Steven Le Moan - Høgskolen i Gjøvik


Steven Le Moan - Høgskolen i Gjøvik
Steven Le Moan
Kirkeveien 11u, 2819 Gjøvik
(+33) 660897745
PhD i informatikk og
2014 - 2016
Postdoktor - Høgskolen i Gjøvik
Fargebildebehandling, statistikk, psykofysikk.
2012 - 2014
Postdoktor - Technische Universität Darmstadt, Tyskland
Fargebildebehandling, psykofysikk. Europeisk prosjekt med industrielle partnere.
2009 - 2012
Doktorgrad i informatikk / bildebehandling
Université de Bourgogne, Frankrike
Bildebehandling, Big Data-behandling, Informasjonsteori.
- Prof. Jocelyn Chanussot (Univ. Grenoble)
- Prof. Franck Marzani (Univ. Bourgogne)
- Prof. Jean Sequeira (Univ. Aix-Marseille)
- Prof. Christine Fernandez-Maloigne (Univ. Poitiers)
- Prof. Jon Yngve Hardeberg (Høgskolen i Gjøvik)
- Prof.Yvon Voisin (Univ. Bourgogne)
- Dr. Alamin Mansouri (Univ. Bourgogne)
+ Undervisningassistent (Université de Bourgogne / Høgskolen i Gjøvik)
+ Java Programmerer (Norges Blindeforbund, Florø)
2006 - 2009
Ingeniørgrad og Mastergrad i informatikk / signalbehandling
ENSSAT, Université de Rennes 1, Frankrike
Programmering og systemutvikling, signalbehandling, databaser, datanett og datakommunikasjon.
+ Thesis: Informasjonsteori metoder for Big Data-behandling, skrevet ved TSI2M (Lannion, Frankrike).
2004 - 2006
DUT (≈ Bachelorgrad) i fysikk
Université de Rennes 1
Fysikk, informatikk, signalbehandling, kjemi.
+ Internship ved Bolloré Division Films Plastique (Ergué-Gabéric, Frankrike).
- 150+ timer, innen informatikk og elektronikk på Université de Bourgogne og
Høgskolen i Gjøvik (bachelorgrad- og mastergrad nivå).
- Veileder for 4 prosjekter/internship (ingeniør-, master- og doktorgradsnivå).
- Ansvarlig for et kurs om Matlab programmering (mastergrad nivå).
- Medarrangør av 2 seminardager «Colorlab workshop» (ved HiG).
- Medlem av den vitenskapelige komité for flere konferanser, (ICPR, ICISP, etc) og
for tiddskrifter (IEEE Transactions, IS&T JIST, etc).
Publikasjoner (siden 2011)
4 tidsskriftartikler
20 artikler på konferanser og symposier / 15 presentasjoner
- Programmering: Matlab, Java, C / C++, SQL, LabView PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript.
- Databaser: Oracle, MySQL (phpMyAdmin), Microsoft Access.
- Media/Design: Adobe: Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, After Effect.
- Office: Microsoft / Open Office, LateX.
Fransk: morsmål
Engelsk: flytende
Norsk (Bokmål): god
Spansk: forstår
Prof. Ivar Farup (Høgskolen i Gjøvik) ▪︎ 61135227
Dr. Philipp Urban (Fraunhofer IGD / Technische Universität Darmstadt, Tyskland) ▪︎︎ +49 6151155-250 PUBLIKASJONER (1)
Gå gjerne til for å laste ned artiklene mine.
Steven Le Moan and Philipp Urban, “Image-Difference Prediction: From Low- to High-Dynamic Range”, (submitted to)
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2015.
Steven Le Moan and Philipp Urban, “Image-Difference Prediction: From Color to Spectral”, IEEE Transactions on Image
Processing, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 2058–2068, 2014. [impact factor: 3.11]
Steven Le Moan, Alamin Mansouri, Jon Yngve Hardeberg and Yvon Voisin, “Saliency for Spectral Image Analysis”, IEEE
Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 2472–2479, 2013. [impact
factor: 2.83]
Steven Le Moan, Alamin Mansouri,Yvon Voisin and Jon Yngve Hardeberg, “A Constrained Band Selection Method
Based on Information Measures for Spectral Image Color Visualization”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote
Sensing, vol. 49, no. 12(2), pp. 5104–5115, 2011. [impact factor: 2.93]
Claude Cariou, Kacem Chehdi and Steven Le Moan,“Bandclust: An Unsupervised Band Reduction Method for
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 565–569, 2010. [impact
factor: 1.81]
Steven Le Moan and Ludovic Gustafsson Coppel, “Perceived Quality of Printed Images on Fluorescing Substrates
under Various Illuminations”, in proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Multispectral Color Science, AIC
2015 Mid-term meeting, Tokyo, May 2015, Color Science Association of Japan.
Steven Le Moan and Philipp Urban, “Evaluating the Multi-Scale iCID Metric”, in Image Quality and System Performance
XII, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 2015, vol. 9396, p. 38, IS&T/SPIE.
Steven Le Moan, Sony George, Marius Pedersen, Jana Blahová, and Jon Yngve Hardeberg, “A Database for Spectral
Image Quality”, in Image Quality and System Performance XII, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 2015, vol. 9396, p. 25,
Steven Le Moan and Philipp Urban, “Spectral Printing with a CMYKRGB printer: a Closer Look”, in Proceedings of the
22nd Color and Imaging Conference, Boston, MA, USA, November 2014, pp. 131–135, IS&T.
Ludovic Gustafsson Coppel, Steven Le Moan, Paula Zitinski Elias, Radovan Slavuj and Jon Yngve Hardeberg, “ Next
generation printing-Towards spectral proofing.” In Advances in Printing and Media Technology. Print and Media Research
for the Benefit of Industry and Society, 41st International IARIGAI Conference, Swansea, UK, September 2014.
Steven Le Moan and Philipp Urban, “A New Connection Space for Low-Dimensional Spectral Color Management”, in
Measuring, Modeling, and Reproducing Material Appearance, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 2014, vol. 9018, p. 12,
Steven Le Moan and Philipp Urban, “Image Quality and Change of Illuminant: An Information-Theoretic Evaluation”, in
Proceedings of the 21st Color and Imaging Conference, Albuquerque, NM, USA, November 2013, pp. 102–107, IS&T.
Steven Le Moan and Philipp Urban, “Evaluating the Perceived Quality of Spectral Images”, in Image Processing, 20th
International Conference on, Melbourne, Australia, September 2013, pp. 2024–2028, IEEE.
Jana Blahová, Steven Le Moan, and Philipp Urban, “The impact of illumination on the perceived quality of spectral
reproductions”, in Proceedings of the 19th Color Image Processing Workshop, Berlin, Germany, September 2013, pp. 93–
101, German Color Group.
Heidi Sårheim, Steven Le Moan, Joni Nersveen, Jon Yngve Hardeberg, and Andreas Poppe, “Eye disease simulator –
How do we see the world when vision is failing?", in Universal Design - Public space: Inspire, Challenge, and Empower,
Oslo, Norway, June 2012.
Steven Le Moan, Ferdinand Deger, Alamin Mansouri,Yvon Voisin, and Jon Yngve Hardeberg, “Salient pixels and
dimensionality reduction for display of multi/hyperspectral images”, in Image and Signal Processing, 5th International
Conference on, Agadir, Morocco, June 2012, vol. 7340 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 9–16, Springer.
Steven Le Moan, Alamin Mansouri, Jon Yngve Hardeberg, and Yvon Voisin, “Saliency-based band selection for spectral
image visualization”, in Proceedings of the 19th Color Imaging Conference, San Jose, CA, USA, November 2011, pp. 363–
368, IS&T.
Steven Le Moan, Alamin Mansouri, Jon Yngve Hardeberg, and Yvon Voisin, “Visualization of spectral images: a
comparative study”, in Proceedings of the 6th Gjøvik Color Imaging Symposium, September 2011, Gjøvik University
College / Det Norske Forskningsrådet.
Steven Le Moan, Alamin Mansouri,Yvon Voisin, and Jon Yngve Hardeberg, “Sélection de bandes pour la visualisation
d’images spectrales: une approche basée sur l’étude de saillance”, in 23ème Colloque GRETSI, Bordeaux, France,
September 2011.
Steven Le Moan, Alamin Mansouri,Yvon Voisin, and Jon Yngve Hardeberg, “Spatially variant dimensionality reduction
for the visualization of multi/hyperspectral images”, in Image Analysis and Recognition, International Conference on,
Burnaby, BC, Canada, June 2011, vol. 6753 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 375–384, Springer.
Steven Le Moan, Alamin Mansouri,Yvon Voisin, and Jon Yngve Hardeberg, “Visualisation d’images spectrales : une
méthode basée sur la perception humaine”, in 13ème ORASIS - Journées francophones des jeunes chercheurs en vision par
ordinateur, Praz-sur-Arly, France, June 2011.
Steven Le Moan, Alamin Mansouri, Jon Yngve Hardeberg, and Yvon Voisin, “Saliency in spectral images”, in Image
Analysis, 17th Scandinavian Conference on,Ystad, Sweden, May 2011, vol. 6688 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pp. 114–123, Springer.
Steven Le Moan, Alamin Mansouri,Yvon Voisin, and Jon Yngve Hardeberg, “An efficient method for the visualization of
spectral images based on a perception-oriented spectrum segmentation”, in Advances in Visual Computing, 6th
International Symposium on, Las Vegas, NV, USA, November 2010, vol. 6453 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.
361–370, Springer.
Steven Le Moan, Alamin Mansouri, Jon Yngve Hardeberg, and Yvon Voisin, “A class-separability-based method for multi/
hyperspectral image color visualization”, in Image Processing, 17th International Conference on, Hong Kong, September
2010, pp. 1321–1324, IEEE.
Steven Le Moan, Alamin Mansouri,Yvon Voisin, and Jon Yngve Hardeberg, “Convex objects recognition and
classification using spectral and morphological descriptors”, in Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 5th European
Conference on, Joensuu, Finland, June 2010, pp. 293–299, IS&T.
Har du noe spørsmål om undervisningserfaringen min, ta gjerne kontakt med
Dr. Alamin Mansouri (Université de Bourgogne)
(+33) 386492855 ▪︎
Prof. Jon Yngve Hardeberg (Høgskolen i Gjøvik)
61135215 ▪︎
- Vårsemester 2011 og 2012, Université de Bourgogne, Ingeniør-nivå (2x 20 timer)
Datamodellering og databaser, praktisk opplæring med Oracle og MySQL.
- Vårsemester 2012, Université de Bourgogne, Bachelor-nivå (14 timer)
Prosjekt der studentene måtte lage en digitale arkiv database for å liste opp arkeologiske steder i Burgund.
- Vårsemester 2011, Høgskolen i Gjøvik, Master-nivå (11 timer)
Introduksjon til bildebehandling med Matlab.
- Vårsemester 2010, Université de Bourgogne, Ingeniør-nivå (47 timer)
Praktisk opplæring.
Mai 2015 - September 2015: «Quality assessment for dehazed images» (Jessica El-Khouri)
Doktorgrad student fra Université de Bourgogne på besøk på HiG.
Oktober - November 2011: «Hyperspectral image segmentation» (Owais Mehmood)
Mastergrad student fra European Master in Color in Informatics and Media Technology.
Mai – September 2011: «Experimenting evaluation of image contrast perception» (Quentin Lauv)
Bachelorgrad student fra Université de Bourgogne.
April – Juli 2011: «Implementation of a simulator for vision deficiencies» (Geoffroy Pertuisot)
Ingeniør-grad student fra ESIREM (Frankrike), i samarbeid med Norges Blindeforbund.