Board of Managers Agenda Packet 04-30-14
Board of Managers Agenda Packet 04-30-14
Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 1 of 106 CIFSDS - TEACHING SPORTSMANSHIP SINCE 1960 AGENDA CIF-SAN DIEGO SECTION BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2014 – 9:00 AM HALL OF CHAMPIONS, BANQUET ROOM IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE, DISABILITY-RELATED MODIFICATIONS OR ACCOMMODATIONS, INCLUDING AUXILIARY AIDS OR SERVICES, IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PUBLIC MEETINGS OF THE CIFSDS, PLEASE CONTACT THE COMMISSIONER AT 858-292-8165 AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE MEETING TO ENABLE CIFSDS TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ACCOMMODATE YOU AND TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO THIS MEETING. UPON REQUEST, CIFSDS SHALL ALSO MAKE AVAILABLE THIS AGENDA AND ALL OTHER PUBLIC RECORDS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS MEETING IN APPROPRIATE ALTERNATIVE FORMATS FOR PERSONS WITH A DISABILITY. PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54954.3 AND EDUCATION CODE SECTION 33353, ANY MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM ON THE AGENDA WILL BE HEARD AT THE TIME OF DISCUSSION OF THAT ITEM OR DURING ITEM 1 OF THIS AGENDA FOR PUBLIC COMMENT ON POLICIES AND PRACTICES OF THE CIFSDS (AND OTHER ITEMS WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE CIFSDS) NOT APPEARING ON THIS AGENDA. THE TIME FOR SUCH COMMENT IS NO MORE THAN 3 MINUTES FOR EACH PERSON AND NO MORE THAN 5 MINUTES ON AN ITEM OR AS DESIGNATED BY CHAIR. PRELIMINARY FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................................................. (ITEMS 1-6) 1. CALL TO ORDER / PUBLIC COMMENTS REGARDING OPEN/CLOSED SESSION ITEMS .......................... 9:00 AM, Terry Kok, Chair 2. INTRODUCTIONS ...................................................................................................................................................................... Info Nancy Acerrio Kamran Azimzadeh Steve Boyle Ed Brand Melissa Brown Abbey Calleros Mickey Carter Steve Cato Duane Coleman George Dagnino Hasmik Danielian 3. Martha Deichler Joe Evangelist Jeffrey Felix Robert Graeff Cathy Granger Steve Hargrave Theresa Kemper Doug Kline Terry Kok Dale Mitchell Lou Obermeyer Suzanne O’Conell Mel Robertson David Schlottman Rick Schmitt Bill Singh Dave Smola Mike Stephenson Bryan Thomason Bruce Ward CLOSED SESSION TO DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING: • No Closed Session Item(s) REGULAR MEETING / OPEN SESSION 4. RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING, CALL TO ORDER / REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION .................................... Terry Kok, Chair 5. ADOPT BOARD OF MANAGERS’ AGENDA ............................................................................................................ Terry Kok, Chair Motion by_____, second by_____, to adopt the Board of Managers’ Agenda as presented. 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING, JANUARY 22, 2014 ...............................................Terry Kok, Chair Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 2 of 106 Motion by_____, second by_____, to approve the minutes of the January 22, 2014 meeting, as shown in the attached supplement(s). NON-ACTION ITEMS .......................................................................................................................................................... (ITEMS 7-8) 7. CORRESPONDENCE .............................................................................................................................................. Terry Kok, Chair A. Parent Letter Please click here to review attached Item # 7A 8. COMMISSIONER’S REPORT ............................................................................................................ Jerry Schniepp, Commissioner A. CIFSDS Power Rankings B. CIFSDS Finance Committee Update C. Otay Ranch Baseball and Poway Football CONSENT AGENDA .................................................................................................................... Terry Kok, Chair (NONE SUBMITTED) No consent items submitted ROLL CALL VOTE FOR CONSENT AGENDA ........................................ Terry Kok, Chair (NONE SUBMITTED / NO ROLL CALL REQUIRED) Nancy Acerrio Kamran Azimzadeh Steve Boyle Ed Brand Melissa Brown Abbey Calleros Mickey Carter Steve Cato Duane Coleman George Dagnino Hasmik Danielian Martha Deichler Joe Evangelist Jeffrey Felix Robert Graeff Cathy Granger Steve Hargrave Theresa Kemper Doug Kline Terry Kok Dale Mitchell Lou Obermeyer Suzanne O’Connell Mel Robertson David Schlottman Rick Schmitt Bill Singh Dave Smola Mike Stephenson Bryan Thomason Bruce Ward ACTION ITEMS ................................................................................................................................................................ (ITEMS 9-12) 9. Coastal Conference Membership Expansion, Conference President, Matt Hannan The proposal of the Coastal Conference, Membership Expansion. Please click here to review attached Item # 9 Motion by_____, second by_____, to approve the proposed Coastal Conference Membership as presented in the attached supplement(s). The voting bodies of Coordinating Council voted on the above item # 9 as follows: Ayes__36__Noes__3__ Absent__4__Abstain__0__ Decision: MOTION CARRIED Executive Committee Recommendation: In Favor__6___Opposed__0___ Absent__1___ Abstain__0__ CIFSDS Commissioner’s: In Favor__2___ Opposed__0___ 10. Grossmont Conference Re-leaguing Proposal, Conference President, Brian Wilbur The re-leaguing proposal of the Grossmont Conference. Please click here to review attached Item # 10 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 3 of 106 Motion by_____, second by_____, to approve the proposed re-leaguing proposal of the Grossmont Conference Expansion as presented in the attached supplement(s). The voting bodies of Coordinating Council voted on the above item # 10 as follows: Ayes__39__Noes__0__ Absent__4__Abstain__0__ Decision: MOTION CARRIED Executive Committee Recommendation: In Favor__6___Opposed__0___ Absent__1___ Abstain__0__ CIFSDS Commissioner’s: In Favor__2___ Opposed__0___ 11. State CIF Article 60, and Bylaw 600 Revision, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp The proposal of the State CIF Article 60, and Bylaw 600 Revision. Please click here to review attached Item # 11 Motion by_____, second by_____, to approve the proposed State CIF Article 60, and Bylaw 600 Revisions as presented in the attached supplement(s). The voting bodies of Coordinating Council voted on the above item # 11 as follows: Ayes__0__Noes__39__ Absent__4__Abstain__0__ Decision: MOTION DENIED Executive Committee Recommendation: In Favor__0___Opposed__6___ Absent__1___ Abstain__0__ CIFSDS Commissioner’s: In Favor__0__ Opposed__2___ 12. State CIF Practice Time Allowance Proposal, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp The proposal of the State CIF Practice Time Allowance. Please click here to review attached Item # 12 Motion by_____, second by_____, to approve the proposed State CIF Practice Time Allowance Proposal as presented in the attached supplement(s). The voting bodies of Coordinating Council voted on the above item # 12 as follows: Ayes__9__Noes__23__ Absent__4__Abstain__7__ Decision: MOTION DENIED Executive Committee Recommendation: In Favor__4 __Opposed__0___ Absent__1___ Abstain__2__ CIFSDS Commissioner’s: In Favor__2___ Opposed__0___ BOARD OF MANAGERS FIRST READ/ ACTION ITEM INFORMATION .................................................................................. (ITEMS 13-14) (Pursuant to a Motion to Suspend the Rules to allow items 13-14 be considered for First Reading and Action at the same meeting). Motion by_____, second by_____, to Suspend the Rules governing the order of business to permit items 13-14 be considered for First Reading and Action at the same meeting. 13. State CIF Expansion of the Southern California Regional Soccer Championships, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp The proposal of the State CIF Expansion of the SoCal. Regional Championship Divisions IV and V. Please click here to review attached Item # 13 This item is being presented for first read and action and will be submitted for Board of Managers action on April 30, 2014. Motion by_____, second by_____, to approve the proposal of the State CIF, SoCal Regional Championship Expansion for Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 4 of 106 Divisions IV and V in the sport of soccer as presented in the attached supplement(s). The voting bodies of Coordinating Council voted on the above item # 13 as follows: Ayes__39__Noes__0__ Absent__4__Abstain__0__ Decision: MOTION CARRIED Executive Committee Recommendation: In Favor__6___Opposed__0___ Absent__1___ Abstain__0__ CIFSDS Commissioner’s: In Favor__2___ Opposed__0___ 14. State CIF to Create CIF Regional Badminton Championships, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp The proposal of the State CIF to Create a CIF Regional Badminton Championship Event. Please click here to review attached Item # 14 This item is being presented for first read and action and will be submitted for Board of Managers action on April 30, 2014. Motion by_____, second by_____, to approve the proposal of the State CIF to Create CIF Regional Badminton Championship Event as presented in the attached supplement(s). The voting bodies of Coordinating Council voted on the above item # 14 as follows: Ayes__39__Noes__0__ Absent__4__Abstain__0__ Decision: MOTION CARRIED Executive Committee Recommendation: In Favor__6___Opposed__0___ Absent__1___ Abstain__0__ CIFSDS Commissioner’s: In Favor__2___ Opposed__0___ FIRST READINGS ............................................................................................................................................................ (ITEMS 15-23) 15. Southern Conference Re-leaguing Proposal, Conference President, Alex Boshaw The proposal of the Southern Conference, Membership Expansion. Please click here to review attached Item # 15 This item is being presented for first read and will be resubmitted for board action on June 4, 2014. 16. Grossmont Conference Football Game Limit Proposal, Conference President, Brian Wilbur The proposal of the football game limit, Grossmont Conference. Please click here to review attached Item # 16 This item is being presented for first read and will be resubmitted for board action on June 4, 2014. 17. City Conference Elimination of CIFSDS Bylaw, Article XII- Videotaping Rule, Conference President, Bruce Ward The proposal of the City Conference to Eliminate Bylaw, Article XII-Videotaping Rule. Please click here to review attached Item # 17 This item is being presented for first read and will be resubmitted for board action on June 4, 2014. 18. CIFSDS Divisions Amendment, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp The proposal of the CIFSDS Divisions Amendment. Please click here to review attached Item # 18 This item is being presented for first read and will be resubmitted for board action on June 4, 2014. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 5 of 106 19. North County Conference Re-leaguing Proposal, Conference President, Tom McCoy The re-leaguing proposal of the N. County Conference. Please click here to review attached Item # 19 This item is being presented for first read and will be resubmitted for board action on June 4, 2014. 20. CIFSDS Audit Report, 2012-2013, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp and Carlsbad U.S.D., Deputy Superintendent, Suzanne O’Connell The proposal of the CIFSDS Audit Report, 2012-2013. Please click here to review attached Item # 20 This item is being presented for first read and will be resubmitted for board action on June 4, 2014. 21. CIFSDS Staff Benefits, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp The proposal of the CIFSDS Staff Benefits. Please click here to review attached Item # 21 This item is being presented for first read and will be resubmitted for board action on June 4, 2014. 22. CIFSDS Financial Policies, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp The proposal of the CIFSDS Financial Policies. Please click here to review attached Item # 22 This item is being presented for first read and will be resubmitted for board action on June 4, 2014. 23. 2014-2015, CIFSDS Budget Proposal, Commissioner Contract, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp The proposal of the 2014-2015 CIFSDS Budget. Please click here to review attached Item # 23 This item is being presented for first read and will be resubmitted for board action on June 4, 2014. INFORMATION ITEMS ................................................................................................................................................... (ITEMS 24-28) 24. CIFSDS Proposed Meeting Dates, 2014-2015, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp Please click here to review attached Item # 24 25. CIFSDS Yearly Forms, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp Please click here to review attached Item # 25 26. CIFSDS Designation of Officers, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp 27. CIFSDS, Lifetime Passes, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp 28. Annual Appreciation Dinner on May 20, 2014; 5:45 PM; San Diego Hall of Champions, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEXT MEETING / ADJOURNMENT…………………………………. ............................................................ Terry Kok, Chair 29. Next meeting scheduled for June 4, 2014, 9:00 AM; Hall of Champions, Banquet Room. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 6 of 106 CIFSDS - TEACHING SPORTSMANSHIP SINCE 1960 MINUTES CIF-SAN DIEGO SECTION BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2014 – 9:00 AM HALL OF CHAMPIONS, BANQUET ROOM PRELIMINARY FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................................................. (ITEMS 1-6) 1. CALL TO ORDER / PUBLIC COMMENTS REGARDING OPEN/CLOSED SESSION ITEMS ......................................... Terry Kok, Chair THE MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT- 9:01 A.M. The following members of the public addressed items listed under open session: • Mr. Jeff Lipscomb, Community Member and parent of section athlete– regarding the support of the State CIF Article 60, and Bylaw 600 proposal to stay as is without revision. 2. INTRODUCTIONS ...................................................................................................................................................................... Info Nancy Acerrio Steve Boyle Abbey Calleros Mickey Carter Steve Cato Duane Coleman George Dagnino Joe Evangelist Jeffrey Felix Robert Graeff Kathy Granger Steve Hargrave Theresa Kemper Terry Kok Dale Mitchell Lou Obermeyer Suzanne O’Conell Mel Robertson Rick Schmitt Dave Smola Mike Stephenson Bryan Thomason Bruce Ward CIFSDS Staff: Jerry Schniepp; John Labeta; Stacy Candia; Carlton Hoggard Guest: Jeff Lipscomb; John Maffei Proxys: Gary Debora (proxy Bill Singh); Bill Brewer (proxy Hasmik Danielian) Board Members Not in Attendance: Kamran Azimzadeh; Ed Brand; Melissa Brown; Hasmik Danielian; Martha Deichler; Doug Kline; David Schlottman; Bill Singh 3. CLOSED SESSION TO DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING: The Board convened to Closed Session at 9: 06 AM. No Closed Session items were reported on for the following: A. Conference with Legal Counsel-Government Code section 54956.9 - Anticipated litigation B. Christian High School C. Commissioner’s Evaluation REGULAR MEETING / OPEN SESSION 4. RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING, CALL TO ORDER / REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION .................................... Terry Kok, Chair The regular meeting of the Board of Managers was called to order at 9:07 AM by Chair, Terry Kok. No additional reportable action was taken. 5. ADOPT BOARD OF MANAGERS’ AGENDA ............................................................................................................ Terry Kok, Chair It was moved by Lou Obermeyer, seconded by Suzanne O’Connell to adopt the Board of Managers agenda. Motion unanimously carried. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 7 of 106 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING, OCTOBER 23, 2013 ...............................................Terry Kok, Chair It was moved by Lou Obermeyer, seconded by Joe Evangelist to amend the minutes of October 23, 2013, and to adopt the amended minutes of October 23. Motion unanimously carried. NON-ACTION ITEMS .......................................................................................................................................................... (ITEMS 7-8) 7. CORRESPONDENCE .............................................................................................................................................. Terry Kok, Chair No correspondence was submitted. 8. COMMISSIONER’S REPORT ............................................................................................................ Jerry Schniepp, Commissioner • Mr. Schniepp informed the board of the Executive Committee’s directive at the meeting of January 15 to form a CIFSDS Finance Committee. The committee will assist the Commissioner with benefit information of the current staff hired after June 2011 (Jerry Schniepp, John Labeta, and Stacy Candia); the current CIF staff hired after 2011 will not receive lifetime benefits. Mr. Carlton Hoggard was hired prior to June 2011 and will receive lifetime benefits. A CIFSDS Actuarial Study has not been conducted since 2010. The current policy/language of the CIF benefits was introduced (2011) but not voted on by the Board of Managers at the meeting of June 2011. At the recommendation of the Executive Committee and auditor (Sonnenberg & Company, CPA); the section’s CIFSDS Finance Committee will review the current employees benefits, unfunded liabilities, etc. and bring forward the proposed language for board review at the meeting of April 30. Approval and voting of the proposed language will be voted on at the meeting of June 4 so that a Actuarial Study may be conducted after board approval. • Mr. Schniepp informed the board of the proposed draft of the CIFSDS Financial Policies Manual that was brought forward to the Executive Committee at the meeting of January 15. The model draft was based on the CIF State manual and language. In the past, the section has not had a financial policies manual in place. Mr.Schniepp informed the board of the importance of having a policies manual so that the section and its board may review and build on the language/procedures of the office (credit card, reimbursement, etc.). A proposed CIFSDS Financial Policies Manual will be brought forward to the board meeting of April 30, the proposed language of the manual will be voted on at the meeting of June 4. CONSENT AGENDA .................................................................................................................... Terry Kok, Chair (NONE SUBMITTED) No consent items submitted ROLL CALL VOTE FOR CONSENT AGENDA ........................................ Terry Kok, Chair (NONE SUBMITTED / NO ROLL CALL REQUIRED) Nancy Acerrio Kamran Azimzadeh Steve Boyle Ed Brand Melissa Brown Abbey Calleros Mickey Carter Steve Cato Duane Coleman George Dagnino Hasmik Danielian Martha Deichler Joe Evangelist Jeffrey Felix Robert Graeff Kathy Granger Steve Hargrave Theresa Kemper Doug Kline Terry Kok Dale Mitchell Lou Obermeyer Suzanne O’Connell Mel Robertson David Schlottman Rick Schmitt Bill Singh Dave Smola Mike Stephenson Bryan Thomason Bruce Ward ACTION ITEMS ................................................................................................................................................................ (ITEMS 9-10) 9. School Membership Application, Monarch School, Jesus Nunez The review and approval of the new school member application, Monarch School. It was moved by Dale Mitchell, seconded by Rick Schmitt, to approve the New School Membership Application, Monarch School as presented. The voting bodies of the Board voted on the above item # 9 as follows: Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 8 of 106 Ayes__25__Noes__0___ Absent__6___Abstain__0___ Decision: MOTION CARRIED 10. CIFSDS Handbook Revisions, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp The review and approval of the proposed CIFSDS Handbook Revisions. It was moved by Duane Coleman, seconded by Dale Mitchell, to approve the CIFSDS Handbook Revisions as presented. The voting bodies of the Board voted on the above item # 10 as follows: Ayes__25__Noes__0___ Absent__6___Abstain__0___ Decision: MOTION CARRIED BOARD OF MANAGERS FIRST READ/ ACTION ITEM INFORMATION .................................................................................. (ITEMS 11-13) (Pursuant to a Motion to Suspend the Rules to allow items 11-13 be considered for First Reading and Action at the same meeting). It was moved by Steve Boyle, seconded by Theresa Kemper, to approve to Suspend the Rules to allow items 11-13 be considered for First Reading and Action at the same meeting. 11. State CIF Proposed Swim and Diving Championships, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp The review and approval of the proposed State CIF Swim and Diving Championship. It was moved by Jeff Felix, seconded by Bruce Ward, to approve the State CIF Swim and Diving Championship as presented. The voting bodies of the Board voted on the above item # 11 as follows: Ayes__25__Noes__0___ Absent__6___Abstain__0___ Decision: MOTION CARRIED 12. CIFSDS Proposed Finance Committee, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp The review and approval of the proposed CIFSDS Finance Committee slate. It was moved by Lou Obermeyer, seconded by Theresa Kemper, to approve the CIFSDS Finance Committee slate as presented. The voting bodies of the Board voted on the above item # 12 as follows: Ayes__25__Noes__0___ Absent__6___Abstain__0___ Decision: MOTION CARRIED 13. CIFSDS Audit Report Update, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp The review and approval of the updated CIFSDS Audit Report, 2011-2012. It was moved by Lou Obermeyer, seconded by Theresa Kemper, to approve the CIFSDS Audit Report, 2011-2012 with update/revised language as presented. The voting bodies of the Board voted on the above item # 13 as follows: Ayes__25__Noes__0___ Absent__6___Abstain__0___ Decision: MOTION CARRIED FIRST READINGS ............................................................................................................................................................ (ITEMS 14-17) 14. Coastal Conference Membership Expansion, Conference President, Matt Hannan The proposal of the Coastal Conference, Membership Expansion. This item was presented for first read and will be resubmitted for board action on April 30, 2014. 15. Grossmont Conference Re-leaguing Proposal, Conference President, Brian Wilbur The re-leaguing proposal of the Grossmont Conference. This item was presented for first read and will be resubmitted for board action on April 30, 2014. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 9 of 106 16. State CIF Article 60, and Bylaw 600 Revision, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp The proposal of the State CIF Article 60, and Bylaw 600 Revision. This item was presented for first read and will be resubmitted for board action on April 30, 2014. 17. State CIF Practice Time Allowance Proposal, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp The proposal of the State CIF Practice Time Allowance. This item was presented for first read and will be resubmitted for board action on April 30, 2014. INFORMATION ITEMS ................................................................................................................................................... (ITEMS 18-19) 18. Championships, Commissioner, Jerry Schniepp Mr. Schniepp gave a brief update to the board regarding the winter and spring championship locations. The 2013-2014, Boys and Girls Basketball championships will be played at University of San Diego, Jenny Craig Pavilion; Baseball at University of San Diego; Softball semi-finals will be played at the Poway and Santee Sports Complexes; finals will be played at UCSD. 19. CIFSDS Governance Update, Chair, Terry Kok Mr. Kok announced his resignation as the CIF Board of Managers, Chair, effective June 4, 2014. He has enjoyed his leadership role with transitioning the new Commissioner and staff. Mr. Kok believes the section has come far since the hiring of Commissioner, Schniepp and looks forward to becoming a first time grandfather. ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEXT MEETING / ADJOURNMENT…………………………………. ............................................................ Terry Kok, Chair 20. Next meeting scheduled for April 30, 2014, 9:00 AM; Hall of Champions, Banquet Room. THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT: 10:08 A.M. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 10 of 106 Board of Managers CIF San Diego Section INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF MANAGERS DATE PREPARED: April 14, 2014 BOARD OF MANANGERS MEETING DATE: April 30, 2014 PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: Jerry Schniepp CIF Commissioner SUBJECT: CORRESPONDENCE, PARENT LETTER …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Board of Managers is presented with the correspondence of a parent letter. (Please see attached Item # 7A) RECOMMENDATION: These item(s) are being presented as an information item for the Board. ITEM # 7A Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 11 of 106 ITEM # 7A March 19, 2014 Dear Executive Director Blake, President Spears and Commissioner Schniepp, When I appeared at the CIF State Federated Council meeting on Jan. 31, I promised to conduct an open, impartial survey of parents, coaches, and others interested in the proposed changes to CIF Rule 600. To draw attention to Rule 600 - and promote participation in the survey - we: • • • • • created a new website: (which is the #4 result for “CIF Rule 600” Google searches) were interviewed on the Mighty 1090 sent more than 1000 emails to everyone we know involved in California high school sports (including all San Diego High School Athletic Directors) posted an open invitation to participate in discussion on engaged anyone interested in the topic via email and direct conversation Here is a breakdown of the 901 votes cast between Feb. 7 and March 11 (below and attached): • • • 78% (701) voted to keep Rule 600 22% (200) voted to eliminate Rule 600 no significant differences among subpopulations of voters (club vs. school, coaches vs. parents, etc) We also offer the following ideas based on feedback we received regarding some of the complex issues facing California High School Athletics. 1. One significant Section difference that generated intense discourse is the issue of club tryouts during the high school season. It seems that a significant percentage of the “anti-600” San Diego respondents voted that way because of the tryouts issue. For San Diego, the friction derives from the Southern Section’s "tryout exception" to Rule 600 that is not followed by the San Diego Section. Some student-athletes are forced to either ignore Rule 600 when trying out for a Southern Section club or convince a club to offer them a spot without a proper tryout. The San Diego clubs interested in a Southern Section student-athlete have to commit a roster spot prior to holding tryouts. In addition to leveling the tryout playing field between the Southern and San Diego Sections, granting a generalized "tryout exception" will assist clubs by giving them more time for important, time-consuming administrative matters (coaching staff, uniforms, tournament entries, etc.). Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 12 of 106 ITEM # 7A Importantly, Rule 600 would remain in effect before and after a one or two week tryout period. We see tremendous benefits to implementing the Southern Section's "tryout exception" to level the playing field throughout Southern California and perhaps all of California. 2. We received a passionate complaint that the exception granted student-athletes who compete for “national” teams should not be restricted to US National Teams. Rather, the exception should allow a student-athlete to tryout and compete for any legitimate national or international team. Possibly an interpretation of this rule could include any country. Before closing, I want to introduce Barbara Birnbaum, who was instrumental in developing the website and providing a balanced perspective on this issue from a club and high school perspective. Barb is a former D1 college volleyball player, multi-sport athlete in high school, founder/director of La Jolla Volleyball Club, current coach, and mother of 3 (including a freshman daughter playing both water polo and volleyball at La Jolla High). We appreciate your willingness to accept our input and look forward to this ongoing process. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Sincerely, Jeff Lipscomb Jeff Lipscomb,, (619) 261-5173 Barb Birnbaum,, (858) 353-2272 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 13 of 106 ITEM # 9 Board of Managers CIF San Diego Section INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF MANAGERS DATE PREPARED: December 3, 2013 BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING DATE: April 30, 2014 PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: Matt Hannan Coastal Conference President SUBJECT: COASTAL CONFERENCE MEMBERSHIP EXPANSION …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the Coastal Conference Membership Expansion and new league formation for specific sports. Applications for membership have been provided to the Coastal Conference from the following schools for the academic year 2014-2015: Del Lago Academy, Foothills Christian, Classical Academy, Lutheran High School (football only), and Calvary San Diego (football only). Approval of the membership took place at the Coastal Conference meeting of December 3, 2013. As a result of the additional membership, the Coastal Conference is seeking to add an additional league to our conference to accommodate the growth. The new league name will be the Ocean League as shown in the attached supplement(s). (Please see attached Item # 9) RECOMMENDATION/ ACTION: The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the proposed Coastal Conference Membership Expansion. This item was reviewed by Coordinating Council as a first read at the meeting of December 11, 2013 and voted on at the meeting of March 12, 2014. The voting bodies of Coordinating Council voted on the above item # 9 as follows: Ayes_ 36__Noes_ 3__Absent__4__Abstain__0__ Decision: MOTION CARRIED Executive Committee Recommendation: In Favor__6__Opposed__0__Absent__1__Abstain__0__ CIFSDS Commissioner’s: In Favor_ 2__Opposed_ 0 _ // This item is now being presented for Board’s consideration and action on April 30, 2014 as presented. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 14 of 106 ITEM # 9 Upon CIF approval, the Coastal Conference will add the five following schools beginning the fall of 2014: Classical Academy Foothills Christian Del Lago Lutheran (football member only) Calvary Christian, San Diego (football member only) Upon CIF approval, the Coastal Conference will expand from 2 to 3 football leagues in 2014. The 3 leagues will be: Coastal League (no change from present) Santa Fe Christian Parker Bishop’s La Jolla Country Day Horizon Pacific League Army Navy Academy Tri-City Christian Escondido Charter Foothills Christian Classical Academy Ocean League Calvin Christian The Rock Academy San Diego Jewish Academy Maranatha Christian Lutheran Calvary Christian, SD Upon CIF approval, the Coastal Conference will expand from 2 to 3 volleyball leagues in 2014. The 3 leagues will be: Coastal League Santa Fe Christian Bishop’s La Jolla Country Day Tri-City Christian Calvin Christian Francis Parker Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 15 of 106 ITEM # 9 Pacific League Classical Academy Horizon Pacific Ridge Foothills Christian Ocean League Maranatha Christian The Rock Academy San Diego Jewish Academy Del Lago Escondido Charter Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 16 of 106 ITEM # 10 Board of Managers CIF San Diego Section INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF MANAGERS DATE PREPARED: December 3, 2013 BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING DATE: April 30, 2014 PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: Brian Wilbur Grossmont Conference President SUBJECT: GROSSMONT CONFERENCE, RE-LEAGUING PROPOSAL …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the Grossmont Conference Re-leaguing Proposal and the separate structure for each sport as shown in the attached supplement(s). (Please see attached Item # 10) RECOMMENDATION/ ACTION: The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the proposed Grossmont Conference Re-leaguing Proposal. This item was reviewed by Coordinating Council as a first read at the meeting of December 11, 2013 and voted on at the meeting of March 12, 2014. The voting bodies of Coordinating Council voted on the above item # 10 as follows: Ayes_ 39__Noes_ 0__Absent__4__Abstain__0__ Decision: MOTION CARRIED Executive Committee Recommendation: In Favor__6__Opposed__0__Absent__1__Abstain__0__ CIFSDS Commissioner’s: In Favor_ 2__Opposed_ 0_ _ This item is now being presented for Board’s consideration and action on April 30, 2014 as presented. // Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 17 of 106 ITEM # 10 GROSSMONT ATHLETIC CONFERENCE (GAC) 2013 RE-LEAGUING PROPOSAL to begin with the 2014-15 school year In March of 2009, the GAC voted to restructure its two leagues with a motion entitled “Re-leaguing for Competitive Balance”. The motion also states that we would review releaguing every 4 years (next time 2013). This was approved at the following Principal’s Council. The schools were ranked 1-11 based upon two factors: enrollment and number of league championships won over the prior five years (2003-2008). #1-5 went to the Hills and #7-11 to the Valley. Valhalla was #6 and after much debate, was placed in the Hills based upon their having the most 2nd place league finishes from 2003-2008. The leagues were split the same way for all sports. The GAC discussed the concept of re-leaguing and various options at it’s May 7, 2013 meeting. At the September 24, 2013 a motion was carried authorizing the Athletic Directors to align leagues by sport and gender in a manner consistent with competitive balance. The following proposal has been approved by the appropriate bodies within the Grossmont Conference and is now being submitted to the Coordinating Council for consideration. Results of AD Workshop October 23, 2013 Re-leaguing – in order to maintain as close to competitive balance as possible, leagues will be determined by sport and by gender. Football – based upon CIF division power rankings for 2013 playoffs Hills league Valley league Helix Steele Canyon Valhalla Grossmont Mt. Miguel El Capitan West Hills Santana Granite Hills Monte Vista El Cajon Valley Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 18 of 106 ITEM # 10 Football will be reset every two years. The listed league placement will be in place for the 2014 and 2015 seasons. Due to the need to secure week 1-6/bye non-league contract commitments it is not feasible to wait until the end-of-season CIF ranking reset to determine league placement. For football only, the Hills league will remain with six teams and the Valley with five. No cross-league games will be scheduled by the Conference, however teams are strongly encouraged to schedule some cross-league games and support Conference competition. Other sports with CIF rankings – leagues will be determined once end-of-season CIF ranking reset is released. This will be done on an annual basis. GAC teams will be ranked 1-11 as placed in the CIF ranking. Teams 1-5 will be in the Hills league and teams 7-11 will be in the Valley league. If team 6 ranking number is closer to team 5 than team 7, team 6 will be placed in the Hills league; if closer to team 7 then team 6 placed in Valley. These sports include: Baseball, Basketball (B/G), Soccer (B/G), Softball, Volleyball (B/G), and Water Polo (B/G). Sports without CIF rankings – Conference President has convened groups with knowledge of each sport to rank teams. These rankings were discussed by Athletic Directors and teams placed appropriately. In ensuing years each of these sports will be re-evaluated by ADs annually. Any sport the CIF chooses to include in power rankings will be moved to the preceding category. These sports include: Golf (B/G), Gymnastics, Tennis (B/G), and Wrestling. Note for Golf – El Cajon Valley does not currently field a golf (B/G) team. The Golf leagues will be split 5/5. Note for Gymnastics – Helix Charter does not currently field a Gymnastics team. The Gymnastics leagues will be split 5/5. Cross Country, Swim and Dive, Track and Field – These sports are unique in the structure of their competition meets. The events for each gender are intertwined to a significant extent. It was decided that the schools would remain in the same league for both genders. Teams were ranked by knowledgeable contributors and placed by Athletic Directors in leagues. In each case for 2014-15 the result was 6 Hills and 5 Valley teams. Athletic Directors will reevaluate on an annual basis. Field Hockey and Lacrosse (B/G) – While the CIF does rank these sports, we do not field enough teams to compose two leagues. All participating schools will remain in one league for the foreseeable future. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 19 of 106 ITEM # 11 Board of Managers CIF San Diego Section INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF MANAGERS DATE PREPARED: November 19, 2013 BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING DATE: April 30, 2014 PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: Jerry Schniepp CIF Commissioner SUBJECT: STATE CIF ARTICLE 60, AND BYLAW 600 REVISION …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the State CIF Article 60 and Bylaw 600 Revision to remove the restriction on participation on an “outside the school” team during the same season of sport to all individuals and not just selected groups as shown in the attached supplement(s). (Please see attached Item # 11) RECOMMENDATION/ ACTION: The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the proposed State CIF Article 60 and Bylaw 600 Revision. This item was reviewed by Coordinating Council as a first read at the meeting of December 11, 2013 and voted on at the meeting of March 12, 2014. The voting bodies of Coordinating Council voted on the above item # 11 as follows: Ayes_ 0__Noes_ 39__Absent__4__Abstain__0__ Decision: MOTION DENIED Executive Committee Recommendation: In Favor__0__Opposed__6__Absent__1__Abstain__0__ CIFSDS Commissioner’s: In Favor_ 0__Opposed_ 2 _ This item is now being presented for Board’s consideration and action on April 30, 2014 as presented. // Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 20 of 106 ITEM # 11 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 21 of 106 ITEM # 11 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 22 of 106 ITEM # 11 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 23 of 106 ITEM # 11 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 24 of 106 ITEM # 11 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 25 of 106 ITEM # 11 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 26 of 106 ITEM # 12 Board of Managers CIF San Diego Section INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF MANAGERS DATE PREPARED: November 19, 2013 BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING DATE: April 30, 2014 PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: Jerry Schniepp CIF Commissioner SUBJECT: STATE CIF PRACTICE TIME ALLOWANCE PROPOSAL …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the proposed State CIF Practice Time Allowance (New bylaw). It is being recommended that the CIF institute bylaws that govern the amount of practice and contact time that students-athletes have with their education based coaches/team. The purpose of this bylaw is to protect the emotional, academic, familial and physical health and well-being of student-athletes as shown in the attached supplement(s). (Please see attached Item # 12) RECOMMENDATION/ ACTION: The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the proposed State CIF Practice Time Allowance (New bylaw). This item was reviewed by Coordinating Council as a first read at the meeting of December 11, 2013 and voted on at the meeting of March 12, 2014. The voting bodies of Coordinating Council voted on the above item # 12 as follows: Ayes_ 9__Noes_ 23__Absent__4__Abstain__7__ Decision: MOTION DENIED Executive Committee Recommendation: In Favor__4__Opposed__0__Absent__1__Abstain_ 2__ CIFSDS Commissioner’s: In Favor_ 2__Opposed_ 0 _ This item is now being presented for Board’s consideration and action on April 30, 2014 as presented. // Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 27 of 106 ITEM # 12 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 28 of 106 ITEM # 12 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 29 of 106 ITEM # 12 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 30 of 106 ITEM # 12 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 31 of 106 Board of Managers CIF San Diego Section ITEM # 13 INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF MANAGERS DATE PREPARED: March 4, 2013 BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING DATE: April 30, 2014 PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: Jerry Schniepp CIF Commissioner SUBJECT: STATE CIF EXPANSION OF THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REGIONAL SOCCER CHAMPIONSHIPS …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the State CIF Creation of the Regional Badminton Championships as shown in the attached supplement(s). (Please see attached Item # 13) RECOMMENDATION FIRST READ/ ACTION ITEM: The Board is asked to approve the State CIF Creation of the Regional Badminton Championships. This item was reviewed and voted on at the Coordinating Council meeting of March 12, 2014. The voting bodies of Coordinating Council voted on the above item # 13 as follows: Ayes__39__Noes__0__Absent__4__Abstain__0__ Decision: MOTION CARRIED Executive Committee Recommendation: In Favor__6__Opposed__0__Absent__1__Abstain__0__ CIFSDS Commissioner’s: In Favor_ 2 __Opposed_0___ This item is now being presented for Board’s first read and action on April 30, 2014 as presented. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 32 of 106 ITEM # 13 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 33 of 106 ITEM # 13 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 34 of 106 Board of Managers CIF San Diego Section ITEM # 14 INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF MANAGERS DATE PREPARED: March 4, 2013 BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING DATE: April 30, 2014 PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: Jerry Schniepp CIF Commissioner SUBJECT: STATE CIF CREATION OF THE REGIONAL BADMINTON CHAMPIONSHIPS …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the State CIF Creation of the Regional Badminton Championships as shown in the attached supplement(s). (Please see attached Item # 14) RECOMMENDATION FIRST READ/ ACTION ITEM: The Board is asked to approve the State CIF Creation of the Regional Badminton Championships. This item was reviewed and voted on at the Coordinating Council meeting of March 12, 2014. The voting bodies of Coordinating Council voted on the above item # 14 as follows: Ayes__39__Noes__0__Absent__4__Abstain__0__ Decision: MOTION CARRIED Executive Committee Recommendation: In Favor__6__Opposed__0__Absent__1__Abstain__0__ CIFSDS Commissioner’s: In Favor_ 2 __Opposed_ 0__ This item is now being presented for Board’s first read and action on April 30, 2014 as presented. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 35 of 106 ITEM # 14 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 36 of 106 ITEM # 14 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 37 of 106 ITEM # 14 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 38 of 106 ITEM # 14 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 39 of 106 ITEM # 14 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 40 of 106 ITEM # 14 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 41 of 106 ITEM # 14 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 42 of 106 ITEM # 14 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 43 of 106 ITEM # 14 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 44 of 106 Board of Managers CIF San Diego Section INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF MANAGERS DATE PREPARED: December 16, 2013 BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING DATE: April 30, 2014 PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: Alex Boshaw Southern Conference President SUBJECT: SOUTHERN CONFERENCE RE-LEAGUING PROPOSAL …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the Southern Conference Re-leaguing proposal as shown in the attached supplement(s). (Please see attached Item # 15) RECOMMENDATION/ FIRST READ: The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the Southern Conference Re-Leaguing proposal. This item was reviewed at the Executive Committee meeting of April 16, 2014. This information item is being presented for first read and the Board’s consideration, and will be resubmitted for board action on June 4, 2014. ITEM # 15 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 45 of 106 ITEM # 15 Listed below are the Southern Conference teams for Football 2014-2015: Manzanita: Vincent Memorial, Calipatria, Mountain Empire, Holtville, Crawford. Citrus (8-man): Ocean View Christian, Warner Springs, St. Joseph Academy, San Pasqual Calvary – Vista, Julian, Borrego Springs. Academy, Listed below are the Southern Conference Leagues for girls volleyball 2014-2015: Citrus: Calvary Christian - Vista, Escondido Adventist, Guajome Park, San Pasqual Academy, St. Joseph Academy. Manzanita: Borrego Springs, Calipatria, Julian, Vincent Memorial, Warner Springs, Calexico Mission. Sunset: Lutheran High, Ocean View Christian, San Diego Academy, Calvary Christian Academy San Diego, Mountain Empire. Listed below are the Southern Conference leagues for Cross Country 2014-2015 Citrus: Julian, Mountain Empire, Guajome Park, Lutheran, Calvary Christian Academy San Diego, Borrego Springs. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 46 of 106 Board of Managers CIF San Diego Section INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF MANAGERS DATE PREPARED: March 4, 2014 BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING DATE: April 30, 2014 PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: Brian Wilbur Grossmont Conference President SUBJECT: FOOTBALL GAME LIMIT PROPOSAL …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the Football Game Limit proposal as shown in the Executive Summary below: Currently State Bylaw 1905 limits the number of games a team may play, to two in any eight-day period. The Grossmont Conference proposes additional San Diego Section language limiting the number of games in which an individual student-athlete may participate. Player safety and the damaging effects of concussions continue to be points of attention. The Grossmont Conference proposes that individual studentathletes be limited to participation in one football game per week (MondaySaturday); regardless of level. RECOMMENDATION/ FIRST READ: The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the Grossmont Conference, Football Game Limit proposal. This item was reviewed at the Executive Committee meeting of April 16, 2014. This information item is being presented for first read and the Board’s consideration, and will be resubmitted for board action on June 4, 2014. ITEM # 16 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 47 of 106 Board of Managers CIF San Diego Section INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF MANAGERS DATE PREPARED: March 4, 2014 BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING DATE: April 30, 2014 PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: Bruce Ward City Conference President SUBJECT: ELIMINATION OF CIFSDS BYLAW, ARTICLE XIISCHOOL VIDEOTAPING RULE …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the Elimination of CIFSDS Bylaws; Article XII-School Videotaping Rule proposal as shown in the Executive Summary below: CIFSDS Bylaws, Article XII-School Videotaping Rule Coaching staffs or competitors of competing schools, may not view videotapes of contests in progress or have any information from the tapes relayed to them, until the completion of the contest. Violation of this rule will result in forfeiture of the contest. There are no other restrictions regarding the filming or videotaping of any CIF competition by any school personnel or other spectator. All sports will adhere to NFHS rules regarding game video, please see below: NFHS Football Rule 1-6 Article 1…Communication devices including but not limited to audio recorder, Local Area Network (LAN) phones and/or headsets, mobile phones, still photograph(s), film, analog or digital video(s) and/or internet depictions shall not be used to communicate with a player except during an outside 9-yard mark conference (7-yard marks in nine-, eightand six player competition). Article 2…Communication devices including but not limited to audio recorder, Local Area Network (LAN) phones and/or headsets, mobile phones, still photograph(s), film, analog or digital video(s) and/or internet depictions may be used by coaches and non-players. RECOMMENDATION/ FIRST READ: The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the City Conference, Elimination of CIFSDS Bylaws; Article XII-School Videotaping Rule proposal. This item was reviewed at the Executive Committee meeting of April 16, 2014. ITEM # 17 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 48 of 106 This information item is being presented for first read and the Board’s consideration, and will be resubmitted for board action on June 4, 2014. ITEM # 17 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 49 of 106 Board of Managers CIF San Diego Section INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF MANAGERS DATE PREPARED: March 6, 2014 BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING DATE: April 30, 2014 PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: Jerry Schniepp CIF Commissioner SUBJECT: CIFSDS DIVISIONS AMENDMENT …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the CIFSDS Divisions Amendment proposal as shown in the attached supplement(s). (Please see attached Item # 18) RECOMMENDATION/ FIRST READ: The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the CIFSDS Divisions Amendment. This item was reviewed at the Executive Committee meeting of April 16, 2014. This information item is being presented for first read and the Board’s consideration, and will be resubmitted for board action on June 4, 2014. ITEM # 18 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 50 of 106 ITEM # 18 CIFSDS Bylaws Article VII.1 8. Teams will be placed in divisions based on ranking with the following exceptions: School size = n An enrollment factor will be added to the ranking of each school as follows: In the sport of football, schools that have an enrollment of 1250 or more students cannot be placed below Division IV. Enrollment factor adjustment to ranking for football Enrollment 50-299 300-799 800-1599 1600-2499 2500-3500 32 - n 25 n 62.5 n 18 133.3 n 13.11225 n 7500 24.8 - +20-30 points +12-20 points +6-12 points +2-6 points +0-2 points 9. The top or open division in each sport will have 8 teams and all teams in this open division will qualify for the CIFSDS playoffs. will be determined at the end of the regular season and the 8 Open Division teams will be selected from Division I teams. 10. Teams in the open division will have first consideration for state playoffs. In the sports of volleyball, basketball and soccer, state playoff representatives will be determined by the CIFSDS at the conclusion of the CIFSDS playoffs. Teams in the Open Division will be considered for state playoffs, as permitted by state CIF guidelines, in their respective enrollment divisions. 11. Division IV will have eight (8) qualifying playoff teams in all sports, with the exception of boys and girls basketball, in which DIV will have 12 playoff teams. Division V will have 8 qualifying teams. Playoffs dates and times will be adjusted by sport. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 51 of 106 ITEM # 18 Football 2014/15 (As of 3/6/14) Open Division Rank Oceanside 2.3 Cathedral 3.2 Helix 4.1 Mission Hills 4.5 Eastlake 6.6 La Costa Canyon 12.5 San Pasqual 13.8 Poway 14.2 Div 2013 Open 1 Open Open Open Open 1 Open # of teams # of teams qualify Open Division Division 1 Division2 Division3 Division 4 Division 5 8 16 16 16 17 17 8 12 12 12 12 8 Division 1 Rank Div 2013 Division 2 St Augustine 8.85 Madison 10.3 Carlsbad 15.9 Torrey Pines 16.1 Olympian 17.1 Steele Canyon 18.4 Grossmont18.4 Ramona 19.8 Mt Miguel 21.5 El Camino 24.2 Pt. Loma 26.3 Vista 26.9 Valley Center 27 Valhalla 28 Westview 28.2 Imperial 28.9 2 2 1 Open 1 Open 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 Rank Div 2013 Division 3 Santa Fe Christian 27.1 Christian 28.8 Mt. Carmel 29.2 Mission Bay 29.9 RBV 30 Lincoln 31 Mira Mesa 31.4 Brawley 32 Otay Ranch 34.1 West Hills 34.5 Francis Parker 35 Scripps Ranch 35 San Marcos 35.7 El Capitan 36.1 Chula Vista 38.3 Del Norte 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 Rank Div 2013 Division 4 Escondido 38 Serra 39.3 Rancho Bernardo39.4 Hoover 42.8 Morse 43.6 Granite Hills 43.7 Hilltop 44.2 Mar Vista 45.2 Bonita Vista 46.1 Fallbrook 47.8 Patrick Henry 49.3 La Jolla 51.9 Bishops 52.3 Mater Dei 53 Monte Vista 53.7 Sweetwater 53.9 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 Santana Horizon LJCD Coronado San Diego Central Union Kearny University City Orange Glen Calexico Montgomery Castle Park Southwest (EC) El Cajon Valley San Ysidro Southwest (SD) Rank Div 2013 Division 5 54.2 54.4 57.9 55.8 56.2 58.5 58.5 60.7 63.3 67 67.3 68.3 69 70.7 76.9 77.5 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 Rank Div 2013 Clairemont 62.2 Holtville 65.7 Mt. Empire 67.7 Palo Verde 70.3 Tri City Christian 71.8 Army-Navy 74.8 Crawford 74.9 Calipatria 76.6 Escondido Charter 77.1 Vincent Memorial 80.5 Calvary Christian Academy 82.4 Calvin Christian 85.7 Foothills Christian 86.2 San Diego Jewish Academy 86.7 Rock Academy 87.5 Classical Academy Maranatha 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 52 of 106 ITEM # 18 Football 2014/2015 (Revised as of 3/6/14) Open Division Rank Div 2013 Oceanside Mission Hills Helix Eastlake Cathedral San Pasqual La Costa Canyon Carlsbad 5.89 6.36 6.53 7.6 8.57 16.07 16.14 16.63 Open Open Open Open 1 1 Open 1 Division 1 Rank Div 2013 Division 2 St Augustine 16 Poway 16.8 Torrey Pines 17.8 Madison 19.3 Grossmont 20.5 Steele Canyon 21.7 Olympian 21.8 Ramona 24.7 El Camino 24.8 Mt Miguel 28.4 Vista 28.8 Pt. Loma 30.8 Westview 30.8 RBV 31.75 Valhalla 31.8 Mira Mesa 33.28 2 Open Open 2 1 Open 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 Teams that move up one division as a result of the enrollment factor Teams that move down one division as a result of the enrollment factor # of teams # of teams qualify Open Division Division 1 Division2 Division3 Division 4 Division 5 8 16 16 16 17 17 8 12 12 12 12 8 TTTTT Mt. Carmel Otay Ranch Valley Center Lincoln Brawley Scripps Ranch Mission Bay San Marcos West Hills Imperial Chula Vista Escondido El Capitan Rancho Bernardo Serra Del Norte Rank Div 2013 Division 3 33.44 35.47 35.98 36.21 37.85 38.02 38.64 38.65 38.76 39.21 39.38 39.57 41.78 42.64 43.89 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 Rank Santa Fe Christian45.19 Granite Hills 45.34 Hoover 47.00 Hilltop 47.37 Christian 47.39 Bonita Vista 47.92 Morse 48.05 Fallbrook 49.53 Mar Vista 50.56 Patrick Henry 51.28 Francis Parker 51.59 Sweetwater 55.03 San Diego 57.80 La Jolla 58.42 Monte Vista 59.13 Santana 61.62 Div 2013 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 Division 4 Rank Div 2013 Division 5 Central Union Kearny Coronado University City Orange Glen Mater Dei Bishops Calexico Clairemont Montgomery Southwest (EC) Castle Park Horizon El Cajon Valley San Ysidro Southwest (SD) 63.2 64.5 65.3 65.7 66.7 #### #### 68.3 71.1 72.3 72.9 73.6 74.4 75.2 79 82.5 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 Rank LJCD 74.76 Palo Verde 81.11 Holtville 82.1 Crawford 83.8 Mt. Empire 85.71 Escondido Charter 88.16 Army-Navy 90.97 Tri City Christian 94.92 Calipatria 95.78 Vincent Memorial 102.1 Foothills Christian 108.04 Calvary Christian Academy 110.72 Calvin Christian 111.3 San Diego Jewish Academy 111.5 Rock Academy 114.45 Classical Academy Maranatha Div 2013 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 53 of 106 ITEM # 18 CIFSDS 2013-2014 Open Divisions by Sport Baseball Boys Lacrosse Girls Lacrosse Rancho Bernardo Granite Hills La Costa Canyon Vista Helix Poway Torrey Pines Rancho Buena Vista 26-4 22-8 20-10 20-11 15-14 14-15 13-17 13-16 La Costa Canyon Torrey Pines Cathedral Bishops Poway San Marcos Coronado Rancho Bernardo 16-3 14-3 17-2 13-5 11-6 11-4 8-10 3-11 Coronado La Costa Canyon Torrey Pines Westview La Jolla Scripps Ranch Poway Rancho Bernardo 15-3 14-4 10-7 12-5 11-5 9-6 10-7 5-11 Carlsbad Grossmont St. Augustine Montgomery 23-6 22-8 23-7 23-6 Westview Pacific Ridge 17-3 14-3 Cathedral Canyon Crest Mission Hills 14-5 12-6 15-6 Open Division Teams Division I Teams Football Girl’s Volleyball Mission Hills Eastlake Helix Oceanside La Costa Canyon Torrey Pines Poway Steele Canyon 9-1 9-1 8-2 8-2 7-3 6-4 4-6 3-7 Torrey Pines La Costa Canyon Francis Parker Westview Bonita Vista Canyon Crest La Jolla Country Day Cathedral Catholic 29-3 23-8 23-4 26-7 23-7 20-7 20-11 16-14 San Pasqual Cathedral Catholic Ramona 9-1 8-2 9-1 Scripps Ranch 33-2 Boy’s Basketball Girl’s Basketball Boy’s Soccer Girl’s Soccer St. Augustine El Camino La Costa Canyon Torrey Pines Mission Hills Lincoln Hoover Vista 26-2 26-3 25-5 25-4 18-9 13-12 18-10 7-20 Bishops LCC Mater Dei Mt. Miguel Poway Serra LJCD Horizon 24-5 24-3 21-6 24-4 17-10 17-10 16-10 9-18 Westview Carlsbad Poway San Pasqual Chula Vista Torrey Pines Hilltop LCC 17-4-2 17-4-3 15-1-8 13-3-7 11-5-5 10-7-7 9-12-2 5-9-7 Eastlake 20-4 Torrey Pines 22-5 St. Augustine 16-3-2 Torrey Pines Steele Canyon Carlsbad La Costa Canyon Eastlake Westview San Pasqual Poway 20-1-1 19-4 15-1-4 14-5-3 11-5-2 15-7-4 10-6-3 6-12-3 Cathedral Southwest 20-2-3 13-2-4 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 54 of 106 Board of Managers CIF San Diego Section INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF MANAGERS DATE PREPARED: December 17, 2014 BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING DATE: April 30, 2014 PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: Tm McCoy N. County Conference President SUBJECT: NORTH COUNTY CONFERENCE RE-LEAGUING PROPOSAL …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the N. County Conference Re-Leaguing proposal for football and the separate structure for each sport as shown in the attached supplement(s). (Please see attached Item # 19) RECOMMENDATION/ FIRST READ: The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the N. County Conference Re-Leaguing. This item was reviewed at the Executive Committee meeting of April 16, 2014. This information item is being presented for first read and the Board’s consideration, and will be resubmitted for board action on June 4, 2014. ITEM # 19 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 55 of 106 ITEM # 19 Football Avo West Carlsbad El Camino La Costa Canyon Oceanside Torrey Pines Palomar Mt. Carmel Poway Ramona Rancho Bernardo Westview Avo East Del Norte Mission Hills Rancho Buena Vista San Marcos Vista Valley Escondido Fallbrook Orange Glen San Pasqual Valley Center Avo West Carlsbad El Camino La Costa Canyon Rancho Buena Vista Sage Creek Vista Palomar Canyon Crest Mt. Carmel Poway Rancho Bernardo Torrey Pines Westview Valley Fallbrook Mission Vista Oceanside Orange Glen Ramona Valley Center All other Sports Avo East Del Norte Escondido Mission Hills San Dieguito San Marcos San Pasqual Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 56 of 106 Board of Managers CIF San Diego Section ITEM # 20 INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF MANAGERS DATE PREPARED: April 1, 2014 BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING DATE: April 30, 2014 PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: Jerry Schniepp and Suzanne O’Connell CIF Commissioner and Carlsbad Unified School District, Deputy Superintendent SUBJECT: CIFSDS AUDIT REPORT, 2012-2013 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the CIFSDS Audit Report, 2012-2013 as shown in the attached supplement(s). (Please see attached Item # 20) RECOMMENDATION/ FIRST READ: The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the CIFSDS Audit Report, 2012-2013. This item was reviewed at the Executive Committee meeting of April 16, 2014. This information item is being presented for first read and the Board’s consideration, and will be resubmitted for board action on June 4, 2014. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 57 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 58 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 59 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 60 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 61 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 62 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 63 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 64 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 65 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 66 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 67 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 68 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 69 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 70 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 71 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 72 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 73 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 74 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 75 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 76 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 77 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 78 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 79 of 106 ITEM # 20 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 80 of 106 Board of Managers CIF San Diego Section INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF MANAGERS DATE PREPARED: April 1, 2014 BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING DATE: April 30, 2014 PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: Jerry Schniepp CIF Commissioner SUBJECT: CIFSDS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the CIFSDS Employee Benefits proposal as shown in the attached supplement(s). (Please see attached Item # 21) RECOMMENDATION/ FIRST READ: The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the CIFSDS Employee Benefits proposal. This item was reviewed at the Executive Committee meeting of April 16, 2014. This information item is being presented for first read and the Board’s consideration, and will be resubmitted for board action on June 4, 2014. ITEM # 21 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 81 of 106 ITEM # 21 2131 Pan American Plaza San Diego, CA 92101 Jerry Schniepp Commissioner, CIFSDS P: 858.292.8165 F: 858.292.1375 Description of medical coverage: The CIF-San Diego Section will continue to make a contribution toward the cost of medical insurance premiums for life for those individuals both active and retired who were hired by the CIF-San Diego Section Board of Managers prior to June 7, 2011. The contribution will be equal to that of the single party plan that the CIF Section Office offers its active employees. For retirees to benefit from this contribution they must stay enrolled in plans offered by the Section benefit provider (If the section chooses to change providers all active retiree’s must make plan selection within provider list). For retirees hired prior to June 7, 2011 to benefit from health benefit contributions they must retire from either STRS or PERS at the time of separation from the CIF-San Diego Section. All eligible employees who retire between the ages of 55 and 65 and who were hired after June 7, 2011 will be provided health benefit contributions equal to the single party rate identified by the plan provider until retirement age, provided that upon separation from the CIF-San Diego Section the employee retires from either STRS or PERS. No cash outs are allowed if employee or retiree chooses to decline coverage. All eligible employees who retire between the ages of 55 and 65 and who are hired after June 4, 2014 will be provided health benefit contributions equal to the single party rate identified by the plan provider until retirement age, not to exceed the cost of the least expensive available plan annually, provided that upon separation from the CIF-San Diego Section the employee retires from either STRS or PERS. No cash outs are allowed if employee or retiree chooses to decline coverage. Unless otherwise determined by the Board of Managers, all future employees become 50% vested for retiree health benefit contributions after they have completed (10) years of employment service (with the CIF-San Diego Section) and attained a minimum age of 55. The percentage will increase by five percent (5%) each year until 20 years in which case they are fully vested for the single party rate offered by the Section. Sample Years Percent of Single party rate 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% The CIF, San Diego Section will contract to conduct an actuarial analysis, to determine projected liability for retiree medical costs, and to receive a recommendation for annual funding, every three (3) years, beginning in 2014. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 82 of 106 Board of Managers CIF San Diego Section INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF MANAGERS DATE PREPARED: April 1, 2014 BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING DATE: April 30, 2014 PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: Jerry Schniepp CIF Commissioner SUBJECT: CIFSDS FINANCIAL POLICIES MANUAL …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the CIFSDS Financial Policies Manual as shown in the attached supplement(s). (Please see attached Item # 22) RECOMMENDATION/ FIRST READ: The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the CIFSDS Financial Policies Manual. This item was reviewed at the Executive Committee meeting of April 16, 2014. This information item is being presented for first read and the Board’s consideration, and will be resubmitted for board action on June 4, 2014. ITEM # 22 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 83 of 106 California Interscholastic Federation San Diego Section Financial Policies Manual Draft Developed December 2013 ITEM # 22 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 84 of 106 ITEM # 22 Foreword This financial policies and procedures manual is meant to provide direction and guidance to all personnel involved with the California Interscholastic Federation, San Diego Section. Many of the policies in this manual have been adopted by the CIFSDS Board of Managers and can be changed only by that body according to the procedure delineated in the Constitution and Bylaws for the CIFSDS. In addition, there are procedures recommended by our auditors, State Office staff, the CIFSDS Audit Committee and the Executive Committee and are meant to carry out the intent and direction of those policies adopted by the Board of Managers. Interpretations of policies or procedures may be requested from the Commissioner. Proposals to change or add to the current policies or procedures should be directed to the Executive Committee or Commissioner for action. This manual will support the internal operations of the CIFSDS. Table of Contents PAGE Financial Principles and Audit Policy……………………………………….. 3-4 Conflict of Interest Policy…………………………………………………… 5 Additional Recommended Guidelines, CIF Credit Cards, Conference Expenses and Championship Events……………………………………………………… 6-7 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 85 of 106 ITEM # 22 FINANCIAL PRINCIPLES AND AUDIT POLICY 1. GUIDING PRINCIPLE FOR FINANCIAL OPERATIONS It is recognized that all funds handled by the CIFSDS, or any of the CIF entities, are monies designed for the enhancement and administration of athletics for the students of the high schools in the San Diego Section. 2. PRINCIPLES GUIDING POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION The following principles should guide the formulation and administration of financial policies within the CIFSDS. All financial policies and regulations adopted apply to all CIFSDS personnel (staff and elected representatives) unless a specific distinction has been recognized and authorized in writing. An adequately financed program of competitive athletics is essential for California’s youth to receive a well-rounded education. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. It is the intent of these policies to develop a bright line definition of what is and is not appropriate. Therefore, these policies are written as unambiguously and published as widely as possible. These principles and policies apply to all CIFSDS entities. Financial information at all levels should be kept on a computer database for easy access, appropriate administration, and accountability to local constituencies as well as the State CIF and auditors. Staff at all levels should not be in the position of supervising and approving the expenses of elected representatives, and therefore will administratively review and approve for payment these expenses which fall within the framework of pre-approved written guidelines. A detailed report of all expenses approved in this manner shall be prepared quarterly and be available for review by any CIF elected official. The Executive Committee will review and authorize, where appropriate, all actual and necessary expenses of elected or appointed representatives that do not fall within the framework or written guidelines. All entities collecting and disbursing funds, whether it be school, league, conference, or the Section, are required to have two signatures for all expenditures. Staff/elected officials shall not approve or sign their own pay or reimbursement forms. A CIFSDS audit committee shall be formed by the CIFSDS Board of Managers. The committee shall consist of three members and include at least one member of the executive committee and two members of the CIFSDS Board of Managers. The Board of Managers shall approve the audit committee on an annual basis. Yearly audits for the CIFSDS shall be conducted by reputable auditing firms with established expertise in dealing with school district and/or other non-profit organization finances. The audits shall be based upon the principles contained in this document and conclude with a presentation by the auditor to the CIFSDS Audit Committee who will present the audit to the CIFSDS Board of Managers. All relevant documentation shall be distributed to the Audit Committee in sufficient time prior to the meeting to allow familiarization of the data in order to have a meaningful discussion with the auditor during the presentation. The audit shall not be edited or have items altered or deleted by any person and must be presented and retained in its original form from the auditor. All fiscal accounting at all levels shall use generally accepted accounting principles when handling and disbursing funds. All funds expended by any CIFSDS entity must be budgeted and authorized. The Commissioner must have prior limited authorization for all expenditures. An example would be some limited authorization for general expenses including lunches, recognitions, travel, etc. These expenses would then be reported to the executive committee at the next meeting. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 86 of 106 I. J. K. L. 3. ITEM # 22 No alcohol or tobacco shall be purchased or paid for out of any CIFSDS funds. CIFSDS funds may not be used for gifts or personal loans. All financial practices and information shall be open to review by CIFSDS members or other interested parties. CIFSDS financial records are public information. The allocation of CIFSDS funds should be as simple and equitable as possible. An annual budget for each fiscal entity should be prepared with the affected parties sufficiently involved so that they are a part of the process. The process should have as its goal maximizing the benefits to our school children. The CIFSDS should improve the degree to which participation in high school athletics are available to students of all economic and social stations. POLICIES RELATED TO AUDITS The following are policies related to audits: A. A thorough yearly audit shall be required. The audit shall consist of a complete examination and reassessment of present methodologies, procedures, and policies for the administration and control of CIFSDS funds and all financial flows associated with or relevant to the CIFSDS. It shall be the responsibility of the CIFSDS to ensure compliance of leagues within the Section to all State and Section financial policies. The CIFSDS will assume responsibility for the creation and implementation of financial policies, practices, and procedures for each league within that Section. As long as the Section has financial policies in place, which provide for league financial policies, practices, and procedures, and as long as the Section is satisfied that the league financial policies, practices and procedures are consistent with State and Section policy, the Section may waive the requirement for a complete, thorough league audit. However, a Section may require an audit of league financial records at any time. B. The CIFSDS shall seek proposals from auditing firms on a cycle of three to five years. Procedure for auditing and the name of the auditing firm used by the CIFSDS shall be forwarded to the State CIF on a yearly basis. Yearly audits shall be forwarded to the State Executive Director upon completion. An audit requiring corrective action shall include an addendum of the proposed corrective actions in the yearly audit report to the State office. NOTE: The Financial Policies Handbook will be distributed, annually, to the CIFSDS Board of Managers. 4. LEGAL EXPENSES, LIABILITY INSURANCE COSTS AND SCHOOL ASSESSMENT Each year the State CIF office will assess schools, based upon enrollment, an amount equal to the legal expenses and insurance costs for the fiscal year immediately preceding the year of assessment. Legal expenses and insurance costs shall be for all direct and indirect costs of same including, but not limited to, attorney and clerical salaries and fees, office expenses, travel, court fees, insurance policy premiums, training expenses for State and Section staff and officers related to legal or insurance matters. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 87 of 106 ITEM # 22 CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY This Conflict of Interest Policy of the California Interscholastic Federation: (l) defines conflicts of interest; (2) identifies classes of individuals within the Organization covered by this policy; (3) facilitates disclosure of information that may help identify conflicts of interest; and (4) specifies procedures to be followed in managing conflicts of interest. 1. Definition of conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest arises when a person in a position of authority over the Organization may benefit financially from a decision he or she could make in that capacity, including indirect benefits such as to family members or businesses with which the person is closely associated. This policy is focused upon material financial interest of, or benefit to, such persons. 2. Individuals covered. Persons covered by this policy are the Organization's officers, directors, chief employed executive and chief employed finance executive. 3. Facilitation of disclosure. Persons covered by this policy will annually disclose or update to the Chairperson of the Board of Managers on a form provided by the Organization their interests that could give rise to conflicts of interest, such as a list of family members, substantial business or investment holdings, and other transactions or affiliations with businesses and other organizations or those of family members. 4. Procedures to manage conflicts. For each interest disclosed to the Chairperson of the Board of Managers on, the Chairperson will determine whether to: (a) take no action; (b) assure full disclosure to the Board of Managers and other individuals covered by this policy; (c) ask the person to recuse from participation in related discussions or decisions within the Organization; or (d) ask the person to resign from his or her position in the Organization or, if the person refuses to resign, become subject to possible removal in accordance with the Organization's removal procedures. The Organization's chief employed executive and chief employed finance executive will monitor proposed or ongoing transactions for conflicts of interest and disclose them to the Chairperson of the Board of Managers on in order to deal with potential or actual conflicts, whether discovered before or after the transaction has occurred. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 88 of 106 ITEM # 22 ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDED GUIDELINES CIF Credit Cards, Conference Expenses, Championship Events A. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. If CIF credit cards are used for the purpose of travel, food expense or telephone use, the receipts shall: Include specific notes on the receipt that list those included and the purpose. Record keeping procedures that provide easy access and auditor approval of the procedure. Use other than travel or meal expenses must have prior Commissioner approval. Personal expenses shall never be charged to a CIF credit card. Under no circumstances will any personal expenses be paid for by the CIFSDS and reimbursed at a later date. Allowances for lodging, travel and meals at California and national meetings and conferences. Receipts – All expenses must include receipts when submitted for reimbursement. Lodging Expense – Lodging expenses shall include lodging and taxes only. Movies, room service (except for reimbursable meals) and in-room bar charges are not reimbursable. Tips representing no more than 18% of a reimbursable meal (no alcohol) shall be approved. Travel Expense – Actual and necessary travel expenses shall be limited to one coach-class airline ticket to and from the meeting/conference location. Use of personal automobile shall be reimbursed at the Standard IRS mileage rate. Parking expenses incurred at the airport or otherwise on CIFSDS business shall also be permitted. Travel shall not be reimbursed for family members or other guests at CIFSDS expense. Meal Expense – Meal expense guidelines at CIFSDS meetings and conferences shall be made applicable to all staff and elected representatives and shall be limited to $60 per day. Amounts submitted for reimbursement shall be reviewed and approved by the CIFSDS Executive committee. No In-room Movie, Entertainment or Personal Expense Allowance - CIFSDS personnel should feel welcome to take advantage of such services, which may be offered gratis by the facility. Entertainment expenses shall not be charged to the CIFSDS. Entertainment and personal expenses include but are not limited to: games such as golf, tennis, etc.; services such as massages, physical training, or workout, etc.; haircuts or other grooming services; snacks, in-room bar, meal expenses in excess of those listed above, etc.; and charges for in-room movies. Expense Review - All expenses generated by CIF staff and elected representatives shall be subject to review by impartial and objective persons as well as any elected representative. 1. Superior's Review and Approval of Expenses of Subordinates – The CIFSDS Commissioner should review and approve expenses of all subordinate employees, consultants, and advisors. In addition, the Commissioner may approve, within the framework of approved written guidelines, the expenses of elected representatives. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 89 of 106 a) b) D. ITEM # 22 The Executive Committee of the CIFSDS shall review expenses of staff and elected representatives on a regular basis. Any expense incurred by an elected or appointed representative, which is not within the framework of a written guideline, may only be approved by the Executive Committee. Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the organization is July 1 through June 30 E. Financial Reports Financial reports of the CIFSDS will be prepared and delivered to the CIFSDS Executive committee and to the Board of Managers quarterly. F. Management of Playoff and Championship Events Following are practices mandated for directors of playoff and championship events: 1. All funds received must be deposited in CIF bank accounts. G. 2. All checks require two signatures approved on the account. Both signees must be CIF representatives. 3. No "cash" payments may be made out of gate receipts. 4. All bank statements, cancelled checks, receipts, and invoices must be sent to the CIFSDS office on a monthly basis for office reconciliation. Inventory/Fixed Assets The Financial Secretary shall be responsible for development and maintenance of a complete inventory of all property of the CIFSDS including, but not limited to, equipment and furniture. Such an inventory will be delivered to the Commissioner and reviewed at least annually by the Commissioner and the Financial Secretary. Such a review will result in recommendations for disposal of those items listed as obsolete, recommendations for equipment or furniture replacement of augmentation. All obsolete items with a value greater than $2000 will be brought to Executive Committee for approval prior to disposal. In addition, the purpose of the review will be to verify the accuracy of the inventory. H. Purchases A petty cash account of $300.00 is provided for the CIFSDS office for purchase of minor office supplies or purchase of meeting supplies needed. Such purchases are subject to the approval of the Commissioner. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 90 of 106 Board of Managers CIF San Diego Section INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF MANAGERS DATE PREPARED: April 7, 2014 BOARD OF MANAGERS MEETING DATE: April 30, 2014 PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: Jerry Schniepp CIF Commissioner SUBJECT: 2014-2015, CIFSDS BUDGET PROPOSAL, COMMISSIONER CONTRACT …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the 20142015, CIFSDS Budget Proposal, Commissioner Contract as shown in the attached supplement(s). (Please see attached Item # 23) RECOMMENDATION/ FIRST READ: The Board of Managers is asked to consider the future approval of the 2014-2015, CIFSDS Budget Proposal, Commissioner Contract. This item was reviewed at the Executive Committee meeting of April 16, 2014. This information item is being presented for first read and the Board’s consideration, and will be resubmitted for board action on June 4, 2014. ITEM # 23 California Interscholastic Federation-San Diego Section Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual July 2014 through June 2015 Budget Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 91 of 106 ITEM # 23 Notes Income Other Revenue Commissions Frontier League Income 500.00 8,000.00 In-Kind Income 160,000.00 Interest Income 1,800.00 Member School Dues Other Total Other Revenue 191,000.00 2,000.00 363,300.00 Playoff Revenue Baseball 47,000.00 Basketball 190,000.00 Boy's Golf 2,300.00 Boy's Tennis 2,250.00 Boy's Volleyball 17,000.00 Boy's Waterpolo 33,000.00 Boy's Wrestling 30,000.00 Cross Country 9,000.00 Field Hockey 7,000.00 Football 350,000.00 Girl's Golf 2,000.00 Girl's Tennis 1,500.00 Girl's Volleyball 50,000.00 Girl's Waterpolo 21,000.00 Girl's Wrestling 1,000.00 Gymnastics 2,500.00 Lacrosse 27,500.00 Soccer 40,000.00 Softball 20,000.00 Swimming/Diving 22,000.00 Track & Field 40,000.00 Page 1 of 5 California Interscholastic Federation-San Diego Section Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual July 2014 through June 2015 Budget Total Playoff Revenue Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 92 of 106 ITEM # 23 Notes 915,050.00 Program Related Revenue Classics/Special Events 62,000.00 Media Fees 78,000.00 Participation Awards 36,000.00 Publications 1,000.00 Rule Books 14,000.00 State CIF 65,000.00 Symposium 5,000.00 Tournament Sanctions 7,500.00 Total Program Related Revenue 268,500.00 Sponorship Corporate Over $5,000 Corporate Under $5,000 Individual Total Sponorship Total Income 200,000.00 55,000.00 5,000.00 260,000.00 1,806,850.00 Expense Operating Expense Audit & Accounting Bank Charges 41,000.00 300.00 Committees 8,000.00 Computers under $2000 3,000.00 D & O Insurance 5,000.00 Depreciation Expense Equipment/Furniture under $2000 3,000.00 Mileage 2,000.00 Miscellaneous 5,000.00 Page 2 of 5 California Interscholastic Federation-San Diego Section Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual July 2014 through June 2015 Budget Postage 3,500.00 Printing 8,000.00 Public Relations 5,000.00 Rent 2,000.00 Repair & Maintenance 25,000.00 Seminar/Consultation 1,000.00 Subscriptions Supplies Telephone/Fax Website Total Operating Expense Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 93 of 106 ITEM # 23 Notes 200.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 18,000.00 150,000.00 Other Expense Eligibility Contingency Fund 5,000.00 Frontier League Expense 8,000.00 In-Kind Expense Reserve 160,000.00 70,000.00 Retiree Health Benefit Reserves Retiree Health Ins 25,000.00 Total Other Expense 268,000.00 Payroll Expense Salaries Administration Clerical 346,000.00 20,000.00 Marketing/Media 40,000.00 Office Assistant 140,000.00 Vacation Accrual Expense Total Salaries 546,000.00 Payroll Expense - Other Total Payroll Expense 546,000.00 Page 3 of 5 California Interscholastic Federation-San Diego Section Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual July 2014 through June 2015 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 94 of 106 ITEM # 23 Notes Budget Payroll Tax & Fringe Benefits Dental/Vision Insurance 2,200.00 Federal Payroll Tax 35,000.00 Health Insurance 35,000.00 Retirement 120,000.00 State Payroll Tax 1,000.00 Workers Compensation 6,500.00 Total Payroll Tax & Fringe Benefits 199,700.00 Playoff Expense Badminton 0.00 Baseball 30,000.00 Basketball 70,000.00 Boy's Golf 9,000.00 Boy's Tennis 3,000.00 Boy's Volleyball 5,650.00 Boy's Waterpolo 22,000.00 Cross Country 14,000.00 Field Hockey Football 2,000.00 135,000.00 Girl's Golf 9,000.00 Girl's Tennis. 3,000.00 Girl's Volleyball 8,000.00 Girl's Waterpolo 20,000.00 Girl's Wrestling 4,000.00 Gymnastics 2,500.00 Lacrosse 6,000.00 Soccer 15,000.00 Softball 18,000.00 Swimming/Diving 30,000.00 Track & Field 30,000.00 Page 4 of 5 California Interscholastic Federation-San Diego Section Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual July 2014 through June 2015 Total Playoff Expense ITEM # 23 Notes Budget Wrestling Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 95 of 106 35,000.00 471,150.00 Program Related Expense CIF SDS Awards 40,000.00 Classics/Special Events 45,000.00 Committees 14,000.00 Media Expense 0.00 Participation Awards 47,000.00 Rule Books 15,000.00 Seminar/ Consultation 3,000.00 Symposium 8,000.00 Tickets Total Program Related Expense Total Expense 0.00 172,000.00 1,806,850.00 0.00 Page 5 of 5 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 96 of 106 ITEM # 23 CIF San Diego Section Partnership Report April 4, 2014 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 97 of 106 2014-2015 New CIFSDS Sponsorships Wings ‘N Things ITEM # 23 Annual Cash Value Annual Product Value Total Value $4,000 $2,500 $6,500 MaxPreps Cash Value $8,000 Porzak Golf Academy Cash Value $5,000 Jostens Cash Value 2013-2014 New CIFSDS Sponsorships National University Golf Academy U.S. Army Torrey Pines Men’s Golf Club 2013-2014 Renewed 1-Year Sponsorships Title Sponsorship-Toyota Dealers of San Diego Cash Value Cash Value Cash Value $5,000 Cash Value Cash Value $10,000 $2,500 $2,000 Product Value $12,025 Product Value $15,000 San Diego Padres (in-kind) Product Value Sports Authority (in-kind) Product Value UT San Diego (in-kind) $2,000 Cask Value Gyminy Kids Phil’s Bar-B-Q (in-kind) $2,000 $75,000 Cash Value Macy’s $2,500 Cash Value Mission Federal Credit Union San Diego Chargers $7,500 $17,000 $7,000 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 98 of 106 Multi-Year Sponsorships Cymer adidas ITEM # 23 2012-2013 cash value 2013-2014 cash value 2014-2015 cash value Total Contract Value 2012-2013 through 2014-2015 Annual Product Value Total Contract Value Elite Signs U.S. Awards Ball Contracts Wilson (Soccer and Volleyball) Kap 7 (Water Polo) Rawlings (Football, Basketball, Baseball, Softball) Souvenir Contract Kukulski Brothers $8,000 $7,000 $6,000 $21,000 (3 years) $40,000 $120,000 2012-2013 through 2014-2015 Annual Product Value (3 years) $10,000 2012-2013 through 2015-2016 Annual Cash Value (4 years) $1,750 Total Contract Value Total Contract Value $30,000 $7,000 2012-2013 through 2014-2015 (3 Years) Annual Cash Value $16,500 Annual Product Value $16,000 Total Contract Value $97,500 2013-2014 through 2017-2018 (5 years) Annual Cash Value $7,000 Annual Product Value $3,000 Total Contract Value $50,000 Total Contract Value $300,000 2011-2012 through 2014-2015 Annual Cash Value Annual Product Value 2012-2013 through 2015-2016 Annual Cash Value Total Contract Value (5 years) $40,000 $20,000 (4 Years) $14,125 $56,500 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 99 of 106 ITEM # 23 Media Rights Contracts XX 1090 Radio 2012-2013 through 2014-2015 Annual Cash Value Annual Product Value Total Contract Value Time Warner Cable 2012-2013 through 2016-2017 Annual Cash Value Total Contract Value (3 years) $5,000 $19,400 $73,200 (5 years) $72,779 $363,879 2013-2014 State CIF Partners w/San Diego Section Share Farmers Insurance $19,625 Max Preps $3,375 Sports Authority $9,980 CCPOA (California Correctional Peace Officers Association) $3,375 Jostens $1,087.92 Herff Jones Balfour Wilson $1,087.92 $1,087.92 $202.50 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Total 2013-2014 Cash Sponsorships/Contracts $325,474 Total 2013-2014 In-Kind Product/Donation $159,425 Total 2013-2014 Cash and In-Kind Partnerships $484,8999 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 100 of 106 Board of Managers CIF San Diego Section INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF MANAGERS DATE PREPARED: March 5, 2014 BOARD OF MANANGERS MEETING DATE: April 30, 2014 PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: Jerry Schniepp CIFSDS, Commissioner SUBJECT: CIFSDS CALENDAR MEETING DATES, 2014-2015 …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Board of Managers is presented with the calendar meeting dates of the CIFSDS for the 2014 -2015 school year as shown in the attached supplement(s). (Please see attached Item # 24) RECOMMENDATION: This calendar item is being presented as an information item for the Board. ITEM # 24 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 101 of 106 CIF-SAN DIEGO SECTION MEETING DATES – 2014-15 SECTION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE / WEDNESDAYS, 9:00 AM August 20, 2014, 8:30 a.m., Training ... San Diego, Hall of Champions, Banquet Room October 8, 2014 .................................... San Diego, Hall of Champions, Banquet Room January 7, 2015 ........................................ San Diego, Hall of Champions, Board Room April 8, 2015 .............................................. San Diego, Hall of Champions, Board Room May 20, 2015 ............................................ San Diego, Hall of Champions, Board Room BOARD OF MANAGERS / WEDNESDAYS, 9:00 AM August 20, 2014, 10:00 a.m., Training…San Diego, Hall of Champions, Banquet Room October 22, 2014 ................................ .San Diego, Hall of Champions, Banquet Room January 21 2015 ................................... San Diego, Hall of Champions, Banquet Room April 22, 2015 ........................................ San Diego, Hall of Champions, Banquet Room June 3, 2015 ......................................... San Diego, Hall of Champions, Banquet Room COORDINATING COUNCIL / WEDNESDAYS, 9:00 AM August 22, 2014, (Fri.) Training ............ San Diego, Hall of Champions, Banquet Room September 17, 2014 ............................. San Diego, Hall of Champions, Banquet Room December 17, 2014 ............................... San Diego, Hall of Champions, Banquet Room March 11, 2015 ..................................... San Diego, Hall of Champions, Banquet Room May 6, 2015 .......................................... San Diego, Hall of Champions, Banquet Room STATE COMMISSIONERS’ MEETINGS September 30- October 1, 2014 (Tuesday-Wednesday) ........ State Office, Sacramento December 7, 2014 (Sunday) ............ Home Depot Ctr., Carson City (Selection Sunday) January 13-14, 2015 (Tuesday-Wednesday) .......................... State Office, Sacramento March 18-19, 2015 (Wednesday- Thursday) ........................... State Office, Sacramento June 16-18, 2015 (Tuesday-Thursday) .................................................................... TBD STATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE September 9, 2014 (Tuesday) ................................................. State Office, Sacramento October 26, 2014 (Sunday) .......................................... Embassy Suites, Ontario Airport December 2, 2014 (Tuesday).................................................. State Office, Sacramento January 29, 2015 (Thursday) .............................................. Doubletree Hotel, San Jose March 26, 2015 (Thursday) ...................................................................................... TBD April 30, 2015 (Thursday) .................................................. Marriott, Los Angeles Airport, June 13-14, 2015 (Saturday- Sunday) ..................................................................... TBD STATE FEDERATED COUNCIL October 27, 2014 (Monday) ......................................... Embassy Suites, Ontario Airport January 30-31, 2015 (Friday-Saturday)............................... Doubletree Hotel, San Jose May 1-2, 2015 (Friday-Saturday) ....................................... Los Angeles Airport, Marriott NATIONAL NATIONAL FEDERATION September 14-16, 2014 (Sunday-Tuesday – Section 7 & 8) ...................... Jackson, WY January 3-6, 2015 (Saturday-Tuesday – Winter Meeting) .......................... Asheville, NC June 28- July 2, 2015 (Sunday-Thursday – Summer Meeting) ............ New Orleans, LA ITEM # 24 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 102 of 106 Board of Managers CIF San Diego Section INFORMATION REGARDING AGENDA ITEM TO: BOARD OF MANAGERS DATE PREPARED: April 6, 2014 BOARD OF MANANGERS MEETING DATE: April 30, 2014 PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: Jerry Schniepp CIF Commissioner SUBJECT: CIFSDS YEARLY FORMS …………………………………………………………………………………………………….... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Board of Managers is presented with the CIFSDS Yearly Forms (Designation of CIF Representatives, Membership Agreement, and Conflict of Interest Policy) as shown in the attached supplement(s). The CIF Representatives to League and CIFSDS Membership Agreement must be signed by your school district Superintendent or district representative for the 2014-2015 school year. The policy (Conflict of Interest) will need to be reviewed and signed by each individual CIFSDS board member; please sign and submit the forms to our section office on or before, July 1, 2014. (Please see attached Item # 25) RECOMMENDATION: These item(s) are being presented as an information item for the Board. ITEM # 25 Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 103 of 106 ITEM # 25 TO: SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS PRINCIPAL OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS FROM: ROGER L. BLAKE RE: FORM TO RECORD DISTRICT AND/OR SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVES TO LEAGUES DATE: APRIL 23, 2014 Enclosed is a form upon which to record your district and/or school representatives to leagues for next year, 2014-2015. It is a form sent every year to you in order to obtain the names of league representatives to every league in the state and to make sure that the league representatives are designated by school district or school governing boards. It is a legal requirement that league representatives be so designated. The education code gives the authority for high school athletics to high school governing boards. The code also requires that the boards, after joining CIF, designate their representatives to CIF leagues. This is a necessity! (Ed. Code 33353 (a) (1)) We are asking that, after action by the governing board, you send the names of league representatives to your CIF Section office. Obviously, the presumption behind this code section is that the representatives of boards are the only people who will be voting on issues, at the league and section level, that impact athletics. If a governing board does not take appropriate action to designate representatives or this information is not given to Section offices within the required time frame, CIF is required to suspend voting privileges (CIF Constitution, Article 2, Section 25, p.17) for the affected schools. At the State Federated Council level we will be asking that Sections verify that their representatives are designated in compliance with this Ed. Code section. I hope this gives you a bit of background. Thank you for all you do to help support high school athletics. It is a valuable program in all high schools and we appreciate the support you give to the program and to CIF. Please return the enclosed form no later than July 1, 2014 directly to your CIF Section Office. Addresses of each section are listed on the back of the form. Please contact us if we can give you further information. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 104 of 106 ITEM # 25 2014-2015 Designation of CIF Representatives to League Please complete the form below for each school under your jurisdiction and RETURN TO THE CIF SECTION OFFICE (ADDRESSES ON REVERSE SIDE) no later than July 1, 2014. School District/Governing Board at its (Name of school district/governing board) meeting, (Date) appointed the following individual(s) to serve for the 2014-2015 school year as the school's league representative: PHOTOCOPY THIS FORM TO LIST ADDITIONAL SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVES NAME OF SCHOOL ______ NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE POSITION ADDRESS CITY PHONE FAX ______ ZIP E-MAIL ______ ______ ***************************************************************************************** NAME OF SCHOOL ______ NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE POSITION ADDRESS CITY PHONE FAX ______ ZIP E-MAIL ______ ______ ***************************************************************************************** NAME OF SCHOOL ______ NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE POSITION ADDRESS PHONE FAX ______ CITY ZIP E-MAIL _____________ ______ ***************************************************************************************** NAME OF SCHOOL ___ NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE POSITION ADDRESS CITY PHONE FAX _______ ZIP E-MAIL If the designated representative is not available for a given league meeting, an alternate designee of the district governing board may be sent in his/her place. NOTE: League representatives from public schools and private schools must be designated representatives of the school’s governing boards in order to be eligible to serve on the section and state governance bodies. Superintendent's or Principal’s Name Address Phone ____________Signature ________________________ City Zip ____________Fax_____________________________ PLEASE MAIL OR FAX THIS FORM DIRECTLY TO THE CIF SECTION OFFICE. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR CIF SECTION OFFICE ADDRESSES. Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 105 of 106 ITEM # 25 JERRY SCHNIEPP, COMMISSIONER CALIFORNIA INTERSCHOLASTIC FEDERATION- SAN DIEGO SECTION CIF- SAN DIEGO SECTION • 2131 PAN AMERICAN PLAZA • SAN DIEGO. CA 92101• (858) 292-8165 • FAX ( 858) 292-1375 • CIFSDS.ORG CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY This Conflict of Interest Policy of the California Interscholastic Federation, San Diego Section (1) defines conflicts of interest; (2) identifies classes of individuals within the Organization covered by this policy; (3) facilitates disclosure of information that may help identify conflicts of interest; and (4) specifies procedures to be followed in managing conflicts of interest. 1. Definition of conflict of interest A conflict of interest arises when a person in a position of authority over the Organization may benefit financially from a decision he or she could make in that capacity, including indirect benefits such as to family members or businesses with which the person is closely associated. This policy is focused upon material financial interest of, or benefit to,such persons. 2. Individuals covered Persons covered by this policy are the Organization's officers, directors, chief employed executive and chief employed finance executive. 3. Facilitation of disclosure Persons covered by this policy will annually disclose or update to the Chair of the Board of Managers on a form provided by the Organization their interests that could give rise to conflicts of interest, such as a list of family members, substantial business or investment holdings, and other transactions or affiliations with businesses and other organizations or those of family members. 4. Procedures to manage conflicts For each interest disclosed to the Chair of the Board of Managers; the C h a ir will determine whether to: (a) take no action;(b) assure full disclosure to the Board of Managers and other individuals covered by this policy; (c) ask the person to recuse from participation in related discussions or decisions within the Organization; or (d) ask the person to resign from his or her position in the Organization or, if the person refuses to resign, become subject to possible removal in accordance with the Organization's removal procedures. The Organization's chief employed executive and chief employed finance executive will monitor proposed or ongoing transactions for conflicts of interest and disclose them to Chair of the Board of Managers in order to deal with potential or actual conflicts, whether discovered before or after the transaction has occurred. Signature Date Print Name Committee Board of Managers Agenda Packet, 04-30-14 106 of 106 2014-15 CALIFORNIA INTERSCHOLASTIC FEDERATION – SAN DIEGO SECTION REQUEST FOR CONTINUING MEMBERSHIP AND AGREEMENT TO CONDITIONS OF MEMBERSHIP DUE ON OR BEFORE JULY 1 EACH SCHOOL YEAR The superintendent and board of trustees of the school district/private school identified below renew its application for voluntary membership in the California Interscholastic Federation – San Diego Section (CIFSDS) and affirm and agree as follows: 1. That membership in the CIFSDS is voluntary and conditioned upon actual compliance with the conditions of membership as set forth at Article 2 Section 22 of the State CIF Constitution and Bylaws and the CIFSDS application for membership; 2. That the superintendent, board of trustees and each school in the district accept and adopt the “Sixteen Principles of Pursuing Victory with Honor” as operating principles; 3. That membership in the CIFSDS is a privilege, not a right; 4. That student participation in interscholastic athletics is a privilege, not a right; 5. That participation by member schools in the CIFSDS playoffs is a privilege, not a right; 6. That the CIFSDS will adopt bylaws, policies and procedures in accordance with its governance and will enforce those bylaws, policies and procedures consistently and in accordance with the operating principles; 7. That the superintendent, board of trustees, each school in the district and its employees, to include but not limited to, its coaches, volunteers, team attendants or the like, and booster organizations for each school will abide by the decisions of the CIFSDS and seek redress of any grievance only through the adopted procedures of the CIFSDS; 8. That the superintendent, board of trustees, school administration, and coaches (including booster organizations and team attendants and volunteers) of each school in the district will not take an adverse position to the CIFSDS at any time; or encourage, expressly or impliedly, that a party take any adverse action against the CIFSDS; or benefit from any adverse decision imposed on the CIFSDS that contravenes a bylaw, or the spirit of a bylaw, adopted by the membership; 9. That a failure by the district, site administration or coaching staff to abide by the current rules, regulations or decisions of the CIF or CIFSDS may cause the school district or one of its schools to be subject to discipline up to and including exclusion from membership in the CIFSDS. AGREED AND ACCEPTED: Name of Public School District/Private School (please type): ___________________________ Reviewed by Governing Board Date Signature of Superintendent Date Print name of Superintendent • Return to: CIFSDS: 2131 Pan American Plaza, San Diego, Ca. 92101 ; Attn: Compliance ITEM # 25