This summer, come have fun at the park!


This summer, come have fun at the park!
This summer,
come have fun at the park!
Pages 27 to 30
Municipal News / Culture and Leisure Activities
Laval is Growing
Positive Economic Outlook
Laval’s prospects for economic development are very good and every indication is that its gross domestic product (GDP)
will exceed the average for Québec in the coming years. That was what François Dupuis, Chief Economist of Mouvement
Desjardins, told Laval Board of Trade and Industry. Mr. Dupuis noted that Laval’s growing population—which should reach
500,000 inhabitants in less than twenty years—will have a positive effect on the local economy which he described as
dynamic and diversified.
The MDA gets a makeover!
Photo: Sophie Poliquin
3055 St. Martin Ouest:
a $30M project in Centropolis
Did someone say “biochar”?
By the end of the year, Airex
Énergie will under take the
construc tion of a biomass
torrefaction plant to produce
b i o c h a r, a re n e wa b l e a n d
carbon neutral fuel that can
replace bituminous coal
and fuel oil in industrial
a p p l i c a t i o n s. T h e b i o c h a r
producing process consists
of removing moisture and
volatile organic compounds
from forest or agricultural
Vivre à Laval — Summer 2013
Photo: Luc Doyon
The real estate company Ivanhoé Cambridge has undertaken
construction of a new six-storey office building (117,000
square feet) at a cost of $30M on the site of Centropolis, in
the heart of Downtown Laval. This building, located at 3055
Saint-Martin Ouest, near the corner of boulevard DanielJohnson, will be a Class A building and aims to obtain LEED
Gold certification. Its first tenants are scheduled to move in
in the Spring of 2014. These new spaces will fill a pressing
need as many businesses seek to establish themselves in this
key sector of Laval.
The last phase of renovations to the Maison des arts (MDA)
is underway. These renovations will serve to modernize the
building, and to update the technical equipment of the
Théâtre des Muses. With this investment, funded in part by
the ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec,
Ville de Laval acquires a state-of-the-art cultural installation
equal to the finest venues in Québec. Theater, dance, music,
visual arts: the MDA’s 2013-2014 season will blow your mind.
Be there this coming September!
Buying local is easy...
and it pays off!
Buying local—you can do this right here in Laval. The Table
de concertation agroalimentaire de Laval is continuing its
efforts to raise public awareness about local products (flowers,
fruits, vegetables, processed goods), thanks to a brand new
customer loyalty program. Upon presentation of their Saveurs
de Laval card, cardholders will receive redeemable dollars
for future transactions on each purchase from participating
merchants. This is an innovative way of getting people into
the habit of shopping in Laval! Saveurs de Laval loyalty card
is free. To get one visit:
Municipal News section
The Mayor’s Message
Dear Laval residents:
This edition of Vivre à Laval is a guide to your summer
activities. No matter the month, you will find ideas to suit
all tastes, and to entertain your children.
In addition to the Mondial Loto-Québec de Laval, which
once again offers an array of music performances, the Fêtes
gourmandes internationales de Laval offers activities to
delight food enthusiasts. The Salle André-Mathieu offers
an exceptional program featuring comedy shows, while
you will be able to attend various theatre activities, or
catch an outdoor movie, in 12 of our parks.
Economic Development .. ........................................ 4
ÉvoluCité .. ......................................................................................... 5
Laval in Action ........................................................................ 6
Family Life ........................................................................................ 8
Living Safely in Laval ................................................... 9
Green Scene ............................................................................ 12
Municipal Services ....................................................... 14
Municipal Agenda ......................................................... 15
Big Hearts . . .................................................................................. 16
Spotlight on… .. ................................................................... 18
Culture and Leisure activities
.. ............................................
Handy Phone Numbers
Your City Council
At our libraries, you will always have access to one of the
largest documentary collections. Once again this year,
Sainte-Rose offers a summer filled with cultural activities
that have made a name for the neighbourhood. Your
children will have a blast at our day camps, where they
will enjoy all kinds of activities, whether it’s at a municipal
swimming pool or a tennis court.
Finally, an unusual activity awaits you at the Centre
de la nature, where you will find the only municipal
astronomical observatory in North America. Enjoy, and
have a great summer!
Automated notification system
Register today!
Alexandre Duplessis
Receive phone
at all times.
(water shut-offs,
boil water
advisories, etc.),
under Municipal Services
? 311
311 — — Municipal News
Economic Development
Marie-Paule Jean, Mohamed Serraji and Émilie André
Resourceful young entrepreneurs!
The next generation of Laval entrepreneurs is creative, skilled and daring. Their boldness is changing the
economic landscape of Laval, and clearly for the better.
Marie-Paule Jean, Mohamed Serraji and Émilie André are
part of the new generation of entrepreneurs who focus
on finding solutions where, not too long ago, all anybody
saw was problems During their time at the Centre local de
développement de Laval (Center for local development),
they learned to develop their creativity, independence,
and leadership, all of which are crucial to growing a
business. They have many points in common, including
the importance they attach to innovation, new ideas and
to the development of fresh approaches. And none of
them is punching a time clock.
to stay in touch with your personal values and give it
your best. “Being an entrepreneur is like diving into the
unknown, but if you put your heart and soul into it, there
is no reason why you should fail.”
M a r i e - Pa u l e J e a n , 3 3 : i n 2 0 1 1 , s h e f o u n d e d M P
Collaboration, Daycare Development, for the purpose
of implementing and optimizing child care ser vices
within a sound management environment. Developing
quality daycare settings is her cup of tea, and there is no
shortage of work. She believes that “being an entrepreneur
means being passionate about your work”. And to all the
naysayers, she has this to say: “Those who do not believe
that the impossible is possible, please do not stand in the
way of those who are making it happen.“
Mohamed Serraji, 42: in January 2007, he founded NTS
Consulting, which mainly works in aeronautics and
automobile engineering. Today, the company employs
about fifty (50) employees, with offices in Brazil, France
and Morocco. “Innovators will always have a bright future.
You will never stand out if you do what everyone else is
doing. To be an entrepreneur, you need to have the will,
be ready and take risks.”
Emilie André, 27: this business leader plans and organizes
events aimed at both the general public and businesses.
In 2011, she created Parenthèse Productions, and she is a
member of the Young Entrepreneurs Committee of the Laval
Board of Trade and Industry. She noted that an increasing
number of people want to gain real-life experience instead
of limiting themselves to absorbing knowledge. She
believes that, in order to be an entrepreneur, you need
Vivre à Laval — Summer 2013
Those who do not believe that the impossible
is possible, please do not stand in the way
of those who are making it happen.
— Marie-Paule Jean, MP Collaboration
Work ethic, dedication, and an unquenchable thirst for
improvement: these are the strengths of these young
entrepreneurs. In their mind, there are no shortcuts, no
tricks or magic solutions; there are no finish lines. Their
development plan is not the only key to their success; they
also succeed because they place demands on themselves
and because they are always looking for something...even
when they think they have found it!
Broad reflections
on active mobility
in Laval
The purpose of ÉvoluCité is to design and develop
living space based on urban sustainability. As such,
Ville de Laval is now in the process of preparing its
active mobility plan.
Photo: Vincent Girard
Walking or riding a bicycle to work or to go shopping
is a great way to promote healthy living and to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. In order to establish itself
as a city promoting active mobility, Laval held public
consultations on its active mobility plan throughout the
month of April.
The purpose of this consultation process, which consisted of public forums (shopping malls, metro stations and
schools) and online or telephone survey, was to reach out to citizens, businesses and organizations.
The results of these consultations will be published
shortly. Our goal is to collect all the ideas and
observations and make sure that the active mobility
plan can be improved and formally adopted
this summer.
— Alexandre Duplessis, Mayor
Among the proposed measures, the City intends
to improve the environment in order to promote
walk ing to school, design pedestrian malls
or common spaces, and review problematic
intersections. An additional 230 kilometres of
bicycle paths will be built and six new sections
will be added to allow quick access to commuting
CycloBus: Concrete measures for buses
Bicycle racks
We have been installing bicycle racks on all Laval city buses (Société de
Transport de Laval - STL) since the month of May. Now cyclists can have
their bicycles transported as they ride the bus to the bicycle path of their
choice. For more information on periods of use, please visit the STL’s website.
Photo: STL
Discount fares
Between June 1 and Labour Day, the STL will offer discounted fares on
Smog Days. Ride Laval buses for one dollar? Yes you can! — 450 688-6520
Place à la Place
311 — — Municipal News
Laval in Action
Plan, Create, Develop
In Laval, 2013 is a project-filled year: improving the road network and recreational facilities, pursuing the
Place Bell project, planning an aquatic centre, a wildlife center, the Chomedy fire station, the new police
station… It goes without saying, Laval is getting better and better!
Road network
Photo: David Gaubiac
Laval is continuing Phase II of the modernization
of boulevard Saint-Elzéar, between Curé-Labelle
and Chomedey, which will see two lanes built
in each direction and the addition of sidewalks
and a bicycle path.
Boulevard Sainte-Rose, between avenue des
Terraces and the future route of boulevard de
la Renaissance, will also be getting a makeover
in 2013 with the planned addition of sidewalks,
curbs, and a bicycle path.
Finally, major reconstruction work will be performed on some major arteries of Laval, including avenues de la
Renaissance, and Marcel-Villeneuve, and boulevards Cléroux, Arthur-Sauvé, René-Laennec and Samson.
Improving recreational facilities
Many improvements are also planned in parks, such as the addition and upgrading of several playground sets for
children. Municipal buildings and public spaces will not be left out; the Centre Communautaire d’Auteuil, among
others, is undergoing renovations.
For a list of major work to be performed this year on roads, parks, public spaces and municipal buildings, please
consult the Info Road Work tab on the City’s website. Its content is updated regularly., under Info Road Work
Neighbourhood parks will look great
By the end of the summer, Ville de Laval plans to
revitalize about 50 of its parks. Upgrades totalling
$1.5M will be performed on:
• 44 soccer fields (6 of which will be
completely returfed);
• A dozen baseball fields;
• 2 soccer/football fields;
• 2 tennis courts.
Photo: Sylvain Majeau
Parc Paul-Marcel-Maheu (formerly Parc
Montmorency) alone will undergo a total of $85,000
worth of upgrades to its baseball field (specifically
the scoreboard, stands, and bullpen). Given the
extent of the work to be done, the Ville de Laval
has hired more staff in order to help with park
maintenance from April to October.
Vivre à Laval — Summer 2013
Laval Animal Centre becomes a reality!
In order to invest in a sustainable solution and to offer
services that meet the needs of its population in terms
of animal management, Ville de Laval will continue to
pursue plans for the construction of an animal centre.
This building will be located in the Highway 25 Industrial
Park (Saint-Vincent-de-Paul), and will offer a variety of animal
services, including a shelter, an adoption centre, a public
veterinary clinic, as well as various courses and workshops.
The construction of this facility is proceeding rapidly, and
if everything goes according to plan, the Animal Centre
could open its doors to animals and their caregivers within
two years.
Adoption and Microchip Implant Days
As part of the city’s efforts toward innovative and ethical
animal management, an array of activities, including adoption
and microchip implant days, were established over year ago.
Photo: Vincent Girard, under Municipal Services/Animal Management
Reminder: ID Tags for dogs
The Ville de Laval wishes to remind dog owners that they must
buy a new ID tag for their animal every year, at a cost of $27.
Tags are sold door-to-door, or you can purchase them at the
Municipal tax counter, located at 1333 boulevard Chomedey.
It’s time for the Canada Games!
Photo: Sports Laval
August 2-17, highcalibre athletes will
be representing Laval
at the 2013 Canada
G ames, which will be
held in Sherbrooke. This
spectacular event brings
together 4,200 athletes
f ro m a l l 1 3 Ca n a d i a n
provinces and territories.
Twent y spor ts will be
featured at this year ’s
Games, including
fencing, gymnastics,
wrestling, tennis, sailing,
volleyball, and soccer.
Farès Arfa, qualifed for this
year’s Canada Games
Ville de Laval salutes the determination of these
athletes, and wishes them the best of luck at the
prestigious Canada Games.
For a flo onment
living en
$p1riz,e0s 00
Sign toupJuly! 19, 2013
May 10
? 311 .ville.laval.q
der Envir
311 — — Municipal News
Family Life
Persons with disabilities:
development projects and awards
Ville de Laval has tabled its action plan for persons with disabilities. This annual plan is prepared by the joint
advisory committee on accessibility (JACA), and its main purpose is to make more and more of Laval’s buildings
and public places accessible. Among the projects scheduled for 2013, the JACA plans on refurbishing the La Relève
daycare centre, the Jolibourg Community Center, the Centre sportif du Sablon, and the Saint-François arena. JACA
also plans on adding parking spaces and installing audible traffic signals as well as making good on its offer of child
care hours for children with disabilities enrolled in the Campgourou summer day camp.
Gala Reconnaissance Laval — Visages d’art
Photo: Annie Poirier
In June, the Association régionale de loisirs pour personnes handicapées
de Laval (ARLPH Laval) presented both its Reconnaissance awards
(honouring organizations, businesses and associations who help the
disabled integrate into society), and its Meritas awards (honouring persons
with disabilities who have demonstrated outstanding perseverance and
integration efforts). For its part, Ville de Laval handed out three Access
awards (honouring the work of businesses seeking to improve the
accessibility of their buildings, equipment and services to persons with
disabilities). This awards ceremony, which included stage performances
by persons with limitations, is always highly emotional, and this year’s
Gala was no exception., Community Life Tab
Sylvain Marquis, at the 2012 Gala
Laval, a Child Friendly City
Photo: Thinkstock
D u r i n g l a s t M a y ’s
Semaine québécoise des
familles, Ville de Laval
was formally designated
as a Municipalité amie
des enfants (MAE). Laval
caught the attention of the
accreditation committee,
because, in addition to
b e i n g p ro a c t i ve i n i t s
projects intended for
children, Laval combined
the needs of the children
with those of families in
terms of promoting active
ways of getting to school
and recreational sites.
Laval also distinguished
itself in the measures it
took to make all children
full participants in the life
of the city, by offering
recreational services and
a c t i v i t i e s to m a k e l i fe
easier for children with
Inspired by the European
Child Friendly City
i n i t i a t i ve, t h e Q u e b e c
accreditation program,
MAE, was launched in 2009
by the Carrefour action
municipale et famille
(CAMF) and is based on
the UN Convention on the
Rights of the Child.
A Hotline for Caregivers
The Info-aidant hotline provides help, information and references to those caring for seniors. This service is free of
charge and provided by bilingual professionals who offer support to caregivers along the way.
You can contact our toll free line at 1-855-852-7793, from Tuesday to Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Vivre à Laval — Summer 2013
Living Safely
keep your eyes on the road!
When you are behind the wheel, are you fully focused
on the road? Have you ever held a sandwich in one
hand, or lowered your eyes to look for your favourite
song on your phone or to send a text message? You may
think that these acts are harmless, but in fact they are a
major source of distraction that can endanger your life
as well as that of your passengers or any other person
that crosses your path.
The number of fatal or injury-causing crashes caused
by distracted driving on Québec’s roads has increased
slightly over the past two years. And Laval is no exception.
Therefore, last May, Service de police de Laval launched
a new distracted driving campaign aimed at increasing
Laval drivers’ awareness of the issue of safe driving.
No driver is immune to accidents. So, the next time you get
hungry behind the wheel, or want to use your cell phone,
take a moment and stop. Nothing can be more important
than your life and the lives of your fellow citizens.
How do you react
behind the wheel?
Have you heard about the Focus
Mode mobile application?
Take a virtual driving test to see how multitasking affects
your reaction time.
In order to provide concrete
support for changing
behaviour and eliminating
temptations at the source,
the Focus Mode application
enables drivers to block
incoming calls and tex t
messages on their mobile
phone. (on the left, click on: In the Community/Road
Safety/Avoid distracted driving. This page provides a link to
the virtual driving test),
Security Tab/Behaviours
and Road Users/
Distractions/Cell Phone
and Texting
Beware of thieves in parking lots
Service de police de Laval would like to warn its citizens
about a criminal group made up of men and women
between the ages of 30 and 50, and predominantly of
Eastern European descent (although some might be
of other nationalities). Commonly known as gypsies,
these people specialize in “distraction robberies” such
as shoplifting or pickpocketing. They usually act in a
group, sometimes in the company of children, in front
of their victims’ residences, and in business or shopping
mall parking lots. Some of them might try to sell you fake
jewelry or offer them to you. Be alert!
Follow the Laval police department on social media:
311 — — Municipal News
Living Safely
Service de police is seeking
reser ve crossing guards.
E a c h d a y, 8 1 c r o s s i n g
guards ensure the safety
of elementary school
children. Reser vists must
be added to this number as
replacements throughout
the school year. If you want
to join the ranks of the
school brigade, please fill
out the form found on the
City’s website. The form can
be submitted by e-mail or
by regular mail, or in person
to the school brigade manager, Chantal Filion, at the
police station (3225 boulevard Saint-Martin Est)., under Public Security /Police —
450 978-6888, extension 4271
Update on parking
recreational vehicles
Did you know that it is prohibited to park recreational
vehicles and trailers on the street? Certain municipal bylaws
also govern parking on residential land, particularly in
regard to the maximum size of such vehicles:
• Mobile homes and motor homes: 25 feet long
and 10 feet high;
• Trailers: 10 feet long and 6 feet high;
In addition, these vehicles must be parked in a side or
back yard, at least 6 feet away from the facade of the main
building, and at least 4 feet away from any property line.,
under Municipal Services/Bylaws — 311
Vivre à Laval — Summer 2013
September 15, from 9 a.m.
to 1 : 3 0 a . m . , a b o u t t wo
dozen police officers will
be patrolling public places,
parks, embankments and
bicycle paths all over Laval.
Their mission is to enforce
municipal regulations and,
most importantly, to ensure
the tranquility of the citizens
of Laval. Say hi to them—
they are there for you!
450 662-INFO
Photo: Sylvain Majeau
Photo: Sophie Poliquin
We are in urgent Return of the Bike Patrol
need of crossing
With the arrival of summer,
t h e b i k e p at ro l i s b a c k !
Every day, from May 13 to
The importance of
visible traffic signs!
Vegetation must not undermine safety
Trees and hedges beautify our streets and contribute
to the quality of our environment. However, we have to
make sure that vegetation growth does not undermine
safety. It is important to keep traffic signs free from any
visual obstruction, and to trim vegetation that might
hide, even very partially, a stop sign, a street name or any
other traffic information. Owners must carefully monitor
their trees and plants throughout the summer because
vegetation can rapidly become intrusive. The City could
ask you to remove, move or trim a visual obstacle which it
considers dangerous. These recommendations also apply
to installations such as fences.,
under Municipal Services/Bylaws — 311
Safety around pools
Ville de Laval reminds you of the importance
of safety around residential pools. Since 2000,
an average of nine drownings are repor ted
annually in Québec residential pools. Nearly
one third of these drownings involve children
under the age of 5.
Various security measures are effective in helping
to reduce the number of drownings, especially
those related to controlling access to a swimming
To learn more about safety around swimming
pools, surveillance and basic precautions,
visit www.
What precautions should be taken around a new swimming pool?
If you are planning on installing a swimming pool or a hot tub (spa) in your yard, you must first become
familiar with city bylaws. With the implementation of more restrictive measures, the point of access to any new
aboveground, semi inground, or inground pool, or to any hot tub filled with water over 45 cm (18 in.) deep,
must be surrounded by either a fence, a guardrail, a door or a building wall. This enclosure must:
• Be permanent and not detachable;
• Prevent any round object of 10 cm (4 in.) in diameter from going through;
• Be at least 1.2 m (4 feet) high;
• Be free of any mounting fixtures, protrusions or openings that may facilitate climbing;
• Be solid and rigid. Thus, a hedge or shrubs are not considered an appropriate enclosure.
The minimum distance between the enclosure and the pool must be 1.2 m (4 ft.) for inground or semi inground
swimming pools, and 0.6 m (2 ft.) for aboveground swimming pools.
Before installing a pool, you must obtain a certificate of authorization at the Service de l’urbanisme. In order
to obtain this certificate, a $50-deposit in the form of a cheque and the following documents are required:
a duly completed form, a copy of your tax account, a copy of the certificate of location, two copies of the
installation plan and photos of your backyard that include the building wall and its openings (doors)., Municipal Services/Bylaws — 311
Reminder: Open Fires
Photo: Thinkstock
Do you like cooking on the
grill? Make sure that your
appliance is certified (CGA,
RBQ) and that you follow the
manufacturer’s instructions.
In addition, in order to get
the most out of the joys of
barbecuing, pay particular
attention to the condition
of the burners and supply
ducts when cleaning your
appliance. As well, Ville
de Laval reminds you that
open fires are prohibited
on Laval territory, with the
sole exception of outdoor
fireplaces, grills and
under Public Security —
450 662-4450
311 — — Municipal News
Green Scene
your Water Consumption
This summer, the drinking water treatment plants of Pont-Viau and
Chomedey will be undergoing renovation work. Ville de Laval is asking
for the population’s cooperation to help reduce drinking water consumption
because these renovations will affect the water treatment capacity of the
• Observe bylaws on drinking water consumption and use (more details
on the City’s web page);
• Use a broom instead of a garden hose to clean your driveway;
• Use a bucket and a sponge to wash your vehicle, and only use
the garden hose to rinse off the soap (use a hose with an automatic
closing spray gun);
Photo: Vincent Girard
Here are a few recommendations:
• Install a rain gauge on your sprinkler system to avoid watering
on rainy days;
• Practice herbicycling: let grass clippings decompose on the ground
to help reduce the irrigation requirements of your lawn., under Municipal Services
Construction on your street:
how to avoid water shortages
This summer, it is possible that there will be road work performed on your street. When this happens, affected
citizens will usually receive a written notice informing them that work will be performed near their homes. It is
not uncommon for the City to be required to shut off drinking water supplies for a short period of time in order to
perform the work. To avoid any inconvenience, Laval citizens are advised to stock up on extra water to be used for
cooking or washing during these periods. A well-informed citizen can avoid unpleasant surprises!
Vivre à Laval — Summer 2013
Photo: Luc Doyon
• Install a rain barrel under your gutter to water your plants (for more
information on grants offered by the City, visit the City’s website
under Municipal Services/Municipal Programs);
Discover places of
unexpected beauty
Laval benefits from a ver y special natural setting. In
addition to playing a key role in maintaining biodiversity,
the public developed waterfronts and urban woods are
accessible and spread throughout the territory.
Here are a few suggestions to help you fully enjoy Laval’s
natural settings this summer:
• Participate in the Eco-Rally at L’Orée-des-Bois
to discover this remarkable woodland (details on
page 33);
• Explore the marked trails of Bois de l’Équerre,
a favourite place for bird-watching, located in
the district of Sainte-Rose;
Photo: Sylvain Majeau
• Visit the 200-year-old beech tree grove of
Bois Papineau, considered an “exceptional forest ecosystem”;
• Enjoy some fresh air as you as you take part in the Rallye des rivières, and discover the many waterfronts of the Rivière-des-Mille-Îles.
Boisé Papineau, under Sports and Leisure Activities /
Parks, Green Spaces and Waterfronts
A barracuda for clean sand
To ensure the safety of children playing in its parks, the
City experimented with a “barracuda” last year. This type
of rototiller cleans the sand by removing most of the
cigarette butts, glass shards, caps, and burrowing wasps.
The barracuda is operated as a lawn mower. Its sieve
is inserted about 10 cm into the sand, and when it is
removed, the sand falls out and debris stays in the sieve.
Following last year’s positive
Changez d’air!
Ville de Laval is pleased to
participate in the Changez
d ’a i r ! g r a n t p r o g r a m .
Citizens who wish to
replace their old polluting
heating appliance with
one that is more efficient
c a n n ow b e n e f i t f ro m
a financial incentive:
between $500 and $700
cash-back when an old
appliance is replaced with
an up-to-standard appliance, and $200 for removing a
non-compliant appliance. Take advantage of this offer!
To find out more about the program,
311 — — Municipal News
Municipal Services
The 13th Laval municipal elections will be held on Sunday, November 3.
Approximately 295,000 constituents will be called upon to elect a mayor and
21 councillors. The Act Respecting Elections and Referendums in Municipalities
requires the returning officer of the municipal elections, M e Guy Collard, to
establish the municipal list of electors based on the provincial permanent
list of electors prepared by the Chief Electoral Officer of Québec.
Only duly-registered electors on the municipal list of
electors will be allowed to vote in this election. Voters will
have to provide one of the following identity documents:
1) be domiciled within the territory of Laval, and have been domiciled in Québec for at least six months;
• Laminated driver’s licence or probationary licence;
• Health insurance card from the RAMQ;
2) have been, for at least 12 months:
a) the owner of an immovable in Laval;
• Canadian passport;
• Indian Status Card;
b)t h e o c c u p a n t o f a b u s i n e s s e s t a b l i s h m e n t
(place of business) situated in Laval.
• Canadian Forces Identification Card.
To be a qualified elector, you must be 18 and over on
November 3, 2013, and on September 1, 2013 you must:
• be a natural person;
• be a Canadian citizen;
• not be under curatorship or subject to any incapacity
provided for by law;
Electors who wish to be registered on the provincial
permanent list of electors or to check their information,
may do so by calling the Information Centre of the
Chief Electoral Officer of Québec at the following
1 888 ELECTION (1 888 353-2846)
Your Dog, Your Responsibility
Laval reminds dog-owners that they must observe certain rules of
courtesy regarding their canine friends. As such, it is the owner’s
responsibility to:
• keep your dogs on a leash when they are outside;
• make sure they don’t disturb the tranquility of the
• and quickly clean up their dog’s feces on any private or public
Photo: Sylvain Majeau
Also, remember that dogs are not allowed in municipal parks, even
if they are kept on a leash. Dog parks are specifically designed to let
dogs play and run according to their needs.
To find the nearest dog park, please visit, under
Sports and Leisure Activities/Parks, Green Spaces and Waterfronts
Vivre à Laval — Summer 2013
Photo: Thinkstock
Municipal elections
of November 3, 2013
Annual flushing
of the water supply system
April - October
Regulated watering period
May 15 - September 15
Photo: Vincent Girard
New schedule
for outdoor pools
June 10 - September 2
(see page 29)
New summer schedule
for the libraries
May 27 - August 31
(see page 20)
your next
blood donation
City Council regular meetings
Mondays June 3, July 8 and August 5, at 7 p.m.
Deadline for 2nd municipal tax instalment
June 18
Property tax is payable by mail, at the Multiservice Counter
(1333, boulevard Chomedey), in most financial institutions,
or through your financial institution’s website.
Getting Rid of Ragweed
Before August 1
To the generous Laval citizens who donate their blood:
the next Collecte de sang des Lavallois (Laval Blood Drive)
is scheduled for September 6, at the Centre sportif
Bois-de-Boulogne. For the past 40 years, Laval has
organized the largest one-day blood drive in Canada.
Mark your calendars!
Schedule of municipal services
for National Day and Canada Day celebrations
Telephone calls only,
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.,
June 24-25
June 24-25 and July 1-2
Multiservice Counter
Closed June 24
and July 1
Construction and demolition
debris sites
1527 rue Cunard
4026 boulevard Dagenais Ouest
Open Mondays
8 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Closed June 24
and July 1
Municipal pound
Open on June 24 and July 1
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Bureau de l’urgence sociale
Closed June 24-25
and July 1-2
Maison des arts
Closed for renovations
Bureaux municipaux (BMLs)
Closed June 24
and July 1
Municipal Court
Closed June 24-25
and July 1-2
Garbage and recycling
No change
Neighbourhood Police Stations
Open as usual:, under Public
311 — — Municipal News
Big Hearts
An opportunity to thank all the people
who give so generously to our community!
The 29th Volunteers Tribute Gala was held on April 30 at Salle André-Mathieu.
Ville de Laval, together with the Caisses Desjardins Laval, paid tribute to 101 Laval volunteers
working in non-profit organizations, and to 10 associations, who have excelled throughout
2012-2013. In total, 30 winners were selected in 8 categories.
Congratulations to the 2013 winners!
Neighbourhood Life
Community Life (regional)
• André Lachapelle, Bonjour,
aujourd’hui et après (sector 1)
• René Langlois,
Partage humanitaire
• Bechara Zalzal, Association pour
aînés résidant à Laval (sector 1)
• Nathalie Dumas, Association
des personnes vivant avec une
surdité de Laval (APVSL)
• Gaétan Trottier, Centre
communautaire Le Rendez-vous
des aînés (sector 2)
• Andrée Brien, Loisirs Renaud/
Coursol (sector 2)
• Nicolas Macrozonaris, Corporation
du centre du Sablon (sector 3)
• Armand Gagnon, Maison
d’hébergement L’Envolée
• Léo-Paul Leclerc, DIRA-Laval
Physical activity (regional)
• Gisèle Balthazard, Association
artistique régionale des patineurs
de Laval
• Paul Martineau, Baseball
Québec—Laval region
• Céline Cloutier-Bolduc, Cercle de
fermières de Chomedey (sector 3)
• Johanne Lussier, Delta de Laval
(sector 4)
• Martin Brassard, Société SaintVincent-de-Paul—Saint-Théophile
(sector 4)
• Gaétan Despres, Association
sportive Hockey Laval-Nord
(sector 5)
• Micheline Xeropaides and Robert
Messier, Comité d’animation du
troisième âge de Laval (sector 5)
Arts and culture (regional)
• Lucile Bélanger, Les Tisserins
de Laval, weaving workshop
• Mario Lalande, Mondial
Loto-Québec de Laval
Young Volunteer
(under 18 on March 1, 2013)
• Gaétane Levac, Les Mardis
de l’amitié de Sainte-Béatrice
(sector 6)
• Steven Sicard, Loisirs
Sainte-Béatrice (sector 6)
Vivre à Laval — Summer 2013
• Anthony Castonguay, Mondial
Loto-Québec de Laval
• Aya Ben Rabat, Football Laval
Judges’ Special Award
• Marché de Noël de
Judges’ Special Award
• Association pour la protection
du boisé Sainte-Dorothée
Recognition Award
25 years of volunteering
• Léo Savard, Club de l’âge d’or
Bon-Pasteur de Laval
(sectors 1 & 2)
• Margaret Vincent, Laval Women’s
Group (sectors 3 & 4)
• Huguette Dubé Houle, Service des
loisirs Saint-Elzéar (sectors 5 & 6)
• Élise Hamel, Gymn-eau Laval
(Community Life—regional)
• Diane and Jacques Continelli,
Club de baseball Laval junior
(Physical Activity—regional)
• Gilles Bélanger, Harmonie Laval
(Arts and Culture—regional),
under Community Life/Tribunal
to volunteers
Marcel Camerlain, nominated for his volunteer work in the
Neighbourhood Life category (sector 1), sings with Johanne Blouin.
Johanne Lussier, winner in the Neighbourhood Life category
(sector 4) next to a life-size replica of the Hozia award.
Nicolas Macrozonaris, of the Corporation du centre du Sablon,
was awarded in the Neighbourhood Life category (sector 3).
Alexandre Duplessis, Mayor of Laval, gave the Hosia award to
Alain Frenette, of l’Association pour la protection
du boisé Sainte-Dorothée, in the category Judges’ Special Award—
Organization. Julie Perron, Director of Salle André-Mathieu,
gave him a $500 bursary.
Honorary co-presidents, Daniel Rousseau, Chairman of Caisse
populaire Chomedey, and Alexandre Duplessis,
Mayor of Laval, accompanied by winners of the Recognition
Award—25 years of volunteering.
From left to right: Daniel Rousseau, Élise Hamel, Gilles Bélanger,
Jacques et Diane Continelli, Ginette Dubé-Houle, Léo Savard,
Margaret Vincent and Alexandre Duplessis.
Photos: Jacques Gratton
Anthony Castonguay (left on the picture) of the Mondial
Loto-Québec de Laval, received the Young Volunteers Award.
311 — — Municipal News
Spotlight on…
At t h e a g e o f 9 , h e s t a r te d s i n g i n g w i t h t h e Vo i s i n s d e
Saint-Mar tin choir. And then, in high school, he fell in love
with theatre, which he is still passionate about to this day. Since
January 20, 2013, people regularly stop him in the street for a photo
or an autograph, or simply to say hello. Étienne Cousineau does
not believe it. This young Laval resident made his name during the
show La Voix, and simply wowed the jury with his talent. Interview
with a phenomenon.
My life changed dramatically in September 2012 as I was walking
in Place Dupuis in Montreal. That’s when I came across a poster
announcing that auditions would be held for La Voix. I jumped at
the opportunity, and here I am, a few months later, as a finalist. To
think that if I had not gone for a walk that day...“
Photo: OSA Images
The arts are as important
to society as education, the
economy and the environment.
However, the 32-year-old prodigy keeps his feet on the ground.
His parents, Robert and Jocelyne Cousineau, are fully committed
to Laval’s cultural scene. Étienne studied classical singing at the
Université de Montréal and founded Les Productions Belle Lurette,
in addition to having taught singing. His fascination for musicals
landed him a role in a production of Chicago, with which he toured in France. He was also seen in a Just for Laughs
Gala when actor Marc Labrèche was looking for a “specimen” to sing Vivre dans la nuit. And he nailed it! Étienne
Cousineau considers that musicals and operettas are true cultural pillars. They are an integral part of the arts, and
the arts are as important to society as education, the economy and the environment.
When he signed up for La Voix, Étienne Cousineau had no expectations. However, he has this to say to all the young
people who wish to follow his example: “Talent takes work, and more work; success is the culmination of your efforts,
and you have to persevere.” English poet Samuel Johnson would agree with him as he once stated that: “Great works
are performed not by strength, but perseverance.”
Death of the founding mayor of Laval
M e Jean-Noël Lavoie, founding Mayor of Laval, passed away on March 17 at the age of 85, in the south of France.
“He was a man of honour and integrity. He laid the legislative and economic
foundations that made Laval what it is today,” said Alexandre Duplessis, Mayor of
Laval, who recalled that, without Me Lavoie’s vision, Laval would certainly not have
reached such an enviable socio-economic level.
Born in Montréal, M e . Lavoie was admitted to the notarial practice in 1951; he
opened his office in L’Abord-à-Plouffe, which was then a village on Île Jésus. He was
elected municipal councillor of the village in 1954, and in 1959, he became Mayor.
He was responsible for the first merger of the municipalities of L’Abord-à-Plouffe,
Saint-Martin and Renaud, which became the city of Chomedey in 1961. Most of all,
he is known for being the architect behind the merger of the 14 municipalities of
the Island that, on August 6, 1965, would become the Ville de Laval. He was Laval’s
first mayor and Chairman of the Executive Committee.
M e Jean-Noël Lavoie
Vivre à Laval — Summer 2013
Culture and Leisure Activities
Culture and Leisure activities
.. ........................................................................................
Arts & culture
. . ....................................................
In your neighbourhood
Outdoors activities
Sports and Leisure activities .. ..................... 34
311 — — Culture and Leisure Activities
Photos: Depositphotos, Sylvain Majeau (Route verte), Mondial Loto-Québec
Librarian’s suggestions, by Sandra Alouz
Summer Reading: Québec novels
Vengeance 1. Le Glaive de Dieu
La fiancée américaine
by Hervé Gagnon, Hurtubise, 2013,
448 pages.
by Éric Dupont. Marchand de feuilles, 2012,
557 pages.
The stor y takes place in M ontréal
in1886. Pierre Moreau teaches History
at the Collège de Montréal and leads
a well- ordered life. He unwittingly
becomes a freemason, at which point,
the people close to him became targets
of a series of crimes. This captivating
story focuses on theology, freemasonry, secret societies and
the Argumentum, an object with the power to change the
course of History. The author, who did his doctoral thesis on
19th-century Montréal, created this compelling story based
on real-life places, characters, and facts. Le Glaive de Dieu is
the first in a series of two volumes where the reader is drawn
in the middle of a detective story similar to the Da Vinci Code.
Éric Dupont has written a beautiful
novel where the stories of a unique
family intertwine. The story begins with
Madeleine, the American, then there’s
Madeleine-la-mère, the grandmother,
the youngest Madeleine, and Magda,
the German. In all, a centur y of
Madeleine, all connected, despite the distance, despite the
secrets and nonsense. A century of strong men—and a century
of impossible loves. A novel built like a symphony of unifying
tales that swing back and forth through time, taking us from
Rivière-du-Loup to Nazi Germany in the heart of the Second
World War, and to modern-day Rome. The tales are told through
letters and diaries. A thousand stories intertwining to create
an adventure, or better yet, a legend.
Les derniers jours
de Smokey Nelson
by Catherine Mavrikakis, Héliotrope, 2011,
303 pages.
Smokey Nelson committed a senseless
massacre and has been languishing
on death row for about twenty years.
I t is only at the end of the novel
that the reader finds out what fate
awaits him. Until that point, the novel
recounts the final days of those who have crossed his path.
Catherine Mavrikakis admirably brings to life the men and
women of this story filled with fury and high in emotion. She
highlights their energy, their sense of shame, their rage in
the face of injustice, and their desire to end it all. One of the
author’s strengths is to have made Time the focus of this choral
novel; Time hits you right in the guts as you know it is short.
by Marie Hélène Poitras, Alto, 2012,
209 pages.
Marie Hélène Poitras offers a tale of
murder and investigation. Her story
is set in a “Far-West” Montreal, in the
world of Old-Montreal coachmen. It is
a tough playing field, involving blood,
power struggles, revenge and regrets.
Griffintown is depicted as a shelter for
broken and lonely people. But in the midst of adversity, a story
of improbable love is woven between Marie, a country girl now
working as a coachman, and John, the loner who shows her
the tricks of the trade. The author works her moods, and, like a
film, carefully plans the comings and goings of the characters.
The dialogue is spicy and the characters express themselves
through slogans and sayings. This novel is surprising, with a
touch of youth and freshness.
New Summer Schedule
May 26—September 2
Open on Saturdays to better serve you!
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday 12 noon to 5 p.m.
Sunday Closed
Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day and Canada Day
Libraries will be closed on June 24 and July 1
Vivre à Laval — Summer 2013
Été 2013
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on lit dan -vous, car l’ea
— Jour nal
« Quand
in rendez
Get the
new brochure
containing all the
activities offered this
summer at your library.
The Club des aventuriers du livre
Reading—it’s magic!
Photo: Depositphotos
This summer, discover the wonderful world of magic and
witchcraft with the Club des aventuriers du livre, specially
tailored to children between the ages of 6 and 12. Several
activities and contests will be suggested to you, in which you’ll
get to discover some fascinating books. To register, come to
the launch on June 17 at 6:30 p.m., at your local library.
Board Games at the Library
Over 60 board games are now available in all Laval libraries.
Subscribers can have fun on site with classic, strategy and
educational games; there is something for everyone. Come
play with your family or friends! A good time will be had by all!
Reading in the pool!
This summer, young children will be able to discover reading
anywhere, even in the wading pool! Waterproof books will
be made available for children in all 17 public wading pools
and 5 water play facilities in Laval.
Theater and improv for teenagers
at your library
This summer, the Rencontre
Théâtre Ados (RTA) invites
teenagers aged 11 to 17 to
put their creative potential
on display. Led by dynamic
and inspiring professional
e n t e r t a i n e r s , t h e R TA ’s
improvisation workshops
and intensive theater camp
represent one-of-a-kind
opportunities for teenagers
to learn tricks of the trade
from professionals, to develop
their self- confidence, and
to acquire leadership skills!
Activities will begin in July
at the Bibliothèque Émile Nelligan. A Laval initiative.
Photo: RTA —
450 687-5654
Holiday Loans
Borrow up to 30 documents,
including a maximum of
15 audiovisual documents
(except video games: maximum of 2)
Holiday loans are available
for a period of 4 weeks,
during the whole
summer period
(except for DVDs
and video games,
which are only
available for
1 week)
For more information on the libraries,
please refer to page 35, visit,
under Culture/Libraries, or call 311.
Follow Laval Libraries on:
311 — — Culture and Leisure Activities
Photo: Annie Poirier
Arts & Culture
On the Heritage Route
What’s new for Les Virées patrimoniales
To mark the sixth year of les Virées patrimoniales, Réseau ArtHist offers you a whole new interactive family visit where
you will meet the friendly P’tit Joe connaissant (Mr. know-it-all). A fun way for the whole family to discover history!
Other walking tours are still available for those who have not yet had the chance to participate in one. Whether you want
to immerse yourself in the past, appreciate the present or simply have a good time, any reason is good enough to mark
these tours in your agenda.
Sainte-Rose Neigbourhood
What’s New:
• Avoir pignon sur rue à l’île Jésus: historical guided tour,
August 18, at 10:30 a.m.
• Interactive Family Activity in Vieux-Sainte-Rose
historical neigbourhood: August 10, at 10:30 a.m.
• À chacun son histoire: theatrical tour, July 6 and 30,
at 10:30 a.m.
• C.I.EAU Package: interactive family tour of the
Vieux-Sainte-Rose historical Neigbourhood,
and a guided tour of the (C.I.EAU, 12 rue Hotte),
August 10, at 10:30 a.m
• Tour of Ste-Rose-de-Lima church: July 30, at 1:30 p.m.
• The package tour, La tournée paroissiale includes the
theatrical tour À chacun son histoire and a tour of the
Ste-Rose-de-Lima church, July 30, at 10:30 a.m.
Saint-Vincent-de-Paul Neigbourhood
• Les recoins à Césaire Germain: theatrical tour,
July 24 and August 11, at 10:30 a.m.
For further information and bookings: Réseau ArtHist,—450 681-1611
Ecology, Movies and Music
at Des Prairies Park
In July, discover the many
a c t i v i t i e s o f fe re d at D e s
Prairies Park on weekends!
Saturdays will be family days
featuring a broad range of
workshops on ecology and
nature, as well as several
cultural ac tivities. These
activities will be followed by
outdoor movies for all ages.
Photo: Sylvain Majeau
Sundays will be devoted to
musical experiences. Enjoy
a n o u t d o o r c a b a re t a n d
let yourself be charmed by
talented new artists.
Vivre à Laval — Summer 2013
An indoor facility is available
in case of rain.
Admission to all these
a c t i v i t i e s i s f r e e ! Pi c n i c
facilities are also available
Visit our website to consult
the complete schedule.
Parc des Prairies,
5 avenue du Crochet,
under Culture — 311
Special Activities!
A rally to preserve our water
Take part in the Rallye des rivières and become a guardian of
the rivière des Mille Îles. To be part of this adventure, bring
your family, friends, or colleagues to the Centre d’interprétation
de l’eau (C.I.EAU), and don’t forget your notebook. Then
explore the many facets of the rivière des Mille Îles by car,
bicycle or motorcycle in an enriching journey focusing on
the protection of the river.
You will also explore conservation areas and hiking trails,
while learning a whole lot about the importance of wetlands
and the drinking and used water plants of Laval. In addition,
you will be able to observe two major dams and historical
sites, and finish it off by relaxing at a rest area. As an added
bonus, you’ll have the chance to leave your own legacy by
signing your name on the Mur des gardiens (Wall of Guardians),
inaugurated last May.
Photo: C.I.EAU
Four trails are offered: 30, 40, 45 and 65 km (estimated time:
between 3 and 6 hours per tour).
Departure from C.I.EAU, located at 12 rue Hotte (Sainte-Rose
district) — 450 963-6463
Photo: Musée Armand-Frappier
A Little Taste of Science
Place Claude-Léveillée
From June 24 to
August 23, the ArmandFrappier museum proposes
new activities for the
family, under the theme
La science dans votre assiette.
With the aim of getting
youth and the public
interested in biosciences
and biotechnology, these
activities will shed some
light on current research to develop healthier foods. You
will have the opportunity to learn more about the food you
eat and its impact on the human body and your health. The
activities are served as a three-course meal:
De fond en comble: a contemporary art project
Until September 15, artists Nicole Fournier and Douglas
Scholes take over unused land near the Montmorenc y
metro station in order to show the territory’s landscaping\
development potential. This outdoor contemporary art project
gives us an opportunity to reflect upon various environmental
issues such as recycling, responsible agricultural practices
and taking charge of our living spaces.
Proposed by Verticale, a center for artists, in cooperation
with Ville de Laval.
Commissariat du collectif N. & M. (Nadège Grebmeier Forget
and Manon Tourigny). — 450 934-6042
• A tour of the MicroZoo: like a zoological garden, this
exhibit explores micro-organisms and their habitats.
Some are useful, others more harmful and sometimes
make you sick. A facilitator guides the tour;
Public Art:
accessible everywhere in town
• Exploration of the laboratory, Antioxidants dans le vin?;
You can enjoy public works of art in many neighbourhood
parks. Summertime is the per fect time to discover them!
The most recent one can be seen at parc Laval-Ouest. Branché,
by Laval artist Sylvie Fraser, is displayed in the form of a giant
branch covered with a bright green mosaic showing various
tree leaves in movement, reminiscent of the surrounding
small forest. Similar to a landscape scene, each leaf is as
meticulously detailed as a tapestry or a jewel.
• A tasting of foods, with comments, derived from
biotechnology, such as cheese, kefir and foods containing
probiotics. — 450 686-5641
Parc Laval-Ouest (Laval-Ouest), 7189 21 e Avenue
311 — — Culture and Leisure Activities
Arts et culture
Photo: Jocelyn Michel
Les Cowboys Fringants
The Black Keys
Marc Hervieux
Mondial Loto-Québec de Laval
This year, from June 15 to July 7, all of Laval will sway to the sound of music at the Mondial Loto-Québec. Gregory Charles
and his team, in cooperation with Ville de Laval, offer you a diversified lineup featuring international acts.
June 22: Isabelle Boulay, with the Laval Symphony Orchestra
and the Grand Choeur du Mondial
For the 9th consecutive year, the Mondial presents the
renowned Choeur en ville Tour. More than 30 performances
from choirs will be presented in the most beautiful chapels and
churches of Laval, in some retirement homes, and at the Salle
June 23: Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day with M arc Her vieux,
accompanied by the Laval Symphony Orchestra and the
Grand Choeur du Mondial, followed by Kaïn
June 24: Les Cowboys Fringants
July 1: Canada Day featuring surprise performers. Keep an
eye on the Mondial website!
July 5: The Black Keys*
July 6: CCR and Chicago*
* Presented by evenko. Tickets on sale at
June 21-22: Opéra Évangéline, composed by Sylvain Cooke,
in collaboration with the Théâtre d’art lyrique de Laval and
the Laval Symphony Orchestra*
June 23: Singing Contest for young people, presented by
Talent en nord
June 30: Tribute to Elton John and his album Goodbye Yellow
Brick Road, by preformed Gregory Charles and his guests*
ACCESS to the Mondial
Get your free ACCÈS card to the Mondial Loto-Québec de
Laval to benefit from loads of privileges. The ACCÈS card is
available for free at Couche-Tard in Laval. Get yours today as
quantities are limited!
Access to all per for mances of the soirées de l ’Espace
Montmorency in Privilege Zone (places are limited);
• Access to all performances of the soirées de l’Espace
Montmorency in Privilege Zone (places are limited);
• Privilege Zone is reserved for performances at the
Centre de la Nature de Laval*;
• Free access to Société de transport de Laval (STL) regular
bus routes as of 5 p.m. between June 19 and July 17;
• Free access to Société de transport de Laval (STL) shuttle
bus service for performances at the Centre de la Nature
on July 1, 5 and 6 (departure from Montmorency and
Cartier metro stations).
* You must obtain your tickets for the performances
of July 5 and 6.
July 4-7: Jeux de la scène
* Tickets on sale at the Salle André-Mathieu Box Office
Concertgoers are invited to use public transportation and
shuttle buses provided by the STL, leaving from Carrefour Laval.
For a full schedule and further details on the event, visit the
Mondial Loto-Québec website at:
Vivre à Laval — Summer 2013
Photo: Fêtes gourmandes
Summertime Comedy
Rachid Badouri
During the summer, the Salle André-Mathieu will
present shows that will have you rolling in the aisles.
2013 Summer Calendar
Billy Tellier,
La loi du plus fort,
June 29 at Théâtre
and August 2-3
at Maison des arts
Dominic et Martin, Fou,
July 11, 12, 13, 18, 19,
20, 25, 26 and 27*
Étienne Dano, first solo
breaking-in performance,
July 19, 20, 26 and 27
at Maison des arts
Police Comedy
Les 39 marches, August 1-3
and August 8-10, at Théâtre
Starring David Savard,
Patrice Coquereau,
Diane Lavallée and
Stéphane Breton.
Luc Langevin, Réellement
sur scène, August 15-17*
Rachid Badouri, Rechargé,
August 21-24 and
August 28-31*
François Bellefeuille,
breaking-in first solo
performance, August 7-10*
July 24-28, the Fêtes gourmandes internationales de Laval
invites you to a unique event to stimulate your five senses.
In addition to tasting and discovering out-of-this-world
products, this event is an opportunity to go on a culinary
journey around the globe. As for the little ones, they will not
feel left out with face-painting workshops, animation and
inflatable games. A must for epicureans!
At Place Claude-Léveillée (near Montmorency metro station)
Box Office:
— 450 667-2040.
All shows start at 8 p.m.
André Sauvé, Être,
July 31 – August*
François Morency, breakingin new show, July 9, 10, 16,
17, 23 and 24, and August 3
and 31, at Maison des arts
de Laval
The fêtes gourmandes internationales
de Laval
June 24 to August 11
Free shows
and family
Monday June 24 and July 1
and the weekends of July
and August
* At Salle André-Mathieu
Centre de la nature
901 avenue du Parc
311 — — Culture and Leisure Activities
Photo: Vincent Girard
In your neighbourhood
L’Appétit Fête de Sainte-Rose
Cultural Summer in Sainte-Rose
This summer, come meet Laval artists in the Vieux-Sainte-Rose historical district, as part of a colourful program.
Rivière en fête
Au rythme de Sainte-Rose Evenings
The Parc de la Rivière -des-Mille -Îles, together with Ville
de Laval, is throwing a huge family party at the berge des
Baigneurs. Come celebrate and take part in the many free
activities taking place throughout the day! On the program
are: an outdoor component (races on the river), an activity
space (entertainers, magicians, face painting, etc.) and a
special evening with a DJ and BBQ. Plus, will not want to miss
the outdoor cinema and other activities.
Come and enjoy a new intense sensorial experience with our
eclectic performances made up of unique performances during
which artists go beyond the borders of creation.
Saturday June 15, 10 a.m – 11 p.m.
Come and hear Laval’s young talent sing great opera and jazz
classics. These rhythmic picnics will surely charm you with
their bucolic nature in the shade of the trees. Be there, for
the 12 strokes of noon! — 450 978-8905
Evenings of storytelling and legends, L’écho de la rivière
André Lemelin tells stories like the storytellers of old used to
do: with simplicity and good nature. His legends and stories
are interspersed with anecdotes and traditional songs with
his harmonica (reels, waltzes, etc.), and filled with humour.
Saturdays July 6, 13 and 20, at 8 p.m.
211 boulevard Sainte-Rose, in front of Villemaire school
Cultural Picnics at high noon
Sundays July 14 and 21, at noon
211 boulevard Sainte-Rose, in front of Villemaire school, under Culture — 311
Fridays July 5, 12 and 19, until dusk
Berge des Baigneurs, 13 rue Hotte
Live Art
Th e 1 8 t h S a i nte - R o s e Pa i nt i n g a n d
Sculpture Symposium will take place
July 25-28. This event brings together
85 painters and sculptors to the
Vieux-Sainte-Rose historical district. This
is a great opportunity to watch artists in
action, and maybe even purchase some
art created by Québec artists — 450 625-7925
Appétit Fête
in Sainte-Rose
T h e 7 t h e d i t i o n o f A pp étit Fête— a
gastronomic event featuring a farmer’s
market and local Quebec products—will
be held on August 2-4 in Sainte-Rose.
Over 60 exhibitors will offer you samples
o f many mouth -water in g produc ts.
Admission is free.
Fine Crafts and
Local Products
in the Limelight
Be sure not to miss the Semaine des
artisans de Laval, August 7-11. The theme
for this year’s event will be “Un chemin
de roses”. Some 150 artisans from Laval
and all over Québec will display their
craftsmanship and some magnificent
artwork will be up for sale. The agrifood
segment, featuring local wines and
produce, holds a significant place in
the event. Admission is free and all are
Vivre à Laval — Summer 2013
Photo: Sophie Poliquin
This Summer in my P.A.R.C.
For a second year, the months of July and August will be packed with activities taking place at all 12 parks within the
P.A.R.C. program of physical activities and cultural events. A programme rich in cultural activities, recreation and street
fairs will make you want to be out and about in July and August! Outdoor movie nights, theatrical events for the whole
family, physical activities for children 17 and under—these are only a few reasons to bring the whole family to your nearest
P.A.R.C.! The program schedule is available on our website under Culture.
As soon as night falls, bring your children and come meet
your neighbours. And don’t forget your folding chairs and
blankets! Let yourself be charmed by one of 21 movies for
the whole family! New this year, each presentation will be
preceded by an artistic animation session.
Don’t miss Commedia, a play presented by Théâtre à ciel ouvert.
This is a great way to discover the various characters of the
Commedia dell’arte in a child- friendly atmosphere.
Photo: Sylvain Majeau
Photo: François Godard
Even More
Outdoor movies
Your P.A.R.C.
This is the story of Pantalone, an old grumpy miser who never
gives an inch to his servant, Arlecchino. But the servant has
more than one trick up his sleeve to infuriate his master. And
when Captain Churros De Leche, a great war hero, and his
sweetheart, Colombine, pay an unexpected visit to Pantalone,
conflicts and misunderstandings arise.
Each presentation is preceded by an introduction to Commedia
dell’arte, during which you will explore the art of mime, learn
more about the characters, and much more.
Auteuil: des Saules park
Chomedey: Légaré and Pie-X parks
Fabreville-Est: Isabelle park
Fabreville-Ouest: L’Orée-des-Bois park
Pont-Viau: Chénier park
Written and directed by: Marc-André Brunet
Cast: Yannick Chapdelaine, Marie-Ève Laverdure, Emilie St-Germain, under Culture — 311
Renaud: park Curé-Coursol
Saint-François: Du Moulin park
Saint-Vincent-de-Paul: Rodolphe-Lavoie park
Sainte-Dorothée: Couvrette park
Sainte-Rose: Champenois park
Vimont: Prévost park
311 — — Culture and Leisure Activities
In your neighbourhood
Day Camps:
Experience the summer through your imagination
Want your kids to experience an unforgettable summer? There are still a few spaces available in municipal day camps.
Our instructors have been trained and supervised to offer various daily and special activities under the theme “Un été à
travers votre imaginaire” in a safe and fun environment., under Community Life/Summer day camps — 450 662-5000
Tennis gains ground in Laval!
Tennis fans can practice their
favourite spor t on newlyrenovated and functional
outdoor facilities from May
to October. With 59 courts in
25 parks, Laval is committed to
improving its sport facilities,
which are available to residents
for free.
Photos: Sophie Poliquin
From July 2 to August 18,
a greater range of lessons will
be offered. Whether you are
a beginner, intermediate or
advanced, you will cer tainly
find what you need. To register,
consult the schedule at the park
of your choice.
As well, the City reminds you that during peak periods, teams must give
way to players waiting to play at specific times (at 1 p.m., at 2 p.m., etc.).
To find out which parks offer free play at all times, visit our website.
For information and lesson registration:,
under Community Life — 450 662-5000
Vivre à Laval — Summer 2013
Tennis Events
Whether you are a beginner or advanced,
come and discover family tennis! Games,
surprises and entertainment will make your
experience all the more pleasant.
July 17, at 6 p.m.
Val-des-Arbres park (Duvernay)
July 24, at 6 p.m.
Bon-Pasteur park (Laval-des-Rapides)
Saint-Martin park (Chomedey)
Isabelle park (Fabreville-Est)
July 31, at 6 p.m.
Du Moulin park (Saint-François)
Prévost park ( Vimont)
August 4, at 3 p.m.
Couvrette park (Sainte-Dorothée)
Photos: Sophie Poliquin
mai 2012
Laval — VCCC,
: Ville de
Put on your swimsuit!
Water Play Facilities Opening Hours
During the summer season, everyone can cool off easily. People of all ages
can come cool off in the swimming pool during the summer. As of June 15,
at least one pool per sector will open its doors, and as of June 22, all
19 outdoor pools will be accessible to all Laval citizens, with daily public
swimming from noon to 8 p.m.
In addition, seven facilities have water games, including
a brand new site located in Des Coccinelles Park in
Chomedey. All of these facilities are equipped with
automatic “on” buttons within children’s reach, so they
can have fun and be safe.
Pour se teni
/ moni
de natation
Les cours
For more infor mation, consult the outdoor pools
pamphlet, available at all municipal buildings, or visit
our website.
cipaux laval
Bureaux muni
edey), ainsi
vard Chom
(1333, boule
amme de
u du progr
Voici un aperç
ale, chaque
période estiv
Pendant la
ts et pour
cours offer
la liste des
en avril d
, distribué
estivales 2013
ux :
ents municipa
lois, bibli
Cours de
Your neighbourhood swimming pool is the perfect place to cool off every
day this summer. It is also the perfect place to have fun during special
days organized by local teams. In store: various activities, games, costumed
activities, sports, aquatic demonstrations and much more!
July 9Wilfrid-Pelletier
July 11Pie-X
July 13Jolibourg
July 16Raymond
July 18Roi-du-Nord
Du Moulin
July 20Montcalm
July 23Paradis
Des Chênes
June 22 - August 17
Every day, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
August 18-25
Every day, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
August 31 and September 1-2
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sector 2
(Pont-Viau, Renaud-Coursol, Laval-des-Rapides)
Gabriel-Pelletier (Curé-Coursol park)
320 rue Richard
450 662-4902
Special Activity Days in the Pools
July 4Rosaire-Gauthier
June 10-21
Every day, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
July 25
Des Coccinelles
July 27Couvrette
July 30
Des Saules
Berthiaume-Du Tremblay
August 1Jacques-Bourdon
August 6Gabriel-Pelletier,
under Sports and Leisure Activities
— 311
125 boulevard Lévesque Est
450 662-4902
Saint-Claude (water play facilitie and wading pool)
99 - 7 e Rue
450 662-5054
Sector 3
Des Coccinelles (New!)
750 - 73 e Avenue
450 978-8969
Sector 5
(Fabreville-Est, Sainte-Rose)
2585 boulevard des Oiseaux
450 978-8905
720 rue Fleury
450 978-8905
Sector 6
(Vimont, Auteuil)
Paradis (water play facilitie and wading pool)
2220 rue Marc
450 662-5196
311 — — Culture and Leisure Activities
In your neighbourhood
Trekfit Trails:
Outdoor Fitness Trails
Step out of your training routine and exercise outside on one of our two Trekfit trails. These trails are accessible at any time,
and equipped with various activity stations such as chin-up bar, exercise bench and lateral bars. Explanatory panels are
posted near each station to explain basic movements according to your fitness level.
The boisé du Sablon trail, in Chomedey, includes seven stations,
offering more than 28 exercises. To add to your experience,
interpretive panels are set up along the trail to help users
learn about nature.
Four activity stations are available at Des Prairies Park, in
5 avenue du Crochet (at the corner of boulevard des Prairies), under Sports and Leisure Activities
— 450 662-4902
755 chemin du Sablon
450 688-8961
Basketball for 12 to 15 year olds
July 2 - August 15, 12 to 15 year olds will be able to play basketball in 10 Laval parks, under the supervision of dynamic
and competent coaches
Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.
• Chopin Park
• Isabelle Park
• Saint-Martin Park
Tuesday and Thursday,
6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Photo: Pépé
• Couvrette Park
• Du Moulin Park
• Pie-X Park
• Prince-Rupert Park
Thursday, from 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.
• Champenois Park
• Des Mésanges Park
• Légaré Park
(Chomedey) or, under
Sports and Leisure Activities
Open Badminton, Rain or Shine
June 24 - August 2, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 9 to 16 year olds can play badminton
with friends or family. Equipment is provided free of charge. Badminton is a great
way to stay active all summer long, rain or shine!
• Aréna Lucerne (Vimont)
• Aréna Richard-Trottier (Fabreville-Est)
• Aréna Laval-Ouest (Laval-Ouest)
Photo: Sylvain Majeau
• École Georges-Vanier (Saint-Vincent-de-Paul)
• Complexe sportif Bois-de-Boulogne (Laval-des-Rapides), under Sports and Leisure Activities
Vivre à Laval — Summer 2013
Festivities in Laval-Ouest
Photo: Vincent Girard
On August 10, come discover the fun activities offered
during the the Festivités de l’Ouest, such as horse drawn
carriage rides and pony rides, a visit to a mini-farm,
kiosks on the environment, skill-testing games, activities
on healthy eating, a giant chessboard, painting, and
crafts. A strolling guitar player will get you moving
to the rhythm of his music. Many door prizes will be
drawn. All these activities are possible thanks to the
involvement of the district’s local organizations.
Reading All Summer Long
Ma tente à lire
Photo: Festivités de l’Ouest
Ma tente à lire
Ma tente à lire is back again this year in neighbourhood parks,
July 3 - August 16. The activity is intended for children under
the age of 5. There are books to be read, discovered, looked at
and borrowed, in the company of friends, parents, educators
and a friendly host. Wonderful times in a park near you!, under Culture/Libraries
Festivités de l’Ouest Schedule
Lis avec moi dans la rue
• 10 a.m - 4 p.m.: various on-going activities
Books will get fresh air this summer! For the sixth year, the
hosts of Lis avec moi dans la rue offer children aged 5 to 12
an encounter with books in various parks all over the city.
This activity is free of charge and open to everyone.
• 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: Dog Show
• At 7 p.m.: activities for 12 to 17 year olds
• At 8 p.m.: outdoor movie
Berge aux Quatre-Vents, 925 rue Riviera (corner of 15 e Avenue)
To check out the locations and schedule,
visit — 450 314-1942
Go Crazy
This Summer!
Cultivons la ville
Photo: Enfants d’abord
The Fabreville-Est and SainteRose parks will host the Folies
d’été, a unique program of
free activities such as outdoor
z u m b a , b a s k e t b a l l, c i rc u s
workshops, movies, outdoor
theatre, reading activities, and
much more.
How would you like to grow a garden? The Cultivons la ville
program provides gardens near your home, on developed
lands, and free of charge. Gardening tools are also provided,
as well as some basic plants such as peppers and tomatoes.
These gardens are mainly available in the following districts:
Chomedey, Laval-des-Rapides and Laval-Ouest.
I n collaboration with Ville
de Laval, the regroupement
M’îles Lieux en forme and the
Association des résidents de
Take part in
activities with
project Parc-King
Project Parc-King, in
Po n t - Vi a u , i nv i t e s y o u t o
contribute to neighbourhood
life by participating in
sporting, relaxation or
creative activities, or by
taking part in neighbourhood
festivities. Come greet the two
counsellors from Maison des
jeunes du Marigot, all summer
long at René-Patenaude park.
Maison des jeunes du
Marigot: 450 668-3939
450 681-1154 —
311 — — Culture and Leisure Activities
Photo: Sylvain Majeau
Outdoors Activities
Four Activities Not to be Missed this Summer
Crossed by the Route verte, Des Prairies Park is perfect for
strolling and relaxing. The more than 5 km of trails are a
perfect way for cyclists and hikers to stay active in a beautiful
setting. Thirty-two information panels are set up along the
trails to satisfy everyone’s ecological curiosity.
All summer long, visitors will be able to rent spor ting
equipment such as balls, and frisbees, for free. In addition,
during weekends in July, the park will offer fun-filled activities
(for more information, please see p. 32). Finally, Des Prairies
Park is a haven of peace and tranquility: the intimacy of this
site with its lake, creek and waterfalls will help you achieve
instant relaxation.
Des Prairies Park, 5 avenue du Crochet (three free parking lots), under Sports and Leisure Activities—311
2 Bike Across la Route verte
La Route verte is made up of
more than 5,000 kilometres of
bicycle paths crossing Québec
from west to east, and from
north to south. It extends over
40 k ilometres within Laval
territory, making up 20% of
the City’s bicycle paths.
Berge aux Quatre-Vents, where
you can enjoy a lookout point
and playgrounds for children.
L a v a l ’s c y c l i n g n e t w o r k
is basically intended for
r e c r e a t i o n a l p u r p o s e s . To
discover more about it, consult
the bicycle map available at
Are you familiar with section Laval municipal offices and
1? Westbound, this por tion on our website.
travels along rivière des,
Îles and crosses it on barrage
under Transport/Bicycle Paths
du Grand-Moulin toward
D e u x- M o n t a gn e s. I t o f fe r s
beautiful landscapes and
several interesting stops and
lookout points. You can also
you stop and picnic along the
Vivre à Laval — Summer 2013
3 Canoeing and Kayaking on the River
Rivière-des-Mille-Îles Park is the largest natural park in the
metropolitan region. During the summer period, it is also the
departure point for canoe, kayak, electric motor boat, pedal
boat and rabaska eco-tours.
Go on an adventure with a self-guided map of the course in
a fascinating environment, where the stillness of the water
is in tune with the rustling of the wild life. This section of the
river is sheltered from the wind, and the current is very slow,
which facilitates learning how to manoeuver and makes the
activity safe.
About twenty islands are accessible, where it is possible to
take short strolls and to have pleasant picnics. Come discover
the incalculable richness of this natural museum, whether
you are alone or in a group, with a guide or by yourself. The
park offers many activities during the summer, come live the
Rivière-des-Mille-Îles Park, 345 boulevard Sainte-Rose
Photos: Annie Poirier (Route verte), Sylvain Majeau (PRMI)
1 A Visit to Des Prairies Park
Des Prairies Park
Route verte
Rivière-des-Mille-Îles Park
4 Centre de la nature
Discover the Milky Way
Many people know the Centre de la nature for its farm, its
tropical greenhouse and its magnificent gardens. But did you
know that it is also where the only municipal observatory can
be found in North America?
Photo: Michel Renaud
The astronomical observatory of Laval was established in the
summer of 1996. On weekends from May to October, when
the sky is clear, visitors get the chance to observe heavenly
treasures with a host from the Club des astronomes amateurs
de Laval, through a professional telescope installed in the
observatory: a giant eye looking at sky. The Sun, the Moon,
and visible planets are all within reach. Visitors can also learn
more about the operation and equipment of an astronomical
Admission is free. Consult the schedule
at – 450 661-9390
Observatoire astronomique de Laval
Le Rallye de l’écocitoyen
The Rallye de l’écocitoyen is a free and dynamic eco-rally for
families and groups that revolves around ecological issues.
It allows you to discover the park and its many treasures as
well as providing tips for protecting the environment. To find
answers to the rally’s questions, all you need to do is move
from one panel to another.
The rally starts at the Halte environnementale, and takes
somewhere between 45 minutes and one hour to complete.
Once you have answered all the questions, drop the form in
the green mailbox at the Halte environnementale, for your
chance to win a basket filled with local products.
Photo: Vincent Girard
Take a Break at the Halte Environnementale!
How do I limit my
drinking water
during the summer
while preserving my
beautiful plants?
Where should I
install my domestic
composting bin,
and what can I put
in it? How do I get
rid of grubs in an eco-friendly manner? How do I tell the
difference between ragweed and poison-ivy? What is the proper
way to install a rainwater barrel? How can I take advantage
of the green subsidies program offered by the City?
To get answers to these questions, come to the Environmental
rest stop at the Centre de la nature, located near the greenhouse.
A representative of the Service de l’environnement will be onhand every Sunday, from Saint-Jean-Baptiste to Labour Day,
as well as on Canada Day and during the Fête de la famille.
Follow us on: R
— Centre de la nature de Laval
450 662-4942 — under Community Life
311 — — Culture and Leisure Activities
Sports and
et loisirs
La Route Bleue and Day Camps for Young People
Photo: Sylvain Majeau
The Rivière-des-Mille-Îles park offers training and rabaska
excursion days during the months of July and August. These
outdoor days are intended for teenagers between the ages
of 13 and 16. With the help of a guide, they get to discover
many marshes along the shoreline, and observe the highly
diversified wildlife and plant life.
Route bleue — Rivière-des-Mille-Îles park
Photo: Thinkstock
The Runners’ Ball
Do you have lots of energy? A new event has been added to the
Endurance Running Circuit’s calendar for 2013. On August 25,
runners and families from Laval and the surrounding area
will be meeting at Des Prairies Park, a fantastic 30-hectare
natural site in Laval, for one of the following races: 1 km,
2 km, 5 km, and 10 km. Put your shoes on and register today!
450 666-4330 —
Walking Bellies
On August 24, Mieux-Naître à Laval will hold its second family
rally at Centre de la nature. Register now with your family.
Funds will help support parents welcome their newborn child.
In addition, from June 24 to August 23, Rivière-des-MilleÎles Park offers children between the ages of 6 and 14 five
new themes at its outdoor day camp. Every week, the park
will be transformed into an extraordinary testing ground. A
multitude of activities and educational ecology games will
be offered in a fun-filled environment, which translates into
vacation time well-spent. — 450 622-1020, extension 227
Fall Registration for Sporting Activities
Les différentes associations sportives lavalloises vous
The various sports associations of Laval invite you to
consult their Fall 2013 Sports and Leisure Activities
program starting right now. Your children will benefit
from early registration, as places are limited. To facilitate
registration, please consult the following websites
to learn about schedules, terms and conditions, and
activities offered. All are welcome.
Speed Skating
Découvrez d’autres
activités sportives en
consultant le portail de la
Figure Skating
under Sports and Leisure
Activities/Registration — 450 664-0441
When Sports and Environment Go Hand in Hand
Équiterre, Ville de Laval and the Regional Conference of
Elected Officials of Laval suggested that the Laval sports
community take par t in the Sportifs pour la planète Pilot
Project, which combines sports and the environment. The
purpose of this environmental awareness campaign is to
increase carpooling and the exchange of sporting equipment
in order to reduce waste generated at sporting venues, and
to foster environmentally responsible promotional material.
Vivre à Laval—Summer
Laval — Summer2013
Photo: Alarie Photos
For more information on this program or to use online tools to
help families and sporting associations be more eco-friendly,
visit our website.
Handy Phone Numbers
Non-urgent calls Non-urgent calls if you are
outside Laval Urgent calls (police, fire, ambulance) WHERE TO FIND THE CITY’S SERVICES
Multiservice Counter 1333 boulevard Chomedey
City Hall 1 place du Souvenir
Maison des arts 1395 boulevard de la Concorde Ouest
Centre de la nature 901 avenue du Parc
450 978-8000
450 662-4440
450 662-4942
Duvernay, Saint-François and Saint-Vincent-de-Paul
Bureau municipal lavallois #1 450 662-4901
4010 boulevard Saint-Martin Est
Bureau municipal lavallois #1 – Satellite 450 662-8422
1245 montée du Moulin
Pont-Viau, Renaud-Coursol and Laval-des-Rapides
Bureau municipal lavallois #2 450 662-4902
62 rue Saint-Florent
Bureau municipal lavallois #3 450 978-8903
435 boulevard Curé-Labelle, suite104
Sainte-Dorothée, Laval-Ouest, Les Îles-Laval, Fabreville-Ouest
& Laval-sur-le-Lac
Bureau municipal lavallois #4 450 978-8904
6500 boulevard Arthur-Sauvé, suite 110
Fabreville-Est and Sainte-Rose
Bureau municipal lavallois #5 450 978-8905
2975 boulevard Dagenais Ouest
Vimont and Auteuil
Bureau municipal lavallois 6 450 662-4906
55 rue de Belgrade Ouest
Émile-Nelligan library 325 boulevard Cartier
Gabrielle-Roy library 3505 boulevard Dagenais Ouest
Germaine-Guèvremont library 2900 boulevard de la Concorde Est
Laure-Conan library 4660 boulevard des Laurentides
Marius-Barbeau library 1245 montée du Moulin, suite 100
The Vivre à Laval municipal bulletin is published
by Ville de Laval’s Service de la vie communautaire, de
la culture et des communications and is delivered by
Canada Post in April, June, August and December,
to all homes and companies in Laval.
186,700 exemplaires copies
Legal deposit
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
Library and Archives Canada
ISSN 1712-8676 Vivre à Laval
(English ed. Print)
ISSN 1712-8684 Vivre à Laval
(English ed. Online)
450 662-4973
450 978-8909
450 662-4002
Multiculturelle library 1535 boulevard Chomedey
Philippe-Panneton library 4747 boulevard Arthur-Sauvé
Sylvain-Garneau library 187 boulevard Sainte-Rose
Yves-Thériault library 670 rue de la Place-Publique
Police headquarters 2911 boulevard Chomedey
Gendarmerie 3225 boulevard Saint-Martin Est
Neighbourhood police station #1 1245 montée du Moulin
Neighbourhood police station #2 289 boulevard Cartier Ouest
Neighbourhood police station #3 560 – 2 e Rue
Neighbourhood police station #4 6500 boulevard Arthur-Sauvé, suite 500
Neighbourhood police station #5 187 boulevard Sainte-Rose
Neighbourhood police station #6 5555 boulevard des Laurentides
450 978-5995
450 978-8919
450 978-3940
450 978-6599
450 662-4242
450 662-3400
450 662-4310
450 662-7820
450 978-6830
450 662-7140
450 978-6850
450 662-4860
Information 450 662-4450
Cour municipale de Laval (municipal court) Laval Technopole Office municipal d’habitation de Laval (housing bureau)
Palais de justice de Laval (court house) Tourisme Laval 450
Agence de santé et de services sociaux de Laval Info-Santé (health information)
Emergency ambulances 450 978-2000
Agence métropolitaine de transport (AMT ) Société de transport de Laval (STL) 514 287-8726
450 688-6520
450 662-4975
450 662-4005
S ome municipal buildings are accessible to people with limited
mobility. The complete list may be found at,
under Community Life / Persons with Disabilities.
Editorial team:
Nadine Lussier
Publication Manager
Carole Gamache
Roger Desautels, Pierre Desjardins,
Catherine Erazola, Judith Farrell,
Véronique Faucher, Sophie Guilbault,
Myriam Legault, Justine Leroux,
Véronique Pharand et Julie Tremblay
Sophie Poliquin
Cover Page Photo
Tel.: 311
or 450 978-8000
(from outside Laval)
NLP Technologies
2NSB Design graphique
Computer Graphics Designer
311 — — Culture and Leisure Activities
Alexandre Duplessis
450 662-4140
Jacques St-Jean
450 666-2509
Norman Girard
450 967-1633
Pierre Cléroux
450 689-7331
Sylvie Clermont
450 664-2776
Yvon Martineau
450 629-8803
Jean-Jacques Beldié
514 945-4700
Madeleine Sollazzo
450 661-8248
Lucie Hill Larocque
450 625-1821
France Dubreuil
514 239-1396
Michèle des Trois Maisons
450 975-2493
Ginette Grisé
450 661-7372
Yvon Bromley
450 934-7257
Francine Légaré
450 933-5170
Jocelyne Guertin
450 662-4140
Martine Beaugrand
450 736-3086
Claire Le Bel
450 663-8039, ext. 240
Ginette Legault Bernier
450 681-9468
Denis Robillard
450 628-3055
Benoit Fradet
450 662-4140
Basile Angelopoulos
450 662-4140
450 662-4140
Three Ways to Reach MY City
(1333 boulevard Chomedey)
or 450 978-8000
(from outside Laval)
Monday - Friday:
7 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Monday - Friday:
8:15 a.m. – 8:15 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday:
9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday:
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
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Ville de Laval — page officielle
Monday – Friday:
7 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday:
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.