UltraSonic Metering System - Eastech
UltraSonic Metering System - Eastech
CHARTMETER 5000 TM THE FIRST FLOWMETER WITH A BUILT-IN CHART RECORDER Eastech Badger ULTRASONIC FLOW MEASUREMENT EASTECH COMBINES THREE PRODUCTS INTO ONE COST-EFFECTIVE UNIT THAT ELIMINATES CONDUIT RUNS, WIRING, AND INSTALLATION COSTS M O D E L CHART RECORDER A fully integrated 1, 7, or 31 day continuous trace circular chart recorder housed in a corrosion and impact resistant Nema 4, 4X enclosure. 5 0 2 2 M O D E L CHART RECORDER A fully integrated 1, 7, or 31 day continuous trace circular chart recorder housed in a corrosion and impact resistant Nema 4, 4X enclosure. 5 0 4 4 OPEN CHANNEL ULTRASONIC FLOWMETER WITH DATALOGGER CLOSED PIPE TRANSIT-TIME FLOWMETER WITH DATALOGGER The 5022 is a highly advanced microprocessorbased ultrasonic flow transmitter for extremely accurate measurement of flow in open channels. Since a 10% error in level measurement can result in a 25% error in flow measurement, the high accuracy (0.02”) of the Model 5022, especially when utilized for billing purposes, directly translates into dollars. The Model 5044 transit-time flowmeter offers plant operating personnel a highly reliable instrument (±0.5% of actual rate of flow) that is nonintrusive in design. Simple to install, with a one-piece SpeedrailTM sensor mounting system and factory pre-programmed for ease of start-up, the 5044 Chartmeter will consistently maintain accurate readings over changing process conditions and time. DIMENSIONAL DATA (inches/mm) 5022 ChartMeter 5044 TM 9.250 235 8.875 225 5.25 132 7.19 180 ORDERING GUIDE & SPECIFICATIONS Chart Recorder ChartMeter TM Meter Sensor Extra Cable Options Data Retrieval Manhole Flume OPEN CHANNEL FLOW FB4A 50 ft. Factory Calibrated Modem (phone line) MF4 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 7 FB2A 50 22 Nema 4, 4X IP66 3 X Flow/Level (0-16 ft) Tefzel (30’ cable) A M Y Heater & Thermostat Profibus B E 200 ft. Keylock 100 ft. 0 5022 Nema 4, 4X IP66 Circular Chart 1 Day 7 Day 31 Day (please specify) Flow/Level (0-25 ft) PVC (30’ cable) Z C DeviceNet F 4” 6” MF6 8” MF8 Splice Kit 10” D MF10 Relays (3) P (4) G (5) H MF12 YEAR WARRANTY One 4-20 mA RS 232/485 2 Relays Datalogger 12” For Operating and Suggested Specifications, see Chartmeter 5022 brochure CLOSED PIPE FLOW 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 7 0 5044 44 Nema 4, 4X IP66 3 YEAR WARRANTY One 4-20 mA RS 232/485 1 Relay Datalogger External Strap-On (1” - 42” Dia. Pipe) AS1 External Strap-On (48” - 120” Dia. Pipe) Note: Each sensor is equipped with 50 feet of cable as standard. AS2 External Strap-On 100 ft. (High Temp.: 300°F) Y AS3 Instream 200 ft. (12” - 120” Dia. Pipe) Z AS4 Wetted “Hot Shot” (12” - 120” Dia. Pipe) AS5 Factory Calibrated A Modem (phone line) (No Charge) M Heater & Thermostat Profibus B Not Applicable E Keylock DeviceNet C F Splice Kit D Relays (2) L (3) P Windowed (3” - 48” Dia. Pipe) AS6 Dual Pipe/Multi-Path contact factory. For Operating and Suggested Specifications, see Chartmeter 5044 brochure Eastech Badger ULTRASONIC FLOW MEASUREMENT 4250 S. 76th E. Avenue Tulsa, OK 74145 800-226-3569 918-664-1212 Fax: 918-664-8494 info@eastechbadger.com www.eastechbadger.com PARSHALL FLUMES Parshall Flumes Description The Parshall flume is one of a large class of open channel primary elements known as critical flow venturi flumes. A distinguishing characteristic of the Parshall flume is the downward sloping invert of the throat. This feature gives the Parshall flume its ability to operate at higher ratios of downstream to upstream head than any other such device. The Parshall flume manufactured by Eastech Badger is a monolithic fiberglass reinforced polyester structure to assure maximum strength and accuracy of dimension while minimizing installation time. A staff gauge with 1/4” minor divisions in inches is standard. A 2” NPT stilling well connection is available as an option. Application The Parshall is recommended for those applications in which moderate concentrations of sand, grit or other heavy solids exist and fluid velocities entering the flume are subcritical. The flume operates with a small energy loss or change in channel grade, about one-fourth that of weirs having the same crest length. The flume is ideally suited for fluid measurement in irrigation channels or sewers. Features Sturdy Reinforced Fiberglass Construction# Sizes from 3”up to 36”# Stilling Well Connection Available# Calibration The Parshall flume exhibits reproducible head rise/flow rate characteristics throughout its size range. In order to assure the accuracy of the device, adherence to all dimensions for construction as well as free flow hydraulic conditions is required. Ordering Guide and Dimensional Data (inches) Model 14 W A B C D E F G K N Wt. Wall thk. PF-3 3 18.38 18.0 7 10.9 24.0 6.0 12.0 1.0 2.25 45 .25 PF-6 6 24.44 24.0 15.5 15.63 24.0 12.0 24.0 3.0 4.50 100 .25 PF-9 9 34.63 34.0 15.0 22.63 30.0 12.0 18.0 3.0 4.50 125 .25 PF-12 12 54.0 52.89 24.0 33.25 36.0 24.0 36.0 3.0 9.0 350 .375 PF-18 18 57.0 55.88 30.0 40.38 36.0 24.0 36.0 3.0 9.0 500 .5 PF-24 24 60.0 58.88 36.0 47.50 36.0 24.0 36.0 3.0 9.0 530 .5 PF-36 36 66.0 64.75 48.0 61.88 36.0 24.0 36.0 3.0 9.0 620 .5 PARSHALL FLUMES Sample Specifications An Eastech Badger Model _______ Parshall flume shall be installed as shown on the plans in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The Parshall flume shall be of single-piece reinforced polyester construction with end flanges and reinforcing ribs providing secure and permanent anchorage. Sizing Selection of a Parshall flume should be made on expected flow rates; but for single point measurement to be valid, the design hydraulic gradient must insure that free flow conditions exist at all flow rates. Thus, the downstream fluid level must not exceed the values in Fig. 3 or single point measurement will not produce acceptable values. The flume should be located in a straight reach of channel without bends or changes in alignment directly upstream and should have a well-distributed velocity profile. To assure free flow energy conditions exist, maintain the minimum and maximum flow rates as indicated for each flume size in capacity curve diagram. (Fig. 2) Theoretical Discussion The Parshall flume is an empirically derived and rated measuring device. The discharge capacities are rated for “free flow” conditions in which the submergence (ratio of downstream depth, to upstream depth Hb/Ha) is less than the percentage given in Fig. 3. As the downstream depth increases, flow condition is no longer critical, thus two depth measurement readings (at Ha and Hb) are necessary and a correction factor must be applied to obtain the correct discharge under these conditions. The following graph presents these corrections necessary to ensure true discharge values. HEAD INCHES Parshall Flume Capacities MIN. HD. RISE AT MAX FLOW Fig. 2 Discharge curves for Parshall Flumes with free flow and with submerged conditions 15 SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION ChartMeter 5022 An ultrasonic microprocessor-based flowmeter with an integral circular chart recorder shall be installed at the location on the plans in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation. The ChartMeter must have a single pen chart recorder electronically integrated to an open channel ultrasonic flowmeter. The ChartMeter 5022 shall be programmed for a _______ (size & type of primary element) and scaled at maximum to ______ (max flow and engineering units or maximum level). The ChartMeter shall have the following features: Enclosure: Power: Chart: Outputs: Sensors: Accuracy: IP66/NEMA 4, 4X (optional: Explosion proof, Class I, Groups C & D, Class II, Groups E, F & G, Divisions 1 & 2) 80 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz or 12 to 28 VDC @ 150 mA with surge suppression and fuse. (powered by flowmeter) Circular 24 hour, 7 day or 31 day. MaDC: 4-20 mA isolated into 1000 ohms, monitored to detect open circuits, with RFI and gas discharge surge protection and two fuses. Relays: A minimum of 2 relays rated at 0.25A @ 120 VAC or 0.5A @ 24 VDC. The relays must be assignable by the front panel keypad. Datalogger: There shall be a datalogger integral to the electronics. The datalogger shall have non-volatile flash memory with a storage capacity of 32768 records. Software shall be supplied for downloading the data. The logged data shall have the capability to be displayed on the backlit display in graphing form for daily total flow units for the past eight days. RS-232/485: There shall be an RS-232/485 serial port of 1200-38400 baud, Modbus RTU protocol. Warranty: The electronics and sensor shall carry a 3-year warranty. The sensor shall be designed for use in Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C & D hazardous areas. The sensor shall be made of PVC or Tefzel and supplied with ________ feet of cable. 1000 ft. maximum cable runs allowed. Splices shall be made waterproof. ±0.02” or ±0.05% of target distance. The sensor cables shall be run in dedicated conduit. The unit shall be a ChartMeter 5022 as manufactured by Eastech Badger, Tulsa OK. Ordering Guide Please provide the following information: Size and type primary element:___________ Maximum flow:___________Maximum level:__________ Chart Recorder ChartMeter TM Meter Sensor Extra Cable Options Data Retrieval Manhole Flume OPEN CHANNEL FLOW FB4A 50 ft. Factory Calibrated Modem (phone line) MF4 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 7 5022 FB2A 22 Nema 4, 4X IP66 3 X Flow/Level (0-16 ft) Tefzel (30’ cable) A M Y Heater & Thermostat Profibus B E 200 ft. Keylock 100 ft. 0 50 Nema 4, 4X IP66 Circular Chart 1 Day 7 Day 31 Day (please specify) Flow/Level (0-25 ft) PVC (30’ cable) Z C DeviceNet F 4” 6” MF6 8” MF8 Splice Kit 10” D MF10 Relays (3) P (4) G (5) H MF12 YEAR WARRANTY One 4-20 mA RS 232/485 2 Relays Datalogger 12” Ordering Example: 5022 with 0-25’ sensor, factory calibration, heater and therm. 5022FB4AAB Eastech Badger ULTRASONIC FLOW MEASUREMENT 4250 S. 76th E. Avenue Tulsa, OK 74145 800-226-3569 918-664-1212 Fax: 918-664-8494 info@eastechbadger.com www.eastechbadger.com