BARDEX (Barrier Dynamics Experiment): Taking the Beach - e-Geo
BARDEX (Barrier Dynamics Experiment): Taking the Beach - e-Geo
Journal of Coastal Research SI 56 158 - 162 ICS2009 (Proceedings) Portugal ISSN 0749-0258 BARDEX (Barrier Dynamics Experiment): Taking the Beach into the Laboratory J. Williams†, G. Masselink†, D. Buscombe†, I. Turner‡, A. Matias, Ó. Ferreira, A. Bradbury●, N. Metje§, L. Coates§, D. Chapman§, C. Thompson●, T. Albers○, S. Pan□ † School of Geography University of Plymouth Plymouth, PL4 8AA, UK. CIMA, Universidade do Algarve, 8000 Faro, Portugal. ‡ ● Water Research Laboratory University of New South Wales Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia. Nat. Oceanography Centre Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK. § School of Civil Engineering, The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK. ○ Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, D-21071 Hamburg, Germany. □ School of Engineering, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, PL4 8AA, UK. ABSTRACT WILLIAMS, J., MASSELINK, G., BUSCOMBE, D., TURNER, I., MATIAS, A., FERREIRA, Ó, METJE, N., COATES, L., CHAPMAN, D., BRADBURY, A., THOMPSON, C., ALBERS, A. & PAN, S., 2009. BARDEX (Barrier Dynamics Experiment): taking the beach into the laboratory. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56 (Proceedings of the 10th International Coastal Symposium), 158 – 162. Lisbon, Portugal, ISSN 0749-0258. Although relatively common features, few laboratory studies have examined the dynamic response of gravel beaches and barriers to both tides and waves. To address this a prototype gravel barrier (5 m wide and 4 m high with seaward and lagoon facing slopes of 1:8 and 1:4) composed of sub-rounded gravel ( D50=10 mm) has been studied in the Delta flume. Detailed hydrodynamics and beach morphology were measured using video, buried PTs, ECMs and closely spaced bed location sensors on a scaffold frame spanning the entire barrier. Additional measurements were obtained from instruments on an offshore frame. A series of systematic tests were undertaken using pumps to change water levels on the seaward (hs) and lagoon (hl) sides of the barrier. These included: 1) hydraulic conductivity tests (hs and hl levels were varied); 2) tests to assess the impact of waves (hs = 2.5 m with variable hl and waves of 1m and periods 5-7 s; 3) tests examining the effect of tides (tidal simulation by varying hs from 1.75 m to 3.25 m with hl at high, medium and low levels and 1 m random and regular waves with periods 3 s, 5 s and 7 s); and 4) overwash tests (tidal simulation with variable hl and random waves of height ca. 1 m and periods 4.5s, 6s, 7s and 8s). This paper is intended primarily to make the community aware of the experiments and to describe the objectives and methods used. ADITIONAL INDEX WORDS: gravel barrier, field-scale laboratory experiment, tidal simulation, overwash, morphodynamics. INTRODUCTION Most of the world’s gravel beaches are found in meso- to macro-tidal settings, where tidal effects on beach morphodynamics cannot be ignored (MASSELINK AND SHORT, 1993) and where beach porosity can exert a significant influence on morphodynamic behaviour. However, most previous largescale and small-scale laboratory flume experiments have used a fixed mean water level to study the response of gravel beaches to waves (e.g. ROELVINK AND RENIERS, 1995; BLANCO, 2002). Although a few studies have attempted to examine the response of gravel beaches to waves and tides (e.g. TRIM ET AL., 2002), the experiments are subject to scaling problems and the beaches used are emplaced on impermeable ramps at the end of the test facilities. Such experiments fail, therefore, to simulate important aspects of natural gravel beach hydrology. Moreover, many gravel beaches (with a hydraulic conductivity greatly exceeding that of sand beaches) are barrier beaches which front and protect low- lying coastal areas (lagoons, estuaries, and coastal plains) from coastal flooding. Being subjected to relative changes in water level on both their seaward and landward sides, hydraulic gradients are likely to be an important element governing their dynamics and stability. During extreme events, gravel barrier overwashing can sometimes lead to breaching and contribute over time to largescale roll-back. This essentially 2D response differs significantly from sandy barriers where weak coastal dune sections frequently provide foci for destructive wave action. In this case, the overwash process is highly 3D and thus not amenable to study in a flume. Although there have been a limited number of attempts to simulate storm conditions at prototype scales, the post-storm recovery processes acting to restore the beach have not been simulated. It is known that overwashing plays an important role in the reestablishment of the pre-storm profile, but our understanding of the processes by which this is achieved remains incomplete. Providing some scaling issues can be resolved, there is therefore a great deal that can be learned from a series of controlled large- Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 56, 2009 158 BARDEX (Barrier Dynamics Experiment) scale experiments in which a gravel barrier is subjected both to simulated tidal motion and a range of wave conditions. This paper describes research undertaken in the large Delta flume facility, operated by Deltares, the Netherlands, during June and July 2008. The aim of the research was to investigate the hydro-, morpho-, and hydrodynamics of a near-prototype scale open-coast tidal beach composed entirely of medium gravel, and backed by a lagoon. One fundamental objective was to obtain data required to parameterise and understand gravel beach sediment transport processes and pathways, as well as the geotechnical and hydraulic properties and processes within the beach. For that purpose experiments were undertaken in a range of still water and lagoon levels, with time-varying still water level used to simulate tides. Here the simulated wave conditions were representative of relatively calm seas. Detailed measurements were taken of: the nearshore flow field and sub-tidal bedforms; swash hydrodynamics; and beach/bed-levels. To address the problem of parameterising and modelling the incipient conditions for natural overwashing and barrier failure during storms, another set of experiments used wave conditions typical of rough seas and tidal modulation. Detailed measurements were taken of nearshore flow fields and profile change as the barrier underwent progressive decay until failure occurred. BARDEX OBJECTIVES BARDEX activities were split into five workpackages (WPs). Although each had specific objectives, all WPs aimed to produce high-quality data sets for process studies and for model calibration and testing. WP1 (barrier stability and over-wash) aimed to improve understanding of overwash sediment transport and the threshold conditions for overwash occurrence. Work included: verification of wave and tide conditions to initiate overwash flow and overwash sedimentation; a study of barrier water level influences on overwash flow velocity; overwash induced morphological changes under flood and ebb tides; establishment of threshold conditions for overwash crest accretion/erosion; determination of critical conditions for barrier breaching. WP2 (barrier groundwater) aimed to investigate the role of backbarrier lagoon levels on the dynamic groundwater profile through the barrier and to assess whether varying groundwater levels may induce differing morphological response at the beach face. Specific research included: effects of lagoon and seaward water levels on the beach groundwater profile; effects of changes in beach groundwater profile on erosion and accretion processes. WP3 (swash sediment transport) aimed to improve understanding of sediment transport processes on the beach face under accretionary and erosive conditions. Specific research included: a study of short-lived pressure impacts resulting from collapsing/plunging breakers and their role in sediment transport; the morphological response to tidal asymmetry; the role of swash in morphological change; identification of key hydrodynamic parameters controlling the magnitude and direction of net sediment transport over individual swash cycles; investigation of relationships between step formation and berm development; the relative roles of incident, sub-harmonic, infra-gravity and progressive waves in beach face changes. WP4 (nearshore hydrodynamics and sediment) aimed to examine hydrodynamics and sediment transport at locations from the swash region to locations offshore from the barrier. Studies were undertaken in variable wave conditions to measure bed shear stress and roughness, to quantify turbulence production; and to measure bed elevation changes attributable to sediment transport. Using data from the WPs outlined above. WP5 (integration and modelling) aimed to develop new practical modelling tools to: (a) predict barrier morphology from the offshore limit of sediment transport to the lee side of the barrier; and (b) predict the response of barrier morphology to beach recharge. It is also supported by field data (e.g. Slapton Sands, UK) and has the long-term objective of developing modelling tools to quantify the barrier response to combined wave action and tides and the barrier response to increased sediment volume at the beach face. Specifically, this WP is focused on the integration of experimental data and model evaluation, development, validation and application. The modelling activities include: evaluation of existing modelling tools for gravel beaches and exploration of the relevance of these tools to the current project; a review of sediment transport formulations published for gravel beaches; implementation of sediment transport formulations reviewed for selected models, (e.g. XBeach); validation of the models; process studies to improved model representation of overwashing, overtopping, beach profile evolution, bedforms and effects of water level modulation. METHODS A 4 m high and 50 m wide gravel barrier was constructed in the Delta flume (Netherlands) with a ‘sea’ and a ‘lagoon’ at either side (Fig. 1). The grain size distribution of the gravel is shown in Fig. 2 (D50=10mm). The scale of the Delta flume enabled the experiments to be conducted with natural gravel, which minimised the adverse scale effects reported by BLANCO (2002). By raising and lowering the water level in the lagoon, the groundwater in the barrier was elevated and lowered relative to the mean sea level and the effect on beach profile development could be investigated for a range of wave and water level conditions. The sub-aerial part of the barrier was extensively instrumented with buried pressure sensors measuring the beach groundwater, current meters for recording swash flows and acoustic devices for measuring swash depths and bed levels (TURNER ET AL., 2008). Additional current meters and capacitance wires were deployed offshore. The water levels in the sea and lagoon were maintained at set levels by 4 x 100 l/s pumps and pipe work connections. The system was able to control the water levels either side of the barrier to a tolerance of 10mm, permitting the simulation of differing sea-level, tide and beach groundwater conditions. Pump discharges in and out of the lagoon were recorded and enabled direct determination of flow rates through the barrier. The incident wave field was measured using three mechanical wave followers. These wave height data, in combination with one velocity measurement, were sufficient to describe the incoming and outgoing wave characteristics (spectra) accurately. The distances between the wave followers were periodically adjusted, depending on the steepness of the waves, as prescribed by the Mansard and Funk method for derivation of the incident spectrum from the measured trace. Wave-induced currents were measured using four 40mm-diameter electromagnetic current meters (ECMs) deployed from the side wall of the flume. Thirteen Druck pressure transducers with a 1 bar (10m) range and absolute accuracy of 0.4% (40mm) were deployed at locations beneath the barrier. These gave a working accuracy of c.1cm over the timescale of individual wave cycles. Barrier profiles were measured between each wave sequence using a roller and actuator which followed the bed profile from an overhead carriage thereby allowing supra-tidal and sub-tidal profiles to be measured with identical accuracy. Offshore a frame was used to deploy a Sontek 10MHz Ocean Probe ADV and two 10MHz Nortek Vectrino ADVs to measure turbulence and a dual 2MHz Marine Electronics Sand Ripple Profiler (SRP) Sonars to measure in detail bed morphology. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 56, 2009 159 Williams et al. Fig. 1 Plans of the experimental design showing barrier emplacement, pumping system and instrument locations. The photographs show details of the equipment and Delta flume. An array of 45 temperature compensated Massa M300 ultrasonic proximity sensors operating at 95kHz were mounted at c. 1m from the bed on a frame spanning the barrier (Fig. 3). Each has a beam angle of 8o giving a measurement footprint c. 28cm in diameter. The beach frame was also used to deploy pairs of small ECMs and PTs at 4 streamwise locations. Their height was adjusted after each experiment. A Sony SSCDC50AP video camera positioned on the profiling gantry high above the centre of the flume, and facing the waves, was used to record wave run-up. Images were referenced to ground control point positions and recorded at 4Hz into Matlab data files following image orthorectification. These images were subsequently filtered to remove strong gradients in sunlight across the flume. Using a local coordinate system, instrument positions were surveyed using a Trimble 5605 Robotic Total Station. Using a local network, all logging computers were synchronised from a GARMIN GPS using TAC32 software. Further details of the methods and instruments are given by BUSCOMBE ET AL. (2008). The JONSWAP spectral shape was used to generate random wave sequences with specified characteristics. These propagated down the flume in consistent phase to produce the same hydrodynamic forcing conditions when required. Reflected waves, as well as low frequency resonant waves were damped using an Automated Reflection Compensator (ARC). During the tidal runs a wave-steering signal was devised to avoiding stoppages for resets of the wave board and filling or draining of the flume. To achieve this, tides were split into several stages in which the water was raised or lowered at a near-constant rate with wave generation on. To avoid the need to reset the wave board during tidal simulations, the wave steering signal was based on the average water depth for a given tidal stage. Continuity was obtained by tapering the design wave conditions to zero at the start and end of each stage and by concatenation of all the wave signals from each tidal stage. Although the use of an average water depth for each tidal stage resulted in wave height statistics that differed slightly from the design specification due to the continuous Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 56, 2009 160 BARDEX (Barrier Dynamics Experiment) change in water level, this did not adversely affect the experiments. Five test series were undertaken (Fig. 4 for test details). Test Series A: to determine the in-situ bulk hydraulic conductivity of the gravel barrier in the absence of waves. Test Series B: to examine barrier response to waves only; Test Series C: the response of the barrier to waves with a fixed offshore water level and varying lagoon levels. Test Series D: barrier response to waves using simulated tidal cycles; and Test Series E: to examine the response of the barrier to storm conditions using tidal simulation and large waves. Fig. 4 Experimental tests (in chronological order) and associated wave heights, periods and water levels Fig. 2 Measured grain size distributions for the barrier gravel. Fig. 3 Barrier and offshore frames in the Delta flume (left) and the ultrasonic sensor array looking towards the wave paddle (right). DISCUSSION A number of aspects of the BARDEX project are novel. (1) Laboratory gravel beach research is relatively rare, especially on this scale (the notable exception being the GWK experiments reported by BLANCO (2002). (2) The experiments are believed to be the first combining waves with variation of offshore and lagoon water levels. (3) The state-of-the-art measurements, including high-frequency measurements of waves, turbulence, run-up, subtidal, intertidal and supra-tidal bed morphologies, sediment size, and groundwater table are some of the most detailed ever undertaken in a laboratory study of a gravel beach. The data set collected will therefore be of considerable interest to the wider academic community in the fields of coastal hydrodynamics and hydraulics, coastal defence and geotechnics, and nearshore morphodynamics and sediment transport. Fig. 5 (a) overwashing wave sequence; (b) barrier profile changes during the overwash experiments (2.5 hours.; Hs = 0.8m; Tp = 8.0; hs = 3.00 to 3.75m; hl = 3.25m. As the work was only undertaken in the summer of 2008 it is not yet possible to present detailed results from the BARDEX experiments and here only initial results from the overwash experiment are presented as an example. The present exception to this is the more detailed treatment of results from WP2 given by MASSELINK ET AL. (2009, this volume). Fig. 5 shows the barrier profile before, during and after the BARDEX overwash experiments. The barrier crest has been displaced c. 10m with accompanying lowering of the crest height, erosion of the seaward side and accretion in the lagoon. Interestingly a series of well-developed bedform-like features were present on the beach face at the end of the study (shown also Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 56, 2009 161 Williams et al. in the inset photograph in Fig. 5). Although these have been observed in the field, data on their characteristic and behaviour is scarce. Volumetric change of the crest and the overwash region during the final test series E9 are shown in Fig. 6. The volumes are wellbalanced, indicating that the erosion of the crest results in the accretion in the overwash region. It is also of interest to note a near constant rate of volumetric change during the runs with constant wave-tide conditions (sea level at 3.75 m). Crest build-up during the last two tests (17 and 18, Fig. 6) is also apparent. MASSELINK, G.; WILLIAMS, J. J. AND TURNER, I. L., 2009. Large-Scale Laboratory Investigation into the Effect of the Beach Groundwater Table on Gravel Beach Morphology. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 56, this volume. ROELLEVINK, J.A. AND RENIERS, A.J.H.M., 1995. LIP11 D Deltaflume experiment: dataset for profile validation. Report H2130 Delft Hydraulics, Delft, The Netherlands. TRIM, L.K.; SHE, K., AND POPE, D.J., 2002. Tidal effects on cross-shore sediment transport on a shingle beach. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 36, 708-715. TURNER, I.L.; RUSSELL, P.E., AND BUTT, T., 2008. Measurement of wave-by-wave bed-levels in the swash zone. Coastal Engineering, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2008.09.009. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The data reported here were collected in the Delta flume (Netherlands) as part of the EU-funded BARDEX project (HYDRALAB III Contract no. 022441 (RII3), Barrier Dynamics Experiments). We would like to thank all BARDEX collaborators for their contributions, but in particular Celia Swinkels for managing the project and the staff of the Delta Flume for their high-spirited and excellent assistance. Fig. 6 Results from test series E9 showing volumetric changes in barrier sediments. CONCLUSIONS Experiments in the Delta flume, with a near field-scale gravel barrier, have for the first time examined barrier response to different water levels either side of the barrier in the presence of waves and to overwash events. The use of metered high capacity pumps has allowed water levels to be held at different relative level either side of the barrier and enabled direct measurement of hydraulic conductivity. Data acquired in the experiments will assist in the development and testing of models to simulate crossshore morphological change on gravel beaches and in improving understanding of processes. This in turn will assist in the design of artificial nourishment schemes and in the management of natural gravel barrier systems threatened by erosion and/or rising sea level. The BARDEX data set will be made available to bona fide researchers in the future to assist in progressing knowledge and prediction of gravel beach and barrier behaviour. LITERATURE CITED BLANCO, B., 2002. Large Wave Channel (GWK) Experiments on Gravel and Mixed Beaches. Experimental procedure and data documentation. Report TR-130, HR Wallingford. BUSCOMBE, D.; WILLIAMS, J.J. AND MASSELINK, G., 2008. BARDEX: Experimental procedures, technical information and data report. School of Geography, University of Plymouth, UK, 164pp., unpublished manuscript1. MASSELINK, G., AND SHORT, A., 1993. The influence of tide range on beach morphodynamics: a conceptual model. Journal of Coastal Research, 9, 785-800. 1 Now available from University of Plymouth, subject to a handling fee. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 56, 2009 162