O Gênero conto de fadas em aulas de Língua Inglesa no Ensino
O Gênero conto de fadas em aulas de Língua Inglesa no Ensino
Versão On-line ISBN 978-85-8015-075-9 Cadernos PDE OS DESAFIOS DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA PARANAENSE NA PERSPECTIVA DO PROFESSOR PDE Produções Didático-Pedagógicas SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DO PARANÁ SUPERINTENDÊNCIA DA EDUCAÇÃO DEPARTAMENTO DE POLÍTICAS E PROGRAMAS EDUCACIONAIS COORDENAÇÃO ESTADUAL DO PDE REJANE LOPES BITTENCOURT YUZAWA UNIDADE DIDÁTICA O GÊNERO CONTO DE FADAS EM AULAS DE LÍNGUA INGLESA NO ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL: RESGATE DO IMAGINÁRIO ARAPOTI - PR 2013 PRODUÇÃO DIDÁTICO-PEDAGÓGICA TÍTULO: O GÊNERO CONTO DE FADAS EM AULAS DE LÍNGUA INGLESA NO ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL: RESGATE DO IMAGINÁRIO Autor Disciplina/Área Escola de Implementação do Projeto Localização Rejane Lopes Bittencourt Yuzawa Língua Inglesa Colégio Estadual João Paulo II Rua: José Izidorio da Silva, 478 – Vila Bamerindus Município da escola Núcleo Regional de Educação Professor Orientador Instituição de Ensino Superior Resumo Arapoti Wenceslau Braz Evanir Pavloski UEPG Nas aulas de Língua Inglesa muitas vezes percebe-se alunos desmotivados em aprender o idioma. Baseando-se nas ideias de autores como Bruno Bettelheim, Nelly Novaes Coelho e Maria Tatar que se referem à questão do gênero conto de fadas, objetiva-se com esse trabalho apresentar uma alternativa para motivar o processo de ensino aprendizagem em Língua Inglesa com alunos do 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental através do resgate do imaginário. O incentivo ao habito da leitura de contos de fadas em língua Inglesa com materiais que propiciem ambientação e motivação com foco no desenvolvimento de listening poderá intervir nas práticas pedagógicas do professor e tecer reflexões que poderão contribuir para o ensino aprendizagem dessa língua. Por intermédio das histórias pode-se criar um contexto para assimilação de vocabulário, estruturas gramaticais e/ou pronúncia. Por já conhecerem esses textos em Língua Portuguesa ficará mais fácil de entender o sentido geral e reconhecer sons, estruturas e ritmos diferentes da Língua inglesa. conto de fadas; motivação; aprendizagem. Unidade didática Alunos do 6° ano – ensino Fundamental Palavras-chave Formato do Material Didático Público Alvo APRESENTAÇÃO O gênero conto de fadas em aulas de Língua Inglesa no Ensino fundamental: Resgate do imaginário é uma sequência didática apresentada à SEED, como material resultante do PDE (Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional), em Língua Estrangeira Moderna Inglês, através da IES (Instituição de Ensino Superior) UEPG (Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa) e foi produzida de acordo com as orientações contidas nas Diretrizes Curriculares de Língua Estrangeira Moderna para o Ensino Fundamental. Esta sequência didática foi elaborada para o 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental e contém atividades que correspondem a carga horária de 32 horas/aula. Com esse trabalho espera-se mostrar a importância de resgatar o imaginário dos alunos do 6º ano do ensino fundamental através do gênero conto de fadas e consequentemente através de praticas diferenciadas, melhorar a aprendizagem em Língua Inglesa. Trabalhar com os contos de fadas: “ Beauty and the Beast”, Snow White and the seven dwarfs” and “Puss in Boots” como uma alternativa para tornar as aulas mais interessantes e atrativas e para que alunos e professores interajam ativamente no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. JUSTIFICATIVA A escolha desse tema foi motivada por observações feitas em aulas de Língua Inglesa no Colégio Estadual João Paulo II. Comumente quando os alunos chegam ao 6° ano do ensino fundamental eles se mostram motivados em aprender uma nova língua e muitas vezes acabam se decepcionando pela forma como o conteúdo lhes é apresentado, contribuindo para que haja possibilidade deles perderem o interesse no aprendizado. Trabalhar de maneira lúdica com o gênero textual conto de fadas e criar um ambiente propício para que o aluno não perca a motivação no ensino-aprendizagem de Língua Inglesa é o foco desse projeto. 6. OBJETIVO GERAL E ESPECÍFICOS Objetivo geral: Motivar o processo de aprendizagem na língua inglesa através do gênero conto de fadas; Objetivos específicos: Expandir o vocabulário sobre contos de fadas; Motivar a imaginação e a criatividade através da leitura de contos de fadas; Proporcionar aos alunos ouvir, em inglês, histórias que são conhecidas em sua língua materna; Socializar os conhecimentos adquiridos durante o processo de ensinoaprendizagem; Trabalhar a gramática inserida no texto de forma contextualizada; Apresentação do tema: “Once upon a time...” “And they lived happily ever after.....” Sugestão para o professor: Pergunte aos alunos se eles sabem o que essas frases significam e do que eles se lembram quando as ouvem. Eles provavelmente dirão que essas frases os faz lembrar dos contos de fadas (Fairy Tales), se você mostrar as imagens ficará mais fácil. Caso ninguém adivinhe, conduza a conversa até que esse gênero literário seja mencionado. Depois de mencionado o título contos de fadas, pergunte aos alunos quais os contos de fadas eles conhecem. Comente com eles sobre as expressões “Once upon a time...” e “...and they lived happily ever after.” Após uma breve conversa distribua a eles uma breve definição sobre o que significa o gênero conto de fadas. What is a fairy tale in your opinion? FAIRY TALES Fairy tales is a type of a short story that typically features folkloric fantasy characters. In these stories we meet , princes, dragons, . and giants and , ogres, princesses, and sometimes Fairy tales is a type of short story that typically features folkloric fantasy characters. In these stories we meet witches and queens, giants and elves, princes, dragons, talking animals, ogres, princesses, and sometimes even fairies. Marvelous and magical things happen to characters in fairy tales. A boy may become a bird. A princess may sleep for a hundred years. A seal may become a girl. Objects too can be enchanted — mirrors talk, pumpkins become carriages, and a lamp may be home to a genie. What are the characteristics of a fairy tale? teacher.scholastic.com/writewit/mff/fairytales_discovering.h What are the characteristics that envolve a fairy tale? • • • • • • • • The beginning starts with “Once upon a time”; Enchantment (magic); Some form of royalty; A wicked character A kind character (that is usually treated badly). Goodness rewarded in the end The Prince and Princess are always beauties; The story ending in "they lived happily ever after". (library.thinkquest.org/TQ0310228/what1.htm - 5k acesso em 03/08/2013) O professor deverá proporcionar aos alunos a possibilidade de expressão oral com intuito de relembrar os contos de fadas que conhecem. Para tanto, realizará um trabalho dirigido, escrevendo no quadro os títulos dos contos mais famosos. Em seguida, fará a seguinte abordagem: Desses contos, quais vocês conhecem? Quem lembra a historia de pelo menos um desses contos? E os personagens, quem são? Como termina a história? Some fairy tales Jack and the Beanstalk Little Red Riding Hood Puss in Boots Snow White Beauty and the Beast Goldilocks and the Three Bears The Three Little pigs Rapunzel Aplicar o exercício abaixo em duplas ou trios. A- Fairy tale quiz Choose the correct answers with a partner. 1) Who says ‘I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down’? A) a giant B) a wolf C) a witch 2) Snow White eats a poisoned: A) apple B) orange C) banana 3) Cinderella wears shoes made of: A) glass B) gold C) silk 4) Rapunzel has very long: A) nails B) eyelashes C) hair 5) How many bears did Goldilocks meet? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 Cinderella B- Match the Picture below with its character: a) b) c) d) e) f) a) ( ) Snow White b) ( ) Cinderella c) ( ) Little red riding hood d) ( ) Puss in Boots e) ( ) Beauty and the Beast f) ) Jack and the Beanstalk ( Antes da introdução do conto Snow White falar alguma coisa sobre os irmãos Grimm. Do you know the Grimm Brothers ? The Brothers Grimm were born in Hanau, Germany. Jacob was born on the 4th of January 1785 and Wilhelm - on the 24th of February 1786. They studied German folklore and oral traditions, publishing a collection of stories eventually known as Grimms’ Fairy Tales which includes narratives like Snow White and Beauty and the Beast. www.biography.com Grimm fairy tales include stories of kings, magic, and talking animals. Even though the stories are sometimes scary, fairy tales allow us to work through our fears. They often teach us a lesson about moral values, and right and wrong. www.grimmfairytales.com/en/bio Atividade para introdução do conto: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. DOMINO PRINCESS CASTLE START www.pinturaemtecido.net.br QUEEN casadedesigner.blogspot.com HUNTER www.colorir-e-pintar.com MIRROR 4.bp.blogspot.com HEART desenhoparacolorir.net WWW.guianews.net HOUSE DWARFS baudaweb.blogspot.com encantosdoconto.blogsp acesso 15/08/2013 OLD WOMAN APPLE br.hellokids.com DEAD PRINCE FINISH br.guiainfantil.com pintandoecolorindo.com.br First Fairy Tale: “ Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” http://www.obsessedwithfilm.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/snow-whiteseven-dwarfs8.jpeg ( acesso em 15/08/2013) Colocar no Cd a história para os alunos ouvirem e depois trabalhar com partes da história contemplando os diálogos. Activities: 1- Fairy Tale book report: Fairy Tale______________Author_____________________________ Main Characters__________________________________________ Grammar points What is the conflict or problem in this fairy tale?__________________________________________________ What did the main character have to do in order to solve the problem? Antes de começar a passar partes da história, distribuir a fotocópia e explicar sobre o presente simples na forma afirmativa dos verbos: To be, To have, To say e to Love. Simple Present: Affirmative Form To Be (ser/estar) To have (ter) To say (dizer) to Love (amar) To Marry (casar) I am I have I say I love I marry You are You have You say You love You marry He is He has he says He loves He marries She is she has She says she loves She marries It is It has It says It loves It marries We are We have We say We love We marry You are You have You say You love You marry They are They have They say They love They marry 1-The first part of the fairy tale: …in a small country, the Queen has a baby. Everyone is very happy. The baby has got pink cheeks and black hair. Her skin is very white. So the King and the Queen say: _Let’s call her Snow White. But Snow White’s mother gets ill and dies. The king is very sad. He says: _ I must find a new mother for Snow White. A year later, he marries a new queen. But the new queen is not a good woman. She doesn’t love Snow White. A) Circle the words that you know the meaning. B) Copy three phrases with the verb to be and underline them. C) Find the sentences bellow in English. C.1)A rainha tem um bebê._____________________________ C.2)Então o rei e a rainha disseram:______________________ C.3)Um ano mais tarde, ele casou com uma nova rainha. C.4)Ela não amava Branca de Neve.______________________ 2-The second part of the fairy tale: The Queen wants to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Every day she asks her magic mirror: _Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the world? The mirror says: _You are, dear Queen. Now snow White is 13 years old. She is very beautiful. One day the queen asks magic mirror: _Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the world? The mirror says: _Snow White is the most beautiful woman in the world. The queen is very angry. She speaks to a hunter. _You must kill snow White! She says: _Take her into the forest. Then bring me her heart! A) Read this part to the students. B) Ask volunteers to dramatize the Queen and the Mirror. O professor sempre estará auxiliando na tradução das perguntas, visto que estaremos trabalhando com 6° ano. 3-The third part of the story: Verb to be (ser/ estar) Grammar points Negative Form I am not He is not You are not You are not She is not They are not It is not …Snow white wakes up and she sees the seven dwarfs. They are smiling and Snow White isn’t afraid. She tells them about the bad queen and the hunter. The dwarfs say: _You mustn’t go back to the palace. You must stay here with us. Snow White says: A) Copy the sentences in the negative form. _Oh, you!. willthe cook and clean for you. You will be happy. 4- Thethank fourth partI of story: Opposites: contrary to one another or to a thing Grammar points specified: ex: happy / sad. The bad Queen is in her palace. She asks her magic mirror; _ “Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the world? The mirror says: _Snow White is the most beautiful woman in the world. She is happy. She will marry the prince. The queen is very angry. She breaks the mirror… A) Match the opposites: a) Beautiful ( ) sad b) happy ( ) ugly c) angry ( ) calm 5- Activities about the story: 1- Listen, Read and circle: a) The ( horse/ house) belonged to seven dwarfs. (Every / One day) the dwarfs went to the mountain looking (for/ at) gold. (At/That) night they finished their (work/ walk) and came home. b) Yes she is (very/ nearly) beautiful! They said, Shhh! Don’t (wake/work) her. c) In the morning, Snow White (told/sold) them her story. (“Stop/Stay) here with us”, said the dwarfs. “The Queen is a (very/heavy) dangerous woman. You can never go back to your castle (now/no)”. Discutir com os alunos a mensagem do conto. Para isso, o professor pode apresentar a moralidade que aparece em uma das versões do conto. Eles deverão perceber que cada conto de fada possui uma mensagem, uma "lição de vida", ao final da história. 6- What is the message of the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”? “Beauty on the inside is most important - Snow White is beautiful and also a lovely person, the witch was also beautiful but a mean and nasty person.” Second fairy tale: “Beauty and the Beast” 1. Play the videoclip Beauty and the Beast (by Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson) available at: http://youtu.be/r1b8E-_Doqc so the students be aware of the tale to be worked on. "The most beautiful love story ever told." "Tale as old as time True as it can be Barely even friends Then somebody bends Unexpectedly Just a little change Small, to say the least Both a little scared Neither one prepared Beauty and the Beast 2. Hand the students the text below so to verify what they remember from the tale. The magical story of a smart young girl named Beauty, who, through great misfortune, finds herself living in a palace with a grotesque beast. Will Beauty ever escape the palace? Will she and the beast ever be able to get along? 3. Write on the board the name of the story and make some comments in Portuguese with the students. Beauty and the Beast 4. Make the students listen to the story in English and follow it along with the text: Let’s listen together Beauty and the Beast Once upon a time there was a trader that lived with his daughter. Her name was Beauty. She was a beautiful and intelligent young lady and she liked books. One day, Beauty’s father was returning from a very long trip and took the wrong way. It got dark and he noticed that he was lost. He rode his horse until he got to a castle that seemed to be abandoned. He went into the castle to shelter himself. The next day, he saw that the castle had a beautiful garden. He picked a flower to give it to Beauty. Suddenly, an enormous beast showed up and said: _You invaded my castle and stole a rose from my garden. Because of this, you’ll my prisoner… The trader said: _I ask your pardon. I didn’t know that this castle had an owner and the rose was a gift to my daughter! But the beast was furious and decided to arrest the man. Then, the man said: _Let me see my daughter one more time. The beast allowed him to leave. When he arrived home, the trader told Beauty everything, that had happened, hugged her and said goodbye. And beauty decided to go to the beast’s castle with her father. When they arrived at the castle, Beauty said to the beast; _Let my father go away because he is very old and sick. I’ll be your prisoner. Beauty’s father didn’t want her to stay at the beast’s castle but the beast agreed to the proposal. As time passed, Beauty realized that the beast was kind and gentle despite being ugly. They played in the garden, talked and read books together, every day. One day the beast saw that Beauty was very sad. She missed her father a lot. The beast loved Beauty and didn’t want her to be unhappy. So he let Beauty go. Beauty decided to visit her father and stay with him for many days. When Beauty returned to the castle she found the beast very ill. Beauty was scared and said; _Beast ! I am back. Don’t die ! I Love you! She hugged and kissed the beast on the face. At that moment the beast turned into a beautiful prince. He told Beauty that he had been bewitched and only a love kiss could set him free. As the spell was broken, Beauty and the beast got married and they lived happily ever after. (texto adaptado www.claranto.com.br). 5. Choose from the dialogues parts to be read to the students so they can highlight them in the text. Oraly practice those phrases in order to enhance listening. Ask for volunteers to dramatize some of the situations. Volunteers, please! a) Once upon a time there was a trader that lived with his daughter. Her name was Beauty. She was a beautiful and intelligent young lady and she liked books. b) Suddenly, an enormous beast showed up and said: _You invaded my castle and stole a rose from my garden. Because of this, you’ll my prisoner… c) _I ask your pardon. I didn’t know that this castle had an owner and the rose was a gift to my daughter! d) Then, the man said: _Let me see my daughter one more time. e) _Let my father go away because he is very old and sick. I’ll be your prisoner. f) One day the beast saw that Beauty was very sad. She missed her father a lot. The beast loved Beauty and didn’t want her to be unhappy. So he let Beauty go. g) _Beast ! I am back. Don’t die ! I Love you! 6. Perform the activity known as “Silly stories”, exchanging parts of the sentences so they sound funny. The students then have to scream: “Silly!” when they hear the difference. After doing that, hand the students a sheet with the sentences to be corrected by the couple. Silly words! a) Once upon a time there was a baby…(trader) b) One day, Beauty’s farm was returning from a very long trip…(father) c) He rode his pig until he got to a castle that seemed to be abandoned. (horse) d) I ask your passion ... (pardon) e) At that moment the beast turned into a beautiful frog… (prince) 7. The teacher picks and reads some sentences out of the tale and then asks the students to identify whose saying are those. Who’s speaking? a) Once upon a time there was a trader that lived with his daughter. Her name was Beauty. She was a beautiful and intelligent young lady and she liked books. b) Suddenly, an enormous beast showed up and said: c) _You invaded my castle and stole a rose from my garden. Because of this, you’ll my prisoner… d)_I ask your pardon. I didn’t know that this castle had an owner and the rose was a gift to my daughter! e) _Let me see my daughter one more time. f) _Let my father go away because he is very old and sick. I’ll be your prisoner. g) One day the beast saw that Beauty was very sad. She missed her father a lot. The beast loved Beauty and didn’t want her to be unhappy. So he let Beauty go. h) _Beast ! I am back. Don’t die ! I Love you! 8. Antonyms: Let’s connect the antonyms!! Match the antonyms: Bad Beautiful Ugly Big Small Good Sad Interesting Boring Happy 9. Listen to the song again and do the exercises: Beauty and the Beast 10. Circle the words from the song that you understand. Time Beautiful Cry Friends Eyes Song Little Ugly 11. Add other words from the song: 12. Complete the sentences below with words from the chart. good long little nice bad interesting sad romantic short happy a) The history is ____________________________. b) The songs are ___________________________. c) The Beauty is _______________________. d) The Beast is ___________________. Sun 13. What is the message of the fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast”? Is it positive or negative? Beauty and the Beast beautifully is a perfect example of how true beauty lies within; it’s more than a person’s physical appearance. This classic story is full of colorful illustrations, interactive elements, and original sound effects that will inspire even the youngest of children. This beautiful love story between a sweet, gentle girl and terrible beast posses a great question: Is the Beast truly so terrible? Behind his intimidating appearance lies a huge heart and great tenderness for this young girl. Third fairy tale “Puss in Boots” A- Do you know the story Puss in Boots? Distribuir o resumo da história em inglês para os alunos e fazer a tradução junto com eles. Sempre incentivando-os a ajudar baseando-se nas palavras que eles conhecem. A-Summary of the story: The tale begins with a poor man who is given a cat by his father. The talking cat helps his master by gaining the king’s favour. First he catches a rabbit and takes it to the king, saying that it is a gift from his master. Then, by cunning, he manages to get some fine clothes for his master, and finally a castle. The king is convinced that Puss-in-Boots’s master is worthy of his daughter’s hand, and the tale ends with a wedding. B- It’ll be introduced a video: “Puss in Boots”. Available in: http://youtu.be/OvEKFas9SC4 acesso em 24/09/2013 Passar o vídeo e indagar se os alunos conseguiram acompanhar , incentivá-los a comentar a história. Depois falar alguma coisa sobre o autor. C- About the author Puss-in-Boots is the well-known fairy-tale about the ingenious cat and his master. The original tale – Le maistre chat, ou le chat botté – was written by Charles Perrault and was first published in 1697. Charles Perrault (1628-1703) is thought to be the author of many other well-known fairy tales. Among those attributed to him are Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood, and others. D- Listen the story in Cd and recognize the parts: Once upon a time . . . a miller has got three sons. He has got a mill, a donkey and a cat, too. One day, the miller PUSS IN BOOTS dies. His first son gets the mill, his second son gets the donkey and his third son gets the cat. The third son is sad: -What are we going to do, Puss? We haven’t got any Puss says: _Don’t worry. Give me some boots and some clothes and I Will help you The miller’son gives the cat some boots and some clothes. The cat put them on. Now he is Puss in Boots! Puss in Boots goes into the forest and he catches a rabbit. Puss in Boots puts the rabbit in a sack and He goes to the King’s castle. He talks to the King. _This rabbit is a present for you from my master. He says. _Who is the master? Ask king. Puss in Boots wants an important name for the miller’s son. _His name is the Marquis of Carabas! He says. The king likes the present. Every day, puss in Boots gives a present to the King and every day he says the present is from the Marquis of Carabas. The King has got a carriage and two horses. One day, the king and his daughter go on a trip in the carriage. Puss in boots has an Idea. _Go into the river and wash. He says to his master. The miller’s son goes into the river. Puss in Boots hides his master’s clothes behind a tree. The King and the princess see the miller’s son in the river. _Help! Shouts Puss in Boots. _The Marquis of Carabas is in the river. He can’t swim! The King remembers the presents. __I Must help him. He says The King gives the miller’s son some beautiful clothes. The miller’s son is handsome. He looks like a marquis! The miller’s son rides in the carriage with the King and the princess. The princess likes the miller’s son. _What’s your name? She asks. -I’m the Marquis of Carabas. He answers. Puss in Boots runs in front of the carriage. He sees a big field. A peasant and his family are working in the field. The field belongs to a big bad giant. The giant has got lots of fields and servants. _I’m Puss in boots. My master is the Marquis of Carabas. The king is coming. Please tell him that this field belongs to the Marquis of Carabas. Puss in boots says to the peasant. The King sees the big Field. _Whose field is this? It’s beautiful. He says. _It belongs to the Marquis of Carabas. Say the peasants. The King smiles. The marquis of Carabas feels happy. He has got a clever cat. Puss in Boots runs in front of the carriage again. He sees a big castle. The castle belongs to the big bad giant. Puss in boots has an idea. He will trick the giant. Puss in boots knocks on the big door. The giant opens the door. -What do you want, little cat? Shouts the Giant. _I want to meet you because you are very clever. Says Puss in Boots. _I know you can do magic. Can you become a lion? _Of course, I can! Shouts the Giant. The big bad Giant says magic words. Suddenly, he becomes a lion! He is a big terrible lion! Puss in Boots is afraid of the lion. Poor Puss in boots is shaking. The giant says some more magic words. No he is a giant again. _That was easy. You are big and a Lion is big. Can you become a little mouse? Puss in Boots asks the giant. _Of course, I can. Shouts the giant. The big, bad giant says some magic words again. Suddenly, he becomes a mouse. He is a very little mouse. Puss in Boots is fast. He jumps and catches the mouse. Then he eats it! Nobody sees the giant again. All the servants in the castle are happy. _Thank you, little cat. They say. _I’m Puss in Boots. My master is the Marquis of Carabás. He’s a good man and he will help you. Says Puss in boots. _Let’s tell the King that the castle belongs to the Marquis of Carabas. When the King arrives at the castle, Puss in Boots opens the door. The servants make a wonderful dinner. The King is happy. _The Marquis of Carabas is a good man and he is very rich, too. He thinks. The Marquis of Carabas likes the princess. She’s beautiful. The princess likes the Marquis of Carabas. They are in love! _I love your daughter. I want to marry her.The Marquis of Carabas says to the King. The King looks at the princess. She smiles. The King smiles. _You will marry my daughter on Sunday. He says. The marquis of Carabas and the princess marry. Everybody is happy. But Puss in boots is the happiest of all. He doesn’t catch mice now! He lives in the castle and he eats fish every day! (adapted for ELT by Jennifer Health) E- Let’s do the activities together: A- Match the names with the pictures. A B ( ) The Master ( ) The princess ( ) The King ( ) Puss in boots ( ) The Giant C D E B- Listening for specific information/whole class listening. Apresentar o vocabulário/estrutura para os alunos. Escrever as frases no quadro e explicar que eles devem levantar-se quando ouvirem a frase no CD. a) A miller has got four sons. b) Every day Puss in Boots gives a present to the King. c) The King gives the miller’s son some beautiful clothes. d) The castle belongs to a good giant. e) Puss in Boots isn’t afraid of the lion. f) The Marquis of Carabas likes the princess. C- Write the following verbs on the board: is, give, say, go, see, marry, have. Explain that all of these verbs are in the story and they are in the present tense. Remember this and explain about the third person of these verbs. To be to give to say to gO to see to marry to have Grammar points He She is gives says goes sees marries has It Ask them to write some examples of these verbs on the story: a)________________________________________________(to be) b)________________________________________________(to give) c)________________________________________________(to say) d)________________________________________________(to go) e)________________________________________________(to see) f)_________________________________________________(to marry) g)_________________________________________________(to have) D- Gap-filling/whole class listening and writing the word: Toque o CD uma vez. Toque pela segunda vez parando em momentos apropriados a fim de que os alunos tenham tempo para preencher os espaços. a) …his second son gets the ________ and his third son gets the cat. b) Don’t worry. Give me some_____________ and some clothes and I Will help you. c) This _____ is a present for you from my master. He says. d) The _______ remembers the presents. e) The __________ belongs to the big bad giant. f) He lives in the castle and he eats _____ every day! King - Rabbit - Donkey – boots – castle - fish E- Find these words: castle, mouse, catch, king, clever, scared, monster, puss. A C P U S S A M C A S T L E F O Q T K I N G S U W C R D S A C S Q H E T H W A E M O N S T E R J W D C L E V E R E D T G I P D Q F- Discuss about the message of the story: “Don’t lose your time about circumstances; the cards are in your hands. Play the best you can and you will be rewarded!” “It's a big advantage to have a substantial inheritance — but your own diligence and ingenuity are worth more than any money you receive from others.” G - Distribute to students a puzzle of the picture bellow: Movie Shrek Comentar com os alunos que algumas versões de filmes foram criadas baseando-se em contos de fadas. Nós podemos ver alguns contos de fadas misturadas com humor no filme Shrek onde a história é uma mistura da idade medieval e da atual com personagens mágicos e animais falantes. 1- Play part of the movie 'Shrek 2’ available at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxJz4cy_kck July 23,2011 – sent by Capitaldaarte. Seen on October 8, 2013. Questionar os alunos sobre quais contos de fadas aparecem no trecho do filme, quando os alunos falarem o nome do conto o professor repete em inglês e se possível escreve no quadro para que eles fixem o vocabulário. 2- Activity about the movie: Describe the following characters. Ask students to analyze the characters’ characteristics by answering the provided Questions: Shrek Where does the character live?_____________ How do you feel about the character?________ What are the adjectives describing the character?______________________________ Princess Fiona A question that you would like to ask the character. How do you feel about the character? What are the adjectives describing the character? Donkey What is the relationship between this character and the Shrek?________________________________ How do you feel about the character?____________ What are the adjectives describing the character?___ Why does the character want to marry Princess Fiona? How do you feel about the character? (Is he a “goodie” or a “baddie”?) What are the adjectives describing the character? 3- Compare ‘the Shrek’ with ‘the Snow White’. Distribuir o exercício abaixo para os alunos e resolver junto com eles. Shrek Shrek Physical Appearance Snow White Prince Physical Appearance Personality Personality Princess Fiona Physical Appearance Snow White Physical Appearance Personality Personality Lord Farquaad Physical Appearance The Queen Physical Appearance 4- Compare ‘Shrek’ with ‘Beauty and the Beast ’ What the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast have in common with the film Shrek? - Love is stronger than appearance; - Love in The Beauty and the Beast and Shrek is a common theme not only in the entertainment industry, but as well as in life; - Movies often portray love between two people who are both beautiful, and not always the best person they can be on the inside. Shrek not only do they have two people fall in love, but also they show how love improve on the appearances. 5- What does the character Puss in Boots from the movie Shrek have in common with the Puss in Boots from the original fairy tale? They are clever, intelligent, and talking all the time. Post-reading activities: Distribuir o exercício abaixo e resolver junto com os alunos. 1- Recognize the elements of the genre Fairy tale. ( ) These stories always start with the expression “Once upon a time”. ( ) The narrative is short, it’s usually a dialogue. ( ) Animals are personifications of the human being. They think, feel and act like men and women. ( ) These stories always end with a happy ending. ( ) These stories end with a moral, a lesson. ( ) These stories begin with a place, a date. They finish with a farewell salute. ( ) The stories are about castles, princesses, witches and fairies. ( ) It’s common having dialogues between animals; 2- Work in group of five: Baseando-se no filme os alunos podem usar a imaginação para mudar alguns contos de fadas e fazer uma história diferente. a) Choose a fairy tale and draw a picture of your favorite character; b) Change the physical appearance and personality of the characters. c) You may also change the story plot or the ending. Fairy tale: ________________________ Physical Appearance Personality Character 1: ________________________________ Character 2: Referências: www.teacher.scholatic.com/writewit/mff/fairytales discovering.h ( acesso em 03/08/2013) www.library.thinkquest.org/TQ0310228/what1.htm - 5k (acesso em 03/08/2013) www.portaldoprofessor.mec.gov.br (acesso em 05/08/2013) www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1b8E-_Doqc - 161k (acesso em 15/08/2013) www.grimmfairytales.com/en/bio (acesso em 15/08/2013) www.pinturaemtecido.net.br (acesso em 16/08/2013) www.encantosdoconto.blogsp acesso 15/08/2013 http://www.obsessedwithfilm.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/snow-whiteseven-dwarfs8.jpeg ( acesso em 15/08/2013) http://youtu.be/OvEKFas9SC4 acesso em 24/09/2013 www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxJz4cy_kck July 23,2011 (acesso em 24/09/2013) www.claranto.com.br (clássicos Bilíngues, Beauty and the Beast) English Language Teaching edition first published by new Editions 2006 Primary Classic Readers (Puss in Boots Level 2 Adapted for ELT by Joanne Swan) English Language Teaching edition first published by new Editions 2006 Primary Classic Readers (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Level 2 Adapted for ELT by Joanne Swan) PARANÁ, Secretaria de Estado da Educação. Diretrizes Curriculares de Língua Estrangeira Moderna. Curitiba: SEED, 2008.