Induction 2014 small - Rotary Club of Parañaque St. Andrew


Induction 2014 small - Rotary Club of Parañaque St. Andrew
St. Andrew
Club of Parañaque
Malacañang Palace
My warmest gree,ngs to all Rotarians of the Rotary CLub of Paranaque St. Andrews District 3830 as you gather for your 6th District Induc,on Ceremony.
For more than 100 years, the Rotary Club Interna,onal has been a force for good around the world, bringing together businessmen, professionals, and private individuals as servant-­‐leaders in their communi,es. In the Philippines, your club has best been known for scholarship programs and medical and socio-­‐civic missions-­‐especially during ,mes of disasters and calami,es-­‐for which your government and the en,re na,on are grateful.
Despite being the newest Rotary district in the country, you have lived up to your moLo of "Service Above Self," contribu,ng your ,me, exper,se, and resources for the benefit of the people of Maka,, Paranaque, Mun,nlupa, Las Pinas, Taguig, Pateros, and Palawan. May this handover ceremony infuse fresh ideas and renewed vigor into your organiza,on, that you may con,nue to uphold the legacy of service that has endeared the Rotary movement to our countrymen.
The promise of a brighter tomorrow beckons; let us thus remain commiLed to the task of bringing the dividends of our present revitaliza,on to those on the margins of our society. May you remain in solidarity with our agenda of hope, as we con,nue our journey on the straight path and endeavor to realize a more inclusive future for all Filipinos.
I am please to congratulate my brother Rotarian on your 6th Induc,on Ceremonies for the Rotary Year 2014-­‐2015. This is indeed an occasion for us to highlight our mission of service for our people and community. Looking forward then, let us focus on ,re vibrant aspira,on of our organiza,on as a partner in community building and ameliora,on in ,le living condi,on of brothers and sisters, and to have a threshold of hope that will imbibe us into a helping hand as one people and in a common goal of service. As new officers of Rotary Club of Parañaque St. Andrew, it rest upon our shoulder to con,nue ,re programs and services of our club, and into yours hands, we must fulfill our mandate with passion and dedica,on to our oath of service, and in doing so, we shall therefore live ,re spirit of a true Rotarian, which is Service and compassion for our fellowmen.
Again, as your fellow Rotarian, allow me to please share your endearing thrust for our club and henceforth forward the order of business we oath deliver. Let us be mindful always, that as a Rotarian, we must at all ,mes, uphold our tenets so that we can sustain the vision of our club with the end result of community development, as a service oriented organiza,on.
Thanks you and God Bless Us All".
Mayor,-­‐Parañaque City
Dear fellow Rotarians,
I was introduced to Rotary as a high school student. Right away, I saw it was something I wanted to be a part of. Rotary was a pres,gious organiza,on in Taiwan when I was growing up, and at first, I mostly wanted the status of being a Rotarian.
But it didn’t take long for me to realize that Rotary was about much more than having lunch with important people. Through Rotary, I have made my community and the world a beLer place. I have been touched by the stories of those we’ve helped in countries far from my own.
Rotary is something special and it is something I am proud to be a part of—not for what it gives me, but for what it lets me give to others. By pufng Service Above Self, we set an example that cannot help but inspire those around us.
My moLo is always “be posi,ve, be ac,ve, be a friend,” and Rotary embodies these values. In Rotary we set high goals, we work hard, and we care. In Rotary we find solu,ons, not excuses. Rotary is a light in our communi,es and a light in our hearts. It creates hope in our world and gives meaning to our lives. It fulfills a basic human desire to reach out a hand to others, to know we have made a difference.
Gary C.K. Huang
2014-­‐15 President, Rotary Interna,onal
Dear fellow Rotarians:
My congratulations and best wishes as you conduct your
Handover and Induction Ceremonies for Rotary Year
I am extremely delighted to see all of you begin this mandate
with moments of joy.
I am confident that this mandate will be laying the foundation
for a new promising phase, for the members of your beloved
Rotary club, and more importantly, the less-privileged people whom you have sworn to serve.
As you take your oath, I also call upon you – my Best Team and your club members -- to start
a new phase – begin with the basics, and commit to activities that will redound to the
betterment of your club and serve the interests of the communities you serve.
Light Up Rotary is the theme of Rotary International in 2014-2015 and let us make it
incumbent upon us to be passionate and zealous in our efforts to promote the ideals of Rotary
service through this theme.
Alone, we can always proceed, but together, we can only succeed. Let us be together as one!
Let the Rotary spirit motivate us, not only to find the solutions to the challenges that we might
face in the future, but also to achieve the proper balance required among fellow Rotarians to
assume the role they are entrusted with.
As you begin your year of service in 2014-2015, I wish you would attain many more successes
in your undertakings.
Together, let us illuminate our communities as we LIGHT UP ROTARY!
Yours in service,
Governor, 2014-2015 District 3830
I bring you gree,ngs from my home club, the Rotary Club of Maka,, on the occasion of your 6th Induc,on Ceremony. Congratula,ons to Best President Rolly Socorro and his team for accep,ng the mantle of leadership for RY 2014-­‐2015. There will be challenges to be met and sacrifices to be made, but I assure Pres. Rolly that it will all be worth it. Where service is concerned, the ‘heart’ rewards always outweigh the sacrifice. Amer your club’s successful journey to “Engage Rotary, Change Lives” under the leadership of FCP Theda Collantes, BP Rolly shall now take the lead in your club’s bid to ‘Light Up Rotary,” as RI President Gary Huang has asked all Rotarians to do this year. Yours is a very young club, having been chartered only six years ago, but you have matured in Rotary service very quickly, as can be gleaned from your projects—in nutri,on, computer literacy, medical and dental missions, relief opera,ons, environmental care, and most notably, your e-­‐library project that has opened countless minds to the rich possibili,es that learning brings.
It is no wonder that your club received a number of awards at the 2014 District Awards. Once again, my congratula,ons and best wishes for a year of enlightenment and illumina,on as you ‘Light Up Rotary!’
District Governor, RY 2013-­‐2014
R. I. District 3830
Fellow Rotarandeans!
I am deeply honored to extend my hearoelt felicita,ons to Paranaque St Andrew and our Best President Rolly Socorro.
the Rotary Club of Tonight’s honor of course belongs to this ever spritely and Now on its 6th year of existence in Rotary service, RCPSA own small ways, sowed the seeds of genuine service in our community.
service-­‐oriented club. has indeed, in our chosen Being its Charter President, I am the happiest and the proudest to see this milestone achieved by the club. This celebra,on is a reaffirma,on of the strong bonding and friendship exis,ng in the club which has led to the implementa,on of significant community service projects. FCP Theda Collantes ably accomplished her role in steering this Club through the penul,mate year of the First Class Team. And the baton is well-­‐passed to BP Rolly Socorro, I have no doubt that he will skillfully apply his leadership and entrepreneurial talents this year to take this Club to greater heights and bring more honors even as we con,nue to consecrate ourselves to the Rotary moLo “Service Above Self”. To the rest of the happy bunch of RCPSA, officers & directors and new members, my sincerest congratula,ons to you for being an RCPSA member. Much is required of a Rotarian and as I always said before, even more for being a RotarAndrean.
In all your noble efforts, enjoy service, enjoy Rotary, enjoy RCPSA.
Mabuhay ang Rotary Club of Paranaque St. Andrew! Always with you in service,
Glenn Gooco
Charter President
Rotary Club of Paranaque St Andrew
Dear fellow Rotarians:
I would like to congratulate Roberto P. Socorro on his induc,on as the incoming president of the Rotary Club of Paranaque St. Andrew for the rotary year 2014-­‐2015. It is with great pride that I am turning over the leadership of the club to a very responsible and highly reputable person. We will definitely have a fruioul rotary year under his stewardship. Let me also welcome his new set of officers, who in the future, will also take their turn to lead the club. I am very confident with the present team that we have. Surely they will all “light up rotary” for Governor Lito Colona and President Gary Huang.
I wish you success for your whole year of rotary service.
Congratula,ons to all!
President, Rotary Year 2013-­‐2014
I am very much aware of both the honour and responsibility given to me on being elected as the 6th President Rotary Club of Paranaque Saint Andrew. Let me wholeheartedly thank my illustrious predecessors for having laid the founda,on of this club pouring their hearts, minds and souls and for having set so high standards of ‘Service above self’ that will take herculean efforts from me and my team to come true to expecta,ons. I thank our beloved past presidents for posing their faith and trust in my capabili,es. I intend to devote my ,me in office in both promo,ng Rotary and helping those in need in our community. The Rotary Theme for RY 2014-­‐2015, “Light Up Rotary,” "It is beLer to light a single candle than to sit and curse the darkness”, we will face new and bigger challenges in the coming Rotary Year. As a leading club, we have always upheld the values of Rotary and have pursued our goals with relentless passion and commitment.
Our theme “Light up Rotary” is a good reminder that if we want to change the lives of others, we have to work with renewed passion and commitment. Together, let us promote our new theme with pride and put it to ac,on. We can do this! I assure you that we shall do our level best and will leave no stone unturned and make the Rotary flag fly higher and higher in days to come.
I now face my biggest challenge as Rotarian as your new president and I want to thank you for the trust that you have given me. It is a daun,ng task but one that I face with op,mism. I am confident that with the guidance and example of the Past Presidents before me from chartered president Glenn Gooco to FCP Theda who will pass the gavel this coming induc,on and the whole-­‐hearted support and commitment of the members of Rotary Club C of Paranaque Saint Andrew, RY 2014-­‐2015 will be our biggest year in membership, commitment and service.
C-­‐ stands for Community based projects
H-­‐ stands for Health
E-­‐ for Educa,on
E-­‐ for Environment R-­‐ Rotary family S-­‐ Sa,sfac,on.
The presidency of Rotary Club of Paranaque Saint Andrew for year 2014-­‐2015 is to “Bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all voca,ons, and help build goodwill and peace in the world”
Rolly Socorro
President, Rotary Year 2014 -­‐ 2015
Meet Rotary’s New President: Gary C.K. Huang
Gary Huang played a lot of sports when he was younger, but basketball was his favorite. He was captain and point guard of his high school team. “I’m not tall, but I was quick.” He flashes a grin. “I knew how to move the ball and set my team up to win.” That was decades ago, but whether in basketball, business, or Rotary, moving the ball con,nues to be Huang’s game. He likes ac,on and progress. He relishes a challenge. When the Rotary Club of Taipei told him he was too young to be a member, he persisted, aLending every mee,ng for nine months un,l he hooked an invita,on at age 30. Since then, he has not stopped moving forward. Five years amer joining Rotary, Huang became club president. Then he became Taiwan’s youngest district governor, first RI director, and first Rotary Founda,on trustee. This month, he becomes the first Chinese president of Rotary Interna,onal.
Huang was born in Fujian, a province in southern China. He is the third child of seven. Like many others, his family fled China during the civil war, unhappy with the communists who were taking over the country. The family seLled in Taiwan in 1947, when Huang was one year old.
Huang’s parents pushed him to excel in school, but they also believed that grades were not the only things that were important. “My father used to say to me that gefng B’s was OK, but I had to par,cipate in ac,vi,es and join clubs. He said that would help me in the future,” Huang recalls.
Although Huang’s father was not a Rotarian, he ins,lled similar ideals of service in his son. Helping others, his father said, would help him learn how to be a leader. As a result, Huang was president of his high school class. Besides playing basketball, he played soccer, ran track and, at the urging of his mother, par,cipated in (and omen won) speech compe,,ons. He also led the daily morning pep rallies at his school for six years. “My father was happy I did those things,” Huang says. “Every ,me there was a school celebra,on, no maLer how busy he was, he would always aLend.”
Amer high school and two years of serving in the military, Huang moved to Michigan to aLend the University of Eastern Michigan in Ypsilan,. He recalls those years with fondness, remembering how clean and wide-­‐open the Midwest felt to a city boy from Taipei. He lived with an American family, who gave him the name Gary because they liked the actor Gary Cooper. He worked through school at a gas repair company, where he started at $1.25 an hour and ended at $4.75 a few years later. When he graduated with a business degree in 1971, he was so happy, he bought himself a gradua,on ring. “It was the first, most expensive thing I’d bought with my own money, so I wear it all the ,me,” he says.
But his educa,on was far from over. Huang’s father was president of an insurance company in Taiwan and wanted his son to be well prepared for a career in the same field. Huang went on to graduate school at New York University and spent ,me in England, Switzerland, Germany, and Japan, learning about the insurance business and making interna,onal connec,ons. Years later, Huang would again be making connec,ons all over the world as RI president.
Huang returned to Taiwan to work for a small insurance firm, which over the next 15 years he built into one of the largest in the industry. He made one agreement with his chairman: that he had to be able to fit Rotary into his busy schedule. “I wanted to con,nue my work in Rotary no maLer what,” he says.
When Huang began to experience success in his profession and in Rotary, his mother kept him grounded, something she s,ll does at the age of 95. “I know she is proud of me,” he says. “But no maLer how successful I am, she never praises me.”
The year Huang joined Rotary was also the year he met his wife, Corinna Yao, at a church Bible study. “He kept calling me,” Yao says. But Huang remembers it differently. “She’s the one who picked me up!” he claims.
He was outgoing and social. She was an introvert. “I wondered how we would get along,” she says. “But it’s 38 years later, and we are s,ll good.” Together they raised three children – two daughters and a son – and now they have two grandchildren, Eddie and Evan. Evan was born on the same day that Huang found out he was the RI president-­‐
nominee. His name is a play on “Evanston.”
Huang and Yao raised their family with Rotary, so it plays a part in their children’s memories. “I always wanted what you had with your Rotary friends. Growing up, they were my aun,es and uncles,” eldest daughter Linda tells her father. Nancy, his second daughter, remembers visi,ng an orphanage with Huang when she was young. “It was the first ,me I learned about what Rotary does. My dad was so passionate,” she says.
The orphanage was one of the first Rotary projects that inspired Huang more than 30 years ago. When he toured the facili,es, he was taken aback, seeing the kids crammed into one room at night, watching them share a pot of rice at meal,me. Many of the orphans were the same age as his young children at the ,me. The orphanage needed so many things – a new roof, a refrigerator, an air condi,oner, and diapers and other supplies. The Taipei club provided these things, but Huang wanted to do more. He and another Rotarian decided to sponsor two of the girls. They chose two four-­‐year-­‐olds with the same Chinese zodiac sign as Huang and his friend: the rooster. They took the girls to dinner once every other month. They paid for the girls’ school fees every year and eventually sent them to college. Amer gradua,on, they paid for a celebratory trip to Hong Kong and helped them find jobs when they came home. Thirty years later, Huang and his friend s,ll meet them regularly for dinner, now with their own families.
Huang believes that Rotary should be about liming people up. The theme he chose, Light Up Rotary, is a reflec,on of his desire to encourage Rotarians to bring light where there is darkness. Huang also hopes that Light Up Rotary inspires Rotarians to lighten up Rotary’s image. He wants Rotary to be fun, not just for fun’s sake, but because having a good ,me builds genuine bonds of friendship, retains members, and helps recruit new ones.
Member recruitment is a hallmark of Huang’s Rotary career. When he was club president, his club grew from 102 to 138 members. When he was district governor for Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau, he added 19 new clubs. “If you want to invite people, you need to make things interes,ng,” he reasons. “Then they will love it and come again.”
Huang’s friend and RI Vice President Celia Elena Cruz de Giay supports this approach. “Rotary is a serious organiza,on but not a solemn one. President Gary is pufng an emphasis on making Rotary fun because he can see the winning combina,on of Rotarians having fun while they serve,” she explains.
He also champions the idea of opening Rotary’s doors to younger people and recrui,ng more female members. “Some Rotarians are too conserva,ve. They disagree with having women or younger members,” he says. “With younger people, they are our future. In a few years, they will be bigger, beLer, maybe richer than us,” Huang jokes. “It’s good for them, good for Rotary, and good for society.”
Even though he jokes, Huang is so serious about membership that he recruited his own family into Rotary. His wife joined first, then his three grown children followed suit, each in a different club. His son, Billy, believes that being in Rotary has made the family closer. “We par,cipate in ac,vi,es together,” he says. “I understand my dad beLer.”
Huang is thrilled to bring together the most important parts of his life, giving new meaning to the idea of the family of Rotary. He hopes that others will follow his example. “Why leave your family to do your Rotary work? You can do it together,” he suggests. “Then doing good becomes a family event.”
These days, Huang plays golf instead of basketball, but he’s s,ll in the game of sefng up his team – the team of Rotary – to win. – Susie Ma
Governor, District 3830, 2014-­‐2015
Born in Liliw, Laguna, Angelito E. Colona began his journey to life on September 20, 1952.
He earned his BSBA Major in Accoun,ng diploma at the Philippine School of Business Administra,on and became a Cer,fied Public Accountant in 1974. He also pursued further studies in Trade Facilita,on, Interna,onal Freight Management and Interna,onal Logis,cs Management at the Ateneo Graduate School in 2004.
Currently, he is the Chairman and Chief Execu,ve Officer of the Eagle Express Group (Holding Company) and sits as Chairman, President and CEO of Eagle Express Lines, Inc. (Interna,onal Cargo Forwarding/Logis,cs/Customs Brokerage); Awards Cargo Agency Philippines, Inc. (Shipping Agency); I-­‐Solu,ons Interna,onal, Inc. (Somware Company); EMCS Philippines, Inc. (Cargo Consolida,on); and Liliw Resort Corpora,on. As an industry leader His extensive experience and exposure in the industry has earned him key posi,ons in pres,gious business organiza,ons, namely, President, United Port Users Confedera,on of the Phils., Inc.; Vice President, Transporta,on, ICT & Logis,cs of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce & Industry (PCCI) and Program Director, Ateneo-­‐CCE-­‐FEDFAP Ins,tute of Logis,cs & Transporta,on Management. He is Chairman-­‐Emeritus of the Metro Manila Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MMCCI) and Asean Freight Forwarders Associa,on (AFFA).
The industry in which he served for so many years and other socio-­‐civic organiza,ons have also accorded him numerous awards and recogni,on for his important leadership role. However, his most cherished recogni,on is the Life,me Achievement Award bestowed on him by the Global Cargo Carrier Inc. in November 15, 2007 at age 55.
As a Rotarian leader
A Rotarian since 1981, Lito was a charter member/director of the Rotary Club of Mun,nlupa and eventually moved to the Rotary Club of Maka, Legazpi as a charter member in June 1989.
Bearing the classifica,on “Shipping – Logis,cs & Distribu,on,” he was elected President of the Rotary Club of Maka, Legazpi in RY 1995-­‐1996.
A Major Donor – Level 1, he is a recipient of the coveted Rotary Founda,on District Service Award.
Caring for the plight of street-­‐children and out-­‐of-­‐school youth is his dedica,on and commitment. This commitment led him to be ac,vely involved with the Tuloy Sa Don Bosco, a street-­‐children project of Fr. Rocky Evangelista. He became a founding incorporator of the Rotary Streetchildren Founda,on, Inc. (Tuloy Sa Don Bosco) and in RY 2005-­‐2006, he was elected Vice President. In RY 2006-­‐2007, he was elected to the greater task as RSFI President. He remains a Trustee of the founda,on up to this day.
RY 2014-­‐2015 District 3830 Governor Angelito “Lito” Colona is happily married to MarieLa Valdez Castor, with whom he has two (2) children, Mark Angelo & Camille(+) and a grand-­‐ daughter, Giada Camille.
Best President Rolly Socorro Profile
Rolly Socorro is a professional civil engineer and has worked for 34 years in various industrial, building and petrochemical projects. He joined Atlan,c Gulf and Pacific Co. of Manila 1980 on various construc,on management from 1980-­‐1983 moving around to provinces like Laguna, Bataan, Cebu, Bacolod and Surigao. He worked in various overseas projects from Kuwait and Malaysia which are mostly oil and gas projects. 1993. He was assigned in Bahrain for Amer then he joined JGC Philippines Inc. in Kero – Merox Facili,es which is an EPC contract as an assistant project Division Manager of JGC Philippines manager. He was the Vice President and from 1993 to 2005. He started the local project implementa,ons on an EPC contract from various facili,es in Caltex, Shell and Petron. He was assistant project manager in Corpora,on in Palawan both o ffi c e . H e s e t u p t h e w o r k a n d m a i n t e n a n c e a l s o a s s i g n e d a s t h e C o r a l B a y N i c k e l home office and site maintenance prepara,on e x e c u , o n i n C B N C Palawan for JGC Philippines.
Un,l then, he lem JGC eDragon Power Builders Inc. Philippines to establish which is managed by Hilmarc’s Construc,on C o r p o r a , o n a n d assigned as President ,ll reached its 8th year and then the company has s,ll progressing at its h e i g h t . M a n y o f t h e mostly an engineering, projects are local and p r o c u r e m e n t a n d construc,on management and UFC. Local projects mostly detail design, and construc,on for our projects like SAFI high rise building are set for management.
He had his masteral in UP Masters in Technology Management. OSHA Construc,on Accredited Prac,,oner, P o l l u , o n c o n t r o l o ffi c e r , Cer,fied Berde Professional (Local LEED auditor under Neville Clark, Member of Applica,on), cer,fied internal Project Management ins,tute of Pennsylvania and Philippine Chapter, Quality, aLended the Leadership and member of American Society of management development program in Ateneo and Strategic Environmental management at AIM 1996. The presidency of RCPSA for year 2014-­‐2015 is to professional leaders in order to provide “Bring together business and humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all voca,ons, and help build goodwill and peace in the world”
Rolly Socorro
Vice President /PE TJ Moncupa
Secretary Norman Aguilar
Treasurer Harry Salas
Auditor -­‐ Edith Bernardo
Sgt-­‐at-­‐Arms -­‐ Bocoy Valenzuela
Club Trainer -­‐ PP Rodolfo Bernardo
Jojo Bernardo
Club Administra[on
Grace Mapalad Membership
PE TJ Moncupa Public Image IPP Theda Coliantes
TRF PN Vicki Casin
Service Project
Jigs Carabeo
Guada Leyros
Edith Bernardo
Nery Montuya Co-­‐ Chair
Harry Salas
Youth Service Badong Manili
Co-­‐ Chair
History of Rotary Club Of Parañaque St. Andrew
The idea of a rotary club composed of alumni from St. Andrew’s School was first broached by PP Roland Reyes of RC of Palanyag Parañaque in RY 2007-­‐2008 amer no,ng that many members of the different Rotary Clubs in Paranaque were from that same local school, giving him the idea that a school based Rotary Club might be a good way of gefng more members. The following rotary year, with DG Boyet Limon’s thrust of club extensions, PP Roland Reyes, and CP Ernie Sanchez set out to form the club with Rtns. Nonoy Sornillo, Nolan Valenzuela, Opee Bernardo, Glenn Gooco, and Bocoy Valenzuela as core members. Their dedica,on and groundwork paid off as the Rotary Club of Parañaque St. Andrew was chartered on April 6, 2009 with Glenn Gooco as Charter President. CP Glenn together with 39 outstanding ci,zens of Parañaque, most of whom were alumni of St. Andrew School were the club’s charter members.
On its first year, the club made an impact when it donated 150 PCs to various public schools in Parañaque. Prior to this, the club conducted its first medical and dental mission. It adopted the local community of San Juan de Coastal, an informal seLler cmmunity along Coastal Road, and established its first Interact and Rotary Community Corps within this community. As a testament to the young club’s dynamism, it received the Outstanding Club Award in the Rookie Category in terms of Highest Per Capita Contribu,on to the Rotary Founda,on and Charter President Glenn Gooco received a Presiden,al Cita,on from the RI President. Other awards RCPSA received on its founda,on year were the Outstanding Club Rookie Category Club Service, Outstanding Club Rookie Category Community Service, Governor’s Award of Merit, 2009-­‐2010 Zone Literacy Award and Dis,nguished Service Award.
For RY 2010-­‐2011, Pres. Opee Bernardo took over the helm of the club and immediately set out to con,nue the direc,ons set by CP Glenn, while imbuing the leadership with his own brand of charisma. He, together with his commiLed board undertook projects that benefiLed the adopted community of San Juan de Coastal. Some of these projects were the medical mission done in partnership with the Ponciano Marquez Founda,on and the annual Christmas Party and Gim-­‐giving.
Notable achievements under PP Opee’s term are the crea,on of the Puppet Theatre with the help of a P20k grant from the DSG and the induc,on of the second batch of San Juan de Coastal RCC and Interact. It was also under Pres. Opee’s term that lady members were inducted into the club with the help of PP Christopher Rodriguez of RC Palanyag. The club’s first interna,onal sisterhood was likewise realized when RC of Panday Pira PP Gene Vinta, PP John Vinta’s father helped p a v e t h e w a y f o r a sisterhood agreement with RC of Sanchung North of Taiwan. In RY 2 0 1 0 -­‐ 2 0 1 1 , prepara,ons were made for the establishment of the R o t a r a c t Club of Olivarez. Thus on its second year, the club con,nued to harvest awards. The club was accorded by the District with 2 outstanding awards in Voca,onal Service for the Puppet Theatre and the Computer Literacy Program. Other awards it received on its second year (RY 2010-­‐2011) were Global Award for Outstanding Club-­‐ SILVER, Presiden,al Cita,on with Dis,nc,on, Outstanding Club in Voca,onal Service -­‐ Medium Category, Presiden,al Cita,on for Interact Club -­‐ San Juan De Coastal, Cer,ficate for Hos,ng GSE Inbound Team and Leadership Award.
In RY 2011-­‐2012, RCPSA was brought to even greater relevance and dynamism with the leadership of Pres. Sammuel In RY 2011-­‐2012, RCPSA was brought to even greater relevance and dynamism with the leadership of Pres. Sammuel Lim, another St. Andrew alumnus and mari,me industry luminary. Pres. Sam and his board made a difference in the lives of the club’s beneficiaries, especially in the area of educa,on with the roll out of the RotarE library, a project co-­‐sponsored with a $25,000 server hos,ng grant by NetSuite. Another key project made by the club is the dona,on of a fire truck to the Don Galo Firefighters Volunteers with the help of a matched grant with its sister club RC Sanchung North, RC Paranaque Poblacion and District 3620 of Korea. RCPSA con,nued to strengthen the bond among members with its fellowship and family-­‐oriented ac,vi,es. It is this strong bond among members and the fire to serve selflessly that propels RCPSA to reach its goal and achieve its mission.
District 3830, headed by DG Billy Villareal, recognized this selfless service by awarding RCPSA with a number of Cita,ons and Awards in District Awards. The major awards received by the club were the Changemaker Award, RI Presiden,al Cita,on, Changemaker Awards for Interact and Rotaract Clubs, Membership Development Award – Recruitment and Reten,on, Rotary Founda,on Highest Contribu,on Award and the Awards for Effec,ve Club and President. CP Glenn Gooco was also accorded the Outstanding District Achievement Award as Chairman of the Awards Night CommiLee. But RCPSA is truly greaoul to the district for conferring them the highest honor a Rotary Club can receive from the district, the Dis,nguished Club Award, as well as, conferring to its president, CMP Sam Lim, the Dis,nguished President Award. On its fourth year, Peace President John Vinta, ably took the reins of leadesrship and steered RCPSA to another fruioul year of PEACE THROUGH SERVICE. Peace President John Vinta, kick started his term with the unveiling of the club’s Peace billboard along the Ninoy Aquino Ave. and installing Rotary At Work signages on five jeepneys plying the Baclaran–Ninoy Aquino Ave-­‐Kabihasnan route. RCPSA also became one of the lead clubs in the first district project , a Children’s Party, held in the SM City Sucat. In that event, RCPSA’s Rotaract Club of Olivarez performed a puppet show explaining and teaching the children the Rotary Four Way Test. The club implemented their Adopt A School project by adop,ng the Don Galo Elementary and High Schools where the club con,nued to conduct the Computer Literacy Program in high school, and a sustained feeding program for the school's malnourished grade 1 students. RCPSA likewise installed CFL lights to improve the learning condi,ons in the classrooms and with school paying lesser u,lity costs. RCPSA shored up its sisterhood with the addi,on of the RC Marinduque in its growing roster of sister clubs.
All these efforts were amply rewarded by the District and RI when the club received the following awards in the past year:
1. Cer,ficate of Recogni,on for contribu,ng to the success of the district by Co-­‐Hos,ng the Rotary Peace Fes,val 2012, promo,ng individual and community contribu,ons to peace, thereby helping to achieve Rotary Interna,onal’s objec,ves in Peace and Conflict Resolu,on.
2. Cer,ficate of Recogni,on for contribu,ng to the success of the district by Co-­‐Hos,ng the Peace Tayo: Kapayapaan sa Puso ng Kabataan Ngayong Kapaskuhan, benefi,ng more than a thousand indigent children, thereby helping to achieve Rotary Interna,onal’s objec,ves in Peace and Conflict Resolu,on.
3. Award of Achievement for the service project, Rotary ELibrary – Most Outstanding Service Project in Cluster 8 – Paranaque Clubs
4. Award of Excellence in Community Service Basic Educa,on and Literacy – Outstanding Club in Community Service for the establishment of Rotary ELibrary to promote computer literacy amongst public school students in Paranaque.
5. R.I. Presiden,al Cita,on Awarded to the Rotaract Club of Olivarez College
6. R.I. Presiden,al Cita,on Awarded to the Interact Club of Olivarez College
7. R.I. Presiden,al Cita,on for ac,vely working to achieve Peace Through Service
8. Cer,ficate of Recogni,on for contribu,ng to the success of the district by:
-­‐ Hos,ng the RI Conven,on Launch & District Christmas Party
– Hos,ng a Group Study Exchange Team Member from United Kingdom on this, the historic year of the program in Rotary
– Hos,ng youth students from District 3620, Korea under the Youth Exchange Team Program, Interna,onal Service
– For accomplishing Service Projects Beyond Requirements of District Cita,on.
9. Award of Excellence for mee,ng the standards of an Excellent Club as defined in the District Cita,ons, manifes,ng its successful comple,on of the stringent requirements for this classifica,on. This award likewise recognized the excellent leadership skills of its incumbent Club President in successfully steering the club towards Excellent status.
Its fimh year saw the ascendancy of its first lady president in the person of First Class President Theda G. Collantes. Theda brings with her extensive years of experience in human resource management and deployment, skills necessary in bringing to life the RI theme for that year..Engaging Rotary, Change Lives. With the trust and full support of her fellow Rotarians, FCP Theda con,nued with the legacy of relevance and selfless service her predecessors had been known for. Theda became very popular with his FCP classmates that RCPSA was invited to co-­‐host many of the district ac,vi,es and seminars. Because of her amiable and warm and friendly character, President Theda became one of the favorites of then District Governor Robert Kuan who had tagged her in many of the so-­‐called District Caravans. The Club co-­‐hosted the...EVENTS..ETC.. One of the highlights during President's Theda's term is the club's lead hos,ng of the PETS held at both the Marriot Resorts World and at the Sun Star Cruise Ship in Hongkong. The club took care of our the logis,cs from registra,on to the program execu,on and even marashalling . Same event also became a good fellowship ac,vity since more than 15 members of the club wnet to Hongkong and spent several more days amer the Pets. Theereamer the club also co-­‐
hosted the District Conven,on, District Awards and District Assembly. In all, the club got the following awards.
1. Silver Star Award
2. District Awards with Dis,nc,on for Club Administra,on
3. Governor’s Dis,nguished Award
4. Governor’s Award of Excellence
5. District’s Award of Excellence
This Rotary year things are becoming more exci,ng as we will be led by a Charter member also in the person of President Rolly Soccorro, an engineer and head of a construc,on firm. We may see yet greater achievements in the field of service with his rather different kind of leadership honed in the field of construc,on where many numbers of people have to work in unison and perfect ,ming lest a project fail. His experience may yet bring our club to lomier levels of service to fellowmen.
The Rotary Club of Parañaque-­‐St. Andrew Coat of Arms is the epitome of an insa,able passion to serve, a character intrinsic and deeply rooted in its ci,zens. It is a defining pronouncement of the love of God, country and the world; a surreal canvass that makes dreams real and a mission that becomes a commitment. It is a metamorphic expression that seeks to for,fy the four pillars of service of Rotary Interna,onal.
The allegorical elements and classic mo,f of the emblem set the tone to reflect a town rich in history and a founda,on spanning almost 387 years to date. Going back in ,me, the Spanish conquistadors introduced the Chris,an faith to simple yet industrious folks whose main livelihood was fishing.
The main body of the emblem is a medieval shield equally divided to form a checkered quadrant. This is symbolized by the four avenues of Rotary service – club and voca,onal services for the two white quadrants and community and interna,onal services for the two blue quadrants.
The first blue quadrant located at the upper right side of the shield houses an ancient symbol of divinity – The Fleur de Lis – that which refers to God. Also of the same color at the lower lem quadrant is the Philippine eagle represen,ng our country. The lower right quadrant is host to the globe which refers to humanity and/or the w o r l d . T h u s , t h i s triumvirate completes the immortal dictum “Pro Deo Et Patria Et Orbi” (For God and Country and the World).
The last remaining white side of the shield shelters two with one another to create a biblical ,mes with that of St. quadrant at the upper lem golden swords interspersed unique cross iden,fied only in Andrew.
The shield is raised upright and symbolize the boun,ful produce glorified by two winged fish which of the locals.
As an organiza,on that seeks to further the cause of reaching out to the least of our brothers, this act alone requires the virtues of caring and loving. For without love, there would not be any expression of kindness and compassion at all to serve and be the cufng edge to make the lives of others become more meaningful. It is this service that remembers well what Rotary magic is all about. Thus, the golden bird with its eggs nestling above the shield and looking over, caring and serving is a poignant drama,za,on of this epic.
As a crowning glory to all the symbolisms behind this emblem, the seal of Rotary Interna,onal is emblazoned and given a special place at the center of the shield. The gear wheel with its 24 cogs and six spokes is s,ll the effervescent characteriza,on of that emblem to illustrate “civiliza,on and movement”.
With the final chapter to seal the bounds for our quest to give birth to a new club worthy of the ideals and aspira,ons of a true blue-­‐blooded Rotarian, this emblem of the Rotary Club of Parañaque – St. Andrew would for now on become our “obelisk” to con,nuously remind us of our duty to God, country and the world. With much gusto, “Pro Deo Et Patria Et Orbi”! – Designed and wriLen by Rotarian Noel Gatus
Rotary Club Of Parañaque St. Andrew
Rotarandreans, Rotarandreans
We are leaders in our fields
With our open hearts and our helping hand
We are brothers for all men!
Our friendship builds and protects
We seek what’s true and fair
We are happy to serve above ourselves
As GOD had shown us the way
Rotarandreans, we are proud to be
Reaching out to humanity
Arm in arm we deliver
And in unity we conquer!
(Repeat verse I)
– Lyrics byTJ Moncupa
"I wrote the lyrics as a homage to the basic spirit that drives Rotary, "service above self".The
hymn extols the value of brotherhood and the 4-way test.
As a song that embodies our collective spirit, it is best sung as an upbeat march-like
anthem to echo the cadence of men and women working hand in hand for the benefit
of all."
RCPSA Paul Harris Fellows
The Paul Harris Fellow Recognition Acknowledges Individuals Who
Contribute, Or Who Have Contributions Made In Their Name, Of US
$1,000 To The Rotary Foundation Of Rotary International.
For This Year, RCPSA Is Proud To Recognize The Following Paul
Harris Fellows:
AG Sammuel Lim
FCP Theda Collantes
RTN Jojo Gooco
RCPSA Members & Classification
Francis Norman
Eduardo Jr.
Ma. Victoria
Ma. Theda
Paul Theo
Alain Geoffrey
Gregory Glenn
Juan Victor
Logistic Management
Information Security Management
Trading-Chemical Products
Aircraft Engineering
Manufacturer/Exporter of Philippine made handicrafts
Power Projects Servicing
Derma Consulting
Human Resources Development
Management Consulting
Secretariat Services
Trading-Computer Supplies
Architectural Servicing
Local Government-Treasury Servicing
Civil Engineering/Realty Services
Freight Forwarding
Lourdes Grace
Ma. Teresa
Maria Emperatriz
John Allan
Cargo Services
Maritime Servicing
Courier Cargo Forwarding
Money Remittance / Lawyer
Information Technology Consulting
Government Service
GM - Travel Agency
Interior Design
Government Service-City Governance, Mayor
Government Service, Congressman
Events Organizing
Project Management & Consulting
Graphic Arts Services
Financial Consulting-Life Insurance
Banking Fraud Investigation
Trading-Electrical Products
Spreading Educa[on at the Next Level
The Department of Educa,on’s mandate is to provide free elementary and high school educa,on to its ci,zens. However, the country needs a lot of help in ensuring that the quality of educa,on is con,nuously enhanced and updated, and that all students all over the country are provided access with quality books.
Many non-­‐government organiza,ons con,nue to embark on community projects to help solve these concerns by dona,ng PC’s and hard copy books, where there are many occasions that these items do not actually reach the students due to budgetary and logis,cal problems.
It is in this aspect – the delivery mode – where the RotarE-­‐Library has the greatest impact. Som copies of high quality books and D e p E d m a t e r i a l s l i k e t h e Alterna,ve Learning System are uploadedded, categorized and maintained in cloud servers (for on-­‐line versions) which can easily be accessed and downloaded any,me, anywhere for free by regular students, ALS students and teachers. And now, this site can also be accessed by tablets and smartphones.
Our off-­‐line version can also be installed on PC’s where Internet access is an issue par,cularly in far flung areas of the country.
Users can also u,lize any search terms (word, phrase, ,tle, name, subject) to skim through the en,re collec,on.
Note: The RotarE-­‐Library welcomes dona,ons of som copy books from all generous donors par,cularly textbooks for primary and secondary educa,on. Other materials are also welcome like reference books and other media form.
2009 – Start of PC dona,ons courtesy of Ci,bank and through the efforts of Charter President Glenn Gooco
2010 – USD25k grant received from Netsuite ( on their cloud-­‐based library plaoorm. RotaryE-­‐Library was born on this plaoorm during the term of Global President Opee Bernardo.
July 25, 2011 – Paranaque City public schools roll-­‐out including Paranaque Na,onal High School (the largest high school in Asia in terms of student popula,on of close to 12,000 students)under the leadership of Change Maker President Sam Lim.
October 28, 2011 – Roll-­‐out to the remaining 15 ci,es in the Na,onal Capital Region providing access to about 400,0000+ intermediate elementary students and 632,000+ high school students and covering 6,977 PC units having access.
2012 – Commence roll-­‐out provincial regions like Marinduque during the term of Peace President John Vinta.
September 2013 – Off-­‐line version was developed and cloud plaoorm was transferred for beLer adaptability and access by the latest smartphones and tablets.
October 2013 – Con,nuous roll-­‐out to regions in Batangas City under the leadership of First Class President Theda Collantes.
Induction Committee
TJ Moncupa
Vice Chair
Harry Salas
Theda Collantes
Edith Bernardo
Nery Montuya
Badong Manalili
Pinky Duenas
Souvenir Program
Harry Salas
Aries Tan
Pinky Duenas
Rocky Raqueno
Masters Of Ceremonies
PP Philip Cristobal
Dir. Grace Mapalad
in Lighting Up
IDr. TJ Moncupa
807 AIC Burgundy Empire Tower
ADB ave. corner Garnet Road
Ortigas , Pasig City Tel : 706-3765
Planning and Scheduling
Basic and Detail Engineering
Procurement Service
Construction Management
Project Control
Quality Control
Environmental Health and Safety
Website :
Philip L. Cristobal
President / CEO
Tel/Fax : (+632) 709-1996
Tel. : (+632) 359-8707
Mobile : (+63) 918-9013568
E-mail :
Unit 3A 17 Francesca Tower
EDSA cor. Scout Borromeo St.
South Triangle, Quezon City
1103 Philippines
Address: , 1835 E. Rodriguez Sr, Ave., Quezon City, Metro
Manila, Philippines
Telephone No: (632) 726-9471,9472,9473,
Fax No: (632) 723-8539
Contact Person:
Ms. Joy A. Talavera
Executive Assistant
Office Address:
1835 E. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue
Cubao, Quezon City
Telephone Nos.:
(632) 654-3911
(632) 654-4153 to 59
3rd Floor Corporate 101 Building
101 Mother Ignacia Street
South Triangle Quezon City
1103 Philippines
Tel. Nos.:
(632) 709-7102
(632) 215-7194
Fax No.:
(632) 376-1050