Distribution of small Greenland halibut in Baffin Bay


Distribution of small Greenland halibut in Baffin Bay
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kan du kontakte mig på
telefon 3131 1925 / email thomas.boas@rawex.dk
bone & tissue
botiss academy
A-PRF ™ – Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin
New Protocol
The inventor of A-PRF™ in Denmark:
Dr. Joseph Choukroun
botiss academy
Dr. Joseph Choukroun
Nice / France
Inventor of the PRF™ and the latest APRF™ technique. President of the Syfac
congress. General surgeon, anesthesiologist, specialist in rheology, pain management and tissue engineering.
Thursday 1st of May 2014
9:00 - 17:00
Comwell Hotel Roskilde
Vestre Kirkevej 12, Himmelev, DK-4000 Roskilde
1875 DKK incl. moms
E-mail: thomas.boas@rawex.dk
Phone: +45 3131 1925
Advanced level A-PRF ™
(Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin)
Healing improvement in soft and hard tissue
The aim of this course is to understand how the growth
factors are active and how we can obtain the best results in clinical procedures: in soft and hard tissue engineering.
PRF™ in oral surgery
Presentation of Advanced PRF™ – A-­PRF™
Growth factors: biology and physiology, mechanisms of action
PRF™ Composition and influence on tissue healing
PRF™ as “matrix” in soft tissue engineering: protocols, clinical results
PRF™ as “matrix” in bone engineering: Protocols,
clinical results
PRF™ & biomaterials: Which biomaterial
is the most sensible to the PRF™ action?
Protocols, clinical results, new perspectives in
bone reconstruction.
A-PRF™ – Platelet-Rich Fibrin
At the beginning of his lectures Dr. Joseph Choukroun, the inventor of the A-PRF™
technique, will give you an interesting insight into the biological and physiological mechanisms leading to the success of this technique. Following, you will hear about the properties of the A-PRF™ matrices and their possible application in oral surgery.
Biology and medical applications in oral
Pain management and sedation in oral surgery
Furthermore, Dr. Choukroun will report on his considerable experience in the area of pain
How to reduce and prevent
management and the prevention of complications in risk groups and give you valuable
- Allergic reactions
tips for your routine clinical work. After attending this course, you will be able to adopt
- Smoking failures in oral surgery
the A-PRF™ technique in your daily clinical practice and benefit from the improved wound
- Contamination and infectious
healing and tissue regeneration.
complications in oral surgery
Feedback from the last
A-PRF™ course in Copenhagen
“Bedste kursus dag i mange år! Befriende at høre en “ikke tandlæge”. Ingen praleri vedr.
implantater og papiller. Rundhåndet uddeling af tips og tricks vedr. blodkar og heling. Viden
der kunne tages i brug dagen efter.”
Jens Lætgaard - DipImpDent RCS (Eng)
“Meget inspirerende kursus med bred baggrundsviden om helingsprocesser, muligheder og
begrænsninger. A-PRF giver god mening og er overraskende let at anvende i det daglige
Henrik Harmsen - DipImpDent FGPD (Eng)
“Det var simpelthen det mest inspirerende og givende kurser for mig i nyere tid, og det har
været en fornøjelse at implementere de anviste teknikker.”
Tandlæge Steffen Lund
“En yderst inspirerende dag. Det er meget længe siden, jeg har oplevet en kursusdag,
der fløj af sted uden at jeg følte mig søvning på noget tidspunkt.”
Tandlæge Søren Nitschke
13th of March – botiss Academy Advanced level in Århus
14th of March – botiss Academy Advanced level in Roskilde
1st of May – A-PRF™ Course with Dr Choukroun in Roskilde
2nd of May – Bone and Tissue Day in Roskilde
Speakers: Niels Pade, Mikkel Ro Larsen, Kaspar Hermansen,
Claus Rislin, Ralf Smeets, Joseph Choukroun, Christiane Marinc
12th-14th of June – Syfac Symposium on Growth Factors Paris
18th-20th of September – botiss world symposium Berlin
Please find more information here: www.botiss.dk
Rawex ApS
Himmelev Bygade 49
DK-4000 Roskilde
Tel: +45 3696 5503
bone & tissue
bone & tissue
bone & tissue day
2nd of May 2014 – Roskilde
soft tissue
hard tissue
Dr. Christiane Marinc, Dr. Joseph Choukroun, Tandlæge Niels Pade, Tandlæge Mikkel Ro Larsen,
Tandlæge Claus Rislin, Tandlæge Kaspar Hermansen, Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Ralf Smeets
Comwell Hotel Roskilde, Vestre Kirkevej 12, Himmelev, DK-4000 Roskilde
950 DKK incl. VAT for the bone & tissue day on the 2nd of May 2014
1875 DKK incl. VAT for the A-PRF™ day on the 1st of May 2014
2500 DKK incl. VAT for both days 1st and 2nd of May 2014 (discount of 325 DKK)
3131 1925
bone & tissue day – Roskilde
Dr. Joseph Choukroun
Tandl�ge, Mikkel Ro Larsen
Inventor of the PRF™ and the
Uddannet ved Århus Tandlæge-
latest A-PRF™ technique. Presi-
skole 2001, har arbejdet med im-
bone & tissue day
dent of the Syfac congress.
plantatbehandling i privat praksis
General surgeon, anesthesiolo-
lige siden. Implantat & kirurgisk
is the clinical & scientific congress focused on dental bone and tissue regeneration. botiss biomaterials as the leading German specialist
gist, specialist in rheology, pain
ansvarlig tandlæge og medejer
in biomaterials invites you to join the lectures to share experiences and discuss surgical techniques and new treatment concepts.
management and tissue engi-
af Dentist.dk siden 2005. Hoved-
Program – 2nd of May 2014
neering. International Speaker.
interesse områder immediat im-
Many international publications on tissue healing and
plantation og kontroverserne deri, samt høst af knogle til
growth factors.
genopbygning fra ganen. Tildelt medlemskab af ”Interna-
Welcome Coffee
9:00 .....................
Welcome to the first bone & tissue day in Denmark
Pain management and inflammation
lem af ”MINEC” - et internationalt netværk med focus på
9:15 - 10:30 .....................
Joseph Choukroun – Pain management and inflammation
“Pain management in oral surgery is very important as
uddannelse og klinisk forskning indenfor implantologien.
10:40 - 11:10
Christiane Marinc – Scientific research on biomaterials
the patient feeling is turning around this symptom. Pain
is secondary to the inflammation caused by surgery. The
11:15 - 12:00
Niels Pade – Minimal invasiv tilgang til væv regenerering
12:00 - 12:50
Lunch Break
13:00 -13:45
tional College of Dentistry (ICD)” i 2013 og er aktivt med-
prevention of inflammation should start before the sur-
Klinisk applikation af biomaterialer:
Hvordan vælger vi - hvorfor og hvornår?
gery. During the surgery, a right level of anaesthesia is
At erstatte en mistet tand indebærer oftest også at er-
necessary to achieve a good protection of the tissues.
statte mistede støttevæv - knogle og gingiva. Altså der er
Kaspar Hermansen & Claus Rislin
This lecture will review all the possibilities to avoid pain
behov for en form for genopbygning af disse væv. Hvor-
– Knogleopbygning med human knoglesubstitut, erfaringer og observationer
and inflammation in Implantology and bone grafting.”
når bør man gøre, hvad og hvordan bruger man biologisk
13:45 - 14:15
Mikkel Ro Larsen
– Klinisk applikation af biomaterialer: Hvordan vælger vi - hvorfor og hvornår?
14:15 -14:30
Coffee Break
14:30 - 16:30
Ralf Smeets – Hard and soft tissue management in periodontology and oral
implantology – Is there an alternative to autogenous grafts?
tankegang til at opnå ønskede resultat på den nemmeste
måde. Hvad kan biomaterialer - og hvad kan de ikke.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dr.
med. dent. Ralf Smeets,
Tandl�ge, Niels Pade
Dr. Christiane Marinc
(Dr. rer nat., Dipl.-Biol.)
Master in Implantology (MOI)
Senior Consultant and Head of
Kaspar Hemansen
Research, Department Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery, University
blev uddannet 1999 fra Aarhus
Tandlægeskole. Siden 2004 med-
09/2011 – today Scientific Prod-
(Germany) Visiting Professor at
ejer af Faaborgklinikkerne & Fyns
2013, Frankfurt Universitet. Di-
uct Manager, botiss biomateri-
University Bremerhaven (Germany) Research/ Clinical
Implantatcenter hvor han arbejder
plom uddannelse i Dental Im-
als, Berlin 05/2011 Promotion
Fellow Ships: Harvard Medical School/ Boston (USA),
primært med fokus på kirurgi og
plantology, Frankfurt Universitet:
(Dr. rer nat.), Institue of Inte-
UCLA Los Angeles /Californien (USA), Kingston Univer-
protetik. Desuden medejer af Perna Tanndesign som er
2010. Indehaver af: Centrum
en specialklinik for æstetisk tandbehandling.
grative Neuroanatomy, Charité
sity of London (GB), Universität Innsbruck (A), Universität
Tandlægerne / Danmarks Im-
- University hospital of Berlin
Zürich (CH) and Universitätsspital Basel (CH)
plantat Center Odense, Aarhus
11/2007 – 05/2011 Research associate and PhD stu-
og Middelfart. Interesseområder: Protetiske rekonstruk-
dent at the Institute of Integrative Neuroanatomy, Char-
tioner, kosmetisk / æstetisk tandpleje, 17 års erfaring
ité – University hospital of Berlin 06/2006 – 10/2007
med implantat kirurgi & protetik. Dentoalveolær kirurgi.
Tandl�ge Claus Rislin
Uddannet Århus Tandlægeskole
Research associate at the Institute for Neurobiology,
Hard And Soft Tissue Management In Periodontology And Oral Implantology – Is There An
Alternative To Autogenous Grafts?
Foredragsholder / kursusgiver: Friadent fra 2009 og
University of Ulm 05/2006 Diploma Biology (Dipl. Biol)
For the pre-implant compensation of a horizontal and
frem. Publikationer. Identity: Enkel og øko. Overkomme-
10/2001 – 05/2006 Studies in Biology, University of Ulm.
vertical compromised bone situation, the autogenous
implantologi, protetik, implantat-
lig tilgang til implantat båret fuldbro i underkæben: 2009.
bone graft still represents the gold standard - for ex-
komplikationer og dentoalveolær
Praktiserende Tandlægers Organisation Medlemsblad:
traoral (such as iliac crest bone graft) and intraoral donor
kirurgi. Har endvidere arbejdet en
Fremstilling af implantat båret fuldbro til overmunden:
Scientific background on botiss biomaterials
side morbidity (such as maxillary tuber). Disadvantages
2009. Currently, there is a wide range of biomaterials available
of this technique are the donor side morbidity, the more
1999. Medindehaver af Implantatklinik København fra 2005.
del med parodontologi og kombinationsbehandlinger ortho/implantologi/protetik.
for dental bone and soft tissue regeneration, including
complex surgical procedure with prolonged surgery
Minimal invasiv tilgang til væv regenerering
xenogenic, allogenic and synthetic materials. The suc-
times and associated hospitalization, higher costs, per-
Nye materialer til blødt - og hårdtvævsopbygning
Er et kompliceret kirurgisk indgreb og et langvarigt be-
cess of the augmentation depends on the biochemical
sonal burdens for the patients and others. By now, some
De fleste tandlæger som udfører kirurgi og implantater, er
handlingsforløb til gavn for patienten? Hvordan opnår
properties of the applied bone graft material as well as
procedures are available, which could represent some
bekendt med brugen af ramusknogle, bonerings og bin-
man nemmest et godt forudsigeligt resultat, samtidig
the stability and biocompatibility of the applied mem-
interesting alternatives to the demanding reconstruc-
devævstransplantater fra ganen. Inden for de seneste år
med, at man har fokus på patientens komfort.
brane. In this lecture the scientific basis for the use of
tions by autogenous transplants (hard and soft tissue)
er der opstået mange gode alternativer og supplementer
botiss biomaterials and their special physico-chemical
in the future or at least serve as an adjunct to them. In
til disse teknikker, på grund af innovative nye materialer og
and biologic properties as well as current studies stating
this overview, recent alternative methods and future per-
brug af CAD-CAM. Vi vil gerne forsøge at give en intro-
their success will be presented.
spectives will be introduced.
duktion til denne fantastiske, fagre nye verden.
Workshop before the bone & tissue day symposium
A-PRF™ Advanced level – 1st of May 2014
Dr. Joseph Choukroun
1st of May 2014
9:00 - 17:00
Comwell Hotel Roskilde
1875 DKK incl. VAT
3131 1925
Healing improvement in soft and hard tissue
The aim of this course is to understand how the growth factors are active and how we
can obtain the best results in clinical procedures: in soft and hard tissue engineering.
PRFTM in oral surgery
Presentation of Advanced PRFTM – A-PRFTM
–– Growth factors: biology and physiology, mechanisms of action
–– PRFTM Composition and influence on tissue healing
–– PRFTM as “matrix” in soft tissue engineering: proto- cols, clinical results
–– PRFTM as “matrix” in bone engineering: Protocols, clinical results
–– PRFTM & biomaterials: Which biomaterial is the most sensible to the PRFTM action?
–– Protocols, clinical results, new perspectives in bone reconstruction.
Biology and medical applications in oral surgery
–– Pain management and sedation in oral surgery
–– How to reduce and prevent
- Allergic reactions
- Smoking failures in oral surgery
- Contamination and infectious complications in oral surgery
soft tissue
hard tissue
bone & tissue
Rawex ApS
Himmelev Bygade 49
DK-4000 Roskilde
Tel: +45 3696 5503
More Information and Registration:
Preliminary Program
bone & tissue days
18 th-20 th of September 2014
bone & tissue
Hotel InterContinental Berlin
Congress Board: Georg Bayer, Anton Sculean, Hans Florian Zeilhofer
WS Fusion Day: Marius Steigmann, Hom-Lay Wang
soft tissue
Speakers: Sofia Aroca, Michael Back, Nabil Barakat, Fred Bergmann, Stephan Beuer, Oliver
Blume, Claudio Cacaci, Gianluigi Caccianiga, Raúl Caffesse, Luigi Canullo, Krysztof Chmielewski,
Joseph Choukroun, Olaf Daum, Vittorio Farina, Bernhard Giesenhagen, José Luis Calvo Guirado,
Fabian Hirsch, Helfried Hulla, Michele Jacotti, Damir Jeluši´c, Adrian Kasaj, Davor Katanec, Arash
Khojasteh, George Khoury, Jan Kielhorn, Axel Kirsch, Mario Kirste, Frank Kistler, Steffen Köhler,
Eberhard Kowatsch, Pedro Lázaro, Henriette Lerner, Thomas Linkevicius, Andrea Mombelli, Pablo
Galindo-Moreno, Yasushi Nakajima, Takatsuna Nakamura, Stavros Pelekanos, Peter Randelzhofer,
Fernando Rojas-Vizcaya, Daniel Rothamel, Markus Schlee, Karl Andreas Schlegel, Anton
Sculean, Derk Siebers, Ralf Smeets, Andreas Stavropoulos, Marius Steigmann, Michael Stiller,
Nenad Tanaskovic, Alberto Turri, Kostas Valavanis, Péter Windisch, Gernot Wimmer, Andrey
Yarememko, Orcan Yüksel, Gregor-Georg Zafiropoulos, Barbara Zavan, Holger Zipprich...
hard tissue
botiss regeneration system
maxresorb® flexbone
synthetic + native collagen
hard tissue
im etic Co mposite
soft tissue
Jason® fleece
gic Potenti a
H igh
botiss academy
native collagen
ed Degrada
maxgraft® bonering
maxgraft® bonebuilder
Quality Learning
bone & tissue days
Thursday, 18th of September 2014
WS Fusion Day (with Hom-Lay Wang and Marius Steigmann)
The WS Fusion Day is an unique concept based on the interactive presentation of the two
world leading specialists in the field of dental implant rehabilitation, Hom-Lay Wang and
Marius Steigmann. The course will highlight “The Art & Science Of Implant Therapy” and give
insight into current bone augmentation and soft tissue management techniques.
Marius Steigmann will focus on different soft tissue
Hom-Lay Wang will concentrate on bone augmen-
management techniques to achieve optimal aesthetic
tation and socket preservation. Currently there
results in every situation. There is an increasing em-
are many techniques available for horizontal bone
phasis on soft tissue management in implantology.
augmentation these include but are not limited to
Manipulation of the soft tissue before implant place-
socket augmentation, immediate implant place-
ment, during the process of implant placement or
ment, guided bone regeneration (i.e. sandwich bone
while the implant is uncovered should be done with as little trauma as
augmentation), monocortical only graft (either auto- or allogenic), and ridge
possible for the soft tissue. Sufficient soft tissue mobilization to ensure
split/expansion. This presentation will discuss these approaches and provi-
primary wound closure can be challenging, especially for extensive bone
de a “decision tree” that can assist clinicians in choosing the most predicta-
augmentations. Marius Steigmann has developed special flap designs and
ble procedure for socket management and horizontal bone augmentation.
location specific suturing techniques to improve soft tissue management.
Furthermore, Hom-Lay Wang will address common implant complications,
For example, the aesthetic buccal flap and the periosteal pocket flap are
specifically on the biological aspects, and approaches to prevent complica-
used when conducting demanding augmentations.
tions. A decision tree on how to manage these complications will be presented, and the pros and cons of techniques used to treat implant diseases/
complications will be discussed.
Hands-on Workshop
for socket preservation and soft tissue management
around dental implants
with Hom-Lay Wang and Marius Steigmann
Lecture: 150€ excl. VAT
Workshop*: 300€ excl. VAT
(*No single booking possible, only
In the hands-on training on pig jaws participants will learn how to adapt the presented techniques
in combination with lecture)
and concepts. The aim of the course is to help solving soft tissue closure problems and correct
Workshop is limited for 50 participants.
failures; learn and practice the current surgical techniques for extraction site management.
Fees: 150 € excl. VAT
Thursday, 18th of September 2014
Workshop Day - Sponsors
Gold Sponsor Workshop Ustomed 1:
Jan Kielhorn
Digital Backward planning – new approaches in bone augmentation
for each workshop
Until recently, osseointegration was the main ambition in implantology. With the high-tech digi-
In this workshop Fred Bergmann will discuss a current and biologically oriented implant con-
tal backward planning approach, final is first digitally visualized, and then the necessary steps
cept sustaining long-term success and tissue stability. In this synoptic concept the piezo
to reach can be performed (navigation, computer aided bone augmentation CAB, CAD/CAM
technique as well as bone and soft tissue management will be presented, and participants will
preoperative fabricated provisionals or prosthetics). This approach provides a fast, precise
practice the use of the Piezotome on bovine bone.
and easy way to achieve reproducible results, coupled with cost reductions i.e. reduced treatment time, reduced amounts of materials required, and a lower investment by the patient.
Silver Sponsors Workshop Acteon:
Fred Bergmann
How much autologous bone do we need for implant placement?
Gold Sponsor Workshop Ustomed 2:
Adrian Kasaj
Guided tissue regeneration „new concepts and success factors“
Silver Sponsor Workshop Anthogyr
Fabian Hirsch
Anthogyr Live surgery with PRF and piezo-surgery*
The Live surgery will include the insertion of the Anthogyr Axiom implants in combination with
augmentative procedures by means of piezo-surgery and Joseph Choukrouns PRF system.
Adrian Kasaj will give an overview on bone replacement graft materials used in periodontal
Following transmission of the surgery, the surgeon Fabian Hirsch will join the participants
therapy and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. In a hands-on part on animal jaws,
for further discussions on the Anthogyr Axiom Reg, Px and 2,8 implant system and applied
participants will learn how to combine and apply these graft materials to achieve predictable
results in periodontal therapy.
* Workshop language is German without any further translations.
Gold Sponsor Workshop W&H 1:
Mario Kirste
Bone splitting and augmentation with modern piezo technology
In this workshop Mario Kirste will present a practice-oriented concept for bone splitting by
Silver Sponsors Workshop MIS:
Ingmar Schau / Ulf Neveling
Navigated implantology – software supported augmentation/implantation planning
and surgical implementation with the MGUIDE MORE - System
showing clinical cases and application of the piezo technique. Participants will have the op-
The MGuide More - System is a cost-efficient end-to-end solution that enables you to plan
portunity to practice the use of the Piezomed as well as the application of bone grafts and
your 3D bone block together with the implant position in the optimal prosthetic position in one
membranes on bovine rips, and also learn about the right flap technique.
software. Ingmar Schau and Ulf Neveling will present the MGuide More - System and software
Gold Sponsor Workshop W&H 2:
Stavros Pelekanos
The use of piezo-surgery in combination with allografts in implant and sinus surgery
The aim of this hands-on workshop is to present the use and the effectiveness of a new piezosurgery device in different surgical procedures. Specially designed models with soft tissue and
bone, very similar to human, will be used. The participants will practice bone harvesting, sinus
lift and GBR in the aesthetic zone in combination with implant placement.
in detail based on clinical cases and the live planning of a patient case.
Fees: 150 € excl. VAT
Thursday, 18th of September 2014
Workshop Day - botiss Workshops
8 Orcan Yüksel and Bernhard Giesenhagen
maxgraft® bonering technique
for each workshop
13 Joseph Choukroun
Bernhard Giesenhagen and Orcan Yüksel will give a detailed insight into the use of the maxgraft®
PRF matrices contain high levels of growth factors that accelerate and ameliorate tissue
bonering technique and give practical tips for its application. Furthermore, participants will have the
regeneration and wound healing. Joseph Choukroun will present the biological background
opportunity to apply the technique on bone models.
and mechanisms of action as well as the specific protocol of the PRF technique, from blood
9 Markus Schlee
maxgraft® bonebuilder
Markus Schlee will bring the participants closer to the innovative maxgraft bonebuilder
drawing to the final PRF matrix.
14 Raúl Caffesse
Soft tissue management in periodontal lesions
technique - from virtual design to surgical procedure. Participants will have the possibility to
Raúl Caffesse will cover a complete theoretical and practical approach in guided bone and
experience the benefits of block augmentation with the maxgraft bonebuilder technique in a
tissue regeneration: techniques and current trends. The practical training of the presented
hands-on session on bone models.
concepts will be carried out on pig jaws.
10 Anton Sculean / Sofia Aroca
Techniques for predictable results in plastic periodontal surgery
Anton Sculean will discuss different techniques developed to achieve predictable aesthetic
15 Fernando Rojas-Vizcaya
Mandibular immediate placement, use of biomaterials for ridge preservation,
and immediate loading of tilted implants
results in plastic periodontal surgery. Among others, recession coverage with the dermal
This workshop describes the planning and the rehabilitation of the edentulous mandible for a
matrix mucoderm will be presented and participants will have the possibility to practice
fixed detachable restoration or hybrid prostheses. Training of this concept includes ridge
surgical techniques on pig jaws.
preservation, suturing and performance of the immediate loading protocol.
11 Adrian Kasaj
New trends in the treatment of gingival recessions
16 Derk Siebers
Socket preservation or immediate implant loading – modern concepts
In recent years, 3D collagen matrices of porcine origin have been introduced for use in soft
In this workshop, the topic of extraction-site management will be addressed theoretically,
tissue grafting, providing an alternative to the palatal harvesting of autologous tissue. In this
in the hands-on-part, surgical techniques for ridge preservation will be demonstrated and
workshop Adrian Kasaj will present the various techniques for treatment of single and multi-
practiced with particular emphasis on soft tissue management.
ple gingival recessions. Participants will practice the learned techniques including application
of the acellular dermal matrix mucoderm® on pig jaws.
12 Daniel Rothamel
Simple and complex ridge augmentation: biomaterials vs. autologous bone
In the age of minimally invasive surgery there is a growing interest in atraumatic ridge augmentation and implantation. In this context the use of biomaterials as substitutes for autologous bone, have significant potential. Daniel Rothamel will compare the use of biomaterials
and autologous bone.
17 Gianluigi Caccianiga
Photodynamic therapy in the treatment of periimplantitis and alveolar ridge
Gianluigi Caccianiga will discuss the photodynamic therapy in the treatment of periimplantitis, bone regeneration, periodontitis and tissue biostimulation using a high power laser
(HLLT) in association with a liquid able to apply antimicrobic action. The workshops includes
a practical training on pig jaws.
* Workshop language is Italian without any further translations.
Friday, 19th of September 2014 & Saturday, 20th of September 2014
Congress Days
Key Subjects:
Recession Coverage
Periodontal surgery – From proven concepts to current innovations
Thinking out of the box
Soft Tissue Management
The tissue is the issue – Improving results and aesthetics with the right soft
tissue management concepts
The congress lectures are divided in two parallel sessions.
You are free to switch between both sessions as often as you want.
Congress Language is English
Lectures will be translated into German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and
There will be a Spouses Program running in parallel.
The details will be presented in time on our website www.botiss.com.
Ridge Augmentation
Success has many faces – Different augmentation techniques for complex cases
Making patients smile – New concepts of aesthetic dentistry
Research and Clinics
A basis for success – Update in clinical and preclinical studies with biomaterials
Speakers: Sofia Aroca, Michael Back, Nabil Barakat, Fred Bergmann,
Stephan Beuer, Oliver Blume, Claudio Cacaci, Gianluigi Caccianiga, Raúl
Caffesse, Luigi Canullo, Krysztof Chmielewski, Joseph Choukroun, Olaf
Daum, Vittorio Farina, Bernhard Giesenhagen, José Luis Calvo Guirado,
Fabian Hirsch, Helfried Hulla, Michele Jacotti, Damir Jeluši´c, Adrian
Kasaj, Davor Katanec, Arash Khojasteh, George Khoury, Jan Kielhorn,
Axel Kirsch, Mario Kirste, Frank Kistler, Steffen Köhler, Eberhard
Kowatsch, Pedro Lázaro, Henriette Lerner, Thomas Linkevicius, Andrea
Mombelli, Pablo Galindo-Moreno, Yasushi Nakajima, Takatsuna
Nakamura, Stavros Pelekanos, Peter Randelzhofer, Fernando RojasVizcaya, Daniel Rothamel, Markus Schlee, Karl Andreas Schlegel, Anton
Sculean, Derk Siebers, Ralf Smeets, Andreas Stavropoulos, Marius
Steigmann, Michael Stiller, Nenad Tanaskovic, Alberto Turri, Kostas
Valavanis, Péter Windisch, Gernot Wimmer, Andrey Yarememko, Orcan
Yüksel, Gregor-Georg Zafiropoulos, Barbara Zavan, Holger Zipprich...
Evening Event
on the 19th of September 2014
Congress hotel
InterContinental Berlin*****
Get together Party with Live-Band at the exclusive
Umspannwerk Kreuzberg (109 € per person, plus VAT)
558 rooms and suites guarantee a new lifestyle experience with an
intelligent design, which combines elegance with functional comfort.
Have a relaxed end of the day in one of the hotels top class restaurants or recharge your batteries at the European Design Award winning Spa in our congress hotel.
Single Room*
Double Room*
Valid until:
incl. Breakfast
incl. Breakfast
185,00 €
210,00 €
Booking under:
InterContinental Berlin
Budapester Straße 2
10787 Berlin
Ohlauer Straße 43
10999 Berlin
Hotel recommendations
Hampton by Hilton
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AMEDIA Hotels****
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screen TV, air conditioning, a mobile workstation
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and fresh Hampton bed®, free high-speed inter-
Berlin and within walking distance of the Kaiser
are here for a city trip or a congress – AMEDIA
combines good service with affordable prices
net access, free, hot breakfast served daily with
Wilhelm Memorial Church, which is considered
Hotel Berlin Kurfüstendamm offers you best ser-
in the western center of Berlin, next to Theater
fresh-baked waffles and hearty oatmeal with
as one of the main attractions of the town.
vice in a charming atmosphere.
des Westens. A public parking garage with am-
toppings, friendly, helpful service and more – for
The hotel preserves several design elements
With the concept FREE MEDIA, we offer access
ple parking spaces is available within the same
one rate. Guaranteed. If you‘re not satisfied, we
including the historic facade created by the
to the most important media of our time. FREE
don‘t expect you to pay. That‘s our commitment
well-known German architect’s office Kleihues +
MEDIA means free telephone calls to 24 coun-
and your guarantee. That‘s 100% Hampton®.
Kleihues or the work of the Andalusian designer
tries, high-speed internet, wireless, and video on
Pedro Peña, who was responsible for the interior
demand - and all completely free.
of the hotel.
Single Room incl. Breakfast 119,00 €*
Single Room incl. Breakfast 140,00 €*
Single Room incl. Breakfast 95,00 €*
Single Room incl. Breakfast 76,50 €**
Double Room incl. Breakfast 119,00 €*
Double Room incl. Breakfast 160,00 €*
Double Room incl. Breakfast 119,00 €*
Double Room incl. Breakfast 99,00 €**
Valid until: 20.07.2014
Valid until: 18.06.2014
Valid until: 17.07.2014
Rooms subject to availability
Distance: 1,5 km
Distance: 1,7 km
Distance: 2,3 km
Distance: 1,2 km
Booking under: http://hamptoninn.hilton.com/
Booking under:
Booking under:
Booking under:
Code Word: "botiss"
Code Word: "botiss"
H10 Berlin Ku`damm
AMEDIA Hotel Berlin
Motel One Berlin-
Berlin City West
Joachimstaler Str. 31-32
Kurfüstendamm 203
Uhlandstraße 188-189
10719 Berlin
10719 Berlin
Kantstraße 10
Hampton by Hilton
10623 Berlin
10623 Berlin
*Please note that we have only blocked a limited number of rooms at these hotels.
**Please note, that we won´t provide a room contingent for this hotel.
Gold Sponsors:
Silver Sponsors:
Bronze Sponsors and Partners:
bone & tissue
soft tissue
botiss dental GmbH
Uhlandstraße 20-25
10623 Berlin / Germany
hard tissue
Fon +49 30 20 60 73 98 30
Fax +49 30 20 60 73 98 20
facebook: botiss biomaterials
Email to events@botiss.com / Fax to +49 30 20 60 73 98 20
Berlin, 18th-20th of September 2014
InterContinental Berlin
Hereby, I register* for the bone & tissue days Berlin:
General conditions:
Budapester Straße 2
10787 Berlin
Name ..............................................................................................................................
Street and No ..............................................................................................................................
Phone ............................................................................
ZIP and City ................................................ Country ............................................................
*Please note that your registration is binding.
All prices are shown excluding tax, 19% VAT will be added to
your charge. Invoices are issued in Euros.
Registration and cancellation has to be made in written
form. In case of a cancellation 4 weeks before the event a fee
of 100€ will be charged.
After this deadline, we can`t reimburse any costs.
The program, overnight costs and event locations can be
subject to change.
After registration you will receive a confirmation letter.
If the event has to be cancelled due to circumstances
beyond our control, no travel and hotel costs will be
Sponsor Workshop
18th of September 2014
WS Fusion Day
1. Jan Kielhorn – Digital Backward planning – new approaches in bone augmentation
2. Adrian Kasaj – Guided tissue regeneration „new concepts and success factors“
3. Mario Kirste – Bone splitting and augmentation with modern piezo technology
Lectures: 150 € excl. VAT
4. Stavros Pelekanos – The use of piezo-surgery in combination with allografts in implant and sinus surgery
Workshop*: 300 € excl. VAT (*No single booking possible, only in combination with Lecture.
5. Fred Bergmann – How much autologous bone do we need for implant placement?
6. Fabian Hirsch – Anthogyr Live surgery with PRF and piezo-surgery*
7. Ingmar Schau / Ulf Neveling – Navigated implantology – software supported augmentation/
implantation planning and surgical implementation with the MGUIDE MORE - System
Workshop is limited for 50 participants.)
Workshop Day
One Workshop (150 € excl. VAT)
Three Workshops (450 € excl. VAT)
Two Workshops (300 € excl. VAT)
We will consider your choice of workshop combinations, although please bear in mind that allocation is subject to availability.
19 of September 2014 & 20 of September 2014
Congress: 598 € excl. VAT
19th of September 2014
Evening Event 109 € excl. VAT (Please indicate number of tickets.)
Please note, that we have three time slots and that the workshops are running in parallel.
Therefore a maximum of three workshops are selectable.
Time Slots for Workshop Day
WS Fusion Day
1 9:30h-12:00h
2 13:30h-16:00h
3 16:30h-19:00h
Goldponsor + Silversponsor
botiss Workshops
botiss Workshop
8. Orcan Yüksel and Bernhard Giesenhagen – maxgraft® bonering technique
9. Markus Schlee – maxgraft® bonebuilder
10. Anton Sculean / Sofia Aroca – Techniques for predictable results in plastic periodontal surgery
11. Adrian Kasaj – New trends in the treatment of gingival recessions
12. Daniel Rothamel – Simple and complex ridge augmentation: biomaterials vs. autologous bone
13. Joseph Choukroun – PRF
14. Raul Caffesse – Soft tissue management in periodontal lesions
15. Fernando Rojas-Vizcaya – Mandibular immediate placement, use of biomaterials for ridge
preservation, and immediate loading of tilted implants
16. Derk Siebers – Socket preservation or immediate implant loading – modern concepts
17. Gianluigi Caccianiga – Photodynamic therapy in the treatment of periimplantitis and alveolar ridge preservation
Spouses Program
Please indicate, when you are interested. (We will contact you with further information and a detailed program.)
See you in Berlin!
soft tissue
hard tissue