JUL 2012 - Lake Wildwood Association
JUL 2012 - Lake Wildwood Association
SUNBEAM Varna, Illinois 61375-9323 1000 Lake Wildwood Drive JULY 2012 Volume 42 No. 8 www.lake-wildwood.com REMINDERS Drive Safe & Smart Carp Warning Recycling & Garbage Disposal Photo Contest Please be mindful of workers alongside the road! Drive safe and abide by all of the posted speed limits to ensure the safety of our members and employees. Lake Wildwood offers bins (located next to the Office) for recycling and for garbage disposal. Recycling is free (be sure to flatten any boxes), but disposal of garbage bags require a garbage sticker and can be picked up at the Guardhouse or Office for a charge of $3.00/sticker. Association Officer Positions Open Seeking a recording secretary and a vice president for the Board of Directors. Please send a letter of interest with your background information to the Lake Wildwood Office. Load Limits Lifted INSIDE Load limits have been lifted. Around the Lake 8-11 Bulletin Board 19 Important information regarding Asian Carp and our Lakes located on page 8. Please read! The photo contest is back! See the top of page 18 for more information about the contest and how to enter. Sunbeam Committee Position The Sunbeam committee is looking to add one or two more members to the team. Please contact the Lake Wildwood Office if interested in the position. Environmental Control Committee Position The E.C.C. is looking to add one more individuals to the committee. Please contact the Lake Wildwood Office if interested in the position. Classified Ads 14-18 Committee Corner 5 Letters to the Editor 12 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Contact Information When sending an email, please put ‘Lake Wildwood’ in the subject area as some will not open emails if they do not know the sender or recognize the subject matter. General Manager Joan Boyer - (309) 463-2047, Ext. 1 attnjboyergm@lake-wildwood.com JUNE 09, 2012 Board of Directors Agenda Regular Meeting June 9, 2012 9:00 A.M. Lake Wildwood Lodge Vice President Position Currently Open Secretary Position Currently Open Chairperson Joseph Rutgens - (815) 663-5450 drutgens@gmail.com Treasurer James Durham ofdurham@yahoo.com Director Tammie Durham - (309) 463-2660 tam@durham-realestate.com Director Sue McGrath - (309) 463-2270 suemcgrath1962@yahoo.com Director Dorcas McMillan - (309) 463-2290 mcmillan4law@sbcglobal.net Director Keith Williams - (847) 669-4811 kawsuncity@yahoo.com Campground Chairperson Dave Gilgenberg - (708) 598-0117 killer2201@aol.com Common Properties & Amenities Chairperson Verlin Egly - (309) 463-2716 eglyvj@aol.com Community Relations Chairperson Joe Donnelly joeddonnelly@yahoo.com Environmental Control Chairperson Ed Andrews - (309) 463-2186 andrews@ivcellular.com Finance & Administration Chairperson Tom Kossler - (309) 463-2898 kossler@att.net Lakes & Dams Chairperson Brad Lindstrom - (815) 257-1234 lindstrom5@hihart.net Natural Resources Chairperson Trinidad Garza tgarza3005@sbcglobal.net Recreation Chairperson Opal Kempf - (309) 463-2338 Sunbeam Chairperson Jackie Zohfeld - (815) 993-5445 grammaquilter@yahoo.com Welcome Chairperson Gwen Wassilak - (309) 463-2645 Sunbeam Advertising & Design Justin Pattelli - Lake Wildwood Office jpattelli@lake-wildwood.com USPS 986-200 Periodical postage paid at Varna, IL & additional mailing offices. $2.00/year for members. $30.00/year for non-members. The Lake Wildwood Sunbeam shall serve as the official source of information and communication; to all its members including notice of meetings, rules, by-law changes, Board and Committee actions and any other pertinent subject matter related to functions and responsibilities of Lake Wildwood Association. Postmaster send changes of address forms to: Lake Wildwood Association, Inc. 1000 Lake Wildwood Drive Varna, Illinois 61375-9323 2 Written communication for board consideration must be submitted to the Association office no later than the 1st of the month to be included in the board packet for the current months board meeting. Board of Directors President Bob Hamilton - (309) 463-2490 bhamilton1466@gmail.com Sunbeam Publication Board Notice I. Pledge of Allegiance II. Roll Call III. Communications from the Floor A. Art Catrambone to address Board regarding new swimming pool and adding other amenities IV. Approval of the Agenda V. Approval of Minutes A. Minutes of May 5, 2012 Regular Board Meeting B. Minutes of May 22, 2012 Special Board Meeting VI. Financial Reports A. May 2012 1. Expenditures over $100 2. Budget vs. Actual - Operations 3. Budget vs. Actual - Capital Improvement 4. Budget vs. Actual - Replacement Reserve 5. Balance Sheet - Cash Basis 6. Balance Sheet - Accrual Basis 7. Profit & Loss By Class B. Past Due Collection Report-End of April C. Delinquent Account Write-Off Policy: Comptroller’s request to consider adoption D. Tom Kossler, Finance Chairperson, Discuss budget guidance with the Board VII. Communications A. Lot #830 - Request from Owner to quick claim lot B. Lot #22 - Request for refund on lodge rental C. Lot #249 VIII. General Manager’s Report A. Road Reconstruction Contract Award Consideration B. Lake Wildwood Road Reconstruction at Inlet C. Refuse Contract Extension Consideration— LaRose Disposal D. Municipal Electricity Aggregation Program Opt Out Consideration E. Goose Round-Up IX. Requests for Officer and/or Committee Appointments/ Resignations X. Committee Reports A. Lake & Dams Committee Minutes - April 1. Committee request - Ian McMillan B. Recreation Committee Minutes - May C. Finance Committee - May D. Sunbeam Committee - May E. Common Property & Amenities Committee May 17 F. Environmental Control Committee - May XI. Unfinished Business A. Car Decal Fees XII. New Business A. Lot mowing date to begin B. Sunbeam Request XIII. Other Reports A. Security Report 1. April 2. May B. Lot Activity Report C. Maintenance Report 1. April 2. May XIV. Board Members Items XV. Communications from the Floor XVI. Executive Session XVII. Return to Open Session July Board Meeting Saturday, July 14th 9:00a.m. in the Lodge II. Roll Call Director President Rutgens, Director Durham, Director McMillan, Director McGrath. Also present: General Manager Joan Boyer and Board Liaison Bob Hamilton. Director Williams was absent due to a family vacation. Members present: John Coles, lot 510; Marcie Myers, lot 249; Verlin Egly, lot 2; Wayne Parise, lot 1372; Pam Cimei, lot 297; Rick and Sharon Houk, lot 1407; Art Catrambone, lot 97; Scott and Nancy Bucalo, lot 945; Ted Bostrom, lot 1101-2; Ian McMillan, lot 1418; James Robertson, lot 798; Debbie Catrambone, lot 1079, Dave E. Gilgenberg, lot 353. III. Communication from the floor Art Catrambone lot 97 presented information about cost or construction of a new swimming pool that could be outdoors or enclosed. Rick Houk lot 1407 questioned the dredging procedure as for it making a difference or an act in futility. Ian McMillan lot 1418 gave an explanation about silt removal. Dorcas McMillan lot 1418 asked the manager for an explanation of “what turning over the lake” really means. Sharon Houk lot 1407 asked three questions: 1. why not have an open gate for a garage sale. 2. saw a boat being pulled by a truck with an amenity pass. 3. guest fees. James Robertson lot 798 said he was against the car decal fee and the Association office should be opened on Saturdays year round. IV. Approval of the agenda Director McGrath moved to approve the agenda as adjusted. Seconded by Director Durham - Motion passed by unanimous consent without objection. V. Approval of Minutes Director McGrath moved to approve the minutes of May 5, 2012 with a correction being made of the spelling of Gilgenberg. Seconded by Director McMillan. Roll call vote: Director Durham, yes; Director McMillan, yes; Director McGrath, yes. Motion passed. Director McMillan moved to approve the minutes of the May 22, 2012 Special Board Meeting after the “a” is removed between “Bob Hamilton” and “Board Liaison”. Director Durham seconded the motion. Motion passed by a voice vote. VI. Financial Reports A. Director McMillan moved to approve the financial report as presented. Seconded by Director Durham. Roll call vote: Director Durham, yes; Director McMillan, yes; Director McGrath, yes; Director Rutgens, yes. Motion passed. ADJOURN C. Delinquent Account Write-Off Policy Director McMillan moved that we approve the delinquent account write-off policy as presented except the statement “Note: Any write off of $200 less only requires LWA General Manager approval” be stricken. After Director McGrath withdrew her second: Director McMillan tabled the motion so the Finance Committee could discuss the policy and ask it be placed on the July meeting agenda. Minutes of the June 9, 2012 Board Meeting VII. Communications SUNBEAM | JULY 2012 A. Director Durham moved to accept lot 830 in lieu of dues owed with the owner providing title insurance and warranty deed to the Association. Director McMillan seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Director Durham, yes; Director McMillan, yes; Director McGrath, yes; Director Rutgens, yes. Motion passed. B. Director Durham moved to refund $75 to lot 22 for the difference of the lodge rental of 2011 to 2012. Seconded by Director McMillan. Roll call vote: Director Durham, yes; Director McMillan, yes; Director McGrath, yes; Director Rutgens, yes. Motion passed. VIII. General Manager’s Report A. Road Construction Contract Director McGrath moved to hire Pavement Maintenance company to complete the road reconstruction of Tanglewood Drive at A Basin and Lake Wildwood Drive corner before the inlet. Then use the rest of the road budget money to fix the South inlet that was destroyed by the flooding. Seconded by Director McMillan. Roll call vote: Director Durham, yes; Director McMillan, yes; Director McGrath, yes; Director Rutgens, yes. Motion passed. B. Lake Wildwood Road Reconstruction at the Inlet Director Durham moved to approve emergency repair of the inlet road by River City Septic and Excavating with assistance of our maintenance department not to exceed $20,000. Roll call vote: Director Durham, yes; Director McMillan, yes; Director Rutgens, yes; Director McGrath, no. Motion passed. C. Refuse Contract Extension-LaRose Disposal Director McMillan moved to accept the LaRose Disposal bid for refuse contract as presented. Director Durham seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Director Durham, yes, Director McMillan, yes; Director McGrath, yes; Director Rutgens, yes. Motion passed. D. Municipal Electricity Aggregation Program Opt-Out Director McMillan moved that Lake Wildwood Association Opt-Out of the Municipal Electricity Aggregation Program. Seconded by Director Durham. Roll call vote: Director Durham, yes; Director McMillan, yes; Director McGrath, yes; Director Rutgens, yes. Motion passed. X. Committee Reports Director Durham moved to accept the Committee reports for information. Director McGrath seconded the motion. Motion passed by unanimous consent without objection. The Lakes and Dams Committee requested that any inlet road repair not compromise the committee’s plans related to the Shaw Creek silt removal project. XI. Unfinished Business A. Car Decal Fee Director McMillan moved that amenity passes are to be for 3 days only and if desired longer a renewal must be made at the gate. Director Durham seconded the motion. Roll call vote for the Board Policy: Director Durham, yes; Director McMillan, yes; Director McGrath, no; Director Rutgens, yes. Motion passed. XII. New Business A. Lot Mowing date to begin Director McMillan moved to start mowing member’s lots and Association Common property starting June 15th and after. Director McGrath seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Director Durham, no; Director McMillan, yes; Director McGrath, yes; Director Rutgens, yes. Motion passed. B. Sunbeam Request Director Durham moved to allocate $500 of the Sunbeam budget to fund a Photo Contest for 2012. Director McMillan seconded the motion: Roll call vote: Director Durham, yes; Director McMillan, yes; Director McGrath, yes; Director Rutgens, yes. Motion passed. XIII. Security, Lot Activity and Maintenance Report Director McMillan moved to accept the security, maintenance and lot activity reports as information. Director Durham seconded the motion. Motion accepted by unanimous consent without objection. XV. Communication from the floor Dave Gilgenberg lot 353: suggested the Board give the members the knowledge of why money is needed and for what. He asked about the rumor of the under pass. Marcie Myers lot 249: Questioned why money was shifted around within the Sunbeam budget in order to allow the Photo Contest. Scott Bucalo lot 945: Suggested fees for all activities be charged. Motion by Director McGrath to adjourn to executive session to discuss personnel. Seconded by Director McMillan. 12:16 PM At 2:15 p.m. the Board returned to open session. There being no further action Director Durham moved to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Sue McGrath - Secretary Special Meeting Agenda MAY 22, 2012 Board of Director Agenda Special Meeting May 22, 2012 - 4:00 P.M. Lake Wildwood Office I. Call to order II. Executive Session a. Meet with the Association Attorney to Discuss Legal Matters b. Personnel III. Return to Open Session a. Compliance with the Community Association Act - Board Composition IV. Adjourn I. Call to order: Present: Chairman Joe Rutgens, Director Dorcas McMillan, Director Keith Williams, Director Tammie Durham, Director Sue McGrath, President Bob Hamilton, Attorney Kerry Bartell, Attorney Ian McMillan and General Manager Joan Boyer. II. Executive Session: Director McGrath moved to meet in executive session with Association attorneys to discuss legal matters and personnel. Seconded by Director Williams. Roll call vote: Directors Durham, McMillan, Williams, Rutgens and McGrath all voted yes. III. Return to Open Session: At 5:40 p.m. Director Durham moved to return to open session to take action on matters discussed in executive session and to discuss the topic of compliance with the Common Interest Community Association Act. Seconded by Director McMillan. Roll call vote: Directors Durham, McMillan, Williams, Rutgens and McGrath all voted yes. Director Williams moved to dismiss Ed Andrews from the ECC committee. Seconded by Director Durham. Roll call vote: Directors Durham, McMillan, Williams, Rutgens all voted yes. Director McGrath voted no. Motion passed. Director Durham moved to direct the ECC to SUNBEAM | JULY 2012 follow and uphold only the Covenants and Restrictions contained in the Declaration of the Restrictive Covenants and By-Laws of Lake Wildwood as the basis of the approval or denial of building permits. Seconded by Director McMillan. Roll call vote: Directors Durham, McMillan, Williams, McGrath and Rutgens all voted yes. Director McMillan moved to discontinue the services of Rolland Clevenger as building observer and send a letter of appreciation for his past services. Seconded by Director Williams. Roll call vote: Directors Durham, McMillan, Williams, McGrath and Rutgens all voted yes. Director Williams moved to appoint Joan Boyer as a temporary member of the ECC. Seconded by Director Durham. Roll call vote: Director Durham, McMillan, Williams, McGrath and Rutgens all voted yes. Director Williams moved to appoint Director Joe Rutgens, president, Director Dorcas McMillan, treasurer, and Director Sue McGrath, secretary in response to the mandate of the CICA Act. Seconded by Director Durham. Roll call vote: Directors Durham, McMillan, Williams, McGrath and Rutgens all voted yes. Director Williams moved to appoint Mike Durham as Association Comptroller. Seconded by Director Durham. Roll call vote: Directors Durham, McMillan, Williams, McGrath and Rutgens all voted yes. Director McMillan moved to hire a recording secretary to take minutes at the Association Board Meetings. Seconded by Director Williams. Roll call vote: Directors Durham, McMillan, Williams, McGrath and Rutgens all voted yes. Director McMillan moved that Bob Hamilton be appointed as a Board Liaison. Seconded by Director Durham. Roll call vote: Directors Durham, McMillan, Williams, McGrath, and Rutgens all voted yes. IV. Adjourn: Director Williams moved to adjourn the Board meeting at 6:45 p.m. Hearing no objection, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted Secretary, Sue McGrath General Manager’s Report JUNE 09, 2012 ROAD RECONSTRUCTION AT INLET: Bill Shafer provided me with a memo and a set of drawings and calculations that he had done in 1985 following a similar event. At that time, he provided three options. He proposed a bridge, low water crossing or rip-rap along both sides of the road. We discussed each of these options. 1. Low Water Crossing: Because of the amount of traffic on this road, the blind corner and the hill, this option would present an extreme safety hazard during a high fast moving water event. Twelve inches of water crossing over a road surface is enough to carry a vehicle. In addition, the low water crossing would constantly collect silt and require high maintenance. 2. Rip-Rap: The road that is currently in place is well beyond this design option. 3. Bridge: This option is a viable solution. It would allow for debris to pass under the bridge without obstruction. It would require the roadway to be significantly raised for approximately 100-125’ on either side of the inlet. This design will greatly limit access to the inlet park. Bill estimated the cost of this project in 1985 money to be $120,000. In 2012 money, the cost would exceed $300,000 and is therefore probably cost prohibitive. 3 REPORTS AND COMMITTEE MINUTES Cliff Perry, Chris and I met to discuss reconstructing the roadway as it is now designed. If Lake Wildwood partnered with River City on this project, we are estimated the cost to be approximately $17,000. The current culverts would remain in place. Interlocking rock would be compacted around the culverts and approximately 3-4” of hot asphalt would be used for the surface. The roadway would be much as it was prior to the event. The small road into the Inlet Park would also be replaced. Lakes and Dams discussed reconstruction of the roadway relative to additional work on Shaw Creek. The Committee is in agreement that major redesign of the roadway should wait until final design on silt removal projects for Shaw Creek are complete so that the designs cooperative to remove silt. GARBAGE CONTRACT: The current contract with LaRose Disposal will be up at the end of September. He is asking for a $.25 raise in 2013 and another $.25 in 2014 for residential pickup only. I would recommend that the Board approve extending this contract with the requested increase. This is a very competitive rate for small rural haulers and comparable to rates in LaSalle and Peru. Larger solid waste haulers use much larger trucks. Lake Wildwood roads are not constructed to carry the weight of the large trucks or to handle the dual dropdown axles that slide around the corners. He has been cooperative and dependable. I have only received one complaint of missed garbage during the past 15 months. JERSEY BARRIERS: I purchased the seven barriers and had the crew place them at the inlet for safety reasons prior to the Memorial Day Weekend. If someone had gone off the road into one of the holes, the liability to the Association would have been tremendous since we were aware of the hazard. The cost was approximately $425. CONCESSION STAND UPDATE: I am receiving many compliments on the food and employees at the concession stand. People are very pleased that they are open consistently and in the early morning for people fishing. The gross income for the concession stand Friday through Monday was approximately $2,900. GAS PUMPS AT THE MARINA: We have had to replace the electronic key component for the pumps 3 times over the weekend. Apparently, people are not reading the paper or the big sign on the pump with an old key taped to it that says not to use the old key. They are jamming their old keys in the slot and ruining the electronics. The cost of a replacement electronic component is $283 each time it is replaced. Maintenance Report MAY 2012 • Several days spent cleaning up from the flood. • Painted the shallow end of the pool. • Installed chlorinator at the pool & filled the pool. • Cleared weeds & DR spots at the dam. • DR & cleared weeds at the lodge. • Replaced starter on the squad car. • Put up large, 'No Wake' sign after the flood. • Installed a new mailbox post at the Office. • Repaired Beach II women's toilet. • Cleaned the drain boxes at the Pavilion. • Ordered and installed new valve at mens campground showers. • Installed shade tops on stands at the campground. • Changed oil in the hopper. • Put swim ropes and buoys in. • Mowed road sides for holiday. • Straightened hydrant at the campground. • Made up concrete weights. • Replaced hose valve at the pool. • Replaced two posts and signs in the storage lot. • Put up volleyball nets. • Hooked up Beach I fountain and shower. • Cleaned deck at the marina. • Put one section of risers on silt pond. 4 • Installed 'one-way' signs at Beach II road. • Hauled sand to beaches and leveled it (big thanks to Cliff Perry/River City). • Checked gas pump at Marina to ensure it was working. • Replaced gas key reader at the Marina pump. • Mowed Tanglewood dam. • Swept Marina walkway. • New tires installed on the squad car. • Cut tree limbs on Fairhaven. • Cut brush around street signs. • Put up flags at the gate & removed after holiday. • Had sewer line at fish cleaning station repaired. • Seeded area at fish station. • Cleaned all grills and fire pits. • Cut up the downed tree limbs on Sunflower Drive. • Washed trucks inside and out & washed hopper. • Cut branches from tree on corner of LWW drive and Westover. • Put the snowplows away. • Cleaned Beach I and Beach II. • Planted bushes on curve at the inlet. • Moved pool furniture out to the patio. • Repaired shower room walls at the pool. • Repaired cleat on rental slips. Security Report MAY 2012 Guest Amenity Pass/Cards Authorized Amenity Pass Phone-Ins Amenity Passes for Special Events Guests on Group Lists Total Amenity Authorizations Total Guests Headcount Extended Home Passes in System Extended Home Passes Used Call-In Home Passes Total Home Pass Authorizations Security Assisted by Outside Agency Association Property Damage Personal Property Damage Formal Member Complaints Citations Issued Past Citations Appealed Past Citations Upheld Incident Reports Pending Security Call Outs for Incidents Real Estate Passes 54/130 1723 3/284 16/335 2472 3714 1487 600 642 1242 NONE NONE NONE 3 18 0 0 3 NONE 12 Expenditures over $100 MAY 2012 Date Name 05/01/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/14/2012 05/16/2012 05/18/2012 05/22/2012 05/23/2012 05/24/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/26/2012 05/31/2012 Sharon Harmison Bullis & Sundberg, LLC Corn Belt Energy Corporation Elizabeth A. Beck - Attorney at Law Hare Excavating, LLC Heusuk, Rudolf Hotsy Equipment HSBC Business Solutions John Deere Financial Kohn's Electrical Service Kovitz Shifrin Nesbit, P.C. Lake Wildwood Utilities Co. Lime Lite Fire Safety Lisa Griggs - Kid's Fishing Derby Marshall County Collector Midwest Material Company Pitney Bowes Read Bros. Rivery City Septic Sopher, Chris Stevens Publishing Sunrise Supply Toedter Oil Co. Weide, Chris Wilcoxson & Associates, LTD Ramar Supply Corp. Blonski, Kay - Marina Blonski, Kay - Marina Schweppe, Inc. Blonski, Kay - Marina Houk, Adrienne Boyer, Joan Central Pool Supply Inc. Centre State International Trucks, Inc. Cilco Coventry Health Care Insurance of IL Dave Dollinger Dearborn Life Insurance Elizabeth A. Beck - Attorney at Law Frontier Grainger Hennepin Marine Inc. LaRose Disposal Service Lime Life Fire Safety McGrath Seafood McMaster - Carr Midwest Engineering Staples Sunrise Supply The Mapping Network The Yard Butler Tillman, Violet Weide, Chris Credit Card Expense Service Charge SUNBEAM | JULY 2012 Original Amount Paid Amount $238.36 $100.00 $964.34 $700.00 $405.00 $150.00 $149.82 $390.44 $233.21 $1,000.00 $1,509.50 $774.74 $108.00 $700.00 $138.34 $114.54 $359.99 $111.19 $1,335.00 $160.00 $1,462.63 $847.23 $2,300.32 $151.56 $230.00 $246.78 $500.00 $248.31 $388.62 $300.00 $700.83 $108.34 $714.45 $15,499.31 $678.38 $3,790.11 $100.00 $202.21 $810.95 $395.21 $111.40 $334.32 $680.63 $159.81 $575.00 $152.46 $3,447.15 $112.90 $306.03 $9,882.50 $750.00 $100.00 $209.48 $111.09 $238.36 $100.00 $964.34 $700.00 $405.00 $150.00 $149.82 $390.44 $233.21 $1,000.00 $1,509.50 $774.74 $108.00 $700.00 $138.34 $114.54 $359.99 $111.19 $1,335.00 $160.00 $1,462.63 $847.23 $2,300.32 $151.56 $230.00 $246.78 $500.00 $248.31 $388.62 $300.00 $700.83 $108.34 $714.45 $15,499.31 $678.38 $3,790.11 $100.00 $202.21 $810.95 $395.21 $111.40 $334.32 $680.63 $159.81 $575.00 $152.46 $3,447.15 $112.90 $306.03 $9,882.50 $750.00 $100.00 $209.48 $111.09 $56,250.48 Finance & Administration MAY 19, 2012 Sunbeam Committee MAY 14, 2012 Call to Order: 8:00a.m. Approved Minutes Members Present: Chairperson Tom Kossler, Bob Hamilton, Dick Pollack, Marcie Myers, Joanne Girard, Mike Durham arrive at 8:25a.m. CALL TO ORDER: 1:12 p.m. Also Present: General Manager Joan Boyer, Dorcas McMillan Board Liaison. Approval of agenda by unanimous consent. Minutes for the April 21, 2012 meeting approved without objection. Update from Dorcas McMillan, Board Liaison Association will run the concession stand this year. It will be the usual fast food/sandwiches, ice cream and breakfast for the fisherman. Plan for hours is 6a.m - 9p.m., closed Mondays. They will also sell bait. The Board has formed an Ad-Hoc Committee to review Board Policy, Standards and Procedures for all committees. Covenants may also be reviewed to conform to new CICA regulations but all non-required changes must go before the owners. Repair on Association truck should stabilize at about $18,500.00. Shaw Creek inlet road needs repair because of flooding. There are 3 proposals but no decision has been made on how to repair or cost. Reviewed April 2012 Financial Reports. Reviewed Delinquent Collection Report. Need blanket approval from the Board of Directors to add a new collection policy on larger delinquent amounts. Our collections have made great progress due to the efforts of Mike Durham and the policy he developed. Discussed write-off policy as requested by our accountant. Tom presented a draft for such policy. Any write-offs will be presented to the Board for approval and copied to Finance for information. This Committee Chair will work with the General Manager to prepare a schedule of variances for the Board projecting any net increase in the budgeted loss for the fiscal year. Next meeting is June 16, 2012 - 4 hour budget to present a comprehensive plan. Adjourn by unanimous consent at 9:50a.m. Respectfully submitted, Joanna Girard Finance Meeting Schedule Date Special Assignment (if any) April 21st May 19th June 16th July 21st August 18th September 15th October 20th November 3rd December 15th 4 hour FY2013 Budget Annual Meeting - Lot Activity Report MAY 2012 05/14/12 05/23/12 05/24/12 05/24/12 05/29/12 651 576 1106/1107 1188 782 Deed in Trust - Capron, Mary Bridge, Jeff & Kathy Oldenburg, Robert & Cindy Balicki Jr., Donald Guthrie, Valorie ROLL CALL: Chair Jackie Zohfeld, Phyllis Dunagan, Sharon Friedman, Donna Sarna and Terry Kaveney. Liaison Tammy Durham was also present. Justin Pattelli was absent. Sharon moved approval of the minutes of April 16th as emailed. Donna seconded. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS: The May issue was very satisfactory, with no known errors. Jackie updated progress on restoring the Photo Contest. It can be budgeted at total cost of $500.00 with economies we have discussed. NEW BUSINESS: As Justin was unavailable, we went through contents of the Sunbeam folder. Minutes from several committees are in. There were no letters to the Editor as yet. Justin prepared four possible cover designs, and we chose a daisy with dragonfly. Tammie displayed photos taken of the damaging recent flood. We chose eight photos that particularly displayed the erosion, machinery needed and too much water everywhere. Committee Corner JULY 2012 CP&A E.C.C. Campground Recreation Sunbeam Finance Lakes & Dams Natural Resource Tuesday, July 10th Saturday, July 7th Saturday, July 7th Monday, July 2nd Monday, July 16th Saturday, July 21st Saturday, July 28th Saturday, July 28th Please see the calendar located on the back of this issue for more information about committee meeting times and locations. CP&A JUNE 05, 2012 Call to Order: 1:05p.m. Members Present: Chairperson Verlin Egly, John Coles, Marcie Myers, Joanne Girard. Also Present: Board Liaison Sue McGrath and General Manager Joan Boyer. Minutes of the May 3rd, 2012 meeting approved without objection. Discussed seating/tables for inlet (2012 budget item). Will order two tables with seats and one bench with hardware and use it at the marina until inlet is repaired and completed. The Manager's request for our Budget for 2013 needs further guidance on figures we should use. Discussed the campground bathroom remodel/ repair requests for the new budget. Total equals $10,200 as adjusted. Jackie introduced the subject of a reader survey, and questions that can be answered Yes and/or No were chosen. She will write an introduction to the survey to be in the June paper. Discussed marina fish cleaning station. The counter needs repair/replacing (total $1,000). Four 6' picnic tables to replace two 12' tables (total $1,000). Terry asked consent to adjourn at 1:55 p.m. Donna seconded. Motion carried. Discussed bid on siding and options - pavilion and pump house. $4,000 pump house (includes inside sealer). Monday, June 11, Sunbeam Meeting at 1:00 P.M. Deadline June 15, 2012. Monday, July 16, Sunbeam Meeting at 1:00 P.M. Deadline July 16, 2012. Monday, August 13, Sunbeam Meeting at 1:00 P.M. Deadline August 15, 2012. Respectfully submitted, Phyllis Dunagan CP&A MAY 17, 2012 Call to order: 4:20p.m. Discussed siding - office building - need 12 squares. $4,200 estimated cost for vinyl. Discussed pavilion - $6,400 includes security door. Discussed parking lot expansion - $3,000. Budget is completed and turned over to General Manager for submission to the finance committee. Discussed visiting pools now in operation to get ideas and costs. Need to have a Committee of the Whole to submit ideas to members as to pros and cons and whether or not to proceed with the project. Members Present: Chairperson Verlin Egly, John Coles, Marcie Myers. Joanne Girard arrived at 4:30p.m. Motion to adjourn at 3:35p.m. without objection. Also Present: General Manager Joan Boyer. Respectfully submitted, Joanne Girard Next meeting is July 12th at 1:00p.m. Prioritized 2013 budget list - discussed each item. Need quote for expanding parking lot (100' x 40') and what portions can be done by our equipment. Discussed 6 water shut-offs at campground. Decided it should be in the campground budget. Next meeting June 7th, 2012 at 1:00p.m. (new time). Motion to adjourn by Marcie, 2nd John - all in favor. Respectfully submitted, Joanne Girard SUNBEAM | JULY 2012 Recreation Committee JUNE 04, 2012 Call to order: 4:30p.m. Members Present: Opal Kempf (Chairperson), Ken and Rosemary Wagner, Rochelle Vodilko, Betty Clevenger, Tammie Durham (Board Liaison). Members Absent: Adrienne Houk. Quorum Established. Motion to approve the minutes from May 7th, 2012 5 REPORTS AND COMMITTEE MINUTES continued by Ken and 2nd by Rochelle. policy was deferred until the next meeting. Review of Spring Dance, rescheduled for July. The next meeting will be May 19, 2012 at 9:00 AM at the Lodge. Discussed: Fishing Derby (Lisa Griggs host), Fish Fry (Opal Kempf host), July Parade (Kay Blonski host), July Dance after the fireworks until 12:30a.m. (Lisa Griggs host), Pool Party (Lisa Griggs host) and Garage Sale (Ronette Piazza host). No Corn Boil this year as of now, host needed for this event. Discussed, 'Play Days' if a member wishes to host this event. Next meeting is July 9th, 4:30p.m. at the office. Motion to adjourn at 5:30p.m. by Rochelle, 2nd by Ken. Respectfully submitted, Rosemary Wagner for Adrienne Houk Lakes & Dams Committee APRIL 28, 2012 Meeting date and time: April 28, 2012 at 9:00 AM Committee members present: Brad Lindstrom, Chairman David Dunagan, D.D.S. Board liaison: none Grant Goolsby Chris Martel Other persons present: Ian McMillan, J.D. President Bob Hamilton General Manager Joan Boyer Ron Webster Chairman Brad Lindstrom began the meeting at 9:08 AM with a roll call of the Committee members present. The minutes of the March 31, 2012 meeting were reviewed and amended at the behest of Mr. Webster who asked that the words “filled with stone and” be inserted in the first paragraph on page 2. On his motion, seconded by Dr. Dunagan, the minutes were accepted as amended. The Committee engaged in a discussion regarding a potential new member in the event of Mr. Goolsby’s resignation from the Committee. Peter H. Mesha, an engineer, has submitted a letter of interest in serving on the Lakes & Dams Committee; however, Mr. Goolsby announced his intention to remain on the Committee until a person other than Mr. Mesha who has indicated an interest in serving finalizes his intention. The Committee discussed the sediment map provided by Mapping Network and the best way to utilize the information on it. General Manager Boyer provided an update on the status of the 319 Grant. Following an extended discussion regarding the Shaw Creek Project and how it should be approached by the Committee, Mr. Goolsby moved that Dr. Dunagan should draft a plan for discussion of the issues and options to enable the Committee to focus on them. His motion was seconded by Mr. Martel and passed unanimously. Mr. Goolsby then moved to reallocate $2,500.00 from the money allocated for dredging to be used, instead, to revise the 319 Grant application. The motion was seconded by Mr. Webster and passed unanimously. Ms. Boyer reported that the dam inspectors commented that the inspection was the best inspection Lake Wildwood dam has had. The inspectors recommended that the catch basin at Lake Tanglewood be drained to determine if any repairs or corrections are required. The matter of the request from the Board of Directors that the Committee review the lake draw down 6 Motion to adjourn by Dr. Dunagan, seconded by Mr. Webster, passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 11:28 AM. Dated May 15, 2012 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Ian McMillan Ian McMillan Campground Committee MAY 26, 2012 CALL TO ORDER: 10:05 am ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chairperson David Gilgenberg, Nancy Bucalo, Pat Minner, Linda Ramlot, Ken Herout, and Kristene Hiepler-Hartwig. ABSENT: Ray Pijanowski. ALSO PRESENT: Scott Bucalo, Chuck & Cindy Hesser, Jim Hiepler-Hartwig, Ted Bostrom, Jim Hiepler-Hartwig, Bill & Peggy Keyser, and Marty Wahlen. BUSINESS: Pat Minner motioned to approve the April 14th meeting minutes as printed. Ken Herout seconded and all were in favor. Reminded everyone that fires need to be burned in fire rings and to leave the rings in the spot they are placed. More fire rings should be coming. Grass needs to be kept less than 6 inches or tickets will be issued. Camper decals need to be placed on the driver’s side of the camper. Discussed and finalized campground budget for 2013 since it was due in to the office by June 10 to be submitted to the finance committee by their June 16th meeting. We put in a request for 1 bag of blue rubber mulch for playground to replace what gets kicked out. Money was added to our maintenance budget to cover the cost for six spigots. In addition, we put in to replace the counter tops and sinks in both the men’s and women’s side of the bathhouse not including the two winter rooms. NEXT MEETING: Sat. June 16th at 10 am. ADJOURNMENT: Motioned to adjourn at 12:20 a.m. by Kristene Hiepler-Hartwig, seconded by Linda Ramlot – motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Bucalo Community Relations Committee NOVEMBER 5, 2011 The Community Relations Committee met Saturday, November 5, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. in the Arrowhead Lodge of Lake Wildwood. Those present were: Joe Donnelly, chair; members Opal Kempf, Bridget Baker and Sherin Bayler; board liason Joe Rutgens. Consideration of Rule passed by the Board of Directors on July 21, 2011 - Board policy H.3. "No campsite may be set up after 10:00 p.m. quiet hour beginning September 1, 20ll." It is the consensus of the CRC that the rule under I.1.(i). which reads "Quiet hours begin at 10:00 p.m. and end at 8:00 a.m." be used to enforce uninterrupted quiet hours at the campground. The fines for breaking quiet hours were changed from: First Offense - Class I; Second Offense - Class II to: First Offense - Class II; Second Offense - Class III; Third Offense - Removal from campground amenities. Motion amenSUNBEAM | JULY 2012 ded to read "Removal from campground amenities for up to one full year." Motion by Sherin Bayler, second by Opal Kempf. All in favor. Motion carried. Discussion of grass cutting at the campground ended with consensus that campground police their own lots and arrange for mowing with charge to be borne by campsite occupier. Mr. Rutgens is to speak to campground committee and to manager to work out the details. Also discussed was the need to charge a fee for primitive camping. This could be discussed by the campground committee, the finance committee and any other interested parties. The Committee had been directed by the Board of Directors of Lake Wildwood to "examine the rules and make recommendations for tightening the fee structure in general as well as adapting the fine on individual rules where the penalty is not appropriate for the transgression." Discussion of fee structure revision ensued. Class I has been a warning with a $10 fine for repeat infraction. This was changed to: Class I with a $20 fine for repeat infraction. Class II has been a minimum fine of $20 with fine doubled for repeat infraction. This was changed to: Class II minimum of $30 with fine doubled for repeat infraction. Class III has been a fine of $50 with fine doubled for repeat infraction. This was changed to: Class III $100 doubled for repeat infraction and possible restriction of privileges. Motion by Bridget Baker, second by Opal Kempf. Motion carried. Rule B. 1. (a) {Misuse of backgate key card} First Offense - Class III; Second Offense - loss of key card for 1 year plus $50 fine. Change was made to: Second Offense - Class III and loss of key card for 1 year. Motion by Opal Kempf, second by Sherin Bayler. Motion carried. Rule B. 1. (g) {Host member on premises on weekends and holidays when guests using amenities.} Statement only. Change was made to: Class II and guest removal from amenities. Motion by Sherin Bayler, second by Bridget Baker. Motion carried. Discussion held on B. 6. {Solicitation}. No action taken. Rule C. 6. (a) {vehicles operated on Association property by licensed drivers only}. Statement only. Changed to Class III. Motion by Bridget Baker, second by Sherin Bayler. Motion carried. Rule C. 6. (e) {license plates and lot numbers} Statement only. Changed to Class I, Class II. Motion by Opal Kempf, second by Bridget Baker. Motion carried. Rule C. 6. (g) {Number of persons on vehicles}"No more than one person is permitted on a vehicle unless the vehicle manufacturer provides a second set of foot pegs." Changed to Number of occupants shall not exceed vehicle's manufacturer's recommendation. Motion by Sherin Bayler, seconded by Bridget Baker. Motion carried. Rule C. 7. (c) {Snowbile stickers} "Each Snowmobile... shall be given a Lake Wildwood registration sticker. The sticker shall be placed... Class I." Changed to: "must display"...Class II." Motion by Sherin Bayler, second by Opal Kempf. Motion carried. Rule D. 3. (e) {Notify office of party of 25 or more on Beaches Class I} Changed to: second offense Class II. Motion by Bridget Baker, second by Opal Kempf. Motion carried. Rule D. 3. (g) {Dogs in designated areas only and tethered at all times Class I} Changed to: Class II. Motion of Opal Kempf, second by Bridget Baker. Motion carried. Rule D. 3. {Beach Areas} Addition of (h). No grills permitted on sandy area of either Association Beach. Class II. Motion by Bridget Baker, second by Sherin Bayler. Motion carried. Rule E. 2. (c) "shall be given" changed to "shall display". Motion by Sherin Bayler, second by Opal Kempf. Motion carried. Rule I. 1. (g){decibels} Add: Second offense Class II. Motion by Bridget Baker, second by Sherin Bayler. Motion carried. Question was raised concerning Rule I. 1. (p) {No wooden decks}. Explanation given that the wooden structures at the campground are not considered decks, but are actually platforms which are moveable and needed because of standing water and mud in the areas. Rule I. 3. (g) and (h) {Member present} {three units}. It is recommended that the Campground committee review these two rules and regulations and inform this committee if additional action is required. Rule J. 4.{items outside stored unit} Class I. Changed to: Class I, Second Offense Class II. Motion by Sherin Bayler, second Bridget Baker. Motion carried. Rule K. 1. (a) {littering} Changed to: Littering is strictly prohibited with the development. Class II, second Offense Class III. Polluting removed from K.1. (a) to form K. 1. (f) Polluting is strictly prohibited within the development. Class III, Second Offense $500. Motion by Bridget Baker, second by Opal Kempf. Motion carried. Rule K. 1. (e) {disposal of refuse in association owned receptacles} Added "unless fee paid at office or guardhouse." Discussion was held concerning associate members. Annual meeting was to commence at Arrowhead Lodge at 1:00. Community Relations Committee adjourned at 12:20 p.m. by general agreement. Respectfully submitted, Sherin Bayler Community Relations Committee JUNE 09, 2012 The Community Relations Committee met in the office meeting room at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday June 9, 2012. Those present were: Chairperson, Joe Donnelly; members: Bridget Baker, Sherin Bayler and Opal Kempf. Laison board member, Joe Rutgens arrived following Board of Directors' meeting held at the Arrowhead Clubhouse. The Committee discussed items before them and decided to resubmit the minutes from their November 5, 2011 meeting which had not been published or acted upon. Our consensus was that the work done that day should be acknowledged and implemented before further action could be required. On motion by Opal, second by Bridget, all in favor, said meeting was adjourned at 2:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sherin Bayler Lake Wildwood Lots for Sale Lake Wildwood is accepting bids on the following lots: 64 Lake Wildwood Drive 1171 Deer Valley Drive 1018 Hidden Valley Drive Community Relations Committee The Community Relations Committee, at the request of the Board of Directors, is suggesting the following Redbook rules changes which will be discussed and possibly voted on at the August, 2012 Board meeting. The first portion of that meeting will be reserved for input from the members concerning these suggested changes. Please contact your Board members via email, letter or phone if you have questions or comments, and plan to attend the hearing portion of the meeting. Rule B. ENTRY PROCEDURES AND GUEST REGULATIONS Proposed Amendment: 1. (a) paragraph 2 Only members who have paid the required fee and have been issued a key card from the LWS Office may use the Southwest Gate providing they follow Southwest Access application rules and their vehicle displays a valid decal or previous authorization to exit/enter has been granted by Security personnel under special circumstances or special permission by the Board of Directors. First offense – Class III and loss of key card for 1 year. Proposed Amendment: 1(g) - To avoid overcrowding of the Association amenities, guest use of amenities on weekends and holidays is permitted only if the host member is on the premises of LWA. Class II offense and guest removed from amenities. Rule C: VEHICLE AND TRAFFIC REGULATIONS Proposed Amendment: 6. (a) These vehicles shall be operated by licensed drivers only – Class III. Proposed Amendment: 6 (e) All vehicles in this category not bearing State license plates must display on both sides of the vehicle the owner’s lot numbers in at least 3” high digits. First offense – Class I; Second offense – Class II. Proposed Amendment: 6. (g) Number of occupants shall not exceed vehicle’s manufacturer’s recommendation. First offense – Class I; Second offense – Class II. Proposed Amendment: 7. (c) Each snowmobile registered with the Association Office shall be given a Lake Wildwood registration sticker. The sticker must be displayed on the cowling. Class I. Rule D: SWIMMING, BEACH & POOL REGULATIONS Proposed Amendment: 3. (e) If a member(s) wishes to use any LWA beach for a party of 25 or more, the members(s) must notify the Office in advance. First offense - Class I; Second offense – Class II. Proposed Amendment: Dogs are permitted in designated areas only and shall be tethered at all times. Class II. Add: 3. (h) No grills permitted on sandy area of either Association Beach. Class II. Rule E: WATERCRAFT REGULATIONS Proposed Amendment: Each watercraft registered with the Association Office in accordance with Section E.2 (b) shall display a Lake Wildwood Recreational Vehicle Decal and shall be assigned a Lake Wildwood registration number. The LWA RV decal … Class II. Rule I. CAMPING AND PICNICKING REGULATIONS Proposed Amendment: The use of electronic sound devices, portable generators, or any creation of disturbances (above 70 db. within 35’ of adjacent campsite) is prohibited. First offense - Class I; Second offense – Class II. Proposed Amendment: Incorporated into and enforced through Rules and Regulations I.1. (i) “Quiet hours begin at 10:00 p.m. and end at 8:00 a.m. First offense – Class I; Second offense – Class II.” As amended: Quiet hours begin at 10:00 p.m. and end at 8:00 a.m. First Offense – Class II; Second Offense – Class III; Third Offense – Removal from campground amenities for up to one full year. Rule J. STORAGE Proposed Amendment: When unit is in storage, items may not be stored outside a unit. First offense – Class I; Second offense – Class II. Rule K. HOUSEKEEPING REGULATIONS Proposed Amendment: Littering is strictly prohibited within the Development. First offense – Class II; Second offense – Class III. Proposed Add: 1. (f) Polluting is strictly prohibited within the development. First offense – Class III; Second offense - $500. Proposed Amendment: No owner of any numbered lot in the Development (nor guest/contractor) shall be permitted to deposit garbage, trash or other like household refuse in any Association owned or sponsored receptacle unless fee paid at office or guardhouse. First offense – Class II; Second offense – Class III Rule M. ENFORCEMENT OF REGULATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS Proposed Amendment: 3. Citations will be issued according to the following schedule: Class I: A warning will be issued. If the violation is corrected immediately, no further action will be taken. If a citation is issued for the same violation within a twelve-month period, a $20 fine will be issued for each occurrence or 24-hour period the violation exists. Class II: A Minimum fine of $30 will be issued. If a citation is issued for the same violation within a twelve-month period, the fine will be doubled from the prior amount issued. Class III: A fine of $100 will be issued and possible restriction of privileges. If a citation is issued for the same violation within a twelve-month period, the fine will be doubled from the prior amount issued. Unless otherwise specified herein, violations will be treated as follows for purposes of citations: First offense – Class I; Second offense – Class II, Third offense – Class III. SUNBEAM | JULY 2012 7 AROUND THE LAKE The Lake Wildwood Dredge What is the most expensive piece of machinery owned by Lake Wildwood Association? It cost $272,000 when purchased in 2002 and costs $400 a day to run. If you answered, "the dredge" you are correct! It was a bright and sunny morning with a soft breeze from the southeast as I boarded the Lake Wildwood work barge with operator Tommy Nerad. I was going to spend a few hours with him on the dredge working at the south end of the lake. As we approached the barge Tommy first inspected the lines where there had been a problem the day before, leading up to the 52 acre site in the eastern edge of Lake WIldwood property. The line is 3000 feet in length. Everything was in order and then we boarded the dredge and Tommy inspected the fluid levels and greased the fittings before starting the dredge's motor. The motor was humming smoothly while Tommy raised the boom at the front of the dredge. At the end of the boom there is a cutter basket which is the business end of the dredge. This is where the silt is sucked into the pipe where it will be pumped into the holding area at the 52 acre site. Everything looked good and the boom was lowered back into the water and the dredging began. For the first 20 minutes water only is pumped to make sure there are no obstructions in the pipe. The dredge has three pylons on it which look like smoke stacks. These pylons are raised and lowered by cables driven by hydrolytic pressure. The hydrolytic oil incidentally is a special biocompatible oil used for lakes, however, it comes at a cost of $80 a gallon. The pylon's purpose is to anchor the dredge while dredging and for steering. To turn the dredge 180 degrees one of the two front pylons is anchored to the lake bottom and the dredge then pivots around that pylon. It takes five such maneuvers to complete a 180 degree turn. The dashboard in the dredge's cabin has a screen monitor and several gauges. The monitor gives the status of the machinery at all times of operation. There are three main gauges. The larger gauge shows the pressure pushing the silt through the lines. The other gauges show the status of the boom and the composition of the silt moving through the basket. Tommy sits in a seat with finger controls which operate the dredge's boom and movement of the dredge. With a wind from the SE pushing the dredge adjustments had to be made occasionally to stay on course. I asked Tommy what he used for course direction. He pointed to a birdhouse on a pole in the distant shore ahead of us. I asked him about the new GPS equipment that will soon be installed. He said it would be a big improvement with the GPS making dredging more efficient at its task and that will mean money in the bank for the Association. One last thing, as you dip your toe into the lake this summer and shiver at the cold water, remember our maintenance crew who have to enter the frigid water in late March and April to set up the lines for the dredge. They deserve our appreciation and thanks for keeping our lake beautiful. Submitted by Dave Dunagan. Above: Images of the dredge, controls and operator Tommy. A Bit About the Fish Bighead, silver, and grass carp are known to be well-established in the Mississippi River basin (including tributaries) of the United States, where they at times reach extremely high abundances, especially in the case of the bighead and silver carp. Bighead, silver, and grass carp have been captured in that watershed from Louisiana to South Dakota, Minnesota, and Ohio. Grass carp are also established in at least one other watershed, in Texas, and may be established elsewhere. These fish are thought to be highly detrimental to the environment in parts of the United States. Because of these concerns, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service convened stakeholders to develop a national plan for the management and control of invasive Asian carp (referring to bighead, silver, black and grass carp). The plan was accepted by the National Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force in the fall of 2007. Information from: Asian Carp Working Group, Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force (April 2006). Any and all carp caught should be exterminated! It is vital these fish remain OUT of our lakes. Please remember it is a violation of state statute to take fish from one body of water and place it in a different body of water. For more information, visit: http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/ilstatutes/515/5 8 SUNBEAM | JULY 2012 Olé, what a wonderful time at the Spring Fiesta! We had some obstacles this year as graduation and other events created a lower attendance, but we hope this was a one time occurrence. All who attended reported having a wonderful time and are looking forward to the next dance. We had both brand new and returning members attend this year. Thank you all for coming and supporting this Lake Wildwood activity. The work and the time spent to ensure a fun evening make it all worth it when members come out and support an event. We look forward to seeing you all next year. The taco bar, chips and salsa and nachos and cheese were a big hit. Everyone stated that they loved the food which was donated by our dance committee. One guest noted that they would like to do the same at their house to, "change things up." I would like to take this opportunity to thank the dance committee for their relentless effort, time and gas in collecting over $1,000.00 in donations for the raffle and door prizes. These ladies truly went the extra mile to assure all had fun and went home with something. It is efforts such as these that truly complete the event. The committee would also like to extend their appreciation to all of those businesses who made donations to the dance. As you can see from the picture, there were many businesses from around the area that helped make this happen. Please make sure to stop by and visit some of them! Winners of the T.V. and the $100.00 lottery piñata was lot 1505. Winner of the zero gravity lounge chair was lot 189 and all who attended went home with something. Congratulations to all! I would like to thank the dance committee, Kay Blonski, Sandy Matthies, Donna Sarna, Joanne Slepicka, and Jackie Zohfeld for all of their time and efforts to assure all had a wonderful evening. They are the best and looking forward to next year with new ideas and fun planned. Looking to next year, watch for details in the Spring. Respectfully, Adrienne Houk - Host SUNBEAM | JULY 2012 9 AROUND THE LAKE continued Creel Limits (2012) Beach & Pool Hours Type of Fish Beach Hours Monday - Friday 11:00a.m. to 7:00p.m. Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays 10:00a.m. to 8:00p.m. Minimum Size Daily Limit Largemouth Bass Smallmouth Bass Walleye Crappie Bluegill/Sunfish White Bass Channel Catfish Bullhead Carp Hybrid Stripped Bass Muskie Northern Pike 16” 16” 18” 9” None 16” None None None 16” 48” 24” 1 1 3 15 None 2 6 None None 1 1 1 General guidelines for our membership to preserve, protect and enhance our fisheries. • Bait - only use minnows which have been purchased from a reputable bait shop. • Bait - never put any unused minnows back into the lake. • Bait - never use any minnows which have been netted from any body of water on the LWW lakes as you could be introducing unwanted and dangerous species of fish into the lake. • Power wash the underside of your boat and motor anytime you have used it on an outside body of water before returning to the lake to be sure that you are not introducing any unwanted fish or vegetation into the lake. • Do not introduce any vegetation or fish from any body of water into either of our lakes. Both lakes are balanced ecosystems and you can cause great harm to the lakes. Do not take fish from either Tanglewood or Wildwood and put them in the other lakes as well. • Become familiar with the creel limits as well as how to identify each species of fish. The creel limits are listed above. • Remove any carp caught on either lake no matter what size. They can produce more than one million eggs and can cause severe problems on our lakes. Bass Tournament Schedule All tournaments will be held on Saturday. Please be at the Marina 30 minutes before the start time. Date July 28th Aug. 18th Sept. 29th Oct. 13th Oct. 20th Register 5:00 a.m. 5:20 a.m. 6:00 a.m. T.B.D T.B.D Start Time 5:30 a.m. 5:50 a.m. 6:30 a.m. T.B.D T.B.D End Time 12:30 p.m. 12:50 p.m. 1:30 p.m. T.B.D T.B.D Entry fees will be $50 per boat. If interested in fishing, please contact Jim LaBee at 630-632-8053 or email at jimbo71458@hotmail.com. The April bass tournament had a great turn out, 9 teams showed up to fish and what a beautiful morning it was. Here are the results: 1st Place: Trinidad Garza and Tom Dravicski 15.08 pounds. A very nice bag guys. 2nd place: Chip and Matt Webster 10.97 pounds 3rd place: Kirk and Mark Melody 10.67 pounds Big Bass Smallmouth: Trinidad Garza and Tom Dravicski 4.20 pounds. LargeMouth: Tom and John Philips, 6.60 pounds. Awesome fish Tom and John. Congratulations all. It was a great Tournament. The May tournament had 8 Teams participate, the weather was great for fishing and it showed with the fish caught. 1st place: Chip and Matt Webster, 14.52 pounds 2nd Place: Jim and Tyler LaBee, 11.01 pounds. Tyler finished the tournament by himself and did an incredible job, excellent job Son. 3rd place: Trinidad Garza and Tom Dravicski, 10.01 pounds. Big Bass Smallmouth: Nathan Long and A.J. Klein, 3.33 pounds. Largemouth: Chip and Matt Webster, 4.73 pounds. What a great day. Everybody caught fish and did very well. Excellent job guys. 10 Swimming Pool Hours Monday - Friday 12:00p.m. to 8:00p.m. Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays 11:00a.m. to 9:00p.m. Beach Regulations 1. The beach water is not suitable for drinking. 2. Admission to the beach may be refused to all persons having any contagious disease, infectious conditions such as colds, fever, ringworm, foot infections, skin lesions, carbuncles, boils, diarrhea, vomiting, inflamed eyes, ear discharges or any other condition which has the appearance of being infectious. Persons with excessive sunburn, abrasions which have not healed, corn plasters, bunion pads, adhesive tape, rubber bandages or other bandages of any kind may also be refused admittance. A person under the influence of alcohol or exhibiting erratic behavior shall not be permitted in the beach area. 3. Littering is prohibited. In addition, no food, drink, gum or tobacco is allowed in the water. Glass containers are prohibited throughout the beach area. 4. All infants must wear tight fitting rubber or plastic pants. 5. Do not enter water or swim alone. 6. Persons under the age of 17 must be accompanied by a responsible person 17 years of age or older unless a lifeguard is present. 7. Personal conduct within the beach must be such that safety is not jeopardized. 8. Diving in shallow water is not permitted. 9. All persons using the beach are under direct authority of the lifeguard. 10. NO unnecessary conversations with lifeguard. 11. Do not swim outside the roped area. 12. Do not hold onto floated roped boundaries. 13. NO swimming after lightning has been sighted. 14. NO watercraft inside roped boundaries. 15. NO pets or fires in beach area. 16. NO water entry or swimming permitted after sunset. 17. Beach and water area opens at sunrise, closes at sunset. 18. Keys must be signed out at the Guardhouse to unlock the emergency equipment cabinet and rest room facility if the beach is used during posted hours of operation and lifeguard is not present. 19. Swim at your own risk. Lake Wildwood Garage Sale Election Year From the covenants and by-laws for Lake Wildwood: "…any member in good standing may file as a candidate for the Board of Directors with the Secretary of the Association a petition signed by fifty voting members in good standing of said Association." The election schedule is as follows: Friday, July 1st Petitions available at the Office. August 1st - 15th Candidates file Board petitions. Saturday, August 18th Election Committee meeting at the Lodge at 1:00p.m (Consists of candidate and their representative and the Board of Directors). More dates will be made available at a later time. Please see the August Sunbeam for more information. Positions Available: 3 Director Positions More Information about the Process: For more information, please visit your Lake Wildwood Blue Book (starting on page 22). Road Construction Construction will be taking place around Lake Wildwood this summer, so please be mindful of the workers on the roads. Maintain the posted speed limits! Tennis Court Rules No bicycles, skateboards, roller blades or skates. No black-soled street shoes or black-soled tennis shoes. Lights off after 10:00p.m. Play - 1 hour limit. Key sign-out is available at the Guardhouse Monday through Friday. Courts open Saturday & Sunday from 7:00am until 10:00pm. Memorial Day thru Labor Day. Stone Mason (Tr ained in Italy) Saturday, July 21st 8:00a.m. - 4:00p.m. Out of your own garage. If you are interested in participating in the garage sale, please call Ronette at 312-735-3444 or email summertimegans@yahoo.com. Those who contact Ronette by July 1st will be put on the “Garage Sale Sellers” map! “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure!” SUNBEAM | JULY 2012 Hello, my name is Kastriot and I am an immigrant from Kosovo. I learned my stone mason trade in Italy, specializing in Florentine stone work, restoration of antique stone work, chimney repair, tuck pointing and architectural walkways (as shown in the image). I would be delighted in handling all of your masonry work. (The walkway shown in last month's paper is finished and we are very happy with the outcome Rudy Heusuk, Lot 705). Kastriot Maloku Hampton Way 33 Email: kastriot.maloku@yahoo.com Morton, IL 61550 Phone: 309-339-4518 Marina Gas Keys Please stop by the office to pick up your new gas keys for fuel. The system has been updated to digital and the pumps require new keys. The new keys are dark grey with the word, ‘ChipKey’ on the side. Make sure you have the correct key before heading down to get your fuel! 5 Wednesdays starting July 18th - August 15th 6:00p.m. - 8:00p.m. Varna United Methodist Church Corner of Walnut & Adams 1 block NE of Casey's Ages 5yr - 4th grade, please call to sign up or for more info. Linda Hannah - 463-2617 Kelley Larimer - 399-7611 Standring Roofing & Construction Fully Licensed & Insured Cedar Decks | Room Additions New Construction | Roofing & Garages - FREE ESTIMATES 309-463-2169 | Cell 630-726-6466 162 Beachview Ct., Varna, IL 61375 email: terrystandring@hotmail.com Lake Wildwood Homeowner Who you gonna call? COCHRAN’S COLLISION CENTER Now A Local Hertz Agency We Can Help With All Your Rental Needs. Located at Lacon’s East Edge 1218 Ninth Street (Just off Route 17) 309-246-8000 HOURS: Marina Concession Stand Monday: Closed (except on Holidays). Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 6:00a.m. - 8:00p.m. Friday, Saturday: 6:00a.m. - 9:00p.m. PHONE: 309-463-2066 Ne To the Early Bird 6:00a.m. - 9:00a.m. ONLY Breakfast Sandwich (sausage, egg & cheese muffin) — $1.75 Hash Brown Cake — $1.00 Assorted Sweet Rolls — $1.00 Orange Juice — $1.50 Coffee (regular & decaf) Small — $1.00 Large — $1.25 Refills — $0.50 appetizers & sides • Fi form the L • Su sued • Su fyin min 10 h bust it co beverages Assorted Snack Chips — $1.00 French Fries — $2.25 Cheese Fries — $2.50 Chili Cheese Fries — $2.75 Nachos — $3.00 Coffee (regular & decaf) Small — $1.25 Large — $1.50 Soda — $1.00 Cup of Chili — $2.00 Lemonade — $1.00 Iced Tea — $1.00 Water — $0.75 (Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Coke, Diet Coke, A&W Root Beer, (add jalapenos for $0.25) Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, 7-Up, Orange Crush) (add cheese and/or onions for $0.25) Mozzarella Sticks — $3.00 Cheddar Puffs — $3.00 Cauliflower — $3.00 Mushrooms — $3.00 Onion Rings — $3.00 Mixed Basket — $7.00 sandwiches & baskets Italian Beef w/ Sweet Peppers — $4.50 (add gard. peppers or cheese for $0.25) Hamburger (ketchup, mustard, mayo, lettuce, tomato, onion (raw or grilled), pickle) — $3.50 Cheeseburger (ketchup, mustard, mayo, lettuce, tomato, onion (raw or grilled), pickle) (mozzarella, cheddar or american cheese) — $3.75 Hot Dog (mustard, relish, onion, tomato, pickle, sport peppers) — $2.25 Chili Dog — $2.50 Cheese Dog — $2.50 Chili Cheese Dog — $2.75 Corn Dog — $1.50 Polish Sausage (mustard, grilled onion) — $3.00 (add kraut for $0.25) Chicken Strips Basket w/ Fries — $4.00 Chicken Tender Basket w/ Fries — $4.75 Soft serve ice cream Cone — $1.50, Cup - $1.75 (add sprinkles for $0.10) Sundae — $2.75 miscellaneous Ice (7-pound bag) — $2.00 Bait (chocolate, strawberry, caramel, butterscotch, pineapple, hot fudge, whipped cream, cherry, nuts) Auntie Kay’s Special Dessert — $3.25 (brownie, chocolate ice cream, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, cherry) (vanilla ice cream optional) Milkshakes — $2.50 Call us for all your pest needs. Wood roaches, ants, mice, termites, etc. We also do MOSQUITOES and have LEAF GUARD for gutters to keep material out. Call 1-877-866-0002 for prices. Ask for Bill. pizza Coming soon! (chocolate, vanilla or strawberry) Ice Cream Bars — $1.00 Ice Cream Sandwiches — $1.00 Popsicle — $0.75 SUNBEAM | JULY 2012 "Keep an eye out for our weekend specials!" 11 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR We agree with Dianna Loerger, lot 451, 100% with charging guests using amenity passes for our facilities (May 2012). When guests are here using our facilities, beaches, pool, etc. we have: increased electric fees, increased security on weekends and holidays, increased water usages, increased garbage and clean-up, increased pool chemicals, increased waste on beaches, increased soap and toilet paper, etc. We, as members, pay for this! Who will pay when we need a new pool, new playground equipment, a new dredge, new maintenance equipment, vehicles, road repairs, tennis court repairs, inlet, etc.? The members will! Not the guests using our facilities for free! It's time to change and start having guests using our amenities pay a fee to help with all the costs! After all, they use it too! We have had guests here and they couldn't believe how beautiful it is here and they couldn't believe there isn't a charge to come here. They said, "they wouldn't have a problem paying a fee, we have to pay to use our pool in our own town." We, as members of Lake Wildwood, agree to pay all fees passed by the Board. We shouldn't look for ways to get around paying. We can't pick and choose what we want to pay for! Yet, there is a member on the Finance Committee who refuses to pay the $10.00 fee for a car sticker which adds to the shortages of revenue Lake Wildwood already has. If we charged for amenity pass usage, maybe we wouldn't have to pay a $10.00 sticker fee! Loves Lake Wildwood, Rick & Sharon Houk, Lot 1407 Recently we received a nice donation for the Koinonia Food Pantry from the Lake Wildwood weekend coffee group. What a nice surprise! Koinonia Food Pantry (means "fellowship") serves families from Hopewell, Camp Grove, Lacon, Sparland, Varna, Toluca and parts of Wenona and Washburn. During April, Koinonia served 109 families, and during May, the pantry served 93 families. The recipients are very grateful for their food each month. A record is kept of all donations. Thank you Lake Wildwood weekend coffee group for your donation -- that was very special! Gwen Wassilak We wish to thank everyone for their kind expressions of sympathy and support in the loss of our son, brother, husband, son-in-law, brother-in-law, father, uncle and friend, Jeff Kafer. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Vicki, Taryn, Trevin and Tori Kafer Jim and Karyl Kafer and Family Ted and Sherin Bayler and Family We would like to thank all who assisted us with our daughter Aimee's emergency situation on Sunday, May 28th. We can't express enough our appreciation to all those who assisted, from security to the lifeguards, EMT's and concerned people that helped in any way. Thank you to all, we are very grateful. Joe & Donna Rutgens and Family I have been thinking about the changes here at LWA. Why do we have to have change every two years or so because one or two Directors want it that way? I think the proper thing to do is allow endangered bird species to have proper time allowances for hatching and fledging their offspring. As for the grass being the cause of deer ticks that can cause Lyme Disease, that is silly. That is like saying gravel roads cause flat tires. What happened to logic and common sense, oh yes, I forgot that grass also causes coyotes to jump out and get people walking by. The grass is just a vehicle that they want to ride to the result that they don't like tall grass. I happen to like the look; ok I am a country boy who loves the natural things. The individual lot owners have the right to mow or not to mow, the question I have is: Why does LWA have to mow the common property that the birds use for their nests? Is it for deer control? Ask maintenance how many fawns are killed by their mowers. I bet it is far more than you know. I question if it is legal to destroy natural habitat for endangered birds; I plan to contact the Audubon Society to find out the rules. is it like the alteration of water flow that cannot be altered without a State permit? I think this whole thing is just a plan to appease only a very few people by using a scare tactic that isn't true. What about deer ticks living in your neighbors lot that he doesn't mow; are you going to mow it anyway? You don't want to forget trimming the trees as lots of ticks live there so they can drop onto you as you walk by. This whole thing gets silly. If you have a problem with nature, why do you want to be here? What an abuse of power! This board has reneged on a previous policy presented by members who had done a lot of research, presented a petition with numerous signatures and offered a solution for the grass mowing which was environmentally sound. This just goes to show us that the membership does not count with this board. We know that this isn't about grass, but about people working against people. This board has continuously presented personal agenda with little regard to the wishes of the people that elected them or maybe it was not a true election since over 90 ballots had been throw out for various reasons. As an example for what one person can do, a few years ago the U of I Extension Service put in a lot of free hours to present a plan of native plantings & wildflowers at the back gate area, thus protecting the wildlife and saving gas from mowing. On board with the project was Pheasants Forever, Master Gardeners and several interested members. This project would have been a gradual endeavor with seed and additional help donated to create a lasting habitat with very little expenditure. Instead, one person presented this project at a cost of $20,000 and, of course, it was dismissed as being way over budget. This is what we do here, one step forward and two back, keeping us from ever getting anything done. We talk projects to death without proper research or consideration of the membership opinions which, by the way, obviously means nothing. The statement, "words do not make it so" really applies in the above policy. This policy was presented because someone may die of lyme disease. The ticks that carry this disease are deer ticks that can live in tall grass, short grass, in the woods or in your yard. This statement is a lot of nonsense and scare tactics in order to get one person's way and the rest follow like sheep. Do your own research people! Start paying attention to who is running for your board and making your decisions. Another election is coming up. Make sure they are quality people that have your interests and associations interest at heart and not some personal plot plan. Lillian Saxton, 1128-1218 VIEW FROM THE CORNER I think every July I refer to this month as the dog days of summer, I pondered what else describes July in Lacon and quite honestly I can’t think of a better term. So…here goes…Welcome to the Dog Days of Summer. So what is going on in Lacon this month? Well, first off, Loy’s Antiques, it appears is back from their hiatus. They have posted hours of being open every Friday and Saturday with a pretty decent sale on items if you spend $10.00 or more! It’s a great hunt and peck kind of antiques store, with loads of stuff! You should plan on spending at least an hour to see everything. Be sure to look high and low for your next amazing find. I am not exactly sure what is going on with Old Rusty Hinge, the store appears empty but I have heard that they may be reopening as well. Paul’s Mall is still here and running kind of hit or miss hours… but if you have to come into town it’s definitely worth the hit or miss. Just as an FYI, the marina in Lacon has a free boat launch for anyone to use. There are boat slips you can rent for the summer if you are interested, call city hall for details at 309-246-6111. On Saturday July 21st, the Marshall County St. Jude Runners leave Lacon and head to Peoria via their own 2 feet. There are nearly 40 runners this year, including me, that are taking part in the 50 plus mile run. The run is set up as a relay with the runners taking turns for various distances throughout the day. The run ends up at the Peoria Civic Center for the telethon. Last year this group raised nearly $40,000 for St. Jude with a goal of $100,000 set for this year. Donations are being taken at the store if you are interested in donating to this cause. The runners are meeting very early on Saturday morning to start the day and anyone who wants is encouraged to come into town and cheer them on as they start their journey. There are at least 2 geocaching sites in Lacon right now to promote the Illinois River Road Scenic Byway. There are handbooks available at the store that has all the info about geocaching along the River Road Scenic Byway. Aside from the gas to travel from site to site this is free family friendly event. You do, of course, need a GPS or you might be able to even use your smart phone. Be sure to check out the Lacon Home Journal Newspaper for up-to-date happenings in town. Each week, a new issue is available for only fifty cents at the Shell Station and at Jim’s IGA. Save the dates next month, for the Old Settlers Festival that runs August 23rd, 24th and 25th, Illinois’ longest Running festival happens right here in Lacon. Check out Team Fudge as they compete in a cake decorating contest! More details to follow next month! Until next month, see you at the corner! “Service is our business” www.hicksgas.com $100.00 Free ... How? Joe Saxton - Lots 1128/1218 I would like to thank the Fishing Derby Committee for such a great job they did on Saturday, June 9th. There were many children who participated, looking forward to catching the biggest fish. Everyone got a trophy and the lucky ones got a ribbon and a prize. Also, the snacks and juice boxes after the derby were a big hit and much appreciated! All went home a winner and looking forward to next year. • Just give us a call at Hicksgas and refer a new customer. • After the tank is set, your account will be credited $100 to be used for any product or service we have available. • Prospect must be approved for a new tank set of either a 500 or 1000 gallon tank. Donna Sarna, Lot 492 Please call Hicksgas Isn't it interesting that a board member's cat trespassed onto a neighbors lot that hand't been mowed, brought home a tick and caused a change in association policy? 12 SUNBEAM | JULY 2012 815-452-2600 The Fish Fry was amply attended; some down from past years. Members attending brought their usual scrumptious side dishes and desserts to accompany the delicious fish. We, the Recreation Committee, thank everyone for coming out in the heat of the evening to participate. Thanks to Pam Cimei (fryer), Ron and Susie Stopka, Rolland Clevenger (prayer) plus workers Marcie Myers, Ken and Rosemary Wagner, Betty Clevenger and Rochelle Vodilka. Submitted by Chairperson Opal Kempf. SUNBEAM | JULY 2012 13 Fireworks Parade Date: Saturday, July 7th Rain Date: Sunday, July 8th Parade line-up begins at 9:30a.m. at the Pool and we will begin the parade promptly at 10:00a.m. (No registration required to enter the parade) The following vehicles are eligible to participate: • Golf Carts • ATV’s • Bicycles • Vintage Vehicles (including cars & tractors) Please note that all vehicles must be decorated. Advertising is allowed. Date: Saturday, July 7th Rain Date: Saturday, July 14th When? At Dusk. Dance Where? The Dam. Date: Saturday, July 7th The dance will take place after the fireworks at the Pavilion until 12:30am. Two 1st & 2nd place prizes for decoration. Awarded in two categories Patriotic/Americana & Fun/Frivolous. Two honorable mention prizes & Bicycle prizes awarded as well. Music By: County Road Parade Route: Begin at the Pool, proceed down Elk Drive to Sunnyslope Drive then to Clubhouse Drive and ending at the Pavilion (line up in the grassy baseball area for judging). B.Y.O.B Sam Leman - EUREKA CHEVROLET BUICK CHEVY TRUCKS www.lemangm.com ALWAYS A GREAT SELECTION OF USED CARS & TRUCKS 309-467-2351 E: alslandscape@yahoo.com W: www.alslandscapeco.net Facebook: A.L.S. Landscape 1040 W. Center - U.S. Rte 24 West - Eureka, IL -Paver, Patios, Drives & Walks -Timber, Block & Boulder Walls -Concrete Removal/Concrete Edgers -Decorative Rock & Plantings -Junk & Debris Removal -Wood Decks & Fences -Hauling/Grading -Seeding & Sod -Flagstone Walks & Patios -Fire-pits & Outdoor Fireplaces -Landscape Renovation -Engraved Paver Projects -Skid Steer Service -Gravel Shed Pads -Landscape Equipment Rental -Bulk Material Sales & Delivery CALL 815-712-7000 FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Jim Maloof / Realtor #1 Acreage Leader in Marshall County 108 Fifth St., Lacon, IL P: (309) 246-5020 E: scotchfrost@yahoo.com Member of Landwatch.com, Realtor.com, and recently added Lakehomes.com. My advertising brings results to the table. (Peoria and Chicago advertising). Lake Wildwood (Varna): 1094 Hickory MANAGING BROKER Cell: (309) 361-2095 Top producing real estate agent in Marshall County | Multi-million dollar producer! Ahh…the lake, the lake. What better way to embrace the outdoors and all nature has to offer in this gorgeous private and secluded lakefront property! Nestled on a very secluded deep cove with two full lots and a 3 1/2 car garage there is plenty of room to stretch out. This home offers a second kitchen in the basement family room fully equipped with appliances that remain. a lovely second bathroom in basement for entertaining and guests. Boasting(Grohe) faucets in kitchen, (Robern) bath vanity,2800 sq. ft. of cedar deck with 3 tiers down to lift station and boat dock for fishing, boating, etc. $349,900. Call Scarlett. Lacon: 865 E. County Road Picturesque countryside dream home and farm. 2 ponds on site fully stocked with fish! Recreational paradise and tillable acres for cash flow. Strategically located in a very seclude area for adequate privacy. Home has been improved and upgraded recently. Too many upgrades to mention. Apple trees on site and rolling meadows. An equestrian dream. Perfect suitability for livestock or horses. Numerous grain bins and machine shed. House has been lovingly cared for and warm woodwork from the floors to the trim to cabinetry flows throughout the home. Bringing the outdoors inside to you! 40 Acres - $475,000. Call Scarlett. Lake Wildwood (Varna): 534 Leeward 14 Secluded chalet at the end of a private cul-de-sac, boasting 2 decks and a dock on gated Lake Wildwood. Observe birds and wildlife from panoramic views of great room and screened porch. Furnished in great northwest motif of bears and moose with the warmth of woodwork through feels like a rustic lodge. 3 bedroom sets including chiseled pine master set. 5 hunter fans, trash compactor, laundry chute, optional main floor laundry. Hickory glass pained kitchen contains 2 sets of dished. Nantucket basement decor with jacuzzi bath and 3rd bedroom in walkout basement. Fish, boat from new dock. Seconds from the beach! $370,000. Call Scarlett. SUNBEAM | JULY 2012 Get $5 off your purchase at Julie’s Corner Store when you join our new Text Club! 36000 Rys Tree Service Tree Trimming and Removal Lot and Land Clearing Stump Grinding Just show us this text on your phone when you come in! Fully Insured Free Estimates 24 Hour Service OHFUDGE For A Job Well Done Call: Julie’s Corner Store Downtown Lacon 309-246-2262 OPEN 7 Days a week Daniel Rys 309-361-2129 rysdaniel@yahoo.com SUNBEAM | JULY 2012 Toliver and Sons Electric Rich Toliver Journeyman Electrician Washburn, IL Cell: 309-238-7102 Phone: 309-248-7101 Fax: 309-248-7101 Email: rich.toliver@yahoo.com Quality Work at the Best Prices Fully Insured Estimates Senior Discount New construction service, service upgrades, new installations, rewire, repair, phone line and CATV jack installation, emergency service, generator repairs and installation, farm repair and grain bin work. 15 Double R Steel Shorewalls & Boathouses Ryan Rauch OWNER New service provider to Lake Wildwood. Please call if you have any questions! Cell: 217-454-5656 Email: ryan@doublerboathouses.com Location: RR1 Box 684 Herrick, IL 62431 We are now on the Lake and able to help you out with your next project! We use a unique infrared system to repair damaged cracks and holes in asphalt which will last much longer than conventional patching and is less expensive than remove & replace patches. Give us a call today! We can also overlay or pave new surfaces. Let us give you an estimate to pave your gravel driveway! so We al offer: Seal Coating Remove & Replace Infrared Patching Crack Filling Permitting Process We’re able to help you with the permitting process (once a month due to the lengthy process). Please call us for more information! Mike Gabe 815.252.7544 815.252.0645 www.restoremyasphalt.com 306 W. Minnesota | Spring Valley, IL Call for your free estimate today! HEATING & PLUMBING, INC. Grasser’s services include: Plumbing • Heating • Air Conditioning Appliances • Fireplaces • Generators Water Softeners • Geo-Thermal For all of your New Construction & Remodeling needs. We also service & install everything we sell! 404 W. Main St. • McNabb, IL 815-882-2111 $eth Braun Automotive KOHN’S ELECTRICAL SERVICES Automotive Repair and more! Collision repair, road calls, towing I buy vehicles in any condition 1555 Key Court Varna, IL 61375 Mobile: 815-878-KOHN (5646) Home: 309-463-2331 Seth Braun Owner 517 North Main Lacon, IL 61540 (309) 397-6276 sethmoney@hotmail.com Residential and Commercial Electric 15 years experience Free Estimates Odd Job Carpentry Tile Work Demolition Handyman Service Now serving Lake Wildwood! Plumbing Drywall Clean Up Electrical Painting Put Up/Take Down Call Dave today and your problems go away! 847-204-2074 (cell) 10% off labor for first time customer! 16 SUNBEAM | JULY 2012 BAUM CONSTRUCTION INC. Ulrich Motors... Serving the area for 60 years! General Contractors New Construction & Remodeling ULRICH Ken Baum 815/257-3700 Todd Baum 309/463-2736 www.ulrichmotor.com For 60 years, Ulrich Motor has provided quality service and customer satisfaction. At Ulrich Motors we treat you like family. Ulrich Motors, where our customers make the deal. ULRICH 60 th Anniversary GM Certified Used Vehicles come with a 2-year/30,000 mile Standard Certified Pre-Owned Maintenance Plan. Get the details at Ulrich Motors. CHEVROLET Bill Baum 309-248-7527 WASHBURN, IL Email: ulrichmo@frontier.com SUNBEAM | JULY 2012 TOLL-FREE 1-800-851-7603 Website: www.ulrichmotor.com 17 Information: Open to all Lake Wildwood amateur photographers and their family. (Contest not open to Sunbeam Committee members or liaison). Cash prizes awarded to 1st and 2nd in each category. Ribbons award to 3rd place in each category, to honorable mentions and for 'peoples choice' selections. Photos will be displayed and judged on Friday, August 31st at a Wine & Cheese Reception for all members. All winning photographs will be published in the October Sunbeam. Photos become the property of the Sunbeam Committee. Photos are subject to return at the end of the contest at the discretion of the Sunbeam Committee. Photos can be retrieved at the office after September 15th. Entry Form Categories & Rules: 1) 2) 3) 4) Lake Wildwood Nature, Wildlife & Landscape People & Activities Black & White (any subject) Juniors (14 years and under) - Any Category HENRY STATE BANK Visit our four ATM locations » Henry State Bank » Caseys in Henry » Route 17 & 29, Sparland » Henry Fast Stop Only one photo in each category may be submitted. Photos may be from any type of camera. Photo size must be: 8" x 10". All photos must be submitted with a mat. PHONE (309) 364-2302 PO Box 207 Henry, IL 61537 Deadline: Friday, August 27th 2012 MEMBER FDIC Due to the Office no later than 2:00p.m. Select Category: Lake Wildwood Nature, Wildlife & Landscape People & Activities Black & White (any subject) Juniors (14 years and under) - Any Category A separate form is required for each photo submitted. Additional forms may be picked up at the Office. Name: Phone: Address or Lot: I understand that photos become the property of the Sunbeam Committee. Photos are subject to return at the end of the contest at the discretion of the Sunbeam Committee. Signature: McNabb Motorsports 211 Railroad St. McNabb, IL 61335-0114 815-882-2500 Sales & Service on all Makes and Models Custom Services Available KEN O’MARA BOB’S DRYWALL, PAINT, ETC • Drywall - Painting • Texturing • Plaster Repair • All Types Remodeling 19 Aztec Circle Putnam, IL 61560 815-342-1385 bcmolik@yahoo.com 430 Edward Street Henry, Illinois 61537 Phone: 309-364-2186 Don Schoof - Owner Call Today For A Free Estimate 24 Hour Service 708-699-8154 Local #134 IBEW OAK FOREST COINS Gold & Silver • Coins • Currency • Jewelry & Firearms vinkken2@sbcglobal.net BUY, SELL, TRADE CONSIGNMENTS Classic Floor Covering COIN APPRAISALS INDIVIDUALS ENERGY SPECIALISTS CO • Heating • Air Conditioning • Plumbing • Electrical • Indoor Air Quality WOOD CARE Wood Cleaning & Preserving 815-431-1324 www.sprayawaywoodcare.com 1229 Tower Drive, Ottawa IL 61350 Jim Rodeghier Escape Escape 22 Varna’s 1st & Only Boat & Mini Storage Pontoon Boat owners we can store your 24’ Pontoon inside if your overall dimension from prop to hitch is under 29’ long, our doors are 10’ wide and 10’ high. Rent the space year-round to store your trailer plus lots of other stuff and we’ll give you a heck of a discount. Act now the spaces are filling fast! Lower Your Utility Costs Lic 055-019970 224 N. Main Toluca, IL 61369 1-800-782-7491 A Vintage Venue Antiques & More 126 S. LaSalle Ave. P.O. Box 86 Ladd, IL 61329 (815) 894-8038 www.avintagevenue.com Call for details 309-256-5103 River City Septic & Excavating We Extend A Cordial Invitation to All Lake Wildwood Sunbeam Readers To Visit Us For Complete Banking Services The Most Complete Septic Contractors Marshall County State Bank Aqua Safe Aerobics with Industry Leading 5 yr. Warranty Septic Tank Pumping & Cleaning • Lots Cleared • Complete Septic & Sewer Repair & Liscensed Septic Inspections • Sand filter & Seepage Bed Installation & Repair • Camera & Tank Locating • Basements Dug/All Type Excavating Varna, Illinois 61375 Hours: Mon-Thurs 9:00am - 3:00pm Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm Lobby Hours on Saturday 8:30am - 11:30am (309) 463-2037 Toll Free 1-888-711-6376 Email: cliff@rivercityseptic.com 309-463-2772 or 309-251-2020 MEMBER FDIC Get The Service Locally owned & operated You Deserve! Licensed & Insured - Lic 049019425 mcsb@varnabank.com 18 SUNBEAM | JULY 2012 BULLETIN BOARD Lake Wildwood Parade Lake Wildwood Fireworks Pool Party Lake Wildwood Garage Sale Saturday, July 7th Saturday, July 7th Saturday, July 21st Starting at 10:00a.m. Starting at dusk located at the Lake Wildwood Dam. Friday, July 20th at the Lake Wildwood Pool Summer Weekend Coffee Help Wanted! August Corn Boil Weekends at the Pavilion Host needed for the August Corn Boil; event will be canceled if there is no volunteer. Saturday & Sunday 8:00a.m. - 10:00a.m. 7:00p.m. to 9:00p.m. Ages thru 14 y/o. 8a.m. to 4p.m. out of your own garage. Water Aerobics Lake Wildwood Pool E.C.C. Position Open Come join us for water aerobics at the pool! Monday thru Friday 11:00a.m. - Noon 463-2047 ext. 1 Contractor List We are continuing a Contractor List in our paper for contractors who wish to advertise. The listing does not imply workmanship. General Contractor Baum Construction — (815) 257-3700 Hart Construction — (309) 463-2773 Standring Roofing & Construction — (309) 463-2169 Winkler Construction — (309) 248-7597 Cement or Concrete B&M Concrete — (815) 488-7210 or (815) 488-7212 Hart Construction — (309) 463-2773 Kuypers Brothers, Inc — (708) 516-6320 or (708) 479-0500 Construction - Marine (dock/lift/shorewall) Double R (Steel Shorewalls & Boathouses) — (217) 454-5656 G&H Marine, Inc. — (217) 423-6684 Electrical ESCO-Energy Specialists — (815) 452-2332 Kohn’s Electrical Service — (309) 463-2331 TNT Electric — (815) 866-8557 Toliver & Sons — (309) 248-7101 Excavating/Trucking CS Construction — (309) 246-3979 or (309) 303-4860 Edward D. Hartwig — (309) 364-3672 Hart Construction — (309) 463-2773 James Maupin Trucking & Excavating — (309) 238-0364 or (309) 364-2472 John Maubach Trucking & Excavating — (309) 238-8785 or (309) 364-2956 R & B Construction (Excavating) — (618) 428-5432 or (217) 972-8880 River City & Dunlap Septic & Excavating — (309) 463-2772 Heating/Plumbing ESCO-Energy Specialists — (815) 452-2332 Grassers Plumbing — (815) 882-2111 Kroeschen Plumbing & Heating — (815) 452-2312 Landscaping/Lawn Care Chris McFadden The Yard Butler — (309) 463-2514 or (815) 481-9273 Danchris Nursery — (815) 672-8135 JMB Lawn Care — (309) 432-3200 Rick Jesse — (309) 463-2728 Ulrich Lawn Care — (309) 248-7450 Lot Mowing Lake Wildwood Association — (309) 463-2047 Rick Jesse — (309) 463-2728 Miscellaneous Building Custom Canvas Company (Awning & Boat Cover) — (815) 869-3606 Sunburst Garage Doors & Construction — (309) 696-7409 Lake Wildwood Lot 132For sale by owner. Facing the Lake & Clubhouse. Call 425-788-9327 or email benrunez@yahoo.com for more information. $38,500.00. Lot for sale or trade - wooded lake front, call 847-823-0808. AKC registered chocolate lab will soon be having a litter of puppies. Litter is due to arrive around June 10th & puppies will be ready to go to their new homes aprox. 6-8wks later (late July). Prices: males are $400 with a $200 deposit. Females are $450 with a $225 deposit. Both parents scored excellent on OFA certification (hips excellent, elbows normal). Contact: Bob Hamilton (309) 463-2490; Please leave a message if I do not answer. Email: bhamilton1466@ gmail.com. Thanks! Lake Lot 496 (for sale by owner). Must see, very buildable with minimal stairs, 75’ frontage, over 300’ deep, private beach area, $147,900. Call 708-479-5737 or 708-805-8085. Lot 126 Clubhouse Drive for sale by owner. Beautiful lot with lake view located near lodge, beach, pool, etc. $21,500 OBO. Call 573-898-5857. 2002 E-Z-GO Golf Cart for sale. Contact Joe Rutgens at (815) 252-3555. STICKEL LANDSCAPES, Inc. • Landscape Design • Installation • Retaining Walls • Tree Trimming & Removal • Certified Arborist Matt C. Stickel - (309) 261-7042 Tree Climber Fully Insured - Free Estimates www.stickellandscapes.com Free Estimates Fully Insured Reasonable Rates TRUCKING & EXCAVATING Skid Steer - Mini-Excavator - Bulldozer Hydro-Seeder - Dump Truck Septic Edward D. Hartwig — (309) 364-3672 James Maupin Trucking & Excavating — (309) 238-0364 or (309) 364-2472 John Maubach Trucking & Excavating — (309) 238-8785 or (309) 364-2956 River City & Dunlap Septic & Excavating — (309) 463-2772 White Rock - Black Dirt - Gravel Lot Clearing - Site-Prep. - Trenching - Concrete Removal New Yards - Snow Removal Roto-Tilling - Yard Rolling - Seeding Surveying Illinois Valley Surveying & Consultants, Inc — (815) 925-7511 McClure Engineering Associates, Inc — (815) 433-2080 Water Softeners, Filtration and Bottled Water Delivery Kanive Soft Water Supply - John Bayler — (309) 246-7015 The E.C.C. is looking to add one more individual to the committee. Please contact the Lake Wildwood Office if interested in the position. Lake Wildwood Classified Ads Painting Baldwin Painting & Finish Contr. — (815) 257-2823 or (815) 452-2677 Shawn's Painting Service — (309) 238-2667 Sand & Gravel James Maupin Trucking & Excavating — (309) 238-0364 or (309) 364-2472 John Maubach Trucking & Excavating — (309) 238-8785 or (309) 364-2956 River City & Dunlap Septic & Excavating — (309) 463-2772 Wildwood & Tanglewood NICK KLEIN - OWNER SUNBEAM | JULY 2012 309-712-5154 Cell 19 JULY Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday Thursday Friday Independence Day 4 6 5 10 9 11 Marshall Putnam Fair 12 Marshall Putnam Fair 13 Marshall Putnam Fair 15 16 Sunbeam Deadline 17 23 18 20 19 Pool Party Potluck Sunbeam 22 24 30 14 Marshall Putnam Fair 21 25 26 27 Meeting/Event CP&A ECC Campground Recreation Coffee Time & Location 1:00pm in the Office 9:00am in the Office 10:00am at Campground 4:30pm in the Office Next meeting in August Board of Directors Sunbeam Finance Potluck 9:00am in the Lodge 1:00pm in the Office 8:00am in the Office 6:00pm at the Lodge Bunco & Cards NRC Lakes & Dams 6:30pm in the Lodge 10:30am in the Office 9:00am in the Office Hostess: Annabelle Giles Garage Sale Finance Bunco & Cards 29 7 Board of Directors CP&A Marshall Putnam Fair Parade Fireworks ECC Campground Recreation 8 Saturday Notes & Reminders 28 Marshall - Putnam Fair- Wednesday, July 11th to Sunday, July 15th. Lakes & Dams NRC For more info., visit: http://www.marshallputnamfair.org/ 31 Pool Party- Friday, July 20th starting at 7:00p.m. Garage Sale- Saturday, July 21st starting at 8:00a.m. AUGUST Sunday 5 Monday Tuesday 7 6 Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 3 2 Coffee CP&A 8 9 13 10 14 20 15 Sunbeam Deadline 27 16 Potluck 21 22 27 Photo Contest Deadline 28 29 18 Finance 23 24 30 Meeting/Event CP&A ECC Campground Recreation Coffee Time & Location 1:00pm in the Office 9:00am in the Office 10:00am at Campground 4:30pm in the Office 9:30am at the Lodge Board of Directors Sunbeam Finance Potluck 9:00am in the Lodge 1:00pm in the Office 8:00am in the Office 6:00pm at the Lodge Bunco & Cards NRC Lakes & Dams 6:30pm in the Lodge 10:30am in the Office 9:00am in the Office Notes & Reminders 25 Photo Contest- August 27th is the deadline for the Sunbeam Photo Contest. Lakes & Dams NRC Bunco & Cards 26 11 Board of Directors Sunbeam 19 4 ECC Campground Recreation 12 Saturday 31 HELPFUL INFORMATION Association Office Hours - 8:00a.m. to 4:30p.m., Monday - Friday 8:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. on Saturday Telephone - (309) 463-2047 Extensions - 1 Office, 2 Guardhouse 3 Maintenance, 4 Marina Fax - (309) 463-2085 Website - http://www.lake-wildwood.com New to Lake Wildwood? If you are a new homeowner living in Lake Wildwood, please call one of the ladies on the Welcome Committee. We would like to give you a bag of “goodies” and information about the Lakes and surrounding community. We hope you have many happy memories here as your journey in life continues. Contact Betty Pollack at 463-2606 or Gwen Wassilak at 463-2645. Advertise Online Annual billing of $60.00 for the 2012 year. For more information, please call the Lake Wildwood Office at (309) 463-2047, extension 1. Don’t Move Firewood Our forests are threatened by nonnative insects that can kill large numbers of trees. Three recently introduced insects -- emerald ash borer, Asian longhorned beetle and sirex woodwasp -- are woodinfesting species that can be transported long distances in firewood. Once transported into new areas, these insects can become established and kill local trees. How you can help: • Leave firewood at home. • Use firewood from local sources. • If you have moved firewood, burn all of it before leaving your campsite. SUNBEAM | JULY 2012 Key Issuance Policy Keys may be signed out to members for access to the following facilities: West Beach Restrooms and Emergency Equipment Cabinet, East Beach Restrooms and Emergency Equipment Cabinet, Tennis Courts, Lodge, Fish Cleaning Disposal and Campground Equipment Shed. Members signing out keys are responsible for use and re-securing the area. Keys must be returned the same day as sign out. Address & Telephone Numbers If you have a change of address or telephone number, please forward that information to the Lake Wildwood Office.
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