September 1, 2016 newsletter - Christ Church, King and Queen Parish
September 1, 2016 newsletter - Christ Church, King and Queen Parish
Christ Church —King & Queen Parish News Thursday, September 1, 2016 In the Episcopal Diocese of Washington The beautiful, contemplative space that is Christ Church Christ Episcopal Church 25390 Maddox Road Chaptico, MD 20621 Parish Hall & Office 37497 Zach Fowler Rd. Chaptico, MD 20621 301-884-3451 Mailing: P.O. Box 8, Chaptico, MD 20621 Parish Hall Office Hours Tuesday-Friday: 9:30 am to 3:30 pm (summer hours) Online Inside: Murder Mystery Dinner 2 Prayer Concerns 3 Liturgical Guide 3 September Calendar 4 Announcements 5 Education for Ministry 6 Community Events 7 The Back Page 8 Parish Events Tickets—$50 per person Please contact the Parish Office—Seating is Limited! Sit-down Dinner — Silent Auction & Raffles Dinner will feature grilled salmon and grilled chicken, roast red potatoes, green beans and salad, followed by a variety of scrumptious desserts, and as part of the evening's fundraising, we'll have a silent auction and raffle. Tickets—$50 per person, includes show and dinner. Childcare available for a freewill offering. Reserve tickets by Sept. 12, by calling the Parish Hall office at (301)-884-3451 – Seating is Limited! Suitable for ages 13 and up. Christ Church Parish Hall is located at 37497 Zach Fowler Road, Chaptico, MD (see for directions). The Liturgical Guide The newsletter appears biweekly. The next issue will be published September 15th! Sunday Services 8:00am, Said Holy Eucharist 10:30am, Organ & Choir / Holy Eucharist Father Chris Jubinski Office: 301-884-3451 Cell: 410-253-3664 Diocese of Washington To see the readings for the next two Sundays, click on the links at the top of the schedule on this page or visit September 4, 2016—16 Pentecost (Proper 18, Year C) September 11, 2016—17 Pentecost (Proper 19, Year C) First Lesson: Jeremiah 18:1-11 Psalm: 1 Epistle: Philemon 1-21 Gospel: Luke 14:25-33 First Lesson: Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28 Psalm: 51:1-11 Epistle: 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Gospel: Luke 15:1-10 8 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I LEM: Keith Loker Greeters: Brad & Donna Reeves Lector: Tom Oliver 8AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I LEM: Robbie Loker Greeters: David & Mary Simmons Lector: David Simmons 10:30 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II LEM: Herb Redmond Greeters: Mike & Cheryl Moore Lector: Susan McQuilkin 10:30 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II LEM: Keith Loker Greeters: Mark & Amy Topolski Lector: Keith Owens Refreshments: The Owens Family Refreshments: Pot-luck Coffee Hour The fellowship time after church is almost as important as the worship service itself. Many thanks to all who share in this ministry of hospitality! Sept. 4—The Owens Family Sept. 11—Pot-luck Sunday Sept. 18—Rocheleau Family Christ Church Prayer List Pray for Parish Members: Thelma Fuller, William Mattingly, Caroline Baldwin, Dorothy Pecson, Lewis Morgan, Jane Cooper, Doris Goode, Dan Donahue, Rose Brinkmann, Nancy Wolfe William “Billy” Lyon and Muriel Dollins. Also pray for: Richard Griffith - Colton; Allie Severino, Bob Whitlock - Donahue; Jamie Augustine, Marian Wright, Medford Penk; Penk; Henry & Melba Lauver, Belinda Tauber, Brandy Ousa, Marie Perrault - Moore; Kay DesMarais, Frances Clemenos – Edger; Atwood Family - Fitch; Angie Humphrey's, Mary Ellen Gerlach and Donna Esch - Wright; Karletta Magura, Kenny Halso –Smith; Scott Peabody - Heflin; Joe Turner, Betty Roush - Saunders; Terri Johnson - Oliver; Marcia Holland - Brinkmann; Carli Trost Sirk; Nancy Bottorf, Robert Walters - Drumgoole; Christie Clark - Loker; Billy Baker, Elizabeth Giles, Toni Wilson, Rebecca Wiebe - Hiebert; Julia Bianchini, Tony Bianchini, Barbara Holmberg- Schuhart, Spencer Woodward- McGarity; Rita Hanshaw, Ruth Combs, Ginger Quade—Burch; Yoon Wong, Bill Iacone—Redmond; Jennifer Peacock—Rocheleau; Ben Pecson -Pecson; Lisa Miller— Topolski; Joann McGilloway—Tyner; Ida-Ann Dunagan —Cooper; The Masback family, Alex and Valerie Bowen and Buddy and Sue Dollins - Dollins. Recently Departed—Bill Longley Please let the office know of updates to the prayer list. Parish Happenings and Announcements Bible Study Wednesday’s at 10:00 a.m. in Fr. Chris’ office. We will study the readings for each upcoming Sunday. Zumba and Flaunt start back on Tuesday, September 13th 6:45 p.m.—Zumba 7:45 p.m.—Flaunt PraiseMoves The Christian ALTERNATIVE to Yoga! Looking for a way to refresh, renew, and rejuvenate without all the New Age mumbo jumbo of the yoga craze? Try a PraiseMoves Class a Christ-centered exercise program! Integrating Scripture. This amazing fitness format helps you increase flexibility, tone muscles, improve balance, relieve stress, and control weight while deepening your knowledge of God's Word. Tuesdays from 6-6:30 p.m. St. Francis Day Blessing of the Pets Saturday, October 1, 2016 10:00 a.m. Christ Episcopal Churchyard Please bring your pet or a picture of your pet! Our pets are a blessing to us… ...join us in blessing them! Fifth Sundays Have you ever noticed that some months have “Five” Sundays in them? This happens only four times in a calendar year. This is a perfect opportunity for our entire parish family to worship and fellowship together. With this in mind, starting on Sunday, October 30th, we will combine services and have one single service at 9:00 a.m. on “Fifth Sundays.” This will be followed by an expanded Coffee Hour at the church. For more information, please contact Fr. Chris. Upcoming “Fifth Sundays” October 30, 2016 January 29, 2017 (Possible Annual Meeting date) From the Diocese of Washington Education for Ministry (EfM) a distance-learning program for adult Christian formation through theological education and reflection offered by the Beecken Center at the School of Theology of the University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee EfM provides a curriculum that develops a theologically informed, reflective, and articulate laity who are prepared to listen for and respond to God's call. EfM helps lay persons discover and exercise their varied gifts for ministry in the places where they live and work. EfM invites participants into small, mentored groups that provide the framework for understanding life and shaping actions as Christian faith is deepened. A group consists of six to 12 participants and a trained mentor who meet weekly over the course of 36 weeks. These meetings are usually two and a half to three hours long. Participants are given weekly assignments to study with the help of resource guides and reading texts. These reading texts offer perspective on the entire sweep of the Christian tradition from the earliest period through the present, including biblical interpretation, theology, church history, ethics, worship, spirituality, and interfaith encounter. As adult learners, group members are responsible for setting their own learning goals and generally spend between two and four hours in study and preparation each week. In the seminars, members have an opportunity to share insights and discoveries as well as discuss questions the study materials raise for them. The program is a four-year curriculum in which each "year" is a 36-week cycle of study. Learners enroll for one year at a time. The annual fee of $350 per learner covers all required materials and the honorarium for the mentor. Participants provide their own Bible. Financial assistance may be available. While based at an Episcopal theological school, EfM welcomes all denominations. Through study, prayer, and reflection, EfM helps participants move toward a new understanding of the fullness of God's kingdom as they better appreciate the connections between their faith and their lives. Plans are being set for a Education for Ministry group centered at St. Paul's Parish, Baden and open to anyone wishing to participate. Several people from St. Paul's and elsewhere have already expressed interest. This new group will start in January 2017. For more information, contact the Rev. Charles Hoffacker at 240-823-7550 or Community Events Contra Dance A Contra Dance, sponsored by Southern Maryland Traditional Music and Dance (SMTMD), featuring caller Greg Frock, will be held on Saturday, September 10, 2016 at the Christ Episcopal Church Parish Hall, 37497 Zach Fowler Rd, Chaptico, MD. The doors open at 7:00pm and the dancing begins at 7:30. Contra is a traditional American style of social dance and is a huge amount of fun (and exercise) for the whole family! If you’ve ever danced a Virginia Reel or been to a Square Dance, you have a good idea how much fun it can be. If you haven’t, it’s about time you tried it! Beginners are encouraged to arrive at 7:00 to get some instruction in the various dances. Admission is $10 for non-SMTMD members; $6 for members (band members are free). No special clothing is required! You need to be comfortable, to move freely. There will be an ice cream social following the dance. For more information and directions go to The Back Page Rites of Passage Please forward Birthday and Anniversary informations September Birthdays 1 Diana Donahue 5 Marc Gutierrez 13 Katherine Wright 17 Julie Burch 17 Laura Rocheleau 21 Jose Gutierrez 24 Arielle Gray September Anniversaries 1 Mark & Amy Topolski Shop with Christ Church in Mind! If you make purchases online, and you have an Amazon account, please visit and choose “Christ Episcopal Church, Chaptico, MD” as your charity. T h en re tur n to whenever you shop online. Christ Church will receive a portion of the cost of purchases made through Amazon Smile. 8 John & Karen Colton Discounted Parish Hall Rental A Great Benefit of On the Lighter Side... Christ Church Membership Looking for a great place for a party? Look no further than our own Parish Hall! Parishioners may rent the hall for their own events for $100, a fraction of what the public is charged to use our space. For details visit http:// Christ Episcopal Church 25390 Maddox Road Chaptico, MD 20621 Parish Hall and Office 37497 Zach Fowler Rd P.O. Box 8, Chaptico, MD Office Phone: 301-884-3451 Parish Office Summer Hours Tuesday-Friday: 9:30am to 3:30pm Jennifer Bryant, Parish Administrator
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