Edition #07 November 2005
Edition #07 November 2005
ceoF6 J€R14Y'S AUSTR,ALIhTT IIISTRUM€NTAL NEWSL€TT€R EDMON #7 _ NOVEMBER 2OO5 RITURN OF THf SURT GUITAR _ trMPIRI HOTf,L. 6 OCTOBIR wlai a briniant birthday bash'!l Friends Gery O'Rorke and' Ben Nestr€ll accompanied m€ up to Sydney where we were met by Bryce crainger (photograph€r / chautreur) snd Te.ry Robins for a completely vocal-liee weekend. Kim Humph€ys and his band of helpers, including'th€ two Phils'aod Jan and Jeffc.ipps, should be prcud ofthe final result. The veme was the Ernpire Hot€I, Crr. Parmnatta Road & Johnston Street, Aniandalq Sydney. Proc€€dings v,/erc staned at 3pm by ex pat Soutl African guitarist MAX PATON, who l€d The (ShadovJy) Outcasts io Rhodesia during th€ early 60's. Tony Ho{ftnan's Shadsfax magazine recently placed Max in a small elit€ goup ofplayers able to faithftlly replicare the eady Shado*G souid, and his claim lras not ill founded! ROTSG is the first gig ol this nature to be ever held in Sydney. and expectatiods were high. Mr. Palon selflessly offered to take on xhe daunting task of being the opening act. lnt€rspers€d with his tumorous patter, Max and red his Strat, accompanied by backing tracks (which had a very tull sound through the venu€'s superb PA) playei Mf Ren$an e Is Lov, Sone Arc Loneq, Kon-Tik, The Boder, Albatoss (introduced as "Albert Ross"). nrcne Fot you g Gercnimo, Cosy a'ld Tlp S6'age. Almost like "shadoz In Sydney"!! Sofih Of I e6 (aka 'Theme lor Old l,o'"1rs"), The ALOHAS represented the young brigade and it w?s fantastic to se€ the number ofunder 30s that this gig attracted. Tim a.k.a. Klux (Drums), Chris ak.a. Rissole (Guitar), Jordan a.k.a. R-ay Sjaniti (Gritar), Pete a-k.a. Lou Sjaniti (Bass) put thejr Fender Jaguar, Precision Bass and white Jazzmasts through their pac€s on m&irly original nuftbers - Go1, Lmslagna, Dale's Dick, Headhnte\ lbnlin Fatak, Moryueshotd, Stom In A D-Cltp, Dagmbit, Go T.nAo!, Joffney, Greasenonler, El Kabong! and nE ne Part 2.Mog,ly uptempo, mostly loud, mostly exciting but VERY enjoyable!l More Shadows follow€d with The SHADES, Ied by Sydney Shadows Club 'el presidente Addan Browne on lead .ed Strat, who reformed his 60's outfit for a special one ofperfo.mance. Fellow club nenbers h the ardience were heard to comrnent tbat ther leader had called on the 'big guns' to help him out. On acoustic rhlthm guitar was Bruce Craml€y, in everyday life a virtuoso Classical and Ch€t Atkins style guitarist- Bass player Phil Cole is a much sought aft€r country player in the mould ofAlbert Lee while drumme. Jeff Cripps (ex 01' 55) currently runs a recording studio and has Foduced er€ryone from The Atlantics through to pop darlings The Vines. Ite also played drums on Kim Humpkeys "Brave New Wave" album from way back in 1980. Ifthat was not enougq Jetr currently does FOH for The Atlantics and leads his orul blues ban4 Mississippi Shakedowi! as l€d vocalist and slide guitarist. The Shades present& Apache, Shindig, Fool Ta1ryer, Wonturful Lawl Midtight, The Stftnge4 Aflafih, Dan:e On, Sleeryalk, Tlpne For fouig Lo'v/s, Gelo ino, Peace Pipe, Tp Slrwge, Little B $d The Rise And Fall Of Flingel BxnL b<tlen]f-ly well played, and a marvellous sound. Jetrs dnrm solo in Little B was a highligtu and probably owed more to Gnger Bake.'s Toad solo, a lingering legacy of his rcce Aip to rhe Old Dan for the Cream reumon concert Sydney certai y has it's fair share ofdevot€d Shaddicts, gven the guitars, amps ard ccho units on shovr bere, no expense ha-s been spared €ith€r. Interesting to note that both Adrian aid Max Paton both use ihe much plied, and now out of productioq Atlantis echo unit to help then achiev€ their Hank Ma..vin sound. Maybe we should change "Shadoz" to 'Ventoz" or "Duaneoz" in ftturel The DENURMEN I had not played together for 40 years, so it was a 'coup'for Kim to get t*1J ofthe originals, Les creen {Lead) and Tex lhasz (Ri}tllm) tog€ther with Angelo Varelos (Bass) and Peter Sutton (Dmms) for a short but nosta.lgic set. Despite pleas from Te& Les 'ditched' his original Gibson (as used on all ofthe bands hit records and depicted on the 1963 LP cover) for a white Stratocaster. The p.ized Gibson was stolen a few ye3rs back and although rccovere4 now pernan€rtly rcsides under lock and key.Du€ to the fact that the gilys live quite a distance from e{ch othe. th€y otly maiaged one brief rehearsal the evening before the gig but it was obvious they had all done their homework and hit their stride from the word go.The band's set compris€d Denvemen originals and a selection of Shado\i* favo.Ates I|rc Bols, Ihe Rehel, Gutt v Bngie, Blue Ma'nains, Atwlon Stonp, Apache (wirh Tex on LEad), Il'ene Fot rol'ng Lovets werc followed by the h.Jge hlt Surfside. I had rvaited over forq' years to see th€ Denve.men live, and I certainly was not disappointedl In the ardienc€ giving the lads mo.al support and a bit of a ge€ up was Kenny Kramer, bass player for th€ sow, cica 1965/66. Organiser KIM HUMPHREYS showcased pad of his fabulous guitar collection, and broke his set (a1so using backing rracks) into sequences as follows "Oi the famous Maton llrbyrd": Recuess Eleballi ' (Blue Heelets Thene) &om Kimk new EP "Guitaflille", lkrond Ihe Bea!,h fron his sti tobe finished surf album featuring a special guest Ruth Eye Candy' wells on sax, Lost Guitat - Kjm's ve$ion of the Marksm€n hit - "Tamwo:thy Tel€caster Tvft g": Moonshot, Foot Tapper, Mercedes - lion Big Twalg Theory, Nashri e Erpress from Guitarville - The Cnel Sea (o Fendet 12 Stna) - K.lhma "Slide guitar emulaling pedal steel on the Renegade s' oi'g,inal", Paisienne Walkwqr- "Ibanez Roadstar for thal G"ry Moorc overdriven blues sound" "Surfin'Stratocaster":ClrlOfTherhldCoose,SkRu.Goof!Footandwat - OlThe'.nlels-"aquanetofoz'classics'originalybyTheStrangen,Echomen,MidnightersandAtlanticsrespectivety". Kim s appearance prompted comments from some of the uinitiat€d such as "I thougJ-t you were ihe stage nanager. didnt ncfuist man, are you ?hil Enmanuel's younger brother?" Haviog seen Kim realise you played rhe I***n guitar male" and piay a few times in rccent years (mainly ax "Shadoz") I can confidently state that his playing continues to reach new heights with age and experience. He always seems to come up with irteresting 'new' ihings to add his magic to. The booked 'MC', Clenn A. Baker, did not show up to the gig; so it wal to Kim's 6edit that he 'filied in' with onstage conments etg showing much improved confidence. oh and his playing was mighty fine 1oo!! Australian surf legends Tlle ATLANTICS were on next. Martin Cilia and Jim Skiathitis (Lead,Rh}thm), Bosco Bosanac (Bass) and ?eter Hood @rums) pleased the crowd wilh a selectior of older and more recent tlassics', using the gig to officially launch their "THE ATLANTICS TI{E BEST OF' CD whil€ not quite tuming the area in front olthe stage into a mosh pit, th€ energy ofthe group's performance certarnly entic€d some ofthe exuberant younger punters to let loose with a display of Fenzied and uninhibited dance moves. The Adantics' all too sho't set featved I'oba Zerc, Gi.tut, Piwline, Mituge, B'g S\a,ell, Runble An l lkit. Night Sta\ 'Ihe CrusheL Cha/1erb6, Hat'rlti Fiw-', Flight Of I7E Sutf C'uitqr, Trqns.nlafiic. Wary 5 and. of cowse, Bon o/.l. Very professional (as always) and the guys were gracious enough to a[ow me to have tbeir photo taken with thenl A couple of years ago, I bought a CD called "The Golden Tones Ol The wetsuits" and rvas impressed that a younger band would choose some ofthe more obscwe TV rhemes to rerord (much like the much lauded Vibratos have done more recently). The WETSLITS - Clyde Brar ey (ex Hoodoo Gurus, Gu'tar), Jon Schofield (from Paul Kelly & The Coloured cirls, Bass), Marcus Schirtler (lrom w€ddings, ?arties, Anithing - Drums) and ih€ d€liglttul Ka1 Amiss (Ieyboards) (a LEGEND in her wordsl) includ€d the lo owing selections, nany of which werc fron the CD: Zl,e Munne^, Man Ol Mlstery, Out OJ Linirs, James Bond thene, flight Plan, Dr Who, Danger Man, Get Sna , Space Doabt, I he Avengers, Ihe Ssint, Shot In The Dark, Batnan aIJd Ca an. lt's especially thrilling fo. an old guy like me to see and hear the 'younger set keeping iNtrumentah to the fore in a mainly vocal world. So endeth the first ROTSG. A geat day, with lots of var;ety, complete professionalisrq lots of atmospherq friendship and -- those schoon€rsll Unfofiurately, due to a prior booking, Kim's origital plan to have rhe "Godfather Ol Aust aliar Rock & Roll Gultar" Dave Bridge co'nplete the pedect "Instro Icon T.ifecta" didnl eventuate, which was the only disappoirfment for me. However, t have been assued that the man has faiihfirlly promised to perfotm at ROTSC2. It was g.eat to catch up with some old friends, and make some new ones. Apart from those nentione4 author Stephen Mc?arlan4 lan Hanis, Bryan Browne, Mark Lapin, Alex Palmer, Jacqui Bosanac. Kemy Kramer (the Denverme* second bass player), Peter Andrews (The Telstars), Rick Ogden (The Rockir' Rebels), Peter Rappolt and GriffBeale (lead guitarist and drunmer respectively from The Echomen), Bob Jones (lead guitarist fion Tle Torquays), Wayne Thomas (flake), Warwick cilbert (Radio Birdman / The Hitnen / The Raouls) and Geotr Mcwatters (bass player fiom The Resonets) were among ihe audienc€. Thanks to all concemed, esp€cially the bands whq apart fom th€ music, were kind enoug! 10 supply answers to my stupid questions, set lists and extra ifo to filI in lhe gats caused by my drunken stuporl See you nexl year Kin By the way, many thanks to all who sent bifihday cards, emails, gifts, flowers, beers elc. I think I'll lum 60 again RIt!T[WS NOW I{EAR TEIS (Aust) NIIT 019 (BLIJE HEELERS I'T{EME) / MY ELUSIIE DREAMS / NASII!'ILLE E)PRESS / GEE RECKLESS EYEBALLIN BABI AIN'T I GOOD TO YOU / SLVER BELLS / MARIA ELENA Speaking of Kim (no, this is NOT rhe Ki.n Humphreys Newsletter!) his new CD is, well, superb. RecHess Eyeballin' is the theme &om the popular "Blue H€elers" TV s€ries, and was originally reco.ded for the series by members of The Cruel Sea. Kim's versior is close to the original with plenty ofdeep throated Gr€tsch twang and some ni{iy pickin' on a melody you wont be able to eet out of your head afier a few listens. My Etusive Drearns (usirg dide guitar) and Silver Bells were inspled by Barry Roy's '?lay Me A Song" LP ftom 1975, and Nashville Expless is the Peter Posa classic taker at breakrcck speed. Silver Bells rcminds me ofwhat Chet Atkins would be like with a Strat or Gibsor Les Paul in his hands. cee Baby ... is an old jazz number originally by the Nat King Cole Trio liom November 1943 featuri€ guita.ist Oscar Moorc. Recently revived by DaDny B. llarvey and A] Casey (with Lee Hazlewood) the tract receives s),mpathetic treatment fom Kim on solo guitar. Maria Elena is fairly faithirl to the well-krc$n version by Los Indios Tabajaras with the addition KIM HI]MPHRf,YS of a few Djanso style flourishes. ATLANTICS MUSIC (Aust) A-0r2 "THN ATLANTICS, TEI BEST OF..." BOMBORA (+) / MIRAGE (*) / REEF BRIAK / ST]RFERS ?ARADISE C) / IN THE SHADOWS / MOON MAN (*) / THE CRUSMR / GREMLIN FROM THE KREMLIN (*+) / BLUEBOTTLES C) / TRANSATLANTIC / GLASSY WATLS (++) / FLIG}IT OF TIIE SIJRF GUITAR / GIANT (+) / TEDDY BEARS'}ICNIC (+) / RIJIALE AND RLN{ / GREENSLEEVES (*) / POrNT ZERO / GAITCRASIIER / SHARK ATTACK e9 / WAR OF TI{E WORLDS e) / NIGITT STAR / ATLANTICA / STOMPING TIME (**) / WARP 5 / SATURDAY NIG}IT There's more to this ihan meets the eye. At ffrst, it seems likejust another "Best Of'. But there a.e eight new tracks r+remrdings done over the last six or so years of early tracks. These are mrked (*) and are gen€rally close to the originals. Those marked (**) are original CBS tracks from the 60's, whilst other tracks are lifted fron Flight OfThe Surf cuitar, ?oint Zero and Th€ Nen Generation. The result is a well-balanced and excitirg compilation. The CD insert f€atures some interestins photos and briefliner notes by NCD'S Dary Peckett. Well done to all. PI-ANET RtrCORDS (Aust) No Number IIARD IIEADED WO trAN - PETER MCLEAN WTIT{ T}lE HENRI BOIIRCE ALL STARS / REET PETTIE - PETER MCLEAN wlTII TIIE I{ENRI BOIJRCE AIJ STARS / TIIE WRECKERS - WHELAN AND TIIE WRECKERS / HOUND DOG MAN . WHELAN AND TI{E WRECKERS / MONA LTSA . TTIE BLUE BOPS / IM A TIGER - TI{E BI,IIF, BOPS / REATNIK FLY . THE HI-MARI<S / TI]E SIIAPE I'M IN - MAICOLM ARTHUR WITII THE HENRI BOURCE AI"L STARS / I GOT STUNG - MALCOLM ARTHIJR WTIH THE IIENRI BO{JRCE ATL STARS / CHATTANOOGA SHOE SHINE BOY - BRIAN PENGLASE / ROCKING MATILDA - BARRY ODOWD WIII] BRUCE CLARK ORCIIESTRA / MY BABY DOLLY - JOHNNY GT'ITAR WITH TTIE IIENRI BO{]RCE ALL STARS AND TIIE MOONTONES / RA]NDROP . JOHNNY GU]TAR WTTH TI]E }IENRI BOIJRCE ALL STARS AND THE MOONTONF,S / ADELAIDE TW]ST - T}IE ZODIACS / PARTY - SEE YOU LATER ATLIGATOR - HENRTS ROCK THE HENRI BOIJRCE ALL STARS (*) / ROCK AROIIND TIiE CLOCK - TUTTI FRUTTI ' THE GIRL CAN'T HELP IT . TI{E HENRI BOTJRCE ALL STARS (*) / TEQUILA - TTIE IIENRI BOI]RCE ATL STARS (*) / DINC DONG DO}IT BE CRLTEL . BABY T DON'T CARE . THE HENRI BOIJRCE ALL STARS O / BLIJE BERRY HILL - IIANG o\cR BLLIES - DOIIT r.EA\{E ME NOW - 'Ir{E }IENRT BOIJR.CE ALL STARS (*) / R.O.C.K. - IM WALKING - I BEG OT YOU - TIIE HENRI BOIJRCE ALL STARS (*) / GREAT BALLS OF FIRE - WHOLE LOTTA SHAK]N' - T}TE I'ENRIBOIJRCEALLSTARS(*)/AII\]'TTHATASHAME.BEBOPALULA-FLIPFLOP&I'LY-TI1EIIENRT BOURCE ALL STARS (+) I RAZZI F, D'\Z7J.E - BOOGIE BLI]ES - LONG TALL SALLY - IIIE HENRI BOI]RCE AI-L STARS (*) / WERE GONNA TEACH YA TO ROCK - ONE OF TTIESE DAYS - ALL SHOOK IJ? - TIIE ITENRI BOLIRCE AI-L STARS (*) / BLLE SI'EDE SHOES - DENILIQUIN ROCK . HOI]ND DOG - TI]E HENRI BOI]RCE ALL STARS C) / TI{E HOUSE WILL ROCK - TOO MUCH - BLLTE MONDAY - TIIE IIENRI BOL,RCE ALL STARS (+) / A,B C. BOOGIE - PLANET ROCK - SIIAKE RATTLE & ROLL - TIIE HENRI BOURCE AI-L STARS (*) / ROCK A BEATIN' BOOGIE . ATL STAR JI]MP - TREAT ME NICE - TIIE HENRI BOIJRCE ALL STARS (+) / SCHOOL DAY . T}IE HENRI BOI]RCE ALL STARS (+) / MEAN WOMAN BI-UES - TEDDY BEAR - JAILHOUSE ROCK TTIE IIENRI BOURCE ALL STARS (*) (*) - Fron LP 'ROCK N' ROLL PARTY' TIIE HENRI BOURCE AI-L STARS WITH ?ETER MCLEAN AND GL'EST STAR BEVERLEY DICK Another record with som€ historic impo.tanc€. The "Rock 'n' Ro[ Party" LP was probably the ftst Austratian rock 'n'roll LP, and app€ars here in it's entirety. And it fealures a couple of instrumentals too l{effi Bourc€ led the All Stars, who app€ar on almos.t alt of the tracks. The Hi-Marks and Zodiacs contribute instro t acks but xhe whole album is interesting to say the leasa. Ve.y.aw, and nawe rock'n' rol1. "A NI(:ET OIJT WITE AUSTRALIAN ROCK 'N' ROLL" CANETOAD (Aust) CTCD-37 RTJNNING BEAR - JOHNNY O'KEEFE / THIS LITTLE GIRL - PAL]]- WA\'}TE / IM TIIE GIRL TROM WOL\CRTON MOLN.{TAIN - LAI]RTL LEA / CHINA DOLL . ARTHI]R BLANCH / TIIE HOUSE OF TIIE RISING ST]N - WARREN WN,I,IAMS / AIN'T C'[}NNA TELL ANYBODY - LONN1E I"EE / SWINC LOW SWEET CIIARIOT - THE ATN ItrALE CHOIR / TOWN }IALL SHI,]I'FLE . DAVE BRIDGE / AHAB TITE ARAB - GEORGE (ARREN / SHE'S GOT SOUL - VIC SIMMS / DON'T SAY GOODNIGITT AND MEAN GOODB\€ - SIIARON O'BRIEN / JOTINNY GL]NSLINGER TIIE SAP?HIRES / PIPELINE . THE ECHOES / ruST ONE OF LIFE'S LITTLE TRAGEDIES - TREVOR GORDON / CONSTANTLY.JOHNNYO'KEEFE/I\I'ISHIWEREAPRINCESS.COR,{LKELLY/LETS-JERRYJ.WILDER/ MR MOON. MR. CUPID AND I - DIGGER RE\GLL & TIIE DEN\GRMEN / BABY EI,EPIIANT WALK . THE DEE JAYS / SECONDIIAND ROSE - NOELEEN BATLEY / PROI]D OF YOU - JAY ruSTIN / I{EART OF ICE - BARRY STANTON / JUNE IN JI]NEE - LUCKY STARR / SIIE'S NOT YOU - BRYAN DAVIES / YOU BETTER MO\G ON DIG RICITARDS / rT STATED (sic) ALL OVER AGAIN - JLDY STONE / ABO\G AND BEYOND - TI{E DEKROO BROTTIERS / SHADAROBA - COLIN COOK / \'ESTERDAYS HERO - KEVIN TODD / CLICK GO TIJE SIIEARS TIIE TAYLOR SISTERS / DO YOU WANNA DANCE - JOHNNY OKEEFE / BONUS TRACKS: CRACKIN' I-r" ALAN DAI,E AND THE HOUSEROCKERS / BACK IN T}IE USA - AIAN DALE AND TI{E HOUSEROCKERS Canetoad contjnues to trawl the archives, keeping Australits R&R history alive. This selection is taken Fom sources "retrieved from nrbbish dumps, saved &om disposable bins, Ieft in cardboard boxes for years at the bottom of closets and sold for little money at flea markets and house sales". lnstrumertally, Dave Bridge appears with Towi Hall Shume aron an early "Johmy O Keefe Slow", The Echoes copy The Chantays' Pipeline almost note for noie, and the Dee Jays pitcb in with Baby glephant Waik. Other instro goups, such as th€ Denvermem and The Leemen feature as backing bands. "EAZY MEMORIES VOLIIME 2" CANETOAD INTf, RNATIONAL (Aust) CDI-009 ACROSS TTIE STREET - RAY PETERSON / CANDY SWEET - PAT BOONE / DREAM GIRL . MARK W'!'NTER / SWEET WILLIAM. MILLIE / I RAN AIL TIIE WAY HOME - BRENDAN BOWYER / BABY ELEPHANT WALK - / TELL ME MAMA - CHRISTINE QUAITE / APACIiE - SONNY JAMES / STARLIGFI SCOTT / BABY, YOU GOT W}TdT IT TAKES - BROOK BENTON & DINAH WASHINGTON / YOIIR USED TO BE - BRENDA LEE / lM JUST A COUNTRY BOY - GEORGE McCLIRN / HE WHO LAUGHS LAST - FREDA PA\A{E / IIAPPY GUITAR - REG OWSN & HIS ORC}IESTRA / ROCKIN' RED WING - ERNIE FREEMAN / W]LLIE CAN - SI]E TIIOMPSON / TIIE WRITING ON TIIE WALL - ADAM WADE / TIIE WAY OF A CLO\I'N . TEDDY RANDAZZO / WHISPERING . NINO TEMPO & APRIL SIE}ENS / CHINA THE MINIATT]RE MEN STARBRIGF| " LINDA NIGHTS . KYU SA{AMOTO / HOOTENANNY - TIIE GLENCO\,ES / IIAW{ TATTOO . TIIE WAIKIKTS / HELLO ROOMMATE - !'IC DANA / WHAT DOES A GIRL DO? - MARCIE BLANE / IT DOESN'T MATTER ANY MORE ROB & ROY / IIE WAIKS LIKE AMAN- JODY MILI-ER/ LET MEIN- TI{E SENSATIONS / BILLY BILLY WENT A-WAIKIN' - TI{E BEAU-MARKS / PETITE CITANSON . JOHNNY CRAWT'ORD / A STAR IS BORN (A LOVE IIAS DIED) - MARK DINNING / GINO . CONNE / WILUAM TELL OVERTIJRE ' SOIJNDS INCORPORATED Another in Can€toad's international series. Most tracks are making tbeir CD debut and are seleoted for their rarity valu€. Ofcburs€. most ar€ vocals! but lhe inclusion ofihe Miniature Men, Reg O,veq Emie Fr€ema4 waikikis and Sounds lnc tracks are welcorne. And there's a vocsl r€rsion of "Apache" I CoRDELTA RECORDS (UrO CD040 "BEYOND TtrE SEAN MY FAVOURITE THINGS - T}IE SWAMP COOLERS / VTVA LAS \€GAS - LOS DERRIIMBES / TAKE ON ME TIIE BITCH BOYS / ]M NOT IN LOIIE - DONS MOBILE BARBERS / TIIEN HE KISSED ME . TI]E DETONATORS / MEXICAN WHISTLER - LOS FANTASTICOS / AIJ'I,D LANG SYNE ' TIIE GLASGOW TIKI SIIAKERS / FT}{ER4I, MARCH OI A MAR]ONETTE - TI]E PYRONAUTS / JE T'AIME ... MOI NON PLUS . KAHI]NA KAWENTZMANN / ROCK AND ROLL HIGH SCHOOL - COBALT AND TIIE AQUABEARS / REDEMPTION SI]RF (REDEMPTIONSONG).ESTRUMENTAL/BARBIEGIRT.FUDGE/TIIEONEILOVE.NOVASURFER/YOU SEXY THING , OI]R FLYING SAUCER / S{JRFER FREA( (SI]?ER FREAK) - RNA / Tf]E SPONGEBOB SQUAPJPANTS TT{EME TID{E . MONKEY \ERSUS ROBOT / TT{E {)YENTT]RES OF RABBT JACOB - TIIE ASTROCLIDES / ANOTTIER BRICK IN TTIE WATL (PART 2) - TT{E \{\'ISECTORS / I ONLY WANT TO BE WI1II YOU - T}IE MUFFINMATES / HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD - T}IE I,]RBAN SURF KINGS / CINNAMON GIRL TIIE LOST BOYS OF PENZANCE / TRA\TLIN MAN . THE RELUCTANT AQUANAUTS / DANCE OF TIIE KING OF TI1E WORLD OF MAYA (DANCE OF MAYA and KING OF TIiE WORLD) - PEGLEG / BLUE VELVET - TllE COCTAIL PREACIIERS / BOHEM]AN R}IAPSODY - TT{E TI{I]RSTON LAVA TIIBE / BEYOND TIIE SEA - IIIE AQUAN,IARINLS Believe it or not, nost ofthese tracks are by British bands. Ao extremely interesting crmpilation of'pop' hiis done instrumentally ranging from tracks fiom nr$icals to ffts by loCC, Pink Floyd, Hot Chocoiate, fuck Nelsoq Que€q Bobby Darin and others. An eclectic selection, all very well done, and most never done in lhe instro style befor€ - but - SITNDAZED (US) SC rr143 "LOST LECfNDS Of STIRF GUTTAR tV _ SEOCK\\ AYE:" SHOCKWA\G . ZORBA & TI{E GREEKS / HEARTBEAT - TIIE A\,ENGf,RS VI / FAIL OUT . IIIE STAGE.MEN / THE TRI]ANT . THE TRUANTS / KAW-HIDE - TIIE PASTELS / VOLCANIC ACTION - T}IE BELAIRS / \GRTI. co,co (*) - JAN DAVrS / MOON RACE - TltE CTTATIONS / CHTiLADO e) - THOM STARR & TI{E GALAXTES TTIE IIEARSE - AL CASEY / BEACHBOIND - TIIE CORNELLS / WATK DON'T RUN '64 - TIIE TEEMATES SCALPING PARTY . THE TORNADOS / TIME BOMB - TItr AIENGERS !'] / SI]NSET SI]RF - IIIE TRUANTS MOON DAWG - JOHNNY & T}IE SI{Y GIJYS / SPIN OUT . T}IE TEENSMEN / IT]E AVENGER'S STOMP - IIIE A\,'ENGERS !'I / BEDLAM. TI{E BELAIRS / SIJRFBUSTER (*). JAN DAVIS (*) = PREVTOUSLY UMSSI'ED Again, not Australian, but a geat addition to the surf collection. Includes some unreleased tracks along with some more faniliar tides. Worth havins. "EVILRUZZ -DAVIE A'I,AN TRIBIIIE" OMOM LUSIC otaly) REKB 9 ACTION ON TI{E STREET - AL PERRY / ANGEL W]TH A DEI{L'S HEART . SKOOSHNY / BLTJES TIIEME - TIIE FUZZTONES / BONGO PARTY - THE SIDEWATK SOLINDS / BORN LOSERS TTIEME - URBAN SL]RF KINGS / BORN LOSERS TTIEME - POLYL]RETIIANE - LAS VEGAS ON MARS / CHOPPER. FENDER BENDER - TERRY WARE / CORRIDOR OF FEAR - HARDWAY / CYCI,E-DELIC - INSECT SURFERS / DARK ATLEY - DATE RAIT / ENCOIJNTER . JASON STEWART / FUZZ TTiEME - TIIE IMRAREDS / GLINSLINGER - KIM HIJMPHREYS / INVASION OF TIIE BODY STIRFERS . THE BEMERKERS / LEFT TIJRN ON ARROW ONLY - I}IE SUBMERSIANS / LITTLE BIG HORN - SCOTT MOODY / MIND TRANSFERRAL - THE ARROWS / OI-EA-IE Kf]RT MAX / REBEL (WITHOUT A CAUSE) - LONGBOARD RANCII / SHAPE OT TTIINGS TO COME COCKTAIL PREACI]ERS / STIRF TREK - JASON STEWART / T}IEME FROM ITTE LNKNOWN . TT{E L]NKNOWN / TOMAI{AWK . KNUCKEL DRAGER / LNKNOWN RIDER - T}IE RAZORBLADES / WHITE MAN BEWARE THE ?HANTOM SLTRFERS Davie Allan and the Arrows we.re popr ar in the mid 60's with their soudt acks to bikie Iilms. Somehat in the Dick Dale mould. Tbis tribute album includes yet another app€arance by Kim Hunpkeys!l His track (&om the "Big Twang Theory" album, is one of the best h€re. The set is loud, hea\,y, fast, firrious and laden with ltzz guitar, with psychedelic wah-wah distortion and 60's sounding organ in places, and even has a couple ofvocals. For firzz lieaks only TIIE ATI,ANTICS IN MILBOURNE Hot on the heels ofthe "Retum OfThe Surfcuitar" gig (aka Geotrs Birthday Bash), tle Atlantics made a retum to Melboume on Saturday 22 October at the Kingston City Hall, Nep€an Highway, Moorabbin. Support acts inoluded a Bobby Darin Tribute *.ith Frankie Benedetlo, Carl Pe*;ns tribute with Joey D., The Watts Rockin' Shov,band and Sha-Boom. I was unable to gei to the show, but *onl all r€ports it was a memorabl€ night. The Atlantics set list (with thanks to Jim Skialhitis) was ,R;s 5V"4 Thutulet Down Lhder, Pipeline, Mirase, Flisht Of the &'t Guitar, Giant, Runble A d Run, Night \tcr, lr.a&ilantic, Poim Zero, Bonhora, Chatterbox, H&wii Five-1 and War Of The Wotlds. The gtoup was called back for encores wltrch were Satur.lay Night nd IlE Crurhel Planned, but not played due to time conslraints were Dobhhs and Wary 5 LOS JETS Thint ofthe UK - TIte Shadows; the US - The Ve.tureq Australia - The Ailalltics; Spain? - Well, Los Jeis 6lls the bill. Released in January 2002 as the 40th anniversary oflos Jets first number one in lhe Spanish chafts in 1962 with "Zorongo" was tfte €xcellent CD "40 ANIVERSARIO". Th:s p.ompted renewed interest i.r the group, who appeared as special guests at the 2002 Pipeiine Convention in Lordon, and were invited to return for the 2005 Convendon. "Passion and ?ower" are words (by ceorge ceddes) to des€ribe Los Jets music, and I have chosen a sel€ction oftheir recent albums to list fiere - HORUS (Spain) CD-0r006 BOABDIL/\tsNTURES/AUTLMNRAIN/GREENONIONS/ASLMMERPLACE/CI{EROKEE/SHADOWS MIX: APACHE - WONDERFUL LAND TIIE RISE AND FAIL OF FLINGLE BI]NT KON TIKI _ PEACE PIPE ' THEME FOR YOIJNG LOVERS / SOIJL LIMBO / STRANGERS ON THE SHORE (sic) / FLYING HIGH / PERFTDIA rIND ME A COLDEN STRE|T/TLLSTAR / E l4R (Spain) S.M.R - 037 ZORONGO / CONZATEZ / BIG BOY / BECAUSE TIIEY ARE YOI]NG / THE STRANGER / ?EACE PIPE / GENIE \ITIH THE LTGHT BRO\\TN LAMP / AIN'T NO SLI'.ISHINE / TALES OF A RACGY TRAMLINE / FLY ME TO THE MOON / KON TIKI / WHEELS / REBEL ROUSER / TT-IEME FROM "BOYS' / TT{E MIRACLE / THE DUCK SWAMP / HOW DEEP IS YOLTR LO\T / TI{E W]LD ROSES / TI{E WINDMILLS OF YOUR MIND / FOOT TAPPER I TTIE THIRD MAN / GUITARRA ENAMORADA / ST]N CITY / MIDNIGIIT EYES / TIIEME TOR YOL]I.IG LO\ERS Recorded in 2001 a d released in January 2002 as the 40th anniversary ofl-os Jets fust nuorber one in the Spanish chads in 1962 with "Zorongo", this record ircludes re-reco.dings ofthat hit and anoth€r number one ofl-os Jets faom 1963 with "cuitana Enamorada". Members of different Spanish bands, lite Los RelampagosJ Los Diablos Rojos, and Los Pasos played along with Los Jets paying t.ibute to the first band in the world who made a fusior with the flamenco and the instrumental R&R. After "Zo.ongo" many bands in Spain and ali over the wo.ld followed the idea, bu.I,os .Jets d;d it ffrst. According io the British Magazine New candy Dancer 'Zorongo" is one ofthe best l0 Europeatr instumentals ofall tirne This CD was number two on lbe Europeao charts and was nominated for the best record olthe year award in 2002. lt.M.R (Spain) 041 "SPANISEBLOOD" DON QT]]JOTE / LOS 4 MT]LEROS / LOS CAMPANILLEROS / TANGT]ILLOS DE CADZ / SOMBRAS Y REJAS / DOS CRUCES / ANDALUCIA / LT]NA DE ESPANA / SPANISH LACE / MARIADOLORES / EL \']TO / MARTA DE LA O / LMOSNA DE AMORES / JEZABEL / SEGI]IDILLAS / LADY OF SPAIN Recorded in 200i and released in 2004. Tbe disc reached the top ofthe Eoropean charts immediately and stayed there at number one lor 23 weeks. The record was award€d the best record ofthe y€ar 2004 award. Ix's pure Spanish flanenco-rock insbumental and accord;ng to Rob€rt Silverst€h from "20th Century Guitar" magazine in the US, 'Spanish Blood" is the best flamerco rock album ever made E I4R (SpriD) H.]!tR 04J ZORONGO / ANDATUC]A / EL \TTO / DON QUIJOTE / GU]TARRA ENAMORADA / GONZAI-ES / APACI{E / TTIE SAVAGE / WONDERFUL LAND / CHARIOT / STRANGER ON I't]E SHORE / TELSTAR / TIIEME FROM A SI]MMER PLACE / JEZEBEL / DRIFTIN / DIAMONDS / MOON LIG}IT / THINKING OF OI]R LO\E / SILADOWS / SOUL LIMBO / AUTIJM (sic) RAIN / BOABDIL / MOLINTAINS OF THE MOON / WArK DON'T RLrN Released in Septernber 2004 was l1 rr'eeks at numbe. on€ on the charts in Europe. with a compilation oflos Jets material lrom 1962 unti12003, includes the original recording version of "Zo.ongo and Guitarra Enamo.ada" with other songs taken liom some ofthe 33 albums recorded by the band so fa.. E.M.R. (Spain) E.M.R- 044 RTTUAL FIRE DANCE / EL ARLEQLT]N DE TOLEDO / MALAGT]ENA / GIPSY MOON / FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE / HA\C YOU EVER REALLY LO}'ED A WOMAN / LA VIRGEN DE LA MACARENA / SEVILLA / A FIST FIJLL OF DOLLARS / ARANJUEZ 2ND MONEI,€NI / TIB DANCE OF THE BUFFOON / SPANISH SERENADE / BRAZO DE CITANO / ?ONCHO / MARIA LATINA / LAS LAGARTERANAS / GUADALAJARA / TIIE LONELY BULL Released in March '05, and launched live at Pip€line 2005 in London. The CD also reached nurnber one. (CD$ H.NLR RICORDS (Sp"in) PROMO CD SINGm "40oN - 30oW" THE VALIANT / RAM-BI]NK.SHUSH The new Los Jets CD will be released in Ma.ch 2006 under the generic nane ol "40S{-3'W" and w€ could say thet it is a surfalbum This is a promo single for ihat album. ALL ofthe above CD's Andres at their website MOMINT are HIGHLY r€corun€nde4 and are available iiom Los JetJ Press Manager C.istina de $aw losiets.com OF TRI-ITH Moment Of Truth - Gmeme Thomas. Wanen Rough, Domenic Pratnco and Fjck Belgan are back in the studio recording an album of'classic' Austlalian instrumentals - sounds excking There's a possib'lity of some live appearances in the near future too. Stay tuned. LOCAL IItrRO D\-D My favourite filiD, 1983's "lrcal Hero", has finally been releas€d locally on DVD. It featu€s the haun:ting nusic of Mark Ituopfler. Nell Schofield in the Herald Sun described it as a "charming little fiI1n", "tull of subde humour perlect pffformances, gjorious scenery", "a limeless litde gem". Distributed by Roadsho% ml€d PG TRryIA Wlilst I was ir Sydney a couple ofyears ago, I heard a track which 'sampl€d' The MarKeys' "Last Nighf'. Does anyone know what it was? It may have been a TV ad. SL'BSCRIPTIONS Some subscr;ptions are now due. lf you would like to subscribe or renew, please let me know as soon as possible Subs are AU$30 Per Annuq for SIX Bi-monthly issues, postage (within Australia) paid. Pric€ lor email copies the same (please specify which you prefer - th€ email version wjll be sent a f€vr days before the "snail mail" copies) Advenising rates subject to negotiaiiotr. Contaci GEOFF JERMY AT 8/52 Hatding Street, Cobu.g, Vic. 3058. Tel: (03) 9386 lg12,Mobile 0r',28 2aa 517, Enail: sier1lyl@bigpaqi.le!.a! TOMMY EMMANUEL Sydn€y's "Daily Telegraph" of3 September 2005 report€d: "AUSSIE fingerstyle guitarist Tommy trnmanu€l has picked up three honours at, wait for it the Thumb pickers Hall ofFame Awards in Cedral City, Kentuc$. He can now call hirnselfthe thumb picker olthe year after, well, pick;ng up that gong as well as b€ing inducted into the Thurnb Pickers Hail OfFane " WANTS? I'n doing a poll to help whh a possible futur€ project and ne€d your help. Whilst rnost Austmlia4 New Zealand and UK tracks ere now availabl€, there are thousands oftracks still to appear on the digital format. Let me know your favountesl which instrut ental tracks would you like to see on CD? DISCOGRAPHIES Over the years, I have amassed huge amounts ofdiscographies and infonnation on (rlainly) instrumental artists I have started to computeriz€ lots ofthese discogaphies. lfthere ar€ any you would likg just ast. Bear in mind, that it rir'ould be almost impossible to do ihe Shadows or Ventures! ! THE RAPIERS From all acc.ouds the trjbule night to Wa].ne Nicholls was a huge success. Unfoflunately, the planned DVD had to be shelved due to legal and fimncial constraints. Some foot€e of The Rapi€rs live at this years' Shado\iTania is available at w]rw. shadowsvideos.eo.uk/shadowMnia2005/ You can also che{k out live tracks as The Rapiers Ar€ Go ot Live 365.com intemet radio. The site is at ww1v.live365.conr/stalionsl2l4159 There are links ftom the Shadows music website. Further detaib ofRapiers news are al rapig!q@!qpia4-!a!q There are also numerous links to Rapiers-related sites, including news ofother fund nising concerts held subsequently. NEW GANDY DANCER. THE MAGAZINE FOR ROCK INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC The latest "NGD" is Issue 75, with rumber 76 due very soon. NGD always contains reviews, interviews, discographies and inte.esting articles, and llas covered over 5,000 new releases! Subscriptions and back issues are awilable fiom me - GEOIF JERMY, 8/52 Harding Streeq Coburg, \llc. 3058. Tel: (01) 9386 1972. Email: gjsrngAblgpea!.let3q FURTITER READING "shadsfax" is an excell€nl little A5 magrzine concentrating on all matters Shadows. Subs are 17 pounds, contaci editor Tony Hoftnan at lee|over.iitarfiBd@bstiuillsq For Ventures fans, there s The Ventures Resurgencg now Lrp to issue 8 1 . Edited by Gerry Woodae€, it's arailable at 17 pounds Fom Gerry at E-Mai1-venturestesursencel@tesco.net "Pipeline" nagazine, 4 is$res at 1 8 pounds, is co-edited by Alan Taylor and Dave Burke The latest issue, No. 68 features an extensive Iiank Marvin interview The Pipelirc website is *'\{t.oip€li.enragco.uk Do you preler rhe "Twang"? futhur Moir is the editor of "Twangsville", devot€d to, ofcoursq Duarc Eddy. Subs are 15 pounds. Contacl Arthur at DECtlK, P.O. Box 203, Shefreld 51 1xu, Ensland. HOUND DOG'S BOP SEOP HDBS (ltOuND DOG'S BOP SHOP) are at 313 Vicloria Stree! Wert Melboume Vic 3003. Always in stock is a huge range ofinstrumentals from the 50's and 60's Shadows, Ventwes, Duate Eddy, Atlartics, Johnny & The Hunicanes, Bill Black's Combo, Chet Atkins, Kim Humpkeys and Spotnicks are just a few ofthe many adists in stock, as well as many popular labels such as Rarity, Echo, Collector Caneioa4 uftite Label Bison Bop. Lots of vinyl too - 45s and LPs!! Most olthe new releases reviewed here are available at llDBS. There's also a gowjng range ofDVD's as w€ll as a large range of Opening hours are Thunday i0-6, Friday 10-7.30, Satudey 10-3. Call in and check out the rary€, or give DENYS a call on 03 9329 5362. Denys ca! also atange nail order ifyou wish. OTHER SOURCES Oth€r sou.ces for CD's, D\tD's etc include Birn Bam Records at www.bim-bam.com or Leo's Den, which specialises in CliffRichard / Shadows product. They ar€ at ww1lr'.1€osden.co.uk R.I.P. CHARIIE Just as I was about to go to print, I rcceived the sad news that Chariie Anag had passed away. Charlie had sufeted deeply for quite some time, and was ody 58 years old. He played rhythm guit& with his brother Con 5t our ftst 'Shadoz", and was a lovely guy. He was a v"€ll respected and loved pe.son with a delighftl sense ofhumour and will be sadly miss€d. Our sincere condolerces io Con. "ARID" (Australian (and New Zealand) Rock Instrurnenlal Discogaphy) For tbs issue, we focus on The Joy BoF. I've often wondered if they would have used that name in these modem The titles in lower case are vocals, whilst the titles in UP?ER case are instrufiertals. Any conments, additions or amendments are welcome. THE .IOY BOYS .Joy Bors werc oriKiMI! tt trio ..,tsistutg o.f &'lin lacobse (Col .laye)((;aitat., t;ocats), &n,s oklet brcthel Kel,in.lacohsen eimo) and.toh Bosie (Dtuns).In Octohet t957Iaurie h$t't Oenot S.,t, Ctaine, ani DatE utklge (&tix., wete added to beco,e the Kl.QuitetSoon. a thit't Jacobsebrother' Keith, joine.l on bass arul &l Joye's populatity saared, pronptiltg the Lhd ge ol ane to the lov B'rys 1he gro p be'ane norc af a fllppoft to Jore but also rcLonied a sting of insttunentals. N.tln Dd! replaced Br lge qs Ledd Guitlltist in 196l , Biuce Gut rcpraced Kein Jacobsen hnw a sucessfut enttepaleurbrcnoter) an t I dutie htin Joh antt Rin Pit,," "ndlhe niti 1960'5. 7he grcup harl enomous s1lccess vilh thet ineumenlals as weu at beking! fot love Bogie atso quil J\AJ) Sto e an l Nickf Tinmt. F.,!r 4 theb singles rcached the top ten, o rhet three also chani s. Smokz! Mokes was the oU nxnber one, but Solthem 'Roft' (mned dfel the Stuthen AM.'ra, m qptess lqin tinking Melboume and |r&Pr) and Murphy 7he Sur;t'ie were abo hits, the latter nas also recoded by the Il S. grcw Ihe &liatis. Br 1979, the group &nryise.d Rfian &e!bosrh), h1n Ca ashan (t)tuns), Phil Risss (Bass) atd Itlwie A en (Cuittr) t988 sau'a aipletety diferent hne-up, inctu.lins G s Fewi.L (R.L's), D.l,id lacoh'en (Gtitqr) Ma* Ma iot (Druns)' Ldftv Mui&sac (Kes,boardl and t'eter Noituott (S.xi Othe^ arsociate.l with the gtoup at rsious tines brctuled lbtry Buchanan (,\ax), Jatn Hayton (L; ita4 and loh ny Spen e lcuita, One ol Autrratid's longeit lash\g gtottps, ttrc i be^ ALBUMS: 1. "COL JOYE'S JOY BOYS" (1961) (LP) (LP) FESTIVAI- (Auso FL 726i POPULAR RECORD CLIJB (AUSi) E-225 BOOGIE / }IENPECKED / MAD / GUITAR RUDY'S ROCK / TLARA / CROSSFTRE / LOVSR'S GUITAR / JOYE DON'T RT]N / WALK. / CHIEF WHOOPIN''KOFF MIDNIGHTER / SI]NDAY MORNING / ISTANBL]L 2. "TFE JOY BOYS - NEW OLD TIME" (i-P) FESTTVAL (Aust) FL.l07s2 CATENDAR (Aust) R66 264 (1e62) (LP) G\?SY TA? ROCK KNOCK ON YOLR DOOR BILL BAILEY WON'T YOU PLEASE COME HOME SOMEBODY STOLE MY GAL / MEDLEYT lF YOU KNEW SUZIE (LiKE I KNOW SUZIE) - KNEES LD MOTHER BROWN - ABE MY BOY / BARN DANCE ROCK : I CANT GIVE YOU ANYTHTNG BUT LOVE - TWELFTH STREET RAG / BARN DANCE ROCK : BlE BYE BABY C'OODBYE - TIIE GANG TIIAT SANG "ttEART OF MY f{EART" / CAI<E WALK ROCK : SMOKEY MOKES -JAMBALAYA (ON THE BAYOU) - \l'T STLIN'RLFUS COI,ONF,I- BOGEY J. "THtr JOY BOYS' FABULOUS gfIS" (1962) FESTTA]- (Auso FL 10902 SMOKEY MOKES / KURRAWATHA / ISTANBUL / }IENPECKED / WHISTLIN' RLTUS / ]AMBALAYA / WALTZ OF T}IE FLOWERS / GAVOTTE ESPRESSO / HINDUSTAN / FEELIN' BLLE / NIGHT COACH TO RJO / SOUTHERN 'RORA (IP) 4. "COOKING UP A PARTYWINT (LP) (LP) TIiT JOY BOYS" (1963) FESTTVAL (Aust) FL ll079 CALENDAR (Aust) R 66 466 THIS IS TIIE JOY BOYS / STR]CTLY INSTRLJMENTAL / IN THE MOOD / STL{KY / BESAMO MUCHO / LDiBO ROCK / VOLARE (NEL BLU DIPINTO DI BLU) / SUMMERTIME / NE\TR ON Sf]NDAY / SHAZAM / CHATTANOOGACHOO CHOO / MEDLEY : St(]N DEEP - THIS IS THE JOYBOYS 5. "THE SURFIN' STOMPIN' JOYES" FESTIVAL (Aust) FL il257 1961) T1# SURFIE / BOOTS, SADDLE MURPHY THE FROLIC / SWAMPED / HIGIIWAY 69 / T}IE SURFIN' SANDFLY / DRLM STOMP / STJRFER / SANDY, / MIDNIGHT AND SLIRFBOARD / SUN STOMP ZAMBEST STOMP STANDIN' AND STOMPIN'/ (I-P) (March MEMPHIS (STOMP) 6. "ON TOP OF THE WORLD" (L") / (t974) ATA IIARLEQUIN SERIES (Aust L 25114 TOP OF THE WORLD / DANCINC ON A SATL]RDAY MGHT / PORCUPINE PIE / DELTA DAWN / TOUCH TIIE MORNING / YOLR MAMA DON'T DANCE / TIE A ITLLOW RIBBON ROIJND TIIE OLE OAI( TREE / SAY, HAS A}N'BODY SEEN N{Y SWEET GYPSY ROSE / A DAISY A DAY / ACORN / YOU'RE SO SWEET / CROCODILE ROCK 7. "INSTRUMENTAI-LY YOLIRS" (t976) FESTIVAI- (Aust L 25288 (LP) SMOKEi MOKES / SAN ruAN / WALTZ OF TI{E FLOWERS / MIDNIGHT SIIRFER / ML]RPHY TI{E SLTRFIE / KURRAWATHA / DANCE OF TI{E FLAMES / WHISTLIN'RI,TUS / GAVOTTE ES?RESSO / NIGHT COACH TO RIO / SOUTIIERN 'RORA / T}Ig FROLTC / BOOTS, SADDLE AND SURiBOARD / HIGIIWAY 69 / FEELIN' BLTJE / HENPECKED / OPUS / DRLM STOMP / SWAMPED / ZAMBESI STOMP 8. "THE EXCITING BIG BEAT / TIItr BTSTIIITPARADI" (re65) (LP) SE\GN SEAS (Japan) SET.29 (S) SLAUGIITER ON TENTH A\GNL]E / LOVE ?OTION NO.9 / LITTLE HONDA / TICKET TO RIDE / CAN'T YOU IIEAR MY TIEARTBEAT / MOWNT / I{ELP ME RHONDA / DO YOU WANT TO DANCE /GT O / ROCK'N'ROLI MUSIC / DIAMOND TTEAD / MRS. BROWN YOU'VE GOT A LO\ELY DAUGHTER 9. "JOY BOYS IN TOKYO" (1e65) (LP) SEVEN SEAS (Japrn) SET 30 (S) / IWATE NO / NAGASAKI NO HITO / YAMA GA ARU NO UTA / ITAKO-BUNE OSHOSAN ONNA-GOKORO KAWA GA ARU / \'LIYAKE TO]\IBJ / MATSU NO KI KOI]TA / TOKYO NO HI YO ITST]MADEMO / SHITANLACHI NO TAryO / MAKKANA CHI}IEISEN / XAWA \ITA NAGARERU / \'I]BIKIRI NO MACHI IO. "TEtr BtrST Of JAPANOSE EITS" (1e66) (LP) sEvEN sEAs (Japan) SEr.56 (S) WA(AMONO TACHI / GOLDEN GUITAR / A STAR ON GtN NO NAMIDA / BLLIE E\GS / BLUE SL.NSET / BATTLE GROLN{D / LO\ts FOREVER / CRAZY GUITAi / VfY LONELY IIRST LO}'E / LIKE A ROSE / SENTIMENTAL GIJ]TAR / ITSL]NIADEMO TTSII\4ADEMO 11. "LlTTLtr IIONDA" (CD) (as COL JO\T & THE JOY BOYS) (1992) SE\4N SEAS (Japar) KICP 2317 LITTLE HONDA / G.T.O, / DIAMOND IIEAD / MOVTN' / ITELP ME RHONDA / DO YOU WANNA DANCE / LO\C POTION NUMBER NTNT / BRA\E MAN / SLAI,]GHTER ON TENTH A\ENLIE / CAN'T YOU HEAR MY T{EARTBEAT / MRS,BROWN YOU'\T GOT A LOVELY DAUGHTER / T]CKET TO RIDE / ROCK AND ROLL MUSIC / GOLDEN GLIITAR / CRAZY GUITAR / SENTLMENTAL GUITAR / SIL\ER TEARS (Glr\ NO NATVIDA) / FORE\CR FORE\ER (ITSUI,trADEMO ITSLMADEMO) / BLUE E\TS / RED SUNSET (BLLIE SLT.]SET) / WITH YOU FORE\TR (LOVE fORE\GR) 12. "IT'S THf, JOYBOYS - SHAZAM!" (r998) FESTIVAL/SPIN (Aust) D 262si SOUTHERN 'RORA / MLTRP}IY THE SIIRFIE / BOOTS SADDLES AND ST]RIIBOARDS / SILAZAM / LIMBO ROCK / SWAMPED / HIGFIWAY 69 / MEMPHIS STOMP / THE FROLTC / SANDY TIIE SL]RFIN' SANDFLY / STANDIN' AND STOMPIN' / KIJRRAWATHA / ]STANBLII / MGHT COACH TO RIO / \I'ILD LO\E / (TTIEME fROM) THE ANTHILL / THE BLUEBIRD / STR]CTLY INSTRTIIVfENTAI / SKIN DEEP / TEELIN' BLLIE / }TENPECKED / WI{ISTLING RUFUS / WALTZ OF THE IiLOWERS / HINDUSTAN / GAVO'ITE ESPRTSSO / SI]MMERTIME / SMOKEY MOKES / JAMBAIAYA / BYE BYE BABY GOODBYE (CD) M]DMTE ST]RFER / COMPII"4TION AI,RUMS: r, "TOP AORTY HITS" GP) .ISTANBL,'L FESTIVAL (Ausl) ML.:10726 2. "BRIAN HENDERSON'S BAI\DSTAND" FESTIVAL (Aust) FL.10727 (LP) . SMOKEY MOKES 3. "6 o'CLOCK ROCK VOL.2" FESTIVAL (Aust) FL 10738 (LP) - JOYE GUITAR BOOGIE 4. "f, !'ERYTEING'S SWINCING" POPLILAR (Aus, E 232 (LP) - RIJDY'S ROCK s. /WALK DON'T RLIN "JoyrrM.E" (wlTH col JOYE & JrrDY STONE) (re62) (LP) - IO\'F GI ]TTAR BOOG] E / MIDNIGHTER / FESTIVAL (Aust) f L.10790 KURRAWATHA / LOVEILS GUITAR 6. "FESTTVAL'S HIT PARADE" (LP) (re63) FESTWAL (Aus0 FL 30907 CAIENDAR (Ausr) R66-t 14 . SMOKEY MOKES / WAITZ OF THE FLOWERS 7. "BRI,{N qf,NDERSON'S BANDSTAND '63" (LP) DANCE OT TiIE ELAMES (196:i) FESTTVAL (Aust) FL 31047 8. "NATIONAL TOP 40 HITS" FESTIVAL (Aust FL.3 I 087 (LP) - THE BLUEBIRD / TIIEME FROM THE ANTHILL 9. "THE ALL AUSTRALLAN IIIT PARADI" (r964) (LP) , MURPIry THE SURFIE / THIS IS TT{E JOY BOYS FE IO."LET THE GOOD TIMtrS ROLL" I2I 7 CALENDAR (Aus, L.15232 (LP) (LP) - SMOKEY MOKFS I STIVAL (Aus, FL.3 (Aust) (1e73) FESTJVAL (19',1s) FESTIVAL (Aust) L.2s2l I FESTIVAL (Aust) C.2521 1 FESTIVAL (Aust) D.2521 1 ? I." ROCK AN D ROLL AUSTRA.LIA" (LP) (cAs) (cD) SMOKEY MOKES I2."SURFIN' SAFARI" (LP) (November 1977) K-TEL (Aust) NA.502 - MURPHY TTIE SL]RFIE 13."HrTS OF THtr 50'S & 60'5" (LP) FESTIVAL (Aust) L 25:129 13a,"20 COLDEN GRtrATS OF TIttr 50'S & 60'5" (LP) (CD) (1980) FESTIVAT (Aust) r.25329 FESTIVAL (Aust) D.2s329 (r98r) FESTIVAI- (Aus0 L.25369 - MIJRP}'Y THE ST]RFIE 14."20 GOLDtrN GRAATS OF TEE 60'5" (LP) FESTIVAI (Aust) D.25369 (cD) - SOIJTHF,RN 'RORA Is,"NAT YOUNG'S EISTORY OF AUSTRALIAN SURFING" (1e86) GP) CBs (Aust) CP 16 , Mf]REry T}IE SURFIE I6."DRUM CRAZY" (2000) FESTIVAL / SPIN (Aust)D26299 SKIN DEEP / (TIIEME FROM) ANTHILL (all as THE JOY BOYS featuring JOHN BOGrE) CD also includes lN A pERSIAN NtrA.RKET by JOHN BOGIE & MILAN TROHA and CARAVAN by JOHN BOCIE (CD) - ISTANBLa 17. / "SPINNING AROUND (2CD) VOL.I 50 YTARS OF FtrSTIVAL RtrCORDS _ THE LOCAL ITARS 1952-1977" (2001) FESTIVAI MUSIIROOM (Aust) i34s'12 - SMOKY MOKES Is."BOARD BOOGIE (CD) - SURF'N'TWANG FROM DOWN UNDER" (2002) BIG BEAT GIK) CDWIKD 2t ] (19s?) FESTTVAL (Aust . MIDNITE SIJRFER / SANDY T}'E SLIRIIN' SANDFLY / SWAMPED / GAVOTTE ESPRESSO / MURPHY THE SIJRI]E / (TIIEME FROTO THE ANT HILL / BOOTS. SADDLE & SURTBOARD / TTIE FROLIC / ST,{NDIN' & STOMPNV EP'S: l. "JOYRJDII" Fx s007 COLONEL BOGEY / plls lracks by Col Joye "ISTANBUL" (August 2. TSTANBUL / SUNDAY MORNING / MAD / TIARA 1961) IESTIVAL (Aus0 FX 10054 (December 196 i) FESTIVAL (Aust "Tlltr JOY BOYS BIG FOIIR" HINDI JSTAN / HEN,PECKED / SMOKEY MOKES / WALK - DON'T RLI}.I 3. Fx.lol2s BOYS" l96l) FESTIVAI (Aust) FX.10126 4. "ROCKIN' wlTH TEE JOY Qecember RLTDY'S ROCK / JO\T GTJITAR BOOGIE / CHIEF WHOOPIN'-KOFF / CROSSFIRE @ecemberlaozl fl-SilVALa{uv)l\.04'8 5. "LOVtrR'S GUITAR" LOVER S GUITAR / TIARA / FEELIN' BI-LIE / MIDNIGHTER (June t 963) FESTIVAL (Aust IX 10500 6. "SOUTHERN 'ROR{" SOUTHERN 'RORA / NIGHT COACH TO RIO / KLJRRAWATHA / BYg BYE BABY GOODBYE (re63) FESTML (Aust FX.10587 7. "\!'AITZ OF TIItr FLOWERS" WAITZ OF TI{E FLOWERS / GAVOTTE ESPRESSO / )clfAs GUITAR / wlLD LO\€ (Septenber 1963) IESTIVAL (Aust FX.I0705 HITS" WHISTLIN' RI,TUS / TTIEME FROM THE ANTHILL / TIIE BLLTEBIRD / DANCE OF TI{E FLAMES 8. "THE JOY BOYS' 9. (Decernber 1963) FESTIVAL (Aust) FX 10741 LIMBO ROCK MEDLEY: IS THE JOY BOYS / IN TIIE MOOD / / SKIN DEEP - THIS lS Tl{E JOY BOYS "TI]IS IS TI{E JOYBOYS" TH tS (March 1964) FESTIVAL (Aust FX IO. "MURPHY THE SURFItr" MI]RPIry TI{E SI]RfIE / LIMBO ROCK / ZAMBESI STOMP / STRTCTLY INSTRUMENTAL IT. "STOMP PARTY" \4f \,PruS (S 10771 l96a) FESTIVAL (Auso FX.10897 O\,lPU\' / DRLM STOMP (November TO\,{P, SU\ STOVP , S TANDIN, A\D I2- "SORF PARTY" S'I (December 196a) FESTML (Ausl) FX 10898 MIDNIGHT SIJRFER / SANDY TI{E SfIRFIN' SANDFI-Y / SUMMERII},{E / SWAMPED 13. "INSTRUMtrNTAI SHOWCASE" (RECORD 2 OF 3EP SET) FESTML (Aust) )(- 30162 SOUTI]ERN RORA / SMOKEY MOKES / MLTRPIIY TI{E ST1RFIE / BOOTS. SADDLE AND SIIRFBOARD (NOTE: RECORD I by ROB E.G;RECORD 3 by HERB ATPERT'S TIJUANABRASS) 14, "JAPANESE FOLK (1966) HITS" SEVEN SEAS (JAPAN) PP-119 W,{KAMONOTACHI / ITST]TIADEMO / GIN NO NAMIDA / GOLDEN GIJ]TAR COMPII,ATION EP'S: l. ".r FROM BANDSTAID" FESTIVAL (Aust) MP.00l - STR]CTLY IN STRTIMENTAI 2. "SUNDAY TtrLEGRAPH IINDDR 21" SUNDAY TELEGRA?H (Aust) TEL 001 FESTIVAL (Aust.) EP. OO I - HIGIIWAY 69 3. "TEtr BIG INSTRUMf,NTAL - PLEASE WALK QUIETLY HITS" FESTIVAL (Aus0 FX.10702 SINCLES: I TSTANBLTL / I{EN?ECKED (COL JOYE'S JOY BOYS) 2 ISTANBLTL / MAD (COL JOYE'S JOv (Ja.uary 3. HINDUSTAN / BOYS) FEELIN'BLIJE KLTRRAWATHA 196l) 1961) 1961) 1962) 1962) (March (August 4. SMOKEY MOKES / (January RLIILIS / JOYE GUTTAR BOOGIE 5 WHISTLIN' 6 SOUTITERN 'RORA / NIGHT COACH TO RIO (June 7. WATTZ OF ]'I{E FLOWERS / GAVOTTE ESPRESSO 8. XMAS GUITAR / WILD 9 T}IEME Lo\E (September (Decembe. 1962) 1e62) FROM TTIE ANTHILL / PLEASE WALK QUIETLY (March l0 TIIE BLUEBIRD / DANCE OF THE FLAMES (Mav 1961) 1963) I LTHIS IS TIIE JOY BOyS / IN TllE MOOD (Septenber 1963) I2.MLrRPHY TllE SLRFIE / ZAMBESI STOMP (Nov€nbe.1963) ] 3 .BOOTS. SADDLE AND SLIRFBOARD / TI{E FROLIC (March1964) TESTIVAL (Aust FK.l I s8 TOP RANK (Holland) HTR 626 FESTIVAL (Aust FK.8 FESTIVAL (Aust) FK.94 FESTIVAL (Aust) FK 143 FESTIVAI (Aust/NZ) FK.227 FESTIVAL (Aust) FK 256 IESTTVAI (Aust) FK 297 FESTIVAIFESTWAT FESTIVA]FESTIVAT FESTryAT (Aust) FK 127 (Aust) FK.l67 (NZ) FK,]67 (Auso rK.434 (Auso FK.47l FESTIVAI(Ausr)IK.52e (June 1964) FESTIVAL (Aust) FK.676 i4.pistolpackin'mama / searchin' (Nove'nber i 964) FESTIVAL (Aust FK 789 ls.say one for me / WELCOME I6,WAKOUDA NO SANKA (TT'IE FIIA{N FOR THE YOUNG) (TIIE FROLIC) / HAIWEI ROKUJUKYU (HIGI{WAY 69) 96,1) (t965) SEVEN SEAS (Japan) HlT.1l36 SEVEN SEAS (Japan) HlT. i242 (1e65) SEVEN SEAS (Japan) HrT.l243 0966) (1966) (May ]966) (August 1967) (January 1969) SEVBN SEAS (Japan) HIT.]388 SEVEN SEAS (Japan) HIT 1393 (i IT.TICKET TO RIDE / LO\E PoTIoN NO 9 l8,I{ELP ME RHONDA / MRS. BROWN YOU'VE GOT A LO\ELY DAUGHTER (1965) SEVEN SEAS (Japan) HIT.12,I4 DIAMOND IIEAD / MOVIII (1965) SE\€N SEAS (Japan) HIT.1247 (S) 2o.QANTAS 107 / BRA\E MAN (P/S) (NOTtr: QANTAS 107 is actually SOUTHERN'RORA with jet plane sounds instead ofdiesel train hornsll) 2 1 }IARLTICANARU GANDAGEI (TI{E ROAD TO GUNDAGAI) / BOTANX BEY (BOTANY BAY) 19 NAMIDA 23.CARA MIA / KINKY (ANGAROO 24.SAN ruAN / OPUS 25 SABRE DANCE / FRIDDLE 22.CRAZY GLTITAR / GIN NO ATA (Aus, ATAK.I]62 ATA(AuS'ATAK.1881 ATA (Aust ATA(.2766 26.the little boy that santa claus forgot / XMAS GLTITAR 27 NO OTI{ER LO\G / TIIE BREEZE AND 28 resurection shu{Tle / slow dancin' I l9?a) I976) (Sepianbe. I 976) (December (March ATA (Aust) K.5758 ATA (Aus, K.6108 ATA (Aust) K.65 19