Curriculum Vitae 2015-09-01 (application/pdf, 141.92 KB)


Curriculum Vitae 2015-09-01 (application/pdf, 141.92 KB)
1 September 2015
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Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Division of Insurance Medicine
Curriculum Vitae - Anders Norlund, born 1945
Academic exams
 Master of business administration, School of business, economics and law,
Gothenburg (1968)
 Bachelor of law, Faculty of law, University of Lund (1979)
 PhD, Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Lund (1987)
Title of thesis “Resultatanalyser inom akutsjukvård” (thesis in Swedish, title
translated in English: Analyses of results in acute medical care).
Supervisor Ass Professor Göran Widebäck
Current position
Health Economist and Co-ordinator, Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical
Neuroscience, Division of Insurance Medicine
Teaching qualifications
Lecturer at courses in research on insurance medicine, Karolinska Institutet
Lecturer at courses in health technology assessment, County council of
Västmanland, County Council of Skåne, respectively
1. Åberg T, Breland U, Ling L, Norlund A. Does flexible sigmoidoscopy have
any justification compared to complete colonoscopy? Endoscopy
2. Sundbärg G, Norlund A, Messeter K, Nordström C-H. Severe traumatic brain
lesions in Sweden. Part III: Economic aspects of aggressive neurosurgical
intensive care. Brain Injury 1989;33:283-93.
3. Norlund A. Prevention of Osteoporosis – a cost-effectiveness analysis
regarding fractures. Scand J Rheumatol 1996;25 (Suppl 103):42-5.
4. Kristensson-Hallström I, Norlund A, Malmfors G. Paediatric day-care
surgery: increased parental participation and reduces costs. European J Public
Health 1998;8:247-9.
5. Norlund A, Pålsson B, Ohlsson K, Skerfving S. Economic consequences of
occupational disorders in women with repetitive industrial work. European J
Public Health 2000;10:127-32.
Postal address
Karolinska Institutet
Division of Insurance Medicine
SE-171 77 Stockholm
Visiting address
Berzelius väg 3, 6th floor
+46 8 524 832 24 (secretary)
6. Norlund A, Apelqvist J, Bitzen PO, Nyberg P, Schersten B. Cost of illness of
adult diabetes mellitus underestimated if comorbidity is not considered. J
Intern Med 2001;250:57-65
7. Norlund A, Alvegard T, Lithman T, Merlo J, Noreen D. Prostate cancer –
prevalence-based healthcare costs. Scand J Urol Nephrol 2003;37:371-5.
8. Merlo J, Gerdtham UG, Lynch J, Beckman A, Norlund A. Social inequalities
in health – do they diminish with age? Revisiting the question in Sweden
1999. Int J Equity Health 2003;2
9. Klinge B, Norlund A. A socio-economic perspective on periodontal diseases:
a systematic review. J Clin Periodontol 2005;32 Suppl 6:314-25.
10. Liedholm R, Henricsson V, Lysell L, Norlund A, Rohlin M et al. Patient
flows in the care process of mandibular third molar surgery. Swed Dent J
11. Norlund A, Marké L-Å, af Geijerstam JL, Oredsson S, Britton M. Immediate
computed tomography or admission for observation after mild head injury:
cost comparison in randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2006;333:465-8.
12. Alton V, Eckerlund I, Norlund A. Health economic evaluations: how to find
them. Int J Technol Assess Health Care 2006;22:512-7.
13. Wimo A, Norlund A. Commentary on “Health economics and the value of
therapy in Alzheimer’s disease”. Cost-effectiveness studies. Alzheimers
Dement 2007;3:157-61.
14. Sköld UM, Petersson LG, Birkhed D, Norlund A. Cost-analysis of schoolbased fluoride varnish and fluoride rinsing programs. Acta Odontol Scand
15. Norlund A, Ropponen A, Alexanderson K. Multidisciplinary interventions:
review of studies of return to work after rehabilitation for low back pain. J
Rahabil Med 2009;41:115-21.
16. Norlund A, Axelsson S, Dahlen G, Espelid I, Mejare I et al. Economic
aspects of the detection of occlusal dentine caries. Acta Odontol Scand
17. Liedholm R, Knutsson K, Norlund A. Economic aspects of mandibular third
molar surgery. Acta Odontol Scand 2010;68:43-8.
18. Wennhall I, Norlund A, Matsson L, Twetman S. Cost-analysis of an oral
health outreach program for preschool children in a low socioeconomic
multicultural area in Sweden. Swed Dent J. 2010;34(1):1-7.
Systematic reviews published in English
Alexanderson K, Norlund A Editors. Sickness absence – causes,
consequences, and physicians’ sickness certification practice. A systematic
literature review by the Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in
Health Care. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2004;32. Supplement
63;page 1-263.
2. Twetman S, Petersson L, Axelsson S, Dahlgren H, Holm AK, Källestål C,
Lagerlöf F, Lingström P, Mejare I, Nordenram G, Norlund A, Söder B.
Caries-preventive effect of sodium fluoride mounthrinses: a systematic
review of controlled clinical trials. Acta Odontol Scand. 2004;62:223-30.
Axelsson S Twetman S, Petersson L, Dahlgren H, Holm AK, Källestål C,
Lagerlöf F, Lingström P, Mejare I, Nordenram G, Norlund A, Söder B.
Effect of combined caries-preventive methods: a systematic review of
controlled clinical trials. Acta Odontol Scand. 2004;62:163-9.
Twetman S, Axelsson S, Petersson L, Dahlgren H, Holm AK, Källestål C,
Lagerlöf F, Lingström P, Mejare I, Nordenram G, Norlund A, Söder B.
Caries-preventive effect of fluoride toothpaste: a systematic review. Acta
Odontol Scand. 2003;61:347-55.
Källestål C, Norlund A, Twetman S, Axelsson S, Petersson L, Dahlgren H,
Holm AK, Lagerlöf F, Lingström P, Mejare I, Nordenram G, Söder B.
Economic evaluation of dental caries prevention: a systematic review. Acta
Odontol Scand. 2003;61:341-6.
Lingström P, Källestål C, Twetman S, Axelsson S, Petersson L, Dahlgren H,
Holm AK, Lagerlöf F, Mejare I, Nordenram G, Norlund A, Söder B. Dietary
factors in the prevention of dental caries: a systematic review. Acta Odontol
Scand. 2003;61:331-40.
Mejare I, Lingström P, Källestål C, Twetman S, Axelsson S, Petersson L,
Dahlgren H, Holm AK, Lagerlöf F, Nordenram G, Norlund A, Söder B.
Caries-preventive effect of fissure sealants: a systematic review. Acta
Odontol Scand. 2003;61:321-30.
Norlund A, SBU survey group. Costs of radiotherapy. Acta Oncol
Ringborg U, Bergqvist D, Brorsson B, Cavallin-Ståhl E, Ceberg J, Einhorn
N, Frödin JE, Järhult J, Lamnevik G, Lindholm C, Littbrand B, Norlund A,
Nylén U, Rosén M, Svensson H, Möller TR. The Swedish Council on
Technology Assessment in Health Care (SBU) systematic overview of
radiotherapy for cancer including a prospective survey of radiotherapy
practice in Sweden 2001 – summary and conclusions. Acta Oncol
Silfverdal SA, Nilsson L, Blennow M, Carlsson RM, Hanson LÅ, Lindberg
A, Lindquist L, Magnusson M, Norlund A, Nyrén O, Olcén P, Olin P, Säwe
J, Söderström A, Trollfors B, Silverdal SA, Nilsson L, Blennow M, Carlsson
RM, Hansson LÅ, Lindberg A, Lindqvist L, Magnusson M, Norlund A,
Nyrén O, Olcén P, Olin P, Säwe J, Söderström A, Trollfors B, Örtqvist Å.
Vaccination of children – summary and conclusions from a systematic
review. Acta Paediatr. 2010 Sep;99(9):1287-9.
Söderström A, Trollfors B, Silverdal SA, Nilsson L, Blennow M, Carlsson
RM, Hansson LÅ, Lindberg A, Lindqvist L, Magnusson M, Norlund A,
Nyrén O, Olcén P, Olin P, Säwe J, Söderström A, Trollfors B, Örtqvist Å.
Vaccination of children – summary and conclusions from a systematic
review. Acta Paediatr. 2010 Sep;99(9):1287-9.
Örtqvist Å, Blennow M, Carlsson RM, Hanson LÅ, Lindberg A, Lindquist L,
Magnusson M, Nilsson L, Norlund A, Nyrén O, Olcén P, Olin P, Silverdal
SA Säwe J, Söderström A, Trollfors B, , Nilsson L, Blennow M, Carlsson
RM, Hansson LÅ, Lindberg A, Lindqvist L, Magnusson M, Norlund A,
Nyrén O, Olcén P, Olin P, Säwe J, Söderström A, Trollfors B. Vaccination of
children – a systematic review. Acta Paedriatr Suppl 2010 Sep; 99 (461): 1192.
Jacobsson T, Norlund A, Englund gS, Tranaeus S. Application of laser
technology for removal of caries: a systematic review of controlled clinical
studies. Acta Odontal Scand 2011; 6982): 65-74.
Berntorp E, Astermark J, Baghaei F, Bergqvist D, Holmström M, Ljungberg
B, Norlund A, Palmblad J, Petrini P, Stigendal L, Säwe J. Treatment of
haemophilia a and B and von Willebrand’s disease. Summary and
conclusions of a systematic review as part of a Swedish health-technology
assessment. Haemophilia 2012; 18(2):158-65.
Mejare I, Axelsson S, Davidson T, Frisk F, Hakeberg M, Kvist T, Norlund
A, Petersson A, Portenier I, Sandberg H, Tranaeus S, Bergenholz G.
Diagnosis of the condition of the dental pulp: a systematic review. Int Endod
J 2012; 45(7): 597-613.
Petersson A, Axelsson S, Davidson T, Frisk F, Hakeberg M, Kvist T,
Norlund A, Mejare I Portenier I, Sandberg H, Tranaeus S, Bergenholz G.
Radiological diagnosis of periapical bone tissue lesions in endodontics: a
systematic review. Int Endod J 2012; 45(9): 783-801.
Twetman S, Axelsson S, Dahlén g, Espelid I, Mejáre I, Norlund A, Tranaeus
S. Adjunct methods for caries detection: a systematic review of literature.
Acta Odontol Scand 2013; 71 (3-4): 388-97.
Hultin M, Davidson T, Gynther G, Helgesson G, Jemt T, Lekholm U, Nilner
K, Nordenram G, Norlund A, Rohlin M, Sunnergard-Gronberg K, Tranaeus
S. Oral rehabilitation of tooth loss: a systematic review of quantitative studies
of OHRQoL. Int J Prosthodont 2012; 25(6): 543-52.
Rohlin M, Nilner K, Davidson T, Gynther G, Helgesson G, Hultin M, Jemt
T, Lekholm U, Nordenram G, Norlund A, , Sunnergard-Gronberg K,
Tranaeus S. Treatment of adult patients with edentulous arches: a systematic
review. Int J Prostodont 2012; 25(6): 553-67.
Sunnergard-Gronberg K, Davidson T, Gynther G, Helgesson G, Hultin M,
Jemt T, Lekholm U, Nilner K, Nordenram G, Norlund A, Rohlin M,
Tranaeus S. Treatment of adult patients with partial edentulism: a systematic
review. Int J Prosthodont 2012; 25(6): 568-81.
Nordenram G, Davidson T, Gynther G, Helgesson G, Hultin M, Jemt T,
Lekholm U, Nilner K, Norlund A, Rohlin M, Sunnergard-Gronberg K,
Tranaeus S. Qualitative studies of patients´perceptions of loss of teeth, the
edentulous state and prosthetic rehabilitation: a systematic review and metasynthesis. Acta Odontol Scand 2013; 71(3-4): 937-51.
Mejáre I, Axelsson S, Dahlén G, Espelid I, Norlund A, Tranaeus S,
Twetman T. caries risk assessment: a systematic review. Acta Odontal Scand
2013 Sept 2
Frisk T, Kvist T, Axelsson S, Bergenholz G, Davidson T, Mejàre I, Norlund
A, Petersson A, Sandberg h, Tranaeus S, Hakeberg M. Pulp exposures in
adults – choise of treatment among Swedish dentists. Swed Dent J 2013;
37(3): 153-60.
Bergenholz G, Axelsson S, Davidson T, Frisk T, Hakeberg M, Kvist T,
Norlund A, Petersson A, portenier I, Sandberg H, Tranaeus S, Mejàre I.
Treatment of pulps in teeth affected by deep caries – A systematic review.
Singapore Dent J 2013; 34 (1): 1-12.
Other publications in Swedish
Co-author in Orth-Gomér K, Perski A (Editors). Preventiv medicin i teori och
praktik. En metodik för bättre folkhälsa. Studentlitteratur Lund 2008.