Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) use for Infrastructure


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) use for Infrastructure
(‫הארגון הלאומי הישראלי )מלכ"ר‬
58-029-166-4 :‫מס' העמותה‬
International Seminar / Workshop on:
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) use for
Infrastructure Inspection needs
(Gas&Oil Pipes, Electrical Networks, Railways and more),
Component Condition Monitoring & Maintenance Planning
HaSharon Hotel – HERZLYA, Tuesday 26/05/2015
Phone +972-9-9525777, www.sharon.co.il
There are many professional events focusing purely on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
technology yet the benefits of UAVs and the use of their derived data are often overlooked.
Recently, we see that Infrastructure Companies have increasing interest to understand the
possibility of using UAVs for their inspection needs, Component Conditions monitoring,
Maintenance Planning, Security Inspections, etc. This is a very promising emerging market
awaiting proper rules and standardization.
This Seminar “UAVs’ use for Infrastructure Inspection needs, Component Condition
Monitoring & Maintenance Planning” is one-day event that aims to bridge that gap by
delivering an educational seminar program revealing the important stages within the UAV
“journey” including topics on the various types of UAVs available for those kind of missions,
matching the best UAV for the task at hand, how to plan a survey, making raw data usable
and end user specific applications.
In a broader context, mission and trajectory planners must yield acceptable low-cost
solutions for single UAVs or coordinated teams operating nominally or, worst-case, in nonoptimal, “unfriendly” or uncertain environments – such as Overhead Power Lines, with
degraded performance characteristics. Under a new paradigm, humans are "on the loop"
rather than “in the loop”, thus de facto “mission managers” and “theatre commanders” armed
and supported by an array of computational tools. These tools are now capable to acquire
and accurately summarize mission-critical information for human supervisors while providing
the underlying infrastructure that plans and executes missions in accordance with specified
high-level directives.
This particular seminar will enable its attendees to gain a thorough insight into this fast
moving market by meeting face to face with UAV producers, commercial suppliers of
dedicated UAV equipment, IT infrastructure and Government Agencies (Regulators) and
hearing directly from Infrastructure Industry speakers, UAV producers and Service Providers
who are using this exciting technology.
(‫הארגון הלאומי הישראלי )מלכ"ר‬
58-029-166-4 :‫מס' העמותה‬
Why Attend?
Gain a direct insight into this fast emerging market
Meet with UAV product and service providers
Explore the potential of UAV systems as a viable option for your projects
Ideal for those in the research stage of understanding the benefits for all Infrastructure
Industry representatives (Water/Gas/Oil/Electrical Utilities, Transport – train, roads, this
technology can offer.
Seminar Topics
1. Overview on UAV Platforms and Payloads: choosing the right UAV for the right mission (SWaP)
vs. when not to use a UAV.
2. Data collection and Software tools : How to plan and undertake a survey, making raw data
usable, cost implications, hardware, safety / cyber (cyber, CUES, EO SAA ) and IT issues.
3. Simulation and certification of UAV.
4. Power Line Companies needs for Inspections: Vegetation Management, Component Conditions
and Maintenance Planning, prioritization and optimized results.
5. Inspection Service Provider’s POV: demonstrating capabilities for UAV based inspections,
comparison with traditional methods and helicopter based inspections.
6. Aviation Authority: vision of the future regulation allowing inspection flights in Israel.
7. Panel: Where is the UAV industry taking us?
Who Should Attend?
□ Utility Senior Management who make corporate level investment decisions and need to
defend them in front of the Board of Director or the Regulator.
□ Transmission project and maintenance managers, estimators, and contract managers
□ Transmission engineers
□ Supply chain and cost accounting professionals for utilities and other energy companies
□ Regulatory agency staff
□ Consultants and engineering firms that work within the electricity transmission sector
SIMLAT, Israel Aeronautical Industries, Steadicopter, Israel Aeronautical Authority,
SharperShape (Finland), Israel Electric Corporation and others.
(‫הארגון הלאומי הישראלי )מלכ"ר‬
58-029-166-4 :‫מס' העמותה‬
08:00 - 08:30
‫התכנסות והרשמה‬
‫ תפקידים ומטרות הארגון הלאומי‬,‫ברכות דברי פתיחה‬
‫ מבוא לסמינר‬,‫הישראלי‬
.‫ ישראל‬CIGRE ‫ יו"ר‬,‫מר אלכס לבינזון‬
- 08:30
Welcome address: Mr Alex Levinzon, Chairman of CIGRE NC- Israel
08:45 –
Mr. Beny Davidor
Manager, Civilian use of UAV Dept., CAAI ISRAEL
Civil Operations of
UAV in Israel
Regulation issues
Mr. Marcel Ellenbogen Senior PEE, MSc.,
MBA Transmission and Substation Division,
Israel Electric Corporation
UAV’s for Inspection
of Utilities Assets
A Business Case
Mr. Yuval Pershin
Manager – Simlat Ltd.- Israel
UAV Simulation
Trends for Civil
‫מר בני דוידור‬
,‫מנהל מחלקת מערכי כטב"מ אזרחיים‬
‫ ישראל‬- (‫רשות התעופה האזרחית )רת"א‬
- 08:45
‫הפעלת כטב"ם אזרחי במדינת ישראל‬
‫מר אלנבוגן מרצל‬
,‫ אגף הולכה והשנאה‬,‫מהנדס חשמל ממוחה‬
‫חברת החשמל לישראל‬
– 09:15
‫שימוש בכטב"מים בביקורות תשתיות חשמל‬
?‫כיצד ניתן להצדיק השימוש בטכנולוגיה זו‬
‫מר יובל פרשין‬
‫מנהל סימל טבע"מ – ישראל‬
– 09:45
‫כטב"מ וסימולציות‬
‫מגמות בתחום יישומים אזרחיים‬
Coffee Break – ‫ הפסקה‬10:30 – 11:00
Mr. Petri Rauhakallio,
COO, Sharper Shape Oy, Finland
UAV Inspections:
Experiences and roadmap to
consolidated patrol using UAV
Mr. Nir Salomon
Manager, Business Development ,
IAI- MALAT - Israel
UAS Power line
operations by IAI
Mr. Itzhak Shnipitzky
Founder and CEO,
Steadicopter, 3D Aerial Robotics.
Keeping a Steady Eagle
eye on utilities
The advantages of using an unmanned rotary
platform for utilities observation.
Steadicopter, an unmanned helicopter system
manufacturer since 1999; performed a
complex pilot with the Israel Electrical
(‫הארגון הלאומי הישראלי )מלכ"ר‬
58-029-166-4 :‫מס' העמותה‬
‫מר פטרי ראוקאכאליו‬
‫ שרפר שייפ בע"מ‬,‫מנהל תפעול ראשי‬
– 11:00
‫ביקורת באמצעות כטב"מ‬
‫הניסיון הפיני ואבני דרך להשגת תקינה‬
‫לשימוש כטב"מ לצורכי ביקורות‬
‫מר ניר סלומון‬
/ ‫מנהל פיתוח עסקי של החטיבה הצבאית‬
‫מפעל מלט‬
‫תעש"א – ישראל‬
– 11:45
‫תפעול כלים כטב"מיים ע"י תעשייה‬
‫מפעל מל"ט‬-‫האווירית‬
‫מר יצחק שניפיצקי‬
‫מייסד ומנכ"ל סטדיקופטר בע"מ‬
– 12:15
‫מבט יציב על תשתיות‬
‫יתרונות תצפיות של תשתיות עם כלי טייס בלתי‬
‫ יצרן‬,‫ סטדיקופטר‬.(‫מאויש בעל כנף סובבת )מסל"ט‬
‫; ביצע פיילוט מורכב יחד עם‬999 ‫מסל"טים משנת‬
.‫חברת חשמל לישראל‬
Lunch – ‫ הפסקת צהריים‬12:45 – 14:00
Mr. Chen Granas
Founder and CEO,
FMV and Visual sensors instruction projects,
Pro-Visint Ltd.
‫מר חן גרנס‬
- ‫ויזינט בע"מ‬-‫מייסד ומנהל כללי חב' פרו‬
– 14:00
‫אפליקציות אזרחיות בחישה תרמית‬
Thermal Sensing from UAV
‫מרחוק ע"י כלי טיס בלתי מאוישים‬
for Civil Applications
Final Remarks, O & A, Conclusion
‫ סיכומים‬: 14:30 – 15:30
(‫הארגון הלאומי הישראלי )מלכ"ר‬
58-029-166-4 :‫מס' העמותה‬
Attn: Israel National Committee – CIGRE
36, HANTKE str., Haifa – Israel
FAX: +972-7234-28186
Email: ue213@iec.co.il
I’ll participate to the Seminar:
UAV use for Infrastructure Inspection needs,
Component Condition Monitoring & Maintenance Planning
Hasharon Hotel – HERZLYA, Tuesday 26/05/2015
Name ____________________________Surname__________________________
Full Address ________________________________________________________
Phone / Cellphone ______________________Work no: ______________________
Representing__________________________________ Job __________________
Email: _______________________________________________
Seminar Price: Euro 200.
Payment by:
1. Credit Card:
Diners Card
Other _______________
Credit Card Holder____________________________________________________
Credit Card No.
Expiry Date
3 Digit on back of the Card
2. Bank Details for Bank Transfer: The Israeli National Committee of CIGRE
Bank: LEUMI (10) , Branch: HOREV (880) www.leumi.co.il Account No: 10-880-2889027
IBAN: IL710108800000002889027, SWIFT code: LUMIILITTLV
Condition of Payment: Please announce your intention to participate until April 24th 2015.
All payments should be arranged until May, 7th 2015.
Terms of Cancellations and No Shows:
Up to 14/05/2015 weeks prior to the scheduled seminar: 75% refund
After 14/05/2015: no refund