Crab Event Program - Sacramento Valley Region


Crab Event Program - Sacramento Valley Region
Welcome to CRAB 36, Safety
Welcome Party and Goodie
Driving Tour
Walking Tour
Concours de CRAB
War Birds and CRAB
Beer N’ Brats
Sponsor Listing
Prior Year’s Crab Logos &
CRAB 36 Team
On the Cover
Logo by Matt Menning
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
Think the CRAB. Act the CRAB, Be the CRAB
by Kim Nelson and Steve Barker, CRAB Co-Chairs
On behalf of the entire CRAB 36
Team, we would like to thank all
of you for attending SVR’s Premier
Porsche Weekender. The following
paragraph was taken from the
CRAB 30 description; it is just as
true today: “The CRAB Atmosphere
is typically described as 2½ days of
partying occasionally interrupted
by competitive activities; the
friendly and relaxed atmosphere
that has been the hallmark of CRAB
since its inception in 1972 will
never change.
A Little CRAB History,From Drifting
Back, The Beginning CRAB 1 - March
4-5, 1972 – (Rich Farlinger, Jim
Karver, & Ray Johansen, chairs)
While competitive events are a
part of CRAB, they are staged with
fun and camaraderie as the most
important ingredient. Sure, lots of
beautiful uniquely-CRAB trophies
are presented every year, some
of which will go the swiftest or
Gary Evans, GGR vice president
planted the first seed (for CRAB)
when he suggested an autocross.
Phillip Marks not only consented to
let us use El Macero Country Club
for the crabfeed, but threw in one
of his mind-bending rallyes as well.
From there on – a weekend we’ll
never forget.
The location for this year’s CRAB
is unique and was chosen over a
year ago. We have SVR members
Brian and Sue Sanders to thank
as well as all the other members
of the Eagle’s Nest Homeowners
Association. Please be very
respectful of their property. This
is where they live and work…this is
their playground!
Ray Johansen joined Rich Farlinger
and Jim Karver as chairs for the
first CRAB, and 105 cars entered
representing 10 PCA regions. The
Drifter, January 1972, defined the
CRAB acronym: “C is for crabfeed,
R is for rallye, A is for autocross,
B is for begegnen (German, for
We have many sponsors for CRAB
36 who have been generous
with their support. Please take a
moment to visit them in Vendor
Row and thank them. Without
their support CRAB 36 would have
been a much more challenging
event to put on.
Alan Johnson was guest speaker.
The entry fee was $20 per couple
– and included all the crab you
could eat and all the wine you could
drink at the El Macero Country Club
(Philip Marks, manager). Voyager
Inn (headquarters) room price was
$13.00 double.
Throughout the weekend you will
see participants wearing yellow
CRAB 36 t-shirts. These are the
SVR volunteers who have been
working the past year to put
together this 3-day event. If you
have questions or need guidance
during the weekend, these are the
people who can help you. And
while you’re talking with them,
thank them for helping to put on
another great CRAB!
Sunny autocross – Joe Reitmier
(GGR) had Top Time of the Day
(TTOD). John Clever (Diablo Region)
won the rally. Phillip Marks put out
500 lbs. of crab and 123 quarts of
white wine Saturday night, and
all entrants were photo’ed with
Clarence, a large stuffed crab
created by Dolores Johnson.
One day last November (1971), Rich
Farlinger and Jim Karver went to a
road race in Monterey where they
were lucky enough to meet Alan
Johnson. They asked Alan if he’d
consider coming to SVR and being a
guest speaker at a dinner meeting.
Alan said yes, so Rich and Jim went
to work on it.
From THE DRIFTER, April 1972, by
Joyce Crow
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
Drive Safely
Please help us maintain a
safe CRAB by observing all
traffic laws and by driving
cautiously during the
This is an active airfield,
so look left, right, and
up before crossing the
runway. Always drive on
the outside edge of the
pavement (watch out for
landing lights) and don’t
exceed the speed limit of
10 mph.
Anyone under the
influence of alcohol or
drugs is prohibited from
participating in driving
There are none! In the
spirit of CRAB, we want
the weekend to be fun.
We depend on the honor
CRAB 36 Event Schedule
Friday May 13
Registration and Welcome Party at Eagle’s Nest Airport, Hangar 3
• 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm - Registration & sign up for Rally and Gymkhana out-time and
Niello Porsche Test Drives
• 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm SVR Goodie Store (page 4) and Niello Porsche Boutique
• 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm Funkhana– First come first served (page 4)
• 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Meet and greet old and new friends,
Music by Dick MacFarlane. Food and Drinks will be available.
Walking Tour - Ione (page 9)
Answer sheet is available at registration. You take this tour on your own
time beginning Friday evening. Be sure to put your answer sheet in the special
box at Beer ‘N Brats by 11:00 am on Sunday morning.
Saturday, May 14
• 7:30 am to 9:00 am and 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Registration– Hangar 3
• Vendor Row - 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
• Niello Test Drives - 8:00 am to 12:00 pm located near Vendor Row
• 11:00 am to 1:00 pm - Food Truck which will be located at Hangar 3
Morning Autocross 7:30 am to 11:30 am (page 6)
• Registration/tech - 7:30 am
• Driver’s Meeting - 8:00 am
• First Car Out - 8:30 am
Afternoon Autocross 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm (page 6)
• Registration/tech - 12:00 pm
• Driver’s Meeting - 12:30 pm
• First Car Out - 1:00 pm
Morning Driving Tour - 8:00 am to 11:00 am. (page 7)
Afternoon Driving Tour - 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm (page 7)
CRAB Banquet 5:30 pm to 11:00 pm (page 8)
• 5:30 pm to 6:15 pm Social and SVR Goodie Store
• 6:15 pm Banquet Begins (remember to wear your wrist band)
• 6:45 pm to 8:00 pm VIP Intros, Autocross and Funkhana Awards, Door Prizes
• 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm Dance de la CRAB, featuring music by the Speedsters
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
Sunday, May 15
• 11:30 am to 1:30 pm SVR Goodie Store
• Vendor Row - 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
• Niello Test Drives - 8:00 am to 12:00 pm located near Vendor Row
Rally - 8:00 am to 10:30 am (page 10)
Gymkhana - 8:00 am to 12:00 pm (page 11)
Concours de CRAB (page 12)
• 10:00 am to 12:00 pm position cars and finish preparation
• Judging Begins 12:00 pm
Air Show 12 pm to 1:00 pm by Brian Sanders, Sanders Aeronautics (page 13)
Beer ‘N Brat - 1:00 pm Food Begins (page 14)
• 2:30 pm - Concours, Rally, Gymkhana, Walking Tour, Crabbiest Person and Crabbiest Car
Farewell till CRAB 37 - 4:00 pm
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
CRAB 36 Welcome Party and Goodie Store
by Dianna Leight, Welcome Party Chair and Linda Bradford, Goodie Store Chair
At the Welcome Party you will receive
registration materials, see the venue
and have the opportunity to take part
in an event called a “Funkhana!”
You will sign up for your Rally time out
as well. We will also have our very own
SVR DJ, Dick MacFarlane, playing music
and perhaps also having a Karaoke
Party! The Goodie Store will be open.
The evening also provides an
opportunity to meet and greet other
Porsche enthusiasts, including folks
from all around Zone 7 who make it a
point to attend CRAB whenever they
All of you more “experienced” Crabbers
remember in years gone by that
“Crab” specific eating utensils were
occasionally available for you to buy.
These helped you eat as much crab as
you needed without spending hours
getting it out of the shell and onto your
There won’t be little Crab curtains for
your trailers or big camping vehicles.
However, you may want to buy a Crab
coffee mug to use around the campfire.
(Is that still allowed in California?). We
only have a few but they are cute. Or
how about a small, camper sized crab
ice bucket (what ice?) or some crab
cocktail napkins for those late Saturday
afternoon gatherings before dinner?
Knowing that there are many new
members attending this year, the
Goodie Store is offering a limited
number of Crab shell crackers and
fork/scooper utensils for purchase at
reasonable prices. First come, first
Don’t forget those extra CRAB t-shirts
and CRAB jewelry to complete your
CRAB outfit. Did I mention that a free
Crab nail tattoo comes with every CRAB
jewelry purchase?
We will be serving appetizers
and finger food as well as liquid
refreshments. All of this evening’s
activities are included in the weekend
ticket price.
CRAB 36 Funkhana
by Janet Kramer, FunkhanaChair
Show off your skills
Don’t take any spills
It’s just “child’s play”
At the end of the day
Two by two down the track
Once you start, no turning back
You will hop, roll, toss and skip
It’s a “FUN” and short trip
Ed Martell is the Sponsor of the Funkhana
No motor to start
Just do your part
Follow the trail
There’s no way to fail
Come “Get Your Kicks”
At Crab 36
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
Appearance Solutions and NFS Sport Designs are Sponsors of the Welcome Party
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
CRAB 36 Autocross
by Greg Zajic, CRAB Autocross Chair
Autocross is a competitive sport that
tests a driver’s ability to navigate a
course defined by cones or pylons
which are set up on a runway for CRAB.
It is a timed event where speeds are
moderate with a lap generally taking
about 40 - 60 seconds. There are no
dangerous obstacles, only rubber cones.
There is no safer and fun way to test
the handling of your vehicle close to the
Last thought: Autocross is not
necessarily about being faster than
someone (unless it’s your spouse
or significant other). Have a goal
of knowing the course and making
smooth, calculated steering and throttle
inputs. It’s about making a better driver
and that driver will be faster. We look
forward to seeing you at the CRAB
What you get out of autocross, besides
a huge grin, is a better understanding
of car control as it applies to YOUR
It’s all about precision: Determining
how to put the exact amount of steering
into every turn, not more not less. How
to put the right amount of power down
after every turn, not more not less, How
to drive at the absolute limit of your
tires, not more not less.
This improved understanding of the
dynamics of your vehicle translates to
the street. If needed on the street,
you can react quickly and will be more
familiar with your vehicle limits so the
uh oh does not become an OH NO.
Midtown Autoworks and IPB Autosport are the Sponsors of the CRAB Autocross.
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
CRAB 36 Driving Tour
by Matt and Lisa Menning, CRAB 36 Driving Tour Chairs
We have a nice tour planned through
Amador County Gold Country to the
town of Volcano (pop. 115), a California
Historical Landmark. There are two
identical tours scheduled for CRAB 36.
One tour is in the morning, and the
other is in the afternoon. It is very
important that we adhere to the
schedule. It is also important that you
don’t swap your tour time unless preapproved. The morning tour must be
back to CRAB by 11 am, so you don’t
miss lunch.
More about the tour: Climbing up from
Jackson on Hwy 88, the town is 30 miles
from CRAB, and has a tiny main street.
We are destined to swamp the town
with people and Porsches. We will all
need to park wisely, and parallel with
the road when we arrive.
Instructions: It’s always a good idea to
bring “just in case items.” This includes
a few water bottles, snacks, a cell
phone, weather appropriate clothing,
2-way radio, and a pre-tripped car. A
GPS is nice too.
A pre-tripped car means checking your
tires, oil, coolant and (for this tour),
arriving to the drivers meeting with at
least a half tank of gas.
Each tour will start with a mandatory
Drivers Meeting. We will congregate
at the north end of the runway (same
place as CRAB entrance).
At the Drivers Meeting, you will signin. Route information and a map will
be given out, if you didn’t pick it up on
Friday night. We will also go over safety
• Meet at 8:00 am or 12:30 pm
depending on which tour you are
registered for.
• There is a restroom in Volcano
• There is no gas station stop included
in either tour.
• Stop by our information table
during Friday Night’s welcome party
to get an early copy of the route
information and map.
Sticking with the CRAB schedule, our
stay in Volcano will have to be brief
and we won’t have time to wander
too far. There is a small general store
and it’s truly a step back in time. The
general manager is a local historian for
the town, and we’re hoping to see her.
You can purchase a souvenir and/or
refreshment before we head out.
Our return back to CRAB is just under
32 miles. We will continue to climb
into the winding hills and drive past
“Daffodil Hill” before taking even more
twisty roads down to Sutter Creek and
Amador City.
Muffler Tech & Brake and Tomlinson & Co are Sponsors of the CRAB Walking Tour.
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
CRAB 36 Banquet
By Collin Fat and Cookie Anderson, CRAB 36 Meal Chairs
With a name like CRAB 36 there must
be crab of some type involved? The
name could not possibly refer to crabby
Porsche club members?
After all, one of the club’s mottos is “it’s
the people”. The undisputed king of the
West Coast is the Dungeness crab, and
that is what we are serving at CRAB 36!
The Dungeness crab is found in chilly
Pacific Ocean waters and drives fishing
town economies throughout California,
Oregon and Washington.
The highlight of CRAB 36 will be a
traditional crab feed and will feature
fresh Dungeness crab (or a chicken
or vegetarian entree), homemade
pasta, salad, dessert and non-alcoholic
beverage catered by Rudy’s Hideaway.
We provide the Crab bibs and the hand
wipes to clean up when dinner is over.
The club is supplying two bottles
of wine per table and additional
alcoholic beverages can be purchased.
We will be dining in a real airplane
hangar surrounded by vintage aircraft
and a few rare and classic cars. We
will have a short program.
In addition, the night would not be
complete without a performance by
the Speedsters for your listening and
dancing pleasure at the Dance de la
CRAB. The band members are all PCA
members too!
The Speedsters
Ann Baaten - Guitar & vocals
Duane Maracin - Guitar, vocals and
Kim Nelson - Drums & vocals
Steve Barker - Guitar, Lap Steel Guitar,
keys and vocals
Kent Brandon - Bass Guitar and vocals
Band photographer - Jeff Kinder
Niello is the Sponsor of the CRAB Banquet and The Speedsters
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Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
CRAB 36 Walking Tour
by Tom and Tambra Kroetz, CRAB 36 Walking Tour Chairs
The Walking Tour was squeezed into
the CRAB program for people that
take competition in the spirit of fun.
It is a low key self-directed tour that
will amuse, bedazzle or bewilder
you. (Maybe not in that order). At
registration, when you pick up your
packet, look for the walking tour
sheet. It is your ticket into a world of
weird. Be amused! Remember and
please repeat this mantra --- “Fun,
this is FUN!”
In more recent times, three celebrities
have ties to Ione. (Now this is not a part
of the tour, just a mystery). They are
Merle Haggard, John Wayne, and Dave
Brubeck. What are their connections to
Preston Castle, construction
started 1890, home of
Preston School of Industry,
juvenile correction facility.
This year’s tour takes place in
downtown Ione. You take the tour
on your own time beginning Friday
evening. Be sure to put your answer
sheet in the special box at the Beer ‘N
Brats no later than 11 am on Sunday
The original building,
known colloquially as
“Preston Castle” (or simply
“The Castle”), is the
most significant example
of Romanesque Revival
architecture in the Mother
Before 1849, Ione was known as
“Bed Bug” and “Freeze out.” Both
names were hotel reviews! Hotel
accommodations are much better
now. Ione’s Gold Rush period was as
a supply and transportation center.
The railroad was completed in 1876.
At that time the town boasted four
churches, four general stores, a public
school, a laundry, a brewery, even
an art gallery. Some were even brick
It was vacated in 1960,
shortly after new buildings
had been constructed to
replace it. The abandoned
building has since been
named a California
Historical Landmark .
It is now maintained by the
Preston Castle Foundation
and is open for tours.
Andiamo Travel is the Sponsor of the CRAB Walking Tour.
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
CRAB 36 Rally
by Rik Larson, CRAB 36 Rally Chair
So we have seen that the “C” in CRAB
36 stands for crab --- the main course
for the Saturday night dinner. Now we
get to the second letter: “R” which
stands for the rally. The “R”, just like the
“C”, has been around since the very first
CRAB in 1972.
The rally this year will be held on
Sunday morning and will be a simple
event. It will be a short time-speeddistance (TSD) event that only
requires the ability to read and follow
instructions (similar to SVR Tour Route
Instructions) and maybe make some
notations along the route by using your
car’s odometer and a timepiece.
The object is to pass/enter each
checkpoint exactly when you are due
---- not early and not late. This is like
following a bus or train schedule.
When you finish the rally, you will be
back in time at Eagles Nest so that you
can compete in the Gymkhana and the
Concours. Make sure you have a partner
to drive or navigate. So that there are
no excuses for not rallying, it is OK to
drive your “other car.” The CRAB 36
checkpoint workers won’t discriminate.
Out times will be posted at the CRAB 36
banquet on Saturday night. Be sure to
check for your out time.
Read the General Instructions which will
A TSD Rally is a contest where
be provided to you when you complete
entrants (2 people per car) follow a
the sign-up process with the Rally
set of instructions over public roads at
assigned legal speeds.
Frank’s Automotive is the Sponsor of the CRAB Rally.
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
The rally will have a rest stop or two
along the way (and an opportunity to
get gas if you are running low….and
restrooms also).
CRAB 36 Gymkhana
by Dennis Stettner, CRAB 36 Gymkhana Chair
CRAB would not be CRAB without a
Gymkhana. For those members not
familiar with this event; here is a brief
review of the event. A Gymkhana
is a type of motorsport. Similar to
autocross, the goal of gymkhana is
to achieve the fastest time possible;
memorizing the course is a significant
part of achieving a fast time. The name
is loaned from the equestrian discipline
of gymkhana. Gymkhana events
are time and/or speed events in an
These can feature obstacles such as
cones, tires, and other unusual barriers.
The driver must maneuver through
a predetermined “track” performing
many different driving techniques.
Essentially, a gymkhana is any event
featuring a starting point, a finish line
and some sort of “obstacle” to get
through, around, or by. This is all
performed against the clock. Generally
missing a turn, hitting a cone, or not
performing a task will result in a time
penalty added to the total elapsed time
from start to finish.
This year’s CRAB Gymkhana, will
involve a series of tests, generally
around traffic cones, to measure
precision driving skills. The tests will
include stopping with the front and rear
wheels at specific locations, or stopping
at a specific distance from a stop sign.
Sections of each test may include a
blindfolded driver, with the copilot
giving navigation directions.
We can promise you that in accordance
with the long-standing CRAB tradition,
having fun will be the top priority. See
you there!
Gymkhana courses typically involve
only the use of first and second gear. A
gymkhana course will typically be from
3 to 4 minutes in length. Like autocross
and auto testing, gymkhana courses
are laid out with cones representing
“obstacles” to navigate through.
Gymkhana participants are allowed two
runs of the course (time permitting),
with the fastest time being used to
determine the best time. Time penalties
are issued for hitting cones, a failure to
navigate the course correctly or a failure
to meet the challenges throughout the
Due to the overwhelming response of
the pre-registered CRAB 36 attendees
indicating that they wanted to
participate in the Gymkhana event,
you will need to sign-up for a time at
We only have 4 hours to accommodate
everyone who wants to drive the
course. In any case, you will have a blast
and build wonderful memories of the
course and events at CRAB 36.
Elite Auto Imports is the Sponsor of the CRAB Gymkhana
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
CRAB 36 Concours
by Kent Brandon, CRAB 36 Concours Chair
Before you decide not to read any
further, because you really don’t like
the idea of entering a concours, keep
reading because this concours is not
going to be like any normal concours,
it’s actually going to be fun and you
don’t need to clean your car, there may
be a better chance of winning if it’s
really dirty. The essence of the event is
a weekend long competition between
As you can see the concours is taking
place at the same time beer is being
served, that’s a good thing. This is not
your normal concours, I’m telling you
what I already told you, just in case you
weren’t paying attention.
There are no rules, it may not be
advantageous to clean your car, and
what you think is fair, or not fair, is
It’s the way it is, based solely on what I
decide the rules are. After having your
beer and brat, you will be so happy; the
loss of a first place trophy will also be
In all seriousness, there will be a
competition. Your car will be parked in
front of Hangar 3 where the beer and
brat is served. The event will not be
based on cleanliness or correctness, just
on silly rules that my team and I have
dreamt up.
Detail Maniac is the Sponsor of the CRAB Concours
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
I can’t tell you the criteria; however I
can let you know that crabby cars have
won in the past. We have really nice
trophies and your chance of winning is
a lot better than the California Lottery.
War Birds and CRAB
by Brian Sanders, SVR Member and Pilot
At this year’s CRAB we will be amongst
a variety of aircraft. One of these
aircraft is the pinnacle of propeller drive
fighters, the Sea Fury.
This year, weather permitting, I will be performing an “aerial ballet”demonstrating
the Sea Fury’s awesome speed and agility.
While beautiful to look at and
impressive in its specifications, it is not
until the engine comes to life and the
Sea Fury takes flight that one can truly
appreciate the power and majesty.
The Aircraft
Built by the British Company Hawker,
the Sea Fury comes from a long lineage
of fighting aircraft. The Sea Fury arrived
on the scene too late for action in
WWll. However the airplane served
with distinction in the Korean Conflict.
Los Angeles Dismantler is the Sponsor of the CRAB War Bird Aerial Ballet
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
Beer ‘N Brats
by Cookie Anderson and Collin Fat, CRAB 36 Meal Coordinators
Not to be outdone on the fun
side of things, there will be lots of
celebration in the gastronomical
sense with a traditional Beer ‘N
Brat barbecue on Sunday following
the conclusion of the Concours.
Staffed by a cadre of SVR volunteers,
this event is included with your
We’ll have some local smoked
bratwurst from Sacramento’s
Morant’s Old Fashioned Sausage
Kitchen along with all of the fixings
including the sauerkraut, potato
salad, and light desserts.
In addition, you are also entitled to a
complimentary local beer.
Rubicon Brewing Company is the Sponsor of the Beer ‘N Brats
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
CRAB 36 Editor’s Corner
by Steve and Barbara McCrory, Photography, Program and Pocket Schedule
Well, here we are at CRAB 36,
Sacramento Valley Region’s premier
weekender, and welcome. CRAB is
a long tradition, with participants
attending from the Zone 7 Region clubs
and beyond. The many volunteers
involved in this event have turned initial
discussions into detailed planning, and
now into action.
This CRAB 36 Program gives you the
road map and information needed for
your weekend of Porsche enjoyment.
On page 19, you will find a list of event
chairs and volunteers. If you have
questions or need help, look for the
yellow t-shirts worn by event leaders.
Our many Sponsors have stepped up
to provide their time and the resources
needed to make this CRAB 36 a success.
Many of them will have a presence
here on Vendor Row in front of Hangar
3. Take the time to see what they
are all about, and let them know you
appreciate their support.
As you can see from the Schedule of
Events, starting with the Welcome
Party on Friday night, through Sunday
afternoon’s Awards presentation,
there’s lots to do. Between Friday and
Sunday, you will find opportunities to
greet old friends and make new ones
while enjoying the event.
And don’t forget the contest for the
Crabbiest Car and Crabbiest Person.
Rules - none. Judges - secret. Have
a great weekend and see you at the
Some of the information, you may
have seen in the Drifter, SVR’s monthly
newsletter, in the run up to this
weekend, and have been updated as
I would like to thank everyone who
volunteered to take photos at the event,
Collin Fat, Richard Walker, Rebecca
Plourde, Bill Fargo, Steve Barker and
Richard Shelton. Some will be used
in the Drifter with follow up articles,
and posted on the SVR website while
providing a visual history of CRAB 36.
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
CRAB 36 Sponsorship
On behalf of the Sacramento Valley Region Porsche Club of America Members, we would like to thank all
those sponsors who are supporting the CRAB 36 event at Eagles Nest, Ione, California on May 13, 14, 15,
2016. Without Sponsors’ financial support and generous donations, the CRAB event would not be possible.
Club members continue to support the businesses that support club programs throughout the year.
Sponsors and Event Donors
Niello Porsche
Detail Maniac
Appearance Solutions
Los Angeles Dismantler
Frank’s Automotive
Rocky Mountain Window Tint
Adobe Road Winery
Kevin Chang DDS, Inc.
Paul Gregor, PCNA
Porsche Cars North America
Jake Tomlinson’s Garage
MacFarlane Legal
Midtown Autoworks
NFS Sport Designs
Rubicon Brewing Company
Andiamo Travel
Bertolucci’s Body & Fender Shop
Bill and Nancy Connor
Griot’s Garage
Elite Auto Imports
IPB Autosport
Luxury Motorcars
Muffler Tech & Brake
Dick MacFarlane
Ed Martell & Associates
Reflections in Glass
TRG - The Racer’s Group
Wine Shop at Home - Kelley Murphy
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
Buzz & Julia Lynn (2007)
Mark Judish (2008)
Chair and Co-Chairs
Autocross Team
Beer ‘N Brat/Crab Dinner
Concours de CRAB
Door Prizes
DJ Music
Dancing Music
Eagle's Nest Hosts/Air Show
Facilities Manager
Logo Wear/Marketing
Voice of CRAB
Walking Tour
Welcome Party
Jim & Linda McMahen (2011)
Kim & Rachel Nelson
Steve & Rita Barker
Kim and Rachel Nelson, Steve and Rita Barker
Greg Zajic, Matt Deter, Steve and Joy Nieslony and Dave Parker
Rachel Nelson
Collin Fat and Cookie Anderson
Kent Brandon
Linda Bradford, Rita Barker, Sue Sanders, and Kim Kinder
Alma Thompson, Lisa Menning, and Mike Dunn
Dick MacFarlane
The Speedsters - Kim Nelson, Kent Brandon, Steve Barker, Ann Baaten, and Duane Maracin
Brian and Sue Sanders
Gregg and Rebecca Plourde
Janet and Jon Kramer
Dennis Stettner, Robin Stow, and Steven Childs
Alma and Gary Thompson
Linda and Kirk Bradford and Rebecca Plourde
Barbara and Steve McCrory
Rik Larson
Jeff Kinder, Richard Walker and Bob Cannon
Elaine Cannon
Mike & Deb Dunn, Dick & Kelley Murphy, Ed & Terri Parra
Matt and Lisa Menning
Kim Nelson
Tom and Tambra Kroetz
Bill Fargo
Dianna and Andy Leight, Ira and Carol McKee, Skip and Mardi Quain, Jim and Debbie Kinnicutt
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
CRAB 36 Preview
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America -
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