newsletter january 6 2016
newsletter january 6 2016
January 6, 2016 Central Presbyterian Church Central Life 2015 was a very good year here at Central! We had the amazing HomeComing, with not only the celebration itself, but the work we did in renovations to make our facility more useful, the history walls that remind us of a great heritage, the kids pictures that remind us of our future, the new community outreaches in the Community Garden at the Boys and Girls Club and the Reading Buddies program. And close to our heart is the affirmation of our call here by the congregation. As with any congregation, we have celebrated the baptisms and mourned at the funerals. We have had new people find their way into our family, and we have seen some who have gone away. We walked with those who carried heavy burdens and struggled with illness. In all this, Central has shown to be an extremely loving and caring congregation. We have done amazing things together. Now Central looks forward to a new year with new challenges. We need to build a strong outreach into our community. Central is one of the best kept secrets in Bristol. This is an amazing congregation, and offers a progressive and faithful family of faith. We need to help those who need this to find their way here. A gift has given us some money to work on “publicity.” We want to let people know that we are here. We need then to welcome new people as they might come and join us. The church will fill the position of Director of Young Adult Ministries this year. The Session has affirmed that this is a vital part of our mission. We are looking for someone who can be a part of the ministry team to increase our ministry with this vital demographic. One of our special joys will be planning our installation service for some time in March or April, after we are approved at the Abingdon Presbytery meeting in March. This meeting may be here at Central. Central seeks to move to a greater financial stability. Some good progress has been made. But as the church did not get into this situation quickly, it will take some time to climb totally out of this deficit. But above all, we both thank Central for being a great place to be a part of God’s ministry, and look forward to what we can do together in 2016. Ann Frank Central Life January 6, 2016 Coming Up Meals on Wheels - Thursday, Jan. 7 Bereavement Committee - Mon, Jan. 11 From Frank & Ann... There is a plan to our preaching. We sit down usually in August and try to plan out a year of sermons. We hit the “Liturgical Seasons” – Advent/Christmas/Epiphany, Lent/Easter and Pentecost – and of course, Stewardship. Beyond that we try to plan a “balanced diet” of an Old Testament theme, a New Testament theme, a topical issue, and a theological emphasis. And of course, these are always open to the wind of the Spirit to blow in a new direction. Coming up: Between Epiphany and Lent The Prophets Lent The Gospel of John Easter to Pentecost The Essentials And for the summer, we will again take the questions of the congregation and preach on those. Finance Committee - Tuesday, Jan. 12, 12:00 pm APPLE Committee - Tuesday, Jan. 12, 6:00 pm Evangelism Task Force - Tues, Jan. 12, 7:00 pm Session - Tuesday, Jan. 19, 7:00 pm SERMON SCHEDULE 1-10 The Prophets: Running from the Call Jonah 1: 1-3, 3: 1-5 1-17 The Prophets: How Do We Know? Amos 2: 6-8; 5: 21-24; Micah 3: 9-12, 6:8 1-24 The Prophets: Hope for the Future Isaiah 5: 1-5; 11: 1-7 1-31 UNITY SERVICE at 10:00 in the Sanctuary Soup Lunch after worship The Prophets: A Relationship, NOT a Religion Hosea 6: 4-6; Jeremiah 31: 31-34 Feb 7 Prophets: The Right Word Isaiah 40:26-31 Communion CAP, Central’s Appalachian Project, has been scheduled this year for Monday, June 20 thru Friday, June 24. We will be returning to the Mennonite Work Camp in Harlan Kentucky. If you have an interest in participating in this Mission Project we will have a organizational meetings on Sunday January 24 after each worship service.. We have been reaching out to our neighbors in Appalachia for over 20 years, repairing homes and community facilities. Whatever your level of expertise, we have a job for you. Come see, learn, listen, and share the Love of Christ. Larry Clarke, coordinator PAGE 2 Central Life SUNDAY, JANUARY 17 from 4:00-6:00 This is an opportunity for anyone and everyone to learn more about Central Presbyterian Church, who we are, how we work together, and how you can be part of the life and ministry here. The time will be led by the Co-Pastors, and will explore What is a Presbyterian and how does this work? What makes Central Presbyterian special? Did you know there is a movie theater in our building? Have you ever been upstairs? Or downstairs? What does Central do in the community and in the world? January 6, 2016 We want to tell Bristol about the “best kept secret” – and that is what a caring and amazing church we have at Central. We are looking for those ways that we can increase the awareness that we are a progressive and open congregation, who “Love God with Mind, Heart, and Hands.” If you have some ideas about how we can do that, come and join us on Tuesday, January 12 at 7:00 pm at the church. We want to look at options and strategies for moving forward. This meeting is open for anyone who is interested. For more information, talk to George Parks or Frank Aichinger. We also will have a time to answer any of your questions and to talk about how you can be involved. If you are interested but cannot attend, talk with one of the Co-Pastors. If you need childcare, please talk to the one of the copastors by Wednesday, Jan 13 so that it can be arranged. PAGE 3 Wednesday Night Dinner and program schedule: There will be no Wednesday evening dinner and program in January 2016. So we will see you again on Wednesday, February 3. Central Life January 6, 2016 Kroger Rewards Program BIBLE STUDY AT 10:30 AM TUESDAY JANUARY 12, 2016 Bible Study for January is lesson #5, “STORMY WATERS AND OUR FAITH” The focus of our lesson this month is taken from Matthew 14:22-23. The disciples encountered story times in their faith, and so do we. What does it mean to be people of faith? How does our faith sustain us? Come, let us study and discuss together what this means for us in this time and place. Please read your lesson, especially page 43 “What is Faith and What Good is it? “ and be prepared for a great discussion. See you Tuesday, and remember, we are not serving lunch this month. Thais Sikora and Alvah Wagner, Co-moderators Honorary Gift A gift has been given to Healing Hands Health Center in honor of the Central Presbyterian congregation by Frank and Ann Aichinger. Central will soon be receiving a check for $247.14 from the Kroger Rewards Program. We have 21 households signed up for the program. This money will be used by the Mission, Outreach and Evangelism Committee for support of local charities. Just think, all the 21 families did was shop at Kroger and the church receives $247.14. How easy is that. If you haven’t signed up and would like to, go to the Kroger website or for help, call Janis Davis 423-574-1202 CENTRAL STAFF: Ann Aichinger, Co-Pastor-Elect Frank Aichinger, Co-Pastor-Elect Robert Campbelle, Music Director Joy Smith-Briggs, Organist Rob Hollo, Contemporary Worship Leader Patty Caldwell, Office Manager/Newsletter Editor Mary Moffatt, Finance Director Trish James, Food Service Director Selena Jackson, Director of APPLE Academy Donna Leonard, APPLE Administrative Assistant Thais Sikora, Volunteer Parish Nurse Barbara Mann, Volunteer Parish Nurse Office Hours: 9:00 to 4:30 Monday-Friday PAGE 4 Central Life Faithful Friends REMINDER: Faithful Friends will gather on Saturday, January 30 from10 a.m.12 noon for Bible Study on Lesson 3 of Emotionally Healthy Woman, and lunch. Make plans now to join us. Also, we will be putting together care boxes for our college students. Bring something to share with them (candy, snacks, desk supplies, hot chocolate mix, devotional book, etc.) We have about 20 college students as a part of our church. Please bring a dish, salad, or dessert to share. If you need childcare, please let Ann Aichinger know so that can be arranged. Recipes needed! Do you have a favorite recipe that you would like to have included in the 2016 Central Presbyterian Cookbook? The Faithful Friends group is going to be working on a Church cookbook, and want to include your best. So send it to Ann Aichinger ( or drop it in the envelope on Ann Aichinger’s office door (Room 118), or mail it to the church (301 Euclid Ave. Bristol, VA 24201). Be sure to have your name on it, and be very specific about measurements and amounts needed. PAGE 5 January 6, 2016 Forever Young Group (formerly 55+) Have you planned to join us on January 11 when we go to the Mad Greed Restaurant for lunch? Don’t forget to sign up on the bulletin board near the office, across from Room 114. The bus will leave church at 11:15 am. On February 28, we plan to go to Luke’s Restaurant in Abingdon for lunch. More details later. Happy New Year! Randy, Phyllis, and Caroline SNOW POLICY FOR CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN ... If Bristol, VA schools are closed (or are dismissed early), large group weekday activities at the church are cancelled, including Presbyterian Women and Wednesday Night Activities (check for school closing updates) Committees, Music Rehearsals, Small Groups, etc. please contact your leader to decide whether to meet; Sunday Worship will almost always be held - come if you can get here safely, but be aware that the parking lot can be extremely slick even when the roads are clear. Information will be posted at Central Life January 6, 2016 Volunteers YOUTH NEWS!! For Sunday, January 10: Mark your calendars now for Resurrection Youth Conference in Pigeon Forge, TN January 22-24. We will leave after school on Friday and get back midafternoon Sunday. If you still want to go and have not made reservations, please talk to Ann Aichinger. Space is limited due to housing. January 10: Resurrection Meeting: This is REQUIRED for all youth attending Resurrection this year and at least one parent. We will meet at the church from 4:30-5:30 to give information, make sure we have all forms filled out, and answer questions. If you still want to go, please talk to Ann Aichinger. High School Youth Planning meeting will be on Sunday, January 31, 5:30-7:00 at the church. Youth and Parents are invited and we ask that you bring all your calendars and schedules so we can plan out the time from now until May. UPCOMING EVENTS: Mark your calendars NOW!! You don’t want to miss: Montreat High School: July 10-16 Middle School Montreat: July 20-24 (at Maryville College) Coffee helper - David & Cathy White Greeters 9:00 - Larry & Lois Clarke 11:00 - Allen & Retta Vance Head Usher - Whit Morison After Church Visitor - Susan Campbelle Food Pantry Volunteers for Jan. 24 - Tim & Ann Landis For Sunday, January 17: Coffee helpers - Cindy & Ken Hale Greeters 9:00 - Jean Thomason, Casey McComish 11:00 - Randy & Phyllis Morris Children’s Time helper - Betty Whitehead Head Usher - Whit Morison After Church Visitors - Daphne & Mark McCord For Sunday, January 24: Coffee helper - Trish James, Lois Clarke Greeters 9:00 - Barbara & Harry Oakley 11:00 - Connie Bullock & Mary Moffatt Children’s Time Helper - Ivy Ritchie Head Usher - Whit Morison After Church Visitor - Randy & Phyllis Morris If you would like to volunteer for any of these opportunities please contact the church office at or 276-6693157 The flower calendar for 2016 is now posted on the bulletin board outside the church office. If you would like to place a floral arrangement in the Sanctuary for a special occasion, as a memorial or honorary gift, sign up soon to reserve your desired date. The flowers can be ordered through the church or from your own florist, or arranged from your garden. Please contact Patty Caldwell (276-6693157 or for more information PAGE 6 Central Life News for the Church family Prayer Requests… Hospitalized: Hal Harkrader, BRMC, Rm 4015 Hospice at home: Connie Green Rehab: Frank Sikora (Rm 130) and Carol Duhaime (Rm 107) are both at Abingdon Health & Rehab Recuperating at home: Ken Moss Ongoing prayers requested for : Johnny Van Dyke, Frank Aichinger, and Erinn Hollo Many thanks to everyone who sent cards, brought food, said prayers, called to check on me, and came to visit during my recent knee replacement surgery. It went well, and I am slowly recovering. This one was a little tougher than the one I had last February. I am going for therapy, and I hope to be good as new again soon. Your care and concern has been awesome. Thanks for being such a great church family. Blessings, Archer Parsons To the Central Congregation: During a time like this we realize how much our family and friends really mean to us. Your expressions of sympathy will always be remembered. Thank you and love, Maxie Worley & family As requested, the address for Jan Catron’s nephew is: Mark & Lucy Rizzo, 2264 W. Leatherwood Rd, Cumberland Furnace, TN 37051 PAGE 7 January 6, 2016 Memorial Gifts For Frank Blanton: Memorial Fund by John & Beth Hovious, Jim & Susan Lapis, Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Blevins, Jr., Dale & Molly Keller, Thomas D. McGlothlin, Nora Rockett, Jean Thomason, Robert B. Stuart, Glenn & Grace Himstedt, Frank Winston, Jud & Lynn Powers, Hal & Doris Harkrader, Cornelia A. Green, Robert F. Millard; Service Fund by Terry Parks, Ann & Frank Aichinger, Nancy Kiser, Tom & Archer Parsons, Caroline Jones; Budget by Deans and Gloria Davenport; Backpack Fund by Jim & Lynn Butcher, David McFarlane; For Mary Ellen Buhls: Service Fund by Tom & Archer Parsons, Nancy Kiser, Caroline Jones; Budget by Deans and Gloria Davenport; Memorial Fund by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Braxton, Jean Thomason, Ro Harenberg, George & Beth Parks, Comfort Systems USA (Bristol), Inc., Janet G. Smith; Backpack Fund by David McFarlane; For Jan Catron: Music Memorial Fund by Margaret B. King; Service Fund by Tom & Archer Parsons; Backpack Fund by Jim & Lynn Butcher; For Dick Miller: Service Fund by Tom & Archer Parsons; Backpack Fund by Jim & Lynn Butcher; For John Prince: Backpack Fund by Jim & Lynn Butcher. A gift has been given in memory of Jim Brown and in honor of Ruby Brown by Cheryl and Joe Perry to the Music Fund. Central Life January 6, 2016 Central Presbyterian Church 301 Euclid Ave Bristol, VA 24201-4013 276-669-3157 WWW.CPCBRISTOL.ORG ___________________________________________________ ================================================================================================== Schedule of Services Sunday: Fellowship Times 8:45 and 9:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Traditional Worship 11:00 a.m. SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 We will celebrate the Souper Bowl the week before the Super Bowl. We will have a fifth Sunday UNITY SERVICE at 10:00 In the Sanctuary. Then we will have a soup lunch in Central Hall. Sign up to bring soup, salad, bread, or dessert. PAGE 8 Youth Groups: Varying schedules Music Rehearsals: Contemporary Worship Praise Team Sunday 7:45 a.m. Sanctuary Choir Wednesday 7:15 p.m. Sunday (warm-up) 10:30 a.m. Handchimes Wednesday 5:00 p.m. Handbells Wednesday 6:00 p.m. Central Brass Sunday 9:45 a.m.
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