the Program - Melbourne Underground Film Festival
the Program - Melbourne Underground Film Festival
The 7th Melbourne Underground Film Festival July 6- 16, 2006 Muff is offensive and refuses to apologise The Spanish Club Loop Glitch Bar Pop Shop Gallery Opening Night: Jon Hewitt's darklovestory International guest Lloyd Kaufman from Troma Entertainment, NYC Closing Night: Jason Turley's Welcome Stranger Muff jury headed by Alex Spalck, lead singer of Pankow m niwsns e k To for clo is Director’s Statement Richard Wolstencroft Choking on Tokenism “The AFC, a wing of the Federal Government, almost solely funds a film about the refugee crisis and the problem of detention centres: the same Government that builds and maintains the detention centre system. Lets just say, I smell a big fucking rat.” “Men and Women are tired to disgust of money-economy. They hope for salvation from somewhere or other, for some real thing of honour and chivalry, of inward nobility, of unselfishness and duty.” — SPENGLER This is how it’s going to go down. We have a tighter MUFF in 06, like a diamond bullet aimed at the heart of the Australian film industry. We have Lloyd Kaufman from Troma, we’ve got Alex Spalck from Pankow heading the jury, we have great new Aussie features from Hewitt, Turley, McEvoy and Mousoulis, we have the MUFF Academy plus a solid selection of sordid sensations and cinematic assortments. Lock and load motherfuckers! MUFF 7 is here. The theme in 2006 is tokenism. Let me tell you about it. I was at the 2006 St.Kilda Film Festival (StFF) and let me preface this by saying that I’m a fan of the festival and especially Paul Harris who runs it and does the informative and cool Film BUFF’s on RRR, in addition to writing for The Age. This text is not meant to criticise StFF per se but to bring attention to an industry-wide problem. During the opening night presentation of the films at StFF I felt, as you might say on The Soprano’s ‘A stone in my shoe’, that the stone was a strong whiff of Tokenism. What do I mean by Tokenism? Tokenism can be defined as the practice of making only a perfunctory or symbolic effort to do something about a social or political problem. Three films stood out as Tokenistic at the St.Kilda Film Festival in my opinion. The film about the refugee father and son, the Aboriginal animation film and the Asian ladies gambling film. How are these films tokenistic? When the AFC, a wing of the Federal Government, almost solely funds a film about the refugee crisis and the problem of detention centres. The same Government that builds and maintains the detention centre system. Lets just say, I smell a big fucking rat. When we have a polite little animated piece about Aboriginal myths and dilly bags for us all to applaud, all the while real Aborigines are ten to a room with child abuse and petrol sniffing rife. Again, this film is funded and presented by Government bodies, the same government that has been fucking the indigenous population for years. I smell a bigger fucking rat. Then we have a funny little piece about Asian ladies having fun Muff 777 - Tokenism is for Clowns socialising and gambling away at The Pokies at Crown or wherever. All the while funded by Governments that reap in bucket loads of cash in gambling revenue; meanwhile the Asian peoples spiritual beliefs in Numerology and luck has meant Crown and other gambling organisations have deliberately marketed to, and financially devastated, a large portion of the Asian community, leading to cases of child neglect and suicides. Again, that big fucking rat. Didn’t anyone notice this at StFF? I guess we all get used to it. I have seen it on the rise in Australian arts culture in the last 15 years. Real social problem: aboriginal housing and social welfare. Solution: polite little animated film to make the arts crowd think everything is A-OK. Don’t forget to thank the traditional landowners of the site wherever you are! Tokenism par excellence, thank the traditional landowners of The Astor? Why not give them their fucking land back then? Tokenistic bullshit all. Really, dear reader, what a bunch of crap. Real social problem: children in detention centres (let’s un-spin this word, lets call them what they were called 60 years ago - concentration camps). Solution: polite film criticising government policy but fully funded by said government. It’s kind of like the Nazis making and funding a film criticising the excesses of say Dachua, a smart propaganda tool more cunning than Goebbels himself. A little criticism goes a long way to create the illusion of social change and democracy. This tokenism is loathsome even if you don’t agree with the actual social problem(s) under discussion or even agree that they are a problem. It is very clever though. You don’t need to create real social change, just the tokenistic veneer of social change through the arts. Their true ideological function perhaps in a capitalist state? Perhaps the real reason why funding still increases slightly for the arts under Howard? This tokenism is so much what our world is about these days. Tokenism is rampant and you see it everywhere, here and OS. We at MUFF are here to tell you that tokenism is for clowns. Hence theme, clown images, etc. We can run further with this analysis. The Australian film industry is itself tokenistic. Giving us some half assed film lecturers’ versions of Australian culture and society all through the lens of the politically correct infrastructure that stifles everything. The whole Photo by Bec concept of Australian content (required often to get funding) is completely tokenistic and foolish. Any film shot in Australia with a majority Australian cast will be Australian, whether we like it or not. Heidegger’s conception of throwness and historicity guarantees it for a start. One does not have to make it a programmatic mandate to be artificially and tokenisticly worked into a script. Strewth, stone the crows, mate... you get what I’m saying. As MUFF filmmakers and revolutionary cinephiles we have the duty, honour and privilege to save the Australian film industry from these committees and boards with their content graphs and programmatic charts and deliver what we do best: authentic cinematic art. I thought later deeper into tokenism. What is the ultimate form of tokenism? Money, of course. We work and strive our whole lives for worthless token bits of plastic or paper we can exchange for things like life’s essentials and luxury items (see Sandra Sdraulig’s expense card at Film Victoria). Is this not the deeper sense of tokenism that we literally trade our lives for? The coming final collapse of capitalism (that may be a long way off yet) is the only time we can look forward and toward an opportunity to transcend these limitations on basic human existential debasement and the exploitation of our facticity. Don’t look to Marxian dialectical materialism is equally caught up in the ideas of tokenism, wages and salaries for the prole masses, we need to look beyond all this. What we need is a new non-tokenistic basis for our society. Something pure, strong, direct and authentic, something with a new philosophy. I may not agree with Rene Guenon’s lucid yet pessimistic saying on Western culture and civilization, “It is as if an organism with its head cut off were to go on living”. It may be a little time before we can awake a new elite to lead and guide humanity towards a society where tokens and their slavishness are something that appear in museums. Signs of the end times for democracy and liberalism are all around us. Just read outstanding political philosopher Carl Schmitt’s Concept of the political and other works to understand the contemporary Politics of States of Emergency, The Enemy, Emergency and Sovereign Powers and other ideas. Whilst in Fiji holidaying with a friend in December 05, I became impassioned when reading about the local politics of Fiji and its people whilst also reading some Fitzgerald (and swimming a lot!) Here was a beautiful country run by its indigenous people, although the coups of 87 and 00 have been portrayed in such a harsh light. Over many a bowl of the real Kava with locals, I discussed the coup’s and rebels’ aims and people like George Speight; as they may relate to my own theories. I was moved by the Speightean cause and found the media’s portrayal of him and other revolutionaries in papers and books completely biased. Of course, I do not support the machete wielding antics aimed against defenceless Indian immigrants but a desire to see Fiji in the political hands of the real Fijian people’s, while treating the Indian minority with respect and tolerance seemed a noble and authentic goal, even if some revolutionaries crossed the line and forget these ideas to their shame. If only we had some form or treaty or political partnership with our own Indigenous population at the start of Australia’s colonial past instead of a rape and genocide, I think many of today’s ills would naught exist? Is it indeed not too late to reify some of these ideas for such a political partnership today?...It all provided much food for thought as did a full day trip paddling down the untouched-by-man Upper Navua river - a place where my understanding of Heidegger’s writings became more potent than before. Untouched Being. Back to film scoops, this by the way, is almost the MUFF that never was. Yes, MUFF 7 may never have existed. Ever since starting MUFF in 2000, the looming project of my next feature has been on the cards. I have allowed MUFF to distract me at times from my mission of creating my third (or fourth, if you count ‘The Intruder’) feature. But the time is now to do something new and I nearly put MUFF off until next year to deal with the project. As usual I bit off more than I could chew and decided to just do both. The wisdom of this decision remains to be seen, but I have made MUFF a little smaller and easier to deal with from my end and I can’t foresee any major distractions or disruptions, so into the soup we go. The appointment of Alex Spalck from Pankow as our jury head is natural and something of a coup. I have been a big Pankow fan since the late eighties. They were the only electro/industrial band that didn’t either sell out, take itself too seriously or not maintain a hardcore mix of aggression, nihilism and electronics. Anyway, I heard a rumour from the grapevine that Alex Spalck lived in Albury/ Director’s Statement Choking on Tokenism The Myster Man FM from Pankow Wodonga a few years back. After Muff 6, I acted on the rumours and hunted down Al pal, not in Albury/Wodonga, but not that far away from there either. We had a couple of wonderful meals made by him and his gal Debra with fine wine and we all got along like houses on fire. I then asked if he’d like to head the MUFF jury and Alex said a jubilant “yes”. Fait accompli. If you haven’t got into Pankow yet, as good ol’ Molly would say, “Do yourself a favour” and get their career spanning box set The Art of Gentle Revolution and the totally brilliant last LP “Life is offensive and refuses to apologise”. Spalck’s lyrics and FM and teams electronics are truly the best thing of its type around at present. I played them recent electro discovery The Knife and was fortunate enough to hear some of the new Pankow LP from FM, Alex, Enzo and Massimo (now being recorded partly in Northern Victoria). The signs are good that the next LP will be equally as brilliant as the last. Just remember ... each one of us has the potential to betray the revolution! Be sure to meet Alex on closing night and have a wine with him. And good luck FM and the boys with getting the album out to us hungry fans. Oh, ok...I can’t help myself any longer...I just have to tell you about my fight with James Hewison at the St.Kilda Film Festival. This is fucking classic, where our evil non-debater James Hewison called your humble narrator “a cunt” and said I “....destroyed his faith in humanity”. Pretty fancy achievement the latter one, heh? It wasn’t Stalin or Pol Pot who destroyed James’ faith in Humanity ... it was little ol’ me. Read on. Warning: it is pretty funny. I spotted James at StFF and went over to say “hi” as you do. I complimented him on the new MIFF artwork for this year’s festival, saying that I honestly believe it is the best yet under his tenure. It’s a good dig at Hollywood (using directors as puppets) and how MIFF plays films that are against the grain in this sense. Which is all indeed true and on message and much better than that stupid lawn mower from last year and previous years efforts that are so memorable I can’t remember them...Oh there was that one that looked like an STA ad for travelling in Asia...but... I digress. Things got heated when I mentioned playing a certain film MIFF had decided not to play that we are playing at MUFF and Hewison taunted that I would announce its rejection from MIFF from the highest rooftops, he imagined. This I said I would not do and have no intention of doing from any rooftop ... except perhaps mentioning it in passing somewhere. I then tongue-in-cheek make a joke in the blackest hue about all these Iranian films he loves to play at MIFF, making it hard for the coalition of the willing (i.e. which includes our Fed Govt Howard...the people who fund MIFF partly, hint, hint: tokenism ... the point I was trying to make with said joke, that Hewison completely missed) to go to war with Iran in the future and/or bomb Iran if they need to. James then proceeded to call me “a cunt”. He also proceeded to tell me that I have made him lose his faith in humanity or some such comment to that effect and to congratulate me on doing it, no less. He also said I’m a pretty funny guy but not really. He then tried to stare me down and (...perhaps noticing the black abyss at the centre of my pupils) thought better of it. He also told me that “life is too short” and wandered off. Scouts honour, verbatim folks. If you think I’m lying bring on the polygraph, baby. James, as you can tell, was getting very hot under the collar. This Muff 777 - Tokenism is for Clowns incident tells me two things: one, James is perhaps losing it a little bit; ‘losing his faith in humanity’ pleeeaasse, two, we are doing our job at MUFF properly by thoroughly annoying the current director of MIFF. I have decided to up the ante (naturally) during MIFF and try to challenge James to a boxing match. Yes, the dude won’t debate me (see last years MUFF manifesto debating challenge and controversy) because he’s a c word...coward. So, maybe he’ll box me? Attend MIFF and stand in those long lines to get our publicity. Of course, James can stop being a coward and just debate me in perfectly civil surroundings and on agreed terms and all is forgiven. James and I should get along like we used to and put an end to all this nonsense, don’t you think? Otherwise, it’s Hewison vs.Wolstencroft ...The First Inaugural Film Festival Bout. I think if people in the arts community can’t get along, they should settle it the old fashioned way ... with Violence, don’t you think? Of course, the controlled legal violence of boxing. Think of the film and TV industry bouts we can have in the future: Safran vs. Rove, Leonander vs. Stratton, Spencer vs. Pommeranz, Bob Ellis vs. Take a number...the mind boggles. I’m going to bring this text to a close. Come to MUFF we have a great main venue - The Spanish Club - that is just ace and close to all things groovy in Brunswick street. I could say more inspirational things about how we can change the local film industry but just read Alex Spalck’s jury statement...he writes better than I do and I found this piece very inspirational. Though MUFF is about 10 sessions shorter, it is more focussed and should be a lot of fun. Make sure you meet Lloyd Kaufman. He is something of a phenomenon. And make sure you see Troma discovery Giuseppi Andrews’ two films in MUFF - they are fucking brilliant. See you all at the festival. Best Regards Richard Wolstencroft PS. Anyone giving me trouble about playing my own films in MUFF should add themselves to my boxing roster and remember Free Cinema (see MUFF 6). Did anyone give Lindsay Anderson trouble about playing his own work in Free Cinema? I think not. MUFF is more than a festival; it is a movement. I am a filmmaker and festival director and I know no other fully functional filmmaker that runs a festival in Australia, but tough. At MUFF things are different and my work will be included when I deem it appropriate, so deal with it and enjoy it. PPS. Why MUFF 777? Hunt down Crowley’s book of the same name and also Jungian writer Edward F. Edinger’s brilliant book Archetype of the Apocalypse. 777 is all around us ... Jury President Statement Alex Spalck Alex’s Fireside Favourites Muff 777 Jury Alex Spalck (Pankow) - President Eric Pipersbreg (Boutique) Briony Wright (Vice mag) Rebecca Sutherland (Polyester, MUFF) Andrew “Stumpy” Leovold (Trash Brisbane) Imagine. Munich 1911. Wassily Kandinsky decides to challenge the local art dignitaries and establishes Der Blaue Reiter... Expressionism...Georg Trakl feverishly creates a canon of poetic masterpieces, before dying from an overdose of drugs on the Polish front a few months into the 1st World War...Expressionism... Munich 1919. Ernst Toller and other Anarchists try to overthrow the Bavarian Government and create the Bavarian Soviet Republic. He’s going to end up in jail where he will write a few groundbreaking dramas about the inevitable and discomforting link between revolution and failure...Expressionism...Berlin 1920. Robert Wiene directs ‘The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari’...Berlin 1922. F.W. Murnau directs Nosferatu...Superb non-realistic attempts to go beyond the boundaries of public and visual morality...Expressionism...Berlin 1923. Karl Valentin wrecks havoc in German theatre by dissecting language and extracting outrageous anarchist humor from absurdist verbal balancing acts...Expressionism...Everything comes down to one thing: Der Urschrei (the Primal Scream). Dionysus defeats Apollo, emotions trample all over rationality, passion annihilates reason, destruction wipes out creation. The aesthetics of Revolution, the desperate urgency of using rage and instinct to return to the original status, Chaos. And Chaos will reign... establishment, with the state-sanctioned fake morality of our times, I watch his movies, I read between his ranting lines...And I can’t help thinking of Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, the founder of Futurism. In his Manifesto (1909) he writes: Imagine. Firenze (Florence) 1981. A 20 year old physically retarded and mentally deranged specimen, with wild eyes and soiled fantasies, joins a local electronic band, Pankow. That would be me, Alex Spalck, FM (the real genius behind the legend) and a few other arrogant pricks. The band already has a cult-following, but we want more, we want to rip out the heart of orthodoxy and bang it against the wall until it produces the one sound that we are looking for...Expressionism...Every concert, every piece of music, every fragment of noise is just part of our endless anabasis towards the ultimate form of expression...Urschrei...We play everywhere, and every night we consciously and subconsciously try to die... We release albums, videos, statements... We work with H.R Giger, Gottfried Helnwein, Adrian Sherwood, Rico Conning etc..., We write music for theatre, ballet, short movies...We use metal bars, bones, blood, gigantic theatrical scenographies, giant spiders, ballet dancers...we write tales of amorality about mental illness, anarchy, violence, destruction, confusion, absolute freedom, failure, suicide, we dedicate a song to the German terrorist Ulrike Meinhof (it’s my favourite)...we’re being accused of pornography, violence, blasphemy, corruption of youth, fascism, communism...we’re being shot at in Houston, Texas, we’re being assaulted in Miami, Florida, we’re being chased by Neo-Nazis in Halle, Germany...and then, one day, we burn out very painfully, and simply self-destruct. We have failed, yet again... Imagine. Wangaratta/Melbourne (Vic) 2005. One day I get an e-mail from Richard Wolstencroft. He knows Pankow, he wants to meet me and talk about a possible co-operation. We meet, he tells me all about MUFF, about his perennial battle with the “...We have been up all night, my friends and I, beneath mosque lamps whose brass cupolas are bright as our souls, because like them they were illuminated by the internal glow of electric hearts. And trampling underfoot our native sloth on opulent Persian carpets, we have been discussing right up to the limits of logic and scrawling the paper with demented writing... ...Our hearts were filled with an immense pride at feeling ourselves standing quite alone, like lighthouses or like the sentinels in an outpost, facing the army of enemy stars encamped in their celestial bivouacs. Alone with the engineers in the infernal stoke holes of great ships, alone with the black spirits which rage in the belly of rogue locomotives, alone with the drunkards beating their wings against the walls...” And then he goes on and makes a list of the 10 Futurist Commandments, and the first 2 are: 1. We want to sing the love of danger, the habit of energy and rashness. 2. The essential elements of our poetry will be courage, audacity and revolt... And so here I am, happily failed & retired former ElectronicWannabe-Revolutionary, living in Country Victoria with my wonderful Debra and sipping wine, oblivious of the past and indifferent about the future, and suddenly ‘Courage, Audacity and Revolt’ break into my quiet quasi-rural world and I just have to let them in. Someone is still raging, someone is still screaming, bleeding and cursing and I just love being part of the action. Richard and his gang of seditious knife-throwers are still celebrating the power of resistance, the joy of sabotage, the vibrancy of morbidity and disturbance. MUFF was established as a bastion of absolute uncompromising artistic independence and nothing has changed. Hollywood crap is banned, mainstream propaganda is powerless, MUFF thrives on controversy and counter-propaganda and no external force can subdue its natural incoherence, MUFF would rather explode in millions of tiny digital pieces... MUFF is the arena where we’re going to play our own little games, and the rules are...We’ll make them up as we go, and then we’ll turn them upside down... Play it hard, play it wild, imagine it’s the last movie, the last form of expression you’re ever going to experience in your lifetime. Don’t leave anything unsaid, unseen, exhaust all your resources and then burn out quickly, as you should... And to use one last quote from Marinetti’s Futurist Manifesto, let me say that‘’...Standing on the world’s summit we launch once again our insolent challenge to the stars!...” A - Z Film Index 3:18 Page 18 Mini Muff | Thursday 13 July 7pm Loop Addiction to Conviction Page 17 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 9pm Loop Albino Santa Cop Page 16 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 7pm Loop Another Shot Page 18 Mini Muff | Thursday 13 July 7pm Loop Blonde Fire Page 31 Sexy Retro Muff | Wednesday 12 July 9pm Pop Shop Blue Notes Page 12 Muff Neu | Saturday 8 July 7pm Spanish Club Bluebirds Page 21 Beyond the Ol’ etc | Friday 7 July 7pm Spanish Club Bouncing Betty Page 17 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 9pm Loop Business as Usual Page 17 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 7pm Loop Bzzzzzzz Page 19 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 5pm Pop Shop Caffeine Page 12 Muff Neu | Saturday 8 July 9pm Glitch Call Me Page 12 Muff Neu | Friday 7 July 7pm Spanish Club Cheeky Page 31 Sexy Retro Muff | Sunday 9 July 9pm Pop Shop Crime Time Page 28 Australian Cult Cinema | Sunday 9 July 9pm Glitch Cry Uncle! Page 24 Troma | Sunday 9 July 7pm Glitch Damon and Hunter: Page 13 Muff Neu | Tuesday 11 July 9pm Glitch Dark Decisions Page 18 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 5pm Pop Shop Darklovestory Page 10 Opening Night | Thurday 6 July 7pm Spanish Club Dead End Page 18 Mini Muff | Wednesday 12 July 7pm Loop Dear John Page 18 Mini Muff | Wednesday 12 July 7pm Loop Dickless Page 18 Mini Muff | Wednesday 12 July 9pm Loop Dig Page 17 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 7pm Loop Dimension X Page 16 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 7pm Loop Domestic Page 19 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 5pm Pop Shop Donald Cammall: Page 20 Mind M | Sunday 9 July 9pm Spanish Club Dudes of Doom Page 17 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 9pm Loop Dumbland Page 29 Great Directors | Sunday 9 July 9pm Spanish Club Dusk Page 15 Muff Neu | Tuesday 11 July 7pm Glitch Errorism: A Comedy Page 16 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 7pm Loop Eve Page 19 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 5pm Pop Shop Flynn Page 28 Australian Cult Cinema | Saturday 8 July 7pm Glitch From Bollyweird with Love | Saturday 8 July 11pm Glitch Fuck Frankie Page 17 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 9pm Loop Gamers Page 13 Muff Neu | Sunday 16 July 7pm Spanish Club Glass Page 19 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 5pm Pop Shop Goatstop Page 17 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 9pm Loop Grip of Death Page 16 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 7pm Loop Headache Page 17 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 9pm Loop Heaven Tonight Page 28 ACp5 | Sunday 16 July 3pm Spanish Club Hole in the Wall Page 18 Mini Muff | Wednesday 12 July 9pm Loop Hunting Page 28 Australian Cult Cinema | Thursday 13 July 5pm Glitch Images of a Relief Page 29 Great D. | Sunday 9 July 9pm Spanish Club In The Eye Page ? Muff Neu | Tuesday 11 July 7pm Pop Shop Ink Page 16 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 7pm Loop Insect Page 16 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 7pm Loop Jefftowne Page 24 Troma | Wednesday 12 July 7pm Pop Shop Jolly Good Fellow Page 18 Mini Muff | Wednesday 12 July 7pm Loop Jupiter Love Page 13 Muff Neu | Friday 7 July 9pm Glitch L’Amore Ritrovato Page 17 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 9pm Loop Lollilove Page 25 Troma | Saturday 15 July 9pm Glitch Marvellous Melbourne Page 17 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 7pm Loop Matter of Heart Page 20 Mind Machine | Friday 14 July 7pm Glitch Matthew And John Page 17 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 9pm Loop Meta 4 Page 16 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 7pm Loop Midnight Screening Page 17 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 9pm Loop Mondo GG Page 21 | Friday 7 July 9pm Pint on Punt Afterparty Mother’s Day Page 24 Troma | Friday 7 July 11pm Spanish Club My Life Antonin Art Page 20 Mind Machine | Saturday 15 July 7pm Glitch N For Nelly Page 17 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 7pm Loop Naked Came the StrangerPage 30 S. Muff | Monday 10 July 9pm Glitch Netherworld Page 17 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 9pm Loop Nocturnal Submissions Page 11 | Sunday 16 July 9pm Spanish Club Nocturne Page 29 Great Directors, | Sunday 9 July 9pm Spanish Club Number 2 Page 17 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 9pm Loop Penny Page 17 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 9pm Loop Perdition Page 18 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 5pm Pop Shop Phase Page 18 Mini Muff | Wednesday 12 July 9pm Loop Plagues and Pleasures... Page 15 Muff Neu | Friday 14 July 5pm Glitch PO Box Tinto Page 31 Sexy Retro Muff | Sunday 9 July 9pm Pop Shop Muff 777 - Tokenism is for Clowns Porn: The Secret HistoryPage 30 Sexy Muff | Sunday 9 July 7pm Pop Shop Pornstar Pets Page 13 Muff Neu | Tuesday 11 July 9pm Glitch Poultrygeist: A Preview Page 10 ON | Thursday 6 July 7pm Spanish Club Private Afternoons Page 30 Sexy Retro Muff | Monday 10 July 9pm Glitch Rat Ribbons Page 17 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 7pm Loop Red, White, Black & Blue Page 15 Muff Neu | Friday 7 July 7pm Glitch Remembering Nigel Page 11 | Sunday 16 July 9pm Spanish Club Richard Page 17 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 9pm Loop Roast Rabbit, Peruvian Page 19 Mini Muff |Tuesday 11 July 5pm Pop Shop Robot Chicken: Season 1 Page 20 MM | Thursday 13 July 9pm Glitch Robots are Blue Page 18 Mini Muff | Wednesday 12 July 9pm Loop Rosebery 7470 Page 15 Muff Neu | Saturday 15 July 5pm Glitch Rotagitsni Page 18 Mini Muff | Thursday 13 July 7pm Loop Routine Page 18 Mini Muff | Wednesday 12 July 7pm Loop Scorned Page 16 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 9pm Loop Scrub Page 18 Mini Muff | Wednesday 12 July 9pm Loop Season of the Witch Page 29 | Monday 10 July 9pm Glitch Second Page 16 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 9pm Loop Snog - Crash Crash (Music Video Clip) Page 10 Opening Night | Thursday 6 July 7pm Spanish Club Stained Page 10 Opening Night | Thursday 6 July 7pm Spanish Club Still Life Page 18 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 5pm Pop Shop Super-Anon Page 17 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 9pm Loop Surfing the Now Page 16 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 7pm Loop Sword Boy Page 16 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 7pm Loop Terror Firmer Page 25 Troma | Monday 10 July 7pm Glitch Test Shoot for Richard Wolstencroft’s Next Feature Page 18 Mini Muff | Wednesday 12 July 9pm Loop The Barn Page 18 Mini Muff | Wednesday 12 July 9pm Loop The Bleeding Man Page 18 Mini Muff | Thursday 13 July 7pm Loop The Builders Page 16 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 7pm Loop The China Cat Page 31 Sexy Muff | Wednesday 12 July 9pm Pop Shop The Dead Shift Page 17 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 9pm Loop The Elusive Eel Page 17 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 7pm Loop The Final Stage Page 9 Muff Academy | Saturday July 8 1pm Spanish Club The Gladiators Page 29 Great Directors | Thursday 13 July 7pm Glitch The Horse Man Page 18 Mini Muff | Wednesday 12 July 7pm Loop The J2 Project Page 25 Troma | Saturday 15 July 9pm Glitch The Killing Room Page 18 Mini Muff | Thursday 13 July 7pm Loop The Last Outpost Page 18 Mini Muff | Thursday 13 July 7pm Loop The Listening Dead Page 17 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 9pm Loop The Man Who Opened Spam Page 17 MM | Monday 10 July 9pm Loop The Meanies Page 20 Mind Machine | Thursday 13 July 9pm Spanish Club The Meatheads: Page 16 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 7pm Loop The Okapa Connection Page 17 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 7pm Loop The Photosynthesist Page 16 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 7pm Loop The Scent of Infection Page 15 Muff Neu | Tuesday 11 July 7pm Pop Shop The Snuff Machine Page 18 Mini Muff | Wednesday 12 July 7pm Loop The Speaking Role Page 17 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 7pm Loop The Whiskey Bar Page 18 Mini Muff | Thursday 13 July 7pm Loop The Whisper Stop Page 16 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 7pm Loop This Is Not an Exit Page 20 MM | Sunday 9 July 9pm Spanish Club This Sporting Life Page 29 Great D. etc | Friday 14 July 9pm Glitch Touch Me in the Morn Page 24 Troma | Saturday 8 July 9pm Spanish Club Trailertown Page 25 Troma | Saturday 8 July 11 pm Spanish Club Two For the Show Page 18 Mini Muff | Wednesday 12 July 7pm Loop Waiting for Nesara Page 15 Muff Neu | Tuesday 11 July 9pm Pop Shop Wake Up Page 18 Mini Muff | Thursday 13 July 7pm Loop Welcome Stranger Page 11 CN | Sunday 16 July 9pm Spanish Club When Darkness Falls Page 12 Muff Neu | Saturday 8 July 9pm Glitch When Evil Reigns Page 15 Muff Neu | Sunday 16 July 5pm Spanish Club When You Gotta Go Page 17 Mini Muff | Monday 10 July 9pm Loop Who is the Sonic Manipulator? Page 17 MiniM| Tuesday 11 July 7pm Loop Wonder Showzen: Season 1 Page 20 Mind | Thursday 13 July 9pm Glitch Wooden Ice Cream Cones Page 17 Mini Muff | Tuesday 11 July 9pm Loop Working Stiff Page 24 Troma | Wednesday 12 July 7pm Pop Shop *Troma Shorts and Avant Muff Shorts refer to pages in catalogue, as we ran out of room here. Info & Credits Festival Director Richard Wolstencroft Assistant Director Eugene Grobbelaar Festival Co-Ordinator Nik Vuko Festival Consiglieri Rebecca Sutherland Program Director Richard Wolstencroft Additional Curators Eugene Grobbelaar, Bill Mousoulis, Jason Turley Michael Helms, Nik Vuko, Andrew Leovold & Rebecca Sutherland Creative Stuff for Muff Charlie Mazz Web Stuff for Muff Bridget Conway Taylor Muff Logo Spike Hibberd Proof Readers Eugene, Richard, Bec & Nik CONTACT Melbourne Underground Film Festival PO Box 822, South Yarra VIC 3141 AUSTRALIA e: BOX OFFICE Advance tickets will be available from the 12-5pm daily at all venues, tickets available at the door. Opening Night $15 Closing Night $15 Single Session $10 across all venues. New cheaper, more convenient ticket price! VENUES THE SPANISH CLUB 59-61Johnston St., Brunswick, P: +61 3 9417 4059 AFTER PARTY VENUES MUFF RECOMMENDS Opening / Closing Nights FESTIVAL CLUB LOOP 23 Meyers Place, Melbourne P: + 61 3 9654 0500 THE SPANISH CLUB FRONT AND BACK BAR 59-61Johnston St., Brunswick, P: +61 3 9417 4059 DALE AND DANNY’S BLUE 8 Whiteman St., Southbank, Crown Casino POP SHOP GALLERY 18-20 Corrs Lane, Melbourne P: +613 9659 4431 GLITCH 318 St. Georges Rd. North Fitzroy 3068 P: +61 9489 9799 a place to meet, drink and be merry during MUFF BOND BAR Bond St., City P: +61 3 9629 9844 MADAME BRUSSELLS Level 3, 59 Bourke St., Melbourne 3000 P: 9662.2775 Festival Pass* (6 sessions) $45/$40 concession MUFF CONDITIONS No reserved seating. Due to censorship requirements, entry to films is restricted to persons 18 years and over.. The festival reluctantly reserves the right to withdraw, change and replace programs without notice. Any changes are regrettable, and the festival apologises for any inconvenience. Note: Purchase your tickets from the v Details correct at time of printing. Check website for updates. DEDICATED TO ALL MUFF FILM MAKERS SPECIAL THANKS TO Mary Mihelakos at the rest of the team at the Spanish club. Lloyd Kaufman from Troma plu shis team Lisa and Kiel. Thanks also to Kristen Condon, Director of Teknikunst. Plus Michael Helms for a great Troma section. And new webgirl Bridget Conway Taylor. THANKS: Charlie, Rebecca Sutherland, Eric Pipersberg, Peter Davey, G Force!, Jack Sargeant. Andrew Leovold, Lynsey Hagen, Dale Reeves at Dale and Danny’s Blue, Goss, Nigel Wingrove, The Knife, Fredrik Carlström, Gaby Darbyshire, Alexander Kogan, Jr., Rudolph Grey, Philip R. Frey, Felix, Thom, Johnny, Frank, The staff of the Berlin Film Festival, Lisa Hutchinson, Rebekah Kay, Bill Mousoulis and his MIF site (check it out on line!), John Harrison,, Richard Metzger (Disinform , Michael, and crew (Vice) David Butcher (Cinevision), Nick Swinton (In Your Face), Shane (Panasonic), Rene & Vlad at Eurotrash, Dustin at Madman Printing, Rob, Ronnit, Melanie (Beat), M an Camp, Robert Fraresso, Robert Pascoe, Thelma Wolstencroft, Pam and David Wolstencroft, Johan, Mardelane & Francois Grobbelaar, Robert Galinsky, Gawain MacLachl lmmakers, volunteers Special Events The Muff Academy Got the film school blues? Tired of that run-of-the-mill film theory course? Sick to death of filling out forms to get your short films funded? We are here to tell you that all of that is simply not necessary. Yes. STOP all that crap forthwith and come to the MUFF Academy where we will teach you nothing about filmmaking, because if you haven’t realised by now, filmmaking cannot be taught as such. They don’t tell you that at VCA, do they? In fact, people who have no idea about film or its production at say, VCA, attempt to prescribe a national cinema agenda with disastrous results. The fruits of such prescriptive filmmaking courses, that turn out filmmakers who are worse than when they went into the course, is all the fucked up movies we see ad infinitum that come from this so called Aussie film industry. What we will do at the MUFF Academy is inspire you and enable you to listen to practical advice from happening, cutting edge filmmakers about the nuts and bolts of low budget productions. From there, the ball is in or on your court and don’t let anyone kid you otherwise. Again, folks’ filmmaking as such cannot be taught! You will teach Muff 777 - Tokenism is for Clowns yourself through the experience of making shorts and features and grow naturally like any artist. We will also not prescribe any form or content for your film. That, again, is your department. Just ‘be’ fresh, creative, iconoclastic and daring! We will show at the MA that you don’t need a 20K grant to make a short. All you need if $500 to $1000 and an iMovie editing program. At the MUFF Academy we teach the Nikeism of guerrilla filmmaking. Yes, just do it. No excuses, no BS...just practical advice and inspiration from filmmakers who have done it before and can inspire you to do it yourself; first time, or do it again better a second time. If you are a low budget guerrilla or indy filmmaker or student don’t miss this intensive two-day forum that only costs $40 - the cost of a fucking DVD! So get into the MUFF Academy and soon you’ll be the one whose DVD costs 40 bucks. We have eight sessions on Saturday July 8 and Sunday July 9 at the Spanish Club where we can have a bevy or two while we work. – Richard Wolstencroft, Headmaster of the MUFF Academy. The Spanish Club Saturday July 8 Sunday July 9 SESSION 1- 11AM JULY 8 JASON TURLEY The director of our closing night feature film, “Welcome Stranger”, will show some of his shorts (Scab a smoke, Wooden Heart) and talk about the all-important leap from making short films to making features. Jason has much hands-on knowledge from working before and behind the scenes on low budget films. Jason will happily guide us though an important first session of the MUFF Academy. Lunch Break at 12.30 SESSION 5 – 11AM JULY 9 BILL MOUSOULIS Bill has made about 30 shorts and eight features in the past twenty years and is a stalwart of the avant garde Melbourne film scene. Dating back to his days as part of the Super 8 film group, Bill has tirelessly been an advocate of real filmmaking in this country. Come and hear Bill speak of his experiences and maybe see a few rare shorts and discuss his advanced ideas about the filmmaking art. A session that all film intellectuals should be a part of. SESSION 2 – 1PM JULY 8 FRANK HOWSON The MUFF Academy presents a dissection of “The Final Stage” from Frank Howson who was either director/producer/screenwriter on over a dozen Australian feature films in the past 20 years. Lunch break 12.30 THE FINAL STAGE (1991) 70 minutes “The Final Stage“ was Boulevard Films’ seventh film and the third directed by Frank Howson. It is based on an early play he wrote and is arguably his, and Boulevard’s, best film. Frank directed said film under exhausting and frustrating conditions - one set, six actors, two weeks shoot! The film stars Adrian Wright, Abigail, Tommy Dysart, Michael Lake, Zachary McKay and Tiriel Mora. Frank will introduce the film and give a detailed talk on its production following the screening. A great opportunity to learn from an established filmmaker who also happens to be a top bloke! SESSION 3 – 3PM JULY 8 JON HEWITT An analysis of making “darklovestory” - our opening night film. Jon will draw on his experiences making “Redball” and even putting up with Richard Wolstencroft making “Bloodlust”, as he talks us through his latest mini feature. Jon has many strong opinions about the film industry and about making films and won’t at all mind telling you about them. A real MUFF Academy highlight! SESSION 4 – 5PM JULY 8 INTERNATIONAL GUEST LLOYD KAUFMAN The great Troma man himself - arguably one of the most successful and best known independent filmmakers in the world - will dazzle us with tales of making independent cinema from NYC for over 30 years. He will use some AV materials from his new films and maybe even from his DVD and book “Make your own damn movie!” to help nail his wisdom home. He has a book and dvd on filmmaking you can buy at the MUFF Academy that we highly recommend. New to filmmaking, or an old hand, this master class with Lloyd you cannot miss! Be early, expected to sell out! SESSIONS 6 – 1PM JULY 9 DAVID THRUSSELL Film Soundtracks: Some sound advice The man behind Snog, Black Lung and Soma will talk about his experiences composing movies like “The Hard Word”, “Thunderstruck” and “Angst”. David is a real doyen of sound composing and is also a filmmaker and writer himself, not to mention a witty provocateur. Be sure to be part of Thrusta’s film scoring 101 at the MUFF Academy. SESSION 7 – 3PM JULY 9 SHANNON YOUNG AND PAUL MODER The director and producer of MUFF hit “Razoreaters” will talk through their experiences and tell you great things about doing low budget stunts and explosions, and getting your films into OS festivals. Paul Moder also co-directed “Bullet in the Arse” and starred in “Sensitive New Age Killer” and “Bloodlust”. Shannon Young co-directed “Stygian” (winner: best guerilla film, MUFF 1) with James Wan of “Saw”fame! A great double master class from two happening auteurs. They will screen their hour long informative “Making of Razoreaters”- which is a great ‘making of’ doco! SESSION 8 – 5PM JULY 9 SCOTT RYAN One of the greatest MUFF discoveries was our 2003 Best film “The Magician”. More importantly, after MUFF, Scott took his film to the big screens in Australia with completion funding from the FFC and also stunning reviews recently OS in the UK during its theatrical release there. Scott’s film is a textbook example of brilliant low budget filmmaking. Scott has been a scholar and gent to come back to MUFF and tell us about his experiences. This is a major highlight no to be missed and concludes our program for the MUFF academy in 2006. Presented by Opening Night darklovestory THE SPANISH CLUB Thurs 6 - July 7pm darklovestory Dir: Jon Hewitt / 60 mins approx / Australia Jon Hewitt’s third feature (well mini feature) is a breathless, flipped-out tale of crime, fate, mayhem and love. Completely shot on the mean streets of Sydney’s Kings X and starring Belinda McClory and Aaron Pedersen as star-cross’d lovers chasing a happy ending, ‘darklovestory’ is a dialectical fairytale about storytelling wrapped in a crime thriller dripping with sex, violence and subtext! Set over one frantic night in the mythic neon realm of Australia’s infamous red light district, Jon’s assured direction has a slightly surreal and dream-like edge that adds to the overall trance-like and fairytale feel of the film. McClory and Pedersen are fearless and excellent in their roles. Set pieces include the fuck scene that opens the film, the bashing scene where Belinda cops it just like her male counterpart, the hilarious heist-gone-wrong, and a great torture and blackout scene. Make no mistake, this is the best Australian film we have seen since discovering The Magician, so heads up people. It is authentic, political, adventurous and aggressive - exactly the way Australian films ought to be but aren’t. Make sure you are here Opening Night for the World Premiere of Jon Hewitt’s third opus, darklovestory. It is dark indeed. Starring Belinda McClory, Aaron Pedersen, Anthony Phelan, Paul Capsis, Sandy Gore, Ian Roberts, Chris Baz, Don Atkinson, David Bonney, James Wardlaw. Muff 777 - Tokenism is for Clowns STAINED Dir: Mark Savage / 25 mins/ Australia The new short from Mark Savage, following on from his MUFF award winning, sans dialogue, guerrilla masterpiece Defenceless, is “Stained”. Possibly one of the most disturbing films Mark has ever made and that is saying something, we are drawn into the world of child pornography and two people who may or may not be involved in its production and distribution. Excellent performances, some of the strongest in any of Mark’s work, and the intense subject matter make this film hard going but excellent all the same. If you have liked Mark’s work in the past you simply must see “Stained”. SNOG “CRASH CRASH” FILM CLIP Dir: Richard Wolstencroft / 4 mins / Australia A fun film clip created for Snog’s latest electro masterpiece Crash Crash. Join the adventures of Bush, Saddam and Osama as they plot with a little help from Mossad to blow up, wait for it... Crown Casino and succeed! A clip that suggests that the war on terror is fiction, with all players essentially on the same team and part of the same problem. “POULTRYGEIST” A PREVIEW Dir: Lloyd Kaufman / 20 mins/ USA A world exclusive preview of Lloyd’s Kaufman new film “Poultrygeist” from Troma studious NYC with Lloyd in da house, bitches. Expect some wild exclusive scenes from what looks like a real return to form of our esteemed International Guest Mr.Kaufman, director of such classics as the Toxic Avenger series, Terror Firmer and Tromeo and Juliet. Don’t miss this exclusive taste of chicken gone Closing Night Welcome Stranger THE SPANISH CLUB Sun 16 - July 9pm WELCOME STRANGER Dir: Jason Turley / 80 mins / Drama / Australia We have a real treat for you Closing Night, the first feature from MUFF ingÈnue Jason Turley. The plot: A strange day begins for 18 year old Adam with a phone call from an old school friend. After several years without any contact, Luke is eager for a reunion. Bewildered, Adam sets off to meet up with his childhood mate. What follows is a sequence of interactions with Luke’s familymembers, overlaid with a drug and alcohol binge. As the day progresses through a series of funny, sad and violent clashes it becomes clear that the stranger has little in common with the people he has been thrown in with. What all these characters do share though is an intense desire to be something more than what they are. A great feature film debut from the director of acclaimed shorts Scab A Smoke and Dirty Work. Remember, if you want great Aussie cinema, come to MUFF to see it first. NOCTURNAL SUBMISSIONS Dir: Bill Mousoulis; / 7 mins Australia / 2006 / DV Actors: Alex Spears, Vanessa de Largie. Three characters submit to the night. Glimpses of Bill Mousoulis’ upcoming vampire feature A Nocturne. Sounds very tasty.. Mousoulis and Vampires...this you will want to see! REMEMBERING NIGEL Dir: Frank Howson MUFF is proud to be able to present Frank Howson’s comeback film, “Remembering Nigel”. For those of you who know Howson’s work or life there are a multitude of references in this that will delight and provoke, as well as make you laugh. The eclectic all-star cast includes Ian Smith, Steve Kearney, Nicki Paull, Tommy Dysart, Michael Bishop, Molly Meldrum, Billy Miller, Felicity Soper, Keith Potger, Richard Wolstencroft, Tait Brady, Gavin Wood, Alex Scott, Graham Simpson, Tim Hughes, Kevin Summers, Jenny Seedsman, Ross Ditcham, Joan Brockenshire, Peter Lesley, Oliver Howson and many, many other cameo surprises. Peter Lesley produces “Remembering Nigel” and executive producer is Simon Baker. It is written & directed by Frank Howson. The 7th Muff Awards Films to be followed by The 7th MUFF awards presented by Festival Director Richard Wolstencroft, jury head Alex Spalck - the wild man from Pankow, and many other presenters in the jury including filmmakers from past festivals, industry insiders, and loyal kameraden of MUFF. Recent local and international features as only MUFF can pick my sweeties, check out this first rate selection of the latest cinematic fare. Programmed by Eugene Grobbelaar and Richard Wolstencroft with Michael Smith. CALL ME Dir: Tom McEvoy / 80 mins / Australia/ 2006 “Men are like high heels, easy to walk on once you get the hang of it” so says a character in Tom McEvoy’s new film and follow up to MUFF 6 hit “Welcome to Greensborough”. Plot: Have you ever been cheated on and ended up thinking that somehow, you’re the bad guy? When Claire doubts the strength of the relationship with her boyfriend she entails the services of her friend Jade to test his faithfulness. A modern day Dangerous Liaisons shot and completely improvised over a 2 day period with 1 day of pre-production. Full of risky ideas, the film is testament to what can be achieved with a low budget and focused collaboration. McEvoy thinks the film will divide the sexes in the guessing game of who really is to blame? A great late addition to MUFF 7. Friday 7 July 7pm | The Spanish Club. Q + A with enfant terrible Tom McEvoy BLUE NOTES Dir. Bill Mousoulis | 93 mins. | 2006 | Drama | Australia Blue Notes is composed of five tales about people who are “blue”: a married man struggles with depression; his son spends his days drifting; a young woman reacts to being abused by her partner; a heroin addict attempts to start a career in music; and a lonely man, bereft of family, looks for a way to connect with others. Blue Notes is a highly realistic work, not afraid to show the everyday, and the problems ordinary people face, but it is also a supremely formalistic work, in both its moment-to-moment play (eschewing conventional dramatics) and in its overall structure (using a 3-part structure to play out its 5 stories). And, despite its down-beat subject matter, the film portrays its people with dignity, even as some of them succumb to their situations, and as others rise up and save themselves. Q&A with filmmaker. One of Richard’s favs in MUFF Neu Saturday 8 July 7pm | The Spanish Club Muff 777 - Tokenism is for Clowns AUSSIE DOUBLE FEATURE: WHEN DARKNESS FALLS Dir. Rohan Spong | 60 mins. | 2005 | Noir | Australia When Private Detective Virginia Martin is suspected of murdering a local girl, she has two days to clear her name. Under the watchful eye of a police rookie – the alluring Betsy Sloane – the investigation that ensues draws our heroine into the familiar noir landscape of New York in the 1940s. In solving the case, the pair meets a number of quirky characters including a drunken sailor with a violent streak, a Police Commissioner with a secret vendetta and an ill tempered showgirl called Jinx. Written, scripted, shot, directed and even scored in the manner of a Hollywood film noir, When Darkness Falls evokes the highly stylized 1940s genre with a bent twist. Well known actors Natalie Bassingthwaighte (Neighbours, Grease the Musical, The Rogue Traders) and Katy Manning (Doctor Who, Ruby Wax Meets, UKTV) co-star. Screens with CAFFEINE. Saturday 8 July 9pm | Glitch CAFFEINE Dir. Paul Dowie | 55 mins. | 1999 | Australia Gregory Pakis, mastermind behind M.U.F.F. hit “The Garth Method”, co-scripted this tale of a coffee addict named Mitchell who, having been awake for three days, embarks on a late night caffeine-hunt and reluctantly takes over security duties at a 24-hour supermarket. Screens with WHEN DARKNESS FALLS. Q&A with filmmakers. Saturday 8 July 9pm | Glitch Call Me Call Me Call Me SEX DOUBLE FEATURE: PORNSTAR PETS Dir. Margie Schnibbe | 53 mins. | 2005 | Documentary | USA Just when you thought it was safe to drive through the San Fernando Valley, here’s the movie that pulls back the sheets on the explosive realm of adult entertainment. Pornstar Pets is a ribtickling romp with the dogs, cats and unusual animals that belong to some of the world’s most popular adult film stars. Marvel as Ron Jeremy feeds his pet Turtle called Cherry. Swoon as Taylor Wane fires-up some spicy-shrimp for Buddy, the tempestuous Terrier. Flail as Teri Weigel soaps her snakes, bathes her birds and wrangles with an outrageous army of well-groomed Shelties ... Also featuring Airforce Amy, Brittany Andrews, Violet Blue, Kim Chambers, Jessica Drake, Caressa Kisses, LaTia Lopez, Rebecca Lord, Nick Manning, Mr. Marcus, Sharon Mitchell, Melissa Monet, Kitten Natividad, Dave Pounder, Lena Ramon, Anastasia Sands, Shay Sights, Jeremy Steele, Evan Stone, Scott Styles and of course the legendary William Margold! Screens with DAMON AND HUNTER. Tuesday 11 July 9pm | Glitch DAMON AND HUNTER: DOING IT TOGETHER Dir. Tony Comstock | 46 mins. | 2006 | Documentary | USA “Damon and Hunter” is a frank, humane and erotic exploration of the sexual and emotional relationship between longtime lovers Damon Demarco and Hunter James. The film offers a candid look at the central role that sex plays in the relationship between these two men. Forget Brokeback Mountain, if you want gay sex, check this out. Screens with PORNSTAR PETS. Tuesday 11 July 9pm | Glitch Q + A with filmmakers. JUPITER LOVE Dir. Michael Andre | 80 mins. | 2005 | Thriller | Australia Made by two self-proclaimed “mad Russians”, this violent yet sensual road movie follows the interstate travels of a beautiful blonde digital artist named X. On the open road, a lone male driver named Y begins to chase her. He taunts her, becoming crazed and obsessed, enslaved by his neurotic sexual dependency. The surreal climax confirms that ‘Nature is a bitch’. Eugene pick of the MUFF Neu section. Friday 7 July 9pm | Glitch GAMERS Dir. Christopher Folino | 87 mins. | 2005 | Comedy | USA “Gamers” is a comedy about the lives of four hapless friends (and one obsessive interloper) and how they evolve over a 23-year span. It centers on a single day when they are about to break a world record for hours spent role-playing a game called DND, or Demons, Nymphs, and Dragons. The sacrifice, the obsession, the blind dedication... This is their true story. First Time filmmaker, Chris Folino tells the story of “Gamers” in a mockumentary style featuring the wickedly dry narration by Michael Bell (Unsolved Mysterious) and with guest appearances by William Katt (American Greatest Hero & House), Kelly Le Brock (Weird Science), Beverley D’Angelo (National Lampoons Vacation) and WIlliam Heard (Home Alone). This film is wicked and clever with some big laughs which will leave you with a big smile on your face. - Mike Smith Sunday 16 July 7pm | The Spanish Club Q + A with Director Christopher Folino. Our 2nd international guest for MUFF 7, Be sure to come along and support this great indy movie. Pornstar Pets Blue Notes WHEN EVIL REIGNS Dir. Luke and Alix Jackson | 92 mins. | 2006 | Horror | Australia ”Friday the 13th” meets “Night of the living dead” in this Aussie horror film made on a $5000 budget. A mismatched group must lock themselves inside and fight off the murderous hordes attacking the building in this homage to slasher flicks and epidemic classics! Needless to say, a chilling and terrifying time is guaranteed for all! Sunday 16 July 5pm | The Spanish Club PLAGUES AND PLEASURES ON THE SALTON SEA Dir. Chris Metzler & Jeff Springer | 71 mins. | 2005 | Documentary | USA Once “California’s Riviera”, the Salton Sea is now America’s worst ecological disaster. Yet a few hardy eccentrics hang on to hope, including a roadside nudist and a man building a religious mountain out of mud and paint. Hair-raising and hilarious, this is the American Dream stinky as a dead carp. Narrated by none other than B Movie legend John Waters, this film is simply one of the best recent documentaries we have seen here at M.U.F.F., and we were not surprised at the fact that it has won no less than 18 “best documentary” awards! Friday 14 July 9pm | Glitch THE SCENT OF INFECTION Dir. Sean Murphy | 70 mins. | 2005 | Experimental | Australia This film has been described as being “about the allegory between sex and suicide, a journey through the first person and through self-inflicted heaven and hell that are states of mind. In the midst of this nightmare, almost all rational thought seems to break down.” We at M.U.F.F. call it a 70 minute roller coaster ride on the waves of misanthropy and graphic violence that is definitely not for the faint hearted! Screens with IN THE EYE – a short film also by up-andcoming director Sean Murphy. Tuesday 11 July 7pm | Pop Shop Gallery WAITING FOR NESARA Dir. Zeb Haradon | 77 mins. | 2005 | Documentary | USA Shot in the months between September 11th, 2001 and the start of the war against Iraq, “Waiting for Nesara” documents the true story of The Open Mind Forum, a messianic group of Salt Lake City exMormons, and the radical faith that binds them together in the wake of September 11th. The group anxiously awaits the implementation of NESARA - a secret law that they believe was blocked from implementation by the Bush administration. Although there’s no mention of the law in any official government source, the group believes it will abolish the IRS, remove George Bush from office, expose him as a reptilian alien, and install a UFO-flying Jesus Christ as America’s new leader. The group believes that the September 11th attacks were carried out under Bush’s orders, and were his first attempt to delay NESARA’s implementation. In other words the films talks perfect sense right? Tuesday 11 July 9pm | Pop Shop Gallery Pornstar Pets DUSK Dir. Iqbal Barkat | 93 mins. | 2003 | Drama | Australia Talented Australian screenwriter, producer and actor David Phillips stars in this story of a man – a curious individual and has-been boxer named Arnie - and his troubled relationships with family, friends and lovers. When Arnie steps out of the ring and into the real world, sexual desire and family deception combine to push him towards breaking point. Can he fight back? Do those close to Arnie want to nourish him or suck his bones dry? Find out in this current, slice-of-life exposition on the impossibility of living life on one’s own terms. We at M.U.F.F. say: Don’t miss “Dusk”! Tuesday 11 July 7pm | Glitch Q + A with Writer/Producer/Actor David Phillips from Sydney. ROSEBERY 7470 Dir. Stefan Popescu | 90 mins. | 2006 | Experimental | Australia A fucked up girl in a fucked up family in a fucked up town - How do you cope with the perversity of the everyday? Demanding and visually arresting, Stefan Popescu uses his unique experimental style to create a visceral and monstrous world! “Rosebery 7470” is disturbing and reminds of a cross between David Lynch and Stan Brakhage. Experimental in parts but made with considerable flair and tenacity this is one of MUFF Neu’s must sees. One of Richard’s favs in MUFF neu. Saturday 15 July 5pm | Glitch RED WHITE BLACK & BLUE Dir. Tom Putnam | 92 mins. | 2006 | Documentary | USA Bill and Andy are the two toughest 85-year-olds you’ve ever met. Together, they fought 3000 Japanese in a secret Alaskan invasion during WWII. Now, these forgotten heroes embark on an intense journey back to the island of Attu, where they relive the brutal 19-day battle that America was never told about. As Bill and Andy retrace their steps over this untouched battlefield, the line between past and present begins to blur and long-forgotten memories resurface with moving force. A fascinating doco on a piece of history many (includeing us) didn’t know about. Those dirty Japs! Friday 7 July 7pm | Glitch Mini Muff Local and International Short films selected and programmed by Jason Turley Presented by The Photosyntesist Short films screening at MUFF this year are a mixed bag in the best possible sense. No genre is over represented and the quality is very high throughout. Programming has accounted for various tastes and predilections. A glance through our catalogue will reveal a generically grouped session or three to arouse anyone’s interest. Standouts include Melbourne actor John King’s Penny. Even those who loathe romantic comedies will be reformed by Holly Marshall’s endearing performance in the title role. From Spain we have Pablo Valiente’s Roast Rabbit, Peruvian Girl and Desolation, a fantastic tragi-comic film about an ageing male porn star who is unwilling to gracefully step aside for younger flesh. Darker films include David Jackson’s Snuff Machine and Steven Kostvissios’ The Horseman. Horror fans will be impressed by the Swiss/Italian co-production by Paolo Vandoni, L’Amore Ritrovato, and also by Annabel Osbourne’s Midnight Screening with it’s original use of special effects. SESSION 1 Monday 10 July 7pm | Loop ALBINO SANTA COP Dir: Tom Priestley / 2006 / Aus / 4 mins Animation. A greedy Traffic cop gets what he deserves. SWORD BOY Dir: Tristan Orchid / 2005 / Canada / 5 mins Animation. A still pic animation about a boys quest to attain greatness. ERRORSIM: A COMEDY OF TERRORS Dir: Eddie White / 2006 / Aus / 4 mins Animation. Meet Terry an Inept Cartoon Terrorist. INK Dir: Adele Wilkes / 2005 / Aus / 9 mins Experimental. A lonely young woman writes sad love poems to get her through a long night. SURFING THE NOW Dir : Doug Mason / 2005 / Aus / 3 mins Experimental. Einstein tells us there is no universal now. But is that the end of it? Muff 777 - Tokenism is for Clowns THE WHISPER STOP Dir : Emma Rozanski / 2006 / Aus / 8 mins Experimental. Five passengers encounter a mysterious woman on a train. INSECT Dir: Magda Matwiejew / 2006 / Aus / 4 mins Animation. A beautiful woman grows into an insect. GRIP OF DEATH Dir: Frank Candiloro / 2006 / Aus / 3 mins Animation. A Wooden puppet tries to keep it’s dying companion from death. THE PHOTOSYNTHESIST Dir: Grantley Smith / 2005 / Aus / 8 mins Experimental. In the depths of a water well a man finds an interesting escape route. THE BUILDERS Dir: Brad Betts / 2005 / Aus / 3 mins Animation. Bizarre little creatures attempt to find the answer to the ultimate question. META 4 Dir: Katrina Mathers / 2006 / Aus / 2 mins Experimental. Exploration of four/fore/for/4 in our language and everyday life. SESSION 2 Monday 10 July 9pm | Loop DIMENSION X Dir: Nick Kunin / 2005 / USA / 7 mins Animation. A comic strip story of vampires, astronauts and political scandals. SCORNED Dir: Andrew Murray / 2006 / Aus / 4 mins Comedy. When a cheating husband is caught in the act, the battle begins. THE MEATHEADS-THE MEAT SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH Dir: Marc Eiden / 2006 / Aus / 7 mins Animation. Mankind is wiped out by a giant intergalactic meatball. SECOND Dir: Greg Apps / 2006 / Aus / 7 mins Comedy. Two brothers set out on a day of adventure. N foe Nelly NUMBER 2 Dir: Martin Copping / 2006 / Aus / 7 mins Comedy. Sylvia has finally met the man of her dreams, but will one mistake wash her chance of love down the drain. PENNY Dir: John King / 2005 / Aus / 16 mins Drama/Comedy. Penny has fallen for Josh, but will he be everything she hoped for? RICHARD Dir: Mick Elliot / 2006 / Aus / 3 mins Animation. Meet Richard, an ordinary man striving to keep his head up. HEADACHE Dir: Tim Auld / 2006 / Aus / 7 mins Black Comedy. Two guys courier a severed head. WHEN YOU GOTTA GO Dir: Clem Malina / 2006 / Aus / 6 mins Comedy. A dark comedy about love, heartbreak, suicide and sushi. BOUNCING BETTY Dir: Jason Stacy / 2005 / Aus / 5 mins Black Comedy. A soldier steps on a land mine. THE DEAD SHIFT Dir: Ana Djordjevic / 2005 / Aus / 7 mins Comedy/Horror. A naïve gas station clerk receives a visit from a zombie in the dead of the night. THE MAN WHO OPENED SPAM Dir: Simon Best/Paul Murphy / 2006 / Aus / 9 mins Comedy. What if everything spam promised delivered? SUPER-ANON Dir: Stephen H Plitt / 2005 / Canada / 10 mins Mockumentary. A look at a therapy group for relatives of superheroes. MATTHEW AND JOHN Dir: David Brand / 2006 / Aus / 8 mins Black Comedy. Two Mormons find themselves in dire straits. L’Amore Ritrovato SESSION 3 Tuesday 11 July 7pm | Loop SESSION 4 Tuesday 11 July 9pm | Loop MARVELLOUS MELBOURNE Dir: Shane Northey / 2005 / Aus / 11 mins Mockumentary. A satirical look at the history of Melbourne. ADDICTION TO CONVICTION Dir: Mark Aquilina / 2005 / Aus / 3 mins Preview. Life is a bitch and so is revenge. DIG Dir: B.Walker / 2005 / Aus / 4 mins Experimental/Animation. Before the age of Industry Potatoes were dug by hand. THE ELUSIVE EEL Dir: Richard Hughes / 2005 / Aus / 7 mins Doco. A giant eel shakes up a country town. MIDNIGHT SCREENING Dir: Annabel Osbourne / 2005 / Aus / 8 mins Fantasy/Horror. Being short after midnight can be deadly. FUCK FRANKIE Dir: Jason Turley / 2004 / Aus / 3 mins Experimental. One nerds wild night. N FOR NELLY Dir: Katrina Mathers / 2006 / Aus / 7 mins Mockumentary. In 1985 the phrase “N for Nelly” was first heard. L’AMORE RITROVATO Dir: Paolo Vandoni / 2006 / Switzerland-Italy / 15 mins Horror. A woman makes love to a man after meeting at a concert. THE SPEAKING ROLE Dir: Ivan Duzel/Adam Krongold / 2006 / Aus / 6 mins Mockumentary. A guy who is mis-cast and sacked on set, tries to find resolve. NETHERWORLD Dir: Greg Connors / 2005 / Aus / 14 mins Thriller/Horror. God bets on a rigged boxing match between Gabriel and the demon of pain. WHO IS THE SONIC MANIPULATOR? Dir: Zev Howley / 2005 / Aus / 10 mins Doco. Meet Musician and inventor Claude Woodward. DUDES OF DOOM Dir: Christian Malmquist / 2005 / Aus / 16 mins Comedy/Adventure/Horror. A man walks into a pub and meets Lemmy and Ozzy who tell him they met the devil. THE OKAPA CONNECTION Dir: Pip Starr / 2006 / Aus / 15 mins Doco. Follows the journey of Fairtade coffee from PNG to Melbourne. BUSINESS AS USUAL Dir: Joe Hiscott / 2005 / Canada / 10 mins Doco/Experimental. Reveals the grotesquely human nature of the executive citizen. RAT RIBBONS Dir: Chrissie Hall / 2006 / Aus / 25 mins Doco. A look at the world of completive rat shows. THE LISTENING DEAD Dir: Phil Mucci / 2006 / USA / 14 mins Horror. An obsessed composer neglects his wife, with horrifying consequences. WOODEN ICE CREAM CONES Dir: Michael Kratochvil / 2006 / Aus / 2 mins Experimental. Imagery from Bugsy Malone, Society and Fade to Black edited with additional footage. GOATSTOP Dir: James Barahanos / 2006 / Aus / 6 mins Drama. An imp looks for the perfect subject. Mini Muff Programmers picks: Roast Rabbit, Peruvian Girl and Desolation, Another Shot, Penny and the Elusive eel. Presented by Roast Rabbit, Peruvian Girl & Desolation SESSION 5 Wednesday 12 July 7pm | Loop DEAR JOHN Dir : Mat Cavang / 2006 / Aus / 7 mins. Black Comedy. A filmmaker rejected from a film festival does something about it. JOLLY GOOD FELLOW Dir: Jean Philippe Lopez / 2006 / Aus / 5 mins Black Comedy. A young man is kidnapped by a gang of would be terrorists. TWO FOR THE SHOW Dir: Mark Priems / 2006 / Aus / 9 mins Drama. A criminal and his girlfriend hold a wealthy executive hostage. DEAD END Dir: Flora Georgiou / 2006 / Aus / 9 mins Drama. A desperate junkie accepts to take on a job for his next hit. THE HORSEMAN Dir: Steven Kostvissios / 2006 / Aus / 16 mins Thriller. The council exterminator comes knocking. Scenes may offend. ROUTINE Dir: Jamshed Mubaraki / 2006 / Aus / 18 mins Black Comedy/Drama. Days in the life of a racist, sexist call centre worker. THE SNUFF MACHINE Dir: David Jackson / 2005 / Aus / 20 mins Thriller. A young man picks up a mysterious girl at a bizarre bar called the snuff machine. Scenes may offend. SESSION 6 Wednesday 12 July 9pm | Loop DICKLESS Dir: Ben O’ Mara / 2006 / Aus / 7 mins. Black Comedy. Have you ever felt like less of a man? Muff 777 - Tokenism is for Clowns THE BARN Dir: Fluer Nelson / 2005 / Aus / 8 mins Drama. Six year old Rosie hides a stranger in her barn. HOLE IN THE WALL Dir: Peter Hegeous / 2005 / Aus / 11 mins Drama. When a strange hole appears in his wall, Ben is shocked by what he sees. PHASE Dir : Sky Crompton / 2005 / Aus / 15 mins Drama/Animation. The story of a post modern superhero coming to terms with the realities of modern life. SCRUB Dir: Douglas Watkin / 2006 / Aus / 10 mins Drama. A biker has conformed into mainstream society. ROBOTS ARE BLUE Dir : Bill Sebastian / 2005 / USA / 8 mins Comedy/Sci-Fi. In a workplace infiltrated by robots, sometimes the line between human and machine becomes blurred. ANOTHER SHOT Dir: Simon Ryan / 2006 / Aus / 7 mins Drama. One man’s heartbreaking story of regret and his determination to turn his life around. 3:18 Dir: Anthony Samangy / 2005 / USA / 12 mins Drama/Comedy. Take two stoners, mix in a bit of urban isolation and what you get is something truly unique. ROTAGITSNI Dir : Lee Kennedy / 2005 / Aus / 8 mins Drama. Ekul finds himself drinking his problems away in a strange bar called Rotagitsni. WAKE UP Dir : Dane Owen / 2006 / Aus / 10 mins Drama. A man wakes up alone in a room with no sign of entry or exit. THE BLEEDING MAN Dir : Melissa Azizi / 2005 / Aus / 18 mins Drama. A story of a man who bleeds the filth of the world through his senses. TEST SHOOT FOR RICHARD WOLSTENCROFTS NEXT FEATURE Dir: R.Wolstencroft / 2006 / Aus / 25 mins An adaptation of an old novel brought to life through a lens of the writing of Bret Easton Ellis and Festival director Richard Wolstencroft. See this sneak peak at a few scenes shot as a test for RW’s next feature. THE LAST OUTPOST Dir : Cassie Dart / 2005 / Aus / 20 mins Drama. Darius’ girlfriend Shelley has an addiction and he doesn’t know how to help her. SESSION 7 Thursday 13 July 7pm | Loop DARK DECISIONS Dir: Scott Lawson / 2005 / Aus / 15 mins Drama. After witnessing his life fall apart, James searches for a new life in a new world. THE WHISKEY BAR Dir : Michael Hoath / 2005 / Aus / 12 mins Drama. After a bungled suicide attempt, a young man wanders the streets, eventually finding a deserted bar. THE KILLING ROOM Dir : Alex Kuzelicki / 2005 / Aus / 14 mins Drama. A Colombian freedom fighter must assassinate an idealistic youth for a cause which goes against everything he’s been fighting for. SESSION 8 Tuesday 11 July 5pm | Pop Shop STILL LIFE Dir : Tahnee McGuire / 2005 / Aus / 17 mins Drama. Ron had no life until Mandy lit it up. PERDITION Dir : Matt Carter / 2005 / Aus / 7 mins Drama. Josephine is a young woman who is in the fight of her life. Phase DOMESTIC Dir : Katie Hides / 2005 / Aus / 8 mins Comedy/Action. It’s crouching lover, hidden agenda when a couple put their relationship and martial arts skills to the test. GLASS Dir : Ivan Duzel / 2006 / Aus / 8 mins Drama. A story of two Melbourne gangsters. Whiskey Bar EVE Dir : Paul Leeming / 2005 / Aus / 15 mins Sci-Fi. Companion. Servant. Lover. Machine. BZZZZZZZ Dir: Lee Demarbre / 2006 / Canada / 22 mins Comedy. A group of characters are trapped in Canada’s capital city during a killer bee invasion. The Bleeding Man ROAST RABBIT, PERUVIAN GIRL AND DESOLATION Dir: Pablo Valiente / 2005 / Spain / 12 mins. Drama. A former porn star finds it hard to move on. Mind Machine The Cinema of Perception From Doyens of Dome-Culture to Deviants of Pop-Culture. Curated by Rebecca “Beckster” Sutherland Wonder Showzen MATTER OF HEART Dir: Mark Whitney / 1985 / USA / 107 min / Colour / DVD The extraordinary journey of C.G Jung into the soul of a man. A compelling and inspiring film portrait of Carl Gustav Jung, a man whose extraordinary genius and humanity reached far beyond the sometimes exclusive realm of psychiatry into redefining the essential nature of who we are and what we hope to become. Featuring rare home movies, valuable archival footage and a wealth of interviews. Friday 14 July 7pm | Glitch MY LIFE AND TIMES WITH ANTONIN ARTAUD Dir: Gerard Mordillat / 1993 / France / 90 min / B&W / French with English Subtitles / DVD From the perspective of poet Jacques Prevel we discover the heady existence of genius artist Antonin Artaud, and the quest for poetry, drugs and the absolute. A companion and friend of the artist from the days of his release from internment in an asylum, Prevel shares his experience in the presence of a master renaissance man - poet, actor, director, playwright, philosopher, visionary, and madman. Saturday 15 July 7pm | Glitch THE MEANIES Dir: Rachael Hough / 70 mins / Australia / 2006 The Meanies is a wild new doco about the band that formed in 1989 and were an integral part of the Melbourne and Australian music scene throughout the 90’s. The Meanies have established themselves as one of Australia’s most enduring underground rock bands, cultivating a huge all-ages following. Packed with rare live footage and extensive interviews THE MEANIES is an insightful story for both hardcore Meanies fans and those with any interest in the Australian independent music scene. Thursday 13 July 9pm | The Spanish Club THIS IS NOT AN EXIT: THE FICTIONAL WORLD OF BRET EASTON ELLIS Dir: Gerald Fox / 1999 / USA / 80 min / Colour / VHS When American Psycho was released early in 2000 it reaffirmed author Bret Easton Ellis as the controversial “bad boy” of contemporary American fiction. This Is Not An Exit reveals the world inhabited by Ellis and his fictional characters, and explores the main themes of Ellis’s books - the MTV generation, pop culture of the Muff 777 - Tokenism is for Clowns Robot Chicken 80s and 90s, the drugs and night life scene, and the obsession of current culture with glamour, fashion and wealth. Sunday 9 July 9pm | The Spanish Club DONALD CAMMELL: THE LAST PERFORMANCE Dir: Kevin MacDonald / 1998 / UK / 75 min / DVD Kevin MacDonald and Chris Rodley produced and directed this British documentary about film director Donald Cammell, best known for his collaboration with Nicolas Roeg on Performance (1970). The lead actors in Performance, Mick Jagger and James Fox, are interviewed along with Roeg, Barbara Steele, Cathy Moriarty, and avant-garde filmmaker Kenneth Anger, who cast Cammell in his 1973 Lucifer Rising. MacDonald and Rodley trace Cammell’s career from his days as a Paris portrait artist to such films as Demon Seed, White of the Eye, and The Wild Side with Anne Heche and Christopher Walken, probing the dark side of Cammell’s dissociative personality” that triggered his 1996 suicide. Cammell is seen in several interview clips. Sunday 9 July 9pm | The Spanish Club WONDER SHOWZEN: SEASON 1 (selected episodes) 2005 / USA / approx 60 min / DVD “Like Sesame Street on Crack!” Some of you may have gazed upon the bootlegged pilot episode of TV’s newest and sickest sensation, then called Kidshow. See puppets gettin’ freaky and all up in yo’ face, see the innocent traverse the fine lines of moral questionability, and not to forget the best segment of all - Beat Kids...sing along with me: “Kids on the Beat, Kids on the Street, Beat Kids, Beat Kids!” Not for Children. Definitely, not for children. Thursday 13 July 9pm | Glitch ROBOT CHICKEN: SEASON 1 (selected episodes) 2005 / USA / approx 60 min / DVD A frenetic lambasting of pop-culture movies and tv, as animated by toy action figures. The premiere season of Robot Chicken, from the creatively twisted souls of Seth Green and Matthew Senreich, featuring toy murderin’, attention span shatterin’ episodes straight from the hellish maw of Adult Swim’s late night line-up. Enjoy bitesized nuggets of sketch comedy performed by yesteryear’s favourite playthings, animated in state-of-the-art stop motion. “It’s like a poultry polka party in your pants!”. Thursday 13 July 9pm | Glitch Artaud Andrew Leovold Trash Video Owner-manager of Brisbane’s cult movie store Trash Video and subject of the SBS documentary Escape From The Planet Of The Tapes, underground film archivist, writer and researcher, filmmaker, cabaret performer, MC, masked wrestler and most recently movie trivia quizmaster. Our yearly page of Strangeness from Andrew Leovold this year contains three treats on offer from The Talented Mr. Stumpy... read on. EVENT 1 EVENT 2: FROM BOLLYWEIRD WITH LOVE! 2 hours of Hindi splatter, Hindi sleaze, Hindi drug thrillers, and more tacky musical numbers than Kamahl’s had white robes, with Trash Video’s Andrew “El Stumpo” Leovold narrating the entire journey and trying to make sense of the inexplicable. There’s James Bond 777 (1971), from a whole series of Tegalu (or “Tollywood”) James Bond rip offs from the 60s and 70s starring local superstar (wait for it) Anal Krishna! The Saturday Night Fever rip off Disco Dancer (1982), possibly the most tragic musical in film history, and one of India’s all-time box office money spinners! Lady Tarzan (1990), an almost soft core-porn jungle comedy, was banned three times by the Indian censors for the infamous “thigh-sucking” scene - which we of course intend to show in full! International Guerillas (1990): Salman Rushdie actually begged the British censors to overturn a ban on this Pakistani film which features three Muslim superheroes in Batman costumes attempting to assassinate “Rushdie” on his island lair. “Rushdie”, who beheads Muslims with a sword, is finally destroyed by four flying Korans shooting laser beams. I swear to Allah its all true! Plus the gory excesses of the Ramsay Brothers’ Dak Bangla (1987),the Pakistani vampire film The Living Corpse (1968), the kitsch surf rock & roll musical numbers from Teesri Manzil (1966) and Gumnaam (1965, as featured in Ghost World!). Indian films are always three hours long, so we actually cram the most insane moments from NINE of the weirdest titles into a program shorter than a regular flick. Now that’s irritainment! Saturday 8 July 11pm | Glitch “MONDO GG” The most infamous punk rocker, scatologist and shit-smeared provocateur GG Allin’s home movies, career lowlights and footage from his last ever show between Brisbane’s finest toilet rockers The Vaginabillies and The Australian GG Allin Show (both featuring Andrew “El Stumpo” Leavold), Melbourne’s The Twits (with St Kilda’s answer to GG Allin, Fred Negro) and the spiky Motorheadinspired Crack Whore. Where? Pint On Punt, Friday 7th July Show kicks off at 9pm! EVENT 3: Playing with Call Me, Friday 7 July 7pm | The Spanish Club BLUEBIRDS OF PEACE AND DESTRUCTION 2006 Brisbane, Australia 30 mins Mini DV w/dir. Andrew Leavold Two co-dependent blood addicts drag a doe-eyed innocent into the cracks between hell while the Older Gods peer out of the darkness. An exercise in detachment and artistic delirium, the director of Lesbo-A-Go-Go (MUFF 2003) has devised a sordid, netherworldly reimagining of the notorious Brisbane lesbian vampire murder from 1989. Filmed over a manic 49 hours at the original locations under a full moon, entirely improvised with a two-person crew, and conceived from an entirely amoral perspective: “Imagine for a moment there is no Good or Evil. There is only Creation and Destruction, the two mirrored faces of a knife’s blade - just as light must shine out of the darkness, just as beauty is ugliness waiting like a cloaked assassin in the shadows.” Muff Schedule July 2006 From Doyens of Dome-Culture to Deviants of Pop-Culture. THUR 6/7 UE N VE H S NI A SP E TH B U CL SAT 8/7 SUN 9/7 11am JASON TURLEY MUFF ACADEMY MOUSOULIS MUFF ACADEMY 1pm F. HOWSON MUFF ACADEMY D. THRUSSELL MUFF ACADEMY 3pm JON HEWITT MUFF ACADEMY YOUNG+MODER MUFF ACADEMY GEN BAILEY & JARRAH GARRIE KAUFMAN MUFF ACADEMY SCOTT RYAN MUFF ACADEMY CALL ME/ BLUEBIRDS BLUE NOTES MATTHEW CLAYFIELD 9pm DAVID LYNCH DUMBLAND VON TRIER SHORTS TOUCH ME IN THE MORNING THIS IS NOT AN EXIT + DON CAMMELL 11pm MOTHER’S DAY TRAILER TOWN 5pm 7pm OP LO OP H PS PO ERY LL GA DARKLOVESTORY + SHORTS MON 10/7 7pm MINI MUFF 1 9pm MINI MUFF 2 5pm PORN HISTORY 1 7pm PORN HISTORY 2 PORN HISTORY 3 9pm TINTO BRASS DOUBLE HENRY PARIS DOUBLE 5pm CH 7pm RED WHITE & BLACK FLYNN CRY UNCLE TERROR FIRMER 9pm JUPITER LOVE WHEN DARK + CAFFEINE CRIME TIME SEASON OF THE WITCH FRANK HOWSON DRINKS AT GLITCH SLEEPING… ANDREW LEOVOLD BOLLYWEIRD 11pm IT GL TY THE SPANISH CLUB FRONT AND BACK BAR AR RP TE AF FRI 7/7 Muff 777 - Tokenism is for Clowns GG ALLIN SHOW SEE STUMP PAGE BOND BAR TOXIC KAUFMAN DRINKS VENUES THE SPANISH CLUB 59-61Johnston St., Brunswick, P: +61 3 9417 4059 POP SHOP GALLERY (UP @ EUROTRASH BAR) 18-20 Corrs Lane, Melbourne P: +613 9659 4431 LOOP 23 Meyers Place, Melbourne P: + 61 3 9654 0500 TUE 11/7 WED 12/7 THUR 13/7 GLITCH 318 St. Georges Rd. North Fitzroy 3068 P: +61 9489 9799 FRI 14/7 AFTER PARTY VENUES FESTIVAL CLUB THE SPANISH CLUB 59-61Johnston St., Brunswick, P: +61 3 9417 4059 SAT 15/7 SUN 16/7 HEAVEN TONIGHT WHEN EVIL MINI MUFF 3 MINI MUFF 5 MINI MUFF 4 MINI MUFF 6 KIM MILES GAMERS THE MEANIES WELCOME STRANGER PLUS MUFF AWARDS MINI MUFF 7 MINI MUFF 8 SCENT OF INFECTION + IN THE EYE JEFFTOWNE NESARA BOBBY CHIN DOUBLE HUNTING PLAGUES & PLEASURES ROSEBERY 7470 DUSK PETER WATKINS THE GLADIATORS MATTER OF HEART MY LIFE & TIMES: ANTONIN ARTAUD PORNSTAR PETS + DAMON & HUNTER WONDER SHOWZEN/ ROBOT CHICKEN LINDSAY ANDERSON THIS SPORTING LIFE LOLLILOVE GLITCH BAR DRINKS THE SPANISH CLUB FRONT BAR THE SPANISH CLUB FRONT BAR STILL SLEEPING… MORE SLEEPING… THE SPANISH CLUB FRONT AND BACK BAR It’s hard to believe thirty something years have passed since Troma began acquiring, distributing and producing their own crazed toxic brand of film. And now, here they sit atop a film library that is huge by any standards. This programme is a selection from that library that both celebrates and represents the non-stop dedication of the Troma team to filmmaking. With BLOODSUCKING FREAKS 2 in production and Lloyd Kaufman’s next directorial effort POULTRYGEIST: ATTACK OF THE CHICKEN ZOMBIES in post, the Troma roller coaster isn’t about to come to a stop soon either. CRY UNCLE! (1970) Director: John G. Avildsen Writers: Michael Brett & David Odell Producers: David Jay Disick & Frank Vitale Cast: Alan Garfield, Paul Sorvino, Lloyd Kaufman, Madeleine Le Roux A softcore comedy about people who worked together on a porn film. From the director of ROCKY made just after his breakthrough hit JOE. Originally banned in Oz and notorious for it’s necrophilia sequence. Lloyd Kaufman worked extensively behind the camera on CRY UNCLE! before Troma rescued it from obscurity several years after it’s manufacture. Funny and sick in and highly representative of what would become the Troma house approach to humour. (87 mins) With documentary short MONDO FORD (6 mins) Sunday 9 July 7pm | Glitch MOTHER’S DAY (1980) Director: Charles Kaufman Writers: Charles Kaufman & Warren D Leight Associate Producers: Lloyd Kaufman & Michael Herz Music: Phil Gallo & Clem Vicari Cast: Nancy Hendrickson, Deborah Luce, Tiana Pierce, Holden McQuire, Billy Ray McQuade, Rose Ross Kaufman brother Charlie roped in the whole family to make this cheesy, creepy killfest. Standing at the dawn of the slasher Muff 777 - Tokenism is for Clowns epoch Mother’s Day punches in and on with a three girl camping reunion gatecrashed by two demented back woods brothers. The boys play for keeps in order to please their equally degenerate mother and the jokes may sit too uneasily for some viewers alongside the brutal personal violence. (90 mins) With snowbound and gory living dead short out of Quebec LE DIAMANT DES DAMNES — DIAMOND OF THE DAMNED (14 mins) Friday 7 July 11pm | The Spanish Club JEFFTOWNE (1998) Director, writer, producer, editor: Daniel Krause, Cast: Jeff Towne, Genevieve Lutgen, Kim Davis, Kristi Fitzpatrick Jeff Towne is a thirty eight year old (he turns thirty nine during the course of the film) American with Down’s Syndrome. He lives with his 98 year old wheel chair-bound foster mother who calls him, “a glorious boy”. Filmmaker Daniel Krause unblinkingly takes us into Jeff’s lifestyle which is more rock’n’roll than your own and revolves around ,”Kirk (as in the Captain of the USS Enterprise), Mall & Film”, with a daily dose of the Three Stooges on the side and plenty of hugs for his female colleagues at the Cinema that he nominally ‘works’ at. After JEFFTOWNE you’ll never look at a handicapped person in the same way again. (60 mins) With fun wistful short KID FEARS (11 mins) & WORKING STIFF (14 mins) Wednesday 12 July 7pm | Pop Shop Gallery TOUCH ME IN THE MORNING (1999) Director, writer, music: Giuseppe Andrews, Producer: Adam Rifkin, Cast: Bill Nowlin, Ruthe Estes, Walt Dongo. Giuseppe Andrews first feature is in black and white because he couldn’t find the colour control. With money from the director of DETROIT ROCK CITY Andrews put together TOUCH ME IN THE MORNING. Andrews saw his first movie a The Troma Aroma Blows South: Lloyd Kaufman & Seven Toxic Reasons To Go Spanish! notes & programming by Michael Helms Fassbinder film, at the age of 17. TOUCH ME IN THE MORNING is very much like Fassbinder meets BUM FIGHTS. Andrews stars as Coney Island, a young guy with an identity crisis. Mom is a cokehead with a boyfriend she met at rehab bingo and Dad is permanently pissed when he’s not in jail which is where he is about to leave at the start of the film. Things look a little shaky for Coney and get a lot worse before they get better in his world of cheapjack caravan living. Highlights include a surprise birthday stripper and gang bang for Dad, gratuitous shit stomping and a happy ending involving farts and a jar of peanut butter. (83 mins) With documentary short PLEASE KILL ME MR. KINSKI capturing the late, great German actor going off the deep end during the making of his last film, CRAWLSPACE (9 mins) TRAILER TOWN (2003) Director, writer, producer, score: Giuseppe Andrews, Cast: Bill Nowlin, Chief Stan, Walt Dongo By TRAILER TOWN Andrews had found the colour control on his camera. He doesn’t spend as much time in front of it though as he utilises drinking and drugging curmudgeon Bill Nowlin again along with several other new star recruits from the trailer park where all his films seem to hermetically sealed. It all ends in a performance number after covering itself in shit and having sex with that shit! The end result is as strangely touching as TOUCH ME IN THE MORNING. (81 mins) With short DEADBEATS starring WWE wrestler Mick Foley and featuring music by Man Or Atronman and The Woggles (28 mins) Saturday 8 July 11pm | The Spanish Club Saturday 8 July 9pm | The Spanish Club TERROR FIRMER (1999) Director: Lloyd Kaufman Writers: Pat Cassidy, Douglas Buck & Lloyd Kaufman Producers: Mark C.Adams, Michael Herz, Lloyd Kaufman Original Music: Sean McGrath Cast: Will Keenan, Alyce LaToirelle, Lloyd Kaufman, Debbie Rochon, Ron Jeremy, Lemmy Kilmister TERROR FIRMER is an epic created by Troma to see in the new millennium with a bang. They throw in everything from the kitchen sink to a naked fat guy running loose in the streets of New York in this ode to filmmaking that pushes the gross-out bar way beyond the reach of anyone seeking to compete with Troma. Lloyd Kaufman directs himself playing blind filmmaker Larry Benjamin as death stalks his film set. See the Toxic Avenger having sex as Sgt. Kabukiman looks on and laugh as the sex of the killer is revealed in excruciating close up. Troma’s biggest gagfest!(114 mins) Monday 10 July 7pm | Glitch LOLLILOVE (2004) Director: Jenna Fischer Writers: Jenna Fischer & Peter Alton Executive Producer: James Gunn Cast: James Gunn, Jenna Fischer, Linda Cardellini. James and Jenna are an idealistic young couple looking to do something for society that at the very least will launch Jenna as a national celebrity. They decide on a project they christen Lollilove which is designed to demonstrate their sharing caring attitudes (and attract massive donations and sponsorship) by handing out Chupa Chups wrapped in James’ own naïve artwork to as many homeless people as they can. Very cleverly put together (over three years) LOLLILOVE is slightly deeper and funnier than your average and now most commonly found mockumentary. More an instant classic along the lines of FORGOTTEN SILVER or THE RUTLES. Fischer has featured in the US version of THE OFFICE while Gunn who has had a major writing hand in both SCOOBY DOO features and the remake of DAWN OF THE DEAD has never forgotten his Troma roots which are on display in his first film as director, the recently released SLITHER. (64 mins) With shorts ARROWHEAD BEER (5 mins), MARIJUANA’S REVENGE (5 mins), THE J2 PROJECT (12 mins). Saturday 15 July 9pm | Glitch Avant Muff The New Breed Melbourne independent filmmakers curated by Bill Mousoulis Lemon Ani Following on from my retrospective programming of Melb indie directors in MUFF ’04, and also Jake Wilson’s selection in MUFF ’05, this year the focus is on three newer/younger filmmakers: the team of Genevieve Bailey & Jarrah Gurrie, Matthew Clayfield (who’s actually just arrived in Melbourne recently), and actor-turned-director Kim Miles. In the context of ever-staid mainstream Australian cinema, these three filmmakers are, respectively, refreshing, intelligent and anarchic. They utilise digital video in a creative way, rather than as a substitute for film, and they are prolific to boot. Their films are exhilarating, because of the imaginative forms they’ve come up with. Full profiles of all the filmmakers can be accessed at the Melbourne independent filmmakers website at All sessions will have an intro and Q&A. Friday 7 July 5pm | The Spanish Club PROGRAM 1: GENEVIEVE BAILEY & JARRAH GURRIE Genevieve and Jarrah met at the School of Creative Arts, Melbourne University in 1999, and have been working together ever since. As well as being enticed by other peoples’ true stories through doco making, their narrative films have been described as possessing doco flavoured qualities. They like to tell simple stories in not so simple ways. It is important to them to present new and fresh faces on screen. They strive to work with people from different age groups, experiences, backgrounds, sexualities and cultures. They thrive on the challenges that filmmaking can bring and enjoy the pressure of making films in under 24 hours. They like Muff 777 - Tokenism is for Clowns working with non-actors, children, seniors and animals. Genevieve and Jarrah are currently living and filmmaking in different parts of the world (Melbourne and New York respectively). They are working on a range of projects independently, and look forward to nurturing their unique creative relationship for many years to come. BRIGHT LIGHTS (2004) 7 mins, Doco Drama, in camera edited for Shootout 2004, directed by J & G) WEBSTER SAY (2005) 15 mins, Surreal comedy shot and edited at GTV 9 Melbourne, J & G) Sick to the Vitals Matthew Clayfield DANSU KURABU (DANCE CLUB) (2002) 17 mins, Japanese Comedy with English Subtitles, (G) WRITING: AN HOMAGE TO JAMES AND ABBAS (2005, 10 mins 30 secs) ONE MORE SLEEP (2005) 7 mins, in camera edited for Shootout 2005, J & G & Gavin Youngs KITE CIRCUIT (2005, 9 mins 30 secs) (as producer) FROM HERE (2005) 7 mins, 15/15 film fest entry 2005, J & G Thursday 13 July 7pm | The Spanish Club PROGRAM 3: KIM MILES MUMS TALK ABOUT PLANES, MARRIAGE, ASYLUM AND POP MUSIC (2004) 2 mins, Experimental Doco, J & G WHITE SOAP (2001) 4 mins, Doco, J LEMON ANI (2006) 10 mins, Doco flavoured Drama, (G & Henrik Nordstrom) FROM BOMBAY TO BROKEN HILL (2002) 10 mins, Documentary, G INDI (2004) 10 mins, 15/15 Film fest entry 2004, Drama, J & G Sunday 9 July 7pm | The Spanish Club PROGRAM 2: MATTHEW CLAYFIELD It is at once both very satisfying and very embarrassing to be showing my short films at MUFF. Satisfying because, obviously, it’s nice to be recognised for your work; embarrassing because, as proud as I am of said work, I also don’t think it’s particularly good. Some of this stuff was made when I was all of seventeen, which has a tendency to be a very embarrassing age when looked upon in retrospect. Which isn’t to say, mind you, that this little filmography of mine doesn’t have its moments or some kind of overarching coherence. It occasionally does. Every film has something to offer (or at least, almost every film) and a number of recurring thematic, formal and practical concerns can be seen to emerge after the completion of Flushed, which I’ll let you discover for yourself. – Matthew Clayfield THREE CARD MONTE (2003, 3 mins 30 secs) FILM NO. 2 (2004, 2 mins 30 secs) FLUSHED (2004, 7 mins 40 secs) NOTES FROM THE ARCTIC CIRCLE (2005, 7 mins 10 secs) MARK AND KATRINA GO BOATING (2005, 6 mins 10 secs) ON HYPERLINKAGE AND THE EVOLUTION OF THE SPECIES (2005, 4 mins 15 secs) FIRELIGHT (2005, 6 mins 5 secs) These films are about discovery, risk-taking, poetry, metaphor, entertainment, great filmmakers of the past (and a few of the present), dreaming, imagination, self-expression, and the possibilities and language of cinematic art. A film is a film. A camera capturing images. It succeeds or it doesn’t. Everything else has been layered on and become the accepted model. So fuck rules, man-made structures, “development”, trucks of equipment, millions of dollars, Oscars, Hollywood, tunnel-vision career paths, mediocrity, vulgarity, pornography (i.e. Saw, Wolf Creek, Hostel), judges, world domination and artistic stagnation. – Kim Miles I THOUGHT I WASN’T (2003, 5 mins 30 secs) Singing, dancing Work for the Dole project THE WORLD REALLY IS W (2004, 6 mins) A fucked up office THE COLOUR IS BLUE (2004, 4 mins) A tender but doomed relationionship TOP SPEED OF A RABBIT - 72 KPH (2004, 10 mins) 2 women drug a man THE PURPOSE OF LIFE AND THE NATURE OF DEATH (2002, 4 mins 45 secs) A man living in a room full of pigeon shit PROPORTION OF AUSTRALIAN MALES WITH ERECTILE PROBLEMS; NEARLY 40% (2003, 7 mins 30 secs) A man falls in love with an orange TO MASTER A LONG GOOD NIGHT (2005, 6 mins 40 secs) One man – 7 girlfriends SICK TO THE VITALS (2005, 20 mins) 2 years after Idol and she’s fucked Australian Cult Cinema Part 5 Flynn The Frank Howson / Boulevard Films Legacy Frank Howson was virtually born into show business, treading the boards for the first time when he was seven years old. By the time he’d reached his twenty-first birthday he’d starred in 21 major theatrical productions as an actor/singer/dancer. In the late eighties and early nineties Frank Howson ran Boulevard films that produced over ten features in a short period of time all on film. After being shafted by his business partner Frank has fought back from many a crisis to be a great supporter of indy and guerilla filmmaking today. We are pleased to present a selection of the more alternative cutting edge and interesting films from Boulevard’s catalogue, a company that could have easily become Australia’s own Miramax or Lions Gate if certain things had not occurred that derailed the grand vision of Mr. Howson. MUFF is honoured to premiere Howson’s new film “Remembering Nigel” on Closing Night also and we live in hope that this is just a teaser of more films to come. We have a feeling his best work is yet to come. HEAVEN TONIGHT (1988) 97 minutes Boulevard Films’ third movie and debatably one of its best. It fulfilled Howson’s dream to make a movie about the dark side of the rock’n’roll industry, capturing all the grit and dashed hopes of that cut-throat profession. Howson again wrote the screenplay and it is loosely based on many characters he encountered during his career in the music business. Howson was tired of all the Hollywood versions of the rock industry story and wanted this one to show it as it really was/is. As a result he demanded that all the music performed live in the film actually be recorded live as the cameras rolled. This required casting actors that could actually play and sing. John Waters plays the deluded aging rocker Johnny Dysart, and his son is played by Guy Pearce (making his big screen debut). Support actors include Rebecca Gilling, Kim Gyngell and Sean Scully. Gyngell was again nominated for an AFI award for his chilling performance as the heroin addicted Baz Schultz, one of Johnny’s old band members and songwriting partners from the golden days. Sunday 16 July 3pm | The Spanish Club HUNTING (1989) 97 minutes Boulevard’s fourth film and Howson’s directorial debut. Written by Howson during a time of disenchantment with his business partner and the way his company was being run, it is filled with layers of meaning, both visually and spoken, that foretells the dark disillusionment Howson was finding himself more and more trapped in. It also predicts the fall of many of the eighties’ high-rollers. Starring respected American actor John Savage as the mysterious Michael Bergman, a multi-millionaire whose business details are as cloudy as his past. Savage won rave reviews in the U.S for his performance and it reactivated his career there. Kerry Armstrong plays Michelle Harris, a married secretary for a stock-broking firm, she becomes drawn into Bergman’s world at the expense of Muff 777 - Tokenism is for Clowns Hunting everything else she cared about in life. Armstrong was nominated for an AFI award for Best Actress but did herself no favours by not promoting the movie and lost out. Supporting roles are played by Rebecca Rigg, Jeffrey Thomas and Nicholas Bell. Watch out for Guy Pearce’s turn as a ruthlessly cold hit man. Hunting was sold to Paramount in the U.S and became Boulevard’s most financially successful movie. It was also nominated for 2 AFI awards. David Stratton described “Hunting” as the best Boulevard film yet. Thursday 13 July 5pm | Glitch FLYNN (1989-1993) 94 minutes Boulevard’s sixth film and Howson’s second feature as director. This much anticipated bio-pic of Errol Flynn’s early life, preHollywood, became as controversial as its subject matter. The original director departed the project and the overseas distributor requested that Howson take over the helm. The film stars Guy Pearce (in a tour-de-force performance that was astonishingly snubbed by the AFIs), legendary British actor Steven Berkoff, Claudia Karvan, John Savage and Wendy Matthews. Look for cameo from MUFF festival Director Richard Wolstencroft! Saturday 8 July 7pm | Glitch CRIME TIME (1992) 90 minutes This was Boulevard’s tenth film and the first not scripted by Howson. Bruce Venables wrote the screenplay based on his original idea (although Marc Gracie and Howson contributed much uncredited input into story and structure). It’s a cop/buddy movie, comedy/drama, with some very interesting plot twists. Directed by Marc Gracie (his second feature for Boulevard), with a stylish and commercial eye, it remains one of Boulevard’s most accessible movies. Starring Marcus Graham and Bruce Venables as the two cops who uncover corruption in their Police Force and follow it all the way to the top. It is layered with subplots that all come to a satisfying and exciting climax. Graham and Venables are extremely likable together and if this film had received its rightful release one can imagine a successful continuing franchise for these characters. “Crime Time” was never released due to the fall of Boulevard and remains in a lab somewhere. No one has bothered to complete it or release it due to a minefield of legal spider webs. So, here for the first and probably last time, MUFF unveils the rough cut of what would’ve been an interesting Aussie gem of a picture. Sunday 9 July 9pm | Glitch See also Howson’s new short film Remebering Nigel on Closing Night. (see still below and text on Closing Night p.) Great Directors Little Seen Films Dumbland This Sporting Life Following on from the success of our Famous directors, early films focus of MUFF 6, we bring you Famous Directors, Little Seen Films. Yes, some big names with some films you probably have not seen but should. It’s amazing to think some of these feature films and shorts are quite unknown to many, so be sure to make a bee-line to this great retrospective at MUFF777. Check these titles out, knaben und madchen! SHORTS FROM LYNCH AND VON TRIER DUMBLAND Dir: David Lynch / 40 mins/ 2002 to 2005 A classic selection of animated shorts from the genius David Lynch. He was learning flash animation and made these films as he went. Familiar Lynch themes appear like domestic abuse, cowboys, white picket fences with the additional new Lynchian motif... flatulence. Yes, to be seen to be believed. Friday 7 July 9pm | The Spanish Club Von Trier’s NOCTURNE (1980) and IMAGES OF A RELIEF(1982) Two early Von Trier shorts the latter of which features a German WW2 soldier who ascends to heaven after being wrongly accused and executed for a crime he didn’t commit. In Von Trier’s world God is obviously a Nazi and when you think about God is really into power, ordering people around(especially in the old testament bible) and omnipresence and stuff...hmmm maybe Von Trier is right? Friday 7 July 9pm | The Spanish Club THE GLADIATORS Dir: Peter Watkins / 91 mins/ Sweden A brilliant little seen film from the most underrated true genius director of late 20th Century cinema, Peter Watkins. This is a war games movie set around an old Steel Mill in Sweden where future armies battle it out for live cameras in the Peace games. Only trouble is, the Peace games are very violent and people get killed for real. Sound familiar? They call that Iraq on our TV these days don’t they? Thursday 13 July 7pm | Glitch THIS SPORTING LIFE Dir: Lindsay Anderson / 130 mins / England The MUFF love affair with Lindsay Anderson continues as we play one of his most important works. Starring Richard Harris and the first great Dr Who William Hartnell, this film is a harrowing tale of a sports star, brilliant on the field but a complete knob off. He fucks his life up while climbing to the top of his game. This film is one of the most devastating films about a human relationship I have seen. Incredibly powerful. Anderson is a god. Roy and HG This Sporting Life... this film is Not. See this fucking classic if you have missed it...pronto, you won’t regret it. Friday 14 July 9pm | Glitch SEASON OF THE WITCH Dir: George Romero / 104 mins / 1970 / USA A great rare early feature from zombie king George Romero. The film concerns the sexual fantasies and occult dabblings of a young Pittsburgh female and plays out as she gets deeper and deeper into these decadent worlds. Film features many fantastic dream sequences that are very surreal and trippy. Great filmmaking and disturbing set pieces gives this psychological thriller the edge. Reminiscent of Belle De Jour and Repulsion but in Romero’s distinctive 70’s style! Be sure to catch up with this rare one, also known as Jacks Wife and released briefly as Hungry Wives. Monday 10 July 9pm | Glitch Sexy Muff Programming and Notes by Nik Vuko Pornography: The Secret History PORNOGRAPHY: THE SECRET HISTORY OF CIVILISATION (2006) GREAT DIRECTORS OF EROTIC CINEMA From the Directors of Inside Deep Throat, MUFF brings you an insightful and amusing 3 part documentary showing mans age old fascination with portraying sexuality in all forms of media; sculpture, painting, photographs, film, video and digital. See what archaeologists dug up in the ruins of Pompeii and did not want polite society to be aware of. See how the pious Christians amused themselves with the printing press. See how Hollywood turned 8mm stag films into cinematic epics. In whichever form of media erotica appears censorship soon follows, see how the people who forged the modern European and US film porn industry beat the censorship lobby into submission. MUFF showcases the works of some legendary erotic directors from the Golden years of Hollywood, when real men had moustaches and women were not silicone enhanced, collagen injected Barbie dolls. SESSION 1: THE ROAD TO RUIN The discovery of explicit artifacts in the ruins of Pompeii created a dilemma for polite society in the 18th century. The solution was a secret museum for gentlemen only. THE SACRED AND PROFANE – The printing press democratized access to pornography, but also sparked a frenzy to censor sexually explicit material. The censorship battle had begun. Sunday 9 July 5pm | Pop Shop Gallery SESION 2: TWENTIETH CENTURY FOXY – The invention of moving pictures revolutionized pornography and dramatically expanded its reach. From Stag films to peepshow booths to mainstream porn features, pornography leapt into the mainstream. THE MECHANICAL EYE Photography’s universal appeal and facility for realism led to the creation of the porn magazine and a new breed of businessman: the porn dealer. Sunday 9 July 7pm | Pop Shop Gallery SESSION 3: SEX LIVES ON VIDEOTAPE The advent of video led to the demise of adult cinemas but allowed consumers to become producers as they stepped behind the camera and started recording their own sex lives in the privacy of their own homes. PORNOTOPIA In its digital incarnation on the internet, pornography appears to have triumphed and sidestepped all attempts to control it. But can it ever really deliver or do its promised fantasies, remain as elusive as ever? Monday 10 July 7pm | Pop Shop Gallery Muff 777 - Tokenism is for Clowns HENRY PARIS (RADLEY METZGER) DOUBLE FEATURE Well known for his European style softcore erotic films that have been recently released on DVD here in Australia; Lickerish Quartet, Score, Camille 2000, Therese and Isabelle, Radley Metzger, under the pseudonym Henry Paris has made what are considered some of the best adult films to come out during Hollywoods Golden Years of erotica. His films are why they are called the Golden Years, because they could easily have been mistaken for mainstream films of the time. Monday 10 July 9pm | Pop Shop Gallery NAKED CAME THE STRANGER - (1975) 72 MINS This Henry Paris-Radley Metzger film has an unusual origin as a famous literary hoax. 25 editors and journalists at the New York daily newspaper “Newsday” conspired to write the worst novel of all time, then see how far they could drive it up the bestseller lists. To ensure lack of quality, they wrote it by committee. The resulting novel “Naked Came the Stranger” (1969), was an incomprehensible hodgepodge about the sexual adventures of husband-and-wife radio talk show hosts. The authors sent out an attractive woman claiming to be the author to hustle their book on the talk show circuit. After the book became a top-10 bestseller, the conspirators admitted that they were the authors. Five years later, Metzger bought the rights to the book and made this very odd and sometimes funny film which included one of Darby Lloyd Rains’ most memorable weird scenes, masturbating in a stairwell while listening with comical disbelief (through an apartment door) to the innane sexual baby-talk her husband’s mistress gushes during sex. “William and Gillian have the most popular talk-show around, maybe because they talk about sex. But when William starts giving intimate sex advice in his spare time, his lovely wife decides to give him a dose of his own medicine.” Starring Darbi Lloyd Rains, Levi Richaards, Mary Stuart, Alan Marlow, Christine Hutton, Helen Madigan PRIVATE AFTERNOONS OF PAMELA MANN – (1974) 75 MINS Pamela Mann pretends to be a bored housewife seeking sexual adventures with available men in this feature film. She is followed by a private detective, hired by her husband, who films her every encounter. What the detective and her afternoon liaisons do not know is that she and her husband view these films each evening with great pleasure, as part China Cat Blonde Fire of their sexual foreplay. Henry Paris does it right! This lavishly produced video has the look and sophistication of a mainstream Hollywood production. In fact, it was the first adult film to show that porn could have Hollywood quality. Everything works! The delightful humor. The professional musical score that enhances the action and enriches the film. An eye-popping creamy collection of some of the most beautiful sex scenes ever put on celluloid. PO BOX TINTO (1995) Tinto Brass has received thousands of unsolicited letters, photos, and videos from female fans over the years, all recounting their most intimate sexual fantasies. In P.O. BOX TINTO BRASS, he reveals many of these exciting and explicit tales of desire on film, giving the viewer plenty of beautiful girls in sensual situations. Highly erotic. BOB CHINN DOUBLE FEATURE TINTO BRASS DOUBLE FEATURE Tinto Brass is the acknowledged king of European erotica. He adores the female ass in the same way that Russ Meyer adores the female breast. He is one of the rare film makers that has turned pornography into erotica. A brilliant cinematographer, he has become renowned for his devotion to feminine sexuality and the female body, Il Maestro as he is known in his native Italy, is revered by thousands of beautiful young women who long to appear in one of his films. He is one of the worlds best erotic film makers. Sunday 9 July 9pm | Pop Shop Gallery CHEEKY (2000) Starring the beautiful Russian model, Yuliya Mayarchuk, this film is full of highly-charged eroticism and sensuality. Yuliya, as Carla, looks positively sexy in sheer skirts and revealing tops, in which she is dressed for maybe only fifteen minutes of the entire film. The rest of the time she is pulling her panties off in public, teasing men with glimpses of her cooch, driving her lesbian real estate agent wild with lust, and generally creating an erotic frenzy wherever she goes. She has come to London in search of an apartment for herself and her lover, Matteo, a jealous type who suspects that perhaps Carla hasn’t been as faithful as he imagined. D’uh! See the real Dirk Diggler (John Holmes) in the films that made him a household name and that inspired PT Anderson to create the film Boogie Nights! Also see the porn film goddess Seka, from last years MUFF doco, Desperately Seeking Seka, when she was in her prime. Wednesday 12 July 9pm | Pop Shop Gallery THE CHINA CAT A spoof of Charlies Angels and the Maltese Falcon. Follows the adventures of private dick, Johnny Wadd. Assigned a case by speaker phone, a sexy squad of female detectives go undercover trying to get their hands on a priceless jade statuette Wadd possesses. Some of the scenes in this film were re-enacted in Boogie Nights. BLONDE FIRE John Holmes reprises his role as Johnny Wadd. This episode in the classic erotic thriller series finds him in exotic South Africa to retrieve a priceless diamond known as the Blonde Fire. Seka makes her totally astonishing blue film debut as an accomplice Wadd acquires in his quest to bring home the diamond. Not knowing who to trust, the man with the 13 inch gun shows an array of sexy women, including an uninhibited belly dancer that a diamond is not the hardest substance on earth. Venue Sponsors Sponsors
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