2013 Premier Partner Program Contract
2013 Premier Partner Program Contract
2013 Cus t omer Ac c rual Programs Convenience Rebate Program The Just Born® C-Store “Elite” Theater Boxes (Large and Small Boxes Available) MIKE AND IKE® Original HOT TAMALES® MIKE AND IKE® Tropical Typhoon® MIKE AND IKE® RedRageous!™ (6 oz only) MIKE AND IKE® Berry Blast® Count Goods 2.12 oz/ 2 oz MIKE AND IKE® Original HOT TAMALES® MIKE AND IKE® Tropical Typhoon® MIKE AND IKE® RedRageous!™ PEANUT CHEWS® Milk Chocolatey (2 oz) New Pre-Priced 25¢ Change makers MIKE AND IKE® Original HOT TAMALES® MIKE AND IKE® Tropical Typhoon® PEANUT CHEWS® Milk Chocolately Peg Bags (Large and Small Bags Available) MIKE AND IKE® Original HOT TAMALES® *Coming Soon – Sour Peg Bags* Are you a Just Born®Perfect Store?! #1 and #2 Selling Theater Boxes Best value for your customers money! Count Goods Most popular single serve $1 price point purchase and most shopped set Top Selling Sugar Peg Bags For those travelers on the go! 25¢ Pre-Priced Change makers For the thrifty cost sensitive shoppers, register impulse purchases, and children! Platinum Level • • • • • Must POG a mix of 12 Just Born® Elite/Focus items: • 6 Top Ranked Theater Box or Count Good items everyday • 6 Additional Elite/Focus SKUs everyday Must promote 6 shippers or their equivalent per year Must promote two (2) seasons with open stock or shippers per year Must permanently place 1 theater box tower rack with exclusive Just Born Distribution. Rebate 12% Gold Level • Must POG a mix of 7 Just Born® Elite/Focus Items: – 4 Top Ranked Theater Box or Count Good items everyday – 3 additional Elite/Focus SKUs • Must promote four (4) Just Born, Inc shippers or their equivalent per year • Must carry at least 1 Seasonal open stock item or shipper per year • Rebate 10% Silver Level • Must POG a mix of 5 Just Born® Elite/Focus Items: – 3 Top Ranked Theater Box or Count Good items everyday – 2 additional Elite/Focus SKUs • Must promote two (2) Just Born, Inc shippers or their equivalent per year • Must carry at least 1 Seasonal open stock item or shipper per year • Rebate 7% Bronze Level • Must POG a mix of 3 Just Born® Elite/Focus Items: – 2 Top Ranked Theater Box or Count Good items everyday – 1 additional Elite/Focus SKUs • Must promote one (1) Just Born, Inc shippers or their equivalent per year • Rebate 5% Display Product Offers 2013 Premier Partner Program Contract This Agreement is made between The American Licorice Company (“ALC”) and the undersigned customer (”Customer”). ALC is a manufacturer of confectionary products. Customer owns convenience store retail outlet(s) that offer ALC items for sale to the public. ALC and Customer wish to establish a program for the promotion of ALC products on the terms and conditions outlined below. PHYSICAL ADDRESS PAYMENT ADDRESS DBA Name: _________________________________ Payee Name: ________________________________ Address: Address: _________________________________ City: ____________ State: _______ Zip: __________ New Contract: Re-enrollment: _________________________________ City: ____________ State: _______ Zip: __________ # of Stores Participating Must attach store list with addresses (electronic preferred) when enrolling multiple stores with identical performance. PRODUCT INCENTIVES Check One Please see second and third page for complete list of product choices Rebate LEVEL 1: Carry at least 1-3 qualifying items 5% LEVEL 2: Carry at least 4-5 qualifying items 7% LEVEL 3: Carry at least 6+ qualifying items 9% SHIPPER INCENTIVES Check One Please see third page for complete list of shipper choices Rebate Carry at least 2 qualifying shipper items 1% Maximum Rebate = 10% + Shipper off-invoices Customer Signature: Date: Signature must be from owner or authorized agent of the customer Print Name: Title: Distributor: Distributor Rep: Distributor Acct #: ALC Rep: PRODUCT INCENTIVES Check √ Item # Pack Vendor #0379 Description RED VINES Count Goods 8075 8076 Trays 50208 50275 50277 50279 51279 Hanging Bags 231 232 240 Laydown Bags 282 50270 Family Mix 50297 8136 8188 8/24/2.5 OZ. 8/24/2.5 OZ. Original Red Bars Black Licorice Bars 12/5 24/5 24/5 24/5 12/5 Grape Vines Tray Cherry Vines Tray Black Licorice Twists Tray Original Red Twists Tray 24ct Original Red Twists Tray 12ct OZ. OZ. OZ. OZ. OZ. HTH #1474741 12/8 OZ. 12/8 OZ. 12/8 OZ. Black Licorice Twists Bag Original Red Twists Bag Mixed Bites Bag 12/16 OZ. 12/16 OZ. Original Red Twists Bag Grape Vines Twists Bag 12/32 OZ. Family Mix Bag-Horizontal SUPER ROPES Super Ropes-Rollin’ Red Strap Pack Super Ropes-Rollin’ Red Display Box SOUR PUNCH 2/30/2 OZ. 8/30/2 OZ. HTH #1467588 Ropes 8140 12/30/.9 OZ. 8141 12/30/.9 OZ. 8142 12/30/.9 OZ. 8143 12/30/.9 OZ. Straws Count Goods 8049 12/24/2 OZ. 8051 12/24/2 OZ. 8052 12/24/2 OZ. 8053 12/24/2 OZ. 8058 12/24/2 OZ. 8068 4/24/2 OZ. 8153 12/12/2 OZ. 8072 12/12/2 OZ. Straws King Size 8031 24/4.5 OZ. 8032 24/4.5 OZ. 8033 24/4.5 OZ. 8034 24/4.5 OZ. Bites/Bits Hanging Bags 8701 12/5 OZ. 8219 12/5 OZ. 8015 12/5 OZ. 8016 12/5 OZ. Twists Jars/Laydown Bags 8215 6/44.48 OZ. 8145 6/72.96 OZ. Theater Boxes 8702 12/3.5 OZ. 8703 12/3.5 OZ. 8214 12/3.5 OZ. Sip-n-Chew Straws 8472 12/30/1 OZ. Sour Sour Sour Sour Punch Punch Punch Punch Rope- Strawberry Rope- Apple Rope- Cherry Rope-Blue Raspberry Sour Sour Sour Sour Sour Sour Sour Sour Punch Punch Punch Punch Punch Punch Punch Punch Straws Straws Straws Straws Straws Straws Straws Straws Sour Sour Sour Sour Punch Punch Punch Punch Watermelon Apple Strawberry Blue Raspberry Sour Sour Sour Sour Punch Punch Punch Punch Bits Strawberry-Lemonade Bits Lemon-Lime Hanging Bag Bites Strawberry HTH #1588003 Bites Apple HTH #1588029 Watermelon HTH #1467596 Blue Raspberry HTH #1467521 Apple HTH #1467505 Strawberry HTH #1467562 Cherry HTH #1467489 Buy 3, Get 1 Combo (Straw/Apple/Blue) *3 week lead time Strawberry Variety Pack (Apple/Blue) Sour Punch Twists 4 Flavor Tub (Individually-wrapped) 3” pieces HTH#1583616 Sour Punch Twists 4 Flavor Tub (Individually-wrapped with UPC) 6”pieces Sour Punch Bits Tangerine-Lemonade Theater Box Sour Punch Bits Lemon-Lime Theater Box Sour Punch Bits Strawberry-Watermelon Theater Box Sour Punch Sip-N-Chew Straws Cherry HTH #1586510 HTH #1586841 8473 8474 12/30/1 OZ. 12/30/1 OZ. 8302 8300 12/4.5 OZ. 12/5.5 OZ. 8482 8483 8480 8481 6/8 OZ. 6/8 OZ. 12/8 OZ. 12/8 OZ. Sour Punch Sip-N-Chew Straws Apple Sour Punch Sip-N-Chew Straws Blue Raspberry SNAPS Snaps Theater Box Snaps Hanging Bag NATURAL VINES Natural Vines Strawberry Licorice Gusseted Bag w/ Peg Hole 6ct Natural Vines Black Licorice Gusseted Bag w/ Peg Hole 6ct Natural Vines Strawberry Licorice Gusseted Bag w/ Peg Hole 12ct Natural Vines Black Licorice Gusseted Bag w/ Peg Hole 12ct SHIPPER INCENTIVES **all shippers require a 3 week lead time** Check √ Item # Pack 50120 20282 96209 54279 120/5 OZ. 48/16 OZ. 96/5 OZ. 96/5 OZ. 8061 8195 8035 8023 8232 8233 8479 96/2 OZ. 80/2 OZ. 96/4.5 OZ. 72/4.5 OZ. 36/3.5 OZ. 72/3.5 OZ. 4/30/1 OZ. 8295 8301 72/4.5 OZ. 72/5.5 OZ. 8484 8485 36/8 OZ. 18/8 OZ. Description RED VINES SHIPPERS Original Red Twists Tray Display Shipper Original Red Twists Bag Floor Display Original Red Twists Tray Display Mixed Twists Tray Floor Display (Red, Cherry, Grape) SOUR PUNCH SHIPPERS Sour Punch Straws Shipper (Straw/Apple/Blue) Sour Punch Straws 2oz Wing Display Sour Punch Straws Tray Floor Display Sour Punch Straws Floor Display Sour Punch Bits Theater Box Wing Display Sour Punch Bits Theater Box Floor Display Sour Punch Sip-N-Chew Combo Display (Apple & Cherry) SNAPS SHIPPERS Snaps Theater Box Floor Display Snaps Hanging Bag Floor Display NATURAL VINES SHIPPERS Natural Vines Combo Floor Displayer Natural Vines Combo Wing Displayer HTH #1586858 HTH #1467877 HTH #1457209 HTH #1587997 HTH #1588326 2013 ALC Premier Partner Program Contract Details Data 1. Customer agrees to supply velocity data for all ALC purchases to ALC Representative or ALC Broker. 2. Only data supplied to ALC in the proper format will be accepted. Format requirements are available upon request to any ALC representative. Product (Distribution) 1. Customer agrees to permanently stock and merchandise the number of items selected. 2. Performance is based on total item count. A customer signing up for Levels 2 or 3 that fails to reach the agreed number of items, will be paid at the level they have met qualifications of. 3. If customer adds new items throughout the term of the contract which qualifies them for the next tier level, the new rebate amount will be paid from the date the new item or items were purchased for the remainder of the current contract. If items are discontinued by customer during the term of contract the same will apply if qualifications of tiers drop to a lower level. If ALC discontinues any item during term of contract this will not affect tier level of the customer of the current contract. 4. Items will only qualify as being in distribution if at least one box or case is purchased during the year. Placement Shippers 1. Customer agrees to secondary placement of ALC’s approved shippers. 2. Customer agrees to maintain full distribution of ALC items in the main candy section in addition to what is being merchandised on the shippers. Payments In exchange for Customer's performance in accordance with this Agreement, ALC agrees to pay Customer as follows: 1. Product and Placement will be measured and paid independently of one another based on the performance and level selected. 3. Rebates will be calculated based on performance achieved by store. 4. Payments will be based on ALC's List Price for items qualifying hereunder. Payments will be based on Customer purchases as reported by Customer’s order/velocity data. ALC is not responsible for any failure of the customer to report qualifying purchases. Any disputes by Customer as to amounts paid hereunder must be raised within 30 days of the end of the preceding reporting period. 5. Any ALC items not listed on the contract form may also qualify for rebate but must have prior approval by ALC Representative. 6. Rebate payments will be mailed directly to qualifying Customer and will not be paid through a deduction. 7. Customer's eligibility to receive these payments is conditioned upon Customer's strict compliance with the terms of this agreement. Payments are subject to proof of performance and will be withheld for non-compliance. Audits will be conducted to determine compliance. 8. A copy of the current signed rebate form by customer must be submitted and attached to back-up with each rebate request before payment can be approved and processed. . All purchase data must be attached to the check request when submitted for payment. Auto-Populating form must be filled out by ALC Representative or ALC Broker and attached to back-up. Other Terms 1. Customer is required to sign and return this contract to their ALC Representative or ALC Broker in order to participate in the full year 2012 Premier Partner Program. 2. This contract shall be valid for 12 consecutive months from its effective date of January 1, 2012 for ‘Full Year’ enrollments. New customers will be eligible for rebate in current year from the date of first purchase and receipt of new signed contract. 3. This program may not be combined with other ALC programs that offer allowances for similar performance. 4. Customer must notify ALC of any distributor changes thirty (30) days before effective date. 5. This agreement shall override mergers, acquisitions and supplier changes. 6. Termination: This agreement may be terminated by ALC immediately and without notice. In the event of Customer’s noncompliance, ALC is entitled, in addition to any other remedies available by law or in equity, to demand repayment of any and all sums paid to Customer by ALC hereunder. 7. ALC reserves the right to modify this program provided the changes do not increase the performance requirements. PO BOX 150220, LUFKIN, TX 75915-0220 ♦ 1608 WEST FRANK AVENUE, LUFKIN, TX 75904 PHONE: 936-639-2333 ♦ FAX: 936-639-2337 ♦ TOLL FREE: 800-231-1203 C-STORE REBATE PROGRAM Vendor # 0575 HOW TO RECEIVE THE REBATES: C-Store customers must provide a copy of their plan-o-gram clearly showing the location of our items. The plan-o-gram must be good for a minimum of six months. In the absence of a plan-ogram, the customer must meet the Minimum Movement Requirements listed below. Rebates will be based on quarterly movement reports supplied by the customer. MINIMUM MOVEMENT REQUIREMENTS: Atkinson Candy Company requires that each customer must show movement equal to or greater than 1 box per store per quarter on each item before a rebate will be paid. You must provide the total number of stores for any chain requesting a rebate. MINIMUM REBATE REQUEST: The minimum rebate request amount for C-Store rebates is $15.00. If the rebate request is under $15.00 you may combine quarters until your request is over $15.00, then we will cut a check. PROVIDING REBATES THROUGH THE SUPPLIER: For any C-Store supplier willing to provide all the information necessary (refer to above paragraph), we will be happy to make the rebate program available to their customers. Rebate checks will be made payable to the C-Store chain only. ITEMS, WHICH MAY BE REBATED: Rebates will be paid only on the attached list of Atkinson count good and changemaker items. Note: Jar items, shipper displays and combo packs are not applicable. REBATES Plan-O-Gram Items Percent Rebated 1 2% 2 3% 3 5% Atkinson 2012 c-storerebateprogram1.doc C-Store Rebate Program Page Two C-STORE REBATE PRODUCTS The following is a list of items that qualify for rebates under the C-Store Rebate Program: Item # Product Description Box Count 00150 00240 00340 00620 00640 00750 00123 00623 00128 00628 01160 00616 00625 00631NP Old Fashion Peanut Brittle Peco Brittle Square Peanut Butter Bars Twin Pack Chick-O-Stick Twin Pack Chick-O-Stick Rainbow Coconut Bar Peanut Butter Bars Chick-O-Stick Peanut Butter Bars Chick-O-Stick Peanut Butter Bars Chick-O-Stick Chick-O-Stick (Pre-Priced) Chick-O-Stick (No Price 24-ct. 24-ct. 24-ct. 24-ct. 24-ct. 24-ct. 120-ct. 120-ct. 48-ct. 48-ct. 160-ct. 160-ct. 24-ct. 24 ct. HTH #1485325 HTH #1485283 HTH #1485101 HTH #1455120 HTH #1455088 HTH #1464585 HTH #1485267 Box Dimensions 7x9.19x1.88 7x9.19x1.88 6.07x11.25x2.10 6.5x8x2.5 9.52x6.44x2.50 5.10x9.19x2.13 4.25x10.19x2.75 4.25x10.19x2.75 4.38x6.19x2 4.38x6.19x2 5.75x9.07x3.75 5.75x9.07x3.75 7.44x6x2 7.44x6x2 Any deviation from this program must first be approved in advance through this office. Please do not hesitate to ask, should you have any questions concerning this program. *Does not include your distributor mark-up Distributor:_______________________________________________________________ Account Name: _______________________________________ # of Stores:_________ Address: _______________________________ City: _____________________________ State: _________ Zip Code: ___________ Phone # : _____________________________ Date: _______________ Name (printed): _______________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________ Title: ______________________ Broker: ________________________ Signature: _________________________________ Atkinson 2012 c-storerebateprogram1.doc 2013 CHEESE PLEASERS REBATE PROGRAM Cheese Pleasers would like to offer the following rebate program to convenience store chains of 5 stores or more when purchasing their products through an approved wholesale distributor. Items Involved 2 oz. Colby Jack Cheese 2 oz. Medium Cheddar Cheese 2 oz. Pepper Jack Cheese 2 oz. Twin Pack String Cheese 2 oz. String Cheese with Beef Stick Item UPC# 0-46247-21111-3 0-46247-15555-4 0-46247-18888-0 0-46247-81111-5 0-46247-15558-5 Program Guidelines: Chain carries 1 flavor of above cheese; receives rebate of $.10 per 24-count box purchased from wholesaler. Chain carries 2 flavors of above cheese; receives rebate of $.20 per 24-count box purchased from wholesaler. Chain carries 3 flavors of above cheese; receives rebate of $.30 per 24-count box purchased from wholesaler. Chain carries 4 flavors of above cheese; receives rebate of $.40 per 24-count box purchased from wholesaler. Chain carries 5 flavors of above cheese; receives rebate of $.55 per 24cnt &16cnt box purchased from wholesaler. 24 –count acrylic suction cup displays available free of charge. FAX COMPLETED REBATE BACK TO FAX # (865) 381-0688 : (*5 OR MORE STORES REQUIRED) Rebates will be paid once a year. Rebates will be paid in a check to the retail chain. Cooler slots or suction cup displays must be tagged for easy re-order ability. Chain Responsibility: Provide movement report to MSI, LLC (broker), which shows a breakdown of each store, items purchased, and dates purchases were made. Provide this information within 2 weeks of completion of rebate cycle. CUSTOMER AUTHORIZES TAGGING OF ITEMS IN STORES THE ABOVE CONDITIONS ARE AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED BY: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE PLEASE PRINT NAME CUSTOMER NAME WAREHOUSE CUSTOMER # ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP NUMBER OF STORES CHEESE PLEASERS REPRESENTATIVE PROGRAM BEGINNING DATE: DATE PROGRAM END DATE: PLEASE FILL OUT INFORMATION BELOW FOR REBATE W/ ATTACHED MOVEMENT : TOTAL CASES SOLD _________________ X ____ CENTS = $__________________TOTAL DUE 135 American Legion Highway Revere, MA 01821 2013 Convenience Store Program Contract Corporate Address Company: Address: City, State, Zip: DBA: Phone: Broker Name: #of Stores Participating Payment Address Company: Address: City, State, Zip: Participation Level Everyday Products Select level of count good distribution Select items based on participation level Gold 3+ count good SKU’s (10% rebate) Necco Wafers® All Natural Assorted Wafers Silver 2+ count good SKU’s (8% rebate) Necco Wafers® All Natural Chocolate Wafers Bronze 1+ count good SKU’s (5% rebate) Clark® Bar All Natural Milk Chocolate Seasonal & Promotional Purchase any seasonal and/or promotional display and receive 5% rebates.* *must participate in everyday portion to be eligible Other Necco Items Sold in Convenience Stores Participate in the Everyday Portion of the Program and receive 3% rebate on the items purchased.* *must participate in everyday portion to be eligible Clark® Bar All Natural Dark Chocolate Skybar® Candy Buttons® (Wrapped) Haviland® Wintergreen Patty Slapstix® Caramel Pops (Large Pop) Slapstix® Caramel Pops (Small Pop) Clark Bites® Lay-down Bag Clark Bites® Theater Box Tropical Necco Wafers® I agree to supply a monthly movement report of warehouse pulls to the agent representing Necco. Distributor: Customer Signature: Date: Signature must be from owner or authorized agent of the customer Print Name: Title: Broker Signature: *See page 2 for additional terms and conditions Original - Retailer Copies - Director of Convenience Channel (Necco) Region Manager Director of Opperations (Necco) Broker 2013 CUSTOMER CONNECT CONVENIENCE STORE PROGRAM CONTRACT GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS These General Terms and Conditions shall apply to the 2013 Customer Connect Convenience Program Contract. 1. Minimum Program Requirements: Vendor shall comply with the following minimum requirements: (a) Vendor participation in the program for the entire Initial Term (as defined in Section 2): (b) permanent plan-o-gram (and/or order guide) stocking, display and distribution of at least one program “Everyday Product” for the entire Term (as defined in Section 2); (c) listing of all program products in Vendor’s order book for such part of the Term as is applicable to each such product; (d) “NECCO Assorted Wafers” included as an Everyday Product throughout the Term; (c) Vendor listing on the Directory of Convenience Stores for the entire Term; and (f) purchase of at least one (1) box of Everyday Product per Program Half-Year (as defined below) in the quantity specified on the reverse side hereof. Exceptions to any of the foregoing will be determined on a case-by case basis in NECCO’s sole and absolute discretion in each instance. 2. Term: The program runs a calendar year basis (each a “Program Year”) , divided into two half-years running from January 1 through June 30 and from July 1 through December 31 (each “Program Half-Year”). Vendor agrees to participate in the program for an initial period beginning as of the date of this Contract and continuing through December 31 of the current year (the “Initial Term”). Thereafter, Vendor shall participate in the program until such participation is terminated in accordance with this Contract (the Initial Term, together with any such additional participation, the “Term”). 3. Program Levels: The program has three levels of participation: Gold, Silver and Bronze. The level of participation is based upon the number of program products selected. In order to qualify for a program level, Vendor must maintain the applicable number of Everyday Products for the entire Program Year. Vendor may increase its participation level at any time by the addition of one or more Everyday Products, with such participation level changing on the first day of the month following such addition(s). Vendor may not decrease its level of participation during any Program Year and any decrease in a level of participation will result in Vendor’s immediate ineligibility to participate in the program for the remainder of the then-current Program Year. S&P Products (as defined in Section 4) shall not count toward Vendor’s level of participation. Receipt of each Program Payment (as defined in Section 5) is contingent upon satisfying the requirements of this Contract, including those specifically relating to the applicable program level. 4. Seasonal and Promotional Products: So long as Vendor remains eligible to participate in the program. Vendor may also select from certain seasonal and promotional products as the same are made available by NECCO (“S&P Products”) from time to time and Vendor shall receive the percentage payment on sales of such S&P Products set forth on the reverse side hereof. 5. Program Reporting and Payments: Within fifteen (15) days following the end of each month during the Term, Vendor shall submit to the “Broker” set forth on the reverse side hereof a warehouse movement report in a form satisfactory to NECCO (“Monthly Report”). The Monthly Report shall set forth all purchases of qualifying program products by Vendor during the applicable month. NECCO reserves the right to request a copy of any Monthly Report directly from VENDOR. Upon timely receipt from Vendor of all Monthly Reports, NECCO shall pay the amount determined by multiplying for each qualifying program product, the wholesale sales price of the aggregate amount of such products sold during the month by the percentage for such product set forth on the reverse side hereof (a “Program Payment”). Subject to Vendor’s compliance with this Contact, each Program Payment shall be made within forty-five (45) days following the end of the Program Half-Year. Each Program Payment shall be delivered to the Vendor’s corporate address set forth on the reverse side hereof, unless NECCO agrees in writing to another arrangement. To the extent that any program products are subsequently returned by Vendor, Vendor shall return to NECCO the applicable portion of the Program Payment within five (5) days of such return. NECCO reserves the right to offset amounts owed by Vendor due to returns, without limiting Vendor repayment obligation or prejudice to any other right or remedy available to NECCO. 6. Inspection and Audit Rights: During the Term and for a period of one (1) year following the expiration or termination thereof for any reason. Vendor agrees that NECCO’s authorized representatives may conduct at Vendor locations on-site inspections to confirm Vendor’s compliance with the program requirements. 7. Sales Terms: All sales of program products are subject to NECCO’s and Broker’s standard sales terms and conditions and this Contract is in addition to, and in not in lieu of such sales terms and conditions. 8. Termination: Participation in the program may be terminated by either party as the end of the Program Year by written notice to the other party not less than thirty (30) days prior to the end of the then-current Program Year. Notwithstanding the foregoing, NECCO reserves the right to terminate the program at any time upon not less than thirty (30) days notice. 9. Confidentiality; Publicity: Vendor shall not publicize the program or disclose any terms thereof in any manner (verbal, electronic, written or otherwise) to any third party without NECCO’s prior written consent. 10. Miscellaneous: This Contract is governed by the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Any claim arising under or relating to this Contract shall be brought exclusively in the Federal and state courts located in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts. Vendor may not assign any right or obligation under this Contract to any third party by contract, operation of law or otherwise without NECCO’s prior written consent. NECCO may assign its rights under this Contract in connection with the sale of all or substantially all of its business, regardless of the form that such sale transaction takes. This Contract can only be modified by a writing signed by duly authorized representatives of both NECCO and Vendor; provided, that NECCO may make changes in program products or the percentage Program Payment applicable to any such product at the beginning of each Program-Half Year. The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Contract, or to exercise any right or remedy, will not be deemed a waiver of such performance, right or remedy, of that or any other provision of this Contract. Vendor V #79116 DEMET’S S CANDY Y COMP PANY 2013 C-STORE E REBATE PR ROGRAM OR CONVENIENCE STOR E GROUPS FO Jan nuary 1, 201 13 – Decemb ber 31, 2013 3 This agre eement betw ween_______ __________ ___________ __________ _______(CUSTOMER) and DEM METS CANDY Y COMPANY for f the C-Sto ore Rebate P Program for Conveniencce Store Groups who w buy thro ough HT Hacckney (WHO OLESALER) a nd consists of the follow wing: TO QUAL LIFY: A) B) C) D) Provide signe ed and dated d Planogram showing peermanent pla acement Minimum M one e year comm mitment C-Stores C musst supply DeM Met’s Candy y Company w with a movem ment report Rebate R must exceed $30 per chain to o qualify REBATE ms - $.05 pe er unit ($.30 per 6 ct cad ddy) A) Flipz 5 oz item D Turtlles - $.35 pe er caddy (pack 24 units) B) DeMet’s C) True T North - $.50 per casse (pack 12 units) COMMITMENTS A) B) C) D) k Chocolate Pretzels –HT TH 1597210 0 – Jan/Mar/JJune 2013 Flipz 5 oz Milk une 2013 Flipz 5 oz Wh hite Fudge Prretzels – HTH 1591791 – Jan/Mar/Ju 13 DeMet’s D Turtlles King Size e – HTH 1530062 – Jan//Apr/Aug 201 True T North – 1 box each in February 17772474 1597186 1597210 0 17772441 1772458 1506732 ACCOUNT T_________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ _______ ADDRESS S_________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ _________ CITY/STA ATE/ZIP____ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ __________ PHONE__ __________ __________ NUMBE ER OF STORE ES________ ___________ _________ AUTHOR RIZED BUYER R NAME____ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ __________ AUTHOR RIZED BUYER R SIGNATUR RE_________ __________ ___________ __________ __________ 1772466 • Premium Sandwiches • Guaranteed Quality • Attractive packaging with clear view of product • Single unit ordering • 30-day refrigerated shelf life HACKNEY Building Your Future On Our History Of Success Great American Deli • P.O. Box 27 • Ooltewah, Tennessee 37363 • 800-343-1327 • www.GreatAmericanDeli.com • SEPTEMBER 2012 SELECT SANDWICHES SHELF LIFE 30 DAYS IN REFRIGERATION DESCRIPTION ORDER # SELECT SANDWICHES Select Turkey and Cheese Oven Roasted Turkey Breast with American Cheese on Thick Sliced Honey Wheatberry Bread. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7930829 Select Ham and Swiss Honey Cured Ham and Swiss Cheese on Thick Sliced Honey Wheatberry Bread. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7930837 Select Chicken Salad A Generous Portion of Premium Chunky Chicken Salad on Thick Sliced Honey Wheatberry Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7930852 Select Cuban Sub Authentic Cuban Style Seasoned Pork, Flavorful Ham, Dill Pickles and Mustard on a Hearth Baked Hoagie Roll. . . . . . . . . . . 7930860 Select Ham and Salami Sub Sliced Italian Capiocola Style Ham, Cotto Salami, Swiss Cheese and Pepper Rings on a Hearth Baked French Roll . . . . . . . . 7930886 WEIGHT 7.2 oz. 7.2 oz. 7.0 oz. 10.0 oz. 9.9 oz. CLEAR WRAPPED PILLOW PACK SANDWICHES CLEAR WRAPPED SHELF LIFE: 30 DAYS INSIDE SEALED PILLOW PACK. 7 DAYS AFTER PILLOW PACK IS OPENED. DESCRIPTION CLEAR WRAPPED DELI SANDWICHES Ham and Cheese Sub Honey Cured Ham and American Cheese on a Hearth Baked French Roll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turkey and Cheese Sub Oven Roasted Turkey Breast and American Cheese on a Hearth Baked Wheat Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicken Salad Croissant All White Meat Chunky Chicken Salad on a Buttery Croissant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turkey, Bacon & Swiss Croissant Oven Roasted Turkey, Bacon, Swiss Cheese on a Buttery Croissant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Great American Deli PACK ORDER # WEIGHT 5 PACK 6020721 7.5 oz. 5 PACK 6020739 7.5 oz. 5 PACK 6020747 5.2 oz. 5 PACK 6020762 6.2 oz. PREMIUM CLAMSHELL SANDWICHES HACKNEY Building Your Future On Our History Of Success DESCRIPTION ORDER # CLAMSHELL SANDWICHES Italian Sub Garlic Herb Roll, Capicola Style Ham, Cotto Salami, Pepperoni and Provolone Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7931439 Roast Beef Horseradish Cheddar Onion Roll Kaiser Onion Roll, Roast Beef, White Horseradish Cheddar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7931405 Smoked Turkey & Swiss Whole Grain Whole Grain Bread, Smoked Turkey Breast, and Natural Swiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7391402 Ham and Salami Po’ Boy French Roll, Honey Cured Ham, Cotto Salami and Cheddar Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7931454 Smoked Ham and Cheddar Brioche Broiche Bread, Smoked Ham and Cheddar Cheese. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7931421 Buffalo Chicken Monterrey Jack Sourdough Sourdough Bread, Sliced Buffalo Flavored Chicken Breast, Ranch Sauce and Monterrey Jack Cheese. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7931413 Cranberry Walnut Chicken Salad Croissant Criossant Roll, All White Meat Chicken Salad with Cranberries and Walnut Pieces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7931397 Cuban Sub French Roll, Roast Pork, Honey Cured Ham, Dill Pickle and Mustard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7931447 Great American Deli WEIGHT 9.6 oz. 5.5 oz. 6.0 oz. 9.5 oz. 5.9 oz. 7.2 oz. 5.5 oz. 9.5 oz. 2 HACKNEY Building Your Future On Our History Of Success 30 DAY REFRIGERATED SHELF LIFE ON ALL PRODUCTS! DESCRIPTION ORDER # WEIGHT TRIANGLES Ham and Cheese Honey Cured Ham and American Cheese on Enriched White Bread. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7930746 Chicken Salad Premium Chunky Chicken Salad on Multi Grain Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7930795 Turkey and Cheese Oven Roasted Turkey Breast and American Cheese on Multi Grain Bread. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7930761 Egg Salad Premium Egg Salad on Enriched White Bread. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7930803 Tuna Salad Wholesome Tuna Salad on Multi Grain Bread. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7930787 Pimento Cheese Creamy Pimento Cheese on Enriched White Bread. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7930993 Bologna and Cheese Old-Fashioned Thick Sliced Bologna and American Cheese on Enriched White Bread . . . . . 7931009 Ham and Turkey Club Honey Cured Ham and Oven Roasted Turkey Breast, American Cheese on Multi Grain Bread. . . 7931132 SUBS Italian Sub Italian Ham, Salami, Pepperoni and Provolone Cheese on a Garlic & Herb Roll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5851209 Ham, Turkey & Bacon Sub 5.2 oz. 5.1 oz. 5.3 oz. 5.0 oz. 4.8 oz. 5.0 oz. 5.2 oz. 5.0 oz. 7.4 oz. Honey Cured Ham, Oven Roasted Turkey Breast, Smoked Bacon and Swiss Cheese on a Hearth Baked Wheat Roll. . . . . . . 5851191 6.8 oz. Poor Boy Honey Cured Ham, Bologna, and American Cheese on a Hearth Baked Hoagie Bun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7931017 7.8 oz. Turkey and Cheese Sub Oven Roasted Turkey Breast and American Cheese on a Split Top Hearth Baked Sub Roll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7930779 6.5 oz. Ham and Cheese Sub Honey Cured Ham and American Cheese on a Split Top Hearth Baked Sub Roll. . . . . . . . . 7930753 6.5 oz. SUPER SUB (FOOT LONG) Ham and Turkey Super Sub Honey Cured Ham, Oven Roasted Turkey and Real American Cheese on a 12” Hoagie Roll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7930985 11.3 oz. HEAT & EAT DESCRIPTION ORDER # WEIGHT Hoagie Burger Oversized Beef Patty covered with Two Slices of American Cheese on a Hearth Baked Hoagie Bun. . . . . 7931033 7.8 oz. Double Stacker Burger Two Beef Patties and Two Slices of American Cheese on a Sesame Seed Roll. . . . . . . . . . 7931025 6.3 oz. Homestyle Cheeseburger 100% Charbroiled Beef Patty with American Cheese on a Kaiser Bun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7931041 6.5 oz. Cheeseburger Beef Patty with American Cheese on an Enriched Bun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7930712 4.1 oz. Breaded Chicken Breaded Chicken Patty on an Enriched Bun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7930720 4.9 oz. Chicken & Swiss on Poppy Seed Flavorful Chicken Breast Meat, Swiss Cheese on a Poppy Seed Roll. . . . . . 7930951 7.0 oz. 3 Great American Deli • Extended Shelf Life of 30 Days on ALL PRODUCTS • Best Selling Varieties - No Wasted Shelf Space • Attractive, Colorful Packaging Graphics • Competitive Pricing No Waiting! They are ready now. HOT-2-GO WT. PER DESCRIPTION ORDER # SANDWICH Sausage Biscuit - 7 Pack Flavorful Sausage on a Flakey Buttermilk Biscuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6022537 Sausage, Egg and Cheese Biscuit - 6 Pack Flavorful Sausage with Egg and American Cheese on a Flakey Buttermilk Biscuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6022891 Steak Biscuit - 6 Pack Breaded Breakfast Steak on a Flakey Buttermilk Biscuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6022941 Sausage Egg Cheese Croissant - 6 Pack Savory Sausage, Egg and Cheese on a Buttery Croissant . . . . 6022974 Chicken Biscuit - 6 Pack Chicken Breast Fillet on a Flakey Buttermilk Biscuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6022982 Bacon, Egg and Cheese Biscuit - 6 Pack Bacon, Egg and Cheese on a Flakey Buttermilk Biscuit. . . 6023915 Homestyle Cheeseburger - 6 Pack 100% Charbroiled Beef Patty with American Cheese on a Kaiser Bun . . . 6022958 BBQ Pork - 6 Pack Southern Pulled Pork BBQ on a Kaiser Bun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6022966 4.1 oz. 4.9 oz. 5.1 oz. 4.9 oz. 4.9 oz. 5.1 oz. 6.5 oz. 7.0 oz. Refrigerated shelf life in unopened sleeves is 30 DAYS! Patented Multi-Pack Sleeves • No Freezing Required • Premium Ingredients • Warmers in a Variety of Sizes BREAKFAST SANDWICHES DESCRIPTION ORDER # Sausage, Egg, Cheese Croissant Savory Sausage, Egg and Cheese on a Flakey Croissant. . . . . . . . . . . 7930902 Twin Pack Flavorful sausage on mini rolled biscuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7931389 Great American Deli WEIGHT 4.9 oz. 3.2 oz. 4 COOLERS WIDE VARIETY TO CHOOSE HACKNEY Building Your Future On Our History Of Success FLOOR MODEL Item # 9991761 SMALL COUNTER MODEL Model AHT M Shown Here OPEN AIR COOLER - TWO SIZES Item # 9991860 Model AHT M Item #9991878 Model AHT XL FREE GOODS AVAILABLE! Please ask your Sales Representative for Current Programs and Prices 5 Great American Deli Item # 9991779 WARMERS HACKNEY Building Your Future On Our History Of Success Item # 9984253 Item # 9800384 Countertop Sandwich Warmer Countertop Sandwich Warmer 18” W x 18” D x 25” H 13;” W x 12;” D x 18;”H FREE GOODS AVAILABLE! Please ask your Sales Representative for Current Programs and Prices Hot-2-Go Program Suggested Procedures Stock the warmer early in the morning and be sure to have plenty of product on display before rush periods. 1.If product is received frozen, it must be completely thawed in your cooler before use. (Do not thaw at room temperature.) 2.The refrigerated shelf life in unopened sleeves is 30 days. Place an expiration date on each case upon receipt. Keep product refrigerated at 35 to 40 degrees until ready to use. 3.Always wash hands thoroughly with antiseptic soap before handling product. 4. Keep display clean at all times. Clean and sanitize every day. 5.Each Warmer has an on/off switch located on the back of the warmer, as well as a heat adjustment. 6.Turn on the warmer approximately 30 minutes prior to use. 7.Open one package containing paper wrapped sandwiches. 8. Place all of the paper wrapped sandwiches in the microwave oven. 9.Microwave for 3 to 5 minutes–heating time will vary by oven. 10.Remove the heated sandwiches and place directly in the warmer to maintain 140 degrees F+ temperature. 11.The shelf life in the warmer is 4 to 6 hours. Keep fresh product on display. 12.If the light quits working, your warmer will still heat. Heat comes from a hot plate in the bottom of the warmer. Simply replace the light bulb with a 60 watt bulb or less. 13.If your warmer does not heat, check your circuit breakers, then check your heat setting. 2009 Great Great American American DeliDeli 6 Our Food Safety & Freshness • O ur sandwiches are packaged in state-of-the-art Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) which enables us to maintain freshness and taste while maximizing shelf life. • W e take safety and our role in prevention of food borne illness seriously. • W e adhere to stringent procedures to spot and correct potential hazards before the product is produced. • H ACCP Program (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) • We carefully monitor: • Ingredient Quality • Equipment Cleanliness • Employee Cleanliness • Temperature • G reat American Deli is an approved US Military supplier • Sandwiches are produced, stored, and delivered in a refrigerated environment. Great American Deli SEPTEMBER 2012 Playbo oy Cond doms Preside ents Clu ub Retail Distriibution Agreem ment (Indepen ( ndent Con ntract) Playbo oy Condom Disstribution Proggram Effective e Dates: 01/1//2013 to 12//31/2013 (1‐yeear) _____________ ______ Retaailer Contact N ame: __________________________ Retailer Name: ___ ber of retail sto ore locations: _ ___________ C Confirm Store Count w/initiaals: _______________ Numb dress: _______ ____________ _____________ ________________________________ Retailer Mailing Add ____________ _____________ _________________________ ____________________ Town//State/Zip____ oy Condom Disstribution Proggram Performance Requirem ments: Two to o Three 3pk Pllayboy Playbo Condo oms must be p permanently sttocked within your companyy/retailer plan n‐o‐gram and d daily stocke ed/tagged in yyour pegged HB BC section durring the above effective datees: oy Lubricated C Condoms: HTH H # GRC 23900045 / SVC 81722686 – ORDER QTY: 6 Each • 3pk Playbo oy Ultra Thin C Condoms: HTH # GRC 23900660 / SVC 81727702 – ORDER Q QTY: 6 Each • 3pk Playbo oy Large Condo oms UPC: HTH # GRC 23900337 / SVC 81726678 – ORDER QTY: 6 Each • 3pk Playbo purchase one 2 28 ct Playboy C Condoms displlay units durin ng the above efffective dates:: Each rretailer must p MRW’’S ITEM # 8019 985 • Display #1 m month: Fe eb, 2013 OR month: Ju une, 2013 • Display #2 m % of your wholesaler net 3pkk open stock pu urchases exclu uding mark‐up p Retailer Rebate: 5% Metho od of Paymentt/Performance e: A semi‐annu ual billback paaid by the who olesaler based d on 3pk retaileer spin m movement repo ort confirmation and item distribution com mpliance ____________ ____________ Date _______________ Retailer Name Apprroval: _______ esaler Salesma an Approval: _ ____________ ____________ Date ________ ________ Whole 2013 CONVENIENCE STORE RETAILER REBATE AGREEMENT Retailer Name: _________________________________________________#Stores:___________ Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ____________________________________________________________________ Buyer Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Buyer Signature: ____________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________ Telephone: ___________________________________FAX:_____________________________ Contract effective for (calendar) year 2013 beginning date signed. Distributor / Supplier: _______________________________________________________________ Account Manager: _________________________________________________________ Payment Guidelines: * $50 Minimum Rebate Checks •Payment Policy - Rebate Checks can be paid Quarterly, Void if not postmarked for redemption by March 21, 2014. Promotion In Motion is not responsible for lost or misdirected redemption request. •Semi-Annually or Annually to Reach the $50.00 Minimum. •Must Stock Qualified # of SKU’s for Length of Agreement. •Proof of Performance Required – Must Attach Copy of Invoices Qualifying Rebate Level: 2 SKU's 2% Level 3 SKU's 3% Level 4 SKU's 4% Level 5+ SKU's 5% Level Please X for Core SKU's Stocked: COUNT GOODS (SINGLES) PEG BAGS 1.75 oz SUN-MAID® Milk Chocolate Covered Raisins 6oz SOUR JACKS® Sour Candy 1.75 oz FISHER® Milk Chocolate Covered Peanuts 6oz BUDDY BEARS® Gummy Bears 2.0 oz SOUR JACKS® Sour Candy 6oz SOUR JACKS Watermelon 2.0 oz SOUR JACKS® Watermelon Sour Candy 5oz TUXEDO® Milk Chocolate Covered Almonds 2.0 oz BUDDY BEARS® Gummy Bears 5oz SUN-MAID® Milk Chocolate Covered Raisins 2.0 oz NUCLEAR SQWORMS® Sour Neon Gummy Worms 1.75 oz WELCH'S® Mixed Fruit - Fruit Snacks 5oz FISHER® Milk Chocolate Covered Peanuts 4.25oz WELCH’S Fruit n Yogurt Strawberry 1.75 oz WELCH'S® Strawberry - Fruit Snacks 4.25oz WELCH’S Fruit n Yogurt Blueberry 1.75 oz Bake Shoppe Cookie Dough 5oz WELCH'S® Mixed Fruit 1.76 oz TOGGI® Imported Chocolate Wafers 5oz WELCH'S® Grape Fruit Snacks 5oz WELCH'S® Strawberry Fruit Snacks CONCESSION PACKS 5oz WELCH'S® Berries 'N Cherries 3.5 oz BUDDY BEARS® Gummy Bears 5oz WELCH”S Island Fruit 3.5oz SOUR JACKS® Sour Candy 5oz WELCH’S Tangy Fruit 3.5oz NUCLEAR SQWORMS® Sour Neon Gummy Worms 3.5oz SUN-MAID® Milk Chocolate Covered Raisins 4.25oz Juicefuls Berry Mania 3.5oz FISHER® Milk Chocolate Covered Peanuts 4.25oz Juicefuls Strawberry Blast 3.5oz TUXEDO® Milk Chocolate Almonds 4.25oz Juicefuls Fruit Wave 3.5 oz Bake Shoppe Cookie Dough Amount Due $_________ Signature___________________________________ Bazooka Candy Brands (Division of The Topps Company Inc.) 2013 Convenience Store Rebate Program Vendor #8503 Bazooka Candy Brands ( Division of The Topps Company, Inc. ) will pay the rebate outlined below (as a % of net sales) forALL Bazooka Candy Brands purchases between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013. Participant must include the required # of items on their existing Plan-O-Gram through December 31, 2013 to receive the corresponding Rebate: Base @ 5% Gold @ 8% Platinum @ 12% Baby Bottle Pop #1511781 Juicy Drop Pop #1457514 Jumbo Push Pop #1483072 Ring Pop #1483080 Base Gold PLUS PLUS BAZOOKA WALLET JUICY DROP TAFFY #1768324 RING POP GUMMIES #1791722 GUIDELINES: Payments will be made quarterly. Brokers must submit billback payment requests according to the following timetable (minimum quarterly payment is $25.00): January 1 - March 31 Payment Requests due no later than 5/15/13 April 1 - June 30 Payment Requests due no later than 8/15/13 July 1 - September 30 Payment Requests due no later than 11/15/13 October 1 - December 31 Payment Requests due no later than 2/15/14 •Payment Requests must include: Signed or approved POG copy and appropriate Wholesaler “Spin Reports” •Rebate to be paid based on what is uniformly planogrammed in at least 75% of account stores •This program must be signed and on file with the Broker Office ______________________ ________ ____________________________ Account Name Total # of Stores Account Signature _________ Date _________________________ ____________________________ ________ Broker Name/Signature BCB Customer Business Manager Name/Signature Date POG Item Description Eff. Date # Stores %Total Ship Date __________________________ ________ _________ ________ ________ __________________________ ________ _________ _________ ________ __________________________ ________ _________ _________ ________ __________________________ ________ _________ _________ ________ __________________________ ________ _________ _________ ________ __________________________ ________ _________ _________ ________ All Allowances on this program are in addition to any other promotional allowances. Program is in effect from date signed until 12/31/13 and may be canceled by participant or Bazooka Candy Brands at any time. 2013 TURKEY CREEK SNACKS PROGRAM FOR CONVENIENCE STORES TURKEY CREEK has some of the best quality pork skins and cracklins on the market today. We have put a program together for convenience groups only. This program consists of Introductory Allowance, Accrual Programs, and Promotional Activities each quarter for your stores. The program is as follows: I. II. III. INTRO: ACCRUAL: RACK: Ten dollars per store. You have #_________ stores and your intro for putting Turkey Creek items in will be $______________. Requirement: Must purchase at least 4 items on the small pole and 8 items on the large pole and list store name and complete address. Your accrual will be paid quarterly on all cases sold during that time. Your accrual will be .25 per case and in the form of a bill back. A. We also have a small post rack made of wood that holds 4 cases of product. I need # _________ small racks. B. We also have a large post rack made of wood that holds 8 cases of product. I need # __________ large post racks. When ordering allow at least four to six weeks lead time to get the post rack or the shelf rack. These displays are free of charge with one-year service agreement. Summary: No other Pork Skin Company has a more complete program than Turkey Creek Snacks. We have quality packaging, quality product and now quality racks to sell our products on. We also have the best money program anywhere today. Store Name: __________________________________ Date: _______________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ POTATO CHIPS AND SNACKS 2013 REBATE PROGRAM (Jan. 1- Dec. 31, 2013) Uncle Ray’s extends the following rebate program to _____________________________with _____ stores purchasing Uncle Ray’s through the following distributor _______________________________________. Program Specifications: Uncle Ray’s will offer a __3%__ rebate on net sales to be paid twice a year provided the qualifications listed below have been met. This rebate will apply to all Uncle Ray’s SKU’s unless specified below: _______________________________________________________________. **PLEASE FAX COMPLETED CONTRACTS TO (865) 381-0688** Qualifications: 1. Retailer agrees to implement mutually agreed upon POG with a minimum of 9 SKU’s in all locations. 2. Retailer agrees to place a 3’ Uncle Ray’s rack in a primary location and/or at least a 4’ section of Uncle Ray’s in a primary position within aisle gondola. 3. Retailer agrees to participate with Uncle Rays tie in promotion at least 2 times per year. 4. Retailer agrees to provide Uncle Ray’s with a volume/spin report by item annually. 5. Other (Promos):________________________________________________________________. Random audits will be performed by Uncle Ray’s representatives to verify compliance. Any deviation or non-compliance will result in forfeiture of the program. Payment process: Payment for this program shall be by check to _____________________________________ by Uncle Ray’s, LLC except where otherwise noted upon proof of performance. Payment requests must be made to the Uncle Ray’s account representative by the customer or their wholesaler within 45 days of the end of the incentive period or the retailer automatically waives his/her rights to such payments. In the event that the customer/account discontinues Uncle Ray’s products prior to the end of this agreement, no pro rata payment will be paid to this account. 1st Half: June 30, 2013 / 2nd Half: December 31, 2013 Chain / Customer Name ___________________________Customer #____________ # Stores ______ Complete Mailing Address:_____________________________________________________________ Authorized Name (PRINT) __________________Signature _________________ Date ___/____/____ Title __________________ Phone # __________ E-mail _____________*Signed copy kept on file at Rep’s office Warehouse _________________Wholesaler Contact ______________ E-mail________________ Broker _______________ Broker Contact Name ___________Uncle Rays Salesperson____________ Date: ___/____/____ ***Chains of 5 stores or more qualify*** _________________________________________________________________________ 1st Half Rebate: $_____________ X ______ = $__________ + _____________ X______ = $__________ TOTAL OWED 1ST HALF =$ __________ DATE APPLIED FOR________ *MOVEMENT ATTACHED AND SIGNED REBATE ON FILE AT BROKER’S AND/OR UR REP’S OFFICE 2nd Half Rebate: $_____________ X ______ = $__________ + _____________ X______ = $__________ TOTAL OWED 2ND HALF =$__________ DATE APPLIED FOR________ *MOVEMENT ATTACHED AND SIGNED REBATE ON FILE AT BROKER’S AND/OR UR REP’S OFFICE