Curriculum Vitae Lene Foss (25.02


Curriculum Vitae Lene Foss (25.02
Curriculum Vitae Lene Foss (25.02-2015)
Contact Information:
UiT - The Artic University of Norway
Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics
School of Business and Economics
Personal Card UiT
Tel: + 47 48 00 02 91
Norwegian: Mother-tongue
Fluent in both English and German, spoken and written
Ph.D. (Dr. Oecon.) “Entrepreneurship: The Impact of Human Capital, a Social Network and
Business Resources on Start-up.” The Norwegian School of Economics and Business
Administration, Bergen, Norway.
Master of Business Administration. The Norwegian School of Economics and
Business Administration, Bergen, Norway.
Studies in Economics and Management (Betriebswirtschaftslehhre), Universität
Mannheim, Germany.
Bachelor of Art, University of Tromsø, Norway.
High School Diploma, Levanger Gymnas, Norway.
Professional appointments:
Research fellow (visiting) Clare Hall College, Cambridge, UK
Research fellow (visiting), Cambridge Judge Business School, Cambridge, UK
Adjunct Professor, Norut, Social Science Research Tromsø.
Professor, UiT- The Arctic University of Norway, School of Business and Economics
Associate Professor, Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø.
Adjunct Professor, International Research Institute of Stavanger.
Associate Professor, NTNU, Trondheim.
Post doc, Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø.
Associate Professor, The Norwegian School of Management, BI- Tromsø.
Principal Researcher, Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ltd, Centre of
Economics and Marketing, Tromsø, Norway.
Senior Researcher, Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ltd, Centre of
Economics and Marketing, Tromsø, Norway.
Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, The University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, USA.
Researcher on project: ‘Bio- economic multispecies models,’ funded by Norwegian
Research Council, Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø.
Research Fellow, Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø,
Department of Economics and Management.
Research assistant (50%), Center for Applied Research, Bergen.
Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, The University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, USA.
Visiting Student, Department of Sociology, University of Exeter, England.
Scholarship (Ruhrgas stipendiat) in Economics and Management, Mannheim
Wirtschaftshochschule, Mannheim, German.
Peer reviewed journal articles:
Henry, C., Foss, L., Fayolle, A., Walker, E., & Duffy, S. (2015) “Entrepreneurial Leadership and
Gender: Exploring theory and practice in global contexts.” Introduction to special issue in
Journal of Small Business Management.
Henry, C. & Foss, L. (2015) “Case sensitive: A review of the use of case study method in
entrepreneurship research” International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research
Henry, C., Foss, L. & Ahl. H. (2015) “Gender and Entrepreneurship: A review of methodological
approaches”, International Small Business Journal, pp.1-25.
Johansen, V. & Foss, L. (2013) “The effects of entrepreneurship education does gender matter?”
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 20, No. 3. pp. 255-271.
Gibson, D.V. Foss, L. (2013) “Innovation Ecosystems: Universities and Regional Innovation
Ecosystems” University –Industry Innovation Magazine, No.1, Spring/Summer, pp.12-13.
Foss, L., Woll, K. & Moilanen, M. (2013) “Creativity and implementation of new ideas: Do
organizational structure, work environment and gender matter?” International Journal of
Gender and Entrepreneurship. Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 298-322. (3 Citations)
Foss, L., Iakovleva, T., Kickul, J., Oftedal, E.M. & Solheim, A. (2011) “Taking Innovations to
Market: The Role Strategic Choice and the Evolution of Dynamic Capabilities” International
Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation.Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 105-116. (7 Citations)
Prebensen, N. & Foss, L. (2011) “Coping and co-creating in tourist experiences,” International
Journal of Tourism Research. Vol. 13, No. 1 pp. 54-67. (55 Citations)
Foss, L. (2010) “Research on entrepreneur networks: The case for a constructionist feminist theory
perspective”, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 2, pp. 82-101.
30 Citations)
Foss, L. & Moldenæs, T. (2007) “The engaged researcher – From translator to literary change agent”,
Systemic Practice and Action Research, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 27-39. (3 Citations)
Ottesen, G., Foss, L. & Grønhaug, K. (2004) “Exploring the accuracy of SME managers’ network
perceptions”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 38, No. 5/6, pp. 593–607. (21 Citations)
Foss, L. & Gabrielsen, H. C (2002) “Leker like barn best? Betydningen av kultur og kjønn for
kontaktmønsteret i organisasjoner ” [“Birds of a feather should play together” - the
significance of culture and gender for contact patterns in organizations] Nordiske
Organisasjonsstudier [Nordic Organisation Studies] Vol. 4 , No. 3/4, pp. 7–40.
Foss, L. & Gabrielsen, H. C. (2002) “ Likt eller ulikt? Holdninger til kompetanseanskaffelse blant
kvinnelige og mannlige entreprenører.” [Equal of different? Attitudes to the acquisition of
competency among female and male entrepreneurs] Beta. Tidsskrift for
Bedriftsøkonomi.[Journal for enterprise economics.] Vol. 1 Årg. 16, pp.51–70.
Foss, L. (2000) “Med ryggen mot markedet? Kveiteoppdrett som et eksempel på en “gryende”
næring.” [The back against the market? Halibut farming as an example of an emerging
industry] Magma. Tidsskrift for økonomi og ledelse [Journal for economy and management],
Vol. 1, No. 3, pp.65–79.
Foss, L. (1993) “Resources, Networks and Entrepreneurship: A Survey of 153 Starters and 84
Nonstarters in the Cod-farming Industry in Norway.” In: N.C. Churchill, S. Birley, W. D.
Bygrave, J. Doutriaux, E. Gatewood, F. S. Hoy, W. E. Wetzel jr., (eds) Frontier of
Entrepreneurship Research. Wellesley, MA: Center for Entrepreneur Studies, pp 355–369. (13
Foss, L. & Gibson, D.V. (2015) (eds). The entrepreneurial university: context and institutional
change. Routledge. (Forthcoming May/June)
Foss, L. & Nordhaug, O. (2005) (eds.) “Bedriftsutvikling i teori og praksis.” [Enterprise
development in theory and practice]. Forlag1.
Berg, N. & Foss, L. (2002) (eds.) Entreprenørskap: Kjønn, livsløp og sted. [Entrepreneurship: Gender,
life course and place]. Abstract.
Chapter in edited books
Iakovleva, T., Foss, L. and Oftedal, E. (2015) “Absorptive capacity in the commercialization
process”, in Fayolle, A. Kyro, P. and Liñán, F. (2015) Developing, shaping and growing
entrepreneurship. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Foss, L. & Gibson, D.V. (2015) “The Entrepreneurial University: Context and Institutional Change”
Ch. 1 in Foss, L. & Gibson, D. V. (2015) (eds). The Entrepreneurial University: Context and
Institutional Change. Routledge.
Foss, L. & Gibson, D.V (2014) “Case Analysis and Implications.” Ch. 12. In Foss, L. & Gibson, D.V.
(2014) (eds). The Entrepreneurial University: Context and Institutional Change. Routledge.
Oftedal, E.M & Foss, L. (2014) “UiT - The Arctic University of Norway: Challenges at the Arctic
Crossroads.” Ch.10 in Foss, L. & Gibson, D.V. (2014) (eds). The entrepreneurial university:
context and institutional change. Routledge.
Foss, L., Oftedal, E. M. & Iakovleva, T. (2013) “The role of students as Co-entrepreneurs in academic
entrepreneurship”. In Ferreira, J., Raposo, M , Rutten,R. & Varga, T. (Eds.), Cooperation,
Clusters, and Knowledge Transfer. Universities and Firms Towards Regional Competitiveness
Springer-Verlag New York, LLC, 320p.
Oftedal, E.M. & Foss, L. (2012) “Comparing Paradoxes: The Cases of Norway and Thailand”. In:
Dafna, K. (ed) (2012) Female Entrepreneurship and the New Venture Creation: An
International Overview, Routledge, pp. 63-71.
Iakovleva, T., Oftedal, E. M & Foss, L. (2012) “Impact of entrepreneurial education on
entrepreneurial intentions: University enterprise context, educational program characteristics
and theory of planned behavior”. In RENT XXVI Research in Entrepreneurship and Small
Business, Entrepreneurship and Creation of Wealth for Economies, Organization and People,
p. 70, EMLYON Business School, ISSN 2219-5572
Foss, L. (2012) “The University-industry Interface: A collaborative arena”, Chapter 16 in Johnsen,
H.C.G. and Ennals, R. (2012) Creating Collaborative Advantage. Innovation and Knowledge
Creation in Regional Economies, Gower, pp. 209-221. (2 Citations)
Foss, L., Iakovleva, T., Kickul, J., Oftedal, E.M. & Solheim, A. (2011) “Entrepreneurial Challenges in
Commercializing Product Innovations: A Case Study of Entrepreneurs Experiences in the
Norwegian Petroleum Sector”. Chapter 8 in Cassia, L., Minola, T. & Paleari, S. (2011)
Entrepreneurship and Technological Change. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Foss, L. & Oftedal, E.M (2011) “Women’s entrepreneurship in Norway and Thailand: A gender
equality and female entrepreneurship paradox?” In Kariv, D. (2011) Female entrepreneurship
and the new venture creation, Routledge NY. )
Foss, L., Iakovleva, T., Kickul, J., Oftedal, E.M & Solheim, A. (2010) “The Role of Microfoundations
in Explicating Dynamic Capabilities: A Case study of the Norwegian petroleum sector” in
Geenhuizen, M., Nuttall, W.J., Gibson, D. & Oftedal, E.M. (2010) Energy and Innovation:
Structural Change and Policy Implications, Purdue University Press, West Lafayette, Indiana,
pp. 369-398. (1 Citation)
Foss, L. & Solnørdal, M. (2008) “You should not underestimate the importance of relations…”
Linking science, capital and business in commercialising knowledge. In Claussen T., Haga, T.
& Ennals, R. (eds.) Integrated and Participatory Innovation, Kingston Business Working
Paper Series, pp. 223-249.
Foss, L. & Ljunggren, E. (2006) “Women’s entrepreneurship in Norway: Recent trends and future
challenges”, in Green, P., Brush, C.G., Carter, N.M., Gatewood, E. & Hart, M.M. (eds.)
Growth oriented women entrepreneurs and their business. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 154182. (5 Citations)
Foss, L. (2005) “The Norwegian Paradox: World Champion in gender equality – loser in female
management recruitment”, In Fuglseth, A.M. & Kleppe, A.I. (2005) Anthology for Kjell
Grønhaug in his celebration of his 70th birthday, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. pp. 237260. (3 Citations)
Foss, L. (2004) “Going against the grain.” Construction of entrepreneurial identity through narratives.
Chapter 4 in Steyart, C. & Hjort, D. (eds.) Narrative and Discursive Approaches in
Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.80-104. (27 Citations)
Løvland, J. & Foss, L. (2002) “Enterprise development in Norwegian Fishing Industry”, Chapter 5 in
Levin, M. (ed.) “Researching Enterprise Development – Action research on the cooperation
between management and labor in Norway”. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins
Publishing Company, pp. 61-76.
Foss, L. , Kvadsheim, H. & Ravn, J.E. (2002) “Creating new research practices”, Chapter 11 in Levin,
M (ed.) “Researching Enterprise Development – Action research on the cooperation between
management and labor in Norway”. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing
Company, pp. 165-184. (3 Citations)
Foss, L., Kvadsheim, H. & Ravn, J.E. (2002) “Networking as an action research practice”, Chapter 12
in Levin, M (ed.) “Researching Enterprise Development – Action research on the cooperation
between management and labor in Norway”. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins
Publishing Company, pp. 185-206.
Claussen, T., Foss, L., Johnsen, H.G., Kvadsheim, H., Levin, M., Løvland, J. & Ravn, J.E. (2002)
“Epilogue: Research on Enterprise Development – Lessons Learned” Chapter 15 in M. Levin
(ed.) Researching Enterprise Development – Action research on the cooperation between
management and labour in Norway. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing
Company, pp. 239-246.
Augustsson, B., Borch, O.J., Foss, L. & Senneseth, K. (1998) “Developing the Fish Processing
Industry”. In Gustavsen, B., Colbjørnsen, T. & Pålshaugen, Ø. (eds.) Development Coalitions
in Working Life: The Enterprise Development 2000, Amsterdam: Philadelphia: John
Benjamins Publishing Company, Vol.6, in Dialogues on Work and Innovation, pp. 77–91.
Aarset, B. & Foss, L. (1996) “The Cod Farming Industry in Norway: Adaptation, Imitation or
Innovation?” In Bailey, L., Jentoft, S. & Sinclair, P. (eds.) Aquacultural development: Social
dimensions of an emerging Industry, pp. 43– 57 Westview Press. (6 Citations)
Chapter in edited books (in Norwegian)
Johansen, V. og Foss, L. (2014) “Et kjønnsperspektiv på effektene av Ungdomsbedrift og
Studentbedrift” [A gender perspective on the effects of youth enterprises and student
entreprises], in Johansen, V. & Støren, L.A. (eds). Entreprenørskap i utdanningen:
Tilnærminger, utbredelse og læring. Oslo: Fagbokforlaget.
Foss, L. (2013) “Entreprenørskap i nord – veien å gå? [Entrepreneurship in the North – a way to go?]”,
in Jentoft, S., Nergård, J.I. & Røvik, K.A (eds.) Hvor går Nord-Norge? Bind 3. Politiske
Skillelinjer, Stamsund : Orkana Akademiske, pp. 285-302.
Foss, L. (2013) “Innovasjon gjennom akademisk entreprenørskap: Nye samarbeidsmodeller for
utdanning av entreprenører” [Innovation through academic entrepreneurship: New models of
collaboration for the education of entrepreneurs] in Garmann Johnsen, H. & Pålshaugen, Ø.
(ed.) Hva er innovasjon? Perspektiver i norsk innovasjonsforskning, Oslo: Cappelen Damm
Akademisk, pp. 215–238.
Foss, L. & Ljunggren, E. (2006) “Kvinners entreprenørskap i Norge”, [Womens entrepreneurship in
Norway] Jenssen,J.I., Kolvereid, L. & Erikson, T. (eds.) Perspektiver på entreprenørskap,
Kristiansand: Høyskoleforlaget, pp 255-270.
Foss, L. (2006) “Entreprenørskap og nettverk”,[Entrepreneurship and nettworks] in Spilling.O.R.,
Entreprenørskap på norsk. 2.utgave, Oslo: Fagbokforlaget, pp.193-216.
Amble, N. & Foss, L. (2005) “Erfaring fra arbeid med kvinne-og kjønnsperspektivet i bedrifts- og
organisasjonsutvikling”, in Fossestøl, K. and Eikeland, O. (2005) Nytt arbeidsliv – nye former
for kunnskapsproduksjon. Oslo: Arbeidsforskningsinstituttets skriftserie, 12: 83–107. [Work
Research Institute paper, 12].
Foss, L. (2002) “Fra Alta til Lierne: Scootermagasin for Distrikts-Norge”, in Spilling. O.R. (ed.)
NyskapningsNorge. Oslo: Fagbokforlaget, pp. 79–82.
Foss, L. (2002) “Samovarteateret: Kulturproduksjon i industrielle omgivelser” [Samovar Theatre:
Cultural production in an industrial environment]. in Spilling, O.R. (ed.) NyskapningsNorge.
Oslo: Fagbokforlaget, pp. 67–75.
Foss, L. & Moldenæs, T. (2000) “Bedre forskere og bedre brukere av forskning? En integrert modell
for samarbeidet mellom forskere og brukere ” [Better researchers and better research users?
An integrated model for the cooperation between researchers and users] Ch. 6, pp. 195–230, in
Pålshaugen, Ø. & Quale, T. (eds.) Forskning og Bedriftsutvikling - nye Samarbeidsforsøk.
[Research and Enterprise Development - new efforts at cooperation]
Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet, Oslo, Skriftserie 9. [Work Research Institute paper, 9].
Foss, L. & Moldenæs, T. (1999) “Lederskapets oppslutning: Hva betyr formell struktur?”
[Management support: What is the significance of formal structure?] In Falkum, E. and
Eldring, L., Colbjørnsen, T. (eds.) Medbestemmelse og medvirkning. Bedriftsutvikling mot år
2000 [Joint consultation and contribution. Enterprise development towards the year 2000, pp.
91–120. Fafo-report 324.
Foss, L. & Gabrielsen, H.C. (1999) “ Kontakt mellom lederskap og ansatte. Hva betyr organisasjonens
formelle og fysiske struktur og dens demografi? ” [Interaction between management and
employees. What is the significance of formal and physical structure, and its demography] In
Falkum, E., Eldring, L. & Colbjørnsen, T. (eds.) Medbestemmelse og medvirkning.
Bedriftsutvikling mot år 2000 [Joint consultation and contribution. Enterprise development
towards the year 2000], pp. 121–152. Fafo-report 324.
Conference presentations (last five years)
Foss, L. & Henry, C. (2014) “Doing Gender in Innovation: an exploratory study”, ISBE, Manchester ,
November 6-7th.
Oftedal, E. M. & Foss (2014) “Do you speak the innovation policy language? A case study of
administrative officers input to developing entrepreneurial universities”, RIP2014 - 9th
Regional Innovation Policies Conference.
Foss, L., Henry, C. and Ahl, H. (2014) “A Review of Policy and Practice Implications in Gender and
Entrepreneurship Research”, Diana International Research Conference: Exploring the Impact of
Women’s Entrepreneurship & Innovation in the Global Economy. Stockholm, Sweden, June
15 – 18.
Iakovleva, T., Oftedal, E. and Foss, L. (2014) Influence of the University Context on Innovativeness,
Creativity and Entrepreneurial Intentions of the Students - 5 Country Study. EURAM
Oftedal, E.M. & Foss, L. (2014) “Unlocking the Entrepreneurship potential through University
Context”, University of NSW, Kensington Campus, Sydney, Australia, February 4-7th.
Iakoleva, T., Oftedal, E.M. and Foss, L. (2014) “Impact of entrepreneurial education on
entrepreneurial intentions: University context and educational program characteristics”
Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange conference (ACERE), University
of NSW, Kensington Campus, Sydney, Australia February 4-7.
Henry, C., Foss, L. & Ahl, H. (2013) Parallell Lines? A Thirty-year Review of Methodological
Approaches in Gender and Entrepreneurship Research, ISBE Conference Institute for Small
Business and Entrepreneurship, Cardiff, Wales, November 11-13th.
Foss, L. and Gibson, D.V. (2013) “Universities and Regional Innovation Ecosystem Development
Case studies and policy implications” Presentation of present data from on-going case
analyses from Finland, Sweden, Norway, UK, and US. University-industry Interaction
conference. VU University Amsterdam. Amsterdam , Netherlands May 25-28th.
Foss, L. & Lozano, F. (2012) “Innovation through academic entrepreneurship: Time for new
collaboration models for educating entrepreneurs?” INBAM conference, Valencia, Spain,
March 20th-23rd.
Iakovleva, T. , Oftedal, E. and Foss, L. (2012) Impact of entrepreneurial education on entrepreneurial
intentions: university enterprise context, educational program characteristics and theory of
planned behavior, in RENT XXVI Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business,
Entrepreneurship and Creation of Wealth for Economies, Organization and People, p. 70,
EMLYON Business School, ISSN 2219-5572.
Oftedal, E. M. & Foss, L. (2012) “Challenges in Academic Entrepreneurship: the student as Coentrepreneur”, ACERE conference, Perth, Australia 31st Jan-2nd Feb.
Iakovleva, T., Foss, L., Middelton, K. & Kickul, J. (2012) “ Impact of entrepreneurial education on
real behavior”. Paper presented at the Rent Xxvi - Research in Entrepreneurship and Small
Business. Lyon, France November 21st-23rd, 2012.
Longarela, I.R. & Foss, L. (2012) “The Norwegian Paradox: A Literature Survey” paper presented at
the BAM2012 conference.
Foss, L. & Lozano, F. (2012) “Innovation through academic entrepreneurship: Time for new
collaboration models for educating entrepreneurs?” INBAM conference, Valencia, Spain,
March 20th-23rd.
Iakovleva, T., Foss, L. & Oftedal, E.M. (2011) “Absorptive capability as a Key to Innovation? A Case
Study of SMEs in the Norwegian petroleum Sector”, ECIE, 2011.
Oftedal, E.M. & Foss, L. (2011) “Social Responsibility Strategies and Sociopolitical Legitimacy – The
Case of the Map Ta Put Region”. The 10th international conference on corporate social
responsibility, Loyola University, New Orleans, May 18-20th 2011.
Foss, L. & Henry, C. (2011) “Gender and Innovation: Exploring the hegemonic voice”, Conference on
gender and Innovation, VINNOVA, Stockholm, March 24-25th 2011.
Foss, L., Iakovleva, T., Kickul, J., Oftedal, E.M & Solheim, A. (2011) “The Dynamics of Legitimacy
building: A case study of new ventures in the Norwegian Petroleum Sector”, 8th AGSE
International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Melbourne, Australia 1- 4th February.
Foss, L. & Henry, C. (2010) “Knowledge of innovation: Detecting the hegemonic voices”, Gender,
Work and Organization, 6th International Disciplinary Conference, 21st–23rd June, 2010.
Woll, K. & Foss, L. (2010) “Forms of Creativity: What’s leads to Innovations: Problem based and
development based creativity.” Congress of the International Network of Business and
Management Journals (INBAM): “Creativity and Innovation in an International Context,”
University of Valencia, Spain, June 1st – June 4th.
Best paper award
Henry, C. , Foss, L., Ahl, H. (2013) Parallel Lines? A Thirty-year Review of Methodological
Approaches in Gender and Entrepreneurship Research, ISBE Conference Institute for
Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Cardiff, Wales, November 11-13th. (1 Citation)
Invited lectures (last four years)
Foss, L. (2015) “What makes a university entrepreneurial?,” Scottish Research Forum, Hunt
Entrepreneurship Center, Glasgow June 22nd – 23rd.
Foss, L. (2015) Triple Helix and Innovation ecosystem - metaphors or analytical concepts? Research Day
seminar, Dundalk Institute of Technology, School of Business & Humanities, Dundalk, March
Foss, L. (2015) Panel member on Research Day, Dundalk Institute of Technology, School of Business &
Humanities, Dundalk, March 11th.
Foss, L. (2015) “Developing entrepreneurial universities-do managers need to change?” Research Day
seminar, Dundalk Institute of Technology, School of Business & Humanities, Dundalk, March
Foss, L. (2014) “The Entrepreneurial University: Context and Institutional Change,” UNIEI Research
seminar, University of Nottingham Business School, Jubilee campus, December 3rd.
Foss, L. (2013) “Nettverksbygging – lederes dillemmaer” [Network building - leaders dilemmas
"Chamber of Commerce] Næringsforeningen i Tromsø, April.
Foss, L. and Oftedal, E. (2012) “Academic Entrepreneurship in the High North: from Science to
Business in Entrepreneurial Education” Seminar at Innovation Center UiS, Stavanger, 9th
Foss, L. (2012) “Hvordan legge til rette for økt kommersialisering av forskningsbaserte
innovasjoner?” [How to facilitate increased commercialization of research-based innovations?]
FORFI seminar, The Ministry of Education, Oslo, 29th October 2012.
Foss, L. (2012) “Master of Science in Business creation and entrepreneurship at University of Tromsø
- Description and Challenges”, Entrepreneurial Learning Forum, Chalmers School of
Entrepreneurship, Gothenburg, Sweden 12-13th July2012.
Foss, L. (2012) “Academic entrepreneurship – from university research to implementation and
commercialization of innovations – a comparative study” Forskning og politikk» FORFI
seminar, Oslo 16th May 2012.
Foss, L. (2012) “Hvordan være innovativ i samarbeidet om innovasjon? Entreprenørskap i høyere
utdanning- erfaringer og utfordringer” [How to be innovative in the collaboration on
innovation? Entrepreneurship in higher education - experiences and challenges]
NHO/Norgesuniversitetet, 11th May 2012.
Foss, L. (2011) “Academic entrepreneurship – from university research to implementation and
commercialization of innovations – a comparative study” Forskning og politikk» FORFI
seminar, Oslo 16th May 2012.
Føre, T. & Foss, L. (2012) Presentasjon av BCE studiet- [Presentation of the BCE study program]
Eiermøte i PreeCap AS, 19th April 2012.
Foss, L. (2011) “Innovation as a concept and research fields “, Molde University College, 6th May
Foss, L. (2011) “Academic entrepreneurship – a tool for making the universities more
entrepreneurial?” HSS11 conference Ålesund. 4th May 2011.
Foss, L. (2011) “Master in Business Creation and Entrepreneurship – et steg mot det entreprenørielle
universitet? Presentasjon for statsråd Tora Aasland, [Master in Business Creation and
Entrepreneurship - a step towards the entrepreneurial university? Presentation to Minister Tora
Aasland] 23 March 2011.
Foss, L. (2011) “Business Creation and Entrepreneurship”, Ålesund University College, 6th January
Foss, L. (2010) “Entrepreneørskap i skolen -: Hva viser forskningen?” Nettverkssamling “Ungt
entreprenørskap [Entrepreneurship in schools. What does the research show us? Network
gathering “young entrepreneurship, 2nd December 2010.
Foss, L. (2010) “The Entrepreneurial University: Closing the gap between Science and Commerce?”
Innovation Centre in Stavanger. 6th October 2010.
Foss, L, (2010) “Forskningsbasert entreprenørskap – en ny vei for UiT”, Forskningsdagene i Tromsø,
[“Research-based entrepreneurship - a new way for the University of Tromsø”, National
Science Week in Tromsø] 24-25th September 2010.
Media coverage
“Internasjonal utdanning for næringslivet i nord,” (04.07.2014) Nord24.
“Jakter fremtidens medisin i kråkeboller,” (24.06.2014) Nord24.
“Gründerskap kan læres,” (13.02.2013) UiT.
Supervision, coursework and committee work at Ph.D. level
Babak Ghassim, UiT School of Business and Economics (First supervisor expected defense 2018).
Uladzimir Kamovich, University of Tromsø, School of Business and Economics (First supervisor
expected defense 2016).
Mette Talseth Solnørdal, University of Tromsø, School of Business and Economics (First supervisor
expected defense 2017).
Kjersti Kjos Longva, University of Tromsø, School of Business and Economics (First supervisor
expected defense 2016).
Kari Jøsendal (expected defense 2015) NTNU (first supervisor).
Randi Brevold (2011), University of Karlstad (third supervisor).
Frank Holen (2010), University of Tromsø (first supervisor).
Svein-Tore Kristiansen (2009) NTNU (third supervisor).
Einar Lie Madsen (2007), Bodø Graduate School of Business (second supervisor).
Espen John Isaksen (2006), Bodø Graduate School of Business (second supervisor).
Academic entrepreneurship - preparing PhD students for an entrepreneurial career (BED-8004),
School of Business and Economics, Uit The Arctic University of Norway (2013-present).
Faculty member of Norwegian Research School in Innovation (NORSI)(2011-present).
Member in a group developing an application for National Research School in Innovation
(NORSI) (2011) Norwegian Research Council.
Faculty member The Norwegian Ph.D. program in Enterprise Development and Work Life Research
(EDWOR, 2003-2007).
Committee member in Ph.D. defense, Karin Strzeletz Ivertsen, Copenhagen Business School,
Copenhagen (2014).
Committee member in Ph.D. defense, Judy Rachele, Kingston University, London (2012).
Commitee member in Ph.D. defense, Karen Williamson, Chalmers University, Gothenburg (2010).
Committee member in Ph.D. defense, Erlend Nybakk ,UMB (2009).
Committee member in Ph.D. defense , Gry Alsos, Handelshøyskolen i Bodø (2007).
Committee member in Phd defense , Jonas Dahlqvist, Jönköping International Business School (2007).
Evaluation committees
Member of the expert group for a strategic research process within Linnaeus University, Sweden.
Report: Entrepreneurship strategy and objectives for Linnaeus University, Professor Mette
Mønsted, CBS (Copenhagen DK) Professor Lene Foss UiT (Tromsø N) and professor Håkan
Boter USBE (Umeå SE). 2012-2013.
Member of committee for evaluation of professor, University of Chalmers, Göteborg, (2013).
Member of committee for evaluation of professor, University of Linköping, Linköping (2013).
Member of committee for evaluation of post doc, NMBU (Norwegian University of Life Science), Ås
Member of committee for evaluation of professor, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and
Technology), Trondheim (2013).
Member of committee for evaluation of first lecturer, University of Umeå, (2012).
Member of committee for evaluation of professor, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and
Technology), Trondheim (2012).
Member of committee for evaluation of professor, University of Nordland, Bodø (2013).
Member of committee for evaluation of first lecturer, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo (2011).
Member of committee for evaluation of professor, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo (2010).
Member of committee for evaluation of research fellow, HinT (Nord-Trøndelag College), (2010).
Member of committee for evaluation of post doc, Agder University, (2009).
Member of committee for evaluation of first lecturer, University of Tromsø, (2009).
Member of commitee for evaluation of research fellow, HinT (Nord-Trøndelag College), (2009).
Member of committee for evaluation of associate professor/ lecturer at BI Norwegian Business School
Oslo, (2008).
Member of committee for evaluation of researcher II, Nordlandsforskning, Bodø, (2007).
Member of committee for the evaluation of scholarship holder in enterprise development and
marketing, The Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø, (2002).
Member of committee for the evaluation of an English doctoral degree, to the equivalent of a
Norwegian doctoral degree, Bodø Graduate School of Business.
Leader of committee for the evaluation of scholarship holder in marketing, The Norwegian College of
Fishery Science, University of Tromsø, (2000/2001).
Member of committee for the evaluation of scholarship holder in marketing, The Norwegian College
of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø, (1999).
Professional activities
Session chair “Entrepreneurship education,” ISBE conference, Manchester November 6-7th 2014.
Leader of the research group “Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Organization and Innovation” at School
of Business and Economics - Uit – The Arctic University of Norway. (2010-2014).
Member of a team leading the Ph.D.-seminar at the 18th Nordic Conference on Small Business
Research, May 14-16, 2014.
Member of the committee for organizing the Northern Norwegian Board membership day in Harstad,
Norway, Science Park North, NHO Troms, School of Business and Economics- UIT, Futurum
Narvik and Harstad University College, September 2013.
Workshop facilitator during the University-Industry Interaction Conference, Amsterdam, May 27-29,
Main organizer “The Circumpolar Conference on High North Entrepreneurship and Innovation,”
University of Tromsø November 26th-27th. ( 2008.
Organizing 13th Nordic Conference on Small Business Research in Tromsø, in collaboration with
Professor Olav R. Spilling, Handelshøyskolen BI, Oslo.
Session chair (Marked og LOS forskning) at the National Programme Conference (‘Marked og
Samfunn’), Gardermoen Airport Hotell, October 9–10. 2001.
Preparing National Programme Conference (‘Marked og Samfunn’), Gardermoen Airport Hotell,
October 9–10. 2001.
Session Chair Entrepreneurship Division, Academy of Management meeting, Washington DC, August 5–
9. 2001.
Charing interactive learning session at Endconference in Enterprise development 2000, Hønefoss,
March 27–28. 2001.
Rewiever, Academy of Management Meeting, Entrepreneurship Division (ENT) and Organization and
Management Theory (OMT), 2001.
Discussant, Academy of Management Meeting, Entrepreneurship division, Toronto, August 2000.
Reviewer, Academy of Management Meeting, Entrepreneurship Division (ENT) and Organization and
Management Theory (OMT), 2000.
Workshop Chair: Academy of Management Meeting, Entrepreneurship division, Chicago, August, 1999.
Reviewer, Academy of Management Meeting, Entrepreneurship Division, 1999.
Adept at the Mentor – Adept project at The University of Tromsø, 1999–2000.
Member in committee at The Norwegian College of Fishery Science in development of Graduate
programmes in Enterprise development and Marketoriented management (MSc.), 2000.
Secretary for Evaluation Group in Norwegian Research Council, Område for bioproduksjon og
foredling: Evaluering av fiskeriforsknings programmer, Markedsforskning og Forvaltning og
Næringsutvikling, 1996.
Workshop Chair: The Entrepreneurship Research Conference 1996, University of Washington, Seattle,
Board membership
Boardmember at Norinnova Technology Transfer, Tromsø 2014-2015.
Member of the jury for the awarding of the NHO Innovation Award in Tromsø, 2013.
Member of the jury for Young Entrepreneurship in School, Tromsø 2011.
Boardmember of Mabcent, University of Tromsø, 2011-2012.
Member of Advisory panel on macroeconomic models and methods, Norwegian Ministry of Finance
Appointed by The Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions (UHR) as expert consultant.
Appointed by The Norwegian Competence Centre for Foreign Education (NOKUT) as expert
consultant for the application for accreditation of the Masters Programme in Entrepreneurship
and Innovation (120 credits) at the University of Bergen and University of Oslo (2011).
Member of the Committee for Internship at the Career Centre, University of Tromsø 2010 - 2012.
Appointed by the University of Agder as expert consultant in the evaluation of the Master program in
Innovation Management (2010).
Member of committee ”Qualitative methods in business administration education", National Council
for Business Administration Education 2009 – 2011.
Appointed by NOKUT as an expert for the application for accreditation of the Master Program in
Leadership and Organizational Psychology (120 credits) at Buskerud University College (2009).
Member of Expert Panel in evaluating research applications on clusters for Norwegian Centres of
Expertise (The NCE program). The National Program for Development of high-growth
regional industry clusters. SIVA/Innovation Norway/Norwegian Research Council (2006).
Member of ‘Biomarint Forum’. Arbeidsgruppen for risikokapital. (2002).
Member of ‘International Committee’, Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship division, 2000– 2002.
Deputy board member at the Department Board, Department of Social Science and Marketing. 2002–
Deputy board member from University of Tromsø in ‘National Board for higher education in
economics and management’, 2000–2002.
Deputy board member: Market and Social Science Program, Norwegian Research Council, 1999–2004.
Deputy board member: Market Research Program, Norwegian Research Council, 1996–2000.
Reviewer Experience
Academy of Management Journal.
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship.
Journal of Organizational Change Management.
Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier.
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development.
Journal of Small Business Management.
International Small Business Journal.
Journal of Enterprising Communities.
Revier for conference papers (DIANA, ISBE)
Editorial Experience
Consulting Editor, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship (2014- present).
Associate editor, Journal of Small Business Management (2013-present).
Board Membership
Nordic Journal of Social Research (2009-present).
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship (2009- present).
Academy of Management Journal (2002-2006).
Teaching and supervision at master level:
Specialisation in entrepreneurship, management, organisation and innovation (BED3046), School of Business and Economics, Uit The Arctic University of Norway.
Entrepreneurial Networking and Methods in Writing BCE Master thesis (BED-3047),
School of Business and Economics, Uit The Arctic University of Norway.
Program Director MSc in Business Creation and Entrepreneurship, School of business
and economics, Uit The Arctic University of Norway.
Specialisation in Entrepreneurship (SVF-3501), Faculty of Humanities, Social Science
and Education, Department of Sociology, Political Science and Community Planning,
Uit The Arctic University of Norway.
Management and business ethics (BED-2503), Department of Social Sciences and
Marketing, The Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø.
1996 (fall)
Enterprise development (SVF-2503), Department of Social Sciences and Marketing,
The Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø
Theory of Science, Norwegian School of Management BI, BI–Tromsø
Organisation psychology and management, Norwegian School of Management BI, BI–
Course on Networks and applied research on organizations. Department of Social
Sciences and Marketing, The Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of
Course in Marketing and Economics; Department of Economics and Management, The
Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø.
MSc in Business Creation and Entrepreneurship
School of Business and Economics Uit The Arctic University of Norway
MSc in Organization/Leadership/Entrepreneurship
School of Business and Economics Uit The Arctic University of Norway
Faculty of Humanities, Social Science and Education, Department of
Sociology, Political Science and Community Planning, University of
School of Business and Economics Uit The Arctic University of Norway
Department of Social Science and Marketing, Norwegian School of
Fishery Science, University of Tromsø
Faculty of Social Science, University of Tromsø
Department of Social Science and Marketing, Norwegian School of
Fishery Science, University of Tromsø
Faculty of Social Science, University of Tromsø
Bodø graduate School of Business, Bodø
Department of Marketing, Norwegian School of Fishery Science,
University of Tromsø
Research grants
Entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship and the commercialization of High North Science:
Building a collaborative circumpolar network for the new economy, funded by Ministry
of education and research. Norway Opening Universities (Project leader).
Academic entrepreneurship - from university research to implementation and
commercialization of innovations – a comparative study. Project 212290
(FORFI) The research council of Norway. (Project leader).
Innovation and entrepreneurship in biotechnology education, Hedmark University
College, Norway Opening Universities (NOU).
Innovation through collaboration: How firms innovate in Troms? NORUT Social
Research, VRI program, NRC.
“Young Entrepreneur”, (Ung gründer), with Harstad and Narvik College, funded by
Innovation Norway.
Taking Innovations to Market. International Research Institute of
Stavanger. ( Project leader)
Value creation in 2010, Northern Norway module, research area for Industry and
Energy, the Norwegian Research Council.
Market surveillance in the fishing industry: A survey of senior and
middle managers' external relations. Project 142916/110. Norwegian Research
Council, Research area of bio production and processing, Market and Society.
(Project leader).
From creation to commercialization in an emerging industry: Viable strategies for
marine aquaculture species. Project 133530/110. Norwegian Research Council,
Research area of bio production and processing. Market and Society.
Scholarship for international publication of the paper “Entrepreneurship in a Life
Course Perspective”, Norwegian Research Council. Program for Coastal and
Rural development,
Entrepreneurship, business development and gender. Norwegian Research Council.
Coastal and rural development program.
“Production – and market organizing in aquaculture of marine species;
halibut, ocean catfish, scallops and mussels”, Norwegian Research Council.
Program for Marine Species. Research area for bioproduction and processing.( Project
“Enterprise Development 2000: Idea based productivity development and
organizational renewal in work life”, Norwegian Research Council, Research area for
Industry and energy.