Endeavour Schools NEWSLETTER
Endeavour Schools NEWSLETTER
ev ery EN c h ild is spe c ia l D E A VO U R Endeavour Schools NEWSLETTER Issue 1 www.endeavourschools.wa.edu.au 5th February 2015 From The Principals Primary School Education Support Centre Hello Parents, Caregivers and Community Members, Hi everyone, We hope you all had a happy and safe holiday and we‟d like to welcome you all back to a very exciting 2015. I‟d like to send a BIG “Welcome to Endeavour Schools” to all our new students and their families for this year. Ella Atkinson, Luke Fraser, Aiden Hart, Parker Moxham, Eddie Hill and Isaac Wieland are in EC6 this year and we have Jackson Hicks in Room 6 and Charly McKeeman in Room 9. 2015 is set to be a year of change with the biggest change being the We hope you have all had a great start to the year so far! “Student Centred Funding Model” being introduced. Another major change is that our schools (Primary and Education Support Centre) Once again this year we‟ve got all the regular events planned are now Independent Public Schools which means we have a throughout the year starting this term with the ESC Beach Carnival, greater say in the way we operate, selection of staff and several FAF Fair, Incentival and Endeavour Dollars return at the end of the other operational processes. term. 2015 is also ESC Camp year and we‟ll keep you in touch with We have implemented a School Board and this Board will be closely all the arrangements as they are organised. monitoring the operation of the school. The Board is in its „infancy‟ but will take a greater leadership role in the school as the year This term we are very pleased to welcome Alexandra Brockman to progresses. our schools. Mrs Brockman is going to be teaching specialist subjects in EC6, Room 6 and Room 16 so please make sure you You will see several changes to the way the schools look in the get a chance to introduce yourself and say “Hello.” Miss Bell and coming weeks with new entry signs; new stationery, new staff Mrs Walters have taken up positions at other schools this year and badges and a new look web page. Our logo has been updated as while we are sad to see them go, we‟d all like to wish them every well. This is part of our rebadging of the schools. success in their new appointments. On behalf of all staff I would like to give a huge “welcome back” to the 2015 school year to all our students and their families. A special welcome to our Kindy kids for their first year at school. To all our new students and their families – welcome also and I‟m sure you will enjoy the Endeavour experience and community. New staff members for 2014 are and a big welcome to: Miss Hannah Della Bosca – Room 5, Year 1 Mrs Rochelle Marshall – Room 24, Year 3 Mr Jason Tate – Room 10, Year 5 Mrs Lauren Milne – Room 11, Year 5/6 A full list of Endeavour Schools‟ staff is included for your information. Classes have all settled in very well this week – even with the hot, steamy weather – and students (and staff) have already been working hard. Well done for a fantastic start for the year everyone! Please remember to keep an eye out for classroom information that is sent home either in communication folders or on classroom notice boards. If you ever need any information about what is happening around the schools, please contact the front office on 9524 5000 during office hours or leave a message after hours and we‟ll get back to you as soon as possible. 2015 reminders: 1. Hats must be worn while at school during all outside activities – legionnaires, bucket (FAF hat) or a wide brimmed hat. 2. Students arriving earlier than 8:25am MUST report to and stay in Bye for now, the Undercover Area – no student or their parents are to wait Jayne Gorbould - ESC Principal outside of classrooms before 8:25am. Parents – you can use the Achiever Alcove as a waiting area. 3. Our schools‟ Dress Code is strictly adhered to at all times Parking around the School including what jewellery can be worn. 4. School Fees can be paid at any time – the schools have EFTPOS We ask all drivers to please show courtesy to facilities. our neighbours and not drive and/or park on their lawns and driveways. Attendance of all students is closely monitored and recorded. ALL absences require a suitable explanation in writing and/or medical certificate. Any extra – curricular activity, e.g. Incentivals, excursions and inter-school sports, require attendance of 90% or greater before participation is permitted. Parking has been and will continue to be a problem/concern for our schools – therefore; consideration, courtesy and lawful parking practices must prevail at all times. If you have concerns or issues you wish to discuss, please contact the school directly as we have the correct information. Looking forward to a great 2015 in which we will adapt to the changes and provide the best for all students. Alan Hansen - Principal With the weather being so lovely at the moment, you might choose to park a bit further away from the school and enjoy a short stroll. Please be aware that the two car parks at the front of the school (Endeavour Drive) are for STAFF ONLY. Several staff cars have been damaged and, in some cases, not reported to the school. We know it is convenient to park in these areas but please be aware that they are STAFF ONLY PARKING. COMPUTER & INTERNET AGREEMENT Community Health Nurse At the beginning of each year, all teachers ensure their Welcome to the new school year. My name is Merilyn Dare and I am the Community Health Nurse who visits Endeavour Schools. students understand the rules associated with appropriate use of computers and the internet. Students in Years 1-6 Community Health Nurses work in schools to promote healthy development and wellbeing so students may reach their potential. A major part of my work is focused on early intervention and the School Entry Health Assessment program. sign a computer usage agreement which is basically a promise to use computers responsibly. These signed agreements are kept in the classroom and any parent who would like to obtain a copy should contact Community Health Nurses serve as a health contact point for children and their families to provide information, assessments, health counselling and referrals. The services are confidential and provided free. their child’s teacher. ADF Families Hello. My name is Suzanne Waddell and I am the Defence Schools Transition Aide (DSTA) at Endeavour Schools. Welcome to all new and existing ADF families. I hope you are settling in well. I hope that the year will be a very busy and successful one. I am looking forward to meeting families new to our area. If you need assistance or just want to drop in for a chat, I am available on Mondays and Thursdays. If you have a concern about your child‟s health or development, please contact me on the number below or through the schools‟ front office. Regards, Merilyn Dare C/O- Kwinana Community Health 94192266 Suzanne Waddell DSTA The Endeavour Schools App is available for download on iPhones and Androids. All you need to do is go to your App Store and download it for FREE. If you wish messages to be delivered to students, please ensure that you phone at least 1/2 hour before the end of the school day to ensure you give enough time for the office to deliver the message. Search for Endeavour Schools (iPhone users search through iTunes and Android users search Applications - Play Store). If we are not given enough time, we cannot guarantee that messages will be delivered. We thank you for your understanding in this matter Remember to refresh the App each time you open it and update your child’s current year. The Office Ladies IMPORTANT NUMBERS AND DATES FOR YOU TO KEEP ON THE FRIDGE Phone Numbers School: Fax: Dental Clinic: Canteen: School Security: Uniform Shop Opening Times School Banking Opening Times 9524-5000 9524-5011 9524-5101 9524-5284 1800 177 777 Wed and Fri 8.15-9.00am Friday 8.00-8.40am 05.02.15 - Newsletter - Admin 19.03.15 - Newsletter - Faction Captains 09.02.15 - 21.02. Year 4-6 19.03.15 - Music Incursion - Michael Blake Swimming Lessons 24.03.15 - FAF Fair 12.02.15 - Assembly - Admin 25.03.15 - Summer Carnival 19.02.15 - 06.03.15 - Defence Memorial Boxes 26.03.15 - Assembly - Room 13 & 14 19.02.15 - Newsletter - Student Council 01.04.15 - Swimming Carnival 24.02.15 - Year 3 & 6 Dental Screening 02.04.15 - Newsletter - EC4 & EC5 26.02.15 - Assembly - Student Council 03.04.15 - Good Friday Public Holiday 02.03.15 - Labour Day Public Holiday 03.04.15 - LAST DAY TERM 1 31.03.15 - Kindy / PP Easter Hat Parade 05.03.15 - Newsletter - LOTE and The ARTS 20.04.15 - Pupil Free Day 12.03.15 - Assembly - Senior Choir 21.04.15 - FIRST DAY TERM 2 2015 Endeavour Schools Staff List SCHOOL - 9524 5000 CANTEEN - 9524 5284 SCHOOL DENTIST-9524 5101 JUNIOR SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION SCHOOL FAX-9524 5011 ED SUPPORT CENTRE Mrs Jayne Gorbould Room 4 - Year 1 Principal - Education Support Centre Miss Kristy Rankin Teacher Mrs Kerri-Anne Benbow Teacher Miss Ashleigh Riley Assistant Ms Sue Bartalis Assistant Mrs Karen Ashenden Assistant Mrs Dee Gibbins Assistant Mrs Tracy Shaw Assistant Mrs Natalie McClure Assistant Mr Alan Hansen EC6 - Early Intervention - Kindy/PP Room 5 - Year 1 Principal - Primary School Miss Hannah Della Bosca Mrs Sandra Adam Deputy Principal - Primary School Mr Greg Croll Deputy Principal - Primary School NON TEACHING STAFF Teacher Room 12 - Year 1 Mrs Keryn Channing Teacher Room 13 - Year 1/2 Ms Sharon Hammond Room 6 - Junior - Years 1 & 2 Teacher Room 14 - Year 2 Mrs Lauren Hubert Teacher Ms Ashleigh McCorriston Assistant Mrs Natalie McClure Assistant Registrar Ms Shona Rickey Mrs Lorelle Potsey Room 15 - Year 2 Mrs Michelle Cross Assistant School Officers Ms Louise Rowe Teacher Mrs Narelle Pearce Assistant Mrs Jane McAullay Mrs Karen Brown Assistant Room 16 - Middle - Year 3 Mrs Natalie Land Room 17 - Year 2 Ms Rita Ebbage Mrs Amanda Campbell Library Officer Mrs Karen Brown Mrs Belinda Grieve Room 18 - Year 3 Defence Transition Aide Mrs Rhian Lewis Mrs Suzanne Waddell Room 23 - Year 3 Mrs Christene Fairhead Teacher School Psychologists Miss Natasha MacIntosh Teacher Mrs Natalie McClure Assistant Ms Jo Nowak Mrs Felicity Hewitt Assistant Mrs Sally Williams Assistant Mrs Ailsa Earley Room 24 - Year 3 School Nurse Mrs Rochelle Marshall Teacher Mrs Diane Graham Ms Merilyn Dare Mrs Sam Ingham Assistant Room 9 - Senior - Year 6 School Chaplain Room 22 - Year 3 / 4 Mrs Susan Hislop Mr Sunny Becic Teacher Mrs Jacinta Savell-Stewart Teacher Teacher Mrs Judy Brennan Assistant Assistant Mrs Lisa Martinez Assistant Ms Ashleigh McCorriston Assistant Teacher Mrs Fiona Anderson-McKelvie Assistant Teacher Gardener Mr Glen Russell Room 25 - Middle - Years 4/5 MIDDLE SCHOOL Mrs Sally Dawson Teacher Ms Charlotte McInerney Assistant Mrs Siobhan Ryan Assistant Mrs Sally Williams Assistant Cleaning Staff Room G1 - Year 4 Mrs Yvonne Edwards , Mrs Vickie Togher Mrs Nadine Chaytor Teacher Mrs Roz Blythe Mrs Vicki Morris , Mrs Robyn Sprigg Mrs Angie Ralph Assistant LOTE EARLY CHILDHOOD EC4 - Kindy Ms Hayley Gallop Teacher Mrs Brenda Fissioli Assistant Mrs Tracey Flynn Assistant EC5 - Kindy Mrs Deb Denic Teacher Mrs Katherine Fissioli Assistant Mrs Jackie Pickering Teacher Mrs Dot Nichols Assistant Mrs Katie Oskam Assistant EC2 – Pre Primary Ms Sarah Tassicker Teacher Mrs Rachel Wheatley Assistant Mrs Tracey Flynn Assistant Room G2 - Year 4 Mrs Cherise Williams Teacher Mrs Angie Ralph Assistant Mrs Louise Hughes Teacher Ms Amber Kenworthy Assistant SENIOR SCHOOL Teacher Mrs Ann Wright Assistant Mrs Karen Brown Assistant Mrs Pam Emery Assistant Teacher Mr Colin Pestell Teacher Mrs Dianne Perry Achiever / Banks Block Assistant Mrs Liz Padley Geographe Room G3 - Year 4/5 Block Assistant PRIMARY SUPPORT TEACHERS Mrs Kerry Nurse Music Mr Jason Tate Teacher Mr Paul Nurse Phys Ed Ms Amber Kenworthy Assistant Mrs Fleur Leo Science Mrs Karla Parry Science Mrs Lauren Milne Teacher Mrs Amanda Anscombe LOTE Mrs Donna Pollock Assistant Mrs Linda Shales Pre-Primary Ms Amber Kenworthy Assistant Mrs Michelle Glass Pre-P/Primary Mrs Deb Denic Early Room 11 - Year 5/6 Room 10 -Year 5 Mr Ben Liddle EC3 - Pre Primary Miss Claire Southam Art Room 10 - Year 5 EC1 - Pre Primary Assistant Room 7 - Year 6 Mrs Alison Taljaard Teacher Room 8 - Year 6 Mr Ben Liddle Childhood Teacher Teacher Mrs Helen Robinson Primary Mrs Bree Waller Primary Endeavour Schools have EFTPOS facilities available in the front office. This facility can be used for payments over $10 such as contributions, swimming lessons or excursions. Smaller amounts must go through the class money books. Parents can now make payments in advance for any future expenses such as swimming lessons, incentivals and excursions. These payments will be held as credit in your child‟s account and then allocated against excursions as they occur. Payment can be made by cash, EFTPOS or direct deposit. If you require any more information, please see the front office. LIBRARY There are still overdue books from 2014. Home Readers and class books are also missing. These books are needed by students for reading this year. Please check your bookshelves at home for any books that have “Endeavour Schools” stamped on them and return them to the Library as soon as possible. Thank you. Mrs Grieve Did you know… 2 in 3 Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70? Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world? Over 1000 people a day are treated for skin cancer in Australia? Check out this website for more facts about being sunsmart; www.sunsmart.com.au. Children whose parents model sun protective behaviours are more likely to practise sun safety themselves. So don’t forget to: Slip on a shirt; Slop on some sunscreen; Slap on a hat; Seek some shade; and Slide on some sunnies. PLEASE LABEL ALL ITEMS OF CLOTHING, DRINK BOTTLES AND LUNCH BOXES SO WE CAN RETURN THEM TO STUDENTS WHEN THEY LOSE THEM. School Banking School Banking returns this year and will operate every Friday from 8.00-8.40am in the Achiever Block Alcove. Community Notices Please check the noticeboard outside the staffroom regularly for community events and sporting information received by the schools. Notices in the Community Advertising section are inserted for your information. The schools are not associated with any of these groups or businesses. Would you love to see the new Thermomix TM5 in action? To book an obligation free, in home cooking demonstration for you and 3-6 friends, contact Kate McCaskie on 0466 873 221 or katemccaskie.thermomix@gmail.com