2014 09 - September LBGHS Newsletter
2014 09 - September LBGHS Newsletter
Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society Those born in Béxar and those who migrated to and made their home in Béxar throughout the ages, whether under the influence of Tribal Law, or the laws of Spain, France, the 1st Republic of Texas, the Republic of México, the 2nd Republic of Texas, the Confederate States of América, or the United States of América are known as Los Bexareños. Their families extend to all the lands of the world. Once a Bexareño always a Bexareño. A Newsletter via e-Mail Sep te m b e r 2 0 1 4 LBGHS Monthly Meeting September 6, 2014 San Antonio Main Public Library 9:30 a.m. — 11:30 a.m. SPEAKER: Steven Gonzales TOPIC: El Camino Real de los Tejas: Past & Present Steven Gonzales is a native of Texas. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree in Cultural Geography with a minor in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Texas at Austin. His studies focused on Spanish missions and presidios on the Northern Frontier of New Spain. Steven later earned a Master of Applied Geography degree from Texas State University at San Marcos. His research focused on case studies of national scenic and historic trails from across the country and the measures they took to get their trails on the ground. El Golfo de México In addition to serving as executive director of El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail Association, Steven is on the board of directors for the Partnership for the National Trails System, serves on the steering committee for the Texas Alliance for Geographic Education at Texas State University, and is a member of the advisory committee for the feasibility study for the Connecting Trails to Parks project between the San Antonio Missions National Historical Park, National Trails System Intermountain Region office, and the Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program. ✥ CONTENT CONTRIBUTORS Cont ents I n T his I ssu e 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. LBGHS September Meeting • Facebook • Webpage Message From The President Letters • Surname Meaning and Origin - Herrera Telling Our Stories: My Great-grandfather ~ Don Hilario Delgado Gloria Cadena Scholarship Recipients: Eric Benavides and Pamela Tovar Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference • Photo at San Pedro Springs LBGHS Merchandise • Announcements Commentary: Past Deeds Pave Our Way To The Future Green Flag ~ Poem: I Was Here Then ~ I Am Still Here Today Green Flag ~ LBGHS at City Hall • 83rd Texas Legislature H.R. No. 709 Green Flag ~ Texas’ First Declaration Of Independence Websites That Tell Our Stories • Membership Dues • Gloria Cadena Scholarship Fund 35th Annual Texas Hispanic Genealogical and Historical Conference LBGHS Resource Center • Publication Sales • Web Indexes • LBGHS Committees G&H Research: Canary Islander’s Properties ~ On The North Side of Main Plaza Calendar of Events Around The State • Message From the Editor • Submit Your Articles LBGHS eMail Newsletter Edward Aranda Dan Arellano Louis J. Benavides Anthony Delgado Mary Esther Escobedo Santiago Escobedo Cindy Farmer JoAnn Herrera José Antonio López Ed Mata Bill Millet Sylvia Morales Dennis Moreno Yolanda Patiño Crispín Rendón Art Martínez de Vara Eleanor Marie Zepeda 1 Los Bexareños Like Us On Facebook Visit Los Bexareños webpage www.losbexarenos.org to view archived email newsletters. Volume 3 - Issue 9 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL M I S S I O N S TAT E M E N T Message “The mission of Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society is to promote awareness of Hispanic genealogy and history through publications, public forums, research, consultations, education, and to promote the preservation of archival material for public research.” from the 2014 EXECUTIVE BOARD President:! ! Louis J. Benavides Vice President: ! José López Secretary:! ! Ernesto Menchaca Treasurer:! ! Henry A. García, Jr. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2013 - 2014:! ! Eleanor Foreman 2013 - 2014:! ! Sylvia Morales 2014 - 2015:! ! Mary Reyes 2014 - 2015:! ! Olga Hickey 2014 - 2015:! ! Ed Mata APPOINTED OFFICERS Historian:! ! ! Parliamentarian: ! Norberto Martínez José Hernández AND HISTORICAL Make plans for the THGH Conference. The buzz from many folks is that the new McAllen Library is the biggest in the country. ***** President’s ! Just a reminder: Get your research ready for the Los Bexareños “working meeting” on October 4, 2014. Look for unblocking those walls. Bring your genealogical research to the October meeting. We will come together as a family of genealogists to cross reference our ancestors. LBGHS members will be there to assist you with your search. Bring your laptops. In the afternoon, the Public Library will have sessions on oral history. The excitement is building! There is a cousin out there, I just know it! Desk ! t’s September! Summer has come and gone. All our plans to work on genealogy research, to travel, to visit the grandchildren are either accomplished or just touched upon. For many, the month of September is a time for a new beginning—seeing your kids and grandkids go back to school, gearing up to the holidays, window shopping for things ***** you see as gifts rather than just passing them I pray that everyone is in good health, by. For some it becomes another period of ! working on their genealogy, documenting travel, this time just in cooler weather. their life stories, and making plans to join ***** and enjoy each others company on the first ! Those of you who attended the Federa- Saturday of the month at the San Antonio tion of Genealogical Society Conference had Public Library downtown. Come and share your eyes opened by the new technology, the the stories with us over coffee, pan dulce, European history that is available, and how to taquitos, and the other goodies that our lay out your research. ! The Los Bexareños’ publications made a Hospitality Committee brings for us each hit with several archivists at the FGS Confer- month. I ence. Hopefully, our collection of publications will be added to two or three more libraries across the country. ! I was encouraged when I visited the Los Bexareños’ booth at the FGS Conference to see younger people perusing and buying LBGHS publications—more so than at other booths. This reflects that our children are interested in researching their roots too. As a society we must do more outreach. Speaking of young people, we want to congratulate our two scholarship winners: Eric Benavides and Pamela Tovar as they too begin their new semesters. ***** LOS BEXAREÑOS PO BOX 1935 SAN ANTONIO TX 78297-1935 www.losbexarenos.org SOCIETY ! Because of our involvement at the FGS Conference, there were several requests for speakers by groups in and around San Antonio. There may be a need to develop an LBGHS Speaker’s Committee. If you would like to participate in the LBGHS Speaker’s Committee, please let me know via email or drop me a line at Los Bexareños’ P.O. Box. We will come up with a history of the Society and other things we do. Besides a general introduction about the Society, you may want to talk about your special interest. If you have a topic that could be presented in 10-25 minutes to a group, let us know. This would provide us with other topics to present. ***** ! Please join us on Facebook. There is valuable information we can share using this social forum. Go ahead … try it … click on the link below Los Bexareños Facebook Page It is very important that you give us a “REVIEW.” Just double-click on the five stars located on the upper left corner of the Facebook page. It should take you to the “REVIEW” page. Comment on why you like the Los Bexareños Facebook page and then grade us using the star system. ***** ! See you on Saturday, September 6th. We are meeting at the main Public Library. It opens at 9:00 a.m. Coffee will begin at 9:30 a.m. The guest speaker starts at 10:00 a.m. The general meeting will start at 11:00 a.m. We encourage you to bring a friend and introduce them to the wonderful world of Hispanic genealogy. ✥ — Louis J. Benavides LBGHS President louis_benavides06@sbcglobal.net Los Bexareños Facebook Page LBGHS eMail Newsletter 2 Volume 3 - Issue 9 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY HERRERA Letters Surname Meaning & Origin: ! Derived from the Spanish herrería, meaning place where ironwork is made, the Herrera surname means "worker in iron, a blacksmith." According to the Instituto Genealógico e Histórico Latino-Americano, this Castellan surname originated in the Villa of Pedraza, in the province of Segovia, in Castile and León, Spain. 1 Dear Sylvia: ! Maybe you can help. I seem to recall that I found a document that listed the origin of our surnames. For some reason or another, I think I found it using one of the links that you always provide. Do you know of such a document? Wouldn't you know it. I wrote down the origins of several of our family names and for the life of me I can't find it. If you know of such a document, would you please let me know? ! Thanks, — Jo Ann Herrera San Antonio, TX Spanish and Jewish (Sephardic): habitational name from villages so called in the provinces of Seville and Badajoz, from a word meaning ‘iron smithy', ‘blacksmith's forge' (a derivative of hierro ‘iron', Latin ferrum). 2 ! Herrera is the 33rd most common Hispanic surname. Surname Origin: ********** ! Spanish Dear Sylvia: Alternate Surname Spellings: ! I have a new book that may be of interest to Los Bexareños members. Click on the following link: ! Famous People with the Surname HERRERA: The José Francisco Ruiz Papers... ! HERRERO, HERERA • Blas María Herrera (1802–1878), Tejano courier, soldier, and scout, often called the "Paul Revere" of the Texas Revolution. • Caroline Herrera - Venezuelan fashion designer; married to Reinaldo Herrera • John J. Herrera (1910–1986), American attorney and civilrights activist • Juan de Herrera (1530–1597), Spanish architect, mathematician and geometrician • Juan Felipe Herrera (born 1948), American writer, cartoonist, teacher, and activist • M. Miriam Herrera, American author and poet • Nancy Cooke de Herrera (born 1924), American socialite, fashion expert and author • Paloma Herrera, Argentine ballerina • Pedro de Herrera (15th century), Spanish Jewish leader • Ram Herrera, Tejano musician • Silvestre S. Herrera (1917–2007), Mexican-American recipient of the Medal of Honor Thank you, — Art Martínez de Vara Von Ormy, TX ********** To Los Bexareños, Families of Saltillo, Coahuila, México Volume Seven http://home.earthlink.net/~crisrendon/scmv9.pdf Best Regards, — Crispín Rendón Riverside, CA ********** Los Bexareños: ! The Webb County Heritage Foundation will present a screening of the new documentary film, “Texas Before The Álamo, a Saga of Spanish Texas” on Friday, September 5, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. at the Laredo Center for the Arts, 500 San Agustín Avenue in Laredo, Texas. Herrera Coat of Arms Herrera Family Crest 3 ! Filmed at historic sites in Texas and México with noted historians and professional actors, "Texas Before The Álamo, a Saga of Spanish Texas" is about the founding of Texas and the Spanish who established Missions, Presidios, and Trails now known as The Álamo, San Antonio and its Missions, Goliad, and El Camino Real de los Tejas. The film is dedicated to the research and tenacity of authors, archaeologists, historical organizations and researchers of Spanish Texas who have been consultants and producers for this project. Unrecognized and often criticized, they have labored for over a century in the Spanish Archives and at historic sites on the epic stories of the true pioneers of Texas. The surname of HERRERA was a Spanish occupational name for an iron-worker, originally rendered in the Latin form FERRARIAE, a derivative of FERRUM (iron). The name is widespread throughout Europe in many variant spellings and in England is angliziced to Ferrers. Occupational surnames originally denoted the actual occupation followed by the individual. At what period they became hereditary is a difficult problem. Many of the occupation names were descriptive and could be varied. In the Middle Ages, at least among the Christian population, people did not usually pursue specialized occupations exclusively to the extent that we do today, and they would, in fact, turn their hand to any form of work that needed to be done, particularly in a large house or mansion, or on farms and smallholdings. In early documents, surnames often refer to the actual holder of an office, whether the church or state. In the 8th century, Spain fell under the control of the Moors, and this influence, which lasted into the 12th century, has also left its mark on Hispanic surnames. A few names are based directly on Arabic personal names. The majority of Spanish occupational and nickname surnames, however, are based on ordinary Spanish derivatives. This is also the name of a great noble family who held the earldom of Derby from 1138 to 1266. Many present day descendants of this family still bear the name, although the direct male-line died out in the Middle Ages. Notable members of the name include Fernando de Herrera (c.1534-1597) the Spanish lyric poet, born in Seville. He took holy orders. Many of his love poems are remarkable for tender feeling, while his odes sometimes attain a certain amount of grandour. He wrote a prose of history of the war in Cyprus (1572) and translated the Life of Sir Thomas More from Latin. Antonio de Herrera (1549-1625) the Spanish historian, born in Cuellar near Segovia. He wrote a history of 'Castilian Exploits in the Pacific' (1601-15), a description of the West Indies, and a history of England and Scotland in the time of Mary, Queen of Scots. Francisco 'El Viejo' Herrera (the elder) (1576-1656) was the Spanish painter born in Seville. He painted historical pieces, wine shops, fairs, carnivals and the like. For more information, contact the Webb County Heritage Foundation at (956) 727-0977 or visit us at www.webbheritage.org or on facebook. 1 About.com, accessed 23 August 2014 — Bill Millet Helotes, TX LBGHS eMail Newsletter 2 Archives.com, accessed 23 August 2014 3 Archives.com, accessed 23 August 2014 3 Volume 3 - Issue 9 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MY GREAT-GRANDFATHER ~ DON HILARIO DELGADO By Patricia Barrymore For Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society his article appeared on 17 March 2012 in El periódico Zócalo of Piedras Negras, Coahuila, México. Mr. Losoya Reyes is a historian who has done a great job compiling information on the history of Piedras Negras. adquirió un reloj monumental que donaría a la parroquia, sin embargo, no se construyó dicha torre y tiempo despúes, don Hilario le pidió que donara este reloj para lucirlo en el nuevo edificio municpal. Por otra parte, ordenó la construcción de la primera escuela para niñas en 1900. Su visión en cuanto al progreso se percibe cuando solicitó al Congreso del Estado que se le permitiera la construcción de una línea telefónica, misma que se autorizó según el decreto número 809 del 21 de diciembre de 1899, donde se especifica que se aprobó el contrato que con fecha 29 de noviembre celebró el Ejecutivo con el Sr. Hilario Delgado para el establecimiento y explotación de una línea telefónica entre Ciudad Porfirio Díaz y Allende, incluendo las poblaciones intermedias. En lo particular, se dedicó al comercio de abarrotes y maderas y su establecimiento era administrado por su hijo Antonio, quien se distinguió por su gran iniciativa. Aún sobrevive la construcción de una finca construida por él, y se localiza en la calle Galleana esquina con Guerrero y que ya se encuentra muy deteriorada. T ! Hilario Delgado is my great-grandfather. My cousins and I grew up hearing about him from our mothers. He is very dear to us. ************ DON HILARIO DELGADO...un servidor del pueblo RIGOBERTO LOSOYA REYES Zócalo / Piedras Negras ! Fue presidente municpal en tres ocasiones. La primer en el año de 1899-1900, después en 1911, y en 1913, un año turbulento por el asesinato de Madero, por lo que compartió el periodo municpal con don Jesús Farías. Sin duda alguna se puede considerar uno de los más sobresalientes alcaldes que ha tenido Piedras Negras cuando esta población se llamada Cuidad Porfirio Días. Un rasgo excepcional de este servidor del pueblo fue que cuando sirvió como funcionario público, nunca cobró sueldo alguno. ! Este extinto caballero procreó también a dos hijas: María de los Ángeles Delgado y la profesora Esperanza Delgado, quien se distinguió como una gran maestra del piano en el norte de México. ! El 12 de octubre de 1911, la población de Piedras Negras sufrió una inundación y con el fin de proporcionar un apoyo enconómico a los damnificados, el 22 de febrero de 1912 se constituyó una Junta de Socorros, presidida or el Dr. Lorenzo Cantú y como tesorero se nombró a don Hilario Delgado, dicha junta logró reunir la cantidad de treinta mil setecientos ochenta y cinco pesos. ! La recaudación municipal durante su primera gestión era muy exigua, las contributiones no eran suficientes para cubrir el gasto público, y sus ingresos extraordinarlios eran por el concepto de los ingresos de la feria anual, y con este presupuesto tan austero, logró emprender la construcción del Palacio Municipal, un edificio que se ubicaba en aquel entonces en la calle Júarez, con un diseño arquitectónico denominado “Art Nouveau” y que fue inaugurado en 1899. Éste despertó la admiración de propios y extraños durante su existencia, sin embargo, lamentablemente en la década de llos 60, a iniciativa del Programa Nacional Fronterizo, se propuso construir una “Puerta de México”, y dispuso que este inmuelble se derrumbara y se construyera otro, pero sobre la calle Abasolo. En 1889 se acordó construirle una torre a la iglesia de Guadalupe, con este motivo don Rafael Múzquiz ! La casa de don Hilario Delgado, ubicada por las calles Galeana y Guerrero en 1912, todavía existe en la misma esquina, aunque sin el tercer nivel. Don Hilario Delgado en 1899 Anuncio comercial de 1899 del establecimiento comercial de Hilario Delgado GLORIA VILLA CADENA ! Members of the Gloria Cadena Scholarship Committee consist of Mary Esther and Santiago Escobedo, Carmen and Raúl Iruegas and Sylvia and Luis Morales. As genealogists we search for facts and data. To increase participation in genealogical research we must search for young people who may develop an interest in their own genealogy. Are you the special genealogist willing to undertake such a search? Anyone interested in becoming a member of this committee, please contact Mary Esther Escobedo at escobedo.mary@sbcglobal.net. GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND os Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society is proud to announce the names of the two recipients who were awarded the Gloria V. Cadena Genealogical and Historical Scholarship for 2014. They are Pamela Jean Tovar of San Marcos, Texas and Eric Benavides of Dallas, Texas. Each one has been awarded a $500.00 scholarship. Pamela will be attending Austin Community College in Kyle, Texas, and she is the niece of Mary Esther Escobedo. Eric will be attending the University of Texas at Austin, and he is the grandson of Armandina Sifuentes. We congratulate both recipients. We wish them the very best in pursuing their education and their careers, and of course, to continue their genealogy research. L LBGHS eMail Newsletter Wings Roots EDITOR’S NOTE: I must mention that Mary Esther Escobedo recused herself from the selection process due to her relationship with Pamela Jean Tovar. 4 Volume 3 - Issue 9 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference The Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference just ended. There were five LBGHS members that worked at the four day conference. Three of us registered for the conference, and we signed up to volunteer. This was our first time to attend an FGS Conference. It was held at the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center. I was informed that it had been 10 years since FGS last held a conference here in San Antonio. If you registered for the conference you were given the opportunity to volunteer and receive a discount off your registration fee. Depending on the number of hours worked FGS offered volunteers a reimbursement of 20% to 65% as a way to show their appreciation. ! It proved to be a very long week from assembling bags, to Room Monitor, to Registration, to working in other areas, plus attending the sessions in between. We worked hard in our volunteer duties; we attended sessions from how to build a stronger society, to how to analyze DNA results, to using new media tools, and to how to write and publish your family history. A "Cyber Cafe" was available at the Exhibit Hall where attendees could download portions of their syllabus. There was "Blogging," "Tweeting," and “FaceBook posting” taking place throughout the conference. We met new people, made new friends and contacts and we gained a new member. Because of our visibility at this conference, Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society is now a little better known within the genealogical community. I would like to acknowledge Santiago Escobedo and Luis Morales for their hard work at the Los Bexareños booth in the Exhibit Hall during the conference. I'd also like to recognize and congratulate Mary Esther Escobedo and María Tovares-Ashmanskas for their well given presentations which touched on the roadblocks that one can encounter in doing Hispanic genealogical research. The presentations were listed as being presented by Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society. José Hernández was also a volunteer. We all left exhausted but feeling accomplished! FGS Gone To Texas ! Some members of Los Bexareños will begin meeting this month for the preparation of the Texas State Historical and Genealogical Conference in 2018. We continue to receive compliments about the conference we presented in 2011. With everyone’s help, we can do it again! FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Ed Mata (past President ~ Los Bexareños), Juan Hernández, Eddie Flores, Robert Vargas, Tony Rodríguez (member ~ Los Bexareños), José López (Vice President ~ Los Bexareños), and Constable Val Flores. Editor’s Note: We apologize to Mr. Juan H. Hernández for not knowing his name when we decided to print this photograph last month. LBGHS eMail Newsletter 5 Volume 3 - Issue 9 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL Los Bexareños Merchandise Order Form Polo Shirts Polo Shirt Color Cost: $25 2XL-3XL - Extra $5 Color Name Embroidery Color Banana Black Court Green Yellow Red Black Maui Blue Red Stone Black White Black Royal Yellow Black Yellow Quantity HISTORICAL SOCIETY Texas Ranger Memorial Cross Dedication 4XL, 5XL - Extra $10 Size (SM, MED, LG, XLG, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL) AND Total Cost Don Juan Antonio Ximenes (1810 - 1877) Total 5-ounce, 65/35 poly/cotton pique Knit collar and cuffs Double-needle armholes and bottom hem Metal buttons with dyed-to-match rims Side vents Hats Cost: $18 Color Red Khaki Royal Stone Black Total Name: Telephone: Order Total: Quantity Visors Cost $18 Color Quantity Red Khaki Royal Stone Black Aqua Dandelion Total Join us for the Texas Ranger Memorial Cross Dedication Ceremony for Tejano Juan Antonio Ximenes Email: Paid Date: Make Checks payable to: Los Bexareños Mail check and order form to: Cindy Farmer 16414 Crested Butte San Antonio, Texas 78247 Make checks payable to: Los Bexareños Veteran of the Siege of Béxar December 1835 Served in Juan Seguín’s Company of Mounted Riflemen in 1835-1836 who fought for the Republic of Tejas and were part of the rear guard of the Runaway Scrape that started in San Antonio de Béxar. Mail check and order form to: LOS BEXAREÑOS PO BOX 1935 SAN ANTONIO TX 78297-1935 PLACE: If you have questions, please contact Cindy at (210) 656-2085 or at cindyofarmer@sbcglobal.net San Fernando Cemetery #1 Colorado St/Guadalupe St -stoplight (3 blocks south) DATE: Saturday - September 27 - 10:00 a.m. Visit With Us After The Ceremony “La Capilla de Los Milagros” on Juan Ximenes family grounds open for visitors Also available in green, black, and navy blue. Directions to Capilla: These handy bags are available to carry your genealogy books and records. Turn (R) at stoplight on Colorado/ Guadalupe St. cross over RR tracks Turn (L) at stoplight on Frio St. Turn (R) on Haven for Hope St. (about 1 mile north on Frio St.). $15.00 Capilla is on left corner as street dead ends on I-10 freeway. Print your Order Form Here For any questions contact: Eleanor Marie Zepeda ht t p:/ /www.l os bexa re nos .org / M erchandi seOrderFo r m. p df eMail Newsletter 6 (210) 341-8805 Volume 3 - Issue 9 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY PAST DEEDS PAVE OUR WAY TO THE FUTURE COMMENTARY BY: José Antonio López For Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society s the crown jewel of our blended Hispanic and Native American family roots in Texas, the Tejano Monument in Austin, Texas shines bright on the south lawn of the state capitol building. ! Since its unveiling in March 2012, Austin residents, government officials, tourists, and school children visiting our state capital are now able to see for the very first time, a memorial dedicated to the true founding of this great place we call Texas. ! All Texans should be proud of the efforts led by Cayetano Barrera, M.D. from McAllen, Texas, and carried out most ably by the Tejano Monument, Inc. Committee members: Dr. Andrés Tijerina, Renato Ramírez, Homero Vera, Richard Sánchez, Jaime Beaman, and so many others, such as Estella and William Zermeño, Benny Martínez, and dedicated working group members. Armando Hinojosa, Laredo, deserves special credit for his gifted artistic creation. In bronze and stone, he expresses the dignity that Tejano descendants feel in their hearts. tution (1813); the Battle of Medina (BOM) memorial and archeological digs. A 3. An Austin school district has already set up Tejano history lessons as part of its school curriculum. The Laredo ISD has added a block of early Laredo history in the curriculum at my alma mater Martin High School. Others are in the process of doing the same. 4. Dr. Andrés Tijerina is part of an effort by the Texas State Historical Association to identify and record long-forgotten early Texas Spanish Mexican historical sites. 5. More recently, Dr. Tijerina and Dr. Emilio Zamora plus others are also putting together what will be a Tejano History segment of Texas Handbook of History Online. 6. Mr. Bill Millet has produced a long-awaited PBS film entitled “Texas before the Álamo.” 7. Thanks to Texas State Representative Eddie Rodriguez (D- Austin), a proclamation (H.R. 1411) was read honoring the 200th Anniversary of the first Texas Constitution (1813-2013). President Ed Mata and LBGHS members, Dr. Félix Almaráz and Cindy Farmer, participate at the unveiling of the Tejano Monument at the Capitol in Austin, Texas on March 2012. 8. Photo courtesy of Luis and Sylvia Morales The Texas State Hispanic Genealogy/History Societies (Austin, Dallas, Corpus Christi, El Paso, East Texas, Houston, Laredo, San Antonio, Victoria, and Zapata) continue to spread the word regarding our early Texas pioneer families. Also, Laredo’s Webb Co. Heritage Foundation; Edinburg’s Museum of South Texas History, and Zapata County Museum of History preserve early Texas history via their unique memorabilia and displays. ! Helping to tell our incredible early Texas story, the following list of deeds keeps growing, considering that the concerted effort began just a few short years ago: 1. Our Native American kin has relentlessly tried to dispel undignified movie myths about cultures originating in what’s now the U.S. There are plenty of sites on the internet featuring each group’s goal to preserve their heritage. This is crucial learning for Mexican Americans because being Native American is what makes us Mexican-descent people of the Southwest. 9. Mr. Renato Ramírez, Chairman of the Board/CEO, IBCZapata, continues to promote mariachi bands at UT-Austin, Texas A&M Kingsville, and Texas A&M College Station. His efforts are designed to raise funds to assure awareness of mariachi music’s vital influence in Texas history. In enthusiastically pursuing his goal, he aims for complete understanding by the general public as to why it was proper for young Sebastien de la Cruz to sing our national anthem for the San Antonio Spurs attired in formal Mexican vaquero dress. Truly, 2. For years, Mr. Dan Arellano has organized tribute events to remember the 1st Texas Revolution (1810-1813); the first President of Texas, Don Bernardo Gutiérrez de Lara’s reading of the 1st Texas Declaration of Independence and the 1st Texas Consti- —Continue on page 8 LBGHS eMail Newsletter 7 Volume 3 - Issue 9 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Texas’ Mariachi style roots are much older than other music genres in Texas that came after 1836. I was HERE, then ! ! I am STILL HERE today. 10. Last but certainly not least, in the information management arena, Mimi Lozano (Somos Primos) has spent great amounts of her energy, time, and talents to provide a one-stop shop online web site for a worldwide audience learning about Hispanic history; Armando Rendón does as well with Somos En Escrito; there is also Beto Calderón; Foro de Comunicación; as well as the online LARED-L list server; Steve Taylor, Río Grande Guardian; Dr. Lino García, Jr.’s FESTIBA events at UTPA; LareDos; Mr. Rudi Rodríguez of Texas Tejano is pressing on with plans for a Williamsburg-style Tejano Village permanent interactive exhibit in downtown San Antonio; and my own web site: I was here when de Lara declared independence in la plaza and raised the green flag ! ! ! …and I’m still here today. I was here when we went south and fought Arredondo and the army ! ! ! …and I’m still here today. www.tejanosunidos.org You may not see my face or my body any longer ! But my blood and spirit lives on… ! ! …lives on in my grandsons and granddaughters ! that you see HERE TODAY." My apologies if I’m forgetting someone. ! Yet, our Tejano heritage is under attack. The threats are constant. The most recent refugee-related situation at the border is cause to worry. Certain politicians and media are raising the temperature of the immigration debate by questioning our Spanish Mexican heritage and Spanish language “on this side of the border.” To ensure we reach our goal to educate others about our rich story, the best defense is a good offense. Let’s combine our hard work. ! As such, I make three appeals. Who am I? One of the many that fought and survived the first major battle of independence under the Flag of the Republic of the North. Here is a list of 96 “Insurgents”—so named by the Spanish Crown. The list of names and the land that was seized from them by the Spanish Army following the Battle of Medina in 1813 can be found in the Coahuila State Archives in Saltillo. (1) To our Native American brethren, join us in our quest. The wicked border fence impacts Navajo and Apache Nations much more than it does Mexican-descent Borderlands families. It’s time to reaffirm our bloodline ancestral family ties. A few of the insurgent names are: Juan Veramendi 20 years following the 1813 battle, he would become the State’s Governor Erasmo Seguin Father of Tejano patriot Juan Seguin and Alcalde from 1820- 1821 —the city’s leader at the time when the city and state would realize its independence from Spain—the same independence he sought during the Battle of Medina Clemente Delgado The city’s Alcalde in 1812—the immediate months leading up to the many battles in 1813 seeking independence and my fourth great-grandfather. (2) To Early Texas history aficionados mentioned above. All of our worthy efforts will be for naught unless we push together. At every turn, let’s reject any attempt to diminish our heritage. (3) To our extended family living in the Río Grande Valley. You are now center stage due to the on-going immigration debate. Critics of your way of life who are just recently becoming aware of the border don’t understand why there are so many Mexican-descent Texans who choose to speak Spanish as their language of choice. Only through learning of early Texas history will they discover why it is we are not immigrants in the U.S. To learn more, make plans to attend the 35th Annual Texas State Hispanic Genealogy and Historical Conference in McAllen, Texas on September 25-27. These 96 who survived and the more than 1200 others who lost their lives serving under the Flag of the Republic of the North gave so much of themselves; sacrificed so much… let’s fly the flag in their honor. ! In closing, our past deeds do pave our way to the future. How do we fulfill our future? By speaking with one voice under an “Aztlán-Euro Alliance” umbrella or something similar. Individually, we represent a small group and cause a small ripple in the ocean of public opinion. However, as a combined force, we will orchestrate millions of voices causing an impact of tsunami proportions. ! Bottom line: If we don’t do it ourselves, no one else is going to do it for us. ✥ —Anthony Delgado Copyright 2014. José Antonio López. All Rights Reserved. LBGHS eMail Newsletter 8 Volume 3 - Issue 9 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL On Wednesday, August 6, 2014, Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society addressed the San Antonio City Council. After giving a brief history (1812-1813) of Texas’ first Declaration of Independence by Bernardo Gutiérrez de Lara, the first Constitution of Texas, and the Battle of Medina, Los Bexareños requested that the City Council adopt a resolution to fly the “Emerald Green Flag” at the Spanish Governor’s Palace, where the first Texas Republic was formed. AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY 83RD TEXAS LEGISLATURE H.R. No. 709 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Nearly a quarter of a century before the siege of the Álamo, an army inspired by the fervor of Don José Bernardo Maximiliano Gutiérrez de Lara and composed of Tejanos, volunteers from the United States, and Native American allies made a courageous bid to liberate Texas from the Spanish empire, leading to the first Texas Declaration of Independence on April 6, 1813; and WHEREAS, On September 16, 1810, Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla and his followers seized the prison at Dolores, México, sparking a Mexican rebellion against the Spanish empire; answering the call to freedom, Don Bernardo traveled to Washington, D.C., in 1811 to inform the U.S. government of the rebels’ plans to establish a republican government in Texas as part of the liberation of Mexico; and WHEREAS, In 1812, Don Bernardo and former U.S. Army officer Augustus Magee led the Army of the North from Natchitoches, Louisiana, into Texas; this volunteer force quickly defeated the Spanish Royalist troops at the Battles of Nacogdoches, La Bahía, Rosillo, and Alazán Creek; and WHEREAS, Don Bernardo and the republican army took possession of San Fernando de Béxar, now known as San Antonio, on the night of April 1 and 2, 1813, and on April 6, 1813, Don Bernardo signed a proclamation declaring Texas’ independence from Spain; on April 17, 1813, acting in his capacity as president of the new provisional government, Don Bernardo signed the first Texas Constitution; and WHEREAS, This first bold attempt to win the independence of Texas came to a tragic end on August 18, 1813, when the Royalist army under General Joaquín de Arredondo defeated the Texan army at the Battle of Medina; during the bitterly fought, four-hour-long contest, more than 800 Tejano patriots lost their lives in their quest for freedom; and WHEREAS, The valiant struggle of Don José Bernardo Maximiliano Gutiérrez de Lara and the Army of the North to throw off the Spanish yoke represents a significant chapter in the rich annals of Texas history, one that is indeed worthy of remembrance on this special occasion; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas Legislature hereby commemorate the 200th anniversary of the first Texas Constitution on April 17, 2013, and call on all Texans to honor the memory of Don Bernardo and his comrades. LBGHS eMail Newsletter 9 Volume 3 - Issue 9 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY TEXAS' FIRST DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE … issued from San Antonio de Béxar, April 6, 1813. ! We, the people of the province of Texas, calling on the Supreme Judge of the Universe to witness the rectitude of our intentions, declare, that the ties which held us under the domination of Spain and Europe, are forever dissolved; that we possess the right to establish a government for ourselves; that in the future all legitimate authority shall emanate from the people to whom alone it rightfully belongs, and that henceforth all allegiance or subjection to any foreign power whatsoever, is entirely renounced. ! A relation of the causes which have conduced to render this step necessary, is due to our dignity, and to the opinion of the world. A long series of occurrences, originating in the weakness and corruption of the Spanish rulers, has converted that monarchy into the theater of a sanguinary war, between two contending powers, itself destined the prize of the victor; a king in the power and subject to the authority of one of them, the miserable wreck of its government in the possession of the other, it appears to have lost the substance of any form of sovereignty.--Unable to defend itself on the Peninsula, much less to protect its distant colonies; those colonies are abandoned to the caprice of wicked men, whilst there exists no power to which they may be made responsible for the abuse of their authority, or for the consequence of their rapacity. ! Self Preservation, the highest law of nature, if no other motive, would have justified this step. But independent of this necessity, a candid world will acknowledge that we have had cause amply sufficient, in the sufferings and oppression which we have so long endured. ! Governments are established for the good of communities of men, and not for the benefit and aggrandizement of individuals. When these ends are perverted to a system of oppression, the people have a right to change them for a better, and for such as may be best adapted to their situation. Man is formed in the image of his Creator: he sins who submits to slavery. Who will say that our sufferings are not such as to have driven us to the farthest bounds of patience, and to justify us in establishing a new government, and in choosing new rulers to whom we may intrust our happiness? ! We were governed by insolent strangers, who regarded their authority only as a means of enriching themselves by the plunder of those whom they were sent to govern, while we had no participation either in national or municipal affairs. ! We feel with indignation, the unheard of tyranny of being excluded from all communication with other nations, which might tend to improve our situation, physical and moral. We were prohibited the use of books, of speech, and even of thought-our country was our prison. ! In a province which nature has favored with uncommon prodigality, we were poor. We were prohibited from cultivating those articles which are suitable to our soil and climate, and of pressing necessity. The commerce of our country was sold to the favorites of the court; and merchandise were supplied under the enormous exactions of the monopolists. A barbarous and shameful inhospitality was manifested to strangers, even to our nearest neighbors. ! The product of out soil and of our country were alike denied exportation. Our trade consisted in a trifling system of smuggling. ! Every path which led to fame or honor was closed upon us. We were denied participation in public employments; we had no rank in the army maintained in the bosom of our country. We expected no promotion in a church to which we have ever been faithful and obedient sons. ! We saw the mighty monarchy of Spain threatened with destruction, and our oppressions were forgotten; we flew to her assistance like faithful and submissive vassals. As a reward for our faithful services, a sanguinary vagrant, distinguished in his own country by no honorable action, is sent amongst us, and his government exhibited only acts of cruelty, insatiable avarice and augmented oppression. Nothing but the specious promise that a general assembly of the Cortes would be convened, could have restrained us. Experience has shown this hope to be illusory. Some miserable wretches, styling themselves as the rulers of Spain, have sold us out to a foreign power, for a term of years, in order to procure the means of consigning us forever to the most ignominious servitude. ! The Spanish colonies of South America, have long since declared and maintained their independence; the United States proves to us, by an experience of thirty years, that such a separation may be attended with national and individual prosperity. ! We conceive it a duty we owe as well as to ourselves as to our posterity, to seize the moment which now offers itself, of shaking off the yoke of European domination, and of laboring in the cause of the independence of Mexico; taking the authority into our own hands, forming laws, and of placing the government of our country upon a sure and firm basis, and by these means assure a rank among the nations of the world. The above is from The Weekly Register, IV (July 17, 1813) LBGHS eMail Newsletter 10 Volume 3 - Issue 9 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL Websites That Tell Our Stories AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE You are cordially invited to join/renew your membership to Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society ! There is more to genealogy than just gathering names of ancestors. Yes, it is important to do the basics, like pedigree charts, names, dates, places, family work sheets, etc. But, let us not forget that there are stories that go with these names. There are histories in the places and times they lived. Photographs and stories bring our ancestors to life. Here we intend to transport you to websites that tell our stories. ✥ Become part of an ever growing family who loves to do ancestral research. Meet people who share the same interest and love of genealogy, and people who may be doing research on your particular family lineages. PLEASE SEND YOUR 2014 MEMBERSHIP DUES Álamo’s Tejano Heroes Gain Recognition Bexar Archives Online To become a member, fill out the 2014 Membership Application Bexar County Historical Commission Form and mail it to the address on the form. Better yet, bring the form with you when you attend our next meeting. Béxar Genealogy 2014 Membership Form Children of the Revolución ☞ Hispanic Heritage Month PBS Documentary: “Latino-Americans” Click Here And Join Us Somos Primos Tejano Monument GLORIA VILLA CADENA Texas Tejano GENEALOGICAL and HISTORICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Tell Us Your Stories You are invited and encouraged to make a donation to the Gloria Cadena Genealogical and Historical Scholarship Fund. Los Bexareños will award scholarships to students who are or will be attending an accredited college/university. They will be chosen based on their ability to produce a four generation pedigree chart which is accompanied with an essay of their ancestors. ! Do you have a special, interesting, historical, or just a funny story about your relatives that you would like to share? Un chiste that you would like to contribute? Email your ancestral stories, and we will try to print them in this newsletter on a firstcome-first-serve basis. ✥ Los Bexareños endeavors to involve young people in genealogy. LBGHS wishes to encourage students to embrace their culture and their heritage. The sacrifices their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. must not be forgotten. The younger generations are encouraged to retell the stories about their ancestors handed down throughout the ages. ✥ lousyl@icloud.com ~~ ~~ ~~ Experiences that are shared are added to life’s beautiful memory books LBGHS eMail Newsletter Please make your donation to the LBGHS Scholarship Fund and mail your check to: LOS BEXARENOS PO BOX 1935 SAN ANTONIO TX 78297-1935 11 Volume 3 - Issue 9 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY 35th Annual Texas Hispanic Genealogical & Historical Conference Hosted by Las Porciones Genealogical Society September 25-27, 2014 Renaissance Casa de Palmas Hotel HOTEL INFORMATION CONFERENCE SCHEDULE Thursday — September 25, 2014 Renaissance Casa de Palmas 101 N. Main Street McAllen Texas 78501 Reservations: (956) 631-1101 $109.00 plus tax Hampton Inn & Suites 10 W Expy 83 McAllen, TX 78501 ! 8:00 a.m. — 8:00 p.m.! ! Conference Registration ! ! ! 8:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m.! ! or 8:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m.! ! North Hidalgo County Tour ! (Lunch Extra) Starr County Tour! (Lunch Extra) ! 7:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m.!! Border Buttermilk Reception (in Patio) ! Friday — September 26, 2014 Reservations: (956) 661-1100 $99.00 plus tax Springhill Suites 1800 S Ware Rd McAllen, TX 78503 ! 8:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.! Conference Registration ! 8:30 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.! Conference Presenters/Speakers ! 8:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.! Book Sales and Vendors ! 12:00 p.m. — 1:30 p.m.! Lunch (on your own) ! 1:30 p.m. — 4:00 p.m.!! Conference Presenters/Speakers ! 1:30 p.m. — 5:00 p.m.!! Book Sales and Vendors ! 6:30 p.m. — 8:30 p.m.!! Complimentary Bar-B-Q and Entertainment Reservations: (956) 682-6336 $89.00 plus tax Saturday — September 27, 2014 Visit the THGH Conference website at: www.southtexasgenealogy.org ¡Vamos a McAllen! REGISTRATION FORM ! 8:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.! Book Sales and Vendors ! 8:30 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.! Conference Presenters/Speakers ! 12:00 p.m. — 1:30 p.m.! Lunch (on your own) ! 12:00 p.m. — 1:30 p.m.! President’s Meeting ! 1:30 p.m. — 4:00 p.m.!! Conference Presenters/Speakers ! 1:30 p.m. — 5:00 p.m.!! Book Sales and Vendors ! 6:30 p.m. — 9:00 p.m.!! Banquet in the Ballroom for the 35 Annual Texas Hispanic Genealogical and Historical Conference We are still working on the final schedule and expect to add several smaller tours in the McAllen area. The conference website should be working soon. Stay tune for more information. can be accessed at the following link: If you have questions or wish to make special requests to accommodate disabilities, dietary requirements, or other matters, please send an email to: http://www.losbexarenos.org/2014_Conference_Registration_Form.pdf amoreno1947@gmail.com th LBGHS eMail Newsletter 12 Volume 3 - Issue 9 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY The LBGHS Resource Center & Library THE LBGHS RESOURCE CENTER & LIBRARY is open to the public on Saturdays (except the first Saturday of the month) from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. You will be able to do your family research in a very friendly and casual environment. You will be able to peruse the books and other genealogical information at your leisure. There will be volunteers to help you with any questions you may have. They can help you start your family tree or assist you in your research. It is preferable to set an appointment, so they can dedicate some time just for you. Call or email Yolanda Patiño at (210) 434-3530 /patinogil@sbcglobal.net or Dennis Moreno at (210) 647-5607 / dennis.moreno@sbcglobal.net. The following list of resources is an ongoing project. Be sure to keep checking as the list will be updated as additional indexing is completed. INDEX TO THE LBGHS LIBRARY HELP FOR THE BEGINNING GENEALOGISTS. The Society assists individuals in getting started with genealogical research through beginner's workshops. Beginners also receive one-on-one assistance from the more experienced members of the Society. ✥ The Library is located on the campus of Holy Rosary Parish. The Church is located at 159 Camino Santa María, just north of Culebra Road. Park in the noted parking lot and walk through the gate to the courtyard and turn to the right passing the LBGHS Resource Center Parking & Library Camino San ta María Library Culebra Ro ad first building. ✥ Books and Resources Journals Family Genealogy Facts and Events (as of Feb 2013) (as of Feb 2013) (as of Feb 2013) (as of Feb 2013) INDEX TO THE LBGHS REGISTERS Introduction to the Index Index of Articles sorted by Title Index of Articles sorted by State and Location Index of Wills, Estates and Death Records sorted by Surname Click to see a Larger Map LBGHS Publication Sales Genealogists $5.00 Discount !!! Extraordinaire ! Los Bexareños is fortunate to have Dennis Moreno and Yolanda Patiño. They are always ready to help someone with their research. People are often referred to them, because they need help in starting their genealogy, or they've come to that preverbal "brick wall." Sometimes the load becomes heavy with all the requests for assistance, especially now that Los Bexareños is getting more exposure. Los Bexareños is well known throughout Texas, as well as outside the United States. An individual was recently referred to Los Bexareños by Ancestry.com. Apparently, they had exhausted all their resources. That person is now a member of Los Bexareños. ! There are many experienced members in the Society. Los Bexareños needs others who will step-up-to-the-plate to offer their expertise, their knowledge, and their time to help Dennis and Yolanda with the heavy load. Please contact Dennis Moreno or Yolanda Patiño if you think you can help out. Maybe you have access to a good resource, or you're knowledgeable of a particular region, or you personally posses information that would be helpful to others. Whatever your area of expertise may be, just share that with Dennis and Yolanda so that they have more resources at their disposal. ! Dennis and Yolanda man the Resource Center every Saturday, except for the first Saturday of the month. They are a very valuable asset to our organization. Thank you Dennis and Yolanda for all that you do for Los Bexareños! ✥ LBGHS eMail Newsletter OFF THE PRICE OF ANY PUBLICATION OVER $10.00 When you contact Mr. Santiago Escobedo and let him know which publication you want to buy, and you pick it up at the LBGHS regular monthly meeting. All requests must be made by 10:00 a.m. the Thursday before the scheduled Saturday meeting. You can view the LBGHS book titles by double-clicking here PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE. If you have ordered publications by mail and you have not received them, please contact Mr. Escobedo at his email address listed below. You can contact Mr. Escobedo at this email: santiagodebejar@sbcglobal.net 13 Volume 3 - Issue 9 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY CANARY ISLANDER’S PROPERTIES ON THE NORTH SIDE OF MAIN PLAZA By Edward Aranda For Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society In 1849, W. G. M. Samuel, a former Texas Ranger, created paintings of each of the four sides of Main Plaza. The painting with the north view was used as a basis to illustrate of the ownership of these properties by the early settlers from the Canary Islands. Unfortunately, the structures depicted are as they were over a hundred years after the Canary Island families took possession of these lots. The properties are labeled based on the family list of Canary Islanders, i.e., label (7) for the seventh family. ! Vicente Travieso and María Ana Curbelo owned the second property to the west of Soledad (property (7), the two-story house depicted). The original house was damaged/destroyed in the 1819 flood. It was again damaged during the Siege of Béxar in 1835. When it became a two-story is undetermined. Refugio de la Garza, a priest, was renting the property and living there from at least 1828. Sometime afterwards acquired it. Refugio de la Garza was forced to resign in 1840, and in 1841 he sold this property. ! Join Villa Finale and HHCTX for a classic Hispanic cultural film presentation To the east is the property of Francisco Arocha (9). ! To the west, the is lot of Antonio Rodríguez and Josefa de Niz (10). They had a small stone house, an adobe room, and a framed kitchen. The lot adjacent to Acequia Street (Main Street) belonged to Manuel de Niz and his wife (6). They had a small adobe room and a framed kitchen on their lot. Joseph Rojas acquired both of these properties (6 and 10). After one other transaction, the properties were acquired by Simón de Arocha. Manuel Yturri then acquired these properties (6 and 10). In 1836, these properties were occupied by Santa Anna during the Battle of the Álamo. Then in 1841, a grand ball has held in its long room to celebrate the visit of Mirabeau B. Lamar, President of the Republic of Texas. Mrs. Juan Seguín and President Lamar opened the ball with a waltz. Manuel Yturri Jr. sold the properties to Leopold and Saul Wolfson. A fire, in 1904, damaged the Wolfson building but it was rebuilt. The Wolfson building was destroyed when another fire occurred in 2011, during the 32nd Texas Hispanic Genealogical and Historical Conference. The site (6 and 10) remains an empty lot to this day. ✥ In an effort to continue bringing awareness to Hispanic heritage and legacy, the Hispanic Heritage Center of Texas is partnering with the National Trust for Historic Preservation and Villa Finale to present "Silver Screen Classics." Join us on September 12, 2014 for the screening of "Los Tres Huastecos" at Villa Finale, located at 401 King William. For more information, please contact Ms. Dina Cortez at (210) 863-6191 dinac@hhctx.org. 1) Bexar Archives - University of Texas Austin, Section E_BX_001953 2) Bexar County Archives (U1:453 in Spanish), (44:367), (44:369)-Note property (10) was where the White Elephant Saloon was located. 3) Mary Maverick Memoirs (Lamar Visit) 4) Tejano Leadership in Mexican and Revolutionary Texas, Edited by Jesus de la Teja, Father Refugio de la Garza by: Robert E. Wright, O.M.I. Photo courtesy of Edward Sources: Photo taken from Frost Bank’s 21st floor looking south at Main Street and Commerce Street. Copyright 2014. Edward Aranda. All Rights Reserved. LBGHS eMail Newsletter 14 Volume 3 - Issue 9 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY September 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 2 Wednesday 3 Thursday 4 Friday Saturday 5 6 LBGHS Meeting 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. “Texas Before the Álamo” Laredo Center of Arts Laredo, Texas Labor Day 7 8 7:30 p.m. 9 10 11 12 13 LBGHS Resource Center 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 2018 Conference Committee Meeting 11:00 a.m. “ Los Tres Huastecos ” Villa Finale 6:00 p.m. 14 15 16 17 18 19 “Tejano Vigil at the Álamo Shrine” 7:00 p.m. 20 LBGHS Resource Center 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. “Independencia de México” “Tejano Memorial” Teatro Lila Cockrell San Fernando Cemetery #1 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. ~ 9:00 p.m. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 LBGHS Resource Center 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Texas Ranger Memorial Cross Dedication 35 th Texas Hispanic Genealogical & Historical Conference 28 29 30 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 15 15 Important Dates to Remember September 1! Have a Happy and Safe Labor Day! September 5! “Texas Before The Álamo” at the Laredo Center of Arts - Laredo, Texas September 6! Los Bexareños membership meeting - San Antonio, Texas September 12! Outdoor screening of “Los Tres Huastecos” at Villa Finale - San Antonio, Texas September 13 ! 2018 THGH Conference Committee Meeting - San Antonio, Texas September 13 ! Tejano Vigil at the Álamo Shrine - San Antonio, Texas September 16 ! Independencia de México ~ Grito de Dolores September 20 ! Tejano Memorial at San Fernando Cemetery No. 1 - San Antonio, Texas September 25-27! 35th Texas Hispanic Genealogical and Historical Conference - McAllen, Texas September 27! Texas Ranger Memorial Cross Dedication “Juan Antonio Ximenes” - San Antonio, Texas Los Bexareños Membership A Great Genealogy Gift Hispanic Heritage History & Culture September 15 — October 15 National Hispanic Heritage Month eMail Newsletter 15 Volume 3 - Issue 9 LOS BEXAREÑOS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY From Around The State Austin :!! ! News from Tejano Genealogy Society of Austin Corpus Christi :! ! News from Spanish American Genealogical Association (SAGA) Dallas :! ! ! News from HOGAR de Dallas Edinburg :! ! News from Las Porciones Society Harlingen :! ! News from Río Grande Valley Hispanic Genealogical Society Houston :! ! News from Hispanic Genealogy Society of Houston Laredo :! ! ! News from Villa de San Agustín - Laredo Genealogy Society San Elizario :! ! News from San Elizario Genealogy and Historical Society Victoria :! ! News from Victoria Hispanic Genealogical and Historical Society of Texas This section is dedicated to our sister Hispanic Genealogy Societies throughout the State. Just click on the blue link and it will take you to their website or their Facebook page. Message from the Editor There were five LBGHS members that worked at the four day FGS conference. We filled 1200 bags for attendees; but there were many more that registered for only one day of the conference. It was said that about 50% of those registered were first timers. A “Cyber Cafe" was available at the Exhibit Hall where attendees could download portions of their syllabus and to recharge their phones, iPads and laptops. Blogging, Tweeting, and FaceBook posting went on throughout the week. We also met new people, made new friends and contacts, and because of our networking we may be gaining a few new members. Because of our visibility at this conference, Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society is now a little better known within the genealogical community. ———————— If you are an AARP member, you are eligible to receive a 30% discount off your new subscription or renewal with Ancestry.com. Call 1-800-514-4645, 7 days a week, 9:00 a.m. 11:00 p.m. ET and have your AARP member ID number ready when you call. ———————— The 35th Annual Texas Hispanic Genealogical and Historical Conference will be held at McAllen, Texas. If you are interested in taking a Charter Bus from San Antonio to the conference, please contact our President, Louis Benavides, at louis_benavides06@sbcglobal.net We will need at least forty people to make this feasible. We hope to see you there. ✥ —Sylvia Morales PLEASE TELL US YOUR STORY Do not worry about writing style, spelling and grammar. Write down your stories just as you would tell them to your family and friends. Send it to the email address below. We have volunteers who will make suggestions and assist you with the writing style, spelling and grammar. We will send it back to you for your approval. We will only print your story after you approve the final version of the article. You will have full control of your article, and you will have a published family story that can be shared with your descendants. ✥ ! Please send your comments and suggested articles to the editor (preferably before the 15th of the month). September 25-27, 2014 Sylvia Morales 3543 Byron St San Antonio, TX 78247-3193 The Texas Hispanic Genealogical and Historical Conference McAllen, Texas (210) 494-7932 or (210) 291-7702 SAVE THE DATE lousyl@icloud.com THE FACE OF THE LBGHS FACEBOOK PAGE ! (preferred method of communication) The administrator for the LBGHS Facebook page is Anthony Delgado. I want to recognize and thank Anthony for the great job he is doing! Anthony can be reached at 12thfamily@gmail.com. He welcomes comments, old ancestral photos, family stories, as well as critiques and suggestions to enhance our LBGHS Facebook page. LBGHS eMail Newsletter 16 Get the latest version of a Free Adobe Reader Needed to read this Newsletter in PDF Volume 3 - Issue 9
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