wide range of mobile devices.
Typically, mobile workforces are deployed in functions such as sales or field
service/ support; public safety, inspection, utility and delivery services; claims
adjustment, and so on. Workers deployed in the field must do things like check
prices, fill orders, verify status or locations, get and adjust schedules, report
problems, input client data, and manage inventories. They may need only to look
up information, or they may need to get fully engaged with their company's
back-end systems.
Some workers require multiple or complex applications on their mobile devices,
or are frequently out of range of network services. Others require only a simple
browser- or forms-based application, or perhaps just e-mail / PIM access and
instant messaging. Some need critical time-sensitive information "pushed" to
them in an emergency, or the ability to "pull" maps and directions when traveling
between client sites. The IBM Workplace Client Technology, Micro Edition family
provides different capabilities to different people.
Figure 1-5 on page 19 gives an overview of IBM Workplace Client Technology
and its capabilities.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 1-5 IBM Workplace Client Technology
򐂰 IBM Workplace Client Technology, Rich Edition is a client-side framework,
based on Eclipse, for the deployment and management of business
It addresses the rich-client experience that can be deployed and managed
affordably. Because of the way IBM Workplace Client Technology shares code
and processing work between clients and middleware servers, organizations
that embrace this technology and the applications built on it will have the
flexibility of client-side applications combined with the server-side control
associated with Web-based computing. Effectively, they will have the best of
both worlds.
Not only will this be a boon to IT administrators, but the end user will be able
to enjoy the richness of a traditional client with security, fast response time,
user interface (UI) consistency, off-line support, and tighter integration with
desktop productivity applications.
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
Note: This redbook does not provide an in-depth review of the IBM Workplace
Client Technology family of products. For further information about these
products, specifically for the IBM Workplace Client Technology, Rich Edition,
please refer to the following two Redpapers:
򐂰 IBM Workplace Client Technology (Rich Client Edition) Technology
Overview, REDP-3884-00, found at:
򐂰 IBM Workplace Client Technology (Rich Client Edition) ISV Integration
Guide, REDP-3883-00, found at:
For documentation covering the architecture and integration of IBM
WebSphere Everyplace, please refer to the product documentation
(, or the more detailed information on the IBM
developerWorks® site (
1.3.3 The roadmap of Lotus Notes/Domino, WebSphere Portal, and
IBM Workplace
Currently, countless numbers of Lotus Domino applications are used by
customers who will opt to remain on the Notes/Domino platform for a foreseeable
future. In the near future, more and more of these customers will have the need
to integrate these applications within WebSphere Portal. To help customers and
users of Domino understand the key features (and key planned features for
upcoming releases), we provide the following “roadmap” of features within Lotus
Notes/Domino, WebSphere Portal, and IBM Workplace.
Attention: Many of the statements and features contained in this product
roadmap are based on high level functional goals of future products. They are
intended to provide a general direction and provide insight into major
functional goals. Accordingly, items such as time frames and specific features
in any given release are subject to change.
Lotus Notes/Domino
򐂰 Lotus Notes/Domino V6.5.x
– New portlets and sample portal page, including the Domino Applications
Portlet (DAP)
– Better integration (and support) with WebSphere Portal server
– Domino as Workplace directory support
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 Lotus Notes/Domino V7.0
– DB2 common data store
– Notes plug-in for Workplace rich client
– Common Mail portlet support
򐂰 Lotus Notes/Domino V7.x
– Workplace documents integration
򐂰 Lotus Notes/Domino V8.0
– Notes client on Workplace Client Technology (WCT)
– Optional J2EE mail and Calendering and Scheduling service on Domino
Lotus Workplace
򐂰 Lotus Workplace V2.0.1
– New Rich Client (including disconnected use)
– New Lotus Workplace Documents
– New Workplace Builder
– Additional database support for Oracle and Cloudscape™
– Significant enhancements to all V1.1 products
– Portal V5.0.2.2
򐂰 IBM Workplace V2.5
– Enhanced Tooling and API
– Mobile Access
– Rich Clients for Portlets
– Enhanced scalability
– iSeries™ and Solaris Servers
– MS SQL server
– Portal V5.0.2.2
WebSphere Portal Server
򐂰 WebSphere Portal V5.0.2
– Lotus Workplace Web Content Management (LWWCM) V2.0
– iSeries support for Express
– WSRP and JSR 168
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
򐂰 WebSphere Portal V5.1
– Enhanced Integration and deployability
– Integrated LWWCM V2.5.1
– Business Process Integration
– JSR 170 support
– Workflow integration
– HPUX Platform
– WebSphere Application Server V5.1
򐂰 WebSphere Portal V6.0
– Merge J2EE Team Collaboration (instant messaging, presence
awareness, and team spaces) into Portal
– Extreme deployment
– WebSphere Application Server V6.x
1.4 Benefits of Domino and Portal together
By integrating Domino and WebSphere, you can take advantage of each
product's strengths and create applications that deliver more functionality than
either platform can provide on its own.
Such a combination can have many advantages, since it is:
򐂰 Deeply integrated: WebSphere Portal provides the most robust integration
with IBM's entire software portfolio, including your Lotus infrastructure.
򐂰 Open: WebSphere Portal offers integration of best-of-breed applications. IBM
is helping define the key open standards for the portal industry.
򐂰 Comprehensive: WebSphere Portal provides a complete framework that gives
answers to all requirements for integrating existing Lotus Domino assets with
a single, powerful portal infrastructure.
򐂰 Right for Contextual Collaboration: WebSphere Portal weaves the advanced
collaborative capabilities of Lotus into a portal, enabling organizations to
achieve the highest level of productivity.
򐂰 Secure: WebSphere Portal provides granular security for applications and
content. Therefore, the Lotus Domino directory or other LDAP sources can be
򐂰 Flexible: WebSphere Portal offers the presentation of data for a wide range of
client devices.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 Easily delegated: Sections of the portal can be delegated to various
“downstream” groups, enabling them to manage their segment of the portal.
򐂰 Personalized: Users can personalize content within portlets based on profiles
and business rules.
򐂰 Global: WebSphere Portal supports multiple languages, enabling the support
of global organizations.
1.5 Portal architecture
In this section, we discuss certain aspects of the Portal architecture that will be
important to portalizing Domino applications.
WebSphere Portal offers a framework to help meet the issues of presentation,
security, scalability, and availability. This chapter gives an overview of the
architecture and design of WebSphere Portal, including its presentation and
portlet framework, its security, user management, personalization, content
management, performance and scalability, and search and enterprise
information connectivity features.
Figure 1-6 illustrates the overall architecture for WebSphere Portal.
Figure 1-6 IBM WebSphere Portal overall architecture
For additional information about the Portal architecture, please refer to the IBM
WebSphere Portal Information Center, found at:
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
1.5.1 Introduction to portlets
Portlets are the heart of a portal. The term portlet refers to a small portal
application, usually depicted as a small box on a Web page. Figure 1-7 shows a
sample Web page that contains several portlets.
A portlet is a reusable Web module that runs on a portal server. Portlets have
predefined roles, such as retrieving news headlines, searching a database, or
displaying a calendar. Web pages, Web services, applications, and syndicated
content feeds can be accessed through portlets.
Figure 1-7 Dynamic workplace example
Portlet applications
Portlets are more than simple views of existing Web content. A portlet is a
complete application, following a standard model-view-controller design. Portlets
have multiple states and view modes, plus event and messaging capabilities.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Portlets run inside the portlet container of the WebSphere Portal component,
similar to the way a servlet runs on an application server. The portlet container
provides a run-time environment where portlets are instantiated, used, and finally
destroyed. Portlets rely on the WebSphere Portal infrastructure to access user
profile information, participate in window and action events, communicate with
other portlets, access remote content, look up credentials, and store persistent
Generally, portlets are administered more dynamically than servlets. For
example, portlet applications consisting of several portlets can be installed or
removed while the WebSphere Portal component is running. The settings and
access rights of a portlet can be changed by an administrator while WebSphere
Portal is running, even in a production environment.
Portlet modes allow a portlet to display a different user interface, depending on
the task that is required of the portlet. A portlet has several modes of display that
can be invoked by icons on the portlet title bar: Configure, Help, and Edit.
A portlet is initially displayed in its View mode. As the user interacts with the
portlet, the portlet can display a sequence of view states, such as forms and
responses, error messages, and other application-specific states.
򐂰 Help mode provides user assistance.
򐂰 Edit mode provides a page for users to change portlet settings. For example,
a weather portlet might provide an Edit page for users to specify location.
Users must be logged in to WebSphere Portal to access Edit mode.
򐂰 If Configure mode is supported by a portlet, it provides a page for portal
administrators to configure portlet settings that are shared by all users.
The portlet shown in Figure 1-8 is currently displayed in view mode.
Figure 1-8 Portlet modes
Each portlet mode can be displayed in normal, maximized, or minimized states.
When a portlet is maximized, it is displayed in the entire body of a page,
replacing the view of other portlets. When a portlet is minimized, only the portlet
title bar is displayed on the page.
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
Web application deployment descriptor
As seen before, a portlet produces markup and is rendered in a rectangular area
in the portal page. A collection of related portlets make up a portlet application
and are packaged together in a Web archive (WAR) file.
Portlets packaged together in a single WAR file may share images, stylesheets,
JSP components, and other kinds of resources. A WAR file is a specially
structured JAR file that includes a special XML descriptor called the Web
application deployment descriptor. The filename for the XML descriptor file is
web.xml. This file is always stored in the "web-inf" directory of the WAR file.
Portlet API
Portlets are a special subclass of HttpServlet, with properties that allow them to
easily plug in to and run in WebSphere Portal. Portlets are assembled into a
larger page, with multiple instances of the same portlet displaying different data
for each user. Portlets rely on WebSphere Portal infrastructure to access user
profile information, participate in window and action events, communicate with
other portlets, access remote content, look up credentials, and store persistent
data. The Portlet API provides standard interfaces for these functions.
The portlet API defines a common base class and interfaces for portlets to
cleanly separate the portlet from WebSphere Portal infrastructure. In most
respects, the portlet API is an extension of the servlet API, except that it restricts
certain functions to a subset that makes sense for portlets running in the context
of a portal. For example, unlike servlets, portlets cannot send errors or redirects
as a response. This is done only by WebSphere Portal itself, which controls the
overall response page.
Usually, many portlets are invoked in the course of handling a single request,
each one appending its content to the overall page. Some portlets can be
rendered in parallel, so that WebSphere Portal assembles all the markup
fragments when all the portlets finish or time out. Portlets that are not considered
thread-safe are rendered sequentially.
The markup fragments that portlets produce can contain links, actions, and other
content. The Portlet API defines URL rewriting methods that allow portlets to
transparently create links, without the portlet needing to know how URLs are
structured in the particular portal.
Portlet communications
WebSphere Portal provides a way for portlets to communicate with each other. In
a production portal, portlet communication could be used to copy common data
between portlets. This saves redundant typing for the user and makes
WebSphere Portal easier to use. For example, one portlet might display
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
information about accounts while a second portlet displays information about
transactions that have occurred for one of the accounts over the last 30 days. To
do this, the transactions portlet needs to obtain the corresponding account
information when it displays the transaction details.
This is accomplished by communication between the two portlets, using portlet
actions and portlet messages. In this example, the account portlet creates a
portlet action and encodes it into the URL that is rendered for displaying
transactions. When the link is clicked, the action listener is called, which then
sends a portlet message to send the necessary data.
Using this event and message feature helps unify portlet applications that access
disparate back-end applications.
Cooperative portlets
Cooperative portlets subscribe to a model for declaring, publishing, and sharing
information with each other using the WebSphere Portal property broker. Portlets
subscribe to the broker by publishing typed data items, or properties, that they
can share, either as a provider or as a recipient.
At runtime, the property broker matches the data type of output properties from a
source portlet with the data type of input properties from one or more target
portlets. If a match is determined, the portlets are capable of sharing the
property. The actual transfer of the property can be initiated by one of the
following methods:
򐂰 A user launches a Click-to-Action event from an icon on the source portlet.
The icon presents a pop-up menu containing the list of targets for the action.
After the user selects a specific target, the property broker delivers the data to
the target in the form of the corresponding portlet action. Using the
Click-to-Action delivery method, users can transfer data with a simple click
from a source portlet to one or more target portlets, causing the target react to
the action and display a new view with the results. The user can also
broadcast the property to all portlets on the page that have declared an action
associated with a matching input property.
򐂰 A user holds the Ctrl key while clicking an action and chooses to have the
selection saved persistently as a connection between two portlets, called a
wire. If a wire is present the next time the user clicks on the icon, no selection
menu is shown. Instead the wired action(s) are automatically fired.
Subsequent updates to that property are transferred without further deliberate
user choice. Wires can also be created using the Portlet Wiring Tool.
򐂰 The source portlet can do a programmatic publish of properties to the broker
when it determines that property values have changed. Such property values
are transferred to the target(s) only if wires have been created.
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
IBM Portlet Wiring Tool
With WebSphere Portal Server V5, IBM introduced the Portlet Wiring Tool.
The Portlet Wiring Tool allows you to configure connections, or wires, between
portlets on a page that register with the property broker. Through the property
broker, portlets can exchange information, or properties, with each other. Such
portlets are called cooperative portlets. Cooperative portlets can react to
changes to other cooperative portlets on the page, resulting in a simultaneous
update to multiple portlets with minimal user intervention. Refer to the
WebSphere Portal V5.0 InfoCenter
tml) for a complete description of cooperative portlets.
WebSphere Portal V5.0 introduced wires as an enhancement to the
Click-to-Action features of V4.2. Users' transfer selection choices can be saved
as wires between the portlets. The wire may be used to automatically transfer
properties to target portlets when specific interactions are performed in the
portlet without displaying the pop-up menu prompting the user for more
information. Wires are created by holding the Ctrl key and clicking an icon or
hotspot in the portlet. A dialog is displayed that allows the user to create a wire to
other portlets on the page.
Portlet Wiring Tool allows you to view the properties that portlets on the page can
send or receive. If a match is available between two portlets, you can create a
wire between the two portlets. Existing wires may also be deleted using the tool.
This is an alternative to the wire creation or deletion while interacting with the
portlets as described above. The wiring tool allows wires to be created in
situations that are not handled by the interactive approach. For example, the tool
does not require the existence of Click-to-Action menus to initiate wire creation,
and can be used to create multiple wires from a single source property (using the
interactive approach, a single source can be wired to a single target or all targets,
not an arbitrary subset).
Example of a place with portlet cooperation
Figure 1-9 on page 29 illustrates an example of a place that incorporates portlet
This example shows an HR workplace. In the upper left corner, an employee
directory has been placed. The other portlets show employee details (top right),
skills (bottom left), and the projects (bottom right) the employee is currently
working on. Instead developing separately, portlet cooperation features are used
to present the information in a new context.
When searching for an employee in the directory and clicking on the person’s
entry, other portlets can react to the selection made. The employee’s detail
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
information and skills, as well as the projects they are currently working on, will
be shown in the other portlets. All this is triggered by a click the employee link.
Figure 1-9 Example of a workplace with portlet cooperation
This example illustrates why portlet cooperation is a great concept that helps us
to build new kind of applications, just by exposing existing Domino applications
inside the portal.
1.5.2 Presentation services
The WebSphere Portal framework produces a customized and personalized
home page for users where content for the page is aggregated from a variety of
content and application data sources. The content areas or portlets display
according to what is available and how users customize their portal pages.
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
The portal engine
WebSphere Portal provides a pure Java portal engine, which runs on multiple
hardware platforms and operating systems. The main responsibility of the portal
engine is to aggregate content from different sources and to serve the assembled
content to multiple devices. Additionally, the portal engine de-couples the
presentation details for the portal page from the characteristics of the portlets.
This separation enables each portlet to be developed and maintained as a
discrete component, which in turn, enables faster, easier, and more specialized
development for the overall portal site.
Figure 1-10 shows portal engine components, including:
򐂰 An authentication component. A standard WebSphere security or a third party
authentication proxy server is in front of the portal engine.
򐂰 The portal servlet. The central component in the portal engine examines the
Internet address or URL and header fields of each request and invokes the
appropriate handler.
򐂰 The portal servlet handles the request in two phases. In the first phase,
portlets have an opportunity to send event messages to other portlets. For
example, portlets may send events to update data that will be rendered in the
next phase. In the second phase, the appropriate aggregation module for the
user device renders multiple portlets in a single page. The aggregation
modules accumulate information from each portlet, add standard decorations
around the portlet (such as a title bar, an edit button, and an enlarge button),
position it on the page, and generate the overall page markup.
򐂰 Portlet access. Access to portlets is controlled by checking access rights
during page aggregation, page customization, and other access points, such
as viewing the portlet in its maximized state.
Figure 1-10 Portal engine components
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Page content aggregation
The portal should provide the user with a consistent view of portal applications
and allow the user to define specific sets of applications that are presented to the
user in a single context. Depending on the device of the user, the rendering of
this application set has to vary to fulfill the requirements of the device. Consider,
for example, a set of applications that include News, Stocks, Weather, and
Search, which have to be rendered to a conventional phone using voice
interactions, a WML device with a limited display and keyboard, or a PC-based
browser. The tasks of the aggregation, which are repeated with each request
coming from the device, are:
򐂰 Gather information about the user, the device, and the selected language.
򐂰 Select the active portlets from the set of applications to which the user has
򐂰 Aggregate the output of the active portlets into a coherent, usable display.
Once the active page is determined, the layout of this page has to be used to
aggregate the content of the defined applications, arrange the output, and
integrate everything into a complete page. WebSphere Portal provides fully
dynamic aggregation of pages from page descriptors held in the portal database.
Rendering of page components is done using Gasps, images, style sheets, and
other resources.
Figure 1-11 on page 32 shows the three WebSphere Portal aggregation
򐂰 The HTML aggregation component produces pages for desktop computers
and other devices with HTML Web browsers.
򐂰 The Wireless Markup Language (WML) aggregation component produces
WML content for Wireless Access Protocol (WAP) devices, such as mobile
򐂰 The imode aggregation component produces the cHTML markup for mobile
devices in the NTTDoCoMo network.
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
Figure 1-11 Page content aggregation
The portal also has the ability to easily add aggregation components, including a
voice aggregation module for devices with VoiceXML Web browsers and a
personal digital assistant (PDA) aggregation module for PDA devices.
Each user can customize a unique home page for each device, selecting the
content and applications that are most useful on the device. When the home
page is requested, page aggregation works by first detecting the type of device
making the request and then assembling the portlets that render their contents in
the appropriate markup language.
Multidevice portlets
When a user customizes a home page for a particular device, the portlet
selection list shows only portlets that can actually produce markup appropriate
for that device. Thus, the list of available portlets for each device depends on
what the portlets can actually do. Some portlets may be available for all the
supported devices, while others may be available only on a single device. The
user interface design of each portlet also varies from device to device. The user
home page and each of the portlets may be very different on a mobile phone.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
1.5.3 Layout of the portal page
Before customizing your portal site, it helps to understand the underlying
structure of the portal as it is determined by the portal JSPs. The portal page is
composed of JSPs for screens, themes, and skins that are typically created by
the Web designer of the portal. These JSPs reside in the corresponding
/screens, /themes, /skins directories under
was_root/installedApps/hostname/wps.ear/wps.war. Within this location,
subdirectories for markup, locale, and client types are used to support portal
򐂰 Themes
Determines the look and layout of the portal, including colors, fonts, and
images outside of the portlet content area (Home screen). Themes often
provide the initial navigation to portal pages.
򐂰 Screens
The area of the portal that typically displays portlets (Home screen), but can
also display other content in its place, for example, a login form or error
message. Screens are selected from navigation icons in the theme colors.
They are installed independently from themes.
򐂰 Skins
Represent the border rendering around components, such as row containers,
column containers, or portlets. Figure 1-12 shows a “shadow” skin. Skins also
provide navigation to levels deeper than the navigation that is provided by the
themes. Skins can use the theme name to select the graphics that match the
theme colors. Skins are installed independently from themes. However, the
administrator can set a default skin for a theme.
Figure 1-12 Example “shadow” skin
1.5.4 Customization
Customizing the user's portal experience is one of the main goals of WebSphere
Portal. To achieve this, WebSphere Portal provides user and administrative
portlets for customizing content and the look and layout of pages. In addition,
tools are provided that allow subject matter experts to personalize content to the
needs and interests of each site visitor.
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
Figure 1-13 gives an example of a page that has the following layout:
򐂰 A row container that contains:
– Two column containers, each containing:
• Two portlet containers, with a portlet in each
Figure 1-13 Page layout example
It is important to understand that the portal “owns” the entire HTML page. Our
portlet will be placed inside of an HTML table cell, and therefore only owns the
real estate within that cell.
This also means that we do not have to handle any opening or closing HTML or
BODY tags. Those will be rendered by the portal page aggregator.
It is also important to keep in mind that the portlet can be displayed in column
containers of different widths. Therefore, we should not use absolute width
settings in our own rendering. It is good practice to use relative width wherever
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
1.6 Integrating Domino applications
In this section, we introduce the methods of portalizing Domino applications,
namely transforming and embedding an application into a portal.
1.6.1 The portalizing process
Before talking about the term portalizing, a common understanding of the
meaning of this term needs to be established.
Figure 1-14 presents a high-level outline of the overall portalizing process.
Figure 1-14 From Domino applications to portlets and workplaces
On the left is a list of typical Domino applications. They need to be portalized into
portlets, which can then be made available for different workplaces.
A Domino application can be represented by a single portlet, but there is usually
not a one-to-one relationship between applications and portlets. Most cases
exhibit a one-to-many relationship. Portal applications are usually made up of
multiple portlets that use portlet cooperation. This way, application functionality
exposed in portlets can be combined in many different ways, sometimes allowing
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
the user to put information in a context that not even the developer of the
individual portlet has thought about.
It is also important to understand that the same portlet can be used in different
workplace contexts with different user roles.
1.6.2 The portalizing challenge
Looking at the portalizing process raises the following questions:
򐂰 What portlet development techniques are available?
򐂰 What is the effort required for portlet development?
򐂰 What functionality can be implemented within a portal?
򐂰 How can scalability and performance be ensured?
In the following discussion we address these questions and describe the factors
and dependencies of the portalization process.
Figure 1-15 illustrates the relevant factors.
Figure 1-15 Factors and dependencies
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
As with any development project, there are multiple factors and dependencies
that influence a portalizing project. The important parameters for a Domino
portlet project are:
򐂰 Domino application: The characteristics of the Domino application.
򐂰 Integration techniques: Knowledge of all the different options.
򐂰 Domino portlet pattern: Defines the portal integration depth and user interface
requirements for the portlet. This is discussed in greater detail later in this
򐂰 Considerations: Overall project parameters like resources, skills, and so forth.
A good understanding of the different factors and their dependencies needs to be
developed to be able to successful portalize a Domino application. The following
sections will dive deeper into it.
1.6.3 Domino applications
The most important piece in the portalizing process is the Domino application
The following parameters needs to be considered to characterize the application:
򐂰 Number of documents
򐂰 Number of users and number of maximum users
򐂰 Usage pattern and number of concurrent users
򐂰 Application complexity
򐂰 Single or multiple database application
򐂰 Web-enabled or Notes client-based
Figure 1-16 on page 38 can help characterize a given Domino application.
It shows several Domino applications, with their database usage on the
horizontal axis and the number of users on the vertical axis. The size of each
bubble represents the database size, and the bar in the middle indicates the
application complexity.
Placing a given Domino application into this grid can help to develop a better
understanding of the usage scenario for a Domino portlet.
This allows you to estimate the workload on the portal and Domino servers.
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
Figure 1-16 Domino application types
Another important consideration is that a portal introduces new usage scenarios
for applications. With a Notes Client, a user usually accesses Domino
applications sequentially, meaning one at a time. On a workplace, there are
multiple portlets active, which will concurrently access your applications. This
increases the server load significantly. In addition, the portal will broaden the
user community for your applications because they are now more visible.
All this can have severe implications on the Domino back end and performance.
Performance considerations
When handling information for the user of an application, the acceptance stands
or falls with the performance given to the user. When gathering information and
displaying that in several portlets, it is unacceptable when the page is taking too
long to load.
Of course, performance is a relative thing and every user has a different
understanding of it. Therefore, take a look at the following example. An employee
directory has to been built and the portlet is specified to look like Figure 1-17 on
page 39.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 1-17 Example portlet “Employee Directory”
The requirements are:
򐂰 Employee directory with 100,000 entries
Initially, the portlet shows the first 10 Employees of the A-name category.
Users can page through the Employees like in a paper phone book, or search
for an Employee by Name or Employee Number.
򐂰 Portal user community of 40,000 users
We assume a concurrency of 5% of the total portal user number for the
workplace the portlet is placed on. That means there are approximately 2,000
concurrent users for the portlet.
The following scenario will be assumed:
The portlet is available on the portal home page for all users. On Monday
morning at 8 AM, all employees are going to log on to the portal.
The interesting question now is: What is going to happen to the overall portal
performance and server load?
2,000 concurrent requests will be sent to display the initial view of the portlet.
Creating 2,000 concurrent sessions to the Domino back end and rendering the
first page for each user does not seem feasible.
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
When planning this scenario, careful thought about caching strategies and
overall session management for this use case must be made. If not, this portlet
can significantly decrease the overall portal performance and put a very high
load on the Domino back end. Caching strategies and session management will
be discussed later on in detail.
Getting Domino data in a high-performance way
Special care should be taken with the design of the Domino application. A
non-high-performance design in Domino can lead to the assumption the portal
itself is slow - which is in the user’s perspective correct (he usually does not know
about the architecture and the involved back-end systems).
It is very important to understand that a portal application based on Domino is
not only concentrating on the portal side. So the back end (Domino) should be
analyzed if it is designed for maximum performance.
򐂰 Remote versus local access to Domino
There are two ways to get data out of Domino and process it in the portlet.
The first way is to use remote access when connecting to Domino. A typical
scenario would look like Figure 1-18. For remote access the Java program
requests the service from a Domino server using Common Object Request
Broker Architecture (CORBA). The remote classes use CORBA to access the
server over a TCP/IP network.
The NotesFactory class in lotus.domino provides createSession and other
methods for initiating access to the Domino Objects in Java applications and
Figure 1-18 Remote access to Domino data
To compile a Java program that uses the lotus.domino package, the classpath
must include NCSO.jar, for example, set
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
The other way is to connect locally to Domino (see Figure 1-19). Therefore,
the application server and the Domino server has to be on one physical
Figure 1-19 Local access to Domino data
To compile a Java program that uses the lotus.domino package, the classpath
must include Notes.jar. For example, set
򐂰 Domino views
When reading views in Domino, using categorized views (if possible) is
always an advantage; that way, Domino delivers “only” the data of the desired
򐂰 Avoid using Reader Names fields
A view index will be built for every view on a Domino server. That view index
contains entries for all documents fulfilling the criteria of that view. This index
will be created and updated without any reference of Reader Names fields,
because the index will be used for all user of that database. If this view is
being used by a user, Domino has to check if that user has the permission to
read a document or not.
Avoiding Reader Names fields leads to a significant performance
enhancement when the number of documents that the user has read
permission to is not more than roughly 5% of all documents of that view.
򐂰 Increase number of DIIOP threads
In previous Domino versions (R5), it is possible to increase the number of
DIIOP threads when connecting remotely. That gives Domino more CPU
power, which may lead to reduced power for other tasks running on that
server (such as indexing, mail routing, and so on).
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
򐂰 Getting Domino data without Java
Sometimes (depending on the solution) it may be a good idea to use standard
Domino design elements to show information. So for displaying only
documents of a particular view, a simple Domino page with an embedded
view can do the job very well. In that case, the property “Don’t show
categories having zero documents” should be selected.
Note: Portlet performance and scalability is often underestimated in Domino
portlet development projects. It is a good best practice to do performance
testing right from the start of the project. Performance is not only dependant
on coding or the Domino back end, but also on the overall portal/Domino
1.7 Portlet patterns
Portlets can be as simple as data display windows into existing applications, or
as advanced as a replacement for complex workflow applications. They also can
have a different level of integration with the portal.
Portlet patterns will help to classify what type of integration level should be used;
this information is relevant when deciding what integration technique to use.
In this section, we describe the following patterns:
򐂰 Link pattern
򐂰 Display pattern
򐂰 Integrated pattern
򐂰 Migrated pattern
As for any development project, it is a best practice to establish use cases for the
portlet usage by asking the following questions:
򐂰 What is the use case from a user’s perspective?
򐂰 Does the use case vary with the role of the user?
With this information, the decision can be made about what portlet pattern the
application falls into.
1.7.1 Link pattern
The link pattern is the easiest of all integration types. It provides the user a link
that launches in the native application. This can be either a Notes-based or a
browser-based application. Depending on the setup of the authentication system,
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
the user may need to log on to the specific application. The Notes client will
challenge you for your password if you have not configured it to use your
operating system login. If the application is browser-based and you did enable
single sign-on (SSO), the re-authentication is not necessary.
A link type integration can be achieved by using, for example, the Bookmark
Portlet or Quicklinks Portlet that ship with WebSphere Portal.
Figure 1-20 Link pattern example
1.7.2 Display pattern
In the display pattern, portlets only display information from Domino. If the user
needs to interact with the application functionality, they must launch either the
Notes Client or a Browser interface. This can be a good option if an application is
already Web-enabled. In the portal, we can give the user an overview of, for
example, all the expense reports that needs to be approved, and then, for the
approval process, launching the expense report application in a new browser
window. Depending on the implementation, it would be possible to launch
immediately into the expense report that the user wants to approve.
Figure 1-21 on page 44 illustrates that it is not necessary to portalize the whole
application to the portal. Sometimes a small view into the application might be
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
Figure 1-21 Display pattern example
1.7.3 Integrated pattern
An integrated pattern lets the user perform tasks in other applications inside the
portlet, rather than having to launch the other application.
In the previous scenario, the user gets a list of expense reports to approve, but to
perform the approval task, a different application has to be launched. Launching
in a separate application might not be a problem, but being able to perform the
task inside of the portlet context enhances the user experience and the usability
of the portlet.
The following example shows how a user can approve or decline an expense
report. In the decline case, there should also be a way to give reasons for the
For a different user role, the creation of new expense reports from within the
portal should be allowed.
In these two use cases only, some of the functionality of the expense report
application has been exposed to the portal. Other workflow processing of the
expenses and back-end integration with an HR system will remain untouched in
the native Domino application.
Figure 1-22 on page 45 shows the advantages of the coexistence of portlets and
Domino applications. Only the information and logic needed for certain use
cases will be transferred into the portlet.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 1-22 Integrated pattern example
1.7.4 Migrated pattern
A migrated pattern is one that is used to replace an application and transform
entire business processes into portlets. Usually an approach like this would
involve a redesign of the application.
1.7.5 Designing the integration portlet
This section outlines important design issues to be considered when gathering
the requirements for an integration of Domino applications.
To reduce the effort in building the portlet as much as possible, functionality and
code of the Domino application should be reused. The reusability will greatly
depend on the architecture of the original Domino application. If it is an already
Web-enabled application, the possibilities for reuse are much higher.
What can be reused?
򐂰 Views
򐂰 Agents
򐂰 Forms
򐂰 Field validations
The options for application reuse vary with the chosen integration technique, and
are discussed in detail in the corresponding chapters.
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
Layout and functional aspects
Figure 1-23 on page 47 shows a portlet user interface used to illustrate some
common requirements for a Domino Portlet.
Key elements of the illustrated portlet are numbered, and have the following
1. Layout definition for views and forms
2. Retrieving and aggregating documents from multiple databases
For example: A product manager works with lots of departments, such as
Marketing, Sales, and Research and Development. Over time, all these
different departments have built there own policy databases. To find a
particular policy, our product manager has to look into every single database.
In the portlet context, these different policy databases should be now
consolidated into one single portlet.
3. Edit-Mode: Implementing user personalization
This can have two different aspects. Since a workplace is tailored for a
specific user role, only a subset of information relevant for a particular user
should be provided. In addition, the user should be able to filter to refine the
provided information.
4. Integration of Instant Messaging capabilities (here, people awareness)
5. Advanced layout (buttons, alternating line colors, and so on)
6. Search functionality
7. Pagination
Additional functionality that may be needed in the portlet:
򐂰 Categorization of data
򐂰 Write access to enable editing of existing data or creation of new documents
򐂰 Transactional handling, for example, calling Agents
򐂰 Search - full text or field level
򐂰 Rich Text Support for display and editing
򐂰 Page flow between different input screens/workflow
򐂰 Portlet cooperation
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 1-23 Elements of a portlet
Portlet patterns used in designing the integration
Portlets can have view and form-like display, page flows (workflow), page
navigation, read and write access, transactions (for example, using agents), and
portlet cooperation.
For defining the degree of integration, it is useful to ask the following questions
when gathering the requirements:
򐂰 What functionality do you need in the portlet?
򐂰 Do users perform transactions?
򐂰 Do you need simple write access to single fields or are complex forms with
field validation needed?
򐂰 Do you have a page flow within the application?
򐂰 Is the portlet a replacement for a Domino application?
򐂰 Is your Domino application Web-enabled?
򐂰 Will the portlet be used to Web-enable an application?
򐂰 Are you going to have one complex portlet or many task-oriented portlets?
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
It is a good practice in developing a clear and common understanding of the
purpose and use cases for a portlet before starting the development. Portlets are
true applications, and therefore it is important to have detailed requirements for
the development.
Using portlet patterns can help in the requirement gathering process, and to
develop a common understanding with the business users.
Portlet patterns can be characterized as requirement definitions for portlets.
Portlet patterns examples
򐂰 News portlet (display example) (see Figure 1-24.)
– Portlet description:
The portlet displays news from a high-volume news database.
– Portlet functions:
Displays data from one underlying Domino database.
Opens the content document in a new browser window.
– Value for users:
The portlet will be a mass channel for combining internal news. As an
enhancement, users can personalize which news categories they want to
Figure 1-24 News portlet
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 New Documents (integrated example) (see Figure 1-25.)
– Portlet description:
The portlet consolidates several enterprise knowledge databases based
on Standard Document Library, Domino Doc, or Teamrooms. This is the
key differentiation from the previous portlet. It adds the ability to select the
view and a search option. Additionally, users have People awareness to
get in touch with the author of the document.
Figure 1-25 New Documents portlet
– Portlet functions:
Combines data from several Domino databases.
All databases have a different database structure, are not Web-enabled
(only standard-view functionality is supported), and have high data
Tools for merging the different Domino databases into one consolidated
database are available, including the IBM Lotus Enterprise Integrator®
Searches inside of the consolidated database.
Content is opened in a form-like layout embedded in the portlet.
Form display also includes Rich Text fields.
Displaying Rich Text inside of a portlet requires special attention.
Depending upon which technique you use to implement, handling of
Rich Text objects is described in detail in Chapter 4, “Using custom
Domino JSP Tag libraries” on page 175, Chapter 5, “Portlet
development using Java: Technology review” on page 313, or
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
Chapter 6, “Portlet development using Java: Integration examples” on
page 391.
Allows the creation of new documents.
Has integrated people awareness.
– Value:
Users never miss published documents again. All relevant information and
documents will be available in one portlet.
򐂰 Policies portlet (write access and transactions) (see Figure 1-26 on page 51)
– Portlet description:
The portlet displays the company’s consolidated policy databases. Users
have the option to select the policy categories they are interested in. The
portlet also has a built-in search function. The individual policies are
opened in a form-like display and are embedded inside of the portlet.
Additionally, users have people awareness to get in touch with subject
matter experts.
The HR staff can create and modify policies from within the portlet. The
HR manager who is responsible to approve policies can perform the
approval process from within the portlet.
– Portlet functions:
The portlet has the same functionality as the previous example, plus:
Content creation and modification from within the Portlet
Integrated approval workflow for policies
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 1-26 Portlet with personalization and form display
– Value:
Users never miss new or updated policies. Through personalization, they
only see the policies that are relevant to them.
For the HR staff, it is very convenient to update and create new policies.
The integrated approval workflow expedites policy publishing.
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
1.8 The integration architecture
The integration infrastructure is a condition that needs special attention. It can
have tremendous impact in an integration project.
1.8.1 The Portal/Domino server infrastructure
The following figures show three common Portal/Domino infrastructure options.
Single server scenario
In this scenario (Figure 1-27), the portal and Domino server run on one machine.
Databases from remote servers get replicated onto the local Domino server. This
configuration is typical for the WebSphere Portal Express offering, for
Proof-of-Concept scenarios, and when maximum performance for getting data
out of Domino (avoiding RMI/DIIOP) must be achieved.
Figure 1-27 Single server scenario
Domino hub scenario
In this scenario (Figure 1-28 on page 53), the Domino and Portal servers are
separate; a dedicated hub server is used for integration with the portal.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 1-28 Domino hub scenario
Distributed Domino scenario
In this scenario (Figure 1-29), all Domino servers hosting Domino applications
are accessed directly from the portal.
Figure 1-29 Distributed Domino scenario
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
Looking at the different infrastructure scenarios can help to identify and avoid
bottlenecks in the infrastructure.
Here are a few checkpoints from a Domino portlet point of view:
– Local Domino access is faster than remote access, but limits the scalability
to one physical server.
– Having a dedicated server to host the Domino applications for the portal
makes the performance more predictable and scalable, but introducing a
Domino cluster makes the programming more difficult. You then need to
handle fail-over and load-balancing yourself. It is important to ensure a fast
network connection between the Portal and Domino hub server.
– Accessing multiple Domino servers helps with balancing the load, but you
need to check whether the Domino servers can handle the extra load from
the portlet. Depending on the access method you choose, you might have
to load the HTTP or DIIOP task on the Domino server. Bandwidth
constraints can also be problematic for portlet performance.
1.9 Authentication
Within the following section, we discuss the techniques and concepts related to
authentication, including implementing single sign-on (SSO), working with LTPA
Tokens, and using Domino LDAP for directory authentication with WebSphere
1.9.1 Multi-server session-based authentication
Multi-server session-based authentication, also known as single sign-on (SSO),
allows Web users to log in once to a Domino or WebSphere server, and then
access any other Domino or WebSphere servers in the same DNS domain that
are enabled for SSO without having to log in again.
The portal server provides comprehensive single sign-on (SSO) support. Users
want to be able to log on only once, and be known to the different parts of the
portal server with the same consistent user credentials. Users should not be
asked to do multiple logons simply because they access different portal
The portal server supports single sign-on realms using WebSphere Application
Server as well as authentication proxies. This means that the user needs to log
on only once to gain access to all enterprise applications that are installed within
the single sign-on realm.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
With Domino, there are two single sign-on options that you can use: Lightweight
Third-Party Authentication Token and credential vault.
Lightweight Third-Party Authentication Token
This option requires that the WebSphere and Domino server are configured to
share an Lightweight Third-Party Authentication (LTPA) session cookie. Using
this method has the least impact on your portlet coding, since the SSO process
is handled transparently for the developer.
It must be pointed out that:
򐂰 URLs issued to servers configured for single sign-on must specify the full
DNS server name, not the host name or IP address.
򐂰 For browsers to be able to send cookies to a group of servers, the DNS
domain must be included in the cookie, and the DNS domain in the cookie
must match the server URL (this is why cookies cannot be used across
TCP/IP domains).
򐂰 For a Domino server, authentication information can be shared across
multiple Domino domains.
򐂰 WebSphere and Domino should both be configured for the same LDAP
directory. The authentication token used for SSO stores the full Distinguished
Name of the user (DN), for example, cn=john smith,ou=sales, o=ibm, c=us. To
set up LDAP for SSO, Directory Assistance in Domino must be set up and
configured to point to an LDAP server that the WebSphere server uses, or,
load LDAP on the Domino Directory and configure WebSphere to use the
Domino LDAP server.
򐂰 If the group of servers participating in SSO includes WebSphere servers that
use a Domino LDAP directory, users with flat names in that directory cannot
use SSO (if the participating servers are all Domino, then SSO will work with
flat user names).
It is recommended that Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) be used to protect the
cookie from being intercepted and replayed.
Credential vault
In the case that, for example, the portal server and the Domino server use
different directories or are in different DNS domains, it is necessary to handle
authentication manually.
WebSphere Portal provides a credential vault mechanism that portlets can use to
set and retrieve credentials securely.
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
Understanding the credential vault
򐂰 The credential vault is a repository where credentials are stored. Examples of
credentials include certificates, private keys, user IDs, and passwords.
򐂰 The portal administrator can partition the vault into several vault segments.
Vault segments can be created and configured only by portal administrators.
򐂰 A vault segment contains one or more vault slots. Vault slots are the
“drawers” where portlets store and retrieve a user’s credentials. Each slot
holds one credential.
򐂰 The credential vault provided by WebSphere Portal distinguishes between
four different types of vault slots:
– A system slot stores system credentials where the actual secret is shared
among all users and portlets.
– A shared slot stores user credentials that are shared among the user’s
– A portlet private slot stores user credentials that are not shared among
– A administrative slot allows each user to store a secret for an
administrator-defined resource.
򐂰 A vault slot is linked to a resource in a vault implementation, the place where
the credentials secrets are actually stored.
򐂰 A vault implementation is the place where users credentials are actually
stored. Examples of vault implementations include the WebSphere Portal’s
default database vault or the IBM Tivoli Access Manager lock box.
򐂰 The resource within the vault implementation corresponds to an application or
back-end system that requires its own authentication.
򐂰 The CredentialVault PortletService returns credentials in form of credential
objects. WebSphere Portal differentiates between passive and active
credential objects:
– Passive credential objects are containers for the credentials’s secret.
Portlets that use passive credentials need to extract the secret out of the
credential and do all the authentication communication with the back end
– The credential classes that are shipped with WebSphere are:
SimplePassive (stores secrets in form of serializable Java objects)
UserPasswordPassive (stores secrets in the form of user ID / password
JaasSubjectPassive (stores secrets in the form of a object)
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
– Active credential objects hide the credential’s secret from the portlet; there
is no way of extracting it out of the credential. In return, active credential
objects offer business methods that take care of all the authentication.
򐂰 The credential classes that are shipped with WebSphere are:
– HttpBasicAuth stores user ID / password secrets and supports HTTP
Basic Authentication.
– HttpFormBasedAuth stores user ID / password secrets and supports
HTTP Form-Based Authentication.
– JavaMail stores user ID / password pairs and leverages the authentication
functionality of the javax.mail API.
– LtpaToken is a credential object for authenticating with a back-end system
that is within the same WebSphere Application Server SSO domain as the
– SiteMinderToken is a credential object for authenticating with a back-end
system that is within the same SiteMinder SSO domain as the portal. This
credential should be used when SiteMinder is used as an authentication
proxy for the portal.
– WebSealToken is a credential object for authenticating with a back-end
system that is within the same WebSEAL SSO domain as the portal. This
credential should be used when a WebSEAL authentication proxy is used
by the portal.
1.9.2 Using Domino LDAP with WebSphere Portal
WebSphere Application Server uses LTPA tokens to provide SSO. When a user
is authenticated, the portal server creates an LTPA SSO cookie containing the
authenticated user credential. This encrypted cookie conforms to the format
used by WebSphere Application Server and can be decrypted by all application
servers in the shared domain, provided they all have the same cipher key. This
cookie enables all servers in the cluster to access the user’s credentials without
additional prompting, resulting in a seamless SSO experience for the user. To
benefit from the LTPA method of SSO, the user’s browser must support cookies
and have its support for session cookies enabled.
The portal server can be configured to use Domino as its LDAP directory.
The configuration process is explained in detail in the section entitled
“Configuring Domino LDAP” in the Portal InfoCenter, found at:
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
Here are just a few hints that are useful:
򐂰 The users WPSADMIN and WPSBIND must be created in the Domino
directory. Also, the group WPSADMINS must be created, and WPSBIND and
WPSADMIN must be group members.
򐂰 The group WPSADMINS must have proper permissions and roles in the ACL
򐂰 The correct LDAP settings in the global configuration document must be
򐂰 When using collaboration portlets, ensure that the list of fields that can be
queried by anonymous users has been extended.
򐂰 When installing a portal, the following settings for the LDAP must be used:
user prefix="cn"
user suffix=""
group prefix="cn"
group suffix=""
Portal administrator DN = "cn=wpsadmin,"
Portal administrator group = "cn=wpsadmins"
򐂰 When installing WebSphere Application Server-Domino SSO, ensure that the
field for the LDAP server name in the Domino SSO document has been
changed. There must be a backslash after the colon and before the Port
1.10 Development options
To put the portlet development/building technology described in this book in
context, you must understand the options available for accessing and building
portlets for Domino using WebSphere Portal.
The positioning includes categorizing the available options in terms of the skill
level required to produce a portlet.
Chapter 2, “Integration techniques” on page 69 will discuss, in detail, what the
listed tools, toolkits, SDKs, and builders are all about.
1.10.1 Target audience
The overview below outlines the target audience integrating Domino within
WebSphere Portal via portlets:
򐂰 Line of business and power users
Line of business and power users normally know about the business
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
processes, but have limited background in developing Domino or J2EE
򐂰 Mid-level script developers
Mid-level script developers have knowledge about developing Domino
applications, but are limited in developing J2EE applications.
򐂰 Professional Domino/J2EE developers
Professional Domino/J2EE developers have a broad knowledge about
Domino development and J2EE.
1.10.2 Development environments
When dealing with Domino and WebSphere, the recommended development
environments are:
򐂰 Domino Designer®
It is important to highlight that you should always (when possible) use the
latest version in order to have the most recent tool support.
򐂰 WebSphere Studio
WebSphere Studio is a development environment based on Eclipse. By using
plug-ins to extend the functionality, all J2EE development can easily done with
it. Some of these plug-ins are:
– WebSphere Portal Toolkit
– Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio
򐂰 Third-party Java development environments
It is possible to use existing Java development environments (like Borland’s
JBuilder and so on).
򐂰 Builders
Builders are used to reducing the development effort by having a
tool/environment where the development will be made. The code creation will
be done “on the fly”.
1.10.3 Development tools
Depending on different factors (complexity of the solution, skill set, and so on),
several options are available.
Existing portlets
򐂰 IBM Lotus Notes/Domino and Extended Products Portlets V6.5.1. (and
subsequent versions)
– Domino Web Access (formerly iNotes™)
– Domino Applications (DAP)
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
– Lotus Domino Document Manager (formerly Domino.Doc®)
– Lotus Notes Discussion
– Lotus Notes Mail
– Lotus Notes Teamroom
– Lotus Notes View
– Lotus Web Conferencing (formerly Sametime)
– Lotus Web Conferencing Contact List (formerly Sametime Contact List)
– My Lotus Notes To Do
– My Lotus Team Workplaces (formerly QuickPlace)
– People Finder
– Sample pages
򐂰 Common PIM Portlet
򐂰 Common Calendar Portlet
򐂰 Lotus Team Workplace
򐂰 XML helper and RSS portlets
򐂰 Web Clipping portlet
򐂰 Web page portlet (iFrame)
򐂰 QuickLinks portlet
Domino JSP tag libraries
򐂰 Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio
򐂰 WebSphere Portal Application Integrator (WPAI)
– For Domino (also known as IBM Portlet Builder for Domino)
򐂰 Bowstreet Portlet Factory for WebSphere
򐂰 Workplace builder
򐂰 Conet Knowledge Director V3.0 for WebSphere Portal
Developing using Java
򐂰 Domino Java API
򐂰 IBM portlet API
򐂰 JSR 168 portlet API
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 JSF portlet framework
򐂰 Struts portlet framework
򐂰 Lotus Workplace API
1.10.4 When to use a specific integration approach
The big question for involved developers is what tool to use to get the Domino
application integrated with WebSphere while balancing the following two goals:
򐂰 Achieving integration as fast as possible
򐂰 Minimal development effort
The authors of this redbook cannot answer that question directly. This redbook
should help you make an informed decision about the possible options, but it
always depends on the specific requirements, the staff, and the time frame.
Finally, one of the key questions asked by Domino developers with limited
knowledge of Java is: “Which option for integration/portalizing Domino
applications is the best starting point?” Additionally, developers are constantly
trying to balance the following two goals:
򐂰 Achieving integration as fast as possible
򐂰 Minimal development effort
The answer about which integration option to choose does not have such a
simple answer, since it is influenced by each individual application and available
skills. At the very least, however, this next section will help provide a greater
context of what integration option may be best suited, relative to the other
technical approaches for integrating Domino and Portal.
Figure 1-30 on page 62 gives an overview of all the available options to the
user/developer for portalizing Domino applications. Note that the horizontal axis
illustrates an increasing range of customization for integrating your application,
while the vertical axis illustrates the degree of J2EE skills required for each
approach. Depending on the knowledge of developing portlets (or Java
applications in general) (shown vertically) and the level of customization needed
when integrating (shown horizontally), numerous options are available.
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
Domino Java API
IBM Portlet API
JSR 168 Portlet API
JSF Portlet Framework
Struts Portlet Framework
Lotus Workplace API
J2EE Knowledge
JSP tags
Bowstreet Portlet
Factory /
Conet Knowledge
IBM Portlet
Builder for
Level of customization
Figure 1-30 Integration options
The main message to take from this graphic is that there are numerous different
options to choose from - each integration represents some degree of a trade-off
of development skills and degree of customization required. For example,
utilizing the existing Portlets approach (Box 1) represents an excellent option for
solutions in which only a minimal degree of customization is required. On the
other hand, using the Domino Java API (Box 6) allows for a high degree of
customization, but requires advanced Java knowledge.
Finally, keep in mind that depending on the solution you need, a combination of
several options may be required. For example, if portlets built by the IBM Portlet
Builder for Domino need to be “fine-tuned”, it may be necessary to use Domino
JSP tags or to use the Domino Java API.
Attention: Each of the integration approaches is detailed in subsequent
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Here are the key points from each integration approach:
1. Existing portlets
– To use the existing portlets, relatively little J2EE knowledge is necessary.
The portlet can be selected from the portlet catalog.
– Only simple information must be entered (Domino Server name, database
name, and so on).
– Existing portlets offer only a very limited set of functionality for
– Existing portlets will most likely be used by line of business and power
Note: Chapter 3, “Using existing portlets” on page 93 provides a full
description of this development option.
2. Lotus Workplace Builder
– The Lotus Workplace Builder offers the user with limited J2EE knowledge
the possibility to integrate a set of portlets into Lotus Workplace.
– Only simple information must be provided to build the workplace content.
– The Lotus Workplace Builder will be used by line of business and power
Note: Chapter 8, “Integration with Lotus Workplace” on page 687 provides a
full description of using the Lotus Workplace Builder as an integration
3. IBM Portlet Builder for Domino
The IBM Portlet Builder for Domino provides a complete and rapid integration
tool to bring valuable Domino-based information and data into WebSphere
It is a portlet that creates other portlets that are tuned to specific tasks,
databases, or sets of databases.
IBM Portlet Builder is a subset of WebSphere Portal Application Integrator
(WPAI) technology.
The target audiences are line of business and power users.
Note: Chapter 7, “Portlet builders” on page 591 provides a full description of
the Portlet Builder development option and its integration techniques.
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
4. Bowstreet Portlet Factory
– The Bowstreet Portlet Factory is a third-party portlet building tool. It is
comparable to the IBM Portlet Builder for Domino, but has more
possibilities for building and profiling portlets.
– The target audiences are line of business and power users, and
developers who want to reduce time in creating portlets.
Note: Chapter 7, “Portlet builders” on page 591 provides a full description of
the Portlet Builder development option and its integration techniques.
5. Domino JSP tags
The Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio is a plug-in for WebSphere
Studio Application Developer and WebSphere Studio Site Developer. It allows
you to add Domino 6 custom tags to Java server pages (JSP), providing a
simple way to blend Domino and J2EE applications.
JSP tags are XML tags embedded in a JSP, providing data access, data input,
and process control. The tags abstract the Domino objects for Java (Domino
Java API) and provide a quick development turnaround for building J2EE
applications that use Domino data and services
Domino JSP tags can be used for building portlets alone or to extend portlets
created with a builder.
The target audience are Java language developers and Domino developers
with Java language skills.
Note: Chapter 4, “Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries” on page 175
provides a full description of this development option and its integration
6. APIs
There are many APIs that can be used to create portlets for accessing
Domino data.
The target audience are Java language developers and Domino developers
with strong Java language skills.
Note: Chapter 5, “Portlet development using Java: Technology review” on
page 313 provides a description of the Java development option and its
integration techniques. Chapter 6, “Portlet development using Java:
Integration examples” on page 391 provides integration examples using Java
APIs and portlet frameworks.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
When coming back to the target audience, the summary below distills the seen
options to integrate Domino within WebSphere Portal via portlets, sorting by
target audience.
Options for line of business and power users
򐂰 Use the out-of-the-box Notes/Domino.
򐂰 Use the Lotus Workplace Builder.
򐂰 Use the IBM Portlet Builder for Domino.
Figure 1-31 gives an overview of the options.
Figure 1-31 Options for line of business and power users
Options for mid-level script developers
򐂰 Use the IBM Portlet Builder for Domino.
򐂰 Use the Bowstreet Portlet Factory.
򐂰 Use Domino JSP tags (Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio).
Figure 1-32 on page 66 gives an overview of the options.
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
Figure 1-32 Options for mid-level script developers
Options for professional Domino/J2EE developers
򐂰 Use Bowstreet Portlet Factory.
򐂰 Use Domino JSP tags (Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio).
򐂰 Use APIs.
Figure 1-33 gives an overview of the options.
Figure 1-33 Options for professional Domino/J2EE developers
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
1.11 Summary
This chapter outlined the workplace vision in general, then focused more
specifically on the integration of Lotus Domino with WebSphere Portal and Lotus
Workplace. It is clear that the integration of existing Lotus Domino applications is
an extremely important issue for a large number of customers.
We showed that existing Domino applications can be reused and exposed inside
of the portal, allowing the display of existing information in new context. Bringing
together Lotus Domino and WebSphere Portal enables all types of users building
a new class of hybrid applications.
The outline of the portal architecture offers users and developers new to J2EE
what’s “behind” the scenes of WebSphere Portal. This chapter also tried to help
you understand the integration challenge and how to choose an appropriate
integration technique and development approach for given Domino applications
within WebSphere Portal.
In the following chapters of the book, we will examine the variety of Domino
integration options, as seen in Figure 1-34, in greater detail.
Figure 1-34 Set of integration options
Chapter 1. Introduction to portalizing Domino applications
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Chapter 2.
Integration techniques
This chapter provides an overview of the detailed integration techniques
available for portalizing a Domino application. It also provides a guide to help you
determine the best integration technique for your project.
The chapter concludes with the introduction of a fictitious Domino application
case study that will be used in subsequent chapters to provide examples of how
to implement each integration technique.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
2.1 Choosing an integration technique
As outlined in the previous chapter, there are four main issues to consider when
choosing an integration technique:
򐂰 Domino applications: The characteristics of the Domino applications
򐂰 Integration techniques: Knowledge of all the different options
򐂰 Portlet pattern: Concrete requirements for the portlet
򐂰 Conditions: Overall project parameters, such as resources, skills, and so on
Each of these issues must be addressed to ensure the successful integration of a
Domino application into a useful component of WebSphere Portal.
Each issue has many complex and potentially competing factors that must be
considered. This can make it difficult to identify the integration technique that
best satisfies the conditions at hand.
2.1.1 Project considerations
While every project is different, the use of a structured approach can help reduce
the complexity of this decision-making process. The following sections detail a
four-step approach to identify the appropriate integration technique. These steps
1. Pre-project preparation and training
2. Identification of project requirements
3. Selection of an appropriate portlet pattern
4. Selection of an appropriate integration technique
2.1.2 Step 1: Pre-project preparation and training
Issues addressed:
򐂰 Portlet patterns
򐂰 Integration techniques
Before starting a portal integration project, it is essential to obtain as much
information and training as possible. Focus on understanding the portal patterns
and integration techniques, keeping in mind that staff involved in an integration
project must be familiar with the skills and technologies for implementing each
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
When learning new technologies, there is no substitute for hands-on training and
experience. The sample in this redbook is a guide through the various options of
2.1.3 Step 2: Identification of project requirements
Issues addressed:
򐂰 Domino application
򐂰 Conditions
While in the requirements gathering phase of an integration project, obtain the
Domino application characteristics described in 1.6.3, “Domino applications” on
page 37. It is important to have a solid understanding of the application design,
size, performance, and usage patterns before you recommend a portlet pattern
or integration technique.
The project budget, the skill set of the development team, and the application
environment details (including SSO, software versions, and so on) can each play
a significant role in your final decision.
Finally, identify specific functional requirements that your portlet will be required
to perform. These requirements may affect your selection of an integration
Together, the Domino application characteristics, project considerations, and
functional requirements define the capabilities that the selected integration
technique for this project must be able to implement.
2.1.4 Step 3: Selection of an appropriate portlet pattern
Issues addressed:
򐂰 Portlet pattern
Use the customer’s functional requirements to identify the best portlet pattern for
this application. Table 2-1 on page 72 summarizes some of the main advantages
and disadvantages of each portlet pattern.
A detailed description of each portlet pattern can be found in 1.7, “Portlet
patterns” on page 42.
Chapter 2. Integration techniques
Table 2-1 Portlet pattern advantages and disadvantages
Quick and easy.
Accesses existing applications.
No modifications to existing
This is a simple Web link from a
portlet. No content or functionality is
available within the portal
Minimal enhancements to existing
application functionality.
Optional link outside portal to
access existing application for more
advanced functionality.
Minimal or no application
functionality within the portal
Significant functionality within the
Requires more development time
and might be more difficult to
Full application functionality within
the portlet.
The most technically challenging
and resource-intensive to
2.1.5 Step 4: Selection of an appropriate integration technique
Issues addressed:
򐂰 Integration technique
Identify one or more integration techniques that will work well with the portlet
pattern chosen in the previous step. Guidelines for this process are in the next
section. Once the set of candidate integration techniques has been identified,
compare each integration technique with the considerations identified in Step 2:
Identification of project requirements.
If none of the integration techniques satisfies all of the considerations for this
application, identify the restricting factors that are feasible to change. While every
project is different, some of the more flexible factors tend to be: estimated
development time, developer skill set, and non-functional requirements. You may
also consider a less complex portlet pattern. Some examples of factors that may
be more difficult to change are: performance requirements and Domino
application characteristics (database size, usage patterns, and so on).
Once an integration technique that satisfies all project parameters has been
identified, the first and most important step in the process is complete. You are
now ready to design, develop, and deploy your portal application.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Table 2-2 outlines many of the considerations that will influence your integration
technique selection. In the following chapters, the outline of each integration
technique includes a brief discussion of each of these considerations. This will
prove useful when comparing and contrasting the available techniques
Table 2-2 Considerations for integration technique selection
Portlet patterns
The portlet pattern or patterns most compatible with this
integration technique.
Development time
Relative time/resources required to implement this integration
Developer skill set
The technologies with which developers must be familiar to
implement this integration technique.
Range of application
The degree of control a developer has over the portlet
features and functionality when implementing this technique.
Handle rich text
Can portlets implementing this technique easily display or edit
the content of rich text fields?
Performance and
How well do applications using this integration technique
scale? Is session pooling used for Domino sessions? Can this
technique be used in a clustered environment?
Requires single
Does this implementation technique require that single
sign-on be enabled between WebSphere Portal and Lotus
Domino servers?
Required software
Versions of server and development software are required to
implement this technique?
2.2 Integration techniques and development options
Developers wishing to expose Domino content and functionality within a portal
environment have many integration techniques at their disposal. The integration
techniques presented in this book have been categorized into four main groups,
called development options. These development options are:
1. Using existing portlets
2. Domino JSP tag library
3. Java
4. Portlet builders
Chapter 2. Integration techniques
The integration techniques within each development option share many similar
characteristics. These characteristics include:
򐂰 The technologies and technical skill set required for implementation
򐂰 Development time
򐂰 The developer’s level of control over the application functionality
This section provides a brief overview of the characteristics of each development
option and outlines the integration techniques found within each option. Further
details and implementation examples are provided for each option in subsequent
2.2.1 Using existing portlets
Note: Chapter 3, “Using existing portlets” on page 93 provides a full
description of this development option.
There are many general-purpose portlets provided with WebSphere Portal that
can be used to access Domino applications. Other general purpose portlets are
available from third-party sources. If a portlet is available that meets your Domino
application’s needs, this is the most expedient option.
Using an existing portlet is by far the simplest option to implement and requires
the least amount of development time. Developers do not need to be familiar with
Java or WebSphere Portal, or often even Domino development technologies, to
implement this option.
The developer is limited to the functional capabilities provided by the portlet
being used. Customizing the functionality of an out-of-the-box or third party
portlet is not always possible.
2.2.2 Domino JSP tag libraries
Note: Chapter 4, “Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries” on page 175
provides a full description of this development option and its integration
If the functionality provided by existing portlets is not adequate for your Domino
portal integration requirements, the Domino JSP tag library provided in the
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio is a good option to consider. JSPs and the
Domino JSP tag library provide a rich set of development options that are quicker
and easier to implement than the Java development option discussed in
Chapter 5, “Portlet development using Java: Technology review” on page 313.
JSP Tag Libraries provide developers with a quick and easy technique for giving
a Web application the ability to incorporate complex Lotus Domino interactions,
simply by adding custom Domino JSP Tags to a JSP page. Because the
WebSphere Portal framework and JSPs are both based on J2EE environment, a
developer can easily use Domino JSP tags to expose Domino data and
functionality in a WebSphere Portal portlet.
Great enhancements have been made to the latest Domino Toolkit for
WebSphere Studio V1.3:
򐂰 Session management (for connections to Domino)
򐂰 Object pooling
Applicable portlet patterns
Link and display portal patterns can be implemented using the JSP tags, but are
often more easily implemented using techniques described earlier in this chapter.
Generally JSP tags are used when implementing integrated and migrated
A great number of options and techniques are available to the developer. Some
of the options are:
J2EE development
JSP tags
Custom Domino JSP tags
Collaborative components
Chapter 2. Integration techniques
2.2.3 Developing Domino portlets using Java
Note: Chapter 5, “Portlet development using Java: Technology review” on
page 313 provides a description of the Java development option and its
integration techniques. Chapter 6, “Portlet development using Java:
Integration examples” on page 391 provides integration examples using Java
APIs and portlet frameworks.
Java is the base programming language, ultimately used by all portlets running
on WebSphere Portal. A number of options and techniques are available to the
Java developer.
Some of the options are:
򐂰 Domino Java API
򐂰 IBM Portlet API
򐂰 JSR 168 Portlet API
򐂰 Struts framework
򐂰 Java Server Faces (JSF) framework
In some cases the disadvantages of developing in Java are that Java
programming skills and portlet programming skills are required, and the
development time can be a longer than for other integration techniques.
However, a major advantage when developing applications in Java is that it
allows maximum flexibility and it gives the developer total control of all aspects of
the application.
2.2.4 Portlet builders
Note: Chapter 7, “Portlet builders” on page 591 provides a full description of
the Portlet Builder development option and its integration techniques.
This option covers the tools and technologies available in the marketplace that
attempt to bridge the gap between the limitations of the use of existing portlets
and the complexity of the custom Java development options. It focuses on the
technology offerings from vendors including IBM, Bowstreet, Conet, and others.
Portlet builder technologies provide a “middle-ground” approach to portlet
development. They offer significantly more development capabilities than the use
of existing portlet option. In addition, they promise a shorter development time
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
and require less in-depth knowledge about custom portlet development than the
more advanced custom development options of JSPs and Java.
The portlet builders that are included in our detailed discussion in Chapter 6,
“Portlet development using Java: Integration examples” on page 391 are:
򐂰 IBM Portlet Builder for Domino
򐂰 Bowstreet Portlet Factory for WebSphere
򐂰 Conet Knowledge Director V3.0 for WebSphere Portal
These tools vary in capability, development approach, user interface and
2.2.5 Integration with Lotus Workplace
Note: Chapter 8, “Integration with Lotus Workplace” on page 687 provides a
full description of the options and techniques for integrating with Lotus
This option examines possible ways of integrating and extending a Domino
portlet or application to leverage some of the feature of Lotus Workplace. As with
other techniques for integrating Domino applications with Portal, there are
several ways to approach integration. We start by looking at some simple ways to
deploy a portlet into Workplace. We illustrate how to use the Workplace Builder
to customize a Lotus Workplace application. We then move on to some more
advanced integration techniques utilizing the Lotus Workplace Products API
2.3 Case study: A simple sales tracking application
The remainder of this redbook discusses each development option and
integration technique in greater detail. To facilitate this discussion, a sample
application is used throughout the book to provide examples of how to implement
each technique. This sample application is available for download from the IBM
Redbooks Web site. For information about how to download this software, see
Appendix C, “Additional material” on page 741.
Note: This application is intended only to provide portlet migration examples.
It is not intended for use in a production setting.
Chapter 2. Integration techniques
2.3.1 Case study overview
The fictitious company Widget Corp. is using Lotus Domino to support the sales
department. Over the years they have built a sales tracking application to help
their sales force track interactions with their customers. The databases can be
accessed from a Notes client or a Web browser.
There are two main databases in the sales tracking application: the Customers
database and the Sales database. Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2 on page 79
illustrate the user interface when accessed from Lotus Notes. A third database,
Products, is used for product keywords and is not accessed directly by the sales
Figure 2-1 The Lotus Notes interface for the Sales Tracking Application Sales DB
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 2-2 The Lotus Notes interface for the Sales Tracking Application Customers DB
There are five main types of documents used by this application. They are
defined in Table 2-3.
Table 2-3 Document types used by the example Sales Tracking Application
Document type
An organization that is a customer or
potential customer of Widget Corp.
Customer contact
An employee of a Widget Corp. customer
who is responsible for a purchasing
A product sold by Widget Corp.
Sales person
A member of Widget Corp.’s sales force.
Sales activity
A document tracking a specific interaction
between a Sales Person and a Customer
Chapter 2. Integration techniques
2.3.2 Case study objective: Sales Workplace
Widget Corp. has decided to build a Sales Force Workplace using WebSphere
Portal. On the workplace, they would like to expose the content of the Domino
databases that are related to the sales process. They also want to use the
portlet’s cooperation functionality to create a seamless user experience. Their
vision is to present the sales person all the information available on a given
customer in context with the products the customer buys and the most recent
sales activities with that customer. In addition, they want to use people
awareness to allow better communication between the different sales people.
2.3.3 Case study: Application details
The following section describes the characterstics and functionality of the
application. We describe the relationships between documents, the primary user
roles, typical use cases, and specific technical functionality to be included.
The relationships between document types in this application are defined in
Table 2-4.
Table 2-4 Relationships between the record types in the sample application
First Document
Second Document
1 to many
Customer Contact
Customer Number
Sales Person
1 to many
Employee Number
Sales Person
1 to many
Sales Activity
Employee Number
Customer Contact
1 to many
Sales Activity
Contact Name
0-3 to many
Sales Activity
Product Number
User roles
The application is designed for two types of users, as identified in Table 2-5.
Table 2-5 User roles
User type
Access rights
Access method
Sales person
Author access to all databases.
Rights to create Customer, Customer
Contact, and Sales Activity documents.
No deletion rights.
Notes client or Web
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
User type
Access rights
Access method
Application owner
Full rights to create, edit, and delete all
record types.
Notes client
Use cases
Table 2-6 summarizes the ways in which sales people interact with the system.
Many of these use cases are good candidates for use within a portal
Table 2-6 Use cases for the sales person role
Use case
Document creation
Create customer document
Create customer contact
Create sales activity document
Document edit
Edit customer document
Edit customer contact document
Edit sales activity document
Edit sales person document
View/Lookup/Search documents
Customers by name
Customer contacts by Name
Customer contacts by customer
Sales people by name
Sales activities by sales person
Sales activities by customer
Sales activities by customer contact
Sales activities by date
Delete documents
Application owners have a super-set of the rights given to sales people. Table 2-7
summarizes the additional rights application owners have to the system. While
technically feasible, there is a lower business need to provide this functionality in
a portal environment.
Table 2-7 Additional use cases for the application owner role
Use case
Document creation
Create sales person document
Create product document
Document edit
Edit product document
Chapter 2. Integration techniques
Use case
View/Lookup/Search documents
Products by name
Products by number
Delete documents
Delete all record types
Additional application functionality
In order to provide an example as close to the real world as possible, this
application uses many development features used by the majority of
Notes/Domino applications. These include:
򐂰 Keyword lists based on @DbLookups and other @Functions.
򐂰 Input validation and input translation formulas.
򐂰 Computed fields, hidden fields, and shared fields.
򐂰 Hide-when formulas based on keyword changes.
򐂰 A page with an embedded outline for the sales and customer databases to
maintain consistent feel with cross-database navigation.
򐂰 Links between related documents from a Web browser. For example, a sales
activity record has links to the corresponding customer and sales person
򐂰 Use of $$Return field on document save.
򐂰 Rich text for additional information.
򐂰 Action buttons with hide-when formulas on forms.
򐂰 Use of sections.
򐂰 Use of subforms.
򐂰 Categorized, sorted views.
򐂰 Full-text indexed databases.
Data dictionary
A complete description of the fields in each document type can be found in
Appendix B, “Data dictionary for case study” on page 735.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
2.4 Deploying the case study portlets
Instructions for downloading case study Domino databases and many of the
portlets used throughout this book can be found be found in Appendix C,
“Additional material” on page 741.
The Domino databases should be added to the /apps/ subdirectory of your
Domino server. Verify that you have set Anonymous & Default access to at least
editor, or that you have granted known user IDs with at least editor access.
Complete the following tasks to deploy the portlets:
1. Install the portlet WAR file.
2. Create a place for the demo portlets.
3. Create pages in this place to hold the various demo portlets.
4. Add the pages to this place.
5. If needed, configure the portlets.
The remainder of this section presents the detailed steps for performing each of
these tasks.
2.4.1 Install portlets
To install a portlet, a Web archive (WAR) file for the portlet must exist in a local
directory. The install process uploads the WAR file to the server, installs the
portlet, adds it to the portlet catalog, and activates the portlet.
Perform the following steps to install a portlet:
1. Enter the portlet's location in the Directory field. You can also use the
Browse button to navigate your file system (see Figure 2-3 on page 84).
2. Select the portlet WAR file you want to install.
Chapter 2. Integration techniques
Figure 2-3 Browse for WAR file
3. Click Next to begin the installation process.
4. A confirmation appears that lists the portlets included in the WAR file (see
Figure 2-4). Click Install to begin the installation. Click Cancel to return to
Install Portlets.
Figure 2-4 Check for the portlets that will be installed
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
5. When installation is complete, you are returned to Install Portlets, and a
message confirming success or failure is displayed. A successful installation
indicates that the portlet has been added to the portlet catalog and activated.
To allow others to use this portlet, you must set the access rights for it.
Note: You must be assigned a MANAGER or ADMINISTRATOR role to install
2.4.2 Creating a label
From the Portal Manage Pages tab, you can create a label to act as a separator.
Labels can be used to help organize groups of pages, places, and URLs into
categories. To create a new label, perform the following steps:
1. Click New label to create a new label. You will leave Manage Pages to create
the new label (see Figure 2-5 on page 86).
Chapter 2. Integration techniques
Figure 2-5 Manage label
2. Type the title of the new label in Title. This is the title for the default locale.
Select Theme to determine the look of the new label (see Figure 2-6 on
page 87). Continue to the next step to set advanced options. If you do not
want to set advanced options, click OK to save the new label or Cancel to
discard the label settings and return to Manage Pages.
Click Advanced options to view optional settings in this section. Check
supported markup from This page supports. Click OK to save these settings
for the new label. Click Cancel if you want to return to Manage Pages without
creating the new label.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 2-6 New label
2.4.3 Creating a page
You can create a new page under an existing page, reference an existing page,
apply a layout, and select supported markups. For public pages, you must have
the Administrator, Manager, or Editor role assignment. For private pages, you
must have the Administrator or Privileged User role assignment.
When you create a page, you always have the option to create a new page with a
new layout. You may create a derived page to a derivation parent page if you
have the Editor and Privileged User role assignment.
If you have:
򐂰 Editor role on the derived page: You may change anything except markups.
򐂰 Privileged User role on the derived page: You may change the title, skins, or
layout on the derived page.
For layout, this is restricted by the derivation parent page. If you reference an
existing page, layout, supported markups, locks, skins, portlet list, and locale
specific titles are predetermined by the existing page you reference. Any
changes to the original page results in the same change to all pages that are
When creating a new page, you may give it a title. All other settings are optional.
Chapter 2. Integration techniques
To create a new page, perform the following steps:
1. Click New Page to create a new page. You will leave Manage Pages to create
the new page (see Figure 2-7).
Figure 2-7 New pages
2. Type the title of the new page in Title. This is the title for the default locale.
Select Theme to determine the look of the new page.
3. Click Advanced options to view optional settings in this section.
4. If you want to allow this page to be bookmarked by other users, check This
page can be added to a user's My favorites list. If a user bookmarks this
page, it will be available from My favorites in the banner.
5. Check The contents of this page can be shared by other pages if you
want this page to be shared by others. If checked, users can reference this
page when they create a new page.
6. Determine page layout by selecting an option from A content page with
these properties.
7. If you want the new page to reference an existing page, check A page which
uses content from a shared page and choose a shared page to reference.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 2-8 New page
8. Click OK to save these settings for the new page and add new content. Click
Cancel if you want to return to Manage Pages without creating the new page.
2.4.4 Adding portlets to a page
Portlets are added to the page by submitting a search and then selecting from
the list of available portlets; only portlets available in the portlet list can be placed
on the selected page. Once you place a portlet in a row or column, you cannot
modify the row or column without removing all portlets from that container. Each
container is outlined.
Use the following steps as a guide for customizing the page content.
Click the Edit Page Layout icon (Figure 2-9).
Figure 2-9 Edit Page Layout
Chapter 2. Integration techniques
9. Click Add portlets in the container where you want the portlets located
(Figure 2-10).
Figure 2-10 Edit Layout
10.In the drop-down, select one of the search properties and enter your search
terms in the field provided. You can search for all portlets, or you can search
by title, description, keyword, last modified, or unique name.
11.Click Search to display the search results. A list of available portlets is
displayed in the search results. The results may span multiple pages.
12.Place a check next to the portlets you want to place on the page. Click OK to
place these portlets to the page or click Cancel to return to Edit Layout
(Figure 2-11 on page 91).
13.In our example, we added Lotus Notes View to the left side of the page (left
column container), as shown in Figure 2-12 on page 91. Click Done.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 2-11 List of portlets
Figure 2-12 Added portlet
Chapter 2. Integration techniques
To test how the portlets are laid out on your page:
1. Select your Label. In our example, we selected My Domino Workspace.
2. You will see a page Lotus View. This is the available page in our Portal.
3. Select the Lotus View page and you should see a window like that shown in
Figure 2-13.
Figure 2-13 Portlets
4. The Lotus Notes View portlet is displayed on the left side of the page and it is
not configured yet. Chapter 3, “Using existing portlets” on page 93 provides a
full description of this configuration process.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Chapter 3.
Using existing portlets
This chapter introduces the collaborative Lotus Notes/Domino and Extended
Products Portlets. It provides a detailed description of the Extended Products
portlets first packaged with Domino V6.5.1, while also introducing the Domino
Application Portlet. For the Domino Application Portlet (DAP), we provide a
detailed overview of its functionality and discuss how to configure it. Finally, the
chapter also addresses several common Domino based portlets that ship with
WebSphere Portal to access Domino data. The portlets we discuss include those
originally introduced as Collaboration Center, including the People Finder portlet,
My Team Workplaces portlet, and the Lotus Web Conferencing portlet.
For each of the portlets, we provide instructions for installing and configuring the
portlets on the WebSphere Portal server and demonstrate how you can use the
‘out of the box’ portlets to provide a fully functional, well integrated collaborative
The outline of this chapter is as follows:
򐂰 Overview
򐂰 Integration techniques and overview of portlets
򐂰 Integration Option 1 - Using the Domino V6.5.1 and Extended Products
Portlets: Collaboration the easy way
򐂰 Integration Option 2 - The Domino Application Portlet
򐂰 Integration Option 3 - using specific Portlets
򐂰 Reference material
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
3.1 Overview
The integration option described in this chapter relies on using existing
pre-packaged portlets to integrate existing Notes and Domino applications into
the WebSphere Portal environment. Depending on the extent of your Notes and
Domino applications, the techniques described in this chapter may provide a
quick and effective option for integration into the portal environment. The
programming skills required to use these techniques are minimal, and with some
portlets, no programming skills are needed. Basic WebSphere Portal
administration skills are needed. It is helpful to have Notes and Domino
development skills to be able to recognize which options are beneficial, but it is
not crucial.
3.1.1 Skills and degree of customization - Pre-packaged portlets
Figure 3-1 on page 95 gives an overview of using the “existing portlets”
integration option, relative to all available options, to the user/developer for
portalizing Domino applications. Note that the horizontal axis illustrates an
increasing range of customization for integrating your application, while the
vertical axis illustrates the degree of J2EE skills required for each approach.
Utilizing the existing portlets approach (Box 1) represents an excellent option for
solutions in which only a minimal degree of customization is required, and where
a high degree of Java skills may not be available.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Domino Java API
IBM Portlet API
JSR 168 Portlet API
JSF Portlet Framework
Struts Portlet Framework
Lotus Workplace API
J2EE Knowledge
JSP tags
Bowstreet Portlet
Factory /
Conet Knowledge
IBM Portlet
Builder for
Level of customization
Figure 3-1 Integration options
3.1.2 Technologies involved
This option provides relatively simple techniques to integrate existing Notes and
Domino applications into WebSphere Portal. There may be existing Notes and
Domino applications that would not benefit from these technologies. The
technologies presented involve taking Web-enabled data that is being generated
in Domino and linking to or displaying this data using existing portlets in the
portal environment.
WebSphere Portal, as a complete portal solution, provides customers with
integrated content and applications. It represents a unified, collaborative
electronic working environment. Domino is a comprehensive application platform
and customers have invested heavily to exploit the power of Domino in
developing proprietary applications. As a result, they are understandably
reluctant to start again with new or additional development in order to move
towards the benefits of a Portal environment. The main question asked by such
customers is “how do we move our Domino Applications into Portal?”. As we will
explain in this chapter, pre-packaged collaborative portlets that ship with Domino
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
V6.5.x, as well as those which ship with WebSphere Portal V5.02, provide
significant capabilities to expose existing Domino applications through Portal.
More importantly, the Domino Application Portlet (DAP) provides excellent
solution to render an existing Web-based Domino application within Portal. It
facilitates the easy integration of Domino Web Applications into Portal Server.
Attention: While 3.4, “Integration Option 2 - The Domino Application Portlet”
on page 122 covers the basics of how to install and configure the Domino
Application Portlet, you may also find more in-depth information in the
Redpaper IBM Lotus Domino Application Portlet: Configuration and Tips,
REDP-3917, found at:
3.1.3 Software and tools used
This section provides a brief description of the software and tools that are used in
the implementation of the techniques included in this option. The software and
tools used are as follows:
򐂰 WebSphere Portal
򐂰 Lotus Domino
򐂰 Lotus Team Workplace (QuickPlace)
򐂰 Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing (Sametime)
򐂰 Lotus Domino Document Manager (Domino.Doc)
򐂰 Domino Web Access (iNotes)
WebSphere Portal
The base requirement for this option is a fully installed, configured, and running
WebSphere Portal Server V5.0.2.2 environment, including the supporting
infrastructure. This base environment will include an LDAP authentication
directory (which in the case for this book is Domino), for use by WebSphere
Portal. In addition, the Lotus Notes and collaborative portlets must also be
installed. A properly configured WebSphere Portal is vital for communication to
the Domino server.
Notes and Domino
A fully installed, configured, and running Domino Server V6.5.3 is a base
requirement for this option. A workstation Notes client should be included,
because some techniques link to the supporting Notes client. Applicable versions
are identified in the integration techniques section of this chapter.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Lotus Team Workplace (QuickPlace)
A fully installed, configured, and running IBM Lotus Team Workplace
(QuickPlace) V6.5.1. QuickPlace is a self-service work space expressly designed
for team collaboration. With Lotus Team Workplace, users can instantly create
secure work spaces on the Web, providing them with a "Place" to coordinate,
collaborate and communicate on any project or ad hoc initiative.
Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing (Sametime)
A fully installed, configured, and running IBM Lotus Instant Messaging and Web
Conferencing (Sametime) V6.5.1. Sametime is IBM's product and platform for
real-time collaboration. It is based upon three on-demand concepts:
򐂰 Presence awareness: You can see in advance whether a person(s) or
application(s) is online and available to collaborate, share information, or take
򐂰 Instant messaging: Be able to converse and communicate in real time through
the exchange of text-, audio-, or video-based information.
򐂰 Web conferencing: Participate in online meetings, allowing you to share
information, an application, or an entire desktop, or engage in team white
Lotus Domino Document Manager (Domino.Doc)
A fully installed, configured, and running IBM Lotus Domino Document Manager
(formerly called Lotus Domino.Doc). Domino.Doc is a ready-built solution for
organizing documents for shared access by work teams. It manages versions so
that each team member has the latest version and automates document-driven
processes like review and approval, assembly and publishing, archiving, and
records management.
3.2 Integration techniques and overview of portlets
This option includes techniques that enable data from Notes and Domino
applications to be accessed via existing portlets that are included with
WebSphere Portal. Our examples are based on an existing Notes and Domino
application that resides in the apps subdirectory of our Domino server. The
application includes two Web-enabled databases:
򐂰 Sales Reporting (Sales.nsf)
򐂰 Customers (Customers.nsf)
as well as an internal look-up database called Products (Products.nsf).
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
The databases contain design elements that can be accessed through a Web
browser as well as through the Notes client. The application and these
databases are described in detail in 2.3, “Case study: A simple sales tracking
application” on page 77. Each of these databases included in the sample
application is also included as an Additional Material, available for download.
(See Appendix C, “Additional material” on page 741.)
We also discuss the most commonly known collaborative portlets that provide
access to a variety of Notes and Domino -based applications, such as e-mail,
calendar, to-do list, discussion, team room, contacts, and notebook. Additionally,
we address the Domino Extended Products portlets which access Lotus
applications, such as knowledge management, instant messaging, QuickPlaces,
and document management. Finally, we address the “Collaboration Center”
portlets, namely People Finder, My Team Workplaces, and Lotus Web
Conferencing. The following tables (Table 3-1 and Table 3-2 on page 99) list each
portlet application with a brief description of its portlets and its features.
Table 3-1 Lotus portlets for deployment with WebSphere Portal
Domino Web Access
Provides Welcome, Mail, Calendar, To Do List, Contacts,
and Notebook functions.
Notes and Domino
This portlet can be configured to display and provide
access to the following Notes-based applications:
Lotus Notes View: Displays the contents of any Lotus
Notes database.
Lotus Notes Mail: Displays the complete contents of a
Lotus Notes mail database, including mail, calendar, and
task views.
My Lotus Notes Mail: Displays the contents of the user's
My Lotus Notes Calendar: Displays the user's Calendar.
My Lotus Notes To Do: Displays the user's To Do view.
Lotus Notes Discussion: Displays Notes databases built
with the Discussion Database Template.
Lotus Teamroom: Displays Notes databases built with the
Team Room Database Template.
Lotus QuickPlace
Displays up to six different Lotus QuickPlaces in separate
browser windows.
Inline QuickPlace
Displays a Lotus QuickPlace inside the portlet.
Lotus Sametime Connect
Launches Sametime portlet instant messaging in a
separate browser window.
Provides Domino-based document management.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Lotus Discovery Server™
Allows users to browse or search the Discovery Server
Knowledge Map. This portlet application contains the
following portlets:
Lotus Discovery Server Knowledge Map
Lotus Discovery Server Mini-Search
Lotus Discovery Server Search Results
Quick e-Mail
Allows users to send basic Internet text mail messages.
Quick Appointment
Allows users to create and store Notes appointments on
a Domino server.
Web Page
Allows users to display and use a favorite page from the
Collaboration Center portlets
There are five Lotus portlets that comprise the Collaboration Center. The
Collaboration Center is included with WebSphere Portal Extend only.
Table 3-2 Collaboration Center portlets for deployment WebSphere Portal Extend
Sametime Contact List
Displays Lotus instant messaging list.
Who Is Here displays a Lotus Sametime list of users of
the portal page.
People Finder
Allows users to implement both quick search and
advanced search for locating people and information
about people.
Lotus My Team
Workplaces (QuickPlace)
Allows users to find, work in, and request new team
workplaces as well as view workplace details.
Lotus Web Conferencing
Allows users to find, attend, and schedule e-meetings as
well as view meeting details.
For each of the integration techniques discussed in the remainder of this chapter,
the discussion includes an overview, considerations regarding when its use is
appropriate and details about the portlet, and complete implementation details,
configuration options, and results.
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Important: This redbook assumes you already have a WebSphere Portal V5
server installed and running in your environment, so it does not include
information about installing and configuring WebSphere Portal Server.
For details on how to install and configure WebSphere Portal Server, please
refer to the product documentation that accompanies the WebSphere Portal
Server (or the InfoCenter links below) and other Redbooks.
An excellent source of information for both WebSphere Application Server and
WebSphere Portal Server are the online “InfoCenters” that accompany each of
these products.
The WebSphere Application Server Version 5 InfoCenter can be found at:
The WebSphere Portal Server Version 5 InfoCenter can be found at:
There are InfoCenters available for every version of these products and they
contain a wealth of installation, configuration, troubleshooting, and upgrade
Whether you are new to these products or are already familiar with them, we
highly recommend that you bookmark these sites and refer to them frequently
before carrying out any of the configuration or upgrades described in this
Finally, note that Domino V6.5.1 portlets are available for download from the
WebSphere Portal and Lotus Workplace Catalog at:
3.3 Integration Option 1 - Using the Domino V6.5.1 and
Extended Products Portlets: Collaboration the easy way
This section describes the Lotus Notes/Domino and Extended Products Portlets
included with Domino V6.5.1 and subsequent releases. This presents an
integration option that incorporates all core messaging and collaborative
applications into a portal user interface (UI). The collaborative portlets provided
out of the box with Domino V6.5.1 and subsequent releases are based upon
Domino and Extended products, including Lotus Team Workplace (QuickPlace),
Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing (Sametime), Domino Document
Manager (Domino.doc), and Lotus Workflow™. The release of Notes/Domino
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
V6.5.1 and subsequent releases serves a bridge to the world of J2EE and open
standards, extending Domino's capabilities by providing the means to connect
different sources of data.
Figure 3-2 illustrates the conceptual overview of the “My Workplace” portal page.
The functionality for each of the Domino V6.5.3 and Extended products is
integrated into a single portal page.
Figure 3-2 Integration of the Domino V6.5.2 products with a common Portal interface
Lotus Notes/Domino and Extended Products Portlets
The Domino V6.5.1 Extended Products portlets are an enhancement to the
existing WebSphere Portal Collaboration Center portlets and therefore offer the
ability to integrate the application functionality of the Domino V6.5.1 platform into
a intelligent common user interface served up by WebSphere Portal Server.
Once the Domino V6.5.1 and Extended Products portlets have been installed, a
portal user can click the My Workplace tab and access several portal pages that
have been pre-configured for a well integrated, fully functional collaborative
environment. Figure 3-3 on page 102 illustrates a sample page based upon the
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
mail portlet. Notice how in addition to the mail portlet, the user has access to
both the People Finder portlet and the My Contacts portlet on the same page.
Note: See 3.3.3, “Implementation details for Extended Products Portlets” on
page 107 for detailed instructions on how to install and configure the Extended
Products portlets.
My Workplace Tab - access to fully integrated collaborative portlets
People Finder portlet
Integrated Mail portlet
My Contacts portlet
Figure 3-3 Sample portal page - including the Mail portlet, the People Finder Portlet, and My Contacts
Figure 3-4 on page 103 illustrates another sample portal page, but this time
based upon the Web Conferencing portlet. Notice that the placement of the
People Finder portlet and the My Contacts portlet are consistent. Additionally,
notice that with Sametime functionality enabled, presence awareness is enabled
throughout the portlets.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
People Finder portlet
Integrated Web Conferencing portlet
My Contacts portlet
Figure 3-4 Sample portal page - based upon the Web Conferencing portlet
3.3.1 Portlets that make up Extended Products Portlets
The Lotus Notes/Domino and Extended Products Portlets consist of:
򐂰 Domino Extended Products Portlets Welcome Page
򐂰 Domino Web Access (formerly iNotes)
򐂰 Domino Web Applications
򐂰 Lotus Domino Document Manager (formerly Domino.Doc)
򐂰 Lotus Notes Discussion
򐂰 Lotus Notes Mail
򐂰 Lotus Notes Teamroom
򐂰 Lotus Notes View
򐂰 Lotus Web Conferencing (formerly Sametime)
򐂰 Lotus Instant Messaging Contact List (formerly Sametime Contact List)
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
򐂰 My Lotus Notes To Do
򐂰 My Lotus Team Workplaces (formerly QuickPlace)
򐂰 People Finder
Note: Discussion, Mail, Teamroom, and To Do are installed as views in the
Lotus Notes View portlet. You must create instances of Lotus Notes View and
change each instance's name to be able to use these services.
Sample portal pages
Table 3-3 provides an overview of the portlets contained on each of the sample
Table 3-3 Extended Products Portlets - Predefine Portal Pages
Sample portal page
Domino Extended Products Portlets Welcome Portlet
Mail (view using Domino Web Access)
People Finder
My Contacts (from Instant Messaging Contact List)
Calendar (view using Domino Web Access)
People Finder
My Contacts (from Instant Messaging Contact List)
Address Book
Address Book (view using Domino Web Access)
People Finder
My Contacts (from Instant Messaging Contact List)
Web Conferencing
Web Conferences (from Lotus Web Conferencing)
People Finder
My Contacts (from Instant Messaging Contact List)
Team Spaces
Team Spaces (from My Lotus Team Workplaces)
People Finder
My Contacts (from Instant Messaging Contact List)
Documents (Document Manager)
Domino Applications
Domino Applications
Domino Databases
Domino Databases (Lotus Notes View portlet)
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Note: Some of the portlets in the sample pages are instances of an installed
Extended Products portlets, developed specifically for these sample pages, for
example, My Contacts is an instance of Lotus Instant Messaging Contact List
(formerly Sametime Contact List).
3.3.2 Considerations for the Domino Extended Products Portlets
Before you begin install Lotus Notes/Domino and Extended Products Portlets,
confirm that your systems are ready. To actually use them, you must first install
and configure the following products:
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Portal
򐂰 IBM Lotus Domino
򐂰 IBM Lotus Team Workplace (QuickPlace)
򐂰 IBM Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing (Sametime)
򐂰 IBM Lotus Domino Document Manager (Domino.Doc)
򐂰 IBM Domino Web Access (iNotes)
You will also need to configure both single sign on (SSO) between the Portal and
Domino environments and configure presence awareness and instant messaging
functionality to work consistently between the portlets. For details on how to
install and configure this complete, collaborative environment, please also refer
to the redbook Domino 6.5.1 and Extended Products: Integration Guide,
SG24-6357, found at:
As previously mentioned, the Extended Products Portlets are available for
download from the WebSphere Portal and Lotus Workplace Catalog at:
Important configuration prerequisites
Depending on which Domino V6.5.x products you want to integrate with
WebSphere Portal, it might be necessary to carry out some additional
configuration on the Domino V6.5.x products. This is particularly true in the case
of Lotus Team Workplace and Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing.
Team Workplace and Instant Messaging requirements
Within Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing and Team Workplace,
there are a number of configuration changes that have to be made before
installing the Extended Product portlets so that features such as awareness and
online meetings will function in WebSphere Portal.
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Depending on which Domino V6.5.x products you want to integrate with
WebSphere Portal, it might be necessary to carry out some additional
configuration on the Domino V6.5.x products. This is particularly true in the case
of Lotus Team Workplace and Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing.
For example, there are a number of configuration changes that have to be made
to products, such as Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing and Team
Workplace, so that features such as awareness and online meetings will function
in WebSphere Portal.
Important: Full details of these configuration changes can be found in the
Lotus documentation Lotus Domino and Extended Products 6.5.1 Integration
Guide, G210-1747, which can also be downloaded as an additional material
for this book.
See Appendix C, “Additional material” on page 741 for instructions about how
to download and access this document.
It is important to refer to this guide for the configuration changes you will need
to make for the particular Domino V6.5.x product or products you want to
integrate with WebSphere Portal; otherwise, you might find that certain
features, such as awareness, might not work, or the portlet might not function
at all.
We therefore recommend that you download this guide prior to configuring
the Domino Extended Products portlet so that you can easily refer to it.
We provide a brief summary checklist of these configuration changes for the
For Lotus Team Workplace:
򐂰 Specify an LDAP server (this should be the same LDAP server used by
WebSphere Portal).
򐂰 Specify the Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing server to use if you
want awareness in Team Workplace.
򐂰 Configure the Notes.ini to include the DIIOP Sever task.
򐂰 Create the file and copy the Team Workplace servlet from
WebSphere Portal to the Team Workplace server.
򐂰 Modify the Notes.ini to point to the new Team Workplace servlet.
򐂰 Modify the Team Workplace server’s Server document so that Domino is
acting as the servlet manager.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
For Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing:
򐂰 Configure Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing to use the same
LDAP server as WebSphere Portal (additional details and troubleshooting tips
can also be found in Chapter 7, “Integrating Domino 6.5.1 with a third-party
LDAP directory”).
򐂰 Modify the Sametime.ini file to trust the WebSphere Portal IP address.
򐂰 Enable the Purge Meeting agent in Lotus Instant Messaging and Web
For Domino Document Manager, enable Lotus Instant Messaging and Web
Conferencing integration if you want the “Who is Online” feature to work in
WebSphere Portal.
For Domino Web Access, if you want Lotus Instant Messaging and Web
Conferencing awareness to work for Domino Web Access in WebSphere Portal,
the following configuration changes need to be made:
򐂰 Configure Directory Assistance on the Domino Web Access server for the
LDAP directory used by WebSphere Portal.
򐂰 Add iNotes_WA_SametimeServer=<Sametime_Server_Hostname> to the
Notes.ini of the Domino Web Access server.
򐂰 Copy the \stlinks folder from the Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing
server to the Domino Web Access server if you want awareness to work in
WebSphere Portal.
3.3.3 Implementation details for Extended Products Portlets
The following section describes how install the Extended Products portlets.
Installing the Extended Products Portlets
Follow these steps to install the Extended Products Portlets:
1. On the machine where WebSphere Portal is installed, create the directory
<wp_root>/EPPUpdate and copy the Notes/Domino and Extended Product
Portlets files into that directory.
2. Verify that the WAS_HOME and WPS_HOME environment variables are set.
If not, you can specify them in the Deploy command line with the following
-washome <wasHomeDirectory>
-wpshome <wpsHomeDirectory>
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Note: Directory names that contain space characters need to be enclosed in
double quotes.
3. Make sure that the WebSphere Portal server is running by using the following
<WAS_Root>\bin\serverStatus.bat –all –user wpsbind –password wpsbind
4. Change the directory to <WPS_Root>\EPPUpdate.
5. To deploy the portlets/sample pages, run the following command:.
Deploy [-f] [-v] <serverdns:port> <wpsadmin> <wpspassword> [<nodename>]
[<lang>] ([-portlets] | [-samplepages] | [-adminpage])
The parameters for the command are described in Table 3-4.
Table 3-4 Script parameter
The DNS address and port of WebSphere Portal. For example,®:9081.
The administrative user for WebSphere Portal.
The administrator's password.
The name of the WebSphere Application node. This should be
the same as the host name of your WebSphere Portal. The
node name will appear as a subdirectory under the
<wasHomeDirectory>/installedApps. If this name is different
than your host name, enter the node name.
ISO 639 two-character code to specify language of
Administration bookmark page.
Deploys only the portlets.
Deploys only the sample pages.
Change the language of the sample pages. This should only be
used to change languages after the sample pages have already
been deployed.
Forces a copy of the portlets or theme. Normally, the deployer
only copies files if they are not already present on WebSphere
Portal. If you have already deployed the portlets or the theme
and need to refresh the files, you can use this flag to force the
files to copy again.
Verbose mode.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Note: You can also enter simply "Deploy" and press enter, and you will be
prompted for each parameter.
6. Log in to WebSphere Portal and select My Workplace to confirm that the
sample portal pages and portlets have deployed, as shown in Figure 3-5.
7. Click on the different portlet tabs to view each of the portlets (mail, calendar,
and Web conferences.)
Figure 3-5 Domino Extended Products Welcome page
Configuring the Extended Products portlets
This section discusses how to configure the various Extended Products portlets,
򐂰 Lotus Team Workplaces (formerly QuickPlace)
򐂰 Lotus Web Conferencing (formerly Sametime)
򐂰 Lotus Instant Messaging Contact List (formerly Sametime Contact List)
򐂰 Domino Web Access, which consists of the Inbox, Calendar, and Contacts
򐂰 Lotus Domino Document Manager (formerly Domino.Doc)
򐂰 Domino Application
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
򐂰 Lotus Notes View, which consists of any Domino database view, such as
Discussion, Teamroom, To Do, or Notes Mail.
Important: Ensure that you completed any prerequisite configuration (as
described in the Lotus Domino and Extended Products 6.5.1 Integration
Guide, G210-1747) before following the portlet configuration instructions in
this section. This Lotus documentation can be downloaded as an additional
material for this book. See Appendix C, “Additional material” on page 741 for
more information about downloading this information.
Configuring the Domino Web Access portlet
To configure the Domino Web Access portlet, complete the following steps:
1. Click the My Workplace link.
2. Click the Mail link.
3. Click the Edit portlet properties icon on the top right side of the portlet
4. Specify the host name of the mail server and the location of your mail file, as
shown in Figure 3-6.
Figure 3-6 Configuring the Domino Web Access portlet
5. If single sign-on has been correctly configured (and your mail file has been
created with the Domino Web Access template), you should see something
similar to the window shown in Figure 3-7 on page 111.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 3-7 The Lotus Notes mail (Domino Web Access) portlet
6. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the Calendar and Address Book links (see
Figure 3-8 and Figure 3-9).
Figure 3-8 Calendar portlet
Figure 3-9 Contacts portlet
Configuring the Team Spaces portlet
To configure the Team Spaces portlet, complete the following steps:
1. Log on to WebSphere Portal as an administrator, as shown in Figure 3-10 on
page 112.
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Figure 3-10 Logging in on WebSphere Portal as an administrator
2. In the administration section of the portal, click Portlets and then click
Manage Portlets, as shown in Figure 3-11.
Figure 3-11 Manage Portlets
This window shown in Figure 3-12 opens.
Figure 3-12 Selecting a portlet to configure
3. From the list of portlets, select the Team Spaces portlet, as shown in
Figure 3-13 on page 113.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 3-13 Modifying the Team Spaces portlet
4. For the Team Spaces portlet, click Modify parameters. The window shown in
Figure 3-14 opens.
Figure 3-14 Changing values for the Team Spaces portlet
5. Change the QuickPlaceHostname to the server name of your Team
Workplace server, for example,
6. Verify that QuickPlacePort is set to the correct port. The default port is 80.
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
7. Click Save at the bottom of the window.
8. After the settings are saved, click Cancel to return to the Manage Portlets
Figure 3-15 shows how the Team Spaces portlet looks to a user after it has
been successfully configured.
Figure 3-15 Team Spaces portlet
Configuring the Web Conferences portlet
To configure the Web Conference portlet, complete the following steps:
1. Follow steps 1 to 4 as described in “Configuring the Team Spaces portlet” on
page 111, except at step 3 on page 112, select the Web Conferences
2. For the Web Conferences portlet, click Modify parameters.
3. Change the SametimeServer1 parameter to the Instant Messaging and Web
Conferencing server name.
4. Change SametimeUserName1 to be an administrative user that exists in the
LDAP directory and that also has manager access to the STConfig.nsf
database on the Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing server.
In our test environment, we used the wpsadmin user (see Figure 3-16 on
page 115).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 3-16 Specifying an administrative user in the STConfig.nsf ACL
5. Change SametimePassword1 to the password for the user specified in step 4
on page 114.
6. Verify that SametimePort1 is set to the correct port. The default port is 80.
7. Click Save at the bottom of the window.
8. After saving the settings, click Cancel to return to the Manage Portlets
9. Click My Portal and then My Workplace.
10.If single sign-on has been correctly configured, you should see something
similar to the window shown in Figure 3-17.
Figure 3-17 The Web Conferences portlet
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Tip: A useful way to ensure that you have Instant Messaging connectivity in
WebSphere Portal is to add the “Who Is Here” portlet to a page.
In our test environment, we logged on as the WebSphere Portal administrator,
clicked the Administration link, and added this portlet to the Welcome Page.
We were then able to confirm that we had connectivity to the Instant
Messaging and Web Conferencing server because we had awareness for the
administrator logon name (see Figure 3-18).
If there is a problem with Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing
connectivity, this portlet will generate an appropriate error message. Check
that the Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing server is up and running
and that there are no network connectivity problems.
You might also need to check that the values specified for Lotus Instant
Messaging and Web Conferencing in the file on the
WebSphere Portal are correct (see Chapter 8, “Domino 6.5.1 Extended
Products with WebSphere Portal”, in the Domino 6.5.1 and Extended
Products: Integration Guide, SG24-6357, found at:
for more details about the file).
Figure 3-18 Using Who Is Here portlet to confirm Lotus Instant Messaging connectivity
Configuring the Instant Messaging Contact List
There are no additional configuration steps for the Instant Messaging Contact
List portlet.
If Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing connectivity has been
successfully confirmed, and single sign-on is working correctly, your Instant
Messaging buddy list will appear in the portlet, as shown in Figure 3-19.
Figure 3-19 Instant Messaging Contact List
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
3.3.4 Configuring the Document Manager portlet
To configure the Domino Document Manager portlet, complete the following
1. Click the My Workplace.
2. Click the Document link.
3. Click the Edit portlet properties icon in the top-right area of the portlet
4. Specify the host name of the Domino Document Manager server and the
database path and name for the library (see Figure 3-20).
Figure 3-20 Specifying the Domino Document Manager server and library
5. If single sign-on has been correctly configured, you should see something
similar to the window shown in Figure 3-82 on page 173.
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Figure 3-21 The Document Manager portlet
3.3.5 Configuring the Domino Application portlet
The Domino Application portlet enables you to integrate any Web-enabled
Domino application into WebSphere Portal. This portlet is significant in that it
allows you to render your Domino Web-enabled application within the context of
portal. More importantly, it has been designed so that navigation within the
Domino Web-enabled application will remain within the portal context (that is, it
will not open new browser windows outside of the portal environment.)
The Domino Application portlet acts like a tunnel, channelling all requests from
the browser through WebSphere Portal and on to the Domino HTTP server at the
back end. It manages cookies, caching, user authentication, and framing.
Attention: This section provides basic details on how to configure this portlet.
Please note that in 3.4, “Integration Option 2 - The Domino Application Portlet”
on page 122, we provide greater detail. Finally, you may also find more
in-depth information about this portlet in the Redpaper IBM Lotus Domino
Application Portlet: Configuration and Tips, REDP-3917, found at:
To configure the Domino Application portlet, complete the following steps:
1. Click the My Workplace link.
2. Click the Domino Application link.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
3. Click the Configure portlet properties icon in the top-right area of the portlet
window. This icon looks like a wrench.
4. Specify the host name of the Domino Web server, the database path, and
port to use (the default port is 80), as shown in Figure 3-22.
Figure 3-22 Configuring the Domino Application portlet
5. On the Authentication tab, select Single Sign-On (SSO), as shown in
Figure 3-23.
Figure 3-23 Configuring authentication in the Domino Application portlet
6. Click Done and then click Close to save your changes and exit.
7. If SSO has been configured correctly, and you have the necessary access
rights to the Domino Application, you should see something similar to the
window shown in Figure 3-24 on page 120, which shows our sample Sales
Tracking Customer database.
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Figure 3-24 A sample customer database in the Domino Application portlet
3.3.6 Configuring the Domino Databases (Notes View) portlet
The Domino Databases portlet enables you to work with the documents from any
view of any Domino database.
In our test environment, we used the “People” view of the Domino Directory. To
configure the Domino Databases portlet, complete the following steps:
1. Select the Edit portlet properties icon in the upper-right corner of the portlet.
2. In the Available Views section, select Add.
3. In the View Title section, enter the name of the view you want to access. In
our case, this was $People (see Figure 3-25 on page 121).
4. In the Server section, specify the server name where the database is located
Select the check box next to the Server section.
5. In the Database filename section, select the file path and database name. In
our case, this was names.nsf.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
6. In the View section, select a name of the view that corresponds to the View
Title entered earlier.
Figure 3-25 Configuring the Notes View in the Domino Databases portlet
7. Add more views to the portlet (repeating steps 2-6) if wanted (see
Figure 3-26).
Figure 3-26 Adding additional views to the Domino Databases portlet
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
8. Click Save. You should then see the view or views you specified in the portlet
window. For example, Figure 3-27 shows the Customer view of customer
database (customer.nsf) the that we specified in our test environment.
Figure 3-27 The customer view of customer.NSF in the Domino Databases portlet
3.4 Integration Option 2 - The Domino Application
The Domino Application Portlet (DAP) integrates the content and technology of
existing Domino Web Applications into the Portal environment. It allows
customers to insert these existing applications into portlets and display them on
a portal server with minimal development effort. Most importantly, it renders the
portlets of the Domino Web application within the context of the portal, thereby
keeping the user within the context and navigational scheme of the portal.
Attention: While this section covers the basics of how to install and configure
the Domino Application Portlet, you may also find more in-depth information in
the Redpaper IBM Lotus Domino Application Portlet: Configuration and Tips,
REDP-3917, found at:
The key features for the Domino Application Portlet include:
򐂰 Designed to allow Domino Web apps to be surfaced in a LWP/Portal
򐂰 User experience remains within Portal.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 No changes to the Domino application required.
򐂰 Reverse Proxy: The portlet uses a set of rules to map Domino generated
URLs to Workplace/Portal such that all requests are channeled through Portal
򐂰 Default set of Domino Rules defined and configured (mail, discussion, and
򐂰 Rules can be added for support of any Domino Web application.
3.4.1 Considerations
The Domino Application Portlet acts like a reverse proxy, proxying the content
from the back-end servers to the browser. It appears to the browser to be the real
content server. DAP channels all requests from the user client (browser) through
the portal and on to the Domino HTTP server in the back end. The portlet
contains an iframe with an embedded servlet that is responsible for the actual
connection and display of the Domino content. It manages cookies, caching, user
authentication, and framing. Rules-based parsers rewrite the content produced
by the Domino HTTP server. Figure 3-28 shows the Domino Application Portlets
page before configuration.
Figure 3-28 Domino Application Portlet
3.4.2 Implementation details for the Domino Application Portlet
This section describes the setup and configuration of the Domino Application
Portlet (DAP). It examines the basic setup and gives an overview of the
configuration options available. It also contains examples that show how to set up
DAP and write rules to tailor it for your own application. To fully explain this
process, we provide complete details concerning:
򐂰 Initial setup
򐂰 Configuration options
򐂰 Edit options
򐂰 Results
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Note: While this section covers the basics of how to install and configure the
Domino Application Portlet, you may also find more in-depth information in the
Redpaper IBM Lotus Domino Application Portlet: Configuration and Tips,
REDP-3917, found at:
Initial setup
DAP is set up like any other portlet, that is, the WAR file is installed and then the
portlet is added to a page. This is true for the stand-alone version available from
the portlet catalog. However, if you install Extended Products Portlet (3.3,
“Integration Option 1 - Using the Domino V6.5.1 and Extended Products Portlets:
Collaboration the easy way” on page 100), DAP is installed with all the other
portlets. In this case, you would only need to click the My Workplace link and
then click the Domino Application Portlet link.
Otherwise, when installing as a stand-alone portlet from the portlet catalog, you
complete the following tasks to deploy portlet:
򐂰 Install the portlet WAR file. The Domino Application portlet is provided by the
portlet application, DAP50.war.
򐂰 Create a place or pages for the portlets.
򐂰 Add the portlets to a page.
The detailed steps for performing each of these tasks are outlined in 2.4,
“Deploying the case study portlets” on page 83.
Configuration options
To configure the Domino Application Portlet, you must have administrator access
rights. The configuration menu may be accessed by clicking the wrench icon
(Figure 3-29) in the upper right hand corner of the portlet. It contains five main
tabs; they are:
򐂰 Source and Display
򐂰 Authentication
򐂰 Caching
򐂰 Rules
򐂰 Debug
Figure 3-29 DAP - Access to configuration menu
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Source and Display tab
The Source and Display tab (Figure 3-30) allows the user to define which
Domino server and database the portlet is to display (Domino Source Sever
options). In addition to this, it also allows the user to direct DAP to look for the
Domino content via a proxy server. This is a useful feature if the user wishes to
see what requests are being made by the portlet to the Domino server. Finally,
this tab also lets the user configure the iframe in which the DAP portlet displays
the Domino content.
The Show in edit mode check box permits some of these options to be made
available to a normal portlet user in edit mode. So, for example, a normal user
could configure a DAP portlet to point to his/her mail database without having to
have administrator rights for the portlet.
Figure 3-30 Source and Display UI
The authentication settings may be modified on the Authentication tab
(Figure 3-31 on page 126) of the configuration menu. These settings define the
model DAP will use to authenticate with the Domino server and also where in the
Credential Vault the user name and password may be found.
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
There are four different authentication models that the Domino Application Portlet
(DAP) can use to authenticate with the target Domino server. They are none,
basic, session, and Single Sign On (SSO).
A number of options may be set, including storage in the Credential Vault or use
of Single Sign On. A more in-depth description of authentication may be found in
IBM Lotus Domino Application Portlet: Configuration and Tips, REDP-3917,
found at:
Figure 3-31 Authentication UI
Within the Caching tab (Figure 3-32 on page 127), settings that affect the storage
of cached objects from DAP may be set. While the browser has its own caching,
a user may also define a number of caching mechanisms for the DAP portlet.
Essentially, these mechanisms define where and how objects that are passed
between Domino and DAP are stored. This caching takes place on the Portal
server and use of caching here prevents unnecessary calls to the Domino server.
A detailed description of the options here may be found in IBM Lotus Domino
Application Portlet: Configuration and Tips, REDP-3917, found at:
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 3-32 Caching UI
The Rules tab (Figure 3-33 on page 128) defines the rules that are used to
transform URLs and links in the Domino content so that they point to DAP
instead of to the Domino server. These rules come in two forms that are mutually
exclusive: Regular Expression Rules or HTML Rules. While there is too much
detail to go into here, a detailed explanation is given in IBM Lotus Domino
Application Portlet: Configuration and Tips, REDP-3917; the essential difference
between the two is that Regular Expression Rules are very flexible, but
complicated, while HTML rules are simpler and faster, but less flexible.
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Figure 3-33 Rules UI
Select the Debug tab (Figure 3-34) to view debugging information for the
application specified in the Source and Display tab or in the Edit display. Click
Start to turn on debugging mode. You will see a preview of the Domino database
application that is specified in the Source and Display tab or Edit mode.
Figure 3-34 Debug UI
Note: Clicking Save has no effect on the state of debugging mode (on or off).
If you close the configuration display with debugging switched on, it will remain
on until you return to the configuration display and click Stop.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Edit Options
The Edit Options may be accessed by selecting the pencil icon in the top right
hand corner on the DAP portlet page (Figure 3-35).
Figure 3-35 DAP - Edit UI
The edit page is where a user must enter their Domino user name and password
if they are using Basic or Session based authentication. This page also contains
any of the options that the Administrator decided to allow a normal user to
configure. These may include the Domino Database settings and the display
settings (see Figure 3-36).
Figure 3-36 Edit Domino Source Server
After editing the settings, click Save or Close to close the Edit display.
Note: If you do not click Save before closing the display, you will lose any
changes you have made.
After configuring and editing the DAP portlet, you will be able to view the Web
application within the portlet. Using our sample application, the result of the
Domino Application Portlet page is shown in Figure 3-37 on page 130.
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Figure 3-37 Domino application as seen through DAP
3.5 Integration Option 3 - using specific Portlets
In the following sections, we discuss how to install and configure several of the
most useful portlets provided with WebSphere portal, including the portlets that
make up the Collaboration Center. The portlets that we will discuss include:
򐂰 Notes View portlet
򐂰 Domino Web Access (iNotes) portlet
򐂰 Lotus Web Conferencing (Sametime) portlet
򐂰 Lotus Instant Messaging Contact List (Sametime Contact List) portlet
򐂰 My Lotus Team Workplaces (QuickPlace) portlet
򐂰 People Finder portlet
򐂰 Document Manager (Domino.Doc) portlet
3.5.1 Integrate using Lotus Notes View Portlet
Using the Lotus Notes portlets available in WebSphere Portal is an excellent
example of the simplicity of using prepackaged portlets. This technique
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
configures a Web-enabled view in your Domino application to the portal
environment through direct and efficient configuration screens. The view is
displayed in your portal context and no external Web browser session will open.
There are a number of prepackaged Lotus Notes portlets available in
WebSphere Portal. The collaborative feature of Lotus Notes portlets is of
particular use to quickly integrate existing Domino applications into the
WebSphere Portal environment. Table 3-5 lists a number of useful views; it
provides a good understanding of the use of these portlets. In this section, we
describe the use of NotesViewPortlet, as it can be used to show any view from
any Domino database.
Table 3-5 Lotus Notes views
Lotus Notes
Notes Mail
Displays any view (for example, Inbox, Calendar, or To Do) of
a Notes Mail database to which a portal user has access.
Notes View
Displays any view of any Notes database to which a portal
user has access. Users can add multiple views to a View
Notes TeamRoom
Displays any view of a Notes TeamRoom to which a portal user
has access.
Notes Discussion
Displays any view of a Notes Discussion to which a portal user
has access.
My Notes Mail
Displays a portal user's own Notes Inbox, using the identity
with which the user logs into WebSphere Portal.
My Notes Calendar
Displays a portal user's own Notes Calendar, using the identity
with which the user logs into WebSphere Portal.
My Notes To Do
Displays a portal user's own Notes To Do (task) list, using the
identity with which the user logs into WebSphere Portal.
Implementation details for the Notes View Portlet
This section describes how to use the Lotus Notes View portlet to display
information from one of the example databases within the portal context view. To
fully explain this implementation, we provide complete details concerning:
򐂰 Initial setup
򐂰 Edit options
򐂰 Results
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Initial setup
Lotus Notes View Portlet is set up like any other portlet; the WAR file is installed
and then the portlet is added to a page. This is true for the stand-alone version
available from the portlet catalog. However, if you install the Extended Products
Portlets (3.3, “Integration Option 1 - Using the Domino V6.5.1 and Extended
Products Portlets: Collaboration the easy way” on page 100), Lotus Notes View
portlet is installed with all the other portlets.
Click the My Workplace link and then click the Domino Databases link.
Otherwise, you complete the following tasks to deploy the portlet:
򐂰 Install the portlet WAR file. The Lotus Notes View portlet is provided by the
portlet application, notes2.war.
򐂰 Create a place or pages for the portlets.
򐂰 Add the portlets to a page.
The detailed steps for performing each of these tasks are in 2.4, “Deploying the
case study portlets” on page 83. Figure 3-38 shows the Lotus Notes View
portlets page before configuration.
Figure 3-38 Lotus Notes Portlets before configuration
Editing options
1. Select the Edit icon in the top right hand of the portlet window and click it, as
shown in Figure 3-39.
Figure 3-39 Editing a portlets’ properties
2. You see Available Views in your system. You can specify the source view and
database. Click the Add icon. In the Available Views section, select Add (as
shown in Figure 3-40 on page 133.)
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 3-40 Pointing to view in Notes database
3. You see the Notes View Source Form (Figure 3-41 on page 134).
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Figure 3-41 Lotus Notes View portlet edit mode
Edit the following information within the Notes Source View (Figure 3-41):
򐂰 Under View title, specify the text you want to display in the View menu for
switching to this view in this database. Examples of useful items to display on
the View menu are "By Customer Name".
򐂰 Under Server, specify the server name, for example,
򐂰 Under Database filename, specify the database file name and path, for
example, mail\manderle.nsf or redbook\customer.nsf.
򐂰 Under View, specify the name or alias name of the view element in the source
database, for example, "Customeres\By Customer Name”.
򐂰 Under View category (Optional), specify a category in the view to display in
Notes and Domino (documents in the rest of the view are hidden).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 Under Protocol (Optional), change from the default to HTTPS (SSL), a
secure protocol, if you know that the Domino server containing the database
that is the source for the selected view uses that protocol. If you do not know,
set this view to detect the server's protocol automatically.
4. Click Next.
5. Fill in the necessary information for Notes View Style Column (all are
optional), as shown in Figure 3-42.
Figure 3-42 Lotus Notes View portlet edit Style
Edit the following information in the window shown in Figure 3-42:
– Change the number of Rows per screen to display, for example, 30.
– Turn on the Alternating row colors check box to help make the view
easier to read.
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
– Turn on the Icon for creating new documents check box if you want to
be able to create new documents in the selected view. This check box
requires you to specify the name of the Notes form (part of source
database design) to use, for example, “Sales Activity”
– Under View documents in, select an option for launching documents.
– Under Column for showing people awareness, drop down the list and
select a column containing people's names to display as links you can
click for instant messaging. For example, in a Customer database, the
“Account Owner“. The column must be designed to contain names as
data, and the portal must be configured to work with a Sametime server.
– Under Column for launching documents, drop down the list and select
the column to click when you want to open a document.
– Under Columns to hide, click or Ctrl-click one or more columns. Some
databases are designed to show many columns. You can hide ones you do
not need.
– Under Direction for default sort column, select an option for application.
6. When you have entered all of the necessary information, click Done to
7. Click Save to keep or Cancel to discard changes to the selected view.
Results of configuring the Notes View Portlet
After editing the Lotus Notes View portlet, the result of the Domino portlets page
is shown in Figure 3-43 on page 137.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 3-43 Result of modifying the Lotus Notes View Portlet
For column titles with a highlighted link, you can order the listing based on that
column. The configured server and database name always shows below the
portlet window’s ( If the portlet allows for launching
the Notes client or a Web browser, the launch rocket icon is present below the
title region. If you have rights to create documents in the respective Domino
database, which is “author” at minimum, then a “New document” icon also shows
up next to the launch rocket icon.
If you click a highlighted link inside the portlet (in our example, Customer Name),
you are able to open a document (if access allows) into a new Web browser
session and out of the portal context, as shown in Figure 3-44 on page 138.
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Figure 3-44 Result of clicking the first highlighted link in the Lotus Notes View portlet
If you click the second highlighted link inside the portlet (in our example,
Account Owner), you are able to open a Sametime menu (assuming Sametime
is configured), as shown in Figure 3-45.
Figure 3-45 Sales Report - Sametime Detail
For configuring a Notes View portlets for other Notes databases, repeat steps 1
to 7 for the Notes TeamRoom, Notes Discussion (Figure 3-46 on page 139), and
other databases.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 3-46 Discussion portlet
3.5.2 Integrate using the Domino Web Access (iNotes) portlet
The Domino Web Access (iNotes) Version portlet allows the user to view
and work in a Notes mail database that has a Domino Web Access design, and is
optimized for access using a Web browser.
Considerations for deploying the Domino Web Access portlet
The user can set up the portlet to display any or all of the following functional
򐂰 Welcome (default)
򐂰 Mail
򐂰 Contacts
򐂰 Calendar
򐂰 To Do
򐂰 Notebook
In the next section, we will show you how to install, configure, and deploy the
iNotes on your server. As portal administrator, you can change the area that
displays in the portlet. You can also pre-configure all the other settings users can
modify in edit mode, such as setting up a reverse proxy server, and specifying an
instance number for the portlet when the current portal page contains more than
one instance of Domino Web Access.
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Implementation details for the Domino Web Access portlet
This section describes how to use the Domino Web Access (iNotes) portlet to
display information from one of the mail databases within the portal context view.
To fully explain this implementation, we provide complete details concerning:
򐂰 Initial setup
򐂰 Edit options
򐂰 Results
Initial setup
The Domino Web Access (iNotes) portlet is setup like any other portlet; the WAR
file is installed and then the portlet is added to a page. This is true for the
stand-alone version available from the portlet catalog. However, if you install the
Extended Products Portlets (3.3, “Integration Option 1 - Using the Domino V6.5.1
and Extended Products Portlets: Collaboration the easy way” on page 100), the
Domino Web Access (iNotes) portlet is already installed with all the other
Click the My Workplace link and then click the Mail link; otherwise, you complete
the following tasks to deploy the portlet:
򐂰 Install the portlet WAR file. The Domino Web Access portlet is provided by the
portlet application, dominowebaccess.war.
򐂰 Create a place or pages for the portlets.
򐂰 Add the portlets to a page.
The detailed steps for performing each of these tasks are in 2.4, “Deploying the
case study portlets” on page 83.
Edit options
1. In the title bar, select the Edit icon in the top right hand of the portlet window
and click it, as shown in Figure 3-47.
Figure 3-47 Editing a portlets’ properties
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
2. In this form (Figure 3-48), you can customize the following variables for
Domino Web Access Portlet:
Figure 3-48 Configuring the Domino Web Access portlet
– Under Functional Area, select one of the following areas to display in this
instance of Domino Web Access: All, Welcome, Mail, Calendar, To Do List,
Contacts, or Notebook.
If you select All, under Start with, specify the functional area that
displays when this instance of Domino Web Access opens.
You do not need to specify an Instance number unless you add more
than one instance of Domino Web Access to a page, and both
instances display All; in that case, give each instance a different
– (Optional) Under Application title, change the title to whatever you want
(for example, My Company's Domino Web Access), as long as you do not
leave the field blank.
– (Optional) Under Width, type a number of pixels for this instance of
Domino Web Access to span regardless of column width.
– (Optional) Under Height, type a number of pixels.
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
– Under Source, select one of the following:
Automatically find my mail database. This option uses the name and
password under which you logged in.
Let me manually select my mail database. If you select this option,
you must also specify a source database, as described in “Pointing
Domino Web Access to a source mail database” on page 142.
– (Optional) Specify a reverse proxy server. For more information,
Specifying a reverse proxy server.
– (Optional) Under Protocol, change from the default to HTTPS (SSL), a
secure protocol, if you know the Domino server containing the database
containing the selected view uses that protocol. If you do not know it, set
this view to detect the server's protocol automatically.
3. Click Save to keep or Cancel to discard changes.
Figure 3-49 Domino Web Access - Instance
Tip: If you select All, under Start with, specify the functional area that
displays when this instance opens.You do not need to specify an Instance
number unless you add more than one instance of to a page, and both
instances display All; in that case, give each instance a different number
(Figure 3-49).
Pointing Domino Web Access to a source mail database
򐂰 Under Source, select Let me manually select my mail database, as shown
in Figure 3-50 on page 143.
򐂰 Under Server, specify the name of a Domino server, for example,
– After typing a value, you can select the check box next to the field to fill in
the Database filename field with available databases on the server. Then
you can select one of the databases for the next step.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 Under Database filename, specify the path and file name for a Domino Web
Access source mail database, for example, mail/manderle.nsf.
Figure 3-50 Configuring the Domino Web Access portlet - Manually
Repeat the steps for the Calendar, Address Book, and other links (Figure 3-51
and Figure 3-52 on page 144).
Figure 3-51 Calendar Portlet
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Figure 3-52 Contacts Portlet
3.5.3 Lotus Web Conferencing (Sametime)
The Lotus Web Conferencing portlet (Figure 3-53) allows you to find, attend, and
schedule e-meetings as well as view meeting details. This portlet can be
integrated with People Finder as part of the Collaboration Center, or deployed
independently. As with the other Collaboration Center portlets, people links are
visible in the Web Conferencing portlet to make your interaction fast and easy,
improving personal and organizational productivity.
Figure 3-53 The Lotus Web Conferencing portlet
Implementation details for the Lotus Web Conferencing Portlet
The following topics explain how to change the properties of the IBM Lotus Web
Conferencing (Sametime) application. The application is a component of the
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Collaboration Center. To fully explain this implementation, we provide complete
details concerning:
򐂰 Initial setup
򐂰 Edit parameters
򐂰 Using
Initial setup
Lotus Web Conferencing (Sametime) is set up like any other portlet; the WAR file
is installed and then the portlet is added to a page. This is true for the
stand-alone version available from the portlet catalog; however, if you install the
Extended Products Portlets (3.3, “Integration Option 1 - Using the Domino V6.5.1
and Extended Products Portlets: Collaboration the easy way” on page 100), the
Lotus Web Conferencing (Sametime) portlet is installed with all the other portlets.
Click the My Workplace link and then click the Web Conferences link;
otherwise, complete the following tasks to deploy the portlet:
򐂰 Install the portlet WAR file. The Lotus Web Conferencing portlet is provided
by the portlet application, LotusWebConferencing.war.
򐂰 Create a place or pages for the portlets.
򐂰 Add the portlets to a page.
The detailed steps for performing each of these tasks are in 2.4, “Deploying the
case study portlets” on page 83.
Editing parameters
To change Web Conferencing properties, follow these steps:
1. Click the pencil icon in the title bar of any of the application views
(Figure 3-54).
Figure 3-54 Editing a portlets’ properties
2. Edit the Number of meetings to display on each page. Meetings are listed
on one or more 'pages' within the Search and List view. This number specifies
the maximum number of meetings that can be listed on a page. The default
value is 15 (Figure 3-55 on page 146).
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Figure 3-55 Web Conferences - Edit UI
3. Click OK to accept the changes or Cancel to abandon them.
Using the Web Conferencing portlet
To find an e-meeting, use the Search and List view, which can locate any
e-meeting that is still available on the e-meeting server(s). It is the default view
for the Web Conferencing application.
1. In the drop-down list (Figure 3-56), select the type of meeting you want to
Figure 3-56 Web Conferences drop-down list
– In Progress lists all meetings that are active now.
– Scheduled lists all meetings that are scheduled for some future time.
– Moderated by Me - In Progress lists all In Progress meetings for which
you are named as moderator.
– Moderated by Me - Scheduled lists all Scheduled meetings for which you
are named as moderator.
– Recorded lists all meetings that have been recorded. You can replay a
recorded meeting after it is over. This allows you to see a meeting that, for
example, you were unable to attend.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
– Finished lists all meetings that have ended.
Note: The options Moderated by Me - In Progress and Moderated by Me Scheduled are available only if you are logged in to the portal. If you are an
anonymous (unauthenticated) portal user, you will not see this type of meeting
in the list.
2. Select the scope of the search (Figure 3-57):
Figure 3-57 Search options
– Show all lists all meetings of the type selected in the previous step (Type
of meeting), except confidential (unlisted) ones.
– Search by meeting name or moderator limits the list to particular
meetings within the type selected in the previous step. Enter the name (or
part name) of the moderator or meeting.
3. Click Go.
4. You can see the results of a meeting search in the meeting list. If there are
more meetings than can be listed at one time. To clear the search results and
remove the list table, click Clear.
5. To create an e-meeting, use the New Meeting icon. This option opens the
Schedule a New Meeting view (Figure 3-58 on page 148), where you can
schedule or start an e-meeting. The New Meeting command does not appear
if your administrator has disabled this option.
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Figure 3-58 Schedule a New Meeting
In the Essentials section, follow these steps:
a. Enter a Name for the meeting, for example, “IBM WebSphere Portal”.
b. Enter a Description for the meeting (Optional), for example, “Build Level”.
c. Select Start Now if you want the meeting to start immediately or
Schedule for if the meeting is to start at some future time. If you selected
Schedule for, specify a Start Date, Start Time, and Duration for the
d. Select the Record meeting check box (Optional) if you want the meeting
to be recorded so that users can play it back at a later date.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
In the Security section, follow these steps:
a. Enter a password (Optional) for the meeting. Users will have to supply this
password in order to attend the meeting.
b. Select Secure this meeting by not listing... (Optional) if you want the
meeting to be confidential (unlisted). Users wishing to attend an
confidential meeting will need to know its full name in advance.
c. Select Secure this meeting using encryption... (Optional) if you want
the meeting to be encrypted.
In the Tools section under General, select (or deselect) the check boxes to
indicate the tools that you want to use during the meeting:
a. Whiteboard allows you to present files, draw images, and enter text.
b. Screen Sharing allows any attendee to share his or her screen display
with the other meeting participants.
c. Meeting Room Chat allows attendees to send messages to everyone in
the meeting.
d. Send Web Page allows you, as moderator, to simultaneously direct all
participants' Web browsers to a specific Web page.
e. Polling allows you, as moderator, to send questions to participants and to
collect the responses.
Under Audio/Video, select one of the following:
a. None
b. Computer Audio allows attendees to speak with other participants via the
c. Computer Audio and Video allows attendees to speak with other
participants and if using video, to be seen by them
Note: You will see only those tools that your administrator has enabled; you
may not see all of the ones describe here.
6. Finally, when all of the settings are correct, you can click Save to finish
scheduling a new meeting or click Cancel to close the form without
scheduling the meeting.
7. At the next screen (Figure 3-59 on page 150), review the information you
have entered. The name of the moderator for the meeting appears with an
Instant Messaging icon that indicates the moderator's online status:
– Active (green square)
– Away (red circle)
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
– Do Not Disturb (yellow diamond)
– Not logged on or Instant Messaging not available (gray dot)
You can click the name to display the Person Name menu. Its options include
for example, Chat, Send E-mail, Show Profile, Show Person Record, and
Show in Organizational View. On a public page, people links do not appear.
The names of people appear as plain text, without a menu.
Figure 3-59 Review - Meeting Detail
8. Click Close Detail return to the meeting Search and List view.
After editing the Web Conferencing, the result of the work is shown in Figure 3-60
on page 151.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 3-60 New Web Conferences
3.5.4 Lotus Instant Messaging Contact List (Sametime Contact List)
My Contacts allows you to use Sametime instant messaging, as shown in
Figure 3-61. You can chat with people, display only online names in the list,
modify your status message, or modify groups.
Figure 3-61 My Contacts
Implementation details for the Instant Messaging Contact List
The following topics explain how to change the properties of the IBM Lotus
Instant Messaging Contact List (Sametime Contact List) application. The
application is a component of the Collaboration Center. To fully explain this
implementation, we provide complete details concerning:
򐂰 Initial setup
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
򐂰 Edit parameters
򐂰 Using
Initial setup
The Lotus Instant Messaging Contact List (Sametime Contact List) is set up like
any other portlet; the WAR file is installed and then the portlet is added to a page.
This is true for the stand-alone version available from the portlet catalog;
however, if you install the Extended Products Portlets (3.3, “Integration Option 1 Using the Domino V6.5.1 and Extended Products Portlets: Collaboration the
easy way” on page 100), the Sametime Contact List portlet is installed with all
the other portlets.
Click the My Workplace link and then click the Web Conferences or Mail link.
(the Contact List is available on both pages); otherwise, you complete the
following tasks to deploy the portlet:
򐂰 Install the portlet WAR file. The My Contacts portlet is provided by the portlet
application, SametimeContactList.war.
򐂰 Create a place or pages for the portlets.
򐂰 Add the portlets to a page.
The detailed steps for performing each of these tasks are in 2.4, “Deploying the
case study portlets” on page 83.
Editing and configuration parameters
There are no edit and configuration parameters for this portlet. The Portlet works
only if a Sametime server is installed and running.
Using the Instant Messaging portlet
If you want to chat with people, click the triangle for a group that contains a
person with whom you want to chat. The names of people available for chatting
appear with a green icon.Then click the name of any person with whom you want
to chat. In the window that opens (Figure 3-62 on page 153), do one or more of
the following:
򐂰 Type a chat message and press Enter or click Send.
򐂰 Click Invite Others to create and send an invitation for a multiple-person chat.
You can select names from a directory and search the directory for names.
򐂰 Click Add Tools to enable screen sharing, whiteboard, audio, or video for
your chat meeting.
To complete the chat, click Close.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 3-62 Chat
Working with People and Groups
1. Click People and select Add Person or Group (Figure 3-63). You must know
how to spell the Person or Group name (no directory lookup is available).
2. Type the person's name.
3. From the drop-down list, select the name of the personal group to which you
want to add the person.
4. Click Add, then click Return to List.
Figure 3-63 Add Person or Group
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Working with a personal group
You can create or rename a personal group.
1. Click People and select Create Personal Group or Rename Personal
2. Type a new name for the group, click Create or Rename, and then click
Return to List.
Figure 3-64 My Contacts - New Group
Displaying only online names in the contact list My Contacts can show names of
anyone who uses Sametime in your organization, but you can chat only with
names displayed as active (green).
Click Options and select Show Online People Only. To return to the default of
showing all names, click Options and select Show All People.
Changing your online status message: Your online status message (Active, Away,
and so on) appears when another user hovers the cursor over your name in their
Click Options and select Change Online Status.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Select one of the following messages:
򐂰 To show others you are available to chat (green icon), select I Am Active.
򐂰 To tell others you are temporarily unavailable (yellow icon), select I Am Away.
򐂰 To tell others you are online but do not want to chat at this time (double clock
icon), select Do Not Disturb Me.
Figure 3-65 My Contacts - Options
3.5.5 My Lotus Team Workplaces (QuickPlace)
The IBM Lotus My Team Workplaces portlet lets users find, work in, and request
new team workplaces as well as view workplace details. This portlet can be
integrated with People Finder as part of the Collaboration Center, or deployed
independently. As with the other Collaboration Center portlets, people links are
visible in the My Team Workplaces portlet to make employee interaction fast and
easy, improving personal and organizational productivity.
With using the My Team Workplaces portlet, users have a central location from
which to see and visit the online workplaces to which they belong. Users can
quickly find workplaces to see summary views of activity and recent events, to
get more detailed information about the workplace, and to work in the place.
People links in team workplaces provide a way for place members to interact with
each other.
The My Team Workplaces portlet cannot be deployed in a public page in the
portal. That is, the portlet is not available to anonymous (unauthenticated) portal
users. Registered (authenticated) users - namely users who have logged in to
the portal - can use My Team Workplaces in the pages to which they have
Implementation details for the Team Workplaces portlet
This part explains how to set up the properties of the IBM Lotus Team
Workplaces application. The application is a component of the Collaboration
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Center. To fully explain this implementation, we provide complete details
򐂰 Initial setup
򐂰 Edit parameters
򐂰 Using
Initial setup
Lotus Team Workplaces is set up like any other portlet; the WAR file is installed
and then the portlet is added to a page. This is true for the stand-alone version
available from the portlet catalog. However, if you install the Extended Products
Portlets (3.3, “Integration Option 1 - Using the Domino V6.5.1 and Extended
Products Portlets: Collaboration the easy way” on page 100), the Team
Workplaces portlet is installed with all the other portlets.
Click the My Workplace link and then click the Team Space link; otherwise,
complete the following tasks to deploy the portlet:
򐂰 Install the portlet WAR file. The Team Workplaces portlet is provided by the
portlet application, LotusMyTeamWorkplaces.war.
򐂰 Create a place or pages for the portlets.
򐂰 Add the portlets to a page.
The detailed steps for performing each of these tasks are shown in 2.4,
“Deploying the case study portlets” on page 83. Figure 3-38 on page 132 shows
the Lotus Notes View portlets page before configuration.
Edit parameters
1. Click the pencil icon in the title bar, as shown in Figure 3-66.
Figure 3-66 Editing a portlets’ properties
2. Edit the properties you want to modify.
– My workplaces: Workplaces are listed in one or more screens within the
List view. This number specifies the maximum number of workplaces that
can be listed on a screen.
– Details: Workplace pages are listed in one or more screens within the
Details view. This number specifies the maximum number of pages that
can be listed on a screen.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
– Search results: Workplace pages that match entered search criteria are
listed in one or more screens within the Search Results view. This number
specifies the maximum number of pages that can be listed on a screen.
Figure 3-67 gives some example parameters.
Figure 3-67 Team Space - edit UI
3. Click OK to accept the changes or Cancel to abandon them.
Using the My Team Workplaces Portlet
To view team workplaces, use the List view. It is the default view for the My Team
Workplaces application and it lists all workplaces that you are a member of. If you
are not a member of any team workplace, or you are not logged on, the list table
does not display. Click a team workplace name or the down-arrow next to it to
display the Display Details menu.(Figure 3-68).
Figure 3-68 Display Details menu
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
򐂰 Open Workplace: Opens the workplace in a separate browser window. The
same window is used for any workplace you open in the current session.
򐂰 What's New: Opens the Details view, listing the What's New pages for the
򐂰 My Tasks: Opens the Details view, listing the My Tasks pages for the
򐂰 My Pages: Opens the Details view, listing all pages in the workplace that
include your name in the Author field.
򐂰 Search This Workplace: Opens the Advanced Search view with this
workplace selected as the workplace to be searched.
Details view
Now we show you how to use the Details view in the IBM Lotus My Team
Workplaces (QuickPlace) application.The Details view lists the pages in a
workplace. You can access it in various ways, for example, from the Details menu
on the List view by clicking My Tasks. In the Display Details view (Figure 3-69),
you can perform the following actions:
򐂰 Display the pages of a particular category by selecting the category in the
View drop-down list. The categories are What's New, My Tasks, and My
Pages. Access a page by clicking its title.
򐂰 Search the workplace for pages that contain particular text. Enter your search
text in the Search this workplace box and click Go or use more advanced
searches within the current workplace by clicking Advanced Search.
򐂰 Open the current workplace by choosing Open Workplace from the menu.
򐂰 Update the list of displayed pages from the server by choosing Refresh from
the menu.
Figure 3-69 Team Space - What’s New
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
New workplace
The following section explains how to add a new team workplace using the IBM
Lotus My Team Workplaces (QuickPlace) application.
1. Click New Workplace on the default (List) view to open the Request a New
Team Workplace view (Figure 3-70).
Figure 3-70 New Team Workplace
– In Workplace Type, select one of the available types in the drop-down list.
– In Name for Address, enter a short name for the new workplace, for
example, “RedbookTeam”. This will become the final part of the URL for
the workplace.
– In Title, enter a suitable title for the new workplace, for example, “Redbook
Team Workplace”.
– In Workplace Manager Name, enter the name of the person who is to be
manager of the new workplace.
– In E-mail Address, enter the e-mail address of the manager named in the
previous step.
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
– (Optional) Enter data into the remaining fields. Your administrator may
have tailored these to the particular needs of your organization. The
default fields are the following:
Expiration Date: Enter a date after which the workplace will no longer
be needed.
Cost Center: Enter the cost center for the department that will be
using the workplace.
Department: Enter the name of the department that will be using the
Description: Enter a description for the workplace.
2. Click Submit Request to send the request to the team workplace
administrator, or click Cancel to cancel your request.
3.5.6 People Finder Portlet
The People Finder portlet provides both quick search and advanced search
options for locating people and information about people. Once found, a person
is visible to other users as a person link, which indicates an online presence, and
displays a menu of instant messaging and other options. Clicking a person link
displays the Person Record, including the person's business card information
followed by administrator-defined fields organized in sections, for example,
Contact Information, Current Job, and Background. The portlet also provides a
view of the person's place in the organizational context. In the Organization View,
users can display the person's reporting structure; that is, the employees the
person manages, if any, and the person's management chain.
Before you configure the People Finder portlet, familiarize yourself with the IBM
WebSphere Member Manager attributes that correspond to the pre-configured
fields in People Finder.
General users work with the People Finder portlet using the following features,
which appear in one or more views of the portlet:
򐂰 Quick Search and Quick Search Results, including Business Card fields
򐂰 Advanced Search and Advanced Search Results
򐂰 Person record, including Business Card fields
򐂰 Organization view, including Business Card fields
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Implementation details
This section describes how to use the People finder portlet to find information
about people. The application is a component of the Collaboration Center. To
fully explain this implementation, we provide complete details concerning:
򐂰 Initial setup
򐂰 Configuration options
򐂰 Using
Initial setup
People finder is set up like any other portlet; the WAR file is installed and then the
portlet is added to a page. This is true for the stand-alone version available from
the portlet catalog. However, if you install the Extended Products Portlets (3.3,
“Integration Option 1 - Using the Domino V6.5.1 and Extended Products Portlets:
Collaboration the easy way” on page 100), the People finder portlet is installed
with all the other portlets.
Click the My Workplace link and then click the Team Space or Mail link. People
finder is available on both pages; otherwise, complete the following tasks to
deploy the portlet:
򐂰 Install the portlet WAR file. The Team Workplaces portlet is provided by the
portlet application, lwppeoplefinder.war.
򐂰 Create a place or pages for the portlets.
򐂰 Add the portlets to a page.
The detailed steps for performing each of these tasks are in 2.4, “Deploying the
case study portlets” on page 83.
Configuration options
The People Finder portlet is pre-configured for immediate use. In the Attributes
and Display Formats table, review the default attributes and display formats that
are selected to appear as fields of the People Finder portlet. The Member
Manager attributes selected here are used as fields in the default configuration of
the portlet's views and search queries.
Tip: If you wish to use the portlet in its default configuration, do not change the
selected fields. Consider testing the default configuration in a pilot deployment
before changing portlet fields.
In the title bar, select the Configuration icon in the top right hand of the portlet
window and click as shown in Figure 3-71 on page 162.
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Figure 3-71 Configuring a portlets’ properties
Configuration Basics
1. You can see the Configuration Overview page as shown in Figure 3-72. Under
Define Shared Elements, click Configuration Basics.
Figure 3-72 People finder - Configuration Overview
2. On the Configuration Basics page, in the Search Results field, type the
maximum number of items for Quick Search and Advanced Search to return
(Figure 3-73 on page 163). The number that you specify here overwrites the
Member Manager setting for the maximum number of items to return in a
search results list. If you specify zero (0), People Finder uses the Member
Manager default value for the maximum number of search results to return.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 3-73 People finder - Basic Configuration
3. In the Attributes and Display Formats table, select the Include check box
for each field to use in the People Finder portlet. The fields you select here
are available for selection when you perform subsequent configuration tasks.
For each selected field, click one of the following to specify the display format:
– String: Plain text. Corresponds to Member Manager data type String.
– Link: The address of an Internet or intranet site. Corresponds to Member
Manager data type String.
– Person Link: A person's name displayed as a link showing online status
and, when clicked, an action menu. Corresponds to Member Manager
attribute MemberIdentifier with data type String.
– Member Link: A person related to the found person (for example, the
found person's manager or administrative assistant), whose name is
displayed as a link showing online status and, when clicked, an action
menu. Corresponds to Member Manager data type String.
– E-mail: An e-mail address displayed as a mailto: link. Corresponds to
Member Manager data type String.
– Numeric: Corresponds to Member Manager data types Integer, Long, and
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
– Image: Corresponds to Member Manager data type ByteArray.
– Object: Corresponds to Member Manager data type Object.
4. Click OK to save your changes and return to the Configuration Overview.
Business Card
The Business Card provides basic information about a person. You may choose
to include a person's photograph on the business card.
Tip: For best results, do not add more than six lines to the business card.
1. On the Configuration Overview page, under Define Shared Elements, click
Business Card (Figure 3-74).
Figure 3-74 People finder - Business Card
2. To include a photograph in the Person Record and the Organization View,
select the check box Include photo, and then from the Attribute containing
photo list, select the Member Manager attribute that contains photos. By
default, the selected attribute is jpegPhoto.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
3. From the list of available fields, click displayName and then click Add. Then,
one by one, select a field and then click Add until you finish adding fields.
4. In the table of Fields and Descriptions, click Up and Down to order the
fields as you want them to appear on the business card. Click Delete to
remove a field from the table.
5. Click OK to save your changes and return to the Configuration Overview.
The Person Record and Advanced Search views are pre-configured to include
the sections Contact Information, Current Job, and Background. You can add
sections to use when you define the layout of the Person Record and the
Advanced Search views.
Important: Sections that you add must already be defined in the
language-specific properties file of the People Finder, When you add a section, you
enter the resource key for a section name.
1. On the Configuration Overview page, under Define Shared Elements, click
Sections to display the task page (Figure 3-75).
Figure 3-75 People Finder - sections
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
2. For each section that you want to add in the Section Name Resource Key
field, type the resource key and then click Add.
3. In the table of Resource Keys and Display Labels, click Up and Down to order
the sections as you want them to appear in the Person Record and Advanced
Search views. Click Delete to remove a section from the table. Deleting a
section also deletes the Person Record fields and the Advanced Search
queries and results.
4. Click OK to save your changes and return to the Configuration Overview.
Now you can use the People Finder to find information about people. These
sections explain how to use the People Finder.
Using quick search
Quick search is the default view for People Finder. To search for a person, follow
these steps:
1. In the Search by list, select the area of personal data to search. The list
typically includes these items:
– Name
– User ID
– E-mail
– Phone
– Department
– Job Title
2. In the Search for field, enter the text you want to find.
3. Click Search.
4. Figure 3-76 on page 167 shows the results of a quick search. If only one
name is found, you also see the business card information for that person.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 3-76 People Finder - quick search
Tip: Searching is not case-sensitive, so m and M are treated as the same
In most cases, a match is returned if an entry is found that begins with the text
you entered. For example, the search text “ma” would find Martin or Mary
Weng in a first name field.
Using advanced search
To carry out an advanced search, follow these steps:
1. Click Advanced Search to open the Advanced Search view (Figure 3-77 on
page 168).
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Figure 3-77 Advanced search
2. In one or more of the search text boxes, enter the text you want to find.
– People finder compares the text you enter against the appropriate fields in
the Person Records.
– Matching is additive. In other words, if you enter search text in the First
Name field and also in the Last Name field, only people who have a first
name that contains the First Name search text and a last name that
contains the Last Name search text will be returned.
3. Click Search or, to return to the main People Finder view at any time, click
4. Figure 3-78 on page 169 shows the results of a advanced search.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 3-78 People Finder - Detail Person Record
5. Figure 3-79 on page 170 shows the second part results of a advanced
search. Your administrator determines whether or not the Organization view is
available; by default, it includes these sections and fields.
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Figure 3-79 People Finder - Organization
3.5.7 Domino.Doc (Document Manager) Portlet
IBM Lotus Domino Document Manager is the document management solution
for organizing, managing, and storing all of your critical business documents, and
for making them accessible inside and outside your organization.
Built on the common storage metaphor of file rooms, file cabinets, binder
categories, binders (folders), and documents, Document Manager is familiar and,
therefore, easy to learn and use directly from your browser with this WebSphere
Portal instance of the Documents application.
Implementation details for the Document Manager Portlet
The following topics explain how to set up the Domino Document Manager. The
application is a component of the Collaboration Center. To fully explain this
implementation, we provide complete details concerning:
򐂰 Initial setup
򐂰 Edit parameters
򐂰 Result
Initial setup
Domino Document Manager (Domino.Doc) is set up like any other portlet; the
WAR file is installed and then the portlet is added to a page. This is true for the
stand-alone version available from the portlet catalog; however, if you install
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Extended Products Portlet (3.3, “Integration Option 1 - Using the Domino V6.5.1
and Extended Products Portlets: Collaboration the easy way” on page 100),
Domino.Doc is installed with all the other portlets.
Click the My Workplace link and then click the Documents link; otherwise, you
complete the following tasks to deploy the portlet:
򐂰 Install the portlet WAR file. The Domino.Doc portlet is provided by the portlet
application, domdoc.war.
򐂰 Create a place or pages for the portlets.
򐂰 Add the portlets to a page.
The detailed steps for performing each of these tasks are in 2.4, “Deploying the
case study portlets” on page 83.
Edit parameters
1. In the title bar, click the Edit icon (Figure 3-80).
Figure 3-80 Edit icon
2. You see Domino.Doc Source Form, as shown in Figure 3-81 on page 172.
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
Figure 3-81 Domino.Doc sources form
– Under Title, edit the title, for example, to Documents. You can type any
title, but do not leave the field blank.
– Under Source, in the Server field, specify the name of the Domino server
that contains the Document Manager source database, for example, You may select a name from the list under the
Server field, or type a name.
When you select the check box next to the Server field with a server
name selected, if the server has Document Manager source databases
or directories with Document Manager databases, they will appear in
the Database list.
– Under Database filename, specify a Document Manager database name.
You can select a name in the list under Database, or type a name, for
example, redbooklib.nsf, in the Database filename field. If you select a
database name, it will appear in the Database filename field. If you select
a directory from the Database list, the directory will appear in the
Database filename field and the names of the Document Manager
databases in that directory will appear in the Database list. Select a
database in the Database list and the name will be appended to the
directory name in the Database filename field.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Tip: When you see two periods (..) appear in the Database list, you can click
them to move to the next higher directory on the server.
– Under Application width and Application height, type a number of
pixels to determine the size of Documents within the column.
– Select one of the following options for the Internet protocol of the server
hosting Document Manager:
HTTPS (for Secure Socket Layer)
Detect protocol automatically
Tip: Select Detect protocol automatically if you do not know the server's
3. Click OK to keep or Cancel to discard changes to the source database.
Results of using the Document Manager portlet
If Single Sign-on has been correctly configured, you should see something
similar to Figure 3-82.
Figure 3-82 The Document Manager portlet
Chapter 3. Using existing portlets
3.6 Reference material
The following Web sites and Redbooks are helpful when exploring the integration
of Lotus Domino and WebSphere:
򐂰 Domino and WebSphere Together, Second Edition, SG24-5955
򐂰 IBM Lotus Domino Application Portlet: Configuration and Tips, REDP-3917
򐂰 IBM Lotus Domino Developer Domain
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Developer Domain - Portal Zone
򐂰 Lotus Domino 6.5.1 and Extended Products Integration Guide, SG24-6357
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Chapter 4.
Using custom Domino JSP
Tag libraries
This chapter describes how to integrate Lotus Domino applications into a
WebSphere Portal using the custom Domino JSP Tag libraries, which were
introduced in Release 6 of Domino.
We begin the chapter by reviewing several pertinent technologies: J2EE, JSP,
and Tag libraries. Next, we introduce the tools needed to accomplish a
successful integration. As we describe how we integrated our sample application,
we point out some key considerations, as well as some common pitfalls along the
way, and how they can be overcome.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
4.1 Overview
The Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio enables easy creation of
integrated Domino and WebSphere applications by seamlessly connecting the
Domino database to WebSphere Studio. Developers can build Java Server
Pages in WebSphere Studio with virtually no coding as well as access elements
in Domino databases — such as forms, views, and action buttons — using a
visual drag-and-drop interface to build sophisticated pages for applications. The
toolkit installs the Domino JSP tag libraries and configures the WebSphere
Studio environment for their use. It also creates a Domino view to the Studio
navigator from which one can drag and drop the Domino JSP tag onto the JSP
being developed.
4.1.1 Skills and degree of customization - Domino JSP Tags
Figure 4-1 on page 177 gives an overview of this integration option relative to all
the available options open to the user/developer for portalizing Domino
applications. Note that the horizontal axis illustrates an increasing range of
customization for integrating your application, while the vertical axis illustrates
the degree of J2EE skills required for each approach.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Domino Java API
IBM Portlet API
JSR 168 Portlet API
JSF Portlet Framework
Struts Portlet Framework
Lotus Workplace API
J2EE Knowledge
JSP tags
Bowstreet Portlet
Factory /
Conet Knowledge
IBM Portlet
Builder for
Level of customization
Figure 4-1 Integration options
The main message to take from this graphic is that the Domino custom JSP Tags
approach represents an excellent option for a high degree of customization, while
only requiring intermediate Java knowledge.
Finally, keep in mind that, depending on the solution you need, a combination of
several options may be required. For example, if portlets built by the IBM Portlet
Builder for Domino need to be “fine-tuned”, it may be necessary to use Domino
JSP tags or to use the Domino Java API.
4.2 Technologies involved
The integration techniques described in this chapter rely on several technologies;
this section is a brief introduction to them. It begins with a look at J2EE and a
description of some of its components, then provides a closer look at JavaServer
Pages (JSP) technology and custom JSP Tag libraries.
Since there is a countless number of publications about J2EE, JSPs, and so on,
we will concentrate on basic information.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
4.2.1 J2EE overview
Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is a specification for a standard platform for
developing and hosting reusable components. The components can then be
used to provide multi-tier client- and server-based enterprise applications. It is
based on the Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE, formerly called Java Runtime
Environment or JRE), which has been complemented with enterprise standards
that provide a scalable, robust, secure, and stable platform to build enterprise
It enables developers to extend existing solutions by creating applications quickly,
with reduced complexity, cost, and facilities.
Technologies included in J2EE
Some of the technologies in the J2EE platform are:
򐂰 JavaServer Pages (JSPs)
򐂰 Java Servlets
򐂰 Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs)
򐂰 J2EE Connector Architecture
򐂰 JDBC data access API
What’s different in J2EE versus Domino?
One of the main advantages and strengths of J2EE is the separation of the tiers
or layers that compose an e-business application.
Unlike a Lotus Domino application, where all the data, business logic, and
presentation objects are packed on a single .NSF file, in the J2EE design pattern
there are several separate containers that represent different logical tiers, as
depicted Figure 4-2 on page 179.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 4-2 J2EE design
Database tier
Viewing the figure from right to left, the first tier is the Database tier. This tier is
not part of the J2EE spec and is accessed directly by a technology called JDBC,
which provides access to the application data stored on relational databases.
From a J2EE developer point of view, this tier is basically a provider of data
access and storage.
EJB container tier
Next is the EJB container tier, which is a J2EE run-time component. You would
place business logic here by using Java components called Enterprise Java
Beans (EJB), which actually are designed to provide seamless access to
relational databases and enterprise information systems (EIS) with transactional
integrity. Along with the data storage and access facilities, you can embed the
business logic of your application in these components since they offer high
performance and availability mechanisms that can be accessed from different
channels of communication, not just through the Web.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Web container tier
The next tier is the Web container (also a J2EE runtime component), which is
designed to construct presentation components and control presentation logic. It
is based on technologies that offer a high performance, extendable presentation
framework to build upon, like Servlets and JavaServer Pages. The Web container
is also the host of other technologies, such as Web Services and XML-XSLT
applications, that enable your applications to extend to other channels of
Client tier
The final layer is the client tier, which is represented by two types of client. The
most commonly used is the thin client Web browser, which basically understands
and renders the HTML or XHTML broadcast from the Web container into Web
pages. Inside the browser, you can have a Java component called Applets, which
as shown in the diagram can only access the J2SE basic services. Also, there is
another type of client, called the J2EE Client container, because J2EE allows a
client-server configuration. This fat client has access to several J2EE services; it
is used when the use of external devices and usability issues arise that the Web
Browser is unable to attend to.
Additional thoughts on J2EE
The Web container and the EJB container are the two main blocks that make up
a J2EE application server. The WebSphere Portal allows the construction of
Portlet applications that will reside on the Web container, so our focus remains
on this container as we explore the JSP - Domino custom JSP tag libraries option
of portalizing Lotus Domino applications.
The Portlet components extend the Servlet component, and can present its
information using JSP pages. And since JSP development is part of the Lotus
Domino development environment, it seems natural to understand and unleash
the power of JSPs in the portal environment.
More information about J2EE can be found at the Sun Microsystems Web site:
4.2.2 JavaServer Pages
A JavaServer Page (JSP) is a HTML Web page that contains code that executes
application logic to generate dynamic content. The page is created at the time it
is requested. JSPs are compiled into servlets; the code they contain is executed
by the server.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
The power of a JSP page is in the tags that it contains. JSP tags are similar to
HTML tags, except they contain a reference to Java implementation classes
rather than to instructions on how to display the tag body.
A JSP allows you to easily create content for Web applications while maintaining
the ability to include information generated on the fly. That can be computed by
Java code or extracted from other third-party systems such as, in our case, Lotus
Domino applications.
Definition of a JSP
A JSP is a standard file that is written basically in HTML, which can include
special tags to allow developers include dynamic content for Web applications.
From a Java point of view, it extends the Servlet component used in most J2EE
Web applications. The JSP files end with a .jsp extension.
The following code snippet contains the code of a simple JSP file.
Example 4-1 JSP sample snippet
<% out.println(“Hello World !!”); %>
As you can see, this snippet looks much like a standard HTML file, with some
special tags that contain Java code inside. The output of this JSP will be a Hello
World !! message on the Web browser.
There are several elements in a JSP file, one of which will help us include JSP
Tag libraries. The elements included in a JSP file are briefly described in the
following section.
Elements of a JSP
The JSP files can embed Java code through the use of special tags. These tags
can be grouped into four main categories.
The JSP Directives are elements that give the J2EE Application Server global
information about the JSP file. The instructions are processed by the JSP engine
on compilation time. Directives are used to set instruction on page level, insert
data from external files, and to declare custom tag libraries. The syntax of the
JSP Directive is:
<%@ directive attribute=”value” %>
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
The attribute and value pair are optional. Table 4-1 identifies some of the
Table 4-1 JSP Directives
Available attributes
Defines information that affects the
global definition of the JSP file. The
attributes are not required, since they
are set by default.
This directive lets the developer include
files in the JSP at compile time.
Lets the JSP include custom tag
libraries on the JSP.
We will use the taglib directive in our JSP examples to include the custom
Domino JSP tags.
For further information about the JSP directives and attributes, refer to the
references at the end of this chapter.
Declarations are used when a JSP developer wants to include methods or define
variables on the Servlet class generated by the J2EE Web Container. Declared
variables map to servlet instance variables and should not be modified during the
request. Example 4-2 is a sample of a String variable declaration inside a JSP
Example 4-2 Sample variable declaration inside a JSP file
<%! String myString=new String(“My String”);%>
Example 4-3 on page 183 shows the declaration of a method inside a JSP file.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Example 4-3 Sample method declaration inside a JSP file
<%! public getMyString() { return myString; )%>
Expressions are used to display dynamic Java content on the Web browser.
These are some of the most commonly used elements in JSP files. The
expression tags are replaced by the evaluation of the Java code; this evaluation
is performed at runtime.
The syntax of an expression is:
<%= expression%>
The expression evaluated must successfully return a String class or a class that
can be converted into a String.
Example 4-4 is a sample of a JSP expression.
Example 4-4 Sample JSP expression
Scriptlets are general purpose Java tags within which a developer can embed
normal Java code.
The syntax of the scriptlets is:
<% javaCode %>
Example 4-5 is an example of a JSP Scriptlet.
Example 4-5 Sample JSP scriptlet
<% out.println(“Hello World !!”); %>
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Implicit objects in JSP files
Working with JSP files, you will be able to reference—without declaring—several
Java objects. These objects have exactly the same characteristics as though
they where being called from a Servlet component. Table 4-2 outlines the most
important objects.
Table 4-2 Some important implicit objects in JSP files
Object name
This object represents the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession object and is
most commonly used to store data that is related to the user, through
the user interaction with the application. One of the most important
uses of this object is to replace the stateless nature of HTTP by
providing a temporary stateful storage of the information the user
generates though his interaction with the Web application.
This object represents the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
interface and is primarily used to allow the user to access the request
parameters through the getParameter(String) method. Also, this
object is used frequently to pass attributes from one request to the
target JSP file. It also exposes, through different methods, the
requesting user and device information that is trying to access the
JSP file.
This object represents the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse
and is responsible for passing information back to the requesting
client. It is commonly used to write information to the output stream,
although the out object takes care of that.
This object represents a JspWriter, which is derived from the and provides the client the ability to stream information
back to the requesting client. One of the most common methods used
by this object is the out.println(String) method, which prints the String
parameter directly on the output generated by the JSP file.
For further information about JSP implicit objects, check the references at the
end of this chapter.
Providing a stateful interaction through a stateless protocol
The nature of the HTTP protocol is stateless, meaning it basically accepts a
request through a TCP/IP port and responds with a bytestream of characters that
are rendered on the Web browser. To compensate for this shortcoming, the J2EE
technology includes objects that can be used by our JSPs, which are implicit in
their use and solve the stateless characteristics of the HTTP protocol. In the
previous section, we discussed an implicit object called session. This object
represents the javax.servlet.HttpSession class; its purpose is to maintain a
temporary storage area that can be used by our applications to keep the context
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
of who is interacting with our application and with what characteristics this
interaction is taking place.
As shown in Figure 4-3, there are two techniques used to enable this interaction.
The first is to maintain a Session ID on a cookie inside the browser. This cookie
contains the ID code that the Web container can use to look up the session data
in which the current user is working. The second approach is rewriting the URL,
which appends the Session ID to the URL to maintain the session-browser
relationship. This approach is not supported by our portal infrastructure since we
could have a session for each portlet.
Figure 4-3 Stateful interactions using Java components
The use of the session object inside our JSPs will enable us to maintain
portlet-specific information through the user interaction with the portal. To
illustrate this, imagine you have a portlet that extracts user information, but then
you change to another WebSphere Portal place or page to interact with other
portlets. When you come back to the original portlet, it would be useful to still get
the same information as you had before. This can be accomplished using the
session object.
JSP limitations
The JSP technology has one main limitation that should be taken into account:
the size of the Java bytestream is limited to 64 KB.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
For more information about JSPs, see the Sun Microsystems Web site:
4.3 Software and tools used
As we discuss the examples, we refer to several tools available to developers.
Some of them are:
Lotus Domino Designer V6.5.3
WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.1.2
WebSphere Portal Toolkit for WebSphere Studio V5.0.2.2
Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio V1.3
Since we discussed the Domino Designer in previous chapters, we will focus on
reviewing the other tools available in this chapter. For further information about
the Lotus Domino Designer, refer to the references at the end of this chapter.
4.3.1 WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.1.2
WebSphere Studio Application Developer is one of the WebSphere Studio family
of products that has been developed based on the Eclipse Workbench.
The Eclipse Workbench is an open source development platform, designed by
IBM and released to the open source community. It is an open, portable,
universal tooling platform that provides frameworks, services, and tools for
building tools.
In essence the workbench provides the tool infrastructure. With this infrastructure
in place, the tool builders are able to focus on the actual building of their tools.
The workbench has been designed for maximum flexibility to support the
development of tools for new technologies that may emerge in the future.
Development tools written for the workbench should support a role-based
development model, in which the outcomes of the developers’ work will be
consistent. The developers should not have to be concerned with how different
individual tools may be treating their files.
The WebSphere Studio family of products is an integrated platform (IDE) for
developing, testing, debugging, and deploying J2EE applications. It provides
support for each phase of the application development life cycle.
WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5 includes the following tools:
򐂰 Web development tools
򐂰 Jakarta Struts development tools
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) development tools
򐂰 Portal development tools
򐂰 Java development tools
򐂰 Web services development tools
򐂰 XML development tools
򐂰 Relational database tools
򐂰 Team collaboration tools
򐂰 Integrated debugger for JSPs, Servlets, EJBs, and Java code
򐂰 Server tools for testing and development
򐂰 Tracing, monitoring, and performance analysis tools
򐂰 Debugger
򐂰 Log and Trace Analyzer
򐂰 Plug-in development tools
򐂰 Integration with automated build tools like ANT
򐂰 Unit test tools like JUnit
The WebSphere Studio Application Developer has many features to assist the
developer; some are illustrated in Figure 4-4 on page 188. Within the framework,
there are development perspectives that let you invoke the tools without losing
the reference to the working object. In addition, the framework is extendable,
allowing you to plug in other tools like WebSphere Portal Toolkit for WebSphere
Studio and Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Partner Products and Developer Specific Plug-ins
Rational, Merant, Serena, Instantiations....
User Experience, Mobile Internet...
Offerings &
WS Studio Enterprise Developer
AD Tools
WS Studio Appl. Dev. Integration Edition
WS Studio Application Developer
WS Studio Site Developer
.....Many more to Come
Studio for
WebSphere Studio Workbench
Common Services
Open Tools
Resource management
Project model
Common Framework
Team programming model
Extensibility framework
Widget toolkit
UI Framework
Editing Framework
Builders, Markers, Help
Infrastructure, Software Configuration Management, Windows/Linux
Figure 4-4 WebSphere Studio internal structure
As the figure shows, the WebSphere Studio tool is constructed of building blocks.
The cornerstone of the structure is the Eclipse Framework, and on top of it IBM
WebSphere Studio Workbench is the basic framework on which several flavors of
the WebSphere Studio products are supported.
The first item in the WebSphere Studio portfolio is WebSphere Studio Site
Developer, which provides support for creating Web applications and Web
services projects and utilizes the broad number of services provided by the
WebSphere Studio Workbench.
Next is WebSphere Studio Application Developer, which gives the developer a
full J2EE environment for developing enterprise applications.
On top of it, the WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition
delivers a full environment for developing JCA adapters and enterprise services
provided by the WebSphere Application Server Enterprise Edition.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Finally, the top of the line tool is the WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer,
which gives the traditional Cobol CICS® developer an environment for
developing legacy applications, along with the new EGL language, which helps
develop enterprise applications on a 4GL environment.
The WebSphere Studio family comes with excellent tools to visually build JSP
interfaces and construct visually the logic of Web applications using the Jakarta
Struts framework. The Struts framework and how it fits in the Portal environment
is discussed in the next chapter.
Figure 4-5 gives an overview of WebSphere Studio Application Developer.
Figure 4-5 Snapshot of WebSphere Studio Application Developer
For more information about WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5, refer to
the references at the end of this chapter.
4.3.2 WebSphere Portal Toolkit for WebSphere Studio V5.0.2.2
The IBM Portal Toolkit Version provides the capabilities to customize,
create, test, debug, and deploy individual portlets and Web content. Portals
provide a mechanism for aggregating information and accessing enterprise
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
services via a single consolidated view for Web usage. A portlet (similar to a
servlet) provides access to a specific application or function that is available to
the user via the portal.
Templates in the Portal Toolkit V5.0.2.2 enable developers to quickly and easily
create their own portlets. Debugging and deployment tools shorten the
development cycle. And the sample portlets provide best programming practices.
The Portal Toolkit plugs into the IBM WebSphere Studio products and provides a
comprehensive framework for the development of e-business applications.
Portal Toolkit provides the following:
򐂰 Portlet project supporting:
– IBM portlet API
– JSR 168 portlet API
򐂰 Portlet perspective for developing portlets
򐂰 Portlet project wizard to create:
– Basic portlet
– Faces portlet
– Struts portlet
– Portlet examples
򐂰 Editing and validating of the portlet deployment descriptor (portlet.xml)
򐂰 Testing and debugging of portlets
– WebSphere Portal Test Environment
– WebSphere Portal Server Attach
򐂰 Previewing of portlets
򐂰 Visual tooling to insert portlet programming objects to JSP files in Page
򐂰 Online help for portlet development
Figure 4-6 on page 191 gives an overview of WebSphere Portal Toolkit for
WebSphere Studio.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 4-6 WebSphere Portal Toolkit for WebSphere Studio
Development environment configurations
You can set up your development environment to debug portlets that are running
locally or remotely.
Local debug configuration
You can run and debug portlets on the local development machine. In this
environment, you can run and debug your portlets without having to manually
deploy them to the server (see Figure 4-7).
Figure 4-7 Development Environment - Local debug configuration
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Remote debug configuration:
You can run and debug portlets that are deployed to WebSphere Portal installed
on a remote server from your local system (see Figure 4-8).
Figure 4-8 Development Environment - Remote debug configuration
For the latest information about the toolkit, and for downloadable upgrades and
fixes, check the following Web site:
4.3.3 Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio V1.3
The Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio is a plug-in for WebSphere
Studio Application Developer and WebSphere Studio Site Developer. It allows
you to add Domino 6 custom tags to Java server pages, providing a simple way
to blend Domino and J2EE applications. JSP tags are XML tags embedded in a
JSP providing data access, data input, and process control. The tags abstract
the Domino objects for Java (Domino Java API) and provide a quick development
turnaround for building J2EE applications that use Domino data and services.
The toolkit provides a dedicated pane in WebSphere Studio where you open the
Domino database you wish to work with. The pane displays the views, columns,
forms, fields, and Domino server agents in the database, and provides two quick
ways of putting Domino tags into your page:
򐂰 You can right-click an item and choose Add to Web Page from the Context
򐂰 You can drag and drop an item directly into the page.
Either of these operations will paste a tag representation of the item into the
editor at the current cursor position. Of course, if you prefer, you can add the tags
manually in the editor.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 4-9 Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio V1.3
How it fits into the Lotus technology strategy
To understand the Lotus technology strategy, and how it applies to Domino
applications and their development, envision a multi-lane superhighway with a
Lotus Domino lane, a WebSphere lane, and a next generation lane.
The Lotus Domino lane continues as far as the eye can see and runs parallel to
the WebSphere lane, which also continues as far as the eye can see. The next
generation lane merges with the other two lanes at a point in the future.
In the Lotus Domino lane, the Domino collaborative application development and
deployment environment enables you to develop applications quickly and to take
them offline, bringing people, processes, and data together to facilitate both
productivity in e-business and quick decision-making. Lotus will continue the
current Domino application development model and data store (NSF) and in the
future, will enhance it to meet customer and developer requirements. As in the
IBM tradition, Lotus Notes and Domino customers will benefit from
comprehensive support for the foreseeable future. Additionally, Lotus Domino will
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
increase its support of the J2EE and infrastructure standards, such as JSP tags,
Java APIs, LDAP, and RDB integration to assist developers interested in working
in both the Domino and WebSphere lanes of the superhighway.
In the WebSphere lane, the J2EE spec is leveraged as the application
development platform. J2EE provides a specific architecture for building,
deploying, and managing applications in multiple tiers, often broken into
presentation, logic, and data. This architecture is designed to provide scalability,
flexibility, and manageability. While J2EE is a rich application development
platform, it has very few features to support collaboration, so it benefits from
having Lotus Domino to provide rich collaborative capabilities. Applications
designed to use the Lotus Domino and WebSphere lanes blend powerful
collaborative features with significant transactional scalability to deliver
end-to-end e-business solutions.
Evolution of Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio
򐂰 The initial Version 1.0 of the toolkit shipped with Domino Designer V6.0.2
򐂰 Version 1.1 shipped with Domino Designer V6.0.3 and V6.5
– Support for WebSphere Studio V5.0.1 and V5.1
– Categorization and drag-and-drop-enablement of all Domino Custom Tags
in the Utilities menu
– domino:session tag enhanced to allow sessions to be shared across JSPs
– Support for Domino Custom Tags within WebSphere Portal deployments
Enhanced to work with Portal
New remote session optimization parameters for session tag
򐂰 Version 1.2 shipped with Domino Designer V6.5.1
– Includes Domino V6.5.1 JSP Custom Tags
– Support for WebSphere Studio V5.1.1
– More SPR fixes
– Ability to have more than one Domino JSP portlet per portal page doing
– Keep the Domino files in your portal application in sync with the Domino
򐂰 Version 1.3 ships with Domino Designer V6.5.2
– Includes Domino V6.5.2 JSP Custom Tags
– Support for WebSphere Studio V5.1.2
– More SPR fixes
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
– Domino V6.5.2 tags support object pooling
4.4 Integration techniques
In this section, we explain how to implement the four portlets that comprise the
Sales Workplace described in 2.3, “Case study: A simple sales tracking
application” on page 77.
We show you how we constructed four portlets from scratch using the Portal
Toolkit wizards. These portlets will include JSP pages where we will place the
Domino custom JSP tags that allow us to access the Lotus Domino applications.
Finally, when all four portlets are working on their own, we show you how we
added some extended functionality: first, people awareness, so you will be able
to collaborate with people on documents, and second, integrating our portlet at
the portal level through Click-to-Action.
The structure of the portlet page is shown in Figure 4-10.
Figure 4-10 Domino custom JSP tags portlets
Now lets take a closer look at what each of the portlets will do.
򐂰 Customer List
The purpose of this portlet is to display the contents of the Customer By
Name view from the customer.nsf Domino database. Later on, we will enable
this portlet to handle people awareness and Click-to-Action functionality.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
When we finish the enablement of our portlet, it will look like the one displayed
in Figure 4-11.
Figure 4-11 Customer List portlet
򐂰 Customer Details
The Customer Details portlet, when first invoked, will display a form with a
drop-down list containing the customers from the database. After a customer
is selected, the portlet will display the details about the customer. When we
finish the enablement of our portlet, it will look like the one displayed in
Figure 4-12.
Figure 4-12
Customer Details portlet
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 Customer Contacts
The Customer Contacts portlet behaves similarly to the Customer Details
portlet. When initially viewed, it will display a list of customers with radio
buttons and pagination at the bottom of the page. After a selection is made
the portlet will display all the contacts for the specified customer. The list of
contacts is a view that is filtered by customer. When we finish the enablement
of our portlet, it will look like the one displayed in Figure 4-13.
Figure 4-13
Customer Contacts portlet
򐂰 Customer Sales Activities
The Customer Sales Activities portlet initially displays a list of customers
similar to the Customer Contracts portlet. After a customer is selected, a list
of sales activities will be displayed. This list of activities is a view that is filtered
by customer. When we finish the enablement of our portlet, it will look like the
one displayed in Figure 4-14 on page 198.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Figure 4-14
Customer Sales Activities portlet
4.5 Integration using Domino custom JSP Tag libraries
We used the Domino custom JSP Tag libraries technology to create the core
portlets that will integrate Domino components. The details of the implementation
are in this section.
4.5.1 Overview
This integration technique introduces the Portal toolkit’s ability to produce portlet
projects easily and shows how, in conjunction with the Lotus Domino toolkit for
WebSphere Studio, it incorporates the Domino custom JSP tags into standard
JSP pages to extract Domino data.
First, we review some basic required concepts on the portlet class and the
abilities of the portlet to do event-based integration. Further information about the
portlet class, APIs, and related objects is discussed in Chapter 5, “Portlet
development using Java: Technology review” on page 313.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
4.5.2 Domino custom JSP tag libraries
One of the JSP directives mentioned previously was the taglib directive. As
explained, the JSP tag library is a collection of custom JSP tags that encapsulate
Java code through the simple use of tags.
The library defines declarative, modular functionality that can be reused by any
JSP page. The tags are defined in an XML format file known as the Tag Library
Descriptor file or TLD. This descriptor tells the JSP parser-compiler what Java
classes and methods should be interpreted.
Grouping these tags in libraries gives the JSP developer a simple but powerful
tool to incorporate Java code in the application without getting into the details of
Java. These JSP tag libraries can be used extensively on your JSP pages to
include Lotus Domino elements into your J2EE/Portal applications.
This option brings to the developer who is not a Java expert, or who is not
knowledgeable on handling Lotus Domino Java back-end objects, the ability to
enable a Web application to incorporate complex Lotus Domino interactions by
simply adding a custom Domino JSP tag to the JSP. And since the WebSphere
Portal framework is based on a J2EE environment that allows the inclusion of
JSP files, the developer can expose Lotus Domino applications to the portal
infrastructure with the use of custom Domino JSP tags.
There are two Domino JSP tag libraries. Both comply with the standard
specifications of JSP 1.1 and Java Servlet 2.2 developed by Sun Microsystems,
which are supported by the WebSphere Portal infrastructure. The Lotus Domino
tag libraries are:
Collaboration tags for accessing standard, back-end objects in
the Domino data repository
Utility tags for performing tasks that are common to all J2EE
Web containers
The actual Java implementation that is invoked by the Domino JSP custom tags
resides on three Java archive (JAR) files:
򐂰 domtags.jar
򐂰 NCSO.jar
򐂰 Notes.jar
Notes.jar and NCSO.jar contains the core classes of the Java API for Lotus
Domino. The classes within domtags.jar rely on the Java implementation that is
provided by these two archives. Depending on the physical topology of the
environment, one or both archives must be used.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
򐂰 If your Domino server is on the same physical machine as your J2EE
application server, you may either use Notes.jar or NCSO.jar (with DIIOP
enabled). The classes in Notes.jar assume a local access environment.
򐂰 If the servers reside on different physical locations, you have to use NCSO.jar.
This archive includes classes that allow remote access through the Domino
Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (DIIOP).
Alternatively, if you wish to have a testing or development environment which
would include both the Domino Server and the J2EE Application server located
on the same physical machine, you can include both the Notes.jar and NCSO.jar
on the same physical machine. The reasons for doing this could be as follows:
򐂰 You want to perform certain testing/development tasks and wish to take
advantage of performance improvements by accessing the Notes.jar archive
locally and not using Remote Method Invocation (RMI) over IIOP.
򐂰 If you wish to test/develop in an environment which more closely mimics a
distributed environment, you can run the Domino Server locally (with the
DIIOP task running) and use RMI/ IIOP.
Attention: WebSphere Portal ships NCSOW.jar. - replace that file with
NCSO.jar from Domino 6.x if going against a Domino 6.x server.
Adding support for Domino JSP custom tags
In order to use the Domino JSP custom tags in an application, you have to:
1. Copy domtags.jar from the Lotus/Domino/Data/domino/java directory to the
WebContent/WEB-INF/lib directory for the application.
2. Depending on the environment topology:
a. Using remote access, copy NSCO.jar from the
Lotus/Domino/Data/domino/java directory to the WebContent/WEB-INF/lib
directory for the application.
b. Using local access, copy Notes.jar from the Lotus/Domino/ directory to the
WebContent/WEB-INF/lib directory for the application.
c. Alternatively, you can place the jar file in the <was_root>/AppServer/lib
3. Create a new folder called tld in the WebContent/WEB-INF directory of your
4. Copy domtags.tld and domutil.tld from the Lotus/Domino/Data/domino/java
directory to the WebContent/WEB-INF/tld directory of your application.
5. Verify that your WEB-INF folder hierarchy has a structure similar to
Figure 4-15 on page 201.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 4-15 Sample folder hierarchy
6. Create the necessary tag library XML tags in the Web Deployment Descriptor
of the application.
a. Switch to the J2EE Hierarchy View.
b. Expand the folder Web Modules and open the relevantthe Web
Deployment Descriptor.
c. Switch to References and click the JSP tag libraries tab.
d. Press Add, select WebContent/WEB-INF/tld/domtags.tld, and press
e. Press Add, select WebContent/WEB-INF/tld/domutil.tld, and press
f. Switch to Source.
g. Verify that the XML tags have been added to your Web Deployment
Descriptor, as described in Example 4-6.
Example 4-6 Web Deployment Descriptor including XML tags
This approach is sufficient if the components that take advantage of the Domino
JSP custom tag library Java archives are defined in the same Web application. If
multiple Web applications use these Java archives, we recommend placing a
single set of the JAR files into the <wp_root>/shared/app directory of the
WebSphere Portal. This gives the components of all Web applications the
possibility to access the set of JAR files. In this case, it is not necessary to
package the archives in the several applications.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
4.5.3 The Lotus Domino Object architecture
Domino objects are based on a conceptual containment model. The scope of
each object is defined through this model. Container objects are used to obtain
contained objects. Some of the key containment relationships are shown in
Figure 4-16.
Figure 4-16 The Domino Object containment hierarchy
The Domino JSP custom tags take advantage of the containment hierarchy
described above. Each Domino JSP custom tag may contain other specific tags.
In order to access a low level tag, all tags wrapping the specific tag have to be
implemented. The context of a Domino JSP custom tag is parameterized by its
wrapping tag, that is, a single tag defines the context for all enclosed tags. Some
of the tags are only valid in the context of the enclosing tag.
In general the tags are divided into four major groups (Table 4-3).
Table 4-3 Domino JSP custom tag types
Tag type
Data Access tags
Gain access to the most important objects
of the Domino hierarchy.
Data Input tags
Allow information input from a JSP to the
Lotus Domino application.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Tag type
Process control tags
Modify or query the state or properties of
the Lotus Domino application.
Utility tags
Flow control of presentation logic based
on conditions and expressions.
4.5.4 Types of Domino JSP tags
The Domino JSP tags can be grouped into the following types:
򐂰 Core tags
򐂰 Data access tags
򐂰 Data input tags
򐂰 Process control tags
򐂰 Utility tags
򐂰 Programmatic access to underlying Java Objects
In this section, we describe some useful Domino JSP tags. They are the most
pertinent for developing portlets that extract information from Lotus Domino
applications, but they are just a subset of all the tags available. Refer to the Lotus
Domino Designer online help for comprehensive information about all the
available tags.
Core tags
The tags that are most commonly used when accessing Domino data are called
core tags (Table 4-4).
Table 4-4 Core tags
Tag name
Represents a Domino document or database record.
Provides a schema for document creation.
Enables a full text search on a page.
Sends a mail message via Domino mail.
Runs a specified agent on the server.
Displays a list of documents to select from.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Tip 1:
If you are including more than one of these core tags in a page, use the
session tag (see Example 4-8).
This initializes and dismantles the Domino session only once, improving
Tip 2:
The Domino Toolkit makes it easy to “drag and drop” Domino views/forms to a
Therefore, all information necessary for gathering the data from Domino will
be put into one tag. For every time when a database reference will be
generated (even to the same database used previously (see Example 4-7))
the JSP creates a new connection to that (same!) database.
In the worst case, your Domino server will crash - even when reading “only”
simple views.
Example 4-8 shows how to do it right.
Example 4-7 Bad: All in one
<domino:view viewname="by Name" dbserver="CN=itso-dom/O=ibm"
dbname="test/mydb.nsf" user="*webuser" host="">
<domino:view viewname="by Country" dbserver="CN=itso-dom/O=ibm"
dbname="test/mydb.nsf" user="*webuser" host="">
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Example 4-8 Good: Structured
<domino:session host="" user="*webuser">
<domino:db id="id_name_01" dbname="test/mydb.nsf">
<domino:view viewname="by Name">
<domino:view viewname="by Country">
Data access tags
The data access tags allow the user to gain access to several of the most
important objects in the Lotus Domino object hierarchy. Table 4-5 gives a brief
overview of the tags that were useful for our portalizing project.
Table 4-5 Data access tags
Tag name
Defines the environment that the core collaboration tags run in. Use the
session tag when multiple core tags are included on the same JavaServer
page. This initializes and tears down the Domino session one time only,
providing improved performance. This tag is not required if there is only
one core tag on the page; the user and password attributes of the core tag
implement the session for you. However, if you are using a CORBA
session, this tag must be used, since the host attribute cannot be specified
on the top-level tags. If one or more of the core tags reside in the same
database, you can further improve the efficiency of the page by using the
db tag instead of this tag to wrap them.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Tag name
Provides a database context for all enclosed tags. If you are including
several core tags that are running off the same database in a page, you
can wrap them in this tag to increase scalability. This tag is not required if
there is only one core tag on the page; the dbserver and dbname
attributes of that core tag implement the db tag for you. Do not use this tag
to wrap two core tags that reside in different databases; use the session
tag instead.
To loop over all the documents in a database, use the docloop tag nested
inside the db tag.
If you do not supply values for the user and password attributes, the
database identifies the user as an Anonymous user. The database's ACL
must have an “Anonymous” entry with at least Reader level privileges to
the database for the tag to access the database successfully.
Enables an author to create or edit a document. The body of this tag is
always evaluated. You can use the item, setitem, and formula tags within
the body of this tag. To display the document, use the item and formula
tags within the body. To edit the document, use the setitem tag within the
body. If you set the value of an item using the setitem tag within the body
of this tag, you must save your changes also within the body of this tag.
You can save your changes by either:
- Specifying an ID attribute, and calling <id>.save() in a scriptlet
- Using the savenow tag
Displays the summary information of a subset of documents in a
database. You can use the key and ftsearch attributes to further qualify the
Performs a full text search of a database. The result is a list of documents
that fit the search criteria. Use the docloop or page tags to sequence over
the resulting documents and the item or formula tags to display the
summary data.
In the context of a form, document, or docloop tag, displays the value of
an item in the current document. You can set the tag's readonly format
using the format attribute. The body of the item tag is not evaluated. To
provide update access to an item, use the input tag in the context of a form
Displays the value of an item in the current row of a view. The body of this
tag is not evaluated.
Displays the unique ID of the current document. The body of this tag is not
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Tag name
Iterates over the results of a view, evaluating the body once per ViewEntry
object in the result. If no results are returned, it displays nothing. To create
custom text to display when no objects are returned, use the novalues tag.
You can access the items of an object using the viewitem tag.
Iterates through the items returned by a view, ftsearch, db, responses, or
page tag as documents. The body of this command is output once per
iteration, which means once per document in the result set. When a result
contains no objects, the body of this tag is not evaluated. Use the novalues
tag to create custom text to display when a result contains no objects. Use
the item tag to access the items in a document.
Note: If you use this tag within the context of the view tag, there will be a
performance hit. The viewloop tag is a good alternative to use for views; it
evaluates the body once per entry in the view, instead of loading a
document for each entry in the view.
Data input tags
Data input tags allow the input of information from a JSP file to the Domino
application. There are constraints on the use of these tags because of
restrictions of the WebSphere Portal on the management of URIs and JavaScript
inside a portlet, so they are not covered in detail in this chapter. Let us take a look
at why data input tags will not instantly work with our portlet infrastructure like the
other tags do.
When you create a JSP and insert the Data Input tags, for example, the
<domino:form>, <domino:input>, and <domino:savedoc> tags, you will see a lot
of JavaScript code generated on the HTML page that will basically generate
action URLs that process the input form. Example 4-9 shows some JavaScript
code generated by the Data Input tags.
Example 4-9 JavaScript code generated by Data Input tags
function selfNavigate() {
var actionURL = location.pathname;
var argName;
var first = true;
for (argName in DominoArgs) {
var argValue = DominoArgs[argName];
if (argValue != null) {
if (first) {
actionURL += '?';
first = false;
} else {
actionURL += '&';
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
if (typeof argValue == 'object') {
for (index = 0; index < argValue.length; index++) {
if( index > 0)
actionURL += '&';
actionURL += argName + '=' + argValue[index];
} else {
actionURL += argName + '=' + argValue;
if (DominoForm != null) {
DominoForm.action = actionURL;
} else {
This code appends to the portal URL the command and arguments. That is not
the usual way information will be passed on the portal. Also, if there are two
portlets accessing these data input tags, then you would have conflicts. Be
careful when adding data input tags since they can be tricky on a portlet
infrastructure. We did not use any of these tags in our examples.
Process control tags
These tags allow the JSP to query the state or properties of the Domino
application, and based on the result, modify the presentation of our portlet.
Table 4-6 Process control tags
Tag name
Conditional tag. In the context of a viewloop tag, if the current
ViewEntry object is a category, meaning it displays in the category
column of a hierarchical or categorized view, the body of this tag is
displayed. This tag can be used to edit the indentation or display
properties of category entries to distinguish them from the other
entry types, represented by the ifdocumententry, iftotalentry, and
ifconflictentry tags.
Conditional tag. In the context of a viewloop tag, if the current
ViewEntry object represents a document in a hierarchical or
categorized view, the body of this tag displays.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Tag name
Conditional tag. Restricts generation of the JSP page to only those
users who have author access to the current document.
Users have author access to a document if they have:
Editor, designer, or manager access to a database
Author access to the database and their name is contained in
an authors field on the form (or authors item in the document), if
the form or document has one.
Note: If the user attempting to access the JSP page does not have
at least reader access to the database (if they have only depositor
access, for example), an exception is thrown. To avoid this, if a user
might have depositor level access, wrap the document or form tag
with an ifreader tag.
Displays an alternate message if there is no document associated
with the unid attribute being passed to the form tag. If the requested
document does not exist, it displays the body of this tag. To localize
the text that displays, use the msg tag in the tag body.
Runs a specified back-end agent on the server. You can specify
agents that run on the server, such as agents that send mail or
create a folder. You cannot specify an agent that displays
information in the browser to the user. For example, you cannot run
an agent that contains a LotusScript print statement using this tag.
If you want to capture data using this tag to run an agent, you must
write the agent's results to a document and access the document to
recover the data.
To use this tag to run an agent, set up the basics tab of the Agent
Properties box for the agent as follows:
1. In the Trigger section, select the On event radio button.
2. Choose the Action menu selection in the drop-down box.
3. In the Target drop-down box, choose None.
Conditional tag. In the context of a db tag, restricts generation of the
JSP page to only those users included in a custom ACL role. To
allow for programmatic determination of access control, the
standard access level names (author, editor, and so forth) can be
used as role names.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Utility tags
The utility tags allow you to control the flow of the presentation logic on the
portlet based on Domino conditions and expressions.
Table 4-7 Utility tags
Tag name
The body of this tag conditionally executes depending on a specified
condition. One condition can be specified per tag and can be passed in
by including a condition tag in the body of the if tag or as one of the if tag
Note: Only one condition can be specified; if more than one is specified,
an exception is thrown.
Note: If you do include a condition tag in the body of this tag, the body of
this tag must always be evaluated. If the condition fails, the evaluated
body is discarded. You should not include code that has side-effects in
an if tag that is being used in conjunction with a condition tag.
Used after an if or elseif tag; this tag executes only if none of the
preceding if or elseif tags were executed.
Conditionally executes its body if the corresponding if tag did not execute
and the condition for the elseif tag is true.
Note: If you include a condition tag in the body of this tag, the body of
this tag must always be evaluated. If the condition fails, the evaluated
body is discarded. You should not include code with side-effects in this
tag if it is being used in conjunction with a condition tag.
Specifies the condition of an if or elseif tag.
The body of the tag must be a string that represents a Boolean value, for
example, true, false, 0, 1, yes, or no. This tag has no attributes.
Note: If this tag is used in the context of the if tag, the body of the if tag
must always be evaluated. If the condition fails, the evaluated body is
discarded. You should not include code with side-effects in an if or elseif
tag being used in conjunction with a condition tag.
Enables the JSP author to incorporate control flow. Each case or default
tag contained in the body of this tag is processed in turn and the first
match that is found is evaluated.
You cannot provide more than one value for this tag. If you supply a value
attribute, do not include a switchvalue tag in the tag body.
Provides processing instructions to a switch tag when a match is made.
If the case tag's value attribute matches the switch tag's value attribute,
the body of the case tag is evaluated.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Tag name
Formats a value. You can pass in a value to format or format the tag
body. You can also provide an ID name to save the formatted body or
value as a variable.
Identifies the capabilities associated with the current (or specified)
browser. Either returns the value of the capability or conditionally
evaluates the body of the tag based on whether or not the browser
supports the passed capability. For capability variables consult the Lotus
Domino 6 Designer documentation.
Programmatic access to underlying Domino Java Objects
Some of the tags allow access to the underlying Domino Java Objects. This can
be useful in order to customize JSP representation or use of these objects in
Java scriptlets. In order to get access to the Java object, the id attribute is
available in many tags, as shown in Example 4-10.
Example 4-10 Using the ID attribute to access Domino Java Objects
<%-- open domino session --%>
host="<%= hostname %>"
user="<%= username %>" password="<%= password %>"
duration="<%= duration %>">
<%-- connect to domino database --%>
<domino:db id="db" dbname="<%= dbname %>">
<%-- create table header --%>
<div style="margin: 6px">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<tr><td class="wpsTableHead">Views:</td></tr>
// get views from database
Vector allViews = db.getViews();
// check for existent view(s)
if (allViews.size() > 0) {
// view(s) exist
String viewName = null;
// iterate through view(s)
Enumeration enum = allViews.elements();
while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
// get name of current view
View currentView = (View)enum.nextElement();
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
viewName = currentView.getName();
<%-- create table body displaying the name of the views --%>
<tr ><td><%= viewName %></td></tr>
4.5.5 Limitations and considerations
There are some issues to consider when using Lotus Domino JSP tag libraries to
expose Lotus Domino applications to the WebSphere Portal.
򐂰 The <jsp:include> tag
– Incorporating a form into a page using the <jsp:include> tag renders any
validatehref attributes on the form useless. You can define a validhref
attribute for the following tags:
– There is currently a bug when using the <jsp:include> tag. It may happen
that you receive the error: JSP tags exception: (4376) Object has been
This bug is under investigation. The work around is to set the session's
duration="page". Further information about session management can be
found in 4.5.6, “Session management” on page 213.
򐂰 Versions
– Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio V1.3 contains the Domino V6.5.2
tags. Ideally, the V6.5.2 TLD files in the toolkit should be replaced with the
ones from Domino V6.5.3, since there are fixes in V6.5.3 that you can
benefit from.
– You should also be aware that you always need to use the same version of
JSP tags as the Domino server you are accessing.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 Rich Text
– The Notes storage format of the rich text field will be MIME Part, because
browsers do not understand the cd-record data types. WebSphere Portal
has cross site scripting defenses, and to use the rich text editor, these
defenses must be turned off.
Set the parameter You will find it in:
WebSphere Portal Server:
WebSphere Studio:
– Domino R5 does not support Rich Text editing.
4.5.6 Session management
In this section, we will discuss the Domino JSP session tag, the Domino Session
Manager, and the key attributes associated with managing sessions using the
JSP tags.
Prior to V6.0.3/6.5.1 of Domino, one of the major issues that limited the use of
the custom Domino JSP tags within the WebSphere Portal environment was the
limited ability to manage sessions. Within more recent releases of Domino,
however, namely V6.0.3/6.5.1 and continuing into V6.04/ 6.5.3, the session
management capabilities for the Domino JSP custom tags have improved
Domino Session
In terms of Java, the Domino session class is the root of the Domino Objects
containment hierarchy. The session provides access to the other Domino objects.
It is created in Java programs and represents the Domino environment of the
current program. The session is the location, where the Domino server stores
user specific data. The custom Domino JSP tag libraries take advantage of the
Domino Objects for Java. The session tag provided by the custom Domino JSP
tag libraries can be used to gain programmatic access to the underlying Domino
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Custom Domino JSP session tag
The session tag <domino:session .../> defines the environment that the top level
tags run in. Its use is recommended when several top level tags are used on the
same JSP. Wrapping the top level tags using the session tag initializes the
session only once, resulting in improved performance.
The host attribute
There are two different types of Domino sessions, that is, local and remote
sessions. You can specify the type by using the host attribute within the session
򐂰 Local sessions
A local session manages the user data on the same machine the Domino
server is running on. Using the local Domino classes requires the Java
program to call the Domino back-end code. On local use you need to manage
threads, that is, the thread that initialized the local Domino session must also
be the one that terminates the session.
򐂰 Remote sessions
Remote sessions manage user data on a different machine than the Domino
server runs on. A remote session is initialized through the use of CORBA
classes shipped with Domino and requires the DIIOP task running on the
Domino server. Using the CORBA classes does not require special thread
initialization or termination.
The duration attribute
To define the lifetime of a Domino session, the duration attribute was introduced.
The use of this attribute can help to decrease the overhead of sessions that are
created. The attribute can have the following values:
򐂰 page
򐂰 request
򐂰 session
The default value, that is, the one that is used if the optional attribute is not
specified, is page. Using this value on each JSP that uses the custom Domino
JSP tags creates a different session connection.
Using the value request creates a single Domino session that exists until the
HTTP Request completes. This allows multiple JSPs to share a Domino session
through the span of one HTTP Request.
The last and remaining attribute value session keeps a remote Domino session
open for the duration of the HTTP Session. This value can solely be used for
remote sessions, as there is no restriction on thread initialization or termination.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
In a local access environment, the value session is automatically downgraded to
This would also happen if you do not supply your application with information
about how many of lengthy remote connections are allowed on the Domino
server. There is no mechanism that permits the server to create a message that
tells you that you should stop establishing long lasting sessions. Once the
resources are too limited, the server starts revoking and refusing connections.
In order to prevent this, include a file to your
application and declare a maxPersistentSessions attribute, whose value
represents the number of lengthy sessions allowed on the server per user. Once
the value is reached, the duration of any newly created session is downgraded to
If you are using remote access and the duration value session, we also
recommend that you decrease the time-out value for an idle DIIOP session on
the Domino server. The custom Domino JSP tags are capable of re-establishing
a timed-out DIIOP session and a minor time-out value helps to ensure that the
Domino back end does not run out of resources, if there is a large number of
concurrent user requests.
Even though the session tag is used to create the Domino session from a
designers point of view, the session tag passes the task to a Java class called
DominoSessionManager. This factory object takes the host, duration, user, and
password attributes and creates the Domino session.
If the values of these attributes are not specified or the attributes are not present,
the default values for the Web application are used. These can be specified as
container-specific environment variables in the Web Deployment Descriptor
(web.xml) of the Web application. The way to define a container parameter will be
described in a later section of the chapter covering session sharing between
multiple Web applications.
If there are no predefined default values, the DominoSessionManager creates a
default Domino session, that is, a local session for an anonymous user. The
duration attribute is set to page.
If the duration attribute value is different than page, the sessions are cached. The
caching is performed by the DominoSessionManager. The identity of a cached
session is defined by the provided host, user, password, and duration attributes.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Sharing a session between tags on a JSP
Each custom Domino JSP tag must execute in the context of a Domino session.
A JSP tag runtime provides every tag with a reference to the enclosing tag. In
addition, the runtime will try to bind the top level tags to the nearest Domino
session containing it on the parse tree, that is, a top level tag searches the tree of
its ancestors for a containing tag holding a valid Domino session. This creates an
odd default behavior. If a top level tag without session tag attributes searches the
parse tree and does not succeed in binding to a valid Domino session, it creates
a default session, that is, a local session for the anonymous user.
The process described is the default implementation that is applied if the duration
attribute is set to page.
Session sharing between components of a single Web
This section describes how to share a Domino session between the components
of a single Web application, that is, a single portlet. To illustrate the
dependencies, consider that a single Web application is composed of one or a
collection of JSPs. Each JSP can invoke another through the use of the
jsp:include directive, which allows including dynamic content into a JSP. Each
JSP might derive its dynamic content from a Domino back end.
Session sharing between JSPs can take place in two ways:
1. Domino sessions are created by the DominoSessionManager. Sessions
lasting longer than a page are cached. The identity of a cached session is
defined by the user, password, host, and duration attributes. If the value of the
duration attribute within a session tag is not page and the user, password,
host, and duration attributes match those of a cached session, the cached
session will be reused instead of creating a new session.
2. If a JSP incorporates another JSP via the jsp:include directive and the include
directive is nested in a custom Domino session tag, it is possible to share a
session utilizing the mechanism described in “Sharing a session between
tags on a JSP” on page 216. In order for the included JSP to share the
session, it must include the parameters that match the existing one, namely, it
must contain a session tag and use the same duration, host user, and
password attributes in the top level tags. For example, consider A.jsp, which
incorporates the code shown in Example 4-11 on page 217, that is, it creates
a session that lasts for the length of the HTTP session, belongs to a specific
user, and could be local or remote. A jsp:include statement is nested in the
session tag.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Example 4-11 Sample code fragment of A.jsp
user="<%= username %>"
password="<%= password %>"
host="<%= hostname %>"
<%-- Start:Session-specific code --%>
<jsp:include page="B.jsp" flush="true" />
<%-- End:Session-specific code --%>
B.jsp comprises the code shown in Example 4-12.
Example 4-12 Sample code fragment of B.jsp
user="<%= username %>"
password="<%= password %>"
host="<%= hostname %>"
<%-- Start:Session-specific code --%>
<%-- End:Session-specific code --%>
These JSPs can now share a session through the mechanism described in 1
on page 216. Using the session tag and the same session attributes in the top
level tags in B.jsp, the custom Domino JSP tags search the parse tree to find
a containing tag holding a valid session, that is, the session tag of A.jsp.
Note: To share a session, the session must have the same attribute values
specified for host, user name, password, and duration values. If these values
are not the same, this will cause a new session to be created.
Session sharing between multiple Web applications
The processes described in the section above are sufficient to describe a single
Web application, but within a portal environment the approach is not sufficient.
Portlet applications are collections of related portlets, that is, a collection of Web
applications that display page content. Deploying portlet applications,
WebSphere Portal uses a number of Web applications to satisfy a single HTTP
Request. In order to share Domino sessions between the different Web
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
applications, that is, different portlets, it is necessary to share the
DominoSessionManager between the portlets.
This section discusses the steps that are necessary to enable the components of
a portlet application to share the DominoSessionManager.
Sharing Domino sessions between different portlets requires the explicit use of
the session tag provided by the custom Domino JSP library. It is not possible to
rely on implicit sessions that are established by the core top level tags in case the
session tag is missing.
In order to share Domino sessions, the session tags have to specify a duration
attribute, and even more important, a sessionmgrkey attribute. The value of the
sessionmgrkey attribute specifies the name of the HTTP Session attribute, which
holds the DominoSessionManager.
It is also possible to specify this value as a context-specific environment variable
in the Web Deployment Descriptor (web.xml) of the portlet application.
Context-specific variables can be used to provide general information to all
components of a Web application. To define a context parameter for the
sessionmgrkey attribute, add the code to the Web Deployment Descriptor of the
portlet application, as described either in Example 4-13 or Example 4-14.
Example 4-13 Context parameter for sessionmgrkey attribute
Example 4-14 Context parameter for sessionmgrkey attribute
There are two key points that should be noted about context parameters:
򐂰 Adding a context parameter allows the JSP tag author to specify a centralized
location for all JSPs in a Web application.
򐂰 If the sessionmgrkey attribute is provided, the tag runtime will not create or
destroy DominoSessionManager. The portlet must do this.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
To ensure that a DominoSessionManager is present at the time a user logs in,
we recommend overriding the login() method of each portlet that needs to share
the DominoSessionManager. A sample implementation is given in Example 4-15.
Example 4-15 Sample login() method
* @see
public void login(PortletRequest request) throws PortletException {
PortletSession ps = request.getPortletSession();
HttpSession hs = ((PortletSessionImpl)ps).getServletSession();
DominoSessionManager dsm =
if (dsm == null) {
dsm = new DominoSessionManager(false);
hs.setAttribute("dominoportalmgr", dsm);
The portlet looks for the DominoSessionManager as an attribute of the HTTP
Session, not the PortalSession Object. The code implemented in the login()
method retrieves the HTTP Session and checks for an existing
DominoSessionManager. If no DominoSessionManager exists, a new one is
created and placed as an attribute in the HTTP Session. This allows other
portlets to find it in the HTTP Session. Therefore, it is possible to share a single
Domino session associated with the particular portal user.
It is not possible to define which particular portlet of the portlet application is
called first and responsible for creating the DominoSessionManager (this is the
reason why you have to turn parallel rendering off).
In order to clean up, the portlet has to terminate the DominoSessionManager.
This can be performed in the logout() method of the portlet. A sample
implementation is given in Example 4-16.
Example 4-16 Sample logout() method
* @see
public void logout(PortletSession ps) throws PortletException {
HttpSession hs = ((PortletSessionImpl)ps).getServletSession();
DominoSessionManager dsm =
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
if (dsm != null) {
4.5.7 Object Pooling
Most pages on a portal consist of portlet collections that access Lotus Domino
data, that is, there might be multiple portlets accessing the same content. An
object pool helps avoiding creating new Java objects repeatedly (create once,
use, or reuse). Such an object pool is designed to pool and reuse instances of
objects that are:
򐂰 Complex
򐂰 Frequently instantiated during run time
An object pool can help reduce the needed memory of an application (also when
cleaning up). Without efficient use of objects, in terms of both instantiation and
cleaning up obsolete objects, this can increase the load on specific parts of the
Lotus Domino back end and eventually lead to problems caused by resource
Object pooling describes an advanced approach to overcoming resource
limitations. It allows sharing of instantiated objects. Therefore, processes do not
have to reinstantiate the same objects over and over again. Additionally, objects
do not have to be destroyed and recycled by the processes, as these
responsibilities are delegated to the object pool. Applying pooling for objects that
require non-trivial amounts of time and memory to create and destroy increases
the performance significantly.
Object pooling and Domino JSP custom tags
One of the most striking enhancements of the Domino JSP custom tags is their
ability to use custom object pool implementations. The following Domino JSP
custom tags support back end objects held in object pool implementations:
򐂰 session
򐂰 db
򐂰 view
򐂰 document
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
The dojkey attribute
Each of these tags introduced an new attribute called dojkey. The value of the
dojkey attribute represents the name of an attribute either held in the HTTP
Request or the HTTP Session, which holds the according Domino Object for
At first, the tags check for an existing object in the HTTP Request. If there is
none, then the tags search the HTTP Session. In case neither HTTP Request or
HTTP Session provides an object, the specific tag creates the according object
and adds the object to an HTTP Request attribute. The name of this attribute is
set to the value of the dojkey attribute.
Object validation and error handling
The object held by either the HTTP Request or HTTP Session attribute is
assumed to be of the correct type. Furthermore, it is assumed to be valid. An
invalid object causes an error.
The way the error is handled is defined by the onfailure attribute. The use of this
attribute is described in “Core tags” on page 203. In case the onfailure attribute is
not specified, the tags delegate the error to the default error page.
In general, the Domino JSP custom tags check the session before using it, and
will try to reestablish their session in the case of an error. If the error was
generated by a non-valid session, the session for the tag using the particular
dojkey attribute cannot be recreated because other tag attributes are not
required to be specified, that is, host, password, user, or duration.
Using the dojkey attribute requires the object pool implementation to manage the
life cycle of the objects. The Domino JSP custom tags will not destroy or
terminate the Domino Objects for Java.
Object pooling and MVC architecture
The current implementation of the Domino JSP custom tags cannot be classified
into the MVC paradigm. For more information, consult 4.5.5, “Limitations and
considerations” on page 212.
Using object pooling is an significant enhancement in order to implement the
architecture of the MVC pattern. The JSP is not required to acquire the data from
the Domino back end itself, but assumes that the objects are provided in the
HTTP Request or HTTP Session attributes. This requires the developer to
implement Java routines within the portlet code that places the required objects
into the attributes, that is, to extend the application to use object pooling enforces
the implementation of a controller part.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
4.5.8 Implementation example
We start the implementation of this technique by creating a portlet project and
creating the four basic portlets that expose the Lotus Domino application using
custom Domino JSP tag libraries.
Prior to the development, install all the necessary software and tools, as
described in 4.3, “Software and tools used” on page 186.
Building the portlet project with WebSphere Studio
First, we build a portlet application structure fit that can handle the portlets that
will communicate to our Lotus Domino application. To do this, we use several of
the tools introduced in previous sections. We performed the following steps to
build the portlet project:
1. Open WebSphere Studio Application Developer.
2. Switch to the Portlet perspective
3. Select File → New → Portlet Project. A New Portlet Project dialog is
displayed, as shown in Figure 4-17.
Figure 4-17 Creating a Portlet Project
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
4. On the Portlet Project page, name the project DominoJspTags.
5. Select the Basic portlet option if it is not already checked. The Basic portlet
will build all the structure needed to hold our portlet.
6. Select Configure Advance Options and click Next to continue.
7. On the J2EE Settings Page, click the New... button for the EAR Project.
8. Enter DominoJspTagsEAR as the project name and click Finish.
9. Select J2EE Level 1.3/WebSphere Portal 5.0 and click Next to continue.
10.On the Features Page, accept the defaults and click Next to continue.
11.On the Portlet Settings page, create the portlet application with parameters
like those shown in Figure 4-18. Note that the wizard creates an initial portlet.
This portlet will be the Customer List portlet.
Figure 4-18 Parameters for creating the portlet project
12.On the Event Handling page, deselect Add form sample and click Next.
13.On the Single Sign-on page, accept the defaults and click Next.
14.On the Miscellaneous page, leave Additional markups and Additional
modes unchecked and click Next.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
15.Click Finish.
Now let us inspect what the creation wizard built.
The newly created portlet project appears in the Project Navigator view in the left.
Within the project are two important folders: Java Resources and WebContent.
In the WebContent folder, there is a JSP directory, and inside it there is a JSP
created for every state the portlet can acquire (that is, View.jsp, Help.jsp,
Configure.jsp, and Edit.jsp prefixed with the class name). Since we did not select
additional modes during the Miscellaneous dialog box, we only see the
DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerListView.jsp file. Our portlet will only be
accessed in the View mode.
Now we take a look at the Java Resources folder. It contains a default generated
portlet package. This package contains a Java file;, which is our portlet.
Figure 4-19 Project Navigator view
The file should look like the one
illustrated in Example 4-17.
Example 4-17 Displaying the file
package dominojsptags;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.*;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.event.*;
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
* A sample portlet based on PortletAdapter
public class DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerList extends PortletAdapter implements
ActionListener {
public static final String VIEW_JSP
name to be rendered on the view mode
// JSP file
* @see org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.Portlet#init(PortletConfig)
public void init(PortletConfig portletConfig) throws UnavailableException {
* @see org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletAdapter#doView(PortletRequest,
public void doView(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response) throws
PortletException, IOException {
// Invoke the JSP to render
request, response);
* @see
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) throws PortletException {
if( getPortletLog().isDebugEnabled() )
getPortletLog().debug("ActionListener - actionPerformed called");
// ActionEvent handler
String actionString = event.getActionString();
// Add action string handler here
* Returns the file extension for the JSP file
* @param request PortletRequest
* @return JSP extension
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
private static String getJspExtension(PortletRequest request) {
String markupName = request.getClient().getMarkupName();
return "jsp";
This completes the creation of the skeleton for our portlet. Next, we are going to
add the session sharing to our portlet.
Adding session sharing parameters
1. Open the Web Deployment Descriptor (web.xml file).
2. Click on the Parameters tab.
3. Add the parameters shown in Table 4-8.
Table 4-8 Session sharing parameters
The attribute named 'duration' with a value of 'session' keeps the Domino
session open for the duration of the HTTP session.
The value of the sessionmgrkey attribute specifies the name of the HTTP
Session attribute, which holds the DominoSessionManager.
4. We will also need to create a file called that
contains the following string: maxPersistentSessions=10 (or the number you
find your Domino server can handle).
Note: There is no mechanism to permit the Domino server to say it would
like you to stop opening long sessions - they do tie up resources, and after
a while Domino will just start refusing connections. You might want to set
the DIIOP time-out value fairly low.
5. Right-click the dominojsptags package within the Java Resources folder and
create a Simple file by selecting New → Other... → Simple → File.
6. Enter as the file name.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
7. Insert maxPersistentSessions=10 or the number you find your Domino server
can handle.
This completes the modification of session sharing. Next, we are going to add a
session bean to the project that holds user-specific data.
Adding a SessionBean
The use of a SessionBean allows you to store data that is related to the user,
through the user interaction with the application. Even though the user might
switch to another WebSphere Portal page or might interact with other portlets,
you are still able to display the same information when the user returns to your
1. Switch to the Project Navigator.
2. Right-click the dominojsptags package contained in the Java Source folder of
your application.
3. Select New → Class.
4. Name the class DominoJspTagsSessionBean.
5. Click Finish.
6. Open the file
7. Insert the following code (Example 4-18).
Example 4-18 file
package dominojsptags;
public class DominoJspTagsSessionBean {
private String jspPage = null;
private String username = null;
private String password = null;
private String hostname = null;
private String dbname = null;
private String selectedView = null;
private String uidDoc = null;
private String customerNameAttr = null;
public DominoJspTagsSessionBean(){
this.jspPage = DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerList.VIEW_JSP_INDEX; //View.
this.username = null;
this.password = null;
this.hostname = null;
this.dbname = null;
this.selectedView = null;
this.uidDoc = null;
this.customerNameAttr = null;
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
* @return
public String getDbname() {
return dbname;
* @return
public String getHostname() {
return hostname;
* @return
public String getJspPage() {
return jspPage;
* @return
public String getPassword() {
return password;
* @return
public String getSelectedView() {
return selectedView;
* @return
public String getUidDoc() {
return uidDoc;
* @return
public String getUsername() {
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
return username;
* @param string
public void setDbname(String string) {
dbname = string;
* @param string
public void setHostname(String string) {
hostname = string;
* @param string
public void setJspPage(String string) {
jspPage = string;
* @param string
public void setPassword(String string) {
password = string;
* @param string
public void setSelectedView(String string) {
selectedView = string;
* @param string
public void setUidDoc(String string) {
uidDoc = string;
* @param string
public void setUsername(String string) {
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
username = string;
* @return
public String getCustomerNameAttr() {
return customerNameAttr;
* @param string
public void setCustomerNameAttr(String string) {
customerNameAttr = string;
This completes the modification of a SessionBean. Next, we are going to extend
the PortletAdapter class for creating and destroying a DominoSessionManager.
Extending the PortletAdapter class
Portlets are special Web applications, in that they share an HttpSession and, for
good performance, will want to share a DominoSessionManager. The Web
applications PortletAdapter class needs to be in charge of creating and
destroying a DominoSessionManager.
1. Switch to the Project Navigator.
2. Right-click the dominojsptags package contained in the Java Source folder of
your application.
3. Select New → Class.
4. Name the class PortletContainerAdapter.
5. Click Finish.
6. Open the file
7. Insert the following code (Example 4-19).
Example 4-19
package dominojsptags;
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
public class PortletContainerAdapter extends ContainerAdapter
private static final String HEX = "0123456789ABCDEF";
public PortletContainerAdapter()
private static String hex2asc(String org)
if(org == null)
return null;
int k = org.length();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(k / 2);
char crc = '\0';
char xxx = (char)(("0123456789ABCDEF".indexOf(org.charAt(0)) << 4) +
for(int i = 2; i < k; i++)
int c = "0123456789ABCDEF".indexOf(org.charAt(i)) << 4;
c += "0123456789ABCDEF".indexOf(org.charAt(i));
crc ^= (char)c;
if(crc == xxx)
return buf.toString();
return null;
private static String asc2hex(String org)
int k = org.length();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(k * 2);
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
char crc = '\0';
for(int i = 0; i < k; i++)
char c = org.charAt(i);
crc ^= c;
buf.append("0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(c >> 4 & 0xf));
buf.append("0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(c & 0xf));
buf.setCharAt(0, "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(crc >> 4 & 0xf));
buf.setCharAt(1, "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(crc & 0xf));
return buf.toString();
public String encodeAction(String jsp, PageContext arg1)
if(jsp == null)
PortletRequest request =
PortletSession session = request.getPortletSession();
jsp =
return asc2hex(jsp);
public String decodeAction(String jsp, PageContext arg1)
return hex2asc(jsp);
public String createURI(String jsp, PageContext pc, Param param)
PortletResponse portletResponse =
PortletURI uri = portletResponse.createURI();
if(jsp != null)
uri.addAction(encodeAction(jsp, pc));
for(; param != null; param = param.getNext())
uri.addParameter(param.getName(), param.getValue());
System.out.println("PortletContainerAdapter.createURI("+jsp+") produced
return uri.toString();
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
public String createURI(String jsp, PageContext pc)
PortletResponse portletResponse =
PortletURI uri = portletResponse.createURI();
if(jsp != null)
uri.addAction(encodeAction(jsp, pc));
System.out.println("PortletContainerAdapter.createURI("+jsp+") produced
return uri.toString();
public String encodeNS(String name, PageContext arg1)
PortletResponse portletResponse =
return portletResponse.encodeNamespace(name);
public String encodeURL(String name, PageContext arg1)
PortletResponse portletResponse =
return portletResponse.encodeURL(name);
public ServletInputStream getInputStream(HttpServletRequest request) throws
ServletInputStream in = null;
try {
// might be servlet api 2.2 from Portal4
in = request.getInputStream();
catch (IllegalStateException e) {// then again, might be servlet api 2.3
from Portal5
if (request instanceof javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper )
in = ((HttpServletRequest)
return in;
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
public BufferedReader getReader(HttpServletRequest request) throws
BufferedReader buf = null;
try {
// might be servlet api 2.2 from Portal4
buf = request.getReader();
catch (IllegalStateException e) {// then again, might be servlet api 2.3
from Portal5
if (request instanceof javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper )
buf = ((HttpServletRequest)
return buf;
public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream(HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException {
ServletOutputStream sos = null;
try {
// might be servlet api 2.2 from Portal4
sos = response.getOutputStream();
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {// then again, might be servlet api
2.3 from Portal5
if (response instanceof javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper
) {
sos =
return sos;
public PrintWriter getWriter(HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException {
PrintWriter pw = null;
try {
// might be servlet api 2.2 from Portal4
pw = response.getWriter();
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {// then again, might be servlet api
2.3 from Portal5
if (response instanceof javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponseWrapper
) {
pw =
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
return pw;
Modifying the Customer List portlet Java source
1. Open the
2. Insert the following code (Example 4-20).
Example 4-20 CustomerList declaration
public static final String VIEW_JSP
name to be rendered on the view mode
public static final String DominoJSPPortlet
="dominojsptags.DominoJspTagsPortlet" ;
public static String JSP = VIEW_JSP;
// session data
public static final String SESSION_BEAN=
public static final String SUBMIT
public static final String RESET=
public static final String USERNAME
public static final String PASSWORD
public static final String HOSTNAME
public static final String DBNAME
public static final String VIEWNAME=
public static final String UIDDOC=
// JSP file
// jsp root directory
public static final String VIEW_JSP_ROOT =
// names of jsp files
public static final String VIEW_JSP_INDEX = "View.";
public static final String VIEW_JSP_CUSTOMER_LIST= "CustomerListView.";
// actions
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
public static final String ACTION_LOGIN=
public static final String ACTION_LOGOUT=
public static final String ACTION_SHOW_SGL_VIEW =
public static ContainerAdapter adapter = null;
3. Create the getSessionBean() method with the following code (Example 4-21).
Example 4-21 Customer List getSessionBean() method
* Create SessionBean
* @param request PortletRequest
* @return SessionBean
private DominoJspTagsSessionBean getSessionBean(PortletRequest request){
// get PortletSession
PortletSession ps = request.getPortletSession();
if (ps == null) {
// no existing PortletSession
return null;
} else {
// get SessionBean
DominoJspTagsSessionBean sessionBean =
if (sessionBean == null) {
// no existing SessionBean - create new SessionBean and set
attribute in PortletSession
sessionBean = new DominoJspTagsSessionBean();
ps.setAttribute(SESSION_BEAN, sessionBean);
// return SessionBean
return sessionBean;
4. Modify the init() method, as in Example 4-22 on page 237.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Example 4-22 Customer List init() method
* @see org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.Portlet#init(PortletConfig)
public void init(PortletConfig portletConfig) throws UnavailableException {
System.out.println("DominoJSPPortlet " + this.toString() + " init");
if(adapter == null)
adapter = new PortletContainerAdapter();
5. Modify the doView() method, as in Example 4-23.
Example 4-23 Customer List doView() method
* @see org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletAdapter#doView(PortletRequest,
public void doView(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response) throws
PortletException, IOException {
DominoJspTagsSessionBean sessionBean = getSessionBean(request);
if (sessionBean == null) {
// insert routine to handle non-existence of a portlet session
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>> doView: Unable to get a handle of the
session bean.");
// set properties in sessionBean
// set name of JSP to render
// Invoke the JSP to render
getPortletConfig().getContext().include(VIEW_JSP_ROOT+ jspName
+getJspExtension(request), request, response);
6. Change the host name and dbname to reflect your Domino environment.
7. Modify the actionPerformed() method, as in Example 4-24 on page 238.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Example 4-24 Customer List actionPerformed() method
* @see
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) throws PortletException {
if( getPortletLog().isDebugEnabled() )
getPortletLog().debug("ActionListener - actionPerformed called");
// ActionEvent handler
String actionString = event.getActionString();
// Add action string handler here
// get PortletRequest
PortletRequest request = event.getRequest();
// get SessionBean
DominoJspTagsSessionBean sessionBean = getSessionBean(request);
if (sessionBean == null) {
// insert routine to handle non-existence of a portlet session
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>> actionPerformed: Unable to get a
handle of the session bean.");
if (ACTION_SHOW_SGL_VIEW.equals(actionString)) {
// handle display single database view action
// set jsp file to be rendered next
} else {
// set jsp file to be rendered next - initial view display
8. To ensure that a DominoSessionManager is present at the time a user logs in,
it is a good idea to override the login() and logout() methods of each portlet
that needs to share the DominoSessionManager.
a. Import into the portlet with the packages shown in Example 4-25 on
page 239.
b. Insert the constructor sample code in Example 4-26 on page 239.
c. Insert the sample login() method given in Example 4-15 on page 219.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
d. Insert the sample logout() method given in Example 4-16 on page 219.
Example 4-25 Customer List import
Example 4-26 DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerList() constructor
public DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerList(){
System.out.println("DominoJspPortlet " + this.toString() + "
This completes the modification of the Customer List portlet java source. Next,
we are going to add the Domino capabilities that are included in the Lotus
Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio.
Adding Lotus Domino JSP tags to our portlets
To enable our project to include the JSP tag libraries, we performed the following
Create folder hierarchy
1. Import domtags.jar and NCSO.jar from the Notes/data/domino/java directory
to the WebContent/WEB-INF/lib directory for the application, as shown in
Figure 4-20 on page 240.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Figure 4-20 Import jar files
2. Create a new folder named tld in the WebContent/WEB-INF directory of your
3. Import domtags.tld and domutil.tld from the Notes/data/domino/java directory
to the WebContent/WEB-INF/tld directory of your application.
4. Verify that your folder hierarchy has the following structure:
New files were added to our portlet project: two Domino custom tag libraries
in the WEB-INF directory, and two JAR files in the WEB-INF/lib folder. This
result is shown in Figure 4-21 on page 241.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 4-21 Inserting Domino custom tag libraries
Add libraries to web.xml
Next, we need to create the necessary tag library XML tags in the Web
Deployment Descriptor for the application:
1. From the Project Navigator, open the Web Deployment Descriptor.
2. Switch to References and click the JSP tag libraries tab, as shown in
Figure 4-22.
Figure 4-22 Web Deployment Descriptor - References/JSP tag libraries
3. Click Add, select WebContent/WEB-INF/tld/domtags.tld, and click Finish.
4. Click Add, select WebContent/WEB-INF/tld/domutil.tld, and click Finish
(see Figure 4-24 on page 242).
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Figure 4-23 Web Deployment Descriptor - Adding JSP tag libraries
5. Switch to Source.
6. Verify that the following XML tags have been added to the Web Deployment
Descriptor, as shown in Figure 4-24.
Figure 4-24 Web Deployment Descriptor - Viewing JSP tag source
7. Save the changes and close the Web Deployment Descriptor.
Connecting to the Domino database
A navigator plug-in provides a view that lets you explore Domino application
design and create tags within the editor to represent that design. To open the
Domino view:
1. Choose Window → Show View → Other.
2. Select Domino from the Domino folder. This opens an empty Domino
window. The window is in its own perspective. Clicking on the window title bar
allows it to be dragged around like any other window. If you do not see the
Domino view, you do not have the Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere
Studio installed.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
3. Right-click the white canvas and select New database connection, as shown
in Figure 4-25.
Figure 4-25 Connecting to the Domino database
4. When prompted for connectivity information, fill in the appropriate values for
the Domino server and point to the customer.nsf database you are using in
your project. Click Finish. You will be prompted for a password. Enter it and
click OK.
Figure 4-26 Connecting to Domino databases through Domino toolkit
When the connection is complete, a list of all the forms and views that are on
the database is displayed, as illustrated in Figure 4-27 on page 244. On this
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
initial portlet, you will be including the Customers/By Customer Name view on
your JSP.
Figure 4-27 Reviewing the Customer database
Modifying the Customer List portlet JSP file
1. Open the DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerListView.jsp file from the Project
Navigator in Source mode.
2. Change the <%@ page session=”false”... to session=”true”.
3. Right below the <portletAPI:init /> tag, insert the following code
(Example 4-27).
Example 4-27 Access the SessionBean
// get access to the attributes saved in the SessionBean
DominoJspTagsSessionBean sessionBean =
// default to the Customers By Name view
4. Delete the code within the <DIV> tag.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
5. Add the session tag by expanding the Customer database → Utilities →
Tag Uses → Domino Custom Tags → DOMTAGS → Alphabetical →
session. Right-click the session tag and choose Add tag to Web Page (see
Figure 4-28).
Tip: Adding the session tag this way would automatically generate the
necessary code and error handling.
Figure 4-28 Domino tags
6. Next, we want to retrieve the host and user from the SessionBean. Replace
the code on the session tag with the code shown in Example 4-28.
Example 4-28 <domino:session> tag
<domino:session id="generalSession"
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Tip: Single sign-on (SSO) support allows Web users to authenticate once
when accessing Web resources across multiple WebSphere Application
Servers. The <Domino:session> tag currently has a *webuser as the user
name from the SessionBean. This option lets the portlet establish the
connection to the Lotus Domino database with the same identity as the one
used to log into the portal. Also notice that when the *webuser is used, no
password is specified.
As a prerequisite to use the same identity, single sign-on (SSO) must be
7. Add a <domino:preserve> tag to the JSP file (Example 4-29). This preserves
explicitly passed page arguments when a user self-navigates. If you do not
use this tag, the initial arguments passed to the page will not be preserved
during a self-navigation and the page may not work correctly.
Example 4-29 <domino:preserve> tag
<domino:preserve name="mycustomerlistview" />
8. Add the db tag with the following code (Example 4-30).
Example 4-30 <domino:db> tag
<domino:db id="generalDb" dbname="<%=sessionBean.getDbname()%>">
9. Next, add the view tag. Go back to the Domino view and drag the
Customers/By Customer Name view within the db tags (see Figure 4-29).
Figure 4-29 Adding the Customers/Customer By Name view to View.jsp
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Tip: When you drag/drop the Domino view into the JSP file, it would
automatically generate all the attributes required to make a Domino session
<domino:view> tag with many attributes: host, user, password, and dbname.
Avoiding the database argument in the <domino:view> tag is more a “good
practice” that will make it easier to start object sharing. The tags, in an attempt
to make using JSPs easy and more like Visual Basic, support way too many
attributes. Those attributes are not marked as required in the tld file in order to
allow the tag to be contained in another tag that will supply the missing
attribute, so you have a logical containment hierarchy of:
10.Replace the <domino:view> tag with the following code (Example 4-31).
Example 4-31 <domino:view> tag
<domino:view id="generalView" viewname="<%=sessionBean.getSelectedView()%>">
11.Delete the hidden (fourth) column, since this is a control column.
12.On the JSP file, select the top row of the table to be a header row. To do so,
right-click the selected row and select Attributes, and in the Attributes view,
change from Data to Head, as shown in Figure 4-30.
Figure 4-30 Changing the table to include headers
13.Next, add pagination to the JSP so that the user may navigate the view.
a. Add the following code below the <domino:view> tag:
<domino:page id="plinfo" rows="7">
b. Add the following code above the </domino:view> tag:
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
<%-- pagination --%>
<br>Page <%=plinfo.getPage()%> of <%=plinfo.getPageCount()%>
14.Include, at the beginning of the JSP, the following JSP Tag library definitions
(Example 4-32 on page 249).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Example 4-32 JSP Tag Library definitions
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/domutil.tld" prefix="domutil" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/domtags.tld" prefix="domino" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portletAPI" %>
These definitions include inserting the custom Domino libraries so that they can
be referenced inside your code. The last line initializes the portlet tag library;
there is not any need to initialize the Domino libraries.
15.Your new JSP file should look similar to Figure 4-31 in Design mode.
Figure 4-31 Initial portlet JSP in Design mode
16.Save the jsp file.
We have now a working portlet that displays basic information extracted from our
Lotus Domino database.
Deploying our initial application
Use the following steps to deploy the application.
1. At the WebSphere Studio Application Developer tool, change to the J2EE
Navigator view.
2. Right-click the DominoJspTagsPortlet project and select Export. A wizard
comes up. Select the WAR file export and basically export the project to your
hard disk.
3. Install the portlet into WebSphere Portal:
a. Log into the WebSphere Portal with an administrative user, and select the
Portal Administration place.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
b. It should open right away to the Install Portlets window. Select the newly
created .WAR file from your hard disk.
Figure 4-32 Installing the Customer List portlet
c. Click Next. Once it recognizes your portlet, click Install. When the
installation is finished, a “Portlets were successfully installed” message is
displayed (see Figure 4-33).
Figure 4-33 Successful installation of the portlet
4. Grant access to the portlet application.
Now that the portlet is installed to the portal, grant access to the users. Go to
the Access/Resource Permissions/Portlet applications in the Portal
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Administration place. Search for the DominoJspTags application that we have
just installed.
Click the Assign Access icon for the portlet application to which you want to
assign access. Select the required users or groups and grant them at least
View access. This is illustrated in Figure 4-34.
Figure 4-34 Granting access to the DominoJspTags application
5. Add the portlet to the page.
a. Go to the Portal User Interface/Manage Portlets in the Portal
Administration place and select the page where you will install the portlet.
b. Select the Edit Page Layout icon.
c. Modify the number of columns to two, and in the first column click the Add
Portlets button. This directs you to a portlet search page.
d. Search by Customer List and your portlet should come up. Select it and
click OK.
e. Finally, click Done. Figure 4-35 on page 252 shows the result of adding
the portlet into a page.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Figure 4-35 Adding the Customer List portlet to the page
6. Preview the portlet.
Log into the portal with a user name that has access to the Lotus Domino
database and select the page where you added the portlet. You should be
able to view the portlet running.
Figure 4-36 Initial portlet with Domino functionality accessed through JSP tags
Figure 4-36 shows an example of a basic view being displayed in a portlet.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
The Customer Details portlet
We now describe how to construct the Customer Details portlet. This portlet
initially displays a JSP with a drop-down list of the customers available. After a
customer is selected, it reloads and displays the customer information details.
Customer details portlet Java code
1. Open the Web Project from the Portlet perspective.
2. Copy the file and paste it to the
same package. When prompted to rename the file, rename it
3. Open the CustomerDetails java file and modify it to target the
4. Replace the declarations with the following code (Example 4-33):
Example 4-33 Customer Details portlet declaration
public static final String VIEW_JSP
to be rendered on the view mode
// JSP file name
// names of jsp files
public static final String VIEW_JSP_INDEX = "View.";
public static final String VIEW_JSP_CUSTOMER_DETAILS=
public static final String VIEW_JSP_CUSTOMER_DETAILS_ENTRY=
5. Replace the doView() method to include the code in Example 4-34.
Example 4-34 Customer Details portlet doView() method
* @see org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletAdapter#doView(PortletRequest,
public void doView(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response) throws
PortletException, IOException {
DominoJspTagsSessionBean sessionBean = getSessionBean(request);
if (sessionBean == null) {
// insert routine to handle non-existence of a portlet session
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>> doView: Unable to get a handle of the
session bean.");
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
// set properties in sessionBean
// We are checking if the uidDoc attribute is on the session, initially it will
// be null but once a customer is selected the uidDoc will be populated.
if(request.getPortletSession().getAttribute("uidDoc") != null){
PortletURI detailURI = response.createURI();
request.setAttribute("details", detailURI.toString());
// Store the return URI in the request
PortletURI returnURI = response.createReturnURI();
request.setAttribute("CD_back", returnURI.toString());
// get name of JSP to render
String jspName = sessionBean.getJspPage();
// Redirecting to the DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerDetails.jsp file
getPortletConfig().getContext().include(VIEW_JSP_ROOT+ jspName
+getJspExtension(request), request, response);
} else {
// If no customer is selected
PortletURI detailURI = response.createURI();
request.setAttribute("details", detailURI.toString());
// get name of JSP to render
String jspName = sessionBean.getJspPage();
if (jspName.equals(VIEW_JSP_INDEX) || jspName.equals("")) {
// Invoke the JSP to render
getPortletConfig().getContext().include(VIEW_JSP_ROOT+ jspName
+getJspExtension(request), request, response);
This code selects whether you want to display the initial selection JSP or the
customer details JSP, based on the uidDoc attribute stored in the session.
Notice that we need a new JSP called CustomerDetailsEntry.jsp to display the
customer details; we will do this later. In the code, before including the target
JSP, actions are created. These will respond to users’ interactions through
forms and buttons.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
As we saw in the introduction to this integration technique, this portlet will
start with a JSP that displays a drop-down list where the user selects the
customer. When the user clicks the View Details button, it will activate an
action called details. If you inspect the code, you will find that this action URI
is going to be stored as an attribute on the request object.
The inclusion of both JSP files will help make our portlet work as a
stand-alone portlet if needed. (In the next section, we describe how to enable
the Click-to-Action communication between portlets, but for now they will work
6. For the Customer Details portlet, we introduce a new option that is in the
portlet structure, the actions. The actions let the presenting JSP send
information to the portlet class to perform the required business logic. In our
portlet, the View.jsp will send a details action to the CustomerDetails portlet
and as a result the portlet will redirect the request to the
CustomerDetailsEntry.jsp page, and pass to it the UI of the document.
Figure 4-37 illustrates the action’s interactions in the Customer Details portlet.
Customer Details portlet
Details Action
Figure 4-37 Action interaction in the Customer Details portlet
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
7. Next, we have to implement the ActionPerformed() method. Add the following
code in the ActionPerformed() method (Example 4-35):
Example 4-35 actionPerformed() method of the Customer Details
* @see
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) throws PortletException {
if( getPortletLog().isDebugEnabled() )
getPortletLog().debug("ActionListener - actionPerformed called");
// ActionEvent handler
String actionString = event.getActionString();
// Add action string handler here
// get PortletRequest
PortletRequest request = event.getRequest();
// get SessionBean
DominoJspTagsSessionBean sessionBean = getSessionBean(request);
if (sessionBean == null) {
// insert routine to handle non-existence of a portlet session
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>> actionPerformed: Unable to get a
handle of the session bean.");
// retrieve uiddoc from request
String uidDoc = request.getParameter("uid");
// Capture the uid parameter from the request and store it as an
attribute called uidDoc in the session object.
if(actionString.equals("details") && !(uidDoc.equals("-Select a
request.getPortletSession().setAttribute("uidDoc", uidDoc);
// set property in sessionBean
// set jsp file to be rendered next
} else {
// handle display single database view action
// retrieve viewname from request
String view = request.getParameter(VIEWNAME);
// set properties in sessionBean
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
This code basically captures the uid parameter from the request and stores it
as an attribute called uidDoc in the session object. Furthermore, it sets the
properties in the sessionBean.
Tip: Storing information about the Portlet session object will enable the user to
switch between pages and places, and when the user comes back to this
page, the portlet will still be displaying the information previously selected.
If you store the information about the Portlet request object, the result of the
portlet will only be available if the user changes pages and later comes back.
Now let us take care of the JSPs. First, we copy and modify the existing View.jsp
file, and after that, we create the new CustomerDetailsEntry.jsp
1. Copy the DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerListView.jsp file and name it
2. Open the newly copied View.jsp file in the Source view.
3. Replace the code for sessionBean to point to the Customer Details class as
follows (Example 4-36):
Example 4-36 Customer Details portlet view jsp sessionBean
// get access to the attributes saved in the SessionBean
DominoJspTagsSessionBean sessionBean =
// default to the Customers By Name view
4. Delete the code inside the <Domino:view> tags.
5. Insert the following code in the JSP file (Example 4-37):
Example 4-37 Customer Details portlet View.jsp fragment initial contents
<!-- Creating a form with an encoded name for the portal, so if there -->
<!-- are two forms with the same name, there won’t be any conflicts. -->
<!-- Also notice that the details action is extracted from the request. -->
<%-- Display the Customers By Name view --%>
<DIV style="margin: 6px">
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
<P>Please select a customer:
name="<portletAPI:encodeNamespace value='CD_form'/>">
<SELECT size="1" name="uid">
<OPTION value="" selected>-Select a customer-</OPTION>
<domino:viewloop id="loop">
<%-- filter documents --%>
<OPTION value="<domino:unid/>">
<domino:viewitem col="1" />
<%-- create submit and reset buttons --%>
<input class="wpsButtonText"
value='<%= DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerDetails.SUBMIT%>'/>"
value="Show Entry"
<input class="wpsButtonText"
value='<%= DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerDetails.RESET%>'/>"
This code will insert a text message instructing the user to select an available
customer from the list. Followed by a <form> tag that will use the POST
method to submit the information to WebSphere Portal, the action on this form
will trigger the action event details.
Next, a custom JSP tag for a Domino view is placed. This opens a session
with the Lotus Domino server, and a select HTML field will loop using the
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Inside the loop, we extract two pieces of information: the universal ID of the
customer document using the <Domino:unid/>, and the column information
corresponding to the Customer Name.
1. Right-click the /jsp/html folder and select New → JSP File.
2. Name the new JSP file DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerDetailsEntry.jsp, and
select the check box to specify this JSP is a fragment. Click Next.
3. Click on the Add Tag Library button.
4. Select all three tld libraries displayed. Add prefixes to the two libraries:
Domino to the domtags.tld library and util to the domutil.tld library, as shown
in Example 4-38.
5. The prefixes are needed so you can associate each tag with a JSP tag library.
Figure 4-38 Insert Tag Libraries to the new CustomerDetails.jsp file
6. In the Source view, copy the following code beneath the Tag Library
definitions (Example 4-38):
Example 4-38 CustomerDetailsEntry.jsp fragment initial code
<%@ page
contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
<portletAPI:init />
// get access to the attributes saved in the SessionBean
DominoJspTagsSessionBean sessionBean =
<domino:session id="generalSession"
<%-- Start:Session-specific code --%>
<%-- connect to domino database --%>
<domino:db id="generalDb" dbname="<%= sessionBean.getDbname()%>">
<%--Valid in <domino:db>and <domino:session>--%>
<%-- open document --%>
<domino:document id="CustomerDetailsDocument" unid="<%=
sessionBean.getUidDoc()%>" schema="Customer">
<%-- display document properties --%>
<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
<TR align="left">
<TH>Customer Name</TH>
<TD><domino:item name="customerName" /></TD>
<TR align="left">
<TH>Customer Number</TH>
<TD><domino:item name="customerNumber" /></TD>
<TR align="left">
<TH>Customer Address</TH>
<TD><domino:item name="customerAddress" /></TD>
<TR align="left">
<TH>Account Owner</TH>
<TD><domino:item name="ownerName" /></TD>
<TR align="left">
<TH>Date Created</TH>
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
<TD><domino:item name="DateCreated" format="DATE=SHORT" /></TD>
<TR align="left">
<TD><domino:item name="Comments" /></TD>
<form method="POST"
<portletAPI:URIAction name='<%=
<portletAPI:URIParameter name="<%=
value="<%= sessionBean.getSelectedView()%>"/>
<INPUT class="wpsButtonText" type="submit" name="Back" value="Back"
<%-- End:Session-specific code --%>
catch (lotus.domino.taglib.DominoTagException e)
lotus.domino.NotesException ne = e.getNotesException();
<b>Tags Error:</b> <%= e.getMessage() %> <br>
<b>Notes Error:</b> <%= ne.getMessage() %> <br>
catch(Exception e)
This code opens a connection with the Lotus Domino server and extracts the
document that has the UID corresponding to the uidDoc attribute we stored
on the session object.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
To extract the field information from the Domino document, we use the
<Domino:item> tag.
7. Save the file.
Update the deployment descriptors
The following section addresses how to update the deployment descriptors,
namely web.xml and Portlet.xml. This is the final step prior to deploying the
updated portlet.
Update Web.xml
1. Open the web.xml file located in the /WEB-INF folder.
2. Go to the Servlets tab.
3. Click the Add button.
4. Select the DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerDetails class.
5. Update the servlet from DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerDetails to
6. Add a URL mapping; set it to
/dominojsptags.DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerDetails/*, as shown in
Figure 4-39.
Figure 4-39 Customer Details Servlet
7. Save and close the web.xml file.
Update Portlet.xml
1. Open the portlet.xml file located in the same folder.
2. Click the Add portlet button.
3. Select the CustomerDetails servlet, which is not used, and click OK.
4. Change the display name to DominoJspTagsCustomerDetails and its ID to
5. Click the Concrete Portlet Application folder.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
6. Click the Add Concrete Portlet button.
7. Click the CustomerDetails portlet, which is not used, and click OK.
8. Change its Display Name and Title to DominoJspTags Customer Details.
9. Add a description if needed.
10.Save the portlet.xml file.
Deploy the portlet
1. Export the project from the J2EE Navigator view by right-clicking over the
project and selecting Export.
2. Now we can test the new portlet we have just created. We follow the same
steps as the deployment of the previous portlet, except instead of using the
install wizard, we go to the Portlet Applications page and perform an update
to the existing .WAR file.
The resulting portlet will look similar to Figure 4-40.
Figure 4-40 Customer Detail portlet
Customer Contacts portlet
Now we describe how to build the third portlet, which is the Customer Contacts
portlet. This portlet displays an initial page with a list customers where the user
can select to query. After a customer is selected, the portlet performs a full text
search on the Contacts By Customer view in the customer.nsf database. Finally,
it displays the result of the search in the portlet. Since the behavior of this portlet
is similar to that of the Customer Detail, we will reuse some of the functionality
already created.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
263 file
1. Copy the portlet class and paste
it in the same portlet package, but with a name of
2. Open the newly copied CustomerContacts Java file.
3. Change the JSP files references from details to contacts as follows
(Example 4-39):
Example 4-39 CustomerContacts JSP files
public static final String VIEW_JSP
file name to be rendered on the view mode
// JSP
// names of jsp files
public static final String VIEW_JSP_INDEX = "View.";
public static final String VIEW_JSP_CUSTOMER_CONTACTS=
public static final String VIEW_JSP_CUSTOMER_CONTACTS_ENTRY=
4. In both the doView() and actionPerformed() methods:
a. Change the name of the action from details to contacts.
b. Change the attribute uidDoc to customerNameAttr.
5. In the doView() method:
a. Modify the jspName reference from VIEW_JSP_CUSTOMER_DETAILS to
b. Rename the reference from CD_back to CC_back.
6. In the actionPerformed() method, modify the sessionBean.setJspPage
reference to the customer contacts as follow (Example 4-40):
Example 4-40 CustomerContacts setJspPage
// set jsp file to be rendered next
// set properties in sessionBean
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
7. In the actionPerformed() method, modify the request.getParameter()
parameter from uid to customerName.
The doView() and actionPerformed() methods should look like Example 4-41.
Example 4-41 Customer Contacts portlet initial doView() and actionPerformed() methods
* @see org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletAdapter#doView(PortletRequest,
public void doView(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response) throws
PortletException, IOException {
DominoJspTagsSessionBean sessionBean = getSessionBean(request);
if (sessionBean == null) {
// insert routine to handle non-existence of a portlet session
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>> doView: Unable to get a handle of the
session bean.");
// set properties in sessionBean
if(request.getPortletSession().getAttribute("customerNameAttr") !=
PortletURI detailURI = response.createURI();
request.setAttribute("contacts", detailURI.toString());
// Store the return URI in the request
PortletURI returnURI = response.createReturnURI();
request.setAttribute("CC_back", returnURI.toString());
// get name of JSP to render
String jspName = sessionBean.getJspPage();
// Redirecting to the DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerDetails.jsp file
getPortletConfig().getContext().include(VIEW_JSP_ROOT+ jspName
+getJspExtension(request), request, response);
} else {
// If no customer is selected
PortletURI detailURI = response.createURI();
request.setAttribute("contacts", detailURI.toString());
// get name of JSP to render
String jspName = sessionBean.getJspPage();
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
if (jspName.equals(VIEW_JSP_INDEX) || jspName.equals("")) {
// Invoke the JSP to render
getPortletConfig().getContext().include(VIEW_JSP_ROOT+ jspName
+getJspExtension(request), request, response);
* @see
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) throws PortletException {
if( getPortletLog().isDebugEnabled() )
getPortletLog().debug("ActionListener - actionPerformed called");
// ActionEvent handler
String actionString = event.getActionString();
// Add action string handler here
// get PortletRequest
PortletRequest request = event.getRequest();
// get SessionBean
DominoJspTagsSessionBean sessionBean = getSessionBean(request);
if (sessionBean == null) {
// insert routine to handle non-existence of a portlet session
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>> actionPerformed: Unable to get a
handle of the session bean.");
// retrieve customer name from request
String customerNameAttr = request.getParameter("customerName");
// Capture the customerName parameter from the request and store it as
an attribute called customerNameAttr in the session object.
if(actionString.equals("contacts") && !(customerNameAttr.equals("-Select
a customer-"))){
// set property in sessionBean
// set jsp file to be rendered next
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
} else {
// handle display single database view action
// retrieve viewname from request
String view = request.getParameter(VIEWNAME);
// set properties in sessionBean
The changes to the CustomerContacts java file are highlighted in bold in
Example 4-41 on page 265. Now that the CustomerContacts java file is set, we
will continue with the JSP files.
View.jsp file
1. Copy the DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerDetailsView.jsp file and name it
2. Open the newly copied View.jsp file in Source mode.
3. Replace the code for sessionBean to point to the Customer Contact class and
modify the selected view to point to the ContactsByCustomer view as follows
(Example 4-42):
Example 4-42 CustomerContacts ContactsByCustomer view JSP
// get access to the attributes saved in the SessionBean
DominoJspTagsSessionBean sessionBean =
// default to the Contacts by Customer Name view
4. Modify the form tag action attribute from details to contacts, which is the
name of the action we created on our CustomerContacts portlet.
5. Modify the form name from CD_form to CC_form.
6. Create a table header with Customer Name.
7. Remove the <SELECT> and <OPTION> statements, since we will be using
radio buttons instead.
8. Modify the <domino:ifdocumententry> tag to <domino:ifcategoryentry>. This
will filter the view and present only the category entries.
9. Modify the Select HTML field name from uid to customerName.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
10.Modify the <domino:viewitem> tag, name attribute so that it extracts the
Employer instead of the Customer Name.
11.Change the Select HTML field to radio button and its value from
<domino:unid/> to <domino:viewitem name="Employer"/>, as shown in
Example 4-43.
Example 4-43 CustomerContacts radio button
<td><input type="radio"
value="<domino:viewitem name="Employer"/>"/></td>
<td><font color="black" face="Arial" size="1"><domino:viewitem
12.Add pagination to the page as follows (Example 4-44):
Example 4-44 CustomerContacts pagination
<%-- add pagination --%>
<domino:page id="plinfo" rows="10">
<%-- Display the Customers By Name view --%>
<%-- filter documents --%>
<%-- pagination --%>
<br>Page <%=plinfo.getPage()%> of <%=plinfo.getPageCount()%>
13.Modify the Submit and Reset buttons at the end to reference the
CustomerContacts class instead of the CustomerDetails class, as shown in
Example 4-45.
Example 4-45 CustomerContacts submit & reset buttons
<%-- create submit and reset buttons --%>
<input class="wpsButtonText"
value='<%= DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerContacts.SUBMIT%>'/>"
value="Show Entry"
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
<input class="wpsButtonText"
value='<%= DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerContacts.RESET%>'/>"
14.The modified View.jsp file looks like the following (Example 4-46):
Example 4-46 CustomerContactsView.jsp fragment
<domino:session id="generalSession"
<%-- Start:Session-specific code --%>
<domino:preserve name="mycustomercontactsview" />
<%-- connect to domino database --%>
<domino:db id="db" dbname="<%= sessionBean.getDbname()%>">
<%-- open domino view --%>
<domino:view id="view" viewname="<%= sessionBean.getSelectedView()%>">
<%-- add pagination --%>
<domino:page id="plinfo" rows="10">
<%-- Display the Customers By Name view --%>
<DIV style="margin: 6px">
<P>Please select a customer:
name="<portletAPI:encodeNamespace value='CC_form'/>">
<%-- create table header --%>
<TH><FONT color="black" face="Arial" size="2">Customer
<%-- create table body --%>
<domino:viewloop id="loop">
<%-- filter documents --%>
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
<td><input type="radio"
value="<domino:viewitem name="Employer"/>"/></td>
<td><font color="black" face="Arial" size="1"><domino:viewitem
<%-- pagination --%>
<br>Page <%=plinfo.getPage()%> of <%=plinfo.getPageCount()%>
<%-- create submit and reset buttons --%>
<input class="wpsButtonText"
value='<%= DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerContacts.SUBMIT%>'/>"
value="Show Entry"
<input class="wpsButtonText"
value='<%= DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerContacts.RESET%>'/>"
<%-- End:Session-specific code --%>
15.Save and close the View.jsp file.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
CustomerContactsEntry.jsp file
1. Copy the DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerDetailsEntry.jsp file and name it
2. Open the newly copied Entry.jsp file in Source view.
3. Erase the code in between and including the <Domino:document> tag, since
we are going to display a view instead of a document.
4. Insert the JSP code shown in Example 4-47 where the <Domino:document>
tag resided.
Example 4-47 CustomerContactsEntry JSP fragment initial contents
<%-- Construct the full text search string --%>
<%!String SearchString="";%>
<%SearchString="FIELD customerName contains
<domino:view id="generalView"
viewname="<%=sessionBean.getSelectedView()%>" ftsearch='<%=SearchString%>'>
<th>Contact Name</th>
<th>Phone Number</th>
<domino:viewloop id="myviewloop">
<td><domino:viewitem col="2"/></td>
<td><domino:viewitem col="3"/></td>
<% } %>
<form method="POST"
<portletAPI:URIAction name='<%=
<portletAPI:URIParameter name="<%=
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
value="<%= sessionBean.getSelectedView()%>"/>
<input class="wpsButtonText"
You will find that the <Domino:view> tag has a new attribute: ftsearch. This
attribute lets us do a full text search based on a field, as displayed in the
example, where we will search based on a field called CustomerName.
Note: Use of the ftsearch attribute of the <Domino:view> tag requires that
the referenced view be fully text indexed prior to the search request.
Also, you will find that the <Domino:viewloop> tag has an attribute called
name. This allows us to define a Domino Java object and use it inside our
JSP code. In this JSP, we query each of the returned elements to make sure
the full text search returned the exact documents that we were looking for.
Other tags can have the ID attribute that will convert a JSP tag into a Domino
Java object that can be referenced in the code. Information on the
construction of portlets with these Domino Java objects is in the next chapter.
Also, note that the <Domino:viewitem> tag is extracting information by the
column number attribute; you can also use the name attribute to extract the
column value by referencing the column name, like in the previous portlet’s
View.jsp file.
Finally, we introduced another JSP tag called <Domino:ifdocumententry>,
which basically filters out the categorization entries from the view.
Update the deployment descriptors
The following section addresses how to update the deployment descriptors,
namely Web.xml and Portlet.xml. This is the final step prior to deploying the
updated portlet.
Update Web.xml
1. Open the web.xml file located in the /WEB-INF folder.
2. Go to the Servlets tab.
3. Click the Add button.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
4. Select the DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerContacts class.
5. Update the servlet from DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerContacts to
6. Add a URL mapping; set it to
/dominojsptags.DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerContacts/*, as shown in
Figure 4-41.
Figure 4-41 Customer Contacts Servlet
7. Save and close the web.xml file.
Update Portlet.xml
1. Open the portlet.xml file located in the same folder.
2. Click the Add portlet button.
3. Select the CustomerContacts servlet, which is not used, and click OK.
4. Change the display name to DominoJspTagsCustomerContacts and its ID to
5. Click the Concrete Portlet Application folder.
6. Click the Add Concrete Portlet button.
7. Click the CustomerDetails portlet, which is not used, and click OK.
8. Change its Display Name and Title to DominoJspTags Customer Contacts.
9. Add a description if needed.
10.Save the portlet.xml file.
Deploy the portlet
Now we are all set with our third portlet; just deploy it as we did with our previous
portlet and you should see something similar to Figure 4-42 on page 274.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Figure 4-42 Customer Contacts initial portlet
Customer Sales Activities portlet
The Customer Sales Activities portlet displays information just like the two
portlets already described, with a JSP file containing a list of the customers, but
this time with sales activities. A difference from previous portlets is that it will
access an independent sales database. After a customer is selected, the portlet
loads a Domino view that will filter and display the documents and not the
category entries.
1. Create the portlet class by copying the class that resides on the
portlet package.
2. Paste the file in the same package and rename it
3. Open the newly pasted CustomerSalesActivities java file.
4. Change the JSP files references from contacts to sales activities as follows
(Example 4-48 on page 275):
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Example 4-48 CustomerSalesActivities JSP files
public static final String VIEW_JSP
JSP file name to be rendered on the view mode
// names of jsp files
public static final String VIEW_JSP_INDEX = "View.";
public static final String VIEW_JSP_CUSTOMER_SALES_ACTIVITIES=
5. In both the doView() and actionPerformed() methods, change the name of the
action from contacts to activities.
6. In the doView() method:
a. Modify the database name to the Sales Activities database (sales.nsf).
a. Modify the jspName reference from
b. rename the reference from CC_back to CSA_back.
c. rename the key that is used to store the action URI on the request object
from contacts to activities.
7. In the actionPerformed() method, modify the sessionBean.setJspPage
reference to the customer sales activities as follows (Example 4-49):
Example 4-49 CustomerSalesActivities setJspPage
// set jsp file to be rendered next
// set properties in sessionBean
8. The doView() and actionPerformed() methods should look like Example 4-41
on page 265.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Example 4-50 Customer Sales Activities portlet initial doView() and actionPerformed()
* @see org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletAdapter#doView(PortletRequest,
public void doView(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response) throws
PortletException, IOException {
DominoJspTagsSessionBean sessionBean = getSessionBean(request);
if (sessionBean == null) {
// insert routine to handle non-existence of a portlet session
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>> doView: Unable to get a handle of the
session bean.");
// set properties in sessionBean
if(request.getPortletSession().getAttribute("customerNameAttr") !=
PortletURI detailURI = response.createURI();
request.setAttribute("activities", detailURI.toString());
// Store the return URI in the request
PortletURI returnURI = response.createReturnURI();
request.setAttribute("CSA_back", returnURI.toString());
// get name of JSP to render
String jspName = sessionBean.getJspPage();
// Redirecting to the DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerDetails.jsp file
getPortletConfig().getContext().include(VIEW_JSP_ROOT+ jspName
+getJspExtension(request), request, response);
} else {
// If no customer is selected
PortletURI detailURI = response.createURI();
request.setAttribute("activities", detailURI.toString());
// get name of JSP to render
String jspName = sessionBean.getJspPage();
if (jspName.equals(VIEW_JSP_INDEX) || jspName.equals("")) {
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
// Invoke the JSP to render
getPortletConfig().getContext().include(VIEW_JSP_ROOT+ jspName
+getJspExtension(request), request, response);
* @see
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) throws PortletException {
if( getPortletLog().isDebugEnabled() )
getPortletLog().debug("ActionListener - actionPerformed called");
// ActionEvent handler
String actionString = event.getActionString();
// Add action string handler here
// get PortletRequest
PortletRequest request = event.getRequest();
// get SessionBean
DominoJspTagsSessionBean sessionBean = getSessionBean(request);
if (sessionBean == null) {
// insert routine to handle non-existence of a portlet session
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>> actionPerformed: Unable to get a
handle of the session bean.");
// retrieve customer name from request
String customerNameAttr = request.getParameter("customerName");
// Capture the uid parameter from the request and store it as an
attribute called uidDoc in the session object.
// set property in sessionBean
// set jsp file to be rendered next
} else {
// handle display single database view action
// retrieve viewname from request
String view = request.getParameter(VIEWNAME);
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
// set properties in sessionBean
You can see the changes in bold in Example 4-50 on page 276. Also, notice that
there is no change on the customerName parameter and customerNameAttr.
This is because our search on the view will be done by the customer name. In
addition, this will help the Click-to-Action broker to associate both actions as
similar; this is explained in detail in 4.6, “Integration via Click-to-Action” on
page 287.
View.jsp file
1. Copy the DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerContactsView.jsp file and name it
2. Open the file and inspect it in the source view.
3. Replace the code for sessionBean to point to the Customer Sales Activities
class and change the view name to saByCustomer as follows
(Example 4-51):
Example 4-51 Customer Sales Activities view jsp sessionBean
// get access to the attributes saved in the SessionBean
DominoJspTagsSessionBean sessionBean =
// default to the Sales Activity by Customer view
4. In the form tag:
a. Modify the action attribute to reference from contacts to activities.
b. modify the form name from CC_back to CSA_back.
5. In the HTML input tag, modify the value and name so that the
<Domino:viewitem> name attribute is Customer instead of Employer.
6. Modify the Submit and Reset buttons at the end to reference the
CustomerSalesActivities class instead of the CustomerContacts class, as
show in Example 4-52 on page 279.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Example 4-52 CustomerSalesActivities submit and reset buttons
<%-- create submit and reset buttons --%>
<input class="wpsButtonText"
value="Show Entry"
<input class="wpsButtonText"
7. The modified View.jsp file looks like the following (Example 4-53):
Example 4-53 CustomerSalesActivitiesView JSP file
// get access to the attributes saved in the SessionBean
DominoJspTagsSessionBean sessionBean =
// default to the Sales Activity by Customer view
<domino:session id="generalSession"
<%-- Start:Session-specific code --%>
<domino:preserve name="mycustomercontactsview" />
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
<%-- connect to domino database --%>
<domino:db id="db" dbname="<%= sessionBean.getDbname()%>">
<%-- open domino view --%>
<domino:view id="view" viewname="<%= sessionBean.getSelectedView()%>">
<%-- add pagination --%>
<domino:page id="plinfo" rows="10">
<%-- Display the Customers By Name view --%>
<DIV style="margin: 6px">
<P>Please select a customer:
name="<portletAPI:encodeNamespace value='CSA_form'/>">
<%-- create table header --%>
<TH><FONT color="black" face="Arial" size="2">Customer
<%-- create table body --%>
<domino:viewloop id="loop">
<%-- filter documents --%>
<td><input type="radio"
value="<domino:viewitem name="Customer"/>"/></td>
<td><font color="black" face="Arial" size="1"><domino:viewitem
<%-- pagination --%>
<br>Page <%=plinfo.getPage()%> of <%=plinfo.getPageCount()%>
<%-- create submit and reset buttons --%>
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
<input class="wpsButtonText"
value="Show Entry"
<input class="wpsButtonText"
<%-- End:Session-specific code --%>
8. Save and close the View.jsp file.
CustomerSalesActivitiesEntry.jsp file
1. Copy the DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerContactsEntry.jsp file and name it
2. Open the newly copied Entry.jsp file in the Source view.
3. Erase the code in between and including the <table> HTML tag.
4. Insert the JSP code shown in Example 4-54 to where the <table> tag resided.
Example 4-54 CustomerSalesActivitiesEntry JSP fragment initial contents
<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
<th>Sales Person</th>
<th>Made Sale?</th>
<domino:viewloop id="myviewloop">
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
<tr align="left">
<td><domino:viewitem col="2" format="DATE=SHORT"/></td>
<td><domino:viewitem col="3"/></td>
<td><domino:viewitem col="4"/></td>
<td><domino:viewitem col="5"/></td>
<td><domino:viewitem col="6"/></td>
<% } %>
5. Modify the Submit and Reset buttons at the end to reference the
CustomerSalesActivities class instead of the CustomerContacts class, as
show in Example 4-55.
Example 4-55 CustomerSalesActivities back button
<form method="POST"
<portletAPI:URIAction name='<%=
<portletAPI:URIParameter name="<%=
value="<%= sessionBean.getSelectedView()%>"/>
<input class="wpsButtonText"
6. The modified Entry.jsp file looks like the following (Example 4-56):
Example 4-56 CustomerSalesActivitiesEntry.jsp
<domino:session id="generalSession"
<%-- Start:Session-specific code --%>
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
<%-- connect to domino database --%>
<domino:db id="generalDb" dbname="<%= sessionBean.getDbname()%>">
<%-- Construct the full text search string --%>
<%!String SearchString="";%>
<%SearchString="FIELD customerName contains
<domino:view id="generalView"
viewname="<%=sessionBean.getSelectedView()%>" ftsearch='<%=SearchString%>'>
<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
<th>Sales Person</th>
<th>Made Sale?</th>
<domino:viewloop id="myviewloop">
<tr align="left">
<td><domino:viewitem col="2" format="DATE=SHORT"/></td>
<td><domino:viewitem col="3"/></td>
<td><domino:viewitem col="4"/></td>
<td><domino:viewitem col="5"/></td>
<td><domino:viewitem col="6"/></td>
<% } %>
<form method="POST"
<portletAPI:URIAction name='<%=
<portletAPI:URIParameter name="<%=
value="<%= sessionBean.getSelectedView()%>"/>
<input class="wpsButtonText"
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
<%-- End:Session-specific code --%>
This is a very interesting JSP, since first it points to and extracts information from
the Sales database, which could be unrelated to the Customers database. But as
we discuss in the Click-to-Action topic later in this chapter, we will connect these
two applications at the portal level.
Also, if you inspect the <Domino:viewloop> tag, you will see that there is a name
attribute again. This name attribute represents a Domino Java object and is later
used in the same JSP file in a scriptlet code to filter out activities not related to
our customer.
Update the deployment descriptors
The following section addresses how to update the deployment descriptors,
namely Web.xml and Portlet.xml. This is the final step prior to deploying the
updated portlet.
Update Web.xml
1. Open the web.xml file located in the /WEB-INF folder.
2. Go to the Servlets tab.
3. Click the Add button.
4. Select the DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerSalesActivities class.
5. Update the servlet from DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerSalesActivities to
6. Add a URL mapping; set it to
/dominojsptags.DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerSalesActivities/* as shown in
Example 4-41 on page 273.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 4-43 Customer Sales Activities Servlet
7. Save and close the web.xml file.
Update Portlet.xml
1. Open the portlet.xml file located in the same folder.
2. Click the Add portlet button.
3. Select the CustomerSalesActivities servlet, which is not used, and click OK.
4. Change the display name to DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerSalesActivities
and its ID to dominojsptags.DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerSalesActivities.
5. Click the Concrete Portlet Application folder.
6. Click the Add Concrete Portlet button.
7. Click the CustomerDetails portlet, which is not used, and click OK.
8. Change its Display Name and Title to DominoJspTags Customer Sales
9. Add a description if needed.
10.Save the portlet.xml file.
Deploy the portlet
Deploy the portlet in the same manner that you used for the previous ones. The
new portlet should appear something like Figure 4-44 on page 286.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Figure 4-44 Customer Sales Activities initial portlet
We have now finished the first phase of our portlet building. We constructed four
portlets from different Domino databases that extract information based on the
user input.
Next, we explore techniques to enhance this initial transformation. In 4.6,
“Integration via Click-to-Action” on page 287, we describe a technique to enable
our portlets to communicate between each other, even between heterogeneous
Domino databases.
4.5.9 Conclusions to the custom Domino tags integration technique
The inclusion of JSP tags from different services lets us add value to our portlets.
We showed how to include custom Domino JSP tags. Some of the benefits of
this option are:
򐂰 The developer does not have to know Java programming in depth to build
portlets that extract information from Domino.
򐂰 The developer does not have to know the Domino object model in depth to
access data in Domino.
򐂰 JavaServer Pages (JSP) are a J2EE technology that can offer simplicity as a
programming model and the robust characteristics of Java.
򐂰 IBM has the tools necessary to develop portlets that integrate Domino
applications, including collaboration features.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
4.6 Integration via Click-to-Action
This important topic is included in the current chapter, since the invocation is
done through JSP tags. But as we explain later in this section, Click-to-Action
incorporates other technologies as well, including Web services, WSDL, portlet
descriptors, and others. We explain these technologies as we go through the
implementation of Click-to-Action.
4.6.1 Click-to-Action
Click-to-Action (sometimes referred as Click2Action or C2A) provides a
framework for inter-portlet communication that simplifies users’ interactions with
portlets on a portal page. With a simple click, a user can transfer data from a
source portlet to one or more target portlets, causing the target to react to the
action and display a new view with the results.
The Click-to-Action framework includes a runtime that automatically matches
sources with compatible targets (based on type information) and inserts clickable
icons associated with sources on portlet pages. When the user clicks an icon
next to a particular source, they are presented with a pop-up menu containing the
list of targets for the action. After the user selects a specific target, the
Click-to-Action runtime delivers the data to the target in the form of the
corresponding portlet action. The portlet does not need to distinguish between
an action initiated by user interaction with its own page segment and action
initiated using the Click-to-Action route. This keeps the programming effort to a
minimum, allowing Click-to-Action portlets to follow the normal portlet
programming model.
Features of the Click-to-Action model
Click-to-Action provides an easy, menu-driven method to transfer compatible
data between portlets, eliminating manual data entry from one portlet to another
and avoiding the learning normally necessary to discover actions on target
portlets that are compatible with sources on the current page. Click-to-Action
includes these additional benefits:
򐂰 Broadcast source data to all matching actions on the page.
A user can specify the target of an action or broadcast the action to all portlets
on the page. This feature is available in the source portlet when the broadcast
attribute is specified for the <c2a:encodeProperty/> tag.
򐂰 Chained propagation of data transfer.
Sending data to one portlet can cause that portlet to send data to another
portlet, which can in turn transmit data. This feature supports the
synchronization of multiple portlet views in a single request-response cycle.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
For example, transferring the order ID to the Order Details portlet also triggers
the transfer of the tracking ID for the order to the tracking details portlet, which
in turn triggers the transfer of the customer name associated with the order to
the customer details portlet, causing all three to display information pertaining
to the same order.
This feature can be enabled by specifying output parameters in the target
portlet's WSDL. When the target receives data from a source, this can cause
the transfer of one or more output parameters declared in the WSDL file. As
pictures in Figure 4-45, the propagation of information can chain a series of
events leading to a complete flow of interactions.
Figure 4-45 Click-to-Action chained propagation
򐂰 Scatter multiple related sources to targets on the page with a single click.
In addition to directing the data transfer to a particular portlet, you can
broadcast the information that is sent to all the listener portlets. As a result of
this broadcast, all portlets on the page display information related to the
transferred information. This scatter feature, combined with the chained data
transfer feature, results in the synchronization of all the information about the
page through a single user click.
򐂰 Simple enablement for portlet development.
– For a portlet to be a source of data, programmers can use a custom JSP
tag library to flag sharable data on their output pages. The tags require a
data type to be specified, as well as a specific value corresponding to an
instance of this type.
– For a portlet to be a target, programmers describe a subset of their portlet
actions, including type information for the action parameters. The format
for the action description is WSDL, with some custom extensions.
Concepts and design of Click-to-Action
Click-to-Action allows end-user triggered information interchange between
independently developed portlets. Each portlet needs to provide information
about data objects that it could share with other portlets, either as a producer or a
consumer. Each sharable data object is identified with an XML type. The
Click-to-Action broker is a runtime entity that processes information about
sharable data objects on a page and matches producers of the data with
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
consumers using type matching. Based on the match information, the broker
generates a special icon next to sources of data, which is used to display the
pop-up menu of matching actions. When the end user chooses an action from
the menu, it is intercepted by the broker, which then transfers the data value to
the chosen target.
Source portlets (portlets that contribute data objects that can be shared with
other portlets) use a set of custom JSP tags to specify the type and value of the
data being contributed. At the point where such a tag occurs, the Click-to-Action
broker inserts the markup that can display the pop-up menu of action choices for
the user. Advanced options on the tags allow the programmer to indicate whether
a broadcast action is to be added to the menu, and allow the scattering of a set of
data values (rather than a single data value) to all portlets.
Target portlets (portlets that accept data from other portlets) declare a set of
actions that can be invoked on the portlet. The actions are implemented by the
portlet as normal portlet actions. The actions are declared using WSDL, with a
custom binding extension that specifies the mapping from the abstract action
declaration to the actual action implementation. Associated with each action is a
single input parameter described by an XML type and one or more output
parameters, each described by an XML type. The input parameter's type is used
for matching the action to sources, and its value is filled in when the end user
triggers the action using Click-to-Action. The output parameters, if specified, are
used to automatically trigger other compatible actions (ones which can consume
the same type) on other portlets every time the action executes (this may be
used to trigger chains of related actions). The choice of WSDL for declaring the
actions was influenced by two considerations:
򐂰 The need for a standard format rather than a custom format
򐂰 The ability in WSDL to plug in descriptions of different types of implementing
entities, providing a future growth path for the Click-to-Action technology
Another interesting aspect of the design is the use of normal portlet actions to
deliver data from other portlets. This approach allows the reuse of actions that
are used to interact with the portlet directly, and in many cases allows
pre-existing portlets to be made into Click-to-Action targets simply by declaring
all or part of their actions using WSDL.
Figure 4-46 on page 290 is a high-level diagram of the Click-to-Action sequence
of events that takes place.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Figure 4-46 Click-to-Action sequence diagram
The Click-to-Action runtime is composed of a generic wrapper portlet, which is
used to wrap each portlet enabled for Click-to-Action, and a broker component.
These components also interface with the WebSphere Portal core runtime. The
purpose of the wrapper is to intercept calls to the application portlet and interface
with the broker appropriately to transparently register actions supported by the
portlet, transfer data from source to target portlets, and so forth. The broker
centrally maintains a repository of actions on each portlet along with the
parameter type information, performs source and target matches at runtime
using this information, and generates additional markup to allow users to trigger
data transfers across portlets. The WebSphere Portal core runtime performs the
functions of generating the portal pages, receiving browser requests, invoking
callbacks on portlets, and so forth. Finally, JSPs associated with source portlets
use custom tags to declare sharable sources of data, and target portlets provide
a WSDL file declaring portlet actions that may be invoked by the Click-to-Action
The Click-to-Action flow is designed to account for the portlet event processing
model, which is described in Portlet events. The portal programming model
involves an event phase and a render phase in each request-response cycle.
During the event phase, an action may be delivered on one portlet. If
Click-to-Action is used, this may result in other actions being triggered on other
portlets. The event phase is followed by the render phase, in which each portlet
is asked to return markup, which is then aggregated in a single page. The
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
markup may embed actions that can be invoked by the user. The page is then
returned to the client (such as a browser).
A typical request-response flow involving Click-to-Action is illustrated in
Figure 4-46 on page 290. This consists of the following steps:
1. During portlet initialization, the wrapper processes any action WSDL file
associated with the application portlet and registers the actions with the
2. During the render phase of a request cycle, JSPs associated with
Click-to-Action source portlets are processed.
3. The custom Click-to-Action tags result in calls to the Click-to-Action event
broker, which determines matching actions on the page based on type
4. The Click-to-Action broker generates additional code to display the
Click-to-Action icon used to invoke the pop-up menu.
5. After all render phase portlet callbacks have been completed, the portal
assembles the response page and returns it to the client.
6. The end user can click the Click-to-Action icon for a source to view a menu of
compatible actions on the page and select one.
7. A new request is generated, containing the chosen source and action
information, and is sent to the portal.
8. The portal core runtime delivers the action to the target portlet. This is
intercepted by the wrapper, which may interact with the broker to further
process the request before delivering the action to the target.
While all portlet actions are intercepted by the wrapper, actions which are
invoked through direct interaction with the portlet (as opposed to interaction
through Click-to-Action) are passed through transparently to the portlet.
4.6.2 Considerations
We can integrate portlets that expose Domino data through the WebSphere
Portal Click-to-Action Broker.
4.6.3 Implementation of the technique
As we mentioned in the introduction to this topic, the Click-to-Action technology
included on the WebSphere Portal enables communication between portlets. In
our case, it was used to extract information from our example Sales and
Customer Lotus Domino applications.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
In this section, we describe how to enable the portlets with Click-to-Action
capabilities. We focus first on the Customer List portlet, which is the source
portlet, and then on enabling the target portlets, which are the remaining portlets
(Customer Details, Customer Contacts, and Customer Sales Activities) on the
Enabling the source portlet (Customer List)
The process of enabling the source portlet is very simple.
First, you have to know what parameters are to be transmitted to the target
portlets. The parameter transmitted should be the same one expected on the
action of the target portlet. The target portlet parameters and actions expected
are outlined in Table 4-9.
Table 4-9 Click-to-Action target portlet parameters and actions
Portlet name
Customer Details
Customer Contacts
Customer Sales Activities
Use the following steps to start working on the portlet:
1. Open the DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerListView.jsp file.
2. At the very beginning of the jsp file, insert the following tag library import
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/c2a.tld" prefix="C2A" %>
3. On the table row displaying the resulting loop, before the <Domino:viewitem
col="1"/> tag, drag and drop the Click-to-Action Output Property control
from the Portlet drawer in the Palette view, as shown in Figure 4-47 on
page 293.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 4-47 Insert Click-to-Action Output Property control
4. In the Insert Click-to-Action Output property dialog, enter CustomerIDType for
the data type and select DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerList from the
Portlet drop-down menu. Name the WSDL file CustomerList (see
Figure 4-48).
Figure 4-48 Insert Click-to-Action Output Property
A down-arrow button should now be displayed before the <Domino:viewitem
col="1"/> tag in Design view.
5. Insert a value attribute to the CustomerID C2A tag as follows:
6. Repeat steps 3 on page 292 to 4 and enter CutomerNameType as the data
7. Insert a broadcast attribute to the CustomerName C2A tag as follows:
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
8. Insert a value attribute to the CustomerName C2A tag as follows:
9. The modified C2A tags should look like Example 4-57.
Example 4-57 Click-to-Action tags
<C2A:encodeProperty type="CustomerIDType"
<C2A:encodeProperty type="CustomerNameType"
There are several things to note about the two lines inserted.
First, notice that both tags are Click-to-Action JSP custom tags, and they have
several attributes. Table 4-10 is a description of the purpose of the available
Click-to-Action encode property attributes.
Table 4-10 Click-to-Action encode property JSP tag attributes
Specifies the type of data sent by the source portlet.
Required. The data type is defined in the WSDL, which will
be defined when we enable the target portlets. The
Click-to-Action runtime uses type and namespace attributes
to match source data to actions on targets.
Specifies the namespace for the type. Required. This
attribute is used to group related types in a single domain.
Specifies the data to be sent by the source portlet. Required.
The Click-to-Action runtime sends the value of the user's
selections to the target actions.
Indicates whether the source data can be broadcast to all
target portlets with matching actions. False is the default
setting. Optional. If the value is true, the generated menu
displays an additional item to broadcast the source to all
matching targets.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Indicates that this tag should generate markup even when
nested within the <c2a:encodeProperties/> tag. This attribute
is optional; the default is false. If this tag is not nested, the
attribute is ignored. For our initial example, this attribute was
not used.
Also, notice that inside the value attribute you are inserting a Java scriptlet,
which will get the parameters required to feed the target portlets.
Since there are two portlets that will require the same customerName
parameter, just one tag is required.
10.Save and close the jsp file.
At this point, when you look at the Project Navigator, you should see a source
portlet icon on the Customer List portlet. A WSDL file for CustomerList is also
created in the WebContent folder.
You are now done enabling the source portlet.
Enabling the target portlets
Now that the source portlet has been enabled, it is now time to shift our focus to
the target portlets. We begin with discussing the target Customer Details portlet.
Enabling the Customer Details portlet
You do not have to modify any Java code to enable the target portlets; the task is
basically a definition process that comprises the creation of a WSDL descriptor
1. In the Project Navigator, right-click the Customer Details portlet and select
Enable Click-to-Action Target, as shown in Figure 4-49 on page 296.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Figure 4-49 Customer Details portlet Enable Click-to-Action Target
2. In the Enable Click-to-Action Target dialog, set the parameters as follows
(Figure 4-50 on page 297):
a. For Data Type, click the Browse button and select CustomerList.wsdl.
b. Select CustomerIDType.
c. Enter details as the Action.
d. Enter uid as the Parameter.
e. Enter Show Details... as the C2A caption. This text will be shown in the
context menu when the user clicks on the portlet’s Click-to-Action button.
f. Enter “Get details for the specified customer” as the C2A description.
g. Enter CustomerDetails as the WSDL file and click the OK button.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 4-50 Customer Details portlet Enable Click-to-Action Target Parameters
At this point, when you look at the Project Navigator, you should see a target
portlet icon on the Customer Details portlet. A WSDL file for CustomerDetails is
also created in the WebContent folder (Example 4-58).
Example 4-58 CustomerDetails.wsdl
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions name="CustomerDetails_Service"
targetNamespace="http://dominojsptags" xmlns=""
xmlns:portlet="" xmlns:tns="http://dominojsptags"
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://dominojsptags">
<xsd:simpleType name="CustomerIDType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"></xsd:restriction>
<message name="CustomerIDType_Request">
<part name="CustomerIDType_Input" type="tns:CustomerIDType" />
<portType name="CustomerDetails_Service">
<operation name="CustomerDetails">
<input message="tns:CustomerIDType_Request" />
<binding name="CustomerDetails_Binding" type="tns:CustomerDetails_Service">
<portlet:binding />
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
<operation name="CustomerDetails">
<portlet:action name="details" type="simple" caption="Show
Details..." description="Get details for the specified customer" />
<portlet:param name="uid" partname="CustomerIDType_Input" />
򐂰 The WSDL file describes how the target portlet exposes its services. Note
that in the definitions open tag we specify the namespace we are using as
http://dominojsptags, which is the same as the one defined in the source
portlet Click-to-Action <C2A:encodeProperty> JSP tag.
򐂰 We define a simple type called CustomerIDType, which is a simple xsd string
type. Notice also that in the source portlet’s first Click-to-Action
<C2A:encodeProperty> JSP tag we are referencing this type.
򐂰 Also notice in the binding area that we are referencing an action with the
same name, "details" that our portlet uses. It will store the value in a
parameter called "uid" that will feed the portlets actionPerformed() method.
Enabling the Customer Contacts portlet
Create the WSDL file using the following steps:
1. In the Project Navigator, right-click the Customer Contacts portlet and select
Enable Click-to-Action Target.
2. In the Enable Click-to-Action Target dialog, set the parameters as follows:
a. For Data Type, click the Browse button and select CustomerList.wsdl.
b. Select CustomerNameType.
c. Enter contacts as the Action.
d. Enter customerName as the Parameter.
e. Enter Show Contacts... as the C2A caption. This text will be shown in the
context menu when the user clicks on the portlet’s Click-to-Action button.
f. Enter “Get contacts for the specified customer” as the C2A description.
g. Enter CustomerContacts as the WSDL file and click the OK button.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 4-51 Customer Contacts portlet Enable Click-to-Action Target Parameters
At this point, when you look at the Project Navigator, you should see a target
portlet icon on the Customer Contacts portlet. A WSDL file for CustomerContacts
is also created in the WebContent folder.
Example 4-59 CustomerContacts.wsdl
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions name="CustomerContacts_Service"
targetNamespace="http://dominojsptags" xmlns=""
xmlns:portlet="" xmlns:tns="http://dominojsptags"
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://dominojsptags">
<xsd:simpleType name="CustomerNameType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"></xsd:restriction>
<message name="CustomerNameType_Request">
<part name="CustomerNameType_Input" type="tns:CustomerNameType" />
<portType name="CustomerContacts_Service">
<operation name="CustomerContacts">
<input message="tns:CustomerNameType_Request" />
<binding name="CustomerContacts_Binding"
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
<portlet:binding />
<operation name="CustomerContacts">
<portlet:action name="contacts" type="simple" caption="Show
Contacts..." description="Get contacts for the specified customer" />
<portlet:param name="customerName"
partname="CustomerNameType_Input" />
򐂰 The WSDL file describes how the target portlet exposes its services. Note in
the definitions open tag we are describing the same namespace
(http://dominojsptags) that we defined in the source portlet Click-to-Action
<C2A:encodeProperty> JSP tag.
򐂰 We are defining a simple type called CustomerNameType, which is a simple
xsd string type. Notice also that in the source portlet, in the second
Click-to-Action <C2A:encodeProperty> JSP tag, we are referencing this type.
򐂰 In the binding area, notice that we are referencing an action with the same
name contacts that one our portlet uses. It will store the value in a parameter
called customerName that will feed our CustomerContacts portlet’s
actionPerformed() method.
Enabling the Customer Sales Activities portlet
Create the WSDL file using the following steps:
1. In the Project Navigator, right-click the Customer Sales Activities portlet and
select Enable Click-to-Action Target.
2. In the Enable Click-to-Action Target dialog, set the parameters as follows:
a. For Data Type, click the Browse button and select CustomerList.wsdl.
b. Select CustomerNameType.
c. Enter activities as the Action.
d. Enter customerName as the Parameter.
e. Enter Show Sales Activities... as the C2A caption. This text will be shown
in the context menu when the user clicks on the portlet’s Click-to-Action
f. Enter “Get sales activities for the specified customer” as the C2A
g. Enter CustomerSalesActivities as the WSDL file and click the OK button.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 4-52 Customer Sales Activities portlet Enable Click-to-Action Target Parameters
At this point, when you look at the Project Navigator, you should see a target
portlet icon on the Customer Sales Activities portlet. A WSDL file for
CustomerSalesActivities is also created in the WebContent folder.
Example 4-60 CustomerSalesActivities.wsdl
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions name="CustomerSalesActivities_Service"
targetNamespace="http://dominojsptags" xmlns=""
xmlns:portlet="" xmlns:tns="http://dominojsptags"
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://dominojsptags">
<xsd:simpleType name="CustomerNameType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"></xsd:restriction>
<message name="CustomerNameType_Request">
<part name="CustomerNameType_Input" type="tns:CustomerNameType" />
<portType name="CustomerSalesActivities_Service">
<operation name="CustomerSalesActivities">
<input message="tns:CustomerNameType_Request" />
<binding name="CustomerSalesActivities_Binding"
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
<portlet:binding />
<operation name="CustomerSalesActivities">
<portlet:action name="activities" type="simple" caption="Show Sales
Activities..." description="Get sales activities for the specified customer" />
<portlet:param name="customerName"
partname="CustomerNameType_Input" />
򐂰 The WSDL file describes how the target portlet exposes its services. Note in
the definitions opening tag we are describing the same namespace that we
defined in the source portlet Click-to-Action <C2A:encodeProperty> JSP tag,
򐂰 We are defining the simple type CustomerNameType, which is a simple xsd
string type. Notice also that in the source portlet, in the second Click-to-Action
<C2A:encodeProperty> JSP tag, we are referencing this type.
򐂰 Also notice in the binding area that we are referencing an action with a name
“activities" like the one our portlet uses. It will store the value on a parameter
called customerName, which will feed our portlet’s actionPerformed() method.
Deploy the portlet
Now that all the settings are complete for your Click-to-Action portlets, deploy
them just as you did in the previous exercises. You should see a page like the
one depicted in Figure 4-53 on page 303.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 4-53 Click-to-Action enabled JSP tags portlets
The portlets are enabled with Click-to-Action, and the customers.nsf database
with the sales.nsf database are integrated seamlessly at the portal interface
In the next section, we describe how to add some finishing touches, specifically
by adding people awareness to the portlets. But before we do that, let us take a
look at some common pitfalls that developers run into when developing portlets
that are Click-to-Action enabled.
Common pitfalls
򐂰 Be aware of the Namespace definition of the WSDL file; your Namespace
should be unique and match the one described on the
<C2A:encodeProperty> tag. Your namespace should be inside the definitions
tag of the WSDL file in the attributes targetNamespace and xmlns:tns. Do not
modify any other namespace.
򐂰 In WebSphere Portal 5, Click-to-Action is limited to Portlets that reside on the
same page.
4.7 Integration via people awareness
This integration technique will add value to your portlets by exploiting the people
awareness services provided by WebSphere Portal. This integration technique
adds real-time collaboration among the people involved in the application.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
4.7.1 People awareness
If you extend the portal to offer people awareness features, portal users will see
references to people in collaborative portlets. These references to individuals
and groups are links that let portal users see and contact others with whom they
might want to work. Wherever people links appear, portal users can display a
menu of actions for contacting and working with the individuals and groups
named by the link. If you have enabled Lotus Sametime to work with the portal,
people links include the online status indicator that shows whether a person is
active, away, offline, or in a Do Not Disturb state.
People links
When portal users click the name of (or the icon for) a person or group, a menu
appears that provides actions linking them to other portal users. The actions that
are visible on people link menus depend on the following factors:
򐂰 Whether Lotus companion products for advanced collaboration are installed
and enabled to work with your portal (for example, Lotus Sametime and Lotus
Discovery Server).
򐂰 The online status (Active, Away, Do Not Disturb, or Offline) of the person or
򐂰 Whether the link applies to an individual person or to a public group.
The complete set of actions that users might see from people links depends on
which Lotus companion products for advanced collaboration are installed and
enabled to work with the portal.
򐂰 See a person's online status
Appearing only if Lotus Sametime is enabled, the Sametime status icon
indicates whether a person is active, away, offline, or does not want to be
򐂰 Chat
Appearing only if Lotus Sametime is enabled; this action is not available if the
person is offline.
򐂰 Send E-mail
򐂰 Show Profile
Appearing only if Lotus Discovery Server is enabled, this action displays the
person's profile of business card information, contact information, affinities,
current job, and background.
򐂰 Find Documents Authored By
Appearing only if Lotus Discovery Server is enabled, this action launches
Knowledge Map Search of all documents that the person has authored.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 Add to Sametime List
Appearing only if Lotus Sametime is enabled, this action displays a window in
which you can add the person to your Sametime List, either as an individual
entry or as a member of a new or existing personal group.
Online presence
If you have enabled Lotus Sametime to work with the portal, portal users can see
each other's online presence in their person links according to the status options
they have set in their Sametime client:
򐂰 I am active.
򐂰 I am away or not using the computer now.
򐂰 Do not disturb me.
򐂰 I am offline.
Tip: Portal users can select Options → Preferences → Status in their
Sametime Connect clients to customize the messages that appear for each
online state and to control the period of time in which keyboard or mouse
inactivity automatically switches their status from Active to Away.
In this section, we describe how to use this integration technique to add some of
the collaborative services included with WebSphere Portal. Before we begin, we
first review what the Collaborative Components are.
Collaborative Components
Collaborative Components or Collaborative Services are a set of JSP tags and
Java objects that enable the inclusion of Lotus collaborative functionality to new
or existing portlets.
These components allow the seamless interaction of the Lotus family of products
with the Java-based portlets that run on WebSphere Portal. These methods of
interaction do not replace the product-specific APIs, but facilitate the integration
of such products within the portal infrastructure.
The Collaborative Components provide standardized access to applications,
through an easy to use API that is optimized for a collaborative portal, and a
consistent security model across all Lotus Software family of products.
This API is written in Java and is not platform-specific, so it provides a
multiplatform solution, with no dependence on UI-specific implementation.
Therefore, these components are very useful tools for writing pervasive portlets.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
The services are the following:
򐂰 Infrastructure objects
– CSEnvironment.
– CSCredentials.
– CSFactory.
򐂰 Java Service objects
– CSBaseService. This service is the base class for the other Java Service
– DominoService.
– QuickplaceService.
– PeopleService.
– DiscoveryServerService.
򐂰 JSP custom tags
– People tags.
– Menu tags.
Further information about usage and services is available from the WebSphere
Portal Infocenter, found at:
Note: The Lotus Notes productivity portlets that are installed with Portal are
not implemented with the DominoService object. Therefore, do not refer to
those portlets as examples. Instead, refer to the samples that are installed
with the Collaborative Components enterprise application (cs.ear).
The Java Collaboration Components API is explained in the next chapter
because it requires further Java knowledge. For now, our discussion
concentrates on the People tags components, which work with JSP Tag libraries.
PeopleService tags
The PeopleService tag library contains the following necessary tags:
򐂰 Displays person menu links according to the following factors:
– Portlet context (that is, where the portlet resides)
– The permission level of the specified user
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
– The Lotus Software products for advanced collaboration that are installed
and enabled in the portal environment
򐂰 Added to a person's name string returned by the PeopleService object, the
person tag generates the HTML that renders the person link menu that
provides the following basic action for collaborating with the named person:
– Send e-mail
򐂰 If Sametime is installed and enabled to work with the Portal, then the person
tag also provides online status for the person link and the following additional
actions on the person menu:
– Chat
– Share
– Available tools
– Add to Sametime List
򐂰 If Discovery Server is installed and enabled to work with the Portal, then the
person tag provides the following additional actions on the person menu:
– Show expertise profile
– Find documents authored by
Determines whether Sametime or Discovery Server, or both, are enabled to work
with a portal and generates the correct HTML and JavaScript for initializing
Sametime or enabling Discovery Server, or both. Establishes the server
connections between the Portal, the Sametime server, and the Discovery Server,
and provides automatic log-in to all servers.
Both the people and peopleinit tags generate HTML and require Java and
JavaScript on the client that are compatible with the WebSphere Portal.
4.7.2 Implementation of the technique
Now that your portlets are Click-to-Action enabled, the next step is to implement
people awareness by including one the PeopleService tags that are available on
WebSphere Portal. People awareness services are available at the JSP level and
are incredibly easy to use.
The enablement consists basically of two steps on each JSP you want to enable:
򐂰 Insert a JSP taglib directive on the JSP.
򐂰 Place the people tag around the names in the JSP of which you want to be
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Enabling the CustomerList portlet
The CustomerList portlet consists only of one JSP file. Follow these steps to
enable the portlet:
1. Open the DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerListView.jsp file.
2. Copy the following line at the beginning of the file:
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/people.tld" prefix="peopleservice" %>
3. In the JSP file, in the results file of the display table, insert in the third column,
surrounding the <Domino:viewitem col="3"/> tag, the peopleservice tags as
<peopleservice:person><Domino:viewitem col="3"/></peopleservice:person>
Important: Be careful when inserting the peopleservice tags: do not
include a line break or space between the tags and the name.
4. Save and close the file.
Enabling the CustomerDetails portlet
The CustomerDetails portlet is composed of two JSPs. The View.jsp file does not
display any names, so you do not need to enable people awareness on this file.
The CustomerDetailsEntry.jsp file displays people names, so you need to enable
this JSP.
1. Open the DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerDetailsEntry.jsp file.
2. Copy the following line at the beginning of the file:
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/people.tld" prefix="peopleservice" %>
3. In the JSP file on the results table, there is a row called Account Owner.
Enable this field by including the following peopleservice tags:
Important: Be careful when inserting the peopleservice tags: do not
include a line break or space between the tags and the name.
4. Save and close the file.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Enabling the CustomerContacts portlet
The CustomerContacts portlet is composed of two JSPs. The View.jsp file does
not display any names, so there is no need to enable people awareness in this
file. The CustomerContactsEntry.jsp file displays people names, so you need to
enable this JSP using the following steps:
1. Open the DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerContactsEntry.jsp file.
2. Copy the following line at the beginning of the file:
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/people.tld" prefix="peopleservice" %>
3. In the JSP file on the results table, there is a column called Contact Name.
Enable this field by including the peopleservice tags as follows:
<peopleservice:person><Domino:viewitem col=”2”/></peopleservice:person>
Important: Be careful when inserting the peopleservice tags: do not
include a line break or space between the tags and the name.
4. Save and close the file.
Enabling our CustomerSalesActivities portlet
The CustomerSalesActivities portlet is composed of two JSPs. The View.jsp file
does not display any names, so there is no need to enable people awareness in
this file. The CustomerSalesActivitiesEntry.jsp file displays people names, so you
need to enable this JSP using the following steps:
1. Open the DominoJspTagsPortletCustomerSalesActivitiesEntry.jsp file.
2. Copy the following line at the beginning of the file
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/people.tld" prefix="peopleservice" %>
3. In the JSP file on the results table, there are two columns called Sales Person
and Contact Name. Enable these fields by including the peopleservice tags
as follows:
<peopleservice:person><Domino:viewitem col=”4”/></peopleservice:person>
<peopleservice:person><Domino:viewitem col=”5”/></peopleservice:person>
Important: Be careful when inserting the peopleservice tags: do not
include a line break or space between the tags and the name.
4. Save and close the file.
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
All of your portlets are now enabled, and they can be deployed in the WebSphere
Portal just as you did previously. You should see your portlets working, as shown
in Figure 4-54.
Figure 4-54 Customer Information portlets with people awareness
4.8 Reference Material
The following references are helpful when exploring J2EE:
򐂰 Domino and WebSphere Together, Second Edition, SG24-5955, found at:
򐂰 Introduction to JavaServer Pages technology - developerWorks, found at:
򐂰 Sun Microsystems J2EE Web site, found at:
򐂰 Sun Microsystems JSP Web site, found at:
򐂰 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide,
SG24-6957, found at:
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
For WebSphere Portal information relevant to this chapter, consult the following:
򐂰 Access Integration Patterns using IBM WebSphere Portal, SG24-6267, found
򐂰 Guide to WebSphere Portal 5.0, found at:
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Portal V5 A Guide for Portlet Application Development,
SG24-6076, found at:
򐂰 Portlet Best Practices Guide, found at:
򐂰 WebSphere Portal 5.0.2 InfoCenter
򐂰 WebSphere Portal for Multiplatforms - Library
򐂰 WebSphere Portal Product Documentation
When working with the Lotus Domino JSP tag libraries, the following references
are helpful:
򐂰 Lotus Domino Designer 6.x Help
There is a chapter on the JSP Tag libraries that has further explanations on
the tags covered on this chapter.
򐂰 Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere
After installing the toolkit, the information is available within the WebSphere
Studio Application Developer InfoCenter.
򐂰 Using the Domino JSP Custom Tags: An Approach to Portalizing Domino
Applications, REDP-3902, found at:
Chapter 4. Using custom Domino JSP Tag libraries
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Chapter 5.
Portlet development using
Java: Technology review
This chapter introduces several Java technologies that are available for
integrating Domino applications with WebSphere Portal. Developing applications
in Java allows the most flexibility of all the integration techniques shown so far in
this redbook. Java gives the developer total control of all aspects of the
The target audience for this chapter is primarily Java developers who are
integrating Domino applications with WebSphere Portal, business partners who
want to offer portal interface to the existing Domino application, or anyone who
wishes to know how to integrate Domino applications with WebSphere Portal
Server. The developer does not have to know how to develop Domino
applications or what tools Domino offers for Domino developers. The methods
described here are applicable to WebSphere Portal integration in general and not
necessarily specific to Domino integration.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
5.1 Overview
WebSphere Portal offers several methods for portlet development. Developing
portlets by coding against API is offered, and both IBM Portlet API and JSR 168
portlet API are supported. Tools are provided to use existing frameworks, such
as Java Server Faces (JSF) and Struts, for portlet development. Using JSF or
Struts allows you to develop portlets without learning portlet APIs and makes it
possible to use almost any development environment for portlet development
(but portal concepts must be kept in mind, of course). WebSphere Studio
Application Developer (WSAD) is used in this redbook and it is a recommended
tool to develop portal applications, but it is not necessary to use WSAD, so
developers can concentrate on learning the API that Domino offers for Java
language and building the actual application.
The following sections illustrate the topics covered in detail in this chapter:
򐂰 5.2, “Domino Java API” on page 315 introduces common classes and how
Java API is used in applications.
򐂰 5.3, “IBM Portlet API” on page 336 introduces basic concepts of IBM Portlet
API and what capabilities are offered.
򐂰 5.4, “JSR 168 Java Portlet Specification” on page 354 introduces the JSR 168
Portlet Specification and compares differences between the IBM Portlet API
and JSR 168.
򐂰 5.5, “Struts framework” on page 364 introduces the Struts framework.
򐂰 5.6, “JSF framework” on page 371 introduces JSF framework.
򐂰 5.7, “Other technologies” on page 374 describes useful technologies that are
used, or could be used, in portlet development and in portalizing Domino
򐂰 5.8, “Portal application design guidelines” on page 381 has basic guidelines
for portal application design and introduction to common design patterns.
Note: 5.9, “Additional information” on page 388 provides links to material that
provides more detailed information about the technologies described in this
5.1.1 Skills and degree of customization with API integration
Figure 5-1 on page 315 gives an overview of this integration option relative to all
the options available to the user/developer for portalizing Domino applications.
Note that the horizontal axis illustrates an increasing range of customization for
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
integrating your application, while the vertical axis illustrates the degree of J2EE
skills required for each approach.
Domino Java API
IBM Portlet API
JSR 168 Portlet API
JSF Portlet Framework
Struts Portlet Framework
Lotus Workplace API
J2EE Knowledge
JSP tags
Bowstreet Portlet
Factory /
Conet Knowledge
IBM Portlet
Builder for
Level of customization
Figure 5-1 Integration options
The main message to take from Figure 5-1 is that using the Java API represents
the option for the highest degree of customization possible. Accordingly,
advanced Java programming knowledge will be required.
5.2 Domino Java API
Data residing in a Domino server can be accessed from a portlet using the Java
language, where CORBA serves as a middleware distributed environment for a
Domino Object Model (DOM) back-end classes.
5.2.1 Overview
The high level components of Domino - WebSphere Portal integration are
illustrated in Figure 5-2 on page 316.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
Figure 5-2 Overview of Domino - WebSphere Portal integration
򐂰 The Domino environment consists of Domino Object Models, such as
session, database, views, and documents. DIIOP and HTTP protocols are
used in implementing physical connections between Domino and the Portlet.
򐂰 In the WebSphere Portal, Domino Java API is used to access Domino data.
Alternatively, Domino XML over HTTP or Web Services can be used to
access Domino.
򐂰 To achieve a good user experience, single sign-on (SSO) may be enabled
between Domino and WebSphere.
Note: DIIOP and SSO may have to be configured before development.
Consult your system administrator, the WebSphere Portal InfoCenter, and the
Lotus Domino Administrator Help database.
CORBA, or Common Object Request Broker Architecture, is an open standard
defined by the Object Management Group (OMG). CORBA serves as
middleware for a distributed computing environment whereby clients can invoke
methods on remote APIs residing on other computers. CORBA uses Internet
Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) for communication over a TCP/IP network.
CORBA/IIOP support enables developers to create portlets that can be remotely
invoked in Domino services. In addition, it enables information to be processed
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
efficiently over networks within an open standards-based framework and to
distribute work effectively between clients and servers, ultimately lowering the
cost of ownership.
Advantages to using CORBA are:
򐂰 You can use Domino Object Model (DOM) back-end classes.
򐂰 The client does not have to deal with issues such as networking or security.
CORBA allows many different portlets to use the same objects (not copies of the
objects). The latest version of the object is always used.
DIIOP, or Domino Internet Inter-ORB, is the Domino task that allows external
CORBA programs to attach to and manipulate Domino databases. Most notably,
this allows Java programs or portlets to connect to Domino. The remote methods
use CORBA classes included in the NCSO.jar file shipped with Domino and
require that the DIIOP task is running on the server where the session object is to
be obtained.
Local/remote access to Domino
Domino supports both local and remote access using virtually identical object
models. Both options are available through the identical set of Java interfaces
contained in the lotus.domino package. The only difference is the .jar file you put
in your portlet development environment: notes.jar for local access or ncso.jar for
remote access. Both of these files are shipped with Domino server.
The coding is the same whether your objects are on the same machine (local) as
your Portlet Java code (or JSP), or on some other machine in the network
(remote). The only difference is the fetching of Session object and that also
specifies whether to use local or remote call.
Keep in mind the following issues related to thread management:
򐂰 When using the local Domino classes from any Java program, you are
essentially calling through a thin layer of Java code into the Domino back-end
code, which is implemented in C++. The Java wrapper classes use a standard
Java-to-C calling mechanism, known as Java Native Interface (JNI), to access
the real Domino classes in the product's .dlls (or whatever the
platform-specific equivalent of a .dll is). The Domino code is loaded “in
process” in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which is great from the point of
view of performance: You are getting the best possible speed out of the
hook-up between the Java and C code—everything is right there in the
computer's memory. On local use, you need to manage threads, and initialize
and terminate them properly.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
򐂰 If you use the remote object library for Domino (the CORBA classes), you are
not accessing any Domino C/C++ code from within the JVM's process space,
and there are not any special requirements for thread initialization or
termination. You can instantiate a Session object (or any object in the Domino
hierarchy) and keep it around for re-use later. This is a real advantage,
although there is a performance hit by having all calls remote across a
Even if you're using the CORBA classes to communicate with a Domino
server on the same machine as your WebSphere program, you still pay for
having all method invocations processed remotely. Extra time is used for:
marshalling the arguments, formatting data according to the IIOP wire
protocol specification, transmitting the call, de-marshalling the parameters,
finding the remote object to invoke, and so on. The bytes may not actually go
out over the network, but they have to travel through your network adapter
card and be processed on both ends of the conversation as though there
were a network cable in between.
In a real-life production portal environment, you probably will never face an actual
case where you have installed WebSphere Portal server together with Domino
Server on the same machine. However, this may be the case in a very small
production environment or in a testing and development environment. From a
performance point of view, it is not ever recommended to install them on the
same machine.
To summarize:
򐂰 Local access has much faster access to Domino calls, but does things more
򐂰 Local access loads Domino code in JVM.
򐂰 Remote access is a “cleaner” architecture, requiring fewer actual calls.
򐂰 Do not use local access when integrating WebSphere Portal and Domino.
Mechanism of the CORBA sessions for Domino
When CORBA is used to access the Domino server, the objects that are
instantiated in your portlet code do not contain any functional methods in the
same way as local objects do.
The portlet is the client, and the CORBA objects are the Session, Database,
View, and Documents that the portlet creates at various times.
When CORBA objects are created, what you actually get is a stub to manipulate
on the client. A second object—the real one if you like—is created on the server
and linked with your stub. This stub contains all the same methods that the real
object contains, but instead of the same functional code, they simply contain
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
code to serialize the method call over the network so that the actual method is
executed on the server by the real object.
Figure 5-3 gives an overview of the mechanism of CORBA.
Figure 5-3 Mechanism of CORBA
For example, the Session instance hangs around until you recycle it, or until the
connection to Domino times out. All Domino objects created using this Session
likewise resides on the remote Domino machine. Any method invocations you
make are sent over the network to the server and executed there. What look like
local Java object instances are really just instances of proxy objects, whose only
job is to communicate with the real objects over on the Domino server. Recycling
is a really important issue when you are using Domino Java API (see “Recycling
Domino objects” on page 320).
Domino objects architecture
Java Domino classes are created by modifying some of the LotusScript
Extension (LSX) architecture to include a Java “adapter” to compose the new
Java Domino classes. The Java Domino classes have similar functions to some
of the LotusScript Domino back-end objects. You can use these classes from any
Java program. Internally, Java Notes classes execute the same C++ code as the
LotusScript Domino back-end objects; only the language syntax is different.
The Domino objects class architecture is based on a conceptual containment
model, where the containment model defines an object's scope. A container
object is always used to access objects it contains. For example, you use a
Session object to get Database objects, and a Database object to create
Document objects. In Java, you cannot create lotus.domino objects using the
“new” modifier. All lotus.domino objects must be created with lotus.domino
methods that flow from the root Session object (see Figure 5-4 on page 320).
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
Figure 5-4 Domino Object Model
Tip: A full description of Domino Java classes can be found in Lotus Domino
Designer V6.5.1 Help. This is a must read for developers.
Designer help can be downloaded from the Internet. See the references at the
end of this chapter for a link to Lotus Domino Designer V6.5.1 Help and other
useful material.
Recycling Domino objects
Important: Recycling is good for the environment and good for the Domino
The recycle method unconditionally destroys an object and returns its memory to
the system. All lotus.domino classes contain the following method:
public void recycle()
Session contains the following method, where the vector contains the Domino
Objects to be recycled. This method effectively batches recycle operations and is
especially efficient for remote (IIOP) calls:
public void recycle(java.util.Vector objects)
You recycle an object by calling the recycle method, for example, doc.recycle();
where doc is the object to be recycled.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Important: Java has no knowledge of the heavyweight back-end Domino
objects, only the lightweight Java objects representing them. Garbage
collection has no effect on Domino objects unless you first explicitly recycle
If your system appears to have memory problems, try to recycle, but adhere to
the following guidelines:
򐂰 Recycle an object only if it is no longer needed.
򐂰 Recycle an object in the same thread in which it is created.
򐂰 Recycling a parent recycles all the children.
򐂰 In Session, call recycle only after all threads exit (local).
򐂰 Loops enumerating documents or items are good candidates for recycling.
Important: In a remote (IIOP) environment, recycle releases resources on the
server. Although a client-side cache exists, the Java object can no longer
communicate with its remote counterpart.
In a remote (IIOP) environment, recycle can be called from any thread on any
object. Results are undefined if you attempt to use a recycled object. No error is
If you create more than one object to represent the same Domino element,
recycling one recycles all. For example:
View v1 = db.getView("All");
View v2 = db.getView("All");
v1.recycle(); // also recycles v2
5.2.2 Domino Java classes
This section introduces common tasks when accessing Domino and commonly
used Domino Java classes.
Tip: The Domino Java classes for remote connections are in the NCSO.jar file
and for local connections in Notes.jar. The jar files are in the Domino
installation directory, for example, c:\Lotus\Domino\Data\domino\data.
Important: Remember the Lotus Domino Designer V6.5.1 Help. It includes
detailed descriptions of all Domino Java classes.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
Accessing Domino
The Java program must import lotus.domino package and include NCSO.jar or
Notes.jar in the Java classpath. Java SDK Version 1.3 or later is recommended.
All Java programs that access Domino have at least one of the following tasks:
򐂰 Accessing Domino sessions
򐂰 Accessing databases
򐂰 Accessing views
򐂰 Accessing documents
򐂰 Accessing items and rich text items
Accessing Domino sessions
The Session class is the root of the Domino Objects containment hierarchy,
providing access to the other Domino objects, and represents the Domino
environment of the current program. Without a Session, Domino cannot be
For local calls, the Domino environment is the local Domino directory, which can
belong to a server or a user. For remote (IIOP) calls, the Domino environment is
the server handling the remote requests.
The Session class has several methods and some of the commonly used are
getDatabase(), getUserName(), getServerName(), and getDbDirectory().
For a Java program, Session is created using methods in NotesFactory class.
Put the code in Example 5-1 in a file called in your
development directory, for example, c:\development. Copy NCSO.jar to the
development directory.
Example 5-1 Accessing Domino server
import lotus.domino.*;
import java.util.*;
public class DominoExample
public static void main(String[] args)
Session s=NotesFactory.createSession("","test
System.out.print("[0] ");
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
System.out.print(" ("+s.getNotesVersion()+")");
System.out.print(" accessed by ");
catch (NotesException ne)
Open a command prompt in the development directory and compile
c:\development>javac -classpath NCSO.jar
Run the sample:
c:\development>java -cp .;NCSO.jar DominoExample
The output should be something as follows:
[0] CN=DOMINO651/O=swic (Release 6.5.2|June 01, 2004
CN=Test Person/O=swic
) accessed by
Accessing databases
After a session has been established, a database can be opened for
reading/writing. Session has the method getDatabase(), which opens a database
in a server or in Session’s environment (see Example 5-2). Database has
methods like getDocumentByUNID(), createDocument(), and search().
Example 5-2 Accessing Domino database
//add before line s.recycle(); in
Database db=s.getDatabase(null,"redbook/customer.nsf");
System.out.print("[1] Opened database '");
System.out.println("' ("+db.getSize()+" bytes)");
Compile and run The output of the program is something
[1] Opened database 'Customers' (1198080.0 bytes)
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
Accessing views
Views can be accessed using methods in Database, like getViews(). The view
class has methods to navigate through a view and access documents in a view
by using methods like getFirstDocument(), getLastDocument(), and others (see
Example 5-3).
Example 5-3 Accessing views
//add before line db.recycle(); in
Vector views=db.getViews();
System.out.println("[2] Database has "+views.size()+" views: ");
for (int i=0;i<views.size();i++)
View view=(View)views.elementAt(i);
System.out.print(" "+view.getName()+" (");
Vector columnNames=view.getColumnNames();
for (int j=0;j<columnNames.size();j++ )
System.out.print(columnNames.elementAt(j)+" ");
The output of Example 5-3 is something like:
[2] Database has 9 views:
Customers\By Customer Name (Customer Name Customer # Account Owner hidden 4 )
Customers\By Account Owner (Account Owner Customer Name Customer # )
Customers\By Customer Number (Customer # Customer Name Account Owner )
Customer Contacts\By Name (Contact Name Phone # Employer )
Customer Contacts\By Customer Name (Employer Contact Name Phone # )
Customer Contacts\By Customer Number (Employer Contact Name Phone # hidden 4
CustomerPortletIntegrated (Customer Name Customer Name Customer # Account
r hidden 4 )
CustomerContactsPortletIntegrated (Employer Contact Name Phone # hidden 4 )
ContactsRSSbyName (Contact Name - hidden )
Accessing documents
Documents can be created using the createDocument() method in Database
class, accessed via View, or accessed via the search() method in Database class
(see Example 5-4 on page 325). The document has methods to access and
modify document fields. DocumentCollection is a class that holds many
Documents. DocumentCollection is returned after searching the database.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Example 5-4 Accessing document
//add before line db.recycle(); in
View view=(View)db.getViews().elementAt(0);
Document doc=view.getFirstDocument();
System.out.println("[3] Document with UNID "+doc.getUniversalID()+" has items:
Vector items=doc.getItems();
for (int i=0;i<items.size();i++)
Item item=(Item)items.elementAt(i);
System.out.println(" "+item.getName()+": "+item.getText());
The output of Example 5-4 is something like:
[3] Document with UNID 00397BCDE805B8B7C2256F1A002F982F has items:
Form: Customer
customerNumber: 22
ownerNumber: 12000
employeeTotal: 2
Owner: CN=Test Person/O=swic
customerName: 83 838383
customerAddress: (modified) (modified) (modified)
DateCreated: 25.09.2004 11:39:51
$$Return: Thank you! This record has been saved. <br><a
sf/all/00397BCDE805B8B7C2256F1A002F982F?OpenDocument>Open saved record</a>
ownerNameFormat: Smith, John
ownerName: John Smith
$UpdatedBy: CN=Test Person/O=swic
$Revisions: 25.09.2004 11:39:51;29.09.2004 16:17:28;29.09.2004 16:20:04
Accessing items and rich text items
Items and rich text items are accessed via the Document class. RichTextItem is a
subclass of Item and includes methods specific to RichTextItem, such as
embedObject(). Document has methods to modify fields, and any modifications
that need to be saved, Document’s save method must called (see Example 5-5
on page 326).
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
Example 5-5 Accessing and modifying document fields
//add before line db.recycle(); in
System.out.println("[4] Modify Customer documents.");
DocumentCollection"Form = \"Customer\"");
doc = dc.getFirstDocument();
)+" (modified "+new Date()+")");
System.out.println(" "+doc.getUniversalID()+" updated and saved:
doc = dc.getNextDocument();
The output of Example 5-5 is something like:
[4] Modify Customer documents.
Accessing rich text items is a little different from other items. The RichTextItem
class is created using createRichTextItem on Document and accessed using the
getFirstItem() method. RichTextItems may contain several types of items, such as
text, file attachments, and embedded objects.
Tip: Lotus Domino Designer V6.5.1 Help has many examples of how to work
with RichTextItems. See also 6.3, “Accessing Domino data” on page 400.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Commonly used Domino Java classes
The following section discusses several of the most frequently used classes
within the Domino Java API.
The applications call the NotesFactory createSession methods to create a
Session object.
For applications making remote (IIOP) calls based on the host server's Domino
Directory, create an Internet Session object as follows, where hostString is the
host name or IP address of the Domino server (not the Domino server name).
The specification of a host name or IP address determines the use of the remote
interface. A host name can be suffixed with the port number that the HTTP or
DIIOP task uses to listen for TCP (non-SSL) connections using the syntax
hostname:port (hostname-colon-port).
򐂰 createSession(hostString, "", ""): Anonymous Internet access is granted to the
session if the host's Server record on the host's Domino Directory permits
anonymous access. Parameter two must be an empty string, not null.
򐂰 createSession(hostString, userString, passwordString): Internet access is
granted to the session if the password matches the Internet password in the
user's Person record on the host's Domino Directory.
To access a server using Single Sign-on, create an Internet Session object as
follows. For remote (IIOP) calls, the first parameter is the host name or IP
address of the Domino server. For local calls, the first parameter is null.
򐂰 createSession(hostString, tokenString): Internet access is granted to the
session based on the token. The token must be a valid token for Single
Sign-on obtained from Session.getSessionToken, the LtpaToken cookie used
by WebSphere, or the HTTP cookie list in a servlet.
򐂰 createSession(hostString, Credentials): Internet access is granted to the
session based on an org.omg.SecurityLevel2.Credentials object. This method
works in a WebSphere environment where the Credentials object is created
using loginHelper.
򐂰 createSession(hostString, null): Internet access is granted to the session
based on the current Credentials object in the WebSphere environment. This
method works from an Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) application in
򐂰 createSession(hostString, HttpServletRequest): Internet access is granted to
the session based on authentication by the Domino HTTP server.
To enable SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), use the String args[] parameter and
specify "-ORBEnableSSLSecurity" as an element of the args array. For remote
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
(IIOP) applications, the client must have access to the server's trusted root
certificate, stored in TrustedCerts.class in domino/java in the server's data
directory. This file is generated by the DIIOP task when it starts and is enabled to
listen on the SSL port specified in the server document. The HTTP task delivers
TrustedCerts.class to applets. For other applications, ensure that
TrustedCerts.class is on the classpath.
The createSession methods that include an org.omg.CORBA.ORB parameter
create a session using an existing ORB, which you first create with one of the
createORB methods. Using one ORB for multiple sessions (connection pooling)
saves network overhead. However, make sure the connection can handle all the
sessions you create, and be sure to recycle when you terminate a session.
For applications making local calls based on the Notes user ID, create a Session
object as follows. A Domino server or Notes client must be installed locally.
򐂰 createSession(): No password verification occurs; the user is prompted for a
password as required.
򐂰 createSession(null, null, null): Same as above.
򐂰 createSession(null, null, passwordString): Access is granted if the password
matches the Notes user ID password.
The session is the root of the Domino Objects containment hierarchy, providing
access to the other Domino objects, and represents the Domino environment of
the current program.
For a remote (IIOP) session, the Session object represents the Domino server
handling the remote requests. A reference to the current server such as a null
server parameter means that Domino server. You cannot access other servers.
For a local session, the Session object represents the machine on which the
code is running. A reference to the current server such as a null server
parameter, means the local Notes/Domino environment. You can access servers
connected to the local environment by specifying their names.
Commonly used methods include:
򐂰 getDatabase()
public Database getDatabase(String server, String db) throws NotesException
public Database getDatabase(String server, String db, boolean createonfail)
throws NotesException
Creates a Database object that represents the database located at the server
and file name you specify, and opens the database, if possible.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Returns a Database object that can be used to access the database you have
specified, or null if the database cannot be opened and createonfail is false.
򐂰 getDbDirectory()
public DbDirectory getDbDirectory(String server) throws NotesException
Creates a new DbDirectory object using the name of the server you want to
Returns a DbDirectory object on the server you specified.
Database represents a Notes database. A database must be open before you
can use all the properties and methods in the corresponding Database object. In
most cases, the class library automatically opens a database for you.
Notes throws an exception when you attempt to perform an operation for which
the user does not have appropriate access. The properties and methods that you
can successfully use on a Database object are determined by these factors:
򐂰 The user's access level to the database, as determined by the database
access control list. The ACL determines if the user can open a database, add
documents to it, remove documents from it, modify the ACL, and so on.
򐂰 The user's access level to the server on which the database resides, as
determined by the Server document in the Domino Directory.
Commonly used methods:
򐂰 createDocument()
public Document createDocument() throws NotesException
Creates a document in a database and returns a Document object that
represents the new document.
򐂰 getDocumentByUNID()
public Document getDocumentByUNID(String unid) throws NotesException
Finds a document in a database, given the document universal ID (UNID),
and returns the document whose universal ID matches the parameter.
򐂰 FTSearch()
public DocumentCollection FTSearch(String query) throws NotesException
public DocumentCollection FTSearch(String query, int max) throws
public DocumentCollection FTSearch(String query, int max, int sortopt, int
otheropt) throws NotesException
Conducts a full-text search of all the documents in a database.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
Returns a DocumentCollection object of documents that match the full-text
query, sorted by the selected option. If no matches are found, the collection
has a count of 0.
To search for a word or phrase, enter the word or phrase as is, except that
search keywords must be enclosed in quotes. Remember to escape quotes if
you are inside a literal. Wildcards, operators, and other syntax are permitted.
For the complete syntax rules, see "Finding documents in a database" in
Lotus Notes 6 Help.
򐂰 search()
public DocumentCollection search(String formula) throws NotesException
public DocumentCollection search(String formula, DateTime dt) throws
public DocumentCollection search(String formula, DateTime dt, int max)
throws NotesException
Given the selection criteria (Notes formula) for a document, returns all
documents in a database that meet the criteria.
Returns an unsorted DocumentCollection object of documents that match the
selection criteria.
򐂰 getViews()
public java.util.Vector getViews() throws NotesException
Read-only method. Returns a vector of views and folders in a database. Each
element in a vector is a View object.
A View object represents a view or folder of a database and provides access to
documents within it. A View object provides access to ViewEntry,
ViewEntryCollection, ViewNavigator, and ViewColumn objects:
򐂰 A ViewEntry object represents a row in the view and can be a document,
category, or total. A document entry provides a handle to the associated
Document object.
򐂰 A ViewEntryCollection object provides access to selected or all document
ViewEntry objects. (Excluded are category and total ViewEntry objects.)
򐂰 A ViewNavigator object provides methods for navigating through selected or
all ViewEntry and Document objects.
򐂰 ViewColumn object, which contains information about a column in the view.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Commonly used methods:
򐂰 getFirstDocument()
public Document getFirstDocument() throws NotesException
Returns the first document in the view. Returns null if there are no documents
in the view.
򐂰 getNextDocument()
public Document getNextDocument(Document doc) throws NotesException
Returns the document in the view following the specified parameter
regardless of what type of document it is (document, response, or
response-to-response). Returns null if there are no more documents in the
A DocumentCollection represents a subset of all the documents in a database.
The documents in the subset are determined by the method or property you use
to search the database.
DocumentCollection, ViewEntryCollection, and ViewNavigator objects provide
access to documents in a database. Use a DocumentCollection object if:
򐂰 You want to act on a specific set of documents that meet certain criteria.
򐂰 There is no view in the database that contains every document you need to
򐂰 You do not need to navigate the documents' response hierarchies.
Views are a more efficient means of accessing documents because they are
already indexed by the database itself. However, they do not necessarily provide
access to the documents that you want. ViewEntryCollection and ViewNavigator
provide access to view entries, which contain ViewEntry as well as Document
information. ViewNavigator provides access to categories and totals as well as
Commonly used methods:
򐂰 getCount()
public int getCount() throws NotesException
The number of documents in a collection.
򐂰 getFirstDocument()
public Document getFirstDocument() throws NotesException
Returns the first document in the view. Returns null if there are no documents
in the view.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
򐂰 getNextDocument()
public Document getNextDocument() throws NotesException
public Document getNextDocument(Document doc) throws NotesException
Gets the document immediately following the current document or a specified
document in a collection.
If there is no parameter, it returns the document following the current
document. If there is a parameter, returns the document following the
specified document. If there is no next document, returns null.
In remote (IIOP) operations, getNextDocument(Document doc) invalidates
the cache and is therefore discouraged.
The preferred loop structure is getFirstDocument() followed by
getNextDocument() until it returns null. For performance reasons, you should
avoid using getNthDocument(int n) and getNextDocument(Document doc) in
a loop.
A Document represents a document in a database.
Commonly used methods:
򐂰 getItems()
public java.util.Vector getItems() throws NotesException
Returns a Vector of all the items in a document. An item is any piece of data
stored in a document.
򐂰 getUniversalID()
public String getUniversalID() throws NotesException
Returns the universal ID, which uniquely identifies a document across all
replicas of a database. In character format, the universal ID is a 32-character
combination of hexadecimal digits (0-9, A-F).
The universal ID is also known as the unique ID or UNID.
򐂰 createRichTextItem()
public RichTextItem createRichTextItem(String name) throws NotesException
Creates and returns a new rich-text item in a document. The item’s name is
specified by the name parameter.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 getItemValueString()
public String getItemValueString(String name) throws NotesException
Returns the value of an item with a single text value.
If multiple items have the same name, this method returns the value of the
first item.
If the item has no value or the value is numeric or date-time, this method
returns null.
If no item with the specified name exists, this method returns null. It does not
throw an exception.
This method returns a rich text item rendered to plain text. Formatting and
embedded objects are lost.
If the item has multiple values, this method returns the first value.
򐂰 replaceItemValue()
public Item replaceItemValue(String name, Object value)
Replaces all items of the specified name with one new item, which is
assigned the specified value. If the document does not contain an item with
the specified name, this method creates a new item and adds it to the
The data type of the item depends upon the data type of value, and does not
need to match the data type of the old item (see Table 5-1).
Table 5-1 The value of the new item
Data type of value
Resulting item
Date-time item
java.util.Vector with String, Integer,
Double, or DateTime elements
Multi-value text, multi-value number or
multi-value date-time item
Same data type as the Item
Returns the new item, which replaces all previous items with the same name.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
An Item represents a discrete value or set of values in a document. The client
interface displays items in a document through fields on a form. When a field on
a form and an item in a document have the same name, the field displays the
item (for example, the Subject field displays the Subject item).
All items in a document are accessible programmatically, regardless of what form
is used to display the document in the user interface.
Commonly used methods:
򐂰 getName()
public String getName() throws NotesException
The name of an item.
򐂰 getText()
public String getText() throws NotesException
public String getText(int maxlen) throws NotesException
A plain text representation of an item's value. Multiple values in a list are
separated by semicolons in the returned string. If an item's value is large, the
returned string may be truncated.
For rich-text items, this property skips non-text data such as bitmaps and file
For HTML items, this property returns null.
򐂰 getValues()
public java.util.Vector getValues() throws NotesException
Returns java.util.Vector. The data type of the value depends upon the type of
the item (see Table 5-2).
Table 5-2 Value data types in a Vector
Item type
Valid return type
Rich text
java.util.Vector with one String element
rendered into plain text
Text (includes Names, Authors, and
Readers item types)
java.util.Vector with String elements
Number or number list
java.util.Vector with Double elements
Date-time or range of date-time values
java.util.Vector with DateTime elements
Each element corresponds to a value in the item. If the item contains a single
value, the vector has just one element.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
If the item has no value, this method returns null.
RichTextItem inherits from Item and represents an item of type rich text.
Commonly used methods:
򐂰 appendText()
public void appendText(String text) throws NotesException
Appends text to a rich text item. The text is rendered in the current style of the
򐂰 embedObject()
public EmbeddedObject embedObject(int type, String class, String source,
String name) throws NotesException
Given the name (specified in parameter source) of a file or an application; it
– Attaches the file you specify to a rich text item.
– Embeds an OLE/1 object in a rich text item. The OLE/1 object is created
using the file you specify.
򐂰 getEmbeddedObject()
public EmbeddedObject getEmbeddedObject(String name) throws NotesException
Given the name of a file attachment, embedded object, or object link in a rich
text item, returns the corresponding EmbeddedObject.
To find a file attachment, specify its file name. Specify just the file name not
the full path.
EmbeddedObject represents an embedded object, an object link, or a file
Commonly used methods:
򐂰 extractFile()
public void extractFile(String path) throws NotesException
Writes a file attachment to storage. Parameter path specifies the path and file
name where you want to store the extracted file.
򐂰 getFileSize()
public int getFileSize() throws NotesException
Returns the size of a file attachment, in bytes.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
򐂰 getSource()
public String getSource() throws NotesException
For a file attachment, returns the file name of the original file.
For an object or object link, returns the internal name for the source
Tip: See 6.7.1, “Adding functionality to DominoAccess” on page 575 for an
NotesException and NotesError
The NotesException class extends java.lang.Exception to include exception
handling for Lotus Notes/Domino.
The NotesError class defines constants for Domino error codes.
The NotesException class contains the following public variables:
򐂰, of type int, contains the error code.
򐂰 NotesException.text, of type String, contains the error text. If internal (see
below) is not null, this variable also contains the error text of the internal
򐂰 NotesException.internal, of type Exception, is the internal exception if an
internal exception caused the Domino exception. Otherwise (and typically),
this variable is null.
To print the error code, the error text, and a stack trace, call printStackTrace in
the catch clause for NotesException.
5.3 IBM Portlet API
The following section provides an introduction to the IBM Portlet API, describing
the portlet inheritance, the portlet deployment descriptor, and key portlet
concepts relevant to the IBM Portlet API.
5.3.1 Overview
The IBM Portlet API in WebSphere Portal Server V5.0.2.2 is an extension of
servlet container. A portlet is a server-side application that runs in the context of
the WebSphere Portal Server. It inherits from the javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
class and as such is treated as a servlet by the application server. The portlet is
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
executed inside a Web container managed by the application server. In the
Portlet API, this container is referred to as the Portlet container.
IBM Portlet API and the servlet API
The abstract Portlet class is the central abstraction of the Portlet API. The Portlet
class extends HTTPServlet, of the Servlet API. All portlets extend this abstract
class indirectly, and inherit from HttpServlet, as shown in Figure 5-5.
Figure 5-5 Portlet inheritance
Portlets are a special type of servlet, with properties that allow them to easily
plug into and run in the portal server. Unlike servlets, portlets cannot send
redirects or errors to browsers directly, forward requests, or write arbitrary
markup to the output stream.
The portlet container relies on the J2EE architecture implemented by
WebSphere Application Server. As a result, portlets are packaged similar to
J2EE Web applications and are deployed like servlets. Like other servlets, a
portlet is defined to the application server using the servlet deployment
descriptor (web.xml).
Generally, portlets are administered more dynamically than servlets. The
following updates can be applied without having to start and restart the portal
򐂰 Portlet applications consisting of several portlets can be installed and
removed using the portal administration user interface.
򐂰 The settings of a portlet can be changed by an administrator with appropriate
access rights
򐂰 Portlets can be created and deleted dynamically by administration portlets.
Figure 5-6 on page 338 shows a portlet after its WAR file is deployed. For each
portlet deployed on the portal server, it creates a servlet, or portlet class
instance, on the application server.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
Figure 5-6 Portlet class instance
The initialization parameters are set by the portlet developer and can be read by
the portlet using the PortletConfig object. The servlet deployment descriptor can
contain multiple Web applications, each defined by the <servlet> element. In
addition, each servlet definition can point to the same portlet class file, thus
creating different PortletConfig objects with different initialization parameters for
each portlet class instance.
Portlet deployment descriptor
In addition to the servlet descriptor, portlets must also provide a portlet
deployment descriptor (portlet.xml) to define the portlet's capabilities to the portal
server (see Example 5-6 on page 339). This information includes configuration
parameters specific to a particular portlet or portlet application as well as general
information that all portlets provide, such as the type of markup that the portlet
supports. The portal server uses this information to provide services for the
portlet. For example, if a portlet registers its support for help and edit mode in the
portlet deployment descriptor, the portal server will render icons to allow the user
to invoke the portlet's help and edit pages.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Example 5-6 Portlet deployment descriptor
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE portlet-app-def PUBLIC "-//IBM//DTD Portlet Application 1.1//EN"
<portlet-app uid="com.myCompany.myPortletApp.54321">
<portlet-app-name>My portlet application</portlet-app-name>
<portlet id="Portlet_1" href="WEB-INF/web.xml#Servlet_1">
<portlet-name>My portlet</portlet-name>
<markup name="html">
<view output="fragment"/>
<concrete-portlet-app uid="com.myCompany.myConcretePortletApp.54321">
<portlet-app-name>My concrete portlet application</portlet-app-name>
<concrete-portlet href="#Portlet_1">
<portlet-name>My concrete portlet</portlet-name>
<language locale="en_US">
<title>My portlet</title>
Portlet concepts
Figure 5-7 on page 340 shows different variations of a portlet as it is created,
placed on a page, and accessed by users. Notice that the first two steps involve
the use of persistent data, but for the third step, the data is available only for the
duration of the session.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
Figure 5-7 Portlet concept
1. The portal administrator uses the administrative interface to deploy a new
portlet application WAR file or install a copy of a portlet. Either action creates
a concrete portlet, which is a portlet parameterized by a single PortletSettings
object. There can be many concrete portlets for each portlet. PortletSettings
are read/write accessible and persistent. The PortletSettings contains
configuration parameters initially defined in the portlet deployment descriptor.
The use of concrete portlets allows many instances of a portlet to run with
different configurations, without creating extra portlet class instances. During
the life cycle of a single portlet, many concrete portlets can be created and
destroyed. There is no object that explicitly represents the concrete portlet.
The same concrete portlet can be shared across many users.
2. The portlet is placed on a page by a user or an administrator. This creates a
concrete portlet instance, which is a concrete portlet parameterized by a
single PortletData object. There can be many concrete portlet instances per
concrete portlet. PortletData stores persistent information for a portlet that
has been added to a page. For example, a user can edit a stock quotes portlet
and save a list of stock symbols for the companies to track.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
3. The scope of the PortletData depends on the scope of the page that the
concrete portlet is on.
– If an administrator puts a concrete portlet on a group page, then the
PortletData object contains data stored for the group of users. This holds
true for a group of users who have view access to the page. However, if
users have edit access to the portlet on a group page, then a new concrete
portlet instance is created for each user that edits the portlet. In this case,
PortletData contains data for each user that edits the portlet.
– If a concrete portlet is put on a user's page, the PortletData contains data
for that user.
When a user accesses a page that contains a portlet, that creates a user
portlet instance. When a user logs into the portal, the portal server creates a
PortletSession for each of the user's portlets. A concrete portlet instance
parameterized by a PortletSession is known as a user portlet instance. There
can be many user portlet instances per concrete portlet instance.
A user portlet instance is a concrete portlet instance parameterized by a
single PortletSession. There can be many user portlet instances per concrete
portlet instance. The PortletSession stores transient information related to a
single use of the portlet.
Portlet applications
Portlet applications provide the means to package a group of related portlets that
share the same context. The context contains all resources, for example, images,
properties files, and classes. All portlets must be packaged as part of a portlet
application. Portlet applications provide no code on their own but form a logical
group of portlets. Beside this more logical gain, portlets of the same portlet
application can also exchange messages.
Concrete portlet application
A concrete portlet application is a portlet application parameterized with a single
PortletApplicationSettings object. For each portlet application, there may be
many concrete portlet applications. PortletApplicationSettings are read/write
accessible and persistent. There is no object that explicitly represents the
concrete portlet application. A concrete portlet application contains at least one
concrete portlet from the portlet application, but it is not required to contain all of
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
5.3.2 Elements of the IBM Portlet API
This section describes some of the main classes and interfaces of the IBM
Portlet API.
Tip: WebSphere Portal InfoCenter introduces basic elements of the API in
more detail and WebSphere Portal API documentation has package and class
descriptions of each class of IBM Portlet API.
The abstract Portlet class is the central abstraction of the Portlet API. All portlets
extend this abstract class by extending one of its subclasses, such as
PortletAdapter, which provide methods helpful for the developer.
Portlet life cycle
The portlet container calls the following methods of the abstract portlet during the
portlet's life cycle
򐂰 init()
The portlet is constructed, after portal initialization, and then initialized with
the init() method. The portal always instantiates only a single instance of the
portlet, and this instance is shared among all users, exactly the same way a
servlet is shared among all users of an application server.
򐂰 initConcrete()
After constructing the portlet and before the portlet is accessed for the first
time, the concrete portlet is initialized with the PortletSettings.
򐂰 service()
The portal calls the service() method when the portlet is required to render its
content. During the life cycle of the portlet, the service() method is typically
called many times. For each portlet on the page, the service() method is not
called in a guaranteed order and may even be called in a different order for
each request.
򐂰 destroyConcrete()
The concrete portlet is taken out of service with the destroyConcrete()
method. This can happen when an administrator deletes a concrete portlet
during runtime on the portal server.
򐂰 When the portal is terminating, portlets are taken out of service, then
destroyed with the destroy() method. Finally, the portlet is garbage collected
and finalized.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
The PortletRequest object is passed to the portlet through the login(),
beginPage(), endPage(), and service() methods, providing the portlet with
request-specific data and the opportunity to access further important information:
򐂰 Attributes
Attributes are name/value pairs associated with a request. Attributes are
available only for the scope of the request. The portlet can get, set, and
remove attributes during one request.
򐂰 Parameters
Parameters are name/value pairs sent by the client in the URI query string as
part of a request. Often the parameters are posted from a form. Parameters
are available for the scope of a specific request. The portlet can get but not
set parameters from a request.
򐂰 Client
The Client object encapsulates request-dependent information about the user
agent of a specific request.
򐂰 User data
The PortletData object represents data for a concrete portlet instance that is
saved to persistent store.
򐂰 Session
The PortletSession represents user-specific, transient data for more than one
򐂰 Portlet settings
The PortletSettings object represents the configuration for a concrete portlet
that is saved to persistent store.
The response object encapsulates information to be returned from the server to
the client. PortletResponse is passed via the beginPage(), endPage(), and
service() methods and can be used by the portlet to return portlet output using a
Java PrintWriter. The response also includes methods for creating the PortletURI
object or qualifying portlet markup with the portlet's namespace.
Use one of the following methods to create the PortletURI:
򐂰 createURI()
Creates a PortletURI object pointing to the calling portlet with the current
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
򐂰 createURI(PortletWindow.State state)
Creates a PortletURI object pointing to the calling portlet with the current
mode and given portlet window state.
򐂰 createReturnURI()
Creates a portletURI pointing at the caller of the portlet. For example,
createReturnURI() can be used to create a back button in an edit mode.
Each portlet runs in its own unique namespace. The encodeNamespace()
method is used by portlets to bring attributes in the portlet output to avoid name
clashes with other portlets. Attributes can include parameter names, global
variables, or JavaScript function names.
The PortletSession holds user-specific data for the concrete portlet instance of
the portlet, creating a portlet user instance. Concrete portlet instances differ from
each other only by the data stored in their PortletData. Portlet user instances
differ from each other only by the transient data stored in their PortletSession.
Any persistent data must be stored using PortletData. Information stored in a
portlet's instance variables is shared between all concrete portlet instances and
even between all concrete portlets - with read and write access. Make sure you
do not use instance attributes for user-specific data.
During login, a PortletSession is automatically created for each portlet on a page.
To get a PortletSession, the getSession() method (available from the
PortletRequest) has to be used. The method returns the current session or, if
there is no current session and the given parameter "create" is true, it creates
one and returns it.
A PortletSession is not available on an anonymous page.
Portlet configuration
Portlet configuration can be read-only or read-write depending on where the
configuration is located and how it is used:
The PortletConfig provides the non-concrete portlet with its initial configuration.
The configuration holds information about the portlet class. This information is
valid for every concrete portlet derived from the portlet.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
A portlet's configuration is initially read from its servlet deployment descriptor.
This information is set by the portlet developer. The configuration is read-only
and cannot be changed by the portlet.
The PortletSettings object provides the concrete portlet with its dynamic
configuration. The configuration holds information about the concrete portlet.
This information is valid for every instance of the concrete portlet.
A concrete portlet's configuration is initially read from the portlet deployment
descriptor. The configuration is read-only and can be written by the portlet only
when the portlet is in configure mode. This information is normally maintained by
the portal administrator and may be changed while the portal server is running.
The portlet can get, set, and remove attributes during one request. To commit the
changes, the store() method has to be called.
The PortletApplicationSettings object provides the concrete portlet application
with its dynamic configuration. The configuration holds information about the
portlet application that is shared across all concrete portlets included in the
A concrete portlet application's configuration is initially read from the portlet
deployment descriptor. The configuration is read only and can be written by the
portlet only when the portlet is in configure mode. This information is normally
maintained by the portal administrator and may be changed while the portal
server is running. A portlet in the application can get, set, and remove attributes
during one request. To commit the changes, the store() method has to be called.
The PortletData holds data for the concrete portlet instance. For each occurrence
on a page there is a concrete portlet instance. The PortletData contains
persistent information about the concrete portlet instance while the
PortletSession contains only the transient data of the user portlet instance.
There is one concrete portlet instance for each occurrence of a portlet on a page.
A page can be owned by either a single user (personal page) or by a single group
of users (group page). PortletData contains user-specific data on a personal
page and group-specific data on a group page.
Portlet events
Portlet events contain information about an event to which a portlet might need to
respond. To receive notification of the event, the portlet must have an event
listener implemented within the portlet class.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
Note: A portlet has a different processing and rendering sequence than a
servlet. A servlet does all of its processing in the service() method. A portlet,
on the other hand, uses a two phase processing that is split between an action
processing and service. This split is necessary to accommodate
communication between portlets before rendering output in the service stage.
The action processing is guaranteed to complete before a portlet is called to
Action events
To receive action events, the portlet implements an ActionListener interface. The
ActionListener interface provides the actionPerformed() method, to which an
ActionEvent object is passed. When a user clicks on a link or a submit button, an
ActionEvent can be generated. The portlet action can be obtained from the
ActionEvent, which describes the triggering event. When the actionPerformed()
method is invoked, a response object is not available, because this is not a
rendering step.
Important: All state changes should be handled during action processing.
Portlets should use the methods in service phase only to render portlet output.
Portlet action is a string passed to the actionPerformed() method via an
ActionEvent object.
Message events
Message events can be sent from one portlet to others if the recipient portlets
are members of the same portlet application and are placed on the same page
as the sending portlet. Additionally, a DefaultPortletMessage can cross portlet
application boundaries and may be sent to all portlets on a page. A
MessageEvent can be actively sent to other portlets only when the portlet is in
the event processing cycle of the portlet container; otherwise, an exception is
thrown. There are two different types of messages:
򐂰 Single addressed messages: Messages sent to a specific portlet by
specifying the portlet name on the send() method.
򐂰 Broadcast messages: Messages sent to all portlets on the page.
The portlet receiving the message must implement the MessageListener
interface and an object with the type PortletMessage.
Tip: Message events are useful when changes in one portlet should be
reflected in another one.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
The IBM Portlet API provides listeners, which can add more functionality for a
portlet. To enable the listener's functionality, one of the following interfaces must
be implemented by the portlet:
򐂰 PortletSessionListener
򐂰 PortletPageListener
򐂰 PortletTitleListener
򐂰 PortletSettingsAttributesListener
򐂰 PortletApplicationSettingsAttributesListener
In addition to the concrete portlet instance, which exists for each portlet
occurrence on a page, a portlet may have an even finer granularity. The
PortletSessionListener allows a portlet to recognize the life cycle of a user portlet
򐂰 login()
After a user logs in to a portal, each portlet creates a session for the user. The
combination of the concrete portlet instance and the user session creates the
user portlet instance. The start of a user instance is signaled by the portal
calling the login() method at the portlet. This method allows the portlet to
initialize the user's session instance of the portlet, for example, to store
attributes in the session.
򐂰 logout()
When the user ends the session with the portal, the portal server calls the
logout() method to inform the portlet that the user's session instance is
terminating. The portlet should then clean up any resources for the portlet
user instance. This could include cleaning up, if necessary, the authentication
state of the user or cookies that might have been placed on the browser by
the portlet. At a minimum, any state on the back-end application should be
cleaned up or marked as terminated to prevent any remaining cookies on a
subsequent request from being used.
A portlet has no control or awareness of the order in which the output from all of
the portlets on the page is written. The PortletPageListener allows a portlet to
insert markup at the beginning and ending of a page.
򐂰 beginPage()
At the beginning of each page and before any service() method of any portlet
on the page is called, the beginPage() method is called for each portlet
residing on the page. Like the service() method, the beginPage() method for
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
each portlet on the page is not called in a guaranteed order and can even be
called in a different order for each request. The output of beginPage() is
inserted into the page aggregation area prior to the rendering of portlets on
the page.
This method allows a portlet to output JavaScript that is visible to all portlet's
service() methods or even to set cookies or headers.
򐂰 endPage()
At the end of each page, and after all service() methods of all portlets on the
page are called, the endPage() method is called for each portlet residing on
the page. Like the service() method, the endPage() method is not called in a
guaranteed order and can even be called in a different order for each request.
For example, the portlet can insert JavaScript to the end of the page that
needs to occur after all other elements of the page have been written.
Note: When implementing PortletSesssionListener and PortletPageListener,
the following methods are called on the portlet during its life cycle:
򐂰 init(): The non-concrete portlet is initialized with PortletConfig.
򐂰 initConcrete(): The concrete portlet is initialized with PortletSettings.
򐂰 login(): The user portlet instance is initialized with PortletSession.
򐂰 beginPage(): The portlet may render output at the beginning of each page
for each request.
򐂰 service(): The portlet may render output in the portlet window for each
򐂰 endPage(): The portlet may render output at the end of each page for each
򐂰 logout(): The user portlet instance is destroyed.
򐂰 destroyConcrete(): The concrete portlet is destroyed.
򐂰 destroy(): The non-concrete portlet is destroyed.
The PortletTitleListener interface is used to allow the portlet title, as it is displayed
in the title bar, to be changed based on a condition (for example, the type of
device used to access the portal) or user input (for example, a preference that
the user sets on the edit page). If the Listener is not implemented, the portlet
displays the title specified on the <title> element (under <language>) of the
portlet deployment descriptor.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
This interface listens for changes to the attributes of the PortletSettings, like
when an administrator configures a concrete portlet.
This interface listens for changes to the attributes of the
PortletApplicationSettings, like when an administrator configures a concrete
portlet application.
To enable portlets to use pluggable services via dynamic discovery, the Portlet
API provides the PortletService interface. A PortletService is accessed from the
PortletContext.getService() method that looks up the appropriate factory for the
service, creates the service and returns it to the portlet.
Tip: Various services may be implemented by different vendors, for example,
a SearchService, LocationService, or a MailService.
DominoAccessService may be implemented and it would provide portlets
access to Domino databases.
For resources protected by the portal, WebSphere Portal uses CORBA
credentials and an encrypted LTPA cookie to authenticate users. However, for
back-end systems that require their own authentication, portlets need to provide
some form of authentication to access these remote applications. In order to
provide a single sign-on user experience, portlets must be able to store and
retrieve user credentials for their particular associated application and use those
credentials to log in on behalf of the user. WebSphere Portal supports the use of
a credential vault where users and administrators can safely store credentials for
authentication. Portlets written to extract the user's credentials from the vault can
hide the login challenge from the user.
WebSphere Portal provides a CredentialVaultService PortletService that portlets
can use to store and retrieve credentials from the vault.
The credential vault is a repository where credentials are stored. Examples of
credentials include certificates, private keys, user IDs, and passwords.
A vault adapter is a plug-in module between the credential vault and
CredentialVaultService. WebSphere Portal provides a simple adapter using the
portal database as a default vault. You can extend the VaultAdapter class, in the
portal framework, to develop an adapter interface to your own repository.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
A vault segment is a partition of a vault. There are two types of segments:
user-managed and administrator-managed. Portal administrators can create
administrator-managed segments.
A vault slot is part of a vault segment; it is represented using
CredentialSlotConfig class. Portlets use vault slots to store and retrieve
credentials. You can create a vault slot programmatically, in a user-managed
segment. An administrator can also create a slot in an administrator-managed
segment, using the Credential Vault portlet. The portlet can set and get
credentials in slots created either way. The CredentialSlotConfig object contains
configuration information about the slot; for example, the slot ID, segment object
ID, and other attributes.
There are two types of credentials: active and passive. Passive credentials allow
a portlet to extract the credential's secret but active credentials do not. If you
need to get user’s password as a clear text, you have to use passive credentials.
Active credentials, however, can submit credentials to back-end applications
using standard authentications, such as HTTP form-based authentication or
basic authentication.
Refer to 6.4.2, “CredentialVaultManager” on page 431 for an example of how to
use CredentialVault.
Portlet menu
Portlet menus allow a portlet to add menu entries to the navigation tree of the
portal. Menu items are automatically positioned in the navigation tree after the
page that contains the portlet instance. The root node of this tree represents the
portlet and all child nodes represent portlet menu entries. Portlet menu entries do
not belong to the internal portal model. For example, they cannot be modified or
removed using the page customizer. Figure 5-8 on page 351 shows example of
portlet menu.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 5-8 Portlet menu
To add menu entries to the portal navigation tree, portlets must implement the
MenuProvider interface.
A dynamic menu’s tree structure is defined in the portlet code. Menu items are
added dynamically for each request; the portlet is queried for menu information
for each request so that the portlet can return stateful information in the menu
A static menu’s tree structure is defined in an XMI-formatted deployment
descriptor extension packaged with the portlet. The static method allows portlets
to declare menu entries in the deployment descriptor that are fixed.
Deployment descriptors
The WAR file for a portlet application must contain two descriptor documents: the
Web application deployment descriptor and the portlet deployment descriptor.
The definition of the servlets in the Web application deployment descriptor must
be in the same order as the definition of portlets in the portlet deployment
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
Web application deployment descriptor: web.xml
As with other servlets following the J2EE model, portlets are packaged as WAR
or EAR files with a Web application deployment descriptor (web.xml). This
descriptor defines each portlet as a servlet within the Web application, including
unique identifiers for each portlet, the portlet class, and initialization parameters.
For more information about the Web application deployment descriptor, see the
Java Servlet Specification Version 2.3.
Portlet deployment descriptor: portlet.xml
This information includes configuration parameters specific to a particular portlet
or portlet application as well as general information that all portlets provide, such
as the type of markup that the portlet supports. The portal server uses this
information to provide services for the portlet. See the sample portlet.xml in
Example 5-6 on page 339.
Linking the servlet, portlet, and concrete portlet
The definition of the servlets in the web.xml must be in the same order as the
definition of portlets in the portlet.xml. The servlet identifier must be referenced
by the portlet deployment descriptor, using the href attribute of the <portlet> tag.
As shown in Figure 5-9, the href attribute indicates the path of the Web
application descriptor in the WAR file appended by the servlet ID as the anchor.
Figure 5-9 Referencing portlet to servlet
Each concrete portlet definition indicates its parent portlet using the href attribute
of the <concrete-portlet> tag. As shown in Figure 5-10 on page 353, the href
attribute indicates the portlet ID as an anchor.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 5-10 Referencing concrete portlet to portlet
Note: Take extra care in deployment descriptors if you are writing them by
hand. Tools such as WebSphere Studio Application Developer creates
deployment descriptors for you when creating portlets.
The UIDs of portlet applications and concrete portlet applications must identify
them unambiguously in the area of their usage and portlet IDs must be unique
within the application.
JSP tags
The portlet container provides tags for use in portlet JSPs. Table 5-3 shows a list
of common portlet tags. See WebSphere Portal InfoCenter for more detailed
information about JSP tags.
Table 5-3 IBM Portlet API tags
<portletAPI:init />
Provides access to the portletRequest,
portletResponse, and portletConfig
<portletAPI:createURI />
Creates an URI that points to the current
portlet with the given parameters.
<portletAPI:CreateReturnURI />
Creates a URI that points to the caller of
the portlet.
<portletAPI:URIAction />
Adds a default action to the URI of the
createURI and createReturnURI tags.
<portletAPI:URIParameter />
Adds a parameter to the URI of the
createURI and CreateReturnURI tags.
<portletAPI:encodeNamespace />
Maps the given string value into this
portlet's namespace.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
5.4 JSR 168 Java Portlet Specification
The Java Standardization Request 168 (JSR 168) defines a portlet specification,
including a contract between the portlet container and the portlet. The purpose of
the JSR 168 specification is to solve the problem of portlet compatibility between
portal servers offered by different vendors.
The fundamental concepts of JSR 168 and IBM Portlet API are the same. This
section describes the following differences between the two APIs:
򐂰 Relationship to servlet API
򐂰 Comparing common portlet API concepts
򐂰 Comparing portlet packaging and descriptors
򐂰 Comparing elements of the API
򐂰 Concepts unique to JSR 168
򐂰 Concepts unique to the IBM portlet API
5.4.1 Relationship to servlet API
The IBM portlet API extends the servlet API and many of the main interfaces
such as request, response, and session. JSR 168 API does not extend the
servlet API, but shares many of the same characteristics. JSR 168 takes
advantage of much of the functionality provided by the servlet specification, such
as deployment, classloading, Web applications, Web application life cycle
management, session management, and request dispatching.
JSR 168 portlets can call servlets and package them in the same portlet
application. Portlets, servlets, and JSPs within the same portlet application share
the same classloader, application context, and session.
5.4.2 Comparing common portlet API concepts
For both portlet APIs, there is one portlet object instance per portlet configuration
in the Web deployment descriptor. The APIs differ in how each portlet object is
represented in the portal.
Logical representation of portlets in the IBM portlet API
The PortletSettings object provides the portlet with its unique set of configuration
parameters and values. Configuration parameters are initially defined in the
portlet deployment descriptor, but can also be added or modified by the portal
administrator. There can be many PortletSettings objects, parameterizing the
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
same portlet object, provided on a per-request basis. Each PortletSettings object
along with the portlet object comprises a concrete portlet.
Figure 5-11 Logical representation of portlets in the IBM portlet API
When users edit the settings in a portlet according to their preferences, the
settings are saved to persistence using the PortletData object. There can be
many PortletData objects parameterizing the same concrete portlet. Each
PortletData object along with the concrete portlet comprises a concrete portlet
When multiple users interact in different browser sessions with the same
concrete portlet instance on a portal page, each user sees a particular user
portlet instance, which is a concrete portlet instance parameterized with the
session, a mode, and window state.
Logical representation of portlets in JSR 168
JSR 168 portlets, like IBM portlets, can be configured on two levels, by an
administrator and by individual users. However, JSR 168 has no concept of a
concrete portlet application or concrete portlets. The number of configuration
layers is opaque to the programming model; the portlet configuration is contained
within a single PortletPreferences object, which aggregates these configuration
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
Figure 5-12 Logical representation of portlets in JSR 168
Preferences can be marked in the portlet.xml as read-only so that they may be
customized only by administrators using configure mode or through the
administration portlets. Preferences that are not marked read-only can be
modified by users in edit mode.
The parameterized view of a portlet for an individual user interaction is called a
portlet window in JSR 168. JSR 168 adds render parameters as a new way to
hold an interaction state for a portlet window. A portal page can contain more
than one portlet window for a single portlet; each portlet window is associated
with a unique portlet mode, state, and render parameters.
5.4.3 Comparing portlet packaging and descriptors
In both APIs, one or more portlets are packaged as a portlet application in a
WAR file. The portlet.xml file describes the portlet application and its portlets.
The web.xml file describes the Web application.
In JSR 168, since the portlet is not a servlet, the portlet descriptor does not
reference a corresponding servlet ID. The web.xml describes other Web
application resources, such as servlets that are part of the portlet application.
The portlet descriptor is in the format of an XML Schema instead of a DTD. The
top level element is the <portlet-app>, which contains one or more <portlet>
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
In JSR 168, context-wide parameters are stored in the web.xml using the
<init-param> element and are obtained using PortletContext.getInitParameter().
Portlet-specific initialization parameters are stored in the portlet.xml using the
<init-param> element and are obtained from the PortletConfig object provided
during initialization.
Since the web.xml is a mandatory item in a J2EE Web archive, you should make
sure your portlet application includes a web.xml in its WAR file. This ensures that
the portlet application is compatible with other portal server implementations as
well as subsequent versions of WebSphere Portal Server. The web.xml should
contain, at a minimum, the <web-app/> and <display-name/> elements.
Comparing elements of the API
Table 5-4 compares elements of the API.
Table 5-4 Comparing elements of the API
IBM Portlet API
JSR 168
Life cycle
No concept of a concrete
portlet. The render() and
processAction() calls are
implemented in place of
service() and
Two-phase processing
Action processing
precedes the call for
portlets to render output.
The actionPerformed() and
service () methods are
involved. Objects can be
set in the action and
retrieved from the
subsequent render phase.
Also uses two-phase
processing. The
corresponding methods
are processAction() and
render(). Main difference is
that the action request and
response objects are
different from render
request and response
object. The portlet can set
parameters that are
available in the render call,
but for all other cases the
session should be used.
Portlet mode
View mode (called by
corresponding doView()).
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
Portlet window state
IBM Portlet API
JSR 168
Edit mode (called by
corresponding doEdit()).
Help mode (called by
corresponding doHelp()).
Configure mode (called by
Config mode supported as
a custom mode. In config
mode, the portlet's
read-only preferences can
be updated by the
At runtime, portlets use
dPortletModes() to retrieve
the modes supported by
the portal and adapt
accordingly. JSR 168 also
suggests these custom
portlet modes: about,
config, edit_defaults,
preview, and print. Vendors
can also define other
portlet modes.
Same, except that JSR 168
allows portlets to display a
limited amount of output.
Supported only as a
custom window state.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
IBM Portlet API
JSR 168
Finite number of supported
Allows portlets and portal
implementations to define
custom window states. At
deployment time, the portal
can map custom portlet
window states from the
portlet descriptor to its own
custom window states, or it
can ignore them. At
runtime, portlets use
dWindowStates() to
retrieve the modes
supported by the portal
and adapt accordingly.
Methods to create URI to
the portlet
ctionURL() and
Methods to create URIs to
portlet resources
Including JSPs
JSP tag library
<portletAPI:init/> provides
access to the
PortletResponse, and
PortletConfig objects.
provides access to the
RenderResponse, and
PortletConfig objects.
creates a URI that points to
the portlet. To invoke an
action in an IBM portlet,
include the
tag and action parameters.
creates a URI to the
appropriate render() or
processAction() method of
the portlet.
Other tags provided by the
IBM portlet API tag library.
Use JSTL tags.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
IBM Portlet API
JSR 168
Accessing images and
other portlet resources
from the JSP
Use the encodeURL()
method of the response
and specify the path to the
resource, for example,
pg") %>.
Use the encodeURL()
method, just as you would
with the IBM portlet, except
that you also have to add
the context path of the
portlet from the request, as
in <%=
textPath() +
"images/photo01.jpg") %>.
Provides the initialization
parameters defined in the
Provides the initialization
parameters defined in the
Namespace encoding
Note: There is no concept of a concrete portlet in JSR 168. Action request
and response objects are different from render request and response objects.
Concepts unique to JSR 168
򐂰 Render parameters
These are parameters attached to the render request that stay the same for
every render request until a new action occurs. This allows storing the
navigational state in the render parameters instead of the session. The portlet
should put all state information it needs to redisplay itself correctly into render
parameters (for example, which screen to render). This facilitates saving
bookmarks and provides better support for the use of the browser's back
When the portlet is the target of an action, render parameters are reset. In the
action, the portlet can set new render parameters to represent the new
navigational state after the action is completed. The developer can use render
URLs (see RenderResponse.createRenderURL()) to set render parameters
directly without having to go through an action. As render parameters may be
bookmarked, portlets should be prepared to handle parameters that are not
valid (for example, that could be the result of an outdated bookmark). Such
parameter values should be handled gracefully and should not lead to
From the JSP, the portlet can set render parameters using the
<portlet:renderURL/> tag.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 Portal context
To allow portlets to adapt to the portal that is calling them, JSR 168 provides
the PortalContext to be retrieved from the request. This portal context
provides information such as the portal vendor, version, and specific portal
properties. This allows the portlet to use specific vendor extensions when
called by the portal of that vendor and fall back to some simpler default
behavior when called by other portals.
As the portal context is attached to the request, it may change from request to
request. This can be the case in the remote scenario, where one portlet
(WSRP provider) may be called from different portals (WSRP consumers).
򐂰 Access to the portal user profile
In JSR 168, a portlet can define in the deployment descriptor which user
profile information it wants to access. The specification proposes to use a list
of standard P3P attributes; however, the portlet is free to request any
additional user information that is not covered by this attribute list. At
deployment time, the portal can map the requested user profile attributes to
the supported profile attributes or the portal can ignore the requested
attributes. At runtime, the portlet can use the USER_INFO constant of the
PortletRequest to determine which of the requested user profile attributes are
򐂰 Request and response properties
The portlet and portlet container can exchange vendor-specific information
using request and response properties. These properties are available in the
action request and response and the render request and response.
Properties are propagated for includes, but not between the action and render
phase. When including a servlet or JSP, the properties are mapped to
headers in the servlet API.
򐂰 Web application session scope
Note: JSR 168 API supports the Web application session scope, in which
every component of the Web application can share information through the
APPLICATION_SCOPE field of the portlet session. This can be used to
share transient information between different components of the same
Web application, for example, between portlets or between a portlet and a
򐂰 Reuse of the HttpSession listeners
As JSR 168 reuses the HttpSession, it also allows reusing all the session and
attribute listeners that the servlet 2.3 specification defines. JSR 168 provides
a PortletSessionUtil class for decoding the attributes of the HttpSession, as
these are namespaced in the private portlet session case.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
򐂰 Resource bundles
Portlets can define a resource bundle in the deployment descriptor that can
be accessed at runtime using PortletConfig.getResourceBundle(). This
provides localizations of resources, such as the portlet title, search keywords,
or preference names and descriptions. At deployment time, all settings in the
portlet descriptor that are intended to be viewed or changed by the
administrator (for example, portlet description, init parameters, or display
name) can be localized by setting the xml:lang attribute on the associated tag
(like the servlet 2.4 deployment descriptor). JSR 168 also recommends a
notation for localizing the preference attribute display names, values, and
򐂰 Multiple response content types
For each response, portlets can retrieve a list of supported content types
using the PortletRequest.getResponseContentTypes() method. This allows
portals to indicate to portlets that they have transcoding capabilities.
Portlets receive only content types that they have defined in the <supports>
section of the deployment descriptor. If the portlet declares support for
content types using wildcards (for example, "text/*" or "*/*") in the deployment
descriptor, the portlet container may also set these content types as response
content type. Therefore, portlets specifying wildcard content types in the
deployment should handle wildcard content types as response content types
򐂰 Redirect in action
During the action phase, JSR 168 API enables portlets to redirect requests to
other Web resources. This allows portlets to process the request from
different resources (for example, an accounting servlet) in response to an
򐂰 Preference validator
Portlets can provide a class that validates the set of preference values in the
PortletPreferences object. The class is defined in the portlet.xml. The
preference validator can incorporate logic to check cross-dependencies
between different preference properties. The portlet container always calls
the validator before storing a preference set to ensure that only consistent
preference sets are stored.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Concepts unique to the IBM portlet API
򐂰 Portlet events
The IBM Portlet API has the concepts of events. This event concept is based
on the JetSpeed event model, which is similar to the Java event model. The
IBM Portlet API provides the following events:
– ActionEvent
– MessageEvent
– PortletApplicationSettingsAttributeEvent
– PortletSettingsAttributeEvent
– WindowEvent
򐂰 Additional listeners
The listener concept of the IBM Portlet API allows the portlet to get
notifications not only for events as described in the section above, but also for
events related to the session life cycle, event phase life cycle, or render phase
life cycle. The IBM Portlet API provides the following listeners to implement
this functionality:
– PortletPageListener
– PortletSessionListener
– EventPhaseListener
򐂰 Portlet menus
The portlet menu service allows the portlet to contribute content to the portal
navigation menu, providing users easier navigation through portal pages.
򐂰 Invalidation-based caching
The portlet can actively invalidate the cache using the invalidate method on
the portlet request as result of an action. This allows for more fine-grained
cache control as the portlet can determine, as a result of this action, whether
to invalidate the cache content for only the current portlet mode and markup
or for all of the portlet's modes and markups. In JSR 168, an action
invalidates all cached markup.
Note: As JSR 168 matures, many features currently specific to IBM Portlet
API may be part of the JSR 168.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
5.5 Struts framework
Developers may also choose to implemented their portlets using the Struts
framework. Struts is a Jakarta project providing a very popular open source
framework for building Web applications. Using the Struts Portlet Framework
provided with WebSphere Portal, portlets written using the Struts framework can
be run in WebSphere Portal. Struts provides considerable Web application
functionality beyond page navigation and is an excellent choice for portlet
The Struts framework is intended to provide a portlet application developer with
two main advantages, specifically:
򐂰 A controlled logic to your portlet applications
The development of portlet applications requires the developer to coordinate
several technologies to work together. Typically, requests are sent to the
portlet class doView() method, and depending on the request and state of the
portlets, it redirects to the appropriate JSP pages for rendering. This is
accomplished with a redirection map embedded in the portlet class. Basically,
it is a tightly coupled application, since any change in the control logic would
require recompiling and making sure that your application does not lose its
integrity. The Struts framework solves this problem, especially in big and
complex portlet applications, since it takes out the control logic map from the
portlet class and places it on a flexible deployment descriptor, giving you a
loosely coupled structure. Also, this map can be edited with graphical tools
like the ones included in WebSphere Studio, the Struts tools. So the
developer should consider using the Struts Portal framework if he is placing
control logic into the portlet applications and requires a flexible and
manageable control logic for the portlet.
򐂰 A strong foundation for portlet development
The Struts framework incorporates proven development patterns, like the
MVC model 2, that will make your portlet application perform and scale
appropriately. So if you are considering introducing a hybrid approach in the
development of your portlets, and you want to provide a strong structure,
Struts can give you exactly what you need.
The Struts framework will add some development components that have to be
well understood and properly used in order to exploit its full advantages. So if
your portlet application will just expose the control logic of your applications, it
would be appropriate to reconsider using this framework.
Also bear in mind that the standard Struts framework is accommodated to work
in the WebSphere Portal infrastructure through the Struts Portal framework, so in
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
this section, we discuss the considerations for incorporating the Struts
technology into your portlet application.
Struts defined
Struts is a Jakarta open source project that provides a framework based on the
Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, which allows developers to efficiently
implement their Web applications by keeping the business logic and presentation
aspects separate. The developer community has embraced Struts, and the initial
release is continually being enhanced. In addition to enhancements to the base
Struts functionality, there are numerous extensions and tools available, for
example, the Struts editor in WebSphere Studio. In the Portal environment, the
ability to use Struts is a logical extension. The portlets on a Portal page can be
essentially thought of as servlet applications in their own right. Thus, for many of
the same reasons one would use Struts to implement a Web application, one
would also like to be able to use Struts in a portlet.
5.5.1 Basic elements of Struts
A Struts application is basically made up of the following elements (see
Figure 5-13 on page 366):
򐂰 Actions
The Actions represent processing that occurs prior to going to another page.
򐂰 Pages
These are usually JSPs, but sometimes are HTML pages.
򐂰 ActionForm Beans
ActionForms are Beans associated with Actions, supplying the data to fill or
collect various fields on a page.
The application writer creates these objects and, in the configuration file
struts-config.xml, defines the relationships between these objects and the
transitions that occur. The configuration of an ActionMapping associates a path
with an Action and with ActionForms, and can list one or more destination pages
following execution of the Action. As a result of executing the Action, an
ActionForward object is returned, which contains the path to the next request.
Typically, the returned path is to a page, but it is also possible that the path is to
another Action.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
Figure 5-13 Struts structure
5.5.2 Struts support in WebSphere Portal
A Struts application in Portal server is similar to the servlet-based Struts
application. A WAR file that contains the Struts jars, the JSPs, actions, and
configuration is built. The WAR file in Portal server has some additional
requirements. There are some additional jar files, and a portlet descriptor file.
There are also some necessary changes to the Web deployment descriptor and
the Struts configuration.
To support existing Struts applications and offer a migration path to the Portal
server for existing Struts applications, several differences between Struts
servlet-based applications and portlets exist, specifically:
򐂰 The portlet itself is a servlet and has its own processing and servlet mapping.
The portlet servlet must be configured as the main servlet rather than the
Struts Action Servlet.
򐂰 Portlet action processing (for example, handling of user events like selecting
links or submitting forms) is done in a step prior to rendering the display view.
During this processing, the response object is not available.
򐂰 Display view rendering is done separately from action processing, and may
be done multiple times without intervening actions. This occurs because all
portlets on a page are essentially asked to refresh or re-render themselves
when the entire Portal server page is refreshed.
򐂰 URIs under Portal server have a special format. A special API is used to
generate the URI and add the desired information to be passed to the portlet.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
If portlet URIs were not used, control would not get passed to the correct
portlet. Thus, the portlet URIs must be used to get control passed to the
correct portlet, with the additional path information needed by the Struts
application made available. The Struts tags have been modified to
automatically provide this needed functionality.
򐂰 Portal server does not support forwards or redirects.
The differences enumerated result in the following conclusions with regard to
supporting Struts applications as portlets:
򐂰 The portlet’s servlet mapping has to be used. Routing of Struts actions back
to the Struts application processing has to be done using portlet URIs. The
way the Struts mapping is configured is described later in this section.
򐂰 The processing of Struts Actions must occur during portlet action processing,
and the information necessary to render a display view must be stored away
so it is available during the later view rendering phase, which may occur
multiple times without intervening actions.
򐂰 The Struts application paths, both to Actions and to pages, must be sent and
retrieved in a different way.
򐂰 Forwards to pages (for example, JSPs) are done with include operations
rather than with forward operations. Forwards to other Actions can be handled
by recursively executing the Struts Action processing. Redirects are treated in
the same way as a forward.
Two-phase processing
A portlet has a different processing and rendering design than a servlet. A servlet
does all of its processing in the service method. A portlet, on the other hand,
uses two-phase processing that is split between an action processing and
service. The reason that a Portal server needs this split is because portlets may
need to communicate with other portlets before the rendering stage. The action
processing is guaranteed to complete before a portlet is asked for a rendering.
The processing of events by a portlet is handled in a separate, earlier step from
the rendering step. The typical action handling is achieved by implementing the
ActionListener interface. The ActionListener interface provides the
actionPerformed method, to which an ActionEvent object is passed. When a user
clicks on a link or a submit button, an ActionEvent can be generated. The
PortletAction can be obtained from the ActionEvent, which describes the
triggering event. When the actionPerformed method is invoked, a response
object is not available because this is not a rendering step.
The rendering step is handled in a separate method, the service method, which
calls the doView method in the PortletAdapter. The doView method is not only
called following the actionPerformed processing when a user clicks on a link or
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
button in a portlet, but is also called when the portal page is refreshed. Thus,
given a page with two portlets, A and B, when the user clicks on a link in portlet
A, actionPerformed and doView is called for portlet A, but only the doView
method is called for portlet B.
The two-phase processing causes some significant challenges as it relates to
Struts applications:
򐂰 The methods called during Struts processing expect both a request and
response to work with.
The first issue of the lack of a response object during actionPerformed
processing can be handled by creating a pseudo response. The response
object used prior to actually invoking the JSP is not heavily used. However,
during action processing within a Struts application, it is not unusual for an
application to report an error using the sendError method.
򐂰 The Struts rendering of the page is usually immediately preceded by action
processing; they are essentially parts of one step.
The second issue is the fact that the rendering step is separate from the event
handling step. Note that some of the information that was available during the
processing of the actionPerformed method, namely the request parameters,
is no longer available when the doView method is invoked. Additionally, since
doView can be called when the portlet page is refreshed (without a new event
occurring for that portlet), all information required to render the page must be
available every time doView is called. Since normal Struts processing allows
the updating of the response object during almost all steps, including during
action processing, there are clearly situations where the two-phase model
would cause problems in the application. However, a typical well-behaved
Struts application does not write directly to the response object and instead
forwards to a JSP. It is assumed that the JSPs do not themselves need
access to the original event information, request parameters, which initially
led to the current rendering. Instead, it is assumed that the Action processing
stores information in a bean, from which the JSP extracts the information. As
long as those beans are available during the rendering, the rendering can be
repeated. Since those beans, most notably the ActionForm, are usually stored
in the original request attributes, the request attributes from the original
request processing must be saved and made available when doView is
No response object
The typical well-behaved Struts application has no need to access the response
object during the Action processing. The lone exception encountered is the need
to report an error through the sendError method. When an application checks
and finds some state information invalid, it is common to use response.sendError
to generate an error page. Failing to support this would break a large number of
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
legacy Struts applications. The Struts portlet framework intercepts the calls to
sendError and saves the error information for display at a later time. During the
later view rendering phase, this error information is found, and the error
information is displayed instead of displaying other content for the portlet.
The Struts URL paths
Struts Action mappings are defined in terms of paths. The name and location of
page objects (for example, JSPs) are defined via paths as well. Thus, although
portlets have their own form of URI, it is still necessary to be able to associate the
Struts path with an action sent to a portlet and to retrieve that Struts path when
the portlet action is handled. It is not unusual to pass parameters on such a path
via the query string on the HTTP URL. It is also important to realize that often the
actions containing these paths are generated from tags provided by Struts. The
most obvious examples of these are the tags for the HTML elements LINK and
FORM. Obviously, in order to support such tags when the Struts Application is
executed in a portlet, they have to be modified to create a portletURI with the
required additional information.
The Struts tags that create links have been modified to pass the created paths
directly through to the Portal server as a parameter on the portlet URI. This
allows a portlet URI to be created that will cause the interaction with the portlet.
Forwards and redirects
As mentioned earlier, the Struts Action objects return an ActionForward object,
which contains a path to be either forwarded or redirected to. Portal server does
not support forward operations because the response object has already been
committed. If the path is not an action, the page is included instead. If the path is
an action, then a forward to the Action is simulated. The include of a page uses
the PortletContext include method.
A forward for an Action is simulated by recursively sending the new Action URI
through the Struts base processing of an Action.
Note that not only can we have this issue of forwards in ActionForward objects
returned from Action objects, but also in tag handlers. In tag handlers, it is
possible to access the PageContext object and invoke the forward method as
well. An alternative method to the PageContext.forward is available via the
PortletApiUtils class, which provides a mechanism to emulate the forward
It is important to understand that although you can write portlets using Struts,
there are some things that you can do in a Struts servlet that you cannot do in a
Struts portlet. For example, Struts provides support for things like redirects and
forwards to other servlets. These are provided because they are functions
generally available to servlets. However, these capabilities are not available in
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
What not to do in an action
Here are two examples of what you should not do in an action:
򐂰 The typical use of the response object is to call sendError when an error
condition is detected. Portal server does not support writing to the response
object during the action processing. Therefore, a response object is not
available, as discussed previously. A pseudo response object is made
available during the processing in the Request Processor. If the Struts Action
writes to this response object, that text will be lost. The Action should return
an ActionForward object. This is important so the Request Processor goes
through the normal processing.
򐂰 The ForwardAction and IncludeAction, normally shipped with Struts, are
examples of what should not be done in a Struts application in Portal server.
These actions create a RequestDispatcher and try to forward or include the
path in the Action execute. The ForwardAction should return an
ActionForward so the RequestProcessor can process the Action. The Struts
portlet framework provides its own versions of ForwardAction and
IncludeAction to deal with this problem. It is hoped that the issue will be
corrected in the base Struts implementation sometime in the future. However,
as mentioned previously, the use of the sendError function on the response
object is supported by the Struts portlet framework because the function is so
commonly used.
Roles support
Struts uses roles to determine access to an Action. Portal server does not
support roles at this time. The Struts portlet can be configured to use group
names as though they were role names, in addition to group names, to emulate
role-based access control. The following init parameter in the Web deployment
descriptor enables this support:
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
5.6 JSF framework
JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a framework for developing Java Web applications.
The JSF framework aims to unify techniques for solving a number of common
problems in Web application design and development, such as:
򐂰 User interface development
JSF allows direct binding of user interface (UI) components to model data. It
abstracts request processing into an event-driven model. Developers can use
extensive libraries of prebuilt UI components that provide both basic and
advanced Web functionality.
򐂰 Navigation
JSF introduces a layer of separation between business logic and the resulting
UI pages; stand-alone flexible rules drive the flow of pages.
򐂰 Session and object management
JSF manages designated model data objects by handling their initialization,
persistence over the request cycle, and cleanup.
򐂰 Validation and error feedback
JSF allows direct binding of reusable validators to UI components. The
framework also provides a queue mechanism to simplify error and message
feedback to the application user. These messages can be associated with
specific UI components.
򐂰 Internationalization
JSF provides tools for internationalizing Web applications, supporting
number, currency, time, and date formatting, and externalizing of UI strings.
Applications built with JavaServer Faces are intended to follow the
model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern.
Note: JSF is commonly viewed as a rapid application development (RAD)
RAD is the idea that the application development process can be made more
efficient through:
򐂰 Rapid prototyping
򐂰 Early, iterative functional testing of designs
򐂰 Re-using standard software components
򐂰 Using visual design tools
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
The advantages of using a RAD framework, such as JSF, are that overall
development costs are reduced, that a customer gets to see immediate results
and approve designs, and that the application does not become an anachronism
due to changing business conditions during development.
JSF qualifies as a RAD framework due to the standardization it provides, the
tooling built on its specification, and its extensive libraries of off-the-shelf
5.6.1 JSF application concept
A JSF application is a J2EE Web application, so a JSF application meets all the
basic requirements of a Web application as defined in the J2EE specification
(see Figure 5-14).
Figure 5-14 JSF application structure
The main pieces of a JSF application are:
򐂰 JSF pages
JSPs built from JSF components, where each component is represented by a
server-side class.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 Faces Servlet
One servlet (FacesServlet) controls the execution flow.
򐂰 Configuration file
An XML file (faces-config.xml) that contains the navigation rules between the
JSPs, validators, and managed beans.
򐂰 Tag libraries
The JSF components are implemented in tag libraries.
򐂰 Validators
Java classes to validate the content of JSF components, for example, to
validate user input.
򐂰 Managed beans
JavaBeans defined in the configuration file to hold the data from JSF
components. Managed beans represent the data model and are passed
between business logic and user interface. JSF moves the data between
managed beans and user interface components.
򐂰 Events
Java code executed in the server for events (for example, a push button).
Event handling is used to pass managed beans to business logic.
5.6.2 JSF support in WPS
You can develop portlet applications using JSF in much the same way as you
develop Web applications. The Faces support in Portal Toolkit V5.0.2.2 simplifies
the process of writing Faces portlet applications and eliminates the need to
manage many of the underlying requirements of portlet applications. WebSphere
Portal Toolkit V5.0.2.2 provides a set of wizards that help you create Faces
portal-related artifacts. In many cases, these wizards are identical to the wizards
used to create standard Faces artifacts.
The navigation model is exactly the same model as we have in JSF Web
applications. This model is a set of rules written in the faces-config.xml file,
located in the WebContent\WEB-INF subfolder of the portlet application.
Command button and hyperlink actions
Actions in JSF pages are managed the same way as in other Web applications.
The code for the action is added to the page code Java class and the code is
executed when you click the button or the hyperlink.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
Portlet modes and JSF
In JSF portlets, the following modes are available:
򐂰 View
The view mode must be implemented. The expected functionality in this mode
is to generate markup language (HTML in a Web application) to show the
state of the portlet.
򐂰 Edit
The edit mode should provide content and logic to let the user customize the
behavior of the portlet for that user.
򐂰 Help
When a portlet is in this mode, it should provide help information about itself.
򐂰 Configuration
The configuration mode displays one or more configuration views that let
administrators configure portlet settings that are valid for all users.
Each portlet mode has a first page defined that is shown when the portlet
switches to that mode. If you navigate or link to that page directly, this does not
mean that the portlet changes its mode.
The portlet mode should be changed only with the buttons available for this
operation. You should take care to avoid navigation that could lead into an
incorrect application state.
5.7 Other technologies
This section has brief descriptions of technologies that can be and are used in
portal application development and in portalizing Domino applications.
5.7.1 JSTL
Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL) encapsulates, as simple tags,
core functionality common to many JSP applications.
JSTL includes core tags to support the following features:
򐂰 Iteration
The core iteration tag is <forEach>, which iterates over most collections and
similar objects you want to iterate over. <forTokens> lets you iterate over
tokens in a String object; it lets you specify the String and the delimiters.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 Conditionals
JSTL supports a simple conditional <if> tag along with a collection of tags
(<choose>, <when>, and <otherwise>) that support mutually exclusive
򐂰 Expression languages
JSTL provides a few tags to facilitate use of expression languages. <out>
prints out the value of a particular expression in the current EL, similar to the
way that the scriptlet expression (<%= ... %>) syntax prints out the value of a
expression in the scripting language (typically Java). <set> lets you set a
scoped attribute (for example, a value in the request, page, session, or
application scopes) with the value of an expression.
򐂰 Text inclusion
JSP supports the jsp:include tag, but this standard action is limited in that it
only supports relative URLs. JSTL introduces the c:import tag, which lets you
retrieve absolute URLs. For example, you can use c:import to retrieve
information from the Web using HTTP URLs, or from a file server using an
FTP URL. The tag also has some advanced support for performance
optimizations, avoiding unnecessary buffering of data that is retrieved.
򐂰 I18N-capable text formatting
Formatting data is one of the key tasks in many JSP pages. JSTL introduces
tags to support data formatting and parsing. These tags rely on convenient
machinery to support internationalized applications.
򐂰 XML manipulation
JSTL gives you support for manipulating XML from JSP pages. Parse
documents, use XPath to select content, and perform XSLT transformations
from within your JSP pages.
򐂰 Database access
Easily access relational databases using the SQL actions. You can perform
database queries, easily access results, perform updates, and group several
operations into a transaction.
5.7.2 Object pooling
Pooling objects, like Domino session objects and views, can help to significantly
improve performance in a Portal environment. With object pooling, many Portlets
can share a limited resource such as a session, using it only when they need it.
In this way, the performance cost of creating and destroying the session is
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
An object pool is a set of limited resources, such as sessions, that can be
reserved for use by clients and then returned to the pool (for probable reuse)
when the object is no longer needed. Reserving and returning pooled objects
avoids the overhead of separately creating and destroying an object each time a
client requests it. Multiple object pools can be used. For example, one object pool
might contain session connection objects, and another pool might contain
database or view objects.
Object pools are relatively easy to implement and the Jakarta Commons project
provides a generic object pooling interface, a toolkit for creating modular object
pools, and several general purpose pool implementations.
5.7.3 Logging
Logging equips the developer with detailed context for application failures.
Logging and testing should not be confused; they are complementary
techniques. When logging is wisely used, it can prove to be a valuable tool, and it
is one of the key issues to consider in portlet development work.
Inserting log statements into your portlet code is a low-tech method for
debugging it and sometimes is the only available method for debugging.
WebSphere Portal Server offers PortletLog and methods to log in portal’s log
Logging can also be implemented by using a simple System.out.println() or using
a logging package, such as Apache Logging Services’ log4j-project. With log4j, it
is possible to enable logging at runtime without modifying the application binary.
The log4j package is designed so that these statements can remain in shipped
code without incurring a heavy performance cost. Logging behavior can be
controlled by editing a configuration file, without touching the application binary.
5.7.4 Domino XML
Lotus Domino provides support for Extensible Markup Language (XML). XML
enables you to tag data in order to delimit it, leaving the interpretation of the data
to the applications that read it.
The XML representation of Domino data is known as DXL. DXL describes
Domino-specific data and design elements, such as embedded views, forms, and
documents. As XML becomes the standard basis for exchanging information,
DXL provides a basis for importing or exporting XML representations of data to
and from a Domino application.
Domino Java API offers methods and classes to work with Domino XML.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
The sample in Example 5-7 would output a document in Domino XML
(Example 5-8).
Example 5-7 Generating XML from Domino document
import lotus.domino.*;
public class DominoExample2
public static void main(String[] args)
Session s=NotesFactory.createSession("","test
Database db=s.getDatabase(null,"redbook/customer.nsf");
DocumentCollection"Form = \"Customer\"");
DxlExporter dxlExporter=s.createDxlExporter();
Document doc = dc.getFirstDocument();
String xmlData=dxlExporter.exportDxl(doc);
catch (NotesException ne)
Example 5-8 Sample Domino Document XML
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE document SYSTEM 'xmlschemas/domino_6_5_2.dtd'>
<document xmlns='' version='6.5'
replicaid='85256D81004AF39D' form='Customer'>
<noteinfo noteid='8fe' unid='462E6D6DE88ED7FB85256D1F007962A7' sequence='11'>
<created><datetime dst='true'>20030507T180551,11-04</datetime></created>
<modified><datetime dst='true'>20040929T162245,19+03</datetime></modified>
<revised><datetime dst='true'>20040929T162245,18+03</datetime></revised>
>CN=Christopher Heltzel/OU=Cambridge/O=IBM</name><name>CN=Camilo Esteban Rojas
>CN=Test Person/O=swic</name></updatedby>
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
<revisions><datetime dst='true'>20030507T180551,11-04</datetime><datetime
<item name='customerNumber'><text>3</text></item>
<item name='employeeTotal'><number>51</number></item>
<item name='ownerNumber'><text>21</text></item>
<item name='Comments'><richtext>
<pardef id='1' leftmargin='1in' tabs='L0.5000in L1in L1.5000in L2in L2.5000in
L3in L3.5000in L4in'/>
<par def='1'/></richtext></item>
<item name='Owner' authors='true' names='true'><text>Anonymous</text></item>
<item name='customerName'><text>Doe Inc.</text></item>
<item name='customerAddress'><text>55 Cambridge Parkway (modified) (modified)
(modified) (modified Wed Sep 29 16:23:09 EEST 2004)</text></item>
<item name='DateCreated'><datetime
<item name='DateModified'><datetime>20030521T124559,07-05</datetime></item>
<item name='$$Return'><text>Thank you! This record has been saved.
en saved record&lt;/a&gt;</text></item>
<item name='ownerNameFormat'><text>Salkosuo, Sami</text></item>
<item name='ownerName'><text>Sami Salkosuo</text></item></document>
Java programs can use XML with any XML parser or just extract one piece of
data from the XML document.
Note: Domino XML supports file attachments in Rich Text fields. A file
attachment would be presented as Base64 encoded String in <filedata>
It is also possible to read Domino views using the command ReadViewEntries in
URL. This allows applications to access Domino view data using HTTP without
any Domino specific APIs. For example:
would give view data as XML, as in Example 5-9 on page 379.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Example 5-9 Domino View as XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<viewentries toplevelentries="27">
<viewentry position="1" unid="00397BCDE805B8B7C2256F1A002F982F" noteid="A72"
<entrydata columnnumber="0" name="customerName">
<text>83 838383</text></entrydata>
<entrydata columnnumber="1" name="customerNumber">
<entrydata columnnumber="2" name="ownerName">
<text>John Smith</text></entrydata>
<viewentry position="2" unid="53C06EA9F3AAE5D085256D2D00615C36" noteid="956"
<entrydata columnnumber="0" name="customerName">
<text>After portal</text></entrydata>
<entrydata columnnumber="1" name="customerNumber">
<entrydata columnnumber="2" name="ownerName">
<text>Bob Smith</text></entrydata>
<viewentry position="27" unid="8D7EB55B2C925B5685256D1F0076E9F2" noteid="8FA"
<entrydata columnnumber="0" name="customerName">
<text>WP Experts</text></entrydata>
<entrydata columnnumber="1" name="customerNumber">
<entrydata columnnumber="2" name="ownerName">
<text>Gary Someone</text></entrydata>
5.7.5 Collaborative Services API
Collaborative Services are a set of methods and JSP tags that allow developers
who are writing portlets for WebSphere Portal or other application servers to add
Lotus collaborative functionality to their portlets. Collaborative Services may be
used to develop new custom portlets or to add collaborative functionality (menus
or people links indicating online status, for example) to existing portlets.
Collaborative Services are designed to provide access to the functionality of
Domino and Extended products that are enabled to work as companion products
to WebSphere Portal. As such, the methods provided by Collaborative Services
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
complement - not replace - the APIs of the individual Domino and Extended
products, such as the Domino Java API and the Discovery Server KDSAPI.
Benefits of Collaborative Services
Collaborative Services provide standardized access to applications, easy-to-use
APIs that are optimized for a collaborative portal, and a consistent security model
across all Domino and Extended products.
All of the Collaborative Services, except the people and menu tags, are user
interface-neutral; that is, the portlet developer can design the user interface for
the collaborative features they are implementing. The goal of Collaborative
Services is to provide the data necessary for rendering the user interface and to
allow the developer to execute actions on the Domino and Extended products
that have been installed and enabled in the portal environment.
The Java APIs in Collaborative Services contain no platform-specific code.
Consequently, the components are UI-neutral and are not dependent on
implementation details. Because they are UI-neutral, the Collaborative Services
can be used to implement pervasive applications for mobile and wireless
Because Collaborative Services hide the configuration details of the Domino and
Extended products that are installed within an enterprise, collaborative
functionality can be easily added to a portlet in a generic way - regardless of the
physical requirements and machine-dependent details of portal configuration.
See WebSphere Portal InfoCenter for more information, found at:
5.7.6 Web services
A Domino application can have a Web service interface that allows it to be
accessed as a Web Service by remote users, Web server clients or applications.
Providing a Web service interface for Domino application is out of scope of this
redbook but for the curious readers here's what you need to include in your
Domino application:
򐂰 A LotusScript Web agent. The Web agent is written to accept a SOAP
request, parse it, call the requested method (function), and return the result
as a SOAP response to the requester.
򐂰 Any standard LotusScript function stored in a script library.
򐂰 A page containing the WSDL definition of the service.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
5.7.7 WSRP
Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) is a standard for content and
application providers to provide their services to organizations that are running
portals in an easily consumable form. By virtue of the common, well-defined
WSRP interfaces, all Web services that implement WSRP plug in to all
WSRP-compliant portals without requiring any service-specific adapters. A
single, service-independent adapter on the portal side is sufficient to integrate
any WSRP services.
With WSRP, integrating content and applications into portals is made easier. No
custom programming effort using a variety of different interfaces and protocols is
required. Portal administrators no longer have to write interface code to adapt the
WSRP services for their portal. Services deliver content to the client portal along
with the presentation information so that the WSRP services appear and operate
to portal users exactly like local portlets.
5.8 Portal application design guidelines
Portlets and pages are the basic building blocks of portal applications. They
provide the sub-units of user experience that are aggregated by the portal
application to provide the final user experience.
Portlets are packaged into portlet applications, which are similar to J2EE Web
applications, except they make use of additional interfaces that make it easier to
aggregate portlets onto a single page. The packaging format of portlet
applications is the Web Archive (WAR) format, which, in addition to the web.xml,
includes the portlet.xml deployment descriptor, which defines the portlet relevant
parts of the Web application.
A single portlet produces the content of one portlet window. In order to leverage
the flexibility where portlets can be used as building blocks, portlet application
developers should strive for small portlets that contain a specific function instead
of one large portlet that includes all functions. Using small, specific portlets has
several advantages:
򐂰 The portal end user can decide to only put the needed parts on the page and
save space that otherwise would be occupied by parts that are not needed.
򐂰 The different functions can be split across portal pages to suit the working
behavior of the user, and can adapt to limited device display capabilities.
򐂰 Additional functions can be added later as new portlets, without touching the
existing running portlet.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
Portlets that belong to the same logical application should be bundled together in
a portlet application, providing several advantages over the approach of one
portlet per portlet application. The advantages include the ability to share
configuration data and session data, and the ease of deployment and
5.8.1 Introduction to object-oriented design patterns
Design patterns are common strategies for developing reusable object-oriented
components. Each pattern describes a problem that occurs over and over again
in a particular environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that
problem in such a way that this solution can be used a million times over, without
ever doing it the same way twice. This definition, from Christopher Alexander,
shows perfectly the idea of the patterns.
We now consider patterns for components design. The patterns that we show in
this section can be used in other solutions and in other programming languages.
Design patterns can exist at many levels—from a very low level, to specific
solutions, to broadly generalized system issues. There are now hundreds of
patterns in the literature; they have been discussed in articles and in conferences
at all levels of granularity.
Design patterns began to be recognized more formally in the early 1990s by
Helm (1990) and Erich Gamma (1992), who described patterns incorporated in
the GUI application framework and published the book Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Software, by Gamma, et al. This book, commonly referred
to as the Gang of Four or “GoF” book, has had a powerful impact on those
seeking to understand how to use Design patterns and has become an all-time
best seller.
The authors divided the patterns into three categories: creational, structural, and
򐂰 Creational patterns are those that create objects for you, rather than having
you instantiate objects directly. This gives your program more flexibility in
deciding which objects need to be created for a given case.
򐂰 Structural patterns help you compose groups of objects into larger structures,
such as complex user interfaces or accounting data.
򐂰 Behavioral patterns help you define the communication between objects in
your system and how the flow is controlled in a complex program.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
The patterns described here provide the main concepts of the most common
patterns that we can use in portal application development:
򐂰 Singleton
򐂰 Factory
򐂰 Abstract Factory
򐂰 Proxy
򐂰 Decorator
򐂰 Command
򐂰 Facade
򐂰 Model-View-Controller
This is a creational pattern that is used to ensure that a class has only one
instance, and to provide a global point of access to it. This pattern is interesting
when you want to keep track of a sole instance. You can use this in many ways,
for example, when you want to load application variables from a file or control the
access to components.
The easiest way to make a class that can have only one instance is to embed a
static variable inside the class that we set on the first instance and check each
time we enter the constructor. A static variable is one for which there is only one
instance, no matter how many instances there are of the class. For example:
static boolean instance_flag =false;
The problem is how to discover whether or not creating an instance was
successful, since constructors do not return values. One way would be to call a
method that checks for the success of creation, and which simply returns some
value derived from the static variable.
Another approach, suggested by Design Patterns, is to create Singletons using a
static method to issue and keep track of instances. To prevent instantiating the
class more than once, we make the constructor private so an instance can only
be created from within the static method of the class.
This is a creational pattern that is used to define an interface for creating an
object, but lets subclasses decide which class to instantiate. The Factory method
lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses. This approach can be found in EJB
technology for home and remote classes.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
A Factory pattern is one that returns an instance of one of several possible
classes depending on the data provided to it. Usually, all of the classes it returns
have a common parent class and common methods, but each of them performs a
task differently and is optimized for different kinds of data.
Abstract Factory
This is a creational pattern that provides an interface for creating families of
related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes. This
approach can be found in EJB technology for home and remote classes.
The Abstract Factory pattern is one level of abstraction higher than the Factory
pattern. You can use this pattern when you want to return one of several related
classes of objects, each of which can return several different objects upon
request. In other words, the Abstract Factory is a factory object that returns one
of several Factories.
This is a structural pattern that provides a surrogate or placeholder for another
object to control access to it.
The Proxy pattern is used when you need to represent a complex object with a
simpler one. If creating an object is expensive in terms of time or computer
resources, Proxy allows you to postpone this creation until you need the actual
object. A Proxy usually has the same methods as the object it represents, and
once the object is loaded, it passes on the method calls from the Proxy to the
actual object. This approach can be found in remote implementation of EJB
This is a structural pattern that attaches additional responsibilities to an object
dynamically. Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending
The Decorator pattern provides a way to modify the behavior of individual objects
without having to create a new derived class. Suppose we have a program that
uses eight objects, but three of them need an additional feature. You could create
a derived class for each of these objects, and in many cases this would be a
perfectly acceptable solution. However, if each of these three objects requires
different modifications, this would mean creating three derived classes. Further, if
one of the classes has features of both of the other classes, you begin to create a
complexity that is both confusing and unnecessary.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
We can see this applicability in the portlet API. We have one skin for each portlet
and the skin has some functionality, such as resizing the portlet, call edit mode
for personalization issues, and so on.
In a portlet development, you extend the AbstractPortlet and do not care how the
engine implements this class. In other words, it is totally transparent for portlet
This is a behavioral pattern that encapsulates a request as an object, thereby
letting you parameterize clients with different queue or log requests.
The Command pattern forwards a request to a specific module. It encloses a
request for a specific action inside an object and gives it a known public interface.
It lets you give the client the ability to make requests without knowing anything
about the actual action that will be performed, and allows you to change that
action without affecting the client program in any way.
This is a structural pattern that provides a unified interface to a set of interfaces in
a subsystem. Facade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem
easier to use.
Usually, as programs are developed, they grow in complexity. In fact, for all the
excitement about using Design patterns, these patterns sometimes generate so
many classes that it is difficult to understand the program’s flow. Furthermore,
there may be a number of complicated subsystems, each of which has its own
complex interface.
The Facade pattern allows you to reduce this complexity by providing a simplified
interface to these subsystems. This simplification may in some cases reduce the
flexibility of the underlying classes.
A design pattern particularly useful for Portlet applications is the
Model-View-Controller or MVC pattern (see Figure 5-15 on page 387).
A number of different types of skills and tools are required to implement various
parts of a Web application. For example, the skills and tools required to design
an HTML page are vastly different from those required to design and develop the
business logic part of the application. In order to effectively leverage these scarce
resources and to promote reuse, we recommend structuring Web applications to
follow the Model-View-Controller design pattern.
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
Model represents the application object that implements the application data and
business logic. The View is responsible for formatting the application results and
dynamic page construction. The Controller is responsible for receiving the client
request, invoking the appropriate business logic, and based on the results,
selecting the appropriate view to be presented to the user.
򐂰 The Model represents enterprise data and the business rules that govern
access to and updates to this data. Often the Model serves as a software
approximation to a real-world process, so simple real-world modeling
techniques apply when defining the Model.
򐂰 A View renders the contents of a Model. It accesses enterprise data through
the Model and specifies how that data should be presented.
It is the View's responsibility to maintain consistency in its presentation when
the Model changes. This can be achieved by using a push Model, where the
View registers itself with the Model for change notifications, or a pull Model,
where the View is responsible for calling the Model when it needs to retrieve
the most current data.
򐂰 A Controller translates interactions with the View into actions to be performed
by the Model. In a stand-alone GUI client, user interactions could be button
clicks or menu selections, while in a Web application, they appear as GET
and POST HTTP requests. The actions performed by the Model include
activating business processes or changing the state of the Model. Based on
the user interactions and the outcome of the Model actions, the Controller
responds by selecting an appropriate View.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 5-15 The Model-View-Controller design pattern
5.8.2 Design principles
The correct portlet design is broken down into three distinct parts: the model, the
view, and the controller (MVC). This design follows classical object oriented
design patterns where each part is self-contained and modular, easing
maintenance, extensions, and advancements.
The model is the data to which the portlet provides an interface. Common data
models are XML documents, database tables, and even other Web applications.
The Java classes accessing the data model should have no knowledge of the
form that the data is in, the idea being that the model can be changed without
affecting the rest of the portlet application.
The view is the interface to the data model, presenting it in some usable format.
The view accesses the data to be rendered through the model interfaces, and
therefore, does not care what format the model takes. It should also not
understand the relationships between data models or represent any of the
business logic for manipulating the data. Like the data model, the view should be
independent and interchangeable, allowing other views to be substituted without
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
affecting the business logic or the model. The typical embodiment of the view is
through series of Java Server Pages (JSPs), but it can also render using other
techniques such as using XSL stylesheets to format XML documents.
The controller is the glue that ties the model to the view and defines the
interaction pattern in the portlet. The controller handles user requests from the
view and passes control to the appropriate model objects to complete the
requested action. The results of the action are then rendered back to the user by
the controller using appropriate view objects and, perhaps, model objects which
represent the data results of the completed action.
The controller resides in the portlet Java classes. It knows the data model only
through the model interfaces and it knows the view only in that it dispatches the
view to render the data. Therefore, the controller logic can be just as easily
replaced as the view and the model.
As you design your portlets, it is extremely important to hold true to the MVC
design principles. Portlets typically evolve over time and are largely reused as
basis for new portlets. The ability to adapt a portlet to a new back-end data
provider, or add markup support for mobile devices, or enhance the portlet to
include user personalization, requires that each part of the portlet be
self-contained and extensible.
For portlet development guidelines, consult Appendix A, “General portlet
development guidelines” on page 723.
5.9 Additional information
Internet links
򐂰 Apache Logging
򐂰 Jakarta Commons Pool
򐂰 JSR 52: A Standard Tag Library for JavaServer Pages
򐂰 JSR 127: JavaServer Faces
򐂰 JSR 168: Portlet specification
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 Lotus Domino Designer Help by versions
򐂰 New to WebSphere Portal
򐂰 Struts home page
򐂰 Technical resources for Lotus software
򐂰 Web Service for Remote Portlets specification
򐂰 Web services introduction
򐂰 WebSphere Portal Product Documentation; has InfoCenters for various Portal
򐂰 WebSphere Portal Zone in IBM developerWorks
򐂰 Domino Designer 6: A Developer's Handbook, SG24-6854
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Portal V5 A Guide for Portlet Application Development,
򐂰 A Portal Composite Pattern Using WebSphere Portal V5, SG24-6087IBM
WebSphere Portal for Multiplatforms V5 Handbook, SG24-6098
򐂰 WebSphere Studio 5.1.2 JavaServer Faces and Service Data Objects,
򐂰 Portal Application Design and Development Guidelines, REDP-3829
Chapter 5. Portlet development using Java: Technology review
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Chapter 6.
Portlet development using
Java: Integration examples
In this chapter, we show how to portalize a Domino application using methods
described in Chapter 5, “Portlet development using Java: Technology review” on
page 313.
We develop portlets using the IBM Portlet API, Struts, JSF, and JSR 168. We
access Domino using our own DominoAccess class and we use object pooling,
logging, Click-to-Action (introduced in 4.6, “Integration via Click-to-Action” on
page 287), awareness (introduced in 4.7, “Integration via people awareness” on
page 303), Credential Vault, and single sign-on capabilities in WebSphere Portal
and Domino integration.
WebSphere Studio Application Developer is briefly introduced before we move to
integration examples.
The goals of this chapter are to:
򐂰 Give an understanding of different methods available for portlet development
򐂰 Show how to develop portlets using WebSphere Studio Application Developer
򐂰 Give a functional example as a starting point for developing portlet
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
This chapter does not give you inside details on how portlets, Struts, or JSF work
behind the scenes. You will learn the basics of how they work while developing
the samples and a curious reader will find enough information about Struts, JSF,
and other technologies from the Internet and from other publications.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
6.1 WebSphere Studio Application Developer
At the time of the writing of this redbook, the current version of WebSphere
Studio Application Developer (WSAD) is 5.1.2 and that is the tool we use in this
WebSphere Studio Application Developer provides the tools you need to create,
develop, test, and manage all of the resources involved with building Web and
enterprise-scale J2EE and Web services applications. Customizable
perspectives (views of the development resources and an organization of the
desktop) let Web developers, Java programmers, EJB developers, and
administrators share the same development tool.
At the heart of Application Developer are creation tools, editors, wizards,
templates, and code generators that help you rapidly develop J2EE resources
such as HTML files, JSP pages, Java classes and servlets, EJB beans, and XML
deployment descriptors. You organize these resources into projects that
correspond to modules defined in the J2EE specification. Once the resources
have been created, you can easily test and debug them within the development
environment, or export and test them on a remote server.
Some features:
򐂰 Built on Eclipse, an open, industry-supported platform for development tools,
WebSphere Studio Application Developer enables you to adapt and extend
your development environment with best-of-breed plug-in tools from IBM, IBM
Business Partners, and the Eclipse community, to match your needs and to
maximize developer productivity.
򐂰 Rapidly develop portal applications using visual portlet tools that support
JavaServer Faces components for rich user interfaces and the Struts
framework for visualizing application flows and ensuring maintainability.
Quickly test portal applications using the IBM WebSphere Portal unit test
򐂰 Accelerate Web development and make your applications easier to maintain
using Struts tools for visually mapping and constructing applications.
򐂰 Streamline application testing with visual debuggers and built-in unit test
environments for IBM WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Portal, and
Apache Tomcat.
WSAD also includes Portal Toolkit, which provides the capabilities to customize,
create, test, debug, and deploy individual portlets and Web content.
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Some Portal Toolkit features:
򐂰 Portlet development and debugging support for WebSphere Portal V5.0.2.1.
򐂰 Portlet project supporting IBM portlet API and JSR 168 portlet API
򐂰 Portlet project wizard to create basic portlets, Faces portlets, and Struts
Figure 6-1 shows WSAD and Struts tool in action.
Figure 6-1 WSAD and Struts tool in action
See also “Technologies involved” on page 177 for introduction to J2EE and JSP
and 4.3, “Software and tools used” on page 186 for additional introduction to the
tools used in this chapter.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
6.2 Portalization project
This chapter presents a sample portalization project. We have an existing Sales
Tracking Domino application and our task is to develop a portal application for it.
The portalization project consists of two parts: the first part is to develop a simple
but functional portal application for the Customers database. The other part of
the project is technology evaluation. Developing with IBM Portlet API is basically
the first part, while the technology evaluation is done with Struts, JSF, and JSR
6.2.1 Sales Tracking Domino application
The Sales Tracking Domino application was introduced in 2.3, “Case study: A
simple sales tracking application” on page 77 and forms and fields of the
application are described in Appendix B, “Data dictionary for case study” on
page 735.
However, in some cases, the data dictionary may not be available and even
application documentation may not be available. The Domino Designer can be
used to get information about forms and fields in the Domino application (see
Figure 6-2 on page 396).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-2 Domino Designer
Domino Designer is not a difficult tool to use, and even if your Domino knowledge
is limited, the basics of the Domino Designer can be learned quickly. Developing
Domino applications is a different matter and out of the scope of this redbook.
For this topic, we recommend reviewing the redbook Domino Designer 6, A
Developer’s Handbook, SG24-6854, found at:
In some situations, it may be the case that Domino Designer is not even available
and all we have is a customer who has a Domino application and they want it
available in the WebSphere Portal. For this task, we need to have a Notes client
and access to an application we want to portalize. The Notes client can be used
to view application documents, views, and fields. Fields in a document can be
viewed by right-clicking any document and selecting Document properties (see
Figure 6-3 on page 397).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-3 Document properties
6.2.2 Portal application functionality
The following section describes the portlets which were created using each of the
different Java based API approaches to achieve the overall desired Portal
IBM Portlet API
We developed three portlets using the IBM Portlet API (see Figure 6-4 on
page 398).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-4 IBM Portlet API portlets basic and simplified functionality
򐂰 CustomersPortlet lists customers from Domino database. Five customers per
page are listed using a paging feature. Customers can be listed using a
search. Clicking the customer name sends a portlet message to
򐂰 CustomerDetailsPortlet is used to add, edit, and delete customers. Saving
and deleting a customer sends a message to CustomersPortlet to update a
customer list. CustomerDetailsPortlet can receive messages and it uses them
to open a company for editing.
򐂰 CustomerContactsPortlet lists all customer contacts five contacts per page.
Clicking a customer contact’s company name sends a message to
Portal application authenticates with Domino in one of two ways: single sign-on
or user name/password. Credential Vault is used to store user names and
CustomersPortlet has a configure mode for setting Domino host and database
Awareness is enabled for CustomersPortlet.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
We developed one portlet with Struts. The Struts portlet example is a
combination of CustomersPortlet and CustomerDetailsPortlet in the IBM Portlet
API application (see Figure 6-5).
Figure 6-5 Struts portlet: basic and simplified functionality
The purpose of the Struts section is to show how to develop portlets using WSAD
and the Struts framework.
We developed one portlet with JSF. The functionality of the portlet is the same as
in the Struts portlet. This section will show how to develop portlets with JSF and
tools provided by WSAD.
JSR 168
We developed one simple JSR 168 portlet. The functionality of the portlet is
limited to searching a customer from database. JSR 168 portlet is also an
example of how to view a image from a RichTextItem in a Domino document (see
Figure 6-6 on page 400).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-6 JSR 168 portlet, basic and simplified functionality
6.3 Accessing Domino data
The first thing we want is to have means to access data in a Domino database.
For that, we decided to write a custom class for accessing Domino database and
beans to represent the data.
6.3.1 DominoAccess project
The first thing we do is to create a WSAD project for our project.
1. Start WebSphere Studio Application Developer.
2. Click File → New → Project and the New project wizard opens
3. Select Java → Java Project (as shown in Figure 6-7 on page 401).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-7 New project wizard
4. Click Next.
5. Enter DominoAccess for the project name.
6. Click Finish. If a dialog box asks to change to the Java perspective, click Yes.
WSAD creates a new Java project in the workspace (see Figure 6-8 on
page 402).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-8 DominoAccess project in WSAD workspace
Before starting to write code for the DominoAccess classes, we need additional
classes for our project:
򐂰 NCSO.jar has all the Java classes for accessing Domino server. This jar file is
located on the Domino server in the Domino installation directory. In order to
find it, search the file system for NCSO.jar.
Important: Make sure that NCSO.jar file is copied from Domino Server
Version 6.5.2 or later. Domino V6.5 introduced new classes and methods
to Java API that we need in this project.
򐂰 commons-pool-1.1.jar has an implementation of Jakarta Commons Pool. This
can be downloaded from the Jakarta Commons Pool site
(; download Version 1.1 or later.
򐂰 commons-collections-3.0.jar has classes that are used by Jakarta Commons
Pool. Download commons collections from the Jakarta Commons Collections
site (; download Version
3.0 or later.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
7. In WSAD, select DominoAccess project and right-click. Select Properties →
Java Build Path.
8. Select the Libraries tab and click Add External JARs. Select NCSO.jar,
commons-pool-1.1.jar, and commons-collections-3.0.jar, and add them to
build path (see Figure 6-9).
Figure 6-9 External jars in Java build path
6.3.2 DominoSessionFactory
Next, we develop a DominoSessionFactory for our session pool. It uses and
extends classes from Jakarta Commons Pool, which are documented in the
Commons Pool documentation. The documentation also describes how the pool
1. In the WSAD, right-click DominoAccess project and select New → Class
(see Figure 6-10 on page 404).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-10 Create new class in WSAD
2. Enter as the package name
and DominoSessionFactory as the class name (Figure 6-11 on page 405).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-11 Create DominoSessionFactory class
3. Click Finish. WSAD creates the class file and opens it. We see that the class
was generated using a predefined template (Figure 6-12 on page 406).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-12 DominoSessionFactory class template
4. We do not worry about the template and we write our DominoSessionFactory
using the built-in editor or some other text editor (see Example 6-1).
Example 6-1
import lotus.domino.*;
import org.apache.commons.pool.*;
import java.util.*;
public class DominoSessionFactory extends BaseKeyedPoolableObjectFactory
public Object makeObject(Object key) throws Exception
Session s;
StringTokenizer keyString = new StringTokenizer((String) key, ":");
String host = keyString.nextToken();
String userNameOrLTPAToken = keyString.nextToken();
String password = keyString.nextToken();
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
s = NotesFactory.createSession(host, userNameOrLTPAToken, password);
catch (NoSuchElementException e)
s = NotesFactory.createSession(host, userNameOrLTPAToken);
return s;
public void destroyObject(Object key, Object obj) throws Exception
Session s = (Session) obj;
super.destroyObject(key, obj);
DominoSessionFactory explained
DominoSessionFactory extends BaseKeyedPoolableObjectFactory from the
Commons Pool. BaseKeyedPoolableObjectFactory is implementation of the
interface KeyedPoolableObjectFactory and that is an interface defining life-cycle
methods for instances to be served by a KeyedObjectPool. Refer to the
Commons Pool API documentation for details, found at:
DominoSessionFactory implements two methods:
public Object makeObject(Object key) throws Exception
public void destroyObject(Object key, Object obj) throws Exception
򐂰 makeObject() creates an instance that can be served by the pool. It takes a
key as a parameter, which is used when constructing the object. In the
DominoSessionFactory implementation, a key is a string in one of two
Implementation extracts a Domino host address and username/password or
LTPA token string and uses them to create a session to Domino with
NotesFactory class. A Session object is returned.
򐂰 destroyObject() destroys an instance that is no longer needed by the pool. It
takes two parameters: key, which is the key used when selecting the instance,
and obj, which is the instance to be destroyed. As seen in the implementation,
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
a Domino Session object is received and its recycle() method is called in
order to release resources in the Domino server.
This implementation creates a pool for every user and it uses a user’s credentials
to access Domino databases. When opening a Domino database, access may or
may not be allowed, depending on the access control of each user.
6.3.3 CustomerBean
The next class we develop is CustomerBean. This JavaBean represents one
customer in a database. Its fields are populated with values from the Customer
form in the Sales Tracking Domino application.
1. Using WSAD, create a new class in the DominoAccess project. Use the
package and the class name
2. Replace the template code with the code in Example 6-2.
Example 6-2
public class CustomerBean
String name = "";
String customerNumber = "";
String accountOwner = "";
String address = "";
int employeeTotal = 0;
String additionalInformation = "";
String noteId = null;
public String getNoteId()
return noteId;
public void setNoteId(String newNoteId)
this.noteId = newNoteId;
public String getAdditionalInformation()
return additionalInformation;
public void setAdditionalInformation(String newAdditionalInformation)
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
this.additionalInformation = newAdditionalInformation;
public int getEmployeeTotal()
return employeeTotal;
public void setEmployeeTotal(int newEmployeeTotal)
this.employeeTotal = newEmployeeTotal;
public String getAddress()
return address;
public void setAddress(String newAddress)
this.address = newAddress;
public String getAccountOwner()
return accountOwner;
public void setAccountOwner(String newAccountOwner)
this.accountOwner = newAccountOwner;
public String getCustomerNumber()
return customerNumber;
public void setCustomerNumber(String newCustomerNumber)
this.customerNumber = newCustomerNumber;
public String getName()
return name;
public void setName(String newName)
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
{ = newName;
6.3.4 CustomerContactBean
The next class is CustomerContactBean, and its values are populated with
values from the Customer Contact form in the Sales Tracking Domino
1. Using WSAD, create a new class in the DominoAccess project. Use the
package and the class name
CustomerContactBean (Example 6-3).
Example 6-3
public class CustomerContactBean
String name = "";
String employerNumber = "";
String phone = "";
String address = "";
String title = "";
String additionalInformation = "";
String noteId = null;
public String getNoteId()
return noteId;
public void setNoteId(String newNoteId)
this.noteId = newNoteId;
public String getAdditionalInformation()
return additionalInformation;
public void setAdditionalInformation(String newAdditionalInformation)
this.additionalInformation = newAdditionalInformation;
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
public String getTitle()
return title;
public void setTitle(String newTitle)
this.title = newTitle;
public String getAddress()
return address;
public void setAddress(String newAddress)
this.address = newAddress;
public String getPhone()
return phone;
public void setPhone(String newPhone)
{ = newPhone;
public String getEmployerNumber()
return employerNumber;
public void setEmployerNumber(String newEmployerNumber)
this.employerNumber = newEmployerNumber;
public String getName()
return name;
public void setName(String newName)
{ = newName;
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
6.3.5 SalesPersonBean
This class is populated with values from the Sales Person Form. The sales
persons are used as account owners for customers.
1. Create a SalesPersonBean class (Example 6-4).
Example 6-4
public class SalesPersonBean
String name = "";
String employeeNumber = "";
String phone = "";
String region = "";
String title = "";
String additionalInformation = "";
String noteId = null;
public String getNoteId()
return noteId;
public void setNoteId(String newNoteId)
this.noteId = newNoteId;
public String getAdditionalInformation()
return additionalInformation;
public void setAdditionalInformation(String newAdditionalInformation)
this.additionalInformation = newAdditionalInformation;
public String getTitle()
return title;
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
public void setTitle(String newTitle)
this.title = newTitle;
public String getRegion()
return region;
public void setRegion(String newRegion)
this.region = newRegion;
public String getPhone()
return phone;
public void setPhone(String newPhone)
{ = newPhone;
public String getEmployeeNumber()
return employeeNumber;
public void setEmployeeNumber(String newEmployeeNumber)
this.employeeNumber = newEmployeeNumber;
public String getName()
return name;
public void setName(String newName)
{ = newName;
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
6.3.6 BeanUtils
BeanUtils is a class that has utility methods related to the JavaBeans we use in
this project, such as getting a sales person’s name based on a sales person’s
employee number.
1. Create a BeanUtils class (Example 6-5).
Example 6-5
public class BeanUtils
public static String getAccountOwnerName(
String accountOwnerNumber,
SalesPersonBean[] salesPersons)
for (int i = 0; i < salesPersons.length; i++)
if (salesPersons[i].getEmployeeNumber().equals(accountOwnerNumber))
return salesPersons[i].getName();
return "";
public static String getSalesPersonName(
String salesPersonNumber,
SalesPersonBean[] salesPersons)
return getAccountOwnerName(salesPersonNumber, salesPersons);
public static String getSalesPersonNoteId(
String salesPersonNumber,
SalesPersonBean[] salesPersons)
for (int i = 0; i < salesPersons.length; i++)
if (salesPersons[i].getEmployeeNumber().equals(salesPersonNumber))
return salesPersons[i].getNoteId();
return "";
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
public static int nextCustomerNumber(CustomerBean[] customerBeans)
int maxCustomerNumber = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < customerBeans.length; i++)
maxCustomerNumber =
return maxCustomerNumber + 1;
public static String getCustomerNumber(
String customerName,
CustomerBean[] customerBeans)
int maxCustomerNumber = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < customerBeans.length; i++)
if (customerBeans[i].getName().equals(customerName))
return customerBeans[i].getCustomerNumber();
return "";
public static int nextEmployeeNumber(SalesPersonBean[] salesPersonBeans)
int maxSalesPersonNumber = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < salesPersonBeans.length; i++)
maxSalesPersonNumber =
return maxSalesPersonNumber + 1;
public static String getCustomerName(
String employerNumber,
CustomerBean[] customerBeans)
for (int i = 0; i < customerBeans.length; i++)
if (customerBeans[i].getCustomerNumber().equals(employerNumber))
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
return customerBeans[i].getName();
return "";
public static String getCustomerNoteId(
String employerNumber,
CustomerBean[] customerBeans)
for (int i = 0; i < customerBeans.length; i++)
if (customerBeans[i].getCustomerNumber().equals(employerNumber))
return customerBeans[i].getNoteId();
return "";
public static String getAccountOwnerNumber(
String accountOwnerName,
SalesPersonBean[] salesPersonBeans)
for (int i = 0; i < salesPersonBeans.length; i++)
if (salesPersonBeans[i].getName().equals(accountOwnerName))
return salesPersonBeans[i].getEmployeeNumber();
return "";
public static String getSalesPersonNumber(
String salesPersonName,
SalesPersonBean[] salesPersonBeans)
return getAccountOwnerNumber(salesPersonName, salesPersonBeans);
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
6.3.7 DominoAccess
Now that we have the beans we need, its time to implement the code that
accesses the Domino server and generates CustomerBeans and
CustomerContactBeans for us. We also want our DominoAccess class to add,
edit, and delete customers in the Domino database.
1. Create a new class in the DominoAccess project. Use the package name and the class name
DominoAccess (Example 6-6).
Example 6-6
public class DominoAccess
private static DominoAccess dominoAccess = null;
private KeyedObjectPool pool;
public static String SALES_DB = "redbook/sales.nsf";
public static String CUSTOMER_DB = "redbook/customer.nsf";
public static String PRODUCTS_DB = "redbook/products.nsf";
private DominoAccess()
KeyedPoolableObjectFactory factory = new DominoSessionFactory();
pool = new GenericKeyedObjectPool(factory, 5);
public void destroy()
catch (Exception e)
public static DominoAccess getInstance()
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
if (dominoAccess == null)
dominoAccess = new DominoAccess();
return dominoAccess;
public CustomerBean[] getCustomersByName(String key, String name)
throws Exception
Session session = null;
session = (Session) pool.borrowObject(key);
Database customerDb = session.getDatabase(null, CUSTOMER_DB);
DocumentCollection dc =
"(![Form]=\"Customer Contact\") AND ([Form]=\"Customer\") AND
([CustomerName] CONTAINS "
+ name
+ ")");
CustomerBean[] customers = getCustomers(dc);
pool.returnObject(key, session);
return customers;
public CustomerBean getCustomerByNoteId(String key, String noteId)
throws Exception
Session session = null;
session = (Session) pool.borrowObject(key);
Database customerDb = session.getDatabase(null, CUSTOMER_DB);
Document doc = customerDb.getDocumentByID(noteId);
CustomerBean customerBean = generateCustomerBean(doc);
pool.returnObject(key, session);
return customerBean;
public CustomerBean[] getCustomers(String key, String searchFormula)
throws Exception
Session session = null;
session = (Session) pool.borrowObject(key);
Database customerDb = session.getDatabase(null, CUSTOMER_DB);
DocumentCollection dc =;
CustomerBean[] customers = getCustomers(dc);
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
pool.returnObject(key, session);
return customers;
public CustomerBean[] getCustomers(String key) throws Exception
return getCustomers(key, "Form = \"Customer\"");
private CustomerBean[] getCustomers(DocumentCollection dc) throws Exception
Vector customerBeans = new Vector();
Document doc = dc.getFirstDocument();
while (doc != null)
doc = dc.getNextDocument();
CustomerBean[] customers = new CustomerBean[customerBeans.size()];
return customers;
private CustomerBean generateCustomerBean(Document doc) throws Exception
CustomerBean customerBean = new CustomerBean();
return customerBean;
public void deleteCustomer(String key, String noteId) throws Exception
Session session = null;
session = (Session) pool.borrowObject(key);
Database customerDb = session.getDatabase(null, CUSTOMER_DB);
Document doc = customerDb.getDocumentByID(noteId);
pool.returnObject(key, session);
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
public void addNewCustomer(String key, CustomerBean customer)
throws Exception
Session session = null;
session = (Session) pool.borrowObject(key);
Database customerDb = session.getDatabase(null, CUSTOMER_DB);
String noteId = customer.getNoteId();
Document doc =
noteId != null
? customerDb.getDocumentByID(noteId)
: customerDb.createDocument();
doc.replaceItemValue("Form", "Customer");
doc.replaceItemValue("CustomerName", customer.getName());
doc.replaceItemValue("CustomerNumber", customer.getCustomerNumber());
doc.replaceItemValue("OwnerNumber", customer.getAccountOwner());
doc.replaceItemValue("CustomerAddress", customer.getAddress());
new Integer(customer.getEmployeeTotal()));
RichTextItem additionalInformation =
noteId != null
? (RichTextItem) doc.getFirstItem("Comments")
: doc.createRichTextItem("Comments");
noteId == null);
doc.computeWithForm(false, false);;
pool.returnObject(key, session);
public CustomerContactBean[] getCustomerContacts(String key) throws Exception
return getCustomerContacts(key, "Form = \"Customer Contact\"");
public CustomerContactBean[] getCustomerContacts(
String key,
String searchFormula)
throws Exception
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Session session = null;
session = (Session) pool.borrowObject(key);
Database customerDb = session.getDatabase(null, CUSTOMER_DB);
DocumentCollection dc =;
CustomerContactBean[] customerContacts = getCustomerContacts(dc);
pool.returnObject(key, session);
return customerContacts;
private CustomerContactBean[] getCustomerContacts(DocumentCollection dc)
throws Exception
Vector customerContactBeans = new Vector();
Document doc = dc.getFirstDocument();
while (doc != null)
doc = dc.getNextDocument();
CustomerContactBean[] customerContacts =
new CustomerContactBean[customerContactBeans.size()];
return customerContacts;
private CustomerContactBean generateCustomerContactBean(Document doc)
throws Exception
CustomerContactBean customerContactBean = new CustomerContactBean();
return customerContactBean;
public SalesPersonBean[] getSalesPersons(String key) throws Exception
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
return getSalesPersons(key, "Form = \"Sales Person\"");
public SalesPersonBean[] getSalesPersons(String key, String searchFormula)
throws Exception
Session session = null;
session = (Session) pool.borrowObject(key);
Vector salesPersonBeans = new Vector();
Database salesPersonDb = session.getDatabase(null, SALES_DB);
DocumentCollection dc =;
Document doc = dc.getFirstDocument();
while (doc != null)
doc = dc.getNextDocument();
pool.returnObject(key, session);
SalesPersonBean[] salesPersons =
new SalesPersonBean[salesPersonBeans.size()];
return salesPersons;
private SalesPersonBean generateSalesPersonBean(Document doc)
throws Exception
SalesPersonBean salesPersonBean = new SalesPersonBean();
return salesPersonBean;
private void updateRichTextItem(
RichTextItem rtItem,
String newText,
boolean newItem)
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
if (newItem)
RichTextNavigator rtnav = rtItem.createNavigator();
//remove old text in rich text item
while (rtnav.findFirstElement(RichTextItem.RTELEM_TYPE_TEXTRUN))
RichTextRange rtRange = rtItem.createRange();
String textRun = rtRange.getTextRun();
int replaced =
+ RichTextItem.RT_REPL_ALL
rtnav = rtItem.createNavigator();
//append new text
catch (NotesException ne)
//main-method for testing
public static void main(String[] args)
DominoAccess dominoAccess = DominoAccess.getInstance();
String key = " person:password";
CustomerBean[] customerBeans = dominoAccess.getCustomers(key);
System.out.println("Total customers: " + customerBeans.length);
for (int i = 0; i < customerBeans.length; i++)
System.out.print("[" + (i + 1) + "] " + customerBeans[i].getName());
System.out.print(" " + customerBeans[i].getCustomerNumber());
System.out.print(" " + customerBeans[i].getAccountOwner());
System.out.print(" " + customerBeans[i].getAddress());
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
System.out.print(" " + customerBeans[i].getEmployeeTotal());
System.out.println(" " + customerBeans[i].getAdditionalInformation());
CustomerContactBean[] customerContactBeans =
"Total customer contacts: " + customerContactBeans.length);
for (int i = 0; i < customerContactBeans.length; i++)
"[" + (i + 1) + "] " + customerContactBeans[i].getName());
System.out.print(" " + customerContactBeans[i].getEmployerNumber());
System.out.print(" " + customerContactBeans[i].getPhone());
System.out.print(" " + customerContactBeans[i].getAddress());
System.out.print(" " + customerContactBeans[i].getTitle());
" " + customerContactBeans[i].getAdditionalInformation());
catch (Exception e)
DominoAccess explained
DominoAccess class is a singleton. We get an instance of this class using the
getInstance() method. As we can see, the constructor creates a new pool using
the DominoSessionFactory class. Domino databases are hardcoded in this
class, but luckily we implemented them as public static variables so we can set
them later during runtime. And that is exactly what we use in the portlets.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Many methods are quite clear in their functionality, but we will go through a
couple of methods:
򐂰 public CustomerBean[] getCustomers(String key, String searchFormula)
throws Exception
getCustomers() methods accepts two parameters: key and searchFormula.
Key is used to get and create a Session pool, as we saw in
DominoSessionFactory. searchFormula is a Notes @function formula that
specifies the selection criteria.
Method borrows a Session object from the pool and gets a customer
database from the session. searchFormula is used to get matching
documents from the database as a DocumentCollection. DocumentCollection
is a parameter for private CustomerBean[]
getCustomers(DocumentCollection dc) throws Exception, which loops
through Documents in DocumentCollection and creates CustomerBean for
each customer/Document and returns an array of CustomerBeans. Before
returning the CustomerBean array to the application, the database is recycled
and the session returned to pool.
򐂰 public void addNewCustomer(String key, CustomerBean customer) throws
The method addNewCustomer is used to edit customers in the database. As
we implemented, we check whether CustomerBean’s noteId is null or not. If it
is null, then we add a new document to the Domino database and fill in the
fields in the Domino Customer form with values from the bean’s fields. If
noteId was not null, it means that we are editing an existing document in
Domino database and so we use the getDocumentbyID() method in the
database. New values are added or replaced.
If a document is new, we create a Rich Text field using the method
createRichTextItem() in the Document object. Otherwise, we get an existing
Rich Text field using getFirstItem().
Important: When getting an existing RichTextItem in a Document, it must
be explicitly cast to RichTextItem:
RichTextItem additionalInformation = (RichTextItem)
Using either a new or existing RichTextItem, we call the method
updateRichTextItem(). Notice that updateRichTextItem() has a boolean
parameter of newitem.
Adding text in a new item is simple and straightforward using the
appendText() method in RichTextItem.
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Replacing the old text needs a little more coding. We basically replace the old
text with an empty string and then append new text to RichTextItem.
6.3.8 Exporting DominoAccess
We export DominoAccess classes to a JAR file that can be used in our portlet
1. Right-click the DominoAccess project and select Export (Figure 6-13).
Figure 6-13 Export project
2. The Export dialog opens. Select JAR File and click Next.
3. Select DominoAccess project and enter a destination and name for the file,
for example, c:\temp\DominoAccess.jar (Figure 6-14 on page 427).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-14 Export JAR
4. Click Finish.
DominoAccess.jar is now exported and we import it to our portlet projects later.
When we change classes in DominoAccess, we have to export jar file and import
it again to our portlet projects.
Note: The file has the DominoAccess project
ready for importing to WSAD. See Appendix C, “Additional material” on
page 741 for download instructions.
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
6.4 Sales Tracking application using IBM Portlet API
Now that we have classes to access Domino data, we can start developing the
portal application.
6.4.1 SalesTrackingIBMAPI project
First, we create a portlet project.
1. In WSAD, select File → New → Project → Portlet Project. Figure 6-15
should appear.
2. Enter the project name SalesTrackingIBMAPI.
3. Check the Configure advanced options check box.
Figure 6-15 New portlet project wizard
4. Click Next to go to the J2EE settings page.
5. Enter DefaultEAR as the EAR project and select J2EE level 1.3.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Next in the Features Page.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
8. In the Portlet Settings page:
– Enter SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomers portlet as the Portlet name.
– Enter SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomers portlet as the Portlet title.
– Check Change code generation options.
– Enter as the
Package prefix.
– Enter CustomersPortlet as the Class prefix.
9. Click Next.
10.Uncheck Add action listener and click Next.
11.Click Next in the Single Sign-On page.
12.In the Miscellaneous page, check Add edit mode and Add configure mode.
13.Click Finish. WSAD generates a new portlet project (Figure 6-16). If you are
asked to confirm the perspective switch, answer Yes.
Figure 6-16 New portlet project
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
We can see in the Project Navigator view that WSAD created several files in our
project. The directory JavaResources has three Java files, one for the portlet and
two beans. Under WebContent, there are three JSP files in the directory
However, we do not need these (except CustomersPortlet, which we replace with
our own code a little later), so we delete them.
14.Select directory com_ibm_itso_cam_redbooks_sg246466_portlets_ibmapi
and right-click. Select Delete and click Yes confirm that we really want to
15.Also, delete the files and We will get errors from, but it is nothing to worry about since we replace the
code anyway.
16.We deleted JSP files, but we also deleted the JSP directory. So, we create a
new directory by right-clicking WebContent and selecting New → Folder.
Enter jsp as the folder name and click Finish.
17.Create the directory html under the jsp directory that we created in previous
18.Next, we add DominoAccess.jar, NCSO.jar, commons-pool-1.1.jar, and
commons-collections-3.0.jar to the project. The easiest way to do this is to
copy the jar files to the WEB-INF/lib directory and refresh the project.
– Copy the jar files to the WEB-INF/lib directory located in
– Right-click the SalesTrackingIBMAPI project and select Refresh. Refresh
instructs WSAD to look for any changes to the project that have been
made in the local file system by external tools.
19.We need also Jakarta Log4j classes. Download the latest release from In this project, we use Log4j Version
1.2.8, so we copy log4j-1.2.8.jar to WEB-INF/lib and refresh the project.
WSAD wizards create a basic structure that we need in portlet development. It
creates directories where we put source code and it creates web.xml and
portlet.xml deployment descriptors in the WebContent/WEB-INF directory. It
provides also templates for portlets, but we do not need them in this case.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
6.4.2 CredentialVaultManager
We start by writing a class that handles Credential Vault.
1. Select the SalesTrackingIBMAPI project and create a class named
CredentialVaultManager with a package name of
2. WSAD creates the code from a template and opens it. Replace the template
code with the code in Example 6-7.
Example 6-7
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.*;
public class CredentialVaultManager
public static void saveCredentials(
CredentialVaultService credentialVaultService,
String resourceName,
PortletRequest portletRequest,
String userName,
char[] password)
throws Exception
PortletData data = portletRequest.getData();
resourceName = resourceName + portletRequest.getUser().getID();
String slotId = (String) data.getAttribute(resourceName + "SlotID");
if (slotId == null)
slotId = slotExists(credentialVaultService, resourceName,
if (slotId == null)
ObjectID segmentID =
Map descripMap = new Hashtable();
Map keywordMap = new Hashtable();
int secretType =
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
boolean active = false; //false=both active and passive credentials
boolean portletPrivate = false; //false=shared between users portlets
//create the slot
CredentialSlotConfig slot =
slotId = slot.getSlotId();
Portlet.Mode portletMode = portletRequest.getMode();
if (portletMode.equals(Portlet.Mode.EDIT))
data.setAttribute("userName", userName);
data.setAttribute(resourceName + "SlotID", slotId);;
// store credentials in vault
public static String getUserNameAndPassword(
CredentialVaultService credentialVaultService,
String resourceName,
PortletRequest portletRequest)
throws Exception
PortletData data = portletRequest.getData();
String slotId = (String) data.getAttribute(resourceName + "SlotID");
if (slotId == null)
slotId = slotExists(credentialVaultService, resourceName,
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
if (slotId == null)
return "noCredentials";
UserPasswordPassiveCredential credential =
(UserPasswordPassiveCredential) credentialVaultService.getCredential(
new Hashtable(),
String userName = credential.getUserId();
String password = new String(credential.getPassword());
return userName + ":" + password;
private static String slotExists(
CredentialVaultService credentialVaultService,
String resourceName,
PortletRequest portletRequest)
throws Exception
Iterator iter = credentialVaultService.getAccessibleSlots(portletRequest);
while (iter.hasNext())
CredentialSlotConfig slot = (CredentialSlotConfig);
String slotResourceName = slot.getResourceName();
if (slotResourceName.indexOf(resourceName) > -1)
return slot.getSlotId();
return null;
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
CredentialVaultManager explained
This class handles storing and retrieving user names and passwords using the
Credential Vault portlet service.
򐂰 public static void saveCredentials(CredentialVaultService
credentialVaultService, String resourceName, PortletRequest
portletRequest, String userName, char[] password) throws Exception
This method saves a user name and password to an existing slot or, if a slot
does not exist, creates a new slot based on the parameter resourceName and
the user’s ID. CredentialVaultService class has a method to create new slots
in a WPS database. If the portlet is in edit-mode, the slot ID and user name
are saved to the persistent PortletData.
򐂰 public static String getUserNameAndPassword(CredentialVaultService
credentialVaultService, String resourceName, PortletRequest
portletRequest) throws Exception
This method is used to retrieve a user name and password for a specified
resource. If a slot does not exist, the string “NoCredentials” is returned;
otherwise, a user name and password are returned in the format
6.4.3 CustomersPortlet
Now we write CustomersPortlet as follows:
1. Replace the template code of with the code in
Example 6-8.
Example 6-8
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
public class CustomersPortlet
extends PortletAdapter
implements ActionListener, MessageListener
public static Logger LOGGER = null;
public final static int ENTRIES_PER_PAGE = 5;
private final static String RESOURCE_NAME =
private static CredentialVaultService CREDENTIAL_VAULT_SERVICE = null;
public void init(PortletConfig portletConfig) throws UnavailableException
if (LOGGER == null)
String loggerName = portletConfig.getInitParameter("");
LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(getClass());
PatternLayout layout =
new PatternLayout("%d %-6r [%15.15t] %-5p %30.30c %x - %m\n ");
DailyRollingFileAppender appender = null;
String logFile = portletConfig.getInitParameter("log.file");
appender =
new DailyRollingFileAppender(layout, logFile, "'.'dd-MM-yyyy");
catch (Exception e)
LOGGER.setLevel((Level) Level.DEBUG);
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
public void login(PortletRequest portletRequest)
PortletApplicationSettings applicationSettings =
DominoAccess.CUSTOMER_DB = applicationSettings.getAttribute("customer.db");
DominoAccess.SALES_DB = applicationSettings.getAttribute("sales.db");
DominoAccess.PRODUCTS_DB = applicationSettings.getAttribute("product.db");
PortletSession portletSession = portletRequest.getPortletSession();
portletSession.setAttribute("pageIndex", new Integer(0));
public void destroy(PortletConfig config)
public void doView(
PortletRequest portletRequest,
PortletResponse portletResponse)
throws PortletException, IOException
if (portletRequest.getPortletSession().getAttribute("noCredentials")
!= null)
public void doEdit(
PortletRequest portletRequest,
PortletResponse portletResponse)
throws PortletException, IOException
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
public void doConfigure(
PortletRequest portletRequest,
PortletResponse portletResponse)
throws PortletException, IOException
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) throws PortletException
String action = event.getActionString();
PortletRequest portletRequest = event.getRequest();
PortletSession portletSession = portletRequest.getPortletSession();
if (action.equals("next"))
int pageIndex =
((Integer) portletSession.getAttribute("pageIndex")).intValue();
pageIndex =
>= ((CustomerBean[]) portletSession.getAttribute("customers")).length
? pageIndex
: pageIndex + ENTRIES_PER_PAGE;
portletSession.setAttribute("pageIndex", new Integer(pageIndex));
if (action.equals("previous"))
int pageIndex =
((Integer) portletSession.getAttribute("pageIndex")).intValue();
pageIndex =
pageIndex - ENTRIES_PER_PAGE < 0 ? 0 : pageIndex - ENTRIES_PER_PAGE;
portletSession.setAttribute("pageIndex", new Integer(pageIndex));
if (action.equals("showDetails"))
DefaultPortletMessage dpm =
new DefaultPortletMessage(portletRequest.getParameter("noteId"));
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
"SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomerDetails portlet",
if (action.equals("searchCustomer"))
if (portletRequest.getParameter("cancel") != null)
if (action.equals("saveCredentials"))
portletRequest.setAttribute("saveCredentialsResult", "Success");
catch (Exception e)
LOGGER.error(e.toString(), e);
portletRequest.setAttribute("saveCredentialsResult", e.toString());
if (action.equals("saveConfiguration"))
String salesDb = portletRequest.getParameter("sales.db");
String customerDb = portletRequest.getParameter("customer.db");
String productDb = portletRequest.getParameter("product.db");
PortletApplicationSettings applicationSettings =
applicationSettings.setAttribute("sales.db", salesDb);
applicationSettings.setAttribute("customer.db", customerDb);
applicationSettings.setAttribute("product.db", productDb);
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
DominoAccess.CUSTOMER_DB = customerDb;
DominoAccess.SALES_DB = salesDb;
DominoAccess.PRODUCTS_DB = productDb;
catch (Exception e)
LOGGER.error(e.toString(), e);
public void messageReceived(MessageEvent event)
PortletRequest portletRequest = event.getRequest();
PortletSession portletSession = portletRequest.getPortletSession();
DefaultPortletMessage message = (DefaultPortletMessage) event.getMessage();
if (message.getMessage().equals("reset"))
public static String getDominoSessionPoolKey(
PortletContext portletContext,
PortletRequest portletRequest)
throws Exception
String dominoHost =
boolean useSSO =
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
String uidPwdOrLTPAToken = "";
(CredentialVaultService) portletContext.getService(
if (useSSO)
Subject subject =
LOGGER.debug("Subject.toString(): " + subject.toString());
LOGGER.debug("Private credentials:");
Set privateCredentials = subject.getPrivateCredentials();
Iterator iterator = privateCredentials.iterator(); ltpaToken =
LOGGER.debug("LTPA Token string: " + ltpaToken.getTokenString());
uidPwdOrLTPAToken = ltpaToken.getTokenString();
uidPwdOrLTPAToken =
if (uidPwdOrLTPAToken.equals("noCredentials"))
portletRequest.getPortletSession().setAttribute("noCredentials", "");
throw new Exception("No credentials. Set credendtial using Edit-mode of
return dominoHost + ":" + uidPwdOrLTPAToken;
private void accessDomino(PortletRequest portletRequest)
PortletSession portletSession = portletRequest.getPortletSession();
String key =
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
DominoAccess dominoAccess = DominoAccess.getInstance();
String searchString = portletRequest.getParameter("searchString");
CustomerBean[] customerBeans;
if (portletRequest.getParameter("reset") != null || searchString == null)
customerBeans = dominoAccess.getCustomers(key);
customerBeans = dominoAccess.getCustomersByName(key, searchString);
portletSession.setAttribute("customers", customerBeans);
catch (Exception e)
LOGGER.error(e.toString(), e);
CustomersPortlet explained
This class has lot of functionality and we go through the class method by method.
򐂰 Class variables
We have here four static variables and two of those are public variables,
which can be used from other classes. LOGGER is log4j logger,
ENTRIES_PER_PAGE is the maximum customer entries per portlet page,
RESOURCE_NAME is used in Credential Vault, and
CredentialVaultService implementation.
򐂰 init(PortletConfig portletConfig)
This initializes LOGGER. See the log4j documentation for details about logger
򐂰 login(PortletRequest portletRequest)
login() is called when a user has logged into portal and views
CustomersPortlet for the first time after logging in. Method sets variables in
DominoAccess class with values from PortletApplicationSettings.
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
This also retrieves CustomerBeans and SalesPersonBean from Domino and
saves them in the PortletSession. This is done in the accessDomino()
򐂰 destroy(PortletConfig config)
Destroys the Domino session pool when portal is shut down.
򐂰 doView()
This renders the portlet output using either NoCredential.jsp or
CustomersPortletView.jsp, depending on whether credentials are set or not.
򐂰 doEdit()
Includes CustomersPortletEdit.jsp.
򐂰 doConfigure()
Includes CustomersPortletConfig.jsp.
򐂰 actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
Handles the actions of CustomersPortlet. Several actions are possible:
– “next”: Shows the next page of customers.
– “previous”: Shows the previous page of customers.
– “showDetails”: Sends a message to CustomerDetailsPortlet. The message
is the note ID of the customer document.
– “searchCustomer“: Searches the Domino database for a customer. The
search string is specified as a request parameter.
– “cancel”: Returns from edit or configure mode to view mode.
– “saveCredentials”: Saves credentials to CredentialVault using the
CredentialVaultManager class.
– “saveConfiguration”: Saves the configuration to PortletApplicationSettings
and sets variables in DominoAccess class.
򐂰 messageReceived(MessageEvent event)
Receives the “reset” message and resets session variables.
򐂰 getDominoSessionPoolKey(PortletContext portletContext, PortletRequest
This method is used also by other portlets. It returns a pool key for use in a
Domino session pool. A pool key can be either
“dominoHost:userName:password” or “dominoHost:LTPATokenString”. The
latter is used when SSO is enabled. An LTPA token is retrieved using
CredentialVault.getUserSubject(portletRequest). It returns a JAAS Subject
object and the LTPA token is stored as PrivateCredentials in the Subject
object. If SSO is disabled, the user name and password are retrieved from
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Credential Vault and they have to be set using the edit mode of
򐂰 accessDomino(PortletRequest portletRequest)
This method uses the DominoAccess class to access Domino and retrieve
data. The main purpose of this method is to store CustomerBeans and
SalesPersonBeans to portlet session.
Configuration parameters
CustomersPortlet uses several parameters that are read from deployment
1. Open portlet.xml (see Figure 6-17 on page 444) and add the following values
to Context Parameters in Concrete Portlet Application (Table 6-1):
Table 6-1 SalesTracking portal application context parameters
test person
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-17 Sales Tracking portal application context parameters
2. Open web.xml (see Figure 6-18 on page 445) and add the parameters for
log4j (Table 6-2).
Table 6-2 SalesTracking CustomersPortlet servlet parameters
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-18 SalesTracking servlet init parameters
6.4.4 CustomersPortlet JSP files
Next, we develop the JSPs. We added configure and edit modes during the
project creation process, so we need three JSP files, plus one JSP for showing
that the credentials are not set.
The first JSP is a simple JSP that displays a message that credentials are not
1. Right-click the SalesTrackingIBMAPI/WebContent/jsp/html directory and
select New → JSP File. Enter NoCredentials.jsp as file name (Figure 6-19
on page 446).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-19 New JSP file: NoCredentials.jsp
2. Click Finish.
3. WSAD creates NoCredentials.jsp and opens it. The JSP has code from the
template, which we replace with the code in Example 6-9.
Example 6-9 NoCredentials.jsp
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portletAPI" %>
<portletAPI:init />
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<td colspan="2"><span class="wpsPortletText">Authentication
credentials not set. Use Edit-mode of CustomersPortlet to set them.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
1. Create a new JSP file CustomersPortletView.jsp in the directory
SalesTrackingIBMAPI/jsp/html (Example 6-10).
Example 6-10 CustomersPortletView.jsp
<%@ page import="org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.*"%>
<%@ page import="java.util.*"%>
<%@ page import="*"%>
<%@ page import="*"%>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portletAPI" %>
<%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/people.tld" prefix="pa"%>
<portletAPI:init />
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<form method="post"
<td align="left"><span class="wpsLabelText">Name</span></td>
<td align="left"><input name="searchString" type="text" value=""
<td align="left"><input class="wpsButtonText" type="submit"
<td align="left"><input class="wpsButtonText" name="reset"
type="submit" value="Reset"></td>
class="wpsTableHead">Customer number</th>
class="wpsTableHead">Account owner</th>
<%PortletSession portletSession = portletRequest.getPortletSession();
SalesPersonBean[] salesPersons =
(SalesPersonBean[]) portletSession.getAttribute("accountOwners");
CustomerBean[] customerBeans =
(CustomerBean[]) portletSession.getAttribute("customers");
if (customerBeans != null)
int entriesPerPage = CustomersPortlet.ENTRIES_PER_PAGE;
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
int totalCustomers = customerBeans.length;
int pageIndex =
((Integer) portletSession.getAttribute("pageIndex")).intValue();
int endIndex = Math.min(totalCustomers, pageIndex + entriesPerPage);
for (int i = pageIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
<td class="wpsTableText"><%=String.valueOf(i + 1)%></td>
<td class="wpsTableText"><a
name="showDetails"/><portletAPI:URIParameter name="noteId"
<td class="wpsTableText"><%=customerBeans[i].getCustomerNumber()%></td>
<td class="wpsTableText"><pa:person>
<td align="left" class="wpsTableText">Total:
<td align="right" class="wpsTableText"><a
<td align="right" class="wpsTableText"><a
class="wpsLink">Next</span></a> <%}
The JSP is quite straightforward. We import required classes and reference a
couple of tag libraries, portlet.tld and people.tld. At the beginning of the page,
there is a form for searching customers and after it there is a table of customers.
Links for the next and previous page are at the bottom of the JSP.
We use the style classes from the WPS stylesheet in our JSP. This is
recommended, since the portlets may run in a variety of Portals where look and
feel varies. We also use some of the portlet JSP tags that are available.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Note: Awareness is enabled in this JSP. Functionality is provided by <person>
tag from people.tld. Simply include a name within <person> tag and portal
server handles awareness during runtime:
<pa:person>John Smith</pa:person>
Important: There must be no line breaks in the person tag. For example:
John Smith</pa:person>
Line breaks cause errors during runtime. Also, avoid beginning and trailing
spaces in the person tag.
1. Create CustomerPortletEdit.jsp (Example 6-11).
Example 6-11 CustomersPortletEdit.jsp
<%@ page import="org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.*"%>
<%@ page import="java.util.*"%>
<%@ page import="java.text.*"%>
<%@ page import="*"%>
<%@ page import="*"%>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portletAPI" %>
<portletAPI:init />
<h3 class="portlet-section-header">Set user name and password for Sales
Tracking Domino application</h3>
<%if (portletRequest.getAttribute("saveCredentialsResult") != null)
<%=(String) portletRequest.getAttribute("saveCredentialsResult")%>
<br />
If result was success, you must logout and login again.
<%if (Boolean
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Single signon enabled.
<form method="post"
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<td colspan="2"><span class="wpsLabelText"><label>Domino
<td colspan="2"><span
<td colspan="2"><span class="wpsLabelText"><label>Customer
<td colspan="2"><span class="wpsLabelText"><label>Sales DB</label></span>
<td colspan="2"><span class="wpsLabelText"><label>Product DB</label></span>
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
<td colspan="2"><span class="wpsLabelText"><label>User
<td colspan="2"><input name="userName" type="text"
value="<%=portletRequest.getData().getAttribute("userName") != null
? (String) portletRequest.getData().getAttribute("userName")
: ""%>"
<td colspan="2"><span
<td colspan="2"><input name="password" type="password" value=""
<td><input class="wpsButtonText" type="submit" value="Save"></td>
<td><input class="wpsButtonText" name="cancel" type="submit"
CustomersPortletEdit.jsp is presented when in edit mode and asks the user for a
user name and password. If single sign-on is enabled, the user cannot edit the
user name and password.
1. Create CustomersPortletConfig.jsp (Example 6-12).
Example 6-12 CustomersPortletConfig.jsp
<%@ page import="org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.*"%>
<%@ page import="java.util.*"%>
<%@ page import="java.text.*"%>
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
<%@ page import="*"%>
<%@ page import="*"%>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portletAPI" %>
<portletAPI:init />
<h3 class="portlet-section-header">Set Domino host address for Sales
Tracking Domino application</h3>
<form method="post"
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<td colspan="2"><span class="wpsLabelText"><label>Domino
<td colspan="2"><input name="" type="text"
<td colspan="2"><span class="wpsLabelText"><label>Customer
<td colspan="2"><input name="customer.db" type="text"
<td colspan="2"><span class="wpsLabelText"><label>Sales DB</label></span>
<td colspan="2"><input name="sales.db" type="text"
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
<td colspan="2"><span class="wpsLabelText"><label>Product DB</label></span>
<td colspan="2"><input name="product.db" type="text"
<td colspan="2"><span class="wpsLabelText"><label>Use single sign
<td colspan="2"><input name="use.single.signon" type="text"
<td><input class="wpsButtonText" type="submit" value="Save"></td>
<td><input class="wpsButtonText" type="submit" name="cancel"
CustomersPortletConfig.jsp is displayed for the administrator in configure mode
and only an administrator can use configure mode. The Domino host address
and Domino database locations can be changed here. Enabling/disabling single
sign-on is also done here.
6.4.5 Testing the application
Now that we have written our CustomersPortlet, we are going to test it. WSAD
includes a WPS test environment that is helpful in our development.
1. Right-click the SalesTrackingIBMAPI project and select Run on server.
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
2. The server selection dialog opens (Figure 6-20).
Figure 6-20 Server selection
3. Select WebSphere Portal V5.0 Test Environment and check Set server as
project default. Click Finish.
4. WSAD starts the test environment and after it has started, we see a browser
page with our portlet (Figure 6-21 on page 455).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-21 Portlet running in test environment.
5. Credentials are not set, so they have to be set. Use the configure mode to set
the Domino host address and database directories. Edit mode is used to set
the user name and password (after saving the user name and password, we
have to log in again to the server. This is because we set the session
variables during the login() method). Single sign on is not enabled in the test
environment, so it cannot be used.
6. After we have configured Domino host, user name, and other parameters, we
see our portlet in action (Figure 6-22 on page 456).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-22 CustomersPortlet and a list of five customers
7. We have the awareness capability in the Account owner fields and when we
deploy our application to WebSphere Portal, which has collaboration enabled,
we see the online status of our account owners.
8. If we click customer name, nothing happens. As we implemented in, clicking the customer name sends a message to
CustomerDetailsPortlet and that portlet is not yet implemented.
6.4.6 CustomerDetailsPortlet
Before we start developing a new portlet, it is a good idea to stop the test
1. Stop the test environment by selecting Servers. Right-click the test
environment and select Stop (Figure 6-23 on page 457).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-23 Stopping the test environment
2. Now we create a new portlet by selecting File → New → Other.
3. Select Portlet Development → Portlet (Figure 6-24 on page 458).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-24 New portlet
4. Click Next.
5. Select the SalesTrackingIBMAPI project, choose Basic portlet, and check
the Configure advanced options check box. Click Next.
6. Click Next.
7. In the portlet settings, add the following values (Figure 6-25 on page 459):
– Application name: SalesTrackingIBMAPI application
– Portlet name: SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomerDetails portlet
– Portlet title: SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomerDetails portlet
– Check Change code generation check box
– Package prefix:
– Class prefix: CustomerDetailsPortlet
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-25 CustomerDetailsPortlet portlet settings
8. We notice that we cannot continue because of the error already exists.
However, we want CustomerDetailsPortlet to have the same package as
CustomersPortlet. So we have to go around this message.
9. Change the package prefix to
10.Click Next.
11.Uncheck the Add action listener check box.
12.Click Finish.
13.WSAD creates a new portlet Java file for us (but in the wrong package) and it
modifies web.xml and portlet.xml.
We want our new portlet to have the same package as CustomersPortlet, so
we do the following steps to change the generated code and deployment
14.Right-click package under Java
Resources. Select Delete.
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
15.Right-click the
com_ibm_itso_cam_redbooks_sg246466_portlets_ibmapi2 directory
under Web Content and select Delete.
16.Double-click Web Deployment Descriptor under SalesTrackingIBMAPI.
Click Source to view the web.xml source.
17.Select Edit → Find/Replace.
18.In the Find/Replace dialog, enter ibmapi2 as the find string and ibmapi as the
Replace With string. Click Replace all.
19.Save changes and double-click Portlet Deployment Descriptor under
20.View source and replace all ibmapi2 strings with ibmapi and save the
Now we can write our portlet.
21.Create a class with the name CustomerDetailsPortlet in the package
22.WSAD generates template code for the class. Replace it with the code in
Example 6-13.
Example 6-13
public class CustomerDetailsPortlet
extends PortletAdapter
implements ActionListener, MessageListener
public void init(PortletConfig portletConfig) throws UnavailableException
public void login(PortletRequest portletRequest)
//check authentication credentials
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
catch (Exception e)
public void doView(
PortletRequest portletRequest,
PortletResponse portletResponse)
throws PortletException, IOException
if (portletRequest.getPortletSession().getAttribute("noCredentials")
!= null)
PortletSession portletSession = portletRequest.getPortletSession();
if (portletSession.getAttribute("addCustomer") != null
|| portletSession.getAttribute("customerBean") != null)
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) throws PortletException
String action = event.getActionString();
PortletRequest portletRequest = event.getRequest();
PortletSession portletSession = portletRequest.getPortletSession();
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
if (action.equals("addNewCustomer"))
portletSession.setAttribute("addCustomer", "");
int newCustomerNumber =
(CustomerBean[]) portletSession.getAttribute("customers"));
if (action.equals("editCustomer"))
String noteId = portletRequest.getParameter("noteId");
accessDomino(portletRequest, noteId);
if (action.equals("saveCustomer"))
if (portletRequest.getParameter("cancel") != null)
DefaultPortletMessage dpm = new DefaultPortletMessage("reset");
"SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomers portlet",
if (portletRequest.getParameter("delete") != null)
CustomerBean customerBean = new CustomerBean();
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
int employeeTotal = 0;
employeeTotal =
catch (NumberFormatException e)
String noteId = portletRequest.getParameter("noteId");
accessDomino(portletRequest, customerBean);
public void messageReceived(MessageEvent event)
PortletRequest portletRequest = event.getRequest();
PortletSession portletSession = portletRequest.getPortletSession();
DefaultPortletMessage message = (DefaultPortletMessage) event.getMessage();
String noteId = message.getMessage();
accessDomino(portletRequest, noteId);
private void accessDomino(PortletRequest portletRequest)
accessDomino(portletRequest, null, portletRequest.getParameter("noteId"));
private void accessDomino(PortletRequest portletRequest, String noteId)
accessDomino(portletRequest, null, noteId);
private void accessDomino(
PortletRequest portletRequest,
CustomerBean customerBean)
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
private void accessDomino(
PortletRequest portletRequest,
CustomerBean customerBean,
String noteId)
PortletSession portletSession = portletRequest.getPortletSession();
String key =
DominoAccess dominoAccess = DominoAccess.getInstance();
if (portletRequest.getParameter("delete") != null)
dominoAccess.deleteCustomer(key, noteId);
if (customerBean != null)
dominoAccess.addNewCustomer(key, customerBean);
if (noteId != null)
dominoAccess.getCustomerByNoteId(key, noteId));
portletSession.setAttribute("customers", dominoAccess.getCustomers(key));
catch (Exception e)
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
CustomerDetailsPortlet explained
The purpose of the CustomerDetailsPortlet is to add new customers to the
database and to show/edit customer details when receiving a message from
other portlets. Some methods are described here:
򐂰 login(PortletRequest portletRequest)
The purpose of this method is to check if authentication credentials are set. If
they are not, then an attribute (noCredentials) is set in the portlet session.
򐂰 doView(PortletRequest portletRequest, PortletResponse portletResponse)
doView() renders an output using a JSP file. If the noCredentials attributes is
set in the portlet session, then noCredentials.jsp is included. If a user has
clicked Add new customer or a message that shows that the details have
been received, then CustomerDetailsPortletAddCustomerView.jsp is
included. Otherwise, the main page is included.
򐂰 actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
Handles CustomerDetailsPortlet actions:
– “addNewCustomer”: Initializes a session for adding a new customer.
doView() includes a page for adding a new customer based on values in
– “editCustomer”: Receives noteId as a parameter and accesses Domino to
set CustomerBean in a session. CustomerBean is initialized with a
document whose note ID is equal to parameter noteId.
– “saveCustomer”: Saves new customer, modifies existing customer, or
deletes customer. Also sends a message to CustomersPortlet to reset the
customer list.
accessDomino() method is called to access Domino server in all of the above
򐂰 messageReceived(MessageEvent event)
Receives a message from CustomersPortlet. The message is a note ID that is
used to get a customer from Domino.
򐂰 accessDomino()
accessDomino() methods are used to access Domino and performs actions
based on the parameters in PortletRequest.
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
6.4.7 CustomerDetailsPortlet JSP files
This section describes how to create the JSP files required for finalizing the
CustomerDetails Portlet.
1. Create CustomerDetailsPortletView.jsp in the
SalesTrackingIBMAPI/WebContent/jsp/html directory.
2. Replace the template code with the code in Example 6-14.
Example 6-14 CustomerDetailsPortletView.jsp
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portletAPI" %>
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<td align="left">
<a href="<portletAPI:createURI><portletAPI:URIAction
<span class=".wpsLink">Add new customer</span>
This JSP has only a link to add a new customer.
1. Create CustomerDetailsPortletAddCustomerView.jsp in the
SalesTrackingIBMAPI/WebContent/jsp/html directory.
2. Replace the template code with the code in Example 6-15.
Example 6-15 CustomerDetailsPortletAddCustomerView.jsp
page import="org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.*"%>
page import="java.util.*"%>
page import="*"%>
page import="*"%>
taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portletAPI" %>
<portletAPI:init />
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
<%PortletSession portletSession = portletRequest.getPortletSession();
SalesPersonBean[] salesPersons =
(SalesPersonBean[]) portletSession.getAttribute("salesPersons");
CustomerBean customerBean =
(CustomerBean) portletSession.getAttribute("customerBean");
String name = "";
String customerNumber =
(String) portletSession.getAttribute("newCustomerNumber");
String accountOwner = "";
String address = "";
int employeeTotal = 0;
String additionalInformation = "";
String noteId = null;
if (customerBean != null)
name = customerBean.getName();
customerNumber = customerBean.getCustomerNumber();
accountOwner = customerBean.getAccountOwner();
address = customerBean.getAddress();
employeeTotal = customerBean.getEmployeeTotal();
additionalInformation = customerBean.getAdditionalInformation();
noteId = customerBean.getNoteId();
<h3 class="portlet-section-header">Add new customer</h3>
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<form method="post"
<%if (noteId != null)
%> <input name="noteId" type="hidden" value="<%=noteId%>"> <%}
<td align="left"><span class="wpsLabelText">Name</span></td>
<td align="left"><span class="wpsLabelText">Customer number</span></td>
<td align="left"><input name="name" type="text" value="<%=name%>"
<td align="left"><input name="customerNumber" type="hidden"
value="<%=customerNumber%>"> <span
<td align="left"><span class="wpsLabelText">Total employees</span></td>
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
<td align="left"><span class="wpsLabelText">Account owner</span></td>
<td align="left"><input name="employeeTotal"
<td align="left"><select name="accountOwner"
<%for (int i = 0; i < salesPersons.length;
<%=(salesPersons[i].getEmployeeNumber().equals(accountOwner) ?
"selected" : "")%>
<td align="left"><span class="wpsLabelText">Address</span></td>
<td align="left"><span class="wpsLabelText">Additional information</span>
<td align="left"><textarea name="address" cols="20"
<td align="left"><textarea name="additionalInformation" cols="20"
<td colspan="2" align="left"><input class="wpsButtonText"
name="save" type="submit" value="Save"> <%if (noteId != null)
%> <input class="wpsButtonText" name="delete" type="submit"
value="Delete"> <%}
%> <input class="wpsButtonText" name="cancel" type="submit"
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
CustomerDetailsPortletAddCustomerView.jsp presents an editable form of
customer details. The fields are populated with existing customer values if
CustomerDetailsPortlet received a message to show customer details.
6.4.8 Testing the application, part two
Our portal application now has two portlets and they communicate with each
other using portlet messaging. So let us verify this situation:
1. Select the SalesTrackingIBMAPI project and run it on the test environment.
2. After the server has been started, we see two portlets, as in Figure 6-26.
Figure 6-26 CustomerDetailsPortlet in the test environment
3. When we click Add new customer, a page where we can add a customer
opens (Figure 6-27 on page 470).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-27 CustomerDetailsPortlet: add new customer
4. We add some values and then save the customer. We see that
CustomersPortlet now has 27 entries and at the end of the customer list we
see the 27th customer entry (Figure 6-28 on page 471).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-28 CustomerDetailsPortlet: new customer added
5. Now we want to edit the new 27th customer. By clicking on the customer
name in CustomersPortlet, a message is sent to CustomerDetailsPortlet and
it shows the customer details (Figure 6-29 on page 472).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-29 CustomerDetailsPortlet: edit a customer
6. We can edit values and save the edited document to the database or we can
delete the customer.
6.4.9 CustomerContactsPortlet
The last portlet in the SalesTrackingIBMAPI portal application is
CustomerContactsPortlet, which lists customer contacts.
1. We add a new portlet to our application. Recall the steps we took in 6.4.6,
“CustomerDetailsPortlet” on page 456.
2. In the Portlet settings, use the following values:
– Application name: SalesTrackingIBMAPI application.
– Portlet name: SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomerContacts portlet.
– Portlet title: SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomerContacts portlet.
– Check the Change code generation check box.
– Package prefix:
– Class prefix: CustomerContactsPortlet.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
3. Again, recall the steps in 6.4.6, “CustomerDetailsPortlet” on page 456 in order
to proceed.
4. After we have our template code for CustomerContactsPortlet, we replace it
with the code in Example 6-16.
Example 6-16
public class CustomerContactsPortlet
extends PortletAdapter
implements ActionListener
public void init(PortletConfig portletConfig) throws UnavailableException
public void login(PortletRequest portletRequest)
PortletSession portletSession = portletRequest.getPortletSession();
PortletSettings settings = portletRequest.getPortletSettings();
portletSession.setAttribute("pageIndex", new Integer(0));
public void doView(
PortletRequest portletRequest,
PortletResponse portletResponse)
throws PortletException, IOException
if (portletRequest.getPortletSession().getAttribute("noCredentials")
!= null)
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) throws PortletException
String action = event.getActionString();
PortletRequest portletRequest = event.getRequest();
PortletSession portletSession = portletRequest.getPortletSession();
if (action.equals("next"))
int pageIndex =
((Integer) portletSession.getAttribute("pageIndex")).intValue();
pageIndex =
pageIndex + CustomersPortlet.ENTRIES_PER_PAGE
>= (
(CustomerContactBean[]) portletSession.getAttribute(
? pageIndex
: pageIndex + CustomersPortlet.ENTRIES_PER_PAGE;
portletSession.setAttribute("pageIndex", new Integer(pageIndex));
if (action.equals("previous"))
int pageIndex =
((Integer) portletSession.getAttribute("pageIndex")).intValue();
pageIndex =
pageIndex - CustomersPortlet.ENTRIES_PER_PAGE < 0
? 0
: pageIndex - CustomersPortlet.ENTRIES_PER_PAGE;
portletSession.setAttribute("pageIndex", new Integer(pageIndex));
private void accessDomino(PortletRequest portletRequest)
PortletSession portletSession = portletRequest.getPortletSession();
String key =
DominoAccess dominoAccess = DominoAccess.getInstance();
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
CustomerContactBean[] customerContactBeans =
portletSession.setAttribute("customerContacts", customerContactBeans);
portletSession.setAttribute("customers", dominoAccess.getCustomers(key));
catch (Exception e)
6.4.10 CustomerContactsPortletView.jsp
1. Create CustomerContactsPortletView.jsp under
2. Replace the template code with the code in Example 6-17.
Example 6-17 CustomerContactsPortletView.jsp
page import="org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.*"%>
page import="java.util.*"%>
page import="*"%>
page import="*"%>
taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portletAPI" %>
<portletAPI:init />
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
class="wpsTableHead">Phone number</th>
<%PortletSession portletSession = portletRequest.getPortletSession();
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
CustomerBean[] customerBeans =
(CustomerBean[]) portletSession.getAttribute("customers");
CustomerContactBean[] customerContactBeans =
(CustomerContactBean[]) portletSession.getAttribute("customerContacts");
if (customerContactBeans != null)
int entriesPerPage = CustomersPortlet.ENTRIES_PER_PAGE;
int totalCustomers = customerContactBeans.length;
int pageIndex =
((Integer) portletSession.getAttribute("pageIndex")).intValue();
int endIndex = Math.min(totalCustomers, pageIndex + entriesPerPage);
for (int i = pageIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
<td class="wpsTableText"><%=String.valueOf(i + 1)%></td>
<td class="wpsTableText"><%=customerContactBeans[i].getName()%></td>
<td class="wpsTableText"><%=BeanUtils.getCustomerName(
<td class="wpsTableText"><%=customerContactBeans[i].getPhone()%></td>
<td align="left" class="wpsTableText">Total:
<td align="right" class="wpsTableText"><a
<td align="right" class="wpsTableText"><a
class="wpsLink">Next</span></a> <%}
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
6.4.11 Testing the application, part three
1. We test our portlet application, and after the test environment is running, we
see that the CustomerContactsPortlet listing is available under the customer
contacts (Figure 6-30).
Figure 6-30 CustomerContactsPortlet: contact listing
There is a feature missing (see 6.2.2, “Portal application functionality” on
page 397). We need to have messaging between CustomerContactsPortlet and
We do this by using Click-to-Action.
6.4.12 Enabling Click-to-Action
We want to enable Click-to-Action between CustomerContactsPortlet and
1. First, we enable CustomerContactsPortlet as a Click-to-Action source.
Right-click Portlet Deployment Descriptor under SalesTrackingIBMAPI and
select Enable Click-to-Action Source.
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
2. Enter the following values (Figure 6-31):
– Data type: NoteId.
– Namespace: http://salestrackingibmapi.
– Select SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomerContacts portlet as the source
– WSDL file: CustomerNoteId.
Figure 6-31 Enable Click-to-Action source
3. Click OK.
WSAD generates the CustomerNoteId.wsdl file and modifies the web.xml to wrap
our CustomerContactsPortlet in PortletWrapper. WSAD also includes the C2A
parameter in portlet.xml. See Example 6-18 for the contents of the WSDL file.
Example 6-18 CustomerNoteId.wsdl
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions name="CustomerNoteId_Service"
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://salestrackingibmapi">
<xsd:simpleType name="noteId">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"></xsd:restriction>
<message name="noteId_Response">
<part name="noteId_Output" type="tns:noteId" />
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
<portType name="CustomerNoteId_Service">
<operation name="CustomerNoteId">
<output message="tns:noteId_Response" />
<binding name="CustomerNoteId_Binding" type="tns:CustomerNoteId_Service">
<portlet:binding />
<operation name="CustomerNoteId">
<portlet:action />
<portlet:param name="noteId" partname="noteId_Output" />
4. Next, we modify the JSP file to include the Click-to-Action output. Open
CustomerContactsPortletView.jsp and add a reference to the C2A tag library.
Add the following line after portlet.tld in CustomerContactsPortletView.jsp:
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/c2a.tld" prefix="c2a"%>
5. Next, find a table data element in JSP where we print a customer name. Add
the following tag next to the customer name:
<c2a:encodeProperty type="noteId" namespace="http://salestrackingibmapi"
Type-attribute is the data type that was specified when we enabled the
Click-to-Action source. Namespace-attribute was also specified when
enabling the Click-to-Action source. Name-attribute is sent to the target
portlet and the target portlet uses PortletRequest.getParameter() method to
get the value of the parameter called noteId.
After the source has been enabled, we enable the target for the Click-to-Action.
6. Right-click Portlet Deployment Descriptor and select Enable
Click-to-Action Target.
7. In the Enable Click-to-Action Target dialog box, enter the following values
(Figure 6-32 on page 480):
– Data type: noteId (or click Browse and select CustomerNoteId.wsdl).
– Namespace: http://salestrackingibmapi.
– Action: editCustomer (remember the editCustomer action in
– Parameter: noteId.
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
– C2A caption: Show details.
– Portlet: SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomerDetails portlet.
– WSDL file: CustomerDetails.
Figure 6-32 Enable Click-to-Action target
8. Click OK.
WSAD generates the CustomerDetails.wsdl file and modifies the web.xml to
wrap CustomerDetailsPortlet in PortletWrapper. WSAD also includes the C2A
parameter in portlet.xml. See Example 6-19 for the contents of the WSDL file.
Example 6-19 CustomerDetails.wsdl
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions name="CustomerDetails_Service"
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://salestrackingibmapi">
<xsd:simpleType name="noteId">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"></xsd:restriction>
<message name="noteId_Request">
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
<part name="noteId_Input" type="tns:noteId" />
<portType name="CustomerDetails_Service">
<operation name="CustomerDetails">
<input message="tns:noteId_Request" />
<binding name="CustomerDetails_Binding" type="tns:CustomerDetails_Service">
<portlet:binding />
<operation name="CustomerDetails">
<portlet:action name="editCustomer" type="simple" caption="Show details"
description="" />
<portlet:param name="noteId" partname="noteId_Input" />
Name-attribute in the <portlet:action> tag specifies the action name in the target
portlet. The target portlet must understand what to do when it receives an action
with specified name. Name-attribute in <portlet:param> the tag is sent to the
portlet as a request parameter.
There is no need to do any changes in the code, so we can test and see
Click-to-Action in action.
6.4.13 Testing the application, part four
1. Run SalesTrackingIBMAPI on the server.
2. After the test environment has been started, we see CustomerContactsPortlet
with Click-to-Action enabled (Figure 6-33 on page 482).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-33 CustomerContactsPortlet with Click-to-Action
3. Test Click-to-Action by clicking the arrow icon beside the customer name
(Figure 6-34 on page 483).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-34 CustomerContactsPortlet: testing Click-to-Action
4. Clicking Show details sends a message to CustomerDetailsPortlet
(Figure 6-35 on page 484).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-35 CustomerContactsPortlet: editing customer
6.4.14 Deployment descriptors
Now the portal application is ready for deployment. Before deploying the
application to the production server, let us take a look at the deployment
While working with WSAD and Portal Toolkit, we do not have to write descriptors.
They are presented here as an example (Example 6-20 and Example 6-21 on
page 486).
Example 6-20 web.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
2.3//EN" "">
<web-app id="WebApp">
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Example 6-21 portlet.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE portlet-app-def PUBLIC "-//IBM//DTD Portlet Application 1.1//EN"
56ff" major-version="1" minor-version="0">
<portlet-app-name>SalesTrackingIBMAPI application</portlet-app-name>
ersPortlet" major-version="1" minor-version="0">
<portlet-name>SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomers portlet</portlet-name>
<maximized />
<minimized />
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
<markup name="html">
<view />
<configure />
<edit />
rackingIBMAPICustomerDetailsPortlet" major-version="1" minor-version="0">
<portlet-name>SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomerDetails portlet</portlet-name>
<maximized />
<minimized />
<markup name="html">
<view />
erContactsPortlet" major-version="1" minor-version="0">
<portlet-name>SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomerContacts portlet</portlet-name>
<maximized />
<minimized />
<markup name="html">
<view />
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
<portlet-app-name>SalesTrackingIBMAPI application</portlet-app-name>
<portlet-name>SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomers portlet</portlet-name>
<language locale="en">
<title>SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomers portlet</title>
<portlet-name>SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomerDetails portlet</portlet-name>
<language locale="en">
<title>SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomerDetails portlet</title>
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
<portlet-name>SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomerContacts portlet</portlet-name>
<language locale="en">
<title>SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomerContacts portlet</title>
6.4.15 Deployment
1. The first thing we do is to export our application. Right-click
SalesTrackingIBMAPI and select Export (Figure 6-36 on page 490).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-36 Export SalesTrackingIBMAPI portlet application
2. In the Export dialog, select WAR File and click Next.
3. Enter the destination, including the directory, for example,
4. Click Finish.
WSAD creates a WAR file ready for deployment and we can use WebSphere
Portal’s administrator portlets to deploy it to the server.
The structure of the WAR file follows the J2EE specification (Example 6-22 on
page 491).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Example 6-22 Contents of SalesTrackingIBMAPIRedbookSample.war
| ibm-web-bnd.xmi
| ibm-web-ext.xmi
| portlet.xml
| web.xml
| \---com
In the lib-directory, we have a pbportlet.jar file. The jar file includes the
PortletWrapper class that is used in Click-to-Action portlets. This jar file is
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
added automatically by WSAD when we enabled portlets for Click-to-Action.
Note also that in the web.xml (Example 6-20 on page 484), the servlet class
for Click-to-Action enabled portlets is PortletWrapper and its init parameter
refers to the portlet class we wrote.
5. Open a browser and log in as the administrator to the WebSphere Portal
production server. The administrator user name and password are usually
6. When logged in, select Administration → Portlets → Install (see
Figure 6-37).
Figure 6-37 Install portlet I
7. Browse for our portlet war file and click Next.
8. We see that following portlets will be installed (Figure 6-38 on page 493).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-38 Install portlet II
9. Click Install.
10.If the installation was successful, we get the message APIN0005I: Portlets
were successfully installed.
11.Now we can add a new page for displaying our portlets. Create a label named
RedbookChapter6Samples, as seen in Figure 6-39.
Figure 6-39 Create Redbook samples label
12.Create a page named SalesTrackingIBMAPI under
RedbookChapter6Samples (Figure 6-40 on page 494).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-40 Create page SalesTrackingIBMAPI
13.Click Edit Page Layout (Figure 6-41).
Figure 6-41 Edit page layout
14.Add SalesTrackingIBMAPI portlets to a page (Figure 6-42 on page 495).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-42 Add portlets to a page
15.Click Done.
16.Now we have our portlets on a page and we see our application in action
(Figure 6-43 on page 496). With awareness!
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-43 SalesTrackingIBMAPI application
17.But of course we have to set authentication. Because this environment has
single sign-on enabled, we use SSO to access the Domino server. Go to the
configure mode of the SalesTrackingIBMAPICustomers portlet, configure
parameters for the environment, and enable SSO (Figure 6-44).
Figure 6-44 Configure SalesTrackingIBMAPI portal application
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
18.Click Save.
19.After relogin, we see the portlet application with awareness (Figure 6-45).
Figure 6-45 SalesTrackingIBMAPI application with awareness
6.4.16 Summary
We developed the portal application using IBM Portlet API. As we discovered,
WebSphere Studio Application Developer offers many helpful features for portlet
developer, for example, integrated test environment and generation of
deployment descriptors.
In the portal application we used portlet messaging, Click-to-Action, awareness,
and different portlet modes. From the portlet perspective, the Domino application
is just another back end where we need to connect and connection in this sample
is done using a custom DominoAccess class. Simple JavaBeans are used to
represent documents in the Domino database.
Now we have an understanding of IBM Portlet API and its basic features, and we
know how to develop portlets with it. The code presented in this section can be
used as a starting point for other projects.
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Note: The file has the
SalesTrackingIBMAPI project ready for importing to WSAD. See Appendix C,
“Additional material” on page 741 for download instructions.
6.5 Sales Tracking application using Struts
This section shows how to develop a Struts based portlet.
6.5.1 Adding classes to DominoAccess
Before we start to develop the Struts application, we add some classes to the
DominoAccess project that will be helpful in our development.
1. We need portal classes in the DominoAccess project, so we add portal
classes to the project build path.
2. Right-click the DominoAccess project and select Properties.
3. Select the Java Build Path and Libraries.
Figure 6-46 Add library to Java build path
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
4. Use Add external JAR to add the following JAR files to the build path:
– jaas.jar in <wsad_install_dir>/runtimes/base_v5/java/jre/lib/ext
– j2ee.jar in <wsad_install_dir>/runtimes/base_v5/lib
– wps.jar in <wsad_install_dir>/runtimes/portal_v50/shared/app
– portlet-api.jar in <wsad_install_dir>/runtimes/portal_v50/shared/app
5. After jar files have been added, click OK.
6. Right-click the DominoAccess project and select Rebuild Project.
7. Add the class to the
DominoAccess project.
8. DominoAccessProxy is a proxy to DominoAccess that handles authentication
details and exceptions so we do not have to write so much code in our portlet
(Example 6-23).
Example 6-23
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletApplicationSettings;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletContext;
import org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletRequest;
public class DominoAccessProxy
public static String KEY = " person:password";
public static void init(
PortletRequest portletRequest,
PortletContext portletContext)
String key = "";
PortletApplicationSettings applicationSettings =
String dominoHost =
key =
+ ":"
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
+ applicationSettings.getAttribute("")
+ ":"
+ applicationSettings.getAttribute("password");
DominoAccess.CUSTOMER_DB = applicationSettings.getAttribute("customer.db");
DominoAccess.SALES_DB = applicationSettings.getAttribute("sales.db");
DominoAccess.PRODUCTS_DB = applicationSettings.getAttribute("product.db");
if (Boolean
CredentialVaultService credentialVaultService =
(CredentialVaultService) portletContext.getService(
Subject subject =
Set privateCredentials = subject.getPrivateCredentials();
Iterator iterator = privateCredentials.iterator(); ltpaToken =
key = dominoHost + ":" + ltpaToken.getTokenString();
catch (Exception e)
KEY = key;
public static CustomerBean[] getCustomers()
DominoAccess dominoAccess = DominoAccess.getInstance();
return dominoAccess.getCustomers(KEY);
catch (Exception e)
return null;
public static SalesPersonBean[] getSalesPersons()
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
DominoAccess dominoAccess = DominoAccess.getInstance();
return dominoAccess.getSalesPersons(KEY);
catch (Exception e)
return null;
public static boolean addCustomer(CustomerBean customerBean)
DominoAccess dominoAccess = DominoAccess.getInstance();
dominoAccess.addNewCustomer(KEY, customerBean);
return true;
catch (Exception e)
return false;
public static boolean deleteCustomer(CustomerBean customerBean)
if (customerBean.getNoteId() != null)
DominoAccess dominoAccess = DominoAccess.getInstance();
dominoAccess.deleteCustomer(KEY, customerBean.getNoteId());
return true;
catch (Exception e)
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
return false;
public static CustomerBean getCustomer(String noteId)
DominoAccess dominoAccess = DominoAccess.getInstance();
return dominoAccess.getCustomerByNoteId(KEY, noteId);
catch (Exception e)
return null;
public static CustomerBean getCustomerByName(String name)
DominoAccess dominoAccess = DominoAccess.getInstance();
return dominoAccess.getCustomersByName(KEY, name)[0];
catch (Exception e)
return null;
9. Add the class to
the DominoAccess project (Example 6-24 on page 503).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Example 6-24 CustomerBeanCollection
public class CustomerBeanCollection
private CustomerBean[] customerBeans = null;
public CustomerBean[] getCustomerBeans()
if (customerBeans == null)
customerBeans = DominoAccessProxy.getCustomers();
return customerBeans;
public void setCustomerBeans(CustomerBean[] customerBeans)
this.customerBeans = customerBeans;
10.Add the class to
the DominoAccess project (Example 6-25).
Example 6-25
public class SalesPersonBeanCollection
private SalesPersonBean[] salesPersonBeans = null;
public SalesPersonBean[] getSalesPersonBeans()
if (salesPersonBeans == null)
salesPersonBeans = DominoAccessProxy.getSalesPersons();
return salesPersonBeans;
public void setSalesPersonBeans(SalesPersonBean[] salesPersonBeans)
this.salesPersonBeans = salesPersonBeans;
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
11.Export the DominoAccess project to DominoAccess.jar.
6.5.2 SalesTrackingStruts project
Next, we create a new portlet project for Struts.
1. We create a new portlet project. Instead of choosing the Basic portlet, we
choose the Struts portlet (Figure 6-47).
Figure 6-47 Create Struts portlet project
2. We can use the default features of the Struts project, so click Finish.
3. If you get a Repair Server Configuration dialog, click OK.
4. WSAD creates a Struts project and when it is finished, copy
DominoAccess.jar, NCSO.jar, commons-pool-1.1.jar, and
commons-collections-3.0.jar to the WEB-INF/lib directory and open a Web
diagram file diagram.gph (if it is not open already).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
6.5.3 Drawing a Struts application
The Web diagram (Figure 6-48) allows us to model our Struts application before
generating any code. This makes it easy to describe the relationships and the
flow within the portal prior to coding. We define the relationship among the portal
elements and the wizards generate the code based on certain assumptions we
describe in the diagram and we do not have to write so much code.
Figure 6-48 New Struts portlet project
As we recall from 6.2.2, “Portal application functionality” on page 397, we
remember that the Struts application should list customers and have the ability to
add, edit, and delete customers. With this in mind, we start visualizing our
application using the Web diagram.
On the right side of WSAD, there is a Palette of Struts tools. The tools include
Web page, JavaBeans, and Actions. We use these to model our application.
1. First, we need a starting page for our application. Select Web page from the
Palette and drop it into the Web diagram. Name the page /index.jsp
(Figure 6-49 on page 506).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-49 Web diagram with index.jsp
2. We need two other JSPs: Customers.jsp and CustomerDetails.jsp, so add
them to the Web diagram.
3. We want to initialize DominoAccess to use SSO in this application and we
decide to initialize it when displaying the Customers.jsp. So we add an action
that sets SSO for our Struts application. Select Action mapping from the
palette and place the action between index.jsp and Customers.jsp. Name the
action /setSingleSignOn (Figure 6-50 on page 507).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-50 Set single sign on action
We notice that all our components are grey and unrealized. We realize them
4. Next, we want to have connections between components. We decide that
from index.jsp we want to go to Customers.jsp and also set SSO before
displaying customers. From Customer.jsp, a link back to index.jsp would be
helpful. We do this by selecting Connection from the Palette and then
clicking index.jsp. Move the mouse cursor on top of the setSingleSignon
action and press the left mouse button. A dashed connection appears
between the components.
We also want a connection between setSingleSignOn action and
Customers.jsp. Add a connection by clicking on top of the action and then
move over the top of Customers.jsp. When editable text appears, write
/showCustomers as the name of the connection. We add also a connection
between Customers.jsp and index.jsp (Figure 6-51 on page 508).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-51 Connections between index.jsp and Customers.jsp
We want to list customers in Customers.jsp in a fashion similar to what was
shown in 6.4.3, “CustomersPortlet” on page 434. So we need couple of
JavaBeans: one for customers and the other for sales persons. We use the
two collection beans that we created in 6.5.1, “Adding classes to
DominoAccess” on page 498.
5. Select Java Bean from the Palette and drop it somewhere in the Web
diagram. A dialog box opens; add the following values:
– Type:
– ID: customers
– Scope: session
6. Add the JavaBean SalesPersonBeanCollection with the ID salesPersons and
scope session (Figure 6-52 on page 509).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-52 CustomerBeanCollection and SalesPersonBeanCollection in Web diagram
7. We want paging for our customer list, so we add the actions nextPage and
previousPage and a JavaBean called PageIndex to hold the page index.
Name the connections from the next and previous actions to Customers.jsp
as showCustomers.
Also add a JavaBean with session scope and class type
salestrackingstruts.PageIndex and ID customersPageIndex (Figure 6-53 on
page 510).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-53 Struts application with paging
We want to add a new customer using the CustomerDetails page that is also
used to edit an existing customer. For this, we need a form bean.
8. Select Form Bean from Palette and place it in the diagram. The dialog opens;
add the following values:
– Name: customerFormBean
– Scope: session
9. Add the actions called /showCustomerDetails and /editCustomer. Also, add a
JavaBean with the following values:
– Type: salestrackingstruts.MessageBean
– ID: messageBean
– Scope: request
10.Add the following connections:
– Customers.jsp -> /showCustomerDetails
– /showCustomerDetails -> CustomerDetails.jsp (name:
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
– CustomerDetails.jsp -> Customers.jsp
– CustomerDetails.jsp -> /editCustomer
– /editCustomer -> CustomerDetails.jsp (name: saveFailure)
– /editCustomer -> Customers.jsp (name: saveSuccess)
We have now designed our Struts application (Figure 6-54). The next task is to
start realizing JSPs, JavaBeans, and actions. We come back to the diagram to
specify relations between JavaBeans and JSPs/actions.
Figure 6-54 SalesTrackingStruts application (unrealized)
6.5.4 Realizing JSPs and JavaBeans
We start realizing our application from index.jsp.
1. Double-click the index.jsp component. A dialog New JSP file opens, but we do
not change anything and just accept the defaults. Click Finish.
2. index.jsp opens and it includes code from the template. We write our own JSP
(Example 6-26 on page 512).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Example 6-26 index.jsp
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portletAPI" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ page
contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
<portletAPI:init />
<h4>Sales Tracking Struts application</h4>
<html:link action="/setSingleSignOn">Customers</html:link>
This JSP references the Struts tag libraries and they include Struts HTML
tags, like <html:link>, which is used in index.jsp. The Palette in WSAD has a
list of Struts HTML tags and we will use many of them in this application.
3. Right-click the SalesTrackingStruts project and select Properties. Select
Web Project Features, check JSP Tag Libraries, and click OK.
4. Next, we write Customers.jsp and CustomerDetails.jsp (Example 6-27 and
Example 6-28 on page 514).
Example 6-27 Customers.jsp
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portletAPI" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
<%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/people.tld" prefix="pa"%>
<%@ page
contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
<jsp:useBean id="customers"
<jsp:useBean id="customersPageIndex"
class="salestrackingstruts.PageIndex" scope="session"></jsp:useBean>
<jsp:useBean id="salesPersons"
<jsp:useBean id="messageBean" scope="request"
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
<portletAPI:init />
<c:if test="${not empty messageBean.message}">
<bean:write name="messageBean" property="message" scope="request" />
<c:forEach var="varCustomerBeans" items="${customers.customerBeans}"
end="${customersPageIndex.endPageIndex}" step="1"
<td><html:link action="/showCustomerDetails" paramId="noteId"
paramName="varCustomerBeans" paramProperty="noteId">
<c:out value="${}" />
<td><c:out value="${varCustomerBeans.customerNumber}" /></td>
<td><c:forEach var="varSalesPerson"
test="${varCustomerBeans.accountOwner ==
<pa:person><c:out value="${}"/></pa:person>
<td>Total: <%=String.valueOf(customers.getCustomerBeans().length)%></td>
<td><html:link action="/previousPage">Previous</html:link></td>
<td><html:link action="/nextPage">Next</html:link></td><tr>
<br />
<html:link action="/showCustomerDetails">Add new customer</html:link>
<br />
<html:link forward="/main">Main</html:link>
In this JSP, we introduce our JavaBeans for the page and have a simple table
for displaying customers. Note how we use JSTL tags, such as <forEach>, in
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
this JSP. This also uses <html:link> tags with either an action or forward
attribute. For now, we do not worry about any errors that we get.
Example 6-28 CustomerDetails.jsp
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portletAPI" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
<%@ page
contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
<jsp:useBean id="salesPersons" scope="session"
<c:set value="${salesPersons.salesPersonBeans}" var="salesPersonBeans"
scope="session" />
<portletAPI:init />
<h3>Customer details</h3>
<html:errors />
<html:form action="/editCustomer" scope="session">
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1">
<td><html:text property="name" /></td>
<td>Customer number</td>
<td><html:text property="customerNumber" /></td>
<td>Account owner</td>
<td><html:select property="accountOwner">
<html:options collection="salesPersonBeans"
property="employeeNumber" labelProperty="name" />
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
<td>Employee total</td>
<td><html:text property="employeeTotal" /></td>
<td><html:textarea property="address" /></td>
<td>Additional information</td>
<td><html:textarea property="additionalInformation" /></td>
<td><html:submit property="action" value="Save" /></td>
<td><html:submit property="action" value="Delete" /></td>
<html:link forward="/customers">Back</html:link>
<br />
<html:link forward="/main">Main</html:link>
5. Next, we realize MessageBean and PageIndexBean. Double-click JavaBean
in the Web diagram. In the New Java class dialog, click Finish. The source for
the bean is opened and we write our beans as shown in Example 6-29 and
Example 6-30 on page 516.
Example 6-29
package salestrackingstruts;
public class PageIndex
private int startPageIndex = 0;
private int endPageIndex = 4;
public void setStartPageIndex(int newStartPageIndex)
this.startPageIndex = newStartPageIndex;
public int getStartPageIndex()
return startPageIndex;
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
public void setEndPageIndex(int newEndPageIndex)
this.endPageIndex = newEndPageIndex;
public int getEndPageIndex()
return endPageIndex;
Example 6-30
package salestrackingstruts;
public class MessageBean
private String message = "";
public void setMessage(String newMessage)
this.message = newMessage;
public String getMessage()
return message;
6. The rebuild project and error messages in Customers.jsp disappear. There
are still many warnings, but they are corrected as we continue development.
7. Recall what beans we are using in the JSP files. Open the Web diagram and
connect beans to JSP files. Now our Web diagram looks like Figure 6-55 on
page 517.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-55 SalesTrackingStruts Web diagram
Some elements are now realized, but many are not, so we still have work
Next, we realize customerFormBean.
8. Double-click customerFormBean. The New Form-Bean dialog opens
(Figure 6-56 on page 518).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-56 New Form Bean
9. Click Next. Go to the SalesTrackingStruts project and find the editCustomer
action in CustomerDetails.jsp. Choose all except the submit fields
(Figure 6-57 on page 519).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-57 Choose form fields
10.Click Next.
11.Now we choose which fields to create in our form bean. Recall that in our
CustomerBean, we use the same field names and types as are in the
CustomerBean (see Figure 6-58 on page 520).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-58 Create fields for form bean
12.Click Next.
13.Uncheck the Reset and Validate Method stubs. Click Finish.
14.WSAD generates CustomerFormBean and opens it. Go to the Web diagram
and connect customerFormBean to CustomerDetails.jsp and
/showCustomerDetails action.
6.5.5 Realizing actions
1. Double-click the /setSingleSignOn action. The New Action Mapping dialog
box opens (Figure 6-59 on page 521).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-59 Add new action mapping
Note the configuration file name, action mapping path, and forwards fields.
2. Click Finish.
3. WSAD creates the class and uses the Struts
action template. The template is very useful and we have to add three lines
(and import statements) to it. The complete Java source for the action is
presented in Example 6-31.
Example 6-31
package salestrackingstruts.actions;
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
* @version 1.0
* @author
public class SetSingleSignOnAction extends StrutsAction
public ActionForward execute(
ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
PortletRequest request)
throws Exception
ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
ActionForward forward = new ActionForward(); // return value
// do something here
WpsActionServlet strutsServlet =
(WpsActionServlet) request.getAttribute("spf_wpsActionServlet");
PortletContext portletContext = strutsServlet.getPortletContext();
DominoAccessProxy.init(request, portletContext);
catch (Exception e)
// Report the error using the appropriate name and ID.
errors.add("name", new ActionError("id"));
// If a message is required, save the specified key(s)
// into the request for use by the <struts:errors> tag.
if (!errors.isEmpty())
// Write logic determining how the user should be forwarded.
forward = mapping.findForward("/showCustomers");
// Finish with
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
return (forward);
PortletContext is retrieved using the WpsActionServlet.getPortletContext()
method, which is an undocumented feature. Action calls the
DominoAccessProxy.init() method and sets the Domino server and other
parameters. Parameters are read from PortletApplicationSettings, so we have
to add them to the portlet.xml (see Example 6-38 on page 539).
4. Add actions for /previousPage and /nextPage (Example 6-32 and
Example 6-33 on page 525).
Example 6-32
package salestrackingstruts.actions;
import salestrackingstruts.PageIndex;
* @version 1.0
* @author
public class PreviousPageAction extends StrutsAction
public ActionForward execute(
ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
PortletRequest request)
throws Exception
ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
ActionForward forward = new ActionForward(); // return value
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
// do something here
PortletSession session = request.getPortletSession();
PageIndex pageIndex =
(PageIndex) session.getAttribute("customersPageIndex");
CustomerBeanCollection customers =
(CustomerBeanCollection) session.getAttribute("customers");
int customersLength = customers.getCustomerBeans().length;
int startIndex = pageIndex.getStartPageIndex();
int endIndex = pageIndex.getEndPageIndex();
if ((startIndex - 5) < 0)
pageIndex.setStartPageIndex((startIndex - 5));
endIndex = startIndex + 4;
if ((endIndex - 5) < 4)
pageIndex.setEndPageIndex(endIndex - 5);
session.setAttribute("customersPageIndex", pageIndex);
catch (Exception e)
// Report the error using the appropriate name and ID.
errors.add("name", new ActionError("id"));
// If a message is required, save the specified key(s)
// into the request for use by the <struts:errors> tag.
if (!errors.isEmpty())
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
// Write logic determining how the user should be forwarded.
forward = mapping.findForward("showCustomersPage");
// Finish with
return (forward);
Example 6-33
package salestrackingstruts.actions;
import salestrackingstruts.PageIndex;
* @version 1.0
* @author
public class NextPageAction extends StrutsAction
public ActionForward execute(
ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
PortletRequest request)
throws Exception
ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
ActionForward forward = new ActionForward(); // return value
// do something here
PortletSession session = request.getPortletSession();
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
PageIndex pageIndex =
(PageIndex) session.getAttribute("customersPageIndex");
CustomerBeanCollection customers =
(CustomerBeanCollection) session.getAttribute("customers");
int customersLength = customers.getCustomerBeans().length;
int startIndex = pageIndex.getStartPageIndex();
int endIndex = pageIndex.getEndPageIndex();
if ((startIndex + 5) < customersLength)
pageIndex.setStartPageIndex(startIndex + 5);
if ((endIndex + 5) >= customersLength)
pageIndex.setEndPageIndex(endIndex + 5);
session.setAttribute("customersPageIndex", pageIndex);
catch (Exception e)
// Report the error using the appropriate name and ID.
errors.add("name", new ActionError("id"));
// If a message is required, save the specified key(s)
// into the request for use by the <struts:errors> tag.
if (!errors.isEmpty())
// Forward control to the appropriate 'failure' URI (change name as
//forward = mapping.findForward("failure");
// Forward control to the appropriate 'success' URI (change name as
forward = mapping.findForward("showCustomersPage");
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
// Finish with
return (forward);
5. Add the action for /showCustomerDetails (Example 6-34).
Example 6-34
package salestrackingstruts.actions;
import salestrackingstruts.forms.CustomerFormBean;
* @version 1.0
* @author
public class ShowCustomerDetailsAction extends StrutsAction
public ActionForward execute(
ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
PortletRequest request)
throws Exception
ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
ActionForward forward = new ActionForward(); // return value
// do something here
String noteId = request.getParameter("noteId");
if (noteId != null)
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
CustomerBean customerBean = DominoAccessProxy.getCustomer(noteId);
//populate form bean
CustomerFormBean formBean = (CustomerFormBean) form;
catch (Exception e)
// Report the error using the appropriate name and ID.
errors.add("name", new ActionError("id"));
// If a message is required, save the specified key(s)
// into the request for use by the <struts:errors> tag.
if (!errors.isEmpty())
// Write logic determining how the user should be forwarded.
forward = mapping.findForward("showCustomerDetails");
// Finish with
return (forward);
6. The last action we realize is the /editCustomer (Example 6-35 on page 529).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Example 6-35
package salestrackingstruts.actions;
import salestrackingstruts.MessageBean;
import salestrackingstruts.forms.CustomerFormBean;
* @version 1.0
* @author
public class EditCustomerAction extends StrutsAction
public ActionForward execute(
ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
PortletRequest request)
throws Exception
ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
ActionForward forward = new ActionForward(); // return value
// do something here
PortletSession session = request.getPortletSession();
MessageBean msg = new MessageBean();
request.setAttribute("messageBean", msg);
CustomerBean customerBean = new CustomerBean();
CustomerFormBean customerFormBean = (CustomerFormBean) form;
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
boolean delete = request.getParameter("action").equals("Delete");
if (delete)
if (!DominoAccessProxy.deleteCustomer(customerBean))
new ActionError("error.editcustomer.delete.failure"));
msg.setMessage("Delete successful.");
if (!DominoAccessProxy.addCustomer(customerBean))
new ActionError(""));
msg.setMessage("Save successful.");
catch (Exception e)
// Report the error using the appropriate name and ID.
if (e instanceof NumberFormatException)
new ActionError(""));
errors.add("name", new ActionError("id"));
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
// If a message is required, save the specified key(s)
// into the request for use by the <struts:errors> tag.
if (!errors.isEmpty())
saveErrors(request, errors);
forward = mapping.findForward("saveFailure");
// Write logic determining how the user should be forwarded.
forward = mapping.findForward("saveSuccess");
// Finish with
return (forward);
MessageBean is used in this action to provide a message about the action
6.5.6 Adding global forwards
We notice that we have warnings about broken links. To correct them, we have to
change the Struts configuration file. Locate struts-config.xml under WEB-INF
directory and double-click. Go to Global Forwards and add the following forwards
(Figure 6-60 on page 532):
򐂰 /main: Path attribute is index.jsp.
򐂰 /customers: Path attribute is Customers.jsp
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-60 Add Global Forwards
Now our Struts application is ready and the Web diagram looks like Figure 6-61
on page 533.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-61 Completed SalesTrackingStruts application
If the connection between customerFormBean and CustomerDetails.jsp is not
solid, then do the following
򐂰 Double-click the /showCustomerDetails action.
򐂰 Under Form Bean Specification, select session for scope.
򐂰 Close and save.
There may be still some dashed lines in the diagram between JSPs and actions,
but since we know for a fact that the links are realized, we conclude that the
diagram is not updated correctly.
6.5.7 Testing the application
Run SalesTrackingStruts on the test environment (see Figure 6-62 on page 534,
Figure 6-63 on page 534, and Figure 6-64 on page 534).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-62 SalesTrackingStruts, page 1
Figure 6-63 SalesTrackingStruts, page 2
Figure 6-64 SalesTrackingStruts, page 3
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
6.5.8 Deployment descriptors
Before deploying the application to our production server, let us take a look at
deployment descriptors.
In addition to web.xml and portlet.xml, the Struts portlet application also includes
The file struts-config.xml (Example 6-36) holds all the specific mapping
information and is consulted at each request. This file specifies details of the
action being invoked: who is supposed to be calling the action, the form beans
associated with the initiating form or JSP, action targets and forwards, and so on.
For the most part, the WSAD wizards add the necessary information but we need
to update that manually from time to time, as we did in 6.5.6, “Adding global
forwards” on page 531.
Example 6-36 struts-config.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts
Configuration 1.1//EN"
<!-- Data Sources -->
<!-- Form Beans -->
<form-bean name="customerFormBean"
<!-- Global Exceptions -->
<!-- Global Forwards -->
<forward name="/main" path="index.jsp"></forward>
<forward name="/customers" path="Customers.jsp"></forward>
<!-- Action Mappings -->
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
<action path="/setSingleSignOn"
<forward name="/showCustomers" path="/Customers.jsp"></forward>
<action path="/previousPage"
<forward name="showCustomersPage" path="/Customers.jsp"></forward>
<action path="/nextPage" type="salestrackingstruts.actions.NextPageAction">
<forward name="showCustomersPage" path="/Customers.jsp"></forward>
<action name="customerFormBean" path="/showCustomerDetails" scope="session"
<forward name="showCustomerDetails"
<action name="customerFormBean" path="/editCustomer"
type="salestrackingstruts.actions.EditCustomerAction" scope="session">
<forward name="saveSuccess" path="/Customers.jsp"></forward>
<forward name="saveFailure" path="/CustomerDetails.jsp"></forward>
<!-- Message Resources -->
parameter="salestrackingstruts.resources.ApplicationResources" />
Struts-config.xml includes global forwards, actions, form beans, and other
information about the application. What we did in the Web diagram is referenced
here. For example, notice the action with the path /editCustomer. It has two
forwards and recall how we specified them in the Web diagram and in the action
Web.xml and portlet.xml
Web.xml (Example 6-37 on page 537) and portlet.xml (Example 6-38 on
page 539) has much Struts specific configuration. Web.xml includes references
to Struts tag libraries, parameters for WpsStrutsPortlet, and mappings. While we
developed our Struts portlet application, we did not write any portlet specific
code, except that we used classes from IBM Portlet API like PortletRequest. All
portlet specific code is done in WpsStrutsPortlet class and it allows us to develop
portlets without coding against IBM Portlet API.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Portlet.xml has the configuration parameters that we need to configure when we
deploy an application to the server.
Example 6-37 web.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
2.3//EN" "">
<web-app id="WebApp">
<servlet id="Servlet_1097070551889">
<param-value>markupName, mode, locale</param-value>
<param-value>manufacturer, model, version</param-value>
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Example 6-38 portlet.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE portlet-app-def PUBLIC "-//IBM//DTD Portlet Application 1.1//EN"
<portlet-app uid="salestrackingstruts.SalesTrackingStrutsPortlet.9a7008e6ff"
major-version="1" minor-version="0">
<portlet-app-name>SalesTrackingStruts application</portlet-app-name>
<portlet id="salestrackingstruts.SalesTrackingStrutsPortlet"
href="WEB-INF/web.xml#Servlet_1097070551889" major-version="1"
<portlet-name>SalesTrackingStruts portlet</portlet-name>
<maximized />
<minimized />
<markup name="html">
<view />
<portlet-app-name>SalesTrackingStruts application</portlet-app-name>
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
<param-value>test person</param-value>
<concrete-portlet href="#salestrackingstruts.SalesTrackingStrutsPortlet">
<portlet-name>SalesTrackingStruts portlet</portlet-name>
<language locale="en">
<title>SalesTrackingStruts portlet</title>
<keywords>WPS, Struts</keywords>
6.5.9 Deployment
1. Export the SalesTrackingStruts application to the
SalesTrackingStrutsRedbookSample.war file.
The contents of the war file are shown in Example 6-39.
Example 6-39 Contents of SalesTrackingStrutsRedbookSample.war
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
| ibm-web-bnd.xmi
| ibm-web-ext.xmi
| portlet.xml
| struts-bean.tld
| struts-chtml.tld
| struts-config.xml
| struts-html.tld
| struts-logic.tld
| struts-nested.tld
| struts-portal-html.tld
| struts-portal-wml.tld
| struts-template.tld
| struts-tiles.tld
| struts-wml.tld
| web.xml
| \---salestrackingstruts
| MessageBean.class
| PageIndex.class
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
There are many Struts specific jar files in the lib directory. The Struts tag
library descriptor files are in the Web-inf directory.
In the classes/resources directory, there is a file called that abstracts textual data from an
application. Resource files maintain a set of name/value pairs which can be
accessed easily from JSPs. For example, we might want submit buttons be
labeled "Submit." This is defined in the resource file, and the label is
referenced from all the JSPs by its assigned name only. This means that if we
decide to change the buttons to "Submit Query" across the board, there is
only one location to edit. The resource file has many other more interesting
uses, such as header or footer text, titles of sections of the application or Web
site, and so forth. A value in the properties file can be accessed from JSP
using the <bean:message key=”some.key”/> tag, where key “some.key” is in with a value of some.key=some text.
2. Install the SalesTrackingStruts application on the server.
Since we did not implement a configure mode for the portlet, we have to
modify parameters using WPS administration portlets.
3. After installing the portlet, go to the Manage applications portlet and select
the SalesTrackingStruts application (Figure 6-65 on page 543).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-65 Manage SalesTrackingStruts application
4. Click Modify parameters (Figure 6-66 on page 544).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-66 Manage SalesTrackingStruts application parameters
5. Configure the parameters to match your environment and enable single
sign-on. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
6. Add the SalesTrackingStruts portlet to a new or existing page (see
Figure 6-67 on page 545).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-67 SalesTrackingStruts application with awareness
6.5.10 Summary
The Struts development process described in this section gives a good starting
point for developing portlets using the Struts framework.
WSAD offers valuable tools for developing portlets with Struts. We can use a
graphical tool to design and re-designing our application before we have to do
any coding. It is also simple to add new functionality later to the Struts
application; just modify the Web diagram and realize necessary actions, beans,
and pages.
The actual coding is simplified compared to coding using IBM Portlet API. All
actions are separated from other actions, so there is no need to code everything
in the actionPerformed() method. We did not need to code using IBM Portlet API,
but we do need to know about the API and what it offers, especially in JSPs and
actions where we can use API classes directly.
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Note: The file has the SalesTrackingStruts
project ready for importing to WSAD. See Appendix C, “Additional material” on
page 741 for download instructions.
6.6 Sales Tracking application using JSF
This section shows how to develop a portal application based on Java Server
6.6.1 SalesTrackingJSF project
1. Create a new portlet project. Enter the project name SalesTrackingJSF and
make sure to select the option Faces portlet. Click Next.
2. Click Next.
3. In the Feature pages, check the Web Project feature: JSP Tag Libraries. Click
WSAD creates a new project and opens a JSP page
SalesTrackingJSFView.jsp for editing, displaying either source or design, as in
Figure 6-68 on page 547.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-68 SalesTrackingJSF project
Tip: If you do not see the string Place content here or it looks strange,
there may be a problem with the fonts. Go to the WSAD menu and select
Window → Preferences. Select Web Tools → Page Design → Fonts
and change to the preferred fonts.
Notice on the Palette that we have many Faces Components. We use these
components to design our JSP pages.
4. Copy DominoAccess.jar, NCSO.jar, commons-pool-1.1.jar, and
commons-collections-3.0.jar to the
SalesTrackingJSF/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib directory.
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
6.6.2 index.jsp
The first JSP we create is index.jsp, which acts as a starting point for our
application. WSAD created the SalesTrackingJSFView.jsp for us, and we use it to
display the customer list.
1. Right-click the SalesTrackingJSF project and select New → Faces JSP
File. Enter index.jsp as the File name.
2. Click Finish.
WSAD creates and opens index.jsp for editing.
3. Open portlet.xml and find the parameter
Change its value to /index.jsp and save and close the file.
4. Change the text Place context here to SalesTrackingJSF application. In the
lower left corner, there is an Attributes section for the selected component.
Change the paragraph to Heading 3 (Figure 6-69).
Figure 6-69 Index.jsp attributes
5. Click Command - Hyperlink from the Palette to select it and drop it under the
heading. You will see a link called link label. In the Attributes, you see
attributes for the link command. The command is a JSF element
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
<h:commandLink> included in a <h:form> element. Curious readers will
consult the JSP source to see what kind of JSP our visual programming is
creating. We will come back to the attributes later.
6. Click the text link label in the JSP page. The Attributes section now changes
to show attributes for <h:outputText>, an element which is included within
<h:commandLink>. Enter the text Customers as the value for the output text
We have now designed the user interface for index.jsp. The next thing we do
is to add functionality. As we did with the Struts portlet, clicking the
Customers link initializes DominoAccess to use either SSO or predefined
user name and password. The JSF portlet uses the same parameters as the
Struts application, so remember to add them in the portlet.xml. After
initializing DominoAccess, the portlet displays a customer list.
This is done by adding code to the hyperlink command and adding a
navigation rule.
7. Select <h:commandLink> in the index.jsp. You have to click the icon
immediately on the left side of text Customers (Figure 6-70).
Figure 6-70 Select <h:commandLink>
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
You will see that below the JSP page there is a Quick Edit window. This can
be used to add code to actions. It can be also used to add JavaScript to
different events in HTML, such as onBlur, onClick, and so on.
8. Click on the window that says Insert a code snippet or write your script
here. It is now an editable window and it has the Java code that handles the
command event. Note that you must return a String object or null. The
returned string is used when we add navigation.
9. The following code snippet (Example 6-40) initializes the DominoAccess
class. Write it in the QuickEdit window.
Example 6-40 Code for Customers action
Object request=getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getRequest();
Object context=getFacesContext().getExternalContext().getContext();
PortletRequest portletRequest=(PortletRequest)request;
PortletContext portletContext=(PortletContext)context;
return "showCustomers";
We implemented the DominoAccessProxy.init() method so that it accepts
PortletContext and PortletRequest as parameters. They are used to get
application parameters from portlet.xml and to initialize SSO. Notice how we
use the Faces API to get PortletRequest and PortletResponse objects.
10.But as we write the snippet, we get errors that our classes cannot be
resolved. To correct this fault, open in the SalesTrackingJSF/Java
Resources/pagecode directory. Right-click somewhere in the editor and
select Source → Organize Imports. You get a dialog where you have to
choose the type for PortletRequest and PortletContext. Choose the interfaces
with the org.apache.jetspeed.portlet package and save the file. and its super class are generated by WSAD
while we design our JSP page. We may add code there if we want to and we
use methods in PageCodeBase, such as getRequestScope(),
getSessionScope(), and so on, as we will see later. Refer to the JavaServer
Faces Technology 1.1_01 Reference Documentation at to learn how
JSF works beneath the surface
11.Next, we add navigation to the link. Select the command link in the JSP
design and select the Navigation tab on the Attributes. Click Add.
12.The Add navigation rule dialog opens. Enter the following values:
– Page to go to: SalesTrackingJSFView.jsp
– Alias: showCustomers, this is the string that we returned from the action.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
There is no need to apply the rule only to a specific action, and we want to
make the rule available globally, so select the Globally radio button
(Figure 6-71).
Figure 6-71 Add navigation to index.jsp
13.Click OK.
The first page is now ready and you may test it if you want to.
6.6.3 SalesTrackingJSFView.jsp
We use the SalesTrackingJSFView.jsp for listing customers.
1. Change the string Place content here to Customers.
2. We need a customer list for this page. In the Page data section, right-click
JSP scripting and select New → JavaBean (Figure 6-72 on page 552).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-72 Add new JavaBean
3. Enter the following values for the new JavaBean:
– Name: customers.
– Class:
– Check Make this JavaBean reusable.
– Scope: session.
Click Finish.
In the Page Data, we now have the customer’s JavaBean (Figure 6-73 on
page 553).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-73 PageData with CustomerBeanCollection
4. Select customerBeans and drag and drop it in the SalesTrackingJSFVIew
below the Customers heading. An Insert JavaBean dialog opens. Choose the
following columns for display: name, customerNumber, and accountOwner
(see Figure 6-74).
Figure 6-74 Insert JavaBean dialog
5. Click Finish.
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
WSAD creates a new output control for customer beans. Because we selected
an array of CustomerBeans for output, the output control is a table (Figure 6-75
on page 554).
Figure 6-75 SalesTrackingJSFView with CustomerBeans control
6. Save the file.
7. After we run SalesTrackingJSF on the server, we see our customer list
displayed (Figure 6-76 on page 555).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-76 SalesTrackingJSF customers list
All the customers in the Domino database are displayed in the table. The next
thing we want is to have paging, a link back to the main page, and a link to
add new customers and each customer name should be a link to customer
details. Notice that the account owner displayed here is a number. That is
because CustomerBean stores the account owner as a sales person number.
In IBM, the API and Struts portlets account owner name is extracted from
SalesPersonBeans using the BeanUtils class and the account owner number.
But we do not do that here because the main purpose of this section is to
show how to build the JSF portlet and that can be done without displaying
names in account the owner column.
Link to main page
1. Select Link from the Faces Components and drop it below the table. A dialog
Configure URL opens. Enter the value /index.jsp for the URL and Main for the
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-77 Configure URL
2. Click OK.
The JSP page now has a link back to the index page. You may test it if you want
1. In the JSP design view, select the <h:dataTable> element (Figure 6-78).
Figure 6-78 Select data table
2. Select the Paging tab.
3. Enter 5 as the Items/Page (Figure 6-79 on page 557).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-79 Add deluxe pager
4. Click Add deluxe pager. WSAD adds a custom JSF component for paging a
table (Figure 6-80).
Figure 6-80 SalesTrackingJSF with deluxe pager
5. Save the file and test the paging functionality.
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Add new customer action and show details action
Next, we add links to customer details page. The customer details page is also
used when adding a new customer.
1. Create a new Faces JSP file named CustomerDetails.jsp. We will add
functionality to it later.
2. Add a new command link with the name Add new customer above the Main
link in the SalesTrackingJSFView.jsp.
3. Type in the following code snippet for the Add new customer action
(Example 6-41).
Example 6-41 Code for Add new customer action
return "showCustomerDetails";
We remove CustomerBean from the session because we will add a
CustomerBean in the session when we want to view customer details. And
when we want to add customer details, we remove the existing
CustomerBean so that fields in the customer form are not prefilled. To see
how it works without removing the CustomerBean, you may comment it out.
We return the string “showCustomerDetails” that we will use in navigation.
4. Clicking Add new customer link opens the CustomerDetails.jsp page, so
add a navigation rule for it. The rule may be only for the
SalesTrackingJSFView page. Save the file.
5. Add a command link to a customer name by selecting Command HyperLink and dropping it on top of the name in the name column
(Figure 6-81 on page 559).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-81 Add link to table
6. Save SalesTrackingJSFView.jsp.
7. If you get the following warning:
Figure 6-82 Nested tag warning in SalesTrackingJSFView.jsp
Double-click the warning and you will see the tag causing the problem
(<h:outputText> tag is within another <h:outputText> tag). This was generated
when we dropped the command link to the table. Delete the tag, save the file,
and the warning disappears.
8. Next, we add a request parameter to the name link. We take the noteId
parameter from CustomerBean that we want to use to get the CustomerBean
from Domino. Do this by selecting the command link and select the
Parameters tab in the Attributes window (Figure 6-83 on page 560).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-83 Select Parameter tab in SalesTrackingJSFView.jsp
Click Add.
9. Enter noteId as the parameter name, and for value, select the noteId field in
CustomerBean (see Figure 6-84 on page 561).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-84 Add parameter to link
10.Click OK and save the file.
11.Now we add the action code for the name link. Add the following code snippet
(Example 6-42) to the action and save the file.
Example 6-42 Code snippet for the show details action
String noteId=(String)getRequestParam().get("noteId");
return "showCustomerDetails";
Here we take the noteId parameter from the request, get CustomerBean from
Domino, and add it to the session.
SalesTrackingJSFView.jsp is now finished and we have one more JSP to go.
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
6.6.4 CustomerDetails.jsp
We created CustomerDetails.jsp in the previous section and now we add
functionality to it. This JSP is used to add new customers and edit existing
1. Change Place content here to Customer Details.
2. Add a new JavaBean to the CustomerDetails.jsp page. In the Page Data
section, right-click JSP scripting and select New → JavaBean.
3. Enter the following values:
– Name: customerBean.
– Class:
– Check Make this JavaBean reusable.
– Scope: session.
Click Finish.
4. Add another JavaBean with the following values:
– Name: salesPersons.
– Class:
– Scope: session.
5. Insert new controls for the customer. Select the customerBean JavaBean in
Page Data and drag and drop it below the Customer Details header. A dialog
box opens.
6. Create controls for updating fields (Figure 6-85 on page 563).
– Select the Updating fields radio button.
– Uncheck the noteId field.
– Select Combo box as the control type for the accountOwner field.
– Modify the order of the fields.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-85 Insert JavaBean for updating fields
7. Click Finish. WSAD creates a form to update or edit CustomerBean
(Figure 6-86 on page 564).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-86 CustomerDetails.jsp: updating CustomerBean
8. We add choices to the account owner menu. Select the menu item in the
customer form and right-click the employeeNumber field in the salesPersons
JavaBean. Select Bind to ‘menu1’ (Figure 6-87 on page 565).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 6-87 Bind sales persons to menu
After binding employeeNumber, go to the Attributes section and select
customerBean.accountOwner as the value for the menu item.
9. Add the Delete button next to the Save button. Select Command - Button
from the Palette and click to the right of Save button. Go to the Format tab in
Attributes and enter Delete as the label.
10.Add a back-link below the two buttons. Select Link from the Palette and click
below the Save button. Enter /SalesTrackingJSFView.jsp as the URL and
Back as the label.
11.Save the file and test the application. You should see the window shown in
Figure 6-88 on page 566.
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-88 CustomerDetails.jsp with navigation buttons
1. Create a new JavaBean. Name the class salestrackingjsf.MessageBean. The
Bean should be one field, with the type as String and name as message.
Actions for buttons
The JSF application is almost ready. Next, we add actions for the Save and
Delete buttons.
1. Add the following code for the Save action (Example 6-43).
Example 6-43 Code for save customer action
if (DominoAccessProxy.addCustomer((CustomerBean)
MessageBean message = new MessageBean();
message.setMessage("Save successful.");
getRequestScope().put("messageBean", message);
return "success";
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
MessageBean message = new MessageBean();
message.setMessage("Save failed.");
getRequestScope().put("message", message);
return "failure";
2. Add the following code for the Delete action (Example 6-44).
Example 6-44 Code for delete customer action
MessageBean message=new MessageBean();
message.setMessage("Delete successful.");
return "success";
MessageBean message=new MessageBean();
message.setMessage("Delete failed.");
return "failure";
3. Both Save and Delete actions use the MessageBean to inform the user of the
results of the action. Add a new request scope variable for the
CustomerDetails.jsp page and the SalesTrackingJSFView.jsp page.
– Right-click requestScope in Page Data and select Add Request Scope
– Enter messageBean as the Variable name.
– Enter salestrackingjsf.MessageBean as the Type.
Click OK.
4. Add an output field for both CustomerDetails.jsp and
SalesTrackingJSFView.jsp pages.
– Select Output from Palette and drop it below the header.
– If output field does not go below the header when using drag and drop,
you can modify the source and move it manually to where you want it.
5. In the Attributes section, click the icon next to the value text field and select
message as the value for the output text (Figure 6-89 on page 568).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-89 Add request scope variable to output text
6. Add navigation for the Save and Delete buttons. If the result is “Success”, the
SalesTrackingJSFView.jsp page should be displayed, and if the result is
“failure”, the CustomerDetails.jsp page is displayed.
7. Test the application.
6.6.5 Deployment descriptors
The Faces portlet includes familiar web.xml and portlet.xml deployment
descriptors and also a JSF specific faces-config.xml deployment descriptor.
Faces-config.xml (Example 6-45) contains managed beans, validators, custom
components, navigation rules, and so on. Many resources of the JSF are
specified using the configuration file.
Example 6-45 faces-config.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
<!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC
"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.0//EN"
<!-- =========== FULL CONFIGURATION FILE ================================== -->
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Portlet.xml and web.xml are presented as examples (Example 6-46 and
Example 6-47 on page 572).
Example 6-46 portlet.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE portlet-app-def PUBLIC "-//IBM//DTD Portlet Application 1.1//EN"
<portlet-app uid="salestrackingjsf.SalesTrackingJSFPortlet.72be6987ff"
major-version="1" minor-version="0">
<portlet-app-name>SalesTrackingJSF application</portlet-app-name>
<portlet id="salestrackingjsf.SalesTrackingJSFPortlet"
href="WEB-INF/web.xml#Servlet_1097239824360" major-version="1"
<portlet-name>SalesTrackingJSF portlet</portlet-name>
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
<maximized />
<minimized />
<markup name="html">
<view />
<portlet-app-name>SalesTrackingJSF application</portlet-app-name>
<param-value>test person</param-value>
<concrete-portlet href="#salestrackingjsf.SalesTrackingJSFPortlet">
<portlet-name>SalesTrackingJSF portlet</portlet-name>
<language locale="en">
<title>SalesTrackingJSF portlet</title>
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Example 6-47 web.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
2.3//EN" "">
<web-app id="WebApp">
<servlet-name>JS Resource Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet id="Servlet_1097239824360">
<servlet-name>JS Resource Servlet</servlet-name>
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
6.6.6 Deployment
1. Export the SalesTrackingJSF application to the
SalesTrackingJSFRedbookSample.war file (Example 6-48).
Example 6-48 Contents of the SalesTrackingJSFRedbookSample.war
| faces-config.xml
| ibm-web-bnd.xmi
| ibm-web-ext.xmi
| portlet.xml
| web.xml
| +---pagecode
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| \---salestrackingjsf
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
In the classes directory, there is a package pagecode. Classes in this
package are managed beans for JSPs. They are subclasses of
PageCodeBase.class that has generic methods like getSessionScope().
Classes in the pagecode package are generated automatically when you
design your JSP page. Methods are added, modified, and deleted while you
drag and drop components to JSP page. You also add code to these classes,
all actions, for example, that we did using the QuickEdit window, has methods
in the managed bean class corresponding to the JSP page.
2. Install the application on WebSphere Portal, modify the parameters, and test
the portlet (Figure 6-90).
Figure 6-90 SalesTrackingJSF portlet
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
6.6.7 Summary
In this section, we developed a simple portlet using JSF framework and now you
have a basic understanding of JSF support for portlets and tools provided by
Since JSF is designed to be a RAD framework, we developed our application
using the JSF tools provided by WSAD, such as JSF components, visually
constructing JSP pages, using a quick edit feature that allows us to add code
snippets for actions, and so on. WSAD generates a lot of code for us and we
write only the code that we need to. JSP and Java sources are visible and
accessible so they can be consulted at any time and, of course, if we want to, we
can write our JSPs manually using JSF tags.
In addition to visual programming, the JSF framework encapsulates session
management, object management, navigation, and so on. All these features
makes building portlet applications a lot easier than building a portlet application
using just the portlet API.
At the time of writing, one issue with JSF is that being a relatively new technology
for WebSphere Portal, there are some problems. For example, JSF portlets using
JSR 168 and error handling using JSF components does not work in the
WebSphere Portal.
Note: The file has the SalesTrackingJSF
project ready for importing to WSAD. See Appendix C, “Additional material” on
page 741 for download instructions.
6.7 Sales Tracking application using JSR 168
In this section, we develop a simple portlet using JSR 168. The portlet does a
simple search for a customer. The first page of the portlet has a form for entering
a customer name and a second page displays the customer details.
This portlet can display an image from a Rich Text field in the Domino form.
6.7.1 Adding functionality to DominoAccess
We add functionality to handle images in a Rich Text field to DominoAccess
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Add the following method to (Example 6-49).
Example 6-49 DominoAccess.getFirstPNGImage()
public String getFirstPNGImage(String key, String noteId, String directory)
throws Exception
Session session = null;
session = (Session) pool.borrowObject(key);
Database customerDb = session.getDatabase(null, CUSTOMER_DB);
Document doc = customerDb.getDocumentByID(noteId);
RichTextItem additionalInformation =
(RichTextItem) doc.getFirstItem("Comments");
Vector embeddedObjects = additionalInformation.getEmbeddedObjects();
String imageFileName = null;
if (embeddedObjects.size() > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < embeddedObjects.size(); i++)
EmbeddedObject embObject =
(EmbeddedObject) embeddedObjects.elementAt(i);
if (embObject.getType() == EmbeddedObject.EMBED_ATTACHMENT)
imageFileName = embObject.getSource();
if (imageFileName.toLowerCase().endsWith("png"))
directory = directory.replace('\\', '/');
if (!directory.endsWith("/"))
directory += "/";
String imageFilePath = directory + imageFileName;
File imageFile = new File(imageFilePath);
if (imageFile.exists())
long imageLastModified = imageFile.lastModified();
if (doc
.after(new Date(imageLastModified)))
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
pool.returnObject(key, session);
return imageFileName;
The functionality of the DominoAccess.getFirstPNGImage() method is quite
simple. We get all the embedded objects in the Rich Text field, loop through
them, and if there is a PNG image, we save it disk.
Add the following method to (Example 6-50).
Example 6-50 DominoAccessProxy.getFirstPNGImage()
public static String getFirstPNGImage(String noteId, String directory)
DominoAccess dominoAccess = DominoAccess.getInstance();
return dominoAccess.getFirstPNGImage(KEY, noteId, directory);
catch (Exception e)
return null;
Remember to export DominoAccess.jar and copy it to the
SalesTrackingJSR168/Web-inf/lib directory.
6.7.2 SalesTrackingJSR168 project
1. Create a new JSR 168 portlet project.
2. Add the following init parameter to portlet.xml after the <portlet-class> tag
(Example 6-51 on page 578).
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Example 6-51 Adding the init parameter to portlet.xml
3. Add the following preferences to portlet.xml after the <portlet-info> tag
(Example 6-52).
Example 6-52 Portlet preferences
<value>test person</value>
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
6.7.3 SalesTrackingJSR168Portlet
1. Open (or create) the class salestrackingjsr168.SalesTrackingJSR168Portlet
and write the portlet code shown in Example 6-53.
Example 6-53
package salestrackingjsr168;
public class SalesTrackingJSR168Portlet extends GenericPortlet
public void init(PortletConfig config) throws PortletException
public void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response)
throws PortletException, IOException
String jspName =
request.getParameter("showDetails") == null
? getPortletConfig().getInitParameter("jspView")
: getPortletConfig().getInitParameter("jspResult");
PortletRequestDispatcher rd =
rd.include(request, response);
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response)
throws PortletException, IOException
String customerName = request.getParameter("customerName");
if (customerName != null)
PortletPreferences prefs = request.getPreferences();
String dominoHostAddress = prefs.getValue("", null);
String userName = prefs.getValue("", null);
String password = prefs.getValue("password", null);
DominoAccessProxy.KEY =
dominoHostAddress + ":" + userName + ":" + password;
DominoAccess.CUSTOMER_DB = prefs.getValue("customer.db", null);
DominoAccess.SALES_DB = prefs.getValue("sales.db", null);
DominoAccess.PRODUCTS_DB = prefs.getValue("product.db", null);
response.setRenderParameter("showDetails", customerName);
PortletSession session = request.getPortletSession();
CustomerBean customer =
session.setAttribute("customerBean", customer);
//check image attachments
PortletContext context = getPortletContext();
String directory = context.getRealPath("/");
String fileName =
DominoAccessProxy.getFirstPNGImage(customer.getNoteId(), directory);
if (fileName != null)
session.setAttribute("fileName", fileName);
SalesTrackingJSR168Portlet explained
The portlet code is similar to the IBM Portlet API. In JSR 168, we have the
processAction() method and its parameters are ActionRequest and
ActionResponse. Parameters in doView are RenderRequest and
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
The method processAction() receives an action from our search form and it gets
DominoAccess parameters from portlet preferences and sets them before using
DominoAccessProxy to get CustomerBean. After getting the CustomerBean, we
use the DominoAccessProxy.getFirstPNGImage() method to get the image file
name of the PNG file in the Rich Text field. The Rich Text field in Domino form is
named Comments and if it includes a PNG image, the first image is copied to the
portlet directory and displayed in the Web page.
6.7.4 JSP files
The following section describes the relevant JSP files you will need to add using
the JSR168 method to implement the Sales Tracking application.
1. Add view.jsp (Example 6-54) to the /WebContent/jsp directory.
Example 6-54 view.jsp
<%@ page import="javax.portlet.*, java.util.*" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portletAPI" %>
<portletAPI:defineObjects />
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<form action="<portletAPI:actionURL/>" method="POST">
<td class="portlet-section-header">Customer name:</td>
<td><input name="customerName" type="text"
<td><input type="submit" value="Search" class="portlet-form-button"></td>
This JSP has a form with one text field for entering a customer name and a
button to search for a customer in Domino. JSP uses style classes specified in
portlet specification.
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
1. Add result.jsp (Example 6-55) to the /WebContent/jsp directory.
Example 6-55 result.jsp
<%@ page import="javax.portlet.*,
java.util.*,*" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portletAPI" %>
<%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/people.tld" prefix="pa"%>
<portletAPI:defineObjects />
<div class="portlet-font"><%CustomerBean customerBean =
String imageFileName =
(String) renderRequest.getPortletSession().getAttribute("fileName");
if (customerBean == null)
customerBean = new CustomerBean();
"Name: " + request.getParameter("showDetails") + " not found.");
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1">
<td class="portlet-section-header">Customer details</td>
<td class="portlet-section-subheader">Name</td>
<td class="portlet-section-text"><%=customerBean.getName()%></td>
<td class="portlet-section-subheader">Customer number</td>
<td class="portlet-section-subheader">Account owner</td>
<td class="portlet-section-subheader">Total employees</td>
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
<td class="portlet-section-subheader">Address</td>
<td class="portlet-section-text"><%=customerBean.getAddress()%></td>
<td class="portlet-section-subheader">Additional information</td>
<%if (imageFileName != null)
{%> <br />
src="<%=renderResponse.encodeURL(renderRequest.getContextPath() + "/" +
border="0" /> <%}%></td>
<td class="portlet-section-subheader">Note ID</td>
<td class="portlet-section-text"><%=customerBean.getNoteId()%></td>
<div class="portlet-font"><a href="<portletAPI:renderURL/>">Back</a></div>
This displays customer details. The image is saved in the portlet context directory
and the encodeURL() method is used to encode the URL so that the server finds
the image from the portlet directory.
6.7.5 Test the application
1. Run the portlet in the test environment (Figure 6-91 on page 584). Customer
details are shown in the portlet and it includes an image if there is an image in
the Domino form.
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Figure 6-91 Testing SalesTrackingJSR168: search result
6.7.6 Deployment descriptors
JSR 168 portlets are a part of Web applications. There can be many servlets,
portlets, EJBs, and JSPs in one Web application war file. JSR 168 portlets do not
have any reference to web.xml, but it must still be included in the war file since
J2EE requires that it be specified. WSAD creates a default web.xml and we can
use it as is.
Example 6-56 shows the portlet.xml of the JSR 168 portlet. All portlet specific
configuration is in this file.
Example 6-56 portlet.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<portlet-app xmlns=""
version="1.0" xmlns:xsi=""
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
<display-name>SalesTrackingJSR168 portlet</display-name>
<display-name xml:lang="en">SalesTrackingJSR168 portlet</display-name>
<title>SalesTrackingJSR168 portlet</title>
<value>test person</value>
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
6.7.7 Deployment
1. Export the application, install it to the server, modify the parameters, and add
the portlet to a page (Figure 6-92).
Figure 6-92 SalesTrackingJSR168 portlet in the server
6.7.8 Summary
In this section, we developed a simple portlet with JSR 168. The programming
model of the JSR 168 portlets is clearer and cleaner than using IBM Portlet API
and that simplifies the development. We also developed a simple way to view
images in Domino Rich Text field in a portlet.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Note: The file has the
SalesTrackingJSR168 project ready for importing to WSAD. See Appendix C,
“Additional material” on page 741 for download instructions.
6.8 Summary
In this chapter, we developed portlets using four different methods: IBM Portlet
API, Struts framework, JSF framework, and JSR 168. The functionality of the
portlets and requirements of the portalization project will be the same regardless
of the development method and it is mostly up to the developer which method to
choose and why.
So which method is the best? As always, the answer is: it depends.
IBM Portlet API
IBM Portlet API is the API for WebSphere Portal. It offers many features and
there is no doubt that portlets developed against IBM API will work.
In order to successfully implement a portlet with this method, the developer
needs to learn the API and familiarity with servlet helps a lot. Because a portlet
runs inside a portlet container and one portlet is only a part of the Web page, the
developer needs to be familiar with portlet concepts and its strengths and
Although IBM Portlet API extends from the Servlet API, it is a proprietary API that
is used only in WebSphere Portal and other products based on it, like Lotus
Workplace or WebSphere Everyplace Access. This may or may not be an issue
depending on the project, product development, or both.
WSAD is the preferred IDE to develop portlets but developing with IBM Portlet
API does not require WSAD. All we need is a Java compiler, portlet classes from
WPS in class path, and any IDE or text editor.
JSR 168
JSR 168 is a standard API for portlets. As a standard, it will be supported in
WebSphere Portal Server and other portals.
At the time of the writing of this redbook, the current Version 1.0 of the API offers
the basic functionality of portlets. JSR 168 is not based on servlets, but it offers a
cleaner programming model without overhead from the servlet API. As we saw in
6.7, “Sales Tracking application using JSR 168” on page 575, the development,
portlet classes, and deployment descriptors are clearer than in IBM Portlet API.
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Because JSR 168 is, at the time of the writing of this redbook, in its first version,
its functionality is not yet as mature as the functionality of the IBM Portlet API, for
example, portlet messaging is not yet in the standard. Other features, such as
Credential Vault, offered by WebSphere Portal, are not supported in JSR 168
If a portlet application’s requirements can be met using JSR 168, it is
recommended to use it. If not, IBM Portlet API can be used, but it may lead to
migration in the future.
Developing JSR 168 portlets requires, at minimum, a Java compiler, text editor,
and javax.portlet classes in class path.
The Struts framework is an extension to Web application development and it is
supported in WebSphere Portal. Struts portlet development can be done without
necessarily knowing about IBM Portlet API.
Developers who have used Struts in Web applications will find the Struts portlet
framework easy enough and Struts Web applications can be ported to a portlet
application with relatively few changes (see 5.5, “Struts framework” on
page 364). Even if Struts is not familiar, it is quickly learned and using the
example in this chapter will give you a starting point for developing portlets based
on Struts.
Successful portlet development with Struts requires familiarity with such Java
technologies as JSP, and it is very helpful to be familiar with IBM Portlet API. At
the time of writing, Struts support in WPS is based on IBM Portlet API.
As we saw in 6.5, “Sales Tracking application using Struts” on page 498, WSAD
offers very helpful tools for Struts portlet development and it simplifies portlet
development. However, WSAD is not required to do Struts portlet development.
As long as portal is kept in mind, the deployment war file includes necessary
classes, and deployment descriptors include necessary information for Struts
portal framework, any development environment can be used to develop portlets
with Struts.
JSF framework is a new standard for Web application development. As we saw in
6.6, “Sales Tracking application using JSF” on page 546, it brings Rapid
Application Development (RAD) to Web applications and portlets.
RAD makes it easier for developers with limited Java knowledge to develop
portlets and it can be used to quickly develop working prototypes and
applications. It is possible to develop portlets without knowing portlet APIs, but it
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
is helpful to be familiar with the portlet API. JSF portlet can use JSR 168 or IBM
Portlet API. JSF tools generate a lot of code and that saves time since the
developer does not have to type all the necessary code.
The more the developer knows about JSF, the easier the development. Using the
examples in this chapter as a starting point makes possible to develop portlets
without understanding JSF. However, if understanding of JSF is limited, it may
lead to “fighting the framework” where a developer tries to do a simple thing
using traditional methods and the framework does not allow it or it circumvents
the framework, and that would come back to haunt you later. This is also relevant
when using the Struts framework.
WSAD offers helpful tools for JSF development and since JSF is a RAD
framework, it is recommended to use an IDE to visually design portlet pages. It is
possible to use other JSF tools than WSAD and before deployment to
WebSphere Portal, deployment descriptors and contents of the war file must be
modified so that WPS can run the portlet application.
Summary of the summary
If and when you start to develop portlet applications, start by developing simple
portlets using IBM Portlet API or JSR 168. This will give you an understanding of
portlet concepts and portlet API features that you can use to your own advantage
when developing portlet applications using a framework.
When you are familiar with portlet API, start using a framework. You will find that
while it is easy to develop portlets using API, it can be time consuming and
maintaining the portlet code and JSP pages can lead to sleepless nights. You
can choose from two frameworks, JSF or Struts, and either of them can be
chosen based on developer or project preferences. In general, as JSF is an
actual standard from Java Community Process, it is the recommended
Chapter 6. Portlet development using Java: Integration examples
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Chapter 7.
Portlet builders
Portlet building technologies, including the IBM WebSphere Portal Application
Integrator and those of various IBM Business Partners, promise to provide the
capability to rapidly create portlets that can access and manipulate Domino
applications without requiring in-depth J2EE programming knowledge. In this
chapter we take a look at portlet building tools that are currently available. We
present detailed information about:
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Portal Application Integrator
򐂰 Bowstreet Portlet Factory for WebSphere
򐂰 Conet Knowledge Director 3.0 for WebSphere Portal
This chapter outlines the technologies available in the marketplace that bridge
the gap between the use of existing portlets and custom Java development
options. It focuses on the technology offerings from five vendors, including IBM,
Bowstreet and Conet. All offer solutions that simplify the building of custom
portlets to expose Domino applications on the WebSphere Portal platform.
These builders utilize your Domino applications by querying and aggregating
Domino data and displaying that content within a portlet context.
Finally, this chapter differentiates these various offerings, as well as providing key
information about each portlet builder, including features, pricing information, and
advantages as well as disadvantages.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
Why choose this option
While using existing portlets to expose Domino data is by far the most expedient
option, it is only feasible when your portlet requirements match the functionality
provided by an existing portlet.
Custom portlet development using Java and JSPs provides a much richer set of
development options. There is no limit to what can be developed using the tools
and techniques available from these options. If your team has the right
development skills and enough time, custom portlet development is the way to
However, there are often situations where the skill set of the development team
or the time allotted for development can prevent custom portlet development
using Java and JSP tags from being a viable option.
Portlet builder technologies offer a middle-ground approach to portlet
development. They offer significantly more development capabilities than the use
of existing portlets. In addition, they promise a shorter development time and
require less in-depth knowledge about custom portlet development than the
more advanced Java and JSP-based options.
Skills and degree of customization - Portlet Builders
Figure 7-1 on page 593 gives an overview of this integration option relative all
available options to the user/developer for portalizing Domino applications. Note
that the horizontal axis illustrates an increasing range of customization for
integrating your application, while the vertical axis illustrates the degree of J2EE
skills required for each approach.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Domino Java API
IBM Portlet API
JSR 168 Portlet API
JSF Portlet Framework
Struts Portlet Framework
Lotus Workplace API
J2EE Knowledge
JSP tags
Bowstreet Portlet
Factory /
Conet Knowledge
IBM Portlet
Builder for
Level of customization
Figure 7-1 Integration options
The main message to take from this graphic is that using Portlet Builders
represents an intermediate to high option for a high degree of customization,
while only requiring minimal Java knowledge.
7.1 IBM Portlet Builder for Domino
The following section provides a high level description of the IBM Portlet for
Domino, highlighting the functionality and benefits, as well as known
implementation and performance considerations. Details for implementing the
IBM Portlet Builder for Domino are discussed in 7.2, “Bowstreet Portlet Factory
for WebSphere” on page 619.
IBM WebSphere Portal Application Integrator is available for use with
WebSphere Portal for no additional charge. The IBM WebSphere Portal
Application Integrator package includes IBM Portlet Builder for Domino and is
available for download from the WebSphere Portlet Catalog.
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
IBM Portlet Builder for Domino provides developers, administrators, and power
users with the ability to easily create a portlet-based interface into an existing
Domino application. No Java or other development skills are required.
Note: In addition to Domino, IBM WebSphere Portal Application Integrator
provides configurable portlets used to access many other back-end systems,
JDBC to relational databases
And others
IBM Portlet Builder for Domino provides a highly configured interface with a much
richer set of capabilities than the Domino portlets available out-of-the-box with
WebSphere Portal. The capabilities of IBM Portlet Builder for Domino include:
򐂰 Connects to any Domino database.
򐂰 No changes to existing Domino databases required.
򐂰 Click-to-Action enabled.
򐂰 Presence awareness (using Sametime).
򐂰 Offline browsing support.
򐂰 Mobile support for browsers and devices capable of rendering HTML and
WML markup.
򐂰 Attachment support.
򐂰 Sortable columns.
򐂰 View search.
򐂰 Output WAR files are immediately available for re-deployment on another
WebSphere Portal server.
򐂰 Select multiple views and forms in a Domino database to customize via
portlet builder.
򐂰 Domino views are customized by selecting what columns to display.
򐂰 Domino forms are customized by selecting what fields to display.
򐂰 Domino views are selected by the users from a list at runtime.
򐂰 View columns are resizable.
򐂰 Documents selected from a view are either rendered within the same portlet
(take over portlet, or render beside view) or through a separate document
viewer portlet.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 The Document viewer portlet can render the document either as customized
(through its associated form) or through an IFRAME (as the original
document from Domino).
򐂰 Documents can be updated and new ones created through either the iFrame
viewer or the “data” viewer.
The advantages and disadvantages of using IBM Portlet Builder for Domino are
similar to those of our first option, using existing portlets. Specifically, if this tool
meets your application’s needs, it is much cheaper and faster than a custom
development effort. However, if your application has requirements not available
from IBM Portlet Builder for Domino, there is no way to extend this tool with
customized functionality.
IBM Portlet Builder for Domino uses IIOP over the HTTP transport to
communicate with each Domino server.
Implementation issues
򐂰 Applicable Portlet patterns
IBM Portlet Builder for Domino is well suited for the Display pattern. It is also
capable of implementing a simple Integrated pattern.
򐂰 Development time
Very little development time is required.
򐂰 Developer skill set
Basic portal configuration skills. No familiarity with Java or Portlet
development is required.
򐂰 Range of applications
The IBM Portlet Builder portlet is highly configured, and provides many more
options that the Domino portlets currently shipping with WebSphere portal.
However, its range of applications is limited by the fixed set of functionality
and interface options. If these options do not meet your application’s needs,
there is currently no way to extend this interface.
򐂰 Rich text handling
If the form is integrated into the portlet content, rich text fields are rendered as
plain text.
Note that it is possible to configure an IBM Portal Builder portlet to open
documents using an IFRAME. Using this option, documents will be rendered
using Domino server’s HTTP engine and can therefore leverage all of the
Web-based rich text functionality provided by Domino.
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
򐂰 Session management
IBM Portlet Builder does not currently support session pooling.
򐂰 Clustering
IBM Portlet Builder does not natively support server failover in a clustered
Domino environment.
򐂰 Scalability
No data is currently available for IBM Portlet Builder scalability.
򐂰 Single sign-on support
Single sign-on is supported, but not required for IBM Portlet Builder for
Domino. Many authentication options are available, including:
– Credentials Vault
– Prompt for a user ID and password
– Use an administrator-specified ID and password
Required software versions
򐂰 IBM/Lotus Domino V5 or V6.x
򐂰 WebSphere Portal V4.x or V5.x
7.1.1 Implementation details
This section provides detailed instructions on the installation process. Once
installed and configured, we then provide an implementation example on how to
use the IBM Portlet Builder for Domino to build and deploy the portlets for the
Sales Tracking application.
Installing IBM Portlet Builder for Domino
Note: The installation instructions may change from version to version. For the
most accurate installation instructions, use the documentation provided with
your version of Portlet Builder.
The IBM WebSphere Portal Application Integrator set of applications is installed
by default with WebSphere Portal V5.x; however, it is strongly recommended that
you update to the very latest application war files.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Download the installation package from the WebSphere Portlet Catalog and
expand the zip file to a temporary folder. The folder now contains the files needed
for installation. Use the following steps to install the Portlet Builder.
1. To install Portlet Builder for Domino, simply update the three WAR product
– WPAIDefaultTemplate50.war
This war file was previously called BusinessObjectFrameworkStruts.war.
– WPAIDominoTemplate50.war
This war file was previously called DominoStruts.war.
– WPAIPortletBuilders50.war
This war file was previously called BOBuilderPortlet.war.
To update the war files from the Administration area of WebSphere Portal
select Portlets → Manage Applications.
Then highlight BusinessObjectFrameworkStruts.war and click Update
(see Figure 7-2).
Figure 7-2 Update the BusinessObjectFrameworkStruts.war for IBM Portlet Builder
2. After selecting Update, browse and find the file WPAIdefaultTemplate50.war
and select Next (see Figure 7-3 on page 598).
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-3 Selecting the new WPAIDefaultTemplate50.war for IBM Portlet Builder to complete the update
3. Finally, click Install to complete the update (see Figure 7-4).
Figure 7-4 Completing the update of the WAR file
4. Repeat the above steps until all three war files are updated.
5. After updating the WAR files, create a new page and add the Portlet Builder
for Domino Portlet to this page.
Figure 7-5 on page 599 illustrates this. For detailed instructions on creating a
page and adding a portlet to the page, see 2.4.4, “Adding portlets to a page”
on page 89.
Note: By default in WebSphere Portal V5.x, the Portlet Builder for Domino is
already installed and can be found under My Work → Developers Area →
Lotus Domino Builder.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-5 Adding the Portlet Builder for Domino portlet to a page
Creating a new Portlet with Portlet Builder for Domino
Follow these steps to create and configure a portlet using IBM Portlet Builder for
1. From within your portal, click the MyWork tab and select Developers Area,
then select the Lotus Domino Builder option on the left (See Figure 7-6)
Figure 7-6 Accessing the Portlet Builder for Domino
2. Open the page containing the Portlet Builder for Domino portlet, as shown in
Figure 7-7 on page 600. Click the New portlet button.
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-7 Accessing the Portlet Builder for Domino portlet
3. Enter a Portlet name and specify your Domino server name, as shown in
Figure 7-8. When finished, click the Connect to server button.
Figure 7-8 Configuring the Portlet Builder for Domino: Enter portlet name and server name
4. Enter a valid Domino user name and password with access rights to the
server and database you wish to access, as shown in Figure 7-9 on
page 601. When finished, click OK. If you have SSO configured with your
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Domino server, you will not be presented with this screen as you are already
Figure 7-9 Configuring the Portlet Builder for Domino: Enter user name and password
5. Select the file name of the Domino database you wish to access, as shown in
Figure 7-10. When finished, click Retrieve forms and views.
Figure 7-10 Configuring the Portlet Builder for Domino: Select a database
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
6. Select the forms and views you would like to make available in this portlet, as
shown in Figure 7-11. If there are a large number of views and forms, you can
browse through the list, page by page, using the navigation buttons. When
finished, click Next.
Figure 7-11 Configuring the Portlet Builder for Domino: Select the forms and views
7. You will be taken to the form and view options configuration page shown in
Figure 7-12 on page 603.
From here you are able to:
– Configure the portlet settings for each form and view to be displayed.
– Specify the portlet authentication options.
– Specify the form display options.
– Set Click-to-Action.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-12 Configuring Portlet Builder for Domino: Form and view options configuration page
8. From the form and view options configuration page, click the Customers\By
Customer Name view edit icon. You will be taken to the view configuration
page, as shown in Figure 7-13 on page 604. Here, you are able to control
what columns are displayed, the column labels, if they should be Sametime
aware, and the column width. There are other options, such as Image and
Link Options that are available from the Edit Icon.
Now, configure the view to your liking and click Next.
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-13 Configuring the Portlet Builder for Domino: Configuring the Customers\By Name view
9. You can now control the order in which the columns are displayed within the
portlet, using the interface shown in Figure 7-14 on page 605. The buttons
with up or down triangles change the column order accordingly. You can also
adjust the number of rows to appear for each page of data. Adjust the column
order to your liking and click Finish.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-14 Configuring the Portlet Builder for Domino: Ordering the Customers\By Name columns
10.You are taken back to the form and view options configuration page. You can
configure another form or view by repeating steps seven and eight. You can
also expand the Authentication Options and Form Display Options sections,
as shown in Figure 7-15 on page 606. The options available are as follows:
– Authentication options
Use single sign-on: The portlet will use the user’s LTPA token to
authenticate with Domino.
Prompt for user ID and password: The portlet will prompt the user for
their Domino ID and password.
Use this user ID and password: The portlet will always use the ID and
password specified here.
Use existing credential vault slot: The portlet will authenticate using the
ID and password in the specified slot of the authenticated user’s
credential vault.
– Form display options
Use data form: The portlet will display forms using the Portlet Builder’s
simple data form interface, as configured for each form using steps
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
seven and eight. While these forms will be embedded seamlessly
inside the portlet, they have very limited functionality and display
Use Inline frame: The portlet will display forms within an IFrame, using
Domino server’s native HTML rendering capabilities. If IFrames are
acceptable within your portlet, this will provide the quickest and easiest
way to implement full form functionality within your portlet. For some
functionality, such as for displaying rich text, using IFrames is the only
Once you have finished configuring the portlet options, click OK.
Figure 7-15 Configuring the Portlet Builder for Domino: Authentication and form display options
11.You should now see your newly created portlet listed within the Portlet Builder
for Domino portlet, as shown in Figure 7-16 on page 607. You can reconfigure
this portlet at any time.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-16 Configuring the Portlet Builder for Domino: Completed portlet configuration
At this step, you have created a portlet. This portlet will be deployed to a paged,
moved, and managed like any other portlet that is available on your WebSphere
Portal Server.
12.Add the newly created portlet to one of your pages, as shown in Figure 7-17.
Steps describing how to add a portlet into a page are detailed in 2.4.4,
“Adding portlets to a page” on page 89.
Figure 7-17 Configuring the Portlet Builder for Domino: Adding the newly created portlet to a page
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
7.1.2 Implementation example
Following steps 1 through 11 in the previous section. Figure 7-18 shows the
Cutomers\By Name view from our Case Study application, as rendered by IBM
Portlet builder for Domino.
Figure 7-18 The Customers/By Name view as rendered by IBM Portlet Builder for Domino
7.1.3 Adding People Awareness
We have seen above that we can very easily surface a Domino application using
the IBM Portlet Builder. We can now take advantage of some of the WebSphere
Portal infrastructure to bring more value to our application. If Sametime is
configured, its just a few clicks to add real-time people awareness to our
1. Return to the IBM Portlet builder for Domino portlet and select the Detail icon
to edit the configuration of the portlet that we previously created, in our case,
Customer List Builder (see Figure 7-19 on page 609).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-19 Editing the Customer List Builder portlet
2. To add people awareness to one of the view columns, click the Edit icon of
the view (see Figure 7-20 on page 610).
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-20 Selecting a View to Edit
3. Tick the Person check box and then click OK (see Figure 7-20).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-21 Enabling People Awareness from the Portlet Builder
4. Click Next and then Finish to return to the View and Form edit page. Then
click OK to save the changes. Open the page where you have deployed your
portlet to see people awareness enabled (Figure 7-22 on page 612).
Note: WebSphere Portal has a very good cache mechanism, so it may take
some time for your changes to be reflected in the portlet. One solution to
overcome the cache is to redeploy the portlet.
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-22 People Awareness Enabled on the Account Owner Column
7.1.4 Enhancing further with Click-to-Action
It may be easier for your users to be able to see the information about a form
right beside the view data. This is where Click-to-Action is particularly useful. In
this example, we will add Click-to-Action to our existing portlet to allow the user to
launch the Domino Form in an IFrame next to the view data.
There are two portlets designed to work with Click-to-Action with IBM Portlet
Builder for Domino. These are “Domino Data Form Viewer” and the “Domino
IFrame Document Viewer”. With the “Domino Data form Viewer” portlet, you can
view Domino documents in the data form using Click-to-Action. With the “Domino
IFrame Document Viewer”, you can view Domino documents in IFrame using
Click-to-Action. These two portlets do not need any configuration. In order to
enable Click-to-Action with the data form, add the “Domino Data Form Viewer”
portlet to the same page where the portlet containing data resides. Then enable
Click-to-Action in the sending portlet.
1. To add Click-to-Action, return to the IBM Portlet builder for Domino portlet and
select the Detail icon to edit the configuration of the portlet that we previously
created, in our case, Customer List Builder (see Figure 7-18 on page 608).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
2. Click on the Click-to-Action edit icon, as shown in Figure 7-23, which allows
us to set the parameter to send.
Figure 7-23 Setting the Click-to-Action parameters
3. Click Add (Figure 7-24).
Figure 7-24 Adding a Click-to-Action Parameter
4. On the following screen, enter a type, namespace, and select the field you
wish to pass. This screen allows you to pass multiple values in the same
action but we will just pass the Customer Name (see Figure 7-25 on
page 614). The fields are:
򐂰 Type
This value can be any text you like and represents the variable being sent.
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
򐂰 Namespace
This value again can be any value, but it must be unique to this Click-to-Action
interaction. It is possible to have two lots of Click-to-Action on the same page,
so to ensure that the messages get to the correct portlet, it is important to
define a namespace. The standard convention is to use a URI, in this case,
we have used
򐂰 Value
This is the value that will be passed and was defined earlier; in this way, it is
possible to define multiple values.
Figure 7-25 Adding a Click-to-Action parameter
5. Click OK. You will now see a confirmation of the Click-To-Action added
(Figure 7-26).
Figure 7-26 Confirmation of the Click-to-Action added
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
6. Next confirm you action and click OK. This will return you to the View and
Form edit screen. The next step is to edit the view and make one of columns
enabled for Click-to-Action. Click the edit icon on the Customer\By Customer
Name view. Refer to Figure 7-23 on page 613 for clicking the edit icon.
7. Select the field to add the Click-to-Action to. In our case we will add it to the
Customer Name field. See Figure 7-27.
Figure 7-27 Selecting the column to add Click-to-Action to
8. Expand the Click-to-Action and complete the type and namespace (ensure
the namespace is exactly the same as you entered when configuring the
parameter). Also, select the customerName as the value. This will be the
value passed to the receiving portlet (see Figure 7-28 on page 616).
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-28 Setting the Click-to-Action Parameters on the Column
9. Click OK, Next, and Finished, which will return to the View and Form editor
screen. Click OK to save.
10.Deploy the Domino IFrame Viewer to the same page as the Customer List
Builder Portlet (see Figure 7-29 on page 617). For detailed instructions on
creating a page and adding a portlet to the page, see 2.4.4, “Adding portlets
to a page” on page 89.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-29 Selecting the Domino IFrame Portlet to Deploy
11.Once you have added the iFrame viewer, you will see it also listed as one of
the portlets listed within “edit layout options” of the page (Figure 7-30 on
page 618).
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-30 Editing the layout of the page to add the iFrame viewer
12.Open the page in portal and there will now be a Click-to-Action icon just to the
left of the Customer Name field. Clicking on this will now give the users an
option to display the customer profile document (Figure 7-31 on page 619).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Click-to-Action options
Figure 7-31 Using Click-to-Action to display the customer profile
7.2 Bowstreet Portlet Factory for WebSphere
Bowstreet Portlet Factory for WebSphere is a framework and set of tools for
rapidly creating and maintaining customized portlets for the WebSphere Portal
environment. With Portlet Factory, developers build portlets by pulling together a
sequence of reusable software components called Builders. Developers
assemble Builders into models. These models are then executed at runtime to
dynamically generate application code. The code generated includes JSPs, Java
classes, XML documents, and all of the low-level artifacts required to create a
portlet application. Thus, developers can capture and automate the process of
building portlets instead of explicitly coding each portlet.
Bowstreet Portlet Factory for WebSphere comes with the Lotus Collaboration
Extension. This is a set of Builders (that is, tools) that assist the developer in
building portlets to access Domino applications.
Bowstreet Portlet Factory is not targeted exclusively to Domino developers. In
addition to the Lotus Collaboration extension, it includes a large number of tools
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
for accessing relational databases, building stand-alone applications, and so
Note: In addition to Domino, Bowstreet provides Builders for many other
back-end systems, including:
JDBC to relational databases
Stand-alone applications
And others
A key strength of this tool is that it does not completely insulate a developer from
the J2EE framework. If a specific task is not possible with the tools provided, a
Java developer can code a method or class in Java and include this code in the
Bowstreet development environment.
A detailed knowledge of Java and J2EE is not a requirement. However,
Bowstreet Portlet Factory is very J2EE-centric. A basic understanding of Java
and J2EE technologies will greatly increase a developer’s productivity with these
Bowstreet provides developers with:
򐂰 Ability to leverage existing Domino applications
򐂰 Ability to more easily create custom portlets
򐂰 Robust personalization and customization capabilities
򐂰 Simplified portlet-to-portlet communication (including C2A)
򐂰 Categorization and search
򐂰 Many single sign-on options
򐂰 People awareness
Bowstreet development tool
Bowstreet Portlet Factory has a WebSphere Studio plug-in, Bowstreet Designer,
used for creating, viewing, and running portlets. Bowstreet Designer plugs into
the Eclipse and WebSphere Workbench IDEs.
Portlets created with the Bowstreet Portlet Factory follow a standard J2EE
model-view-controller design. In order to simplify the task of writing custom
portlet Java and JSP code, Bowstreet introduces the developer to a few key
objects used to create a portlet application.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
A Builder is the core building block that automates design and development
tasks performed by developers. Simply put, a Builder is a collection of Java
classes and XML documents that represent a specific pattern or high-level
component of a Web application. A Builder provides a wizard-like UI for gathering
configuration information from the developer, as well as the code for rendering
the pattern or context-aware elements within the Web application.
A simple Builder might add a button to a JSP page, while another might render a
Domino view. Builders can analyze the application and perform tasks in the
context of what previous Builders have created. For example, a “page navigation
control” Builder could reference a set of JSP pages and create a set of
navigational controls relevant to the context of those pages. If a page changes,
then the navigational controls update automatically in a ripple effect that can
cascade through the entire application.
A model is a sequenced collection of Builders that generate the application
components representing the behavior, structure, data, and presentation of the
portlet application. Underneath the covers, a model is simply an XML file
containing a series of calls to Builders.
Each model can be turned into a portlet, or can be run as a stand-alone J2EE
A profile contains a set of inputs that vary the way a portlet behaves. Profile
settings can be edited after a portlet is deployed by clicking the configuration icon
for the portlet. A profile feeds values into Builders based on user identity or other
contextual information (such as day of the week). Using profiles, you can
automatically generate different variations of a generic portlet (from the same
model) for different users or situations.
Configured profiles are very easy to implement with Bowstreet Portlet Factory.
When a model is regenerated, each Builder in the model executes in sequence
and creates pieces of your portlet, such as JSP pages or Java methods. During
regeneration, profiles can feed different inputs to Builders based on the user or
situation, automatically creating custom portlets “on the fly.”
There is a negligible performance hit associated with regeneration; less than 1%
of the total processing resources in a typical “regen-enabled” execution
environment are spent performing regeneration. This is because generated
objects are cached at optimal levels of granularity, as are sessions. Furthermore,
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
it is possible to break a model into a hierarchy of components, whereby models
are selectively regenerated.
The WebApp is a profile-specific instance of a portlet application that is
dynamically created by the factory regeneration engine. Each Builder, when
called during regeneration, creates objects that get woven into the portlet
application, such as pages, buttons, variables, or methods. The regeneration
engine creates the WebApp by combining the regeneration of a model with a
unique instance of profile data. The WebApp objects are then processed by the
factory's execution engine to instantiate the executable J2EE application
Bowstreet server components
Portlets created with the Bowstreet Designer plug in to the WebSphere Portal
and application server. The Portlet Factory's Automation Engine leverages
WebSphere’s HTTP stack as well as all of the services from WebSphere
Application Server and WebSphere Portal, such as clustering, failover, J2EE
security, and session management.
Bowstreet Portlet Factory integrates with the WebSphere Portal via the
Bowstreet Portlet Adapter WAR. This is a standard WPS portlet WAR that
includes the portlet factory classes (JAR files). When a request comes in from
the portal, the Bowstreet Adapter Portlet class calls in to the portlet factory code
at the layer below the servlet layer (the WebAppRunner class). Note that this
WAR file is deployed into WebSphere Portal only once, eliminating the need to
re-deploy a WAR with every iteration or variation.
Figure 7-32 on page 623 illustrates the code execution architecture.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
WebSphere App Server
Request for Portal Page
WebSphere Portal
Bowstreet Portlet
Adapter WAR
Bowstreet Adapter Portlet
Model XML Files,
imported HTML,
other files
Profile Data
Main Factory Controller (WebAppRunner)
Factory Builders &
(First time only)
Factory WebApp
Execution Engine
Generated WebApp objects, classes
and JSPs
Application objects
execution libraries
(XML, Web services,
J2EE Components:
JDBC, EJB, JCA, JMS, JSP tag libraries,
commerce components, etc.
Figure 7-32 Bowstreet Portlet Factory for WebSphere code execution architecture
Implementation issues
򐂰 Applicable portlet patterns
Bowstreet Portlet Factory is capable of implementing all four portlet patterns:
– Link
– Display
– Integrated
– Migrated
򐂰 Development time
Moderate. Development time can be significantly less than developing an
application from scratch using the JSP and Java options, especially once
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
developers become experienced with the Bowstreet development tools at
their disposal.
Certain types of portlets require less time to create than others. For example,
view navigation, document display (without rich text), and Click-to-Action
functionality are significantly easier to develop with Bowstreet Portlet Factory.
Other functionality, such as document creation and editing, can be more
challenging, especially when input validation, input translation, computed
fields, or dynamic keyword values are involved.
򐂰 Developer skill set
In addition to learning the Bowstreet development tools and techniques, a
developer should have good understanding of Domino, HTML, and JavaScript
development. While not required, a solid understanding of Java, JSPs, and
portal technologies is very beneficial when using some of the more advanced
Builder configuration options, or when implementing a task not easily
performed by an available Builder.
򐂰 Range of applications
Bowstreet offers a powerful set of Builders for developing a rich portal
interface with a high level of functionality. A great number of Builders are
available and more are being made available with each release. High-level
Builder functionality can be customized using a wide variety of configuration
settings and by adding lower-level Builders to your model.
In the event that a Builder is not available to provide specific functionality, it is
possible to write a custom Builder, or add a Builder that supports custom Java
code. Both of these options, of course, require Java development skills and
significantly more development time.
򐂰 Rich text handling
At the time of the writing of this redbook, rich text fields cannot be viewed or
edited using the forms generated by Bowstreet Portlet Factory.
Note that it is possible to configure the Bowstreet Domino view Builder to
open documents in a new browser window. Using this option, documents will
be rendered using Domino’s HTTP engine and can therefore leverage all of
the Web-based rich text functionality provided by Domino.
Bowstreet has done extensive performance testing on portlets created with the
Bowstreet Portlet Factory for WebSphere. The benchmark they made concludes
that the Bowstreet Portlet Factory provides all the benefits of rapid creation of
portlets without sacrificing performance. The portlets that the portlet factory
generates exhibit performance characteristics (throughput, response time, and
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
CPU utilization) that are highly comparable to traditional hand-coded portlets.
Contact Bowstreet to obtain detailed information about performance.
Currently, no metrics are available on performance related to portlets accessing
Domino data. As with all integration techniques, performance testing is
recommended before deploying a portal application using Bowstreet Portlet
򐂰 Session management
Bowstreet Portlet Factory can implement session pooling for connecting to
Domino servers. This will significantly increase the scalability of Domino
portal applications.
Note that the session pooling option can be used only when “Use regen
credentials” is specified as the runtime credentials for connecting to Domino.
򐂰 Clustering
Bowstreet Portlet Factory does not natively support server failover in a
clustered Domino environment.
򐂰 Requires single sign-on
Bowstreet supports a wide range of single sign-on options. It can be
configured to use LTPA or the Credential Vault in WebSphere Portal. Also, by
configuring a Bowstreet portlet with a valid Domino user name and password,
it can allow users to connect to Domino servers that do not support SSO.
Required software versions
򐂰 Lotus Domino V5.0.10 or later or V6.0 or later
򐂰 WebSphere Portal V4.x or V5.x
򐂰 Bowstreet Portlet Factory for WebSphere V5.8.4+
򐂰 Bowstreet Portlet Factory Lotus Collaboration Extension
Note: People Awareness requires WebSphere Portal Extend.
7.2.1 Implementation details
At a high level, development consists of three main steps:
1. Develop the model.
2. Test the model.
3. Deploy and test the model as a portlet.
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Developing the model primarily involves adding and configuring Builders. It may
also involve the development of custom Builders, or the insertion of custom Java
code into a Builder supporting this action.
Using the Bowstreet Designer client
After installing and configuring a Bowstreet development environment, all
development is performed within the Bowstreet Designer. The Bowstreet
Designer client is contained within the IBM Rational® IDEs (WebSphere Studio
Application Developer) client.
Bowstreet has its own perspective within IBM Rational Application Developer
(WebSphere Studio Application Developer). To open the perspective select
Window → Open Perspective → Other, and then select Bowstreet Models
(Figure 7-33).
Figure 7-33 Launching the Bowstreet Designer from WebSphere Studio
Once you have Bowstreet installed, there is also an integrated documentation
within the help system. This documentation gives you detailed information about
using each of the Builders. To get to the help system, click Help → Help
Contents (Figure 7-34 on page 627).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-34 Integrated Help System
Creating a new project and model
There are several ways to configure the Bowstreet tool to interact with various
WebSphere Portal Server installations. In the following scenario we will look at
using the automatic deployment option with a locally installed WebSphere Portal
server. This is a great way of developing applications using Bowstreet and
immediately seeing changes reflected on the portal server in a very responsive
Use the following steps to create a new project and model.
1. Switch to the Bowstreet perspective (see Figure 7-32 on page 623). Select
File → New → Bowstreet WebApp Project (see Figure 7-35 on page 628),
then give your project a name.
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-35 Creating a new Bowstreet Web Application
2. The next screen allows you to select the features of the Bowstreet product
you wish to use. For our example, we will simply select the Lotus
Collaboration Extensions (see Figure 7-36 on page 629). The samples
provide very good examples of how different Builders can fit together and are
well worth a look.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-36 Selecting the Bowstreet Features
3. Next, select WebSphere 5 as the server type. For rapid application
development, Bowstreet allows changes to immediately be seen on the
application server. To allow that to be possible, set the following fields
– In the Factory Deployment WAR Location section
Installed Applications Directory
This is the directory on the WebSphere Application Server where
applications get deployed to.
Automatically Deploy Project to WAS Server
Check this check box to have the changes automatically deploy to the
WebSphere Application Server.
WAS Server to Deploy To
This is the server where the applications will automatically deploy.
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
– In the other section:
Server Host
The name of the host you wish to deploy to.
Server Port
The port of the server to deploy to; this must be the port of the server
that was specified in the WAS Server to Deploy configuration.
J2EE Version
The J2EE version you wish to use; the default is recommended.
See Figure 7-37 for example settings.
Figure 7-37 Selecting the Embedded Test Server
4. The next screen will prompt for Java settings; accept the defaults and select
the Next button.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
5. The next screen has two sections. The first section allows us to export the war
file for deployment to a WebSphere Portal Server. Tick the box next to Create
WebSphere Portlet WAR. Complete the following fields:
– WP Root
This is the root directory of the WebSphere Portal Server.
– Portlet WAR Name
This is the name of the WAR that will be created to deploy to a WebSphere
Portal Server. The default is usually OK.
– Portlet WAR Location
This is the location where the created WAR file will be exported to. This
folder must exist.
The next section allows changes that are made to automatically be deployed
to the WebSphere Portal server.
– Admin URL
This is the URL to the portal servers config. The default is usually fine, but
adjust as necessary.
– Admin User
The Admin user of the server specified above. For the embedded test
server, it should always be wpsadmin.
– Admin Password
The Admin password of the server specified above. For the embedded test
server, it should always be wpsadmin.
Refer to Figure 7-38 on page 632 for example settings.
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-38 Example Bowstreet settings
6. If you want to create portlets that conform to the open portlet standard
(JSR168), then select Create JSR 168 Portlet WAR and complete the
appropriate fields. In this example, we have elected not to create JSR168
compliant WARs (see Figure 7-39 on page 633).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-39 Bowstreet JSR168 settings
7. Next, you will see the Summary and Important Details screen. Review the
information and click Finish. During the process, you will be asked to
overwrite existing files; it is important to answer Yes to all these prompts.
Creating a new model
Use the following steps to create a new model:
1. After selecting File → New → Bowstreet Model, you are prompted to select
the project. Select the Web project you are working with; in this case, it is
Bowstreet Web, and click Next (see Figure 7-40 on page 634).
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-40 Selecting the Web Project
2. Next, you are prompted for the model type to start with. For Domino portlets, it
is generally best to start with an empty model (Figure 7-41 on page 635).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-41 Creating a new Bowstreet model: Selecting model type
3. Give the model a Name (Figure 7-42 on page 636). Then select Finish.
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-42 Bowstreet Model name
Adding the Domino View & Form Builder
Bowstreet provides a great number of Builders, each with a very wide range of
available configuration options. When building a Domino portlet, you will
generally start by adding the Domino View & Form Builder and then refine this
Builder’s functionality with other Builders.
1. To add the Domino View & Form Builder from the outline view (ensure you are
in the Bowstreet perspective), click the Add a Builder Icon (Figure 7-43 on
page 637).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-43 Selecting the Add Builder Icon in the outline view
2. From the Bowstreet Builder Palette window, select All → Domino View &
Form (Figure 7-44 on page 638).
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-44 Bowstreet Builder Palette window
3. After clicking OK, you will be given the Domino View & Form Builder
configuration interface (Figure 7-45 on page 639 and Figure 7-46 on
page 640).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-45 Bowstreet Domino View & Form Builder: Configuration window part 1
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-46 Bowstreet Domino View & Form Builder: Configuration window part 2
Note: It is important to verify that the HTTP browsing and DIIOP tasks are
running on the targeted Domino Server. You should also verify that the user ID
and password used has permissions to run Java agents on this server (see
the server document in the server’s Domino Directory (names.nsf)), and that
the ID has the appropriate access level to the database being accessed.
4. All settings for the Domino View & Form Builder are controlled from this
window. The configuration options available include:
– Domino server, database, view, and form to use with this model
– Authentication method (passed ID and password, LTPA, credentials vault)
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
– Interface options:
View options (search, category selection, and so forth)
Document link method (no link, new window, and create integrated
Document viewing, creation, edit, and deletion options
– Many other options
5. Once configuration is complete, click OK. You will be taken back to the model
and should notice that Java code has been generated based on the Builder
you have configured (Figure 7-47).
Figure 7-47 Java code generated from the Bowstreet Domino View & Form Builder
It is possible to change the settings in the Domino View & Form Builder
configuration window (or any other Builder’s configuration window) at any time
simply by double-clicking the Builder name listed in the outline panel.
Click the save icon on the toolbar to save any changes.
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Testing a Bowstreet Model
It is possible to easily test this model directly from the Bowstreet Designer client.
1. To test a model, select Run → Run. The Create, Manage, and Run
configurations screen is displayed. Highlight the Bowstreet Model option and
click New. Accept the defaults and select Run (Figure 7-48).
Note: Creating the run configuration is only required the first time.
Figure 7-48 Bowstreet Run configuration
2. The model will then run as a stand alone application on the configured
WebSphere Application server. The next time you wish to run the model, just
click the Run icon (see Figure 7-49 on page 643 for an example).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-49 Running the Bowstreet model on WebSphere Application Server
Running a model from the Bowstreet Designer makes it very easy to iteratively
add or configure a Builder, and then quickly test the changes to confirm the
change had the intended effect.
This action will test most aspects of the application with a few exceptions, such
as Click-to-Action or Lotus Instant Messaging (Sametime) awareness, which
must be tested from within WebSphere Portal.
Deploying a Bowstreet Model as a portlet
Turning a Bowstreet Model into a portlet is a fairly straightforward task.
1. Simply add and configure the WPS Portlet Adapter Builder to your model. For
instructions on adding a Builder to a model, see “Adding the Domino View &
Form Builder” on page 636. The Portlet Adapter Builder can easily be found
by selecting Portlet Integration as the Category Name within the Builder
Palette dialog and then selecting Portlet Adapter.
Note: If you cannot find your model in the project, it will be located under the
webapp/webContent/WEB-INF/models directory. Double-click the model to
open it.
Figure 7-50 on page 644 lists the configuration options for the WPS portlet
adapter Builder.
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-50 Bowstreet WPS Portlet Adapter Builder configuration window
Once you have added this Builder, you are ready to deploy your model as a
WebSphere Portlet. You should find this to be quite simple. All Bowstreet portlets
are actually concrete portlets referencing a single abstract portlet. The difference
between portlets is simply the model the concrete portlet references.
2. Once you have saved your model, the next step is to rebuild the WAR. This
will become the WAR that will be deployed and is the WAR that was defined
earlier (refer to Figure 7-38 on page 632). To rebuild the portlet WAR,
right-click the Web project (in our case, it is called BowstreetWeb) and select
Rebuild WAR → Rebuild Portlet WARs (see Figure 7-51 on page 645).
This will update the WAR file on the file system in the specified path.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-51 Rebuild Bowstreet Portlet WARs
3. Using the browser, open the home page for the IBM WebSphere Portal. This
should be a URL similar to http://hostname:9081/wps/portal.
4. Log in to the portal as a portal administrator.
5. Select the portal Administration tab.
6. If you specified automatic deployment for your WebSphere Portlet WAR, the
rebuild process automatically updates the deployed portlet WAR for you. This
means that your Orders portlet has already been exposed within WebSphere
Portal, and all that remains for you to do is add it to a page (see Figure 7-52
on page 646).
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-52 Adding the automatically Deployed Portlet to a page
7. It will look and function in much the same way as it did in your test
environment (see Figure 7-54 on page 647).
Figure 7-53 The Bowstreet Portlet deployed to WebSphere Portal
Now every time you make a change to your model, simply rebuild the WAR and
the portlet will automatically be updated for you.
If you then want to deploy your application to another server, look in the
installableApps directory of the Portal Server (<wpsroot>/installableApps) and
you will find a WAR file as specified when configuring Bowstreet. This WAR file
can then be deployed to any other WebSphere Portal server.
Adding people awareness
It is a simple task to add people awareness to our portlet. It is just a matter of
adding a people awareness Builder to our model.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
1. From the outline pane of the Bowstreet perspective, add the Builder type
called People Awareness and fill in the required fields (see Figure 7-54).
Figure 7-54 Bowstreet People Awareness Builder
2. Save the model. To view the people awareness, you will need to ensure that
you deploy the portlet to a WebSphere Portal server that has Sametime
configured (see Figure 7-55).
Figure 7-55 Deployed Portlet showing people awareness
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Implementing communication between Bowstreet models
When implementing Click-to-Action, one portlet (for example, model) is the event
listener and another portlet triggers this event.
Note: Because Bowstreet uses the standard WebSphere Portal Messaging
API (including Click-to-Action), it is possible to implement a non-Bowstreet
portlet that triggers a Bowstreet event listener. It is also possible to trigger an
event in a non-Bowstreet portlet. This means it is possible to have portlet
communication between portlets developed with Bowstreet, and those
developed with other tools.
The general procedure for creating models to be the source and target for
Click-to-Action events is as follows:
1. Create a C2A target model.
2. Create a C2A source model.
3. Generate a deployment WAR and deploy it on the WebSphere Portal.
4. View the C2A portlet.
More information about these steps is provided in the following sections.
Generating a C2A target model
A target portlet accepts data from a source portlet by receiving a C2A event from
the source portlet.
To C2A-enable the target portlet, add the C2A Event Declaration Builder and
provide the C2A event information (see Figure 7-56 on page 649). You also need
to add a Event Handler Builder for the C2A event (see Figure 7-57 on page 650).
In our example, we also wanted to launch a Domino document by UNID, so we
added an Action List (See Figure 7-58 on page 651).
Because you will expose the target model as a WebSphere Portal portlet, you
must add the Portlet Adapter Builder to the model.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-56 Bowstreet C2A Event Declaration Builder configuration window
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-57 Bowstreet Event Handler Builder configuration window
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-58 Bowstreet Action List configuration
Implementing a Click-to-Action menu
To trigger a Click-to-Action event from a Bowstreet portlet, add and configure the
C2A Builder in the source Model. Refer to the help documentation for a detailed
explanation of the parameters (see Figure 7-59 on page 652).
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-59 Bowstreet C2A menu configuration
7.2.2 Implementation example
With the assistance of a Bowstreet expert, we implemented the Sales Tracking
application case study introduced earlier. Within a day, we had developed a fully
functional portal workspace, complete with a Click-to-Action interface between
portlets (Figure 7-60 on page 653).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-60 Bowstreet implementation of Sales Tracking case study
We created four models to implement this portal workspace, one for each portlet:
1. Customers view
2. Customer profile
3. Customer contacts
4. Sales activities
With each model, we started with the Domino View and Form Builder, which
generated a simple Notes view and form interface. We then configured the
Domino View and Form Builder and added additional Builders to refine the
interface and add functionality, such as Click-to-Action.
Bowstreet’s model-Builder development technique requires some time to get
used to. However, with a little bit of effort, it ultimately proved very effective in
developing our desired portal application. The ease with which we implemented
the challenging functionality of Click-to-Action across multiple portlets was
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
There were a few spots where we added straight Java code. For example, we
used a custom Java method to grab values from the product view for use in
selection fields.
The following four tables (Table 7-1 through Table 7-4 on page 656) summarize
the Builders used to generate our portal application. Some of these Builders
required detailed configuration that has not been captured in these tables.
Table 7-1 Customer profile
Builder Used
Domino View & Form
Creates the base Domino form & view model: Customers\by
Customer number, Customer form.
WPS Event Declaration
Defines a Click-to-Action event within this portlet for
triggering the action to open a customer profile document.
Event Handler
Maps the event to the action, opens a customer profile
document based on UNID.
WPS Portlet Adapter
Turns this model into a portlet.
Action List
Opens the “blank” startup page.
Data Field Modifier
Hides the $$return field.
Declares a “customer Selected” variable and sets to false.
Visibility Setter
Hides the Domino view for this portlet.
Action List
Creates the action of opening a page by UNID.
Declares the “blank” startup page.
Visibility Setter
Hides the “back” button from customer documents,
preventing the view from opening in this portlet.
Domino View
Declares the sales people\by employee number view.
Data Field Modifier
Modified employee_number field behavior in edit mode.
Table 7-2 Customers
Builder used
Domino View & Form
Creates the base Domino form & view model: Customers by
Name view, Customer form.
WPS Event Declaration
Defines a Click-to-Action event within this portlet for
triggering the action to open a profile document by UNID.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Builder used
Called when user selects a customer, triggers the action list,
which triggers three Click-to-Action events.
WPS Portlet Adapter
Turns this model into a portlet.
Data Column Modifier
Sales Activity Name view: Adjust the tables, alignment,
order, ordering, and visibility of the view columns created by
initial port of the Domino view.
WPS Event Declaration
Declares a Click-to-Action event to handle when a customer
name is selected.
Action List
Triggers three Click-to-Action events, one in each of the
other three portlets.
Account Owner
Adds People Awareness to the Account Owner field.
Table 7-3 Customer contacts
Builder used
Domino View & Form
Creates the base Domino form & view model: Customer
Contacts\by Customer Name, Customer Contact form.
WPS Portlet Adapter
Turns this model into a portlet.
Data Column Modifier
Customer Contact form page: Adjust the labels, alignment,
order, sorting, and visibility of fields created by the initial port
of the form.
Visibility Setter
Hide Employer column in view when employer category is
Visibility Setter
Hide system-generated edit button in the view interface.
Visibility Setter
Hide system-generated delete Button in the view interface.
Data Column Modifier
Customer Contacts\by Customer Name view: Adjust the
labels, alignment, order, ordering, and visibility of the view
columns crated by initial port of the Domino view.
Action List
Set up an action instructing the portlet how to filter
documents by a customer number.
WPS Event Declaration
Defines a Click-to-Action event within this portlet for
triggering the action to filter documents by customer name.
Event Handler
Maps the event to the action, the event is triggered, the
action is executed.
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Table 7-4 Sales activities
Builder used
Domino View & Form
Creates the base Domino form & view model: Sales
Activity\by Customer view, Sales Activity form.
WPS Portlet Adapter
Turns this model into a portlet.
Data Column Modifier
Sales Activity Name view: Adjust the labels, alignment,
order, ordering, and visibility of the view columns created by
initial port of the Domino view.
Data Column Modifier
Sales Activity form: Adjust the labels, alignment, order,
ordering, and visibility of the view columns created by the
initial port of the form.
Domino View
Products by Name View: Used to look up product name
values from the products database.
Writes a custom Java method to access the product name
Data Field Modifier
Creates drop-down list entries product selection fields.
Creates a Java variable.
Action List
Set up an action instructing the portlet how to filter
documents by a customer number.
WPS Event Declaration
Defines an Click-to-Action event within this portlet for
triggering the action to filter documents by customer name.
Event Handler
Maps the event to the action; when the event is triggered,
the action is executed.
Data Page Formatter
Formats the date created field.
Sales Person
Adds people awareness to the Sales Person Field.
Hide $$ Return
Hides the $$Return Field when editing the form.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
7.2.3 Installing the sample application
Bowstreet also comes with a packaging tool. This tool allows you to create and
install models and other Bowstreet artifacts. It can also be used to create
versions of your application, allowing you to revert to a previous version if
required. The application above is available for download as an additional
material from the IBM Redbooks Webs ite. Please refer to Appendix C,
“Additional material” on page 741 for instructions on downloading the sample. To
install and use the example supplied, the following assumptions have been
򐂰 Bowstreet is installed with a valid license.
򐂰 The sample Domino databases have been deployed to a Domino server.
򐂰 DIIOP is running on the Domino Server and HTTP browsing is enabled.
򐂰 A valid Bowstreet project has been created.
To install the sample application package:
1. Download the packaged called BowstreetRedbook.pkg to your local hard
2. Open your IDE and switch to the Bowstreet perspective.
3. Locate the Bowstreet Web project, right-click the project, and select
Bowstreet Packaging → Install (see Figure 7-61 on page 658).
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-61 Installing Bowstreet Package
4. The Package application will then prompt for the location of the.pkg file. Using
the dialog, navigate to the BowstreetRedbook.pkg file and click Open.
5. You will then see that there are models available for installation. Click on the
Install button and click OK to all the prompts (see Figure 7-62 on page 659).
After a successful install, close the packaging tool.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-62 Installing Bowstreet Models
6. The models will now be available in your IDE to use. The first modification you
may wish to make is to adjust the Host Server Name and runtime credentials
for each of the models (see Figure 7-63 on page 660).
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-63 Adjusting the host server for the installed model
7.3 CONET Knowledge Director 3.0 for WebSphere
CONET's Knowledge Director 3.0, formerly called Portlet Factory, is a portlet
generator for WebSphere Portal. It allows you to easily portalize existing Domino
applications. The development model follows the Domino rapid application
development approach. This means that portlets are created similar to the way
that Domino applications are built. Domino developers are enabled to build
portlets without the need to know either Java or the portal server APIs.
The key differentiator between CONET Knowledge Director and all other Domino
integration techniques is Knowledge Director's performance and scalability. This
is achieved through its multi-tier, distributed and server-centric architecture. It
implements advanced data caching strategies using a RDBMS - DB2,
SQL-Server, or Oracle as options - as its back end. This guarantees high
performance and scalability that is independent from the Domino back-end
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
The Knowledge Director tool is especially interesting if you have:
򐂰 Many custom Domino applications that you need to portalize
򐂰 To combine data from several Notes Databases within one portlet
򐂰 The need for write access to the Notes Databases from the portal
򐂰 Domino development expertise on staff
򐂰 The need for highly scalable portlets
򐂰 The desire to use a rapid application development model that allows
7.3.1 Knowledge Director components
CONET's Knowledge Director is a true J2EE application implemented in a
multi-tier architecture. The Knowledge Director consists of five distinct
components, which together form the key functionality. These are:
򐂰 Connector
򐂰 Repository
򐂰 Generic Portlet
򐂰 KD Service
򐂰 Integrated Cache
The relationship and underlying architecture between the components is
illustrated in Figure 7-64.
Figure 7-64 CONET Knowledge Director architecture
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Knowledge Director Repository
The Repository ((1) in Figure 7-64 on page 661) is a Notes configuration and
developing application for the definition of portlets. It controls the data selection
(queries, selections, and databases), determines the presentation of the portlet,
and defines the interaction of the portlets with each other in the scope of
Business Packages. With the aid of the Repository's definitions, the individual
applications to be later deployed into the WebSphere Portal server are created
by the so-called Generic Portlet component (see Figure 7-65).
Figure 7-65 Portlet definition repository
Portlet creation is done in a five step process that involves the definition of
elements similar to the ones used to build Domino applications. Elements used
are, for example, selection formulas, views, and form layouts. All these elements
are defined by using the Notes @formula language in combination with HTML.
Wizards (for basic portlets and category portlets) help with the creation process
and there are various templates (that is, e-mail portlet) for standard portlets
shipped with Knowledge Director. This is explained in more detail later in this
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
The so-called Generic Portlet ((5) in Figure 7-64 on page 661) is deployed into
the portal server. This Generic Portlet represents the information objects being
described in the KD Service in their final form as an integral part of the
WebSphere Portal.
The Connector ((3) in Figure 7-64 on page 661) is needed for the extraction of
data from the Notes source databases at runtime. The Connector is a Java
application that has to be installed on each Domino server that is involved in the
portalizing process. The connector does not need to reside on the Domino server
it extracts the data from. In the case of remote access the Connector
communicates via CORBA with the Domino sever.
Knowledge Director Service
The KD Service ((2) in Figure 7-64 on page 661) is a J2EE application and
constitutes the central element of the Knowledge Director. It is responsible for a
number of functions, for example, processing the configuration data from the
Repository ("Portlet Definitions") using the so-called Repository Import and thus
affecting the data selection. Furthermore, the central KD Service also controls
the cache management.
The Knowledge Director Service is responsible for handling all portlet requests
for data and application transactions. The Knowledge Director Service gathers
information from the Portlet Definition repository and then utilizes one or more
Domino Connectors to interact with a Domino application.
There are many tasks associated with processing and answering a request from
a portlet. The Knowledge Director Service facilitates the entire process of
gathering, organizing, caching, and rendering the output for the portlet, as well
as the transactions with the underlying Domino application. Transactions can
involve write access to Domino databases, portlet cooperation, and agent
execution on the back-end Domino server.
To improve performance, the Knowledge Director Service implements caching.
Caching provides a significant performance increase in most situations. The
Portal Factory Service can cache results in memory or persistent to a DB/2, SQL
Server, or Oracle database. Caching respects the Domino Security Model.
Depending on the configuration, the edited data can either be stored in memory
or in a separate, relational Cache Database ((4) in Figure 7-64 on page 661).
The main objective of caching is to ensure optimal data availability anytime and
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
independent of the Domino server's status. Cache control is handled
automatically by the KD Service and can be tuned in the repository.
Component communication
The KD is using Standard Web Communication Methods. Figure 7-66 gives an
overview of the interaction of the different Knowledge Director components.
Figure 7-66 CONET Knowledge Director component architecture
The portlet communicates with the Knowledge Director Service and the Reverse
Proxy via HTTP. The KD Service connects with the KD connector using a
Standard IP Socket Connection.
CONET implemented a Domino Connector written in Java, which uses the Notes
Object Services locally to perform the requests on behalf of the KD Service. In
this figure, you see that Knowledge Director Service is not using HTTP or DIIOP
to remotely access Domino. The architecture was chosen to minimize the
number of calls necessary to transact with a Domino server. Knowledge
Director's remote connectors provide a coarse-grained interface. It receives a
detailed task description, performs this task on the local server, and returns a
result. Instead of dozens or hundreds of remote DIIOP calls, there is just one call
on the local toolkit. This improves performance and minimizes network traffic.
It is important to point out that the Domino connector is based on WebSphere
and Domino standards. It builds on the Domino Java Toolkit and implements a
high-level bridge for the specific transaction needs of the Knowledge Director
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Communication between the KD Service and the RDBMS Caching is handled
through Standard JDBC Connections.
Configuration options
The Knowledge Director was developed by CONET completely based on
separate components (using the Model View Controller concept). This modular
structure allows configuration of infrastructures of all kinds and sizes, from
individual project solutions all the way up to extensive enterprise infrastructures.
When setting up the Knowledge Director, all the different components can either
be installed centrally on one machine or in a distributed system spread over a
number of machines. To illustrate the Knowledge Director's range of possible
architectures, we have listed some exemplary options in the following list.
(Table 7-5 through Table 7-8 on page 667 illustrates deployment options.)
Table 7-5 Single server configuration
Portal projects frequently originate in
individual divisional or project solutions
with a small number of users. All the
portal's different components are in this
case installed centrally on one computer.
The Knowledge Director fully supports
such a starting configuration. You can
install it on the same application server
that the portal runs on. Domino data can
then either be accessed via the KD
Connectors, or you can replicate the
desired Domino databases directly onto
the portal installation's Domino server. As
an option to heighten the system's
performance, we recommend the use of
the Knowledge Director's memory-based
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Table 7-6 Domino Hub configuration
In practice you often want to separate the
installation of your IBM WebSphere Portal
from all related back-end systems and
therefore also from the Domino server
providing the source data for the portal.
This approach facilitates an easier
administration of the portal and enables
you to deliberately exchange individual
components. The Knowledge Director is in
this case installed on the same server as
your portal software. Data is either
accessed via a Domino Hub or by direct
requests to the Domino back-end servers.
When using this configuration, we
recommend database-supported caching.
The database server (SQL, Oracle, and so
on) responsible for caching can also be
installed on the same machine with the
portal software and the Knowledge
Table 7-7 Distributed Services configuration
If you expect approximately 1000 users to
access the portal simultaneously, we do
recommend to go for a distributed
services configuration. In this case, the
WebSphere Portal, the KD Service, the
relational KD Cache as well as an optional
Domino Replication Hub are all installed
on separate machines. This kind of
configuration allows for the creation of a
highly scalable overall system and the
individual definition of every single
component's performance features.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Table 7-8 Extended Distributed Services configuration
In a variation of example No. 4, all
components involved are again installed
on separate machines, but in addition to
that, they are all provided redundantly in
order to make clustering possible. The
Knowledge Director is suitable to be run in
a cluster, too. This means that several KD
Services can be combined to form a single
logical system. The KD Cache can either
be used centrally or be clustered as well.
7.3.2 Implementation issues
This section summarizes the functionality of the CONET Knowledge Director.
Applicable portlet patterns
Knowledge Director portlets can be used to implement the entire range of portlet
patterns that were outlined in Chapter 1, “Introduction to portalizing Domino
applications” on page 1 (link, display, integrated, and migrated). Knowledge
director portlets are able to link to native applications (they can display and
recombine information from Domino databases). With Knowledge Director's write
access, it is possible to develop portlets for an integrated scenario, that is, letting
the user perform tasks in other applications inside the portlet, rather than having
to launch the other application. Finally, a migrated portlet - one that is used to
replace an application and transform entire business processes into portlets can be achieved.
The Knowledge Director provides you with a whole number of possibilities to
define layout and presentation of the portal's display. Even quite ambitious user
requirements can be realized. For example:
򐂰 Flexibly definable layout, fully compatible with IBM Portal layout elements.
򐂰 Reverse Proxy for the display of Notes Rich Text directly on the portal
interface (includes automated link and JavaScript filtering).
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
򐂰 Portlet Caching.
򐂰 Search function with freely definable layout for the presentation of results.
n-level categorization as well as support of non-balanced information
򐂰 Support of Portlet Messaging for the display of complete Workplaces.
򐂰 Integrated form generator not depending on Notes ("forms").
Development time
Portlet development with Knowledge Director is a very efficient process. The
ease of use of the Domino @formula language makes portlet development as
fast as building Domino applications. Knowledge Director implements a true
rapid application development model, including comfortable portlet preview
abilities. Wizards for basic list portlets and category portlets make the
development even faster. Demo portlet definitions (that is, search portlet)
shipped with Knowledge Director make developers quickly grasp the building
The preview lets developers simulate various settings of the portal present in the
end user scenario (locale, method of access, searchstrings, and so on) and
preview the portlet under these conditions (Figure 7-67).
Figure 7-67 Portlet Preview: Settings page
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
A code checker for Knowledge Director formula language helps you avoid bugs
on the syntax-level. To identify problems, the amount of information feeding the
Knowledge Director log files can be finely tuned. Six levels from 'errors' to 'full
trace' are possible. Various statistics are recorded to monitor the time usage,
traffic, and storage situation on the Knowledge Director modules.
Developer skill set
Portlet development can be done with basic Domino development skills. Even
junior Domino developers who know the @formula language and HTML can build
Range of applications
Knowledge Director can be used to build any kind of Domino portlets. It supports
read and write access to Domino applications as well as the execution of agents.
Portlet messaging is easy to implement.
The options for advanced database aggregation create a completely new way to
work with Domino databases.
Knowledge Director allows you to:
򐂰 Combine data from multiple Domino databases, possibly from different
– Append data sets
– Merge data sets
򐂰 Relate queries through primary/foreign key relationships:
– One to One: One row in Query X matches one row in Query Y
– One to Many: One row in Query X matches 0+ rows in Query Y
򐂰 Data views can be n-level categorized
򐂰 One drawback is that in the development process you are limited to the
functionality provided by the @formula language. Currently the use of JSP tag
libraries or customized Java code is not supported.
Rich text handling
Knowledge Director portlets can display and edit Domino rich text. Rich text can
be embedded in portlets, that is, the KD e-mail portlet with all embedded
elements, for example, images and links, is still working correctly. Therefore, the
Knowledge Director service implements a reverse proxy and handles URL
rewriting. We found that Knowledge Director is currently the only tool that
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
handles Domino rich text properly. Furthermore, Knowledge Director ships with
its own HTML editor.
Multilingual text definitions can be deposited in the Repository. These text
definitions are interpreted during runtime depending on the user language
specified in the portal or on the respective browser setting. The necessary
translation charts (resource bundles) can be maintained centrally.
Knowledge Director supports the typical tri-section of WebSphere portal settings,
that is, specific Portlet Definition Repositories reflect development, staging, and
production systems. Interaction of these repositories is handled automatically, so
that portlet definitions are moved from one level to the next one after being
released by a developer.
Also, the necessary administration tasks for versioning portlet definitions are
handled automatically.
Knowledge Director’s performance is very good. Through its multi-tier
architecture and the use of memory and DB2 caching, it can handle high volume
Domino databases with high concurrent user access with good response times.
Session management
Knowledge Director implements session management. Portlets can use either
the active user or a broker that acts on behalf of a group of users to authenticate
against the Domino backend.
The Knowledge Director connector can access clustered Domino servers.
In high availability and performance scenarios, the Knowledge Director service
can be clustered as well. The Knowledge Director Service can be installed in a
distributed way on many application servers. These instances of the server use a
single caching database.
The Knowledge Director has been tested for databases with more than 100,000
documents and 1000 concurrent users.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Single sign-on
Knowledge Director supports the following SSO configurations:
򐂰 Credential vault
򐂰 LTPA Token
Required software versions
Knowledge Director is currently available in Version 3.0 and requires the
following software:
򐂰 WebSphere Portal V5.0 and higher
򐂰 WebSphere Application Server V5.0 and higher
򐂰 Domino V6.5 and higher in the back end
򐂰 (Domino V5.0.10 and higher is supported too, but due to a less powerful
Domino API in Domino 5, the full functionality of KD 3.0 cannot be provided.)
7.3.3 Portlet creation methodology
CONET’s Portlet creation methodology is completely Domino-centric. Portlets
are created in a way similar to that used to build a Domino application.
Building blocks
The elements that define a portlet are called “building blocks.”
To better understand the building block concept, let us draw an analogy and
imagine a Notes view, for example, your “All Documents” view in your mailbox.
You can ask yourself the question: What elements define this Notes view?
The answer is that the Notes view:
򐂰 Lives in a Domino database
򐂰 Has a selection formula
򐂰 Has layout information
Usually, a Notes view is created in the Domino Designer by defining these three
elements inside of a view design element.
Let us compare this to a portlet definition in Knowledge Director. Knowledge
Director uses portlet building blocks. Portlet building blocks deal with information,
for example, about the database, selection formula, and the layout. So it uses the
same three basic elements that we would use to build a Notes view.
Figure 7-68 on page 672 shows a comparison of a Portlet and Notes view.
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-68 Portlet to Notes view comparison
To build a portlet out of building blocks, Knowledge Director allows you to
combine basic elements like databases and selections into higher level elements
called 'Queries' and 'Portlet Definitions.'
Figure 7-69 on page 673 shows the containment hierarchy of the different
building block elements.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-69 Element containment hierarchy
The Query element is essentially used to build views by summarizing one
database, one selection, and layout information. The top-most element is the
Portlet Definition. It can contain one or multiple Queries. This way, data from
multiple Domino databases can be mixed, merged, or categorized.
Once you have created a Portlet Definition, Knowledge Director is able to
automatically create a WebSphere Portal portlet for you. With one click in the
Knowledge Director UI, the tool creates a portlet war file for you that can be
deployed in WebSphere Portal.
In addition to being able to define views, Knowledge Director also allows you to
create forms with read and write access, implement portlet cooperation, and a lot
The key concept
The key concept to implement layouts and functionality with Knowledge Director
is the use of the @formula language. The Knowledge Director @formula
language is an aggregation of the Notes @formula language we all know from
Domino development with specific KD @formulas.
The Portlet layout is defined by using HTML with embedded @formula language,
as illustrated in Example 7-1.
Example 7-1 HTML with embedded @formula language
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%>
<tr><td> <@ fldTitle @> <@ @if(@Date(@modified)=@today;‘<img
src=/images/newicon.gif>&nbsp;';'') @> <br>
<@ fldAbstract @> </td>
<td><@ @Date(@Modified) @><td>
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
You see that Knowledge Director uses the @formula language in the same way
you would use Java on a JSP page. As opening and closing tags for @formulas,
you have to use <@ and @>. @Formulas can be as simple as single fields or
can be more complex, for example, @if conditional constructs.
Figure 7-70 is the Portlet output for the previous code example.
Figure 7-70 The output result for the previous code example
Knowledge Director allows you to use most of the Notes @formulas to build
portlets. It also gives you additional @formulas that make sense in the portlet
7.4 Implementing the Sales Workplace example
In this section, we walk you through the seven step process to build a set of
portlets with Knowledge Director. We highlight a few functional components that
we used to implement searching and portlet cooperation for our Sales Workplace
portlets. In Figure 7-71 on page 675, you see one page of the Sales Workplace,
where customer and sales information are combined.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-71 The Sales Workplace
The Sales Workplace is based on data from two Notes Databases:
򐂰 Customers (customer.nsf)
򐂰 Sales Reporting (sales.nsf)
The databases are independent of each other. To combine their information in
the Sales Workplace, we take advantage of the common customer key.
The upper left portlet shows the list of customers. Finding a specific entry is
supported by a search field and by a clickable alphabetical index. The list can be
browsed by a 'following-pages'-mechanism. Clicking on one of the entries causes
the upper middle and upper right portlets to show details of this specific
customer. The portlet "Customer Profile" shows basic information about the
customer. This portlet gives you the chance to edit the customer information (or
set up a new customer record). The 'Customer Contacts' portlet lists contact
persons at the specific customer and provides information about them. The
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
'Sales' portlet (lower left) is also triggered by the selected customer in the
'Customer' portlet. It shows the list of activities concerned with the customer.
Clicking, in turn, on one of the activities shows its details (including attachments,
that is, profile.pdf), which appear in the lower right portlet (the 'Activity Details'
1. Start the process by identifying your data source (the customer database)
(Figure 7-72).
Figure 7-72 Database definition
This is done by creating a database document that contains a reference to the
database that you want to portalize. Knowledge Director allows us to specify
either the path or the replica ID to a Domino database. In most cases, the
replica ID will be used.
2. You need to select the information that is relevant from this database, so do a
select statement. Knowledge Director allows you to build selections based on
@formula statements or full-text selections. Remember: you are building a
definition similar to a Notes view. If you have access to the design of the
Domino database, you can go ahead and copy and paste a view selection
formula from a view.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-73 Selection definition
3. This step is used to define a layout. As mentioned previously, the layout is a
mixture of HTML and the @formula language. Knowledge Director layouts are
made up of different layout components. You find layouts for the overall portlet
layout (this is called the Definition Template) as well as layout components for
the individual result set row. In this example, you are going to focus on the
layout of the individual result set row. In Knowledge Director, this is called a
Line Template (Figure 7-74).
Figure 7-74 Layout definition
The layout also includes an option for sorting. As in a Domino view, you can
specify multiple sorted columns. Columns in the portlet context refer to
columns of the table layout.
4. In this step, you summarize all the previous steps. You take your database,
selection, and layout and put them into a query—the analogy of a Domino
view (Figure 7-75 on page 678).
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-75 Query definition Basics tab
On the Basic tab of the Query, select the database and selection definition for
the Query (Figure 7-76). These are the elements defined in the previous
Figure 7-76 Query definition Layout tab
On the layout tab, choose the template for the data display of the individual
result set row as well as the Form template that is used to open the customer
profile once the user clicks on a customer name inside of the Portlet.
5. Finally, the query becomes formalized as a Portlet definition. Portlet
definitions can contain more than one query. This is relevant if you want to
merge data from multiple Domino databases. In this example, we just have
one query.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-77 Portlet definition
6. This was the final step in the definition process. The Portlet is now ready for
creation. This is done by an automatic process that takes the Portlet definition
and renders a portlet out of it (Figure 7-78).
Figure 7-78 Automatic portlet creation (create button)
7. Once this process is finished you can deploy the Portlet to your Portal and
place it on the Sales Workplace. The result should look similar to Figure 7-79.
Figure 7-79 The resulting customer portlet
In the last section, we showed you how to define the basic portlet for the
customer list. In this section, we highlight how we implemented the search,
including the alphabetic index and portlet cooperation.
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
To enable the search in the customer portlet, we added the code in Example 7-2
to the Portlet Definition Template.
Example 7-2 Customer search
<form "Search" action="<@@ViewAction@>" method="post">
<input name="<@@ContentSearchName@>" size="40">
<input type="submit" name="Search" value="Search">
In the layout definition, we created a basic HTML form with a search field. The
trick is to give the search field the special name <@@ContentSearchName@>
and use the @formula <@@ViewAction@> to create an Action URI to submit the
form to the portlets action listener. In the query definition, we can define which
fields Knowledge Director should include in the search.
Alphabetic Index
For the alphabetic index, we defined the following two functions in the definition
template (Example 7-3).
Example 7-3 Alphabetic Index functions
Function WriteSearchField(letter)
{document.forms['Customer_list'].<@@ContentSearchName@>.value = letter;
function WriteAlphabeth()
var letter = "";
var hStr;
For ( i = 0; i = 25, i++){
letter =String.fromCharCode(i+65)
hStr = 'javascript:WriteSearchField(" ' + letter + "*" +
' ")';
document.write(" <a href=' " + hStr + " '>"+letter+"</a> ");
These JavaScript functions produce a clickable link (href) for each letter that is
shown. When the link is clicked, for example, the letter "D", the search field is
filled with "D*" and the HTML form is submitted. As a result the user sees the list
of customers beginning with the letter "D" (Figure 7-80 on page 681).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-80 Customer Portlet with search field and alphabetical index
Portlet cooperation
Enabling Portlet cooperation is as straightforward as implementing searches. In
our example, we want to implement the following Portlet cooperation:
򐂰 We search in the customer Portlet. Once we select a customer, the customer
detail Portlet displays the customer details information (Figure 7-81).
Figure 7-81 Customer Profile portlet
򐂰 For defining the Customer Profile portlet, we can rely mostly on the Customer
portlet that we have defined in the previous section. We add a Form Template
and a Definition Template that contain the HTML code for the Customer
Profile portlet, resulting in the following definition structure (Figure 7-82 on
page 682).
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-82 Component structure for a "Detail Message"
The communication between the two portlets is achieved by a KD-Messaging
formula inserted in the code of the Line Template of the sending portlet
(Customer) (Example 7-4).
Example 7-4 Portlet cooperation
<a href='<@ @Message(
<@ @CreateDetailMessage(Customer_Profile) @>
) @>'><@customerName@></a>
We build an HTML link around the customerName that embeds the @Message
formula. This allows us to send multiple specific messages to other portlets and
have them respond to it. In this case, we have included only one message, the
@CreateDetailMessage. It tells the receiving portlet (Customer_Profile) to show
the data of the current list entry as specified in the From Template.
At runtime, KD Service generates a link of the following form from the message
formulas. It makes use of the mechanisms of WebSphere Portal messaging:
<a href=
After a user clicks on a customer name link, the other portlet will respond
according to the defined behavior (Figure 7-83 on page 683).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 7-83 Customer portlet and Customer Profile portlet connected by messaging
The following behavior can be achieved in a similar way: The customer contacts
show only the contact personnel of the selected customer. The customer activity
portlet displays a view with the latest activities with that customer (Example 7-5).
Example 7-5 Using the function @CreateSearchMessage
<a href='<@ @Message(
<@ @CreateDetailMessage(Customer_Profile) @>
<@ @CreateSearchMessage(Customer_Contacts;<@customerNumber@>)
<@ @CreateSearchMessage(Sales_Activities;<@customerNumber@>)
) @>'><@customerName@></a>
We use the function @CreateSearchMessage, when the sending portlet
specifies a search string and the receiving portlet has a search expression (see
Figure 7-75 on page 678) to compare this string to. The layout of the search
result is specified in the Line Template of the receiving portlet.
A third way to define messages is the formula @CreateFormMessage. This
formula allows to define the Query (and by that the Form Template) and the
uniqueID of the Notes document to be shown.
7.4.1 Write Access
In this section, we want show how we implemented the write access in a
Knowledge Director portlet.
To modify or create a Notes document, Knowledge Director provides an Edit
Template. The KD Edit Template corresponds to the KD Form Template for read
access. Additionally, it contains the name of the Notes form to write into. The
HTML code of the Edit Template contains special Knowledge Director @Edit
formulas. Let us look at the Edit Template for the Customer Profile portlet
(Figure 7-84 on page 684).
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Figure 7-84 Edit Template for editable Customer Profile portlet
To make the customerName editable, it is enclosed in the KD formula @EditText.
This creates an editable field in the portlet. The KD formulas @EditNumber,
@EditTextArea, and @EditTextList work in a corresponding way for other
datatypes. These formulas have a couple of optional parameters: Default values,
additional HTML text to integrate into the <input> tag, and user roles can be
The use of the expression @EditValidate( <@customerNumber@>; NUMBER;
'Please, enter a number') makes sure the user enters a number in the 'Customer
Number' Field. In general, the KD Formula @EditValidate enables additional
validations to the ones possibly contained in the underlying Notes application.
The validation rules are regular expressions or predefined rules. A failure text can
be supplied.
In the corresponding Form Template of the Customer Profile portlet, we have
included the following line of code to create the 'edit' and 'new' links:
<a href='<@@LinkToEdit()@>'>Edit</a> <a href='<@@LinkToCreate()@>'>New</a>
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Clicking on the Edit button, then, results in the following editable portlet
(Figure 7-85).
Figure 7-85 Editable Customer profile
The following line of code implements the 'save' and 'cancel' links:
<a href='@@EditSubmit()@>'>Save</a> <a href='@@LinkToList()@>'>Cancel</a>
@EditSubmit and @LinkToList are KD-formulas. @EditSubmit submits the
HTML-Form and @LinkToList links back to the Customer portlet.
It is important to point out that the security mechanisms of Notes Databases are
obeyed. The ACLs and Reader Fields are strictly observed. No writing is possible
without the correct access rights. Additional roles can be specified in the @Edit
formulas that can further restrict the write access rights.
7.4.2 Summary
Building portlets with CONET's Knowledge Director is easy for Domino
developers who know the @formula language. The building process is
straightforward and similar to building forms and views with the Domino designer.
Results can be achieved fast and with minimal learning effort.
We were especially impressed by the good performance and scalable
architecture of the tool.
Chapter 7. Portlet builders
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Chapter 8.
Integration with Lotus
Lotus Workplace can be a powerful platform for building new collaborative
applications. Just like Lotus Domino, the real value of the platform will be the
ability of developers to build applications that leverage and extend the
collaborative abilities offered by the platform.
In this chapter, we look at some possible ways of integrating and extending a
Domino portlet or application to leverage some of the features of Lotus
Workplace. As with other techniques for integrating Domino applications with
Portal, there are several ways to approach integration. We start by looking at
some simple ways to deploy a portlet into Workplace. We also discuss how to
use Lotus Workplace Builder to customize an application. We then move on to
some more advanced integration techniques utilizing the Lotus Workplace
Products API Toolkit.
Attention: At the time of the writing of this redbook, the Lotus Workplace API
and other development techniques are still very much in their infancy. Some of
the technical specifications and delivery timings are subject to change. Always
check the latest documentation available on the Web at the Lotus
Documentation site:
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
8.1 Introduction
Lotus Workplace is built on top of WebSphere Portal, so from an integration
development point of view, anything that you have constructed for WebSphere
Portal will be able to be integrated into Lotus Workplace without change. Any of
the techniques and methods we have covered for WebSphere Portal are valid
and can be used in exactly the same way in Lotus Workplace.
This makes Lotus Workplace a powerful environment to integrate Domino
Applications with. We not only can leverage the infrastructure provided by
WebSphere Portal, but now also integrate and leverage the components that
Lotus Workplace makes available.
If we take a quick look at Lotus Workplace structurally (See Figure 8-1 on
page 689), we can see that there are layers of services which we can exploit. So
with Lotus Workplace, not only can our Domino applications use services at the
portal level, but they can be extended to the Workplace level. Alternatively, we
can choose to just use the portal level and know that our applications will work
perfectly well on Lotus Workplace.
Important: The important point to note is that as a general rule, if a portlet
works on WebSphere Portal, it will work on Lotus Workplace.
Note: Note that the Lotus Workplace V2.0.1 Products server is the foundation
for an enterprise-level collaborative environment. Installing and configuring the
Lotus Workplace V2.0.1 Products server is a task that requires a certain
degree of planning and configuration. While the details for installing this
product are beyond the scope of this book, you can review a detailed
instruction guide within the redbook Lotus Workplace 2.0.1 Products:
Deployment Guide, SG24-6378, found at:
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Workplace Layer
Portal and J2EE Layer
Figure 8-1 Structural representation of workplace
8.1.1 Skills and degree of customization - Workplace Builder
Figure 8-2 on page 690 gives an overview of this integration option relative to all
the options available to the user/developer for portalizing Domino applications.
Note that the horizontal axis illustrates an increasing range of customization for
integrating your application, while the vertical axis illustrates the degree of J2EE
skills required for each approach.
Chapter 8. Integration with Lotus Workplace
Domino Java API
IBM Portlet API
JSR 168 Portlet API
JSF Portlet Framework
Struts Portlet Framework
Lotus Workplace API
J2EE Knowledge
JSP tags
IBM Portlet
Builder for
Bowstreet Portlet
Factory /
Conet Knowledge
Level of customization
Figure 8-2 Integration options
The main message to take from this graphic is that using the Lotus Workplace
Builder, or simply adding existing Workplace portlets, requires only minimal Java
knowledge, while giving the developer, administrator, or power user some
flexibility in terms of customization.
8.2 Adding Workplace portlets to Domino portlets
Perhaps the simplest and easiest way to get integration between Domino and
Lotus Workplace is to use the existing Lotus Workplace portlets with your
Domino portlets to create and integrate the application.
There are portlets within Lotus Workplace that can add value to a Domino
application. It may be useful to have the user’s Lotus Workplace calender beside
a custom Domino meetings minutes database so the user can simply switch
portlets and pencil a meeting into their calender.
Using our Struts example from 6.5, “Sales Tracking application using Struts” on
page 498, we could build upon this application to add greater value. More
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
specifically, we will enhance the application by putting a chat room in the page so
users can talk about the sales strategies and challenges. It might also be
beneficial to add the Team Task list so that users can assign related tasks to
people. This utilizes the Domino application, and for very little effort, adds a great
deal of business benefit and value.
In this example, we went into the Administrative GUI of Lotus Workplace and
added a Sales tab. Within that Sales tab, we added the Domino Application (see
Figure 8-3). Then, beside the application, we added the team task portlet so that
users can assign tasks to each other. Underneath those portlets, we added a
chat room so multiple users can get together in this page and talk about the sales
figures and performance.
Figure 8-3 Adding Domino and workplace portlets together
For relatively little effort, we added a great deal of functionality to our Domino
portlet. In Figure 8-4 on page 692, you can see the users now have a Sales tab
where they can view the sales information. This is a simplistic example of what is
possible, but it would be very easy to deploy Domino portlets to Lotus Workplace
and build many such pages and applications. Again, the important point here is
that if it works on WebSphere Portal, it will work on Lotus Workplace.
Chapter 8. Integration with Lotus Workplace
Figure 8-4 Workplace portlets and Domino portlets together
8.3 Adding Domino Portlets to Workplace Applications
Using the Workplace Builder, we can take the example in the previous section
one step further and create Workplace Applications. These applications become
very easy for a power user to deploy and build upon an existing application.
Workplace Applications also add more power when they are packaged together
to take advantage of attributes such as roles and parameters.
8.3.1 Applications and templates
A Workplace Application is a collection of pages and portlets that address a
business need for a particular group of users (refer to Figure 8-5 on page 693).
Examples of Workplace Applications could include:
򐂰 Team Spaces
򐂰 Communities of Practice
򐂰 Project Rooms
򐂰 Sales Strategy Planning
򐂰 Customer Rapid Response Team
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 8-5 A Workplace Application page
Workplace Applications are built from Templates. These Workplace Applications
can be distributed and managed by business users and administrators to provide
targeted functionality to specific groups of users.
A Workplace Application is made up of business components. A business
component is an encapsulation of a business concept or process. Workplace
includes many business components like Discussion, Team Calendar, Team Task
List, Contact List, Forms, Document Library, Search, and People Finder. We can
also add our own business components to an application; these may include a
Domino Portlet or Portlets.
We could just deploy the portlets to a page and have a Workplace Application;
however, with Lotus Workplace, we now have the ability to make our applications
into templates. A template defines the Workplace Application, its pages, and the
application components deployed on each page (see Figure 8-6). In this way, we
can provide a pre-configured set of portlets and pages targeted at a specific
business task. These applications have the distinct advantage of being able to be
modified by an end user and administrators, who can also control the deployment
utilizing user roles and other administrative features.
Figure 8-6 Workplace template construction
Chapter 8. Integration with Lotus Workplace
To work with a template, you must have access to Workplace Builder, which is
the toolkit for viewing and editing templates. To see the Workplace Builder link,
the user must be granted the user policy Allow users to create Workplace
Templates in the Administrative console for the workplace Server.
Note: To work with templates, you will need to be granted the specific
administrative user policy “Allow users to create Workplace Templates” in the
Administrative console to see the Workplace Builder link.
For details on setting this administrative user policy, please refer to the Lotus
Workplace Infocenter, found at:
Additionally, you can refer to Chapter 5, “Team Collaboration administration“,
in the Redpaper IBM Lotus Workplace Team Collaboration 2.0.1, REDP-3929,
found at:
All Workplace Applications are based on a template. When customizing an
application, you can choose to either modify the existing application or choose to
modify the template on which that application is based. An example of modifying
an existing application is you may choose to add your own component to an
existing Team Space. However, if you wanted to have that modification to appear
for all future Team Spaces, you would modify the template and add your
component to the template. It is also possible to save an existing application as a
template. This is a concept that is very similar to Lotus Team Workplaces
Each workplace has members, individuals, and groups who are assigned roles
that determine their access to the application. The names of workplace members
appear in the Members portlet that is displayed in every application. Generally,
application managers are Moderators; application users are Contributors or any
other defined role as desired.
Application access is determined first by the roles defined in the template, and
then by the level of access that each role permits for Workplace objects. The
Workplace objects include the template or application, its pages, and the
application components deployed on each page.
Permission to work with Workplace templates and applications is determined by
user policies, assigned template roles, and workplace membership roles.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 User policies
Provide permission at the most fundamental level for users to work with
templates and applications. Workplace Administrators set user policies.
򐂰 Template roles
Provide permission to edit or use templates. Template roles are assigned to
users by template owners.
򐂰 Membership roles
Provide permission to work with a Workplace Application. Application owners
assign member roles in a Workplace Application.
Required components for templates and applications
Workplace information and membership are essential components of every
Workplace Application. These components are displayed as the information
portlet and the Members portlet. As these portlets must be available in every
Template or Application, the delete icon is not available. The information portlet is
used to describe what the application is and also acts as a home portlet for the
application. It also contains the rename button so a user with the correct
privileges can change the name of the application. The Membership portlet is
used to store specific access rights to this application. The size limit of a
Workplace Application is set by the Workplace Application policy in the
Administrative console for the Workplace Server; by default, the size is set at 60
MB, and there is also a setting within the policy to allow a warning message to be
displayed if the size of the application approaches that limit.
8.3.2 Workplace Builder
Workplace Builder is an application assembly tool for business analysts,
application managers, and designers. It is intended for the business unit of the
enterprise that understands the business model and business processes.
Workplace Builder is designed to help the business user rapidly assemble
components into applications that revolve around a business process.
The user who creates an application becomes the default moderator and can
specify additional moderators.
The application moderator performs most of the administration tasks. The
moderator specifies whether an application is open to all authenticated users or
to application members only. In addition to specifying membership of the
application, moderators edit the names and descriptions of applications, and the
layout of pages within applications.
Chapter 8. Integration with Lotus Workplace
Application moderators can create applications from templates and, when
appropriate, save new applications as templates for reuse by other users. In this
way, we can add value to the Lotus Workplace platform by extending an
application to display Domino related Data.
8.3.3 Using the Workplace Builder
As an example, we are going to create a Workplace Application for managers to
get together and discuss sales of the fictitious widget company. To do this, we will
base the application on the Team Space Template, but add our own application
as part of it; in this case, we will use Domino data, but it could be any component
you like.
If you have all the required roles and policies, the Workplace Builder icon will be
available at the top of the screen next to My Favorites. Click on this button to
launch the Workplace Builder (see Figure 8-7).
Figure 8-7 Workplace Builder
We will now create a new Workplace Application Template by clicking on the New
button. Several fields are presented to be completed (Figure 8-8 on page 697):
򐂰 Template Name
This is a name that will represent the application. We used Widget Sales
򐂰 Category
This is the area within Workplace that the application will be available from.
We wanted this application to be available from the applications area of
Workplace, so in this case we selected Application.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 Description
An optional description of the application.
򐂰 Starting Point
This is probably the most powerful parameter on this page. It allows a user to
base an application on a previous template. In our case, we based it on the
Team Project template. This not only saves a great amount of work, as we do
not have to start from scratch, but also allows applications to be built upon a
previous application to create the next application.
Figure 8-8 Creating a new application template
The application is then created and opened. Down the left side is a list of all
Builder Tabs where configuration of the application can be performed. The
first tab is the Properties tab (see Figure 8-9 on page 698). This is the
information that was entered when the application was created. In this case,
there is nothing to change, so we are going to click the Pages and Layouts
Chapter 8. Integration with Lotus Workplace
Figure 8-9 Workplace Builder Properties
The next tab represents Pages and Layouts and is an interface that you may
be familiar with from the Administration Area of WebSphere Portal and Lotus
Workplace. Here we can add new pages, change the order of pages, and set
the security of pages as well as other features. We can also drill into each
page and place the portlets or components where we want on those pages. In
this case, we are going to create two new pages: one to hold some sales
information from Domino, and the other to surface some contact information
about our customers. As well as those additions, all the components we
would get as part of the Team Project template are visible (see Figure 8-10).
In this case, we decided this business function did not require the team
calender or the chat room, so they were removed by selecting the trash can
icon beside those pages.
Figure 8-10 Workplace Pages and Layout screen
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
From the Pages and Layout screen, it is possible to add components to
pages. For the Sales page, we are adding a pre-configured Domino
Application Portlet and the instant contact list (see Figure 8-11).
Figure 8-11 Adding the Domino Portlet and the Instant Contacts age
After setting up the pages with the components that are required and laying
them out as you like, select the Parameters Page. Each component of the
application can expose parameters, which allows the Business user who is
setting up a new application to customize the application or further refine the
application to suit that business’ needs. It is up to the component developers
to expose which parts of the component will be able to be refined when
developing that component. Figure 8-12 on page 700 shows the parameters
that are configured for this application.
Chapter 8. Integration with Lotus Workplace
Figure 8-12 Workplace Builder parameters
This example shows that, in this application, we can choose to modify some
information about the portlet and also some settings surrounding the team
task portlet. At the moment, the Description attribute is set and cannot be
edited by a user. If we wanted to change that, it is just a matter of opening that
parameter for editing and changing it to the required value (see Figure 8-13).
Figure 8-13 Editing a workplace parameter
Once the parameter has been edited, we can see that it is now editable by the
users when a new application is created from this template (see Figure 8-14
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
on page 701). This method can give the business user a great deal of power
in varying the application to suit different needs without the need to change
any underlying code. When developing components intended to be used with
Workplace Builder, this should always be a consideration.
Figure 8-14 After editing a workplace parameter
After editing the Parameters, click the Roles Tab. Roles allow the designer to
add application specific roles to an application. In this way, it is possible to
create granular roles that make logical business sense to this application. For
example, in this application, we may want to add a role called Contact
Manager and have that person as someone who performs the maintainence
on the contacts and tasks within this application. After clicking New to create
a new role, set the access as required (see Figure 8-15 on page 702). In this
case, we are giving members of this role Administration access over the team
task so they can edit tasks as deemed appropriate.
Chapter 8. Integration with Lotus Workplace
Figure 8-15 Editing a workplace role
At this point, it is possible to preview the template. At the top of the screen,
you will find the Preview button. This Preview button allows the person
building the application to iteratively see what the application will look like
when it is completed. Another subtle but powerful feature here is that data can
be pre-populated into the application. An example is that in the team task
there may be a task that will occur every time that this application is deployed.
When the application is in preview mode, simply enter the task and that data
will be saved as part of the template. When you have completed previewing
the application, click Done and then save the template. You are then returned
to the list of templates and you should now see the new template listed.
Now a template has been defined, it is ready to become a working
application. Click back to My Workplace and then the application page
(remember, we set the category to application so it would be listed as a new
application here).
Next, click the New button and our template should be available. Complete
the fields that represent the name of the application and add a description.
Ensure that you select the newly created template in the template field (see
Figure 8-16 on page 703).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 8-16 Creating a new application based on our template
After clicking OK, you will then be presented with a screen where you can set
any application specific parameters. These are the parameters that we made
editable and are now being displayed to the application creator to further
refine the template. Below you can see the parameters associated with the
team task portlet (see Figure 8-17 on page 704).
Chapter 8. Integration with Lotus Workplace
Figure 8-17 Setting the parameters
Once the parameters are set, click OK and the application is ready to use and
will be available to the users (see Figure 8-18). At this point, if it was not done as
part of the template, it may be necessary to add users to their appropriate roles.
Figure 8-18 The application ready to use
When the application is opened, we can see our Domino data integrated with
existing workplace components (see Figure 8-19 on page 705).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 8-19 Domino Data in Workplace application
Editing the application
While using the application, the users of the application may decide that they
want some components in the application changed. In our example, it may be
useful to see a PDF beside the sales information. To achieve this, click the Edit
button at the top of the screen (see Figure 8-20 on page 706). Only people in the
moderator role will be able to perform this task.
Chapter 8. Integration with Lotus Workplace
Figure 8-20 Editing the application
Once the application is in edit mode, the tab layout should be familiar. In this
case, we are going to remove the instant contact portlet and replace it with a PDF
viewer. To do this, click the Page and Layouts tab and then click the pencil icon
to add the new portlet to the page (see Figure 8-21).
Figure 8-21 Editing the layout of the sales page
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Once you are happy with the new layout and settings, click Done. The edit of the
application should be available immediately to users of the application (see
Figure 8-22).
Figure 8-22 Edited application with new portlet
Reusing the application to create new applications
The users of the application may find the changes incredibly useful, so next time
an application template is created, it is possible to base that application on the
one we have running here. In this manner, it is possible to build upon this
application to create new applications (see Figure 8-23 on page 708).
Chapter 8. Integration with Lotus Workplace
Figure 8-23 Creating a new template based on previous application
The Workplace Builder provides an easy to use interface for business users to
assemble applications. By using the Workplace Builder, it is simple to add great
business functionality to the base Workplace product.
8.4 Working with the Workplace API
The Workplace API provides Java developers with tools to build custom
applications that can leverage the Workplace Platform. With the toolkit it is
possible to create applications that take advantage of the frameworks created by
workplace. The API includes APIs, SPIs, and JSP tags to help a developer to
achieve this.
As with the WebSphere Portal API, the Lotus Workplace API has a clearly
defined services layer. We can use these services to interact with Lotus
Workplace components (refer to Figure 8-24 on page 709).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 8-24 Lotus Workplace platform architecture
At the moment, there is only a small set of APIs and SPIs available. The toolkit is
a separate release with the current release being 1.0. The Lotus Workplace APIs
will be delivered in the IBM Lotus Workplace Products API Toolkit. Table 8-1
summarizes the expected availability and contents for upcoming API Toolkit
Table 8-1 API availability
API Toolkit
Release 1.0
(Workplace V 2.0)
Release 2.5/Q4
(Workplace V2.5)
Release 2.5.x/Q1
(Workplace V2.5)
Enhancement for
Workplace V2.5
Enhancement if
Services API
API Reference
Javadoc only
services, other
enhancements if
Services API
not available
services, other
enhancements if
Workplace Mail
Messaging SPI
Enhancements if
Enhancements if
Chapter 8. Integration with Lotus Workplace
API Toolkit
Release 1.0
(Workplace V 2.0)
Release 2.5/Q4
(Workplace V2.5)
Release 2.5.x/Q1
(Workplace V2.5)
Workplace Instant
Messaging SPI
Enhancements if
Enhancements if
JSP Tags
Enhancements if
Enhancements if
Workplace Client
Not available
Enhancements if
Application development prerequisite
In order to create an application using Lotus Workplace Products API, the
following software is required:
򐂰 Lotus Workplace API Toolkit V1.0
򐂰 Java Editor (although WSAD V5.1.2 + Portal Toolkit 5022 is highly
The Lotus Workplace API Toolkit V1.0 can be download from
API help documentation installation
The Lotus Workplace API Toolkit Information center is shipped with an Eclipse
Web-based interface.
1. To install the info center, download the following two files from
2. Unzip first and then unzip to the same
location. The file structure should appear like Figure 8-25.
Figure 8-25 Infocenter file structure
3. Navigate to the Doc directory and launch help_start.bat.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 8-26 The installed infocenter
The API toolkit information center should be the first place to look for in depth
details on the API toolkit.
8.4.1 Using the JSP Tag Library to enhance a Domino Portlet
At the time of the writing of this redbook, the JSP tags provide the most practical
way of integrating Domino and Workplace using the API. With the 1.0 release of
the API, it is possible to make use of the collaborative components within Lotus
Workplace to bring people awareness to a Domino portlet and give a user control
of their online status.
Person Tag
The Person Tag displays a list of actions that can be performed when integrated
with the Lotus Workplace collaboration feature set. This tag will automatically
render all the HTML required for a user to perform those actions. Some examples
of the actions that can be performed are:
򐂰 Send E-mail
򐂰 Chat
Chapter 8. Integration with Lotus Workplace
򐂰 Add to a Contact List
򐂰 Show Profile
򐂰 Find Documents Authored By
Tag attributes
The tag supports the following attributes:
򐂰 value: Specifies the person name in the syntax supported by the type
specified in valueType. For example, if the valueType is specified as "EMAIL",
than the value attribute would specify the person’s valid e-mail address. This
attribute is required.
򐂰 valueType: Specifies the technology from which the specified person
information will be retrieved. The supported values are LDAPDN (LDAP
Distinguished Name), EMAIL, WMMID, and MEMBERDN (Member
Distinguished Name). This attribute is required.
򐂰 displayName: Specifies the name that you want displayed that is associated
with the Person tag. The value of this attribute overrides any display name
found in the lookup of the specified person. This attribute is optional.
򐂰 skin: Specifies the name of the JSP used for the Person tag "skin". This
attribute is optional.
Note: For JSPs created prior to Lotus Workplace 2.0 and with the WebSphere
Portal API, the format of "<pa:person>John Doe</pa:person>" (that is, with no
attributes) is still supported but not recommended for further usage.
In this example, we took the Struts JSP example we developed in Chapter 6,
“Portlet development using Java: Integration examples” on page 391 and have
changed the people awareness tag to be a Workplace compliant tag. We had to
make a small modification to the Domino database to pass the uid of the user
instead of the short name to the portlet for input as the attribute. To do this, we
changed the Customers.jsp to add the Workplace Compliant tag. First, we
changed the tag library to reference the new Workplace tld (see Example 8-1 on
page 713).
Tip: We used WSAD to build this example; to get the project to build without
error in WSAD, it was necessary to put two jar files on the build path. These
two jars were awarenesstags.jar and people.jar. These two jars can be found
on the Lotus Workplace server in the path
<installroot>\PortalServer\shared\app\lotusworkplacelib. These files should be
added to the WEB-INF\lib\ directory. Also, the and the
awarenesstags.tld will need to be imported.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Example 8-1 Adding the people awareness tag library
<%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/people.tld" prefix="pa"%>
Next, we changed the actual format of the jsp tag to reflect the required
parameters for the Workplace Tag With the required attributes (see
Example 8-2).
Example 8-2 Workplace people awareness tag example
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portletAPI" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
<%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/personTag.tld" prefix="pa"%>
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
<jsp:useBean id="customersPageIndex" class="salestrackingstruts.PageIndex"
<jsp:useBean id="salesPersons"
<jsp:useBean id="messageBean" scope="request"
<jsp:useBean id="customers"
<portletAPI:init />
<c:if test="${not empty messageBean.message}">
<bean:write name="messageBean" property="message" scope="request" />
<c:forEach var="varCustomerBeans" items="${customers.customerBeans}
end="${customersPageIndex.endPageIndex}" step="1" varStatus="status">
Chapter 8. Integration with Lotus Workplace
<td><html:link action="/showCustomerDetails" paramId="noteId
"paramName="varCustomerBeans" paramProperty="noteId">
<c:out value="${}" />
<td><c:out value="${varCustomerBeans.customerNumber}" /></td>
<td><c:forEach var="varSalesPerson
<c:if test="${varCustomerBeans.accountOwner ==
<pa:person value="${varSalesPerson.uid} valueType=”LDAPDN”"
<td><html:link action="/previousPage">Previous</html:link></td>
<td><html:link action="/nextPage">Next</html:link></td><tr>
<br />
<html:link action="/showCustomerDetails">Add new customer</html:link>
<br />
<html:link forward="/main">Main</html:link>
The result is that the people awareness is now visible in Lotus Workplace (see
Figure 8-27 on page 715).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 8-27 People awareness inside workplace
OnlineCenter tag
This tag gives the developer the ability to put the presence awareness controls
anywhere on a page that is convenient. These controls allow the user to modify
their online status, for example, a user may wish to mark themselves as ‘I am
away’ (see Example 8-28).
Figure 8-28 Online center tag
This facility already exists on most workplace pages, but if we create a
Workplace Application with a custom theme that does not include this
functionality, it is possible to add this awareness control to a page.
Chapter 8. Integration with Lotus Workplace
Tag attributes
The tag supports the following attributes:
򐂰 objectScopeId: A unique ID required for this tag to function properly when it
exists more than once on a page. This can be any text value as long as it is
unique for this page.
򐂰 JSRootURL: Defines the place where the JavaScript files exist in the portlet.
This is needed for the tag to load the onlinecenter.js file. Since the location of
the JavaScript files within the portlet's.WAR file can differ from developer to
developer, this attribute lets you specify the correct location.
For the sake of simplicity, and to show an example, we added an onlineCenter
tag to the top of our Customers.jsp of the Struts application we developed in
Chapter 6, “Portlet development using Java: Integration examples” on page 391.
The first thing to do was to add the reference to the tag library for people
awareness (see Example 8-3).
Example 8-3 Adding the awareness tag library reference
<%@ taglib uri = "/WEB-INF/tld/awarenesstags.tld" prefix = "awarenesstags" %>
Next, we added the code to the bottom of our JSP (Example 8-4).
Example 8-4 Adding the awareness tag ID in the JSP
<lotus:OnlineCenter objectScopeId="YOUR_TAG_ID"JSRootURL="javascript"/>
Below is an example of what the tag may look like (Figure 8-29 on page 717).
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Figure 8-29 Online center tag in our application
8.5 Workplace API and SRI
The Lotus Workplace API allows a developer using Java programming skills to
extend the Lotus Workplace platform to develop portlets and other applications.
There is a set of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and SPIs (Service
Provider Interfaces) to use to achieve this. At the time of the writing of this
redbook, the set of components that are exposed as APIs and SPIs are limited.
The current API toolkit does not directly help integrate Domino applications, so
strictly speaking, they are out of the scope of this book. However, we cover what
you can do with the API toolkit, as there may be other ways you wish to use this
functionality now.
Version 2.5 will offer a lot more functionality to help with the development of
Domino applications. Version 2.5 will allow Domino portlets to integrate with
Workplace by:
򐂰 Inserting Calender Entries
򐂰 Interacting with Discussion Forums
򐂰 Interacting with Portal Document Manager
򐂰 Creating Workplace Emails
򐂰 Querying Collaboration Features
򐂰 Interacting with the Workplace Builder
Chapter 8. Integration with Lotus Workplace
Once you have the API toolkit installed, there is a preview of what might be
included in the toolkit for Version 2.5 in the Java Doc. The Java Doc is located in
The components that are included in API Toolkit V1.0 are:
򐂰 Collaborative Application Component Interfaces
򐂰 Workplace Mail Messaging SPI
򐂰 Workplace Instant Messaging SPI
The Toolkit API has an excellent Information Center. It also has some
documented examples to help you get started with using the API.
8.5.1 Collaborative Application Component Interface
This part of the API allows you to:
򐂰 Access application and template catalogs
򐂰 Create and modify applications and templates
򐂰 Manage application instances
򐂰 Access community membership
򐂰 Access collaborative context
There are several parts of this interface, but one example that could be
developed would be a way for an application to know when a discussion forum is
rapidly consuming hard drive space.The application could then warn an
administrator of the impending problem.
To make use of these features, it is necessary to create a collaborative
component. This component is essentially a stateless session EJB that
implements one of the Collaborative Application Component Interfaces (see the
Info Center for more detail).
The Collaborative Application Component Interface methods are essentially
callbacks from Lotus Workplace to your component. They make it possible for
your component to describe itself to Lotus Workplace so that it can be
intelligently managed by the environment, configured by the user, and used in a
template with other components.
To make your component collaborative, you implement any or all of the following
interfaces in your component’s collaborative component EJB. If you implement
any of these interfaces, you must implement the Lifecycle interface.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 Lifecycle
The Lifecycle interface is used to tell your component that a collaborative
component has either been created or destroyed. This happens whenever, for
example, one of your components is added to a Workplace Application
template. You can use this information in your component to create or
initialize resources when needed.
򐂰 Membership
Whenever members are added or removed from a community associated with
the application, Lotus Workplace will notify your component. This can allow
you to perform tasks when these events take place. For example, this would
allow you to build your own audit log of activities in the applications to which
your component belongs. You can also use this information to grant or deny
permissions to other resources you may be managing from your application.
In addition, the Membership interface allows the component to provide
Workplace with a list of component-specific roles, which can be mapped to
community roles using Workplace Builder.
򐂰 Sensor
The Sensor interface is used by Lotus Workplace to get information about
resources managed by the component, so that policies regarding resource
usage (for example, disk space quotas) can be enforced.
򐂰 Templatable
The Templatable interface is used by Lotus Workplace to incorporate the
application component in an application template. This interface allows the
component to save information about itself when the template is saved in XML
򐂰 Transactional
This interface is used by Workplace to work out if your component can
participate in global transactions, therefore determining if the component
supports the ability to undo changes if a roll back occurs.
For details on using these interfaces, refer to the Collaborative Application
Component Interfaces Javadoc shipped with this toolkit and the Info Center.
8.5.2 Workplace Mail Messaging SPI
The Mail Messaging SPI lets a developer create components that can interact
with the messaging system of Workplace. For example, this SPI will allow the
developer to build applications that can redirect mail as it is routed. A typical
application that may be built using this SPI is a spam filter that lets you block
e-mail before it gets to the recipients inbox. Also, a virus scanner for incoming
e-mail could be developed using this SPI.
Chapter 8. Integration with Lotus Workplace
There are two specific interfaces a Java developer can work with: a handler and
delivery interface. A handler looks at the message as it passes through the mail
services. Your component can then make decisions based on the content of that
e-mail, a handler can then choose to either delete or move that e-mail to another
part of the system before that e-mail reaches the users inbox. A handler can also
reject e-mail so it will not be delivered.
There are numerous interfaces to work with; the Info Center has more
information about these interfaces. To build a component that uses these
interfaces, use the following steps as a guideline:
1. Set the correct classpath so that your code can use the required Mail
Messaging SPI.jar files.
2. Write the extension code.
3. Register the mail processing extension.
4. Configure the mail processing extension.
5. Run the mail processing extension.
8.5.3 Workplace Instant Messaging SPI
The Workplace Instant Messaging API allows the developer to create
components that intercept Instant Messages before they are delivered to the
recipient. An example of using this SPI would be to build a component that
logged all instant message conversations. Another example would be an
application that stopped messages that contained certain words or phrases from
being delivered based on a set of rules.
The Instant Messaging SPI is part of the presence and instant messaging
services of Lotus Workplace V2.0.1. The SPI is reachable via a servlet installed
on the WebSphere Portal server. The Instant Messaging SPI includes the
following classes:
This interface receives events for each message going
through the SIP server.
This interface is used to manage all MessagingListener
This class is used to get an instance of a
MessagingService object.
This class represents a SIP contact. It is used to examine
the contacts to whom messages are being sent. For an
example, see, the sample program
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
included in this toolkit (in
8.5.4 Conclusion
At the time of the writing of this redbook, the Lotus Workplace API is very much
in its early implementation phase. At the present time, the API is not a great aide
in surfacing Domino portal applications in Lotus Workplace. However, in the not
too distant future, it will provide a lot of functionality that can be included in a
Domino portlet. For example, it would be great to add some functionality to a
portlet that could easily add the contents of a Domino discussion database to a
related discussion that may be occurring in a Team Space.
It is greatly encouraged to explore the API now and become familiar with it. Also,
have a look at the Javadoc for the 2.5 release that is included in this release. This
API will allow a developer to build on top of the platform and, just like Lotus
Domino, it will possible to provide custom Domino based portlets that use the
Lotus Workplace platform to build components that add great value to a business
Chapter 8. Integration with Lotus Workplace
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Appendix A.
General portlet development
The following general portlet performance thoughts have been taken directly
from the Portlet Developer’s Best Practice and Coding Guidelines, contained
within the Portal Application Design and Development Guidelines, REDP-3829,
found at
We consider performance crucial to any production portlet, so we have included
a copy of this information here.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
Portlet coding guidelines
These guidelines are intended to help you produce best-of-breed portlets for the
WebSphere Portal environment.
Refrain from using instance variables
The most important rule of thumb is to limit the use of instance or class variables
in a portlet. Within WebSphere Portal Server, only a single instance of the Portlet
class is instantiated. Even if different users have the same portlet on their pages,
it is the same portlet object instance that generates the markup. Therefore, each
portlet instance has to be treated like a singleton. The implication is that you
should not use instance or class variables to store any state or other information
between calls to the portlet. Being a singleton, each instance variable of a portlet
effectively becomes a class variable with similar scope and the potential for
problems when the variable is accessed many times in each user's context of the
portlet. It is better to avoid these problems by limiting the use of instance or class
variables to read-only values. Otherwise, reentrance or thread safety may be
There is an exception to this rule in which you can use instance variables.
Variables whose values do not change can be stored safely in instance variables.
For example, on initialization of the portlet, its configuration is set within the
portlet. Because the configuration does not change for different users or between
calls, you can store it in an instance variable.
Use try/catch blocks. Get in the habit of adding try/catch blocks around
significant code in JSPs to enable debugging. This will greatly improve your
portlet development experience.
Minimize dependencies on JavaScript. Since JavaScript implementations and
behavior differ widely between browser types and versions, the more your portlet
depends on JavaScript, the more browser-dependent your portlet becomes.
Additionally, the more of the page that is rendered using JavaScript, the more
difficult it is to maintain and to extend to other markups besides HTML. Also, it is
more difficult to namespace-encode JavaScript resources and nearly impossible
to properly encode (response.encodeUrl()) URLs built using JavaScript.
Use taglibs whenever possible. Encapsulating Java code within taglibs not only
allows common view functions to be easily reused, it keeps the JSPs clean and
makes them more like normal HTML pages, which allows the page designer to
concentrate on layout and decoration and reduces the possibility of breaking the
embedded Java code.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Pass data to the view (JSP) as a bean in the request object
Use the PortletRequest object to pass data to the view for rendering. This way,
when the request is complete, the data falls out of scope and is cleaned up.
Passing it as a bean allows the JSP to simply refer to the data as properties on
the bean using intrinsic functions in the JSP syntax.
Use the portlet logging facility
Using the PortletTraceLogger installed with WebSphere Portal for tracing and
logging allows your portlet’s debug and trace output to be stored with other
portlet output in the portal log files. It also takes care of the infrastructure around
logging and tracing. The PortletLog object that is the interface to the logging
mechanism can be obtained from the portlet context:
PortletLog log = getPortletConfig().getContext().getLog();
You should also verify that logging is enabled for attempting to log data,
especially if that requires additional logic or storage to build the log message.
Example A-1 illustrates code verifying that logging has debug enabled and how
the logic might be written.
Example: A-1 Using a log from portlet
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
String logMsg = new String("Time to retrieve data: " + elapsedTime);
log.debug(logMsg); }
Adopt good code documentation habits
While commenting of code is not required for the functionality of the portlet, it is
essential for its maintenance. In addition to the fact that the responsibility for a
portlet’s maintenance can change hands over time, well-written portlets serve as
models for other portlets, which means that someone else must understand what
you wrote. Well documented code implies more than simply inserting comments;
it implies good naming practices for Java resources as well. The following are
examples of guidelines to follow:
򐂰 Insert JavaDoc-compliant prologues for all public classes, variables, and
methods. Be sure to document inputs and outputs.
򐂰 Include inline comments, but do not include them on the same line as a Java
source. It is difficult to align and follow comments that are on the same line as
a Java source.
Use meaningful names for variables and methods. Variables x, y, z, while easy to
type, are not easy to follow through code. Capitalization conventions and the use
Appendix A. General portlet development guidelines
of underscores (‘_’) within resource names is a matter of personal choice, but be
consistent once your choice is made.
Use the ContentAccessService to fetch external content if necessary
If it is necessary to fetch external content using an HTTP request, use the
ContentAccessService as it is intended to perform that function as expediently as
possible. It also prevents you from having to rewrite the same function and
introduce another maintenance point.
Cache portlet settings or portlet data
If portlet settings or data is complicated and requires complex parsing to digest, it
may be a good idea to cache the data for quick retrieval later. Avoid using the
PortletSession to store this data as it causes “session bloat”. Alternatively,
consider using the Application Server’s Dynacache CommandCache to store this
data. PortletSettings can be stored keyed off the portlet’s name. PortletData will
have to be stored keyed off the portlet name and user name. When updates to
the cache are necessary, based on updates to PortletData or PortletSettings,
devise a means of communicating updates to the data, such as through
implementing the PortletSettingsAttributesListener interface, or by using a “dirty
bit” that can be interrogated to see if updates have been made to the
configuration, in which case the cache can be invalidated and updated.
Note that the CommandCache is not currently cluster-aware, meaning that
cached content is not shared across horizontal nodes in a cluster. So, portlets
must be able to create the cache entry from scratch if the cache entry does not
Follow design guidelines for Struts portlets
If you are developing portlets based on Struts, use the following additional
guidelines to ensure your implementation is the best it can be:
򐂰 Be sure to use the sample portlet applications that accompany the Struts
Portal Framework package to ensure Struts is working properly in your
environment before testing Struts support in your portlet.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Make sure to review the documentation on the Struts Portal Framework for
application requirements and any restrictions (see The Struts User and
Developer Guide, found at
For existing Struts applications, refer to the section in the same document titled
“Migrating an Existing Struts Application”, found at:
Portlet packaging guidelines
Here we discuss the portlet packaging guidelines.
Make common functions available externally to portlets
If the portlet contains common functions that are replicated across several
portlets, consider isolating them, making them externally accessible by the
portlets. The easiest way to do this is build another JAR file of the common
classes and place the JAR file in a location that is in each portlet’s classpath,
such as the AppServer/lib/app directory. Another approach is to build a Portlet
Service from the common functions, which can then be accessed using the
common PortletService interface, and retrieved using the
PortletContext.getService() method.
Combine portlets with similar functions into a single portlet with
multiple configuration settings
If you find yourself developing several similar portlets, such as a mortgage
calculator portlet, car loan calculator portlet, and a home equity loan calculator, it
might make sense to actually develop a single portlet that can behave differently
based on configuration settings. The common portlet code is specified as part of
the portlet application’s abstract portlet definition. The application’s various
concrete portlet definitions have unique configuration parameters
(PortletSettings) that can be used to customize the behavior of the common
portlet code.
Data management
There are three primary areas where portlet configuration information is stored
and can be maintained: portlet settings, portlet data, and servlet configuration.
Appendix A. General portlet development guidelines
Use portlet settings to store user-independent configuration data
This data represents configuration parameters from the portlet’s portlet.xml file
(<config-param> elements under the concrete portlet definitions). It is only
writable in the portlet’s configure mode (doConfigure() method), but is readable
through the getPortletSettings() method on the portlet.
Use portlet data to store user-dependent configuration data
This data often represents personalized overrides to the portlet settings and is
thus stored according to user and portlet instance. This data is only writable from
a portlet’s edit mode (doEdit() method), but is readable through the
getPortletData() method on the PortletRequest object.
Use a servlet configuration for storing the static initialization
information for a portlet
Examples of this information include the install directory or path information. This
data, taken from the portlet’s web.xml file, is read only and accessible using the
getServletConfig() method on the portlet.
General session management guidelines
Here we discuss some general session management guidelines.
Limit the use of the portlet session for storing portlet state
The Portlet Session is a convenient place to store global data that is user and
portlet specific and that spans portlet requests. However, there is considerable
overhead in managing the session, both in CPU cycles as well as heap
consumption. Since sessions may not expire for quite some time, the data
contained in the sessions will remain resident in active memory even after the
user is done with the portlet. Be very judicious about what is stored in the Portlet
Tip: A good rule of thumb to use when determining if data should be stored in
the Portlet Session is if the data is user-specific and cannot be recreated by
any other means, such as portlet state information.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
For example, parsed configuration data (from PortletSettings) should not be
stored in the Portlet Session since it can be recreated from the database at any
Do not rely on portlet sessions if the portlet allows anonymous
If your portlet is to be used by unauthenticated users, such as on the Welcome
page, then the portlet should not rely on the portlet session at all. Portlet
sessions are bound to a user context. By default, for unauthenticated users, a
portlet session can be requested by a portlet, but it is a temporary session that
only lasts for the duration of the current request. Public session support exists,
where sessions are issued to unauthenticated users, but because there is no log
out action for an unauthenticated user, the session will not be invalidated until it
times out, which can lead to severe memory consumption issues.
There are other ways to preserve global data for anonymous access, such as:
򐂰 Storing data in a collection whose key is communicated back to the client
using a cookie.
򐂰 Storing data in the WebSphere Application Server’s dynacache facility, again
using a unique key which is communicated to the browser using a cookie.
򐂰 Storing the state information as a cookie itself.
򐂰 Storing non-sensitive data as hidden field elements within FORMs so that it
gets passed back on subsequent form submission. This has the added
advantage of binding state-aware data to the page requiring it.
Alternatively, consider limiting the function of the portlet for anonymous access.
You can check for the presence of a user object (PortletRequest.getUser()) to
see if a user has logged into the portal, in which case a portlet session should be
Always request an existing portlet session
Always request a portlet session using either PortletRequest.getPortletSession()
or PortletRequest.getPortletSession(false), which will only return a session if one
does not already exist. The portal server will establish a portlet session for a
portlet before it is invoked. This helps prevent the case where a temporary
session is generated for a portlet during anonymous (unauthenticated) access.
Prevent temporary sessions from being generated in the JSP
Add the JSP page directive <%@ page session=”false” %> to the JSP to prevent
temporary sessions from being created by the JSP compiler if none already exist.
Appendix A. General portlet development guidelines
This will help guard against attempting to use the session to store global data if
the session will not exist past the current request. You will need to be sure the
portletSession exists before trying to use it.
Other general development guidelines
There are potentially many different types of browsers, or user agents, which
access WebSphere Portal besides a typical desktop browser, such as hand-held
devices (PDAs, or personal data assistants) and wireless phones. The
capabilities of these devices vary widely, as do their users’ attention spans and
interaction models. Therefore, the portlet’s design needs to take these facts into
Information priority is different, depending on the device it is viewed on.
Capabilities of desktop browsers are limitless. Users can download almost
anything quickly and randomly navigate through it. For handheld devices,
however, screen real estate and device memory is at a premium, not to mention
the relatively slow speed of a wireless connection versus a LAN connection. Also,
users of mobile and handheld devices need quick access to concise information
and cannot afford the time or effort it takes to navigate through several screens to
get to the desired information. Here are some more general guidelines for portlet
All portlet strings should be fetched from resource bundles
All displayable strings should be stored in resource bundles and fetched using
the ResourceBundle Class. The resource bundles should be organized by
language under the portlet’s WEB-INF/classes directory.
For example, if a portlet supports the English and Finnish languages, it would
have three resource bundles (default, English, and Finnish) and might be
organized under WEB-INF/classes as follows:
򐂰 WEB-INF/classes/nls/
򐂰 WEB-INF/classes/nls/
򐂰 WEB-INF/classes/nls/
Using the ResourceBundle class, you would refer to the properties file as
“nls.mystrings”. Java will automatically look for the appropriate properties file
based on the current locale.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Organize portlet help files by language
As opposed to typical JSPs in the portlet’s view, the portlet’s help JSP files can,
and should be, language dependent. Since little else in the JSP will exist but help
content, there is not much need in extracting strings from resource bundles.
Translate the JSPs instead, and organize them by language. When using the
include() method on the portlet context to dispatch a JSP, the method will search
the directory structure for locale-specific subdirectories first. For example, if you
include the JSP “/WEB-INF/helpjsps/html/myHelp.jsp”, and the current request
locale is en_US, then the method will look for the myView.jsp in the following
directories, in order:
Note that the include() method will also look for a default myHelp.jsp if one does
not exist in the HTML subdirectory.
Use portlet messaging to communicate (send messages) to other
portlets on the same page
It is possible to send messages to a specific portlet or to all portlets on a page.
The message body may contain data that the receiving portlets require. The
message is sent from a portlet’s actionPerformed() method and received by other
portlet’s messageReceived() methods, before those portlet’s doView() is called
as a result of the action, so there is an opportunity to set data or state information
before the receiving portlets are invoked. Go to the WebSphere Portal Infocenter
and select Developing portlets → Writing portlets → Portlet messaging for
more details.
Avoid the use the HttpSession to share data with other
The HttpSession is not common between nodes in a cluster, so any data store in
the HttpSession is only visible by J2EE resources in the same Application Server
instance. The PortletSession is derived from the HttpSession, and besides only
having visibility of the portlet instance, is also bound by the same restriction.
Persistent sessions can be turned on in the application server, which will serialize
the session to a database that can be shared across nodes in a cluster, but that
can cause performance issues for very large sessions. See “General session
management guidelines” on page 728 for other ideas.
Appendix A. General portlet development guidelines
Avoid the use of HttpSession to share data with other
The HttpSession is not common between nodes in a cluster, so any data stored
in the HttpSession is only visible by J2EE resources in the same Application
Server instance. The PortletSession is derived from the HttpSession, and
besides only having visibility of the portlet instance, is also bound by the same
restriction. Persistent sessions can be turned on in the application server, which
will serialize the session to a database that can be shared across nodes in a
cluster, but that can cause performance issues for very large sessions. See
“General session management guidelines” on page 728 for other ideas.
Performance consideration guidelines
Here we discuss performance consideration guidelines.
Do not spawn threads
Since portlets are multi-threaded to begin with, spawning child threads can
create problems with synchronization or multi-threaded access to the spawned
threads. Threads should be used with extreme caution, and when necessary,
should be used briefly (no long running threads, especially any that outlast a
Do not use threads to access J2EE resources
In certain Java Virtual Machine (JVM) implementations, such as on z/OS, there
are a limited number of threads in the process thread pool that are allocated for
accessing J2EE resources, such as JCA connectors. All such resources should
be manipulated on the calling thread to minimize the possibility of starving the
thread pool.
Limit temporary storage
Temporary storage includes temporary variables created within a block of code
that are used then discarded. Temporary variables are typically utilitarian in
nature, such as strings, integers, Booleans, vectors, and such. However simple in
nature, temporary variables take CPU cycles to create and destroy and occupy
space on the heap, which must be maintained by the garbage collector. The
following is a list of simple guidelines for reducing or optimizing temporary
򐂰 Reuse temporary variables as much as possible.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 Declare temporary variables outside loops.
򐂰 Instead of String, use StringBuffers, which are optimized for parsing and
string assembly.
򐂰 Declare collection classes (Vectors, Arrays) with an initial size that is the
average maximum size, to prevent growth and reallocation of space on the
Avoid synchronized methods
Synchronization causes a bottleneck through your portlet, or a path that only
allows one thread at a time to pass through. Besides slowing the entire portal
system, the possibility of a deadlock occurring is also high, which could hang the
portlet, or portal, for all users.
Avoid long-running loops
Simply put, portlets need to be fast. Long running loops consume a large number
of CPU cycles and cause the portal page to wait for this one portlet to finish. If a
long-running loop seems necessary, re-inspect the design to see if it can be
accomplished by some other means, such as through block/notification logic, or
breaking the large loop up into several shorter ones.
Use JSPs instead of XML/XSLT
JSPs are more efficient than XML/XSLT in general. Since JSPs are compiled into
servlets, they run much faster than having to parse XML and apply XSL
stylesheets on every request. Also, the portal infrastructure is optimized around
JSPs, allowing for easy expansion into other markups, languages, and even
browser support by simply adding new directory structures of JSPs. In general,
XML parsing and XSLT processing is expensive. XSL processing, for example,
causes hundreds of transient String objects to be created and destroyed, which
is expensive in CPU cycles and heap management. If XML/XSLT is a
requirement, then make use of caching as much as possible to reduce the
amount of parsing and XSLT processing which must take place.
Use caching as much as possible
If portlet output is static in nature or is valid for some period of time before it is
updated, the portlet should enable the “display cache” by setting appropriate
values for the <cache> elements in the portlet’s portlet.xml file (note that caching
must be enabled in a portlet before it is installed or updated). A portlet’s caching
settings can be set such that the output is never cached (<expires> value of 0,
the default), cached for some period of time (<expires> value greater than 0, in
Appendix A. General portlet development guidelines
seconds), or cached indefinitely (<expires> value of –1). The cached entries can
also be shared across all users of the same portlet (<shared> value of YES) if
the output is valid for any user.
Important: Using the cache vastly improves the performance of the portlet,
and thus of the page in general.
The portlet can also implement the getLastModified() method to control the
invalidation of the cached content, informing the portal that it should call the
portlet’s doView() method to refresh the output. Refer to the portlet development
section of the WebSphere Portal InfoCenter for examples of how to use the
getLastModified() method.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Appendix B.
Data dictionary for case
This appendix contains the specific field names, field labels, and data types for
each document type in our fictional Sales Tracking application.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
Product form
Table B-1 Product form
Field name
Data type
Identifier unique to this product
No white space in value
Not negative
Currency format
Additional Information
Rich text
Sales person form
Table B-2 Sales person form
Field name
Data type
“Sales Person”
<Last Name>, <First Name>
Employee #
Identifier unique to this employee
No white space in value
Phone #
Drop-down list
Keywords hard coded
Job Position
Drop-down list
Keywords hard coded
Additional Information
Rich text
Authorized to edit
Date Created
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Last Modified
Save success message on Web
Customer form
Table B-3 Customer form
Field Name
Data type
Customer Name
Customer Number
Identifier unique to this customer.
No white space in value.
Account Owner
Drop-down list.
Uses Sales People to populate keyword
values. Stores EmployeeNumber,
displays EmployeeName
<Last Name>, <First Name>
Formatted name value for
Multi-line, multi-value.
Use TEXTAREA on Web.
# of Employees
Not negative.
Integer only.
Rich text
Authorized to edit.
Date Created
Last Modified
Save success message on Web.
Appendix B. Data dictionary for case study
Customer contact form
Table B-4 Customer contact form
Field name
Data type
“Customer Contact”.
Contact Name
<Last Name>, <First Name>.
Text – drop
down list
Uses Customers to populate keyword
values. Stores CustomerNumber,
CustomerName (CustomerNumber)
Text computed
Value from CustomerName field in
Customer Record.
Contact Phone
Contact Address
Text – multiline
Contact JobTitle
Rich Text
Authorized to edit.
Date Created
Last Modified
Use TEXTAREA on Web.
Save success message on Web.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Sales activity form
Table B-5 Sales activity form
Field name
Data type
“Sales Activity”.
Activity Type
Drop-down list.
Hard coded keyword values.
Activity Date
Defaults to today.
Drop-down list.
Uses Customers to populate keyword
values. Stores CustomerNumber,
displays Customer Name
Customer Contact
Drop-down list.
Uses Customer Contacts to populate
keyword values.
Uses ContactName.
<Last Name>, <First Name>.
Sales Person
Drop-down list.
Uses Sales People to populate keyword
values. Stores EmployeeNumber,
displays Employee Name
Uses SNumber to lookup Sales Person
<Last Name>, <First Name>.
Made a Sale?
Radio button.
Hard coded keyword values: Yes / No.
Text – Drop
down list
Uses Products to populate keyword
values. Stores ProductName
Appendix B. Data dictionary for case study
Rich text
Authorized to edit.
Date Created
Last Modified
Save success message on Web.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Appendix C.
Additional material
This redbook refers to additional material that can be downloaded from the
Internet as described below.
Locating the Web material
The Web material associated with this redbook is available in softcopy on the
Internet from the IBM Redbooks Web server. Point your Web browser to:
Alternatively, you can go to the IBM Redbooks Web site at:
Select the Additional materials and open the directory that corresponds with
the redbook form number, SG246466
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
Using the Web material
The additional Web material that accompanies this redbook includes the
following files (Table C-1).
Table C-1 Description of additional materials files
File name
Contains the sample Notes Databases
used throughout this book. (Databases
PRODUCTS.NSF. See 2.3.1, “Case study
overview” on page 78 for details of each
database and how to deploy them.
DominoAccess project for WSAD.
SalesTrackingIBMAPI portlet project for
SalesTrackingStruts portlet project for
SalesTrackingJSF portlet project for
SalesTrackingJSR168 portlet project for
Domino V6.5.1 Extended Products
Integration Guide (Official Lotus
How to use the Web material
Here we discuss the use of the Web material.
Importing project to WebSphere Studio ApplicationDeveloper
You can use the Import Wizard in WSAD to copy a project into the Workbench.
1. From the main menu bar, select File -> Import. The Import wizard opens.
2. Select Project Interchange and click Next.
3. Click the Browse button to select the zip file which you would like to import.
4. Click Finish to start the import.
5. Create a subdirectory (folder) on your workstation, and unzip the contents of
the Web material zip file into this folder.
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Related publications
The publications listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a
more detailed discussion of the topics covered in this redbook.
IBM Redbooks
For information about ordering these publications, see “How to get IBM
Redbooks” on page 748. Note that some of the documents referenced here may
be available in softcopy only.
򐂰 Access Integration Patterns using IBM WebSphere Portal, SG24-6267
򐂰 Domino Designer 6: A Developer’s Handbook, SG24-6854
򐂰 Domino and WebSphere Together Second Edition, SG24-5955
򐂰 IBM Lotus Domino Application Portlet: Configuration and Tips, REDP-3917
򐂰 IBM Lotus Workplace Team Collaboration 2.0.1, REDP-3929
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Portal for Multiplatforms V5 Handbook, SG24-6098
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Portal V5 A Guide for Portlet Application Development,
򐂰 Lotus Workplace 2.0.1 Products: Deployment Guide, SG24-6378
򐂰 Portal Application Design and Development Guidelines, REDP-3829
򐂰 A Portal Composite Pattern Using WebSphere Portal V5, SG24-6087
򐂰 Portalizing Domino Applications for WebSphere Portal, SG24-7004
򐂰 Using the Domino JSP Custom Tags: An Approach to Portalizing Domino
Applications, REDP-3902
򐂰 WebSphere Portal 4.12 Collaboration Services, REDP-0319
򐂰 WebSphere Studio 5.1.2 JavaServer Faces and Service Data Objects,
򐂰 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Programming Guide, SG24-6585
򐂰 WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide,
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
Other publications
These publications are also relevant as further information sources:
򐂰 Gamma, et al, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented
Software, Addison-Wesley, 2000, 0201485370
򐂰 Lotus Domino and Extended Products 6.5.1 Integration Guide, G210-1747
򐂰 Building a Portlet within the Model-View-Controller Paradigm using
WebSphere Portal, found at:
򐂰 Guide to WebSphere Portal 4.2, found at:
򐂰 Guide to WebSphere Portal 5.0, found at:
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Developer Technical Journal: Migrating a Struts application
to WebSphere Portal, found at:
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Developer Technical Journal: WebSphere Portal
Programming, found at:
򐂰 Introduction to JavaServer Pages, found at:
򐂰 Lotus Collaborative Services JavaDoc, found at:
򐂰 Portlet Development Best Practices and Coding Guidelines, found at:
򐂰 Portlet Development Guide: Second Edition, found at:
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 The Struts User Guide, found at:
򐂰 Struts in WebSphere Portal 4.1, found at:
򐂰 Using Click-to-Action to Provide User-Controlled Integration of Portlets, found
Online resources
These Web sites and URLs are also relevant as further information sources:
򐂰 AdHoc
򐂰 Apache Jakarta Project: Pool
򐂰 Apache Logging Services Project
򐂰 Apache: Struts
򐂰 Bowstreet
򐂰 Conet AG
򐂰 IBM developerWorks: Lotus
򐂰 IBM developerWorks: SOA and Web services
򐂰 IBM developerWorks: WebSphere
򐂰 IBM Lotus Domino Developer Domain
Related publications
򐂰 IBM Lotus Workplace Information center
򐂰 IBM Portal Toolkit
򐂰 IBM WebSphere
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Developer Domain - Portal Zone
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Portal for Multiplatforms Version 5.0.2 Information Center
򐂰 IBM Workplace Products API Toolkit
򐂰 Introduction to JavaServer Pages
򐂰 Introduction to log4j
򐂰 JavaServer Pages Technology
򐂰 Java Technology
򐂰 JSR 52: A Standard Tag Library for JavaServer Pages
򐂰 JSR 127: JavaServer Faces
򐂰 JSR 168: Portlet Specification
򐂰 Log4j
򐂰 Lotus Documentation
򐂰 The Lotus Domino Toolkit for Java/CORBA / Domino Java API
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
򐂰 New to WebSphere Portal
򐂰 OASIS Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) TC
򐂰 Object pooling
򐂰 Portal Struts support
򐂰 Portal Zone
򐂰 Portlet API Javadoc for WebSphere Portal
򐂰 Portlet JSP Tag Library Syntax
򐂰 StrutsSolutions - Apache Struts Wiki
򐂰 Sun Microsystems J2EE Web site
򐂰 Sun Microsystems JSP Web site
򐂰 Using Click-to-Action to Provide User-Controlled Integration of Portlets
򐂰 WebSphere Application Server Library
򐂰 WebSphere EveryPlace Access InfoCenter
򐂰 WebSphere Portal InfoCenter
򐂰 WebSphere Portal and Lotus Workplace Catalog
Related publications
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򐂰 WebSphere Portal Product Documentation
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Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
$$Return field 82
@DbLookup 82
@Functions 82
A sample Customer database in the Domino Application portlet 120
A Workplace Application Page 693
Abstract Factory 384
Accessing databases 323
Accessing documents 324
Accessing Domino 322
Accessing Domino data 400
Accessing Domino sessions 322
Accessing items and rich text items 325
Accessing views 324
Action events 346
Action interaction in the Customer Details portlet
Actions for buttons 566
Add deluxe pager 557
Add Global Forwards 532
Add libraries to web.xml 241
Add library to Java build path 498
Add link to table 559
Add navigation to index.jsp 551
Add new action mapping 521
Add new customer action and show details action
Add new JavaBean 552
Add parameter to link 561
Add Person or Group 153
Add portlets to a page 495
Add request scope variable to output text 568
Adding a SessionBean 227
Adding additional views to the Domino Databases
portlet 121
Adding classes to DominoAccess 498
Adding Domino Portlets to Workplace Applications
Adding functionality to DominoAccess 575
Adding global forwards 531
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
Adding Lotus Domino JSP tags to our portlets 239
Adding People Awareness 608, 646
Adding portlets to a page 89
Adding Session Sharing attributes 226
Adding support for Domino JSP custom tags 200
Adding the automatically Deployed Portlet to a page
Adding the Customer List portlet to the page 252
Adding the Customers/Customer By Name view to
View.jsp 246
Adding the Domino View & Form Builder 636
Adding Workplace Portlets to Domino Portlets 690
Additional application functionality 82
Additional information 388
Additional thoughts on J2EE 180
Adjusting the Host Server for the Installed Model
Advanced Search 168
Aggregating informaion from multiple databases 46
Alphabetic Index 680
API Help Documentation Installation 710
Applicable portlet patterns 75, 667
Application Development prerequisite 710
Applications 694
Applications and Templates 692
Architecture 708
Authentication 54, 125
Authentication UI 126
Automatic portlet creation (create button) 679
Available options for Portalizing Domino Applications 61
Basic elements of Struts 365
Basic portlet 223
Basics 676
BeanUtils 414
Benefits of Collaborative Services 380
Benefits of Domino and Portal together 22
Between components of a single web application
Between multiple web applications 217
Bind sales persons to menu 565
Bowstreet Action List Configuration 651
Bowstreet Builder Palette window 638
Bowstreet C2A Event Declaration Builder configuration window 649
Bowstreet C2A Menu Configuration 652
Bowstreet Designer 620
Bowstreet development tool 620
Bowstreet Domino View & Form Builder 639
Configuration window part 2 640
Bowstreet Event Handler Builder configuration window 650
Bowstreet implementation of Sales Tracking case
study 653
Bowstreet JSR168 Settings 633
Bowstreet Model Name 636
Bowstreet People Awareness Builder 647
Bowstreet Portlet Factory
benefits 620
builder 621
Click-to-Action 648
code execution architecture 622
considerations 623
deploying 643
development environment 620
Domino form builder 636
Domino view builder 636
implementation example 652
Lotus Collaboration extension 619
model 621
opening the developer 626
overview 619
performance 624
profile 621
rich text 624
sample portlets 654
server components 622
skillset 620, 624
testing a model 642
Bowstreet Portlet Factory for WebSphere 77, 619
Bowstreet Portlet Factory for WebSphere code execution architecture 623
Bowstreet Run Configuration 642
Bowstreet server components 622
Bowstreet WPS Portlet Adapter Builder configuration window 644
Builder 621
Builders 60
Building Blocks 671
Building the portlet project with WebSphere Studio
Business Card 164
Cache 663
Caching 126
Caching UI 127
Calendar Portlet 143
Calendar portlet 111
Case Study
application details 80
application functionality 82
databases 78
document types 79
overview 78
relationships 80
sales workplace 80
use cases 81
user roles 80
Case study 77
A simple sales tracking application 77
Application details 80
Case study objective
Sales Workplace 80
Case study overview 78
Changing the table to include headers 247
Changing values for the Team Spaces portlet 113
Chat 153
Choose form fields 519
Choosing an integration technique 70
Click-to-Action 287
architecture 290
broadcasting 287
broker 288
chained propagation 287
concepts 288
enabling source portlets 292
encodeProperty 294
event broker 290
features 287
functionality 287
implementation 291
model 287
namespace 303
operating diagram 289
request-response flow 291
source 288
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
source portlets 288
target 288
target portlets 288
Click-to-Action chained propagation 288
Click-to-Action sequence diagram 290
Client tier 180
Clustering 670
Collaboration Center portlets 99
Collaborative Application Component Interface 718
Collaborative Components 305
Collaborative Services API 379
Column container 34
Command 385
Command button and hyperlink actions 373
Common pitfalls 303
Commonly used Domino Java classes 327
Comparing common portlet API concepts 354
Comparing elements of the API 357
Comparing portlet packaging and descriptors 356
Completed SalesTrackingStruts application 533
Component Communication 664
Component structure for a "Detail Message" 682
Concepts and design of Click-to-Action 288
Concepts unique to JSR 168 360
Concepts unique to the IBM portlet API 363
Conclusion 708, 721
Conclusions to the custom Domino tags integration
technique 286
Concrete portlet application 341
Conet Knowledge Director 3.0
@formulas 673
benefits 661
components 661
considerations 667
creating portlets 671
data source 676
defining the layout 677
implementation example 674
Knowledge Director connector 663
overview 660
portlet cooperation 681
scalability 661, 670
search 679
selection 676
CONET Knowledge Director 3.0 for WebSphere
Portal 660
Conet Knowledge Director 3.0 for WebSphere Portal 77, 660
CONET Knowledge Director architecture 661
Configuration Basics 162
Configuration Options 124, 665
Configuration options 161
Configuration parameters 443
Configure SalesTrackingIBMAPI portal application
Configure URL 556
Configuring a portlets’ properties 162
Configuring authentication in the Domino Application portlet 119
Configuring Team Workplace (Team Spaces) portlet
Configuring the 6.5.1 Extended Products portlets
Configuring the Document Manager (Domino.Doc)
portlet 117
Configuring the Document Manager portlet 117
Configuring the Domino Application portlet
Configuring the Domino Databases (Notes View)
portlet 120
Configuring the Domino Web Access portlet 110,
Configuring the Domino Web Access portlet - Manually 143
Configuring the Extended Products portlets 109
Configuring the Instant Messaging Contact List 116
Configuring the Instant Messaging Contact List for
WebSphere Portal 116
Configuring the Notes View in the Domino Databases portlet 121
Configuring the Portlet Builder for Domino
Enter username and password 601
Select the forms and views 602
Configuring the Team Spaces portlet 111
Configuring the Web Conferences portlet 114
Connecting to a Domino database 243, 594
Connecting to Domino databases through Domino
toolkit 243
Connecting to the Domino database 242–243
Connections between index.jsp and Customers.jsp 508
Connector 663
Considerations 123, 131, 155, 160, 291
Considerations for deploying the Domino Web Access Portlet 139
Considerations for the Domino Extended Products
Portlets 105
Contacts Portlet 144
Contacts portlet 111
container-specific variables 218
containment model 202
containment relationships 202
Cooperative portlets 27
CORBA 214, 316
accessing Domino 318
architecture 318
functionality 318
stub objects 318
Core tags 203
Create DominoSessionFactory class 405
Create fields for form bean 520
Create folder hierarchy 239
Create new class in WSAD 404
Create page SalesTrackingIBMAPI 494
Create Redbook samples label 493
Create Struts portlet project 504
Creating a label 85
Creating a new Bowstreet model
Selecting model type 635
Creating a new Bowstreet Web Application 628
Creating a new model 633
Creating a new Portlet with Portlet Builder for Domino 599
Creating a new project and model 627
Creating a page 87
Creating a Portlet Project 222
Creating a WSDL file 298
Credential vault 55
CredentialVaultManager 431
CredentialVaultManager explained 434
CredentialVaultService 349 file 116
Custom Domino JSP session tag 214
custom JSP tags 199
Customer Contacts initial portlet 274
Customer Contacts portlet 197, 263
Customer Contacts portlet Enable Click-to-Action
Target Parameters 299
Customer Contacts Servlet 273
Customer Detail portlet 263
Customer Details portlet 196
Customer Details portlet Enable Click-to-Action Target 296
Customer Details portlet Enable Click-to-Action Target Parameters 297
Customer details portlet Java code 253
Customer Details Servlet 262
Customer List portlet 196
Customer portlet and Customer Profile portlet connected by messaging 683
Customer Portlet with search field and alphabetical
index 681
Customer Profile Portlet 681
Customer Sales Activities initial portlet 286
Customer Sales Activities portlet 198, 274
Customer Sales Activities portlet Enable
Click-to-Action Target Parameters 301
Customer Sales Activities Servlet 285
CustomerBean 408
CustomerBeanCollection and SalesPersonBeanCollection in Web diagram 509
CustomerContactBean 410 file 264
CustomerContactsEntry.jsp file 271
CustomerContactsPortlet 472
CustomerContactsPortlet with Click-to-Action 482
CustomerContactsPortlet, contact listing 477
CustomerContactsPortlet, editing customer 484
CustomerContactsPortlet, testing Click-to-Action
CustomerContactsPortletView.jsp 475
CustomerDetails.jsp 562
CustomerDetails.jsp with navigation buttons 566
CustomerDetails.jsp, updating CustomerBean 564
CustomerDetailsEntry.jsp 259
CustomerDetailsPortlet 456
CustomerDetailsPortlet explained 465
CustomerDetailsPortlet in the test environment 469
CustomerDetailsPortlet JSP files 466
CustomerDetailsPortlet portlet settings 459
CustomerDetailsPortlet, add new customer 470
CustomerDetailsPortlet, edit a customer 472
CustomerDetailsPortlet, new customer added 471
CustomerDetailsPortletAddCustomerView.jsp 466
CustomerDetailsPortletView.jsp 466 274
CustomerSalesActivitiesEntry.jsp file 281
CustomersPortlet 434
CustomersPortlet and a list of five customers 456
CustomersPortlet explained 441
CustomersPortlet JSP files 445
CustomersPortletConfig.jsp 451
CustomersPortletEdit.jsp 449
CustomersPortletView.jsp 447
Customization 33
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
DAP - Access to configuration menu 124
DAP - Edit UI 129
Data Access Tags 202
Data access tags 205
Data aggregation 51
Data dictionary 82
Data Input Tags 202
Data input tags 207
Database 329
Database definition 676
Database tier 179
Debug 128
Debug UI 128
Debugging 669
Declarations 182
Decorator 384
Definition of a JSP 181
Deploy the portlet 263, 273, 285, 302
Deployed Portlet Showing People Awareness 647
Deploying a Bowstreet Model as a Portlet 643
Deploying our initial application 249
Deploying the case study portlets 83
Deployment 489, 540, 573, 586
Deployment descriptors 262, 351, 484, 535, 568,
Design principles 387
Designing the integration portlet 45
Details view 158
Developer Skill Set 669
Developing Domino portlets using Java 76
Developing using Java 60
Development Environment - Local debug configuration 191
Development Environment - Remote debug configuration 192
Development environment configurations 191
Development environments 59
Development Options 58
Development Time 668
Development tools 59
DIIOP 200, 214, 317
Directives 181
Discussion portlet 139
Display Details menu 157
Display pattern 43
Display pattern example 44
Distributed Domino scenario 53
Document 332
Document Manager (Domino.Doc) portlet 117
Document properties 397
DocumentCollection 331
dojkey attribute 221
infrastructure bottlenecks 54
integration techniques 69
Workplace 20
Domino application
choosing a design pattern 47
Domino Application Portlet 123
Domino Application portlet 118
Domino applications 37
characteristics 37
example 77
features 71
integration into the Portal 57
migrating into the Portal 45
portalizing challenges 36
transforming into the Portal 45
type of use 37
types 37
Domino custom JSP tag libraries 199
Domino Databases (Notes View) portlet 120
Domino Designer 186, 396
Domino hub scenario 52–53
Domino Internet Inter-ORB Protocol 200
Domino Java API 315
Domino Java classes 321
Domino JSP custom tags
adding support 200
Domino JSP tag libraries 60, 74, 175
overview 198
taglib 198
Domino JSP tags
adding to a portlet 239
customer contacts portlet 197
customer detail portlet 196
customer list portlet 195
customer sales activities portlet 197
data access 205
data input 207
database 206
docloop 207
document 206
ftsearch 206, 272
ifcategoryentry 208
ifdbrole 209
ifdocauthor 209
ifdocumententry 208, 272
implementation example 222
integration techniques 195
item 206
making a connection to a Domino database 243
nodocument 209
process control 208
runagent 209
sample applications 195
session 205
support 175
technologies 177
types 203
unid 206
utility tags 210
view 206, 272
viewitem 206
viewloop 207, 284
Domino Object Model 320
Domino objects architecture 319
Domino Session 213
Domino Tags 245
Domino view tag 272
Domino viewloop tag 258, 284
Domino Web Access - Instance 142
Domino Web Access portlet 110
Domino XML 376
Domino.Doc (Document Manager) Portlet 170
Domino.Doc sources form 172
DominoAccess 417
DominoAccess explained 424
DominoAccess project 400
DominoAccess project in WSAD workspace 402
DominoAccess.getFirstPNGImage() 576
DominoAccessProxy.getFirstPNGImage() 577
DominoSessionFactory 403
DominoSessionFactory class template 406
DominoSessionFactory explained 407
DominoSessionManager 215
domtags.jar 199
Drawing a Struts application 505
Eclipse 620
Edit Domino Source Server 129
Edit icon 171
Edit Options 129
Edit options 140
Edit Page Layout 89
Edit page layout 494
Edit parameters 156, 171
Edit Template for editable Customer Profile portlet
Editable Customer Profile 685
Editing a portlets’ properties 132, 140, 145, 156
Editing and Configuration parameters 152
Editing options 132
Editing parameters 145
Editing the Application 705
EJB container tier 179
Element containment hierarchy 673
Elements of a JSP 181
Elements of the IBM Portlet API 342
EmbeddedObject 335
Enable Click-to-Action source 478
Enable Click-to-Action target 480
Enabling Click-to-Action 477
Enabling our CustomerSalesActivities portlet 309
Enabling the Customer Contacts portlet 298
Enabling the Customer Details portlet 295
Enabling the Customer Sales Activities portlet 300
Enabling the CustomerContacts portlet 309
Enabling the CustomerDetails portlet 308
Enabling the CustomerList portlet 308
Enabling the source portlet (Customer List) 292
Enabling the target portlets 295
Enhancements 75
Enhancing Further with Click-to-Action 612
Evolution of Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere
Studio 194
Example 712, 716
Example “shadow” skin 33
Example Bowstreet Settings 632
Example of a place with portlet cooperation 28
Example portlet “Employee Directory” 39
Existing portlets 59
overview 93
QuickLinks 122
skillset 94
Web clipping portlet 122
Web page portlet 139
Export JAR 427
Export project 426
Export SalesTrackingIBMAPI portlet application
Exporting DominoAccess 426
Expressions 183
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Extending the PortletAdapter class 230
External jars in Java build path 403
Facade 385
Factors and dependencies 36
Factory 383
Features of the Click-to-Action model 287
Forwards and redirects 369
Generating a C2A target model 648
Getting Domino data in a high-performance way 40
Granting access to the DominoJspTags application
Hide-when formulas 82
How it fits in to the Lotus technology strategy 193
HttpServletRequest 184
HttpServletResponse 184
HttpSession 184
IBM Portal Builder
Presence Awareness 594
IBM Portlet API 336, 397, 587
IBM Portlet API and the servlet API 337
IBM Portlet API portlets basic and simplified functionality 398
IBM Portlet Builder
authentication options 605
Click-to-Action 594
configuring a portlet 599
connecting to a Domino server 601
considerations 595
creating a new portlet 599
features 594
form display options 605
implementation details 596
implementation example 608
installing 596
performance 596
rich text 595
scalability 596
secleting views and forms 602
skill set 595
view configuration 603
IBM Portlet Builder for Domino 77, 593
features 594
IBM Portlet Wiring Tool 28
IBM WebSphere Portal Application Integrator 593
connectivity 594
features 594, 620
IBM WebSphere Portal overall architecture 23
IBM Workplace Client Technology and its role within
IBM Workplace 18
Identify project requirements 71
IFrame 606
Implementation details 161, 596, 625
Implementation details for Extended Products Portlets 107
Implementation details for the Document Manager
Portlet 170
Implementation details for the Domino Application
Portlet 123
Implementation details for the Domino Web Access
Portlet 140
Implementation details for the Instant Messaging
Contact List 151
Implementation details for the Lotus Web Conferencing Portlet 144
Implementation details for the Notes View Portlet
Implementation details for the Team Workplaces
portlet 155
Implementation example 222, 608, 652
Implementation issues 595, 623, 667
Implementation of the technique 291, 307
Implementing a Click-to-Action Menu 651
Implementing communication between Bowstreet
models 648
Implementing the Sales Workplace example 674
Implicit objects in JSP files 184
Import jar files 240
Important configuration prerequisites 105
index.jsp 548
Index.jsp attributes 548
Infocenter file structure 710
Initial portlet JSP in Design mode 249
Initial portlet with Domino functionality accessed
through JSP tags 252
Initial setup 124, 132, 140, 145, 152, 156, 161, 170
Input translation formulas 82
Input validation 82
Insert Click-to-Action Output Property 293
Insert Click-to-Action Output Property control 293
Insert JavaBean dialog 553
Insert JavaBean for updating fields 563
Insert Tag Libraries to the new CustomerDetails.jsp
file 259
Inserting Domino custom tag libraries 241
Install portlet I 492
Install portlet II 493
Install portlets 83
Installing Bowstreet Models 659
Installing Bowstreet Package 658
Installing IBM Portlet Builder for Domino 596
Installing the Customer List portlet 250
Installing the Extended Products Portlets 107
Installing the Sample Application 657
Instant Messaging Contact List 116
Integrate using Lotus Notes View Portlet 130
Integrate using the Domino Web Access (iNotes)
portlet 139
Integrated Help System 627
Integrated pattern 44
Integrating Domino applications 35
Integration of the Domino 6.5.2 products with a common Portal interface 101
Integration Option 1 - Using the Domino 6.5.1 and
Extended Products Portlets
Collaboration the easy way 100
Integration Option 2 - The Domino Application Portlet 122
Integration Option 3 - using specific Portlets 130
Integration options 61–62, 95, 177, 315, 593, 690
Integration project
considerations 73
functional requirements 71
identifying requirements 71
portlet pattern 71
preparation 70
selecting the integration technique 72
steps 70
training 70
using existing portlets 74
Integration technique
selecting 72
Integration techniques 69, 195
described 74
Integration techniques and development options 73
Integration techniques and overview of portlets 97
Integration using Domino custom JSP Tag libraries
Integration via Click-to-Action 287
Integration via people awareness 303
Integration with Lotus Workplace 77, 687
Internationalization 670
Internet links 388
Introduction 688
Introduction to IBM Workplace 6
Introduction to object-oriented design patterns 382
Introduction to portalizing Domino applications 1
Introduction to portlets 24
Item 334
J2EE 178
application server 180
Client tier 180
database tier 179
described 178
EJB container tier 179
portlets 178
technologies included 178
Web container tier 180
J2EE overview 178
Jakarta 186
Java 76
Java 2 Enterprise Edition
See J2EE
Java archive files 199
Java code generated from the Bowstreet Domino
View & Form Builder 641
JavaServer Pages 180
JDBC 594, 620
JSF 399, 588
JSF application concept 372
JSF application structure 372
JSF framework 371
JSF support in WPS 373
JSP 180
adding a Domino view 249
adding tag library definitions 248
declarations 182
described 181
directives 181
expressions 183
limitations 185
objects 184
request 184
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
response 184
scriptlets 183
session 184
stateful interaction 184
tags 181
JSP files 581
JSP limitations 185
JSP tags 353
JspWriter 184
JSR 168 399, 587
JSR 168 Java Portlet Specification 354
JSR 168 portlet, basic and simplified functionality
JSTL 374
Knowledge Director components 661
Knowledge Director Repository 662
Knowledge Director Service 663
Launching the Bowstreet Designer from WebSphere
Studio 626
Layout and functional aspects 46
Layout definition 46, 677
Layout of the portal page 33
Lightweight Third-Party AuthenticationToken 55
Limitations and Considerations 212
Link pattern 42
Link pattern example 43
Link to main page 555
Linking the servlet, portlet, and concrete portlet 352
List of Portlets 91
Listeners 347
Load balancing 54
Local access to Domino data 41
Local debug configuration
local session 214
Local/remote access to Domino 317
Logging 376
Logging in on WebSphere Portal as an administrator
Logical representation of portlets in JSR 168
Logical representation of portlets in the IBM portlet
API 354–355
Lotus Discovery Server 307
Lotus Domino and Extended Products 6.5.1 Integration Guide 106
Lotus Domino Document Manager (Domino.Doc)
Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio 192
Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio 1.3
Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing
(Sametime) 97
Lotus Instant Messaging Contact List (Sametime
Contact List) 151
Lotus Notes and Domino and its role within IBM
Workplace 11
Lotus Notes Portlets before configuration 132
Lotus Notes View portlet edit mode 134
Lotus Notes View portlet edit Style 135
Lotus Notes/Domino 20
Lotus Notes/Domino and Extended Products Portlets 101
Lotus Team Workplace (QuickPlace) 97
Lotus technology strategy 193
Lotus Web Conferencing (Sametime) 144
Lotus Workplace 15, 21
Lotus Workplace and its role within IBM Workplace
Lotus Workplace Builder 63
Lotus Workplace Platform Architecture 709
Lotus Workplace products and features 15
Manage Portlets 112
Manage SalesTrackingStruts application 543
Manage SalesTrackingStruts application parameters 544
Mechanism of CORBA 319
Mechanism of the CORBA sessions for Domino
Message events 346
MessageBean 566
Migrated pattern 45
Mobile support 594
Model 621
Model-View-Controller 385
Modifying the Customer List portlet java source 235
Modifying the Customer List portlet JSP file 244
Modifying the Team Spaces portlet 113
Multidevice portlets 32
Multi-server session-based authentication 54
My Contacts 151
My Contacts - New Group 154
My Contacts - Options 155
My Lotus Team Workplaces (QuickPlace) 155
Navigation 373
NCSO.jar 199
Nested tag warning in SalesTrackingJSFView.jsp
New Documents portlet 49
New Form Bean 518
New JSP file
NoCredentials.jsp 446
New Label 87
New Page 89
New portlet 458
New portlet project 429
New portlet project wizard 428
New project wizard 401
New Struts portlet project 505
New Web Conferences 151
New workplace 159
News portlet 48
No response object 368
NoCredentials.jsp 445
Notes and Domino 96
Notes view portlet 131
considerations 131
Notes.jar 199
NotesException and NotesError 336
NotesFactory 327
Object Pooling 220
supported objects 220
Object pooling 375
object pooling
error handling 221
MVC architecture 221
validation 221
Object Pooling and Domino JSP custom tags 220
Object Pooling and MVC architecture 221
object sharing 220
Object validation and error handling 221
Offline browsing support 594
Online Center Tag 715
Online Center Tag in Our Application 717
Online presence 305
Options 154
Options for line of business and power users 65
Options for mid-level script developers 65–66
Options for professional Domino/J2EE developers
Other technologies 374
Overview 3, 94, 176, 198, 213, 314–315, 336, 593
Overview of Domino - WebSphere Portal integration
Overview of Lotus Workplace Builder 63
adding a portlet 251
Page content aggregation 31–32
Page customization 33
Page layout example 34
PageData with CustomerBeanCollection 553
containers 34
layout example 34
Pagination 46
Paging 556
Parameters for creating the portlet project 223
parse tree 216
people 306
People Awareness 303
chat 304
finding documents 304
implementing 306–307
online presence 305
online status 304
people links 304
People awareness 304
People Awareness Inside Workplace 715
People finder - Basic Configuration 163
People finder - Business Card 164
People finder - Configuration Overview 162
People Finder - Detail Person Record 169
People Finder - Organization 170
People finder - Quick Search 167
People Finder - sections 165
People Finder Portlet 160
People links 304
peopleinit 307
PeopleService tags 306
PeopleSoft 594, 620
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Performance 596, 624, 670
Performance considerations 38
Person Tag 711
Personalization 46
example 28
Pointing Domino Web Access to a source mail database 142
Pointing to view in Notes database 133
Portal 5
architecture 23
architecture considerations 23
benefits 6
Click-to-Action 290
dedicated server for Domino 54
description 6
developing portlets using Java 76
functionality 6
integration techniques 69
page aggregation 23
page customization 33
people awareness 303, 308
search 46
Portal and Domino within the context of the IBM
Workplace 3
Portal application design guidelines 381
Portal application functionality 397
Portal architecture 23
Portal engine components 30
Portal Toolkit provides the following
Portalization project 395
Portlet 342
login() method 219, 238
logout() method 219
Portlet API 26
Portlet applications 24, 341
Portlet Builders 76–77, 591
Conet Knowledge Director for WebSphere Portal 660
Portlet builders 76, 591
Bowstreet Portlet Factory for WebSphere 619
IBM Portlet Builder for Domino 593
Portlet builders option
advantages 592
benefits 592
disadvantages 592
overview 591
skillset 592
Portlet class instance 338
Portlet communications 26
Portlet concept 340
Portlet concepts 339
Portlet configuration 344
Portlet cooperation 681
Portlet creation methodology 671
Portlet definition 679
Portlet definition repository 662
Portlet deployment descriptor 338
Portlet deployment descriptor, portlet.xml 352
Portlet development using Java
Integration examples 391
Technology review 313
Portlet events 345
Portlet inheritance 337
Portlet life cycle 342
Portlet menu 351
Portlet modes 25
Portlet modes and JSF 374
Portlet patterns 42
advantages 72
disadvantages 72
selecting 71
Portlet patterns examples 48
Portlet patterns used in designing the integration 47
Portlet perspective 222
Portlet Preview
Settings Page 668
Portlet running in test environment. 455
Portlet to Notes view comparison 672
portlet.xml 263, 273, 285
PortletApplicationSettings 345
PortletApplicationSettingsAttributesListener 349
PortletConfig 344
PortletData 345
PortletMenu 350
PortletPageListener 347
PortletRequest 343
PortletResponse 343
Portlets 663
actions 255
adding Domino JSP tags 239
adding to a page 251
application integration 51
basic 223
choosing the desing pattern 47
Click-to-Action 287
communicating 287
design patterns 42
display 43
displaying information 43
enabling people awareness 308
granting access 250
installing 249
integrated 44
integrating the application logic 44
interportlet communication 287
J2EE development 178
link 42
migrated 45
opening an application 43
packaging guidelines 727
performance considerations 732
portlet.xml 262, 273, 285
previewing 252
Toolkit for WebSphere Studio 189
transmitting information 287
UI components 46
use cases 42
web.xml 262
Portlets which make up Extended Products Portlets
PortletService 349
PortletSession 344
PortletSessionListener 347
PortletSettings 345
PortletSettingsAttributesListener 349
PortletTitleListener 348
Presentation services 29
Process Control Tags 203
Process control tags 208
Product and component matrix WebSphere Portal
5.0.2 13
Profile 621
Programmatic access to underlying Domino Java
Objects 211
Project considerations 70
Project Navigator view 224
Providing a stateful interaction through a stateless
protocol 184
Proxy 384
Query definition Basics tab 678
Query definition Layout tab 678
Sales Report - Sametime Detail 138
Sales Tracking application 77
Sales Tracking application using IBM Portlet API
Range of Applications 669
Realizing actions 520
Realizing JSPs and JavaBeans 511
Rebuild Bowstreet Portlet WARs 645
Recycling Domino objects 320
Redbooks 389
Redbooks Web site 748
Contact us xvii
Redpaper 389
Reference Material 310
Reference material 174
Referencing concrete portlet to portlet 353
Referencing portlet to servlet 352
Regeneration 621
Relationship to servlet API 354
Relationships 80
Remote access to Domino data 40
Remote debug configuration
remote session 214
Required software versions 596, 625, 671
resource limitations 220
Result of clicking the first highlighted link in the Lotus
Notes View portlet 138
Result of modifying the Lotus Notes View Portlet
result.jsp 582
Results 129
Results of configuring the Notes View Portlet 136
Results of using the Document Manager portlet 173
Reusing the Application to Create New Applications
Review - Meeting Detail 150
Reviewing the Customer database 244
Rich text 595
Rich Text Handling 669
RichTextItem 335
Roles 694
Roles support 370
Row container 34
Rules 127
Running the Bowstreet model on WAS 643
Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1
Sales Tracking application using JSF 546
Sales Tracking application using JSR 168 575
Sales Tracking application using Struts 498
Sales Tracking Domino application 395
Sales Tracking portal app