Innehåll - Sociologidagarna 2016


Innehåll - Sociologidagarna 2016
10–12 MARS
Socialpolitik och välfärd
"Vikten av att vilja - framställningar av vräkningshotade föräldrar i socialtjänstens akter"
Stina Fernqvist
Reducing unemployment? (Re)examining the role of labour market policies
Daniel Fredriksson
Good Governance – what we think it is and what we really measure.
Björn Halleröd, Hans Ekbrand, David Gordon
The long arm of social inequality: Effects of education/occupation on the incidence
and prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease2. Ekonomisk sociologi
Caroline Hasselgren, Björn Halleröd
Conditional representation – gendered experiences of combining work and family
among local politicians
Ingemar Johansson Sevä, Ida Öun
"Work is life, you know, and without it, there's nothing but fear and insecurity"
Ola Sjöberg
Perceived employability for non-native employees: The (in)significance of
institutional context
Ylva Wallinder
Family policies and fertility: Analyzing the link between family policy institutions
and fertility rates in 33 countries 1995-2010
Katharina Wesolowski, Tommy Ferrarini
Ekonomisk Sociologi
Making the Cut: Trust Production in the Swedish Pork and Beef Production Chain
Jonas Bååth
Coping with the environment: contingency and the paradox of technology in
rural capitalism
Alexander Dobeson
Football's Economization as an Unintended Consequence - How the the Passing
Game accidentally commercialized Football
Dominik Döllinger
Structural and material conditions for peasant class formation in Mozambique
Kajsa Johansson
An economic sociology of durable goods
Sebastian Kohl
"Exchange, Value and Money – Georg Simmels Relevance for the
New Economic Sociology
Erik Ljungar
Analyser sociologer publicerar
Ilkka Henrik Mäkinen, Erika Willander
Exchanging Perspectives – Revisiting Economic Action
Tobias Olofsson
The financialization of everyday life in Swedish financial education programs
Jane Pettersson
Religion, etnicitet, migration
Children and youth with war experiences in institutional care. A sociological
study of young immigrants’ stigma and social comparisons
Goran Basic
Religion, etnicitet och nationell identitet i svenska ledartexter 1976-2010
Mia Lövheim
”Interreligiösa gruppers samarbete med kommuner i Sverige”
Magdalena Nordin
Religion efter migration: En analys av SOM-undersökningen till utlandssvenskar
Erika Willander
Hur väljer aspirerande författare och förlag varandra?
Henrik Fürst
”Skönlitteratur som källa till sociologisk kunskap: Exemplet Nazityskland”
Torsten Pettersson
Sociologisk teori
Vem är teori? Sociologisk teori ur ett normkritiskt perspektiv
Kalle Berggren
Institutions. Some questions and comments
Carl-Göran Heidegren
Hur man blir en bortglömd svensk filosof: Folke Leander i sociologisk belysning
Henrik Lundberg
Capitalism, Cooperation, and Competition in the Light of Current Debates
Vessela Misheva
Hur formar teorier tolkningar av pedagogiska fenomen och händelser?
Henrik Nilsson
"Simmel och Durkheim: Sociologi som perspektiv eller som vetenskap?"
Anders Ramsay
"Frihetshistoria eller frihet som rätt?"
Anders Ramsay
What do we do with norms - break, conform, understand or explain?
Peter Sohlberg
"Nymaterialismen och det sociala som ontologisk kategori"
Sebastian Svenberg
Skjerhveim, Scheler and the understanding of social meaning
Sverre Wide
"On Wendy Brown’s account of Neoliberalism: revisiting the Critique of Modern
Political Forms in Hegel and Marx"
Carl Wilén
Lifestyle migration and hidden Western and middle class centredness of reflexivity
Maarja Saar
Outlining the foundations for a study on the gentrification of Sundbybergs stad
Christoffer Berg
Teoretisk förklaringsmodell för en fallstudie av svensk bostadsområdesförnyelse
Ove Ericsson
Mellan Plattan och Svampen
Mats Franzén
"Fokus Förort: betydelsen av plats och ungas berättelser om livet i en
mediebevakad stadsdel"
Carolin Valizadeh
Sociologisk kriminologi
"School future orientation climate and its relation to adolescent delinquency,
alcohol use, and internalizing symptoms"
Susanne Alm, Sara Brolin Låftman
Omhändertagna barn och ungdomar med krigserfarenheter. En sociologisk
studie av unga invandrares stigman och sociala jämförelser
Goran Basic
The emotion work of judicial objectivity
Stina Bergman Blix, Åsa Wettergren
Doing loyalty: subtle dramas in emotional courtrooms
Lisa Flower
Emotions and Globalization. Towards a Research Agend
Jochen Kleres
Känsloarbete i en trosbaserad organisation
Lisa Salmonsson
Kritiska Studier och intersektionalitet
Media-ating practices: tracing the development of (un)sustainable consumption
through media
Tullia Jack
Anti-Muslim Violence and the Possibility of Justice
Marta Kolankiewicz
En polis som alla andra. Konstruktioner av kön och yrkesidentitet
Louise Löfqvist
'Rejecting second class citizenship: Swedish disabled people claim ‘Full
Participation. Now''
Marie Sépulchre
Politisk sociologi och sociala rörelser
Enacting citizenship: examining the trajectories in citizenship policies in
the Czech Republic and Estonia Post-1990
Lia Antoniou
Feds everywhere: Risk and risk-mitigation in Anonymous chat rooms
Philip Creswell
Anarkistiska ungdomsrörelser kring millenieskiftet
Hedvig Ekerwald
Mobilizing hope and fear, mitigating guilt? Environmental movement strategic
emotion management in response to climate change
Jochen Kleres, Åsa Wettergren
Olika regimer, samma ledarskap - Om det lokala maktfältets logik på
landsbygden i Moçambique
Magnus Persson, Kajsa Johansson
"Women’s Participation in the Public Sphere in Egypt"
Imad Rasan
Welfare Reforms and Protest Mobilization in Sweden
Katrin Uba, Anders Westholm
Pride parade mobilizing in seven European countries and Mexico
Mattias Wahlström
Fyra vågor av utvärdering över den atlantiska världen 1960-2015
Evert Vedung
Radical left-libertarian protests in Sweden and Denmark 2002–2014
Magnus Wennerhag, Jan Jämte, Måns Lundstedt
Playing cultural heritage: constructing video games as museum culture
Lina Eklund
International retirement migration: Linguistic environments, problems and strategies
Per Gustafson
Living like a king? Rural upper class lifestyles
Tora Holmberg
“Rejecting digital technology in the age of cool capitalism”
Magdalena Kania-Lundholm
The Worth of Green: a sociology of art approach on the process of
greenification in urban settings
María Langa
An imagined culinary community: On gender and class in “Sweden – the new
culinary nation”
Nicklas Neuman
Understanding the Girl Child Breast Ironing in Cameroon: A Sociological
Analysis of the Determinants of the Practice
Christian Nounkeu Tatchou
Posthuman Postmortem Postcards: Space and Place in Condolence Cards for
Bereaved Pet Owners
David Redmalm
The Legacy of the 1990s for the Swedish Academic profession
Ola Agevall, Gunnar Olofsson
Mål eller medel? Om utbildningens roll och syfte ur ett policy- och elevperspektiv
Majsa Allelin
Changes in access to higher education in the Nordic countries 1985-2010
– a comparative perspective
Emil Bertilsson, Tobias Dalberg
Det svenska högskolefältet. Struktur och förändringar, 1977 till 2009
Mikael Börjesson, Emil Bertilsson, Tobias Dalberg
Social field and market – upper secondary education and the emerging
educational market in the Stockholm region
Håkan Forsberg
Den nya folkhögskolegruppen i Riksdagen: Folkhögskolan som samtida
bildningsväg för svenska riksdagsledamöter
Charlotte Fridolfsson, Henrik Nordvall, Erik Nylander
At the Apex of Educational Capital - The Space of Secondary Education
in the University Town of Uppsala
Ida Lidegran
"IB schools – the definition of symbolic capital at stake"
Mikael Palme, Josef Dahlberg
Solida och bräckliga utbildningskontrakt - Utbildningsförlopp på en ämneslärarutbildning 104
Magnus Persson
Familj och nära relationer
"Precarious labour: European au pairs in Sweden"
Terese Anving, Sara Eldén
Ofridstid. Fäders våld, staten och den separerande familjen" /"Times of trouble.
Fathers' violence, the state, and the separating family
Linnéa Bruno
Close personal relationships, children and the family: changing the background
Daniela Cutas
New ways of doing the ‘good’ and gender equal family: Parents employing
nannies and au-pairs in Sweden.
Sara Eldén, Terese Anving
A tablet app for data collection and children talking ”daddy, daddy, child”
Stina Ericsson
Sånt som mammor gör: Aspekter av moderskap i sjukskrivningsinteraktion
Marie Flinkfeldt
Fantomrelationer i singellitteraturen
Andreas Henriksson
Living Together: Intimate spaces and embodied rhythm in collective housing
Maria Törnqvist
Time on leave, timing of preschool - The role of parental leave use for
preschool start in Sweden
Ida Viklund, Ann-Zofie Duvander
Arbete, organisation och profession
“Subcontracted migrant workers – precarious labour in a flexible labour market?”
Rasmus Ahlstrand
Relationer och organisationer
Göran Ahrne
"'Det strama fyrkantiga staketet' En intervjustudie med domare, advokater och
tolkar om konstruktionen av tolken och tolkningsprocessen i domstol"
Gunilla Carstensen
Organization of volunteers in disaster response
Roine Johansson
An analytical model for studies of boundary work: The case of Swedish
secondary teacher’s use of Facebook as work tool
Marcus Persson, Elin Thunman
Sociala medier och diskretion inom polisen
Bertil Rolandsson
Imagined independence among Swedish professional labour migrants
Ylva Walliinder
The dilemma in communicating empowerment at the workplace
Linda Weidenstedt
Miljö- och risksociologi
Studying the New Politics of Consumption
Magnus Boström, Michele Micheletti, Peter Oosterveer
The metamorphosis of the monarch butterfly. A study of the (re)framing of
a species worthy of protection.
Karin Gustafsson
‘Democratizing science’ and ‘deliberative democracy’–a deliberative systems
approach to global environmental governance
Rolf Lidskog, Monika Persson
Bouncing at the boundary: IPBES and the possibilities of a third knowledge space
Erik Löfmarck, Rolf Lidskog
Elusive risks in discourses about cesarean section: A doing risk analysis
Anna Olofsson
What’s missing from Ostrom? Combining design principles with plural rationality
Benedict Singleton
"Mångfacetterad osäkerhet"
Johan Alfonsson
Tankefiguren arv/miljö som felkonstruktion
Lars-Erik Berg
Våldsbejakande islamism och radikalisering i en svensk kontext
Sara Johansson
”De dödas betydelse för interaktion och identitetskonstruktion”
Annika Jonsson
Videoinspelning av naturligt förekommande interaktion
Kristin Wiksell
1. Socialpolitik och välfärd
"Vikten av att vilja - framställningar av vräkningshotade föräldrar i
socialtjänstens akter"
Stina Fernqvist
Institutet för bostadsoch urbanforskning
Ett flertal studier har pekat på vikten av en stabil boendesituation för barn och utifrån ett gradvis utökat
barnperspektiv i hanteringen av välfärdsfrågor i Sverige utfärdade dåvarande regeringen 2010 en
"nollvision", som innebar att inga barn skulle vräkas. Detta visade sig vara juridiskt omöjligt att
åstadkomma med nuvarande lagstiftning, men vid sidan av detta efterfrågades även en
kunskapsutveckling i frågan samt förslag på eventuella åtgärder för att minska antalet vräkningar av
barn. Tidigare forskning rörande ekonomisk utsatthet i välfärdsstaten i mer generella termer, och
rörande fattiga familjer i synnerhet, har visat att fattigdom kan vara starkt kopplad till diskurser rörande
moral bristande skötsamhet och självdisciplin. Samtidigt har ett flertal studier visat att personer med
kognitiva svårigheter, vilket här inkluderar intellektuell funktionsnedsättning, ofta lever i ekonomisk
utsatthet och att dessa funktionsvariationer kan orsaka stora problem i relation till ekonomin. Bland
dessa personer finns naturligtvis många föräldrar men frågan om funktionsvariation har sällan lyfts i
relation till barns ekonomiska utsatthet eller vräkningar av barnfamiljer.
Studien som presentationen utgår från syftar till att undersöka ärenden där barnfamiljer hotas av
vräkning, och mer specifikt studera framställningen av föräldrarna. Teoretiskt inspireras arbetet av
tidigare forskning om styrningspraktiker (governmentality) i vid mening, med fokus på konstruktionen
av klienten inom det sociala arbetets praktik. I ett senare skede av studien intervjuas även
socialsekreterare som i sin roll som "gräsrotsbyråkrater" (se Lipsky 1980) utgör en viktig del av denna
process. Det empiriska materialet utgörs här av ett fyrtiotal anonymiserade socialtjänstakter inhämtade
från fyra svenska kommuner av varierande storlek. Akterna utgörs av utredningar och journalutdrag
rörande försörjningsstöd till barnfamiljer där risk för vräkning framkommer. Materialet är föremål för en
kvalitativ analys där fokus ligger på: 1) hur den ekonomiska utsattheten som lett fram till
vräkningsrisken begripliggörs inom de institutionella ramar som socialtjänstens arbete kan sägas vara en
del av, 2) på vilket sätt ekonomisk skötsamhet artikuleras i relation till föräldraansvar samt 3) om, eller
hur, funktionsvariationer explicit länkas till ekonomiska svårigheter, då detta bör påverka möjligheter
till rätt stöd. Det handlar således inte om en kartläggning av hur många av klienterna som de facto har
en diagnos, utan hur texten i akterna förhåller sig till förklaringsmodeller i relation till fattigdom där en
Socialpolitik och välfärd
misstänkt eller diagnosticerad funktionsnedsättning kan göra den ekonomiskt utsatta situationen mer
legitim och klienten därmed mer förtjänt av samhällets stöd.
Analysen är ännu preliminär, men pekar på att funktionsvariationerna och de ekonomiska svårigheterna
ligger som två olika spår i akterna, som inte alltid kopplas samman. Därtill framkommer ett flertal
exempel på hur klientens vilja till skötsamhet formuleras som positivt, oavsett vad klienten faktiskt
åstadkommer i form av t.ex. aktivering på arbetsmarknaden. Denna förväntade förmåga till god
självpresentation, vilken också påtalats inom senare års arbetslivsforskning, kan också problematiseras i
relation till studiens frågeställningar då klienter som inte lever upp till detta kan gå miste om adekvat
Socialpolitik och välfärd
Reducing unemployment? (Re)examining the role of labour market
This paper analyses the long and short-term relationship between labour market policies and aggregate
civilian unemployment rates in 19 welfare states 1985-2012. Spending on three different types of active
labour market policy (ALMP) and two key aspects of unemployment insurance, often defined as passive
labour market policy, is analyzed.
Unemployment insurance is usually considered to increase unemployment if it is too generous, but not
always, as it may also sustain aggregate demand. The ALMP spending categories under scrutiny are
public employment services (PES), training programs, and job creation programs. While evidence is
mixed, these three expenditure types are assumed to reduce unemployment by influencing key aspects
of the labour market (job matching, human capital investment, and demand stimulation, respectively).
They are also assumed to offset potential negative effects of generous unemployment insurance.
Both passive and active policies have been extensively studied, with mixed results, in relation to
aggregate unemployment. However, most studies only take short-term effects into account. The main
contribution of this paper is to investigate if the effects of labour market policies differ between the
long and short term. There are theoretical reasons to believe, especially for active policies, that effects
differ when also considering long term effects. Training programs, for example, are more likely to
reduce unemployment over the long term since human capital accumulation involve active
participation in a program before taking up employment. Direct job creation, on the other hand, are
likely to have positive short term effects since the unemployed immediately enter employment.
Through pooled mean group regression (a variant of time-series cross-sectional analysis), the study finds
that of the three active policy types, expenditure on training programs are associated with lower
unemployment rates over the long-term, whereas direct job creation are associated with lower
unemployment on the short term. For PES, effects were inconclusive. In terms of passive policies, no
substantial effects of unemployment insurance were found. By taking both long-term and short-term
effects into account, we thus gain a better understanding of the dynamics of labour market policy.
Socialpolitik och välfärd
Good Governance – what we think it is and what we really measure.
Björn Halleröd
Hans Ekbrand
David Gordon
Bristol University
Sociologi och
Sociologi och
School of Policy Studies
The so-called institutional revolution within social science is closely related to the use of a broad range
of governance indicators provided by a variety of organizations. However, it is from a theoretical
perspective often far from clear what these indicators are supposed to measure, which also makes it
hard to draw concise policy conclusion.
We use a structural equation (SEM) approach to analyze a broad range of governance indicators and we
draw the following conclusions. Exiting indicators cannot in a straightforward application distinguish
theoretically derived aspect of governance. They are mainly measuring one single latent factor, a factor
we at this stage label as quality of government (QoG). However, QoG appears not to be measuring a
unique feature but is more realistically to be interpreted as an approximation of GDP per capita.
Because we use SEM we have been able to modeling the error terms and extracting a residual latent
factor. The residual factor captures the degree of democratization and existence of liberal human rights
net of QoG. The residual factor makes it possible to analyze if democratization and liberal rights impact
on for example living conditions, access to education et cetera net of QoG (which is to be interpreted
net of general economic development). Our preliminary analysis shows that democratization and liberal
rights are unrelated to the existence of basic social rights. Hence, the analysis supports earlier findings
that indicate that democratic values and institutions per se have little impact on policy outcomes and
peoples’ living conditions. Our results strongly advice against analyses that uses different indicators of
governance in order to determine what aspects that are most important given a certain outcome.
Socialpolitik och välfärd
The long arm of social inequality: Effects of education/occupation on
the incidence and prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease
Björn Halleröd
Sociologi och
Sociologi och
This paper is part of my PhD project, which, on an overarching level, aims at examining how various
social and psychological risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) relate to each other and by extension
to their genetic equivalents. The purpose of the paper is twofold. Firstly, it aims to examine the
possible effects of occupation based socioeconomic status (SES) and education on the prevalence of
AD. Secondly, the study aims to explore whether SES/education are related to age of dementia onset
(i.e. incidence) and duration of survival after diagnosis. Further, special attention is paid to potential
interaction effects between SES/education and a well-established genetic risk factor for AD - the APOE
ε4 allele. The present study targets these issues in relation to two of the longitudinal Gothenburg
Population Studies, the H70 Birth Cohort Study and the Prospective Populations Study on Women
The main reason for conducting separate analyses for prevalence and incidence/survival can be traced
back to a longstanding debate regarding age-variations of the well-established relationship between
SES/education and health. In this debate, two main strands can be distinguished. While some scholars
propose that aging seems to work as a leveler of difference, others suggest that health disparities
between e.g. different educational/occupational groups tend to amplify with the passage of time. In the
latter case, increasing health disparities have often been explained in terms of cumulative
(dis)advantage (or CAD), which can be defined as the accumulation of risk (or advantage) within and
between different life-domains over the life-course. Regarding the opposite idea, i.e. that of health
disparities converging over time, one suggested explanation is that the health decline associated with
aging is postponed for high SES individuals. Simply put, it has been argued that the morbidity of these
individuals is compressed to a shorter period of time during which they “catch up” to those from lower
socioeconomic backgrounds. However, a more common explanation for the proposed levelling of
differences is non-random mortality selection. In short, the concept refers to the result of e.g. less
educated individuals experiencing higher mortality rates in young age, which results in the remaining
sample becoming more “robust” over time. This phenomenon has also been denoted cohort inversion
and could ultimately change cohorts so that the association between for example SES and health
diminishes over time. Accordingly, avoiding to address these issues might lead to misconceptions
regarding the impact of social inequality on health in old age.
As stated above, the theory of cumulative (dis)advantage and the idea of “aging as a leveler” have often
been regarded as competing, partly due to the fact that many studies are based on cross-sectional data
Socialpolitik och välfärd
i.e. such that is not suitable for exploring time-varying relationships. More research based on
longitudinal data is thus needed. This is especially true since there are studies indicating that these
phenomena, rather than being mutually exclusive, seem to be operate in tandem. More specifically, this
means that compositional cohort changes might lead to a levelling of differences on the aggregate level,
whereas on the individual ditto, CAD mechanisms are still at play. Consequently, cumulative
disadvantage could potentially be looked upon as the precursor of mortality selection, and hence of the
observed “leveling”.
Aside from the fact that many have argued that there is a need for further inquiry on how the link
between SES/education and health varies over time and what methodological challenges this might
pose, we argue that this is of particular relevance for studies of AD for three main reasons. Firstly, on a
more general level, Alzheimer’s disease is known to be the most common form of dementia and
hitherto this severe condition lacks effective prevention, treatment and cure. Secondly, AD chiefly
affects individuals above the age of 65, which implies that there is a need to explore whether cohort
composition is time dependent in any sense, and, if so, how this could affect the study of risk factors for
such a clearly age-related disease. Lastly, the causes of sporadic AD (accounts for 98-99 per cent of all
cases) are heterogeneous. Besides the well-known genetic risk factor of the APOE ε4 allele, a range of
social factors has been suggested to contribute to disease onset, including low occupation based SES and
low education. This implies that AD, like most diseases, has a social gradient, which in turn actualizes
the possibility of social inequality inducing cohort compositional changes over time. Similar changes
could possibly also occur as a result of genetic differences. Carriers of the APOE ε4 allele have proven
to be more at risk for developing other conditions besides AD, e.g. cardiovascular diseases, which
further means that they risk dying at younger ages. Accordingly, with the passage of time, surviving
carriers of the APOE ε4 could potentially be more “robust” compared to their counterparts, considering
the mortality-selection-hypothesis presented above. An advantage with the population studies used in
this paper is that they entail data on social conditions as well as clinical health and genome. A possible
contribution of the present study is therefore that it simultaneously examines the possibility of social as
well as genetic effects on dementia prevalence/incidence, while at the same time exploring possible
time-variations of the relationship between health and SES.
Socialpolitik och välfärd
Conditional representation – gendered experiences of combining
work and family among local politicians
Johansson Sevä
Ida Öun
Sweden is often considered to be a frontrunner with regard to gender equality. During
the last decades the Swedish welfare state has developed towards a dual-earner model, providing
policies with the aim to support the reconciliation between work and family life for parents of young
children. This model has been successful when it comes to women’s integration on the labour market
and the political sphere. In recent years, the share of women in Swedish local politics has increased and
now amount to an average level of 40 per cent. While the underrepresentation of specific social groups
in local politics, such as women, the low-educated, young, and immigrants is well documented, aspects
not directly related to social categorization have not been sufficiently analyzed in previous research. A
potential factor affecting representation – the possibility to combine political work with family life – has
been studied to some extent among national politicians, but not at the local level. In general, we know
surprisingly little about experiences of combining work and family among local politicians in Sweden.
Experiences of conflicting demands between political work and family life may influence the
recruitment into politics, and thus the representativeness of the local political elite. In this paper, our
aim is (a) to map the working and living conditions experienced by local politicians in Sweden, with a
particular focus on gender, age, and party affiliation; (b) to examine to what extent demands from work
and family affect work-family conflict; and (c) to contrast the findings concerning local politicians with
findings from a representative sample of the general Swedish population. In order to invesitigate this,
we use unique survey data from 2014 (n~7000) covering local politicians, and a representative sample
of the Swedish population.
Our preliminary results show that female and male local politicians report very similar high demands
from their political work. For example, the mean weekly working hours among full time politicians is
around 60 hours for both men and women, while the corresponding figure among part time politicians
is about 42 hours. As to the question concerning the possibility to combine the political work with
family responsibilities, local politicians overall experience lower work-family conflict than the public.
Interestingly, gender is less important as a predictor for work-family conflict among local politicians,
while age have a stronger effect than among the general public. Given the fact that young women are a
heavily underrepresented group in politics we tentatively see our results as an indication that local
politics still is a highly selected arena even in dual-earner Sweden, and that possibilities to combine
political work with family life is an imprortant factor to consider when discussing political
Socialpolitik och välfärd
"Work is life, you know, and without it, there's nothing but fear and
Ola Sjöberg
Recent evidence suggest that the generosity of unemployment benefit are positively
related to both overall self-assessed health and decreasing health inequalities between educational
groups. That unemployment benefits may have positive effects on the health of unemployed is not
surprising. However, a more surprising finding is that also the health and well-being of employed
individuals seems to be positively related to the generosity of unemployment benefits. This is a genuine
puzzle: why should the generosity of unemployment benefits matter for people with jobs? This paper
argues that this puzzle may, at least in part, be understood against the background of individual
vulnerability (the ex-ante risk that a household or individual will fall into poverty if becoming
unemployed) and job insecurity. The central argument of this paper is that state-legislated
unemployment benefit schemes – what may be termed collective resources - may play a pivotal role in
decreasing individual vulnerability and therefore also mediate the relationship between job insecurity
and self-assessed health. Since collective resources in the form of unemployment benefits probably is
more important for lower-educated individuals who often lack individual resources, this theoretical
framework also provides a (partial) explanation of why the generosity of unemployment benefit
schemes is related to decreasing health inequalities between educational groups. The empirical analyses,
using two waves of European Quality of Life Survey, is largely supportive of this theoretical framework.
The generosity of unemployment benefits tend to be most important for the subjective health of
employed individuals who, in addition to experiencing job insecurity, also lack individual economic
resources. This effect is, furthermore, more pronounced for low-educated individuals.
Socialpolitik och välfärd
Perceived employability for non-native employees: The
(in)significance of institutional context
Ylva Wallinder
Sociologi och
Half a century ago, Europe consisted of different national labour markets. Today, the
whole European Union is one big labour market due to the right of free movement of goods and
workforce inside the economic community. Nonetheless, the de facto transnational labour market
mobility is rather low. This is rather surprising, as transnational mobility is considered an opportunity to
broaden work-related experience and to improve employability. The EU even actively promotes the
mobility paradigm as a part of the wider discourse on employability: European policymakers and
politicians encourage citizens to actively look for employment. This is referred to as “active solidarity”
or “active employment”, meaning that the individual herself is responsible for her ongoing employment.
This article examines how perceived employability differs between natives and non-native employees.
The study compares data from the European Social Survey (ESS) collected in 2004 and 2010, reflecting
different economic situations and different work-related cross-national mobility patterns. In order to
identify the impact of both individual and contextual factors on perceived employability, the data is
analysed by means of multi-level modeling. The results indicate that non-native employees experience a
smaller possibility to match individual qualifications with open positions compared to natives. Further,
non-native employees are less dependent on welfare state conditions, instead they rely more on their
individual qualifications for their perceived employability.
Socialpolitik och välfärd
Family policies and fertility: Analyzing the link between family policy
institutions and fertility rates in 33 countries 1995-2010
Tommy Ferrarini
Institutet för social
Institutet för social
This study analyzes the link between family-policy institutions and fertility changes in 33
countries 1995 to 2010 using new institutional data. We use newly collected data on family-policy
legislation covering not only the frequently analyzed old OECD member countries, but also including
new EU member countries as well as Russia and Ukraine. In order to evaluate the link between family
policy and fertility, pooled time-series cross-section regression analyses are used with the Total Fertility
Rate (TFR) as outcome variable and Gross Domestic Product (GDP),
female labor force participation, and unemployment rates as control variables. The results show that
more extensive gender-egalitarian family policies, and female employment are linked to higher fertility,
while policies supporting traditional family patterns or the degree of economic development produce
no statistically significant results. Analyses of the interaction between earner-carer support and female
paid work indicate that the impact of introducing more gender-egalitarian policies would be stronger in
countries with lower levels of female labor force participation. Regressions with differenced data
support ideas of earner-carer support being linked to increases in total fertility. Thus, the results lend
support the argument that work-family reconciliation policies might be a way to increase fertility rates
of a country.
Socialpolitik och välfärd
2. Ekonomisk sociologi
Making the Cut: Trust Production in the Swedish Pork and Beef
Production Chain
Jonas Bååth
In meat production some meats are better than others. The process of valuing cuts, here
beef and pork, involves to attribute values to qualities through more or less institutionalised repertoires.
These repertoires, e.g. assessing fattiness, differentiate cuts from each other. Through studying Swedish
pig and cattle farmers, slaughterhouse workers, meat retailers and others involved in the meat
production chain, I ask the question what is a good cut in the Swedish meat production? By asking this
question investigate of how consumers and production chain actors become meaningful in the
production of cuts in Swedish meat production – from farm to grocery store.
Approaching the question of good cuts, three groups of findings become relevant. These are drawn
from in-depth interviews with 40 interview persons and one month of participant observation
conducted during 2014-15. Analysing these, I combine Georg Simmel’s theory of value attribution,
with Anne Swidler’s conception of culture as repertoires. These are contextualised using Mary Douglas
distinction between clean and polluted, and the insight that markets are actively organised as found in
Karl Polanyi’s and Ferdinand Braudel’s respective works.
Doing this analysis I found (1) the important values that are attributed to the cuts’ qualities, e.g.
fattiness, size, or bones. These are mapped out and put in relation to each other through (2) the
valuation repertoires, e.g. the assessment of colour or thickness of a cut. These repertories are in (3)
wechselwirkung between actor and production. Repertories of valuation are thus shaped in relation to
ideas of purity and pollution, e.g. ‘pink’ as a polluted category for beef cuts. Also, the active
organisation of exchange throughout the production chain means that different institutions actively
uphold certain regimes, e.g. the production of defined cuts and how they must look.
The main findings are that a good cut is a cut that a) can be trusted by downstream actors, and b)
facilitates production stability, i.e. a trustworthy chain. The conclusions from this analysis are that a
good cut is assessed in relation to an abstract idea about an ignorant consumer, with the wrong idea
about meat. Thus, consumer trust is hard to attain while keeping the internal production chain trust
Ekonomisk sociologi
intact. Also, the actors’ activities in the production chain influence these values, putting the meat in
wechselwirkung with labour processes, and (to some extent) the lebensführung of the actors.
Ekonomisk sociologi
Coping with the environment: contingency and the paradox of
technology in rural capitalism
Alexander Dobeson
Uppsala Unviversity
Department of Sociology
How do economic actors cope with an ever-changing environment? And what are the
consequences for contemporary rural capitalism?
Knightian uncertainty has become one of the defining concepts of New Economic Sociology: while the
future remains uncertain, economic actors rely on robust cognitive frames and devices for reducing
calculable risk in markets. What has been neglected so far, however, is the impact of exogenous, that is
non-market environments such as ‘ecology’ and ‘technology’, which are of particular importance for
natural resource-based economies such as agriculture and fisheries. For this reason, this paper highlights
the role of what I call environmental contingency as most profound problem in rural networks of
Based on a case study from the Icelandic coastal fisheries, three basic coping strategies are presented as
responses to the problem of environmental contingency: a) tinkering accounts; b) technological
hybridisation and c) redefining boundaries. While these strategies allow for flexible adaption to an everchanging environment, they also point at the paradox of technology, as technology itself propels new
economic problems by ignoring the complexity of the environment, leading to an endless cycle of
investments and intensification.
Knightian uncertainty, contingency, sociology of markets, economic coping, technology,
rural capitalism, fisheries
Ekonomisk sociologi
Football's Economization as an Unintended Consequence - How the
the Passing Game accidentally commercialized Football
In my paper I first want to show that the economization of football is by no means a
recent development but, contrary to the picture that is painted by many football romantics and
commentators, has its roots already in the late 19th century. Secondly, I want to introduce the
invention of the passing game as a crucial and necessary condition for football's economization and
commercialization process.
Modern football was invented in Victorian England by the industrial upper middle class. However, by
the end of the 19th century it was the working class that gradually came to dominate the game on and
off the pitch. The new working class audiences were considerably bigger than the previous ones and
made football into a spectator sport that was big enough to create economic profits. This was a
consequence of the working class teams beginning to dominate the upper class teams on the pitch by
inventing the passing game as a new and superior playing style in order to cope with their physical
disadvantages. The passing game, then, led to working class teams engaging in regular practice in order
to develop the necessary technical and tactical skills to play and improve this new way of playing.
Eventually, being a football player became so time consuming that teams began to hire and pay talented
players and enabled them to play football for a living.
All of this was met with disapproval by the upper class inventors of the game, who founded football on
a strong amateur and Gentleman ideology, including values of disinterestedness and playing only for the
sake of playing and not for financial gain. Consequently, they tried to oppose these developments but
eventually lost the ‘class struggle for football’ when professionalism was finally legalized by the Football
Association (FA) in 1885 and subsequent efforts to bring the amateur ideology back failed. At the
beginning of the 20th century football and the economic field had finally become bedfellows and their
love affair continues until today up top the point where, as recent research has shown, economic capital
can buy Championships.
I aim to outline that the general economization of football, that has increased ever since, in fact, began
with the working class passing the ball to each other, i.e. on the pitch itself. Within a short period of
time football games began to attract huge audiences on a regular basis. What is more is that football
games created an utopia where the working class dominated the upper class, an utopia that could be
sold perfectly to a working class with increasing incomes and more time for leisure activities than ever
Previous research has so far neither explicated nor utilized this connection between the invention of the
passing game, i.e. the practice level, and football's economization and professionalization, let alone
drawn theoretical conclusions. In explicating this connection, I want to shed new light on the
economization process of football in general and show how changes on the practice level have led to
unintended long-term structural consequences for the history football as a whole.
Ekonomisk sociologi
Structural and material conditions for peasant class formation in
Kajsa Johansson
The paper examines how the composition of the livelihoods of the Mozambican
peasantry, including its relations to the Market and the State, hampers peasant class formation. While
recognising peasants’ constant struggles, or class practices, it examines the material conditions impeding
the transformation of these class practices into class struggles. It argues that one major, although not
exclusive, constraining factor is that the peasantry has, and has had, no fixed object or conflict for their
organisation; there is no stable conflict in which they are involved as a class. The paper suggests that the
unpredictable, variable and indistinct relations between the peasants and the State and the Market
respectively (and sometimes jointly) further complicate the formation of a peasant class since they lead
to an equally unpredictable, variable and indistinct class structure.
The paper aims to make a contribution to the on-going discussion, so far mainly at macro-level, among
scholars of critical political economy, underlining the need to identify a social base to question the
current (economic) development model in Mozambique, being described as porous and extractive. The
paper places the processes of social change and struggles in the rural areas at the centre, analysing
conditions in present time and history hampers mobilisation and collective struggle. Through the rural
focus, with the peasants as political subjects, it opposes to the substantial body of contemporary
research, as well as practice including NGOs and donor agencies, tending to exclude the rural poor as
well as other marginalised groups as political actors, turning them into mere target groups or receivers
of ideas or projects defined by the urban elite.
The peasantry has since Independence in 1975 constituted the majority of Mozambique’s population
with around 75 per cent living in the countryside. Their social and economic conditions have in many
regards remained the same during the last forty years in terms of key aspects such as size of the
machamba (field), productivity, market access and lack of extension services. The rural majority in
Mozambique has seen little or no benefits of the substantial economic growth that has taken place
during the last decades, and poverty indicators show stagnated poverty levels, deepening poverty gaps
and increased inequalities. Statistics also show how changes in terms of getting above the poverty line
are not resilient but unstable and insecure with people moving above easily falling below shortly after.
Despite the fact that the main economic activity among the majority of the population is peasant
agriculture, it has since Independence never been at the heart of economic policy, which has, on the
contrary, been dominated by large-scale projects, be them state farms during socialist time or, as
presently, large-scale extractive industries and plantation agriculture. Peasants are also largely excluded
Ekonomisk sociologi
from spheres of formal political influence, including local as well a national processes of formulation of
policies for rural development and agriculture. Peasants’ organisations in Mozambique, represented by
the national peasants’ union UNAC, mobilise a fairly small share of the total number of peasants and
permanent peasant collective actions are rare. Around 80 000 peasants are formally members of
UNAC, but the union claims to represent all peasants.
The paper benefits from recently carried out fieldwork (in 2015 and 2016) in Niassa province in
northern Mozambique, inspired by ethnographic approaches and the extended case method. The
empirical material consists of life histories with peasants, traditional and religious local leaders;
interviews with peasants’ associations, focus groups of associated and non-associated peasants;
observations as well as interviews with government representatives at different levels.
In terms of analytical framework, the paper applies Olin Wright’s model for class-analysis and scholarly
work on proletarianisation in a contemporary Southern Africa context complements and contextualises
Olin Wright’s framework. At a broader level, situating the paper in the on-going PhD project of
understanding peasant mobilisation in Mozambique since Independence, the case is placed within the
framework of Karl Polanyi’s Great. From Polanyi the paper also uses the analysis of land as a fictitious
commodity, something that may come to play a key role in the analysis of a possible contemporary class
Ekonomisk sociologi
An economic sociology of durable goods
Sebastian Kohl
Uppsala Universitet
The article argues for the importance of an often neglected distinction of economic
goods and markets in sociology, the distinction between durable and non-durable goods. It offers the
first existing review of good and market classifications found in the literature in order to argue that
durable/non-durable is a new enriching category. Then the implication of the category for empirical
research are spelt out: durable goods, whose consumption takes more than an instantaneous time
period, are divided into a primary and secondary market, the primary market from new production is
relatively small, in its production there is often a considerable lag and often credit accompanies its
acquisition, both features making these markets highly cyclical and their changes slow and long-term.
These markets also allow for different forms of ownership: direct or cooperative ownership or renting.
The age of products often negatively correlates with the social status of their holders – older goods
trickle down. The purpose of introducing such a category is to unify research in market sociology across
various markets and goods and to offer a framework for comparisons. Such usefulness is demonstrated
throughout the article by illustrating the case of durable goods in three very different kinds of markets:
the housing, timber and the labor market. The article thus makes a contribution to the emerging field
of comparative economic sociology which goes beyond the study of individual markets.
Ekonomisk sociologi
"Exchange, Value and Money – Georg Simmels Relevance for the
New Economic Sociology
Erik Ljungar
Högskolan i Borås
Sektionen för arbetsliv
och välfärd
Exchange, Value and Money – Georg Simmels Relevance for the New Economic
Georg Simmel is one of the founders of sociology. In this article emphasis will be put on Simmles view
on economic relationships in society, and how these “market interactions” tend to interact with society
in large.
Simmel argues that the social relation is the foundation of society, i.e. his sociology goes under the
name sociological relationism . In his book Sociology (1908) he shows how society and its institutions is
formed by a series of relational phenomena, such as super- and subordination, conflict and exchange. In
the case of exchange Simmel emphasizes that economic exchange is the purest form, characterized by
its distinctive objectivity.
Simmel has even developed a theory of value. He claims that economic values arise in interaction
between people. Ultimately, it is the value that a product has for individuals or "subjects" which is the
foundation of value and even prices on the market. But as people interact common or shared values
tend to occur , or what Simmel calls objective values. Perhaps the most distinctive object given such an
objective value is money. However, it is not only the exchange of goods or services among humans that
are formal or "objective"; a sort of “monetary relationship” permeates throughout all of modern society.
I argue that Simmel is one of the neglected contributors to economic sociology, but even to economics.
His theory of value has many resemblances with the subjective value theory in neoclassical theory, but
its relational approach gives a deeper understanding how in fact values occur, not only in the economic
sphere, but even in other spheres in society such as art, politics, religion etc.
Keywords: Simmel, Relationism, Exchange, Value, Money
Ekonomisk sociologi
Analyser sociologer publicerar
Ilkka Henrik
Svenska kyrkan
Textböcker i sociologisk metodologi beskriver ofta sociologiska analyser som en
kombination av kvantitativa och kvalitativa ansatser. Populariteten för dessa ansatser kan dock variera
över tid och en viss ansats kan vara mer eller mindre gångbar vid publikation i vetenskapliga tidskrifter.
Följande presentation redogör för en kartläggning av de 20 högst rankade sociologiska tidskrifterna
mellan åren 1994-2014 och besvarar frågorna: Vilka metoder används i tidskrifterna? Sker det en
förändring över tid bland de metoder som används? Resultaten visar att en kvantitativ ansats är
betydligt vanligare än en kvalitativ ansats i de topprankade tidskrifterna. Detta mönster är också stabilt
över tidsperioden. Bland de kvantitativa metoderna är regressionsanalyser vanligast och nära två
tredjedelar av de kartlagda artiklarna med kvantitativ ansats redovisade resultat från regressionsanalyser.
I ett undervisningssammanhang understryker resultaten vikten av att sociologistudenter lär sig både
kvantitativa och kvalitativa analytiska ansatser.
Ekonomisk sociologi
Exchanging Perspectives – Revisiting Economic Action
Tobias Olofsson
Why do we buy the things we buy? This abstract refers to a paper which asks questions
regarding the very core act of consumption, namely the assessment of and participation in exchanges. It
is therefore not a paper regarding consumer society, the culture of consumption, or the games of
market participation as phenomena in themselves. Instead the paper focuses on consumption at its very
basic act, the exchange of A:s for B:s. This does not, however, imply that the paper disregards or is
ignorant of the importance of the cultural and structural settings, nor of their importance in facilitating,
influencing or guiding economic action. Instead the paper seeks to put forward a proposal for a
perspective in which the structural and cultural influences on the act of exchange are analyzed from the
very act itself, rather than perceiving exchange as a consequence of structure and cultural settings.
Moreover the paper is a proposal to return to the foundations of economic sociology, revisiting the
works of economist Vilfredo Pareto (1909). The paper thereby provides a perspective in which
economic action is treated as a social fact in itself and not, as in some later perspectives, an integral part
of larger social phenomena – cf. (Baudrillard, 2012) and (Bauman et al., 2004).
Furthermore the paper will put forward a proposal for an inquiry in which the model sketched out
below is tested in relation to actor’s participation in online auctions. Online auction services such as
Ebay or the Swedish Tradera facilitate peer-to-peer auctions where different actors post offers of
exchange which other actors place bids on. The different participants interact with the screen which
mediates the offers of exchange as well as provide information on the ratings (provided by participants
in earlier exchanges) of different buyers and sellers. This makes for an interesting case to gain further
insights into consumers’ choice of whether or not to participate in an exchange as it enables inquiries at
different temporal points of economic action, and economic acts – cf. (Schütz, 1962). What the paper
proposes is that the model below is tested through an inquiry into consumers’ choice of whether or not
to conduct the economic action of participating in an exchange, and the reason for doing this is to seek
further insights into the economic actions of consumers within the space of online auctions, as well as
contributing to the greater knowledge regarding the (economic) sociology of consumption.
In constructing the model the paper draws on the works of Pareto (1909), Simmel (2011), Schütz
(1962, 2002), Weber (1978) and Polanyi (2011), but also on contemporary insights into economic
sociology from scholars such as Granovetter (1985), Aspers (2009, 2011a, 2011b), Knorr-Cetina
(2003), and Hedström (2005). This means that the atomized perspective on economic action put
forward by Pareto is supplemented by Simmel’s sociological understanding of exchanges, Weber’s,
Schütz’s and Polanyi’s respective conceptualizations of rationality, and Schütz’s concepts of horizons of
meaning and purpose at hand. Furthermore the paper draws on Granovetter’s insights into the
importance of social networks in social and economic action, Asper’s work on markets, Knorr-Cetina’s
Ekonomisk sociologi
research on scopic markets, and Hedström’s conceptualization of social action through the use of DBOtheory.
Combining the theoretical and empirical insights accounted for above, the paper proposes a
hypothetical model in which economic action in the form of exchange (Y) is understood to be the
outcome of the interplaying factors of the agent’s purpose at hand (X1), access to information upon
which evaluations of exchanges are based (X2), and the rationales of market participation (X3). Using
this model in empirical research would then, the paper proposes, enable the posing of questions
regarding how the situatedness of the actor, the market and the exchange can be traced from the
outcome of an actor’s assessment of different offers of exchange. To accomplish this the model draws
on work from different fields (i.e. sociology, economic sociology, phenomenology, and neo classical
economics) in trying to account for different insights into economic action.
Aspers, P. (2009) Knowledge and valuation in markets. Theory and Society. 38 (2), 111–131.
Aspers, P. (2011a) Markets. Economy and society. Cambridge; Malden, MA: Polity.
Aspers, P. (2011b) Markets, Evaluations and Rankings. Historical Social Research/Historische
Sozialforschung. 19–33.
Baudrillard, J. (2012) The consumer society: myths and structures. Theory, culture & society.
Reprinted. Los Angeles, Calif.: SAGE.
Bauman, Z. et al. (2004) Att tänka sociologiskt. Göteborg: Korpen.
Granovetter, M. (1985) Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness.
American Journal of Sociology. 91 (3), 481–510.
Hedström, P. (2005) Dissecting the social: on the principles of analytical sociology. Cambridge, UK. ;
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Knorr Cetina, K. (2003) From Pipes to Scopes: The Flow Architecture of Financial Markets.
Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory. 4 (2), 7–23.
Pareto, V. (1909) Manuel D’Économie Politique. Paris: V. Giard & E. Brière.
Polanyi, K. (2011) ‘The Economy as Instituted Process’, in Mark Granovetter & Richard Swedberg
(eds.) The Sociology of Economic Life. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Schütz, A. (1962) Collected papers. 1, The problem of social reality. Maurice Natanson (ed.). The
Hague: M. Nijhoff.
Schütz, A. (2002) Den sociala världens fenomenologi. Göteborg: Daidalos.
Simmel, G. (2011) Georg Simmel on Individuality and Social Forms. University of Chicago Press.
Weber, M. (1978) Economy and society: an outline of interpretive sociology. Guenther Roth & Claus
Wittich (eds.). New York: Univ. of California Press.
Ekonomisk sociologi
The financialization of everyday life in Swedish financial education
Jane Pettersson
GBG universitet
Institutionen för
sociologi och
The purpose of this paper is to develop a theoretical framework where financialization
and emotions in finance perspectives are combined to identify potentially fruitful analytical concepts
that allow me to understand Swedish financial education. The paper is part of my recently initiated
PhD thesis where financial education and its fostering of financial subjects is studied as a phenomenon
on both micro and macro levels. At the micro level education enacts overarching discourses and cultural
notions of financial markets and its opportunities and dangers together with the social and emotional
work of disciplining the subject. I suggest that combining theories of financialization and sociology of
emotions is crucial in understanding how the micro level of interaction is linked to the macro level.
The last couple of years, concern have been raised by government and financial experts about the
growing household debts in Sweden and its threat to national economic stability and household’s
solvency. Financial education is recommended as one of the remedies to private over-indebtness. In
2010 the Financial Supervisory Authority was commissioned to "strengthen the position of consumers
on the financial market” through public education. This resulted in several education programs
addressed toward the public and “risk groups” aiming at raising financial literacy, changing attitudes to
personal finances, and strengthening the will to act on financial matters. Financial education programs
are also initiated by private actors, which in contrast, teach people how to take advantage of new
possibilities to create a richer life. While the state educational programs shame, blame and in paradox
wants to protect the subject, the private ditto primarily boosts the subject’s self-confidence and pride.
Combining theories of financialization and sociology of emotions the paper suggests how these and
other ambivalences in financial education can be conceptualized.
Keywords: Financialization, emotions, financial education, Sweden
Ekonomisk sociologi
3. Religion, etnicitet, migration
Children and youth with war experiences in institutional care. A
sociological study of young immigrants’ stigma and social
Goran Basic
Linnaeus University
Faculty of Social
Sciences Department of
In war situations civilians are often direct targets of – and sometimes even participants –
acts of war. Children and youth who have escaped war have directly or indirectly been involved in the
war and as a result of this they will probably be affected over a large part or the rest of their life.
Psychologist refer for example to survivors of war suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
depression, recurring nightmares, emotional blunting, and re-experience of traumatic moments. The
purpose of the study is to analyze narratives of children and youth that have experienced war, taken
refuge in Sweden, and taken into custody and placed in institutions. The theoretical perspective is
determined from an ethno-methodological influenced interactionism. Special attention will be given to
the social comparisons and stories about stigma and victimization, which are expressed in the
interviews. Material of the study is gathered through qualitative oriented interviews with 20 children
and youngsters in institutional care with war experience.
Religion, etnicitet, migration
Religion, etnicitet och nationell identitet i svenska ledartexter 19762010
Mia Lövheim
Uppsala universitet
Frågan om religionens återkomst i den offentliga sfären har debatterats mycket både i
akademiska och politiska sammanhang det senaste decenniet, men ännu finns få empiriska studier som
undersökt om och hur detta äger rum. Detta paper presenterar resultaten från forskningsprojektet
Religionens återkomst?! En studie av religion och modernitet med svensk dagspress som typfall , som
analyserat om religion som ämne ökat eller minskat i svenska ledartexter under de senaste trettio åren,
och hur religion som ämne behandlas i relation till centrala värden i det svenska opinionsklimatet som
jämlikhet, demokrati och välfärd. Vårt paper kommer att fokusera på relationen mellan religion,
etnicitet och nationell identitet förändrats under perioden, utifrån en kombination av kvantitativ
innehållsanalys och kvalitativ diskursanalys av ett urval av texter.
Religion, etnicitet, migration
”Interreligiösa gruppers samarbete med kommuner i Sverige”
Magdalena Nordin
Lunds universitet
Sverige är ett land som utmärks av en långt gången av sekularisering. Landet har även
under en lång tid präglats av sekularism, dvs. ställningstagandet att religion och politik ska hållas
åtskilda. Det sekulära idealet har emellertid under senare tid kommit att utmanas av den ökade religiösa
pluralism som uppstått i Sverige som en följd av migration. Utmaningarna blir särskilt tydliga på ett
lokalt plan där den religiösa pluralismen får direkta praktiska konsekvenser. I den här presentationen
kommer detta att exemplifieras med hur interreligiösa grupper samarbetar med kommuner i Sverige.
Jag kommer att visa hur samarbetet ser ut, vilka problem som aktualiseras i samarbetet och hur det
sekulära idealet kringgås genom kommunernas samarbete med interreligiösa grupper.
Religion, etnicitet, migration
Religion efter migration: En analys av SOM-undersökningen till
Erika Willander
Svenska kyrkan
Den här presentationen handlar om religiositet bland svenskar som bor utomlands och
behandlar frågan om utlandssvenskar är mer eller mindre religiösa än svenskar boende i Sverige. Frågan
motiveras av tidigare forsknings antaganden om att religiositeten borde förändras och antingen
förstärkas eller försvagas till följd av migration. Antaganden om förändring av religiositet efter migration
har dock främst undersökts genom fallstudier av en eller flera religiösa grupper i ett land. Till skillnad
från dessa studier bidrar den första Samhälle Opinion Medier (SOM) undersökningen till
utlandssvenskar (genomförd under hösten 2014) med kunskap om ett lands diaspora spridd över stora
delar av världen. Analysen visade att utlandssvenskar deltar i gudstjänst/religiöst möte i något högre
utsträckning än svenskar boende i Sverige. Samtidigt tror en lägre andel av utlandssvenskarna på Gud än
i Sverige. En fördjupad analys visade att bland de utlandssvenskarna som tror på Gud är det vanligare
att vara religiöst praktiserande än bland motsvarande grupp i Sverige. Utlandssvenskarna som bor i
regioner av världen där religiös praktik är vanligare var dessutom mer utövande än utlandssvenskar
bosatta i mindre religiösa regioner. Resultaten tolkas i termer av det är mindre vanligt att vara religiös
om man som svensk bor utomlands och att religiositet kan ta sig andra uttryck jämfört med boende i
Religion, etnicitet, migration
4. Litteratursociologi
Hur väljer aspirerande författare och förlag varandra?
Henrik Fürst
Uppsala universitet
I mitt avhandlingsarbete undersöker jag hur man blir en skönlitterär debutant på ett
förlag, vilket förutsätter att författare och förlag väljer varandra. För att bli en skönlitterär debutant hos
ett förlag behöver den aspirerande författaren resonera kring och rättfärdiga vilket förlag den ska skicka
sitt manuskript till. Förlagen måste å sin tur resonera och rättfärdiga sitt beslut att anta ett visst
manuskript. En skönlitterär debut kan bara bli till om förlag och författare väljer varandra genom
författarens manuskript. För att undersöka detta har 73 intervjuer med författare och förlag analyserats,
där författare resonerar kring sitt manuskript och förlag och hur förlag resonerar kring författare och
manuskript. Analysen visar att förlag och författare resonerar kring och rättfärdigar sina beslut om att
välja varandra via institutionaliserade standards för att kategorisera och därför ge värde och utvärdera
varandra. Detta innefattar att hitta jämförelseobjekt (som liknande böcker), att hänvisa till känsla (som
läsupplevelse och känsla för projektet), förlagens eller författarens identitet och dess status samt
ekonomiska och organisatoriska begränsningar och möjligheter.
”Skönlitteratur som källa till sociologisk kunskap: Exemplet
Frågan om hur skönlitteraturen kan belysa människans beteende i sociala sammanhang är
i sig lika gammal som Aristoteles Poetik (c. 335 f.Kr.) På 1960-talet fick emellertid idén att litteratur
kan användas som sociologisk kunskapskälla förnyad aktualitet genom artikelsamlingen Sociology
through Literature: An Introductory Reader (red. Lewis A. Coser, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1963). Ett
väsentligt nyare bidrag inom denna forskningsinriktning är Helmut Kuzmics och Gerald Mozetičs
Literatur als Soziologie: Zum Verhältnis von literarischer und gesellschaftlicher Wirklichkeit (Konstanz
2008), med både teoretisk diskussion och utförliga exempel på hur insikter i makt, auktoritet och
familjebildning kan utvinnas ur romaner av bl.a. Thomas Mann och Robert Musil. En mångfald av
kortare exempelanalyser erbjuds på svenska av Sociologi genom litteratur: Skönlitteraturens möjligheter
och samhällsvetenskapens begränsning (red. Christofer Edling och Jens Rydgren, Lund 2015).
I denna anda diskuterar detta föredrag ytterligare ett exempelfall, möjligheten att använda skönlitteratur
för att bättre förstå:
1/ nazismens framväxt;
2/ ledande nazisters drivkrafter och personlighetsutveckling;
3/ typer av antidemokratiska personer som kan generaliseras utöver specifika historiska fall.
Den historiska forskningen kring Nazityskland är enorm men har konstaterats ha en lucka:
Historians ought to know about life and why people do what they do and especially why they’re
capable of doing those gruesome horrible things. That’s an area that historians have not wanted to go
to; they don’t want to go into the bowel of the beast. (Klaus Fischer, författare till Nazi Germany: A
New History, i “Nazisternas evangelier”, SVT24 18/1 2015)
På denna punkt kan däremot väsentlig förståelse utvinnas ur romaner såsom Robert Merles La Mort est
mon métier (1952; ”Döden är mitt yrke”) om Auschwitzkommendanten Rudolf Höβ; Carl-Henning
Wijkmarks Jägarna på Karinhall (1972) om Hermann Göring; Eric-Emmanuel Schmitts La Part de
l’autre (2003; ung. ”Den andras sida”) om Adolf Hitler; och Jonathan Littells Les Bienveillantes (2006;
De välvilliga, övers. Cecilia Franklin 2008) om en fiktionell men representativ SS-officer.
Dessa författare har med Fischers ord verkligen gått in i bestens buk genom sina närgångna skildringar
av markant antidemokratiska och destruktiva personligheter. Till det ansluter sig fiktionslitteraturens
förmåga att skildra personligheter på ett sätt som ingen typ av konventionellt källmaterial kommer åt:
genom detaljerad social interaktion, t.ex. i dialogform, och genom att romanpersoners själsliv ses inifrån
som en pågående process.
Föredraget diskuterar villkoren för en sådan förståelse av de drivande nazistiska personligheterna genom
litteratur. Det tar bland annat upp:
1/ Fiktionskontraktet, den kulturella konvention genom vilken författaren meddelar läsaren: ”jag
berättar något för dig som vi båda vet inte är bokstavligen sant”. I underhållningslitteratur kan denna
epistemologiska ambitionssänkning vara den enda relevanta markeringen. Men i mer anspråksfull
skönlitteratur gäller även en ambitionshöjning: ”som läsare av denna uppdiktade berättelse kommer du
trots allt att lära dig något om verkligheten, kanske något synnerligen väsentligt”.
2/ Betydelsen av verklighetselement såsom dokumentärt korrekta angivelser av historiska förhållanden
och händelser.
3/ Betydelsen av ”representativitet”: konventionen att läsaren inbjuds att se det uppdiktade enskilda
fallet som typiskt för en grupp människor i verkligheten. För nazismens del innebär det att romanerna
utöver enskilda personer kan belysa typer av antidemokratiska personer som kan återfinnas även i andra
samhällen och i andra tidsperioder.
4/ ”Det empatiska erbjudandet”: den identifikatoriska närhet mellan läsaren och en romanperson som
uppammas av fiktionens möjlighet att anlägga ett inifrånperspektiv på personens tankar och känslor.
5/ ”Det empatiska risktagandet”: problemet att en förståelse AV, i betydelsen ”inträngande
identifikatorisk insikt i handlingarnas bevekelsegrunder”, riskerar att glida över i en förståelse FÖR, i
betydelsen ”smygande partiell acceptans av moraliskt oacceptabla handlingar”.
5. Sociologisk teori
Vem är teori? Sociologisk teori ur ett normkritiskt perspektiv
Kalle Berggren
Sociologisk teori tenderar ofta att presenteras och läras ut som en historia om vita män
och deras tänkande. Samtidigt visar aktuell forskning om sociologins historia, och om kanonprocesser i
humanistisk och samhällsvetenskaplig forskning mer generellt, att denna historieskrivning är långt ifrån
Med utgångspunkt i en genuskartläggning av undervisning i sociologisk teori som genomförts vid
Sociologiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet, diskuterar jag här aktuell forskning om kanonkritiska
perspektiv på sociologisk teori samt vilka utmaningar ett normkritiskt pedagogiskt perspektiv ställer den
traditionella undervisningen i sociologisk teori inför.
Sociologisk teori
Institutions. Some questions and comments
Lunds universitet
Institutions can be said to be the backbone of the social, thus they are no doubt of major
importance to sociology. For example Émile Durkheim laid down: ”Sociology can be defined as the
science of institutions, of their genesis and of their functioning.” Another important author, Talcott
Parsons, conceived of ”institutions as the theoretical focus of sociological science”. At the same time,
however, the concept of institution is one of the most puzzling concepts in sociology. In my text I will
raise a number of questions concerning institutional theory and also comment on them. I will primarily
relate to American and German sources. This is motivated already by the fact that the American and
German discussions of institutions tend to live separate lives, with little or no connection between
Sociologisk teori
Hur man blir en bortglömd svensk filosof: Folke Leander i
sociologisk belysning
Henrik Lundberg
Institutionen för
sociologi och
Under efterkrigstiden gick den anglosaxiska analytiska filosofin segrande fram inom
svensk universitetsfilosofi. Denna typ av filosofi var i princip allenarådande inom universitetsfilosofin
från och med mitten av 1940-talet till 1960-talets slut. Denna dominans innebar att tänkande som
rimmade illa med den analytiska filosofins ideal kom att marginaliseras. I denna artikel visar jag utifrån
Patrick Baerts s.k. positioneringsteori hur filosofen Folke Leander (1910-1981), trots initialt goda
förutsättningar att göra karriär, misslyckades i att positionera sig som en för samtiden relevant filosof. I
artikeln argumenteras det för att Leanders misslyckande framförallt har sitt upphov i att han försökte
introducera ett kulturellt kapital, den amerikanska humanismen, som inte det inte fanns något utrymme
för i akademin eller i det svenska samhället under tidig efterkrigstid. I artikeln konrasteras Leanders
felslagna positioneringar med Ingemar Hedenius framgångsrika strategi.
Sociologisk teori
Capitalism, Cooperation, and Competition in the Light of Current
Vessela Misheva
Competition is perhaps the most distinctive feature of capitalism as a political-economic
system, while alienation might well be the most prominent consequence of the application of the
principle of competition to all human relationships and in all spheres of social life. This paper intends to
weave together theoretical strands adapted from alienation theory, the theory of cooperation, and
symbolic interactionism that are relevant to the current debate concerning the character and value of
capitalism. I argue that it is necessary to elaborate a new sociological framework, which includes social
psychology and makes possible a deeper examination and more precise estimation of capitalism’s sociopsychological costs, in order to reconsider it. The discussion addresses the differences between the
principle of competition and its counterpart – cooperation -in social interaction, in respect to their
social and socio-psychological functions and in terms of personal development and organizational life.
The negative consequences of subordinating everyday organizational and private life to either of these
principles are examined in respect to their inappropriate application and the encroachment of one upon
the other. The discussion challenges the taken-for-granted notions that only the principle of
competition is compatible with the dynamic of the modern capitalist world, that only it is capable of
generating social change, and that it has replaced, and even excluded, the principle of cooperation in all
the social domains where it previously resided.
Sociologisk teori
Hur formar teorier tolkningar av pedagogiska fenomen och
Henrik Nilsson
Hur formar teorier tolkningar av pedagogiska fenomen och händelser?
Föreliggande paper baserar sig på den teoretiska analys som jag gjorde av ett antal etnografiska artiklar
om den mångkulturella skolan och dess praktik (Nilsson, 2015). Detta paper tar sitt empiriska avstamp
i tolkningen av en av dessa artiklar. Det teoretiska intresset uppkom efter att jag gjort en
forskningsöversikt av pedagogisk och sociologisk forskning som intresserar sig för mångkulturella skolor.
Jag fascinerades över att forskare kunde dra tämligen divergerande slutsatser om liknande
mångkulturella utbildningsfenomen.
Min förhoppning är att inleda en diskussion om hur vi kan förstå hur teorier används för att expandera
kunskaper. Vägen fram till förklaringar till händelser och fenomen är enligt (Hempel, 1948) s 135)
meningen med vetenskap. Processen kan liknas vid en expansion av beskrivningar av vad som händer till
varför det händer.
Teoretisk kan vi förstå teori och empiri som olika typer av språkliga tecken: symboliska och indexerande
(Peirce, 1998). Enligt Peirce använder vi språkliga tecken på olika sätt. Indexerande tecken pekar direkt
tillbaka på verkligheten. I forskning handlar det om beskrivningar av ett fenomen och händelser.
Indexerande tecken förstår vi utan några ytterligare förklaringar vad de refererar till. Men forskare nöjer
sig sällan med att presentera beskrivningar utan ger sig också i kast med att expandera beskrivande
kunskaper till tolkningar och förklaringar till det som får det sociala livet att röra på sig. Geertz (2000, s
9) förklarar att indexerande tecken ord endast gör bakgrundsinformation "antydd" (min kursivering).
Ytan bärs upp av bakgrundsinformationen som vi inte kan komma åt genom att endast studera empiri.
Tolkning och slutsatser
Författaren till artikeln som jag analysert frågar sig varför mångkulturella skolor ägnar sig åt
identitetsarbete och återinför olika typer av ritualer i skolvardagen. Jag ska här väldigt kort berätta vad
som händer i artikeln från början till slut. I artikelns inledning påstås med en beskrivande stil att
"Friskolereformen, skolval och konkurrens mellan skolor har öppnat upp för en marknad där
pedagogiska identiteter och koncept blivit produkter som säljs på en nationell och internationell
marknad" (Lunneblad, 2010. s 25). Ett orsaksförhållande fastslås redan här mellan å ena sidan
friskolereform, skolval och konkurrens och å andra sidan en marknad med pedagogiska identiteter som
blivit produkter som saluförs. Så här långt in i artikeln har inte någon data som emanerat ur den
empiriska undersökningen presenterats utan i huvudsak relationella symboliska tecken vars stil gör att
Sociologisk teori
det som beskrivs uppfattas just som beskrivningar av verkligheten.Först efter inledningen presenteras
data som är indexerande. Författaren rapporterar att områdeschefen beskriver en skola med ett
problematiskt elevunderlag och en "problematisk självbild" (ibid. s 30). Skolledningen uppfattar att
bostadsområdet är oroligt. Det förekommer också "rån" och mängder av riskfaktorer (ibid. s 36).
Skolledningen strävar med hjälp av Monroe-modellen (en skolförbättringsmodell) efter "tydlighet och
medvetenhet" (ibid. s 31). Vidare använder skolledningen sig "av elevernas identifikation med
stadsdelen, släkten och familjen för att...skapa en tillhörighet med skolan". Tolkningen av varför dessa
händelser äger rum menar författaren sker är för "att skapa en [skol]identitet som är framgångsrik" (ibid.
s 32). Skapandet av en framgångsrik skola härleds i nästa steg ur en mytologisk diskurs som syftar till att
skyla ekonomiska skillnader och sociala orättvisor (ibid. s 39).
Representationer som refererar direkt till något i verkligheten och abstrakta representationer som
refererar till varandra (marknad, konkurrens, fetisch, produkt) bildar tillsammans en verklighet. Utifrån
författarens slutsatserna kritiseras förbättringsarbetet för att inte förbättra elevernas förutsättningar.
Omedvetet döljer lärare och skolledningen en djupt ojämlik social verklighet. Frågan är om de kan
motiveras medvetet eller omedvetet av andra strukturer än den som ramar in analysen av data i artikeln.
Frågan är om det är möjligt att tänka sig olika tolkningar. Kan ett och samma fenomen eller händelse
formas av både solidariska och kapitalistiska strukturer? Kan skolans arbete med att koppla samman
elevernas identitet till bostadsområde och familj vara ett sätt att stärka självförtroende och i en
förlängning lärandet? Eftersom sammanvävningen av teoretiska tecken som representerar en värld där
sådant inte kan förekomma är det mycket svårt att argumentera för detta eftersom metateorin som
används avkräver ontologisk överensstämmelse mellan teorier.
Becker, H. S. (2008). Tricks of the trade : yrkesknep för samhällsvetare (1. uppl. ed.). Malmö: Liber.
Geertz, C. (2000). Thick Description: Toward an interpretive theroy of culture. In C. Geertz (Ed.),
The interpretation of cultures : selected essays (pp. ix, 470 s.). New York: Basic Books.
Hempel, C. G. O., Carl G. (1948). Studies in the Logic of Explanation. Philosophy of Science, 15( 2),
Larsson, S. (2005). Om kvalitet i kvalitativa studier. Nordisk Pedagogik, 25(1), 16-35.
Merton, R. K. (1987). Three fragments from a sociologist's notebooks: Establishing the phenomenon,
specified ignorance, and strategic reserach materials. Annual Review Sociology, 13, 1-29.
Nilsson, H. (2015). Kultur och utbildning – en tolkning av två grundskolors mångkulturella kontexter.
Peirce, P. E. P. E., P. . (1998). The Essential Peirce, Volume 2 : Selected Philosophical Writings (18931913). . Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Reed, I. A. (2011). Interpretation and Social Knowledge. On the use of theory in the human sciences.
Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press.
Sociologisk teori
"Simmel och Durkheim: Sociologi som perspektiv eller som
Anders Ramsay
Utbildning, hälsa och
Georg Simmel och Emile Durkheim står för två sociologiska inriktningar som knappast kan vara längre
från varandra men som haft omfattande betydelse för sociologins fortsatta utveckling. Båda arbetade för
att etablera sociologin som akademisk disciplin, med olika resultat. Simmel arbetade ensam, skrev
essäistiskt, skenbart osystematiskt och utan omedelbara akademiska framgångar. Ändå efterlämnade han
ett arv som vidareförts i de mest skilda riktningar, från livsfilosofi och socialpsykologi till
kultursociologi, bytesteori och västerländsk marxism. Durkheim byggde upp en krets av medarbetare
och lärjungar, förordade en strängt vetenskaplig sociologi och var osannolikt framgångsrik. Hans arv
återfinns främst i sociologi, antropologi och pedagogik.
Under ett kort ögonblick fann de båda varandra och inledde ett samarbete. I första numret av
Dukheims L’Année finns ett bidrag av Simmel. Därefter bryts samarbetet och Durkheim hade efter det
inget gott att säga om Simmel, som å sin sida aldrig mer nämner Durkheims namn.
Historien är relativt okänd och omtalas sällan i läroböcker. Med utgivningen av Simmels samlade verk,
som nu är avlutad, är det möjligt att få en viss insikt i denna historia. I detta paper vill jag försöka
utröna vad som förde dem samman och vad som skilde dem åt, samt diskutera vad som förenar och
skiljer deras ansatser.
Sociologisk teori
"Frihetshistoria eller frihet som rätt?"
Anders Ramsay
Utbildning, hälsa och
Jag vill diskutera två nyare försök som genom att gå tillbaka till Hegel försöker ge frihetsbegreppet en
central plats i den kritiska samhällsteorin.
Axel Honneth menar i Recht der Freiheit (2013) att den individuella friheten är det centrala värde som
ytterst garanteras av det moderna samhällets institutioner. Habermas, Rawls och andra samtida politiska
tänkare utgår från ett kantianskt frihetsbegrepp som förbigår hur friheten också är förverkligad i
samhällets institutioner. Genom att gripa tillbaka på Hegels rättsfilosofi visar han på begränsningarna i
de negativa och reflexiva frihetsbegreppen, för att i stället förespråka ett socialt frihetsbegrepp.
Ett problem hos Honneth är att ekonomin uteslutande betraktas som en sfär för frihet. Andreas Arndt
förespråkar, bl. a. i Geschichte und Freiheitsbewusstsein. Zur Dialektik der Freiheit bei Hegel und Marx
(2015), en ny hegelmarxism, som i stället för att se alienation eller förtingligande som förbindelselänken
menar att Marx fortsätter Hegels begrepp om frihetshistorien. Till skillnad från Honneth håller Arndt
med Marx fast vid att Marx gentemot Hegel visade att för människorna i kapitalismen innebär
ekonomin en förlust i frihet.
Som en skärningspunkt mellan Honneth och Arndt vill jag framhålla kritiken mot strikt individualistiska
frihetsbegrepp och fatt de försöker visa på ett frihetsbegrepp med allas frihet som betingelse för den
individuella friheten.
Sociologisk teori
What do we do with norms - break, conform, understand or explain?
Peter Sohlberg
Disposition and overview
Summary: The manuscript to be submitted is an exposition and critical assessment of the concept of
norm. The basic strategy of the paper is not an “ontological identification” of an assumed and
convergent essence of the concept, but rather an inventory of how the concept is used and what
theoretical and cognitive functions it fulfills in different contexts. The text begins with a discussion of
the problem of reification of the concept of norm, where it is stated that the consequences of such
reification would be that norms would be treated as deterministic causal powers, empirically observable
in a naïve realist meaning. The text continues with a genealogical presentation of the concept, taking as
it basis a preliminary definition where a distinction is made between descriptive and “normative norms”,
i.e. social norms. Two dimensions of the norm concept will be particularly discussed. One dimension
has to do with the relationship between social and theoretical constructions, and the other dimension
relates to the norm concept’s position in vocabularies of action and vocabularies of systems respectively.
In the concluding discussion focus is on the diverse functions that the norm concept fulfills in various
Genealogy- the renaissance of a concept: The genealogy takes it starting point with some examples of
virtues in the ancient tradition. Though these virtues are discussed analytically from an essential
perspective, e.g. in the Platonic tradition, they do not seem to be abstracted to a common concept,
equivalent with the abstract notion of norm. From a social science point of view, an extremely
important theoretical move is when the concept of norm becomes abstracted to an “umbrella concept”,
including a variety of normative and socially enforced actions. This conceptualization opens up for the
system-theoretical embeddedness of the norm concept, which has been its primary theoretical position.
Durkheim’s conception of norms is briefly described and the transition to the major normative
tradition, i.e. functional tradition is presented and discussed. The rather dominant normative and
primarily idealist tradition in classic sociology, represented e.g. by Talcott Parsons, met its critique and
antithesis in a tradition based on an opposing ontological standpoint, i.e. the materialist ontology
represented by the Marxist tradition. The critique from the materialist point of view of basing an
understanding of social systems and society on a normative ground is elaborated. In the concluding
section of the genealogical exposition, the “renaissance” and differentiation of the norm-concept is
discussed from various perspectives, e.g. from social psychological, analytical and postmodern
traditions. This differentiation and “re-localization” of norms from an abstract system-perspective in the
functionalist tradition to various contexts, where structure (at least programmatically) is considered as a
matter of interaction, opens up for the view of the concept of norm being an interactive concept.
Sociologisk teori
Norm as an interactive concept: Norm as a concept has an interesting form of duality, depending on it
being an interactive concept in Ian Hacking’s sense. The idea of interactivity is elaborated and its
implications for social science discussed, with particular focus on norms.
Norms in different forms of construction work: One implication of the interactivity of the normconcept is an interesting ambiguity and a dynamic grey-zone between theoretical and social
constructions. These two kinds of construction-work are problematized in relation to norms and the
importance for social science self-understanding discussed.
Norms embedded in different vocabularies: A criticism is formulated of a piecemeal and atomistic
understanding of norms, opening up for a discussion of different types of construction work in a social
science perspective. The idea of “theoretical vocabulary” is introduced as a methodological device for
conceptual analysis, avoiding over-systematizing of conceptual relations, but still taking in account
conceptual interrelatedness. Related in an asymmetrical and fuzzy way to the dimension of social and
theoretical construction work are two frameworks for normative reasoning, i.e. a framework for systemtheoretical localization of norms (mainly the functionalist tradition) and an actor-framework (e.g.
interactionist traditions). The ambiguity in the system-concept is discussed and applied to the
distinction between actor- and system-frameworks. Conceptual spaces for the norm concept in these
frameworks are sketched, i.e. the theoretical dimensions and neighboring concepts for respective
framework identified. The conflicts and tensions between the system- and actor approaches are
presented and the issue of regarding them as complimentary perspectives is discussed
Conclusion: In the concluding section, criteria for the assessment of concepts will be discussed and
arguments for the pragmatic identification of the function of the concept (i.e. what do we do with a
concept) will be elaborated, contrasting this with an assessment on ontological basis (i.e. an
understanding of what the concept essentially “is”). A list of social, cognitive and theoretical functions
of the norm concept is presented and discussed, i.e. an elaboration of the question "what do we do with
Sociologisk teori
"Nymaterialismen och det sociala som ontologisk kategori"
Institutionen för
utbildnings- och
Nymaterialism och den objektorienterade ontologin har satt fokus på materialitetens roll
i sociologisk teori och meta-teori. Detta har också kallats för den materiella vändningen, vilket är att
förstå i kontrast till en tidigare språklig eller kulturell vändning. Det är dock också rimligt att förknippa
en sådan vändning med kritiken av det sociala som ontologisk kategori.
I sociologin är Bruno Latour en av företrädarna för tingens och teknikens aktualitet. Latours perspektiv
präglas bland annat av en ansats att upplösa dualismen subjekt/objekt. Vad som dock också är centralt
för Latours ”platta ontologi” är en stark kritik av hur sociologin på olika sätt förutsatt och utgått ifrån
det sociala eller sociala strukturer som ontologiskt giltig kategori.
Den här texten undersöker och diskuterar Latour och nymaterialismens ontologiskt orienterade kritik av
det sociala. Jag kommer först att presentera ett antal argument för hur det sociala kan anses utgöra en
relativt autonom ontologisk nivå och således i ett sådant perspektiv bör vara en meta-teoretisk
utgångspunkt inom sociologisk teori. Jag kommer efter detta att göra en genomgång av Latours
ifrågasättande av det sociala som en sådan kategori. Centralt är de grunder på vilka Latour och
närliggande teori avser upplösa kategorierna subjekt/objekt, samt hur Latours ontologi utesluter
antaganden om emergenta egenskaper. Avslutningsvis presenterar jag 4 grunder på vilka det sociala som
kategori blir ifrågasatt av nymaterialistisk teori i allmänhet och Latour i synnerhet. Detta leder fram till
ett antal frågor om hur förutsättningarna för det sociala kan förändras, samt om möjligheten för en
samtidig stabilitet och föränderlighet av det sociala som ontologisk kategori.
Sociologisk teori
Skjerhveim, Scheler and the understanding of social meaning
Sverre Wide
Högskolan Dalarna
Akademin utbildning,
hälsa och samhälle
Hans Skjervheim was one of the most influential philosophers of social science in the
Scandinavian countries during the 20th century, taking and establishing a firmly anti-positivist stand
recognized also in the international debate. This paper contributes to the understanding of one of his
central meta-scientific distinctions – between the participant and the observer – by relating it to
surprisingly similar distinctions found in the works of Max Scheler. It is well-known that Skjervheim
studied Scheler, but the latter’s direct (and unacknowledged) influence on Skjervheim’s central
distinction has not been noticed. Through a detailed examination of similarities as well as differences
between Skjervheim and Scheler an interpretation of Skjervheim is reached, which renders, so the
paper argues, some contemporary criticism of Skjervheim invalid. Thus, this paper argues both
historically concerning the development of the history of Scandinavian philosophy of social science, and
systematically concerning the nature of social understanding.
Keywords: Positivism, hermeneutics, understanding, social science
Sociologisk teori
"On Wendy Brown’s account of Neoliberalism: revisiting the
Critique of Modern Political Forms in Hegel and Marx"
Carl Wilén
Inst. för sociologi och
This paper examines Wendy Brown’s work on neoliberalism in "Undoing the Demos:
Neoliberalism’s Stealth Revolution" in relation to the critique of modern political forms in Marx and
Hegel. The reason for revisiting the work of Hegel and Marx is twofold. First: Wendy Brown’s account
of neoliberalism relies on a reading of Marx’s early critique of Hegel’s "Philosophy of Right". The paper
argues that this is welcome but limited, since Marx early critique itself carries on a number of restraints
inherited from Hegel. Second: in order to investigate these limits, a reading of the early Marx will be
undertaken in relation to a reading Hegel and in relation to later alterations of the critique of right in
"Grundrisse" and "Capital". By investigating these two elements, the paper argues for the importance of
Hegel and Marx’s respective critiques of right in relation to neoliberalism at the one hand, and the
importance of the politico-juridical insights in the writings of Hegel, the early Marx and – particularly –
the later Marx at the other hand.
Keywords: Wendy Brown, Friedrich Hegel, Karl Marx, the critique of right, state, civil society, liberal
political categories.
Sociologisk teori
Lifestyle migration and hidden Western and middle class
centredness of reflexivity
Maarja Saar
Lifestyle migration, a form of migration motivated primarily by the prospect of
immaterial benefits, such as a more fulfilling and authentic life at the destination, has received
increasing scholarly attention in recent years. LSM, it is argued, differs from more traditional forms of
migration in that the migrating individuals question their own identity through reflexivity, and employ
the process of migration as a means to change themselves. Hitherto, lifestyle migration research has
treated this form of migration as a phenomenon limited to Western middle-class individuals. This
article suggests that there is a probleem built in the way reflexivity is defined by lifestyle migration
scholars. Namely, by connecting the meaning of reflexivity with middle class protest against modern
values, reflexive migration is bound to be connected with certain societies and classes. The wider
question this article aadresses is- Is there a way to define reflexivity and reflexive migration in particular
in a more class sensitive manner? The author suggests to distinguish between three kinds of reflexivity:
teleological, structural and identitarian reflexivity. In addition, using interviews with highly skilled
Estonian migrants, the article not only illustrates how Eastern European migration can be regarded as
increasingly reflexive, but also challenges an unspoken class bias.
Sociologisk teori
6. Urbansociologi
Outlining the foundations for a study on the gentrification of
Sundbybergs stad
Christoffer Berg
January 2016
This abstract aims to briefly present a social phenomenon which I just recently (December 2015)
proposed as a potential object of inquiry for my Ph. D. research project. Observations generated from a
combination of myself conducting my personal life in the region of Stockholm, and orienting my
professional life towards social issues of urban life, suggest that the recent and ongoing processes of
gentrification (as the mutual enforcement of a place as both a real estate market and a cultural market)
in the municipality of Sundbyberg may prove an interesting case for a sociological analysis. Let me
shortly expand on the reasons why.
Industrial heritage.
From its establishment in the mid-late 19:th century, Sundbyberg has been characterized by its
industrial occupations and factories. Up to the 1960’s, around two thirds of the inhabitants had their
occupation within industry and craftsmanship. Along with this it has been a site for political and
symbolical strivings of Socialdemokratiska Arbetarpartiet, under the parole of Folkhemmet. (Söderlind
1995) In the context of this historicity, the turn towards a postindustrial economy is well apparent in
how prior industrial buildings now functions as seemingly “authentic” sites for consumption, appealing
to new types of urban clienteles. What, then, becomes the conceived and perceived changes in place, its
atmosphere and identity?
Duality of essence.
With the county’s only consequently accomplished stone town with grid streets outside the inner city
of Stockholm, Sundbyberg is in appearance as well as per definition a town in its own right. At the
same time its suburban embeddedness makes it deeply dependent on the spatial, political, economic
and social landscape of Stockholm. This unique duality of both independence and interdependence
makes an interesting starting point for addressing a politics of place. (Rossi & Vanolo 2012)
Spatial togetherness – social togetherness?
With a population of 44.000 whilst also being the smallest municipality in Sweden, Sundbyberg is
densely populated and will be even more so the forthcoming years. Although not withholding an
impressive geographical scope, Sundbyberg contains built environments that genuinely differ from each
other in terms of their social life and functions. I am especially interested in – alongside Centrala
Sundbyberg (the stone town) – Duvbo (area of small, self-owned houses) and Hallonbergen (planned
with functionalistic ideals as part of the so called “miljonprogrammet”) for exactly this reason: as to see
how these places are, on the one hand, discursively identified and invested in by the municipality (and
relating actors) as parts of the overall regeneration of Sundbyberg, and on the other hand lived and
perceived by their residents.
(A temporal aspect may be added to the above in that Sundbybergs stad recently initialized the process
of siting the railway underground, along with plans of reconstructing the area around the station)
My contextualization of the case draws on the critical perspectives of Henri Lefevbre (1991) and David
Harvey (1989), and the hitherto outlined research questions strives to capture both the conceived and
“visioned” Sundbyberg, and the directly lived and perceived. Still I have yet to find out the angels and
perspectives that may give this proposed study the edge and focus it needs, and my hope is to further
develop its foundation by gathering feedback from fellow scholars and colleagues during the spring
2016. When participating at Sociologidagarna in Mars, I have hopefully come a little step further with
this early idea.
B (1)
Teoretisk förklaringsmodell för en fallstudie av svensk
Ove Ericsson
Högskolan i Gävle
Sociologi, Uppsala
Teoretisk förklaringsmodell för en fallstudie av svensk bostadsområdesförnyelse
Ove Ericsson
Sociologiska institutionen, Uppsala Universitet och
Akademin för teknik och miljö, Högskolan i Gävle
Mitt konferensbidrag är ett utkast till ett teoretiskt avsnitt i en kommande avhandling. Jag har där valt
att analysera en ombyggnad av ett svenskt bostadsområde ursprungligen uppfört under det s.k.
miljonprogrammet och med de problem som sådana områden ofta utsatts för. Den fysiska och sociala
förnyelsen, var båda extremt omfattande.
Jag har kommit fram till att vilja göra ett försök att genomföra mitt arbete inom ramen för den kritiska
realismen. En undersökning med utgångspunkt från kritisk realism börjar med att man abstraherar ut de
grundläggande egenskaperna hos sitt studieobjekt. För en studie av en ombyggnad av ett visst
bostadsområde fokuseras först den byggda miljön som sådan. De aspekter som lyfts fram är de
”nödvändiga” sociala relationer som utgör grundläggande förutsättningar för de handlingar som kan
utföras av de centrala aktörerna kring objektet. Ett sådant kluster av sociala relationer utgör en social
Vid bostadsbebyggelse talar man om en bostadsförsörjningsstruktur.
De nödvändiga sociala relationerna är här följande:
- Äganderättsrelationer för mark och byggnader
- Låne- och kreditrelationer för bostadsinvesteringar
- Arbetsmarknads- och sociala välfärdsrelationer vid bostadskonsumtion
Utöver dessa relationer med aktörer är staten i dess olika skepnader en viktig förutsättning för
handlande kring byggd miljö.
(Lawson 2003 Critical realism and housing research)
I mitt empiriska material har jag identifierat fyra huvudinriktningar som jag prövar att analysera. Det är
de lokala turerna kring den fysiska ombyggnaden inom bostadsföretaget och kommunen
(ägarrelationen) och material från länsbostadsnämnden (låne- och kreditrelationen samt en
tvärkommunal evakueringsgrupp där boendeinflytande och kvarboendefrågor behandlats
(arbete/välfärdsrelationen). Vid ombyggnaden medförde de sociala relationerna mellan den aktuella
kommunen och en stor kulturellt avvikande invandrargrupp viktiga sociala mekanismer som också
påverkade utfallet av processen.
Mellan Plattan och Svampen
Mats Franzén
Uppsala universitet
Bidraget avser introduktionskapitlet till en tänkt bok med titeln Mellan Plattan och
Svampen. Föremålet för boken är Stockholms centrumområde som plats. Ansatsen är relationell
(fältteoretisk): centrumområdet förstås som en figuration (Elias) som utspelas mellan två noder: Sergels
torg och Stureplan. Spelet förstås sedan som en fråga om platsens politik.
I introduktionen behandlas framförallt själva problemet (vad spelet handlar om), hur platsbegreppet ska
förstås, samt vad som kan avses med platsens politik.
"Fokus Förort: betydelsen av plats och ungas berättelser om livet i
en mediebevakad stadsdel"
Carolin Valizadeh
Institutionen för
Förorten är en plats som länge har varit i fokus för såväl medial uppmärksamhet som
politiska insatser och akademiska undersökningar. De olika berättelserna om förorten har ofta det
gemensamt att de utgår från förorten som ett problem. I ett pågående avhandlingsprojekt ger jag röst åt
förortens unga invånare för att få en fördjupad kunskap om vad platsen betyder för dem. Jag utgår från
en förståelse av plats som en praktisk och diskursiv konstruktion, som också har betydelse för det sociala
liv som utspelar sig där (Gieryn 2000). Med hjälp av begrepp som platstillhörighet (place attachment)
och platsidentitet (place identity) undersöker jag unga invånares relation till en ”socialt utsatt” stadsdel i
utkanten av en svensk storstad. Internationellt efterfrågas studier som kan bidra till en förståelse för de
processer genom vilka platstillhörighet formas, utvecklas och vidmakthålls (Cross 2015). Min avsikt är
att möta denna efterfrågan med en etnografisk studie där jag i sällskap av min hund observerar
stadsdelen till fots, för att sedan utöka mitt material med walk alongs och intervjuer med stadsdelens
unga invånare.
7. Sociologisk kriminologi
"School future orientation climate and its relation to adolescent
delinquency, alcohol use, and internalizing symptoms"
Susanne Alm
Sara Brolin
Background: From previous research it is well known that adolescents’ thoughts and
feelings about their future are related to the risk of delinquency, alcohol use as well as health. However,
as we know, the actions of adolescents are to a substantial degree shaped in interaction with peers and
in early adolescence individuals spend a substantial amount of the day at school, in interaction with
classmates. Despite this, there is an almost complete lack of studies exploring to what extent the school
climate in terms of thoughts and feelings about the future can influence individual adolescents.
Aim: The aim of the current study is to investigate whether school future orientation climate measured
at the school class level is related to delinquency, alcohol use and internalizing symptoms at the student
level, among a sample of Swedish adolescents aged 14-15 years.
Data and method: The data used come from the Swedish part of the Youth in Europe (YES!) study
which is part of the project Children of Immigrants – Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries
(CILS4EU). In the present paper, we use data from the first wave, collected among 8th grade students
(ages 14-15 years) in 2010/11. The analyses were based on 4,267-4,506 students distributed over 251
school classes and 129 schools. The method used was multilevel modelling (linear probability models
and linear regression analysis).
Results: Preliminary results show that in school classes in which a high proportion of students had a
positive future orientation, the risk of both delinquency and alcohol use at the student level was lower,
also when adjusting for individual future orientation and for individual- and class-level socioeconomic
conditions. In addition, a high school class proportion of students with a positive future orientation was
associated with fewer internalizing symptoms, also when controlling for individual future orientation
and socioeconomic conditions at the individual- and the school class-level.
Discussion: The surrounding school class, in terms of the general school future orientation climate,
seems to play a role for individual outcomes in terms of risk behaviours and of mental health.
Sociologisk kriminologi
Omhändertagna barn och ungdomar med krigserfarenheter. En
sociologisk studie av unga invandrares stigman och sociala
Goran Basic
Linnaeus University
Faculty of Social
Sciences Department of
I krigssituationer är civila inte sällan en direkt måltavla för – och ibland rentav deltagare i
– krigshandlingar. Barn och ungdomar som flytt från krig har direkt eller indirekt varit involverade i
kriget och som resultat av detta blir de sannolikt påverkade under en stor del eller resten av sitt liv.
Psykologer refererar t ex till att överlevande efter ett krig lider av posttraumatisk stress (PTSD),
depressioner, återkommande mardrömmar, känslomässig avtrubbning och återupplevelser av
traumatiska ögonblick. Syftet med studien att analysera berättelser av barn och ungdomar som har
upplevt ett krig, tagit sin tillflykt till Sverige samt omhändertagits och placerats på institutioner. Mina
specifika frågeställningar är: (1) Hur beskriver intervjupersonerna sin tillvaro i hemlandet under kriget?
(2) Hur beskriver intervjupersonerna sin tillvaro på institutionen i Sverige efter kriget? (3) Hur
beskriver intervjupersonerna det svenska samhällets bemötande? Det teoretiska perspektivet utgörs av
en etnometodologiskt influerad interaktionism. En särskild uppmärksamhet kommer att ägnat åt de
sociala jämförelser samt tal om stigma och offerskap, som uttrycks i intervjuerna. Studiens material
samlas in genom kvalitativt orienterade intervjuer med 20 omhändertagna barn och ungdomar med
krigserfarenheter. Det finns få studier som behandlar berättelser av barn och ungdomar som har upplevt
ett krig, tagit sin tillflykt till Sverige samt omhändertagits och placerats på institutioner. Mycket är
fortfarande okänt och därför bör undersökas. Denna studie kan fylla kunskapsluckor genom att
undersöka detaljer om krigs- och efterkrigstid samt hur moraliseringar fungerar efter en viss tidsdistans.
Dessutom kan kunskap som produceras inom ramen av denna studie bli användbar för verksamma
praktiker vid olika myndigheter, landsting/regioner, kommuner och aktörer i det civila samhället som
bemöter överlevande från likartade historiska situationer.
Sociologisk kriminologi
8. Emotionssociologi
The emotion work of judicial objectivity
Stina Bergman
Institutionen för
sociologi och
The preliminary investigation in the Swedish court process is inquisitorial, but the trial is
accusatorial, opening up for ambivalence with regards to objectivity. In spite of this, an idea of law as
objective in the positivist sense, as well as unemotional, lingers. In contrast, we argue that emotions are
necessary for the efficient performance of the legal process and that sustaining objectivity relies on
skilled professional emotion work such as: 1) Reorientation of emotion; 2) Ritual and encoded distance;
3) Balancing of emotional display; 4) Aesthetic pleasure/pride in judicial simplicity and procedural
correctness. The data consists of qualitative interviews and observations, including shadowing, at four
Swedish district courts and corresponding prosecution offices.
For both the judge and the prosecutor objectivity is vital, but in different ways. The emotion work
underlying successful objective performance of the judge includes balanced attunement with the
situated interactions in court and; tacit collaboration with prosecutors and defense lawyers to uphold an
impartial presentation and to gain decision material. The prosecutors, on the other hand, takes pride in
maintaining objectivity in spite of being partial, fostering the ability to switch back and forth between
believing that the defendant should be sentenced and admitting that the evidence is not enough. S/he
juggles contradictory organisational and legal demands; is attentive to and covers for the defendant’s
rights during trial; and represents the objective party when both defendant and injured party resist
prosecution. Finally, the prosecutor often goes to court with her/his colleagues’ cases requiring delicacy
when the evidence turns out weak. The prosecutor’s objectivity can in these cases rely on the tacit
understanding of the judge to pick up signals that a defendant ought to be acquitted/sentenced more
mildly than pleaded.
Doing loyalty: subtle dramas in emotional courtrooms
Lisa Flower
Lunds University
The courtroom work of defence lawyers has received surprisingly little sociological
attention leading to the question: how do defence lawyers represent their client beyond the hard
paragraphs of the law? By studying this phenomenon in a context where the scope for expressive
gestures is limited, it is possible to gain a greater understanding into the often subtle ways in which legal
teamwork is performed. Furthermore, the underlying emotional regime will become discernible. This
article draws on ethnographic field notes from courtrooms in Sweden to explore how defence lawyers
who have taken an oath to loyally represent clients, do this using (1) little dramatic productions, (2)
little dramatic reductions, and (3) direction of teammates. These strategies involve the use of props and
the body in order to perform vicarious face saving practices necessary to maintain professional face,
teamface and to manage face threats. In these ways, defence lawyers are able to construct or undermine
facts using nonverbal communication and emotion management. Each of these strategies reproduce and
reinforce the emotional regime of the courtroom. The findings thus show how defence lawyers not only
represent their clients juridically but also interactionally.
Emotions and Globalization. Towards a Research Agend
Jochen Kleres
Institut för Sociologi och
While social research on emotions has been an ever expanding field in recent years,
encompassing an increasing number of scholarly disciplines and specialized subfields under such labels
as the emotional or affective turn, emotional aspects of globalization—another vibrant topic for many
years—have by and large not received much focal scholarly interest to date. Existing pertinent research
in this field remains scant and focuses on specialized aspects. Overall, bits of existing research remain
disparate and unintegrated. Given this disjointed situation it is timely to draw existing research together
having different findings bear on each other and advance new perspectives on the emotional dimensions
of globalization. Based on this, the present paper will develop a research agenda that proposes possible
perspectives on emotions and globalization and identifies fields of interest for future research.
Känsloarbete i en trosbaserad organisation
Lisa Salmonsson
Kyrkoarbetare som yrkesgrupp kan ses som en typ av socialarbetare. Skillnaden är att de
träffar människor när de gifter sig och när de låter döpa sina barn men också de som begraver sina döda.
När det kommer till känsloarbete så är denna grupp därför intressant att studera. I detta papper utgår
jag från en studie som gjordes under 2015 där jag besökte 12 olika Stockholmsförsamlingar och
genomförde fokusgrupper med anställda kring deras arbete mot segregation i samhället. Totalt
intervjuades 56 kyrkoarbetare i dessa fokusgrupper och bland dem fanns samtliga yrkeskategorier med.
Diakoner och präster var representera i alla grupper och utöver detta så fanns där administratörer,
pedagoger, ungdomsledare, musiker och trädgårdsarbetare. Något som jag insåg var att dessa grupper
inte bara blev en plats där jag kunde få information om hur de jobbade mot segregation. De blev också
grupper där man fick möjlighet att uttrycka frustration och ilska över samhället i stort.
Fokusgruppsintervjuerna som metod möjliggjorde också att jag fick tillgång till hur känslorna bemöttes
av andra i gruppen. I detta paper försöker jag undersöka vad det är i fokusgruppen som möjliggör detta
och på vilket sätt fokusgruppen kan vara en intressant metod när man vill komma åt ut känslor uttrycks
och bemöts i grupp.
9. Kritiska Studier och intersektionalitet
Media-ating practices: tracing the development of (un)sustainable
consumption through media
Tullia Jack
Lund University
In a rapidly globalising society we are coming to expect the same resource-intensive
conditions all over the world. Cleanliness is one example that has seen a global synchronisation in
accepted ways of doing at an increasing level over the last hundred years (Vigarello, 1988; Ashenburg,
2007; Shove, 2003). One can easily find daily-showering people, domestic vacuum cleaners and
tumble-dried sheets —amongst other evidence of accelerating cleanliness — the world over. Expecting
similar cleanliness conditions regardless of location has particular implications for not only energy
consumption, but also water, chemicals and raw materials used in to attain changing cleanliness
conventions, resources that are already inequitably distributed. Understanding how these changes arise
is imperative to planning equitable resource distribution.
As a first step in critically exploring expectations creep, I collected representations of cleanliness from
popular magazines over the last three decades. I scanned three widely read women’s magazines from
Australia and Sweden; four issues each from 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2015, a total of 144
magazines, which provided thousands of pages of cleanliness editorial and advertising. While magazine
content may show an idealised moment from various cleanliness practices, and have particular agendas,
the creators themselves are immersed in their cultural context and therefor must at least echo social
normality. The magazines show a general acceleration in the quantity of cleanliness related content;
they also show an increasing emphasis on beautiful and glamorous people. That cleanliness
representations have changed more or less in sync across the countries is interesting in and of itself.
Refracting this data through time-use and domestic energy and water consumption further allows a
consideration of the possible effects between media and changing conventions. Australia and Sweden
are two quite different countries in terms of resource availability, but even so representations of
cleanliness are alarmingly similar. Their similarities and occasional differences suggest that one element
in the social construction and global acceleration of cleanliness practices is media.
Ashenburg K. (2007) The Dirt on Clean : an Unsanitized History, New York: North Point Press.
Shove E. (2003) Comfort, Cleanliness and Convenience London: Berg.
Vigarello G. (1988) Concepts of cleanliness : changing attitudes in France since the Middle Ages,
Cambridge ; New York : Paris :: Cambridge University Press ; Maison des Sciences de l'Homme.
Kritiska studier och intersektionalitet
Anti-Muslim Violence and the Possibility of Justice
Marta Kolankiewicz
Lunds universitet
The paper draws on my PhD thesis and is concerned with the ways in which justice is
dispensed in Swedish courts in cases concerning anti-Muslim violence. Based on material accessed
through the Swedish National Board for Crime Prevention and classified as Islamophobic hate crimes,
the judicial treatment of cases that may involve racism is analysed. An aim is to explore how different
laws against racism in the Swedish legal system, most importantly the penalty enhancement provision
for crimes motivated by racism, work in practice.
Through an in-depth analysis of a couple cases—of a mosque fire, of insulting emails and of attacks on
taxi drivers—the paper explores a particular type of silence around the possible racist nature of these
acts. The main argument is that the courts’ understanding of motive, subject, language and injury, and
their definition of racism, make it difficult to notice a racist dimension of these acts of violence and
therefore to redress a type of harm entailed by racism. Focusing on obstacles inherent in the workings of
the judiciary and in the ways truth is established, the limits of resorting to law in search of justice in
cases involving racism are discussed. By bringing in a counter-example, a case in which the focus of the
judgement is on the racist nature of the acts on trial, an attempt is made to expand the understanding
of the judiciary and make the agency of those involved in cases, and in particular the discretion of the
judges, visible. In this way, a more dynamic model of the law is proposed, in which laws, rather than
being predefined in a self-contained legal system, are steadily made through acts of interpretation taking
place in courts.
Theoretically, the paper is located in an intersection between sociology of racism and sociology of social
justice. In particular, the question of how racism and law influence each other is explored. For one, the
development of Swedish legislation against racism is analysed as embedded in particular social dynamics
related to racism as shameful. These dynamics lead to the passing of progressive laws, at the same time
as the existence of racism may be denied. For another, the paper examines how acts of racist violence
take on new forms to avoid the accusation of racism. Drawing on feminist and critical debates on social
justice, this paper explores the limits and potential of using law in the struggle against racism.
Kritiska studier och intersektionalitet
En polis som alla andra. Konstruktioner av kön och yrkesidentitet
Louise Löfqvist
Inst. för samhällsstudier
Under snart hundra år har svensk polismakt på olika sätt värnat kvinnlig representation i
yrkeskåren. I olika policydokument och publika uttalanden lyfts gärna värdet av en diversifierad
poliskår, med avseende inte bara på kön utan även andra ”olikheter”. Jämställdhetsretoriken som
periodvis fått en framträdande roll fokuserar legitimitet men också nytta (Ekström, 2012). Som
utgångspunkt och språngbräda för texten ligger den diskurs och politiska praktik som positionerar
kvinnliga poliser som en resurs i kraft av könstillhörighet. I bakgrunden finns också en historia av
diskriminering, kvinnor i minoritetsposition, ett yrke och en organisation präglad av idéer och praktiker
som vi kan förstå i termer av maskulinitet.
Den här texten behandlar, utifrån intervjuer med poliser och polisanställda, något som kan ses som
reaktion på denna positionering, och på den position som kvinnor haft, och fortfarande innehar som en
minoritet och avvikare inom yrkeskåren.
Ambitionen är tvådelad, för det första är avsikten att testa användbarheten och bärkraften i Beverly
Skeggs begrepp disidentifikation (Skeggs, 1997) på intervjumaterialet. Det andra syftet hänger ihop
med avhandlingens vidare ambition att undersöka tolkningar av jämställdhet och kön i relation till
arbetet som polis, och de betydelser som kön får i berättelser om polisyrket och arbete inom polisen.
Som material används intervjuer genomförda under perioden 2009-2013 med män och kvinnor som
arbetar som poliser på olika platser runt om i landet. Materialet är en del av den data som insamlats för
mitt avhandlingsprojekt och som även innefattar texter från facklig press, polisens interna dokument
och statliga utredningar.
Analysen visar olika sätt att hantera positionen Kvinnlig polis och det är en av dessa som diskuteras
närmare i föreliggande text. Det handlar om ett mönster i materialet som kommit att begripliggöras
som disidentifikation och det är den del av analysen som utvecklas i den här texten. Det handlar om en
ovilja att uppfattas som annorlunda eller särskiljas, något som blir extra betydelsetyngt givet polisens
kollegiala organisationskultur och uniforma institutionella struktur. Men det handlar också om en
disidentifikation med det just det som uppfattas som feminint.
Resonemanget i föreliggande text utgör en del av min doktorsavhandling om polis, kön och
jämställdhet. Detta kapitel kommer att ställas upp jämte resultat som visar en stark uppslutning kring
jämställdhetsretorik men även hur genusnormer och jämställdhetsproblem ändå existerar på sätt som
ger upphov till specifika strategier för att göra femininitet och samtidigt hävda polisiär duglighet och
Kritiska studier och intersektionalitet
'Rejecting second class citizenship: Swedish disabled people claim
‘Full Participation. Now''
Marie Sépulchre
This paper investigates how citizenship is continuously being imagined, reworked and
negotiated in different societal arenas and how people claim their right to participate in society and to
be recognised as a valuable member of their society. The study focuses on the case of disabled people in
Sweden who feel that they are considered as second class citizens and claim their right to full
In his lecture about Citizenship and Social Class, T.H. Marshall noted that ‘there is no universal
principle that determines what those [i.e. citizenship] rights and duties shall be, but societies in which
citizenship is a developing institution create an image of an ideal citizenship against which achievement
can be measured and towards which aspiration can be directed’. The ideal of citizenship is not neutral,
however, and various feminist scholars have called attention to the fact that citizenship tends to be
tailored to the situation of able-bodied, adult, heterosexual and full-time employed males. As a
consequence, people who do not fit this template find themselves in a position of ‘second class citizens’.
The empirical analysis is grounded on an online blog called ‘’ which was created five
months prior to the federal elections of 2010 in Sweden. The blog’s aim was to get the politicians’
attention to the issue of full citizenship for persons with disabilities and the analysis shows how
citizenship for disabled people is being (re-)imagined by bloggers who point at discriminatory practices
at political, community and personal level. The analysis also shows how citizenship is negotiated by the
bloggers who imagine citizenship in various – and sometimes contradictory – ways. Finally, the analysis
indicates that the ideal of citizenship found in the blog posts not only develops in relation to the
political arena but also in relation to everyday activities and experiences.
Kritiska studier och intersektionalitet
10. Politisk sociologi och sociala
Enacting citizenship: examining the trajectories in citizenship
policies in the Czech Republic and Estonia Post-1990
Lia Antoniou
While much scholarly ink has been spilt on citizenship, most works have largely charted
citizenship’s contestability, demise, renaissance and reformulation in liberal democratic states with
established migrant populations. This is unsurprising as it is these states which most needed to develop
the rules, conditions and institutions to incorporate migrants, with the subsequent implications for
citizenship widely discussed (e.g. Aleinikoff 2001, Joppke 2010). Less investigated, however, are
citizenship transitions in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries, with few exceptions (e.g.
Bauböck 2009). The historical, political and institutional conditions and legacies associated with
communist rule and its demise, as well as still low levels of immigration, explain why (even) scholars
with a CEE focus have prioritised other questions. Nonetheless, this group of liberal democracies
become especially interesting sites for inquiry given a number of theoretical and normative
assumptions, and empirical claims, frequently seen in the broader citizenship literature.
On the theoretical and normative fronts, much has been made of the distinction between ‘ethnic’ (or
‘Eastern’) and ‘civic’ (or ‘Western’) nationalism (Kohn 1945), and the impacts on citizenship
conceptions (Brubaker 1992) and citizenship as object (Koning 2011), as well as on how non-members
are incorporated into nation-state societies. These constructs continue to feature strongly in citizenship
studies, indicating their enduring analytical, descriptive and explanatory value (Antoniou and
Andersson 2016), despite also being increasingly contested (Brubaker 2004, Kymlicka 1999). The
dichotomy seemingly also sheds light on the institutional path-dependency seen in this policy field.
On the empirical front, it is now claimed that convergence in citizenship policies across liberal
democratic states is the new norm, either in like policy approaches (Joppke 2007), or in moves in the
same policy direction (Koopmans et al. 2005). The convergence claim however is based largely on data
collected from Western European liberal democracies, thus reviewing if it empirically resonates in CEE
countries is of interest and value; all the more so given that the cited factors – e.g. Europeanisation,
liberal norms and values (Adamson et al. 2011, Joppke 2007) – at the centre of recent policy shifts are
equally applicable and relevant for CEE countries.
Politisk sociologi och sociala rörelser
In light of these claims and assumptions, this paper considers citizenship developments in the Czech
Republic and Estonia post-1990. Both countries share a similar experience of communist rule,
democratisation after 1990 –motivating the start date of the period under consideration as it reflects
their initiation into liberal democratic statehood – and membership of the EU from 2004 onwards.
Further, both countries have a common historical statehood experience of federalism, with
ramifications for citizenship conceptions and for citizenship proper in the post-1990 context. The paper
draws on developments in statutory legislation, principally citizenship acts. It then focuses on
citizenship developments in ‘law in statute’ – acts of state – rather than ‘law in action’ – interpretation
of acts by specific state officials. While consideration of the latter is no doubt of interest, it does not to
the same extent shed light on how states proper conceive of citizenship, and how they reformulate it
over time, if indeed they do.
By generating three categories for investigation – essentialized citizenship, jus domicile and earned
citizenship – relating to differing aspects of citizenship legalisation, the paper comparatively maps
legislative developments over time. The findings suggest that differing aspects of citizenship policy, and
by extension national citizenship regimes, often function in an uneven and, at times, contradictory
manner. Further, policy articulations as to who is deemed an ‘authentic’ member of the ‘national
community’ have significant implications for the provisos under which membership is extended to
resident non-members, i.e. those legally residing in the nation-state but holders of another state
citizenship, principally through birth. This provides credence to the continuing value of the categories
of ethnic and civic in elucidating states’ self-understandings as membership, status and identity
communities, and for policy continuity. However, while like moves can be seen in the two cases in line
with the more general trends, differing appraisals of the (recent) past and their current context may
explain the still diverging policy trajectories, and why one case (Estonia) is more prone to policy breaks
than the other (the Czech Republic).
Adamson, F. et al. 2011 "The Limits of the Liberal State" Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 37(6)
Aleinikoff, A.T. & D. Klusmeyer (ed) 2001 Citizenship Today Washington DC: Carnegie
Antoniou, L. & H.E. Andersson 2016 Rights and Citizenship in Transition Basingstoke: Palgrave
Bauböck, R. et al. (ed) 2009 Citizenship Policies in the New Europe Amsterdam: Amsterdam
Brubaker, R. 1992 Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany Cambridge, MA: Harvard
Brubaker, R. 2004 Ethnicity without Groups Cambridge, MA: Harvard
Joppke, C. 2007 "Transformation of Immigrant Integration" World Politics 59(2)
Joppke, C. 2010 Citizenship and Immigration Cambridge: Polity
Kohn, H. 1945 The Idea of Nationalism New York: Macmillan
Koning, E.A. 2011 "Ethnic and Civic Dealings with Newcomers" Ethnic and Racial Studies 34(11)
Koopmans, R. et al. (ed) 2005 Contested Citizenship Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
Politisk sociologi och sociala rörelser
Kymlicka, W. 1999 "Misunderstanding Nationalism." In Theorizing Nationalism R. Beiner (ed) Albany:
State University of New York
Politisk sociologi och sociala rörelser
Feds everywhere: Risk and risk-mitigation in Anonymous chat rooms
Philip Creswell
Activism online is often presented as thin, low-cost engagement, accomplished by
clicking Like on Facebook or using Twitter hashtags to express political opinions. Some activists,
however, use the Internet differently, making political statements using methods that are illegal or
legally questionable. Anonymous—a network of activists, hackers, and provocateurs—is arguably the
most well-known of such actors. Participation in Anonymous actions can carry personal risks, as
activists associated with Anonymous have faced legal consequences—from fines to imprisonment—in
several countries. Using material generated from participant observation in Anonymous chat rooms, I
analyze which risks of participation are publicly identified, how they are discussed, and the individual
and collective strategies of risk-mitigation. This analysis makes a unique contribution by investigating a
case that suggests that the subjective experience of risk is acknowledged and accounted for by activists
online. I suggest that this has consequences for how researchers should approach political engagement
online and the study of high-risk activism in the digital age.
Politisk sociologi och sociala rörelser
Anarkistiska ungdomsrörelser kring millenieskiftet
Hedvig Ekerwald
Sociologiska insts.
Ungdomar ockuperade Gamla BB i Linköping i mars 2000. Huset hade stått tomt länge
och ockupationen bröts med stor våldsamhet inom något dygn. För mitt forskningsprojekt för FAS
(numera Forte) intervjuade fil lic Magdalena Czaplicka sju av ockupanterna. Jag har följt upp
anarkismen sedan dess med bland annat studier av göteborgskravallerna 14-16 juni 2001 och upploppen
vid rivningen av Ungeren, ungdomshuset på Jagtvej 69 i Nörrebro, Köpenhamn 5-6 mars 2007.
Studierna sätts in i den breda teoribildning som vuxit fram kring sociala rörelser, särskilt den del som
står nära emotionssociologin (James M. Jasper och Francesca Polletta m fl).
Nu ska studierna resultera i en bok och jag skulle vilja få diskutera planen för boken med
Arbetsgruppen Politisk sociologi och sociala rörelser.
Politisk sociologi och sociala rörelser
Mobilizing hope and fear, mitigating guilt? Environmental movement
strategic emotion management in response to climate change
Jochen Kleres
Sociologi och
Sociologi och
Åsa Wettergren
In what sense is the management of fear and hope a driving force in the consciousness
raising and mobilization against climate change? What is the role and nature of guilt in this context?
Climate change has prompted the partial institutionalization of the environmental movement at global
and national levels during the past two decades. In some cases whole nations, like Denmark, adopt a
consensus-based reformative “green growth” concept maintaining the possibility to mitigate, adapt to,
and possibly halt climate change within the framework of the neoliberal agenda. Other countries, like
Sweden, have seen the emergence of new radical environmental activism demanding profound
socioeconomic changes. Based on interviews and website material from environmental movement
groups and NGO’s in Denmark, Sweden, as well as on participant observations and interviews at the
UNFCCC meetings COP (Conference of the parties) 19, COP 20, and COP21, COY (Conference of
the Youth) 10 and COY 11, we analyse the role and function of fear, hope and guilt in movement
mobilization and action. Fear signals danger to the subject’s physical or social status. Fear may be both
paralyzing and action-instigating. Guilt has equally ambivalent consequences. It may either inspire
efforts to compensate for one’s harmful action or lead to a defensive or ashamed retreat. Hope signals
the expectation or presumption that one’s status will improve in the future. Hope appears to be the
decisive element that determines the power of fear and guilt. It may keep fear and guilt at a distance to
the extent that the self-preserving function of fear and guilt dissipates. In the environmental movement,
activists work on balancing fear, guilt and hope both inwards, to make action meaningful, and
outwards, to mobilize and raise public and political consciousness. Fear, guilt and hope seem to be
differently blended in these different orientations. Sometimes the balancing of fear, guilt and hope
contradicts instrumental reason and we can speak of an ironic disposition, that, it has been argued, is a
necessary philosophical foundation for environmental activism.
Key words: fear, guilt, hope, mobilization, climate change
Politisk sociologi och sociala rörelser
Olika regimer, samma ledarskap - Om det lokala maktfältets logik
på landsbygden i Moçambique
Magnus Persson
Kajsa Johansson
Institutionen för
Institutionen för
Artikeln syftar till att undersöka det lokala maktfältets logik på landsbygden i
Moçambique under tre olika historiska maktregimer (kolonialism, marxism och kapitalism). Vi avser
visa hur lokal makt legitimeras och reproduceras när yttre förutsättningar och maktstrukturer utmanas
och förändras. I centrum står régulosystemet, ett system med rötter i förkoloniala maktstrukturer där
lokala ledare, régulos, åtnjuter makt som förefaller legitimerad på succession och religiösa traditioner.
Genom Pierre Bourdieus uppfattning om hur innehav av symboliskt kapital producerar och
reproducerar maktpositioner på ett socialt fält försöker vi förstå hur liknande lokala maktstrukturer,
under skilda tidsperioder i Moçambiques historia, bygger på samma logik, samt hur maktstrukturer
endast kan reproduceras så länge de tillerkänner det traditionella symboliska kapitalet värde.
Kontrollen över régulos var ett viktigt redskap för den portugisiska kolonialmakten maktutövning i
Moçambique. Régulos var kolonialmaktens förlängda arm och spelade en nyckelroll i den ekonomiska
ackumulationen, exempelvis i tvångsodling av bomull. Kolonialmakten gav régulon formell makt utifrån
legalitet, samtidigt som han åtnjöt legitimitet hos lokalbefolkningen utifrån kunskap och tradition.
Vid självständigheten 1975 förbjöd den marxistiska befrielserörelsen Frelimo régulos. Även religiösa
ledare och praktiker, centrala i régulos legitimitetsskapande, förbjöds. Befolkningen fortsatte emellertid
att praktisera religion och régulos behöll makt i det fördolda. Detta innebar ett tyst men utbrett
motstånd mot Frelimos modernistiska politik. Missnöjet utnyttjades som mobiliseringsgrund då gerillan
Renamo, med stöd från Sydafrika och Rhodesia, i slutet av 1970-talet inledde ett destabiliseringskrig.
Vid fredsavtalet 1992 togs steg för att åter erkänna régulosystemet, vilket fullföljdes i reformer under
00-talet. Régulos är åter en del i den formella kapitalistiska maktordningen och med ett symbolsystem
som på många sätt påminner om det koloniala. De är således återigen legitimerade av befolkningen och
legaliserade av staten.
Studiens empiriska material består av livsberättelser med régulos samt observationer.
Politisk sociologi och sociala rörelser
"Women’s Participation in the Public Sphere in Egypt"
Imad Rasan
PhD student
institutionen Lund
Women’s Participation in the Public Sphere in Egypt
Since the 2011 uprising in Egypt women have been on the frontlines of demonstrations and involved in
all levels of protest. Behind this fascinating image of women’s participation, in protests alongside men
emerges a delightful narrative of women’s activities that led women to dominate the scene in a series of
ongoing demonstrations. Many questions have been asked, particularly in the mainstream media,
concerning this image. For example, where did these women come from and what led to their intense
participation in the protests? Why do they extensively converge in the streets at this moment? What
backgrounds do these women have? How were they able to so openly and fervently participate within
the public spheres? And what did they express desire for, and which was also manifested in the
mainstream expression of protesters?
The purpose of this study is to understand the process through which women came to participate in
different kinds of counter-public spheres, in order to create space for their expression. It aims to clarify
how these women were able to intensively and extensively enter into the counter-public spheres and
illuminate the factors that were behind the participation and mass participation of women, particularly
women activists, in the counter-public sphere; those who attempted to discuss, argue and debate
various sociopolitical questions and articulate their demands and needs for change. It revolves around
investigating the factors that ground the engagement of women towards adopting a more active role in
their participation in the public spheres. For instance, through mobilizing, encouraging, inspiring and
motivating women to participate in the Islamic, as well as in the secular public spheres, in addition to
other ways, such as finding non-hierarchal organizations to aid and establish their activities through the
use of alternative social media or by means of utilizing the changes in the power structure as the latter
was impacted by the emergence of social media in recent years.
Furthermore, the study will inquire how women activists were able to participate in certain counterpublic spheres and not in other ones. In other words, how the process of exclusion and inclusion
functioned to allow for the participation or exclusion of some women in some public spheres. For
instance, women have been excluded from some public places through the exposure of sexual
harassment and by forcefully minimizing their presence. Women have participated in oppositional
public spheres by applying various kinds of alternative media, such as social media, or by using other
innovative strategies in the streets, where protests took place, such as the use of graffiti as a way of
expressing their opinions about society as well as women’s issues.
The research questions of this study are the following: Firstly:
How did Egyptian women, as social, cultural and political activists, intensively and extensively
participate in the Islamic, as well as in the secular, public spheres in Egypt in period from 2008 to
Because women have had little access to the political process and to state power and they participate
less in formal politics according to statistics collected by United Nations and World Bank.
Politisk sociologi och sociala rörelser
How could these women activists participate, intensively and extensively, in specific public spheres
while they were simultaneously excluded from other public spheres in this period?
Evidently, these women activists have their own demands as women and demands for the society in
general, e.g. need for change. Women activists in Egypt have spearheaded civic rights, democracy and
human rights movements in the context of their women’s rights efforts. This study will examine
empirical data - textual, visual and interviews - obtained from a limited period, i.e. from 2008 to 2013,
in order to address the time before and after the change of the Egyptian regime in 2011.
Politisk sociologi och sociala rörelser
Welfare Reforms and Protest Mobilization in Sweden
Katrin Uba
Statsvetenskapliga inst.
Political reforms, particularly measures that reduce the scope of the welfare state, are
potentially an important cause of political protest in Western European countries. As far as Sweden is
concerned, there has not been any clear tendency to punish the incumbent coalition, which has
adopted and implemented policies of welfare state retrenchment. On the other hand, new political
forces have mobilized both in the early 1990s and in the end of the 2000s. As Sweden is often seen as a
country with open political opportunity structures, which favour less confrontational protest strategies,
one would not expect retrenchment policies to be met by waves of public disruption. On the other
hand, the Swedish political arena has changed since the last economic crisis in the 1990s and one might
expect that reactions to welfare state retrenchment during the late 2000s are different from those in the
early 1990s. We investigate these trends in citizens’ reactions to welfare state reforms by means of a
new large data set covering protest events in Sweden during the period 1980–2011. For the first time,
we are in a position to systematically examine how changes in socio-economic conditions (grievances),
political opportunity structure (elections and governing parties), as well as particular economic reforms
affect the mobilization of protests in Sweden.
Politisk sociologi och sociala rörelser
Pride parade mobilizing in seven European countries and Mexico
Mattias Wahlström
All over the world, Pride parades are the most visible manifestations of the LGBT
movement. While their character vary greatly depending on their political context – some largely
resembling street parties, other political demonstrations – there is arguably still a political aspect to
most (if not all) of them. Organizers of Pride parades can have somewhat different agendas which is,
inter alia, reflected in how they mobilize participants and whom they seek to mobilize. This paper
explores the relationship between the political context, Pride organizers’ mobilizing strategies, and the
way Pride parade participants are mobilized. The study compares Pride parades in seven European
countries (the Czech Republic, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK) and
Mexico. The results are based on interviews with Pride organizers and LGBT activists from the
respective countries, as well as survey data from 10 Pride parades.
Politisk sociologi och sociala rörelser
Fyra vågor av utvärdering över den atlantiska världen 1960-2015
Evert Vedung
Uppsala universitet
Inst f bostads- och
Four Waves of Evaluation
The Diffusion of Evaluation throughout the Atlantic World 1960-2015
Evert Vedung
Evaluation is an incredibly popular governance recipe. Yet, the development since 1960 has not been
straight toward more and more evalu¬ation. Every evaluation form has been heavily criticized and lost
much of its support in favor of new forms which have been equally highly praised. Yet also these new
forms have been attacked and lost their support in favor of other fads. Intrigu¬ingly, against all odds
some earlier forms have gained new momentum and come back slightly changed and in different
linguistic guises.
The whole thing can be likened to ocean waves that are roaring in and subsiding, roar-ing in and
subsiding. Four are the evaluation waves which have swept across the Atlantic world and particularly
some countries of the Atlantic world such as Sweden.
the Scientific Wave
the Dialogical Wave
the New Public Management NPM (Neo-Liberal Wave), and
the Evidence-Based Wave.
In subsid¬ing each wave has left behind a layer of sedi¬ment. In due time, the evaluation landscape has
come to consist of layers upon layers of sediment.
The paper will elaborate on the contents of the four waves
The paper will discuss appropriate metaphors to capture the developments: waves, trees, generations.
Politisk sociologi och sociala rörelser
The paper will raise questions about possible fifth waves
Radical left-libertarian protests in Sweden and Denmark 2002–2014
Jan Jämte
Måns Lundstedt
Institutionen för
Institutionen för
humaniora, utbildningsoch samhällsvetenskap
Institutionen för
Radical left-libertarian movements are often regarded as seeking ways to accomplish
social and political change primarily outside the framework of institutionalized politics. Previous
research, however, has paid little or no attention to the question of these activists’ actual involvement
in protests making claims towards institutionalized politics. Such a tendency has led researchers to
disregard the importance of institutional processes for these types of political actors. This paper
therefore explores whether, and to what extent, radical left-libertarian groups – anarchists, autonomists,
anarcho-syndicalists, and libertarian socialists – actually stage protests targeted at various governmental
levels, or other actors connected with institutionalized politics. Furthermore, we scrutinize what
political issues radical left-libertarian groups stage protests around, and what types of political actors
they co-operate with in staging protests. The empirical basis for the analysis is a protest event dataset
for Denmark and Sweden, covering around 2,500 protest events announced in the movement’s own
media during the period 2002–2014.
Politisk sociologi och sociala rörelser
11. Kultursociologi
Playing cultural heritage: constructing video games as museum
Lina Eklund
As digital games are finding their place in our contemporary world, museums are dealing
with how to preserve games as part of a digital, cultural heritage, and exhibit them for future
generations. In the last few years we have seen a rapid increase in interest from museums and other
cultural institutions to work with and exhibit video games, e.g. at the Smithsonian art museum in the
US. Yet, cultural institutions are still struggling with how to exhibit games (Barwick et al. 2011). This
study explores this awakened interest in video games in the cultural institutional context of museums
and what this means for our understanding of games as cultural heritage.
I explore the exhibition of games by investigating the travelling exhibition GameOn 2.0 exhibited at
the National Museum of Science and Technology (TM) in Stockholm, Sweden, in 2014 and the
exhibition Women in game development at the Museum for Art and Digital Entertainment (MADE) in
Oakland, U.S., during 2015. The study contextualizes and analyses these two case studies in order to
understand how video games are being constructed as cultural heritage in two different exhibition and
museum contexts. I draw on observations of the exhibits and the organizations which put them on, as
well as the knowledge and experiences from staff working in these exhibits in order to critically explore
what role games can play in museums.
Research on digital games and museums has largely focused on material aspects of conservation; issues
such as intellectual property rights (Barwick et al. 2011), hardware failure (Lowood et al. 2009) and
emulation (Van der Hoeven et al 2007). A study concerned with the exhibition of games showed how
varying motivations and aims underlying game exhibitions can produce very different experiences and
how games can promote a more active museum visitor (Stuckney 2010). Research has shown that
museums and other institutions often praise “the original experience” of playing on original hardware
(Swalwell 2013). In other words, the material cultural heritage has been the focus. However, games are
both tangible digital objects as well as intangible. Intangible cultural heritage can be seen as “the culture
that people practice as part of their daily lives” (Kurin 2004: 67). Looking at games as both object, the
games and hardware they are played on, as well as immaterial, the practises of play and actions of
people engaged with games, allows us to see not only the games themselves but the social and cultural
significance of games. In this way video games can offer insights into the everyday structure of the social
world along with the role of digital technology in contemporary life.
The study shows how while in size, institutional context and aim the two exhibits examined here are
each other’s opposites, at the same time the same underlying understanding on how to exhibit and
work with games is present. The most important factor being the playability of games on original
hardware. For TM, games are an interloper, a still new and uncertain cultural object they do not know
how to deal with. GameOn, in the context of TM, portrays games as consumer objects for children and
youth, disconnected from any cultural or social context or as sources of nostalgia for parents and
grandparents visiting with children. For MADE games are works of art, to be revered and honoured and
games are the very reason the museum exist. MADE sees games as situated in culture, yet, a subculture
rather than general culture. Games become fetishized identity objects revered for themselves. The
exhibits struggle with intangible aspects of video games and only focus on the material aspects. Both
institutions display a sense of urgency and desire to save these digital and physical objects, yet they are
less concerned with video games as immaterial culture; although some efforts are present.
The study highlights how the struggle in exhibition to define what games and game history are is also a
struggle over gaming’s present, or what video games are and their role in contemporary society. By
choosing which objects to display, how to display them and what meaning to give in the context of the
exhibition museum staff has control over the museum experience (Hooper-Greenhill 1992). Thus by
designing game exhibits, museums define and shape what video gaming is and how it should be
understood. When looking at the establishing of digital gaming as cultural heritage these institutions'
versions of what games are comes to life. Here, children’s consumer culture, objects for invoking
nostalgia or as fetishized identity objects. These views of games offer some and limit other
opportunities for dealing with games in a critical manner through exhibits. Finally, the study shows
how games as cultural objects in these two institutional contexts are presented in two very different
lights which has consequences for our understanding of games as both culture and entertainment and
furthermore the role of video games in museums.
Barwick, Dearnley, & Muir, 2011. “Playing Games With Cultural Heritage: A Comparative Case Study
Analysis of the Current Status of Digital Game Preservation.” Games & Culture 6(4):373–90
Hooper-Greenhill, 1992. Museums and the Shaping of Knowledge. Heritage. New York: Routledge
Lowood, et al. 2009. “Before It’s Too Late: Preserving Games across the Industry/academia Divide.” In
DiGRA 2009 Brunel University, London
Stuckney, 2010. Play on Display: The Exhibition of Videogames in the Museum. PhD Thesis.
Swinburne University of Technology
Swalwell, 2013. “Moving on from the Original Experience: Games History, Preservation and
Presentation.” In Proceedings of DiGRA 2009: Breaking New Ground. Atlanta, U.S
Van der Hoeven, Lohman, & Verdegem. 2007. “Emulation for Digital Preservation in Practice: The
Results.” Int. Journal of Digital Curation 2(2):123–32
International retirement migration: Linguistic environments,
problems and strategies
Per Gustafson
Uppsala universitet
International retirement migration has emerged as a significant form of migration, as
growing numbers of retirees from the Western world have moved to new home places in search for an
improved quality of life. From a social science perspective, retirement migration is interesting on both
an individual and a societal level. It reflects important current trends of individualization, mobility,
positive ageing, lifestyle migration and transnationalism. These issues also have a linguistic dimension.
When people move to another country, where the common language differs from their native language,
this creates a multilingual situation that requires adaptation of some kind. After a brief introduction to
the general phenomenon of international retirement migration, this paper (1) outlines a number of
conceptual and theoretical issues in relation to international mobility, social inclusion and language use
in the context of retirement migration, and (2) provides a focused review and analysis of previous
empirical research that highlights the linguistic environments that emerge in conjunction with largescale retirement migration, the language problems experienced by migrants retirees, and a range of
potential strategies for linguistic adaptation. The text is an early draft of the initial parts of a report to
an EU/FP7 project - MIME (Mobility and Inclusion in Multilingual Europe).
Living like a king? Rural upper class lifestyles
Tora Holmberg
Uppsala universitet
If you consider the commitment in terms of investments and work, would you like to
live in a castle, or another major estate? How come that in an era of individualization, some people
spend their whole lives caring for an inherited estate and family tradition, sometimes with
comparatively small monetary rewards, in order to pass it on to the future generations? Using an
ethnographic approach, including interviews and popular culture data, this project concerns upper class
rural housing from an intersectional approach, where gender, generation, and class are considered. The
manor and its emplaced family traditions and expectations, seems to act upon their owner and make
them behave in ways that are in accordance with inherited lifestyles, while negotiating with changing
conditions and ideals. Thus, when analyzing narratives on housing choices , homing practices and
lifestyles, the interaction of human/non-human actors seems to be an important dimension to consider,
if one wishes to make sense of the attraction and influence that the manor and its land is said to
exercise. Thus, cultural sociological theory regarding lifestyle, kin and practice is combined with a
material-semiotic, human/non-human approach to place-making.
“Rejecting digital technology in the age of cool capitalism”
Magdalena KaniaLundholm
This paper asks what it means to be a non-user in the society where network digital
technologies (ICTs), including increasingly present social media, permeate all spheres of social life.
More specifically, the paper explores the notion of ICTs non-use and refusal in the context of “cool
capitalism”, defined as “incorporation of disaffection into capitalism itself” which constitutes the front
region of neoliberal culture (McGuigan, 2009). The concept of “cool capitalism” refers to the cultural
aspects of the current dominant, post-Fordist model of capitalism and can be understood as transition
from the mid-twentieth century organized capitalism (ibid.). The paper argues that the transition from
the organized capitalism to the global neoliberal capitalism can be also understood in terms of the
changing role of technology in the society.
The previously dominant industrial technology was mainly legitimized by instrumental rationality and
technical reason (Habermas, 1970) and was at the center of social planning, control and progress.
However, the rise of digital, networked technologies marked the emergence of the “new spirit of
capitalism” and the “connexionist world” (Boltanski and Chiapello, 2005). That shift also put
technology at the center of individual empowerment and emancipation. The transition from organized
capitalism and industrial technology towards global neoliberal capitalism and networked technology
means also shifting logics of the relationship between humans and technology. While the industrial
period can be described in terms of utilitarian “man versus machine” logic, the latest one is marked by
the networked logic with flattened and non-hierarchical distinction between humans and technology
(Fisher, 2010). In this context, technology receives an important status framed by the techno-rational
and techno-deterministic discourse supporting an understanding of technology not only as beneficial,
but also inevitable and desired. Moreover, among the emerging individual models of achievement,
especially for the youth, is the “neoliberal self” combining entrepreneurial spirit with consumer
sovereignty (McGuigan, 2014).
Consequently, in the context of continuously expanding digital society, the non-use and/or refusal of
networked technologies are mostly perceived as deficit, lack, exclusion and/or problem to fix. These
issues are reflected across the variety of public discourses including the debate on the so-called “digital
divide”, ICTs policies attempting to tackle the divide as well as in the growing body of research focusing
on the beneficiary aspects of networked technologies.
This paper aims to contribute to the relatively small but growing body of research that makes an
attempt to understand “non-usage” not as a problem or deficit but rather as an inherent element of the
process of mapping and understanding of (dis)engagement with ICTs as part of the reality in the digital
age. Both ICTs use and non-use are systematically related as part of the “cultural milieu” where
“technology is a site for social and cultural performance in more ways than simply its use, but rather
how patterns of adoption, choices and orientation around technologies manifest cultural issues”
(Satchell&Dourish, 2009:14). Thus, digital technologies can be understood as cultural objects and their
(non)use as a cultural phenomenon as well.
Consequently, if we problematize the techno-deterministic, over optimistic view on digitization and
networked technologies where digitization of society equals efficiency, development and progress, we
might consider non-usage not as necessarily as deficiency but rather an alternative use, resistance,
contribution or even an elitist stance (voluntary non-usage). Hence, the paper argues that ICTs non-use
and refusal are more than just a position outside of society. In some cases ICTs rejection and refusal
might mean resistance, but in the context of “cool capitalism” even that resistance and disaffection
might be incorporated. Therefore instead of inclusion / exclusion we should rather talk of different
levels of (dis)engagement and also acknowledge the possibility of exploitation. In other words, nonusers are not outside but part of information society. If we understand non-usage in this way, then
refusal of technology does not only depend on individual motivations and structural constraints but also
the meanings given to ICTs as such. Instead of looking for reasons for refusal we need to consider ICTs
non-use and refusal as legitimate practices within neoliberal culture that to some extent incorporate
resistance understood as forms of conspicuous non-consumption but are not limited to it (cf. PortwoodStacer, 2012). Finally, the paper concludes that a critical perspective on social media and networked
society offers an understanding that the effect of digital technologies on society depends to a large
extent on how these technologies are (non)used.
Keywords: ICTs non-use, cool capitalism, neoliberal self, networked society, technological determinism,
ocial media
Boltanski, L. Chiapello, E. (2005). The New Spirit of Capitalism, London: Verso
Fisher, E. (2010). Media and capitalism in digital age. The Spirit of Networks, London: Palgrave
Habermas, J. (1970). “Technology and Science as “Ideology”, in: Toward a Rational Society, Boston:
Beacon Press
McGuigan, J. (2009). Cool Capitalism, London: Pluto Press
McGuigan,J. (2014). “The Neoliberal Self”, Culture Unbound (6): 223-240
Portwood-Stacer L (2012) “Media refusal and conspicuous non-consumption: The performative and
political dimensions of Facebook abstention”. New Media & Society (5): 1-17
Satchell C, Dourish, P. (2009) “Beyond the user: use and non-use in HCI”, in: Proceedings of the 21st
Annual Conference of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group, Nov. 2327, Melbourne, Australia [doi>10.1145/1738826.1738829
The Worth of Green: a sociology of art approach on the process of
greenification in urban settings
María Langa
Uppsala University
Department of
No matter its variants as more or less official projects of professional urban landscaping
chasing the image of an imagined utopian city, community gardens in disenfranchised marginal
neighborhoods, roof-top gardens greenifying sky views, clandestine over-night appropriation of spaces
for gardening or works of art disrupting with greenery the city´s skyline, practices of urban gardening
and greenery articulate a very similar set of core elements that negotiate metropolitan public space with
narratives of nature.
Bending, cracking and re-inventing or even destroying to utterly transform the city´s landscape these
spaces are appropriated through gardening. Pavement, metal and concrete are intertwined with
stemming branches, tender green leaves, flowers, grass… even fruits and vegetables; the citizen´s
performing of the “green” city is creative and constantly re-creative. Growth is given a new perspective
and the everyday lives of citizens is socially and materially modified through creative interventions. But
this formal or informal, legal or clandestine, planned or spontaneous active “greenification” of the city is
intertwined with broader processes, governmental endeavors to achieve or present cities as sustainable
and more eco-friendly and the spur of a new “green fashion” commodifying and configuring a more or
less specific desirable aesthetic character to environmental-conscious living and life styles.
From architecture and urban planning to private gardening, passing through community gardens and
green guerrillas, the concern to make cities “greener” has rooted and spread in the past 30 years. Urban
ecology´s practices and visions refer to “green worth”, a new configuration of common spaces which
first emerged through the environmental critiques of the 1970´s related to meanings of health, vitality
and sustainability (Blok & Meilvang, 2015).
This green worth, seems to imply an actual worth to green on different shapes and modes of
transforming the city through gardening. Therefore, in this context, when I refer to these efforts to
make the city “greener”, I literally mean “greener”; this is why I refer to this phenomena as
“greenification” or use the verb form “greenify”. This way we can set it apart from the green metaphor
as sustainability, ecological or environmentally friendly products, lifestyles, buildings, houses,
enterprises, companies, ways of life. However, these meanings are partly translated in certain initiatives
as actually “greenifying” the grey Metropolis.
The present paper aims to approach the phenomena of green urban activism from a sociology of art
perspective, thus articulating aesthetics, urban and cultural sociology theories. I propose to take urban
gardening and greenery in its non-governmental forms to address this topic to investigate the role of
aesthetics in new practices of gardening in cities, in order to account for the concrete work of aesthetic
factors in social life (de la Fuente, 2007). In this sense, my paper aims to contribute on a theoretical
level to deepen our knowledge about the networks constructing and establishing aesthetic judgements
and their interplay in everyday social life.
I argue that the re-interpretation of public space through greenery in the city can be approached from a
sociology of art perspective, tracing the networks that contribute to producing the new expressions of
greenery in the city, making them the way they currently are. The relevance of the work of greenery´s
aesthetic factors in the city is twofold. On the one hand, the importance of perceptual experience for
citizen´s lives and social interactions in the Metropolis (Simmel, 2010). On the other, the new spur of
this phenomena in connection to ecological contestation and a broader governmental support from the
end of the 1990´s and early 2000´s (Zukin, 2010).
The multiplicity of greenery and urban gardening practices and the heterogeneous and disperse actors
that engage in these activities makes it hard to both define a group and geographical location to study
them. It also renders the category of activism, at the very least, debatable in relation to them. However,
I have decided to use the concept to designate a broader social phenomenon of ecological contestation
in cities and so framing urban gardening practices in a network of meanings that intertwine with
environmental claims. The heterogeneity and diffused nature of gardening endeavors in urban settings
bares badly with defining them as groups. However, that does not mean there is no collective action to
be analyzed. Just as the people who understand artist-specific conventions, who can hardly be called a
group, they are, in a sense, engaged in a joint effort and connected through different networks (Becker,
2011). This paper will, in short, attempt to further define them and argue for a sociology of art
approach to this phenomena.
-Reference List
Becker, H. S. (2011). Art worlds (25th anniversary ed., updated and expanded, [Nachdr.]). Berkeley,
Calif.: Univ. of California Press.
Blok, A., & Meilvang, M. L. (2015). Picturing Urban Green Attachments: Civic Activists Moving
between Familiar and Public Engagements in the City. Sociology, 49(1), 19–37.
de la Fuente, E. (2007). The `New Sociology of Art’: Putting Art Back into Social Science Approaches
to the Arts. Cultural Sociology, 1(3), 409–425.
Simmel, G., & Levine, D. N. (2010). On individuality and social forms: selected writings (Nachdr.).
Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.
Zukin, S. (2010). Naked city: the death and life of authentic urban places. Oxford ; New York: Oxford
University Press.
An imagined culinary community: On gender and class in “Sweden –
the new culinary nation”
Nicklas Neuman
Institutionen för
This paper critically analyses how a Swedish culinary identity is produced and how this
production intersects with gender and class. The analysis builds on observational data and texts
published online by actors with a mission to promote Swedish food culture.
A nation is an “imagined community” (Anderson, [1983] 2006). It is indeed a community, but of a
very particular form due to its comprehensiveness that inevitably makes it impossible for all of its
members to be able to know about each other and to interact. This incomprehensible size results in
nation-building practices connecting people—culturally and geographically distant from each other—to
imagine common concerns and values; public stories are produced that construct shared stories in the
minds of people. Feminists have further shown how national identity productions are profoundly
intertwined with symbolic constructions of femininity and masculinity, and on functions allocated to
men and women for the good of the nation. Last but not least, the particular production of national
culinary excellence is also a story of class, deriving from gastronomic legacies of the pre-Revolution
French aristocracy and post-Revolution bourgeoisie.
During a time in which Swedish politicians have used explicitly nationalist statements with tremendous
caution—because of a general fear to be interpreted as flirting with the nationalist party—food have
seemed to persist as a safe space to celebrate national pride. “Sweden – the new culinary nation” is a
political vision aiming to promote Sweden as a country of culinary excellence, with the long-term
purposes of creating more jobs, increasing revenues for people in all the food and hospitality industries
(whether urban or rural) and stimulating economic growth.
My analysis shows how this promoted image builds on assumptions of Swedish traditions and
authenticity and that the culinary nation of Sweden is a country in which all people, as part of an
imagined culinary community, are equally important. The top chefs and the leading restaurants might
be the spearhead, but the conveyed message is that “we are all in it together” and everybody, from near
and far, are welcome to enjoy our tremendous food culture. However, it is this rhetoric of a seemingly
inclusive and democratized political vision that I will discuss and argue to be profoundly gendered and
Understanding the Girl Child Breast Ironing in Cameroon: A
Sociological Analysis of the Determinants of the Practice
Christian Nounkeu
Ph.D applicant
Ph.D applicant
One (1) girl child out of four (4) in Cameroon is victim of breast ironing. A survey
carried out by the German agency for international cooperation revealed that 6 million girls aged
between 8 and 12 years old have undergone breast ironing in 2007. It is a practice whereby mothers
use a variety of hot objects like grinding stones or pestles to flatten the breasts of their daughters with
the aim of slowing their development. It is believed among women in Cameroon that a girl with little
or no breasts is less sexually attractive to men. Consequently, she will avoid being raped or involved in
any sexual intercourse leading to early pregnancies. By ironing the breasts of their daughters to avoid
men sexual assaults, the mothers want to make sure the girls will properly complete their education and
secure a professional carrier. However, breast ironing is a very painful and harmful body mutilation
with damaging consequences for the girl child. It was acknowledged by the United Nations (U.N) in a
report published on the 10th of February 2009, as a “harmful practice impending the enjoyment of
women’s’ rights”. But, what are the sociological determinants for understanding why and how a selfpain infliction has been thought, constructed and integrated as a way for elevating female status? And
how efficient is the practice, with respect to its intended purpose? In this article, I investigate these two
questions, using qualitative interviews with performers and victims of breast ironing in Cameroon.
Keywords: Breast ironing, social emancipation, the girl child, male dominance.
Posthuman Postmortem Postcards: Space and Place in Condolence
Cards for Bereaved Pet Owners
David Redmalm
There is a place where the rainbow always shines, where kittens and puppies fly around
with angel wings, and where pet rats feast on endless quantities of cheese: it is the world depicted on
condolence cards for bereaved pet keepers. What do these cards and their imagined realm tell us about
humans’ view of other animals—and of themselves? Drawing on Judith Butler’s writing on grief and
bereavement, this paper analyzes condolence cards for humans who have lost a non-human companion.
Butler argues that grief has specific characteristics and that norms restrict the allocation of grief by
impeding the ascription of one or more of these characteristics. This normative framework thus allows
for some human or human-like lives to be grieved, while other lives are rendered ‘lose-able’. To send a
condolence card is thus not only to recognize someone’s pain, but to recognize this pain in a specific
way, contributing to such a shared normative framework, and to a differential allocation of grievability.
In consequence, pet condolence cards show what is possible and acceptable when it comes to the
display of grief across species borders, and what is not.
While many themes in condolence cards for companion animals resemble ‘human’ condolence cards,
these cards also challenge non-human animals’ status as grievable: companion animals are recurrently
represented as replaceable, the loss is sometimes framed as predictable or in other ways manageable,
and the many objectifying depictions of non-human bodies in the cards suggest a lack of embodied
empathy with non-human animals. On the one hand, the cards’ double-sided rhetoric opens up for
problematic representations of the loss of companion animals which risk belittling or rejecting the grief
for a lost companion animal. On the other, some cards also challenge the hierarchical human/animal
distinction, emphasizing non-human animals’ status as kin, in spite of the difference in kind. Thus, the
fantasy place constructed by the cards’ imagery corresponds to a utopian space, however tension-filled
and indefinitely articulated, in which the differential allocation of grievability is disrupted and ‘the
human’ and ‘the animal’ is re-imagined. This is a space of heedless sentimentality and anthropocentric
fantasies, but also a space where two taboos are challenged: the taboos around death and around the
grief for lost pets.
The paper concludes by suggesting that condolence cards for bereaved pet owners tend to give nonhuman animals the status of ‘werewolves’, using Giorgio Agamben’s term for beings existing in the
liminal space between grievable and lose-able. Because the cards represent companion animals as being
simultaneously grievable and ungrievable—as human and non-human—they accentuate the werewolf
status of these beings and the problematic distinction between human and animal. The cards that
succeed in recognizing the grief for a ‘werewolf’, the paper argues, pose a serious challenge to the
differential allocation of grievability and the anthropocentric politics of kin and kind.
12. Utbildningssociologi
The Legacy of the 1990s for the Swedish Academic profession
Ola Agevall
Gunnar Olofsson
Sociala studier
Sociala studier
The Legacy of the 1990s for the Swedish Academic profession
Ola Agevall & Gunnar Olofsson
The early were years of economic recession, accompanied by rising unemployment, the widespread
ascendance of new forms and techniques of governance, and politically enforced restrictions on public
spending. At the same time the early 1990s made knowledge society a common trope, and the global
university enrolment ratio rose steeply. The two changes are interlinked –expansion of higher education
bolstered youth unemployment, a knowledge economy was held up as a model for western societies
This paper examines how the combination of recession and university expansion was accommodated in
one specific setting. The Swedish university teachers were subjected to the same changes in the forms
and techniques of governance as other Swedish professions. But the higher education sector was
reformed during a period of a sector-specific abundance. Two resource-shocks hit the system. One
derived from an increased flow of research funding, the other from the rapidly increasing number of
We argue that this timing and modality in introducing new forms of governance in the Swedish
universities (1) postponed the perception of adverse effects on the profession, (2) aligned with,
accentuated and altered the structure of an internally differentiated but formally unified university
system, (3) created specific groups of beneficiaries at different poles of the system – and that, thereby,
(4) an incentive-based institutional framework was worked into the tissue of the professional body,
meeting little resistance. This was accompanied and underlined by the shift in the composition of the
administrative staff from support functions (secretaries etc.) to agents of control and governance.
Mål eller medel? Om utbildningens roll och syfte ur ett policy- och
Majsa Allelin
Institutionen för
socialt arbete
Från att ha haft ett av världens mest jämlika skolsystem har Sverige idag gjort sig lika
internationellt känd för att vara en nyliberal pionjär inom utbildningsväsendet. Detta skifte har
inneburit såväl form- som innehållsmässiga förändringar av skolan, där genomgående drag har varit
decentraliseringar och ansvarsförskjutningar liksom tydligare målstyrning. Parallellt med dessa
förändringar har klyftorna mellan de elever som når kunskapsmålen och de som inte gör det ökat, en
skiktning som främst är socio-ekonomiskt villkorad.
Utifrån denna bakgrund är studiens syfte att förklara och förstå varför elever förväntas ta ansvar för sin
skolgång och hur denna förhandling av ansvar manifesterar sig i en skolvardag. Studien bygger på
deltagande observationer och intervjuer med elever i årskurs nio under vårterminen 2015.
Som en del av ovanstående syftesformulering fokuserar detta paper mer specifikt på utbildningens
aktuella roll ur ett policy- och elevperspektiv. Observationerna visar att eleverna till stora delar
resonerar i linje med de nya uppdrag skolan står inför, om än utifrån en delvis osäker position där ett
sökande efter att hitta rätt utbildningsstrategi står i huvudfokus.
Changes in access to higher education in the Nordic countries 19852010 – a comparative perspective
Emil Bertilsson
Utbildnings- och
kultursociologi (SEC)
Utbildnings- och
kultursociologi (SEC)
Tobias Dalberg
In the international literature on access to higher education, the Nordic countries often
stand out as being the ones where social background matters the least, and the Nordic
countries/Scandinavia is often being characterized by more or less the same educational patterns of
access to education (Blanden, 2013; Breen & Jonsson, 2005; Erikson & Jonsson, 1996; Shavit &
Blossfeld, 1993). Additionally, the international mobility literature have traditionally been referred to
Sweden as a proxy for the Nordic countries in comparative studies (Erikson, Goldthorpe, &
Portocarero, 1982; Erikson & Jonsson, 1996). So, while the Nordic countries have served as an
important comparator in international studies of inequality of educational opportunity, there has been a
lack of literature comparing the Nordic countries with each other.
This paper adds to these studies by comparing access to higher education by social background in the
Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden 1985-2010. This is the first comparative paper on access to
higher education in all four major Nordic countries, where we make use of unique administrative data
in all four countries. Such a comparison is important for a number of reasons; most importantly,
qualitative differences in the Nordic welfare state models may affect the structure and organization of
higher education systems leading to possible differences in educational attainment for different social
In our comparison, we want to focus specifically on a) whether privileged groups have been able to
maintain an advantage in access to higher education, and b) on gendered access patterns, i.e. whether
women are more mobile than men. These two questions are at the core of most research in inequality
of educational opportunity. First a large body of the mobility and immobility literature have focused
specifically on the ability of privileged groups to keep an edge in the race for educational qualifications,
and how this had led to de facto monopolizations of not only upper levels of the educational system,
but also, as the education system has expanded, of particular tracks or sections within educational levels
(cf. Bourdieu 1996). We want to examine to what extend this is the case in the Nordic countries, and if
the countries differ from each other in important ways, e.g. if access in some Nordic countries is more
open than others, and if this can be viewed in relation to the state and the education system. Second we
want to focus specifically on gender differences in access to higher education. The Nordic countries
have traditionally had wide ranging gender equity policies, and a very high frequency of women in the
workforce. These women have also gained qualifications and skills on par with men, even surpassing
them at the higher education level. As an example, in the parent generation, mothers were just as often
the higher educated parent as men in 2010 in Denmark.
Generally, the upper tertiary level is much more selective than the lower tertiary level. In all countries,
we find moves towards less inequality in access to the lower and upper tertiary higher education levels
in tandem with the expansion of the higher education system. We also find that daughters account for
the major part of the reduction in inequality in higher education access. These general trends however,
cover up significant differences between fields: for some, primary professional fields (especially health),
access remains highly, or even increasingly, unequal across the period investigated. Despite expansion
and overall moves towards equalization, privileged families still keep a competitive advantage in access
to particular prestigious or lucrative fields.
Blanden, J. (2013). Cross-country Rankings in Intergenerational Mobility: A Comparison of
Approaches from Economics and Sociology. Journal of Economic Surveys, 27(1), 38-73.
Breen, R., & Jonsson, J. O. (2005). Inequality of Opportunity in Comparative Perspective: Recent
Research on Educational Attainment and Social Mobility. Annual Review of Sociology, 31(1), 223-243
Bourdieu, P. (1996). The state nobility: Elite schools in the field of power. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Erikson, R., Goldthorpe, J. H., & Portocarero, L. (1982). Social fluidity in industrial nations: England,
France and Sweden. The British Journal of Sociology, 33(1), 1-34.
Erikson, R., & Jonsson, J. O. (1996). Can education be equalized? : the Swedish case in comparative
perspective. Boulder, Colo.; Oxford: Westview Press.
Shavit, Y., & Blossfeld, H.-P. (1993). Persistent inequality : Changing educational attainment in
thirteen countries. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
Det svenska högskolefältet. Struktur och förändringar, 1977 till 2009
Mikael Börjesson
Emil Bertilsson
Tobias Dalberg
Det svenska högskolefältet, analyserat med hjälp av enkel korrespondensanalys utifrån
uppgifter om studenternas sociala ursprung och kön och de utbildningar och lärosäten som de studerar
vid, uppvisar en förvånansvärt stabil grundstruktur med två principiella dimensioner.
Längs den första, vågräta axeln, skiljs en männens och en kvinnornas högskola med en könsblandad zon
däremellan ut. Den andra, lodräta, axeln, orienteras framför allt av studenternas nedärvda tillgångar och
bildar en hierarki med de mer dominerande och resursrika klasserna uppåt och dominerade och
tillbakasatta klasser nedåt. När vi rör oss uppåt i rummet ökar volymen av utbildningskapital som
studenternas föräldrar besitter. Likaså, men inte lika tydligt, ökar också de ekonomiska resurserna i
föräldrahemmet, längs den andra axeln. Föräldrarnas tillgångar sammanfaller också med studenternas
egna förvärvade utbildningstillgångar. Höga gymnasiebetyg och höga högskoleprovspoäng placerar sig
högt i rummet, medan låga gymnasiebetyg och högskoleprovspoäng hamnar i rummets nedre del. De
första två dimensionerna sammantagna bildar en triangulär struktur, där skillnaderna mellan könen
varierar med social klass och klassfraktion. Könsskillnaderna är som störst inom arbetarklassen för att
minska i den sociala strukturens övre skikt. Framför allt bildningsborgerskapets söner och döttrar möts
på samma utbildningar.
I detta triangulära rum positionerar sig de olika vetenskapsområdena olika. Längs den första, vågräta,
axeln står medicin, vård, omsorg och utbildning vid den kvinnliga polen mot teknik och naturvetenskap
vid den manliga polen med humaniora och samhällsvetenskap däremellan i en mer könsneutral
position. På en mer detaljerad nivå, där enskilda utbildningar kan särskiljas, utmärker sig
läkarutbildningar med den mest socialt sett dominerande rekryteringen, längst upp i triangelns topp, där
samtliga sex läkarprogram finns samlade. Strax därunder finns juristprogrammet, konstnärliga
yrkesutbildningar, samt andra längre professionsutbildningar som psykologutbildning och
tandläkarutbildning. Särskiljande för dessa är att de har högt söktryck och kräver höga gymnasiebetyg
eller högskoleprovspoäng för antagning. Inom det tekniska området kan vi se en tydlig social skiktning
mellan de längre civilingenjörsutbildningarna och de kortare ingenjörsutbildningarna. Dessa
utbildningar rymmer dessutom en könsmässig spännvid mellan mansdominerande utbildningar inom el,
maskin och data och mer kvinnligt orienterade utbildningar inom kemi och samhällsbyggnad. Rummet
rymmer även skillnader mellan lärosätestyper. Längs den könsmässiga, vågräta, axeln står vårdhögskolor
och konstnärliga högskolor mot tekniska lärosäten, vilket följer den ämnesmässiga logiken. Den stora
skillnaden finns dock längs den andra, sociala, axeln, där de större, traditionella universiteten framför
allt rekryterar ur den övre medelklassen och medelklassen, medan de nyare och mindre högskolorna har
en överrepresentation av studenter från arbetarklasshem och lägre medelklasshem.
Sådan ser grundstrukturen ut och denna är påfallande stabil över tid. Det som framför allt ändrat sig
över åren är att kvinnorna ökat sina andelar. Detta har inte haft någon inverkan på grundstrukturen och
den triangulära formen, men strukturen har vridits sig något. De manligt dominerade utbildningarna har
blivit mer aparta och fått en ökad betydelse för rummets konstruktion. Till detta kan läggas vissa
enskilda områdens och utbildningars förflyttningar. Exempelvis har lärarutbildningarna flyttat sina
positioner i rummet och blivit mer koncentrerad i det nedre vänstra hörnet, dominerat av kvinnor från
arbetarklassen. I andra delen av rummet finns tecken på att läkarutbildningarna blivit än mer exklusiva i
sin rekrytering.
Social field and market – upper secondary education and the
emerging educational market in the Stockholm region
Håkan Forsberg
The transformation of Swedish upper secondary education that followed in the wake of
the education reforms in the beginning of the 1990s, introducing free school choice and the right to run
schools commercially with funding through a voucher system, offers an opportunity to analyze the
relation between social space, education as a social field and an emerging educational market.
In the Stockholm region, political as well as demographic conditions (a population of approximately 2.2
million with high geographic density) worked in favor of the formation of a previously unknown
educational market. In 2008, approximately 25.000 new students, each one representing a school
voucher with an average value of more or less 7000 Euros per year entered into upper secondary
education, choosing between approximately 800 unique educations (study programs in combination
with school) at 209 different schools. The economic value of the new entrants came near 175 million
Euros per year.
A correspondence analysis (CA) of all pupils attending all upper secondary educations in the Stockholm
area in 2006-08, with Euclidean clustering as an additional analytic instrument, reveals that the social
structure of the field of upper secondary education is not affected by the market-oriented reforms but
maintains the basic polarities found before their implementation. Separating between girls and boys
pertaining to 32 social groups with different volume and composition of assets, the analysis identifies
three basic polarities – a first one between educations with either predominately female or male
recruitment, a second one between educations recruiting students from social groups with particularly
strong cultural and economic assets and those receiving students from groups with few resources, and a
third one, considerably weaker statistically, separating educations characterized by a particularly strong
recruitment from either cultural or economic fractions of the middle and upper middle classes.
Through Euclidean clustering 9 clusters of educations can be identified: – the educations of the
particularly wealthy fractions of the upper middle class, those of the well-established upper-middle
class possessing strong cultural and economic capital, those of the cultural fractions of the middle and
upper middle classes, those of middle class girls, those of lower middle class boys, those of technicians,
those of working class boys, those of immigrants, and, finally, educations of working class girls.
The CA of the space of upper secondary educations laid the basis for an analysis of upper secondary
schools’ relation to the emerging school market. A combination of interviews with school principals in
both municipal and private (independent) schools occupying particular positions in the space, an
investigation of how schools’ exactly used the funding obtained through the voucher system and a
review of their marketing strategies, reveals that schools in the increasingly harsh competition for
students adopt strategies in relation to the educational market that mirror the positions they occupy in
the social field of upper secondary education.
The analysis shows that the educational market created by the introduction of free school choice on the
basis of a voucher system, combined with the right to establish independent, most often commercially
run schools, adapted to the social structure of the field of upper secondary education, reproducing and
possibly even strengthening its existing social polarities. The elite pole in the field, serving the
educational needs of the fractions pertaining to either the wealthy or the culturally rich upper middle
class, is less affected by the appearances of the market, while the most dominated pole is most exposed
to market mechanisms turning education into a mass-produced commodity. In addition to the cultural,
economic and social assets that particular social groups can employ in the competition for education,
the embodied form of these capitals, habitus, plays a crucial role in shaping their relation to the
educational market. The remoteness from openly visible market mechanisms that characterizes the elite
pole of the space corresponds to a belief, typical for the well-educated, in education as pure, sacred
area. This stands in contrast to the imposed or desired acceptance, typical for the dominated pole, of
blurring the boundaries between education and assumed or anticipated values offered by the
educational market, such as coaching, future job success, personal interests (for example in animalkeeping or hair-dressing), adventures or sports.
Den nya folkhögskolegruppen i Riksdagen: Folkhögskolan som
samtida bildningsväg för svenska riksdagsledamöter
Henrik Nordvall
Erik Nylander
Institutionen för
ekonomisk och
industriell utveckling
Institutionen för
beteendeveteskap och
lärande (IBL)
Institutionen för
beteendeveteskap och
lärande (IBL)
Svenska politikers bildningsvägar har ofta betraktas som egenartade i internationella
jämförelser. I likhet med den politiska eliten i Norge tycks den politiska eliten i Sverige ha relativt
beskedliga utbildningsmeriter jämfört med andra länder (Gaxie & Godmer, 2007, Lie Andersen, 2014).
I många andra utvecklade länder karaktäriseras inträdet till den politiska eliten av mycket specifika
utbildningsval och strängt selekterade bildningsvägar. Detta förhållande gäller exempelvis Frankrike
med sina grandes écoles (Bourdieu, 1996), USA där en prestigefylld utbildning i juridik från Ive
League-skola visat sig betydelsefull (Kutz & Simon, 2007) och i Singapore vars politiker ofta utbildats i
ekonomi vid något topprankat universitet (Ye & Nylander, 2015). I Storbritannien har det t.o.m.
myntats ett samhällsvetenskapligt begrepp för att beskriva hur den politiska eliten tenderar att
härstamma från särskilda skolor det s.k. ”Oxbridge-fenomenet” (Norris & Lovenduski, 1995).
I tidigare forskning om de svenska riksdagsledamöternas bildningsbakgrund har folkbildningen och dess
institutioner lyfts fram som särskilt viktiga för den partipolitiska skolningen. I synnerhet har
folkhögskolorna haft en central betydelse. Vid skolformens introduktion i Sverige under 1800-talets
senare hälft var folkhögskolorna en viktig bildningsväg för bondeklassens representanter i politiska
församlingar. Också för arbetarrörelsen fick folkhögskolor och studiecirklar en central betydelse för
skolningen av fackliga och politiska ledare under det tidiga 1900-talet (Arvidson, 1985, Larsson, 2013).
Att detta kom att avspegla sig även på högsta politiska nivå visar Helldéns studie där den så kallade
”folkhögskolegruppen” i riksdagen uppmärksammas (Helldén, 1968). Helldén visar att av samtliga
riksdagsmän 1967 (då 380 till antalet) hade 74 ledamöter folkhögskoleutbildning, varav hela 22
ledamöter gått på arbetarrörelsefolkhögskolan Brunnsvik. Folkhögskoleeleverna återfanns i samtliga
partier, utom VPK. Klart störst var antalet inom Socialdemokraterna (42) och Centerpartiet (22). I en
enkätstudie genomförd tio år senare indikerade en likande nivåer, där 23 procent av
riksdagsledamöterna angav folkhögskolestudier (Andersson & Lönnström 1982).
Det har förflutit drygt fyra decennier sedan studierna om folkhögskolegruppen genomfördes. Närvaron
av en särskild grupp riksdagsledamöter av skiftande partitillhörighet med folkhögskolebakgrund har
dock återkommande aktualiserats inom folkbildningsdebatt. Några aktuella empiriska studier av dess
existens saknas, men det finns indikationer på en minskad konsekreringsmakt för folkhögskolorna under
1980-talet (Sundqvist 1990). Denna föreställda grupp, populärt benämnd ”folkhögskolepartiet”, har
också lyfts fram som en möjlig faktor bakom det relativt omfattande stöd som ges till folkbildningen i
Sverige. Den breda politiska legitimitet som länge funnits i riksdagen om folkbildningspolitiken skulle
då delvis kunna förstås mot bakgrund av att en stor andel riksdagsledamöter har personliga erfarenheter
därifrån (Berntsson, 2003). Men i vilken utsträckning denna länk förekommer idag är okänt.
Folkhögskolestudier redovisas normalt inte som en särskild kategori vid genomlysning av
riksdagsledamöters utbildningsbakgrund (se t.ex. Holmberg & Esaiasson 1988; SCB, 2009).
Syftet med denna undersökning är att ta reda på hur det förhåller sig med riksdagsledamöternas
folkhögskolestudier och huruvida det alltjämt går att lokalisera en folkhögskolegrupp och vad som i så
fall karaktäriserar folkhögskolans samtida roll som bildningsväg för riksdagsledamöter. I vår presentation
använder vi oss av SCB-data på riksdagsledamöter från valen 2010 och 2014. Till vår hjälp har vi ny
statistik från Folkhögskoleregistret som möjliggör en genomlysning av riksdagsledamöters
folkhögskoledeltagande fr o m 1998.
Resultaten visar att det alltjämt tycks finnas en nära relation mellan folkhögskolan och de politiska
företrädarna i riksdagen. Minst en fjärdedel av ledamöterna har deltagit i folkhögskolornas
kursverksamhet. I likhet med tidigare studier visar det sig att några av de totalt 150 skolorna tydligt
utmärker sig som centrala passager. Partiskillnaderna är dock stora och folkhögskolorna verkar
framförallt begagnas av ledamöter från S, följt av V och Mp. Centerpartiet, som i tidigare forskning
visat haft en hög grad av folkhögskoledeltagare, har nu den fjärde högsta andelen bland sina ledamöter.
Undersökningen visar vidare att deltagandets karaktär tycks ha förändrats över tid. Framförallt är det
genom folkhögskolornas kortkursverksamhet som dagens riksdagsledamöter kommit i kontakt med
utbildningsformen. Andelen riksdagsledamöter som gått längre utbildningar tycks ha minskat jämfört
med tidigare undersökningar. Kortkurserna, vars inriktning analyserats utifrån kursnamn, framstår dock
som integrerade i både facklig och politisk verksamhet. Undersökningen visar också att de skolor som
utmärker sig som centrala passager för riksdagsledamöter skiljer sig åt när det gäller partikoppling.
Emedan vissa folkhögskolor uppvisar en entydig partikoppling, exempelvis Viskadalen, tyckas andra
skolor ha karaktären av partiöverskridande plantskola, som i fallet Färnebo och Medlefors. En jämförelse
görs också mellan riksdagsledamöternas övriga formella utbildningsmeriter och benägenhet att delta på
folkhögskola. Jämförelsen visar att folkhögskolan är en utbildningsinstitution som involverar både
riksdagsledamöter med och de utan akademisk utbildning.
Sammantaget framstår folkhögskolan alltjämt som en central utbildningsinstitution i den svenska
demokratin när det gäller utbildning av politiska ledare, även om dess betydelse varierar påtagligt
mellan olika partier. Skolformen tycks emellertid inte längre utgöra någon alternativ bildningsväg för
politiker utan högskoleutbildning. Istället framstår folkhögskolorna som en bildningsarena och en
mötesplats med stark närhet till partier och rörelsers egen verksamhet.
At the Apex of Educational Capital - The Space of Secondary
Education in the University Town of Uppsala
Ida Lidegran
Uppsala universitet
The focus of this paper is on how educational capital is distributed, accumulated and
produced in upper secondary schools in the municipality of Uppsala, a city with one of the strongest
concentrations of cultural and educational capital in the country. Our main concern is to understand
different dimensions of educational capital in a context where it is extremely crucial for the social
reproduction of the dominant groups. Specific multiple correspondence analysis, a method in the
family of Geometric Data Analysis, is employed on a questionnaire distributed to pupils (N=596) in a
selection of programmes preparatory for higher education in Uppsala. The variables which have been
used for the construction of the educational space are related to both inherited and acquired
educational capital including habits and attitudes related to school work, school subjects, teaching,
teachers, grading, and future educational investments. This implies that we for instance relate the actual
resources of the pupils in the form of grades to more subjective appreciations of certain subjects, how
interesting and difficult they are perceived, and preferences of a good teacher and valued teaching, on
the one hand, and to inherited resources indicated by the occupation and educational background of
the parents, on the other hand. Of specific interest is to examine the distribution of educational
programs and the schools as structuring factors in the space of the individual pupils and we demonstrate
that the traditional läroverk and the national science programme provide the largest concentration of
educational capital in most of its forms. The results shows that the pupils attending the science
programme are oriented towards results and performance and they are less interested in the teaching
environment and teacher characteristics. Pupils attending the social science programme are more
oriented towards the teaching milieu and teacher characteristics which can be interpreted as they stress
discourse elements. The science programme occupies the most dominant position in the space of
secondary education in Uppsala and thus defines educational capital.
"IB schools – the definition of symbolic capital at stake"
Mikael Palme
Josef Dahlberg
IB schools – the definition of symbolic capital at stake
Mikael Palme & Josef Dahlberg, SEC, Uppsala University
The growth of international education, in the sense of educational programmes focusing on an
international curriculum as opposed to a nation-specific one, is a challenge for research in sociology of
education. If international schools have a long history connected to the reproduction strategies of social
elites, they have in the last decades spread into national education systems where they represent an
alternative to traditional nationally-defined education, accessible also for the middle classes While some
researchers see this development as an expression of an increasingly global, borderless society, others
underscore the socially selective function of international schools that open up alternative pathways
through national education systems marked by increased competition. In both perspectives, the
potential tension or competition is recognized between international schools and national ones in terms
of the value attributed to the educational content they offer. In the case of the IB (International
Baccalaureate) schools, this tension is symbolically overcome in a vision of a school that represents a
“cosmopolite” education that is truly international while incorporating and acknowledging national
cultures, values and practices. Examining the social origin, trajectories, school careers, cultural
practices, beliefs and plans for the future of diploma students at two IB schools in the Stockholm area,
this study sets out to analyze to what extent students with varying economic and symbolic assets and
with shifting habitus relate to the particular blend of cosmopolitan culture that their schools proclaim
to represent.
Solida och bräckliga utbildningskontrakt - Utbildningsförlopp på en
Magnus Persson
Institutionen för
Tidigare studier om lärarutbildning (Bertilsson 2011; Börjesson 2006) visar att den förändrade
studentrekryteringen till ämneslärarutbildningen indikerar att utbildningen befinner sig i en socialt
fallande rörelse relativt andra utbildningsvägar. Dess sociala värde sjunker. Under de senaste
decennierna har andelen studenter med svaga nedärvda utbildningsresurser ökat och under samma
tidsperiod har söktrycket till utbildningen sjunkit så att fler studenter med svaga förvärvade
utbildningsresurser blivit antagna. Frågan är hur detta avspeglas hos studenterna som söker sig till,
genomför och avslutar ämneslärarutbildningen. Detta blir möjligt att ta reda på genom att undersöka
hur studenternas utbildningsresurser används på vägen genom ämneslärarutbildningen.
Genom att vid upprepade tillfällen intervjua ämneslärarstudenter som påbörjade studier på
lärarutbildningen i Växjö 2007, kunde tre olika utbildningsförlopp identifieras. För det första fanns
studenterna som fullföljde utbildningen och fortsatte ut på arbetsmarknaden som gymnasielärare. För
det andra fanns studenterna som avbröt utbildningen innan den slutförts och för det tredje fanns
studenterna som erövrade ämneslärarexamen men som fördröjde utträdet på arbetsmarknaden som
gymnasielärare och istället fortsatte med andra akademiska studier ofta ackompanjerade med löften om
en fortsättning som amanuens eller plats på forskarutbildning.
I detta papper analyseras varför utbildningsförloppen gestaltar sig som de gör. Centralt i analysen står
det outtalade kontrakt som finns mellan studenterna och den utbildning de valt. I detta
utbildningskontrakt har studenterna förväntningar om vad utbildningen skall innehålla och vad den
förväntas generera i form av socialt och ekonomiskt värde på arbetsmarknaden. Samtidigt fordras att
studenterna uppfyller de utbildningsmässiga krav som utbildningen ställer. Beroende på hur väl
studenternas förväntningar och föreställningar korresponderar med vad utbildningen de facto är och
kräver, blir utbildningskontraktet olika bräckligt eller solitt.
Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är att utbildningskontraktets soliditet och bräcklighet är omgärdat av
sociala villkor som dikteras av studenternas innehav och användning av utbildningsresurser.
Studenternas förhållningssätt till utbildning är dels inkorporerat från den sociala miljö studenterna vuxit
upp i och dels från erfarenheter de tidigare gjort i utbildningssystemet. Detta strukturerar vilka
utbildningsmöjligheter de uppfattar som rimliga att söka sig till och genomföra samt deras
föreställningar om och förväntningar på den sökta utbildningens innehåll och sociala värde, det vill säga
sådant som bidrar till att solidisera eller bräckliggöra utbildningskontrakt. För ämneslärarutbildningen är
resonemanget särskilt intressant eftersom dess sociala värde förefaller sjunka vilket omvandlar villkoren
för vad som gör utbildningskontrakt på ämneslärarutbildningen solida eller bräckliga.
13. Familj och nära relationer
"Precarious labour: European au pairs in Sweden"
Terese Anving
Lunds universitet
Sara Eldén
Lunds universitet
This paper focuses on the situation of au pairs in Sweden, and specifically, the effects of
the obscure rules and regulations for “EU-au pairs”. The precarious position of au pairs has been
identified by others, e.g., the tensions between the private/public and labour/emotion within au pair
work (see e.g. Bikova 2010; Búrikova & Miller 2010; Stenum 2010), and also their (non)position as
workers and weak migratory status (Calleman 2010). In addition, au pairs coming to Sweden find
themselves in an unclear working situation due to contradictory rules and regulations of au pairing.
While au pairs from outside the EU have to apply for work and residence permit that regulates their
working conditions – “EU-au pairs” are not being registered anywhere. Since Sweden has not signed the
“European Agreement on Au Pair Placement”, “EU-au pairs” become invisible to authorities, and as an
effect, an unregulated market for au pairing has emerged. Drawing on an on-going study of the private
childcare market in Sweden (interviews with au pair agencies, au pairs, parents and children) this paper
explores how the au pair working conditions are understood, negotiated and carried out in the family in
this situation of invisibility and lack of regulations. In addition, the study offers a unique insight into
how migratory processes affects family practices in Sweden, in a time when the Swedish welfare system
changes rapidly, with a renewed emphasis on privatized and “re-familializing” initiatives (Borchorst &
Siims 2009: 215) and private solutions for solving the work-family conflict.
Keywords: migration, au pair, care, work, family
Familj och nära relationer
Ofridstid. Fäders våld, staten och den separerande familjen" /"Times
of trouble. Fathers' violence, the state, and the separating family
Linnéa Bruno
Uppsala universitet
Sociologiska inst
The present thesis explores intersectional and institutional conditions for counteracting
domestic violence in the Swedish welfare state. Empirically, the study focuses on professional
discourses and practices concerning fathers’ violence against mothers and children in the context of
separation, in three domains of practice: 1) Children’s education; 2) Disputes concerning custody,
contact and residence; and 3) Welfare benefits such as financial aid. Theoretically, the study draws on
feminist political theory and sociology, childhood studies and critical race studies. The empirical
material consists of court orders and interviews with staff and victimised mothers. Two main social
processes that undermine implementation of children’s rights are identified and discussed:
Familialisation and selective repression. The thesis is based on four articles:
Article I, (Skolan, familjerätten och barnen) School, family law and children exposed to violence,
explores how staff at school and preschool understands their professional task, when in encounters with
children in difficulties due to family law proceedings. The results suggest that two competing
perspectives shape staff understandings of risks, solutions and violence. When arguing from the child’s
rights’ perspective, the staff prioritises children’s safety and participation, while an upbringing
perspective tends to construct violence mainly as a problem of order, with disquieting implications for
vulnerable children.
Article II, (Pedagoger i det sociala uppdragets gränstrakter: Att hantera familjerättsliga processer, hot
och våld)Pedagogues in the borderland of their social task: Dealing with family law proceedings, threats
and violence, investigates strategies used by preschool and school staff, when encountering gendered
conflicts and violence between parents. How do the staff cope with their own and children’s
vulnerability? An analytical model of six types of proactive and reactive strategies, ranging from keeping
distance to normalisation of own vulnerability, is utilised in the analysis and discussed in relation to
organisational and professional circumstances and intersecting social relations of inequality.
Article III, Contact and evaluations of violence: An intersectional analysis of Swedish court orders,
examines obstacles to implementation of children’s rights in contested parental contact cases in which
there are indications of violence. The analysis shows that the contact presumption is strong, and
generally overrides protection. This norm applies even where there are convictions or explicit reports of
child abuse or domestic violence. In cases with ‘non-Nordic’ fathers however, the contact presumption
is less likely to override protection than in cases with ‘Nordic’ fathers.
Familj och nära relationer
Article IV, Financial oppression and post-separation child positions in Sweden, deals with postseparation child positions in two domains of practice in the Swedish welfare state: Welfare benefits
such as financial aid, and child contact. The area of concern is financial oppression in the context of
parental separation. Findings suggest that financial abuse in the context of parental separation is a nonquestion in the domain of welfare benefits, and in the domain of child contact framed as a conflict
between equal parties. The age order as a form of domination may be reinforced by the practice of both
Familj och nära relationer
Close personal relationships, children and the family: changing the
Daniela Cutas
Umeå Universitet
Ide- och
Regulations in our societies recognise and support certain types of close personal
relationships (e.g. by marriage or legal parenting), and are silent on others (such as close friendships) –
or altogether proscribe them (such as, in some countries, same-sex marriage). They put gender and
sexuality at the core of our closest personal relationships: relationships can bring a bundle of privileges,
depending on the number of its members, on their genders and on who (presumably) has sex with
whom. However, some people cannot, find it difficult or prefer not to put a (presumably) (preferably
hetero-) sexual relationship at the core. Some people are simply better off in other arrangements
(single, sharing their lives with more than one romantic partner, with friends, siblings, parents, adopted
children, etc.) Often more than two adults, or people other than her legal parents, are a child’s de facto
parents - but only two, and in some countries only two of complementary genders, can be her legal
parents: anyone else is legally invisible.
Access to fertility treatments in many legislatures is conditioned by prospective parents being in a
certain kind of relationship with each other. According to the World Health Organization, infertility is
“a disease of the reproductive system defined by failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months
or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse”(1). These conditions are sometimes accompanied by
supplementary requirements, such as that the couple be married or cohabiting. In this way, one’s
relationship status determines whether one will have access to fertility treatment, regardless of one’s
actual capacity to reproduce (e.g. because one lacks viable gametes).
Against this background, I will rely on statistical data and empirical research on family form and family
functioning to analyse the expectation that it is in children’s interests to be born in a nuclear family, and
the relation between this claim and considerations about access to fertility treatment and parenting. I
will then use as a starting point the alternative claim, that what matters most for children’s wellbeing is
the quality of the relationships within the family, to explore alternative family formation paths and
envision a policy that encourages uptake of parenting in the conditions most likely to nurture good
relationships. This will further lead to envisioning a reframing of how and which relationships are
acknowledged and encouraged in our societies, beyond parenting.
The methods used in this talk will be conceptual analysis and wide reflective equilibrium, two
mainstream methods in the analysis of ethical issues. Conceptual analysis is the investigation of how a
concept is normally used, its applicability to various cases, and the logical implications of particular
applications. Wide reflective equilibrium is a tool used to adjust moral intuitions in light of empirical
evidence; it aims at providing a basis for normative conclusions.
Familj och nära relationer
(1) F. Zegers-Hochschild, G.D. Adamson, J. de Mouzon, O. Ishihara, R. Mansour, K. Nygren, E.
Sullivan, S Vanderpoel for ICMART and WHO (2009) ‘International Committee for Monitoring
Assisted Reproductive Technology (ICMART) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) revised
glossary of ART terminology, Fertility and Sterility, 92, 5, 1520-24.
Familj och nära relationer
New ways of doing the ‘good’ and gender equal family: Parents
employing nannies and au-pairs in Sweden.
Sara Eldén
Lunds universitet
Terese Anving
Lunds universitet
New possibilities for managing work/family balance have emerged for Swedish families
the last decade. The former model of the Swedish welfare state, with publicly funded institutions such
as daycare centres and paid parental leave (Bergqvist & Nyberg 2002), all motivated by strongly held
ideals of the dual earner/dual carer model and gender equality (Lundqvist 2011; Daly & Rake 2003), is
today complemented by a growing private market for care services, a market that is also subsidized by
the government. Since 2007, Swedish families can get tax deductions for care work carried out in the
home, such as cleaning (Gavanas 2010), elderly care (Szebehely 2011), and also childcare in the form
of nannies and au pairs (Anving & Eldén 2014). This, we argue, indicates a shift in the politics of care
and family in Sweden, moving Sweden away from the social democratic welfare regime and closer to
the privatized and marketized care/family solutions of other Western countries (Tronto 2002;
Macdonald 2012), a shift that affects the ‘doing of family and parenthood’ as well as the ‘doing of
gender equality’, in Swedish families.
In this paper, we look at the practice of hiring nannies and au pairs, and how this transforms the doing
of family, care, parenting and gender equality in Swedish families. The analysis is primarily based on
interviews with parents who buy private child care services, and to some extent on interviews with
nannies and au pairs who provide these services. In focus are the ways in which parents legitimize the
buying of private child care services in relation to managing work/family conflicts, ideals of gender
equality, and ideals of parenting.
Keywords: private care services, family, gender equality, parenting
Familj och nära relationer
A tablet app for data collection and children talking ”daddy, daddy,
Stina Ericsson
Svenska språket
The purpose of this talk is two-fold. First, I present and discuss a novel method for data
collection that I have developed in a project on children and family. Second, I present tentative results
from on-going data analysis in this project, exploring the concept of ‘family display’ (Finch 2007).
The project that the talk concerns is called “Daddy, daddy, child” and investigates norms and changing
norms surrounding family and intimate relationships in talk between children and parents, in today’s
Sweden, against a background of e.g. varying family forms, same-sex marriage, and reproduction
technologies. Participants consist of 13 families, with data collected from 23 children, mainly aged 5–8
years. The families include single mothers by choice through insemination/IVF, same-sex and differentsex parental couples, parents living together and not, and parents who are married and not.
The innovative research method developed and used in the project is a purpose-designed tablet app.
The app was designed to elicit talk on specific topics: family, living arrangements, marriage, and love. It
was also designed to be used by research participants on their own, with no researcher present, and to
be stimulating and engaging for children, who were the prime research participants. Families borrowed
a tablet computer with the app installed. They could use the app in the home whenever they wanted,
and for as many times and as long as they wished. Whenever they used the app, their conversations
were automatically recorded and their on-screen clicks were logged. The app includes images, spoken
questions and other utterances by a character called “Moi”, and simple animation.
During the talk I present the app and discuss different aspects of it for eliciting and collecting data, in
relation to other methods and in relation to issues of research design and method more broadly.
Notably, these aspects include: 1) the relation of the method to interviews and the recording of
conversations, both of which are methods used in sociology and related disciplines (e.g., Schilling 2013,
Kitzinger 2005). One part of this is the non-present researcher, which means that certain control over
the data collection is conferred to the research participants. Another part is the triple role of the
parents: as “proxy researchers” asking the child more questions, as research participants themselves, and
as “protectors” of the child (see e.g. Eldén 2013, Ericsson & Boyd 2015 for ethical issues). 2) Research
in the social sciences and the humanities in recent decades have seen a recognition of how research
methods themselves shape the data and different ways of dealing with the significance and
consequences of this (e.g. Cameron et al. 1993, Speer & Hutchby 2003, Law 2004). Considerations of
relevance for the app method in this regard include that an app character, not a human being, is
interacting with the research participants. Of relevance is also the kind of data obtained and how it is
Familj och nära relationer
formed by the design of the study, the app, and the research participants, as well as the very technology
– a tablet app – that is being used.
Turning next to tentative results from on-going data analysis, I here focus on children talking about
their own family and families more generally, and their creation of a made-up family for the Moi
character. Participants in the project are both explicitly asked to display (Finch 2007) their family, and
avail themselves of various opportunities more indirectly for displaying family. Tools for displaying
family in interaction with the app include verbal communication and – when participants create a
family for Moi – images. The displays are made simultaneously in two social settings: child–parent
interaction, and participants–Moi/the researcher interaction. The intrusion of wider cultural contexts
(Finch 2007, James & Curtis 2010) is evidenced in the material. Specifically, based on the data I argue
that a discourse on equal marital and parental rights for same-sex and different-sex couples, enables the
children with same-sex parents in the data to display their own families in the same unmarked way that
the children with different-sex parents typically do. This contrasts with the display work carried out by
many of the lesbian parent couples with their families of origin in Almack’s (2008) study, as well as
Finch’s (2007:70–71) argument about families of choice (see also Kitzinger 2005). At the same time, I
argue that a discourse of heteronormativity is evidenced by the children’s overwhelming creation of
‘mummy-daddy’ families for Moi.
Almack, K. (2008) Display work: Lesbian parent couples and their families of origin negotiating new
kin relationships, Sociology 42(6): 1183–1199.
Cameron, D., E. Frazer, P. Harvey, B. Rampton & K. Richardson (1993) Ethics, advocacy and
empowerment: Issues of method in researching language, Language & Communication 13(2): 81–94.
Eldén, S. (2013) “Your child is just wonderful”: On ethics and access in research with children, Journal
of Comparative Social Work 2.
Ericsson, S. & S. Boyd (2015) Children’s access in language and gender research. The ninth Nordic
Conference on Language and Gender, Växjö, 15–16 Oct.
Finch, J. (2007) Displaying Families, Sociology 41(1): 65–81.
James, A. & P. Curtis (2010) Family Displays and Personal Lives, Sociology 44(6): 1163–1180.
Familj och nära relationer
Kitzinger, C. (2005) ‘Speaking as a heterosexual’: (How) does sexuality matter for talk-in-interaction?,
Research on Language and Social Interaction 38(3): 221–265.
Law, J. (2004) After Method. Mess in Social Science Research. London & New York: Routledge.
Schilling, N. (2013) Sociolinguistic Fieldwork. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Speer, S.A. & I. Hutchby (2003) From ethics to analytics: Aspects of participants’ orientations to the
presence and relevance of recording devices, Sociology 37(2): 315–337.
Familj och nära relationer
Sånt som mammor gör: Aspekter av moderskap i
Marie Flinkfeldt
Inom svensk forskning har relationen mellan moderskap och sjukskrivning för kvinnor
uppmärksammats som en möjlig delförklaring till kvinnors höga sjukskrivningsnivåer. Studier har bland
annat föreslagit att kvinnors större ansvar för familj och hem, i jämförelse med mäns, leder till ökad
ohälsa och sjukskrivningar. Ett annat argument har varit att moderskapsnormer till viss del krockar med
ideal om att kvinnor ska delta på arbetsmarknaden på lika villkor som män, och att detta skapar känslor
av otillräcklighet som resulterar i sjukskrivningar för kvinnor med barn. Flera kvantitativa studier har
poängterat att det behövs en djupare, kvalitativt orienterad kunskap om relationen mellan sjukskrivning
och moderskap, medan kvalitativa studier har pekat på att denna relation är svårfångad i exempelvis
intervjuer. Samtidigt visar forskning om sjukskrivna mödrars erfarenheter att det förekommer att
sjukskrivningens legitimitet ifrågasätts utifrån misstanken att de är hemma för att kunna spendera mer
tid med barnen. Oavsett hur den statistiska korrelationen ser ut, så finns det alltså indikationer på att
normativt moderskap måste hanteras som en del av hur sjukskrivningens legitimitet förhandlas i
interaktionen med andra.
Den här studien bidrar med ny kunskap om relationen mellan moderskap och sjukskrivning genom att
studera hur dessa sätts i relation till varandra i naturligt förekommande interaktion i såväl institutionella
som vardagliga situationer. Studien undersöker hur moderskap, som en del av samtal rörande
sjukskrivning, tas upp av samtalsdeltagarna själva i olika sammanhang och därmed ”talas till vardande”
eller ”görs relevanta” i relation till sjukskrivningen. Studien använder medlemskategorianalys och
samtalsanalys för att undersöka hur deltagarna sätter olika aktiviteter och egenskaper i relation till
kategorin mamma som en del av hur samtalet är organiserat, samt hur detta på olika sätt orienterar till
moral. Materialet som används kommer från två studier av sjukskrivning som har undersökt sjukskrivnas
möten med försäkringskassehandläggare och läkare, samt sjukskrivnas interaktion med andra sjukskrivna
i onlineforum. Analysen visar hur moderskap kan fungera som en diskursiv resurs för att hantera
sjukskrivningens legitimitet, eftersom en oförmåga att leva upp till normativa förväntningar på mammor
kan stärka sjukdomens fakticitet. Samtidigt riskerar sådan oförmåga att utmana det goda moderskapet,
vilket är ett problem i sig. I andra änden av spektrat kan synliggörandet av ett extensivt engagemang i
barn och familj bidra till att undergräva sjukskrivningens legitimitet, såsom beskrivits av tidigare
forskning. Analysen visar hur sjukskrivna mammor manövrerar detta spänningsfält i de språkliga
detaljerna av interaktionen. Sammantaget konstateras att sjukskrivningens legitimitet hanteras och
förhandlas inom ramen för normativt moderskap; där kategorierna ”sjukskriven” och ”mamma” sätts i
relation till varandra hanteras därmed båda kategoritillhörigheternas legitimitet samtidigt i
Familj och nära relationer
Fantomrelationer i singellitteraturen
Institutionen för
sociala och
psykologiska studier
I Sverige har det sedan början av 1990-talet utkommit ett antal självbiografiska böcker
och självhjälpsböcker som på olika sätt beskriver singellivet. Böckerna är skriva av kvinnor. De har ofta
rönt relativt stor uppmärksamhet i media, men inte i forskningen.
I denna presentation vill jag uppmärksamma hur den svenska singellitteraturen behandlar relationer till
tidigare partner, det jag kallar fantomrelationer. Fantomrelationer kan i bredare bemärkelse definieras
som personliga relationer utan ömsesidighet och regelbunden närvaro.
Urvalet av böcker gjordes genom sökning i Libris. Närläsning av passager om tidigare partner har gjorts
och hänsyn tas till skillnader och likheter mellan böckerna, samt utveckling över tid.
I litteraturen framstår fantomrelationer som betydelsefull för singelidentiteten. Emotioner, minnen och
platser involveras i spänningen mellan att glömma och att umgås med sina fantomrelationer. Författarna
beskriver också relationen till tidigare partner som kopplade till kvinnlighet – att lägga relationer bakom
sig, sägs bryta mot det förment kvinnliga.
Familj och nära relationer
Living Together: Intimate spaces and embodied rhythm in collective
What does it mean to live together? What characterizes household relations? What are
the social and possibly intimate implications of sharing a place we call home? How do joint household
duties and everyday entanglement in private spaces like bathroom, TV-sofa and fridge affect the
relations? Is there such a thing as a shared rhythm, a temporality organizing activities and practice in a
way that bind people together? Does it matter if the cohabitants are family related, involved in
romantic relations, if they are friends from before or new acquaintances? Such questions are addressed
in this early draft based on an ongoing study of collective households. The study comprises
ethnographic work and interviews with people living in small-scale collectives (kollektivboende) and
collective house-unites (kollektivhus). The paper is intrigued by how close relations are created,
constituted and negotiated, and more broadly, how attachments and feelings of closeness find their
explanation in social and materialized arrangements of everyday life.
Familj och nära relationer
Time on leave, timing of preschool - The role of parental leave use
for preschool start in Sweden
Ida Viklund
Reconciliation of family life and work in Sweden is facilitated through the universal
preschool system and the parental leave system. Preschool is today a statutory right that covers the ages
1-5, it is publicly subsidized, fees are low and opening hours are generous to increase access. Today
about 50 per cent of children at age one and 90 per cent of children at age two participate in preschool
(Swedish National Agency for Education 2015).
In this chapter we investigate when in the child’s life the transition from parental care to care in
preschool takes place and what factors are associated with an earlier or later transition. We study the
development of preschool start during the 1990s and 2000s. During this period Sweden experienced
both economic crisis and recovery from it. The preschool system also underwent structural changes,
with the aim of increase the quality and access. Also another important change over time is fathers’
increasing participation in childcare, clearly seen in their increased use of parental leave. The focus of
this study is accordingly on the role of parents’ economic resources in terms of household income, as
well as on the role of fathers’ parental leave use for the preschool start.
We consider the timing of preschool start and parents’ individual leave as intertwined and ultimately
framed by parents’ preferences and the constraints encountered. Meyers and Jordan (2006) argue that
child care decisions can be seen as ‘contextualised patterns of actions’, where parents’ decisions are
accommodations to the market (e.g. the employment situation), to family, social and cultural
expectations, and to financial and social realities. The actual choice is thereby more complex than just
balancing preferences and constraints. One important constraint is the household economy, as parents
can prolong the parental leave by making use of fewer parental benefit days per week (i.e. using unpaid
days). Earlier research has shown that income is positively, albeit curvilinear, associated with leave
length (Duvander & Viklund 2014). Earlier research on preschool start is scarce. Among children born
in the 1990s the mean starting age for preschool was 18 months, which was longer than the number of
paid parental leave days (Duvander 2006). Some variation depending on household income was found,
but not depending on parents’ educational level. It seems that the later the child starts preschool, the
more satisfied the parents are regarding the timing of the start (Duvander 2006).
No official statistics on when children start preschool exists, or available national data. We therefore
make use of the close relationship between parental leave and preschool, and use register data on
parents’ total leave length as a proxy for preschool start. Some earlier studies suggest that parents’ leave
Familj och nära relationer
length is a good proxy (Swedish Social Insurance Agency 2013; Duvander 2006). The data covers all
individuals who became parents in 1995 to 2008, and contains dated episodes over leave use taken by
each parent, for every child. The end of the parental leave, and consequently the preschool start, are
estimated based on certain tested assumptions relating to parents’ use of parental benefit days every
week. When parents are using less than two benefit days per week for a period of minimum six weeks,
we consider the parental leave as ended.
The data also contains demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the parents, which we make
use of in the regression analysis. Our variables of interest are the household income, fathers’ use of
benefit days, parents’ educational level, labour market sector, region of residence, age, origin and the
child’s birth month. We have in total 420,000 observations and use OLS to estimate the relation
between the age of preschool start and the other parameters. We try interaction models in order to see
how the role of the household income for preschool start has varied over time.
Our results indicate a yearly postponement of preschool start among cohorts born during the 1990s
until the beginning of the 2000s. From 2003 the development turns and children seem to start earlier
again. These results are consistent also when controls are included. As expected, a lower household
income is associated with an earlier estimated preschool start. The interaction models shows that in the
beginning of the period there seems to be a difference in preschool start mainly between the three
highest income quintiles and the two lowest ones. The variation in preschool start depending on income
increases when preschool start is postponed, and the decline in age of preschool start is thereafter
greater for the highest income groups. Fathers’ use of parental benefit days is positively associated with
preschool start, and the models also indicate that his increasing leave does necessarily means that she
reduces her leave on a par.
We relate the return to an earlier and more homogenous start in the 2000s to the development of the
preschool at the same time. Parental fees became fixed on a low level from 2002, the educational level
of the personnel was raised, and the child-to-staff ratio declined as did the group sizes, after some heavy
cutbacks in the system during the 1990’s due to the economic crisis. Not only have preschool become
more accessible with a more reliable guarantee of the offering of a place, in addition there have been
major investments to improve the pedagogy and the quality of the preschool. Preschool is now
considered an important part of lifelong learning, and thus seen as a preparation for school. The fact
that children in the highest income quintiles seem to have a more rapid decline in age of preschool start
could be a result of this development, as it may indicate their trust in the preschool quality.
Familj och nära relationer
14. Arbete, organisation och profession
“Subcontracted migrant workers – precarious labour in a flexible
labour market?”
Rasmus Ahlstrand
Lunds Universitet
The Swedish labour market has during the last ten years been exposed to several
challenges. New ways of organizing labour, a re-structured labour market and major shifts in migration
flows has essentially changed labour market preconditions. These new institutional arrangements have a
variety of explanations even though two events appear as particularly interesting. The enlargement of
the EU in 2004 and 2007, with the inclusion of mainly Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries,
revealed regional differences in social and economic standards within the EU, and legalised as well as
accelerated earlier informal migration to Western Europe (Engbersen et al., 2010: 119). The second
event of importance was the new legislation in 2008, regulating labour migration to Sweden. The new
rules implied a shift in legislation, facilitating processes of recruitment for employers to hire labour
from so-called third countries (non-EU countries) (Calleman, Herzfeld Olsson, 2015: vii).
The aim of this research (i.e. my dissertation project) is to analyse the relationship between social
institutions and major actors in a changing Swedish labour market. That is, how a strong tradition of
trade unions, collective agreements, and labour rights in the Swedish labour market is influenced by an
increasing presence of employment agencies, subcontractors and migrant workers. The anticipation is to
examine status of formality for migrant workers involved in the construction industry, considering
apparent risks of institutionalising cheap labour and flexible employment relations, affecting the status
of formality and thereby also the risk of precariousness for migrant workers. However, the intention
with the conference paper is to present an initial draft of the research.
Even though sometimes accelerated in the political debate, the large supplies of predominantly cheap
labour entering the Swedish labour market is of central importance. However, it is equally important to
understand the governance of labour migration – creating the demand for labour. In the context of the
EU-enlargement, the inclusion of new member states could politically be understood as having a
specific symbolic value of uniting a divided region, considering the separation between East and West
during post-World War II Europe (EU, 2006: 13-15). Economically on the other hand, this last piece of
uniting a divided region also served the purpose of expanding the EU-single market. The inclusion of a
potential cheap and mobile labour force encouraged investments from trade and industry, fuelling its
competitiveness in an increasingly globalised market.
Parallel to the expansion of the EU, marketization processes have taken place across sectors in the
Swedish labour market. Policy implementations pursued have been influenced by cuts in public
spending, fostering an outsourcing of professional services to private providers, effectively creating a
demand for labour, as well as a demand for private-driven solutions (Gavanas, 2010: 13). The
diversification of ways to organise labour has resulted in an institutional environment increasingly
Arbete, organisation och profession
directed towards flexibility, creating a social and economic space in the labour market in which
employment agencies have established themselves as labour market intermediaries (Pijpers, 2010: 1081,
1093, Sporton, 2013: 444). Compared to earlier labour migration in the 1960s and the 1970s, today’s
migration flows are less regulated. That is, migrant labour is in general not regulated through state-led
recruitment programs, but rather self-regulated through market mechanisms of supply and demand
(Castles, 2015: 55). Thus, the supply-demand nexus of cheap labour appears vital to the understanding
of the Swedish labour market’s exceedingly complex composition, revealing possible connections
between flexible employment relations for migrant workers, and processes of informalisation.
Theoretically, the intention is develop an integrative framework and provide necessary space for
conceptualisations and notions relating to labour migration. Segmented labour market theory highlights
the dualistic nature of labour markets, and is thereby also opening up for a discussion on adverse
incorporation – how migrants’ marginalised position in destination countries make them prone to take
on low paid jobs, in segments of the labour market which native workers reject – effectively creating a
secondary sector (Friberg, 2010: 25-26, Phillips, 2011: 382-383). While taking into account theoretical
aspects of migration and transnational living arrangements, it is important to highlight the structural
context in which individuals migrate. Moreover, integrating segmented labour market theory and
transnational migration patterns with a power and resource perspective, could also link the
segmentation of the labour market to a macro- meso- and micro-level, examining relations on an
institutional and organisational level.
Methodologically, this research intends to deploy a mixed set of methods. First, a critical review of
literature in relation to a changing Swedish labour market, paying particular attention to employment
agencies, subcontractors and self-employment among migrant workers. The anticipation is to search for
indications of how to understand the relation between them and labour migrants. In addition, the
intention is to complement the literature with secondary data and statistics. This is done to provide the
context for the second method – institutional ethnography. Drawing on institutional ethnography
implies an attempt to analyse the social and institutional forces which organise day-to-day life in society
for a particular group of people (Mykhalovskiy, McCoy, 2002: 19). In this case, how processes of social
organisation shape and limit migrant workers’ experiences in a new labour market.
A complete list of references will be available at the presentation of the paper.
Arbete, organisation och profession
Relationer och organisationer
Göran Ahrne
Relationer och organisationer.
Göran Ahrne, Stockholms universitet
Papret handlar om möjligheterna att jämföra olika typer av mer eller mindre organiserade relationer. En
utgångspunkt tas i Webers distinktion mellan öppna och slutna relationer. Organisationer är dock bara
en typ av slutna relationer. Inledningsvis förs en diskussion om förhållandet mellan relationer och
interaktion. Slutna relationer handlar om att arrangera möjligheter till en upprepad interaktion med i
stort sett samma människor. Förutsättningarna för detta diskuteras med utgångspunkt i en distinktion av
fem organisationselement. Men för att analysera även icke helt organiserade relationer kan vi urskilja ett
antal funktionella ekvivalenter till dessa organisationselement. Genom att kombinera olika
organisationselement med olika sådana funktionella ekvivalenter kan man urskilja ett stort antal olika
former av såväl öppna som slutna sociala relationer, som är mer eller mindre organiserade. Vi kan se
dessa som delvis eller partiellt organiserade. Till exempel kan man se att många relationer som beskrivs
som nätverk delvis är uppbyggda kring ett eller flera organisationselement.
Arbete, organisation och profession
"'Det strama fyrkantiga staketet' En intervjustudie med domare,
advokater och tolkar om konstruktionen av tolken och
tolkningsprocessen i domstol"
Gunilla Carstensen
Högskolan Dalarna
Sociologiska inst
Mycket tyder på att alltfler personer behöver tolkhjälp i rättsväsendet. I svenska
domstolar ska språket ske på svenska så att inga missförstånd kan uppstå. Från och med första oktober
2013 ska alla som behöver erbjudas auktoriserad rättstolk. I samband med lagförändringen skärptes
också kraven på kvaliteten på rättstolkningen på så sätt att domstolar måste använda auktoriserade
rättstolkar. Frågan om rättstolkning är viktig och angelägen eftersom alla individer ska ha samma
möjlighet att få sin röst hörd i den rättsliga prövningen. Samtidigt är kunskapen om tolkanvändningen i
svenska domstolar begränsad vad gäller exempelvis frågor om vad som händer i det tolkade mötet under
förhandlingen, vilken roll tolken spelar och vilka metoder som används för validering av tolkningen.
Papret utgår från en intervjuundersökning med domare, advokater och rättstolkar i allmän domstol som
jag tillsammans med Leif Dahlberg, KTH, genomförde 2014-2015 i Uppsala och Stockholm med den
övergripande frågeställningen hur villkoren för tolkningen ser ut i svensk domstol och vilka
föreställningar om tolken och tolkning som finns. Sammanlagt har 30 intervjuer genomförts. Papret
består av en analys och diskussion av intervjuerna med fokus på vilka föreställningar om vad som ses
som ”en bra tolk” och ”en bra tolkning” men lyfter också fram frågor om betydelsen av tolkens
gestaltning av såväl språkliga som icke-språkliga element (exempelvis gester och känslor) samt
betydelsen av tolken som kulturell mellanhand, dvs någon som förklarar kulturella skillnader. Ett
dilemma som särskilt kommer uppmärksammas är tolkens avgörande roll för domstolsförhandlingen
(utan tolkning kan inte rättegången genomföras), trots att tolken och tolkrollen i praktiken inte verkar
anses betydelsefulla.
Domarna och advokaterna ser visserligen tolkarna som ett redskap, ett nödvändigt instrument för att
kunna genomföra förhandlingen. Den bästa tolken och tolkningen är den som inte syns eller märks –
simultantolkning värderas högst. Tolken ska finnas där så att förhandlingen kan genomföras men ska
inte ta plats, inte märkas och det ska inte medföra förseningar eller hinder när tolk används. När
tolkarna beskriver sin arbetssituation framträder en något mer komplex bild av att både vara opartisk
(och i den meningen professionell, stå utanför, vara saklig, objektiv etc) och vara närvarande, observant,
lyssna och begripa det som inte explicit sägs (meta-kommunikationen). Detta formas till vad jag ser som
ett dilemma som de på olika sätt hanterar exempelvis genom sjukskrivning eller att de avstår från
tolkuppdrag under perioder. En person talar om ”det fyrkantiga staketet” som hon menar att hon sätter
upp i relation till både tolkanvändarna och till själva situationen som en strategi för att hantera en
påfrestande arbetssituation. En del tolkar föredrar telefontolkning så att de slipper
direktkonfrontationer, andra tolkar utvecklar strategier som att t ex lämna förhandlingsrummet sist av
alla och snabbt ta en förbeställd taxi därifrån. På samma gång lyfter samtliga tolkar fram att ”en bra
tolk” måste ta plats i rummet, våga avbryta och ställa frågor vid oklarheter och våga vara den som kräver
pauser och påtala eventuella brister i den tekniska utrustningen.
Arbete, organisation och profession
Organization of volunteers in disaster response
Roine Johansson
Avdelningen för
When large-scale emergencies or disasters occur, individuals often gather at the incident
site to offer their help as volunteers. In this paper the degree to which volunteers are integrated in
disaster response, and how this integration is achieved, is studied. The disaster studied, by means of
interviews, is the large forest fire that occurred 2014 in Västmanland, Sweden. Three types of voluntary
actors are studied: (1) Established voluntary organizations, (2) so-called emergent groups that are
formed ‘spontaneously´ during the disaster response, and (3) unorganized individuals. These actors are
characterised by different degrees of organization (from formal organizations to unorganized
individuals). The disaster response as a whole is regarded as a partially organized phenomenon, a place
of work where a large number of actors collaborate. Volunteers often have an unclear position in this
multi-organizational structure. To integrate them in the overall disaster response is a way of increasing
the overall degree of organization, thereby decreasing the degree of uncertainty in the disaster
management. However, the three different kinds of voluntary actors cannot be integrated by the same
managerial strategies. In this study, different modes of integration of volunteers in the overall disaster
response organization are studied.
Arbete, organisation och profession
An analytical model for studies of boundary work: The case of
Swedish secondary teacher’s use of Facebook as work tool
Marcus Persson
Uppsala University
School of Health,
Care and Welfare
dept of sociology
Elin Thunman
The increasing integration of information and communication technologies in work life have fueled the
scholarly interest in the boundary blurring effects on work-home balance. Building on previous research
and a qualitative case study – involving Swedish secondary teachers’ use of Facebook as work tool in
their communication with their pupils – the aim of this paper is to construct an analytical model for the
studies of social practices, or tactics, adopted by the individual worker to negotiate personal boundaries
between work and home domains. The empirical findings are analyzed with the help of boundary
theory, and are presented according to the different tactics the teachers adopt when they use Facebook
to blend and separate certain aspects of work and home domains.
Boundary theory
According to the boundary theory, boundaries between home and work can be constructed along a
continuum from ‘thin’ (weak) to ‘thick’ (strong). Thin/weak boundaries are ‘permeable’ (open to
influence) and ‘integrating’ (prone to merging aspects of categories), whereas thick/strong boundaries
are ‘impermeable’ (closed to influence) and ‘segmenting’ (prone to dividing aspects of categories).
Previous research mainly account for segmenting aspects of boundary work, i.e. tactics that the
individual worker may adopt to separate work from home domain when faced with boundary conflicts.
Our construction of an analytical model builds on the tactics identified in previous research but
includes integrating actions as well, i.e. tactics that the individual worker may adopt to blend work and
home domains in a conscious manner to enrich one or both domains. (The model are presented in the
full paper)
About the study
Six focus groups was conducted with teachers in four different schools which are profiled as ICTmature school (located in the cities Eskilstuna, Stockholm, Västerås, and Örebro). In total, 25 teachers
with extensive experience of using ICT and social media in their work were interviewed. To create a
dynamic conversation with full participation from the teachers, the focus groups were conducted with
four to six participants in each group. The focus groups lasted one to two hours in total and took place
in the participants’ work place, i.e. at school.
Arbete, organisation och profession
The findings are presented according to the four broad type of tactics: behavioral, temporal, physical,
and communicative. Each type of tactic containing both integrating and segmenting actions (illustrated
by quotes from the teachers in the full paper).
Behavioral tactics
Using other people. This tactic imply that another person is somehow utilized in an active way to either
integrate or segment home and work domain by their actions. In this study we primarily find examples
of how the teachers are using other people – i.e. pupils and colleagues – in integrating ways.
Leveraging technology. Three distinct practices can be identified: One Facebook account for both work
and private communication (which is the most integrating way of using Facebook); two separate
account for work and private communication (i.e. a teacher account); and the use of Facebook groups
as separate work spheres of communication with pupils.
Invoking triage. The most integrating way of adopting invoking triage would be to treat all crisis equally
regardless of domain. The teachers in this study seldom turn a pupil away when in distress or great
need, even if the teachers are at home and cannot be expected to work.
Allowing differential permeability. At the heart of differential permeability is that the individuals is
consciously choosing which aspects of work and home to integrate, and which to segment, and then
acting accordingly. The majority of the interviewed teachers are more inclined to integrate their
professional and private role.
Temporal tactics
Controlling work time. The most integrating approach to controlling work time we find among those
teachers who utilize Facebook in a pro-active way, i.e. using it before school hours in order to reduce
work time at the work place.
Finding respite. This temporal tactic involves the need for privacy and are adopted to create temporal
‘pauses’ in one’s social accessibility. Few teachers actually adopt this tactic, however, some of them may
occasionally leave the computer, or other connected devices, deliberately off.
Physical tactics
Managing physical artefacts. Using one’s private devices for work, as most of the teachers do, can be
considered an integrating way of managing digital devices for boundary work. We also find a few
Arbete, organisation och profession
teachers that choose a more segmenting way of managing their digital devices, e.g. leaving the school
devices at school when leaving work.
Communicative tactics
Setting expectations. This tactic involve nuanced signals, or direct conversations, about the availability
of the teacher. The teachers who are most inclined to use Facebook in an integrating way are also the
ones who do not communicate any clear and definite messages about when they are available.
Managing violators. This tactic involves ways of managing violators of work-home boundaries either
during or after a boundary violation. We interpret the teacher’s way of adopting this tactic as being on
the integrating side of the spectrum.
Interpreting the teacher’s narratives with the help of the analytical model provides us with a
understanding of how they utilize Facebook to promote both benefits and minimize hazards in their
negotiation of boundaries. Despite individual differences how they adopt the tactics, based on their
likings, the teachers in the study prove quite positive to integrate work and home domains in relation to
their pupils. By identifying specific tactics provides actionable knowledge that individuals can use to
make informed choices about boundary work dilemmas. Thus, the study fills a practical function for the
individual to better be able to handle new demands in work life.
Arbete, organisation och profession
Sociala medier och diskretion inom polisen
Bertil Rolandsson
Inst. för Sociologi och
Kontroll, utkrävande av ansvar (accountability), och New public management är teman
som är väl etablerade i forskning om myndighetsarbete och professionell diskretion. Den betydelse som
nya digitala teknologier har för diskretionen är mindre utforskat, och de studier som finns bortser ofta
från dessa teknologiers potentiella inflytande över möjligheterna att utvidga kommunikation, bygga
relationer och fördela ansvar och beslutsfattande inom en organisation. Denna artikel undersöker
närmare den betydelse som tillskrivs sociala medier för möjligheter och problem att begripliggöra
(rättfärdiga) professionell diskretion inom polisen. Med diskretion avses det utrymme inom vilken
poliserna tillåts tillämpa sitt eget omdöme för att utforma sin användning av sociala medier på ett
myndighetsmässigt vis. För att förstå den roll som sociala medier spelar för begripliggörandena av deras
diskretion introducerar studien begreppet technological affordances, som ska förstås som sociotekniska
potentialer. Det empiriska materialet består av 30 st semistrukturerade intervjuer med anställda inom
polismyndigheten, som alla använder sig av sociala medier i arbetet. Olika teknologiska potentialer med
betydelse för polisens diskretion identifieras och diskuteras i relation till olika strategier för att
begripligöra den egna användningen av sociala medier.
Arbete, organisation och profession
Imagined independence among Swedish professional labour
Ylva Walliinder
Sociologi och
In recent years, employment research had a wide interest in transnational labour
mobility within the European Union. The main focus was on the temporary workforce consisting of
individuals with little education and low level of qualification, thus assuming structural motives for
migration. Contrary to this, mobility among highly skilled is often described from an individual
perspective, emphasising the individual’s free will to move. Further, their individual resources and
competences are emphasised as a precondition for their mobility. However, relatively little is known
about the highly skilled migrants: their motivations for migration and their experiences in the country
of destination are rather hidden aspects of contemporary European migratory patterns. The intraEuropean mobility patterns reveals that the well-educated are more privileged than other social groups
in terms of their resources, networks and contacts which all give them important access to transnational
connections. For understanding these unequal patterns, there is a need to study existing intra-European
mobility experiences and conditions.
In this paper, Sweden will be highlighted as a sending country, contrary to the
traditional classification as a generous receiving country. Sweden is considered a typical receiving
country with rather comprehensive social policy framework – at least in a historical context. So far,
highly skilled Swedish migrants are privileged ‘expats’, representing a rather ‘hidden’ group with
‘hidden’ migration processes. The paper draws upon an interview-study with Swedish highly skilled
labour migrants. The findings show that highly skilled migrant employees from Sweden may not per
definition be described as autonomous self-empowered individuals that have no use of the surrounding
context. Instead, the value of possessing a Swedish national capital seems to affect the migrants’
attitude and future strategies.
Key-words: Highly skilled migration, national capital, intra-European labour mobility
Arbete, organisation och profession
The dilemma in communicating empowerment at the workplace
'Empowerment' is a well-known yet controversial management strategy in workplace
contexts. Research on empowerment has established two approaches towards the concept: socialstructural and psychological empowerment. This categorisation has elevated research on the topic
significantly and to a more analytical, theoretical level. However, I argue that these two approaches
could profit from regarding the actual interactional situation of implementing empowerment initiatives,
in particular the communicative context of the workplace and of workplace empowerment. I therefore
propose to regard empowerment efforts as part of a specific context dependent communicative
environment that precedes as well as accompanies both, social-structural and psychological,
empowerment. Departing from sociological and social-psychological theories of communicative
interaction, I argue in this theoretical paper that in order to achieve successful empowerment, both
empowerer and empoweree need to be able to ascribe each other's communication the appropriate
communicative meaning. The ability to do so is based on common knowledge of, among other things,
who the communicating interactants are, what their social position in this interaction is, how the
interactants relate to each other and how the setting looks like in the very moment of the interaction.
Analysing the communicative context of workplace empowerment reveals that what makes
empowerment such a difficult concept to implement successfully is that the common jargon in which
empowerment is communicated, often conflicts with organisational reality: Employees' understanding
of their roles and situations as defined by working as well as psychological contracts is not always in line
with the communicative meanings empowerees ascribe to the empowerers' communicative actions and
vice versa.
Arbete, organisation och profession
15. Miljö- och risksociologi
Studying the New Politics of Consumption
Magnus Boström
Michele Micheletti
Örebro Universitet
Peter Oosterveer
The multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon of political consumerism (PC) has
burgeoned and diversified over the past decades, largely with environmental, consumerist and antisweatshop movements as key drivers for change and as creators of new innovative institutions.
Boycotts, buycotts, communicative actions and political consumer lifestyles engage consumers and
producers and institutions globally. Starting from social movement actions and expanding into lifestyle
politics PC has grown into a force for handling complex and tough problems in different domains of
production and consumption of transnational and multi-level character. For this paper we draft the
introductory framing for an OUP handbook on the topic. The paper reviews selected key literature in
political science, sociology and other disciplines, and discusses important questions about the history,
definition, varieties, and geographic spread of PC. It highlights that nowadays PC includes individuals,
groups, organizations as well as public and private institutions and systems in complex and worldwide
relationships, thus requiring its examination at various levels of analysis through an interdisciplinary
approach. We are mapping how, why and where PC has developed and discuss core theoretical and
methodological points from a multi-disciplinary as well as micro, meso and macro perspective. The
paper explains in general terms the political and economic significance of PC both spatially and
temporally. Finally, the paper discusses how PC relates to sustainable, ethical, unethical, nationalistic,
and undemocratic consumption.
Miljö- och risksociologi
The metamorphosis of the monarch butterfly. A study of the
(re)framing of a species worthy of protection.
Karin Gustafsson
Sociology Section
At the heart of discussions on biodiversity loss and environmental conservation lie
questions of what species and habitats to preserve, and why they should be preserved. In 2014, the
concern for the monarch butterfly grew dramatically among science, publics, and politics in North
America, especially in the US. Warnings were raised of a long-term downward trend in the monarch
population east of the Rocky Mountains, a trend allegedly caused by diminished breeding habitats in
the US and Canada due to a changed agricultural landscape, a trend that could come to threaten the
monarch’s annual 3000mile long migration. This study uses the monarch butterfly as an empirical
example to explore the question of what kind of nature is preserved and how reframing of values and
conservation categorizations are used to make a species prioritized in conservation efforts. The study
shows how the monarch butterfly has been reframed from situated in a context of nature’s intrinsic
values to a context of economic values of ecosystem services and how categorization tools, such as
IUCN’s Red List and the US Endangered Species Act, have been used as means to try to reach the end,
i.e. to make the monarch butterfly a prioritized species for conservation work. The analysis contributes
to a general understanding of what parts of nature that are preserved and why it is preserved, this by
emphasizing the importance for species and habitats to become meaningful not just in themselves but
in the context of larger environmental discussions.
Miljö- och risksociologi
‘Democratizing science’ and ‘deliberative democracy’–a deliberative
systems approach to global environmental governance
Rolf Lidskog
Monika Persson
Örebro universitet
Örebro universitet
What does the claim for democratizing science and policy means on global level? This
question is the point of departure for this paper, which adopts a deliberative systems approach to the
democratization of global environmental governance. The main achievements of two different
theoretical fields are investigated and synthesized, that of deliberative democracy and that of science
and technology studies, in order to analyze the reason, meaning and prospects for the democratization
of global environmental policy. The evaluation of these debates shows a number of similarities but also
differences between them. By means of our deliberative systems approach our main contribution is to
identify what these different theoretical propositions mean in relation to each other; how aspects of
deliberation within one sphere may feed into other spheres, and what this imply for the
democratization of the system as a whole.
Miljö- och risksociologi
Bouncing at the boundary: IPBES and the possibilities of a third
knowledge space
Erik Löfmarck
Örebro universitet
Rolf Lidskog
Örebro universitet
Institutionen för
humaniora, utbildningsoch samhällsvetenskap
Institutionen för
humaniora, utbildningsoch samhällsvetenskap
Co-production of knowledge across diverse knowledge systems is increasingly stressed
within global environmental governance. The realization that not all relevant knowledge resides within
the scientific knowledge system is both welcome and long overdue. There are however participatory,
epistemological and ontological challenges related to co-production, such as communicative forms,
opposing notions of nature and diverging criteria for knowledge validation. Thus, to work across
different knowledge systems is anything but unproblematic, and various efforts to connect them have
been suggested and tried in practice. The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Services (IPBES) is one of the most recent and ambitious attempt to bridge the divide between science
and indigenous local knowledge (ILK).
This paper employs the notion of a “third knowledge space” as an ideal type for co-production of
knowledge, were different knowledge systems work together on an equal footing across different and
many times contrasting rationalities. It then analyses how the boundary work reflected in the central
documents of the IPBES approaches such a space. The results show that participatory aspects impede
the flourishing of contrasting rationalities, i.e. they structure how diverging ontological claims and
criteria for knowledge validation can be dealt with. Disparate knowledges can indeed be bundled to coexist, but as long as knowledge-bridging endeavors are structured by the rules of a particular knowledge
system, a third knowledge space of cross-fertilization will remain a distant ideal. Finding ways of further
leveling the playing field is important, and the case of the IPBES holds important lessons for future
efforts towards transforming both knowledge production and the overall framing of challenges within
global environmental governance.
Keywords: knowledge system, indigenous knowledge, co-production, IPBES, global environmental
Miljö- och risksociologi
Elusive risks in discourses about cesarean section: A doing risk
Anna Olofsson
In a growing number of countries in the world planned caesarean sections increase on
the behalf of ‘natural’ vaginal birth. Even non-medical journals such as The Economist have published
several articles about this development in the frame of risk. However, risk is used both by those in
favour of the procedure as well as the development, and those who are critical. The aim of this paper is
to problematize and analyse the elusiveness of risk in discourses about planned caesarean section using a
doing risk approach. Doing risk is a new approach to risk research that echoes the ‘doing gender’ of
gender studies, and combines intersectional and risk theory. To explore the doing, or the performance,
of risk, discourses and practices are analysed that simultaneously (re)produce and hide socio-political
norms and positions, played out in contemporary, hierarchical relations of power and knowledge.
Empirically the paper utilize medical and other expert journal articles covering analyses of three
geographical areas: Brazil, Sweden and the US. The analysis of the empirical material reveals how
normative underpinnings of risk intersects with gender, class, medical professions and ‘naturalness’.
Miljö- och risksociologi
What’s missing from Ostrom? Combining design principles with
plural rationality
Benedict Singleton
Elinor Ostrom’s design principles for common property resource (CPR) institutions have
proved highly influential since their first publication in 1990. Popular in part because they offer a
counter to accounts pessimistic regarding the prospects of resource users cooperating to manage CPRs
sustainably. They are not without criticism: Ostrom’s adherence to a rational choice theoretical model
has provoked arguments asserting that her work is unfairly negative to macro-level interventions, is
based upon a too-narrow conceptualisation of rationality and that the role of power is
underappreciated. This paper compares a design principle-led analysis of a CPR institution, Faroese
whaling, to one carried out using cultural theory (CT), a theory of plural rationality related to context.
The research aim is to assess the extent that CT ameliorates criticisms laid at Ostrom’s design
principles. It finds that Ostrom’s later work was moving towards a theory of multiple rationality and
argues that this suggests that the design principles may in effect be subsumed within CT; understood as
a guide to creating egalitarian-hierarchy institutions. The paper concludes with suggestions for future
work, notably attempting to scale up these findings to Ostrom’s work on socio-economic systems.
Miljö- och risksociologi
16. Socialpsykologi
"Mångfacetterad osäkerhet"
Johan Alfonsson
Institutionen för
sociologi och
I artikeln undersöks hur unga behovsanställd påverkas av, upplever och hanterar
osäkerhet i ett förändrat arbetsliv. Behovsanställda, vilka är personer som blir inkallade till arbete efter
arbetsgivarens behov, är en växande grupp på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Då antalet timmar
arbetade per månad kan variera stort lever många av de behovsanställda i en ekonomisk osäkerhet. De
måste stå redo att hoppa in och arbeta vilket gör att gränsen mellan fritid och arbetstid suddas ut. På
grund av anställningens prekaritet skapas en diskontinuitet i livet vilket gör att vardagen, och i
förlängningen livsbanan, blir fragmenterad. Behovsanställda unga befinner sig i en osäker situation där
en viktig del för att handskas med situationen återfinns bortom det formella skyddssystem som
välfärdsstaten erbjuder. I glappet mellan behovsanställningen och det formella skyddet träder den
socialpsykologiska dimensionen fram och blir ett intressant och viktigt problem. För att tillgodose det
materiella behovet och skapa skydd mot osäkerheten är snarare det informella skyddet, vilket är kopplat
till social position, av stor vikt. Syftet med artikeln är att undersöka hur den materiella verklighetens
strukturer förmedlar subjektets inre konversation och hur denna konversation kan återverkar på den
omgivande världen. Bourdieus teori om habitus diskuteras i relation till Margaret Archers kritiskt
realistiska perspektiv och hennes kritik gentemot vad hon kallar rutinmässigt handlande. Archers kritik
riktar in sig på Bourdieus anti-cartesianska perspektiv och hon menar att utgångspunkten i
habitusbegreppet, att struktur, kultur och agentskap ömsesidigt konstituerar varandra gör att reflexivet
omöjliggörs, detta då objekt och subjekt inte går att särskilja. På så vis tillskrivs enligt Archer den
strukturella och kulturella domänen epistemologisk hegemoni i relation till den personliga domänen av
verkligheten. Genom att undersöka en grupp som är beroende av en informell buffert för sitt materiella
välbefinnande och sina upplevelser av (o)säkerhet ämnar artikeln att bidra till diskussionen om hur den
inre världens beroende och autonomi gentemot den yttre kan förstås.
Tankefiguren arv/miljö som felkonstruktion
Lars-Erik Berg
Högskolan i Skövde
prof emeritus
I den idétradition som Descartes grundade betraktas psykiska egenskaper som antingen
medfödda eller förvärvade, vilket kan ses som en form av monism, eller som en kombination av dem
båda, vilket på motsvarande sätt blir en form av dualism. Sådan är inom den akademiska psykologin mer
regel än undantag. Exempel: En beräkning utifrån tvillingpar (i tidskriften Nature) säger t.ex. att 49%
av personlighetsegenskaper är medfödda, 10% är betingade av delad uppväxtmiljö, och resten är
betingade av annan miljöpåverkan. Detta blir vilseledande eftersom de psykiska egenskaperna varken är
fasta och oföränderliga eller medfödda eller förvärvade. De lever i en dialektisk process av ständig
Vissa filosofiska tanketraditioner har hävdat en dialektisk uppfattning. Idag hävdas en besläktad syn
också av viss naturvetenskaplig neurologi och biologisk psykologi, (dock utan den filosofiska termen
dialektik). Detta ger en god grund för framtida kunskapsutveckling. Våra föreställningar om arv och
miljö har länge grundats på att gener är oföränderliga hos en individ, att de endast förändras genom
mutationer, som uppkommer spontant under evolutionen. Att gener kan förändras visas av den nya
metod som upptäckts av E. Charpentier. Och att DNA, som ”organiserar” genernas funktioner också
kan ändras visas t.ex. genom 2016 års nobelpris i kemi, (bl.a. Tomas Lindahl). Detta kan ses som en
form av interaktionism. Så kan också Darwins evolutionsteori ses.
G. H. Mead hävdar generellt att interaktion skapar förändringar hos enskilda enheter inom
interaktionssfären. Så är t.ex. reflekterande intelligens en sen nyskapelse i evolutionen som uppkommer
genom att specifika gester har utvecklats inom t.ex. Homo sapiens röstapparat. (Att sådana kan
utvecklas inom andra djurarter också är självklart.) Mead är i första hand interaktionist. Hans s.k.
symboliska interaktionism, som gäller människans identitet, jagmedvetande och personlighet är en nisch
inom hans generella närmande till ämnet, vilket också inkluderar neurologi, biologisk evolution och
psykologisk pragmatism. Mead tycks ha varit mer än 100 år före sin tid. Han föregrep sådant som inom
neurologin idag ses som revolutionerande landvinningar.
Våldsbejakande islamism och radikalisering i en svensk kontext
Sara Johansson
Örebro universitet
Inst för juridik,
psykologi och socialt
Det som i den politiska diskursen benämns våldsbejakande islamistisk extremism är i en
svensk kontext understuderat och detta avhandlingsprojektet ämnar därför kasta ytterligare ljus på detta
område. De individer som lämnat landet för att ansluta sig till organisationer som IS/Daesh utgör
förvisso ett begränsat antal, men går ofta att härleda till vissa geografiskt avgränsade områden. Syftet
med avhandlingsprojektet är att genom det etnografiska studiet av en sådan plats söka identifiera och
förstå de processer och förhållanden genom vilka en plats blir särskilt gynnsam för denna typ av
”radikala” praktiker.
Vi vet en del om radikalisering, bland annat att det finns stora likheter mellan radikaliserings- och
avradikaliseringsvägar oavsett om det rör sig om rasideologiska, vänsterautonoma eller våldsbejakande
islamistiska miljöer, eller en kriminell livsstil. Teoretiska perspektiv på in- och utträden i sammanhang
som dessa är ofta endera aktör- eller stukturorienterade. Aktörsorienterade perspektiv förklarar
människors skäl att ansluta eller lösgöra sig från ett sådant sammanhang med individens fria vilja och
grundat på rationella val. Strukturella perspektiv söker istället svaret i externa faktorer som ligger
utanför individen, och inriktar sig på olika aspekter av sociala strukturer och turning points såsom
förändringar i den socio-strukturella ramen för individens liv. Fokuseringen på endera aktör eller
struktur har kritiserats för att utgöra en falsk dikotomi med konsekvensen att individer betraktas som
endera super-agents eller super-dopes. Integrerade teorier försöker undvika detta genom en strävan efter
att förklara avhopp som en samverkan mellan aktörskap och strukturell påverkan, och till detta synsätt
kan också det interaktionistiska perspektivet anslutas.
Utifrån ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv förstås verkligheten som en process som tillkommer och
ständigt reproduceras och omförhandlas i den sociala interaktionen mellan individer. För att förstå ett
avgränsat socialt system och människors livsvärldar där, blir det således centralt att söka en förståelse för
hur individer skapar mening i sina liv samt hur de utifrån detta strukturerar sin sociala verklighet.
Många av de som rest från Sverige till konflikterna i Irak och Syrien kommer från socioekonomiskt
utsatta områden, men vare sig social och ekonomisk utsatthet eller religion räcker i sig till för att
förklara hur radikaliseringen sker eller varför vissa väljer att göra dessa resor. Med utgångspunkt i den
empiriska iakttagelsen att det går att urskilja en geografisk koncentration av fenomenet avser jag
använda mig av många olika informationskällor – såsom observationer, intervjuer och samtal – och
tillåta forskningsfrågorna att växa fram i takt med insamlandet av empiri, något som kan passa när
utgångspunkten är ett empiriskt problem som man vill ta sig an med ett inledningsvis så öppet
förhållningssätt som möjligt för att sedan söka teoretiska förklaringar utifrån de relationer som står att
finna i denna data. Ur studiens syfte kan härledas ett antal funderingar som kan fungera som vägledande
i ett inledande skede; Vad avses egentligen när det talas om radikalisering, det vill säga hur pratar
människor om dessa frågor? Vilka gränsdragningar görs mellan vi och dem, centrum och periferi – vilka
konfliktlinjer konstrueras? Vem arbetar med avhoppare/återvändare/radikaliserade individer? Vilka
lokala praktiker har utvecklats för exempelvis det sociala arbetet? Hur talar människor om sig själv(a),
om varandra, om platsen? Hur används platsen? Hur identifierar man sig själv(a) och andra utifrån sin
egen närmiljö? Vilka tillhörigheter är centrala? Utifrån dessa inledande funderingar avser jag låta mina
iakttagelser och observationer leda vägen för formuleringen av mer preciserade forskningsfrågor.
”De dödas betydelse för interaktion och identitetskonstruktion”
Annika Jonsson
Karlstad universitet
Avd. för sociala och
psykologiska studier
Många människor fortsätter att relatera till och påverkas av, i första hand,
familjemedlemmar, släktingar och vänner som har dött. Internationellt benämns sådana relationer som
’continuing bonds’ och i Sverige så har detta lite tveksamt översatts till fortsatta band. Med
utgångspunkt i en intervjustudie så diskuteras här hur de döda figurerar i vardaglig interaktion och vilka
identitetskonstruktioner som möjliggörs p.g.a. deras (upplevda) närvaro. I socialpsykologisk forskning så
har just vardagslivet och identitetskonstruktion varit ständigt aktuella områden och här urskiljs
ytterligare en viktig dimension att ta hänsyn till. Även frånvaron av fortsatta band kommer att beröras,
då denna också avslöjar mycket om hur människor har formats i relationer alternativt i avsaknaden av
relationer. Identiteter förstås som sprungna ur relationella, materiella och platsbundna praktiker, och
som föränderliga men samtidigt substantiella. I den här presentationen undersöks hur vardaglig
interaktion där de döda antingen görs närvarande eller frånvarande bäddar för olika slags
Videoinspelning av naturligt förekommande interaktion
Kristin Wiksell
Institutionen för sociala
och psykologiska
Att människor påverkar och påverkas av varandra och sin omgivning är centralt i det
socialpsykologiska perspektivet. Metoden att studera socialt samspel i situationer skapade av forskare
innebär att forskningsdeltagare påverkas av experimentets förutsättningar. Det är problematiskt att anta
att den sociala interaktionen är likadan i naturliga sammanhang. Vid återberättande av händelseförlopp i
intervjuer kan istället interaktionsmässiga detaljer ha glömts bort eller tagits för givet. Även forskarens
handlande spelar roll. Etnografisk observation möjliggör studiet av naturlig interaktion med låg
forskarpåverkan, men denna metod innebär att forskare behöver förlita sig på anteckningar eller minne
vilket försvårar en mycket detaljerad analysnivå.
Med hjälp av ljud- och videoinspelning är det möjligt att fånga naturlig interaktion med hög detaljnivå.
Att inspelningar kan återses upprepade gånger är en fördel i sökandet efter mönster i det sociala
samspelets organisation. Inom samtalsanalys används metoden flitigt, ofta i studiet av institutionella
sammanhang. Även sådana data ger en vinklad bild av interaktionen eftersom teknisk utrustning inte
kan fånga det fullständiga skeendet, t.ex. är kameror tvungna att placeras i en viss riktning och
mikrofoner behövs ofta för en bra ljudupptagning. Medvetenheten om att vara filmad påverkar likaså
deltagares agerande. Att avstå från att informera deltagare eller placera ut en skymd kamera är etiskt
problematiskt. Hur kan videoinspelning användas som forskningsmetod i syfte att fånga autentisk
interaktion med hög detaljnivå, utifrån en strävan att samla in data utan beteendepåverkan? I den här
presentationen lyfts frågan om videoinspelning som metod för socialpsykologiska studier.
17. Namnregister
Agevall Ola
Ahlstrand Rasmus
Ahrne Göran
Alfonsson Johan
Allelin Majsa
Alm Susanne
Antoniou Lia
Anving Terese
106 & 111
Basic Goran
Berg Christoffer
31 & 59
Berg Lars-Erik
Berggren Kalle
Bergman Blix Stina
Bertilsson Emil
Boström Magnus
Brolin Låftman Sara
Bruno Linnéa
Bååth Jonas
Börjesson Mikael
Carstensen Gunilla
Creswell Philip
Cutas Daniela
94 & 96
Dahlberg Josef
Dalberg Tobias
94 & 96
Dobeson Alexander
Duvander Ann-Zofie
Döllinger Dominik
Ekbrand Hans
Ekerwald Hedvig
Eklund Lina
Eldén Sara
Ericsson Ove
106 & 111
Ericsson Stina
Fernqvist Stina
Ferrarini Tommy
Flinkfeldt Marie
Flower Lisa
Forsberg Håkan
Franzén Mats
Fredriksson Daniel
Fridolfsson Charlotte
Fürst Henrik
Gordon David
Gustafson Per
Gustafsson Karin
Halleröd Björn
Hasselgren Caroline
12 & 13
Heidegren Carl-Göran
Henriksson Andreas
Holmberg Tora
Jack Tullia
Johansson Kajsa
Johansson Roine
Johansson Sara
Johansson Sevä Ingemar
Jonsson Annika
Jämte Jan
Kania-Lundholm Magdalena
Kleres Jochen
Kohl Sebastian
Kolankiewicz Marta
Langa María
Lidegran Ida
Lidskog Rolf
Ljungar Erik
Lundberg Henrik
Lundstedt Måns
Löfmarck Erik
Löfqvist Louise
Lövheim Mia
Micheletti Michele
Misheva Vessela
Mäkinen Ilkka Henrik
Neuman Nicklas
Nilsson Henrik
Nordin Magdalena
Nordvall Henrik
Nounkeu Tatchou Christian
Nylander Erik
23 & 74
62 & 73
133 & 134
Olofsson Gunnar
Olofsson Anna
Olofsson Tobias
Oosterveer Peter
Palme Mikael
Persson Magnus
Persson Marcus
74 & 104
Persson Monika
Pettersson Torsten
Pettersson Jane
Ramsay Anders
44 & 45
Rasan Imad
Redmalm David
Rolandsson Bertil
Saar Maarja
Salmonsson Lisa
Sépulchre Marie
Singleton Benedict
Sjöberg Ola
Sohlberg Peter
Svenberg Sebastian
Thunman Elin
Törnqvist Maria
Uba Katrin
Wahlström Mattias
Valizadeh Carolin
Wallinder Ylva
Vedung Evert
Weidenstedt Linda
Wennerhag Magnus
Wesolowski Katharina
Westholm Anders
Wettergren Åsa
Wide Sverre
Viklund Ida
Wiksell Kristin
Wilén Carl
Willander Erika
Öun Ida
17 & 129
60 & 73