School Starts Sept. 2 - Dassel


School Starts Sept. 2 - Dassel
School Starts
Sept. 2
2 Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 18, 2014
Letter To Dassel-Cokato Students and Parents
Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to the 2014-15 school year!
As the year progresses, we will encounter a variety of challenges
that can be overcome successfully if we work together as a team.
Supporting each other, and utilizing direct, clear communication
are crucial to our effort. If you ever have questions about what is
happening at school, please take the time to call the person most
closely associated with the question. If you don’t know who to
call, please call the principal of your child’s school or Mr. Powers.
Unnecessary misunderstanding and stress can often be avoided by
direct communication. Remember, we all want the very best for our
The first day of school is September 2, with open houses the
previous week. This back-to-school supplement is being distributed
to the homes of all families in our school district. It is full of useful
information you will need as you proceed through the school year.
Please read it carefully and keep it for future reference. You will also
find it on the DC website under Newsletters.
If you have specific questions or concerns, please contact the office
of the school your child attends. Students receive the best education
possible when there is a strong partnership between the school and
their family. Thank you for your continued support and trust!
Dassel-Cokato Schools Administration
Thurs., Aug. 28 • Dassel, 4-7 p.m. • Cokato, 4-7 p.m.
Everyone is invited to the annual open house on Thurs., Aug. 28, 2014.
We are having the open house before school begins so that as a family, the students and parents can meet
the teachers and learn other important information for the school year. This would also be a great time to
deposit money in your family lunch account and take care of morning break milk and juice fees. You may
also bring your school supplies. We would especially encourage kindergarten families to attend.
Everyone is welcome.
Are you looking for a school calendar or an
assignment posted on a teacher’s webpage? Do
you want to register for a Community Education
class? Maybe you need to double-check on a sports
schedule or get copies of eligibility forms. Are you
looking to check on a student’s grades or attendance
through the student or parent portals? Maybe you
need an email address to contact a teacher, or your
child needs to access school-provided research
databases to complete an assignment. Answers to
these and many other questions can be answered
by visiting the Dassel-Cokato Schools website.
To enhance communication and conveniently
provide our patrons with valuable resources, we
have designed a content-rich website packed with
information that we feel will benefit the students,
families, and community members in our district.
By browsing tabs at the left of the main page,
visitors can access comprehensive district-wide
information. To go to a specific school or a program
such as community education or activities, simply
select one of the tabs at the top of the page. There
are also tabs at the top filled with information
specifically directed to parents, students, and staff
To share what is happening in our schools, each
main school page is regularly updated with school
news and upcoming events. We hope you visit the
site often.
Here are a few of the helpful things you will find on
the D-C school website:
• Calendars
• Teacher and class websites
• Student handbooks and registration guides
• Research tools
• Scholarship information
• Board agendas and minutes
• Activity schedules and forms
• Staff contact information
• Important dates and school news
• Parent and student portal access
• Employment opportunities
• Lunch menus
• Newsletters
• Online payment center
• Community Education events and registration
• Performing Arts Center events
These items and more are available to you with
the click of a mouse. Please visit us at http://www. You may find yourself bookmarking
the site, so you can return often.
Middle School Orientation and Open House
August 27 and August 28
On Wednesday evening, August 27, 2014 there will be an open house for students in grades 6 - 8 from 5:00
p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Students and parents will be able to pickup their schedule packets and visit with staff
starting at 5:00 p.m. There will be a presentation for all 6th grade students and their parents at 6:00 p.m. in
the PAC regarding the sixth grade educational field trip and other items related to sixth grade orientation.
This presentation is very important for all sixth grade families to attend. 7th and 8th grade students and
their parents may meet with teachers anytime between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Teachers will be in the
hallways and their rooms to meet with you and answer any questions related to 7th and 8th grade. This is a
great time to get your schedules, find your lockers, learn about curriculum, and meet up with friends.
On Thursday evening, August 28, 2014 there will be an orientation from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. for 5th grade
students only. Students will be able to pickup their schedule packets and tour the middle school starting at
5:00 p.m. We will have approximately a 30-45 minute presentation in the Performing Arts Center starting
at 5:45 p.m. for students and parents. This presentation will include a brief orientation to the middle school,
5 grade, and an introduction of the staff. Students and parents will have time to find their lockers and visit
with staff before and after the presentation.
Students who are unable to attend open house may pick their schedules up before school on the morning
of September 2. Fifth grade students who cannot attend the Open House on August 28 are welcome to
visit the morning of August 29. Please try to attend orientation with your child. The Dassel–Cokato Middle
School staff is looking forward to meeting you!
Please contact Middle School secretary Sarah Wolff at (320) 286-4100 ext. 1603 with any address changes
(physical or email) and/or phone number changes you may have experienced over the summer and
throughout the year. In addition, please update any emergency contact information through our health
office. It is very important the middle school staff has current contact information in case there is a need to
contact you for any reason during a school day. If you have new neighbors with school age children, please
remind them to contact the school office, so that their children are registered before school starts.
High School & 9th Grade Meeting
Wednesday, August 27
All students and parents are invited to attend the High School Open House on Wednesday, August 27th
from 4-7 p.m. The purpose of Open House is to allow students an opportunity to find their 1st trimester
classrooms, meet staff, catch up with friends, and take care of any business that will help better prepare
them for the 1st day of school.
A special meeting for 9th grade students and their parents will take place during Open House on August
27th starting at 5:00 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center(PAC). Students will meet key staff members from
the Office Team who will provide information to help students have a successful start to their 4 years at
For students who are new to the district (foreign exchange students included), we will have a “pre-Open
House” meet and greet opportunity on Tuesday, August 26th starting at 6:30 p.m. in the High School
Commons. Students will meet other new students, as well as key high school staff, who will assist them in
their transition to DCHS. If you cannot attend this session, we hope students and parents are still able to
come to Open House.
A newsletter detailing the above information will be sent to the homes of all students in mid-August.
Dassel-Cokato High School • Aug. 27 • 4-7 p.m.
DC Area Learning Center • Aug. 27 • 4-7 p.m.
Dassel-Cokato Middle School
Aug. 27 (grades 6-8) 5-7 p.m. &
Aug. 28 (grade 5) 5-7 p.m.
Dassel Elementary • Aug. 28 • 4 - 7 p.m.
Cokato Elementary • Aug. 28 • 4 - 7 p.m.
Emergency information is needed at school
Parents, please take the time to complete an
the event your child becomes ill or there is an
incident that requires emergency care while at
school, it is helpful to have name and telephone
numbers where you, or another family member
or friend can be reached. Forms are available in
each of the school offices.
In addition, if your child has a significant health
problem, we would appreciate being informed
about it in order to plan for and provide a safe
environment for your child while at school.
Call the school nurse with any questions or
Annette Bohnsack, School Nurse
(320) 286-4100, ext. 1804
Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 18, 2014
Late Starts, Early
Outs, and Closings
Throughout the year there will be days when,
due to inclement weather, school is delayed,
dismissed early, or closed for the day. Delays or
closings may be announced as late as 6:15 AM.
We will be using our calling system, Campus
Messenger, to announce changes in the school
schedule due to weather. We typically also post
announcements on: Channel 4 WCCO (830 AM),
Channel 11 KARE TV, Channel 5 KSTP, Channel 9
FOX, and KDUZ (1260AM). For more information
on the Campus Messenger system, please
contact one of the school offices.
Minnesota weather is highly variable and
changes quickly. There are days when it is clear
at 6:15 AM, and foggy at 6:45 AM. Weather and
road conditions also vary widely around the
186 square miles of the district. Although we
attend to weather conditions closely, you may
consider the conditions at your location unsafe
for your children. Additionally, your child may
have an early morning practice or commitment
at school, that occurs before a delay or closure is
announced. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of
parents to send their children to school, or keep
them home, when the weather is inclement. If
you don’t think it is safe to send your child to
school, don’t send them.
School Criminal
Background Checks
The school district has adopted a policy, the
purpose of which is to promote the physical,
social, and psychological well-being of its
students. Pursuant to this policy, the school
district shall seek criminal history background
checks for all applicants who receive an offer of
employment with the school district. The school
district also shall seek criminal background
checks for all individuals who are offered the
opportunity to provide athletic coaching
services or other extracurricular academic
coaching services to the school district,
regardless of whether compensation is paid.
These positions include, but are not limited to,
all athletic coaches, extracurricular academic
coaches, assistants, and advisors. The school
district may elect to seek criminal background
checks for other volunteers, independent
contractors, and student employees.
General notice for
parents or guardians
2014-15 School Year
Pesticide Notice
A Minnesota state law requires that schools
inform parents and guardians if they apply
certain pesticides on school property. State
law also requires that you be told that the
long-term health effects on children from the
application of such pesticides or the class of
chemicals to which they belong may not be
fully understood.
The Dassel-Cokato School District does not
apply pesticides on school property unless
all other measures have failed to control the
problem. In the event that insect control sprays
and dusts need to be applied, it will only be
done when students are absent from the area,
and will be out of the area until any spray and
any odor has dissipated.
If you would like to be notified prior to pesticide
applications made on days other than those
specified in the estimated schedule (excluding
emergency applications), please complete
and return the form below and mail it to: Jeff
Powers, Dassel-Cokato Public Schools, 4852
Reardon Ave SW, Suite 1700, Cokato, Minnesota
55321. If you have any questions regarding this
notice, please contact the district office at (320)
286-4100, extension 1000.
Request for Pesticide
Public School District
I understand that the school will make
available an estimated schedule of pesticide
applications for review and copying at the
school office. Should a pesticide application be
scheduled on a day different from the day(s)
specified in the original schedule, I would like
to be notified. I understand that the school
may ask me for reimbursement for the costs of
I would prefer to be notified by (circle):
US Mail
Please print neatly:
Name of School Building:
Name of Parent/Guardian:
Supplement available
in many formats
This document is available in the following
formats upon request: Braille, Large Print, Audio
Cassette Tape, Computer Disk.
Please call 320-286-4100
for more information or
to request a copy.
Day Phone:
Eve Phone:
Return to: Jeff Powers,
Dassel-Cokato Public Schools,
4852 Reardon Ave SW, Suite
1700, Cokato, MN 55321
Information for Middle School and High School
students living in town
Middle School and High School students living in town will be picked up between
7:45 a.m. & 7:55 a.m.
at the same pick-up points as last year, unless they have been notified of changes.
Call 320-286-4105 (Dassel residents) or 320-286-5315 (Cokato residents)
to verify your stop if you have questions.
Much of Dassel-Cokato’s school funding is based on our percentage of students who receive free and reduced lunches. This funding
is used to hire Title 1 para-professionals, reading specialists, and other educational benefits in our district. In order to access all of the
funding our children are entitled to have, we are asking you to fill out the “Application for Educational Benefits” form found in this
supplement. Please complete and return it even though you think you may not qualify or choose not to receive the service; it will still
benefit our children. All information is kept confidential.
Instructions for Completing the Application for Educational Benefits
Complete the Application for Educational Benefits on page 5 for the school year 2014-2015 if
any of the following apply to your household:
− Any household member currently participates in the Minnesota Family Investment Program
(MFIP), or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or the Food Distribution
Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), or
− One or more children in the household are foster children (a welfare agency or court has
legal responsibility for the child), or
− Total household income (gross earnings, not take-home pay) is within these guidelines:
$ Per Year
$ Per
$ Twice
Per Month
$ Per 2
$ Per Week
Children and Foster Status
• List all children in the household in Section 2. Check the box if a child is in foster care
• Include any regular income, for example SSI, to children other than foster children. Do not
list occasional earnings like babysitting.
Case Number: Complete Section 3 if any household member currently participates in one of
the programs listed in that section. If Section 3 is completed, skip Section 4 (adult names and
Adults / Incomes In Section 4. List all adult household members, whether related or not (such
as grandparents, other relatives, or friends). Include an adult who is temporarily away, such as
a student away at college. Do not complete Section 4 if a case number was provided in Section
3, or if the application is for foster children only.
For each adult household member, list their gross incomes (not take-home pay) and how often
each income is received. For example write in “W” for weekly income or “BW” for bi-weekly
(every two weeks).
• List gross incomes before deductions.
• For farm/self-employment income only, list net income after subtracting business
• If an income varies, list the amount usually received. Include overtime if it is usually
• Examples of “other income” to include in the last column are farm/self-employment,
Veterans benefits and disability benefits.
• Check the “No Income” column after a person’s name if they have no income.
Do not include as income: foster care payments, federal education benefits, MFIP payments,
combat pay, or value of assistance received from SNAP, WIC, FDPIR or Military Privatized
Housing Initiative.
Signature: The form must be signed by an adult household member in Section 6.
Last Four Digits of Social Security Number The person signing the application must provide the
last four digits of their Social Security number in Section 6. The Social Security number is not
needed if a qualifying case number was provided in Section 3, or all children in the household
who need school meal benefits are foster children, or the person signing the application does
not have a Social Security number and has indicated this in Section 6.
Student accident insurance
The school district does not carry insurance for
student accidents that may occur during school
hours or activities. It is the family’s responsibility
to have insurance coverage for their students.
We will be providing information for parents
to secure this type of insurance. The school
district, in cooperation with Voyageurs Insurance
Company, will have student accident insurance
information packets available at the beginning of
the school year. This information will not be sent
home with all students at the beginning of the
school year. You may pick up this information at
any one of the school buildings.
4 Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 18, 2014
Public Notice: Annual Notification of Rights
Protection and Privacy of Educational Rights
Asbestos Notification
As a result of federal legislation (Asbestos Hazard
Response Act – AHERA), each primary and secondary
school in the nation is required to complete a
stringent inspection for asbestos and to develop
a plan of management for all asbestos-containing
building materials. The Dassel-Cokato schools
are in full compliance with this law. As a matter of
policy, the Dassel-Cokato schools shall continue to
maintain a safe and healthful environment for our
community’s youth and employees.
In keeping with this legislation, all buildings owned
by the school district were inspected by EPA
accredited inspectors. Based on the inspection,
the school prepared, and the state approved, a
comprehensive management plan for handling
the asbestos located within its buildings safely and
Federal law requires a periodic walk-though
(called “surveillance”) every six months of each
area containing asbestos. Also, the law requires
all buildings to be re-inspected three years after
a management plan is in effect. This will be
accomplished under the contract by the Institute
for Environmental Assessment (IEA).
– i.e. telephone repair workers, electricians and
exterminators) must be provided information
regarding the location of asbestos in which they
may come in contact. All short-term workers shall
contact the lead maintenance person before
commencing work to be given this information.
The Dassel-Cokato district office has a list of the
location(s) type(s) of asbestos-containing materials
found in our school buildings and a description and
timetable for their proper management. A copy of
the Asbestos Management Plan is available for
review in the school office. Questions related to the
plan should be directed to the superintendent of
schools at (320) 286-4100.
Weapons and trespassing
The school district continues to maintain a
“Zero Tolerance” in regard to the possession,
use or distribution of weapons by students.
The full weight of the law and consequences
will be followed if the “Zero Tolerance” policy
is violated including expulsion from school
in addition to statutory penalties that may
include significant fines and prison.
Weapons are not allowed on school property
including buses, buildings, or athletic fields
or on properties rented by the school district.
A “weapon” means any object, device or
instrument designed as a weapon or through
its use is capable of threatening or producing
bodily harm or which may be used to inflict
self-injury including, but not limited to, any
firearm, whether loaded or unloaded; airguns;
pellet guns; BB guns; all knives; blades;
clubs; brass knuckles; numchucks; throwing
stars; explosives; fireworks; mace and other
propellants; stunguns; ammunition; poisons;
chains; arrows; and objects that have been
modified to serve as a weapon.
No person shall possess, use or distribute
any object, device or instrument having the
appearance of a weapon. All such objects,
devices or instruments shall be treated as
a weapon including, but not limited to,
weapons listed above which are broken or
non-functional, look-alike guns; toy guns; and
any object that is a facsimile of a real weapon.
who get on school roofs without permission
may be charged with a misdemeanor.
Pursuant to the requirements of Independent
School District No. 466 Dassel-Cokato School District Policy regarding educational data privacy,
the following constitutes the school district’s annual notification to parents and students regarding data privacy practices of the school district.
The school district has adopted a Data Privacy and
Student Records Policy incorporating state and
federal requirements as to data privacy rights. In
summary the policy provides:
A. Privacy Rights
Educational records which identify or could be
used to identify a student other than directory
information, may not be released to members of
the public without the written permission of the
student’s parents or guardians or the student if he
or she is 18, attends a post-secondary institution,
is married or has graduated. This general rule is
subject to specific and limited exceptions which
cannot be set out here due to limitations of space,
but which are set out in district policy.
B. Directory Information
“Directory Information” includes a student’s parents’ names, student’s name, address, telephone
number, date and place of birth, sex, major field
of study, participation in officially recognized
activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, grade
levels completed, degrees and awards received,
the most recent previous educational agency or
institution attended by the student and other
similar information. Directory information may
be released to the public without prior parent or
student consent unless the parent or eligible student has objected in writing to the release of one
or more category of such information.
Directory information does not include identifying data which references religion, race, color, social position or nationality.
A parent of a student or an eligible student in the
district may refuse to permit the release of any or
all categories of directory information by contacting the building principal in which said student attends and completing form “Objection to Release
of Directory Information.” This objection must
be given the district within thirty (30) days of this
publication notice.
C. Inspection of Records
Parents of a student or a student may request to
inspect and review any of the student’s educational records except those which are, by state or federal law, made confidential. The school district will
comply with the request immediately if possible
and if not, within five days exclusive of weekends
and holidays. In certain special circumstances, an
additional five days may be required in order to
comply. Copies of records may be obtained at the
actual cost of reproduction.
D. Challenge to Accuracy of Records
A parent or eligible student who believes that
specific information in the student’s educational
records is inaccurate, misleading, incomplete or
violates the privacy or other rights of the student,
may request that the school district amend or correct the record in question.
If the superintendent, within a period of 30 days,
declines to amend the record as requested, the
parent or student who is 18 or older will be advised in writing of their right to request and obtain
a hearing.
If either the superintendent or, after hearing, the
hearing officer appointed by the school district,
determines that the record in question is inaccurate, misleading, incomplete or violates the
privacy or other rights of the student, the record
will be amended, the parents or student age 18 or
older notified of the change, and an attempt will
be made to notify past recipients of the data.
If, as a result of the hearing, it is determined that
the challenged record is not inaccurate, misleading, incomplete or in violation of the privacy or
other rights of the student, the parent or student
of age 18 or older will be notified of their rights to
place a statement with the record commenting
upon it and setting out any reason for disagreeing with the decision of the school district. Data in
dispute will be disclosed only if the statement of
disagreement is included with the disputed data.
The decision of the superintendent or hearing officer is the final decision of the school district and
may be appealed under the provision of the State
Administrative Procedure Act, Minn. Statute C15,
relating to contested cases.
E. Transfer of Records to Other Schools
Independent School District No. 466 forwards
educational records of students to other schools
and school districts in which a student seeks or
intends to enroll upon request of that school or
school district. A parent or student who is 18 years
of age may request and receive a copy of the records which are transferred and may, pursuant to
this policy, challenge the accuracy of the records.
The district does not, however, notify parents or
students of age 18 or older prior to such transfer.
F. Data Collection Rights
A parent or eligible student when asked to supply
private or confidential data, shall be informed of:
(a) the purpose and intended use of the requested data; (b) whether he may refuse or is legally
required to supply the requested data; (c) any
known consequence arising from his supplying or
refusing to supply the data and (d) the identity of
the persons or entities authorized by state or federal law to receive the data.
G. Complaints for Non-Compliance
Parents and students of age 18 or older may submit written complaints of violation of rights accorded them by the Family Education Rights and
Privacy Act to the Family Education Rights and
Privacy Act Office, U.S. Department of Education,
Washington, D.C. 20201.
This review of the data privacy rights of students
and parents in the educational records maintained by Independent School District 466 is intended only to be a summary of the provisions
of school district policy and applicable state and
federal law.
Requests for copies of the policy and questions should be addressed to: Superintendent of
Schools, Independent School District 466, 4852
Reardon Ave. SW, Suite 1700, Cokato, Minn. 55321.
Notice of
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
is designed to eliminate discrimination on
the basis of disability in any program or
activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
Students eligible for 504 assistance are those
who 1) have a physical or mental impairment
which substantially limits one or more
major life activities, 2) have a record of such
impairment, or 3) are regarded as having such
an impairment.
If a parent believes their child is in need of
504 accommodations, they should contact
their building social worker who serves as 504
Parents of students who are new to the
Dassel-Cokato School District are encouraged
to register their children by coming to or calling
the office of the school in which their children
will be enrolling before school begins.
Registering students before school begins enables
a smoother transition for the children as they
become oriented to their new school.
Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 18, 2014
School bus routes and procedures 2014-2015
Most transportation routes and bus times will
remain similar to last year’s. Those with significant
changes will be notified.
If you are new to the Dassel-Cokato school district
and have not talked with someone at the district
office regarding transportation of your children,
please call 320-286-4100, extension 1005, or stop
in the district office at the west end of the high
school (7:00 AM – 4:30 PM) as soon as possible.
Cokato area students are transported by Cokato
Transportation (contracted by the District); and,
Dassel area students are transported by District
owned/operated buses. Special needs students are
transported primarily by district owned/operated
vans and/or lift bus when necessary.
New families and the families with major changes
will be contacted by mail, email, or phone prior to
beginning of school with bus number, pickup time
and location.
General Information
When your child/children will not be riding the bus/
car/van on any given day, please call 286-4100, ext.
1005, prior to their pick-up time. The message can
be left on voice mail at any time. The dispatcher will
notify the driver via two-way radio. Please do not
call or text the driver’s cell phone. All messages to
drivers should go through dispatch.
If you wish to contact Cokato Transportation
(Cokato area buses), please call 320-286-5315 or
email, .
Middle school and high school students living in
town will be picked up between 7:45 AM and 7:55
AM at the same pick-up point as last year unless
they have been notified of changes.
It is important that all students be on time! Buses
will not wait for students who are not at their stop
at their designated time. If students miss the bus,
bring the students to the elementary school. MS
and HS students can catch their bus there.
Buses run their regular rural routes and proceed to
the elementary schools to unload the elementary
students. The buses then proceed to the middle
school and high school.
The reverse is true at the end of the day. High School
and middle school students are picked up first. The
buses then proceed to the elementary schools to
pick up elementary children and proceed on the
evening routes.
In Dassel, buses unload/load on the south side of
Dassel Elementary. In Cokato, buses will unload/
load on the south side of Cokato Elementary.
Parents should NOT drop off, or pick up students,
on the side of the elementary buildings where
buses are unloading or loading
If you are planning a birthday party or organization
meeting, and plan to utilize the bus for
transportation, you must call the district office, (320)
286-4100, extension 1005, several days prior to the
event to check on availability of space on the bus. If
there is not room on the bus, other arrangements
for transporting to the event will have to be made.
Complete district transportation policies are
available at our website, or in
the district office.
Medication use while at school
Our policy is a reflection of the Minnesota
Guideline for Medication Administration in
Schools, published in January 2005. This guideline
was developed collaboratively by the Minnesota
Departments of Education, Health, and Human
Services, the Minnesota Board of Nursing, and a
statewide multidisciplinary work group. Before
medication can be dispensed in school, we must
have the following items on record. These items
must be renewed annually and whenever there are
medication and/or dosage changes:
For prescription medications:
• A medication authorization form must be signed
by a Health Care Provider indicating the reason for
the medication, the dosage, time and frequency,
possible side effects and termination date.
• Signed permission from the parent/guardian for
school personnel to administer medication.
• Prescription medications must be brought to
school in a pharmacy labeled bottle which contains
instructions on how and when the medication is
to be given. The pharmacy label must match the
written order on the authorization form signed by
the provider.
For over the counter medications:
• Signed permission from the parent/guardian for
school personnel to administer medication.
• A provider’s signature is not required unless the
medication is to be given in a manner other than
indicated on label.
• Over-the-counter medication must come to school
in the original, unopened container.
• Aspirin or any product containing aspirin will
not be given without a written order from the
• At the discretion of the school nurse, signed orders
from a Health Care Provider can be requested.
Medications that must be administered during the
school day in order for a student to attend school
shall be administered by the Licensed School Nurse
or by a designee of the school nurse who has been
trained in medication administration.
All medications must be stored and locked in
the health office*. Exceptions may be made for
emergency medications such as inhalers and EpiPens; however, orders from a Health Care Provider
are still mandatory and must be updated annually.
Medication not picked up at the end of the school
year by the parent/guardian will be destroyed.
*A secondary student may possess and use non
prescription medications in a manner consistent
with the labeling, only when the school district has
a written agreement between the Licensed School
Nurse, the parent, and the student. Agreements
must be updated annually. The school district
may revoke a student’s privilege to possess and
use nonprescription pain relievers if the school
district determines that the student is abusing
the privilege. This provision does not apply to
the possession or use of any drug or product
containing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine as
its sole active ingredient or as one of its active
To protect the safety of your child, health office staff
will not administer any medication to a student
unless they have received the of the required
information as listed above.
If you have questions about this policy or other
issues related to the medication administration
in school, please call Annette Bohnsack, Licensed
School Nurse at 320-286-4100 ext. 1804. Thank you
for your cooperation!
6 Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 18, 2014
Milk Program
Minnesota Kindergarten Milk Program,
a provision of the 1988 Omnibus
Agriculture Bill, has provided for public
schools to receive a reimbursement
for kindergarten special milk
only. Extra milk with meals will be
available at 35¢ per one-half pint.
Students with
lactose intolerance
State law (Minnesota Statutes 124D.114)
requires a Sponsoring Authority of school
meal programs to provide one of these
alternatives for a student with lactose
intolerance if the parent has requested an
alternative in writing:
• Lactose-reduced milk, or
• Milk fortified with lactose in liquid, tablet,
granular, or other form, or
• Milk to which lactobacillus acidophilus has
been added.
Early Childhood
2014-2015 Schedule
Early Childhood Screen (ECS) is for all children who
will be 3 1/2 between April 1, 2014 and March 1, 2015.
All children are required to have Early Childhood
Screening prior to entering kindergarten. The
required components of screening include
developmental, speech, language, vision, hearing,
height, weight, an immunization review, as well
as a review of other factors that may interfere
with learning. If concerns are discovered during
the screening process, additional evaluation is
available to determine what kind of assistance
would be most beneficial to the child. Screening
gives children at least a year to work on areas of
concern before entering kindergarten.
If your child is on the school census, you will be sent
an appointment reminder. Please contact the Early
Childhood Programs Center at 320-286-4120 to
make sure your child is on the census.
2014-2015 screening dates are Friday, Oct. 3,
November 21, January 30, and February 27. If you
think your child has been overlooked, please call
the Center.
Notice to motorists:
D-C students and all other motorists who drive cars
are subject to the Minnesota State Law misdemeanor
charge if they pass a stopped school bus that has the
stop-arm extended and red lights flashing.
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Our school provides healthy meals each day. Breakfast costs $1.00; lunch costs HS/MS $1.85,
Elementary $1.80.
Return your completed Application for Educational Benefits to Dassel-Cokato Public Schools, 4852
Reardon Ave SW, Suite 1700, Cokato, MN 55321.
Your children may qualify for free meals. New this year:
• Students who qualify for reduced-price school meals will receive free lunches and breakfasts.
• All kindergarten students qualify for free breakfasts.
To apply for free school meals, complete the enclosed Application for Educational Benefits following
the instructions. A new application must be submitted each year. If you don’t qualify now, you may
apply at any time during the school year. Your application also helps our school qualify for education
funds and discounts.
Who can get free or reduced-price meals? Children in households participating in the Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) or Food
Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), and foster children can get free school meals
without reporting household income. Also, children can get free school meals if their household
income is within the maximum income shown for their household size on the instructions.
Do foster children qualify for free meals? Yes, foster children who are the legal responsibility of a
foster care agency or court are eligible for free meals regardless of household income. Complete an
application identifying the children who are in foster care.
I get WIC. Can my children get free meals? Children in households participating in WIC may be
eligible for free or reduced-price meals. Please fill out an application.
May I apply if someone in my household is not a U.S. citizen? Yes. You or your children do not have
to be U.S. citizens for your children to qualify for free meals.
Who should I include as members of my household? Include yourself and all other people living in
the household, related or not (such as grandparents, other relatives or friends).
What if my income is not always the same? List the amount that you normally get. If you normally
get overtime, include it, but not if you get it only sometimes.
How will the information I provide be kept? Information you provide on the form, and your child’s
approval for school meal benefits, will be protected as private data. See the back page of the
Application for Educational Benefits for more information about how the information is used.
Will the information I give be checked? Yes, and we may also ask you to send written proof.
If you have other questions or need help, call 320-286-4100 Extension 1013.
Tina Palmer, Business Manager
Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 18, 2014
Prices of school lunches
and athletic events
Prices for hot lunch for elementary students
will be $1.80 per meal. High School and Middle School students will pay $1.85 for a single
meal. Students may purchase an additional
milk with their lunch or choose to purchase
only milk with their cold lunch at the cost
of 35 cents per carton. This will be taken
off the student’s lunch account. Students in
grades 1-12 also have the option of purchasing breakfast at $1.00 per meal. Breakfast for
Kindergarten students is free.
Legislation enacted by the state to provide
students who qualify for reduced-price
lunches, to now qualify for breakfast at no
Meals will be paid for by sending a check for
the entire family. No tickets will be issued.
Accounts will be credited when payment is
received. As the family members eat meals,
a deduction will be made from the account.
When the family account balance is at $7, an
automated phone call to your home will be
made. If the family account goes to -$0.01,
students will not be eligible to participate in
the lunch program until money has been put
into the family lunch account.
Students in grades K-4 can choose milk or orange juice for morning break. The district will
be covering the cost for milk and juice break
for the 2014-2015 school year.
The admission price for athletic events for
all school age children will be $4, adults will
be $6 per event, and preschool children are
free. Admission is charged for all home athletic events held in the school building (volleyball, swimming, gymnastics, basketball,
wrestling) and football. When, however,
two events are occurring consecutively, like
swimming and gymnastics, only one admission will be charged.
To offset the cost burden for those persons who attend quite a number of athletic
events, an annual pass is available for purchase. The annual pass permits admission to
over fifty athletic events during the year for
$45 per adult, $25 per student, and senior
citizen, free, age 62 and older and lives in the
district. Ten punch passes will now be available for $30.
There is an activity participation fee for junior
and senior high students. The fee is $60 per
activity for grades 7-8, and $80 per activity
for grades 9-12. The cap is $160 per individual per year. The purpose of these fees is to
partially offset the cost of the programs. Fees
should be paid at the high school activities
office, or online prior to the student beginning practice. Payment arrangements can be
made by contacting Stephanie Dahlin in the
activities office 320-286-4100 ext. 1811.
Parents and other community members interested in supervising DC athletic events
can schedule a date and time at eligibility
meetings, or you can call the activities office,
ext. 1811. Volunteers scheduled to work at
six (6) school events will receive one (1) adult
annual pass or the Activities Department will
waive your son/daughter’s activity fee for
one sport per season.
Health and safety management plans
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Dassel-Cokato School District has implemented
several Health and Safety management plans to
protect our students and employees. These programs
include asbestos management, pesticide maintenance
schedules, and indoor air quality monitoring. Each has
a management plan that is available for review in the
District Office.
Asbestos removal and repair is monitored in district
buildings in a proactive manner. Asbestos work
always occurs on breaks and during the summer
when students are not present in the building.
Dassel-Cokato School District usually applies
pesticides monthly and on an as-needed basis,
although this is infrequent. Applications are made
during off hours and school breaks whenever possible.
The district also applies broadleaf herbicide in the
spring, summer, and fall. These applications are made
during off hours when there are no people present.
In addition, Dassel-Cokato School District has an
Indoor Air Quality Management Plan that addresses
any indoor air quality concerns that may be reported.
Walkthroughs and inspections of the buildings
are performed annually to prevent problems from
If you have any questions about these three safety
programs or have an indoor air quality concern,
please contact Jeff Powers, Superintendent, 320-2864100, ext. 1003
Your help is needed
Is your family on the school district census?
Did you know it is required that every family register all of their children ages birth to 6 on the school census? DasselCokato School District #466 keeps records of all families. Being on the school district census ensures that:
•Your child will be notified of the Early Childhood Screening.
•The elementary school will be expecting your child when it’s time for kindergarten.
•You will automatically receive newsletters from Early Childhood Family Education.
When a baby is added to your family or if you move into a different school district, you need to register with the school
district. To register children on the School District, #466 census, write to the Community Education Office, 4852 Reardon
Ave SW, Suite 1400, Cokato, MN 55321 or call (320) 286-4120.
Thank you!!
8 Enterprise Dispatch • DC Back to School • Aug. 18, 2014
Save these items and help us raise additional funds for our school!
Check the website for more information;
Look for products with the Box Top for
Education coupon. Trim the coupon and send
it in. Each coupon is worth 10 cents. Last year
our school raised over $1,500 collecting box
tops! The class that collects the most box tops
during the school year earns a special reward.
Campbell Soup Labels still count! Please trim
the UPC code and logo part of the label and
send it in. (If easier, send in the whole label.)
The labels collected will be used to purchase
equipment for the media center, music and
physical education.
Over 25 million pounds of empty printer
cartridges and cell phones are thrown in
landfills each year. Help the environment; send
those old cell phones and empty laser, inkjet,
fax and copier cartridges to Dassel or Cokato
Elementary or Early childhood Center. We can
turn them in and get them properly recycled
or disposed of and at the same time, we earn
technology points for new ink cartridges and
other computer items.
My Coke Rewards for Schools is a way for
parents, friends and others in the community
to support Dassel-Cokato schools by donating
My Coke Rewards points. Our school can turn
donated points into a variety of rewards that
support students. You can donate your points
by choosing “donate to your school” at www., or simply send the caps/
codes to school with your child and we will
enter them for you.
Every Wednesday is Kids Night at the
Cokato Dairy Queen. Art made by one of the
elementary classes will be on display at the
restaurant for the community to enjoy. DQ
donates 15% of all sales from 5-8 p.m. that
night to our elementary schools. What a fun
and tasty way to contribute to our schools.
Take Charge of Education® is an easy way to help us raise money
for our school—for books, band uniforms, reading programs and
anything else that can use extra funding.
Visit or call 1-800-316-6142 to designate our school,
then use your REDcard whenever you shop. When you use your
REDcard® (Target Credit Card®, Target Debit Card® or Target® Visa®
Credit Card), Target® will donate up to 1% of your purchases.
If you wish to contribute any of the above items, please drop them off at any of the Dassel Cokato School
Buildings and they will be distributed accordingly.
Other fundraisers are Land O’ Lakes Save Five for Schools, CashWise Points for Learning, Our Family Foods Labels for Learning, K-Mart School
Spirit Card, On-line shopping through and Box Tops for Education Visa Card.