Corpus Christi 29th May 2016


Corpus Christi 29th May 2016
Money Matters
Offertory Collection last weekend
£659.24 of which
£370.35 was Gift Aided.
Flowers collection: £66.30
Gift Aid: If you are a Tax Payer,
please consider filling out the Gift
Aid form which is in the church
porch to receive a box of weekly
envelopes for your
offertory donation or for a one-off
donation then please use the
Green envelopes.
Please remember to write your
name, address, sign and date the
green envelope.
Thank you for supporting
our Parish.
St David's Parish Gift Aid
During the last financial year with
some of the generous donations to
the church being Gift Aided, we were
able to recover £9,224.57 from HM
Customs and Revenue. A record
amount due both to increased Gift
Aid donations and also some changes in HMRC rules.
This 'free money' certainly helped
offset the cost of running the parish
and carrying out the recent improvements to the church and parish hall.
Mike Bunting will be in the church
porch with the new envelopes for
those signed up for the scheme and
if there are any existing or new parish members who pay tax and would
like to join then he has the forms and
can answer any questions that you
may have.
Eglwys Catholig Dewi Sant, Yr Wyddgrug
St.David’s Catholic Church, Mold
We remember in our prayers
Those whose anniversaries
(28th May) Michael O’Lanergan, Michael Jennings, Evelyn Violet Thompson, Daniel
Whelligan, Catherine Lynch (30th May) Elizabeth Cross, Christine Murphy, Patrick Geraghty,
Betty Evans,Josephine Danson (31st May)
George Maddocks, Margaritta Maddocks ,(1st
June) John Lewis, Elsy Seery, Maria Fielding
(2nd June) Bridget McManus, Margaret Benjamin, Egon Papp (3rd June) Susan Latham
Parish Priest: Fr. Pius Mathew CMI,
St.David’s Presbytery, St.David’s Lane, Mold. CH7 1LH
01352 752087
Deacon David Joy:01352 754722 LSUConvent:01352 700121
Let us pray for the Sick
Mrs. Catherine Lynch RIP
(Gareth Lynch)
29th May Sunday
Mass 11am
For People of the Parish
Responsorial Psalm:
Monday :
30th May
You are a priest for ever,
a priest like Melchizedek of old.
31st May
Alleluia, alleluia!
I am the living bread which has
come down from heaven, says the
Lord. Anyone who eats this bread
will live for ever.
Year C
28th May Saturday
Mass 5.30pm
Margaret Evans, Pat and Terry
Loftus, Fred Battersby, Gwen
Jones,Joe Goggin, Ian Byron,
Debra Ann Roberts,Tricia Twizell, Rosa Maria, Joan Lawrence,
Gay McCornick, Moira Catherall,
Lea Hill, Anne Turner, Mary
Rowe, Rose Bryan, Jenny Mansley, Jennifer
Rowley, Nancy Wilson, Joe & Luisa Desena, Shelagh Fulham, Margaret Stubbs,
Philomena Lamano, and Leo McManus.
Gospel Acclamation:
Corpus Christi
29th May 2016
Liturgy of the day
Mass 10am
Neil Edney RIP (Patrick Oliver)
Feast: Visitation of the BV Mary
Mass 7pm
Ken Corbett RIP (Terry Wilson)
Wednesday: Mem. St. Justin, Martyr
1st June
Mass 9.15am
Int Beatrix Klakowicz(Carole&Mark Philpot)
Liturgy of the day
2nd June
Mass 9.15am
Int. Canon Doyle (Maureen&Mel Roberts)
Solemnity: Sacred Heart of Jesus
3rd June
Mass 9.15am
Int. Alicia Mullen (Rose & Jim Hamill)
St. David’s Church Golden Jubilee
Recording of Memories
The next session will be on this Thursday (2nd June) at 2pm in the
Convent. We would like to hear about Parish Organizations, the Hall Committee and the events that have taken place over the past 50 years.
4th June Saturday
Mass at 5.30pm
5th June Sunday
Mass 11am
For People of the Parish
Angela Morris RIP
(John Goggin)
Rosary and
Every Friday
following the
morning Mass
at 9.15am
Sacrament of
10.30am to
& Before the Vigil
Sundays before
the Mass
he solemnity of Corpus et Sanguis Christi, as today’s feast is more
properly called, is a 360
celebration because it asks
us to look in all directions.
We look back to the sacrifice of Christ and to the
Last Supper. Christ asked
us to take, bless, break and
share bread and wine
which through the power
of the Holy Spirit become
his body and his blood.
The basis of this feast is
that Christ is present, really present, in our world
in many ways but none
more sublime than in the
Eucharist. Christ is the
food and drink of life
(which is why we are encouraged to complete the
symbolism by both eating
and drinking at the Eucharist). It is the Eucharist
which sustains us on our
daily journey of faith and
which brings us strength,
comfort and courage as we
strive to make God’s name
known and loved.
We also look inwards. Familiarity with the eucharist
has its dangers: St Paul
had to warn the early Christians about their behaviour
which was a scandal to non
-Christians who witnessed
their drunken and raucous
celebrations. We look to
ourselves because eating
the body and blood of
Christ demands faithfulness
to what Christ teaches us.
Are we really striving to
lead a life that is more
closely linked with Jesus
Christ, or are we simply
going through the worship
e look outwards
too. Although there
are many of us at the celebration we form one body
because we share the one
bread and one cup. Eucharist challenges us to unity,
to care and concern for
each other, to genuine
community, to fully participative worship and to being
the “body of Christ” or
Church for each other. Our
celebration should not only
resound within the Church
but also have an impact on
the world.
nd finally we look to
the future. No liturgical feast is ever simply
about the present, about
what we are doing now;
every feast has a future
dimension. On Corpus et
Sanguis Christi we are
reminded of St Paul’s
words that when we eat
and drink the body and
blood of the Lord we proclaim his death until he
comes again. Our actions
are forward-looking since
we are rehearsing that moment when we shall meet
Christ face to face and be
called to share the Eucharistic banquet which passes
all our expectations, when
we join family and friends
who have gone before us in
faith, and unite with angels
and saints in praising and
thanking our God.
Sacrament of Baptism
We welcome into our parish Community Noah Jac
Cunningham who is
baptised here today.
As Sarah and Michael
thanks to God for the gift of Noah,
may he in turn bring many blessings
and much happiness to them.
Wedding Bells
Prayers, Congratulations and Best wishes
to Lucy Rowlands &
John O’Connor who
are getting married
(30th) at 12 Noon.
The Real Presence
One aspect more than any other makes
a demand on our faith: the mystery of
the “real” presence. With the entire tradition of the Church, we believe that Jesus
is truly present under the Eucharistic
species. This presence…is called “real”
not in an exclusive way, as if to suggest
that other forms of Christ’s presence are
not real, but par excellence, because
Christ thereby becomes substantially
present, whole and entire, in the reality
of his body and blood. Faith demands
that we approach the Eucharist fully
aware that we are approaching Christ
himself. It is precisely his presence
which gives the other aspects of the Eucharist, as meal, as memorial of the
Paschal Mystery, as eschatological anticipation, a significance which goes far
beyond mere symbolism. The Eucharist
is a mystery of presence, the perfect
fulfilment of Jesus’ promise to remain
with us until the end of the world.
(Pope John Paul II)
Vacancy at HMP Berwyn, Wrexham
"HMP Berwyn in Wrexham is seeking
to appoint a suitably qualified deacon,
religious or lay person to the post of
Catholic chaplain. This is a full-time
post. HMP Berwyn is a new prison,
opening next year, and the chaplaincy
team is being put in place now. We are
looking for candidates who are experienced in working with people on the
edge of society, who have some pastoral experience, a love for the Church
and an ability to work in a multi faith
environment. Applications close on 3rd
June. Further details, especially about
the academic qualifications required,
may be obtained from Monsignor Roger Reader as below.
Monsignor Roger Reader,
Catholic Bishops’ Prisons Adviser,
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales,
39 Eccleston Square,