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FLSmidth Automation Webshop mini guide
This document is intended as an introduction to FLSmidth Automations Webshop.
If you have questions or wish to become a customer please contact: csc@flsautoamtion.com,
or LBBR extension 3739
Webshop link: http://shop.dk.flsautomation.com
Please note that Airloq and Automations Webshop are almost identical. This means that you
can use the same manual for both Webshops.
Only notable difference is that in Automations Webshop you have to be logged on if you want
any information concerning a product, in Airloqs shop you only need to be logged in if you
want to see the price or want to purchase a product.
Please note the usernames does not automatically work for both shops, therefore you need to
“apply” for a log in for both shops. (If you need a log-in for Airloq please contact BIRH)
Side 1
General information
The Webshop is in English
Looking for an item in the Webshop
There are several ways that you can search for an item in the Webshop.
If you know the exact item number or PDB number, you can write that down in the
“Search field”
If you know the manufacturers item number, you can seach for that as well
Write down a open text, E.G. “switch”, “cable”, proximity switch etc.
Try to use the menu/Webstructure, E.G. if you know that it is a Cemscanner (look
under “services and products”) -) then chose if you need a part or a Kit etc.
If you know the manufacturer is IST, the chose Manufacturer and chose the
manufacturer you are looking for.
The example bellow, shows how the Web-structure is looking, divided into “main headers”.
Bear in mind that the structure keeps developing/expanding on a daily basis. It is a working
progress, and more Choices are added all the time.
Services & products
Brdr Joergensen
Auxiliary Equitment
Brock & Michelsen Instr.
Deif A/S
ISTimaging Ltd
Johnson Matthey
M&W Jawo Handling
PR Electronics
Allen Bradley
Siemens (Cerberus)
Marketing / gifts
Thermo Electron ARL
As you can se, the structure is divided into 5 main headers:
Side 2
“Seminars”, “Parts”, “Services & Products”, “Manufacturer” and “Tools”.
In each category lies a number of sub headers, please lock at the example bellow.
Services & Products
Auxiliary Equitment
Loss of ignition
Sample preparation
Manual Mills
Mill type
Manual Presses
Manual Fusion
Automatic Mills
Automatic S.P.
Automatic Presses
Automatic Fusion
Fibre optic video transmission
Parts / Kits
M214 Spyrometer processer
Parts / Kits
M354 Retaction system
Parts / Kits
M407 Air filter system
Parts / Kits
M530 Lynx kiln / cooler camera
Parts / Kits
M553 Spyrometer cooler camera
Parts / Kits
09-05-11/ gifts
M554 Spyromter Kiln camera
Parts / Kits
Sample Analysis
Funktionaliteter i webshoppen
”Contact us”
Explains how to get into contact with FLSmidth
“Guidelines - Powerpoint”
Contain manual etc. concerning the Webshop
”How to shop”
A brief description of how to use the shop
“Sales and delivery terms”
The sales and delivery terms in force
“Send Comments”
If you discover errors, inconveniences or if you
have a good idea, we would like to hear it.
Side 3
Registration as customer
In order to be registered as a customer in the Webshop, you need to register as a client this by
clicking “Register as customer”. (Only for external users, internal users should simply contact
Fields marked by a * are mandatory fields and should thus be filled in. It is optional whether
you fill in the rest of the fields or not, but the more information you right down the more
information is available on the invoices.
You must end the registration by accepting FLSmidth Automation standard sales and delivery
terms and pressing “Send”.
Subsequently, FLSmidth Automation receives the request. Once this has been handled, an email will be sent to the customer with username and password – typically within 24 hours.
Side 4
Log in
To log in you need your assigned username
and password. In case, you have forgotten your
password, you may ask to have the password
sent to you by e-mail using the page “Forgotten
password or username”.
Please note if you are working for FLSmidth, you need to log-in with the client ID.
E.G if you are making a purchase order for Southern province, you have to use their
Username/password and not your own!! The reason while this is so important is statistic and
pricing. Meaning when you are logged in F.x like Southern Province, the prices show in the
Webshop are their prices including their discount, beside that you can se earlier orders.
Another reason is that if we at a later time have to make a campaign including E.g a certain
CemScanner product, or have to recall it because of an error, we can create a list of all
customers using this product very fast.
If you are using FLSmiths/Airlog/Automations accounts, you can use your own log-in (as a
default all users are getting a log-in to there own division), E.g. If you are working for
FLSAutomation Spain, your log-in will be for this account. (But you can get aces to the other
divisions by asking me for a separate log-in).
Webshop features for user who are logged in
Once you are logged in as a user, you have the following options.
Edit profile
If you have any changes to the created user profile, this may be changed through the page
“Edit profile”. The procedure is similar
Side 5
to requesting a customer registration: An e-mail is sent to
FLSmidth Automation, and we will then edit your profile.
New delivery address
In case you wish to have the product delivered to another address than the one(s) already
created, you must request supplementary delivering addresses. This is done on the page “New
delivery address”. The procedure is similar to requesting a customer registration: An e-mail is
sent to FLSmidth Automation, we will then add another delivery address.
NB: When purchasing a product, you may only choose between already established
delivery addresses, i.e. it is not possible to type in a “random” new address in the
purchasing process.
Favourite list
Products may be added to the customer’s own favourite list. This is done by clicking the star
displayed above the product. The favourite list is unique to each user.
See invoice/credit note
Clicking “See invoice/credit note” gives you the possibility of viewing previous orders with
invoices and credit notes. When you click on a invoice/creditnote, you can se what the order
contains. Further more you can se the track and trace number and a link =) making it possible
to se when you can expect your delivery.
Active orders
In this section, you can se the orders that at the moment are being processed. If you click on
active orders you can see what the order contains. Further more you can se the track and
trace number and a link =) making it possible to se when you can expect your delivery.
Side 6
Export to Excel
Moreover, it is possible to export the content of a shopping basket to Excel. Choose the page
with the shopping basket and click the button “Export”. This will open a dialogue box in which
the user chooses either to open Excel or save the information in Excel format. This
functionality makes it easy to transfer the products from the shopping basket including item
numbers, prices, weight, etc. to Excel.
Saved shopping baskets
The Webshop contains functionality to save a shopping basket instead of completing the
purchase. This functionality may be used as a kind of an offer created by the customer himself.
When all the desired products are entered in to the shopping basket, you may type in a name
in the field “Name of shopping basket” and a further description in the field “Description of
shopping basket” and click “Save shopping basket”.
The shopping baskets saved by the user may be selected from the list saved shopping baskets
even if it has been months since the basket was saved. After choosing a basket from the list,
the purchase is completed as ordinary.
The list of saved shopping baskets may be sorted by date, name or description by clicking the
column’s title in order to render easier to find a specific basket. Please note the list must be
maintained manually be the user.
NB! Possible price adjustments on
products will be regulated automatically
when a saved shopping basket is chosen
and purchased.
Side 7
List of offers
The webshop also contains a functionality allowing FLSmidth Automation to create an offer in
the webshop’s administration module and save it under a specific customer. The customer’s
saved offers may subsequently be chosen from the “list of offers”. After choosing an offer from
the list, the purchase is completed as ordinarily. The list of saved offers should be maintained
manually by the individual customer.
NB! Possible price adjustments on products will be regulated when an offer is
selected and purchased.
Purchases in the Webshop
We have tried to make you as many possibilities as possible for you to find what you are
looking for.
If the user has bought products from Automation previously, the item numbers may be found
in the documentation (see invoice/credit note).
If you know the name of the product or the item number you can use the search field in the
left side of the screen, you can also look it up under the name of the manufacturer or the type
of product, Fx. “Cemscanner”, “Robolab” Etc.
When you have found the product, it is put in the shopping basket by clicking the icon with a
shopping cart to the right of the product. When you are finished shopping, click “Show basket”.
If you regret the content in the shopping basket, or wish to change the quantity, you may
delete products by clicking the icon with the “Bin” or edit the quantity of a certain product in
the field “Quantity”. Click the button “Update content” to see the price after the changes.
Please note if you are working with an existing “saved shopping basket”, remember to rename
it after you made the changes.
When you have filled the shopping basket with the products you want or if you have chosen a
saved basket or an offer from the lists, you need to complete the purchase. In order to
proceed, click “Make purchase”.
Side 8
In the next step, the standard sales and delivery terms must be accepted to continue
If one of the items in the shopping basket is not in stock at the moment of the purchase, the
customer will be informed at this step. The customer may then choose to have a part delivery
with the products in stock.
The customer also needs to choose a payment method. Dependent on the payment methods
connected to the specific customer, the choices are “Invoice” and “Card”.
The method ”invoice” implies that the customer has an account at FLSmidth Automation and
will receive an invoice under ordinary conditions.
The payment method ”card” means that the customer does not have an account at FLSmidth
Automation and may thus pay with credit cards.
It is possible to add an order number as well as a comment to the specific order. The delivery
address desired must be selected from the drop down list “Delivery address”. NB: It is only
possible to choose addresses from the list. If the wanted address is not in the list, the
customer must request to have another delivery address created. This may be done by clicking
the link “Apply for a new delivery address”.
Side 9
Finally, click “Continue to approval” to proceed to the next step where the final order is placed.
After sending the order, the customer will receive an e-mail with an order confirmation.
Log off
If you have not been active in the Webshop for 20 minutes, you are automatically logged off
and must consequently log on again if you wish to resume your work. Thus, remember to save
your shopping basket if you leave the computer for more than 20 minutes and you do not wish
to lose your work.
Side 10
Bemærk Særlige varekort
Det er ikke alle kortene der er direkte adgang til i Webshoppen, i disse tilfælde kan du blot
skrive ”venligst tilføj item xxxxxx til ordren i kommentar feltet i forbindelse med
gennemførelse af ordren. Dette gælder fx ”problemvare” eller nogen af nedenstående kort.
Grunden til en vare bliver kategoriseret problemvare, er som oftest at der er en eller anden
form for eksport restriktion på produktet.
1) Der er oprettet en dummy vare på varenummer 203040 dette varekort kan bruges, hvis
den vare du er ved at ”oprette” kun skal bruges en gang, der er derfor ingen grund til at
oprette varen fast, mange af de relevante oplysninger er allerede tastet i dette varekort. Du
skal kun ændre på vare beskrivelse + i webtekster, evt. enhed, leverandør nr+ vare nummer,
varens pris, brugstarif nr, og oprindelsesland (kan fx noteres i ”cements” feltet i
faktureringsdelen eller skrive n mail til LBBR.
2) Time pris, der er oprettet et varenummer der kan bruges til at fakturerer timer til
FLS, på det arbejde vi laver for dem, 203041, time prisen er fast på 400 kr. (der lægges ikke
moms på, dette nummer)
3) Når man køber vare i webshoppen, og de bliver overført til Navision, kommer der
automatisk et fragt nummer på, så man kan fakturerer fragt. Bemærk, hvis du taster en
direkte ordre i Navision, skal du selv tilføje dette nummer 201651, man kan selv vælge hvad
prisen for dette ”item” skal være. Hvis man ikke ønsker at det skal med på ens ordre, kan man
slette linjen i Navision ved at højre klikke på linjen, og vælge slet
4) På nogle ordre (primært til Rusland) skal der pålægges særlige eksport omkostninger,
her kan vare nummer 203076 benyttes
5) Nogle kunder har behov for et eksport certificat, brug da vare nr 203077
6) 299997 Downpayment, bruges hvis en kunde skal betale en hvis del af beløbet inden vi
sender varerne.
7) 100% advance payment in Euro, bruges når en kunde skal betale hele faktura beløbet
inden vi sender varerne til dem vare nr 299998
8) 100% advance payment in D.KK (samme som 7) vare nr 299999
9) 202900-) dette er “varenumrerne” for de seminarer som vi udbyder
10) 202409 Comisioning, hvis en sag indeholder en comisioning del, kan dette nummer
benyttes, husk at give mig besked om hvilket beløb jeg skal noterer på fakturaen
11) Enginering (samme som 10) vare nr 203078
Side 11
Side 12