SA Express Airways (PTY) Ltd
SA Express Airways (PTY) Ltd
CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals South African Express Airways (SOC) Limited (Herein referred to as “SA EXPRESS”) Registration Number: 1990/007412/30 PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) RFP No. SAX/16/07/0135 Issue Date: Proposal Submission Time and Date: Proposal Submission Address: 1|P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 5 September 2016 nd 12H00 SAST 4 October 2016 2 Floor E Block Offices 1 Jones Road Airways Park CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 : INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1 Glossary of Terms & Important Notice 2 SA Express Airways: An Overview 3 Purpose and Structure of RFP 4 Bid Process 5 Instructions to Bidders 6 Evaluation Structure and Criteria CHAPTER 2 : PROPOSAL RETURNABLES 1 Mandatory Compliance Returnables 2 Comparative Evaluation Criteria Returnable 3 RFP Forms: Returnables 3.1 Bid Application Forms 3.2 Bid Cover Letter 3.3 Bidder’s Signatory Authority 3.4 Supplier Declaration of Interest (SBD-5 Form) 3.5 Authorisation Declaration (TCBD-1 Form) 3.6 Preference Points Claim Form In Terms Of The Preferential Procurement Regulations 2011 (SBD-6.1 Form) 3.7 Declaration of Bidder’s Past Supply Chain Management Practices (SBD- 8 Form) CHAPTER 3 : TRANSACTION AGREEMENTS 1 Bidder Confidentiality Undertaking 2 General Conditions of Contract CHAPTER 4 : FUNCTIONAL RFP SPECIFICATION 2|P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 1 Executive Summary 2 Background & Context 3 Period of Contract 4 Bid Programme 5 Bid Fee (If Applicable) 6 Provision of Services/Quality Prescription 7 Scope of Services 8 Proposal Guideline CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 9 Pricing Proposal 10 Evaluation Process 11 Decision of the Board of Director of SA Express 3|P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals RFP CHAPTER 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 4|P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 1. 1.1 GLOSSARY OF TERMS GLOSSARY Alternative Proposal has the meaning set out in Chapter 1 of this RFP; B-BBEE has the meaning ascribed to the definition of “broadbased black economic empowerment” in the B-BBEE Act; B-BBEE Act means the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 53 of 2003 and regulations promulgated thereunder, as may be amended from to time to time; Bidder means an interested party in this RFP that has received the bid documents and/or have submitted a Proposal(s) in response to this RFP; Commercial Close means the date on which the Purchase Agreement and Ancillary Agreements are signed; Confidential Information Provided has the meaning ascribed to it in Chapter 3 of this RFP; Cover Letter Format means the form of the covering letter to a Proposal in the form and substance provided in Chapter 1 of this RFP; Government means the government of the Republic of South Africa; Mandatory Compliance Requirements has the meaning set out in this Chapter 2 of this RFP; PFMA means the Public Finance Management Act, 1 of 1999 and regulations promulgated thereunder, as may be amended from to time; Preferred Bidder means, in relation to the RFP, the Bidder(s), who is or are selected by SA Express, following the evaluation of Proposals, as the party(ies) with whom to pursue negotiations to conclude a Purchase Agreement; Proposal means the bid submitted by a Bidder in response to this RFP; 5|P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals Proposal Submission Address means SA Express Airways, 2nd Floor, Block E Offices, 1 Jones Road, Airways Park. Proposal Submission Date means 12H00 SAST 4 October 2016, being the last day on which a Proposal may be submitted; Returnable means the documentation and information required to be submitted by Bidder as outlined in Chapter 2 of this RFP; RFP means this request for proposals issued by SA Express; SMME means small medium and micro enterprises; Skills Development means socio-economic development initiatives towards job creation, skills development, enterprise development, community development, investment in revitalising local economies, as more fully described Standard Proposal has the meaning set out in Chapter 1 of this RFP; SA Express means South African Express Airways SOC Ltd; (registration number 1990/007412/30) and any operating division thereof, as may be applicable from time to time; Variant Proposal Means a Proposal which differs from a Standard Proposal, in the manner set out in the RFP; 6|P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 1.2 IMPORTANT NOTICE 1.2.1 Information Provided SA Express provides the information which is contained in or sent with this RFP or which is made available in connection with any further enquiries (collectively "the Information Provided"), in good faith. This RFP document (which expression shall include all other written information made available during this bid process) is being made available by SA Express to potential Bidders on the condition that it is used solely for such procurement process and for no other purpose. No oral information pertaining to this RFP may be relied upon by any or Bidder(s). Furthermore, oral information does not and shall not constitute Information Provided. 1.2.2 SA Express’ Obligation in relation to the Process, Liability to Costs All costs incurred by Bidders in relation to any stage of the procurement and/or negotiation process in respect of this RFP are for such Bidder’s account alone. SA Express assumes no liability whatsoever in respect of such costs. SA Express is not obliged to accept any Proposal or Response to this RFP or to appoint a Preferred Bidder. Although this RFP describes the process, and anticipated timetable relating to this RFP and the current requirements of SA Express, SA Express reserves the right to terminate such a process, or to modify any of these matters from time to time without incurring any liability. 1.2.3 The RFP does not constitute a Letter of Intent Bidders or any other party should not consider this document as a letter of intent by SA Express or any of its officials. 7|P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 1.2.4 No SA Express warranty as to completeness of information Whilst reasonable care has been taken in preparation of this RFP and other related documents, they do not purport to be comprehensive or to have been verified by SA Express, its officials, officers, employees or advisers or any other person. Neither SA Express nor any of its officials, officers, employees or advisers accepts any liability or responsibility for the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any of the information or opinions stated in any of the aforementioned document(s). 1.2.5 No SA Express warranty or representation on information Save to the extent provided in Chapter 3 of this RFP, no representation or warranty, express or implied, is or shall be given by SA Express, or any of its officials with respect to the information or opinions contained in this or any other document issued in relation to this RFP or on which any such document is based. Any liability in respect of such representations or warranties, howsoever arising is hereby expressly disclaimed. 1.2.6 Right to modify, amend or terminate the procurement process SA Express reserves the right to amend, modify or withdraw this RFP, or to amend, modify or terminate any of the procedures or requirements of the procurement process (which terminates on the earlier of SA Express notification to that effect, or Commercial Close) at any time, with prior written notice and without liability to compensate or reimburse any party or person. 1.2.7 Right to accept single or multiple bidders SA Express reserves the right to accept a bid from a single or multiple bidders depending on acceptable commercial requirements. 1.2.8 No Solicitation of SA Express Staff To maintain the integrity of this procurement process, no Bidder, or any of its agents may make any offer(s) of employment to any SA Express officer, official or employee or staff who 8|P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals were directly engaged in the procurement process of a three (3) year period from Commercial Close. 1.2.9 Stipulations are for the sole benefit of SA Express Any requirement set out in this RFP regarding the content of a Response or Proposal is stipulated for the sole benefit of SA Express, and saves as expressly stated to the contrary, may be waived by SA Express at its sole discretion at any stage in this procurement process. SA Express reserves the right to adopt any non-proprietary Response or Proposal (or aspect thereof) made by any Bidder at any time and to include such Response or Proposal in any document(s) pursuant to this procurement process which may or may not be made available to other Bidders. 1.2.10 No Gifts If any Bidder, or any of their respective employees, advisers or agents gives or offers to give any gift to any public official of Government, or officer or employee of SA Express on this either directly or through an intermediary then such Bidder, a Bidder and/or offending person may be disqualified forthwith from participating in the procurement and implementation of this process. 1.2.11 Confidentiality of Information Subject to the Bidder Confidentiality Undertaking to be signed by each Bidder pursuant to Chapter 3 to this RFP, each Bidder of this RFP agrees to keep confidential any information of provided to it pursuant to this Procurement Process. Confidential information provided may be made available to a Bidder and/or a Relevant Entity’s, employees and professional advisers and financiers who are directly involved in the appraisal of such information (who must be made aware of the obligation of confidentiality) but shall not, either in the whole or in part, be copied, reproduced, distributed or otherwise made available to any other party in any circumstances without the prior written consent of SA Express, nor may it be used for any other purpose other than that for which it is intended. These requirements do not apply to any information that is or becomes publicly available or is shown to have been made so available (otherwise than through a breach of a confidentiality obligation). 9|P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals Bidders and their constituent members, agents and advisers, shall be required to sign confidentiality agreements. All Confidential information provided (including all copies thereof) remains the property of SA Express and must be delivered to SA Express on demand. Further, by receiving this RFP each Bidder agrees to maintain its submission in response to this RFP confidential from third parties other than SA Express, its officials, officers, employees and advisers who are required to review same for the purpose of this RFP. 10 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 2. SA EXPRESS AIRWAYS: AN OVERVIEW 2.1 BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT 2.1.1. SA Express is a commercial airline which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Department of Public Enterprise (DPE). It is a Schedule 2 entity in terms of the PFMA. 2.1.2. Albeit that SA Express operates in alliance with South African Airways (SAA), SA Express is an independent business entity within the domestic market in the Republic of South Africa and regionally on the African continent. 2.1.3. SA Express’ vision is to be a sustainable world-class regional airline with an extensive footprint in Africa. 2.1.4. The core values which SA Express embodies are: a) We never compromise safety, no matter what b) Our customers are most important investor c) We partner with people across all operations d) We deliver with speed without compromising on quality e) We strive for continuous improvement f) We keep it simple 2.1.5. SA Express is committed to the advancement of all B-BBEE imperatives. To that end, Bidders shall be required to include a section detailing how their implementation of this tender shall contribute to this ideal. The table below provides a breakdown of the current fleet composition at SA Express at present. Table 1: SA Express Fleet Aircraft Type Number in Fleet Seat Capacity Bombardier Q400 10 74 11 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals Bombardier CRJ 200 10 50 Bombardier CRJ 700 4 70 3. PURPOSE AND STRUCTURE OF RFP 3.1 GENERAL PURPOSE OF THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 3.1.1 This RFP invites submission of Proposals for the Provision of Dry as well as occasional Wet Lease Simulator Services. 3.1.2 It is the intention of SA Express, upon receipt of Proposals, to consider, and evaluate the Proposals, and negotiate with selected Preferred Bidder. 3.2 THE RFP AS A SUITE OF DOCUMENTS 3.2.1 This RFP consists of a suite of documents comprised of the following Chapters a) Chapter 1: Instructions to Bidders - This Chapter contains comprehensive instructions to Bidders. b) Chapter 2: Proposal Returnables - This Chapter provides the detailed requirements for each Proposal, specifying the minimum information and documentation to be incorporated in the Proposals. c) Chapter 3: Transaction Agreements - This Chapter contains the proposed form of the principal agreements which shall be required to be entered into by the prospective bidders with SA Express. d) Chapter 4: RFP Functional Specifications: This Chapter provides an outline of the technical specifications for this RFP. It is requested of the bidder to complete the attached Pricing Sheet in order to ensure seamless evaluation process. 12 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 3.3 GOVERNING LAW 3.3.1 The procurement process for this RFP, together with documentation, the Purchase Agreement, Ancillary Agreements and any other contracts arising therefrom, if any, are and shall be governed by and construed according to the laws of the Republic of South Africa. 3.3.2 The primary enabling pieces of legislation the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act 1 of 1999), the Companies Act, 2008 (Act 71 of 2008), the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 5 of 2000 and if applicable, the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 5 of 2003, the South African Civil Aviation Act, 2009, the National Treasury Regulations, the Department of Trade and Industry’s Guidelines on Complex Structures and Transactions and Fronting, and the King Codes of Good Practice. 3.3.3 The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa shall take precedence over any other Law and/or Regulations. 3.3.4 The Constitution and the PFMA provide that a state owned entity shall award contracts in accordance with a system which is fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost effective. 3.3.5 Further, the Constitution provides that an organ of state may implement a process which gives preference to certain categories of persons or for the advancement of persons or categories of persons disadvantaged by unfair discrimination. 3.3.6 SA Express supports the spirit of Broad-Based Economic Empowerment and recognises that real empowerment can only be achieved when individuals and businesses conduct themselves in accordance with the Constitution and codes of ethical business conduct. Therefore, SA Express expressly condemns any form of fronting. 3.3.7 Bidders and all persons responding to this RFP and other subsequent procurement documentation are expected to comply with applicable legislation and laws, in participating in this procurement. 13 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 3.3.8 Bidders are presumed to be familiar with all laws, rules and regulations, and Codes of Good Practice that may in any way affect the goods or services contemplated herein and all other laws governing the operations of their respective businesses. 3.3.9 In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this RFP and any relevant legal requirements, the legal requirements shall prevail. 14 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 4. BID PROCESS AND PROGRAMME 4.1 BID PROCESS 4.1.1 The bid process consists of following phases: a) RFP Issue; b) Clarification of queries & questions; c) Submission of Proposal; d) Evaluation of Proposals, subject to a best and final offer (BAFO) phase, at the discretion of SA Express; e) Selection and announcement of Preferred Bidder(s), and f) Site visit for facility audits and financial analysis g) Negotiations with the Preferred Bidder(s) to conclude the Contract and Service Level Agreement. 5. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 5.1 SUBMISSION OF BIDS 5.1.1 Postponement of Bid Submission Date SA Express reserves the right to postpone the stipulated date of the Proposal Submission. 5.1.2 Late Bids No Proposal shall be received after the date and time outlined in Table 2. 15 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 5.1.3 Bid Submission Address Bids must only be submitted at the Bid Submission Address and labelled as follows: PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATORS SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS TENDER REFERENCE: SAX/16/07/0135 NAME OF BIDDER: <Bidder’s name > 5.1.4 Incomplete Bids Incomplete bids, namely bids that do not contain a response to each of the bid requirements (summarised below), refer to 5.2.2 for detailed description: a) Mandatory Compliance Requirements; and b) Comparative Evaluation Criteria. shall be marked as incomplete, and may, at SA Express’s sole discretion, may be rejected without further consideration. 5.1.5 Bid Validity Period Bids shall remain valid and open for acceptance for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days from the Bid submission date, plus any mutually agreed extension of the Bid validity period. SA Express may, in exceptional circumstances, request Bidder(s) for an extension of the Proposal validity period, prior to the expiry of the original Proposal validity period. The request and the response thereto shall be made in writing. Bidder(s) agreeing to the request shall not be permitted to modify its Proposal. 16 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 5.1.6 Format of Bids Bidder(s) are requested to submit their Bid(s) in a clearly structured way. All parts of the Bid(s) are to be clearly headed, pages must be numbered and a detailed content listing is to be provided. The Proposals should follow a consistent numbering system that allows for easy cross-referencing, both within the Bid and the RFP. All Proposals must be submitted in the format prescribed below: a) One (1) original printed and bound file plus two (2) hard copies thereof in one or more file(s) (clearly marked as ‘original’, and each copy marked as ‘copy 1’, to ‘copy 5). b) Any colour documents shall have to be reproduced in colour in all the two (2) copies; c) The original copy must be signed in BLACK INK and initialed by an authorized employee on each and every page of the bid proposal; d) Proposal(s) must be complete, comprehensive and be in English. Bidders must ensure to submit all relevant information. A cover letter with contact details for the authorised person representing the lead member of the Bidder should be submitted, in the format provided herein. Details on the format of the Proposals are contained in RFP Chapter 2. 5.1.7 Correspondence All correspondence from the Bidder(s) must be addressed to the Procurement Officer and must be signed (including email signature) by an authorised person(s), legally binding the Bidder(s). All such signatures must indicate the name(s) of the person(s) signing them, their position(s) and the name of their organisation. 17 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 5.2 STANDARD PROPOSAL TO BE SUBMITTED 5.2.1 Bidders who elect to submit Proposals are required to submit a Standard Proposal. 5.2.2 Bidders shall be evaluated on three stages: 5.2.2 a) Mandatory b) Functionality c) Pricing / B-BBEE: 90/10 Preferential Points A Standard Proposal is comprised of the following elements: a) Mandatory Compliance Requirements; i. Original Tax Clearing Certificate, valid on submission date; ii. Latest Audited Financial Statements / Accounting Officer Letter for start-up iii. Supplier Declaration of Interests (SBD-5); iv. B-BBEE Certificate, valid on submission date; v. Signatory Authority; and vi. Provide the Following applicable Qualifications and Approvals: Compliant with the Financial Advisory and Intermediaries Services Act (FAIS) (Act 37 of 2002); b) Proof of Membership with the Financial Services Board (FSB); Proof of Membership with the Financial Intermediaries Association (FIA) Lloyd Accredited Agent Reserve Bank Approval of hard currency premiums and claims. Comparative Evaluation Criteria, comprised of: i. Functionality ii. Proposed price; and iii. B-BBEE 18 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 5.2.3 Mandatory Compliance Requirements The Mandatory Compliance Requirements are briefly described in this RFP Chapter 1. More information shall be contained in RFP Chapter 2. These minimum requirements must be complied with by the Bidder(s) to be evaluated further. SA Express reserves the right to disqualify Bidders who do not meet the Mandatory Compliance Requirements. 5.2.4 Comparative Evaluation Criteria In terms of regulation 4 of the Preferential Procurement Regulations pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (Act 5 of 2000), responsive bids shall be adjudicated by the State on the 90/10-preference point system in terms of which points are awarded to bidders on the basis of: a) The bid price (maximum 90 points) b) Historically disadvantaged individuals as well as specific goals (maximum 10 points) 5.3 COST OF SUBMITTING PROPOSALS 5.3.1 Each Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Proposal(s), including all its own costs attendant on any stages of the procurement process. 5.3.2 If a Bidder(s) is in breach of the provisions contained in this RFP and/or other applicable legal requirements, then SA Express shall have the right to recover from the said Bidder, whose conduct has tainted the process any other damages or costs to SA Express flowing from such termination. 5.4 LIAISON STRUCTURE 5.4.1 Bidders are advised to address all correspondence relating to this Bid to 19 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 5.4.2 All correspondence received shall be responded to in writing to the respective Bidder. All queries addressed to the Procurement Officer must be in writing and signed by the Bidder(s)’ contact person as indicated in the Response or Proposal, as the case may be. All queries must be received before the date outlined in Table 2, and no queries shall be accepted thereafter. 5.4.3 Any clarification which may be required by SA Express in respect of a Proposal shall be addressed by way of a clarification note(s) addressed to the Bidder concerned. All clarification notes to each Bidder shall be sequentially numbered. 5.4.4 Bidder(s), their respective agents, advisors and related parties may not contact the employees, advisors of SA Express, or any of their official(s) engaged in the RFP, with a view to offering, whether directly or indirectly, any one or more of them employment opportunities with the Bidder. 5.5 NATURE OF INFORMATION OFFERED 5.5.1 All materials and data which are submitted by Bidders shall become the sole property of SA Express, with the exception of copyrighted material, trade secrets or other proprietary information clearly identified as such by Bidders. 5.5.2 SA Express undertakes to keep confidential all information received from any Bidders which is clearly identified as confidential in such Bidder’s submission and/or Proposal(s) provide such information is not already in the public domain or in the hands of SA Express or required to be disclosed by SA Express in terms of legal or regulatory requirements on the condition that Bidders shall be deemed by their submission of a Proposal to agree to indemnify SA Express and hold SA Express harmless from any claim or liability and defend any action brought or legal step taken against SA Express for its refusal to disclose materials marked confidential, trade secret or other proprietary information to any person seeking access thereto. 5.5.3 Alternatively, Bidder(s) can make a written statement to that effect in their Proposal, that in respect of their Proposal, Bidder(s) shall have waived its right to non-disclosure and to 20 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals authorise SA Express to provide a copy of the relevant materials/data or any part thereof to third parties on due request. 5.6 CONFIDENTIALITY UNDERTAKING 5.6.1 All Confidential Information provided (including all copies thereof) remains the property of SA Express and must be delivered to SA Express on demand. Further, by receiving this RFP each Bidder and its members agree to maintain its submission in response to this RFP confidential from third parties other than SA Express and its officials, officers and advisers who are required to review the same for the purpose of the RFP procurement process. 5.7 BRIEFING NOTES 5.7.1 Briefing Notes shall be issued, where applicable, for any and all communications by SA Express to Bidders and for any amendment(s) which may be effected to the RFP. Briefing Notes shall be sequentially numbered. It shall be the responsibility of each Bidder to ensure that it refers to and takes account of such Briefing Note(s) in any submission(s) to SA Express, or its Proposal. A Briefing Note shall only be issued in respect of a Bidder query if the response thereto is, in SA Express’s determination, either of general application or has the effect of modifying the RFP. 5.8 CLARIFICATION NOTES 5.8.1 Clarification Notes shall be issued by SA Express to a Bidder in reply to any written clarification request submitted by that Bidder. Clarification Notes shall be sequentially numbered and distributed to all bidders. 5.9 UNETHICAL CONDUCT 5.9.1 SA Express adheres to ethical and transparent business practices 5.9.2 Any impropriety in any respect shall not be tolerated. 21 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 5.9.3 If any Bidder, or any of their employees, shareholders, representatives, advisers or agents make or offers to make any gift or other gratuity to any public official of Government, or employee of SA Express, relevant authority, or consultant to SA Express on the RFP either directly or through an intermediary, SA Express reserves the right to terminate its relationship, without prejudice to any of SA Express’ rights in terms of this RFP, with any Bidder or responsible party/entity. 5.9.4 Bidder(s) shall be required at the time of submitting their Proposals to give an undertaking that all reasonable efforts have been made to avoid irregularities, bribery and corruption. 5.9.5 SA Express reserves the right to request Bidders to conclude an anti-bribery undertaking agreement with SA Express, at any time during the Bid Process, to contractually bind all participants to the undertakings referred to in this section. 5.10 GROUNDS FOR DISQUALIFICATION 5.10.1 The following events, in addition to any other events contained in this RFP, constitute (without being exhaustive) those grounds upon which a Bidder (or if appropriate in SA Express’s determination, any Member thereof) may be disqualified at any stage of this RFP– a) an infringement of the Bidder Confidentiality Undertaking by any Bidder, Member or any director, officer, agent, trustee or advisor of the Bidder and/or Member; an infringement of the Bidder Confidentiality Undertaking by any Bidder, Member or any director, officer, agent, trustee or advisor of the Bidder and/or Member; b) past, present, or future participation by any Bidder, Member or any director, officer, agent, trustee or advisor of the Bidder and/or Member in any activity which may constitute corruption, bribery or impropriety, during the Project procurement process, or any other government procurement process; c) an infringement by any Bidder ,Member or any director, officer, agent, trustee or advisor of the Bidder and/or Member of any one or more of the provisions prescribed in this RFP. 22 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 5.10.2 Any Bidder and/or their constituent Member(s) that engages or communicates with any of the officials, agents or advisors to SA Express on any matter concerning this RFP at any time during this process, without due authority, shall be disqualified from further participation. 5.10.3 Bidders are required to submit correct and true information. Failure to provide correct and true information constitutes a ground of disqualification. 23 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 6. Evaluation Structure and Criteria 6.1 EVALUATION STRUCTURE 6.1.1 SA Express has a phased adjudication process comprising of the following: a) Bid Specification Committee & Procurement Officer- of bid responses whereby all bid submission shall be checked for completeness and compliance to Mandatory Compliance Requirements as outlined in this RFP. b) Bid Evaluation Committee– of bid submissions functionality, price and B-BBEE requirements as outlined in this RFP; and c) Bid Adjudication Committee- the approval of a preferred and/or alternate bidder for appointment by the CEO or the Board where applicable. 6.2 EVALUATION CRITERIA The evaluation criteria are comprised of two principle categories, being the Mandatory Compliance Requirements and Comparative Evaluation Criteria. 6.2.1 Mandatory Compliance Requirements The detail of the Mandatory Compliance Requirements is set out in Part 1 of RFP Chapter 2. The section below sets out some of the salient features of the Mandatory Compliance Requirements. a) Clearance Certificate / Tax Payer Certificate Each Bidder shall be required to submit an official valid tax clearance certificate from the South African Revenue Service, and if any of them is an external (foreign) entity not yet operating in South Africa, proof of "good standing" with the relevant taxation authority in the country of origin shall be required. If the country does not issue such proof then they should provide same from their auditors. If the tax clearance certificate has expired within two weeks prior to the Proposal 24 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals Submission Date, then the Bidder, or Member must submit the expired original tax clearance certificate and a stamped proof of application for a new tax clearance certificate. b) B-BBEE Rating Verification Certificates (Local Companies) Each Bidder shall be required to provide, as at the Proposal Submission Date, a valid B-BBEE rating certificate issued by a verification agency accredited by the South African Accreditation System (SANAS) or a registered auditor approved by the Independent Regulatory Board of Auditors (IRBA). Where the Bidder is a joint venture, a rating certificate for the joint venture is to be submitted. c) Supplier Declaration of Interest (SBD-D Form) Each Bidder and shareholder, or member thereof, as the case may be shall be required to submit a formal declaration in respect of the absence of conflicts of interest. Such declaration is to be made in the form provided as Part 3 to Chapter 3 of this RFP. d) Financial Capacity Bidders shall be required to demonstrate that they are an established entity and have sufficient committed financial support from either or both their own financial resources or from their financiers, to allow them to meet the requirements of the RFP Procurement Process. The documentation which shall be required of Bidders as evidence of financial capacity is set out in Chapter 2 of this RFP. e) Company Registration Documents Bidders are required to submit proof of company registration with the relevant authority. 25 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals e) Signatory Authority Where the Bidder(s) is a single legal entity, the principal or person(s) duly authorised to legally bind the legal entity concerned shall sign the original Proposal. Each such person(s) shall be properly authorised to sign such documentation by way of a formal resolution by the board of directors, or its equivalent, of the organisation concerned. Copies of such an authorisation, authorising the signatory to the Proposal, resolution, properly dated, must accompany each Proposal in the format provided herein. In addition, every signatory shall make a written declaration that all documentation signed is factually correct and true. f) Company Qualifications and Approvals Bidders are required to submit proof of qualifications and/or approvals which comply with the National Competent Aviation Authority. (Please refer to 5.1) If after the Proposal Submission Date, SA Express determines that a Bidder has failed to submit any of the documents required in this RFP, SA Express will afford the Bidder(s) an opportunity to submit the missing documents within 7 working days from the day of request, failure to do so, SA Express reserves the right to disqualify Bidders who do not meet the Mandatory Compliance Requirements. 6.2.2 Comparative Evaluation Criteria The detail of the Comparative Evaluation Criteria is set out in this RFP documents. The section below sets out some of the salient features of the primary components of the Comparative Evaluation Criteria. a) Overall Plan and Approach – see Returnable 2 in RFP Chapter 2 i) This criterion contemplates the overall coherence and structure of the Proposal, and the overall likelihood that it shall achieve the RFP objectives. 26 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals ii) The Bidder plan for this RFP shall have to be clearly described, be demonstrably robust and achievable, and include a commitment to developing and maintaining a cooperative and responsive relationship with SA Express and other key stakeholders. The precise information and documentation to be provided by Bidders is set out Chapter 2 of this RFP. iii) In evaluating the above, SA Express shall consider the following: aa) the extent to which the offer is consistent with and aligned to SA Express’s requirements and objectives for this Procurement Process; bb) the extent to which the Bidder’s proposal offers value for money and a turn-key solution for SA Express; cc) the credibility, consistency, deliverability and cohesiveness of the Bidder’s Standard Proposal with regard to the information supplied under each section of Chapter 2 of this RFP. 27 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals RFP CHAPTER 2 PROPOSAL RETURNABLES 28 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROPOSAL RETURNABLE DOCUMENTS 1.1.1 The purpose of this RFP Chapter 2 is to provide the detailed compliance requirements that must be fulfilled by each Bidder for its Proposal. 1.1.2 Each Returnable is designed to meet the needs of a specific evaluation criterion, although in some cases a Returnable may contain material relevant to more than one evaluation criterion. 1.1.3 Each Bidder is required to provide all of the information requested in these Returnables in accordance with the requirements set out in Chapter 1 of this RFP. Each Bidder should include any information in relation to each section of the Proposal Returnables that it considers relevant to its Proposal. 1.1.4 The Bidder must provide the information required by the Proposal Returnables clearly, succinctly and in a manner that demonstrates an understanding of SA Express’ expectations, having regard to the objectives of this RFP and how these expectations shall be met. Consistency in terminology is requested and ambiguous language should be avoided. 1.1.5 Each Bidder should note that although the Proposal Returnables have been structured to reflect the Evaluation Criteria, SA Express shall apply these Evaluation Criteria generally across the Bidder’s Proposal. 1.1.6 Each Bidder must in its Proposal provide information that adequately responds to requirements and in doing so acknowledges and accepts that its Proposal constitutes an offer capable of acceptance by SA Express. 1.1.7 Documents comprising each Section must be clearly marked and should comprise a unifying coding system that identifies the total number of documents for that Section (for 29 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals example 1 of 2, 2 of 2). Cross-referencing between Sections is permitted, however any and all accuracy and adequacy of cross-referencing shall be at the risk of the Bidder. 1.1.8 A Proposal should be provided in A4 portrait format (unless otherwise specified). 1.1.9 Whilst every effort has been made to consolidate all Returnables in Chapter 2 of this RFP, if any other Chapter of the RFP requires information or documentation to be provided by Bidders which is not repeated or requested for in Chapter 2 of this RFP, such information or documentation is to be provided by Bidders under a separate Section titled 'Other Information Requested', indicating in respect of each item of information or document provided, the RFP Chapter and section of the RFP Chapter which requests the information or documentation furnished. 30 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 1. MANDATORY COMPLIANCE RETURNABLES 1.1 GENERAL 1.1.1 Proposals submitted must comply and address the Mandatory Compliance Requirements in order to qualify for participation in the comparative evaluation criteria process. 1.2 MANDATORY COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS 1.2.1 Proposal Cover Letter Each Bidder must submit a covering letter to its Proposal in the form and substance provided in Part 1 (Cover Letter Format) of Annexure C (Proposal Forms) to RFP Chapter 1. For the avoidance of doubt only one cover letter is required to be submitted by a Bidder irrespective of whether or not a Bidder submits a Variant Proposal and/or Alternative Proposal. 1.2.2 Bidders Details and Information on Bidder(s) Proposals must contain the following minimum information in respect of the Bidder(s), and if the Bidder(s) is incorporated, then in respect of the Bidder and each shareholder (or equivalent) thereof, and if the Bidder is not incorporated, then in respect of each Sponsor and Relevant Entity thereof ("Member"), namely: a) form of enterprise (e.g. company, trust, partnership, individual, etc.); and b) proof of registration, including but not limited to, country of incorporation, nature of legal formation and corporate documentation. 1.2.3 Tax Clearance Certificate Each Bidder, and if not incorporated, then each Sponsor and Relevant Entity is required to provide, as at the Proposal Submission Date, a valid tax clearance certificate from the 31 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals South African Revenue Service. If not yet operating in South Africa, proof of "good standing" with the relevant taxation authority in the country of origin is required. The Preferred Bidder shall be required prior to Commercial Close, to provide a valid tax clearance certificate from the South African Revenue Service. 1.2.4 B-BBEE Rating Verification Certificates Each Bidder is required to provide a B-BBEE rating certificate for the Bidder. Only BBBEE rating certificates issued by a verification agency accredited by the South African Accreditation System (SANAS) or a registered auditor approved by the Independent Regulatory Board of Auditors (IRBA) (only valid until 30 September 2016) . Where the Bidder is a consortium, either – a) the B-BBEE rating certificate of the incorporated entity through which the Bidder joint venture or consortium is submitting its Proposal, is required to be provided; or b) the B-BBEE rating certificates of each and every member of the Bidder consortium or joint venture, including each Sponsor, Relevant Entity and any other member thereof, if any is required to be provided. 1.2.5 Supplier Declaration of Interest Each Bidder and shareholder, or Member thereof, as the case may be is required to submit a formal declaration in respect of the absence of conflicts of interest which is provide herein in the form of a Supplier’s Declaration of Interest (SBD 5 Form). 32 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 1.2.6 Financial Capacity Bidders are required to demonstrate that they are an established business and have sufficient committed financial support from either or both their own financial resources. Bidders should provide at least the following: a) details of each entity’s current ownership structure, company profile and historical trading position, in accordance with the requirement for a special purpose vehicle company to be established; b) certificate of good standing from the Bidder’s bankers; c) confirmation letter of good corporate citizenship and ethical conduct (i.e. that the Bidder has not been involved in money laundering and terrorist activities); and d) copies of the latest audited financial statements for the three most recent financial years, supporting documentation and any material changes in financial position since the date of the last audited financial statements. 33 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 2. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION CRITERIA RETURNABLES 2.1 GENERAL 2.1.1. Bidders have to demonstrate a commitment to develop and maintain a cooperative, responsive and mutually beneficial relationship with SA Express and other key stakeholders. 2.1.2. The purpose of this Returnable 2 is to provide Bidders with a comprehensive outline of all the information, data and/or documents to be contained in their Bid submission. 2.2 SUITABILITY 2.2.1. Bidders are to submit a fully comprehensive profile which outlines, but not limited to, the following: a) Individual company/joint venture/consortium shareholders certificate(s) b) Credentials of the company including all current licenses c) Structure of the company d) Bidder Operating Organisation – Provide an overview of the operating structure and geographical locations of the company at the national, regional, and local levels. e) Bidder Operating Equipment – provide an overview of the current equipment per airport/station. Bidders are to indicate the date of acquisition and its status (new/used) at acquisition. f) Company Contact(s) – Provide the name, title, street address, city, state, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail of the primary company’s contact person, and for any sub-Contractors. 34 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 2.3 PRICING 2.3.1. Bidders are requested to submit their pricing proposal based on the table provided in Chapter 4 of this RFP (scope of services) in order to execute consistent and comparable responses. 35 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 3. RFP FORMS: RETURNABLES 3.1 BIDDER INFORMATION FORM BIDDER INFORMATION Name of Bidder Type of Entity (e.g. Limited Liability Company / Joint Venture / Consortium / Other) Company Registration No Date and country of registration Registered address of the Entity Website address HEAD OFFICE Street address Postal address Telephone No Facsimile No E-mail CONTACT PERSONS Name (s) Telephone (s) Facsimile No (s) E-mail 36 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals BIDDER CONTACT PERSON (For Administration Purposes) Name (s) Street address Postal address Telephone No Facsimile No E-mail BIDDER LEAD CONTACT PERSON Name (s) Employer Designation/Position held Street address Postal address Telephone No Facsimile No E-mail - lead person: individual responsible for the submission of a Bid (Proposal) by the Bidder 37 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals NAME OF SHAREHOLDER SHAREHOLDING - To be completed if the Bidder is an incorporated company, listed on any securities exchange, it is required to identify its majority shareholder or largest shareholder, as at Response Closing Date. 38 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 3.2. BID COVER LETTER [INSERT APPROPRIATE LETTERHEAD] --------------------------------------[Insert name and address of person / company / entity giving the undertakings] SA EXPRESS- PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS BID 1. We, the [insert name of Bidder], led by [insert name of lead member] are pleased to submit the Proposal enclosed with this letter, as our Proposal in response Proposal to the Request for Proposals ("RFP") issued by SA Express Airways SOC Ltd ("SA Express") during……………………………………………..[insert date] 2. As appears more fully in the enclosed Proposal, the…………………………………………….. [insert name of Bidder(s)] is comprised of the following entities – 2.1 …………………………………………….. [insert names of members of the Bidder(s)] 3. The following documents are submitted separately: 3.1 Confidentiality Undertaking; and 3.2 Standard Proposal. 39 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 4. Having examined the content of the Proposal, I/We, the undersigned confirm and warrant that the all statements made and information supplied in the Proposal are both true and correct. 5. I/We acknowledge that this letter and all parts of our Proposal and other documents that constitute my/our Proposal, are binding in respect of all of the representations and/or undertakings made as part of the Proposal, and I/we hereby confirm that we have authority to bind our members. 6. I/We acknowledge and accept your authority to carry out, directly or through your advisors, any investigation you may deem necessary to verify the truthfulness of the statements and documents submitted and to obtain clarification of my/our legal and/or technical and/or financial ability to provide the services contemplated in the scope of the RFP, and our ability to duly comply with the requirements of the RFP documentation, which we are responding to. To this end, we authorise, by our signature hereto, to obtain information from any person, or institution pertaining to our consortium and/or our Proposal, including that which relates to the members of the ………………………….. [insert name of Bidder(s)], to the extent relevant and require for the conduct of due diligence and/or evaluation of our Proposal, from whomsoever may be in possession of thereof. 7. I/We agree that the terms contained in the RFP shall be binding upon us and the members of our organisation/consortium/joint venture. 8. We further agree and/or undertake and/or represent that by signing of this letter that - 8.1 each member the ……………………………………………..[insert name of Bidder(s)] is fully acquainted with all the legal provisions prevailing in South Africa in respect of the realisation of the ……………………………………………..[insert title of Bid] and that it shall comply therewith; 40 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 8.2 our Proposal has been submitted independently, without consultation, communication, or agreement for restricting competition, with any other Bidder or to any other competitor/potential competitor; 8.3 unless otherwise required by law, in which case we would notify SA Express in writing, our Proposal has not been knowingly disclosed and shall not, knowingly be disclosed prior to opening, directly or indirectly to any other Bidder(s), member of another Bidder(s) or to any competitor/ potential competitor; 8.4 no attempt has been made or shall be made by us or any member of the …………………………………………….. [insert name of Bidder (s)] to induce any other person or firm not to submit a Proposal for the purpose of restricting competition; 8.5 save as discussed in writing to SA Express, the Proposal in response to the RFP is true; 8.6 save for any disclosures in writing to SA Express, each member has – 8.6.1 not passed a resolution nor is the subject of an order by the court for its windingup; 8.6.2 not been convicted of a criminal offence relating to the conduct of its business or profession; 8.6.3 not committed an act of grave misconduct in the course of its business or profession; 8.6.4 fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of taxes under the laws of the Republic of South Africa or the relevant tax authority; and 8.6.5 not made any misrepresentation in providing any of the information required in relation to the proposed RFP. 41 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 9. I/We understand and accept that our Proposal shall constitute a binding and irrevocable offer by the…………………………………………….. [insert name of Bidder(s)] to SA Express to the RFP until acceptance or rejection thereof by SA Express within one hundred and twenty (120) days of the date of submission hereof. 10. I/We understand that SA Express is not bound to accept any Proposal, which it may receive and that SA Express shall not defray any expenses incurred by me/us in the preparation of our Proposal. 11. I/We acknowledge that this letter and all parts of the Performance Bond, Standard Proposal and Variant Proposal and/or Alternative Proposal (if applicable) and other documentation, which constitute our Proposal duly bind all our members as well. 12. I/We choose domicilium citandi and executandi at …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………… Yours faithfully …………………………………… [SIGNATURE] NAME: ………………………………………………………… [BLOCK CAPITALS] 42 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals TITLE: ………………………………………………… DATED THIS ………………………… DAY OF …………………………………20… ON BEHALF OF……………………………………………………………………… [BLOCK CAPITALS] ADDRESS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… WITNESSES: 1. ……………………………………………………… 2. ……………………………………………………… 43 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 3.3 SIGNATORY’S AUTHORITY COMPANY LETTER By the resolution of the Board of Directors at a meeting held at ……………………………….. on …………………………………. 20… whose signature appears below, has been duly authorised to sign and thereby bind ……………………………….. [insert name of the Bidder(s)] and its members in relation to all documents in connection with the proposed RFP Bid Process. A copy of the resolution authorising the signatory to sign the relevant documents is attached herewith. SIGNED FOR AND ON BEHALF OF COMPANY: ………………………………………………………………… IN HIS CAPACITY AS: ………………………………………………………………… DATE: ………………………………………………………………… SPECIMEN SIGNATURE OF SIGNATORY: ………………………………………………………………… WITNESSES: 1. ……………………………………………………… 2. ……………………………………………………… 44 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 3.4 DECLARATION OF INTEREST (SBD-5 FORM) 1. Any legal person, including persons employed by the state¹, or persons having a kinship with persons employed by the state, including a blood relationship, may make an offer or offers in terms of this invitation to bid (includes a price quotation, advertised competitive bid, limited bid or proposal). In view of possible allegations of favouritism, should the resulting bid, or part thereof, be awarded to persons employed by the state, or to persons connected with or related to them, it is required that the bidder or his/her authorised representative declare his/her position in relation to the evaluating/adjudicating authority where- - the bidder is employed by the state; and/or - the legal person on whose behalf the bidding document is signed, has a relationship with persons/a person who are/is involved in the evaluation and or adjudication of the bid(s), or where it is known that such a relationship exists between the person or persons for or on whose behalf the declarant acts and persons who are involved with the evaluation and or adjudication of the bid. 2. In order to give effect to the above, the following questionnaire must be completed and submitted with the bid. 2.1 Full Name of bidder or his or her representative: ……..……………………………………. 2.2 Identity Number: …………………………………...…………………………………………… 2.3 Position occupied in the Company: …………….………………………………………….. 45 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals (director, trustee, shareholder²) 2.4 Company Registration Number: ………………………………………………………..……. 2.5 Tax Reference Number: ……………..…….………………………………………….……… 2.6 VAT Registration Number: ………………………………………………………………….... 2.6.1 The names of all directors / trustees / shareholders / members, their individual identity numbers, tax reference numbers and, if applicable, employee / persal numbers must be indicated in paragraph 3 below. ¹“State” means – (a) any national or provincial department, national or provincial public entity or constitutional institution within the meaning of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999); (b) any municipality or municipal entity; (c) provincial legislature; (d) national Assembly or the national Council of provinces; or (e) Parliament. ²”Shareholder” means a person who owns shares in the company and is actively involved in the management of the enterprise or business and exercises control over the enterprise. 2.7 Are you or any person connected with the bidder YES / NO presently employed by the state? 2.7.1 If so, furnish the following particulars: Name of person / director / trustee / shareholder/ member: ...……………………………… Name of state institution at which you/the person connected to the bidder is employed: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 46 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals Position occupied in the state institution: ………………………………………………..… Any other particulars: …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.7.2 If you are presently employed by the state, did you obtain YES / NO the appropriate authority to undertake remunerative work outside employment in the public sector? If yes, did you attached proof of such authority to the bid YES / NO document? (Note: Failure to submit proof of such authority, where applicable, may result in the disqualification of the bid. If no, furnish reasons for non-submission of such proof: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.8 Did you or your spouse, or any of the company’s directors / YES / NO 47 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals trustees / shareholders / members or their spouses conduct business with the state in the previous twelve months? 2.8.1 If so, furnish particulars: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………. …………………………………………………………………................................................... 2.9 Do you, or any person connected with the bidder, have YES / NO any relationship (family, friend, other) with a person employed by the state and who may be involved with the evaluation and or adjudication of this bid? 2.9.1 If so, furnish particulars. …………………………………………………………….......................................................... .......…………………………………………………………..…………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.10 Are you, or any person connected with the bidder, YES/NO aware of any relationship (family, friend, other) between any other bidder and any person employed by the state who may be involved with the evaluation and or adjudication of this bid? 2.10.1 If so, furnish particulars. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 48 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 2.11 Do you or any of the directors / trustees / shareholders / members YES/NO of the company have any interest in any other related companies whether or not they are bidding for this contract? 2.11.1 If so, furnish particulars: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……….…………………………………………………………………………………………… FULL DETAILS OF DIRECTORS / TRUSTEES / MEMBERS / SHAREHOLDERS. Full Name 4 Identity Number Personal Tax Reference Number State Employee Number / Persal Number DECLARATION I, THE UNDERSIGNED (NAME)……………………………………………………… CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION FURNISHED IN PARAGRAPHS 2 and 3 ABOVE IS CORRECT. 49 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals I ACCEPT THAT THE STATE MAY REJECT THE BID OR ACT AGAINST ME IN TERMS OF PARAGRAPH 23 OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT SHOULD THIS DECLARATION PROVE TO BE FALSE. ………………………………….. Signature ..…………………………………………… Date …………………………………. Position ……………………………………………… Name of bidder 3.5 AUTHORISATION DECLARATION (TCBD-1 FORM) NAME OF THE BIDDER:________________________________________________________ RFP No_____-__________: DESCRIPTION _______________________________________ CLOSING DATE: _____/______/________ Are you sourcing the goods or services from a third party? YES NO * If you have answered YES to the above question, please provide full details in the table below of the third party(ies) from whom you are sourcing the goods or services. 1. Declaration by the bidder where the bidder is sourcing goods or services from a third party. The bidder hereby declares the following:1.1 The bidder is sourcing the goods or services listed in the TCBD 1.1 attached, from a third party in order to comply with the terms and conditions of the bid. 1.2 The bidder has informed the third party of the terms and conditions of the bid and the third party is acquainted with the said terms and the description of the goods or services listed in the TCBD 1.1. 50 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 1.3 The bidder has received the attached, unconditional written undertaking from the third party to supply the goods or services listed in the TCBD1.1 in accordance with the terms and conditions of the bid document for the duration of the contract. A template has been attached (TCBD1.2) that is to be used for the purpose of the third party undertaking. 1.4 The bidder confirms that all financial and supply arrangements for goods or services have been mutually agreed upon between the bidder and the third party. 2. The bidder declares that the information contained herein is true and correct. 3. The bidder acknowledges that the State reserves the right to verify the information contained therein and if found to be false or incorrect may invoke any remedies available to it in the bid documents. SIGNATURE BY THE BIDDER Signed at ____________________________ on the _______ day of __________ 20_______ Signature____________________________ Full name_______________________________ Designation__________________________________________________________________ 51 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals List of goods or services offered Bid Item No Brand Name Name of the company from Address and contact details of the where the goods or services company from where the goods or will be sourced services will be sourced (Should the table provided not be sufficient for all the items offered, please provide additional information as an attachment and it must be properly referenced to this document) Note: The authorisation letter must be on the official letterhead of the third party 52 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals A separate letter must be included for each third party The authorisation letter must be addressed to the Bidding Company Name of Bidding Company Address of Bidding Company Attention: Dear Sir/Madam AUTHORISATION LETTER: RFP No.:___________________ We, _________________________________________________ (Name of Third Party) hereby authorise you, ________________________________________________ (Name of Company) to include the products listed below in your bid submission for the abovementioned contract. We confirm that we have firm supply arrangements in place, and have familiarised ourselves with the item descriptions, specifications and bid conditions relating to item/s listed below. Item no. Description of product Brand name (Should the table provided not be sufficient for all the items offered, please provide additional information as an attachment and it must be properly referenced to this document) Yours faithfully, _________________________________ Signature of Third Party Date: ___________________________ 53 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 3.6 PREFERENCE POINTS CLAIM FORM IN TERMS OF THE PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS 2011 (SBD-6.1 FORM) This preference form must form part of all bids invited. It contains general information and serves as a claim form for preference points for Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) Status Level of Contribution NB: BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM, BIDDERS MUST STUDY THE GENERAL CONDITIONS, DEFINITIONS AND DIRECTIVES APPLICABLE IN RESPECT OF BBBEE, AS PRESCRIBED IN THE PREFERENTIAL PROCUREMENT REGULATIONS, 2011. 1. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 The following preference point systems are applicable to all bids: - the 80/20 system for requirements with a Rand value of up to R1 000 000 (all applicable taxes included); and - the 90/10 system for requirements with a Rand value above R1 000 000 (all applicable taxes included). 1.2 The value of this bid is estimated to exceed/not exceed R1 000 000 (all applicable taxes included) and therefore the 90/10 system shall be applicable. 1.3 Preference points for this bid shall be awarded for: (a) Price; and (b) B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution 54 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 1.3.1 The maximum points for this bid are allocated as follows: POINTS PRICE 90 B-BBEE STATUS LEVEL OF CONTRIBUTION 10 Total points for Price and B-BBEE must not exceed 100 1.4 Failure on the part of a bidder to fill in and/or to sign this form and submit a B-BBEE Verification Certificate from a Verification Agency accredited by the South African Accreditation System (SANAS) or a Registered Auditor approved by the Independent Regulatory Board of Auditors (IRBA) or an Accounting Officer as contemplated in the Close Corporation Act (CCA) together with the bid, will be interpreted to mean that preference points for B-BBEE status level of contribution are not claimed. 1.5. The purchaser reserves the right to require of a bidder, either before a bid is adjudicated or at any time subsequently, to substantiate any claim in regard to preferences, in any manner required by the purchaser. 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1 “all applicable taxes” includes value-added tax, pay as you earn, income tax, unemployment insurance fund contributions and skills development levies; 2.2 “B-BBEE” means broad-based black economic empowerment as defined in section 1 of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act; 55 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 2.3 “B-BBEE status level of contributor” means the B-BBEE status received by a measured entity based on its overall performance using the relevant scorecard contained in the Codes of Good Practice on Black Economic Empowerment, issued in terms of section 9(1) of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act; 2.4 “bid” means a written offer in a prescribed or stipulated form in response to an invitation by an organ of state for the provision of services, works or goods, through price quotations, advertised competitive bidding processes or proposals; 2.5 “Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act” means the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003); 2.6 “comparative price” means the price after the factors of a non-firm price and all unconditional discounts that can be utilized have been taken into consideration; 2.7 “consortium or joint venture” means an association of persons for the purpose of combining their expertise, property, capital, efforts, skill and knowledge in an activity for the execution of a contract; 2.8 “contract” means the agreement that results from the acceptance of a bid by an organ of state; 2.9 “EME” means any enterprise with an annual total revenue of R5 million or less; 2.10 “Firm price” means the price that is only subject to adjustments in accordance with the actual increase or decrease resulting from the change, imposition, or abolition of customs or excise duty and any other duty, levy, or tax, which, in terms of the law or regulation, is binding on the contractor and demonstrably has an influence on the price of any supplies, or the rendering costs of any service, for the execution of the contract; 2.11 “functionality” means the measurement according to predetermined norms, as set out in the bid documents, of a service or commodity that is designed to be practical and 56 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals useful, working or operating, taking into account, among other factors, the quality, reliability, viability and durability of a service and the technical capacity and ability of a bidder; 2.12 “non-firm prices” means all prices other than “firm” prices; 2.13 “person” includes a juristic person; 2.14 “rand value” means the total estimated value of a contract in South African currency, calculated at the time of bid invitations, and includes all applicable taxes and excise duties; 2.15 “sub-contract” means the primary contractor’s assigning, leasing, making out work to, or employing, another person to support such primary contractor in the execution of part of a project in terms of the contract; 2.16 “total revenue” bears the same meaning assigned to this expression in the Codes of Good Practice on Black Economic Empowerment, issued in terms of section 9(1) of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act and promulgated in the Government Gazette on 9 February 2007; 2.17 “trust” means the arrangement through which the property of one person is made over or bequeathed to a trustee to administer such property for the benefit of another person; and 2.18 “trustee” means any person, including the founder of a trust, to whom property is bequeathed in order for such property to be administered for the benefit of another person. 3. ADJUDICATION USING A POINT SYSTEM 3.1 The bidder obtaining the highest number of total points will be awarded the contract. 57 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 3.2 Preference points shall be calculated after prices have been brought to a comparative basis taking into account all factors of non-firm prices and all unconditional discounts;. 3.3 Points scored must be rounded off to the nearest 2 decimal places. 3.4 In the event that two or more bids have scored equal total points, the successful bid must be the one scoring the highest number of preference points for B-BBEE. 3.5 However, when functionality is part of the evaluation process and two or more bids have scored equal points including equal preference points for B-BBEE, the successful bid must be the one scoring the highest score for functionality. 3.6 Should two or more bids be equal in all respects, the award shall be decided by the drawing of lots. 4. POINTS AWARDED FOR PRICE 4.1 THE 80/20 OR 90/10 PREFERENCE POINT SYSTEMS A maximum of 80 or 90 points is allocated for price on the following basis: 80/20 Pt P min Ps 801 P min or 90/10 or Pt P min Ps 901 P min Where Ps 58 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 = Points scored for comparative price of bid under consideration CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals Pt = Comparative price of bid under consideration Pmin = Comparative price of lowest acceptable bid 5. Points awarded for B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution 5.1 In terms of Regulation 5 (2) and 6 (2) of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, preference points must be awarded to a bidder for attaining the B-BBEE status level of contribution in accordance with the table below: B-BBEE Status 5.2 Number of points Number of points Level of Contributor (90/10 system) (80/20 system) 1 10 20 2 9 18 3 8 16 4 5 12 5 4 8 6 3 6 7 2 4 8 1 2 Non-compliant contributor 0 0 Bidders who qualify as EMEs in terms of the B-BBEE Act must submit a certificate issued by an Accounting Officer as contemplated in the CCA or a Verification Agency accredited by SANAS or a Registered Auditor. Registered auditors do not need to meet the prerequisite for IRBA’s approval for the purpose of conducting verification and issuing EMEs with B-BBEE Status Level Certificates. 5.3 Bidders other than EMEs must submit their original and valid B-BBEE status level verification certificate or a certified copy thereof, substantiating their B-BBEE rating issued 59 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals by a Registered Auditor approved by IRBA or a Verification Agency accredited by SANAS. 5.4 A trust, consortium or joint venture, will qualify for points for their B-BBEE status level as a legal entity, provided that the entity submits their B-BBEE status level certificate. 5.5 A trust, consortium or joint venture will qualify for points for their B-BBEE status level as an unincorporated entity, provided that the entity submits their consolidated B-BBEE scorecard as if they were a group structure and that such a consolidated B-BBEE scorecard is prepared for every separate bid. 5.6 Tertiary institutions and public entities will be required to submit their B-BBEE status level certificates in terms of the specialized scorecard contained in the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice. 5.7 A person will not be awarded points for B-BBEE status level if it is indicated in the bid documents that such a bidder intends sub-contracting more than 25% of the value of the contract to any other enterprise that does not qualify for at least the points that such a bidder qualifies for, unless the intended sub-contractor is an EME that has the capability and ability to execute the sub-contract. 5.8 A person awarded a contract may not sub-contract more than 25% of the value of the contract to any other enterprise that does not have an equal or higher B-BBEE status level than the person concerned, unless the contract is sub-contracted to an EME that has the capability and ability to execute the sub-contract. 6. BID DECLARATION 6.1 Bidders who claim points in respect of B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution must complete the following: 7. B-BBEE STATUS LEVEL OF CONTRIBUTION CLAIMED IN TERMS OF PARAGRAPHS AND 5.1 7.1 B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution: 60 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 ……… = ……… (maximum of 10 or 20 points) CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals (Points claimed in respect of paragraph 7.1 must be in accordance with the table reflected in paragraph 5.1 and must be substantiated by means of a B-BBEE certificate issued by a Verification Agency accredited by SANAS or a Registered Auditor approved by IRBA or an Accounting Officer as contemplated in the CCA). 8 SUB-CONTRACTING 8.1 Will any portion of the contract be sub-contracted? YES / NO (delete which is not applicable) 8.1.1 If yes, indicate: (i) what percentage of the contract will be subcontracted? ............……………….…% (ii) description of activities or services to be performed or delivered by the subcontractor (iii) the name of the sub-contractor?………………………………………………………….. (iv) the B-BBEE status level of the sub-contractor? …………….. (v) whether the sub-contractor is an EME? YES / NO (delete which is not applicable) 9 DECLARATION WITH REGARD TO COMPANY/FIRM 9.1 Name of company/firm .................................................................................. : 9.2 VAT registration number 9.3 Company registration number :.................................................................................. ……………………………………………………………………. 9.4 TYPE OF COMPANY/ FIRM Partnership/Joint Venture / Consortium One person business/sole propriety 61 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 : CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals Close corporation Company (Pty) Limited [TICK APPLICABLE BOX] 9.5 DESCRIBE PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES ………….. ............................................................................................................................... ……………… .......................................................................................................................... …………….. ............................................................................................................................ 9.6 COMPANY CLASSIFICATION Manufacturer Supplier Professional service provider Other service providers, e.g. transporter, etc. [TICK APPLICABLE BOX] 9.7 Total number of years the company/firm has been in business? …………………………………… 9.8 I/we, the undersigned, who is / are duly authorised to do so on behalf of the company/firm, certify that the points claimed, based on the B-BBE status level of contribution indicated in paragraph 7 of the foregoing certificate, qualifies the company/ firm for the preference(s) shown and I / we acknowledge that: (i) The information furnished is true and correct; (ii) The preference points claimed are in accordance with the General Conditions as indicated in paragraph 1 of this form. 62 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals (iii) In the event of a contract being awarded as a result of points claimed as shown in paragraph 7, the contractor may be required to furnish documentary proof to the satisfaction of the purchaser that the claims are correct; (iv) If the B-BBEE status level of contribution has been claimed or obtained on a fraudulent basis or any of the conditions of contract have not been fulfilled, the purchaser may, in addition to any other remedy it may have (a) disqualify the person from the bidding process; (b) recover costs, losses or damages it has incurred or suffered as a result of that person’s conduct; (c) cancel the contract and claim any damages which it has suffered as a result of having to make less favourable arrangements due to such cancellation; (d) restrict the bidder or contractor, its shareholders and directors, or only the shareholders and directors who acted on a fraudulent basis, from obtaining business from any organ of state for a period not exceeding 10 years, after the audi alteram partem (hear the other side) rule has been applied; and (e) forward the matter for criminal prosecution WITNESSES: 1. ……………………………………… 63 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 SIGNATURE(S) OF BIDDER(S): CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals …………………………………… ……………………………………… 2. DATE:……………………………….. ADDRESS:………………………….. ….……………………………… 3.7 DECLARATION OF BIDDER’S PAST SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (SBD-8 FORM) 1. This Standard Bidding Document must form part of all bids invited. 2. It serves as a declaration to be used by institutions in ensuring that when goods and services are being procured, all reasonable steps are taken to combat the abuse of the supply chain management system. 3. 4. The bid of any bidder may be disregarded if that bidder, or any of its directors have: a) abused the institution’s supply chain management system; b) committed fraud or any other improper conduct in relation to such system; or c) failed to perform on any previous contract. In order to give effect to the above, the following questionnaire must be completed and submitted with the bid. 64 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals Item Question Yes No 4.1 Is the bidder or any of its directors listed on the National Treasury’s Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No database as companies or persons prohibited from doing business with the public sector? (Companies or persons who are listed on this database were informed in writing of this restriction by the National Treasury after the audi alteram partem rule was applied). 4.1.1 If so, furnish particulars: 4.2 Is the bidder or any of its directors listed on the Register for Tender Defaulters in terms of section 29 of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (No 12 of 2004)? To access this Register enter the National Treasury’s website,, click on the icon “Register for Tender Defaulters” or submit your written request for a hard copy of the Register to facsimile number (012) 3265445. 4.3 Was the bidder or any of its directors convicted by a court of law (including a court outside of the Republic of South Africa) for fraud or corruption during the past five years? 4.3.1 If so, furnish particulars: 4.4 Was any contract between the bidder and any organ of state terminated during the past five years on account of failure to perform on or comply with the contract? 4.4.1 If so, furnish particulars: 65 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals CERTIFICATION I, THE UNDERSIGNED (FULL NAME)………………………………………………………. CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION FURNISHED ON THIS DECLARATION FORM IS TRUE AND CORRECT. I ACCEPT THAT, IN ADDITION TO CANCELLATION OF A CONTRACT, ACTION MAY BE TAKEN AGAINST ME SHOULD THIS DECLARATION PROVE TO BE FALSE. ………………………………………... Signature ………………………………………. Position 66 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 ………………………………… Date ……………………………… Name of Bidder CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals RFP CHAPTER 3 TRANSACTION AGREEMENTS 67 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 1. BIDDER CONFIDENTIALITY UNDERTAKING [Insert name and address of person / company /entity giving the undertakings] Dear Sirs/Madam SA EXPRESS PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS 1. Introduction 1.1 SA Express Airways SOC Limited ("SA Express"), in pursuance of its procurement process on the in respect of its Request for Proposals ("RFP") issued during …………………………………………….. [insert date], to which the form of this confidentiality undertaking letter (the "Letter") is attached as Part 1 of Chapter 3 of this RFP (Bidder Confidentiality Undertaking). 1.2 We recognize and acknowledge that – 1.2.1 all Bidders (including our members, sponsors, consultants and advisers, if any) are required to particularly treat all information as “STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL” ("Confidential Information"); 1.2.2 the Confidential Information is being made available to us solely for the purpose of and to the extent required by us as a Bidder to provide the most suitable solution, formulate and submit a Proposal, to clarify any aspect of our Proposal at the request of SA Express, and if appointed as Preferred Bidder, to negotiate the conclusion of a Purchase Agreement(s); 1.2.3 the Confidential Information shall not be disclosed to us for any purpose other than that recorded in paragraph 1.2.2 above that such information would not have been made available to us but for the undertakings as to confidentiality contained in this Letter. 68 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 1.3 Terms defined in RFP Chapter 1 are accorded the same meanings in this Letter. 2. The Undertakings 2.1 Subject to the paragraph below, we shall: 2.1.1 treat all Confidential Information as secret and confidential; 2.1.2 only disclose the Confidential Information to our directors, officers, employees, agents and/or professional advisers, who strictly need to receive and consider the Confidential Information for the purposes of this RFP, and who have, prior to receiving such information, agreed with us in writing to be bound by the terms of this Letter as if they were a party to it; 2.1.3 not disclose the Confidential Information to anyone, other than the persons referred to in paragraph 2.1.2 above; and 2.1.4 not use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than that recorded in paragraph 1.2.2 above. 2.2 We undertake that our directors, officers, employees, agents and/or professional advisors (referred to in paragraph 2.1.2 above) are legally bound by the confidentiality undertaking of similar nature to the one contained herein, which restrict them from disclosing any Confidential Information contrary to the undertakings and covenants made by us, in this Letter and that they are aware of 2.2.1 the confidential nature of the Confidential information that shall be made available to them from time to time as part of the procurement process; and 2.2.2 2.3 our obligations of confidentiality contained in this Letter. We shall promptly notify SA Express if we become aware of any breach of confidence by any person, firm or corporation to whom we have divulged all or any part of the Confidential Information or who becomes aware of it in an unauthorised way, and shall 69 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals give SA Express reasonable assistance in connection with any proceedings which SA Express may institute against such person, firm or corporation for breach of confidence or otherwise. 3. Exceptions 3.1 We shall be under no obligation to keep confidential any Confidential Information that we demonstrate 3.1.1 was known to us at the time of its disclosure to us by SA Express and was not acquired in any way directly or indirectly from SA Express or any of our, directors, officers, agents, employees or professional advisers and provided that such information is not known to be subject to any other duty of confidentiality owed to SA Express or any other person; or 3.1.2 is in, or has, after disclosure to or acquisition by us, entered the public domain other than by reason of a breach of the undertakings given pursuant to this Letter or any breach by any other person of any obligation of confidentiality owed by that person. 3.2 We shall be entitled to disclose any Confidential Information if and to the extent that we are required to do so by any law or by any court or regulatory agency or authority, provided that, except to the extent prohibited by law or regulation, we notify SA Express as soon as possible upon becoming aware of any such requirement and give SA Express reasonable assistance in connection with any legally available steps which SA Express may take to resist or narrow such requirements. 4. Returning Confidential Information 4.1 Following termination of our participation in the procurement process as a Bidder(s) and upon receipt of a written request from SA Express we shall 4.1.1 return to SA Express or destroy all documents and all other materials containing or reflecting any Confidential Information, together with any copies, which are in 70 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals our possession or control or in the possession or control of any of our directors, officers, agents, employees or professional advisers and which are in a form capable of delivery or destruction; and 4.1.2 expunge all Confidential Information from any computer, word processor or similar device into which it was programmed by us or on our behalf or by our professional advisers or on their behalf. 4.2 We acknowledge that neither the return of any Confidential Information nor the expunging of any of the same from our records shall release us from our obligations under this Letter. 5. Indemnity If this Letter has been breached by us or our directors, officers, agents, employees, or professional advisers then we shall fully indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless SA Express, or any of its directors, officers, agents, employees, or professional advisers ("Indemnified Persons") from and against any and all actions, claims, demands, proceedings, liabilities or judgements and any and all losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses of whatever nature and in whichever jurisdiction which may be instituted, made or alleged against, or which are suffered or incurred by any Indemnified Person and which relate to or arise directly or indirectly from any such breach. 6. Duration The obligations undertaken by us under this Letter shall continue indefinitely after signature of this Letter for as long as the Confidential Information remains confidential without publication thereof into the public domain by us, or any of our directors, officers, agents, employees, or professional advisers. 7. Relief In the event of any breach by us (or any of our directors, officers, agents, employees, or professional advisers) of the undertakings in this Letter, we recognise that SA Express, in 71 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals addition to any other remedies which may be available to SA Express at law, shall be entitled as set out in Chapter 1 of this RFP to terminate our participation as a Bidder or a Bidder in the procurement process. 8. Waiver No failure or delay in exercising any right, power or privilege under this Letter shall operate as a waiver of it, nor shall any single or partial exercise of it preclude any further exercise. 9. Severable The provisions of this Letter shall be severable in the event that any of the provisions are held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or otherwise unenforceable and the remaining provisions shall remain enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 10. Governing Law This Letter shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa. Yours faithfully, [insert name and address of the person / company / entity giving the undertakings and the name, designation and address of the signatory] ______________________________________ who warrants that he/she is duly authorised hereto ______________________________________ who warrants that he/she is duly authorised hereto 72 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 ______________ Date ______________ Date CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals General conditions of contract 1. PREAMBLE 1.1 The general terms and conditions set out in this Agreement shall be applicable to the entity that is awarded the bid by SA Express. 1.2 By signing the RFP documents prospective Bidder confirm that they have read and warrant that they understand the RFP documents and in particular the following additional information: 1.2.1 The conclusion of this Agreement does not in any way whatsoever give rise to a presumption of a binding contract or agreement between SA Express and the bidders. 1.2.2 SA Express reserves the right to include, in the Agreement any other specific terms and conditions that may arise out of the RFP documents and contract negotiation process. 1.2.3 Once all suspensive conditions, if any, and contract negotiations have been successfully complied with, the successful bidder shall receive a letter of Appointment signed by an authorised SA Express official together with any additional terms or conditions applicable to their appointment. 1.2.4 Notwithstanding anything contained in the RFP advertisement and/or RFP documents, SA Express reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and/or tender and to annul the tendering process and reject any or all bids received at any time, without incurring any liability or obligation to the affected bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affected bidder(s), of the grounds for SA Express’ actions of rejecting annulling any bid process 1.2.5 SA Express does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other bid and/or tender. 1.3 Any further variation or additional terms and or conditions to the Agreement shall be reduced in writing, signed by SA Express Official and the entity that is awarded the bid. 73 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals PART 1-INTRODUCTION 2. DEFINITIONS: In this Agreement, unless otherwise stated, or the context otherwise indicates, the under mentioned words and expressions shall, when used in this Agreement including in this definitions clause bear the meanings ascribed to them: 2.1 “Agreement” shall mean this agreement together with all Annexures attached to it; 2.2 “Business Day” shall mean any day from Monday to Friday excluding weekends and public holidays; 2.3 “Confidential information” shall mean all SA Express’ confidential business and technical information, data and documents necessary or useful for the carrying on by SA Express or in its business which shall include, but shall not be limited to operating procedures, quality control procedures, approximate operation personnel requirements, descriptions and trade names and trademarks, know how, techniques ,technology, information relating to clients, customers, suppliers, business associates, relevant authorities, copyright, trade secrets and all goodwill relating to the business and any other intellectual property rights, technical data and documents in whole or in part, used by the SA Express in respect of its business; 2.4 “Contract Price” shall mean the amount that is reflected as the contract price in the Letter of Appointment; 2.5 “Contract Price Adjustment” shall mean an increase or decrease of the contract price; 2.6 “Completion Date” shall mean the date that is stipulated in the letter of Appointment as the completion date alternatively after satisfactory completion of the Services. 2.7 “Effective Date” shall mean, notwithstanding the Signature Date, the date that is reflected as the effective date on the Letter of Appointment; 2.8 “Letter of Appointment” shall mean the formal letter signed by a SA Express Official, sent by the SA Express to the Bidder, advising the Bidder that it is appointed to provide the services in terms of the RFP advertisement; 2.9 “Month” shall mean a calendar month; 2.10 “Parties” shall mean SA Express and the Bidder and the “Party” shall mean either of them as the context requires; 74 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 2.11 “SA Express Official” shall mean a duly authorized SA Express official in terms of SA Express delegation of authority process; 2.12 “RFP Advertisement” means the advertisement issued by SA Express to the general public; or in relation to “closed tenders” means the advertisement issued by SA Express to Bidder already listed on SA Express’ Bidder database, via various media mediums requesting proposals to provide Services; 2.13 “RFP Documents” means the bundle documents together with this Agreement, which are made available to the entities through a tender process; 2.14 “Services “ shall mean supply of Cutlery and consumables from potential bidders to SA Express, as detailed out in the functional RFP Specification; 2.15 “Bidder” shall mean the entity that is awarded the bid/contract/order, and whose details are set out in the Bidder Questionnaire Document; and 2.16 “Signature date” shall mean the date of the signature of this Agreement by the party signing last. 3. 3.1 INTERPRETATION Headings and Sub-headings are inserted for information purposes only and shall not be used in the interpretation of this Agreement. 3.2 Unless the context clearly indicates a contrary intention, any word connoting; 3.2.1 any singular shall be deemed to include a reference to the plural vice versa; 3.2.2 any one gender shall be deemed to include a reference to the other two genders; and 3.2.3 3.3 a natural person shall be deemed to include reference to a legal juristic person. The expiry or termination of this Agreement shall not affect provisions of this Agreement, which expressly provide that they will operate after any such expiration or termination of this Agreement. Provisions of necessity shall continue to have been effective after such expiry or termination of this Agreement, notwithstanding that the clauses themselves do not expressly provide for this. 75 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 3.4 The rule of interpretation that a written Agreement shall be interpreted against the party responsible for the drafting or preparation of that Agreement shall not apply. 3.5 Where figures are referred to in numerical and in words and there is any conflict between the two, the words shall prevail. 3.6 Any reference to any legislation is a reference such legislation as at the Signature Date and as amended or re-enacted, from time to time. 2.10 If any provision in a definition is a substantive provision conferring any rights or imposing any obligations on any party, then notwithstanding that, it is only in the interpretation clause, effect shall be given to it as if it were a substantive provision in this Agreement. 3.8 The eiusdem generic rule shall not apply and accordingly, whenever a provision is followed by the word ”including” and specific examples, such examples shall not be construed so as to limit the ambit of the provision concerned. 4. INTRODUCTION 4.1 SA Express intends to obtain proposals from potential bidders for this and has issued an RFP advertisement. 4.2 The Bidder has responded to the RFP Advertisement and has collected the RFP Documents from SA Express. 4.3 By initialing, signing and completing the RFP Documents, the Bidder acknowledges that is has the expertise and skills required to provide the Services, in accordance with the terms and subject to the conditions of the Agreement and the RFP Documents. 5. BLACK ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT 5.1 SA Express promotes the objects of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act no.53 of 2003, as amended from time to time, (“BEE”) and has developed a procurement 76 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals policy and strategy in terms of which the Bidder shall be required at all times to comply with and be subject to. 5.2 The Bidder acknowledges that it has correctly and truthfully reflected its BEE qualifications from part B to E of the Bidder registration form. 5.3 The Bidder acknowledges that SA Express shall not allow any sort of fronting and that any action or conduct product, which is similar to fronting the Bidder shall be investigated by SA Express. If SA Express’ investigation reveals that the Bidder is fronting, SA Express shall take the necessary legal measures against the Bidder. 5.4 In the event that the Bidder is a joint venture, the joint venture must comply with the following requirements: 5.4.1 an approved contractual relationship must be established between the BEE party and the non BEE party e.g corporatized joint venture is established; 5.4.2 the BEE’s party’s management in the joint venture must be proportional to the BEE’s participation in the joint venture; 5.4.3 5.5 the BEE Bidder participates to an extent of 40% of the contract price. SA Express reserves the right to complete a due diligence exercise of the Bidder to determine compliance of the BEE component and make the necessary recommendation in the event of any non-compliance. 6. APPOINTMENT 6.1 SA Express shall appoint the Bidder to provide the services to SA Express by sending the Bidder a Letter or Appointment. 6.2 Upon receipt of the Letter of Appointment and complying with the terms and conditions of the Letter of Appointment then the Bidder shall be deemed to be SA Express’ appointed Bidder. 77 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 6.3 The Bidder accepts the appointment, to provide the services in the service area in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement; the RFP Documents; and the Letter of Appointment. 7. RELATIONSHIP 7.1 Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute, or be deemed to constitute a partnership or joint venture between the parties. Furthermore the Bidder acknowledges and agrees that its status under this agreement is that of an independent Bidder and its status shall in no way be deemed to be that of an agent or employee for SA Express, for any purpose whatsoever, and the Bidder shall have no authority or power to bind SA Express or to contract in the name of SA Express, or create a liability against SA Express in any way for any purpose. 8. DURATION 8.1 This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall expire on the Completion Date stipulated on the Contract Agreement. 9. PRICE AND PAYMENT 9.1 The contract price set out in the pricing schedule is merely a quotation, which shall be the point of departure for the pricing discussions between the parties, during the contract negotiation process. The contract price is the amount, which SA Express shall pay to the Bidder for the services rendered. 9.2 The contract price for the services provided by the Bidder to SA Express is exclusive of Value Added Tax No.89 of 1991 (“the VAT Act”). 9.3 At the end of every month or agreed period the Bidder shall supply SA Express with an invoice and a schedule setting out the services rendered or Goods delivered. 9.4 SA Express shall pay the amount reflected on the invoice once SA Express has verified that the services set out in the schedule have been rendered and the invoice amount has been approved by SA Express official. 78 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 9.5 Payment shall, subject to clause 8.3 and 8.4 above, be made to the Bidder thirty (30) days after receipt of the month-end statement following the month of the service unless a discount is allowed for early settlement. 9.6 All invoices shall be addressed to SA Express Official. 9.7 All payments shall if applicable be transferred, by SA Express to the Bidder, electronically into the Bidder’s bank account, the details of which are set out in the Bidder registration form. 9.8 The contract price shall be subject to a price adjustment depending on the circumstances of the services provided by the party requesting the contract price adjustment. 9.9 In the event that either party requires a contract price adjustment, the party shall deliver a letter to the other party setting out the nature of the proposed contract price adjustment and supporting documentation for the contract price adjustment. 9.10 The parties shall in good faith negotiate the proposed contract price adjustment and shall agree in writing whether the contract price is to be adjusted. 9.11 The Bidder shall comply with the requirements of the VAT Act. 9.12 Failure to comply with clause 8.11 above may result in the payment of the total amount of the statement by SA Express to the Bidder. SA Express shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the Bidder as a result of such late payment. 10. OTHER EXPENSES OR COSTS 10.1 Apart from the contract price, all other expenses or costs incurred by the Bidder in the execution and implementation of this Agreement shall be borne by the Bidder, unless the additional expenses or costs were agreed to in writing by SA Express. 79 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 10.2 In the event that SA Express requires the Bidder to render additional services incidental to the services listed in the RFP, the parties shall negotiate the terms and the conditions of rendering the additional service. The agreement for the additional services shall not be of any force or effect unless in writing and signed by both parties. 80 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals PART II - SERVICE 11. SCOPE OF SERVICE 11.1 The Bidder shall for the duration of this Agreement, provide the services as detailed in Functional RFP Specification. 12. SERVICE LEVELS 12.1 The Bidder recognizes that SA Express has entered into this Agreement, relying specifically on the Bidder’s representations regarding service levels including, inter alia: 12.1.1 Capacity allocations in accordance with the service to be provided; 12.1.2 all work to be performed and services rendered under this agreement shall comply with the standards and specifications laid down by SA Express from time to time, the Bidder acknowledges that it has received a copy of such standards and specifications, and shall be executed by the Bidder to the total satisfaction of SA Express in accordance with the specifications and requirements. 12.2 The Bidder shall employ suitably qualified and trained employees to provide the services to SA Express in terms of this Agreement, and shall allocate, in its discretion employees resources in accordance with the technical skill and knowledge required, provided that any exercise of such discretion by the Bidder shall not negatively impact on the provision of services by Bidder to SA Express. 13. PENALTIES 13.1 Should the Bidder fail to comply with its obligations in terms of this Agreement or the RFP Documents, SA Express may: 13.1.1 exercise its rights in terms of this agreement; alternatively 13.1.2 impose a penalty on the Bidder, an election of any of the above by SA Express shall not mean that SA Express has waived any rights which SA Express might have in law. 13.2 Should SA Express elect to impose a penalty on the Bidder, SA Express shall provide the Bidder with a written notice requiring the Bidder to remedy the fault within five (5) days from the date of delivery of the notice. 81 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 13.3 Should the Bidder fail to remedy the default with five (5) days after receiving the notice then SA Express shall be entitled, without prejudice to any alternative or additional right of action or remedy available to SA Express and without further notice, impose the penalty, which penalty shall be a deduction of not less than 10% of the contract price. 13.4 Should the Bidder fail to deliver the services due to SA Express or default, then SA Express shall enforce its rights to impose the penalty. 13.5 Should there be a dispute as to whether: 13.5.1 the failure to deliver was caused by the SA Express or was the Bidder’s fault; or 13.5.2 SA Express is entitled to impose the penalty, then such dispute shall be dealt with in accordance with clause 22. 14. THE BIDDER’S PERSONNEL 14.1 Liability for criminal acts of Employee: The Bidder shall be liable to SA Express for any loss that SA Express or any third party may suffer as a result of any theft, fraud or other criminal acts of any employee of the Bidder which arises within the course and scope of such employee’s member’s employment with the Bidder. 14.2 Character of Employees: Due to the nature of certain aspects of the services and the position of trust which members of the Bidder employees will fulfill, the Bidder hereby undertakes to use its best commercial endeavours to ensure that it only employs employees who are fit and proper persons who display the highest standards of personal integrity and honesty and who have not, to their knowledge, being convicted of any crime. The Bidder shall at its own cost, conduct all reasonable background checks into members of employees prior to utilizing same to provide services in terms of this Agreement. 14.3 No employment: the Bidder warrants that none of its personnel shall be regarded as employees of SA Express. The Bidder shall assist to defend and bear all costs in the event that SA Express is required to defend a claim, whether civil or employment related, instituted against it by the Bidder’s personnel should SA Express defend the matter, the Bidder hereby indemnifies SA Express against all and any costs(including 82 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals attorney and own client costs) which may be incurred by or awarded against the SA Express as a consequence of the defence of the claim. 15. INSPECTION 15.1 SA Express and/or the contact person may at any time inspect the service levels of the Bidder in terms of this Agreement. 15.2 If SA Express is, at any time, dissatisfied with the service levels then SA Express shall when it is commercially permissible notify the Bidder in writing of the failure or default. 15.3 The Bidder shall immediately upon receipt of written demand by SA Express, remedy such failure or default ,within 5 days from the date of receipt of the notice, free of charge. 15.4 The Bidder’s Records 15.4.1 the Bidder shall ensure that complete and accurate records of the services rendered are kept in a safekeeping area, for a period of five (5) years after the Agreement is terminated, provision of any such services, including without limitation, copies of reportable incidents which are captured by the system. 15.4.2 to enable the Bidder, SA Express to determine whether the Services rendered in terms of this Agreement are being complied with the Bidder shall: provide SA Express with such information as it may reasonably require; allow SA Express to inspect and take copies of any records relating to the services including all hardware, software, data information, visuals, procedures, event logs, transaction logs, audit trails, books, records, contracts and correspondence. allow SA Express or its authorized representatives to conduct interviews with any of the Bidder’s employees, subject to reasonable notice being given to the Bidder’s employees consenting thereto. 15.5 The Bidder to provide reasonable assistance: 15.5.1 where any information is required for inspection in terms of this clause is kept by means of a computer, the Bidder shall give SA Express reasonable assistance 83 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals required to facilitate inspection and taking of copies of the information in a visible and legible form or to inspect and check the operation of any computer and any associated apparatus or material that is or has been in use in connection with the keeping of the information. 15.5.2 any information required to be provided to SA Express pursuant to this clause 16 shall be provided by the Bidder, as the case may be at SA Express cost, in such a form (including a from otherwise than in writing ) as SA Express may reasonably specify. 15.5.3 the cost of any inspection contemplated in terms of this clause 16 shall be for the account of SA Express unless any material irregularity or failure on the part of the Bidder is determined by SA Express in the course of such inspection. 15.6 The inspection contemplated in this Agreement will be conducted: 15.6.1 during normal business hours; Save where the circumstances justify it, on reasonable notice to the Bidder, with the minimum interference in the provision of the Services and the Bidder’s other operations. 84 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals PART III- GENERAL 16. CONFIDENTIALITY 16.1 the Parties acknowledge that during negotiations and meetings with each other for the purposes of concluding and/or carrying out their obligations in terms of this Agreement ,either party may gain access to confidential information that may be of a trade secret and confidential nature, which is not available in the public domain. 16.2 the parties hereby agree to hold and retain such confidential information in the strictest confidence without limiting the aforegoing, whether orally, visually or by reason of inspection of documentation or other matter and not to make use thereof other than for the purpose of the negotiations and to release it only to such property authorized directors, employees or third parties requiring such information for this purpose of the negotiations. 16.3 the parties further agree not: 16.3.1 to disclose such confidential information to any person whomsoever other than as may be required by law or to their employees(which shall include any directors) agents, professional advisors and/or Bidder so as to enable the parties to consider whether or not to enter into further negotiations or a formalized business relationship. Before revealing such confidential information to any such employees (which shall include any directors) agents, professional advisors and/or Bidder, the parties undertake to procure that the employees(which shall include any directors) agents, professional advisors and/or Bidder sign a similar undertaking in favour of the designated person and that they are aware of the confidential nature of the information being made available to them. The parties undertake to ensure that their employees will observe and comply with their obligations in respect thereof, whether or not they remain employees; 16.3.2 directly or indirectly to use their benefit or the benefit of any other person such confidential information other than for the purposes contemplated in this clause unless any part of such information id or becomes public knowledge and in the public domain by reason of becoming public property other than through an act or omission on the part of the party restrained in terms of this Agreement or the 85 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals employees(which shall include any directors) agents, professional advisors and/or Bidder contemplated in this clause, and such confidential information as the parties are able to show came lawfully into their possession from the third party lawfully possessing such confidential information. For the purposes of the aforegoing: disclosures made which are specific, e.g. design practices or techniques, shall not be deemed to be within the afore-going exceptions merely because they are encompassed by general disclosures which are generally available to the public or are in our possession; any combination of features shall not be deemed to be within such an exception merely because individual features thereof are generally available to the public or are in our possession. 16.4 the parties acknowledge that the aforesaid confidential information is being made available to either party solely for the purpose of this agreement and for no other purpose whatsoever, and that such information would not have been made available but for this undertaking; and 16.5 for purposes of this undertaking “information” shall without detracting from the general meaning include letters, telexes, telefaxes, agreements, formulae, processes and manufacturing methods, inventions or patents whether actual or proposed and whether in writing or otherwise or any information that is or may be of value to any of us whether directly or indirectly. This undertaking shall remain valid for a period of five (5) years after the termination of this Agreement for whatever reason. 17. FORCE MAJEURE 17.1 for the purposes hereof, Force Majeure shall mean civil strive, riots, insurrection, sabotage, national emergency, acts of war of public enemy, rationing of supplies, flood, storm, fire or any other like forces of nature beyond the reasonable control of the party claiming Force Majeure and comprehend in terms thereof. 86 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 17.2 If Force Majeure causes delays in or failure or partial failure of performance by a party of all or any of its obligations hereunder, this agreement shall be suspended for the period agreed in writing between the parties. 17.3 In the event of circumstances arising which the other party believes that it constitutes a Force Majeure (“the affected party”) then such affected party shall send within five (5) days from the interrupting circumstances, a written notice of the interrupting circumstance specifying the nature and date of commencement of the interrupting event to the other party. The parties shall agree in writing, to suspend the implementation of this Agreement for such a period (“Agreed period”). 17.4 In the event that both parties reasonably believe that the affected party shall be unable to continue to perform its obligations after the agreed period, then either party shall be entitled to terminate this agreement without further notice to the other party. 17.5 The party whose performance is interrupted by the interrupting circumstances shall be entitled, provided that such party shall give notice to that effect with a written notice of the interrupting circumstances as provided above, to extend the period of this agreement by a period equal to the time that its performance is so prevented. 18 CESSION 18.1 SA Express shall be entitled to cede and assign any of its rights and obligations in terms of this Agreement to any third party. 18.2 The Bidder shall not be entitled to cede or assign or transfer or in any other way alienate its rights and obligations in terms of this Agreement without the prior written consent of SA Express. 19. CHANGE OF CONTROL/CIRCUMSTANCE 19.1 The Bidder shall notify SA Express, in writing, of any change in the Bidder’s shareholding or membership or any change in the Bidder’s subsidiary companies or holding company or its affiliates (such change shall be considered a material change in the constitution and 87 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals identity of the Bidder). SA Express may terminate this agreement upon becoming aware of such material change. 19.2 The parties agree that should there be a change as envisaged in clause 20.1 above, the Bidder will no longer exist and a new third party/entity shall have been constituted. In this regard, such third party shall not be entitled to inherit any of the Bidder’s rights and obligations in terms of this Agreement. 19.3 The Bidder shall further notify SA Express of any changes of any circumstance, which might have led SA Express to appoint the Bidder to provide the services. In the event that any change of any circumstances occurs and the Bidder fails to inform SA Express of such a change, the Bidder shall be deemed to have breached a material term of this Agreement and SA Express shall be entitled to cancel the Agreement without any prior notice. 20. DEFAULT 20.1 Subject to clause 20.3 above, should either Party commit a breach of any term of this Agreement (“the defaulting party”) then the affected party(“Aggrieved party”) shall be entitled to inform the defaulting party in writing to remedy such failure or default with fourteen(14) days and should the defaulting party fail to remedy the breach within the 14 days after receipt of the notice the aggrieved party shall be entitled, without prejudice to any of its rights under this agreement or other remedy for breach of contract: 20.1.1 Immediately terminate this agreement without giving notice and claim damages (which shall include legal costs on an attorney/client scale); or 20.1.2 Request specific performance and claim damages (which shall include legal costs on an attorney/client scale). 21. DISPUTES 21.1 Save for clause 21 and other clauses which provide for their own remedies, should any dispute arise between the parties in respect of or pursuant to this Agreement, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any disputes relating to: 21.1.1 the interpretation of the agreement; 88 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 21.1.2 the performance of any of the terms of the agreement; 21.1.3 any of the parties rights and obligations; 21.1.4 any procedure to be followed; 21.1.5 the termination or cancellation or breach of this agreement; or 21.1.6 the rectification or repudiation of this agreement, then any party may give under the other party written notice of such dispute, in which event the provisions below shall apply. 21.2 within seven (7) days of the declaration of such dispute, the parties Chief Executive Officer or their nominated persons shall meet in the spirit of goodwill and endeavour to resolve the dispute, failing which (and without prejudice to any other alternative dispute resolution to which the parties may agree, either prior to or concurrently with the arbitration) clause 22.3 below shall apply. 21.3 If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within fourteen (14) days of the notice of the dispute (or such longer period as they may have agreed to in writing), then either party may on written notice to the other party, require that the dispute be submitted to and decided by arbitration in terms of the Arbitration Act, 42 of 1965 of South Africa (“Arbitration Act”). 21.4 The arbitration shall be held under the provisions of the Arbitration Act provided that the arbitration shall be: 21.4.1 at any place which the parties agree, in writing, to be mutually convenient; 21.4.2 in accordance with such formalities and/or procedures as may be settled by the arbitrator and may be held in an informal and summary manner, on the basis that it shall not be necessary to observe or carry out the usual formalities of procedure, pleadings and /or discovery or in respect of rules evidence. 21.5 If the arbitration is: 21.5.1 a legal matter ,then the arbitrator shall be a practicing advocate or a practicing attorney of not less than ten (10) years standing; 89 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 21.5.2 an accounting matter, then the arbitrator shall be a practicing chartered accountant of not less than ten (10) years standing; 21.5.3 any other matter, then the arbitrator shall be any independent person agreed upon between the parties. 21.6 Should the parties fail to agree on an arbitrator within fourteen (14) days after arbitration has been demanded, then the arbitrator shall be nominated at the request of either of the Parties, by the president at the time of the Law society of the Northern Provinces. 21.7 Should the parties fail to agree whether the dispute is of a legal, accounting or other nature within seven (7) days after the arbitration has been demanded, and then it shall be deemed to be a dispute of a legal nature. 21.8 The arbitrator may; 21.8.1 Investigate or cause to be investigated any matter fact or thing which he considers necessary or desirable in connection with the dispute and for that purpose, shall have the widest powers of investigating all documents and records of any party having a bearing on the dispute; 21.8.2 Interview and question under oath the parties of their representatives; 21.8.3 decide the dispute according to what he considers just and equitable in the circumstances; 21.8.4 make such an award ,including an award for specific performance ,damages or otherwise, as he in his discretion may deem fit and appropriate. The arbitration shall be held as quickly as possible after it is requested , with a view to it being completed within thirty (30) days after it has so been requested. 21.8.5 the arbitrator’s decision and award shall be in writing with reasons and shall be final and binding upon the parties. 21.8.6 the arbitrators award may ,on application by either party to a court of competent jurisdiction and after due notice is given to the other party, be made an order of court. 90 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 21.9 Notwithstanding the provisions of clauses 22.1 to 22.8 above, in the event of either party having a claim against the other party for a liquidated amount or an amount which arises from a liquid document, or for an interdict or other urgent relief ,then the other party having such a claim, shall be entitled to institute action therefore in a court of law rather than in terms of the above clauses, notwithstanding the fact that the other party may dispute the claim. 22 GOVERNING LAW 22.1 The law governing this Agreement, including without limiting its interpretation, validity, existence or termination for any reason and all disputes out of this Agreement is the law of the Republic of South Africa and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the South African courts. 23 PROPRIETARY RIGHTS 23.1 All intellectual property developed, as part of this Agreement, including all documentation for this Agreement, shall become the proprietary ownership of SA Express. Upon termination of this Agreement, all such records or documents, including copies thereof, shall be left with SA Express or, in so far as they are in possession of the Bidder, the same shall be handed over to SA Express or shall be destroyed at SA Express’ written request. 24 EARLY TERMINATION 24.1 SA Express shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving 30 (thirty) days notice in writing, to the Bidder, or its intention to terminate this Agreement without reasons for the termination. 25 SEVERABILITY 25.1 If any provision of this Agreement is or becomes illegal, void or invalid this shall not affect the legality and validity of the other provisions. 25.2 Each provision of this Agreement is severable from the other. 91 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 26 MISCELLANEOUS 26.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties and all prior agreements, warranties and representations shall become invalid and unenforceable after the Signature Date. 26.2 No latitude, indulgence, consent, forbearance or any other similar act by either party in enforcing any provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a variation or novation of this Agreement or waiver of rights or estoppels in terms of this Agreement. 26.3 No alterations, variation or cancellation of this agreement of its annexures shall be of any force or effect unless: 26.3.1 Recorded in writing in a formal addendum hereto and signed (at the time) by duly authorized representatives of the parties in compliance with any delegation of authority policies existent and applicable within the parties; 26.3.2 The parties agree to comply and be bound by such policies of the other. In this regard the parties shall make available to each other the relevant portion of such policy, applicable at the time of variation. 27 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 27.1 The Bidder hereby accepts liability for any damages and/or losses and/or claims of whatsoever nature howsoever arising incurred and/or suffered by SA Express as a direct result of breach of the Agreement whether in contract, delict or otherwise or arising as a result of negligence in providing the services by the Bidder and/or its employees and/or agents. 27.2 SA Express shall elect whether the amount which the Bidder is liable for shall be determined by the court in terms of clause 23 or by an arbitrator in terms of clause 22. 27.3 In determining the liability of the Bidder for purposes of this clause 28, a court or arbitrator shall limit the Bidder ‘s liability to the proportion of the loss or damage suffered by SA Express which is ascribed to the Bidder, by such court or arbitrator allocating a proportionate responsibility having regard to the contribution to the loss or damage in 92 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals question of either party or any other person base upon relative degrees of fault ;it being a term of the contract that the provisions of section 1 of the Apportionment of damages Act,1956 will apply to all claims between us and that the “the breach of contract or gross negligence” and “damages” or “losses” as used herein shall be deemed to fall within the meanings of “fault ” and “damage” as contained in Section 1 of the Apportionment of Damages Act,1956. 27.4 The maximum amount to be paid by the Bidder in relation to claims resulting in terms of clause 28.2 above shall be limited to double the amount charged by the Bidder as the contract price fees for the services or the aggregate liability. 27.5 The Bidder’s liability to SA Express shall in no circumstances exceed the lower of the amount determined by the application of the monetary limit based upon fees charged to SA Express or the amount determined by the apportionment of responsibility as the case may be. 27.6 The Bidder will not be liable to SA Express or any cessionary or third party claiming through or on behalf of SA Express for any punitive damages whatsoever or for any consequential or other loss or damages beyond the maximum liability specified. 27.7 Notwithstanding the Bidder’s liability for the acts and omissions, SA Express accepts and acknowledges that no legal proceedings arising from or in connection with the agreement (or any variation or addition thereto) will be commenced against any of the Bidders partners, principals, directors, staff or employees personally. 27.8 Any claims howsoever arising, must be commenced formally by service of court summons or process initiating arbitration proceedings within two years after the party bringing the claim becomes aware (or ought reasonably to have become aware) of the facts which give rise to the claim and, in any event regardless of the knowledge of the claimant, by no later than three years after the date of any alleged breach of contract, delictual act, other act, or omission giving rise to a cause of action. This expressly overrides any statutory provision, which would otherwise apply. 93 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 28. THE BIDDER’S WARRANTIES AND INDEMNITIES 28.1 Service Warranties: The Bidder warrants that in relation to each service provided in terms of this Agreement it will provide the services 28.1.1 with promptness and diligence and in a skilful manner and in accordance with the practices and professional standards of operations performing services similar to the services; 28.1.2 in terms of the standards and specifications that are laid down by SA Express from time to time; 28.1.3 it will use and adopt( and ensure that its sub Bidders use and adopt) any standards, processes and procedures required under this Agreement; and 28.1.4 the Bidder warrants that it shall employ suitably qualified and trained employees to provide the services to SA Express and it shall allocate employees in accordance with the technical skill and knowledge required. 28.2 Indemnity: The Bidder hereby indemnifies SA Express against any claim which may be brought against SA Express by the Bidder’s personnel or a third party arising from the execution of this agreement alternatively which arises against SA Express as a result of the Bidder’s breach of any of the provisions of this agreement, provided that SA Express shall notify the Bidder in writing within reasonable time of SA Express becoming aware of any such claim to enable the Bidder to take steps to contest it and shall provide the Bidder with such reasonable assistance as may be necessary to enable the Bidder to defend the claim to the extent only that is in a position to render such assistance. The Bidder may within five (5) days of receipt of written notice from SA Express aforesaid, elect in writing to contest such a claim in the name of SA Express and shall be entitled to control the proceedings in regard thereto, provided that the Bidder indemnifies SA Express against all and any costs (including attorney and own client costs) which may be incurred by or awarded against SA Express as a consequence of the defence of the claim. 94 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 29 DOMICILIA AND NOTICES 29.1 The parties hereby choose their domiciliume citandi et executandi for all the purposes arising from or pursuant to this agreement as follows: 29.1.1 Bidder: the address and facsimile; and 29.1.2 SA Express: the address and facsimile set out in the Letter of Appointment. 29.2 Either party may by written notice to the other party change its aforesaid domicilium citandi et executandi to any other address within the Republic of South Africa, which is not a SA Express box or post restante. 29.3 Any notices given and/or any payment made by either party to the other which: 29.3.1 is delivered by hand during the normal business hours of the addressee at the addressee’s domicilium citandi et executandi for the time being shall be rebuttably presumed to have been received by the addressee at the time of delivery; 29.3.2 is posted by registered mail from an address within the Republic of South Africa to the addressee at the addressee’s domicilium citandi et executandi for the time being shall be rebuttably presumed to have been received by the addressee on the seventh business day after the date of posting; 29.3.3 is sent by telefax during the normal business hours of the addressee to the addressee’s domicilium citandi et executandi for the time being shall be rebuttably presumed to have been received on the first business day following the date of successful transmission thereof. 29.4 The word “RFP Number” and the number allocated to this RFP Documents shall be quoted by both parties on all correspondence, notices, or other documents of any description relating to this Agreement. 30 INSOLVENCY 30.1 Should an application be made for the surrender or sequestration of a party’s estate, or should an order be issued, whether provisional or final, for the sequestration of a party’s estate, or should a party enter into or propose any deed of assignment to any of its 95 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals creditors for settlement of its debts, or if execution is issued against a party by virtue of any judgment, or if any party commits any acts of insolvency ,or being a legal entity, is placed under judicial management or commences to be wound up in a liquidation that is not merely a voluntary liquidation for the purpose of reconstruction ,then the other party may without prejudice to any of its rights in terms of this agreement or common law forthwith terminate this agreement. 96 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF HOTEL ACCOMMODATION FOR CREW, PASSANGERS AND SA EXPRESS BUSINESS TRAVEL FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS ON AN AS AND WHEN REQUIRED BASIS Request for Proposals RFP CHAPTER 4 FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS 97 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSAL SA Express is a Commercial Airline which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Department of Public Enterprise (DPE). It is a Schedule 2 Entity. Albeit that SA Express operates in alliance with South Africa Airways (SAA), SA Express is an independent Business Entity within the domestic market in the Republic of South Africa and regional airline with an extensive footprint in Africa. South African Express Airways (SA Express) is seeking to secure the services of a suitable simulator Service Provider (s) to supply dry lease as well as occasional wet lease simulator services. 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES 2.1 South African Express Airways (SA Express) is seeking to secure the services of a suitable simulator Service Provider (s) to supply dry lease as well as occasional wet lease simulator services. 2.2 The scope of service requirements is outlined in the table below. Bidders are to note that the volumes/frequency will be determined by the training schedule, which may change and be amended and reviewed from time to time. FLEET FLIGHT DECK ENGINEERING 1600 200 HOURS CRJ700 800 100 HOURS Q400 1700 150 HOURS Total Annually Hours 4100 450 CRJ 200 2.3 Bidders should note the following definitions and assumptions in their response to this RFP: 98 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 2.3.1. Simulator sessions: standard is 4 hours 2.3.2 Simulator serviceability is in excess of 96% and there are contingency plans to ensure training is not disrupted by non service. 2.3.3. On an annual basis it will be a requirement to submit a 12 months Forecast Maintenance plan by the successful bidders(s). 2.3.4. Should the simulator be unserviceable or out of service an early notice should be submitted to the Training Department. 2.3.5 Training rooms are equipped for type-specific purposes with appropriate access to computer training. 2.3.6 All simulators are equipped to provide faithful visuals and accurate, up-to-date data for at least three airports in South Africa, to include Johannesburg (OR Tambo International), Cape Town and Durban (King Shaka International). 2.3.7 All simulators to have all the necessary approvals and certifications from the relevant authorities. Copies of updated approvals and certifications needs to be submitted upon renewal. 2.3.8 Wet Lease Considerations: All training is conducted under the SA Express Part 141, duly issue by the SACAA. All training is in accordance with the SACAA approved SA Express Operations Manual part 4 and should be read in conjunction with all the different Training Procedures manuals, and all associated forms designed to record the training and complaint with SA Express IOSA and ISO requirements. 2.4 Additional requirements: SA Express requires as complete a service as possible and is looking for a turnkey solution for the provision and management of simulator utilization for both Pilots and Engineers. As such, the bid submission must take into account the following related requirements: 99 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 2.4.1 available equipped training room, 2.4.2 ground transport to and from hotel, 2.4.3 assistance with securing and managing hotel bookings and payments for accommodation, 2.4.4 printers, 2.4.5 meals as appropriate, 2.5 The successful bidder will adhere to the SA Express training schedule by ensuring that the preparation and operational service for the simulator are fully functional during training. 2.6 2. The above shall be conducted efficiently, professionally and in a cost-effective manner. BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT SA Express conducted a desktop audit of all available service providers for Simulator leases for both pilots and engineers, and considered both dry lease and wet lease possibilities. However, bidders must take note of the fact that prior to awarding the tender, SA Express reserves the right to conduct a more in-depth analysis and possible audits of short listed bidders, either by paying them a visit or requesting for specific information in writing. 3. PERIOD OF CONTRACT 4. The tenure for this contract is thirty-six (36) months with an option to extend for another 24 months, from appointment date. 4. BID PROGRAMME 4.1. The following dates are indicative and may change at the discretion of SA Express; however these changes shall be communicated to Bidders. 100 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals DESCRIPTION DATES Issue of RFP 5 September 2016 Closing Date for Questions in Clarification from Bidders 15 September 2016 Date for responding to Bidders’ Questions in Clarification 22 September 2016 Closing Date for Submission of Bid Responses/Proposals 4 October 2016 5. FUNCTIONALITY PROPOSAL GUIDELINE 5.1. Bidders are requested to submit proposals in the following format, taking into account the scope of work requirements as outlined in 6 above: 5.2. Company Profile which entails: 5.2.1. Company overview including certificates, memberships and awards 5.2.2. Details of the company’s activities, expertise and capabilities 5.2.3. Details of the company’s systems and processes 5.2.4. Details of the company’s global market standing 5.2.5. International associates/wholesale broking: Provide certificates of internal Aviation Insurance affiliations 5.2.6. Name of associate company & details (where applicable) 5.2.7. Specific number of employees to be involved in wholesale activities. 5.2.8. Specific expertise and capabilities. 5.3. Proposed local service team 5.3.1. Specify number of employees to be involved and location of the team. 5.3.2. Specify the team leader. 5.3.3. Specify role of team members. 5.3.4. Specify qualifications and experience for each team member (please provide full details of qualifications and past work) 5.4. Client references 101 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 5.4.1. Provide details of a minimum of three clients with similar requirements or higher than those of SA Express 5.4.2. Provide an overview of local commercial aviation clients. 5.5. Claims handling and administration 5.5.1. Provide claims history performance of similar services for the past three (3) years that the bidder has worked with. 5.6. Business continuity 5.6.1. Provide a detailed business continuity plan addressing the possibilities of key personnel attrition that will be working on the SA Express account. 5.7. Valued-added services: 5.7.1. Provide an overview of value-added services which will be on offer as part of this contract, including and not limited to a commission sharing model. 6. PRICING PROPOSALS 6.1. Bidders are to complete the table below with indicative prices per service. 6.2. Bidders should indicate whether the rates quoted are firm for the full period of the contract. Where they are not firm for the full period, bidders are to provide details of the basis on which adjustments will be applied. e.g. CPI. Service description Dry lease Dry lease Dry lease Wet lease Wet lease Wet lease Dry lease Dry lease Dry lease 102 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 Aircraft type CRJ 200 CRJ 700 Q400 CRJ 200 CRJ 700 Q400 CANCELLATION POLICY CRJ 200 CRJ 700 Q400 Proposed rate /hour CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals CRJ 200 CRJ 700 Q400 Wet lease Wet lease Wet lease ANY OTHER CONSIDERATIONS TOWARDS TURNKEY SOLUTION 10. EVALUATION PROCESS 10.1Technical Evaluation Criteria: Qualifying Criteria CAA approval TRTO approval Level D FFS IPT CATEGORY FFS Hours on Offer Yes/No DESCRIPTION Q400 OFFER ≤1968hrs 1968hrs 75% of 1968hrs 50% of 1968hrs Comments SCORE 5 4 3 Weighting 10% 2 CRJ 103 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 25% of 1968hrs ≤2400hrs 2400hrs 75% of 2400hrs 50% of 2400hrs 1 5 4 3 2 10% CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals Suitability SIM Reliability Statistics Equipment Data (FMS databases) Instructors 104 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 25% of 2400hrs 99% 95% - 99% 91% - 99% ≥90% All airports listed in 6.2.1 75% of the airports listed in 6.2.1 incl all major airports 50% of the airports listed in 6.2.1 incl all major airports All major airports (FAJS, FACT, FADN/FALE, FAGG, FAPE, FAEL, FAKM) FAJS, FACT & FADN/FALE only Applicable approaches, arrival procedures (STAR) and departures (SID) for all airports Applicable approaches, arrival procedures (STAR) and departures (SID) for 75% of the airports listed in 6.2.1 incl all major airports Applicable approaches, arrival procedures (STAR) and departures (SID) for 50% of the airports listed in 6.2.1 incl all major airports Applicable approaches, arrival procedures (STAR) and departures (SID) for all major airports Applicable approaches, arrival procedures (STAR) and departures (SID) for FAJS, FACT & FADN/FALE only SA-CAA Flight Instructor Rating EASA/FAA Flight Instructor Rating 1 5 4 3 1 5 15% 10% 4 3 2 1 10% 5 4 3 2 1 10% 2 1 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals Flight Suitability: Frequency Flight Suitability: Frequency Flight Connections Value-Add Discounts on offer Discounts on flight fares Canteen on site (training facilities) Preferential hotel rates Twice daily Daily 5 x a week 3 x a week Once a week Overnight flight 5 4 3 2 1 2 Day flight Direct flight ≥ 2hr layover 2 -5 hr layover ≤5 hr layover ≤25% 20% - 25% 15% - 20% 10% - 15% 5% - 10% ≥5% 1 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5% 5% 5% 5% 0 1 5% Yes 0 1 5% No Yes No 0 1 0 5% Yes No Total Score 100% Note: Bidders who do not meet the Technical- threshold of 70% shall be DISQUALIFIED at this stage of the process. 8 Preferential Procurement 8.1 In terms of regulation 4 of the Preferential Procurement Regulations pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (Act 5 of 2000), responsive bids shall be adjudicated by the State on the 90/10-preference point system in terms of which points are awarded to bidders on the basis of: a) The bid price (maximum 90 points) 105 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals b) Historically disadvantaged individuals as well as specific goals (maximum 10 points) Pricing and Preferential Points 1 Price: Total Cost of Ownership (expressive competitiveness of the proposed bid/offer) 90 2 B-BBEE 10 TOTAL 9. 100 SUBCONTRACTING 9.1 SA Express full endorses Government’s transformation and empowerment objectives and when contemplating subcontracting bidders are requested to give preference to companies which are Black Owned, Black Women Owned, Black Youth, owned by Black People with Disabilities, EME’s and QSEs including any companies designated as BBBEE Facilitators. 9.1.1 If contemplating subcontracting, (subcontracting may be considered on any aspect of the service, please note that a Bidder will not be awarded points for B-BBEE if it is indicated in its Proposal that such Bidders intends subcontracting more than 25% (twenty-five percent) of the value of the contract to an entity/entities that do not qualify for at least the same points that the Bidder qualifies for, unless the intended subcontractor is an EME with the capability to execute the contract. 9.1.2 A company awarded a contract may not subcontract more than 25% (twenty-five percent) of the value of the contract to any other enterprise that does not have an equal or higher B-BBEE status level than the person concerned, unless the contract is sub-contracted is an EME that has the capability and ability to execute the subcontract. 9.1.3 In terms of paragraph 13 of these RFP (the B-BBEE Preference Points) Bidders are required to indicate the percentage of the contract that will be subcontracted as well as the B-BBEE status of the sub contractor(s). 106 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135 CONFIDENTIAL PROVISION OF DRY AS WELL AS OCCASIONAL WET LEASE SIMULATOR SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF 36 MONTHS WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR ANOTHER 24 MONTHS Request for Proposals 10 Preferential Procurement 10.1 In terms of regulation 4 of the Preferential Procurement Regulations pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (Act 5 of 2000), responsive bids shall be adjudicated by the State on the 90/10-preference point system in terms of which points are awarded to bidders on the basis of: c) The bid price (maximum 90 points) d) Historically disadvantaged individuals as well as specific goals (maximum 10 points) 1 2 Pricing and Preferential Points Pricing Proposal Proposed cost per annum 90 BB-BEE 10 TOTAL 11 100 DECISION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SA EXPRESS a. The decision(s) as to which Bidder(s) SA Express selects as Preferred Bidder(s) for this RFP, rest solely with the Bid Adjudication Committee’s recommendation to the CEO (or delegated authority) and/or the Board of Directors where applicable. 107 | P a g e RFP: SAX/16/07/0135