1st IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control of Offshore Oil


1st IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control of Offshore Oil
1st IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control
of Offshore Oil and Gas Production
31 May – 1 June 2012
NTNU campus, Trondheim, Norway
Background and scope
An increasing amount of the known remaining oil and gas reserves are located in offshore reservoirs.
As the more easily accessible reservoirs are being drained, there is a shift towards exploitation of
reservoirs that are harder to access (increasing sea-depths, remote locations, arctic), reservoirs with
tighter economical margins, and reservoirs that are harder to drill. Given this background, the industry
is seeing an increased focus on technologies that imply higher levels of automation and autonomous
operation. At the same time, environmental and safety issues are becoming more important.
It is timely to bring together control theorists and practitioners working with issues related to offshore
production of oil and gas, for an open exchange of ideas and to construct a picture of what is the
status of today, and in which direction the application of control within offshore oil and gas production
should be heading.
The Norwegian Society of Automatic Control, www.nfaplassen.no is the
National Member Organization of IFAC in Norway.
multinational federation of National Member Organizations (NMOs), each one representing the engineering and scientific societies concerned with automatic control in its own country.
19.00 - 22.00
Welcome reception & registration
08.30 - 08.40
Opening ceremony
08.40 - 10.20
ThPl1 Plenary Session: Invited industry presentations EL5
Chair: Sigurd Skogestad
08.40 - 09.25
The role of automation in future offshore operations
Karl Johnny Hersvik (Senior Vice President R & D, Statoil)
09.25 - 10.10
All subsea solutions, technology to move the platform to the seabed
Christina M. Johansen, Technology Center Director, FMC
Coffee break
10.10 - 10.30
10.30 - 12.10
ThA1 Reservoir optimization EL5
Chair: Paul M.J. Van den Hof
Co-Chair: Thomas F. Edgar
ThA2 Robotics & Autonomous systems EL6
Chair: David A. Anisi
Co-Chair: Andreas Kroll
10.30 - 10.50
Estimation of Optimal Well Controls Using the
Augmented Lagrangian Function with
Approximate Derivatives
Sy Do, Fahim Forouzanfar, Albert Reynolds
(The University of Tulsa, USA)
RoboGasInspector – A Mobile Robotic System for
Remote Leak Sensing and Localization in Large
Ind. Environments: Overview and First Results
Samuel Soldan, Gero Bonow
Andreas Kroll, (University of Kassel, Germany)
10.50 - 11.10
Real-time production optimization and reservoir
management at the IO center
Bjarne A. Foss (Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Trondheim, Norway)
A learning camera platform for remote operations
with industrial manipulators
Sigurd Aksnes Fjerdingen, Aksel Andreas Transeth
Erik Kyrkjebø (SINTEF ICT, Trondheim, Norway)
Magnus Bjerkeng, (Norwegian University of Science
and Technology, Trondheim, Norway)
Anders Røyrøy (New Development Solutions, Statoil,
Bergen, Norway)
11.10 - 11.30
The optimization problem in model-reduced
gradient-based history matching
Slawomir Szklarz, Marielba Rojas (Delft University of
Technology, Delft, The Netherlands)
Malgorzata Kaleta (Shell Global Solutions
International, Rijswijk, The Netherlands)
A step-wise approach to oil and gas robotics
David A. Anisi, Charlotte Skourup (ABB, Oslo,
11.30 - 11.50
Integrated Capacitance-Resistance Model for
Characterizing Waterflooded Reservoirs
Jong Suk Kim, Larry W. Lake, Thomas F. Edgar
(University of Texas at Austin, USA)
CAD-Based Training of Expert System and
Hidden Markov Model for Obstacle Detection in
an Industrial Robot Environment
Knut Berg Kaldestad, Geir Hovland (University of
Agder, Grimstad, Norway)
David A. Anisi (ABB, Oslo, Norway)
11.50 - 12.10
Control Performance Monitoring of Exessive
Oscillations in an Offshore Platform
Yingying Zheng, Joe Qin (University of Southern
California, USA)
Michael Barham (Chevron Energy Technology
Company, Houston, USA)
Remote Calibration and Trajectory Replanning for
Robot Manipulators Operating in Unstructured
Antonio C. Leite, Fernando Lizarralde, Liu Hsu, Ramon
R. Costa (University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Pål Johan From (Norwegian University of Life
Sciences, Ås, Norway)
12.10 - 13.30
13.30 - 15.10
ThB1 Directional Drilling EL5
Chair: Martin Thomas Bayliss
Co-Chair: Hardy B. Siahaan
ThB2 Slugging and gas lift EL6
Chair: Sigurd Skogestad
Co-Chair: Nicolas Petit
13.30 - 13.50
Rotary Steerable Directional Drilling Stick/Slip
Mitigation Control
Martin Thomas Bayliss (Schlumberger Oilfield UK
Plc., UK)
Neilkunal Panchal, James F. Whidborne (Cranfield
University, UK)
Stabilizing gas-lift well dynamics with free
operating point
Agustinho Plucenio, Daniel Juan Pagano,
Cleber A. Ganzaroli (Federal University of Santa
Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil)
13.50 - 14.10
L1 Adaptive Control for Directional Drilling
Hui Sun, Zhiyuan Li, Naira Hovakimyan,
Tamer Basar (University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Geoff Downton (Schlumberger, Gloucester, UK)
Controllability analysis of severe slugging in
well-pipeline-riser systems
Esmaeil Jahanshahi, Sigurd Skogestad,
Anette Hoel Helgesen (Norwegian University of
Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway)
14.10 - 14.30
Vector Based Kinematic Closed-Loop Attitude
Control-System for Directional Drilling
Neilkunal Panchal, James F. Whidborne (Cranfield
University, UK)
Martin Thomas Bayliss (Schlumberger Oilfield UK
Plc, UK)
Model-based control of slugging: advances and
Florent Di Meglio, Nicolas Petit
(MINES ParisTech, Paris, France)
Glenn-Ole Kaasa,Vidar Alstad (Statoil Research
Centre, Porsgrunn, Norway)
14.30 - 14.50
A Hybrid Approach to Closed-loop Directional
Drilling Control using Rotary Steerable Systems
Justo Matheus, Maja Ignova, Peter John Hornblower
(Schlumberger Technology Centre, United Kingdom)
Gas Injection for Hydrodynamic Slug Control
Hazem Krima, Yi Cao, Liyun Lao (Cranfield University,
United Kingdom)
14.50 - 14.10
An Adaptive PID Switching Controller for
Pressure Regulation in Drilling
Hardy B. Siahaan (International Research Institute
of Stavanger, Bergen, Norway)
Huiyu Jin (University of Science and Technology of
China, Hefei, China)
Michael G. Safonov (University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, USA)
A new discrete slug-flow controller for
production pipeline risers
Marina Enricone Stasiak,
Daniel Juan Pagano, Agustinho Plucenio
(Federal University of Santa Catarina,
Florianopolis, Brazil)
Coffee break
15.10 - 15.30
15.30 - 17.10
ThC1 Drilling and oil field development EL5
Chair: Naira Hovakimyan
Co-Chair: Leonid Grigoriev
ThC2 Methods EL6
Chair: Yi Cao
Co-Chair: Pål Kittelsen
15.30 - 15.50
Bottomhole Pressure Estimation and L1 Adaptive Control in Managed Pressure Drilling
Zhiyuan Li, Naira Hovakimyan (University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Glenn-Ole Kaasa (Statoil Research Centre, Porsgrunn, Norway)
Designing large-scale balanced-complexity models
for online use
Steinar M. Elgsæter, Pål Kittilsen, Svein Olav Hauger
(Cybernetica AS, Trondheim, Norway)
15.50 - 16.10
Experimental Control of Annulus Pressure
While Drilling Oil Wells
Marcia Vega (Universidade, Marcela Freitas,
Mauricio Folsta, Roni Gandelman, Andre Martins
(PETROBRAS S.A./CENPES, Rio de Janeiro,
Ensemble Kalman Filter Predictor Bias
Correction Method for Non-Gaussian Geological
Facies Detection
Japan Trivedi, Siavash Nejadi, Juliana Leung
(University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada)
16.10 - 16.30
Prospective approaches of hydrodynamic
model adaptation for oil field production
Leonid Grigoriev, Nikolay Kazakov (Russian State
University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia)
Discrete Time Variable Structure Control for
the Dynamic Positioning of an Offshore Supply
Flavia Benetazzo, Gianluca Ippoliti, Sauro Longhi,
Paolo Raspa (Universita Politecnica delle Marche,
Ancona, Italy)
16.30 - 16.50
A Moving Horizon Observer for Estimation of
Bottomhole Pressure during Drilling
Dan Sui, Roar Nybø, Svein Hovland
(SINTEF Petroleum Research, Stavanger, Norway)
Tor Arne Johansen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway)
Robust Dynamic Positioning of Offshore
Vessels using Mixed-μ Synthesis, Part I:
A Control System Design Methodology
Vahid Hassani, Antonio M. Pascoal (Technical
University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Asgeir Sørensen (Norwegian University of Science
and Technology, Trondheim, Norway)
16.50 - 17.10
Parallel Computing in Optimal Design of
Multihorizon Oil and Gas Fields Development
Atlas Akhmetzyanov, Alexander Ermolaev,
Oleg Grebennik (Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia)
Robust Dynamic Positioning of Offshore
Vessels using Mixed-μ Synthesis,
Part II: Simulation and Experimental Results
Vahid Hassani, Antonio M. Pascoal
(Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Asgeir Sørensen (Norwegian University of Science
and Technology, Trondheim, Norway)
19.00 -
Workshop banquet
Rica hotel Nidelven, Trondheim, Norway
08.30 - 10.00
FrPlT3 Plenary Session: Invited keynote presentations EL5
Chair: Gunleiv Skofteland
08.30 - 09.15
Recent developments in model-based optimization and control of subsurface flow in oil reservoirs
Paul M. J. Van den Hof, Jan Dirk Jansen, Arnold Heemink (Delft University of Technology,
The Netherlands)
09.15 - 10.00
Challenges of Modeling Drilling Systems for the Purposes of Automation and Control
Geoff Downton (Schlumberger, Gloucester, UK)
Coffee break
10.00 - 10.20
10.20 - 12.00
FrAT1 Drilling Hydraulics EL5
Chair: John Morten Godhavn
Co-Chair: Gerhard Nygaard
FrAT2 Compressor Control EL6
Chair: Zhenyu Yang
Co-Chair: Ubirajara Moreno
Hybrid Monitoring of Offshore Compression
Simone Miyoshi, Danielle Zyngier, Maurício Souza Jr.
Argimiro R. Secchi (Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil)
10.20 - 10.40
A Simplified Model for Multi-Fluid Dual Gradient
Drilling Operations
Øyvind Nistad Stamnes, Erlend Mjaavatten,
Kristin Falk (Ocean Riser Systems, Oslo, Norway)
10.40 - 11.00
Utilizing Instrumented Stand Pipe for
Monitoring Drilling Fluid Dynamics for
Improving Automated Drilling Operations
Liv Almås Carlsen, Gerhard Nygaard
(International Research Institute of Stavanger,
Stavanger, Norway)
Rune W. Time (University of Stavanger, Stavanger,
11.00 - 11.20
New choke controller for Managed Pressure
Donald Reitsma, Yawan Couturier (Schlumberger,
Houston, USA)
Energy Efficient Pump Control for an Offshore Oil
Processing System
Zhenyu Yang, Kian Soleiman (Aalborg University,
Esbjerg, Denmark)
Bo Løhndorf (Rambøll Oil and Gas A/S, Esbjerg,
11.20 - 11.40
Safe Mud Pump Management while
Conditioning Mud
Eric Cayeux (International Research Institute of
Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway)
Introducing Back-up to Active Compressor Surge
Control System
Nur Uddin, Jan Tommy Gravdahl
(Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Trondheim, Norway)
11.40 - 12.00
Suppression of Heave-Induced Pressure
Fluctuations in MPD
Hessam Mahdianfar, Ole Morten Aamo (Norwegian
University of Science and Technology, Trondheim,
Alexey Pavlov (Statoil Research Centre, Porsgrunn,
On-line calibration monitoring system based on
data-driven model for oil well sensors
Andre Ambrosio Boechat, Ubirajara F. Moreno,
Decio Haramura, Jr. (Federal University of Santa
Catarina, Brazil)
12.00 - 13.30
Model Predictive Anti-Surge Control of
Centrifugal Compressors with Variable-Speed
Diego Pareschi (ABB, Sesto S. Giovanni, Italy)
Andrea Cortinovis, Mehmet Mercangöz,
Thomas Besselmann (ABB, Baden-Dättwil,
13.30 - 15.10
FrBT1 Optimization and control EL5
Chair: Eduardo Camponogara
Co-Chair: Vidar Gunnerud
FrBT2 Control of mechanical systems EL6
Chair: Geir Hovland
Co-Chair: Eugenio Fortaleza
Optimization of a Simulated Well Cluster using
Surrogate Models
Bjarne Grimstad, Håvard Ausen, Victoria Lervik,
Vidar Gunnerud (Norwegian University of Science
and Technology, Trondheim, Norway)
Dag Ljungquist (FMC Technologies, Asker, Norway)
Tool-Point Control for a Redundant Heave
Compensated Hydraulic Manipulator
Magnus Berthelsen Kjelland, Ilya Tyapin, Geir Hovland,
Michael Rygaard Hansen (University of Agder,
Grimstad, Norway)
13.50 - 14.10
Problems of Identification of Hydrodynamic
Models in Reservoir Engineering
Atlas Akhmetzyanov, Anton Salnikov (Russian
Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
Motion Planning and Tracking of Subsea
Eugenio Fortaleza (Universidadde de Brasilia,
Brasilia, Brazil)
14.10 - 14.30
Oil Reservoir Production Optimization using
Single Shooting and ESDIRK Methods
Andrea Capolei, Carsten Völcker, Jan Frydendall,
John Bagterp Jorgensen (Technical University of
Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark)
Cascade Controller Including Backstepping for
Hydraulic-Mechanical Systems
Martin Choux, Geir Hovland (University of Agder,
Grimstad, Norway)
Mogens Blanke (Technical University of Denmark,
Lyngby, Denmark)
14.30 - 14.50
A Computational Analysis of Multidimensional
Piecewise-Linear Models for Lift-Gas Allocation
with Pressure Constraints and Well-Separator
Thiago L. Silva, Andrés Codas, Eduardo
Camponogara (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil)
The Effect of Friction in Passive and Active
Heave Compensation of Crown Block Mounted
Jørgen Haaø, Steffen Vangen, Ilya Tyapin, Martin
Choux, Geir Hovland, Michael Rygaard Hansen
(University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway)
13.30 - 13.50
Coffee break
14.50 - 15.10
15.10 - 15.20
Information about the Society of Petroleum Engineers Drilling Systems Automation Technical Section
(SPE DSATS), by Geoff Downton
15.20 - 16.00
Panel discussion section: What have we learnt, where should we go? EL5
Chair: Bjarne Foss
Invited participants share their impressions of the workshop, and thoughts for future developments
16.00 - 16.05
16.00 - 18.00
Closing ceremony EL5
Tour of NTNU - SINTEF lab facilities
Conference fee:
The workshop will take place on the Gløshaugen
campus of the Norwegian University of Science and
Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.
Trondheim is the third largest city in Norway.
Founded in 997 AD by the Viking King Olav
Tryggvason, the city lies on a bend in the river on
the edge of Trondheim fjord. During the Middle Ages,
Trondheim was the capital of Norway and a major
place of pilgrimage. Today Trondheim is a national
centre of technical education, research and
development. See http://www.trondheim.com/ for
further information.
Early registration (Before 11 april)
Trondheim is easily reached. Trondheim Airport
Værnes has direct flights to Oslo, Bergen,
Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Stockholm and further
connections to European and overseas destinations.
There are shuttle buses (or taxis) for transport
between airport and Trondheim.
Trondheim is linked to the European rail network via
Sweden and Denmark.
$400 Late registration
(After 11 april)
The registration fee includes lunches, banquet dinner
and the proceedings.
For authors: Each registration (regular or student)
allows inclusion/upload of two papers in the
proceedings. Additional papers by the same authors
can be registrered by paying a fee.
Registration is done at http://ifac.papercept.
net/, under ACOOG.
National Organizing Committee (NOC)
All you need to know, including map you can find
here: http://www.ifac-oilfield.no/travel.asp
L. Imsland, NTNU (chair)
G. Skofteland, Statoil (vice-chair from industry)
L. A. Ekornsæter, NFA (treasurer)
B. Foss, NTNU
G. Hovland, UiA
S. Skogestad, NTNU
R. Volden, Ulstein Power & Control AS
International Program Committee (IPC)
We have reserved some rooms at Rica Nidelven
Hotel, for a rate NOK 1035/1285,- (single/double),
per night, including breakfast.
The NTNU conference site is 30. min by walking
from the hotel.
You order by using code ntnu300512 at mailadress
or ph. +47 73 56 80 00. The rooms and price are
guaranteed until 11 april 2012.
M. Nikolaou, University of Houston (chair) (US)
J.-M. Godhavn, Statoil (vice-chair from industry) (NO)
T. Backx (NL) R. Johansson (SE)
M. Blanke (DK) D. Ljungquist (NO)
D. Cameron (NO)
Y. Nazaruddin (ID)
E. Camponogara (BR) G. Nygaard (NO)
Y. Cao (UK) N. Petit (FR)
M. Dalsmo (NO) I. Schjølberg (NO)
M. Dueñas Díez (ES) S. Skogestad (NO)
G. Downton (US) P. Spanos (US)
B. Foss (NO) M. Tade (AU)
F. Gao (HK) N. Thornhill (UK)
K. Grigoriadis (US) J. Trierweiler (BR)
L. I. Grigoriev (RU) B. Erik Ydstie (US)
P. van den Hof (NL) D. Zimmerman (US)
N. Hovakimyan (US)
For other hotels in Trondheim, check
Rica Nidelven Hotel is one of Trondheim’s most
modern and well-equipped business hotels.
The hotel is located in the city centre and extends
17 meters out into river Nidelven. The conference
banquet and the welcoming reception will also take
place at Rice Nidelven Hotel.
Technical sponsor:
Main technical sponsor is IFAC Technical
Committee 6.1 Chemical Process Control, while
IFAC Technical Committee 4.3 Robotics is