April 2015 Newsletter - Dallas Woods and Waters Club


April 2015 Newsletter - Dallas Woods and Waters Club
DWWC Newsletter
V OLUME 1 1 , I SSUE 3
A PRIL 2 01 5
Just Like Old Times
By Kenneth Raney
Just Like Old Times
Monthly Meeting
Bulletin Board
Upcoming Events
Photo Gallery
2015 Live Auction
Membership 11
There is something magic about South Texas and
the great outdoors. For quail hunters, it is and always has been a place of hope. It could be wild
quail’s last stand. As things have gone “south” with
quail, the land below San Antonio has always had its
share of quail. For Dr. K.C. Raney and me, it was
long past time to get a break on finding birds. In his
accomplished 33 years of life, my son had never had
one day like I used to have with my father in the
field over fine dogs. I have done everything in my
power the last 25 years to find a sustainable population of wild quail, but I have not been very successful. To have the kind of day I was looking for, there
needed to be a reasonable population of quail, there
needed to be huntable weather, there needed to be
huntable terrain, and there need to be good dogs.
And even with all that, there needed to be a little
luck (like being in a reasonable position to shoot
when the quail flushed). On the weekend of January
23-24, 2015, Lady Luck showed up.
K.C. and I burned a couple of vacation days and left
Thursday, January 22 and headed to Encino. With
Maggie, Abbie, Kate and K.C.’s new puppy, Brazos,
in tow, the Raney Boys and the Raney Setters were
headed back to old school quail country. The
weather was in the upper 30’s at night and mid 50’s
during the day although it warmed to 70 on Saturday. We traveled in rain all day Thursday which
meant there should be good scenting conditions for
the dogs. Because South Texas land is sandy, the
water soaked in quickly and there was no need for 4
wheel drive. My long time hunting partner, Mike
Pugh, and I hunted this place last year, but Mike was
unable to make the trip this year. We arrived at the
motel in Falfurrias, county seat of Brooks County,
around 5 pm. We were met by Jaime Saenz, the land
owner’s son, who took us over to the famous King’s
Inn for dinner. You will not find better seafood
anywhere. The restaurant sits on the edge of Baffin
Bay, near Riviera, and has been in business for over
70 years.
The next morning we headed 17 miles south to Encino and arrived at our destination. Maggie, the
matriarch of the kennel, opened the event with Abbie. Kate then alternated with her mother, Maggie,
and brought great results to the hunt. By late morning, we had moved 9 coveys of quail and several
singles. Giving the big dogs a break, it was puppy
time and Brazos was joined by his sister, Misty,
owned by Jaime, for a puppy run. After chasing
(Continued on page 6)
Next Meeting: April 9
7pm Dallas Sheraton
North by the Galleria
Make your reservation online
at www.dwwcc.org!
$25/adult, $12/youth reserved. $30/adult, $15/youth
at-the-door. David Yeates,
CEO of the Texas Wildlife
Association is our April
guest. David will be sharing
about the TWA’s youth education programs, as well as
updating us on natural resources issues that are active
in this session of the Texas
Th e Da l la s Wo o d s a n d Wa t e rs Clu b ex is t s to p r o mo t e a n d en h a n ce o u r o u td o o r h e ri ta g e b y p ro vid i n g
h u n tin g , f i sh in g , f el lo ws h ip , a n d o u td o o r e d u ca t io n o p p o rtu n it ie s fo r o u r mem b e r s, th e yo u th o f o u r
co m mu n i ty a n d o th er s w h o sh a re o u r in te re s ts .
DWWC Newsletter
Dallas Woods & Waters Club
2014-2015 Officers
Joe Chenoweth ................. 972-467-4610
Pat Johnson……………….214-532-4434
Andy Clements…………214-802-3987
Warren Petersen………..214-384-6237
Danny Souder ................. 214-394-5250
Phil Cutts ......................... 214-912-9823
John Laverty……………..972-740-6725
Todd Fecht….…………...972-429-2195
Charles Shelton ............... .214-536-7248
Jim Shepherd .................. 972-658-1360
Joe Chenoweth
Julio Morales
Susan Christy
Buddy Pace
Andy Clements
Warren Petersen
Phil Cutts
Henry Seeligson
Todd Fecht
Jim Shepherd
Pat Johnson
Charles Shelton
John Laverty
Danny Souder
Directors Emeritus
Charles Oliver………...972-938-9612
Don Grogan ......... …. ..972-774-2059
Jack Davis…………….214-412-0300
David Chaney………...214-546-4469
Bob Evans…………….972-758-0953
*Edwin Davis, *Bob De Priest,
*Roger Godwin, and *Bill Hagen
*Winifred Wright *Mike O’Neal
Executive Director
LeAnn AuBuchon .... 214-570-8700 or
It is the end of March and our annual banquet is finally over. We got stuck having
it on a spring break weekend (not by our
choice) which contributed to a much lower
attendance than we expected, which contributed to a lower net profit than expected
as well. As we have in the past, we tried
some new things hoping to generate more
excitement. Some worked well and others
didn’t work so well, but the committee and
staff learned some valuable lessons, which
will be put to good use on the next one.
Texas Wildlife Association, which serves
Texas wildlife and its habitat, while protecting property rights, hunting heritage,
and the conservation efforts of those who
value and steward wildlife resources. His
talk will center around the various programs they conduct, with special emphasis
on the Texas Youth Hunter Program, and
legislative issues which impact areas so
important to outdoors men and women
like us. So call or email your RSVP to the
Club office, or make your reservations on
our website, www.dwwcc.org. I hope to
see you there.
As I write this the water temperature in
area lakes is in the mid 50s and climbing, Joe Chenoweth
so the bass will soon be moving into the
DWWC President
shallows creating some exciting fishing
action for those of us who look forward to
that sort of thing. If you don’t have
enough fishing opportunity yourself why
not call one of the guides who support our
Club & Foundation through generous donations: Dave Settle on Lake Fork 903383-3410; Greg Clark with 3 Seas Guide
Service on Tawakoni 214-213-3393; or
Brian Prichard on Texoma 903-815-1609.
By the time you receive this Spring Turkey Season will be in full swing and the
first of two of our youth only hunts will
have been concluded. Look elsewhere in
this newsletter for details on our Club turkey hunt April 10-12 and our next youth
only hunt April 24-26.
Our second annual Youth Safety Event is
coming up on Saturday, May 9th and we
are expecting around 50 kids plus parents
to come and learn the safe handling and
shooting of rifles, hand guns, shotguns and
archery equipment. To pull this great
event off will take a lot of volunteers to
help with shooting stations, registration,
parking, set up, clean up, and food service.
I encourage you to sign up by calling the
Club office 214-570-8700 or chairman
Danny Souder 214-394-5250. See you
The speaker at our April 9th membership
meeting will be David Yeates, CEO of the
V OLUME 1 1 , I SSUE 3
Members Bulletin Board
This is a personal service to DWWC members ONLY, no commercial. You may submit your ad by email
to the following: info@dwwcc.org. Send in Word format as an attachment. We can post for three
months; if your item sells prior to that time, please email or call the office and we will remove the adWANTED
Quality hunting lease.
Will consider all offers. Call Todd Fecht at (972) 679-8980.
Quality MLD deer lease. Will look at any location, price, etc. Call Dale O’Neal (817) 907-8774.
Custom Stockwork: Finishing, refinishing, inletting, glass and/or pillar bedding, and shaping of
turned blanks or existing stocks. Hand rubbed oil or poly finishes available. I also do light gunsmithing. Competitive prices. Call Jeff Waguespack (214)739-0534.
Dog Training Facility: Bobwhite quail hunts anytime close to Dallas. Licensed private bird hunting
area allows leg-banded live pen-raised quail, pheasants, chukkar, and mallards for training and hunting anytime, without limits. Two training fields, each has two ponds, one puppy work area. Very private estate setting . Estate quail hunts $150 field fee plus birds at $7.00 each.
Walter Patton (214)728-2755.
 Trophy Ram Hunts
Close to Dallas in Union Valley (Just outside Royse City)
New 275 acre ranch
DWWC special $500 your choice: TX Dall, Black Hawaiian, Mouflon hybrid, Corsican, Sandstone,
Painted Desert.
One day hunt guided with skinning and caping.
Discount on second ram or for parent/child or experienced/novice pairs of hunters.
$50 taxidermy discount if you leave it with us. We’ll deliver cape and deliver.
Shoulder mount $425 total.
Limited hogs—excellent daytime opportunities $265 guaranteed. Call for availability.
The new Tarsporting Adventures Joe Riekers (469) 267-9196.
The Woods and Waters Foundation offers $100 grants to Eagle Scout candidates to assist with completion of their Eagle Scout Service Projects. We require a written request describing the project and our
board will select one Scout each month to receive $100 for use on their project. We ask that the Scout
submit an article and pictures of the completed project for our use in upcoming issues of the DWWC
monthly newsletter. Request should be sent to:
Woods and Waters Foundation
1221 W. Campbell Road, Suite 215
Richardson, TX 75080
Thank you to all who contributed to the success of our
2015 Banquet and Fundraiser!
2015 Silent Auction featured
mobile online bidding for the first
The collector and premium gun raffle tables
featured an outstanding selection of firearms.
Young shooter trying out the
Laser Shot courtesy of Pat
Johnson and Ultra Media.
Alan Linson put together this year’s bbq raffle
“table”. Thank you Alan!
McKayla Schmitt learns about raptors and
falconry from the Texas Hawking Assoc.
In addition to those mentioned in the captions, special thanks to all who served
on the 2015 banquet committee, as well as the following individuals:
Barbara Meyer
Paul, Tanya, and Wade Cain
Debbie Williamson
Jonathan Perry
Stephanie Lynn
Chris Seeligson
Bailey Brittain
Hal Ahlberg
Ryan Cole
Phil Cutts
Anthony Campagna
John Copley
Jackson Casey
Bob Evans
Big Tex Trailers in Rockwall continues to
be a key supporter.
Our monthly dinner program meetings are held the second Thursday of each month at the Sheraton Dallas North
by the Galleria. Happy hour starts at 6:30pm with dinner served at 7pm. Reservations may be made online at
www.dwwcc.org, or by calling the office by the end of the Monday preceding the meeting. $25/adult and
$12/youth reserved or $30/adult and $15/youth at-the-door.
April 9:
Monthly dinner program meeting featuring guest speaker David Yeates, CEO, Texas Wildlife
Association. David will tell us about the TWA’s youth programs and will bring us up-to-date on
natural resources issues active in the current Texas legislative session.
April 24-26:
Youth Turkey Hunt in Eden, Texas $200 per youth with parent, includes food, lodging, and
guide. Hunt starts at 7pm on Friday with dinner and instruction, and ends on Sunday at noon.
Limited spaces. Call the office (214) 218-6670 to reserve your spot.
May 9:
2nd Annual Youth Outdoor Safety Event at Poetry Shooting Club in Terrell, TX (Volunteers
needed, please call the office to sign-up!)
May 14:
Monthly dinner featuring Scott Kamp, local fishing pro.
June 11:
Monthly dinner featuring Leonel Garza from Muy Grande Ranch (founder of the Muy Grande
Deer Contest).
July 9:
Monthly dinner featuring Scot McClure from the Dallas Safari Club’s Dallas Ecological Founda
tion’s Outdoor Education Program.
October 16-18: ATTENTION BIRD HUNTERS! Jim Lovelace Memorial Pheasant Hunt in Sublette, Kansas.
This year we are going to try something different. After 24 years of hunting with Jeff and Debbie White, we
have decided that hunting chukar is more fun than hunting pheasant. So Friday and Saturday we will hunt chukar
and Sunday we will have a half-day hunt for pheasant (but with full day bird release and six bird daily limit and
birds processed during lunch). This will be a fun hunt with plenty of shooting! Chukar daily releases are 15
birds per gun, no daily limit. Chukar are significantly larger than quail, sometimes covey up, and they fly! Chukar are also easier to cook and taste better than quail! Cost is still $300/gun/day which includes home-cooked
meals for breakfast and lunch each hunting day, comfortable and convenient lodging, guides, dogs, and bird processing. Afternoon quail hunts can be arranged for $225. Bring gun, shells, and $20 hunting license fee. To
reserve your spot, send a check payable to Golden Prairie Hunting Service for 50% of your total cost to Henry
Seeligson, trip chairman. Call Henry with questions at (214) 535-5536.
(Just Like Old Times continued from page 1) each other around
they settled in to discovering a whole new world, with each cast a
little bit longer. It was then time for lunch. Jaime, one of the finest
outdoor cooks around, grilled fajitas and lamb, served with flour
tortillas, tamales, and fresh guacamole for a windmill tank lunch.
After a yard chair siesta, K.C. and I went back out. We took
Brazos out for another spin to let him chase anything that flew so
that we could introduce him to the gun—beginning with a .22
blank pistol and then a .32 blank. I enjoyed watching K.C. with
Brazos because it took me back to the day I picked my first
birddog puppy to call
my own. I can remember going to
Dad’s pen in 1980
and picking Thor’s
Bold Lass, a/k/a
“Lourine the birddog
machine” or just Lou.
I was looking at 14
generations of Raney
setters in one little
After successfully getting the puppies acclimated, it was time to
get back to the big dogs. We moved 8 more coveys by 5:30 p.m.
The results of the day--seventeen coveys pointed. It had been a
long, long time for me since my dogs had been in that many birds
and as for Dr. Raney, it was his best day ever. We returned to the
windmill cook sight for more home grilled food by Jaime.
Stuffed, we headed back to Falfurrias at dark thirty and got back
to the motel, fed the dogs, tended to their feet and went to bed
happy campers.
The next morning we were at the ranch by 7:30. We were greeted
by the Border Patrol surveillance dirigible, which was absent the
day before because of high wind, and tethered close by the ranch.
Mindful of the Spaniard’s name for this part of Texas, tierra de
viboras, land of snakes, we wanted to get an early start in case it
got too hot during the day and the snakes become active. The
lease is adjacent to the Viboras Division of the King Ranch. K.C.
and I were joined by Jaime and Misty, his cousin, Isaac Guerra,
and Jaime’s friend and an acquaintance of mine, Alfred Denham,
who had mediated some of my cases for CPL. Jaime’s uncle,
Fernando Saenz, and I worked for several years together with
CPL’s parent company, CSW, before the merger with AEP. Once
again, we got into 10 coveys of quail by mid-morning and numerous points on singles. Brazos and Misty had another puppy run
and got into a covey of birds. Nothing like watching a puppy’s
light bulb turn on when it all begins.
Saturday lunch was very special because it was Jaime’s father’s
birthday and he chose to spend it with us. Fidencio and Jaime’s
mother, Iris, arrived at the windmill tank, located in a stand of
trees near their cattle pen, for lunch along with Jaime’s brother,
Sergio and his son, and assistant U.S. Attorney, James Sturgis.
For the special meal, in addition to the grilled fajitas and lamb,
V OLUME 1 1 , I SSUE 3
Jaime cooked a special pot of carne guisada (which is cooked in
liquid as opposed to carne asada which is cooked over coals),
wine from the Rioja region of Spain called Cune Imperial
Reserva 2008, the 2008 wine of the year, a birthday cake and
traditional Spanish pan de polvo cookies. After another siesta,
KC and I headed back to the dog wagon to turn loose Brazos into
a covey we had seen walking back to the truck.
Before we could get Brazos pointed in the direction of the known
covey, he got into another covey. He did not know which one to
chase! He then came back around and got into the bunch we had
previously seen. At
2:43 p.m., January 24,
2015, Brazos made
his first point. He
didn’t hold it long, but
4 month old puppies
aren’t supposed to.
What a father/son
moment. We then got
Maggie, Kate and
Abbie back out and
got into 8 coveys
before retiring for the
day. The dogs were out of gas and so was I!
The total found for the trip--thirty five coveys in two days. Every
single one pointed perfectly. I would guess, on top of that, probably 20 or so singles. We cleaned 30 birds. That was enough. We
could have cleaned triple that, but it was not necessary. This sport
is about dogs. At our Breckenridge home ranch, Quail Alley, I can
only hope that half of these numbers will return to the Cross Timbers region of Texas soon. Our support of Texas Tech’s Quail
Tech research project is dedicated to that goal. In the meantime,
K.C and I were privileged to have the kind of father-son weekend
that returned me to the glory days of my past and live out Quail
Alley’s mission: “Preserving America’s bird dog heritage one
quality point at a time.” For one magic weekend in South Texas,
it was dead solid perfect.
Member Photo Gallery
DWWC members Jim and Debbie Breaux volunteered at
the recent DIVA-WOW Spring Clinic which was
attended by 170 women, 140 of whom were first time
Rod Zielke with Zeke at his second Field Trial win at only
9months old!
Matthew Alston with the gobbler he harvested at the recent DWWC youth
turkey hunt.
Monarch Hunting Products
partnering with
McFadden & McFadden
In addition to those in the ads, the DWWC
would like to thank these donors to the 2015
benefit auction:
Boyt Harness Company
Bedre Fine Chocolate (Matthew and April Hall)
"The Trigger"
Dallas Safari Club
Phone: 323-481-8193 or 903-319-4964
Email: amcfamilyproductions@gmail.com
Mesquite Rodeo
Tim Berg’s Alaskan Fishing Adventures: www.greatalaska-seafood.com
Pheasants Galore
Dave’s Guide Service
Woods & Water Taxidermy
“Feel the Difference”
P.O. Box 611
Mineola, Texas
Mesquite Ridge Outfitters
Top Golf
Sheraton Dallas North by the Galleria
My Topo—Trimble Outdoors
Joshua Spies
Applied Therapeutic Services
John Cutts Knives
Three Seas Guide Service—Greg Clark
Raisin’ L Ranch
Stripers Inc.—Brian Prichard
Midas—Buddy Pace
David Stiff Photography
Christian Outdoor Alliance
Euless Guns and Ammo
John Cutts
Original Kansas Trophy Whitetails
Lone Star Outfitters
Greystone Castle Sporting Club
Ramsey Russell Getdeucks.com
Ron Speed Jr.’s Adventures
We will continue to recognize more donors throughout
the year.
Jeff & Debbie White
607 W. Gwinn Ct
Sublette, KS
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Membership Application
Please return this form with payment to:
1221 W. Campbell Road, Suite 215
Richardson, TX 75080
Or you may join through our website www.dwwcc.org under the “Become a
Member” tab. Ph. (214) 570-8700Email: info@DWWCC.org
New Member Dues:
$100 1 ½ yr.
Oct – Dec.
$75 1 ¼ yr.
All renewals are due Jan. 1st
Name (First & Last):
Membership Dues
o Family $75 Annual
o Outfitter $50 Annual
o Corporate $200 Annual for 3 people
o Life $750
Spouse Name(First & Last):
Residence Address:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Business Name(If you would like it listed in membership directory):
Business Address:
Business E-mail:
Mail correspondence to: o Home o Business
How did you learn about DWWC? o Friend, if so who?
o Annual Banquet o Newspaper, if so which? o Show Booth, if so where? o Other
Type of payment:
o Check o Cash o Visa o MasterCard o Amex
Card #
Applicant’s Signature
CVV Code( 3 digits in signature block):
Exp. Date:
Dallas Woods and Waters Club
1221 W. Campbell Road, Suite 215
Richardson, Texas 75080
Hal Ahlberg
Juan Arias
Joe Bashara
Kyle Bibb
Dr. Roland Black
Jim Breaux
David Chaney
Ed Clarke
Dennis Connally
Glenn Coterill
Tim Cutts
David Daniel
Jeff Dargatz
Jack Davis
Bob Evans
William Everitt
William “Ray” Everitt
Dick Foster
Alan Frisbie
Curtis L. Frisbie Jr.
Curtis L. Frisbie III
Ronald Gard
Jay Griffin
Don Grogan
Jay Guillory
Edward Juarez
John Laverty
Edmond Lewis
Alan Linson
Colin G. Martin
Monte Matheson
Bryan Moore
Paul Newman
Charles Oliver
Buddy Pace
Tim Parris
Ty Pennington
Jeffrey R. Potter
Jessie Richardson
Allen Smith
Taylor Stevenson
Randy Stewart
Tom Stone
Don Weempe
Larry Weishuhn**
John Yowell
Rod Zielke
Warren Petersen