Minutes taken by - Speaking Out Case Studies
Minutes taken by - Speaking Out Case Studies
Minutes of International meeting of Ooerations Directors 20'h 1996 AMSTERDAM.September Present: BelgianSection: DutchSection: FrenchSection: LuxembourgSection: SpanishSection: Brussels: Intemational Genève: Intemational Minutestakenby: 1. Mario Goethals WouterKok WilnavanAartsen(for theET) Tinekevan Pietersom(for theDemandDriven) BrigitteVasset MarcGastellu GinetteMarchant Thierry Durand Jean-MarieKindermans RobertMuller MarnixvanHesteren Minutes of last meeting, Paris, June l|th 1996 Oneremarkon the ODA "rumoursfrom London" : Mario, Marc, JulesandAnne-MarieHuby hada meetingwith ODA afterODA's critics on MSF with too many MSF is a Jumpandrun' organisation in Nigeria(theyconsidered operations involvement local staff). and cars, and a low of expatstaff on howMSF is working. Themeetingresultedin a betterunderstanding of theproiect. It is imDortant to sendODA theevaluation to have meeiingswith donors. Lesson^leamed is thatit is important 2. International ET I UpdateET. for ET missions.Sixteendesksarenow Thereis now anextensionof Deskinvolvement available. A discussion will follow at theendofthis yearon how theET functions. will judgetheET with criticaleyes. a neutralapproach anoutsideconsultant To guarantee will afterwards TheDirectorsof Operations decidewhetherto continueor not. A few constraints: . Financialmatters. This problemneedsquickaction. . Logisticinvolvementof differentdepartments of differentsections. andcentresneeda certaintumover. The Problemis that the differentlogisticdepartments This meansthatwe mightbeforcedto do thingsagainsttheinterestof projects,andfavour It is not acceptable to be drivenby financialinterests. logisticsfor financialreasons. r Involvementof othersections. This is a longertermissue. Marcwondersif it is possibleto put all intemational operations underthesame'ETlike' label. Theadvantâges: o Co-ordination rulesappliedimmediately. r Logistics. o Financial. It wouldhelpthebalanceof figuresat theendof theyear(accountability of theET). This is linkedwith intemationalisation of thefield andit wouldfollow therecommendations of Chantilly. Because of thefinancialconstraints, Marcputsa redalerton theET-construction. Mario suggests thattheBalanceis notsomuchtheproblem,but thenotionthatonecannot participate asa sectionin a mission. Continuinginvolvementof othersectionsis needed. Marc:Still we can'tescape from thefinancialproblems. At thesametimeit is notacceptable prevail. thatfinancialconstraints Marc:Apply ET-ruleson otherinternational missions(Logistics,ET, HRM). Theserulesneedto berevised.Theremustbemoreconsistency in co-ordination, logisticsand finance.A modularsystemis a combination of psychological involvement, financeandlogistic turnover. Albaniamightbe aninteresting newcaseif it becomes anemergency. All sectionswantto beinvolved.Will it beET or not ? (ET) or not. It doesn'tmatterwhetherit is anemergency ET-rulescanbe applied:1 deskand I HOM. projects. Thereforeit is advisedto developanETJike system,alsofor non-emergency Albaniamightconfronteachother,discussions canbeheldanddifferentwaysof thinkingcan be integratedinto intemationaloperations Mario fearsa softconsensus or havinga debatewithoutdecisions. How to makestrongdecisions? Marcproposes a basicframework. howto by passadministrative Kindermans: constraints andto solvethe Questionto Jean-Marie problemof balances(globalisation at theendof theyear)? of accounts Options: e To find a consultant (will costa lot of money). . Createa virtualsectionasa realistictool (for ET only). ,, Problems: r Thereareno examplesat otherorganisations. r Donorsneedto be involved. Oneconcretething is proposed:starta total evaluationin November: . Process evaluation(howhastheET functoned). o Effectivenessof the ET. Marc thinks that an evaluationwill havea functionbut doesnot exoecttoo muchof it. Our ownperceptionis moreinteresting. How will the financialoroblembe solved? Now a problemwith ttreET-balances will beraisedat theendof theyear. A balancingmechanismfor the ET needstill to be developed. Jean-Marieproposesto put Liberia in theET balancingmechanism. All Directorsof Operationsagree. For 1997a solutionmustbe found. Lastremark:Albaniawill be anET-mission. II Liberia Therewassomerigidity detectedin the way theMSF Hollandcontributionfor Tubmanburg shouldbe soent. Replyto this is thatMSF Hollandwill beflexiblein thedivisionof projectexpenses. This meansthattheET is freein how to spendit. Brigitte:Do we wantto changetheLiberiadeskafterFebruary? Problemis that a contractwith the donorwill be signedby oneparticularsection.A new contractshouldbe signedif theresponsibility for Liberiachanges to anothersection. This will raiseproblemswith thedonor. Mario:It is betterto continuewith thesameBUS: oncetheBUS alwaystheBUS. A changeof BUS is not possibleandwill be hardto manage. It is betterto avoida mix of financialandoperationalarguments. The advantageof the ET is that co-ordination,finance,technicalsupportandHRM is managed by onesection. Bdgitte:If we wantthedesksto beinvolveda rotatingdeskmustbepossible. TheCountryManagercanremainworkingfor differentsections. William hasno problemswith rotatingdesks. Mario:otherdesksmustacceptthattheyarenotinvolved. Wouter:a mechanism to separate mustbefound. III CostaRica scanningofrtce A decisionneedto bemade. HansVeekenhasmadea proposal.It needsa reactionof theCoreGroup. MarcelvanSoestmadeanevaluation. It mightbe betterto link thepostto theET / CoreGroup. Vr'ilnawill be theBUS for follow up. HansVeekenis not thedeskanymore. Whatwill happenif thereis anemergency ? wilna: thenw_e ado.pt the sy,stem of the ET andlook for a sectionfor final responsibility. _will But normallyWilna will betheBUS. Ginetteputsremarksat theannualcostsof scanningoffices Chinacôsts$ 300,000,CostaRicaalsoan x amounl,but whatwill theseoffices gain(MSF Luxembourgoffice costsalso$ 300,000,but raises$ 6 million). AnswerMario: . CostaRicais a project,not a fund-raisingoffice. . Thecostsareprobablytoo high. o Decisionis for thedesknotfor theDirectorsof Operations. IV GrandsLacsregion Mario:Burundi,what'shappening there? o Kayanza'. a vehicleof MSF wasconfiscated by thearmy.No reactionon thatfact. . Uvira:Iotsof residents (Banyamulenge) areforcedout of Zaireby theZairiantroops. Kayanza', Wilna: A carwasindeedconfiscated andthelocaldriverwasforcedto drivearoundin Kayanzaprovinceuntil theendofthe day.Themilitaryanestedoneperson.It is not known whathappened with thearrested person. Finallythemilitaryagreedto retumthecar,but threatened to comeback. Severeness of theincident:theuseof thecarwasorderedby thenewGovernorof Kayanza Theteamwasaskedto comebackto Nsozi. A discussion washeldwith theChefd'étatMajor,theGovemorof Kayanzaandwith thechef de Staffof lr{umbura (whois thehighestofficer).This meetingwasenlightening. TheywantedMSF to makeawareof thecontextwe work in. Theysuspeclour loèalstaffto havecontactwith the'otherparty'.This meansthatanylocalperiondiiving alonein anMSF carmaybe considered asanenemy. Theoutcomeis thatwe will avoidasmuchaspossiblecarsdrivenwith localstaffonly. How to interpretthisincident? Wasit intimidationonly ? organs. ThenewGovemoris a hardlinerandwantsmorecontrolof theadministrative thereis anincrease of militaryactivities. Kayanzais a strategicprovince.Therefore, SinceBuyoyathereis in Burundia strategyto controlthepowerstrongerthentheyusedto do. with therebelsin findinga solution. doesnot wantto negotiate Thecurrentgovemment prices moreandmoredifficult.Tradehascollapsed, For thepopulationthesituationbecomes arerising.Two/thirdof Bujumburais withoutelectricity. TheUN andNGO's needto lobbymorefor logisticsthanbefore.If roadsgetblockedwe will havebig logisticalproblems. The repatriationandretumingpolicy is questionedby theDelegateof MadamOgata.People werekilled andput in trucks(of IINHCR) by armedforces.It wasnot a voluntaryrepatriation asUNHCR remarked. policy. MSF shouldreactmoreactivelyandspeakout on theUNHCRrepatriation A commonapproachneedto be prepared. Uvira: in theRuziziandUviraareaareintimidatedandviolatedby A lot of residents @anyamulenge) theZairiantroops.TheseBanyamulenge areof RwandaandTutsioriginandlive in this area sincethe 18* century. Lastweek 150peoplewerepushedovertheborderto Cibitokeprovince.It is not knownwhat happened to them.Thereis a strongfeelingthatNyangona(a Hutuleader)playsa rolein it. It is expected thatthistrendwill continue.Theygot no mediaattention. will comébackfrom Uvrra. More nèwswill comewhenJacoues on the For MSF it is importantto discussthematter.Our positionon theRuziziplaindepends Zairian govemment (SNIP). Remarkfrom Jorge:Burundi - sitrepsarehardto understand.It is valuablefor the operational desk,but for otherdesksnot functional. It is proposedto write a separate sitrepwith a broadoutline. 3. Exchange on experienceson internationalisation Jean-MarieKindermans: n Communicatonin big emergencies accordingto ET-model. Issues: o Decisionmaking:whatto decideif thereis no consensus. Bettera baddecisionthan no decision. . Commonstatement: sameBUS in chargeof writinga message. n Intemationalisation Jean-Marie wantsto organisea debateon howto continuewith internationalisation. First,Jean-Marie wantsto know whatpeoplewantwith intemationalisation. He proposes to setup questionnaires with theaimto setup prioritiesin publichealthand orientations. He wantsto startmid Octoberandfinish in March. Theresultswill be presented to theBoard(GeneralAssembly)whowill decide,hopefully positive. n Follow up Chantilly. Two otherproposals: 1. Thereis no commoncultureanda lackof evaluaton.Jean-Marie wantsto orsanise evaluations of thecommonprojectsof 3 differentsections. 2. Jean-Marie wantsto organise commonmeetingsbetweenall desks.Theproblemis how to organiseit. Reactionof theDirectorsof Operations: o Proposition is goodbut not feasibledueto a lackof time.It is difficult to visit projectsof othersections.It needsa studvfirst. r Plusvalue: 1. A methodto learnto knowotherprojects. 2. Takesawayall themistin strategyandconstraints. 3. Canbeof valuefor a missionitself(in senseof recommendations). . Thesectionsalreadywork togetherin a lot of countries. Whatis theadditionalvalue? Jorgehassomeremarkson internationalisation in general. Firsthe wasa enthusiastic supporter, now heis morenegativeandopposes to it: . Disagreement on witnessing. r Lossof identity. o Slowdecisionmaking. . Unpreparedness (noplanfor downsizing). of thefield on howto getrid of localemployees . No commonpolicyfor localstaff. r Thefield is by-passing Headquarters. r DifferentadministrativeDrocesses. Reactionto Jorgescomments: o Jean-Marie: Theprioritiesof intemationalisation is: o A commonpolicypaperfor MSF asa whole. . A commonrepresentation. . Commonmeetings. . Thereis only misunderstanding on whatwe shoulddo andhow to advanceandreachthe objectives. o Wouterdisagrees with Jorge.Thereis a problemwith interpretation of internationalisation. It mustbe organised. . Internationalisation peformedwell in Haiti.Theteamsmadeuseof oneinfrastructure. o Accordingto Mariothefield,in general,lacksinitiativesanddoesnot internationalise. Summary: Jean-Marie hasseveralproposals for internationalisation, but negativefeelingsdominate. How to steerinternationalisation to a positivedirection..Constructive thinkingis needed. First action: TheDirectorsof Operations will writea letterwith rnisunderstandings to beclearedin orderto give directionto the field andto reinterpretChantilly. Action:Mario will writetheletterin co-operation with Jorge.Thisletterwill be proposed to the otherDirectorsof Ooerations first. Second action: A mechanism will be developed in whicha sectionwill look in theprojectsof anothersection, asa sortof evaluation. Theaim is a betterunderstanding of theothersectionsculture,skills andoolicies. It is àccordedthat3 deskmanagers will jointly travelto Angola,Bosnia,BurundiandPeru. Start:October. Results:beforethenextGeneralAssembly(in 6 monthstime). 4. International field post: how are they decided ? Internationalfield postsaredecidedby thecommunicationdepartments (responsibilityof the Directorsof Communica{.ions). Themanagement by theBUS,rotatingeach6 months.Paidby 1 section. After 6 monthsa decisionto continuewill bemade,in orderto evaluate. Theoptionof stoppingis open. 5. Demand Driven experiment. Tinekevan Pietersom,asDirector of the experimentcountries,givesanupdate. Afghanistan, Angola,Bosnia,Brazil,Cambodiaand Six countriestakepartin theexperiment: SierraLeone.All involvedpeopleareenthusiastic. Still therehasa lot to be adaptedandchanged. Theexoeriment itselfhasnowfinished. EvaluaÎionteamsarenowvisitingthecountriesandhavinginterviewswith theco-ordinators. Theevaluationwill finishin onemonth. At theendtheBoardwill decide,basedon theoutcome. for theCountryManager,butthis mightbe a consequence of the Thework loadhasincreased transmitperiod.The CountryManagersarein directcontactwith the desksof othersections. for themanagement: Consequences No moreDeskManagers. A differentkind of top structure. In generalpositive. . How to combinewith biggeremergencies andintemational ET. r How to implementin countrieswith a weakMT. r Theweakerpartsof theorganisation (HQ + comeup.Theorganisation mightbe reorganised thefield). anymore. Althoughstill underdiscussion, thegoalis to haveno DeskManagers Remarks: . It mightnot bepositivefor somecountries. o Differentsituationat emergencies. . We will havea contextandevaluation unit at HQ (understudy).Thecontextunit coversthe problemof "thememoryof theorganisaton". The structureof thecurrentMT: Fund-raising andtheDemandDriven Director(Lex),HRM manager, Control,Projects, expenment. ThefutureMT: I scenario:3 ProjectDirectorsfor 3 differentregions,a ContextManager,Audit Managerand the field (CountryManager)by meansof a contract. Thecontractis a letterof understanding anda planningexercise: (budget,exploratorymissionsandemergencies). Policy,Programsandresources The decision levelwill beput at field level. In caseof a newproject: Proposalswill comefrom thefield. It needsapprovalfrom the MT or from theMT at field level.Headquarters shouldbeconsultedif a nowprojectfalls outsidethepolicy. Briefingsof newfield staff: This meansthatsitrepsshouldbe updatedevery Thevwîll bebriefedon paperin Headquarters. HËM d"p*t..nt. Finally.theiountry Managerwill grve ;;'k.îh1r";iû^;;",Ér,iiiËJUy,t" approvalwhethertheielectedéxpatwill go to thefield Mario seestwo bottle necks: r Thememoryof theorganisation. of peoplein thefield (a highlevelis needed)' r Therequiredexperience Jorgehassomeremarks: policies? . How to developneworganisational o Divergence a lot on people.How to find therightpeopleandreplacements? o Demanddrivendepends Tineke: iii" Ëlli" ideais to get a betterandefficient workingprocess,bettercontactwith the field' W" -" u**" of thJproblems:howto controlabuseof power' keepaneyeon theprojects. will be,_stronger.^They.will of tfr" supp.irtinga"purtments 1't get of thebureaucracy. rid àu".uff effecti at Hdareïot yet known.We wantto iirÀ"iof" a primarygoal)' is-not this f; ; f"t" yearstherewill probablybe lessstaff(although 'memory', will need 3 extrapeople. 1i,".""réii *it, whichùill alsotakecareof the JuniorCountryManagerswill betrainedon thefield' 6. Next meeting Directors of Operations. . Next time in Barcelonaon November21" and22nd for theagendaof thenextmeefing' Jorgewill be responsible pointsandpapersis needed' More disciplinein bringingforwardagenda n a Last remarks He wouldlike to have nexttime andlessfunctionalsubjects. Mario wantsmoreoperations more' countrieslike BurundiandChechnya discussed Jorgewantsto put theevolutionof MSF Spainon theagenda' for a quickreactionto Ginettewantsto discussWestAfrica:thereis no realmechanism acuteepidemics. Marcwantsto discusstheevaluationof Nigeria. HansvanOort (MSFHolland)is writing a Nigeriapolicypaperon epidemics' andhewould like to bemore wantsto put attentionto the258anniversary, Jean-Marie involvedin medicalmatters.