Curriculum vitae - University of Helsinki


Curriculum vitae - University of Helsinki
Mobile phone
Satu Mirjami Koivisto *30.04.1969 Helsinki
+358 40 594 6074,
Web site
children Severi *2000 and Siiri *2003
good written and oral
good written and oral
PhD in Archaeology
PhD scholarship
MA in Archaeology
BA in Archaeology
Archaeology student
Ethnology student
Matriculation examination
Doctoral student
(ongoing) University of Helsinki, Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies
Finnish Graduate School of Archaeology, 2010–2011
University of Helsinki, Department of Archaeology, 1996
University of Helsinki, Department of Archaeology, 1993
University of Helsinki, Department of Archaeology, 1989–1996
University of Helsinki, Department of Ethnology, 1988–1989;
Tapiola high school, Espoo, 1988
University of Helsinki, Lost Inland Landscapes project
Finnish National Board of Antiquities, Cultural Environment Management, Archaeological Field Services, Helsinki (currently on research leave)
Finnish National Board of Antiquities, Helsinki (1990–2000, 2001 and 2005–2014 several projects);
 Researcher, EU-project management and research, Skogens kulturarv i Kvarkenregionen
(SKAIK) -project 2009, 2011–2013,;
Curriculum vitae Satu Koivisto
Researcher, Excavation director; Hamina Linnoitus 2014, Raasepori (Pohja) Gumnäs 2014, Espoo Gräsa 2014, Kirkkonummi Haapajärvi 2014, Rovaniemi Koskenniska 2012, Leppävaara
Storhoplax 2012, Karjaa Östergård 2008, Karjaa Etterkilen-Hinders 2008, Karjaa Bäljars 2
2008, Vantaa Hommas 2007–2008, Lohja Haukilahti 2008, Espoo Hägerbäck 2005, Ylikiiminki
Vepsänkangas 1997–1999
 Researcher, Survey director; Helsinki 2014, Espoo 2014, Porvoo 2012, Kirkkonummi 2012,
Isokyrö, Vähäkyrö and Laihia 2012, Helsinki 2012, Laihia 2009, Sipoo 2007, Kolovesi National
Park 2006, Lappajärvi 2006, Lappeenranta 2005, Nivala 2005, Artjärvi 1999, Myrskylä 1999
 Researcher, Archaeological fieldwork coordinator, 2005 and 2001
 Researcher, Administrator for the register of archaeological sites, 2014, 2008 and 2007
 Researcher, Archaeological monitoring; Helsinki Suomenlinna (Sveaborg) 2014, Sipoo Massby
2014, Lappajärvi Sillanpää 2005, Pornainen Rinnemaa 2005
 Excavation cartographer; Polvijärvi Pohjanperänkangas 2007, Kesälahti Hiidenniemi 2006,
Rantasalmi Ritokangas and Pirskanlahti B 1999–2000, Yli-Ii Purkajasuo and Purkajasuo/Korvala 1996–1999, Rantasalmi Heralampi, Pirskanlahti B and Ritokangas 1998, Lempäälä Naarankalmanmäki 1995, 1997–1998, Saarijärvi Mäkelänlampi SE, Harju, Rusavierto ja Saarenpää 1995–1996, Halikko Riihikankare 1994, Simo Tainiaro 1991,
 Research assistant; Helsinki Kårböle 1996, Lempäälä Lastusten kartano 1995, Kalvola Numminmäki and Heinu Kaarneenmäki 1994 ja 1992, Lempäälä Torttolanmäki 1992
 Excavation assistant; Halikko Riihikankare and Vuohikallio 1995, Espoo Kirskumäki 1994, Salo
Kirkkopuisto 1992, Janakkala Virala 1990
University of Helsinki, Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art studies (former Department of Archaeology), Helsinki (1989–2010); several projects
 PhD scholarship, Finnish Graduate School of Archaeology, 2010–2011
 Lecturer 2002, 2009-2012
 University trainee 1993
 Survey trainee, Taipalsaari 1992
 Excavation trainee, Janakkala 1989
Vanhanen, S. & Koivisto, S. 2015. Pre-Roman Iron Age settlement continuity and cereal cultivation
in coastal Finland as shown by multiproxy evidence at Bäljars 2 site in SW Finland. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 1 (2015) 38–52.
Pesonen, P. & Koivisto, S. 2014. Kosken niskalla – myöhäiskivikautisen asuinpaikan arkeologiaa
Rovaniemellä [Late Stone Age settlement archaeology at Koskeniska in Rovaniemi, Southern Lapland].
RAITO 2014: 9-17. Publication by the Provincial Museum of Lapland, Rovaniemi.
Koivisto, S., Latvakoski, N. & Perttola, W. (submitted manuscript). A needle in a haystack: Geophysical and wetland archaeological investigations at the Stone Age wooden fishing structure in Haapajärvi, NW Finland. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.
Koivisto, S., Laulumaa, V. & Nurminen, K. (submitted manuscript). Wanhoja luita ja uusia ajoituksia Kyrönmaan rautakautisten hautaröykkiöistä [Old bones and new datings from the Iron Age burial
cairns of Kyrönmaa in Finnish Ostrobothnia]. Publication by the Archaeological Field Services (ARKE)
in the National Board of Antiquities, Helsinki.
Koivisto, S. & Pesonen, P. (submitted manuscript). Ihmisen jälkiä maaperässä - Myöhäiskivikautisen
asuinpaikan tutkimuksia Rovaniemellä [Soil chemical analyses at the Late Stone Age settlement site of
Koskenniska in Rovaniemi, Southern Lapland]. Publication by the Archaeological Field Services (ARKE)
in the National Board of Antiquities, Helsinki.
Koivisto, S. & Laulumaa, V. 2013. Pistepilvessä – Metsien arkeologiset kohteet LiDARilmalaserkeilausaineistoissa [The prospection of archaeological sites in forests using LiDAR].
Curriculum vitae Satu Koivisto
Arkeologipäivät 2012. E-publication. The Archaeological Society of Finland.
Koivisto, S. 2012. Subneolithic Fishery from the Iijoki River Estuary, Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland.
Journal of Wetland Archaeology 12: 22–47.
Koivisto, S. 2011. Prehistoric wetland archaeology in Finland: Sites and settlement in a changing environment. In E. Pranckenaite (ed.), Wetland settlements of the Baltic – A prehistoric perspective: 31-53.
Koivisto, S. 2011. Suoarkeologian haasteet ja mahdollisuudet [The challenges and potential of wetland
archaeology]. Arkeologipäivät 2009. E-publication. The Archaeological Society of Finland.
Koivisto, S. 2010. Luihin ja ytimiin – Pyyntiä ja elämää Itämeren äärellä noin 7500 vuotta sitten [To
the marrow – Sealing and living by the Baltic Sea c 7500 years ago]. Helsingin pitäjä 2011: 8-21. VantaaSeura.
Koivisto, S. 2010. Vantaa Hommas. Myöhäismesoliittinen asuinpaikka Kehäratalinjalla [Late Mesolithic site at Hommas in Vantaa]. Kentältä poimittua 7. Kirjoitelmia arkeologian alalta. Museoviraston
arkeologian osaston julkaisuja, n:o 12.
Koivisto, S. 2008. Lohja Haukilahti. Viikinkiaikainen asuinpaikka Lohjanjärven rannalla [Viking Age
settlement site of Haukilahti in Lohja]. Kirkhakkinen. Lohjan kotiseutulehti N:o 2 (40) Joulukuu 2008.
Koivisto, S. 2008. Seitakiviä Itäsuomessa [Sami sacred places in eastern Finland]? Muinaistutkija
Koivisto, S. 1998. Ylikiiminki Vepsänkangas – Sär 1 -asuinpaikka Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla [Sär 1 -ware
site Vepsänkangas in Ylikiiminki, Northern Ostrobothnia]. Kentältä poimittua 4. Kirjoitelmia arkeologian alalta. Museoviraston arkeologian osaston julkaisuja, n:o 7. Helsinki.
Koivisto, S. 2014. Hamina Linnoitus. Trial excavation report. Archaeological Field Services. National
Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 2014. Helsinki Ruskeasuo. Field survey and documentation report. Archaeological Field
Services. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 2014. Espoo Gräsa (Olarsby). Trial excavation report. Archaeological Field Services. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 2014. Raasepori Gumnäs. Trial excavation report. Archaeological Field Services. National
Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 2014. Sipoo Massby, Söderkulla / Danielsbacka torp. Archaeological monitoring report.
Archaeological Field Services. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 2014. Kirkkonummi Haapajärven vanhan kirkon paikka, Haapajärven kylätontti and
Haapajärven kylätontti 2. Trial excavation report. Archaeological Field Services. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 2014. Espoo Friisilä (Frisans/Frijsby). Field survey and documentation report. Archaeological Field Services. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S., Latvakoski, N. & Perttola W. 2014. Haapajärvi Lamminoja. Wetland archaeological
trial excavation report. University of Helsinki.
Koivisto, S., Latvakoski, N. & Perttola W. 2013. Haapajärvi Lamminoja. Geophysical survey and
wetland archaeological prospection report. University of Helsinki.
Koivisto, S. 2013. Rovaniemi Valionranta. Soil chemical prospection and trial excavation report. Archaeological Field Services. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 2013. Kirkkonummi Veikkola, Lapinkylä, Vitträsk, Vesitorninmäki and Juhlakallio.
Field survey report. Archaeological Field Services. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 2013. Helsinki Hålvik. Field survey and documentation report. Archaeological Field Services. National Board of Antiquities.
Curriculum vitae Satu Koivisto
Koivisto, S. 2013. Leppävaara Suurhuopalahti (Storhoplax/Alberga). Trial excavation report. Archaeological Field Services. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 2012. Porvoo Skaftkärr. Field survey report. Archaeological Field Services. National
Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. & Seppälä, S.-L. 2009. Laihia. Skogens kulturarv i Kvarkenregionen -project 2009. Field
survey report. National Board of Antiquities.
Kelola, H. & Koivisto, S. 2009. Lohja Haukilahti. Excavation report. National Board of Antiquities.
Kelola, H. & Koivisto, S. 2009. Karjaa (Raasepori) Etterkilen- Hinders and Östergård. Trial excavation reports. National Board of Antiquities.
Kelola, H. & Koivisto, S. 2009. Karjaa (Raasepori) Bäljars 2. Excavation report. National Board of
Koivisto, S. 2008. Vantaa Hommas. Excavation report. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 2008. Sipoo. Field survey report. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 2007. Vantaa Hommas. Trial excavation report. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 2007. The Kolovesi National park. Field survey report. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 2006. Lappajärvi. Field survey report. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 2005. Lappajärvi Sillanpää. Archaeological monitoring report. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 2005. Pornainen Rinnemaa. Archaeological monitoring report. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 2005. Lappeenranta Partala. Field survey report. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 2005. Espoo Gumböle Hägerbäck. Trial excavation report. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 2005. Nivala. Field survey report. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 1999. Myrskylä. Field survey report. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 1999. Artjärvi. Field survey report. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 1998. Ylikiiminki Vepsänkangas. Excavation report. National Board of Antiquities.
Koivisto, S. 1997. Ylikiiminki Vepsänkangas. Excavation report. National Board of Antiquities.
Schulz, H.-P. & Koivisto, S. 1996. Yli-Ii Purkajasuo. Excavation report. National Board of Antiquities.
2015 Turpeen kätkemää - Suolöydöt arkeologisena tutkimusaineistona [Hidden underneath the peat –
Bog finds as archaeological research material]. Presentation at Tieteiden yö [The Night of Sciences] at
Tieteiden talo in Helsinki on the 8th of January 2015.
2014 A needle in a haystack – Wetland archaeological resources and the quest for more representative archaeological record. Paper presented at the session ‘Detecting the Landscape(s) - Remote Sensing
Techniques from Research to Heritage Management’ at the XVII UISPP World Congress in Burgos,
Spain on the 1st to 7th of September 2014.
2013 Tools for detection - Prospection of archaeological sites using LiDAR in Finnish boreal forests.
Paper presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists -meeting in
Pilsen, the Czech Republic, on the 4th to 8th of September 2013 (SKAIK-project presentation with Vesa
2013 Hunter-gatherer fishing structures in Finland. Paper presented at the European Hunter-Gatherer
Bog Sites -workgroup meeting at Holma in Sweden, on the 30th to 31st of August 2013.
2013 Haapajärven Lamminojan kivikautisen kalastusrakennelman suoarkeologinen ja geofysikaalinen tutkimus [Geophysical and wetland archaeological prospection of the Stone Age wooden fishing structure at Lamminoja in Haapajärvi, NW Finland]. Paper presented in a seminar of archaeological
field work in the Finnish National Museum on the 11th to 12th of February 2013 (with Niko Latvakoski
and Wesa Perttola).
2013 Takaisin Kolpeneelle – Esitutkimuksia Rovaniemen Koskenniskan kivikautisella asuinpaikalla
[Trial excavations and soil chemical prospection of the Late Stone Age site of Koskeniska in Rovaniemi,
Curriculum vitae Satu Koivisto
Southern Lapland]. Paper presented in a seminar of archaeological field work in the Finnish National
Museum on the 11th to 12th of February 2013.
2013 Hit the lights - Prospection of archaeological sites using LiDAR in Scandinavian boreal forests.
Paper presented in the 7th World Archaeological Congress WAC7 –congress in the Dead Sea, Jordania
on the 14th to 18th of January 2013 (SKAIK project presentation with Vesa Laulumaa)
2012 LiDAR-aineistot arkeologiassa [LiDAR in archaeology]. Presentation in a seminar of LiDAR techniques at the National Land Survey of Finland, Helsinki, on the 5 October 2012.
2012 Education before punishment. Prevention of damages to the cultural heritage sites in forests. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Helsinki Finland, on the 30 August-1 September 2012, (SKAIK projects presentation with Vesa Laulumaa)
2012 Detecting wetland archaeological potential in Finnish peatlands. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Helsinki Finland, on the 30 August-1 September 2012.
2012 Out of the Peat. The Archaeology of Finnish Wetlands. Presentation at the European HunterGatherer Bogsite workshop in Schleswig Germany on the 28-30 March 2012.
2012 Tehoja taimikkoon. LiDAR-aineistot arkeologin apuna metsäalueiden inventoinnissa [LiDAR
and Archaeological Field Survey]. SKAIK-projects presentation in a seminar of archaeological field work
in the Finnish National Museum on the 16–17 February 2012.
2012 Suomen esihistoriallinen keramiikka [Finnish Prehistoric Ceramics]. Lecture series in archaeology at the University of Helsinki in spring term 2012.
2011 Time and the use of ethnoarchaeological analogy - Interpreting wetland archaeological fishing
structures. Paper presented at the fifth theoretical seminar of the Baltic archaeologists (BASE) held at
the University of Tartu, Estonia, on the 27–29 October 2011.
2011 Forestry as crime. Paper presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Oslo Norway, on the 14- 18 September, (SKAIK projects presentation with Vesa Laulumaa)
2011 Soiden kätkemää [Hidden underneath peat]. Presentation at the annual meeting of Ango Association in Vantaa on the 13 March 2011.
2011 Suomen esihistoriallinen keramiikka [Finnish Prehistoric Ceramics]. Lecture series in archaeology
at the University of Helsinki in spring term 2011.
2010 Soiden arkeologiaa [Archaeology of Wetlands]. Presentation at lecture series: Stone Age at us and
elsewhere during the times of the ‘iceman’ Ötzi. The City Museum of Espoo on the 17 November 2010.
2010 An interesting discovery from the Finnish Late Mesolithic in Vantaa Hommas. Paper presented
at the Finnish-Baltic postgraduate seminar, Kunda Estonia, on the 16 April 2010.
2010 Kesälahti Hiidenniemi. Geofysikaalinen ja maaperäkemiallinen prospektointi [Geophysical and
pedochemical prospecting]. Poster presentation at the seminar of Archaeological prospecting in Helsinki
on the 8 April 2010 (with Petro Pesonen & Miikka Tallavaara).
2010 Kesälahti Hiidenniemi. Soistuneen lahden maatutkaus ja suokaivaus [GPR survey and wetland
excavation in an overgrown bay at Kesälahti in Hiidenniemi]. Paper presented at the seminar of Archaeological prospecting in Helsinki on the 8 April 2010.
2010 Pronssi- ja rautakauden asutusta Länsi-Uudellamaalla: Tapaus Lepinjärvi [Bronze Age and
Early Iron Age settlement in western Uusimaa: a case study from the Lake Lepinjärvi in Raasepori]. Lecture in archaeology at the University of Helsinki on the 18 March 2010.
2010 Prospektointimenetelmät [Prospecting methods]. Presentation at the seminar ‘Good practice and
standards for archaeological fieldwork’ in Helsinki on the 28 January 2010.
2010 Suomen esihistoriallinen keramiikka [Finnish Prehistoric Ceramics]. Lecture series in archaeology at the University of Helsinki in spring term 2010.
2009 SKAIK -project. Lecture in the degree program in cultural production and landscape studies at the
University of Turku on the 30 November 2009.
2009 SKAIK project. Presentation in a seminar of archaeological field work in the Finnish National Museum on the 26–27 November 2009.
Curriculum vitae Satu Koivisto
2009 SKAIK project. Presentation in a seminar of Forestry and culture in the Forestry Development
Centre Tapio in Helsinki 14 October 2009.
2009 Metsiemme muinaisjäännökset [Archaeology in our forests]. Training lectures for the forestry
branch in the Kyrönmaa region in Laihia on the 10 September and 1 October 2009.
2009 The forests cultural heritage in the Kvarken region. Presentation in the seminar ‘Archaeological
field survey methods in forested areas’ at the Finnish forestry administration Metsähallitus in Vantaa on
the 20 March 2009.
2009 Suoarkeologian haasteet ja mahdollisuudet [The challenges and potential of wetland archaeology]. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Archaeological Society of Finland at Lammi on the 23
April 2009.
2009 Pronssi- ja rautakauden keramiikka [Bronze Age and Iron Age ceramics in Finland]. Lecture series in archaeology at the University of Helsinki in spring term 2009.
2008 Pronssi- ja rautakautta Länsi-Uudenmaan pelloilla. Säilyykö peltokerroksen alla mitään
[Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in Western Uusimaa. Is there anything preserved in ploughed areas]?
Presentation in a seminar of archaeological field work in the Finnish National Museum on the 27–28
November 2008.
2008 Wetland sites in Finland – two case studies with waterlogged materials. Presentation in a Finnish-Baltic postgraduate seminar in Kuusamo on the 28–29 February 2008.
2007 Vantaan Hommaksen kivikautisen asuinpaikan kaivaus [Late Mesolithic site of Hommas in Vantaa]. Presentation in a seminar of archaeological field work in the Finnish National Museum on the 28–
29 November 2007.
2006 Koloveden kansallispuiston inventointi [Field survey in the Kolovesi National park]. Presentation
in a seminar of archaeological field work in the Finnish National Museum on the 23–24 November
2002 Arkeologian jälkityökurssi [Post-excavation work in archaeology]. Lecture series in archaeology
at the University of Helsinki in autumn term 2002.
1999 Ylikiiminki Vepsänkangas – Sär1 -asuinpaikka Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla [Sär 1 -ware site of Vepsänkangas in Ylikiiminki, Northern Ostrobothnia]. Presentation in a seminar of archaeological field
work in Northern Ostrobothnia in the University of Oulu on February 1999.
1997 Arkeologinen kaivaus Ylikiimingin Vepsänkankaan Sär1 –asuinpaikalla [Excavations at a Sär 1 ware site of Vepsänkangas in Ylikiiminki]. Presentation in a seminar of archaeological field work in the
castle of Turku on the 27–28 November 1997
1996 Yli-Iin Purkajasuon kivikautinen puumateriaali [The Stone Age wooden material from the Purkajasuo in Yli-Ii]. Presentation in a seminar of archaeological field work in the Finnish National Museum
on the 28–29 November 1996
1. MA-thesis 2014, Niko Latvakoski, University of Helsinki: The identification of terrestrialised lakes in
archaeology through GIS.
2. MA-thesis 2007, Tiina Kinnunen, University of Helsinki: Dedrochronological dating experiment with
Stone Age pine wood material of Purkajasuo in Yli-Ii.
2014 Member of the editorial board, Journal of Wetland Archaeology. United Kingdom. JWA Website:
2013 Reviewer, Estonian Journal of Archaeology. Tallinn, Estonia. EJA Website:
2010 Organisation and participation of the seminar ‘Good practice and standards for archaeological
fieldwork’ in Helsinki on the 28 January.
2009–2010 Organisation and participation of the workgroup ‘Good practice and standards for archaeological fieldwork in Finland’.
Curriculum vitae Satu Koivisto
2008 Participation of the workgroup ‘Contract archaeology in accordance with the archaeological legislation’, National Board of Antiquities.
2008 Participation for the planning of the archaeological exhibition in the Kierikki Stone Age Centre in
2008 Expert member and respondent for the research plan for the archaeological prospecting of a wetland archaeological site complex of Silmäkeneva in Riihimäki.
2008 Opponent for Valdis Bērziņš: Sarnate. Living by a coastal lake during the East Baltic Neolithic at a
PhD seminar at the University of Oulu in February.
2008 Organisation and participation (Head of organising committee) for the annual meeting of the Archaeological Society of Finland in Pori on the 3-4 April.
2007 Organisation and participation (Head of organising committee) for the annual meeting of the Archaeological Society of Finland in Hämeenlinna on the 12–13 April.
2006 Organisation and participation (Head of organising committee) for the annual meeting of the Archaeological Society of Finland in Lammi on the 6-7 April.
1. Lost Inland Landscapes (University of Helsinki, Archaeology) 2015–present
2. European Hunter-Gatherer Bog Sites 2012–present
3. Archaeology (in the Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies; University of Helsinki) (ARCH-HU) 2011–present
4. Skogens Kulturarv i Kvarkenregionen (SKAIK2) EU Botnia-Atlantica realisation project 2011–2013
5. Skogens Kulturarv i Kvarkenregionen (SKAIK) EU Botnia-Atlantica pilot project 2009
2013 Finnish Graduate School of Archaeology, 500 € for radiocarbon dating
2012 Haapajärvi-seura, Haapajärven kalastuskunta and Maaselän Osuuspankki, 950 € for geophysical
prospection at Lamminoja in Haapajärvi with Niko Latvakoski and Wesa Perttola
2011 Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, 11.500 € for doctoral thesis: Out of the Peat – The Archaeology of Finnish Wetlands
2010 Finnish Cultural Foundation, 7.000 € for scientific work with Santeri Vanhanen.
2009 Finnish Cultural Foundation, 8.000 € for doctoral thesis.
2010 The Archaeological Society of Finland, auditor
2006–2008 The Archaeological Society of Finland, treasurer
1992–1993 The Fibula student organisation, treasurer
2011– International Peat Society
2011– Finnish Peatland Society
1996– Archaeological Society of Finland
1989– Finnish Antiquarian Society
Curriculum vitae Satu Koivisto