Ole Jacob Sending


Ole Jacob Sending
Ole Jacob Sending
Born: 28 february, 1972
Office address:
Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)
PO Box 8159 Dep, 0033 Oslo, Norway
p: + 47 92468459
Positions Held
Research Director, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)
Director, NUPI Centre for Global Governance
Visiting Scholar, Fulbright Scholarship, Dept. of Sociology, UC Berkeley
Senior Researcher, NUPI
Adjunct Senior Researcher, Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen
Senior Adviser, Policy Analysis Unit, Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Senior Researcher, NUPI
Aug-Dec 2002
Visiting Research Fellow, Stanford University (SCANCOR)
Research Fellow, NUPI
Dr. Polit., Department of Administration and Organization Theory,
University of Bergen
Master of Science, Political Science. Department of Political Science,
SUNY, Albany, New York
Cand. Mag., University of Bergen, Norway. (Economics, Political Science,
Project Experience
Project leader, “Armed violence in Urban Settings” Funded by the Research
Council of Norway (5 million NOK)
Program leader “Hegemony and World Order” Strategic Institute Program.
Research Council of Norway.
Project leader, “Learning to Build a Sustainable Peace: Ownership and
Everyday Peacebuilding” Comparative study of Afghanistan, Haiti, Liberia,
Sudan. Funded by the Norwegian MFA ( Int. project, 4.5 million NOK)
Project leader, “Global Changes and Norwegian Foreign policy”, Trend
analysis for the Norwegian MFA
Lead consultant for the Multilateral Bank Section of the Norwegian MFA on
the World Bank’s “performance based allocation system”
Lead author on background paper on “Global trends and implications for
policy coherence in the field of development” Commissioned by the
Parliamentary Commission on Policy Coherence (“Utviklingsutvalget”)
Fellowships and Awards
Kjetil Stulands Forskningspris
Best Book Award (with Iver B. Neumann) of International Political
Sociology Section, International Studies Association.
Research Council of Norway (RCN). Leiv Eriksson Grant, UC Berkeley, USA,
Fulbright Scholarship
Research Council of Norway (RCN). Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Research Council of Norway (RCN). Doctoral Fellowship
Research Council of Norway (RCN), Leiv Eriksson Grant, Stanford University
Fulbright Student Scholarship
Member, Program Plan Committee, NORGLOBAL - RCN
Associate Editor, International Studies Quarterly
Member of Governing Council, International Studies Association.
Chair, International Political Sociology Section of the International Studies
Association (ISA)
Program Chair, International Political Sociology Section of the
International Studies Association (ISA)
Consultant for OECD-DAC
Member, Programme Committee, Liberal Party (Venstre) Parliamentary
Election 2005
Co-founder and board member, Liberalt Laboratorium (2004)
Co-founder, Sosialliberalt Forum (2003)
Referee Work:
Referee for: International Organization, International Security, International
Theory, Review of International Political Economy, European Journal of
International Relations, Millennium: Journal of International Studies,
International Political Sociology, Cambridge University Press, Routledge.
Books/Special Issues
- The Politics of Expertise: Competing for Authority in Global Governance (forthcoming,
2015). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
- Diplomacy and The Making of World Politics (co-edited with V. Pouliot and Iver B.
Neumann) (forthcoming, 2015) Cambridge Series in International Relations.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- The Future of Diplomacy (2011) Special Issue, International Journal Vol. LXVI, no. 3
(summer). (co-edited with Vincent Pouliot and Iver B. Neumann.)
- Governing the Global Polity (with Iver B. Neumann) (2010) Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan Press.
Winner of the International Political Sociology Book Award 2012 of the International
Studies Association.
- L'Etat en quête de légitimité - Sortir collectivement des situations de fragilité (2010) (with
Severine Bellina, Dominique Darbon and Stein S. Eriksen). Paris: Charles Leopold
- Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Praksis (2006) (co-edited with Birgitte K. Fonn and Iver B. Neumann)
Cappelen Forlag.
- How Does Knowledge Matter? The Formation, Content, and Changes of International
Population Policy (2004) Dr. Polit Thesis. University of Bergen, Norway.
- Regjering i Norge (co-edited with Iver B. Neumann) (2003) Pax Forlag
Peer reviewed articles and books chapters
- “Introduction” (2015) (with V. Pouliot and I. B. Neumann), in Sending, OJ, V. Pouliot and I.
B. Neumann (eds) Diplomacy and the Making of World Politics. Cambridge University
- “Diplomats and Humanitarians in Crisis Governance” (2015) in Sending, OJ, V. Pouliot and
I. B. Neumann (eds) Diplomacy and the Making of World Politics. Cambridge University
- “The International Civil Servant” (2014) International Political Sociology, Volume
8, Issue 3, September
- “The Humanitarization of Urban Violence” Environment and Urbanization(forthcoming)
(with Simon Reid-Henry)
- “There is no Global Public” International Theory (July, 2013). (with Stein S. Eriksen).
- “The Future of Diplomacy: Changing practices, evolving relationships” (First author. With V.
Pouliot and I.B.Neumann) in Special Issue, International Journal LXVI, no. 3.
- “United by Difference: Diplomacy as Thin and Humanitarianism as Thick Culture” Future of
Diplomacy, Special Issue, International Journal. LXVI, no 3
- Why Peacebuilders are Toothless: Sovereignty, Patrimonialism, and Power” in Campbell,
Susanna, David Chandler and Meera Sabaratnam (eds) 2011. Beyond the Critique of
the Liberal Peace. London. Zed Books.
- “Banking on Power: How some practices anchors others in International Organizations”
(First author. With Iver B. Neumann) (2011) in Adler, Emanuel and Vincent Pouliot
(eds) International Practices. Cambridge University Press.
- “The Power of Administration: Law and Politics in Global Governance” in Emberland,
Marius and Christoffer Eriksen (eds) (2010) The New International Law – An Anthology.
Brill Publishers.
- “From Order to Governmental Rationalities?” in Sangolt, Linda (ed) (2010) Between
Enlightenment and Disaster: Dimensions of the political use of knowledge.
Berlin/Brussels: Peter Lang.
- “Globalisering Pulveriserer Ansvar” (2010) Internasjonal Politikk, vol 68, no. 3, pp. 437-447.
- “’The International’ as Governmentality” (with Iver B. Neumann) (2007) Millennium Journal
of International Studies, vol. 35, no. 3, 677-701.
- “Governance to Governmentality: Analyzing NGOs, States, and Power” (First author. With
Iver B. Neumann) (2006) International Studies Quarterly, 50, 651—672.
- “Security, Development and UN Coordination” (2006) in Brauch, H. G. et al. (eds.)
Globalization and Environmental Challenges. Chapter 53. AFES Press.
- "Policy stories and knowledge-based regimes: the case of population" (2004) in Bøås, M
and McNeill, D. (eds) Framing the World? On the role of Ideas in the Multilateral
System. London: Routledge. pp. 56—71.
- "The Instrumentalization of Development Knowledge" (with Knut Nustad) (2004) in Stone,
Diane (ed.) (2000) Banking on Knowledge -- The Genesis of the GDN. London:
Routledge. pp. 44—62.
- “Constitution, Choice and Change: Problems with the ‘Logic of Appropriateness’ and Its Use
in Constructivist Theory” (2002) European Journal of International Relations, vol. 8, no.
4, pp. 443—470.
Policy reports etc.
- “Unpacking the “culture of protection” – A political economy analysis of OCHA and the
protection of civilians.” (with Andreas Ø. Stensland) Security in Practice 2, 2011. Oslo:
- Learning to Build a Sustainable Peace: Ownership and Everyday Peacebuilding (Editor). CMI
Report no. 4.
- ”The Legitimacy of the State in Fragile Situations” (2009) (with Bellina S., Darbon D., Eriksen
S. S.) Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD).
- Norske Interesser: Utenrikspolitikk for en Globalisert Verden. (2009) (with Lunde, Leiv,
Henrik Thune, Eiler Fleischer, Leo A. Grünfeld). Cappelen Damm Forlag.
- “The United Nations and Civilian Crisis Management in Africa”. (2005) (with Anja T.
Kaspersen) NUPI Report.
-“Why Peacebuilders Fail to Secure Ownership and be Sensitive to Context” (2009) Security
in Practice Working Paper Series, Report no 755
- “Global Changes and Norwegian Foreign and Development Policy” (2010) Report to the
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.