August 14, 2016


August 14, 2016
Sat., 8/13
5:00 PM
Claire Herdin
Deacon Edward Sheridan
Edward Noack
Sun., 8/14
8:00 AM
Richard Welch
Tom Rentko
Edward Noack
10:30 AM
Strout and Feleky Families
Martha Entenmann
Louis DeLio
Mon., 8/15
8:30 AM
Ashley Cistaro
Marie Guglielmo
Tues., 8/16
8:30 AM
Ashley Cistaro
Wed., 8/17
8:30 AM
Philomena Payne
Thurs., 8/18
8:30 AM
Marie Guglielmo
Sat., 8/20
5:00 PM
Mary Driscoll
Peg Collins
Alice Gerepka
The People of the Parish
Sun., 8/21
8:00 AM
Edward Mahasky
Edward Noack
Tom Rentko
10:30 AM
Peg Collins
Louis DeLio
Arthur Coy
In honor of the Lord’s presence, our Sanctuary Lamp
will burn this week, beginning August 14th, for Philomena
Payne at the request of daughters Irene and Terry.
W elcomes
parishioners Goncalo and Liana M acedo.
…that after the 8:30 AM daily
Mass we pray the Rosary? All are
welcome, please join us!
The last day to drop off school supplies for the Samaritan in support to local charities is August 21st. Thank you for your generosity! Several pairs of glasses have been found at church. If you are missing any, please check the counter outside the secretary’s window. Any unclaimed glasses will be disposed of on Wednesday August 17th. SUNDAY, AUGUST 14th, 2016
First Reading: Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10
Jeremiah urged the people of Jerusalem to surrender to the
enemy. This angered the princes, who then requested that
Jeremiah be put to death. The king allowed the princes to leave
him in a cistern without food or water. But after Ebed-Melech
pleaded for Jeremiah's life, the king decided to free him.
Second Reading: Hebrews 12:1-4
This letter to the Hebrews inspires all Christians to persevere,
in spite of the trials they may face. Jesus endured much
suffering and was rewarded by God. Despite our struggles, we
must remember Jesus' ability to endure and maintain strong
faith in him.
Gospel: Luke 12:49-53
Jesus tells his disciples that his message will not bring peace to
the earth. Instead, even families will become sharply divided
because some members will embrace him, while others condemn
Our Weekly Collection
August 7th, 2016
$ 3,937.00
$ 1,953.00
$ 5,890.00
Weekly Collection Goal
$ 6,500.00
Week’s surplus/(deficit)
August 29 – Gourmet Café dine out fundraiser
September 14 – Playgroup begins
September 15 – Yoga class begins
September 15 – Town Hall Meetings (1 pm and 7 pm)
September 18 – Welcome Reception for Fr. David 10:30 am
• September 24, 25 – Ministry Fair
The next St. Ann Fundraising Committee meeting
will be Monday, August 22nd at 7:15 pm. All are
welcome! For more information, please contact Celia Coy
at 973-316-1777.
Please note that as of August 15th we will no longer be collecting eyeglasses for the needy. “Until you know deep inside that Jesus thirsts for you – you
can't begin to know who He wants to be for you. Or who He
wants you to be for Him.” (Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta)
8:00 AM MASS
10:30 AM MASS
8:30 AM MASS
10:30 AM Troy Hills Mass
6:00 PM CCD Teacher’s Meeting
8:30 AM MASS
12 NOON AA Meeting
8:30 AM MASS
4:15 PM Confessions
5:00 PM MASS
8:00 AM MASS
10:30 AM MASS
8:30 AM MASS
3:00 PM Care One
Pastor’s Corner
The Roar of the Thundering Kneelers
celebrating Mass. The pauses come when
the time arrives to kneel, stand, kneel, and stand again.
The noise of the kneelers going up and down can be quite
deafening at times. Therefore, I pause until the
rumbling settles down so that people can hear.
Let’s review how to lower and raise the
kneelers. Please use your feet, or hands if you want to
bend down, to gently lower and raise the kneelers. They
should go up and down silently or with a minimum of
noise. Dropping the kneelers only makes noise and can
lead to the kneelers eventually breaking.
For those who attended Catholic schools
populated with nuns…Did you ever have to stay after
Mass to practice putting down the kneelers silently?
Thanks for your cooperation.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
“To be permitted to take on the function of
sponsor (Godparent) a person must: be a Catholic who
has been confirmed and has already received the most
holy sacrament of the Eucharist and who leads a life of
faith in keeping with the function to be taken on” (Code
of Canon Law, Can. 874, §1, 3°).
Priests receive telephone calls about Baptism
all the time. When I speak with parents, I always ask if
they thought about Godparents. I then ask if the
Godparents received the Sacrament of Confirmation as
required by Canon Law. I use this Canon as a lure to
entice Catholics who are Baptized but not Confirmed, to
consider going through the RCIA process. You do not
need to be Confirmed to get married in the Catholic
Church, but you do need to be Confirmed to be a
The RCIA process here at St. Ann will start in
the fall. The sacraments will then be administered at
the upcoming Easter Vigil (Holy Saturday) on April 15,
2017. If you are interested in completing the
Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Holy
Communion, Confirmation) or if you know someone
needing any of the sacraments, please contact the
office and we will be in touch with you.
Fr. David
HOPE HOUSE items needed for AUGUST: pasta,
ketchup, peanut butter, spaghetti sauce, canned whole
kernel corn, baking mixes, mustard, juice, dishwashing
liquid, laundry detergent, toothpaste and deodorant.
M ark Your Calendar!
Join us for lunch or dinner at one of
Parsippany’s favorite Italian restaurants on Monday, August
29. Buy a meal, order takeout or get a gift card: 10% of all
proceeds will go to St. Ann Church. Spread the word and
definitely bring a friend (or two)! Reservations are strongly
recommended, and don’t forget the Gourmet Café is BYOB!
St Ann’s 7th Annual Craft Fair is November
18th and 19th. Now is a good time to think of
how YOU can be part of this event! Some
items needed are: afghans, knitted or
crocheted baby/children’s items, scarves, slippers, mittens,
hats, wooden toys, stools, Christmas ornaments, hand painted
items, holiday ceramics, and anything related to Thanksgiving
or Christmas. Please email Carolyn Ruban at to donate crafts or to work at the
Granny’s Attic is the perfect new home for that
picture frame, old jewelry, knick-knacks, books,
DVD’s, holiday decorations or whatever. This
year, St. Ann’s Craft Fair will open up the treasure cove on
November 18th and 19th. Items can be dropped off at the
Church library Monday-Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm or
after the weekend Masses. Remember: someone’s junk is
another person’s treasure.
Craft Fair Elves Need Your Help
St. Ann’s elves are in need of your new and
desirable items to fill the marvelous baskets for the
7th Annual Craft Fair tricky trays. Items as well as gift cards can
be dropped off at the office Mon-Fri between 9:00 am and 3:00
pm, or placed in the Church library on the weekend. Baskets,
colored tissue paper and shredded paper are also needed.
WANT TO BORROW: 2 ½’ x 6’ tables for St. Ann Craft Fair
DATE: November 18-19
CONTACT: Ginny Bissig (973-884-1986)
Sisters of Christian Charity 3rd Annual Golf Outing Please join us on Thursday, September 29, 2016 at the beautiful Cedar Hill Golf & Country Club in Livingston, NJ. For more information, please contact Casey Dolan at or call (973)-­‐543-­‐6528 ext. 313. You can also register online at by clicking on the link Third Annual Sisters of Christian C harity Golf Outing. In the U.S., the bishops
have received permission
to waive a holy day of
obligation when it falls
on a Saturday or Monday.
This year, August 15th is
a Monday therefore the
Feast of the Assumption of
the Blessed Virgin Mary is
not considered a Holy Day
of Obligation. You are all
encouraged to come and
pray to Our Blessed Mother
for Peace in our World.
If you wish to place a name on the Prayer List,
please call the Church Office (973-884-1986).
Prayer to Saint Raphael Angel of the Sick
May the Angel, Raphael, physician in care of our health, come
down from heaven to cure all who are sick, especially, Gail Egan,
Suzy Arnowicz, Dona Van, Irene Dekker, Rocco Martone, Susan
McSulla, Erin Cox, Roxanne Klein, Rachel Brzostowski, Alex
Garfinkel, Jack Gumersall, Jean Burge, Ben Spitzer, Patricia
Baio, Judy Grasso, Ioli DiTondo, Joseph Percoco, Bob Lapin,
Daniel Paglia, Kyle O’Brien, Mark Berkowitz, Alan Kohler,
Stefanie Appel, Anthony Michael LaSpina, Peyton Zitelli, Joseph
Bach, William DeGrosky, Marcia Kirincich, Ida Kelly, Margie
Benefico, Ralph Valentino, James McManamy, Christopher
Plaxe, Chang-Chang Chen, Sienna Ferrugio, Kendra Bramble,
Nancy Willans, Jane Zegarski, Andrew Bergman, Joan Lent,
Ethel Illuzzi, Gil Peterson, Jim Frederick, Sebastian Quinn, John
Oscovitch, Rosemary Hill, Linda Gearty, Megan Szaloczy,
George Loveland, Dorothy May, Niula Naughton, Norma Scinto,
Justin Brown, Rev. William Santeliz, Erika Gruisc, Fred
Seelmann, Mimi Mutty, Dana Pierce, John Mulhall, Emil
Schneider, Phyllis Wyks, Fr. John Pierce OFM, Robert Kanaley,
Catherine Montesano, Msgr. Leo Carey, Anita Nurge, Carla
Fresco, Mary Pat Kelly, Dwight Bellinger, Ree Feller, Susan
Katsekas, Lois Grablutz, Rudy Gottschalk. Be with us, O
Archangel, called the Medicine of God; drive away diseases of
the body and bring good health to our minds.
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us. Bless them, and
their families for the selfless acts they perform
for us in our time of need, and bring them home safely. May
their sacrifices bring about a lasting and just peace to those
lands. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Savior. Amen.
St. Ann pray for our men and women in the service.
“Qui bene cantat bis orat." “He who sings, prays twice”
(St. Augustine of Hippo)
St. Ann’s Adult Choir praises the Lord
through song and beautiful choral music, setting an
atmosphere of joyful reverence at Mass, and helping the
congregation encounter the risen Lord. From September
to June, the choir leads at Mass twice a month,
singing on either Saturday at 5:00 pm or Sunday at
10:30 am. Membership in the Adult Choir is open to all
adults, as well as high school graduates. Experience is not
necessary. Rehearsals resume in September and are on
Thursday nights at 7:00 PM. For more information and
rehearsal dates, please contact Elena Bocchino at
You are invited to “Rediscover Jesus”! St. Ann
Church will have a small group discussion on
Tuesdays 10 am – 11 am about this inspiring
book written by Matthew Kelly. Groups will
meet September 20 and 27, October 18 and 25 and November
8 and 15. For more information, please call Sr. Frances at
(973) 884-1986 ext. 202, or e-mail at
Religious Education News
After many pleas from the pulpit and requests in
the bulletin, no one has stepped up to the plate to
help with teaching classes. As a result, there will
only be one 1stGrade class (Mon. at 4:15 pm), and one each
of 4th Grade and 5th Grade classes (Wed. at 4:15 pm). Classes
that are too large will be divided thus: half will attend Sept.Dec., and half Jan.-May. It is not too late to volunteer! Please
call Sr. Frances at (973) 884-1986 ext. 202, or e-mail No registrations will be accepted
after August 20th.
St. Ann’s Confirmation Program is looking for 3 small group leaders for the Confirmation Program starting in the fall. Commitments: • 10 Sunday Sessions: 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/20, 11/27, 12/4 • Class Time: 9:00 – 10:15 am • 2 Training Sessions – 1 on the program schedule and 1 required Youth Protection course (VIRTUS). We use a video-­‐based program that provides students with all the religious-­‐based knowledge they need. Our small group leaders have discussions (using the questions provided) about how the program topics apply to our everyday lives. Please consider becoming part of our team. We promise it will be a rewarding experience! Please contact Mike Nicosia at stannym@saint-­‐ for more information. St. Ann’s Social Seniors meet on the 2nd and
4th Wednesday of the month at 11 AM at the
Parsippany Community Center on 1130 Knoll
Road in Lake Hiawatha. Parsippany residents 60 and older
are welcome. For information, call Emilio Prisco at 973887-6655. Come join the fun!
All Saints Academy has openings for September 2016 for
NJ certified Elementary, Special Ed. or Early Childhood
teachers and teacher aides for the After School Care
Program. All positions are part-time for Mon.-Fri., 2:30 pm-6 pm, and
include supervising approx. 40 children from preschool to grade 7. To
apply, please contact Mrs. Judy Berg at (973) 334-4704 or at
Around the Neighborhood
The Feast of Life Awaits You! This September, Sacred Doorways welcomes nationally acclaimed theologian, Rev. Richard Fragomeni to lead us in a wonderful four-­‐course meal retreat “Dining in the Kingdom – A Menu for the Feast of Life.” Choose from three dates and three locations across New Jersey: • Sunday, September 25, 2016 -­‐ 4:30 pm • Shrine of Saint Joseph, Stirling, NJ • Monday, September 26, 2016 -­‐ 6:30 pm Sapori Trattoria, Collingswood, NJ • Tuesday, September 27, 2016 – 6:30 pm Casa Filippo at White Sands Hotel, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ. Presented by Sacred Doorways co-­‐directed by Carol & Roger Pisani. For more information & registration form please call (609) 702-­‐7858 or write to or go to Please join St. Margaret of Scotland
at 6 Sussex Ave. in Morristown for
their Annual Parish Carnival, on
August 25-28. You will enjoy rides, North, Central
and South American cuisine, games, prizes and a
50/50 raffle! For tickets and more information
please call (973) 538-0874.
An Invitation from the Men’s Ministry at Notre Dame of Mount Carmel, Cedar Knolls MEN OF OUR PARISH & NEIGHBORING COMMUNITY: SAVE THE DATE! We invite you to save the date now for “The Road to Emmaus,” a retreat prepared and hosted by the men'ʹs ministry of our parish. The retreat will take place Friday, October 7 to Sunday, October 9, 2016 at St. Mary'ʹs Abbey in Morristown. More details coming soon on our website MINISTRY SCHEDULE – August 20/21 2016
Ministers of
Holy Communion
Altar Servers
Children’s Church
5:00 P.M.
Bach, Hoffman, Marchese,
Deacon, Coy, MacStudy
1. Cathy Paluzzi
2. Joe Pisauro
A. and B. Hiltz, M. Cohen
Deo, Como
Troy Hills Nursing Home
8:00 A.M.
Herdin, Arcaro,Deacon
1. Michele Hughes
2. Mike Conaway
C. Brown, C. Arcaro, A. LaPresti
Aug. 15th Mass: G. Bissig, P. Herdin, M.
and F. LaSpina, M. O’Hara
10:30 A.M.
De Pierro, Gonzalez,Toomey,
Deacon, Goddard, Philipps
1. Michele Hughes
2. Phil Hughes
C. and L. Londergan, K. Goddard
Hernandez, Boercher
Aug. 22nd Prayer Service: M. O’Hara, L. Conte, N.
Beneduce, M. Urbanik, P. Herdin, D. Cecala,