curriculum vitae — list of publications


curriculum vitae — list of publications
Jason Lepojärvi
PhD in Theology (defense in 2015)
Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki
Junior Research Fellow in Theology
St Benet’s Hall, Oxford University (2014–)
Address: Roger Dudman Way, Castle Mill F 275
OX1 1GD, United Kingdom
Tel. +44 753 992 9851
E-mail Helsinki:
E-mail Oxford:
Personal Information
Jason Daavid Lepojärvi
Place and Date of Birth
Kemi, Finland: 3 July 1980
Academic Degrees
PhD in Theology (Spring 2015), University of Helsinki
Diss.: “God is Love but Love is Not God: Studies on C. S. Lewis’s Theology of Love”
Exams: Excellent
Master’s in Theology (including degree in Pedagogics) (2008), University of Helsinki
Thesis (132 pages): “Imago Dei: Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body” (laudatur)
Exams: Excellent
Current Positions
Junior Research Fellow, St Benet’s Hall, Oxford University (2014–)
Member of Finnish Graduate School of Theology (2010–)
Previous Positions
Visiting DPhil Candidate, Oriel College, Department of Theology, Oxford University
PhD Candidate in Theology, Faculty of Theology (Systematic Theology), University of
Helsinki (2009–)
Most Important Scientific Positions of Trust
President of the Oxford University C. S. Lewis Society, 2012–2013
Member of Editorial Board, The Journal of Inklings Studies (Oxford), 2013–
Member of Religion and Society (RELSOC), research body lead by Prof. Risto Saarinen,
University of Helsinki, 2012–
Other Positions of Trust
Referee (peer-reviewer) for Teologinen aikakauskirja (A Finnish Theological Journal), 2013–
Referee (peer-reviewer) for Fafnir – Nordic Journal for Science Fiction and Fantasy
Research, 2014–
Financial (co-)overseer for the C. S. Lewis Memorial Project (21.–22.11.2013) together with
Prof. Alister McGrath and Prof. Michael Ward.
Previous Academic Positions
Seminar assistant for Prof. Risto Saarinen, Ecumenical Theology, University of Helsinki
Seminar assistant for Prof. Olli-Pekka Vainio, Systematic Theology, University of Helsinki
Freelance Activities
Editor-in-Chief and columnist for Hyvejohtajuus (Virtuos Leadership)
(, a popular leadership blog in Finnish (2008–2013).
Memberships in Academic Societies
American Academy of Religion (AAR)
Oxford University C. S. Lewis Society
“C. S. Lewis’s Concept of Love.” Keynote lecture. Love Among the Inklings, Regent’s Park
College, Oxford, January 2016 (booked).
“The Theology of the Body.” Keynote lecture. A Study Day on Love, Kansanlähetysopisto,
Ryttylä, Finland, November 2015 (booked).
“C. S. Lewis’s Famous Disagreement with St Augustine.” Guest lecture. Life of the Mind
Lecture Series, George Fox University, Oregon, April 2015 (booked).
“Agape versus Eros: The Meaning of Love.” Guest lecture. University of British Columbia,
Canada, March 2015 (booked).
“Worship, Veneration, or Idolatry?” Keynote lecture. Annual Conference of the Danish C. S.
Lewis Society, Odense, Denmark, November 2014.
“The Virgin Mary: C. S. Lewis’s Theological Blind Spot?”. Keynote lecture. International
Congress on J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis, CEO San Pablo University, Madrid, Spain,
February 2014.
“C. S. Lewis’s Theology of Love”. Guest lecture. Grandpont House: Inklings of Truth Series,
Oxford, UK, April 2013.
“Can One Love Too Much?”. Keynote lecture. A Study Day: Love and Desire in the Church,
St. Benet’s Hall, University of Oxford, UK, February 2013.
“Love in Excess? C. S. Lewis’s Theology of Love”. Keynote lecture. The 25th Anniversary
Lecture of The Theological Institute of Finland, University of Helsinki, Finland, January
“Is Love Selfish? C. S. Lewis’s Disagreement with Anders Nygren”. Plenary presentation.
Annual Conference of the Finnish Bible Institute, Kauniainen, Finland, January 2013.
“Response to Dr. Michael Ward on Planet Narnia”. Annual Conference of The Finnish Bible
Institute, Kauniainen, Finland, January 2013.
“What is the Difference between Worship, Venertion, and Idolatry?”. Guest lecture. The
Marion E. Wade Center, Wheaton College, Illinois, USA, November 2012.
“Pagan Hangover? C. S. Lewis and St. Augustine in Debate”. Guest lecture. The New York C.
S. Lewis Society, New York, USA, November 2012.
“Does Eros Aim at Happiness?”. Guest lecture. The Oxford University C. S. Lewis Society,
Oxford, UK, October 2012.
“What Is the Difference Between Worship and Idolatry? C. S. Lewis’s Theology of Love”.
Guest lecture. The Oxford University C. S. Lewis Society, Oxford, UK, March 2012.
“A Friend’s Death: St. Augustine and C. S. Lewis in Dialogue”. Guest lecture. The Oxford
University C. S. Lewis Society, Oxford, UK, March 2011.
“Jesus and Mary: Worship and Veneration According to C. S. Lewis”. Annual Conference of
The Biblical Institute of Finland, Kauniainen, Finland, January 2012
“Utopia Reconsidered: Two Levels of Perfection in Society”. Biennial Conference of the
European Society for Philosophy of Religion, Merton College, Oxford, UK, August 2010
“A Friend’s Death: C. S. Lewis and St. Augustine in Dialogue”. Symposium: Love and Death,
Dying and Empathy, University of Heidelberg, Germany, June 2010
For the sake of brevity only the most recent:
“The Difference Between Worship and Idolatry.” Guest lecture. Pentecostal Church of
Porvoo, Finland, January 2015.
“Man and Woman He Created Them.” Keynote lecture. Annual Philosophy Day, Lapua,
Finland, August 2014.
“The Body as the Image of God.” Guest lecture. Mikaelinseurakunta, Turku, Finland, June
University level
The History and Doctrine of the Reformation, Oxford University (2015)
Seminar assistant for Prof. Werner Jeanrond, Systematic Theology, Oxford University (2014–
The Theological Imagination of C. S. Lewis, Oxford University (several times: 2014–2015)
C. S. Lewis and the Theology of Love, Abilene University, Oxford branch (3 times: 2014–
Introduction to Ethics and Philosophy, University of Helsinki (3 times: 2009–2012)
C. S. Lewis and the Theology of Love, University of Helsinki (3 times: 2010–2013)
The Oxford Movement and Beyond (online-course together with Dr. Ian Ker on the thought of
modern British religious intellectuals), The International University of Rioja (UNIR), Spain
Seminar assistant for Prof. Risto Saarinen, Ecumenical Theology, University of Helsinki
Seminar assistant for Prof. Olli-Pekka Vainio, Systematic Theology, University of Helsinki
I have a degree in Pedagogics (2008) and have taught various courses in religion, philosophy,
and ethics in high schools.
Religion and Society (RELSOC), International Mobility Grant, 4.000 EUR (2015)
Religion and Society (RELSOC), International Mobility Grant, 5.000 EUR (2014)
Karl Schlecht Award, University of Heidelberg, 5.000 EUR (2013)
Eino Jutikkala Foundation, 26.000 EUR (2012–2013)
Emil Aaltonen Foundation, International Mobility Grant, 5.000 EUR (2013)
Religion and Society (RELSOC), International Mobility Grant, 5.000 EUR (2013)
Emil Aaltonen Foundation, 21.000 EUR, 3 years (2009–2012)
Junor Research Fellowship, St Benet’s Hall, Oxford University, 1 year (2014)
PhD Completion Grant, Faculty of Theology, Univ. of Helsinki, 3 months (2013)
Chancellor’s Travel Grant, Univ. of Helsinki, 1.400 EUR, 3 years (2010–2013)
Graduate School Travel Grant, Univ. of Helsinki, 600–800 EUR, 3 years (2010–2013)
“Praeparatio Evangelica or Daemonica? C. S. Lewis and Anders Nygren on Sehnsucht.”
Harvard Theological Review. Accepted for publication (2015).
“Worship, Veneration, and Idolatry: Observations from C. S Lewis.” Religious Studies,
FirstView Article (November 2014), pp. 1–20.
“A Friend’s Death: C. S. Lewis’ Disagreement with St. Augustine.” Sehnsucht: The C.
S. Lewis Journal (Wipf and Stock, 2012), pp. 67–80.
“Does Eros Seek Happiness? A Critical Study of C. S. Lewis’s Reply to Anders
Nygren.” Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie, vol. 53
(2011), pp. 208–224.
“Utopia Reconsidered: Two Levels of Perfection in Society.” Theology Today
(Princeton), vol. 86 (2011), pp. 174–180.
“C. S. Lewis and ‘the Nygren Debate’.” The Chronicle of the Oxford University C. S.
Lewis Society (since 2011 called The Journal of Inklings Studies), vol. 7 (2010), pp. 25–
Ruumis Jumalan kuvana: Johdatus Johannes Paavali II:n ruumiin teologiaan (Catholic
Information Centre: Helsinki, 2012), 132 pages. [The Body as the Image of God: An
Introduction to Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body] Book home page and reviews in
In Finnish
“Eros ja onnellisuus: C. S. Lewisin erimielisyys luterilaisen Anders Nygrenin kanssa”, in
Perusta: The Journal of The Finnish Bible Institute (October 2013). [Eros and happiness: C.
S. Lewis’s disagreement with the Lutheran theologian Anders Nygren]
“Mikä on palvonnan ja idolatrian ero? C. S. Lewisin rakkauden teologiaa”, in Perusta: The
Journal of The Finnish Bible Institute (3/2012), pp. 158–68. [What is the difference between
worship and idolatry? C. S. Lewis’s theology of love.]
“Mere Theology and ‘Jacksploitation’”, review of Will Vaus’s book Mere Theology: A Guide
to the Thought of C. S. Lewis (InterVarsity Press 2004), in The Journal of Inklings Studies,
Oxford, Vol. 1 (March 2012).
Alexandre Havard, Virtuous Leadership (Scepter: New York, 2007) from English to Finnish,
Hyvejohtajuus (Providentia, 2009). 172 pages. Online-version here.
Preface to the new Finnish edition of C. S. Lewis, Surprised by Joy (Kirjapaja, 2013: Ilon
Preface to the new Finnish edition of C. S. Lewis, The Four Loves (Kirjapaja, 2012: Neljä
Editor-in-Chief and columnist of Finland’s leading leadership website
( (2008–2013).
Article series on the theology of art (2007–2008) and the theology of the body (2008–2009) in
Etsijä, the magazine for theology students, University of Helsinki.
Youth maganize Dynamite’s columnist: popular article series on the theology of art (2007–
2008) and the theology of the body (2008–2009).
Student maganize Kyyhkynen’s (The Dove) columnist and graphic artist (2002–2003).
The Vocation of the Laity, St Benet’s Hall, Oxford, May 2014.
C. S. Lewis in Poets’ Corner, Westminster Abbey, London, UK, November 2013.
Seminar on Ecumenical Recognition and Toleration of Otherness, KU, Leuven, Belgium, June
Annual Conference of the American Academy of Religion, Chicago, USA, November 2012.
International Conference for University Professors and Lecturers, Rome, Italy, June 2012.
Planning Meeting for the Research Program “Love and Death”, Heidelberg, Germany, June
Annual Conference of the American Academy of Religion, San Francisco, USA, November
International Conference for University Professors and Lecturers, Rome, Italy, June 2011.
Planning Meeting for the Research Program “Love and Death”, Heidelberg, Germany, May
Annual Conference of the American Academy of Religion, Atlanta, USA, November 2010.
Theological Conference at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Columbia, USA,
November 2010.
In Finnish, Danish, Spanish
Printed media
Interview in Keskiväylä (7.1.2015), Rakkaus kiinnostaa kaikkia
Interview in Uusimaa (5.1.2015), Rakkaus on yksi
Interview in Kristelig Dagblad (6.11.2014), Læs C. S. Lewis og ungdå at blive skilt
Interview in Anna (11.9.2014), Uskollinen eron jälkeenkin
Interview in Ilkka (24.8.2014), Kunnes kuolema meidät erottaa
Interview in Hyvä Sanoma (3/2014), Ystävyys kasvoi rakkaudeksi
Interview in Religion en Libertad (26.2.2014), Es luterano y asusta con textos de Juan Pablo II
sobre sexo placentero
Interview in Anàlis Digital (24.2.2014), El investigator Jason Lepojarvi
Interview in Iltasanomat (19.11.2013), Luento huipentui kosintaan
Interview in Helsingin Sanomat (18.5.2013), Rakkaustieteilijä ei etsi helluntaiheilaa
Interview in Osviitta (Autum 2013), Rakkauden puolesta kahdella rintamalla
Interview [PDF] in Kirkko ja koti (22.5.2013), C. S. Lewis taisteli rakkauden puolesta
kahdella rintamalla
Interview [PDF] in Kirkkosanomat (22.5.2013), Teologiaa pulliaisille ja ammattilaisille
Interview [PDF] in Henki & elämä (11.4.2013), C. S. Lewis taisteli rakkauden puolesta
Interview in Vantaan Lauri (23.1.2013), Oxfordin iloinen kristitty
Interview in Vantaan Lauri (28.1.2010), Oman elämänsä pyhiinvaeltaja
Interview in Sana (September 2005), Robinson Jason: Rukous on kristitylle tärkein juttu
Interview [PDF] in Näköala (1/2004), Kohtaamisia ja keskusteluja – Ketko tänään
Interview in RadioDei “Päivän vieras” (17.12.2013): Jouluvieraana Jason Lepojärvi
Interview in Yle “Horisontti” (21.7.2013): Romantiikan heinäkuu: C. S. Lewisissä
kamppailivat äly ja romantiikka.
Interview in RadioDei “Ristitulta” (11.2.2012), Ratkaistaanko kirkollisvaaleissa
herätysliikkeiden tulevaisuus?
Contestant of the TV-show “Survivor” (Suomen Robinson), 2005.