LOCATED ON THE CORNER OF 3RD STREET S. AND 9TH AVENUE S. Hours: PARISH OFFICE Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm Closed Tuesday from 1:00pm - 3:00pm 475 9th Avenue South Naples, Florida 34102 T: 239-262-4256 F: 239-262-4296 www.naplesstann.com TWENTY NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST. JOACHIM CHAPEL (ADJACENT TO PARISH OFFICE) Monday - Friday Hours 8:30am - 4:00pm OCTOBER 16, 2016 LITURGY SCHEDULE SATURDAY VIGIL .................................................................................................................. 4:00PM SUNDAY .................................................................................... 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM, 6:00PM DAILY .................................................................... MONDAY - Thursday, SATURDAY 8:00AM …………………………………………………………………………………………………..FRIDAY 8:30AM AS OF JANUARY 2, 2017 THE MORNING DAILY MASS WILL BE HELD AT 9:00am MONDAY - SATURDAY HOLY DAY .............................................................................. (CONSULT BULLETIN FOR TIMES) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION (St. JOACHIM Chapel) ............ EVERY FRIDAY 9:15AM TO 11:30AM RECONCILIATION WEDNESDAY (IN THE PARISH OFFICE) .....................................................................................................................1:00PM - 3:00PM SATURDAY (IN THE CHURCH)……………………………………………………………………………………………2:30PM - 3:45PM ALSO AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT ANOINTING OF THE SICK FIRST SATURDAY ............................................................................................................................... 8:00AM ALSO AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT VISION STATEMENT: To be a spirit-filled people who Live Jesus, in a community of stewardship, welcoming all to the presence of God. MISSION STATEMENT: As the wellspring of Catholic faith in Collier County, our Parish family continues to offer welcome and living VISION To be aChrist spirit-filled people whoothers Live Jesus, a of community ofpracticing stewardship, welcoming water by sharingSTATEMENT: the Word of God, celebrating in the Eucharist, serving with the in gifts the Spirit, and faithful stewardship. all to the presence of God. MISSION STATEMENT: As the wellspring of Catholic faith in Collier County, our Parish family continues to offer welcome and living water sharing the Word of God, celebrating Christ inDE the Eucharist, serving others with SAINT ANNby IS ADMINISTERED BY THE OBLATES OF SAINT FRANCIS SALES, CONGREGATION OF PRIESTS AND BROTHERS DEDICATED TO THE SPIRIT OF the gifts of the Spirit,Aand practicing faithful stewardship. SAINT FRANCIS DE SALES AND THEIR FOUNDER BLESSED LOUIS BRISSON. St.Ann AnnCatholic CatholicParish ParishininNaples, Naples,Inc., Inc.,a aFlorida Floridanon-profit non-profitcorporation corporation St. WELCOME TO SAINT ANN PARISH We congratulate the newest baptized members of the Catholic Church Baptized October 7, 2016 Marilyn Leigh Kelley Daughter of Matthew and Leigh Ann Kelley Baptized October 8, 2016 Robert Harry Elwell Son of Mark and Lauren Elwell Baptized October 9, 2016 Shalane Grace Barone Daughter of Daniel and Cassie Barone Emma Rose Pierce Daughter of Jessica Mann UPCOMING AT SAINT ANN SAINT ANN CATHOLIC CHURCH 475 9th Avenue South Naples, Florida 34102 239-262-4256 PASTORAL STAFF PASTOR Rev. Michael C. Vannicola, O.S.F.S. ..................... Ext. 201 FatherMichael@naplesstann.com PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Joseph P. Jocco, O.S.F.S. ............................ Ext. 200 Vicar1@naplesstann.com Rev. William E. Davis, O.S.F.S. ........................... Ext. 200 Vicar3@naplesstann.com RETIRED PRIEST In RESIDENCE Rev. Thomas J. Gillespie, O.S.F.S. ....................... Ext. 200 Vicar2@naplesstann.com RETIRED PARISH DEACON Deacon M. Donald Healy .................................... Ext. 200 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT to the PASTOR/ OFFICE MANAGER Mrs. Karen Reeb Hedstrom ................................. Ext. 201 secretary@naplesstann.com COMMUNICATIONS cooRDINator Mr. John Esquivel .............................................. Ext. 206 communications@naplesstann.com DIRECTOR OF LITURGY AND MUSIC Mr. M. Raymond Santiago .................................. Ext. 209 liturgy@naplesstann.com DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION Ms. Sybil Jean Steuart ....................................... Ext. 203 faithformation@naplesstann.com BUSINESS MANAGER Mrs. Barbara Szwed ........................................... Ext. 207 bookkeeper@naplesstann.com FACILITIES MANAGER Mr. Victor Mundia .............................................. Ext. 208 facilities@naplesstann.com PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Chair: Mrs. Maureen Minker ............................... 777-7118 B.J. Barone, Katy Esquivel, Natalie Kraemer (Vice Chair), Florence Little, Bettina McKee, Liz Ross (Secretary), Leo Stec PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Chair: Ms. Bettina McKee .................................... 261-6258 Jack Conroy, Tim Conroy, Bailey Geeslin, Dan Herrick, Stacey Moody (Secretary), Brett Oley SAINT ANN SCHOOL 542 8 th Ave. S., Naples, FL 34102 (239) 262-4110 Pre-K3 through Grade 8 Mrs. Gina Groch (Principal) .............................. Ext. 303 GGroch@stann.net October 2016 16 Sunday: Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Respect Life Sunday St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive - distributing grocery bags following all Masses (Church) Religious Education - Family Sessions 9:30am (Rooney Hall) Baptism Preparation Session 2:00pm (Rooney Hall) 17 Monday: Contem plative P rayer Group 7:00pm (Chapel) 18 Tuesday: Tuesday M orning Coffee 8:30am (Rooney Hall) Teaching Tuesday Series: Mercy: God’s Nature Our Challenge - 9:30am (Rooney Hall) Bereavement Support Group ll 4:00pm (Chapel) 19 Wednesday: Adult Choir P ractice 6:30pm (Rooney Hall) 22 Saturday: Fall Festival 11:00am (Jubilee Ctr.) 23 Sunday: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Tim e Ministry Fair following all Masses (Church) K of C Pancake Breakfast following 7:30am and 9:00am Masses (Rooney Hall) St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive - collection of grocery bags following all Masses (Church) 24 Monday: Contem plative P rayer Session 7:00pm (Chapel) 25 Tuesday: Tuesday M orning Coffee 8:30am (Rooney Hall) Teaching Tuesday Series: Mercy: God’s Nature Our Challenge - 9:30am (Rooney Hall) 26 Wednesday: Adult Choir P ractice 6:30pm (Rooney Hall) 30 Sunday: Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Tim e Doughnut Sunday following 9:00am and 11:00am Masses (Rooney Hall) Saint Ann School Saints Mass 11:00am (Church) STEWARDSHIP: A WAY OF LIFE Sunday October 9, 2016 1st Collection: $ 13,901.00 Scholarship Collection: $ 2,493.00 This Sunday last year 1st Collection: $ 15,220.00 Scholarship Collection: $ 2,697.00 This Week October 16th: Scholarship Collection Next Week October 23rd: W orld M ission Sunday Saint Ann Parish QR Code: Scan this QR (Quick Response) code with your smart phone camera and you will immediately access www.naplesstann.com. DEPENDING ON GOD "Getting by with a little help from our friends" is not an idea that began with the Beatles. Certainly the idea of "getting by with a little help from God" goes back at least to the first reading today from Exodus. How we get that help, however, is the key to this weekend's scriptures. No matter how inadequate Moses felt to the task God had given him, he persevered--even though he needed help from the people around him. The Israelites especially depended on God for freedom. The woman in the Gospel, desperate and destitute, had no one to depend on, but still she would not give up. She could not afford to bribe the unscrupulous judge, but she pestered him into weariness until finally he met her demands. We sometimes need to turn to others to help us through difficult times; but if we always turn to God, we won't be disappointed, for our help, the psalm assures us, is from the Lord. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading: As long as M oses' hands w ere k ept uplifted, Joshua and his men had the better part of the battle with Amalek (Exodus 17:8-13). Psalm: Our help is from the Lord, w ho m ade heaven and earth (Psalm 121). Second Reading: R em ain faithful; proclaim the word; be persistent whether it is convenient or not (2 Timothy 3:14 -- 4:2). Gospel: God w ill secure the rights of the chosen who call out day and night (Luke 18:1-8). MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS October 2016 MONDAY October 10 Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 8:00 A.M. Cheryl Swift TUESDAY October 11 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 8:00 A.M. Volunteers & Benefactors of Providence House WEDNESDAY October 12 Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 8:00 A.M. † Marie Ewen THURSDAY October 13 Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 8:00 A.M. For the Souls in Purgatory FRIDAY October 14 Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 8:30 A.M. Mary Roszko SATURDAY October 15 Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 8:00 A.M. † Robin Ledbetter 4:00 P.M. † Robert Day SUNDAY October 16 Sir 35:12-14, 16-18; Ps 34:2-3, 17-19, 23; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18; Lk 18:9-14 7:30 A.M. People of Saint Ann 9:00 A.M. † John Fee 11:00 A.M. † Betty Tanner 6:00 P.M. † Francis Lori, Jr. Saint Francis de Sales PARISH MINISTRIES Altar Servers/Eucharistic Ministers/Lectors and Sacristans (Scheduling) Mr. M. Raymond Santiago................................................... 262-4256 Arimatheans Mr. M. Raymond Santiago................................................... 262-4256 Adult/Youth Choir Mr. M. Raymond Santiago................................................... 262-4256 Bereavement Mr. Paul Timko .................................................................. 262-4640 Ms. Cathie Mollo ............................................................... 250-8979 Mrs. Tina Tyler .................................................................. 682-2032 Homebound Ministry Mrs. Irma Lesser ................................................................ 262-5810 Hospital Ministry Mrs. Karen Reeb Hedstrom ................................................. 262-4256 Social Committee Mrs. Natalie Kraemer ......................................................... 595-4211 Ushers Mr. Lou Carran................................................................... 370-0885 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Contemplative Prayer Group Mrs. Irma Lesser ................................................................ 262-5810 Gabriel Project Mrs. Carol Dangler ............................................................. 601-7330 Lay Carmelites Mrs. Irma Lesser ................................................................ 262-5810 Family-2-Family Mrs. Carol March ................................................................ 417-0983 gratefulgators@comcast.net Respect Life Mrs. Loretta Huenefeld ....................................................... 262-8953 Mrs. Kathy Bartels .............................................................. 262-3271 ORGANIZATIONS WITH PARISH AFFILIATION Catholic Charities of Collier County Ms. Allegra Belliard............................................................. 793-0059 Crisis Pregnancy Line—Local 777-8343 Knights of Columbus Mr. Thomas Snyder ............................................................ 784-0774 M.O.M.S. Church Office ..................................................................... 262-4256 Saint Vincent de Paul Administrative Offices ........................................................ 775-1667 ORGANIZATIONS ENDORSED BY THE PARISH Community Pregnancy Clinic (Formerly Collier Pregnancy Center) Mr. Gary Ingold ................................................................. 450-5852 Hope for Haiti Mrs. JoAnne Kuehner ......................................................... 434-7183 Mother Frances de Sales Auxiliary to the Homeless Mrs. Rebecca Foxhoven ...................................................... 434-0102 Providence House Mrs. Nancy Farren .............................................................. 434-0579 Saint Ann School Foundation Mrs. Pamela Macia ............................................................. 595-3495 NOVEMBER 2013 OCTOBER 16,10, 2016 Page 4 FROM OUR BISHOP OCTOBER 16, 2016 Father Michael Vannicola OSFS Page 5 FROM OUR PASTOR Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Marcia Skelley is a new parishioner to us. She comes to us from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan where she had been a member of Saint Hugo of the Hills Catholic Church for over twenty years. Marcia was kind enough to share with me a beautiful stewardship prayer recited after each Mass there. She wrote in her letter to me that she found it so encouraging. I must admit that after I read it, I did too. I share the prayer with you below. It reminds us that a parish is its people and that if we are amazing in what we bring to our parish, then our parish will be amazing. Thank you so much, Marcia, for bringing the best of your former parish to us and Welcome to Saint Ann! Sincerely yours, Father Michael My parish is composed of people like me. I help make it what it is. It will be friendly, if I am. It will be holy, if I am. Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them. It will do great work, if I work. It will be prayerful, if I pray. It will make generous gifts to many causes if I am a generous giver. It will bring others into worship, if I invite and bring them. It will be a parish of loyalty and love, of fearlessness and faith, of compassion, charity and mercy, if I, who make it what it is, am filled with these same things. Therefore, with the help of God, I now dedicate myself to the task of being all things that I want my parish to be. Eucharistic Ministers Contemplative Prayer Group: Meets on Mondays at 7:30pm In Saint Joachim Chapel. Please check in with the sacristan prior to Mass in case your service is needed. Should you have any questions, please contact Raymond Santiago at (239) 262-4256. SAINT ANN CATHOLIC CHURCH MINISTRY FAIR Sunday, October 23, 2016 “The Harvest Is Abundant But The Laborers Are Few” Luke 10:2 The Lord may be calling you as a good steward to help in one of our ministries. Please prayerfully consider giving your time and talent by volunteering in a parish ministry. Sign up after mass on Sunday, October 23. Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! OCTOBER 16, 2016 Page 6 Salesian Perspective Rev. Michael S. Murray, OSFS “Preaching the Word and perseverance in praying” Salesian Perspective Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 16, 2016 You and I are the Church because of our baptism. As our Holy Father has reminded us, we have a baptismal responsibility to participate in the worldwide missionary task of the Church. Half the people of the world have yet to hear of Jesus’ message of salvation. We have not been called to pack up and preach the Word in foreign lands. But we can participate in the missionary task. We can pray daily for our brothers and sisters who have chosen to minister the Word around the world. Their task is often difficult; we can pray that they do not lose heart as they minister. We can also offer them financial assistance in their task. Many of the people they serve earn less than a dollar a day. These are our brothers and sisters in need - and we can help them. The Scriptures today speak of perseverance - perseverance in the task of preaching the Word and perseverance in praying. The image of Moses interceding for God’s people offers us some instruction about our community prayer. As Moses became weak and weary, Aaron and Hur held up his hands. Sometimes we come to community prayer weak and weary. The voices of our sisters and brothers help us to persevere in praying. Listening to God’s word each day inspires us as we continue our baptismal commission to live and preach the Good News. And what about our prayers of intercession? Do we believe that God cares enough to listen to us? Do we believe that God answers our prayers, even if it’s not always the answer we’re expecting? Or do we tend to lose heart after praying a few times? Jesus’ question to his disciples in today’s Gospel is a question put to us: When I return, will I find you faithful, persevering? Or will I find that you have abandoned your trust in my love? How we choose to live each day is the only answer we can give. May we pray each day for those who preach the Gospel throughout the world. And may we persevere each day, trusting in God’s love for us, and not losing heart. SAVE THE DATE PROVIDENCE HOUSE LUNCHEON Saturday, November 12, 2016 Call: 239-692-8779 Email: info@providencehousenaples.org A TEACHING TUESDAY SERIES A Teaching Tuesday Series: Mercy: God’s Nature, Our Challenge: An Alive in the Word Study Instructor: Father Joseph P. Jocco, OSFS Jesus calls us to be merciful as our heavenly Father is merciful. Explore Scripture that illustrates the meaning of Mercy then and now. Join Father Joe Jocco for this 3 week book study for the Year of Mercy. Rooney Hall at 9:30am on Tuesday - October 18, October 25, and November 8. RSVP Sybil Steuart, Director of Faith Formation at (239) 262-4256 Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! OCTOBER 16, 2016 Page 7 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, October 23, 2016 Reflections on Scripture Jack Conroy, Ph.D. I. Sirach 35:12-14, 16-18 What must underlie "Ritual?" This book was written about 132 BC, and was a "traditionalist's" response to the influence of the Greeks who then ruled Judea and Jerusalem. For him, "Wisdom" was not that offered by the Greeks, but that offered by living in joyful conformity with Torah, the Law. The verses immediately preceding these speak of the proper attitude of those who offer sacrifice in the Temple, in accordance with Torah. The verses we read express the confidence of the author that God recognizes authenticity behind prayer and the gifts of sacrifice. It is a condemnation of ritualism made empty by a formalistic attitude. There is also a "variant" reading: For "He who serves God willingly is heard," some texts read: "He who does a service (for his neighbor) is heard." Good, sound "Christianity." II. II Timothy, 4:6-8, 16-18 When are we "alone?" We see a model of a saintly attitude when facing death, and the common Early Christian expectation of the "Day" of the Lord, when He returns in Glory. There is a deep sadness when we see the obvious disappointment at the desertion of Paul by all his friends when he was brought into court; we also see his prayer that this offence will be forgiven them. For he was not alone; the Lord stood by him, and ultimately delivered him. Can we see the value of the model that is offered? Those upon whom we count will, at times, desert us, will not act as we would have expected. We will be left alone to confront a major problem. But are we "alone?" Paul did not think he was; and he offered praise and glory to the Lord who stood by his side. III. Luke 18:9-14 With whom do we identify? This famous parable occurs only in Luke, where Jesus compares the actions of a person generally held in high regard with those of a person who was despised, a hated tax collector. The Pharisees were popular and were recognized as attempting to apply the Law of God to their lives. Hence, the "inversion" that Jesus suggests must have surprised everyone! But this theme, the humbling of the exalted and the exaltation of the humble, is a popular theme, both for Luke and for Matthew. We recently read virtually the same last sentence in the parable of those attending a feast. We, of course, want to identify with the "good guys." But we must ask, "Who is the "good guy?" Who are the "Pharisees" of Catholicism today? If Jesus walked into our Church during a Liturgy, what would He see in our hearts? Recognize that the Taxcollector achieved "justification," or "the right relationship with God," which was precisely what the Pharisee was attempting to achieve. The issue becomes, just how do we achieve the "right relationship" with God? Do we do so through formalism or through an authentic selfunderstanding and a plea for God's mercy, recognizing our own sins, faults and shortcomings. We know Jesus' answer to this! Can we incorporate this in our lives? Society of Saint Vincent de Paul/ Saint Ann Conference October Food Drive The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul will sponsor the October Saint Ann Food Drive for the needy during the weekend of October 22/23, 2016. In previous years Saint Ann parishioners have contributed over 1,000 grocery bags full of nonperishable food for the Saint Vincent de Paul food pantry. This year our needs to assist those families who are facing difficult economic conditions in our Naples and Collier County parishes are just as great. On October 15/16, 2016 the Saint Ann Conference will be handing out empty reusable grocery bags and information about the types of non-perishable foods that are needed for the food pantry. We will have volunteers and Saint Ann students at each of the church doors after Mass to distribute bags to those who will use them for their food donations the following weekend. Please return our reusable grocery bags for the next Food Drive in March 2017. Please bring all your food donations to Saint Annʼs parking lot prior to all Masses on Saturday, October 22 or Sunday, October 23, 2016. Assistance will be provided by our volunteers and the Saint Ann School Minnie Vinnies, our Saint Vincent de Paul youth group, who will carry your food bags to the collection point. We also will be collecting clean clothing. Saint Vincent de Paul appreciates donations of cars and boats. Thank you for your generosity. Paul Gladdys, Saint Ann Food Coordinator at (239) 293 -7955. Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! OCTOBER 16, 2016 Page 8 The Social Committee Tuesday Morning Coffee Following 8:00am Mass Sunday Doughnuts returns on October 30th Following 9:00am and 11:00am Masses (Rooney Hall) “Reputation is rarely proportioned to virtue.” - St. Francis de Sales Saint Ann Parish Adult Choir We welcome back all our members with great enthusiasm and encourage parishioner to consider this vital and rewarding ministry. Singing the Liturgy is a privilege for the members and inspirational to the congregation. Rehearsals are every Wednesday, at 6:30pm in Rooney Hall. If you have any questions, please contact Raymond Santiago at 262-4256 or email litugy@naplesstann.com. Saint Ann’s Tabernacle Candle Light of the world In the month of October the candle is lit in memory of John and Doris McNally “I am the Light of the world.” The candle burning outside the tabernacle is a sign of the real sacramental presence of Jesus in our midst. It burns continuously to remind us that we are always in God’s presence and that he is always in ours as Light and Peace. Parishioners are invited to contribute to keeping this reminder of God’s presence in our midst brightly burning as a memorial to a loved one for a month. The name of those memorialized will be printed in the weekly bulletin. The suggested donation is $55.00 for a month. Please contact the parish office for more information or to arrange for a monthly memorial. Homebound Parishioners If you are homebound and currently not receiving Holy Communion from an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, please call the Parish Office at (239) 262-4256. We will be happy to have you placed on the visitation schedule. If you would like to have one of the priests visit you to administer the Sacrament of the Sick or to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, contact the Parish Office. Tribute To Our Military Bereavement Support Saint Ann Phase l Bereavement Support: This group will serve those who have experienced a more recent loss or still feel they may need more help. The goal is to assist the bereaved through the stages of their grief. Contact Paul Timko at (239) 262-4640 or Cathie Mollo at (239) 435-0873 to learn about the next scheduled class. Registration is required! Saint Ann Phase ll Bereavement Support: This group is normally for those individuals who have completed Phase 1 Bereavement Support. Find support in the loss of a loved one. The Bereavement Support Group usually meets the first and third Tuesday of each month in the Saint Joachim Chapel from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Contact: Cathie Mollo at (239) 435-0873 and Tina Tyler at (239) 682-2032. We offer prayers and thanks to all men and women currently serving in the United States military. If you have a loved one serving in our military, please call or email us their name and rank so that we can pray for them. Captain Christopher J. Bolgar, Army; Captain Max Caggiano, USMC; SSGT Vincent Colombo; LCP Marc Dinanno, USMC; Sr. Airman Thomas Dolan; Lt Paul Farnan, OS2 Drew E. Gowdey, USN, Daniel Holder, Army, Sgt. Eric Ridley Justice, USAF, USN; E6 Tech Sgt. Andrew LeBlanc, Matthew Malecky, USAF; 2nd Lt Connor Mulhere, Army; Major Jason P. Ward, USAF; Katie Yancosek, Army. Please consider signing up for electronic giving. Saint Ann relies on the financial support of the congregation and electronic giving offers an easy way to give on a recurring basis. Please contact the parish office at (239) 262-4256 for details. Thank you! OCTOBER 16, 2016 Page 9 SAINT ANN SCHOOL Attention All Bakers We Need Your Help We are in need of Baked Goods: Cakes, Pies, Cup Cakes and Etc. For additional information please contact Natalie Kraemer at (239) 595-4211. Thank you so much... Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! OCTOBER 16, 2016 Page 10 11079 Saint Ann Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs and Sausage served with Orange Juice and Coffee. Admission is only $6.00 per person and $15.00 per family. Sunday, October 23rd, following 7:30AM & 9:00AM Masses (Rooney Hall). Mark your calendars for the Celtic Music Program’s events this fall: Fall Concert: October 26 @ 7pm Spaghetti Dinner with Jazz Music: November 12 @ 5pm For more information, contact Angela Currier, Music Director at acurrier@sjnceltics.org Annual Kristallnacht Commemoration The Catholic Jewish Dialogue of Collier County The Catholic Jewish Dialogue of Collier County will hold its annual Kristallnacht Commemoration at 2:30p.m. on Sunday, November 13 at Temple Shalom, 4630 Pine Ridge Road, Naples. This event is held each year on the Sunday closest to the historical date of November 9, 1938 of Kristallnacht, when on that horrible night, the Nazi government prodded gangs of thugs to attack Jewish neighborhoods, businesses and synagogues across all of Germany. To put it in context, think of the riots in Ferguson, Baltimore and Milwaukee multiplied by a few hundred, all going on at the same time. Coincidentally, like the U.S. riots in response to a police shooting, the Kristallnacht riots were allegedly sparked by the murder of a German diplomat in Paris by a distraught Jewish man. When it was over the government blamed the Jews themselves and fined them for the damages. The program this year will feature music and a multimedia presentation of first-hand accounts of the Night of Broken Glass, "Shattered and Broken." All are welcome. Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! OCTOBER 16, 2016 Page 11 RESPECT LIFE MONTH October is designated as Respect Life Month The Rosary is recited (7:20am) Prior to the Daily Mass (Saint Ann Church) Mondays Monday Mornings From 9:00am—1:00pm there is a Prayer Vigil in front of the Planned Parenthood at the corner of Creech and Goodlette - Frank roads in Naples. “It is the role of all of us to respond to and face the evil that is abortion,” the Bishop said “We are called to stand up and be a witness to God’s love and mercy, and to share that witness with those around us.” Monday Evenings From 7:00pm - 8:30pm in the Saint Joachim Chapel, there is a Contemplate Prayer Group Fridays Friday Mornings Following 8:30am Mass - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 11:00am in the Saint Joachim Chapel. Please consider joining fellow Parishioners as we celebrate Respect for Life. For additional information, please feel free to contact: Loretta Huenefeld at (239) 290-0998 or Kathy Bartels at (239) 262-3271. Thank you. OCTOBER 16, 2016 Page 12 SAINT ANN SCHOOL Happy Birthday, Father Michael! The school sang “Happy Birthday” to Father Michael after morning prayer. View the video on our Facebook! One nation under God! 1st grade students learn about the Pledge of Allegiance. Our Anniversary! Sister Maureen teaches 2nd grade religion class about the story of Moses. Saint Ann Catholic School (239) 262-4110 facebook.com/SaintAnnSchool ~ www.stann.net Excellence in education of spirit, mind, and body since 1956! Live Jesus Forever and Ever Amen! OCTOBER 16, 2016 PAGE 13 New Members: To those of you w ho are new to Naples or to the parish, welcome to Saint Ann! We are an active and vibrant parish. To initiate the registration process, please register on our website at naplesstann.com. You may alternately complete a form and drop it into the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office. Any usher will be happy to show you where the forms are located. To All Registered Parishioners: W eek ly donations are tracked through the envelope system, that is, through your parish registration number. This is one reason we encourage all to register with us regardless of whether you are full-time or seasonal parishioners. Please call the parish office if your address changes. This saves us postage and keeps our census up-to-date. It may take up to eight weeks to make changes. Thank you. Electronic Giving: W ould you find it helpful to have your donations to Saint Ann Church debited directly from your bank account or credit card as you do with other monthly bills? Saint Ann offers electronic giving for those who wish to have your contribution transferred electronically to the church. If you are a seasonal parishioner, this is particularly helpful in keeping up with your intended offerings. Electronic giving makes life easier for you and yields significant benefits for your church. You can sign up for Electronic Giving at any time by completing an authorization form which is available in the parish office. Saint Ann Phase l Bereavement Support: This group will serve those who have experienced a more recent loss or still feel they may need more help. The goal is to assist the bereaved through the stages of their grief. Contact Paul Timko at 239-262-4640 or Cathie Mollo at 239-435-0873 to learn about the next scheduled class. Registration is required! Saint Ann Phase ll Bereavement Support: This group is normally for those individuals who have completed Phase 1 Bereavement Support. Find support in the loss of a loved one. The Bereavement Support Group usually meets the first and third Tuesday of each month in the Saint Joachim Chapel from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Contact: Cathie Mollo at 239-250-8979 and Tina Tyler 239-682 -2032. Contemplative Prayer Group: All are w elcom e to join in “quiet time” before the Blessed Sacrament and to pray the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. The Prayer group normally meets Monday evenings in Saint Joachim Chapel from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Contact: Irma Lesser at 239-262-5810. Prayer Line: I s there som eone you w ant the Contem plative Prayer Group to pray for? Contact Karen Reeb Hedstrom at 239262-4256. Faith Formation: Meeting days and times for programs etc. are as follows: Faith Formation classes K - 8 are held Sunday morning, 9:30am - 12:00pm. 9th-10th Grade, Confirmation, First Communion and First Reconciliation programs meet on select Sunday afternoons during the school year. RCIA attends night classes. Contact Sybil Steuart or call 239-262-4256, Ext. 203. Gabriel Project: Gabriel P roject is a friendship and m entoring program for pregnant women. If you need assistance or would like to volunteer, contact 239-601-7330. Volunteers are also needed to drive women to doctor’s appointments. Contact: Carol Dangler. Safe Environment: As part of the Safe Environment Program, the Diocese of Venice requires that all employees and those volunteers who work with children and/or vulnerable adults be fingerprinted and trained in Safe Environment. For further information, visit the Diocesan website at www.dioceseofvenice.org. Report all abuse to the Florida Department of Children and Families 800-962-2873. To report abuse by Diocesan personnel or volunteers, call the Diocesan Victims Assistance Coordinator, Barbara Di Cocco at 941-416-6114. Retrouvaille: M arriage in crisis? R etrouvaille can help. Call 800-470-2230, or go to www.HelpOurMarriage.com. Sick and Homebound: I f you or a loved one is hospitalized or homebound, please contact the Parish Office to arrange for the reception of the Eucharist and/or for the Anointing of the Sick. PARISH INFORMATION Holy Orders and Religious Life: Any m em ber of the parish staff is willing to assist you if you are considering a vocation as a Sister, Brother or priest in a religious order, or as a deacon or priest in a diocese. In addition, the vocation directors of the Oblates and of the Diocese of Venice are available for assistance in discernment. For the Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales, contact Father Alan Zobler, O.S.F.S., 419-724-9851 or at zobler@oblates.us. For the Diocese of Venice, contact Father Cory Mayer, 941-484-9543 Mayer @dioceseofvenice.org. Bulletin Announcements are to be subm itted by em ail to Bulletin Editor John Esquivel at communications@naplesstann.com by 9:00 am Thursday, ten days prior to the requested publication date. Announcements normally run in the bulletin for three weeks and are edited as space permits. Ads: Contact J.S. Paluch Co. at 800-432-3240 www.jspaluch.com. Infant Baptism: R egistered parishioners should contact the Faith Formation Office at least three months prior to the planned Baptism 239-262-4256, Ext. 203 or faithformation@naplesstann.com. Godparent documentation must be received at least two weeks prior to the scheduled baptism. Parent(s) requesting Infant Baptism for the first time at St. Ann’s parish are to attend and complete a required, scheduled parish Baptismal Preparation program. If for some reason, the parents are unable to attend the required program, they are to contact the Faith Formation Office to reschedule the date of the Baptism until a time after this requirement is met. Infant Baptism may be held in or outside of Sunday Mass. Children over 7 are normally baptized through the RCIA process which culminates at Easter. Marriage: Couples w ishing to m arry m ust m eet w ith a priest before setting a date and at least six months in advance of an anticipated wedding in order to complete the preparation process. For residents of Collier County, one member of the engaged couple must already be a registered Saint Ann parishioner for at least six months before the couple can make a request to be married here. A couple may also request to be married here if a parent or grandparent of either the bride or groom is a regular practicing parishioner. In this case they must have the permission of both their Pastor/Administrator and the Pastor of Saint Ann and will usually complete their marriage preparation in their parish of origin. Contact: The Parish Office. Funerals: After a funeral director has been contacted but before any arrangements have been made public, please contact the Parish Office in order to arrange for a funeral time, vigil service and liturgy planning. Contact: Karen Reeb Hedstrom. Saint Ann Catholic School is seeking Certified Substitute Teachers for all grade levels (PK-8). Please forward resume with credentials to the Office Manager, Elizabeth Simoes, at lsimoes@stann.net Help Wanted: Catholic Charities is look ing for a videographer to help us produce two short videos: one the Judy Sullivan Family Resource Center, and the other one on the good works of Catholic Charities in Collier County. If you can help, please contact Mary Shaughnessy, at: maryshaugnessy@catholiccharitiescc.org, or call 239-455-2655. Live Jesus! 2016 PARISH OFFICE 239-262-4256 FAX 239-262-4296 WEBSITE w w w .naplesstann.com