US - ePluribus Media
US - ePluribus Media
U.S. Department of Justice Office of Legislative Affairs OEce of the Assisrant Attomy General . -. Washington.D.C. 20530 The Honorable John Conyers, Jr. Chairman Committee on the Judiciary U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 205 15 The Honorable Linda Sanchez Chairwoman Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law Committee on the Judiciary 'US.House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 205 15 i . Dear Mr. Chairman and Chairwoman Sanchez: This responds to your letter of F e b r u q 28,2007, requesting personnel data on United, States Attorneys and will supplement the material provided to the Congressional Research Service on your behalf . - .... We have been able to locate additional data on the names and dates of service of United States Attorneys. We are enclosing from the publication, The BicentenniaI Celebration of the United States, a listing of United States Attorneys from 1789 to 1994. We hope that you find this useful. Do not hesitate to contact the Department if we can be of service in other matters. Sincerely, .. . .- . Enclosure ::- -'I ' J' &a 1-*u Richard A. Hertling Acting Assistant Attorney General - - . The Honorable John Conyers, Jr. ".?.... ,.-JThe Honorable Linda Sanchez Page Two cc: The Honorable Lamar Smith Ranking Minority Member C o s t t e e on the Judiciary , The Honorable Chris.Cannon Ranking Minority Member Subcommitteeon Commercial and Admiistiative Law NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA William Crawford 1820 Frank Jones . . . . . . ~ -.-- . 1826-1829 ., LSL9-L8M Harry J . Thornton Joseph Scott Byrd Brandon .. . .. 1830-1836 . . m9-1840 Edwin R. Wallace Jermiah Clemens . "Joseph A.S. Acklin Jef ferson F., Jackson George S. Walden M. J. Turnley . . Charles E. Mayer William H. Smith George H. Craig . William H. Denson . Lewis E. Parsons. Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1840-IBM 18%-1853 . .. . 1m-1859 1859-m 187&.1880 . 1880-1885 1885 usms leil9-1893 . . .897-lYJ2 1%-1907 . - .......... .......... present .. . .. . . .. . .-P i r s t re ' D i s t r i c t , Juneau 1898-Wa Robert A. Frederick Thomas R. Lyons 194-19(13 John J. Boyce 1933-1910 John Rustgard . . 1910-1914 John J. Reagan . 1914-W James A. Smiser l9lS-EBl. Arthur -G. Shoup 1Pn-1PL7 J u s t i n W. Harding 1927-l529 Howard D. S t a b l e r 1929-1933 William A. Holzheimer 193-1994 Lynn J. Gemmill 1944 Robert L. Jernberg 1944-EW Robert L. Tollefson Patrick J. Gilmore, 5 a - 1 9 5 4 Theodore E. Munson -1956 Roger G. Comor 1956 C. Donald o ' c o ~ o r 1956 . . . SODTIIBRN DISTRICT OF .'ALARWfA Henry Hitchcock l@25-1830 ~ o h nE l l i o t . mc-183s John Forsyth, Jr. m5-1838 George W. Gayle 1838-1842 George I. S. Walker 1W-1896 Alexander B.. Meek 1846-189) ~-~ Peter Hamilton 1850 . A: J. Requier . .' 1850-lE8 . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1953 'Third District,-Anchoraqe Alfred M. Post . 5 lE C m Nathan V. Rarlan Iwr-1908 James J. Crossley lX8-19C9 Corneilus D.' Muratie lW-1910 George R. Walker 1910-1914 William N. Spence 1914-127' William A. Mmly 1917-l9.l Sherman Duggan =-I925 Frank H. Foster 1925-1926 William D. Copperno11 W.6-1328 Warren N. Cuddy 1928-1933 Joseph W. Kehoe W-1SU Noel K. Wennblom 1942-1946 Raymond E. Plummer I%-1349 Joseph E- coop& 1949-1952 Seaborn J. Buckalew, ;naa-lw W i l l i a m J . Plummer 190-L? . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . - . Fourth D i s t r i c t . Fairbanks James 3. Crossley EOSW4 Rhinehart F. Roth .. 1914-B2l Guy B. Emin l92l-1924 JFulien A. Hur l e y 39&l333 1933-3444 Ralph J . Rivers 19P4-1949 E a r n 0. Arend . . . .. .. .. . . 1952-IS9 1954-1956 1956-1960 . Theodore F. Stevens George M. Veager ALASKA ADMITTED TO STATEHOOD jANDARY 2 , 1959 William T. Plummer . Three J u d i c i a l D i s t r i c t s Created: June 6. 1900 MIDDLE DISTRICT OF ALABAMA John A. Minnis 1870-1814 N. S. McAf ee . . . 1874-1875 C!harles E. Maver 1876-1880 -William H . S&th '1tXC-uffi George H. Craig . 1885 William H. Denson . SBS-la09 Lewis E. Parsons, J r . B89-1893 Henry D. Clayton, J r . 1893-1896 Georse F. Moore. Jr. 1696-lam warren S. ~ e e s e ;Jr. Erastus J . Parsons Thomas D. Samford Grady Reynolds PLrthur 8. Chilton Thomas D. Samford . Edward B. Darker Hartwell Davis Ben Hardeman Second D i s t r i c t , Nome Leon J . Hopper . Joseph K. Wood . I r a DeMenc . . John L. McGinn 1901-142 Barry E. Teaque 1977-1981 Melvin ~ r l ~ s b ~ ~ n - & 3 .John C. Bell 1581-1387 John L. McGinn 1903-l3X James Eldon Wiison 1587-1994 Henry M Hoyt l3X-lSO8 Charles .R. P i t t 1994George B. Grigsby 19C8-1910 presen.tBernard S. Rodey 1910-19U . . . . Russell B. Hermann Robert J. M C N ; ~ ~ DISTRICT OF ALASKA, SITKA E. W. Haskett X24-3885, Mottrone D. B a l l . 1885-1887 Whitaker M. Grant 1887-1889 John C . Watson . . 1889 Charles S. Johnson 1889-1BW Lytton Taylor 1894-1B95 Burton E. Bennett 1895-1898 .. . . . . :: ... . . . . . . . . . 1836-1839 William Vaughn Thomas R. Roulhac Oliver D . Screee 14n-14U Robert N. Bell 19U-1933 ~ r f P e ettris -1919-3922 Charles B Kennamer ?322-193l J i m C. Smith 1931 J OB. ~1 s a b e l i 193-193 Jim.C. Smith 1933-1946 Johh D. H i l l . 1516-m Frank M. Johnson, ~ r190-195 ; Atley A. Kitchings, J m - 1 9 % William L. Langshore 1956-1961 Macon' L. Weaver .. 1961-1969 Wayman G. Sherrer 1963-1971 J e s s e R. Brooks . m-ym Frank W. Donaldson Dm-1992 Jack W. Selden . 1992-1993 Claude Harris. Jr. l-3-3--l 9?4 Walter. ~ r a s w e l l E%-1995 Caryl .P. P r i v e t t 1995L . John P. Southworth 1869 Geozge M. Duskin m-1885 Johr. D. Burnett la&-1889 Morris D. Wickersham 1889-1893 Joseph N. M i l l e r 1893-1897 Morris D. Wickersham law-1904 William H. Rrmbecht Ism-1912 James B. Sloan . 1312-19U -- - AZexar.der D. P i t t s 1913-3922 Aubrey 3oyles . m-1926 Nicholas S . Srallwort14925-19n Alexander C. Birch m-1435 Francis A. Ihge 1435194.3 Albert 3. 'JXlly m-lws Percy C. Fountain 1418-1956 Ralph Kennamer . 1956-1961 Vernol R. Jansen. J r l3a-1969 Charles S. spunne&hite., ~ r19 . 69-m William A. Kimbrough, Jr . 1977-1981 William R. Favre, J r . 1 9 8 1 J.B. Sessions. I11 1981-1993 Edward v u l e v i ~ h , Jr. 1593-1495 J . Don Foster . . 1 99 5 . . . . ~-~ .. . . . . . . . . . . Gudbrand J: Lomen 1418-ErB J. M. Clements l5l9-l52l Wm. Frederick HarrisorS2l-2529 J u l i u s H. Hart .' l929-1931 Leroy M. S u l l i v a n . 1931-I333 Hugh O'Neill 1933-1939 Charles J. Clasky 1439-1944 Frank C. Bingham W-19% James A. von der Heydu35l-1SO .. . . . . . . Richard L. McVeigh Marvin S. Franlcel A. Lee Preeton Douglas B. Bailey G. Kent Edwards James L. Swartz Alexander 0. Bryner Rene J . Gonzalez Michael R. Spaan Mark R. Davis Wevley William Shea Joseph W. B o t t i n i Robert C. Bundy . . . . 1969 . . 1369-197 , . 1sn-19n . . 1977 lYi7-1980 . . 1980-1981 . 1981-1989 . . 1939-1990 -1993 .' . 1993 . . 1994' .......-.. .......... present DISTRICT OF ARIZONA JohnTitus . . . 1863 Almon Gage 1lM-1864 C. W. C. Powell 1869 E. B. Pomrov . . 1876-Y]gd ~ a m e sA: ~ a b r i s k i e. 1~2-1885 Owen T. Rouse : F a 8 9 Harry R. J e f f o r d s 1889-1891 Thomas F. Wilson 1891-1B93 Everett E. Ellinwood 1893-1898 Robert E. Morrison 18B-B?2 .Frederick S. Nave 1902-1905 Joseph L.B. Alexander 1905-3910 Joseph E. Morrison 1920-1914 Thomas A. Flynn 1914-39a Frederick H. Bernard lSa-1925 . .... .. . . . . . . . .. DISTRICT OF ARIZONA John B. Wright . JohnC. Gung'l . . C l i f t o n Mathews Frank E. Flvnn Edward W. s i r u g g s . .. .. . - Cont'd lP.5-1929 l.929-1933 1933-1935 1935-1953 1953 DAGOOOOO . Jack D.H. says . 190-1960 Charles A. Muecke . 1960 Marv Anne Reimann . 13g)-19Q. ChaGles A. Muecke . ~sQ-& JoAnn D . Diamos . . 1364-1965 Wiliam 2 . Co~ple . 193-l96 Richard C. GormIey 1966-1961 Edward E. Davis . . 1967-1969 Richard K. Burke . 1969-1972 William C. Smitherman 152-% Michael D. Hawkins I577-1980 Arthur B. Butler, 111 l?x-l3a A. Melvin McDonald 1981-1985 Stephen M. McName . 1985-1990 Linda A. Akers . mm Daniel G. Knauss . 1993 Janet Napolitano . 1993present . Emon 0 . Mahoney . . James seaborn ~ o i t Steve Carrigan . . Samuel S.'Langley . William'~.Ivie . . Clinton R. Bany . Respess S. Wilson . Charles W. Atkinson Charles M. Conway Robert E. Johnson . Bethel B. Larey . . Robert E. Johnson . Larrv R. McCord . . W. &a Hut=hinson . J. Michael Pitnhuqh Paul K. Holmes, I11 . m7-1920 1920-1921 1920 . lS2l-1930 1230-1934 l934-1946 1946-190 l 9 5 3 w m-l5a 1969 l969-19n 1973-I577 I577-1982 - -1982-1985 I585133 1993- Mrs. A. A. Adams . 1918-1920 Prank M. Silva . . 19.0-WZ J. T. William5 .-. 19p-1924 Sterling Carr . . . 1924-1925 George J. Hatfield I%%-U I: M. Peckham .". . 1933 . Harry H. McPike . -.' m I 9 3 7 Frank J. Hennessy 1931-19s Chauncey F. Tramutolol.951 Lloyd H. Burke .. . 1951-1958 Robert 8. Schnacke 1958-1959 Lvnn J. Gillard .' 1959-19M) Laurence E.. Davtan l93 2-19~6~ -. - .-- .--~ Cecil P.. ~ ~ o l e--. ' . rn-19k9 James L. Browning, Jrl??l?i7 G. William Hunter . W7-1981 - . . -.. ... - - ..- - . . ..-- - - - .--.- . William T. McGivern 1990-1992 DISTRICT OF CALIPOFJGZA John A. Mendez . 1992-IS93 .DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS , Manuel L. Real . . ~ 1 9 6 6 . Michael J. Yamasuchi 1993Samuel C. Rome . . .18M-lEU6 Jobn X. Van de Kanm l5€6-1967 present Thomas I. Lacey 1836 William M. B m e . Jr. 1361-3370 Grandison D. Royston 1836 Robert L. ~ e ~ e r. m ~ 9 7 2 SOTELERN DISTRICT OF C A L I F O ~ A Samuel S. ail - . . 1 8 3 ~ - m William D. Keller . m-1977 J. M. Jones . . . . 1850 William C. Scott . 1838-1841 Robert L. Brosio 1977 Alfred Wheeler . 3851-180 Absalom Fowler . 1 8 4 1 w Andrea M. sheridan-brd&lJ-m Isaac S.K. Ogier . 1853-1854 Grandison D. Royston l?43-lt44 Alexander H. Pacificus Ord . . . . 1E4-IS3 Samuel H. Hempstead W&-IE% Williams, I11 . 1981 J: R. Gitchell . . 18W-IBQ Absalom Fowler . 1850 Stephen S. Trott . 1981-1983 Kimball H. Dimnick 1861 Alexander H. Billington C. Whiting1861 EASTERN DISTRICT OF AXKRNSAS Williams, 111 . 1583-1984 , J. Marion Brooks . 1881-1888 Joseph Stillwell . 1852 Robert C. Bonner . 198P-1989. George J. Davis . . 1888-1889 James W. McConaughey 1853-1854 Gary A. Peess . . . 1989 Aurelius W. Hutton XB-1890 Lafayette B. Luckie 1856 Robert L. Brosio . l569-1990 Willoughby Cole . . l83O-ls92 John C. Murray . 1856 Lourdes G. Baird . 1990-1992 Matthew J. Allen . 1892-18F Read Fletcher . . . la%-1857 Terree Bowers . . 1992-1994 George J. Denis . 1893-1897 Charles A.'Carroll Nora M. Manella . . 1994Frank P. Flint . . 1897-EQl John M. HaF-rell . . present L. H. Valentine . .!EOl-1905 Charles E. Joi-dan . Oscar Lawler . . 19C5-1909 S . R. Harrington . EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA Aloysuis McCormick B3-W Charles C. Waters . John P. Hyland . '. 19X-19X) Albert Schoonover . 1933-1917 Joseph W. House . Dwayne D.-Keyes . . lYi'O-I577 J o b R. 0'Connor . 1417-1921 Charles C. Waters . Herman Sillas, Jr. 197-1980 ~oesphC. Burke . . m-1925 Joseph W. House . William B. Shubb . 1980-1981 Samuel W. McNabb . l925l933 Jacob Trieber . . . Francis M. John R. Layng . . . 1933 William G. Whipple Goldsberry, I1 . 1981 Pierson M. Hall . . 1933-1937 William H. Martin . Donald B. Ayer . 1981-1986 Benjamin Harrison . 1937-1940 June P. wooten . Peter A. Nowinski . 1986-1987 William F. Palmer . W W Charles P. Cole . . David P. Levi 1987-1990 Leo W. Silverstein 1942-1943" Wallace Townsend Richard Jenkins . l9SC-3257. Charles H. Carr . . 1943-1946 George L. 0'Connell 1991-lS93 James M. Carter . I%-1919 Samuel ::. Robert M. Twiss . . 1993 Ernest A. Tolin . 1949-1951 James T. Gooch . EG-953 Charles J. Stevens 1993Walter S. Bims . . Iw-1Asro Cobb . . . 19s-1sQ ptesentLaughlin E. Waters 1353-Bil Robert D. Smith. Jz. 14&-1961 ~ra&cis C. wheian , 1361-1964 Woodrow H. McClellan 1967-1968 NORTEXRN DISTRICT O i CALIFORNIA Thomas R. Sheridan 1964 Wilbur H. Dillahunty m-1919 Calhoun Benham . l.&%lsS3 Manuel L. Real . . ls€4-1966' -GeorgeW. Proctor 1979-ES7 Samuel W. Inge . . ~ 3 - ~ 8 5 6 Edwin L. Miller, Jr. 1966-1969 Kenneth H. Stoll . 1987 William Blanding . l.855-3851 Harry D. Steward . 1969-1975 Charles A. Banks ; 1987-Ism Peter Della Torre . XS7-1860 Terry J. Knoepp . . wi5I577 Richard M. Pence. Jr. 1993-1993 Calhoun Benham . . IXC-lWl Michael J. Walsh . Isn-1980 Paula Jean Casey . 1993William H. Sham 18Q.-LB64 press :Delos Lake . . 1864-lB3 smmEmDISnuCr OF CAUEORNIA . P: M. Pixley . . 1869 WESTERN DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS ' Loren20 D. tatimer l869-l673 M. James Lorenz .. 19%-1981 Jessie Turner . . ~-~ -. . . . Walter Van Dylce . . m-16% William H. Kennedy - mi-1982 Alfred K.. Wilson . W3-1561 John M. Coghlan . Ism-187' Peter K. Nunez . ,. . l%2-1988 Granville Wilcox 1@Q-1869 Phillip Teare . . 1878-U83 William Braniff 1988-1950 James 8 . Huckleberry l869-1872 ~amuel-G.Hilborn . 1883-1886 James W. Brannigan, Jfl993 Newton J. Temple . l8n-1BA John T. Carey . . 1886-1890 Alan D. Bersin . 1993William H.H. Clayton -1885 Chaqles A. Garter . I8si1-%5% present Monti H. ~itndels. 1894-lSS Samuel Knight . William R.H. Clayton 1889-lE93 Henry S. Foote . . 1895-1899 James F. Read . . -1897 Frank L. Coombe . 1899-1901 CANAL ZONE Thomas H. Barnes 1897-1898 Marshall B. WoodworthBlI-1405 William K. Jackson, 5-14-19.75 James K. Barnes 1898-1909 Robert T. Devlin . 192-1912 Charles R. Williams W-1919 . Lafayette W. Gregg 1909 John L. McNab . . 19U-BI3 A: C. Hindman . . . W-EB ' John I. Worthington 1909-1213 E. L. McKinley . . 1913 Guy H. Martin . . . 1923-l924 J. Virgil Bourland 1913-1917 John W. Preston . . W-1918 P. Edward Mitchell B4-1925 . CBlmUL .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... or ex- . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . ~-~ .. .. . . . . w . . . . - Charles Joseph Riley Joseph J. McGuigan Daniel E. McGrath . Rowlaud K. Hazard . Wallace D. Baldwin Lester Engler . . Frank J. Violanti . . 1925 UX-1940 bwH952 1SB-l570 1970 1970 1976 Simon S. Cohen . l 199-958 Harry W. ~&t~ren,Jr1358-1961 Robert C. Zampano . m-1964 F. Owen Eagan 1964 Jon 0. ~ewman . . . lssa-3969 Stewart H. Jones . lS59-1914 Harold J. Pickersteihl974 Peter C. Dorsey . m 1 9 R Richard Blumenthal l9n-1961 Alan H. Nevas . 1981-1415 Stanley A. Twardy, JrJ2B5-1991 Richard Palmer . 1991 Albert S. Dabrowski Ism-Ism Christopher Droney 1993- . prer ... . .. . Daniel W. Baker . . .B51910 Clarence R. Wilson 19lO-1914 John E. Laskey . . 1914-1922 Peyton Gordon . . Isn-1528 Leo A. Rover . . 1928-1934 Leslie C. Garnett . W4-1937' David A. Pine . . . . 1937-1940 Edward M. Curran . EXFEa6 George M. Fay . . .. 1946 George E. McNeil . l946-1947 George M:Fay . . . l947-1951 wries M. Irelan . 135L-393 Leo A. Rover . . . 1951956 0liver.Gasch . . . E6-L961 t David C. Acheson . 3SL-lXS John C. Conliff. Jr. 1965 David G. Bress . 1965-3969 Thomas :A Flanxery lS6S-Isn ' Harold H. Titus, Jr. l9%l-l974 Earl J. silbert . . 1974-1979 Carl Raul . . . . . 1979 Charles F. C. R U ~ E lm-19~1 Stanley S. Harris . 1981-rn Joseph B. diGenwa 1563-1988 Timothy J. Reardon, IIlB88 Jav B. Stenhens . 1988-1993 ~ . - ~ a m johnson se~ . 1993 Eric H. Holder. Jr. 1993present -.. - DISTRICT OF COLORADO Theodore D. Edwards 1861 James E. Dalliba . 1861 Samuel E.'aiowne . 1862 -..Lewis C. Rockwell . urn-m H. C. PLZleman . . mm Charles D. Bradley 1 8 7 E m .-. m-1880 W. S. Decker Edward S. Johnson . 1880-1882 DISTRICT OF DELAWARE Andrew W. Brazee. . 1882-1885 George Read Jr. . 1789-la6 Henry W. Hobson . 1335-1889 . James A. Baynard . l 8 5 U W John D. Fleming . . 1889-1833 William H. gogers . Henry V. Johnson 1893-2897 P. Shewood Johnson Greelv W. Whitford lm7-1901 Thomas P. Baynard . Earl M.. Cranston . 1411-rn . Daniel M. Bates . Thomas War<, Jr. IXW-1Edward G. Bradford Harry B. Kelly . . 1912-U14 John Lockwood.Pratt Harry a. Tedrow . 1914-m Anthony Higgins . John F. Symes . . . 132l-l5.Z William C. Spruance Granby Hillyer . Isn-l524 John C. Patterson . ---~eorgeStephan . . Alex B. cooper . 1-1891 Ralnh L. Carr . . . Beniah Watson ,. . . Ism-189% ~h&as J. Morrissey Lewis B. Vandergrift X4-1899 - WESTERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Ivor Wingren . . . W. Michael ~ ~ & lB9-1902 i (No lonaer in existence) Max M. Bulkeley . John P:Nields . . 1902 Gexar.d;r Anderson 1811-1822 Charles S. Viskl . W. Michael Bvrne . 19(a-1903 -. Tipton R. Xarrison l&Z-18?3 Donald E. Keliev . m-W8 ~ o h nP. ~ielhs . 1413-1916 Willian F. Steele . 1823-1825 Robert S. Wham . : 1958-W9 Charles F. Curley . 1916-1920 Benjamin D. Wright 1825 Donald G. Brotzman 1959-1961 James Hughes, Jr. . I92c-l524 Albert I. Clagett .. 1825 Lawrence M. Henry . 1961-1969 David J. Reinhardt 1924lar Beniamin D. Wrisht .1BP-l03l James L. Treece . . ~ l 9 n Leonard E. Wales . 15a7-1935 + Cathlin Donne11 . . 1977 John J. Morris. Jr. George Walker . . . 1831-1838 Joseph F. Dolan . . 1sn-1981 Charles S. Lynch . William H. Robert I. Miller . 1981-1988 John J. Morris, Jr. Broekenborough 838-E40 Michael J. Norton . 1988-1950 William Marvel . James T. Archer . . 1840 James R. Allison 1993 Leonard G. Hagner . Walker Anderson . . 3841-1842 Henry L. Solano . . 1993Alexander Greenfeld George S. Hawkins 1842-1895 presentF. L. Peter Stone . Chandler C. Yonge . 1845 Norman Levine . . . Ralph F. Keil .. DISTRICT OF CONNECTICUT W. Laird Stabler, Jr Pierpoint Edwards . 1789 John H. McDonald . Hesdkiah Huntinston 1806--182-9 James W. Garvin, Jr. EASTERN'DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Nathan Smith . 1829 Joseph J. Farnan . (NO longer in existence) Asa.Child . . . . . l6-29-I834 William C. Carpenter . . 1821-1822 John G. Bird William S. . Holabird llUP-l84l Richard G. Andrews 1993 Alexander Hamilton EiZ-L821 Charles Chapman . 1841-1849 Gregory M. Sleet . 1994. Edgar Macon . . . . EQ3-1826 Jonathan'Stoddard . 1849-1849 present Thomas Douglas l626-1842 Thomas C. Perkins . 1849--10-5-3 Elisha S. Abernethy 1853 m D L E DISTRICT OF FLORrnA 'William D. Shipman lE3-18~3I DISTRICT OF COLlIMBL? JFormer) Tilton E. Doolittle IsB)-18Q John T. Mason . . 1801 Adam Gordon . . 1825-1827 Hiram Willey . . . 1861 Walter Jones. Jr. . L80L-ma William Allison McRealGi7-lK2E Calvin G. Child . . 1870-l@80 Thomas swam. 1821-m James G. Ringgold 1828-1831 Daniel Chadwick . lE[Ml-seaFrancis S . Key m-1841 James A. Dunlap . 1831 Lewis B. Stazton . 18%-lee8 -.-PhilipR. ~endali . 1W-LB45 John K. Campbell . 1831-1833 George G. Sill . . 1888-la4 James Hoban . . . . lm!Xa53 George K. Walker LBU-837 George P. McSean . ]IEa-1896 . Philip B. Key . L8D-1859 Charles S. Sibley 1837-1845 Charles W. Coastock 1896-Em Robert Guld . . lRs9-18Q Edward S . Carrington 18sir1876 MmDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA John T. Robinson . m-1912 Geoge P. Fisher . . 1870-1876 1961-1969 Edward F. Boardman Frederick A. Scott 1912-W' - -Harry H. wells . . ~76-1880 John L. Briggs . . 1963-1576 Thomas J. Spellacy 1315-1918 George B. Corkhill 1880-1884 John J. Daley . . . 1978-1979 John F. Cr0Sby . . 1918-1919 Augustus S. WorthingtmE4-1888 Gary L. Betz . . . 1979-1982 Edward H. Smith . . lSl2-19n John B. Hose . . 1888-1891 Robert W. Merkle, Jr. 1982-1988 Allan K. Smith . Ign-lT24 Charles c.-cole . lm-lan Robert W. Genzman . 1988-1993 John Bucklev . . 1924-1933 Arthur A. Birney 1893-1897 Douglas N Frazier 1993 Frank S. ~ekgin . . 1333-19j4 H e w E. Davis . . 1897-1~99 Larry H. Colleton . 1994 George H. Cohen . . 1934 Thomas H. Anderson U39-1901 Donna A. Bucella . 1994 Robert P. Butler . W4-I245 Ashley M. Gould . sol-m Charles R. Wilson . 1994Adrian W. Maher . . 1945-199 ~orgaiH. Beach . m-19Vi present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. DAGOOOOO .. Fremont Wood . . . 1890-m William J. Bauer . 1970-19Tl Thomas Browne . 1869-1875 James H. Forney . . 1853-1857 James R. Thompson . Isn-1975 Nelson Trusler . . l876-80 Robert V. Cozier l897-1904 Samuel K. Skinner . WE-Wr ' Charles L. HolsCein lEaC-1885 1 N o m M. Ruick . EM-1418 Thomas P. Sullivan 1~7-m L a d . .- . IWAW i Curg H. Lingenfelter 1908-19U Gregory C. Jones . 1981 David Turfire . XS-BBI James L. McClear . m-lrm Dan K. Webb . . . Eat-1985 Emory B. Ssllers- . 3887-1889 Edwin G. Davis . . ~ - l ¶ Z Anton R. Valukas . ~~ Solomon ClavDool - . 1889 James F. Ailshie, Jr. 1925 Ira H. Raphaelson W-19w Smiley N. ~ 6 i d e r s 1889-lE9.3 ~ o y tE. b y . . . 192-m Fred L. Foreman . . I3.W-1943 ' Frank B. Burke . lE9.3-1897 John A. Carver . . 19U-195 Michael J. Shepard 1993 Albert W. Wishard . 1897-WJl Sherman F. 'Furey, Jr. I%?-m. James B. Burns . . . 1993Joseph 8. Kealing . 19m-lXO Ben Peterson . . m 1 9 5 9 present Charles W. Miller . 19691913 Kenneth G. B'ergquist E59-1961 Frank C. Dailev . -1916 Sylvan A. ~eppesen 19Q-I963 SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS. L. Ertus slack- . L95191B J ~ P. V Bates-' -. . . 1968-196) William E. Troutman 1905-1910 Frederick Van Nuys 191915m ~h&.rman F. Furey. Jr. l&S-ii?i Charles A. Karch . L91C-1914 Homer Elliott . . 192-1924 Sidney E. Smith . 1971-19% James G. Burnside . 1918-192 Alexander G. Cavins 1925 Wilbur T. Nelson . 1975 W.0: Potter . . . 3922-926 Albert piard . s . . . lY?51928 : Marion J. Callister 1975-I576 Harold G. Baker . l526-l%l George L. Rulison . 1928 Wilbur T. Nelson . 1976-357 Paul P. Jones . . . Irm-1935 -.-.. Paul L. Westbera . 1977 Arthur R O ~ . . . B35-19P2 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF IXDIANA M. Karl ~hurtlizf . *-1981 Henry Grady Vien . 1312-1943 Oliver Mullins Loomis1928-1913 Guy G. Rurlbutt . . 1561-19m William W. Hart . . 1943-1953 James R. Fleming . 1913-14Pl William Van Hale IX4-1S85 Clifford M. Raemer 19a-395l Alexander Campbell 19P1-1949 Maurice 0. Ellsworth 1985-1993 Carl W. Feickert . 1957-1965 Gilmore Haynie . 12-49-1951 Patrick J. Molloy 1993 -- .-Joseph H. Lesh 3SS-l3!Z4 Betty H. Richardson 1993James R.' Burgess, Jr. I9n-1982 Phil M. McNagny Jr. BX-1958 presr2ncPrederick J. Hess 1982-1993 Kenneth C. Rauh . . l359-19Q Clifford J. Proud . 1993 Walter C. Grace . 5993NORTaERN DISTRICT OF INDIANA DISTRICT OP ILLfiTOIS :nt Cont'd . William Mears . . . 1813-1819 Philip C. Potts . . 1962 . Jepthah Harden . . 1819-Xi7 EASTERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS ' Alfred Moellering l%2-1970 Sidn'ey Breese . . . m-~829 Wm J. Allen . . . . L855-1859 ' WilliamC. Lee . 19n-l573 Samuel McRoberts . l829-m Wm. K. Parish . . . IRT31860 John R. Wilks . . . 1973-1977 David J. Baker . a-la39 Elliott B. Herndon 1860-lPQ David T. Readv . . 1971-1381 Perris Forman . . . 1839-L841' Lawrence Weldon l8Q-lSS R. Lawrence steel, JrB3.-5 Justin Buttexfield 1841-le44 John E. Rosette . . 1866-la69 James G. Richmond . WS-l39l Mark Skinner . . . M-1845 Bluford Wilson 1869-1874 John F. Hoehner . . ,1391-1993 David L. Gregg . . lt~S-~849 John P. VanDorston l874-1876 David A. Cap? . . 1.993 ' Archibald Williams 1WUj3 James A. Connally . 1876-1885 Jon E. DeGuilo. . . 1993Thomas Hayne . . . m-1855 Gustavus Van Hoorebek&?8S-Y189 present James A. Connally . B39-1893 C&NTRAL DISTRICT OF aLINOIS Wm. E. Shutt . . 1893-1697 SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF INDIANA Gerald D. Fines . . 19n-i986 J. Otis Humphrey . 1897-1901 George Jeffrey . . IS3-1Sg J. William Roberts 19861993 Thomas Worthington 1 m 1 9 0 5 Van Nolan . . . . . 1933-1910 Byron G. Cudmore . 1993 Wm. A. Northcott . 1905-1914 1940-1350 B. Howard Caughran Frances C. Hulin . 1993Edward C. Xnotcs . 1914-1922 Matthew Welsh . . . 1950-2952 present Thomas Williamson l9Z-1926 Marshall Hanley . . 1952-195 Walter M. Provine l526-l93l Jack Brown . . . . l53-1956 . NOBTEERU DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS Frank K. Lemon . 1931-1935 Doh Tabbert . . . E57-1961 'A. M. Herringto? . . 2851-2858 Howard L. Doyle . 3935-1953 Richard P. Stein . 19Q-W Eenry S. Fitch . . W-lKl Marks Alexander . 1953 K. Edwin Applegate l%7-196) ~ d w i kC. Larned . . 1861 John B. Stoddart . 1953-155-9 Stanley B. Miller . WC-lP74 Jose~h0. Glover . 1869 Marks Alexander 1958 John E. Rirschman . 1974-1Sifl ~~rk'gangs . . . . EZ-1879 Harlington Wood, Jr. 1958-Bt3 James B. Young . l97S-Isn gosepii B. Seake . . m 1 W Edward R. Phelps 1963-1365 Virclinia Dill ~ c f a r 1t98~8-1981 =chard S. Tuthill 3884-1886 Richard E. Eagleton 1S,-1969 sarih Evans Barker 1981-1984 William G. wing . IBS-18% Frank J. Violanti . W!&l97j. Richard L. Darst . 1984 Thomas E. Milchrist L891-233 Donald B. Mackay 1471-U77 Sherwood Dixon . , l693-1891 John C. Black . . . lW-lS9 ' Solomon H. Bethea . 1899-1905 DISTRICT OF m m A John J. Thar 1993 Charles 8 . Morrison 1%-1906 Elijah Sparks . . 1813-lsL4 Judith A. Stewart'.. 1993s h i n W. sims. . . BX-19~. William Hendricks . 1824-Dl7 present James K. Wilkerson W-1914 Thomas H. Blake. . 1827-1818 Charles F. Clvne :1914-192 Alexander A. Meek 1818-1821 Edwin Olson . . . . 1922-1927 -- -Charles De*ey . . 1SP-1829 TERRITORY OF IOWA (6/12/1838) GeoFqC E: -Q. Johnson 19n-193 Samuel Judah . lE29-1833 Cyrus S. Jacobs . . 1838 M g h t H. Green . : m 1 9 3 5 Tilghman A. m3-LW Isaac Van Allen . 1838-lE40 Michael J. Igoe . . 1935-1938 John Pettit . . : . 1839-1842 Charles Weston . . le4c-ltX3 William J. Campbell 1938-14no Courtland Cushlng . 1841-lW John G. Deshler . L843-l%s J: Albert Wall- . . E4&19P7 Daniel Mace . . 1845-1m Edward Johnston . 1865-1847 Otto Kerner, Jr. . 127-1954 Lucien Barbour . . 1848-US0 Isaac M. Preston . m7-1850 Irwin N. Cohen . 1954 Hugh O'Neal' . . . 3.853-1854 Stephen Whicher . 1854-1852 \ Robert Tieken . . . 1954-19~ Benjamin Thomas . . 1854-1856 i James P. OtBrien . m-19Q Alvin P. Rovev . . 1856-1858 w.H.~. ~urlef'. . . XO-183 Frank E. McDonald . 19Q-Ea Daniel W. vooGhees 1858-1861 Robert H: Gilmore . 18Q-1865 Edward V. Hanrahan ' 1s-1968 John Ranna . . 1861-186 Caleb Baldwin . . . 1865-LB61 Thomas A. Foran . m 1 9 7 0 Alfred Kilgore . . 1866-If'@ Milton D. Browning ES-2869 . . JOG ET .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . - . . .. .. . . . ... . . .. . - . - . ... . . owa aid ... . . .. . . . . . . . . - -- James S. Emory . . L864-1861 Bernard T. Moynahan, 'rn-1SQ Samuel Kiggs . . 1861-1869 George I. Cline . . m-19la Albert H. Horton . LSQ-mn Bugene E. SIle& Jr. B7c-m . Cyrus I. Scofield . 1873 Bldon L. Webb . . . 197EIsn NOBTREI(N DISTRICT OF IOWA George R. Peck . . 3m4-1879 Isn-198L . Patrick J. Molloy Maurice D. O'CO3nell 1883-1886 James R. Eallowell 1879-188s Joseph L. Famularo 1981 Timothv P. Mumhv ..' William C. Perry 1885-1889 Louis DeFalaise .. 1981-Is¶. -Joseph W. Ady . . 1889-18m Karen K. Caldwell . 1991-1994 Cat0 Sells . . . . William C. Perry 1893-1897 Joseph L. Famularo 1994Horace G. McMillan Isaac E. Lambert . 1897-W11 present Frederick F. Faville John S. Dean . . 1901-19CS Anaonv Van Waoeman WaJ. Bone . . . l5€6-1913 WXSTERN DISTRICT OF XETRlCRY Frank i.0'~o&or . Fred Robertson . 1913-1921 auben D. Hill . 1858-19ffi Guy P. Linville Albert F. Williams m-1930 George Du Relle . . .E5-1914 Bennett E. Rhinehart Sardius M. Brewster lii30-193Q Parry 8. Miller . 1914=1919 Harry M. Reed . . . Summerfield S. Alexanck93$-14P2 W. V. Gregory . . Edward G. Dunn . : Gearge H. West . . I%?.-2XS Sherman W. Ball . . 1922-I927 Tobias E- Diamond . W. Randolph Carpenter1945-199B -. .. Michael L. Mason . Lester Luther . . . 1948-rn WESTERN DISTRICT OF KENTlXlKY F. G. Van Alstine . Eugene W. Davis . 19n-190 Cont'd Donald E. O'Brien . George Templar . . 130-1954 Thomas Sparks, Jr. 19+1-l935 Steve Turner . . William C. Farmer . L951-1358 ~ u n k'Gardner . . 1935.1938 Asher E. Schroeder William C. Leonard 1958-1961 Eli 8. Brown, 111 1SJB-1915 Evan L. Hultman . . Newel1 A. George 1SQ-1933 David C. Walls . . 1915-1953 James H. Reynolds . Benjamin 6 . Franklin 1968-1969 Charles F. Wood . . L553:39I Evan L: liultman . . Robert J. Roth . 1369-1975 ,J. Leonard Walker Es4-l359 Robert L. Teig . . E. Edward Johnson . 1975-3971 William B. Jones 1359-1961 Charles W. Larson . 1906-1993 James P. Buchele lPi7-1982 William E. Scent . 19Q-l9S Robert L. Teig . 1993 Jim J. Marque2 . 1981-l3% Boyce F. Martin, Jr. 1965 Stephen J. Rapp . . 1993Benjamin L. Burgess, JS%-1990 Ernest W. Rivers . SS-l9iII presentLee Thompson . . . 1990-1993 John T. Smith .' . 1970 Jackie N'. Williams 1993 - George J. Long, Jr. l 3 7 0 m Randall K. Rathbun 1993-1996 ' J: Albert Jones . . l977-1980 SOUTHJ3RN DISTRICT OF Jackie N. Williams 1996- . John L. Smith . . . . 3980-1581. j7/20/1882t presentAlexander T. Taft, Jr1981 John S. Rllllnels . . Ronald E. Meredith 1981-1985 Daniel 0. Finch . . Alexander T. Taft, Jr1985-I96 Lewis Miles . . DISTRICT OF m C K Y Joseph M. Whittle . ,1986-1933 Charles D. ~ullen . George Nicholas . . 1789 Michael Troop . . . ,1993Lewis Miles . . James Brown . . . . 1791 present Marcellus L. Temple . 1797-1793 William Murry . Claude R. Porter . George Nicholas . 1793 Edwin G. Moon . . . 191s-19n --. -John Breckinridge . 1793-1794 DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA Ralph Pringle . . . 1922-1924 1794-1796 William McClung . James Brown . . . . 18(15-1@33 Edwin G. Moon . . . 1924 William Clark . . . 1796-1BW Phili~G m e s . 1808-1810 Ross R. Mowry . . . 1924-1932 Joseph Hamilton Daviemm-Bffi Tull<~obinsdn . '. .L810-18U Robert W. Colflesh 1932-1934 George M. Bibb . 1807-la08 John R. G m e s . . 1811-1814 Edwin G. Moon . . IBi-1939 Robert Trimble . . lsU-1816 Tully ~0bi;lson . . 1814 Cloid I. Level . 1939 George M. Bibb . lal9-1824 John Dick . . . . 1814-1BP John K. Valentine . John J. Crittenden lan-1829 John W. Smith . . lEA-IBp.. Hugh B. McCoy . Thomas Bell Monroe B33-la24 Maurice F. Donegan Lewis Sanders, Jr . 1834-If38 EASTER?? DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA William R. Hart . . P. S. Loughborough 183&L850 . 1821-1829 John W. Smith . Roy L. Stephenson . William H. Caperton lEX-l(lD John Slidell . . . ZB-lga -- - -- . .Roy W. Meadows . . C. C. Rogers . . 1BU-18Q Henry CarlEon . . . la33-lE36 Donald A. Wine . . Edward I. Bullock . 1861 P.K. Lawrence . . . 1536-1837 Philip T. Riley . . James M. Harlan . . UQ-18Q Thomas slidell . . 18n-183 Donald M. Statton . Thomas E. Bramlette 1863 Benjamin F. Linton , 1838-1841 Jerry E. Williams . Joshua Tevis . . . 1863-1864 Balie Pevton . lBQZ-1845 James P. Rielly B. A. Bristow . . lE€6-1870 Solomon k. owns . Allen L. Donielson Gabriel C. Wharton 1870-1876 Thoinas I. m a n t . George H. Perry . W76-I57 H. F. Finley . . 1876-1871 Logan Huaton . Paul A. Zoss, Jr. . 1977 Gabriel C. Wharton 18TI-1881 E. Warren Moise . . James R. Rosenbaum 1977 George M. Thomas . 1881-mS Thomas S. McCay Roxanne Barton Conlin rn-l5al John C. Wickliffe . 1884.L889 Franklin E. Clack Kermit B. Anderson 1981 George W. Jolly . . 1889-1894 Thomas J. Semmes Richard C. Turner 3-l9e6 William M. Smith . lB?4-1898 Henry C. Miller . Christopher D. Hagen 1986-1990 Rufus Waples ' . . Gene -W< Shepard . . ls93ls93 EASTERN DISTRICT OF KENlVCKY James R. BeckwitK . Don Carlos Nickerson 1993James H. Tinsley . 1901-1909 Albert H. Leonard . present:James N. Sharp . . 1909-W Charles Parlange . Edwin P. Morrow . W-l9l4 William Grant . . . Thomas D. Slatterv 1914-3921 Ferdinand B. Earhart DISTRICT OF KANSAS Sawyer A. Smith . 1Sm-1933 3. Ward Gurley, Jr. Andrew J. Isaacs . lE4l.957 Mac Swinford . . 1911-I937 William W. Xowe . . William Weer . . . I&'-1858 John T. Metcalf . . 1937-lS44 Rufus E. Foster . . Alson C. Davis . . 1858-1861 Claude P. Stephens 1444-1953 Carlton R. Beattie ~homasMeans . . 1861 Edwin R. Dennev . 1953-1955 Walter Guion . . . John T. Burris . . 1861 Henry J. Cook . . IsB-1Sa) Joseph W. Montgomery Robert Crozier . . 18Q-m Jean L. Auxier . . l!XO-l%l Henry Mooney . : . William Fletcher SappL%+LSn James T. Lane . . . 28n-lE2 DeWitt C. Cram . . ES.2-1883 . . .. . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. ... . . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . ... .. .. .. ... . .. ... .... .. . . .. . . . .. ... .. . .. .-. Louis H. Burns ml-l%x J o b Anderson. m3-187 Christopher Gore 1XB-1% Wayne G. Borah ms-1928 3837-841 Harrison G. O t i s 1796 Joseph Howard Edmond E. Talbot l928-19U 841-1863 John Davis : ? 1 a John Holmes William H. Norman 1933 Gorham Parks 3843-1845 George Blake lam-829 Rene A. Viosca 3933-Wd IES-1848 Andrew Dunlop . lE?-LB35 Augustine Haines Warren Doyle W 4 m George Shepley 11118-E49 John M i l l s :' IS%-WL Herbert W. C h r i s t e n b e q - S n lEW-185) Franklin Dexter W-1845 Thomas A. Deblois Robert Winestein Isa-1947 L853-18Q George Shepley . J. S k e l l y Wright 1948-19P9 1861-E70, DISlFSCT OFOmt'd George F. Talbot . ' John M. McKay E49-1950 Nathan Webb 1870-1818 Robert Rantoul. Jr. W-1850 George R. Blue B52-199 2818-1885 George Lunt Wilbur P. Lunt 1850-185 M. Hepburn Many . m-I%? George E. Bird . 188&lESO Benjamin P . H a l l e t t 189-18R Kathleen ~ u d d e l l m-ma IBSO-l894 Charles L. Woodbury WZ-IBQ I s s a c w. We.r Louis C. LaCour 19Q-l%3 A l b e n W. Bradbury XI%-1898 Richard H. Dana, Jr. 1861-1868 Gerald J. GallinghousF1969-1m Issac W. Dyer 1898-1906 Geerae S. H i l l a r d lssi,-187u) John P. VoLz m-1991 Davis H. Mason 1870-lEA Rosert T. Whitehouse PX-1914 Harry A. Rosenberg 1991-19113 George P. Sanger l6%i-ls8b 1914-1915 Stephen C. Perry Robert J. B o i t m a ~ 1993 George M-. SteaFiis 18861887 ' ' John F.A. M e n i l l 1914-392 Eddie J. Jordan, Jr. 1 9 9 4 - ' Gwen A. Galvin Frederick R. Dyer . Isrr-l933 1887-1890 preser l t John D. Clifford. J r . 1933-3947 Frank D. Allen . lWC-ltra Edward J. Uarrington 1 9 4 7 Sherman Hoar .. 1IW-1897 MIDDLZ DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA Alton A. Lessard 1997-1953 Boyd B . Jones . l897-L90L Douglas M. Gonzales km-1976 Peter M i l l s 1953-1961 Henry P. Moultin 19m-W]5 Ch.eney C. Joseph, Jr. 1976-l977 Alton A. Lessard . 1SQ-1965 Melvin 0. A d a m WX-1% Donald L. Beclcner Irm-IBl. William E. McKinley, - 6 5 Asa P. French . IS%-1914 Stanford 0. Bardwell, Jr; Lloyd P. LaFountain I s - ~ George W. Anderson 1414-1917 . .. . 196l-1986 Peter Mills l%9-l9i7 Thomas J:Boynton pl7-1920 P. Raymond Lamonica 1986-1994 George J. itch ell 19n-1919 Danial J. Gallagher -1921 L. J . Hymel 1994. James W. Brannigan, J-1980 Robert 0 . Harris 1911-1925 preserit~homasE. Delahanty, mC-l98l Harold P. Williams l%-E6 Thomas E. Delahanty, IL680-1982 - Frederick H. T a r r l92+19U. W9STERN DISTRICT OP LOUISIANA Richard S. Cohen L981-i993 , Francis. J . W . Ford 1933-1938 John Brownson 1823-1830 Jay P . McCloskey 1993~ o h nA. Canavan ,-I339 Benjamin F Linton 1830-1841 present Edmund J. Brandon 1939-1946 Henderson Taylor 1842-1842 Eeozge F. G a r r i t y l?46-1947 CaLeb L. Swayze 1842-1849 , William T. McCarthy 1947-14P9 Henry Boyce E49-1850 DISTRICT OF MARYIAiW George F. G a r r i t y lW-1913 Lawrence P. Crain 1850-185 Richard P o t t s 1789-1792 Anthony J u l i a n . 1953-1959 Joseph H. Kilpatrick B53-185P Zebulou Hollingsworth 1792-1806 E l l i o t L. Richardson -1959-19Q P e t e r Alexander B.54-1856 John Stephen .180&18U) W. Arthur G a r r i t y 1961-1966 Claiborne C. Briscoe 1 8 5 6 Thomas B. Dorsey mi)-= Paul F. Markham . 1966-1969 Floyd Walton 3856-Y)B) E l i a s Glenn L~U-m4 Herbert F . Travers, Ja%9-19n Leon D. Marks. . 1860 Nathaniel Williams L824-l&l James N. Gabriel . 19n-lSZ James R. Beckwith 1870 2. Collins Lee 1841-1845 Joseph L. Tauro 1972 H. 8 . T a l l i a f e n o 1881 William L. Marshall 1845-18% James N. Gabriel 1573-1Sn Milton C. E l s t n e r 1881-1885 2. Collins Lee . ma-1Ba Edward F. Harrington l97-l.93 Montfort S. Jones 15ffi-lE89 William M. Addison 1853-us2 William F. Weld . 1981-1986 Milton C. E l s t n e r . lB9-l893 William Price ' . 1862 Robert S. ~ u e l l e r ,I1 1986-1987 Charles W. Seals L891-1898 Archibald S t e r l i n g , J62t78-1;886 Franlc L.' McNamara, JrW-1939 Milton : C Elstner 1898-1910 ThoG. Hayes 1886-1890 Jermiah T. O r S u l l i v a n 1989 . .. E. H. Randolph W19U John T. Ensor 1890-1894 P e t e r A. Mullin 1989 Oeorye W: Jack W-1917 William L. Marbury 1894-lS58 Wayne A., Budd .. l989-3993 ~ o b e r tA. Hunter 1917 John C. Rose Is9B-1ZM A. John P a p p a l a r b 1993 Joseph Moore 1917-1921 John P. H i l l 1910-1915 Donal'd K; S t e r n 1993Yardell Boatner ,1921 Samuel K. Dennis l9l5-mO pres ..Hugh C. Fisher =-Ism Robert R. Carman 1920-13Z m-ml ' P h i l i p H. Mecom 192-1935 Amos W.W. Woodcock Benjamin F. Roberts M5-1937 l93l-l9% DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN Simon E. Sobeloff . Harvey G. F i e l d s 1937-1945 -Bernard J. Flynn %-1953 Solonion S i b l e y lElS1824 Malcolm E. Lafargue 1965-19% George C. Doub 1953-1356 Andrew G. Whitney lgM-1826 William J. Fleniken, SB5O Walter E. Black, Jr. ~ ~ 6 - m Daniel LeRoy l~26-1834 Harvey L. Carey 1950 Leon H.A. Pierson 1957-19Q Daniel Goodwin IS%-E4l .William J. .Fleniken, at350-1SS2 Joseph D. Tydings ISQ-I.?? George C. Bates' . 1842-1845 Thomas F. Wilson l953-F Robert R. Xernon 1963 John Norvell . W-1850 Edward L. Shaheen ISQ-1369 Thomas J. Kenney 19Q-1961 George C. Bates 18M-1853 Donald E. Walter . BD-lgTI Stephen H. Sachs 1961-1570 Samuel Barstow 1552-1853 Edward L. Shaheen Isn-l979 George Beall 1970-1975 George E . Hand 189-1857 Joseph R.-Qene . l579-1981 J e r v i s S. Finney lS7S-1978 Joseph M i l l e r , Jr.. 1857:lBQ. ~osepl;'S-. Cage. Jr. 1981-1993 Russell T. Baker m-1981 William L. Stoughton BQ-1862 William J . Flanagan 1993 Herbert B e t t e r 1981 . Alfred Russell 1861-l863 Michael 9. Skinner 1993J. Frederick Motz 1981-1485 present Catherine C. Blake 1585-1986 EASTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN Breckinriclge L. WillcdS%-1991 Aaron B. Maynard 1869 Richard D. Bennett 1991-1993 S u l l i v a n M. Cutcheon 1877-1885 DISTRICT OF MAINE Gary P. ,Jordan . 1993 Cyrenius P. Black 1885-1830 William Lithgaw, J r . 178917% Lynne Ann B a t t a g l i a 1993Theodore F. Shepard lE%%lB% Daniel Davis . . 1735-lsOl p r e s e n t J a r e d W . Finney . 1894 S i l a s Lee . 1801-1814 Alfred P . Lyon 189-1898 William 5 . Preble 1814-1820 J a r e d W. F i ~ e y 1898 Ether Shepley . l8ZO-lXU DISTRICT OF MASSACIIUSBTTS William D . Gordon . L898-19C6 .. . . . :.... . . . . . -. .. . ... . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . .... .. . .... . . . .. . . . ... . . .. . ... .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. .. . . ... . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . - .... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . .,. ,: .'. ',I .J Daniel Bartlett. Jr. James E. Reeves . . Donald J. Sto'bx . . Barry A; Short . . ~obe;t D. Kingsland Thomas E. ' Dittmeier Stephen B. Higgins Edward L. Dowd. Jr. 1969 1969-1913 1973-1976 LmB-1977 1977-19El 1982-1990 1990-1993 1993prese Robert T. O'Leary . 19n-1981 B. Mahlon Brown . . Robert L. Zimmerman 1981 Lamond R. Mills . . Byron H. Dunbar . . 19a-1990 William A. MaMax . Lorraine I. Gallinger1990 Richard A. Pocker . Doris Swords Poppler 1990-lB3 Leland E. Lutfy . . Sherry S. Matteucoi 1993Douglas N. Frazier present Monte Stewart. .'. Kathryn Landreth . l9i7-1Sgl 1981-1985 EE-1989 1999-1990 IS%-3992 1992 393-1993 1993present DISTRICT OF NEBL4SKA WESTERN DISTRICT OF MISSOURI Experience Estabrook M. M. Parsons . . 1851-IsY1 Leavitt L. Bowen . lE5S1860 DISTRICT OF NZW EA!!SHIXE Alfred M. L+ . . .. L85B-lE6l Robert A. Howard . 1860-UQ Samuel Sherburne. Jr. 1783-1794 James J. Clark . . 1861 David A. Collier . W-ISS~ Edwards St. Loe James 0. Broadhead Daniel Gantt . . 1864 Livermore . . . Robert J. Lackey . James Neville . . . 1876-1878 Jermiah Smith . . . Bennett Pike . :. Genio M. Lambertson 1878-1887 Edwards St. Loe James's. BotsEord . George E. Pritchett 1887-lsSO Livemre 7 . . . Col. L.H. Waters . ~eniiminS. Baker . 1890-%% John S. Sherbourne William Warner . Andiew J. Sawyer Jonathan Steele . . Ross Guffin . . . Williamson S. Summer: Daniel Humphreys . Maecenas E. Benton Irving F. Baxter William Plumer, Jr. Elbert E. Kimball. . Charles A. Goss . . Daniel M. Christie George A. Neal . . Francis S. Howell . Samuel Cushman . . J o k R. Walker . . Thomas 'S. Allen . . Daniel McDurell . . William Warnet . James C. Kinsler . John P. Hale . . . Arba S. Van Valkenbul Charles E. Sandall Joel Eastman . . Leslie J. Lyons . Joseph T. Votava Franklin Pierce . . Francis M. Wilson . Domld R. Ross. . Josiah Minot . . . Sam 0. Hargus . . Harry W. Shackelford William W. Stickney James W. Sullinger William C. Spire . . John H. George . . Charles C . Madison Theodore L. Richling Anson S. Marshall . Roscoe G . Patterson Richard A. Dier . Charles W. Rand. . . William L. Vandevente- - - ~ . -William K. Schaphorst Henry P. Rolfe . Maurice M. Yilligan 1934-1940 Daniel E. Wherry . Joshua G. Hall . . Richard K. Phelns . 1940 Edward G. Warin . Ossian Ray . .. Naurice M. Milligan 1940.1545 Thomas D. Thalkin .' Charles H. Burns Sam M. Wear . l?45-1953 Daniel E. Wherry John S. H. Frink . Edward L. Scheufler 19S-Ea Edward G. Warin . . Jas. W. Bemick . . F. Russell Millin . L9Q-Z96/ Thomas D. Thalkin . 1981 Oliver E. Branch . Calvin K. Hamilton 1961-1969 -.. Rcnald D. Lahers . 1381-1393 Charles J. Hamblett Bert C. H u m . . . lS69-1977 -Ttomas i. Monaghan 1993Charles W. Hoitt . Kinala sr Reed, Jr. 1977-1981 present:Fred H. Brown . . . J. Whitfield Moody 1981 Raymond U. Smith . Robert G. Ulrich . 1981-1989 Alexander Murchie . Thomas M. Larson . 1989 DISTRICT OF -A Demis E. Sullivan Jean Paul Bradshaw 1989-1993 Benjamin Bunker . Robert D. Branch . Michael A. Jones . 1993 TheodoreD. Edwards John J. Sheehan . . ~ariettaParker . . 1993 Robert M. Clarke Maurice P. Bois . Stephen L. Hill, Jr. 1994William Campbell . William H. Craig, Jr presel:1tW. S. Wood .. John D. McCarthy J. Seely . . . Louis M. Janelle Charles S. Varian . David A. Brock DISTRICT OF MOWANA T r m o r e coffin . . William E. Cullinore Robert S. Anderson Thomas E. Haydon . Carroll F. Jones . . J.W. Andrews JobnW. Whitcher . William J. Deachman, James S. Dryd@n . Charles A. Jones . William H. Shaheen James W. Walker . . Sardis Summerfield Robert J. Xennedy . Frank M. Eastman Samuel Platt . W. Stephen Thayer, 1 w.H. ~ewitt . William Woodburn Bmce Kenna . .. Robert B. Sinith . George Springmeyer Richard Wiebusch . Elbert D. Weed . . . Harry 8. Atkinson. . Peter E. Papps . . 'Preston H. Leslie . E- P. Carville . . Jeffrey R. Howard . William B. Rogers . William S. Boyle . Peter E. Papps . Carl Rasch . . Miles N. pike- . . Paul M. Gagnon . . 1994sames W. 'Freeman . present Burton K. Wheeler Edwara C2-Day . . . W.W., Patterson . . DISTRICT OF NEW' ~ERSBY George F. Shelton . Richard Stockton . 1789-1791 John L. Slattery . Franklin P.R. Abraham Ogden . . . 1791-1% Wellington D. Rapkin Rittenhouse . . 1955-1358 Lucius FI. Stockton 1798-1801 James H. Baldwin . Howard W. Babcock . l38-1S6L Frederick Frelinghuys-01 John B. Tansil . . John W. Bonner . . 1961-1966 George C. Maxwell . 180l-lBm Dalton T. Pierson . JosephL. Ward . B$6-l%9 William S. Pennington1Ba)-18W KrestCyr . .. ~obertS. Linnell . 1969 Joseoh McIlvaine . 1804-lSZZ H. Moody Brickett Bart M. Schouweiler lXS-1Sn ~uciisO.C. Elmer- . lEX-Ig2B -- -. Otis L.-packwood Joseph L. Ward . . 1972 ~arre~t-D. Xall . . laB-1834 Keith L. Burrows : V. DeVoe Heaton . . 1972-1975 Jaees S. Green . . 1535-1W Thomas A. Olson . . Lawrence J. Semenza 1975-l9i7 William Halscead . 1650-1853 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. ... . . .. . . '. ... . . . . . .. . . ~ - - Charles F. Rouse . l935-9Pk Warren Gmwles . . . . leB-lfii!2 . John A. Manning . . 194E-1951 Willlam Pound . . . L8R-L877 Charles P. Green . 1951-3953 Hugh J. Campbeld 1877-1585 1962 Julian T. Gaskill . 190--9Q John E. Gxland . l%S-lal 1962-1970 Robert H. Cowen . . m-1963 William E. Purcell ZBBs-L889 Em-m Warren H. Coolidge' 1969-L9ZI John C. Murphy .-. . 1889 m 1 9 7 5 Thomas P. McNamara m-1976 ... . J.¶S-l976 Carl'L. Tilghman . North And South'Dakota Admttted 1976-1980 George M. Anderson To The Union November 2. 1889 1980 James L. Blackburn 1480-1983 Samuel J. Currin . DISTRICT OF NORTH DAKOTA ~ ~ Douglas 9 J. McCullough John F. Selby . . 1890-IBl 1989 Margaret P. Currin Edgar W. Camp . . . lsSn-1854 1989-1993 James R. Dedrick . James F. O'Brien . 1894 1993 John D. McCullough h a w R. Banqs . 18%-18% 1993Janice NcKenzie Cole 1994partick H. ~ourke preserlt presen~tEdward Engerud . . Melvin A? Hildreth WBSTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK r n L B DIsr!ucr OF t?Jmc m o m Seth W. ~ichardsoh Charles E. Brow . Irxnlw6 ?rank Linney . . . 1927-1328 Peter B. Garberg . Lymon M. Bass . . k-1909 Edwin L. Gavin . . 1928-1932 Powless W. Lanier . John L. O'Brien . . I%$-191% Ralph B. Maxwell . John D. Lynn . . 1914-1915 -- - Robert Vogel . . . -*-Stephen T. Lockwood l9l.5-19a Bqce R. Holt . . m7-1954 John 0. Garaas . . wiliiam Donovan . . Edwin M. Stanley . l.554-1957 Eugene K. Anthony . Thomas Penney, Jr. Robert L. Gavin . Isn-1958 Harold 0. Bullis Richard H.,Templeton James E. Holshouser 1958-ma Eugene K. Anthony . George L. Grobe . . Lafayette Williams 1961 .James 8. Britton . m-1581 .John 0. Henderson . l96l-1969 William H. Murdock Rodney S. Webb . . 1981-3987 Neil A. Fannelo . . William L. Osteen . l9e-1974 Gary H. -ear . . 1987-1990 John T. Curtin . N. Carlton Tilley. Jrm7-I977 Stephen D. Easton l992-1993 Thomas A. Kemelly Benjamin H. White, JrW-1981 John T. Schneider . 1993Andrew F. Phelan . Henry M. Michaux . 1977-1981' present Edgar C. NeMayer . Kenneth W. McAllister1481-1385. Kenneth H. Robert H.. Edmunds Jr1986-ls93 Schroeder, Jr. . 1969-1972 Benjamin H. mite; ~ ~ 1 9 9 3 DISTRICT OF OHIO John T. Elfvin . 3.92-1975 Walter C. .Solton, Jr. 1994William McMillan . Richard J. Arcara . l975-1981 present Michael Baldwin . . Roger P. Williams . m-B32 William Creightm . Salvatore R. Martoche 1982-1986 WESrWNDISrRICr OF N O m CmwLliUA Samuel Herrick . . Roger P. Williams . lB6-l988 D - H. Starbuck . . 1870-la76 John C. Wri~ht . . Dennis C. Vacco . .WE-1993 Virgil S. Lusk . . m L 8 8 0 'Joseph S. ~Gnham . Patrick H. NeMoyer 1993James E. Boyd . . le8Q-IE5 Samuel Herrick . . present Noah H. Swayne . . ~ D ~ c P Israel o Hamiiton F ~. . ~ Cont'd Charles Anthony . Hamilton C. Jones -1889 Thomas W. Bartley . DISTRICT OB NORTH C R R O L I ~ Charles Price . . . 1889-1893 Samson Mason . . . John Sitgreaves . . 1790 Robert B. Glenn . . ES3-1851 Daniel 0. Morton 1790-1795 William Hill . Alfred E. Holton . lsgl-1914 Benjamin Wood . . . 1795-la03 William C. 'Hammer . m4-3520 NORTHBXN DISTRICT OF ORIO ~obertH. Jones . 1808-1816 Stonewall J. Durham 1320-1922 . R. P. Ranney . . 1857 Thomas P. Devereux w-lm7 Frank A. Linney . . l92l-Isn George W. Belden . Isn-861 James McKay . . . 1817-m Thomas J. karkins . 1927-Im1 Robert T. Paine . 1861 Thomas P. Devereux la-1839 Charles A. Jonas 1931-3932 Geome Willey . . . m l s n a. L. H0lmeS . . 1839-1840 Frank C. Patton . . 1332-1933 .John-C. See -. . . . 1Bn-1881 James B. Sheppard . 1840 Marcus Erwin . . l933-1939 Edward S. Meyer . 1 8 4 0 w William X. Haywood W. Roy Francis . 1939-1940 E. H. Eggleston . . Duncan K. McRae . w-rn Theron L. Candle . lBO-14P5 Robert S. Shields . Hiram W. Rusted . L850-lm David E. Henderson l?&5W Isaac N. Alexander Robert P. Dick . . 1853 Thomas E. Uzzell . ls4B-19a Allan T. James M. Baley, Jr. 1953-1961 Ernest S. Cook . Q \ S I W N D ~ C P OF N)RIKlxmYum Rush E. Monteith . 1961 Samuel D. Dodge . . D. E. Starbuck . . m~1873 William MedEord . . ,1961-1964 John J. Sullivan . Richard C. Badger . m-1878 James 0. Israel, Jr. 1969 William L. Day . . .J. W. Albertson . l678-1882 Keith S. Snyder . ulysses G. Denman . W.S.O.B. Robinson . lea-1885 Harold M. Edwards Edwin S. Wertz . . Fabius H. Busbee . 1885-1889 Harold J. Bender . 1981 A. E. Bernstea , . Chas: .X:?ook . . 2.839-1893 Charles R. Brewer 1981-1987 Wildred J. Marhon . Charles B. Aycock . %3!%-18% Thomas J. Ashcraft 1987-la Emerick B. Freed . Claude M. Bernard 1098-19Ce Jerry W. Miller . 1993 , ' Francis B. Kavanagh Harry Skinner . . 19m-1910 Mark T. Calloway 1994Donald C. Miller Herbert F. Seawell 1910-19U ' presentJohn J. Kane, Jr. Francis D. Winston W-1316 Sunmer Canam . . James 0. Carr . . . 1916-1919 Thomas D. Warren . l9l9-1920 TER-ITORY OF DAKOTA E. F. Aydlett . . Em-I92l Harvey.M. Vale . Irvin B. Tucker . . lF2l-19M William E. Gleason LBQ-lE'& Robert B. Km~anskv lS9-lgiO Walter H. Fisher . 1930-I324 James Christian . . 1865 Robert W. -. 1970 James 0. Carr . . . %I$ George H. Hand . . =I869 Frederick M. Coleman I3X-m S. H. Gillespie, Jr. Morton S. Robson . Robert M. Margenthau Vincent L. Broderick Robert M. Yargenthau Whitney N. Seymour Paul J. Canon . . . Thomas J'. Cahill Robert .B. Fiske. Jr. William M. Tendy ' . John S. Martin, Jr. Rudolph W. Guiliani Benito Romario . . 0tto Obermaier . Roger S. Hayes . . Mary Jo White . . Es+1961 1961 1961-1962 . . . . .. . . . . . . . . - . . ~~ . . - .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. g . .. . .. . ones . ' William D. Beyer . Em-1978 - BASTERN DISTRICT OF O.~AHOMA Lewis S. McArthur . James R. Williams . 1918-19&L William Gregg, Jr. 1307-3U Franklin P. Mays . J. William Petro . ~-~ D. Havden Linebaucrh W-1917 Daniel R. Murphy . William J. Edwards 1984 W. Pi-MoGinnis .- . I917-1919 John H. Hall . . Patrick M. McLaughlin lB4-1988 C. W. Miller . . . 1 9 1 9 Francis J. Heney . William Edwards . . 1988-1989 Archibald Bonds . . Em-1920 William C. Bristul Joyce J. George . . WlSS3 C. W. Miller . . . 1 9 2 0 J o b McCouqt .- . Patrick J. Foley . 1993 Berry J. King . . 1920-1921 Everett A. Johnson Emily Sweeney . . . 1993John T. Harley . . 1 9 2 1 Clarence L. Reames Dresent Frank Lee . . . . 1921-1930 Robert R. Rankin' . W. F. Rampendahl ' 1930-1934 Bert E. Haney . . . SODTEE- DISTRICT OF OHIO Cleon A. Sumere W W Z B. H. Goldstein . . Hugh I . Jewett . . 1855-1855 E, Edwin Langley . 1952-1953 Lester W. Humphreys John H. OINeill . . 1856-m Frank D. McSherry . 1953-LeQ John S. Coke . . . -~ Stanlev Matthews . 1858-IsQ E. Edwin A. Langley 1961-1965 George Neuner . . . l92.5-1933 ---Robert B. Green . . l S L ? Carl C. Donauyh . . EU3-1545 C h a n n i n g Richarcla . 1877-ms William J. Settle . -1974 Henry L. Hess . . ISS-19% Philip H. Kumler . 1@%-L?87 Richard A. Pyle . W4-m7 Clarence-E. LuEkev 1954-l!%l ' William B. Burne: . 1887-1889 JulianK. Fite . . m-1980 sidnev I. Lezak .ISa-1982 John W. Henon . l@a9-la94 James E. Edmondson 1980-19Bl char1;s H. Turner . 1982-EZ Harlan Cleveland ' . ltm-1898 Betty 0. Williams . 1981-1982 Jack C. Won5 . . 1993 William E. Bundy . 3E9&1903 Gary L. Richardson ' lsaz-DM Kristine Olson . 199:Sherman T. McPherson 19m-1916 Donn B. Barker . . 1984-3985 present Stuart R. Bolin . . I9l€-l920 Roger Hilfiger . . 1285-L990 James R. Clark . lac-Isa Sheldon J. Sperling 1 9 9 0 Thomas R. Marrow . 192-l.922 John W. Raley, Jr. 1990DISTRICT OF PGNKSYLV.Q!IA Benson W. Hough . . 19p-1925 presel~~Yilliam Levis . . . 17E-1791 Haveth E. Mau . . . ESS-1434 ---William Raule . . . 1791-1799 Francis C. Canny , 1334-1939 m S T m DISTRICT OF OKLAHOMA Jared Inyersoll . . 18CO-1801 James H. Cleveland 1939 William M. Mellette Em-1907 Leo C. Crawford . s%9-19P4 John Emby. . . . . 1907-19Y . E A S m DISTRICT OF PEIWS'ILVATi Bryon B. Harlan . . L W - ~ Isaac D. ;Paylor . . 1 9 1 2 , Alexander Dallas 18m-1814 ---- ~ - --- J. kay J. O'Domell . 14?6-195) C h a r-l -e -s . T. Tnaersoll Homer N. Boardman Y9l2-19l3, ---> . . -- . - - 1815-IS29 -Hugh K. Martin . . l99-1961 -..- George M. Dallas . lm.9-1812 Joseph B. Kinneary 1961 WSSTERN DISTRICT 08 OKLAHOMA PIenry D. Gilpin . . l93l-1937 Robert M. Draper . 1966-1369 Cont'd John M. Reed . . . m7-1894 Robert J. Makley . 1963 Isaac D. Taylor . . 1%-1314 William M. Meredith 1&41-B92 William W. Milligan l969-I377 John A. Fain . . . 1914-3320 Henry M. Watts . . 1840 James E. Rattan . . DT-19)8 Frank E. Randell . 1 9 2 0 Thomas McKean Pettit .U4%1849 'James C. Cissell . 1978-1982 Robert M . Peck . . . l92C-l%?l John W. Ashmead . . 1 8 4 9 --.Christopher K. Bame?;1982-1985 W. A. Maurer . . 1921-l925 John C. Van Dyke . 1854 Anthony W. Nyktas . Dffi-19s Ray St. Lewis . . . George M. Wharton . l85l-l860 D. Michael Crites . 1986-1393 Herbert K. Byde . 15m-1934 George A. Coffey . lKl-l6€4 Barbara L. Beran . 1993 William C . Lewis . 1434-1938 Charles Gilpin . . 1864-188( Edmund A. Sargus, Jr.. 1993-1956 Charles E. Dierker l.938-1947 John P. O'Neil lW-1869 Dale Goldberg . . . 1996Robert E. Shelton . 1947-I99 Aubrey H . Smith . . l859-1Bn present Fred M. Mack . . . 199-1954 William McMichael . lS73-1875 Paul W. Cress . . . E54-lSQ .~ o h nK. Valentine . 1875-1888 Andrew -. 8 . .-.--Potter . ---19F;L-1%9 John R. Read . . 1883-1892 DISTBICT.OF OKLAXOMA William R. Burkett l969-L975 Ellery P. Ingham . 1892-1856. Horace Speed . . . .I&%-1894 David L. Russell . 1975-1971 James M. Beck . . 1896-19W Caleb R. Brooks . . 1894-UB John E.' Green . . . 19n-1978 James B. Holland . SWJ-1904 Samuel L. Overstreet 1898-lKB Larry D. Patton . . 1978-1981 J. Whitaker Thomuson 14)4-1912 John W. Scothorn . 1899-WX) David L . Russell . 1981-1982 John C. smartlev . 19l2-19U Horace S~eed . . . 1900 John E. Green . . . 1- 9 8 -2 Francis 8. iane' 19U-lYZ William S. Price . 1982-1989 Charles D. McAvoy . 192(L-l9LZ CBNTBAL DISTRICT 08 OKLAHOMA Robert E. Mydans 1909 George W. Coles . 1921-1929 John H. Wilkins . . Wa-1906 Timothy D. Leonard lS9-1992 ~alvinS. Boyer . . 3.923-1930 Thomas B. Lathone 1906 Joe L. Heaton . . . 1532-1993 Howard B. ~ e b i s. . 1 9 3 1 John E. Green . . . 1 9 9 3 Edward W. Wells . l93l-1933 NORTHEZ3i DISTRICT OF OXLAEOMA Vicki Miles-LaGrange B3-1994 Charles D. McAvoy . =-I937 .John M. Goldesberry ~~ Rozia McKirtney-Foster1S94-1995 Guy K. Bard . . 1937 Clarence E. Bailey 1933-3937 Patrick M. Ryan . 19953. Cullen Ganey . D37-1940 Whitfield Y. Mauzy l937-3953 preser~tEdward A. Kallick . 1 9 4 0 John S. Athens . . 19D-1954 Gearld A. Gleeson . 1340-1953 8. HaydOn Crawford E54-1958 ~obertS. Rizley 1958-1961 DISTRICT OF OREGON W. ~llsonWhite .& ~ s n - ~ Russel.1.-K. smith . 1961 Isaac W.R. Bromley 1848-1850 G. Clinton ~ o g d l , 511957 John M. Imel . . . 1961-1361 Amory Holbrook . . 1850-1853 Harold K. Wood . . l39-Is59 Laurence A. McSoud 1967-1563 Benjamin F. Harding 1853-1854. Joseph L.McGlynn, Jr. IS59-ISa Nathan G. Graham . L969-1977 William H. Farrar . 18%-1859 Walter E. Alessandron&SS9-23Q Hubert A. Marlow . 1977 Andrew J. Thayer . lES9-1860 Joseph S. Lord, 111 1 9 6 1 Hubert H. Bryant 1977-19BZ James K. Kelley . . . 1860-l@Q Drew J.T. O'Keefe . 19Q-l%9 Francis A. Keating, Ins81-1933 Brasmus D. Shattuck 1862 Louis C. Bechtle . 1969-1972 Layn R. Phillips . BB-1967 Edward W. McGraw .. 18Q-1863 Carl Joseph Melone 1972 Tony M. Graham . . 1387-1993 Joseph M. Dolph . . l65-lea Robert E.J. Curran 1972-1376 Frederick L. D w . I I I l 9 9 3 J.C. Cartwright . . 1868-1871 Jonas C. Stephen Charles Lewis 1993Addison C. Gibbs . 18X-1673 Undercofler, I11 1 9 7 6 present Rufus Mallory . . . m-lea2 David Marston . . . 1576-1978 J. F. Watson . . 1882-lee6 Robert N. Deluca . 1 9 7 8 . . . . .. ~ . . . . . . . . . - . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . -- . . DAG000001420 Peter F. Vaira . . Robert N. Deluca . Peter F. Vaira . . Edward S.G. Dennis Michael M. Baylson Michael J. Rotko . Michael R. Stiles . 1978-1983 1978 1978-1983 J. Alan Johnson . . lW-988 Everette C. SamrtidbS13-1S78 Charles D. Sheehy . 19BB-1989 Paul F. Murray . . lYB-1581 Thomas W. Corbett, -1989-1393 Lincoln C. Almrnd . 19BZ-1993 Frederick W. Thieman 1993Edwin J. Gale . . . 1993 presentSheldon Whitehouse 1994present 1563-1988 1988-1993 1993 1993preSentDISTRICT OX PWRTO RICO Noah 8. K. Pettingill 1900-19(n DISTRICT OF SOOTI[ CAXGLm. MIDDLE DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA Willis Sweet . . . 13(13-1305 John J. Prinqle . . 1789-1792 Samuel J. M. McCarrelnSm71M7 A. G. Stewart . . . 1905 Thomas ~arker. . . 17k-l820 Charles B. Witmer 1937L19U Frank Femille . . . 1905-190-6 RobertY. Eaynes . 1820 ,AndrewB. Dnnsmore 19LI-19U Jose R. F. Savafe . IXX-1907 John Gadsden . . l8X-1831 Rogers L. Burnett . 19U-1921 Henry M. Hoyt . . . 1907-ISU) Edward Frost . . . la31 An&B. Dunsmore lsn-1934 Foster V. Brown . . 14.0-191l Robert 8. Gilchrist 18U-1840 Frank J. McDonnell *I935 ByronS.Amblar . 1911 Edward McCradv . . X42-1850 Arthur A. Maguire . 1935 1912 William N. Landers William . . 1850 Frederick V. Follmer 1935-19P6 Foster V. Brom . . 1912 James L.-Petigm . 185W18a Arthur A. Maguire . l9S-Isa J. Henq Brown . 1915 Thomas Evans . . 18S-L856 Joseph C. Kreder . 195.3 Miles M. Martin . . l9lS-lPLL James Comer . . . 1856-lE0 J. Julius Levy . --IS7 Ira K. Wells . . . 35Z-1924 John P h i l l i ~ .~ . ~€S-lasl Robert J. Harrigan I957-19W John L. Gay . . . l928-1931 David T. -cogbin . . Em-1831 Daniel H. Jenkins . 1958-1961 L .C. Northr~p . . . Xi%-1881 Bernard J. Brown . 194-1969 D I S m C T OF P~icTORIeO Cont3dSamuel W. Melton . lsaL-1885 John S. Cottone . . 1969-1975 Frank Bianchi . . 1931 Leroy F.. Youmans . 1885-1893 Carlton M. O'Mally, JS79-1982 Frank Martinez . . 1931-I232 Abial Lathrop . . lE89-D93 David D. Queen . 1982-1985 Barry T . Besosa . . 3913-1933 William P. Murphy . 1893-Xi% James J. West . . . I%-1993 A. Cecil Snyder . 193)-1942 Abial Lathrop . . . 18%-Wn Wayne P. Samuelson 1993 Walter L. ~iwsom,Jr. 1942 John C. Capers . . 1-1-W)6 David M. Barasch . 1993Phili~F. Herrick . 1942-1945 Ernest F. Cochran I.SC6-XTl4 - Francis H. Weston . 1914-1918 . . . halo? . . . . . . . - . -- . . ELSIP(N DI3lTIff OF SOW QXOLIYA --.18Y, Ruben D. RodrimezFrancis 8 . Weston . Dl8-1Sm Andrew Stewart . . 1818-1821 Antongiori . . D. Ernest Meyer . lQ2-1930 Alexander BrackenridgeBl-1830 Francisco A. Gil, Jr. i958-7Henry E. Davis . 1930-1934 George W. Buchanan 1830-la32 Blas C. Heniro, Jr. 1S69-L970 Claude N. Sapp . . W-1947 Benjamin Patton. Jr. 1a30-1839 Julio Morales-Sanchez1970-1919 Benjamin S . Whaley 1947-1953 John P. Anderson . 1839-1841 Jose A. Quiles . . 1.!?7%-1980 N. Welsh Morrisette, aS-196l Cornelius Darragh . W-W Raymond L. Acosta . EEC-1982 Terrell L. Glenn . 19a-196a William O'Hara Robins-1845 Jose Q. Quiles . 1982 John L. Dawson . m.5-1850 Daniel F. Lopez-Romo 1982-1993 XZSZEZWD-ff OFSDVIII~ J. Bowman Sweitzer BSC-1SD Charles E. Pitzwilliam993 Francis H. Weston . 1915 Charles Shaler . . 180-1857 Guillenno Oil . . 1993J. William Thunnond l3l.S-m Richard B. Roberts 1857-1BQ. presen t Ernest F. Cochran . 19L1-LS3 Robert B. Carnahan lsbl-la7C -~ -. Joseph A. Talbert . 1Sp-l933 ~ e & yB. Swope . . 1670-la74 - DISTRICT OF ERODE ISLXND Charles C. Wycbe . 193)-I937 David Reed . . 1674-1876 William Channing . 1790-1794 Oscar H. Doyle . . B37-1950 Henry H. McCormick -1880 Ray Green . . . . 1794-1797 Edward P. ~ h e v. . 1951 William A. Stone 1880-1886 David L. Barns . 1797-llMl J o k C. ~ i l l i G s . m-13%. George A. Allen . . 1886-1B89 David Howell . IBm-BY Joseph E. Hines . . 1954-l%l Walter Lvon . . . 1889-1sra Asher Robbina . . . EIZ-l&20 JohnE. Williams . 1961-W Stepheq C. McCandless 1893 - John Pitman . . 1820-l5-24 Harry A. IIall . . . 1893-1897 Dutee J. Pearce . 1824-1825 DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA Daniel B. Heiner . U97-lsca W251895 Richard W. Greene Klyde Robinson . . 1968-lS69 James S. Young . . l9.72-1905 Walter S. Burges 1845-I39 Joseph 0. Rogers, Jr. 1569l5il John W. Dunkle . . 15E-W James M. Clark . . l850-18h John K. Grisso l97l-Ig15 John R. Jordon . lm-19U George H. Browne BlsQ Thomas P. Simpson . 1975 , . Edwin L. Humes . . 1913-l3li Wingate Hayes . . 1061 Mark W. Buyck, Jr. 1951.977 R. 'Lindsay Crawford 3918-1919 Nathan F. Dixon, Jr. l6i7-885 Thomas P. Simpson . 1977 Bdwin L. Humes . 1919-1920 David S. Baker . . lass-la@ Thomas 8. Lydon, Jr. 19n-1981 Robert J. Dodds . 1920 Rathbone Gardner . -1893 Henry D. McMaster . 19BL-385 D. J. Driscoll . 192Wl92l Charles E. Gorman . 1893-1897 Vinton D. Lide . . l96S-XW Walter Lvon . . . 1921-V0.5 - -Charles A. Wilson . 1 8 9 7 - W E. Bart Daniel . 1963-l% John D. %eyer . . . 1ZN-1925 Walter R. Stiness 1911-1914 John S. Simmons .- L992-1993 Louis E. Graham . . lX¶-19a Harvey A. Baker . . 1914-I520 Margaret B. Seymour 1993 Horatio S . Dumbauld 1933-1935 Peter C. Cannon . . Ise0-M J. Preston Strom, Jr. L993-I5?6 Charles F. Uhl . 1935-l939 Norman S. Case . . Isn-1926 Margaret B. Sepour 1996 Henw M. Boss, Jr. 1926 J. Ben€ Josey . : . 1996Chries F. Uhl . . m-m John S. MUrdOCk . l926-1929 present Owen McIntosh Burns 1947-W3 Henry M. BOSS, ~ r . w.9-19% Edward C. Boyle . . l9e-m J. Howard McGrath . l9X-W John W. McIlvaine . 195)-I555 George F. Troy . . 194S-1952 DISTRICT OF SOUTH DAKOTA D. Malcolm Aaderson, JBB-Isn Edward M. McEntee . 1952-W Henry M. Vail . . . 1861 Herbert I. Teitelbaum m-1961 Jacob S. Tenkin -. . -1952-lS55 -.. William 6 . Gleason 1eQ-1865 Jose~hS. Ammerman E6l-ISE3 Joseph Mainelle . . 2355-rn James Christian . . 1865 GustHve Diamond , . 1963-3969 Raymond J. Pettine 196l-ls€6 George H. Hand . . 1SE6-1865 Richard L . ThornburghBS-1975 Fzderick W. Faerkc, Jr.1466-1967 Warr&.Gowles . . . leS?-XL2 Blair .A: Griffith . 1975-148 Edward P . Galloulv LW-EG9 William Pound . . . 1BR-167l Robert J. Cindrich 1978-1581 Lincoln C. ~lnroGd' . 1.~69-m Hugh J. Campbell . Xi--1885 . ~-~ .. . . . ~ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... . . .. . . . . . : - - John E. Garland . . EEi-1887 William E. Purcell lsse-1889 John'Mqhy . . . . 1889 : ' John H. Cary . . . Em-1581 Milsaps Fitzhugh . lE3-1960 William T. Dillard ' 1981 Warner Hodges . . . 19M)-EQ John W. Gill, Jr. . 1981-Ism Thomas L. Robimon 1961-1969 Jerry G. Cubzingham 1991-1993 . Thomas F. Turley, Jr. 1969-1Sn North And South ~akotaA h i t t e d David G. Dake . . . 1993 W.J. Michael Cody . 1977-1981 To The Union November 2, 1089 Guy W. Blackwell . 1993 W. Hickman Ewing, Jr. l%l-1991 Carl K. Kirkpatrick 1993Edward G. Bryant - . 1991-lS93 William E. Sterling 1890 present Dauiel A. Clancy . 1993 Ezra W. Miller L84t18SU Veronica F. Coleman 1993James D. Elliott . 1897-1907 present William G. Porter . 1907 Edward E. Warner Wn-19U Charles J. 6rris MIDDLE DISTRICT OF TENNSSSEE DISTRICT OF TZXAS Robert P. Stewart . James P. Grundy . 1839 George W. Brown . 1845-I?& E.W. giske .. . Return J. Meigs . . le4l-1842 Franklin H. Merrimq Ea0-18M S. Wesley Clark . . John M. Lea . . . . 1843-1844 William P. Ballinger 1850-lE3 Olaf Eidem . . . . Thomas D. Mosley . Samuel D. Hay -. . 1853 George Philip . W.' F. Kercheval . UW-1853 Leo P. Flynn . . . Thomas B. Childress 183-188 EASTERN DISTXSCT OF TXCAS Clinton G. Richards Herman Cox . . L8Q-1862 Samuel D. Hay . . .. 1857-1858 Harold C. Doyle . John Trimble . . 3262-186) George Mason . . . 18Sl676 William P. Clayton Horace H. Harrison 1863 -- -D.J. Baldwin . . l67S-lEB David V. Vrooman . R. 'McPhail smith . E 6 9 m Andrew P. McCormick 1879 Robert D. Hiaring . Horace H. Hqrison 1872-L873 W.K. Homan . . . 1879 Terry L.' Pechota . Archelus M. Hughes Ign-lsn Edward ~uthridge . 1879-1883 Jeffrey L. Viken . . James A. Warder . 18n-lE82 George Paschal . . 1883-18M. Philip N. Rogen' . . Andrew McClain . . lM2-1885 Asa E. Stratton . . lase1885 K&vin.V. Schieffer Ernest Pillow . . . 1885-1889 John E. McComb . 1885-1889 Ted L. McBride . . John Ruhm . . . . . l&WISM . - .. Joseph H. Wilson : L%9-l.69l Karen E. Schrcier . TUlly Brown.. . . . 2894-1898 Robert E. Hannay . l8X-1895 tAhram M. Tillman . 1898-1914 - Sinclair Taliaferr0 l8Sl899 Lee Douglas . . 1914-192 Marcus C. McLemore lW-ISV2 James W. Owrhv . Iwz-1914 DISTRICT OF F53XESSEE ' Horace Frierson, Jr . 15m-1947' Clarence ~errltt ----- . . 191e-1920 -4ndrew Jackson . . 1750-1797 Ward Hudgiae . . . 1947-3552 E.J. Smith . . . . 3920-3522 Thomas Gray . . . 1797-1738 ~ i c kL. Johnson . . 1352-1953 Randolph Bryant . 1sn-l93l William P. Anderson 179&18m Armistead 0. Denning 1953 Sterling Bennett . 1931-IBi Thomas Stuart . m-18m Fred Elledge, Jr. : m-l?? Steve M : King . . . E36-1919 Kaneth Hor~ell . . 196l-1364 Warren G. .Moore . -W919D EASTERN DISTRICT OF TBNNESSEE James F. Neal . . . l964-3966 William M. Steaer . 295-1959 - Edward Scott . . . 18051807 Gilbert S. Merritt. J m - L W Paul N. Brown . . . lSSs1960 James Tremble . . 1807-1808 Charles H. Anderson FG3-1Yn Hugh L. White . . . Harold D. Bardin . l977-1981 James Tremble . . . Joe B. Brown . . l3a-l59l John McCampbell . . Ernest W. Williams p91-1994 Prior Lea . . . . . John M. Roberts . 1996J o b A . McKinney . preserlt Robert.J. Wortham 1981-3993 George W. Churchill Ruth Yeaser . . . 1993 Crauford W. Hall . WESTERN DISTIIICT OF TENNESSEE J. ~icha;l Bradford 1994Thomas C. &yon . . Thomas Stuart . . . -~ 180-3--1E-~ 20 ' - present S a m 1 R. Rogers . John E. ~ ~ e c . k . . m0-1818 J. C. Ramsey . . . Henry.Crabb . . . . , 3818-1827 NORTHE93 DISTRICT OF TEXAS Richard J. Hays Thomas E. Fletcher 1827-1829 Fred W. M.iner . . 2379-1883 J. C. Ramsey . . . James Collingsworth lE29-1835 J. C. Bigger . . . lRa-lE8S John L. Hopkins . . William T. Brown lA35-lQ6 C. H. Pearec . . . -3839 John M. Fleming . . James P. Grundv . . 1836-1838 Eugene Marshall . 1889-1894 E. C. Camps . . . Joseph H. ~albbt . 1838-1838 W. Oscar Hamilton . U94-1893 Georue Andrews . Henry W. McCorxy . L838-1850 William H. Atwell . 1898-19U xepo;hen Wheeler . Charles H. Gibbs . 1850-185 ,JamesC. Wilson . . 19U-1917 James M. Meek Richard J. Rays . . 1BD-UE6 William E. Allen 1917 James C.J. Williams Alexander W . M c C a m b e ~ i B Q W'. M. Odell . . 1917-1419 Hugh B. Lindsay . . John M. McCarmack PQ-18n i red M a~~. ms . 1919 . --. . . . . ---. James H. Bible W.W. Munay . . 1877-1882 W. 8. Harrell . . 1920 James E. Mayfield William F. poston 1882-mS R. E. Taylor . . . 1920-Isn William D. Wright Eeury W. McCorry . le8S-lea9 Henry Zweifel . . . 19P-l927 James R. Penlaud . Samuel W. Hawkins . l@3-1894 James B. Cox ., Wlius A. Taylor 1894-1895 C. W. ~ohnson: Jr. 1933 Lewis M. Coleman . Charles B. Simontm 1895-1898 Clyde 0 . ~astus.. . j9Ki-1945 ~esle? Z.' ~ e n n e r l ~ George ~andolph . lsss-1910 Frank B. Potter . 1945 Georue C. Tavlor . Casey Todd . . . . 1910-1914 Robert B. Young, Jr. 9419P7 ~ve&tt Gree; . . Hubert F. Fisher . 1914-1917 Frank B. potter . . 19n-1553 William J. Carter . Heard L. Floore . . 1953-Em JanieB B. Frazier, Jr S.E. Murray . . 1IN-1926 William B. west, I11 1358-L56L Otto T. AUlt . . . Tilmon A. Lancaster 1926 H. Barefoot Sanders, ma-1965 John H. Reddv . . NUgMt Dodds . . . 1926 Melvin D i g g s . . 196jL.5 John C. ~raw?ord,Jz Lindsay B. Phillrps S2E-1931 Eldon Mahon . . . . 196B-19R John H. Reddy . . . Nelson H. Carver . lgll-1432 Frank McCown . . . 1SR-1976 .Robert E. Simpson . Dwayne D. Maddox 1SU2-19U Michael Carnes . . lY76l5'n John L. Bowers, Jr. Willlam Picclanahan 19Y-1948 Kenneth J. Mighell 1Yi7-19BL Robert E. Simpson . John Brown . . . . 1948-1953 James Rolfe . . . JSl-1985 .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. - . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. ... . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . ~ . ~ . - - .. . . . . DAG000001422 Marvin Collins . . . -1993 George S. Peters . 1887-1889 Julio A. Brady . . l.573-1978 Richard H. Stephens 1993 Ishmael A. Meyers WE82 DISTBICT OF AH Cont'd Paul E. Coggins . . 1993Hugh P. Mabe L X . 1582-1983 . vressnt Charles S. Varian . I- ~ B - I ~ James W. Diehm - . . US3-1987 John W. Judd . . . lE93-1R9R -Terry M. Halpern . LW-1393 ' SOUTRERN DIS~ICTOP TEIULS charles 01 mittemore 1698-1902 Hugh P. Mabe, ITI . 1993 Marcus C. McLeuone L89349X Joseph Lippman . . m-1906 W. Ronald J e d n g s 1994-1995 Lodowick McDaniel . EE-1914 Hiram E. Booth . . 1906-1413 James A. Hurd, Jr. 1995John E. Green. Jr. 1914-1919 William W. Rav . . 1913-1919 -present David E. ~ i m o n s '. l9l9-laz Isaac B. ~vani . . l9I.S-m. Henry M. Rolden . 19n-1934 Henry D. Moyle . 1921 Douglas W. McGregor l534-1944 Charles M. Morris . 19n-1929 DISTRlCT OF VIRGINIA Brian S. Od6m . . . 1944-1954 Charles R. Hollingswo~13U John Marshall . . . 1789 Malcolm R. Wilkey . 1954-1957 Daniel B. Shields Ism-1949 William Nelson . . 1789-1790 William B. ~utlei . l%7-1961 Scott M. Matheson William Nelson, Jr . 1790-1.791 Woodrow B. Seals . EQ-1966 A. Pratt Kesler . Alexander Campbell 1791-1796 Morton L. Susman . 1966-LW William T. Thurman Thomas Nelson . . . 17%-1Bm ~athonyJ.P. Farris 1%9-1g?4 C. els son Day . . . John Monroe . :- . . IEGl-18IX - ' Edward B. McDonough, tk974~3.977 William J. Lockhart George Hay . . . . 18(U-Yll6 James R. Gough . 1977 Ramon M. Child . . William Wirt . . . 1816-Yn7 . Jose A. Canales . . 3577-1980 Ronald L. Rencher . pobert Stanard Ul7-ISZP Carl Walker, Jr. 1980-l%l Frances Wikstrom Daniel K. Hedges . 1981-1985 Brent D. Ward . . . EASTERN DISTBICT OP Henry K. Oncken . . 1985-1990 Stewart C. Walz . . Thomas E. Burfoot . Stephen Morris . . 1990 Dee V. Benson . . . Robert C. Nicholas Ronald G. Woods . . 1950-1993 David J. Jordan . . William T. Joynes . Lawzence D. Finder 1993 Richard D. Parry . Jobn M. Gregory . . Gaynelle Griffin Jonea993Scott M. Matheson, Jr Patrick H. Aylett . present present A. Judson c&e Lucius H. Chandler 18a-1878 WESTERN DZSTBICT OF T Z X A S H. H. Wells. Jr. 1870-1874 ilich~rd8. Hubbard lsn-L859 DISTRICT OF VERMONT Lunsford S. Lewis . 1874-lE82 James F. Warren: . 1859 Stephen Jacob . 1791-179' John S. Wise . . . L882-1883 C.T. Garland . . . m8 1 -1 -7 Amos Marsh . . . 1794-1797' Edmnd Waddill . . - m-1885 Andrew J. Evans . . m-2885 Charles Marsh . . 1791-m1 John C. Gibson . . S55-1889 Rudolph Kleberg . . 1885-1889 David Fay . . . . lea-l&$ Thomas R. Borland . IB89-1893 Andrew J. Evans . . 1889-lW Cornelius P. Van Ness W 1 B U Francis R. Lassiter U¶-3856 Robert U. Culberson lfi?44898 Titus Hutchinson . la3-3827 William H. White . 1896-1898 Henry Terrell . . 1898-1906 William A. Grisusold I & ---= - --. Edgar Allan . . . . 1898-1902 Charles A. Bovnton 1 9 M m ~ani-1 . . 1829-1842 Lunsford L. Lewis . 19ca-W)5 Sigismund ~ugelking 1913 Charles Davis . . . Btl-18PS Robert H. Talley . 1905 J. L. Camp . . . . 1913-1918 Charles Linsley . . 1845-1w Lunsford S. Lewis . PX-1912 Hugh R. Robertson . 1918-1921 Abel ~nderwood- . . 1-1853 Laaawrence D. Groner 1912-1914 Jobn D. Hartman . . 19P-m Lucius B. Peck . . US-1857 Richard H. M & n . 1914-1919 William R. Smith, Jr. L933-1341 Henry E. Stoughton Hiram M. Smith . . L919-Lm0 Ben F. Poster . . 1341-1944 George Howe . . . . D. Lawrence Groner 1920 William R. Smith, Jr. 1944-3946 Dudley C. Denison . Julien Gunn . . . 1920-1921 James McCollum Burnett3&+19P7 Benjamin F. Fifield D. Lawrence Groner 1921 Henry W. Moursund 1947-1951 Kittredge Haskins . Paul W. Kear . SZl-LCm Charles F. Herring EL-1955 Clarence H. Pitlcin Robert H. Talley m-1932. Russell B. Wine . . 19a-19Q Prank Plumley . . . Paul W. Kear . . . . ImL-lY32 Ernest Morgan . . L9-LW John H. Senter . . Sterling Hutcheson 19U-1M4 Marvin T. ~utler . 1969 James L. Martin . . Henry Holt . . . 1944-1947 Segal V. Wheatley l%?-19TI Alexander Dunnett . George R. HumrickhousS47-1951 William S. Sessions 19n-1.974 . Vernon A. Bullard . A. Caxter Whitehead 1351-l%i3 Hugh P. Shovlin . . lW4-1975 Earry 8 . Amey . . . Lester S. Parsons. Jrm-1951 John E. Clark . . . DE49i-7 Joseph A. .McNamara ~ o M.b alli is . ~n-1959 Jamie C. Boyd . . . S77-l2W. Louis G. Whitcomb . Edward C. ~ r a d o. . m 1 9 4 Josevh F. Radioan . Helen M. Eversberg W4-1988 GBoT'~~ W.P. CO;~ . Ronald F. Ederer . 3989-1993 William B. Gray . James H. DeAtley . 1993-lS?S Jerme F. O'Neill . Jamea William Blagg 1996George W.P. Cook . Justin W. Williams 1979-lXU prese Elsie L. MunselL . 19a-1986 Justin W. Williams 1986 Charles A. car&; . 19h-199; Henry E. Hudeon . 1986-1991 ' DISTRICT OP VTAX Charles R. Tetzlaff 1993Kenneth E. Melson 1991 Seth Blair . . . 1850-1854 present Richard fullen. , . 1941-1933 3oseph' KoBmirr . lE.4-185 Kenneth E. Melson . 1993 J o b L. Peyton . lS-1856 HeeLen F. Fahey . .. . 1993John M. Hockaday . 185&Le%! DISTXICT OF VIRGIlT ISLANDS present Alexander 'Wilson 1B58-lF60 James A. Bough . . l237-% Thomas J. Kenny . . U € & m Croxton Williams . E46-1947 Hosea Stout . . . 1862 Francisco Corneiro 1947-1951 Charles H. Hempstead 18MIsn Cyril Michael . . . 19s-1954 George C. Bates . . m 1 L m ion P. Miller . . lE4-1962 William Cary . . 1823-1876 Almeric L. Christian 19Q-ps9 Summer Howard . . . 1SI6la78 Vincent A. Colianni 1969 Philip T. Van Zile 1878-1884 Robert M. Carney. . 1969-1911 William H. Dickson 1m-1887 Joel D. Sacks . . l9l-1973 Moses C. ~ o o d. . . - . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . ~ ell& ~ . . . . .. . . . . . . - ... . . . . . . . =-M George H. Lee . . . George W. Thompson Benjamin H. Smith . Fleming B. Miller . Tbomas W. Harrison Aquilla B. Caldwell Benjamin H. .Smith . Warren S. Lurty D. S. Lewis . . . . ~ e n r yC. Allen . William E. Craig . A. J. Montape . . Thomas M. ~1-derson ~homasL. Moore . . Barnes Gillespie . Richard E. Bvrd . . . William D. Hyklop 1931-1993 Lemuel R. Via . . . Carroll D. Gray . . 1993 Leslie E. Given . . Jaines P. Connelly . 1993A. Garnett Thompson 1853-la6l presenlt Duncan W. Dougherty 1861 Harry G. Camper, Jr. LSQ-1862 =STERN DISTRICT OF W A ~ N Carl W. Belcher .-. . 1862 Peter C. Sullivan . ,1906-1907 Donald P. Moore . -. 18TI-1882 Elmer E. Todd . . 197?-l¶.Z George D. Beter . 1882-lea5 W. G. McLaren . 1912 Milton J. Ferguson 1 8 8 ~ m 9 Beverly W. Coiner 19U-19U Wade H. Ballard, I11 ms-1893 Charles F. Riddell 1913 Wa-rren W. Upton 1853-1898 clay Allen . . . . 1413-1918 John A. Field, I11 1898-1m Ben L. Moore . . 1918 Robet B. Kina . . 142-1910 Robert C. Saunders 1918-192l Wayne A. ~ i c g ,Jr. m~!-1914 Thomas P. Revelle . l92l-1928 David X. Faber . . 1914-1320 Anthony Savage 1928-l934 Michael W. Caray . J. Charles Denuis . 1324-195 Charles T. Miller . ~ho&s J. Muncy . . k-192 Charles P. Moriarty 1953-1961 Rebecca R. Bet1994- - ' Lewis P. Suwners . 192-1921 Brockman Adams . . LOQ-4 present Joseph C. Shaffer 1924-1929 William N. Goodwin --1566 ~ohnpaul . . . I=-1932 Robert C. Williams 1966 DISTRICT OF WISCONSIN Joseph C. Shaffer . Isn-EB3 Eugene C. Cushing . E65-1969 W.W. Chapman . . . 1836-I@38 Joseph H. Chitwood 1933-1940 Stanley G. Pitkin . LW-1576 Moses M. Strons . . 1838-W2 Frank S. Taverner, Jr 1940-19P8 J. Ronald Sim . . 1976-1977 Thomas W. ~uth;rland W-B45 Eoward C. Gilmer, Jr. 1948-1953 John C. Merkel, 3r. lYi7-1981 . William P. Lynde 1845-XZ8 Jobn Strickler . . ~-~ Gene S. Anderson 1981-1% Thoams W. Sutherland 1848-8L49 Thomas B. Mason . 1%-1%9 David E. Wilson . . 1988-1989 A. Hyatt Smith . . 1849-1850 Leigh B. Hanes, Jr. ?S+I.~S Michael D. McKay . 1989-1SF3 George W. Lakin . . 1B50-280 Paul R. Thomson, Jr. BE-1979 Susan L. Barnes . . 1993 John R. Sharpstein B-1851 E. Montgomery Tucker lqn-1980 Katrina C. Pflaumer 1994Don A.J. Upham . . 18n-Is61 John S. Edwards . . 1980-198t .-prese~tJohn R.D. Coggswell 1861 John P. Alderman . 1981-1990 E . Montgomery Tucker B9C-1993 BASTERN DISTXICT OF WISCONSIN Morgan E. Scott, Jr. 1993 DISTXICT OF W S T VIRGINIA ' Levi Hubbell . . . 18XilE.75 Robert P. Crouch. Jr. 1993Nathan Goff, Jr. . 1876-1882 Gerry W. Razetton . 1876-1885 preser~tW. H. H . Flick . . 1882-2886 -th& M. Delaney . m m Comeilus C. Watts mfs-1889 William A. Walker . lW-ls9 George C. Sturgiss -1889-la53 Elihu Colman . . . 1Ci90-18% DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON Corneilus C. Watts 1893-1853 John H. M. Wigman . -1893-1897 Jobn S. Cladenin . 1851-1855 Stuart W. Walker . 1893-1897 Milton E. Phillips IN-Ism B. F. Kendall . . . I855m7 Joseph H. Gaines . 1897-1901 H. K. Butterfield . lsol-1910 Joseph S. Smith . . LBn-1859 Reese Blizzard . . 1901 E. J. Henning . . . 1910-W J. S. M. Van Cleave l E S 1 B M ) GUY D. Goff . . . . 141-1915 Butler G. Anderson 1893-1861 ~ D I S I R I C P O P W E S T ~ H.-A. Sawyer . . . h-j3Z John J. McGilvra . 1 8 6 1 Reese Blizzasd . . 1m-1910 Edward W. Miller . 1923 .......... Roy H. Waugh . . . William 0. Meilahm 1923 -..... -.-Leander Holmes . . 1870 Stuart W. Walker . Roy L. Morse . . . 1923-m7 Samuel C. Wingard . 1872 Thomas A. Brown . trevi E. Bancroft . L921-I932 John B. Allen . . lm51885 Arthur Arnold . . . Edward 3. Gehl . . Isn-1933 William A. White . W m o Howard L. Robinson Berthold J. Husting l533-L944. Patrick H. Winston 1890 Joe V. Gibson . . . Timothy T. Cronin . 1944-1955 1893-LBSI William H. Brinkr Wayne T. Brooks . . Edward G. Minor . . lS5S-EQ Wilson R. Gay . . Ism-la93 Charles L. Spillers James B. Brennan . 19Q-l%8 Jesae A. Frye . . . 19m-1905 Howard Caplan . . . Robert J. Lerner . 1368-LW John R. Morris . David J. Cannon . . E6P1973 . EISTBXY DISTRICT OF WASSLTGTON Albert M. Morgan , . David B. Bukey . . m'3-1974 George A. Avery . 1415-1910 Robert E. Maxwell William J. Mulligan 1914-1978 Joseph B. Lindaley 1910 John H. Ramlowsky Joan F. Kessler . . 1378-1981 Oscar cain .' . . -1914 Leslie D. Lucas, Jr. Joseph P. Stadtmuellem-1567 Francis A. Garrecht 14.4-19p Paul C. Carnilletti Patricia J. Gorence 1987-1988 Frank R. Jeffrev m-1925 James F. Companion John E . Fryatt . 1568-1993 Donald F. ICize; . . l525-lZi Stephen G. Jory Nathan A. Fischbach 1993 Roy C. Fax . . . . 1926-% William A. Kolibash Thomas P. Schneider 1993James M. Simpson -1937 William D. Wilmoth present Sam M. Driver . 1937-1940 lt Lyle D. Keith . . . W 1 9 4 2 WESTDISTRICT OP WISCONSIN Edward M. Comellv 1942-19P6 W.W. Chapman . . . U136-1838 Harvey Erickson .- 1996-1953 Moses M. Strong. . 1838-1Sd;L' Willigm B '. ~ a n t z . 199-1958 m D I S i T I C i " OPWESTVDGIXIA Thomas W. Sutherland 1W-1845 Ronald R. Hull . . 1958 George W. Atkinson BU-19CS William P. Lvnde . Ie4.5-1848 Dale M.' Green . . 1958-1S6L ~lliottNorthcott W)5-1909 Thoams W. ~ukherland184a-8149 Harold A. ~ i t z . 1903-1913 A. Hyatt Smith . . 18491950 EASDISTIlICT OFNWilliam G. Barnhart 19U-1917 George W. Lakin 18M-B Cont'd F. M. McCulloUgh . 1917 J o b R. Shamstein l.853-1851 Prank R. Freeman . EQ-1966 Leonidas K. Kelly . 3917-1922 Charles M. ~ g b b . . 16%-1878 Smithmoore P. Myers 19E6-L969 Elliott Northcott . l.92-1927 H. M. Lewis . . . . 1878-1886 Dean C. Smith . . . 1369-m Bernard Pettigrew . Isn-1928 Allan R. Bushnell . 1886-1890 Robert S. Linnell . 1977 James Dawon . . . 1928-I232 Samuel A. Harper . l&W-m James J. Gillespie - 1sn-ls3l David D. Ashworth . 1932-1933 Harm E.. Bri~as . 1894-1898 D o h E. Lamp . . : 3981-1991 George I. Neal . . W33-1938 1846-ma IXFi-1850 18%-180 .. .. . . . . .. . . .. ... . . . . . . ~ ~ . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . - . .. . ) WilliamG. Wheeler 1901-1909 George H. Gordon . 19a919U John A. Aylward . . l9J.3-m6 Arthur Mulberger 1916 William P. Wolfe . 1916-W Albert C. Wolfe . . 1917-I921 William H. Dougherty Isn-Em Stanley M. Ryan . . m-m J o b T. Bovle . . . l93s-194~ Francis A.'MUZ-~~~ . Charles H. Cashin . Thomas E. Fairchild Prank L. NiEolay . George E. Rapp . . Nathan S. Heffernan Michael J. ~yngaard Edmond A. Nix . . . John 0. Olson . . Steven C. Underwood David C. Mebane . Frank M. Tuerkheimer John R. Byrnes . . Patrick J. Fiedler Grant C. Johnson . Kevin C. Potter . 1991-1993 Grant C. Johnson . 1993 Peg Lautenschlager 1993present . . . DISTRICT OF WYOMING Jose?h M. Carzy . . 1869 Edward P. Johnson . 18R-1876 John J. Jenkins . . 1876-1879 Lewis E. Payne . . 1879 Charles H. Seymore 1879-1880 Melville C. Brown . 18m-1884 J. A. River . . . E84-3285 Anthony C. Campbell -1890 BenjaminF. Fowler Em-1854 Gibson Clark . . . 1894-1898 Timothy F. Burke 1898-1907 Benjamin I.Ausherman1907 Timothy F. Burke . m-W Hillard s . Ridgely m-1914 Charles L. Rigdon 1914-Isn A. D. Walton . . . 19n-1333 Carl L. Sackett . 1505-1549 John C. Pickett . . 1949 John J. Hickey . . 1919-199 John F. Roper, Jr. 3953-1961 Robert N. Chaffin . 1961-1964 Richard V. Thomas 1569-194 Clarence A. Brimmer 1974-1975 James P. Castberg . 1975-Em Toshiro Suy@matsu . 1977 Charles E. Graves . m-1981 Toshiro Suyematsu 1981 Richard A. Stacy m-19% David D. Preudenthal 1994present . . . . . .. U . ' S - COmT FOX mllM (SXLNGRAI) (No longer in existence) George Sellett . 1923-1324 Feltham Watson . . 1.93%-1936 Leightpn-Shields 1937 . . The Honorable Alberto E Gonzales Attorney General of the United States U.S.Dep-mi of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530 Dear Mr. Attoxney General w e write to follow up on several oral requests by the CongressionalResearch Service (as and )members of our staff for personael data on Uuited States Attorneys. CRS f i t contacted the Executive Ofice of United Sbtm Attorneys on Ianuary 24,2007, to seek records on the appointment dates, end dates, and reason for deparhm of United S W s Attorneys since 1981.' CRS aIso contacted the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), which maintainsthe Central Personnel Data File (CPDF), and the Department of Justice Office Legislative Affairs As of the date of this Iette*, the Department of Justice has only partially respond4 to theso multiple quests. While data has been provided for the pcdod of 1993to present, thc DqYDncnt of Justice has yet to provide any information from 1981-1993, We are, therefore, renewing the requests for the start dates, end dates, and reason for departure for each United States Attomey from 1981to present. To the extent asit electronic r ~ o r d ate s unavailable for thjs period, we request the production of p a p records. Furthennore, if the Department of Justice tracks any reason for dewwe other than ur&signed," we request that information for the entire time period of 1981 to present. ' mIt4M.SCo?T.CONG.R2SZARC'd S~XV.;U.S.ATTORNENSWiiO HAVB S3AVEDhSS WAN FUU POUR-YEAR TERMS, 1981-2006.4 (2007). Thc HonorabIe Albert0 Gonzales Page Two February 28,2007 This informationis essential for members of theb s k ~udidaqcommitteeto properly i con&-t theit oversi*. responsibilities of theD e m e n t of Justice. W e would appreciatey o u prompt besponsz to this request. Rease rrply b u g h the Judicky Committee office, 2138 Raybum House Offia: Building,Washington, DC 20515 (tek 202-225-3951; k: 2652~7680). Admi.u'strative Law qc: Kon. E c h d A.Healing Xon. Lamar Smith Congessional Research S&cc .. <r U.S. Department of Justice Office of LegislativeAffairs Officeofthe Assistant Attorney General . .,. Washingion, D.C 20530 February 27,2007 The Honorable Linda Sanchez Chairwoman Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law Committee on the Judiciary U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 205 15 Dear Chairwoman Sanchez: This responds to your letter, dated February 14, 2007 and Congressman Emanuel's letter, dated February 7,2007, which requested that former United States Attorney Carol Lam be appointed as outside counsel to finish the investigation relating to former Congressman Cunningham. As you know, Ms. Lam left the Department of Justice on February 15,2007 and we understand that she began her new private sector position on February 26,2007. We are. sending similar responses to the other Members who joined in your letter to us. We appreciate your interest in the continuity of our law enforcement efforts stemming from the prosecution of former Congressman Cunningham and want to assure you that the career prosecutors will continue their work with our support. We do not believe that Ms. Lam's departure will negatively impact that investigation in any material respect. As the Attorney General has testified, the Department would not ever seek the resignation of a U.S.Attorney if doing so would jeopardize a public cormption case. . Accordingly, we are not aware of any basis for appointing Ms. Lam as an outside counsel in connection with the Cunningham investigation, particularly since she has assumed a new position outside of the government. The matter also does not present a conflict of interest or other extraordinary circumstances that would warrant the appointment of a Special Counsel pursuant to the Department's regulation. We have no doubt that the investigation will move fonvard under the able leadership of the career prosecutors in the United States Attorney's Office, who have been long-dedicated to this matter. TheAttorney General has made the prosecution of public corruption one of his Iiriorities, and we appreciate your support of this important work. The Department is justifiably proud of its record of fighting public cormption. In the first five years of this Administration, our United States Attorney's Offices have charged more than 5,500 defendants in public cormption cases md convicted more than 4,800 individuals. During that same time pefiod, the Criminal )ivision's Public Integrity Section has charged 280 defcndanls in public coquption cases and convicted more than 250 individuals. - -- / ' . -. The Honorable Linda Sanchez , PageTwo ig. The citizens of our Nation are entitled to honest services from all of their public-officials, regardless of their political affiliation. Our citizens are also entitfed to know that their public servants are making their official decisions based upon the best interests of the citizens who elect them and pay*theirsalaries, and are not based upsn the public official's own financial interests. The Department will continue to aggressively investigate and prosecute public conuption wherever it is found. .Inresponse io Chairman Conyers' request, we will look forward.tobn&g &e Judiciary Commitiee on February 28 regarding the recent resignations of several United States Attorneys. We hope that this information is helphi. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you would like additional assistance regarding any other matter. Sincerely, ~ i c h & dA. Heriling Acting Assistant Attorney Genzral cc: The Honorable Chris Cannon Ranking Minority Member -- . U.S.Department ~f.Justice Office of Legislative Affaiw Office of the Assistant Attorney General Warhiwton, D.C.20530 February 27,2007 - .. The Honorable John Conyers, Jr. Chairmiri Committee on the Judiciary U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Mr. Chairman: This responds to your letter, dated February 14,2007 and ~ b n ~ r e s s m Emanuei's an letter, dated February 7,2007, which requested that former United States Attorney Carol Lam be appointed as outside counsel to finish the investigation relating to forher Congressman Cunningham. As you know, Ms. Lam left the Department of Justice on February 15,2007 and we understand that she began her new private sector position on February 26,2007. We are sending similar responses to the other Members who joined in your letter to us. We appreciate your interest in the continuity of our law enforcement efforts stemming from the prosecution of former Congressman Cunningham and want to assure you that the career prosecutors will continue their work with our support. We do not believe that Ms. Lam's departure will negatively impact that investigation in any material respect. As the Attorney . General has testified, the Department would not ever seek the resignation of a U.S. Attorney if doing so would jeopardize a public corruption case. Accordingly, we are not aware of any basis for appointing Ms. Lm as an outside counsel in conhection with the Cunningham investigation, particularly since she has assumed a new position outside of the government. The matter also does not present a conflict of interest or other extraordinary circumstances that would warrant the appointment of a Special Counsel pursuant to the Department's regulation. We have no doubt that the investigation will move forward under the able leadership of the career prosecutors in the United States Attorney's Office, who have been long-dedicated to this matter. .- ThaAttorney General has made the prosecution of public corruption one of his priorities, and we appreciate your support of this important work. The Department is justifiably proud of its record of fighting public corruption. In the first five years of this Administration, our United States Attorney's Offices have charged more than 5,500 defendants in public conuption cases and convicted more than 4,800 individuals. During that same time period, the Criminal Division's Public Integrity Section has charged 280 defendants in public corruption cases and convicted more than 250 individuals. - -- The Honorable John Conyers, Jr. Page Two . . The citizens of our Nation are entitled to honest services from all of their public-officials, regardless of their political affiliation. Our citizens are also entitled to h o w that their public servants are making their official decisions based upon the best interests of the citizens who elect them and pay.their salaries, and are not based upon the public official's own financial interests. The Department will continue to aggressivelyinvestigate and prosecute public corruption wherever it is found. In response to Chairman Conyers' request, we will look forward to briefing &e Judiciary Committee on February 28 regarding the recent resignations of several United States Attorneys. We hope that this information is helpll. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you would like additional assistanceregarding any other matter. Sincerely, Richard A. fiertling Acting Assistant.Attomey General cc: The Honorable Lamar Smith Ranking Minority Member -- = U.S. Department of Justice Office of LegislativeAffairs Office of the Assistant Attorney General ....... ... iYashingfon,D.C. 20530 February 27,2007 The Honorable Howard Berman U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 205 15 Dear Congressman Berman: This responds to your letter, dated February 14,2007 and Congressman Emanuel's letter, dated February 7,2007, which requested that former United States Attomey Carol Lam be appointed as outside counsel to finish the investigation relating to former Congressman Cunningham. As you know, Ms. Lam left the Departmeat of Justice on February 15,2007 and we understand that she began her new private sector position on February 26,2007. We are sending similar responses to the other Members who joined in your letter to us. We appreciate your interest in the continuity of our law enforcement efforts stemming from the prosecution of former Congressman Cunningham and want to assure you that the career prosecutors will continue their work with our suppori. We do not believe that Ms. Lam's departure will negatively impact that investigation in any material respect. As the Attomey General has testified, the Department would not ever seek the resignation of a U.S. Attorney i f doing so would jeopardize a public corruption case. , Accordingly, we are not aware of any basis for appointing Ms. Lam as an outside counsel in connection withthe Cunningham investigation, particularly since she has assumed a new position outside of the government. The matter also does not present a conflict of interest or other extraordinary circumstancesthat would warrant the appointment of a Special Counsel pursuant to the Department's regulation. We have no doubt that the investigation will move forward under the able leadership of the career prosecutors in the United States Attorney's Office, who have been long-dedicated to this matter. - , The Attorney Genera1has made the prosecution of public cormption one of his priorities, and ~ ~ a p p r e c i ayour t e support of this important work. The Department is justifiably ljroud of its record of fighting public cormption. In the first five years of this Administration, our United States Attorney's Offices have charged more than 5,500 defendants in public corruption cases and convicted more than 4,800 individuals. During that same time period, the Criminal Division's Public Integrity Section has charged 280 defendants in public cormption cases and convicted more than 250 individuals. --- The Honorable Howard Berman Page Two -* The citizens of our Nation are entitled to honest services &om all of their publfc-of£i~ials, regardless of their political affiliation. Our citizens are also entitled to know that their public servants are making their official decisions based upon the best interests of the citizens who elect them and pay their salaries, and are not based upon the public official's own financial interests. The Department will continue to aggressively investigate and prosecute public cormption wherever it is found. in response to Chairman Conyers' request, we will look forward to briefing the J~diciary ' Committee on February 28 regarding the recent rzsignations of several United States Attorneys. We hope that this information is helphl. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you would like additional assistance regarding any other matter. Sinceref y, Richard A. Hertling Acting Assistant.Attomey General - ..,- U.S. Department of Justice Office of Legislative ~ f f & r s Office of the Assistant Attomey General Fi'ashing~on. D.C 20530 February 27,2007 The Honorable Rahm Emanuel U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Emmuel: This responds to your letter, dated February 14,2007 and Congressman Ernanuel's letter, dated February 7,2007, which requested that formerunited States Attomey Carol Lam be appointed as outside counsel to finish t\e investigation relating to former Congressman Cunningham. As you know, Ms. Lam left the Department of Justice on February 15,2007 and we understand that she began her new private sector position on February 26,2007. We are sending similar responses to the other Members who joined in your letter to us. We appreciate your interest in the continuity of our law enforcement efforts stemming from the prosecution of former Congressman Cunningham and want to assure you that the career prosecutors will continue their work with our support. We do not believe that Ms. Lam's departure will negatively impact that investigation in any material respect. As the Attorney General has testified, the Department would not ever seek the resignation of a U.S.Attorney ifdoing so would jeopardize a public conuption case. Accordingly, we are not aware of any basis for appointing Ms. Lam as an outside counsel in connection with the Cunningham investiggtion, particularly since she has assumed a new position outside of the government. The matter also does not present a conflict of interest or other extraordinary circumstances that would warrant the appointment of a Special Counsel pursuant to the Department's regulation. We have no doubt that the investigationwiil move forward under the abIe leadership of the career prosecutors in the United States Attorney's Office, who have been long-dedicated to this matter. , The Attorney General has made the prosecution ofpublic conuption one of his priorities, and weappreciate your support of this important work. The Department is justifiably proud of its record of fighting public corruption. In the first five years of this Administration,our United States Attorney's Offices have charged more than 5,500 defendants in public corruption cases and convicted more than 4,800 individuals. During that same time period, the Criminal Division's Public Integrity Section has charged 280 defendants in public corruption cases and convicted more than 250 individuals. . rru' .-. -2c-9 -. The Honorable Rahm Emanuel Page Two c+?. The citizens of our Nation are entitIed to honest services from ail of their public officials, regardless of their political affiliation. Our citizens are also entitled to know that their public servants are ma&g their official decisions based upon the best interests of the citizens who elect them and pay &eir salaries, and are not based upon the public official's own financial interests. The Deparhnent will continue to aggressively investigate and prosecute public comption wherever it is found. In response to Chairinan Conyers' request, we will bok forward to briefing t&e Judiciary Committee on February 28 regarding the recent resignations of several United Siates Attorneys. We hope that this information is helphl. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you would like additional assistance regarding any other matter. Sincerely, Richard A. Hertling Acting Assistant Attorney General - * *- . = --. @nngremrrif tile tats -. ~nsIjiagtm,3 84 205115 Febsuary 14,2007 11363a-7 Pk * . -. "1 The I-Ianorahle Albem Ganzales U.S. Attorney GeneraI U.S. Department of Justice 950 P e w y h r m h Avenue, NW Waehin&dn, DC 20530-0001 Dear Attorney General Gonzales: - -. Last wsek, CoyreamanEmanuel scat you a lener requesting that f o m U.S. Amrney in San Diego Carol Lam be appointed as ouuide counse1ta 5nbh her work an the Duke Cunningham h. Unfortunalely, your ~ B c e h s not yet lzspondzd to 1'nstlertcr, Two days ago, Lam's Investigationconrinued to bear h i r as a f z d d geandf~rycharged Kyle "Dua7y" F o g a and Brent WC!S vii%ar least 11felony corults ceiated to theig involvement widi Cunningham. As Elanp Schor's article in 73s Hill yesterday points out, "Justict Departinen?ofdicialsTmve praised the &iningham prok e as tbs 'linchpinaftheir gmwing pursuit of public comption cases, yet prosecurorLam is nonefk~lesu rlatzd to ?fen L!wn[Thursdrrylcfler BeBusfi admdminirtratioian &redunspsc$dd 'peg'brrnance ' &sues In rzfpeuting her resignation lam lrntpear. Six other U.S. attorneys, several involved in,dngoingconupion invesrigatimi. wor* dismissed at zbaut &c same rime." & yau h o w , of rhose seven Bred U.S. Attorneys,Lam was nor the only one imcstig.thg sitting pubIic officials before being dismissed. For example, Daniel Bogden ofNevada and Paul Ckarlron of Arizona were distnissed while their offices were oonducring probcs concernkg elecmd officials. Schor's anicle also notes thst Deputy U.S.Atmmey General Paul McNuIty wm scheduled to briefmml>ersof the Smate Iudiciq Cornmine.:yesmhy with informatianon the tccislons to dismiss thz U.S.Atcone IS. During Iast week9 publilio Senare hearing, Depury U.S.Attorney General McNuly confirmed that Bud (i-ins El,tho former U.S.atromey for Eastern Arkansas, was dismissed without cause to install Timod~yGrifEn, a formcn'aide ra White House adviser Karl Rove. C m l Lam's indictments of Foggo and Wilkes underscore the irnparrance oflastwezlc's request and the need for an explanstion of why these diligentpublic icewants were dismissed. ITis vital that U.S. Attorneys be akc to prosecute wrongdoing &: fFom palirical pressure. We are pleased that the Deparimmt of Justice has a1so agreed to brief members of the Hause Judiciary Committee on the dismissals of Carol Lam and other U.S. Amneys. We look forward to furtherdetails regarding the date for diat briefingand your response regsrding rhe rt quest to appoint Carol Lam as oa ourside counsel to hish the C u d g h a m and~eIakdinvestigations. - Tllanlc you Tor your prompt attention ro rheae matters. We look forwad to hearing from yo= office. - Sincerely, - Rolm Emanucl ~ e r n &Gf~congress -- and AdministxativeLsw DAG000001436 To: &ormy Gaaeral Goazalco Data: Bebruary 15,2007 Re: CarolLam # of pages, including cover sheet: 2 *. February 13,2007 The Honorable Albedo Gonzales Attorney General Depsrbmunt of Iustice 950 Pennsylvania Avc&e, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20530 , Dear Attorney General Gonzales: We have read about the fofced rmigmtions of selevc+Jnited States Atiorneys around h e country and we want to make sure tkat neither of cur U.S. Attorneys in MichiPoanwill be ' subjected to this treatment. Specitkal~~, we would like to h w : 1. Has either of our Michigan U.S.Attorneys been asked to resign? 2. If so, please provide i i s iswith the justification f a your resignation request ino~udingany negative submissions in his or her personnel file. . Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Debbie Stabenow . U.S. Department of Justice Office of Legislative Affairs. Office of the Assistant Atromcy Gencnl . Washi~n,yrrm.D.C. 20530 February 23,2007 The Honorable Harry Reid Majority Leader United Statcs Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 ' Dear Senator Reid: This is in response to your letter to the Attorney General dated February 8,2007. An identical response has been sent to the other signatories-of that letter. As an initial matter, the Department agrees with the principle you set forth in your letter that "[olnce appointed, U.S. Attorneys, perhaps more than any other public servants, must be above politics and beyond reproach; they must be seen to enforce the rule of law without fear or favor." That many U.S. Attorneys, appointed by Presidents of both parties, have had political experience prior to their appointment does not undermine that principle. Your letter, however, contains assumptions and assertions that are simply erroneous. First, your letter truncates the actual quote of the Attorney General's testimony at the Judiciary Committee hearing on January 18,2007, and consequently, -. mischaracterizesthe statement. In full, the Attorney General stated: "I think I would never, ever make a change in a United States attorney for political reasons or v i t would in any wayjeopardize an ongoing serious investigafion. Ijust would not do it" (emphasis added). The Department of Justice rejects any suggestion that U.S. Attorneys were asked or encouraged to resign for the inappropriate "political reason" of interfering with any public corruption case or retaliating against a U.S. Attorney who oversaw such a case. -. Second, your letter mischaracterizes the testimony of the Deputy Attorney Genera1 given at the hearing held on February 6,2007. The Deputy Attorney General simply stated the Department's view that asking U.S. Attorney Bud Cummins to resign so that Special Assistant U.S.Attorney Tim Griffin might have the opportunity to serve as U.S. Attorney is not an inappropriate "political reason." This is so, the Deputy - -Attorney General testified, because, inter alia, Mr. Griffin is very well-qualifi-edto serve as U.S. Attorney, and Mr. Cummins "may have already been thinking about leaving at some point anyway." ."< & Z\"* '--- . The Honorable Hany Reid Page Two . - indeed, at the time Mr. Griffin was appointed interim U.S. Attorney in December 2006 he had far more federal prosecution experience (in the Criminal Division and in the U.S. Attorney's office) than Mr. Cummins did at the time he was appointed U.S. Attorney in January 2002. Mr. Cummins himself credits MI. Griffin with the establishment of that office's successful gun-crime prosecution initiative. And Mr. Griffin has substatial military prosecution experience that Mr. Cummins does not have. Those who know MI. Griffin must concede that he brings a style of leaaership and level of energy that could only enhance the success of a U.S. Attorney's office. Moreover, it was well-known, as early as December 2004, that Mr. Cummins intended to leave the office and seek employment in the private sector. See "The Insider Dec. 30," Ark. Times (Dec. 30,2004) ("Cummins, 45, said that, with four children to put through college someday, he'll likely begin exploring career options. It wouldn't be 'shocking,' he said, for there to be a change in his ofice before the end of Bush's second term."). Finally, the Deputy Attorney General did not state or imply that Mr. Griffin would be appointed as the U.S. Attorney without Senate confiation. Such a statement would be inconsistent with the Department's stated position that we are committea to having a Senateconfirmed U.S. Attorney in all 94 federal districts. ' Third, the Department does not consider the replacement of one Republican U.S. Attomey by another Republican lawyer who is well-qualified and has extensive experience as a prosecutor and strong ties to the district to be a change made for "political reasons." Mr. Cummins was confirmed to serve a four-year term, which expired on January 9,2006. He served his entire tern, plus an additional year. United States Attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President; that has always been the rule, and U.S. Attorneys accept their appointment with that understanding. In answer to your specific questions: . - Although the decision to have Mr. Griffin replace Mr. Cummins was first contemplated in the spring or summer of 2006, the final decision to appoint Mr. Griffin to be interim U.S.Attorney in the Eastern District of Arkansas was made on or about December 15,2006, after the Attorney General had spoken with Senator Pryor. The Department of Justice is not aware of anyone lobbving for Mr. Griffin's appoinkent. Consistent with longstanding Adminishation practice, the decision regarding whether Mr. Griffin (who then was on active military duty) might be considered for appointment as U.S. Attorney upon his return &om I& was discussed and madejointly by the Depafunent of Justice and the White House. .- ... . The Honorable Harry Reid Page Three . . - As the Deputy Attorney General testified, Mr. Cummins's continued service as U.S. Attorney was not considered at the same time as the other U.S.Attomevs that the ~ e p u t ~ y t t o m e y~eneralacknowledged were asked to resign for rsisons related to their performance. As the Deputy Attorney General testified. the request that Mr. Cumins resign was "&la~edto theopportunityto prokde a fksh start with a new person in that position." The Department is not aware of Karl Rove playing any role in the decision to appoint %.Griffin. We appreciate the opportunity to respond to your inquiry. Sincerely, E c h ~ A. d Heeling Acting Assistant Attorney General cc: The Honorable Mitch McComell The Honorable Arlen Specter . ..,. ..:.. - .. - .-- US. Department of Justice Office of L.egislativi Affairs- Oftice yf the Aqsistanr Amrney Ocncral Wt~rhin#fon.D.C.20530 February 23,2007 The Honorable Richard J. Durbin United States Senate Washiigton, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Durbin: This is in response to your letter to the Attorney General dated February 8, 2007. An identical response has been sent to the other signatories of that letter. As an initial matter, theDepartment a p s s with the principle you set forth i? your letter that "[elnce appointed, U.S. Attorneys, perhaps more than any other public servants, qust be above politics and beyond reproach they must be seen to enforca the rule of law without fear or favor." That many U.S.Attomeys, appointed by Presidents of both parties, have had political experience prior to their appoinfment does not undermine that principle. Your letter, however, contains assumptions and assertions that are simply erroneous. First, your letter truncates the actual quote of the Attorney General's testimony at the Judiciary Committee hearing on January 18,2007, and consequently, mischaracterizes the statement. Jn Inll, the Attomey General stated: "I think I would never, ever make a change in a United States attorney for political reasons or ifit would in any wayjeopardzze an ongoing serious irzvestigatioiz. Ijust would not do it" (emphasis added). The Department of Justice rejects any suggestion that U.S.Attomeys were asked or encouraged to resign for the inappropriate "political reason" of interfering with any public comption case or retaliating against a U.S.Attorney who oversaw such a case. .- I I Second, your letter mischaracterizes the testimony of the Deputy Attorney General given at the hearing held on February 6,2007. The Deputy Attorney General simply stated the Department's view that asking U.S.Attorney Bud Cummins to resign so that Special Assistant U.S.Attomey Tim Griffin might have the opportunity to serve as U.S. Attorney is not an inappropriate "political reason." This is so, the Deputy Attorney General testified, because, inter alia, Mr. Griffin is very well-qualified to serve "as U.S.Attorney, and Mr. Cummins "may have already been thinking about l i a ~ n at g sozne point anyway." - - The Honorable Richard J. ~ u r b i n Page Two -. - . - Indeed, at the time Mr. Griffin was appointed interim U.S. Attorney in December 2006 he had far more federal prosecution experience (in the Criminal Division and in the US. Attorney's office) thanMr. Cummins did at the time he was app0intedU.S. Attomey in January 2002. Mr. Cummins himself credits Mr. Griffin with the establishment of that office's successful gun-crime prosecution initiative. And Mr. Griffm has substantial military prosecution experience that Mr. Cummins does not have. Those who know Mr. Griffin must concede that he brings a style of lea3ership and level of energy that could only enhance the success of a U.S. Attorney's office. Moreover, it was well-known, as early as December 2004, that Mr. Cummins intended to leave the office and seek employment in the private sector. See "The Insider Dec. 30," Ark Times @ec. 30,2004) ("Cummins, 45, said that, with four children to put through college someday, he'll likely begin exploring career options. It wouldn't be 'shocking,' he said, for there to be a change in his offi~cebefore the end of Bush's second term.") F i l l y , the Deputy Attomey General did not state or imply that Mr. Griffin would be appointed as the U.S. Attorney without Senate confirmation. Such a statement would be inconsistent with the Department's stated position that we are cornmittEd to having a Senateconfirmed U.S. Attorney in all 94 federal districts. -. Third, the Department does not consider the replacement of one Republican U.S. Attorney - by- another Re~ublicanlawyer who is well-aualified and has extensive experience as a prosecutor and strong ties to the district to be a change made for "pditical reasons." Mr. Cummins was confumed to serve a four-year term, which expired on January 9,2006. He served his entire term, plus an additional year. united-states Attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President; that has always been the rule, and U.S. Attorneys accept their appointment with that understanding. In answer to your specific questions: . - Although the decision to have Mr. Griffin replace Mr. Cummins was first contemplated in the spring or sumixer of 2006, the final decision to appoint Mr. Griffin to be interim U.S. Attomey in the Eastern District of Arkansas was made on or about December 1S, 2006, after the Attomey General had spoken with Senator Pryor. * The Department of Justice is not aware of anyone lobbying for Mr. Griffin's appointment. Consistent with longstanding Administration practice, the decision regarding whether Mr. Griffin (who then was on active military duty) might be considered for appointment as U.S. Attorney upon his return from Iraq was discussed and made jointly by the Department of Justice and the White House. . The Honorable Richard J. Durbin Page Three * As the Deputy Attorney General testified, Mr. Cummins's continued service as U.S.Attorney was not considered at the same time as the other U.S.Attorneys that the Deputy Attorney General acknowledged were asked to resign for reasons related to their performance. As the Deputy Attorney General testified, the request that Mr. Cummins resign was "rzlated to the opportunity to provide a fresh start with a new person in tiat position." * The Department is not aware of Karl Rove playing any role in ffie decision to appoint Mr. Griffin. We appreciate the opportunity to respond to your inqui~y. Sincerely, Richqd A. Hertling Acting Assistant Attorney General cc: The Honorable Mitch McConne!! The Honorable Arlen Specter U.S.Department of Justice Office of Legislative Affairs- Office of lhe Assistan1Atlamcy Gel~ral . WosIti~~grun. D.C. 205jO February 23,2007 he Honorable Charies E. Schumer United States Senate Washington, D.C. 2051 0 Dear Senator Schumer: This is in response to your letter to the Attorney General dated Febmary 8,2007. An identical response has been sent to the other signatories of that letter. As an initial matter, the Department agrees with the principle you set forth in your letter that "[olnce appointed, U.S. Attorneys, perhaps more than any other public servants, must be above politics and beyond reproach; they must be seen to mforce the rule of law without fear or favor." That many U.S. Attorneys, appointed by Presidents of both parties, have had political experience prior to their appointment does not undermine that principle. Your letter, however, contains assumptions and assertions that are simply erroneous. First, your letter truncates the actual quote of the Attorney General's testimony at the Judiciary Committee hearing on January 18,2007, and consequently, mischaracterizes the statement. in full, the Attorney General stated: "I think I would never, ever make a change in a United States attorney for political reasons or ifit would in any way jeopardize an ongoing serious investigation, Ijurt would not do it" (emphasis added). The Department of Justice rejects any suggestion that U.S. Attorneys were asked or encouraged to resign for the inappropriate "political reason" of interfering with any public corruption case or retaliating against aU.S. Attorney who oversaw such a case. Second, your letter mischaracterizesthe testimony of the Deputy Attorney General given at the hearing held on February 6,2007. The Deputy Attomey General simply stated the Department's view that asking U.S. Attomey Bud Curnmins to resign so that Special Assistant U.S. Attomey Tim Griffin might have the opportunity to serve as U.S. Attorney is not an inappropriate "political reason." This is so, the Deputy Attorney General testified, because, inter alia, Mr. Griffin is very well-qualified to serve . -. -- - as U.S. Attorney, and Mr. Curnmins "may have already been thinking about leavmg at some point anyway." - -- The Honorable Charles E.Schumer Page Two -. Indeed, at the time Mr. Griffin was appointed interim U.S. Attomey in December 2006 he had far more federal prosecution experience (in the Criminal Division and in the U.S.Attorney's office) than Mr. Cummins did at the time he was appointed U.S. Attorney in January 2002. Mr. Cummins himself credits Mr. Griffin with the establishment of that office's successful gun-crime prosecution initiative. And Mr. Griffin has substantial military prosecution experience that Mr. Cummins does not have. Those who know Mr. Griffin must concede that he brings a style of leadership and level of energy that could only e d m c e the success of a U.S. Attorney's office. Moreover, it was well-known, as early as December 2004, that Mr. Cummins intended to leave the office and seek employment in the private sector. See "The Insider Dec. 30," Ark Times (Dec. 30,2004) ("Cummins, 45, said that, with four children to put throvgh college someday, he'll likely begin exploring career options. It wouldn't be 'shocking,' he said, for there to be a change in his office before the end of Bush's second term."). Finally, the Deputy Attorney General did not state or imply that Mr. Griffin would be appointed as the U.S.Attomey without Senate confirmation. Such a statement would be inconsistent with the Department's stated position that we are committed to having a Senateconfirmed U.S. Attomey in all 94 federal districts. -. Third, the Department does not consider the replacement of one Republican U.S. Attorney by another Republican lawyer who is well-qualified and has extensive experience as a prosecutor and strong ties to the district to be a change made for "political reasons." Mr. Cummins was confirmed to serve a four-year term, which expired on January 9,2006. He sewed his entire tern, plus an additional year. United States Attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President; that has always been the rule, and U.S. Attorneys accept their appointment with that understanding. Ln answer to your specific questions: . - Although the decision to have Mr. Cariftin replace Mr. Cumrnins was first contemplated in the spring or summer of 2006, the final decision to appoint Mr. Griffin to be interim U.S. Attorney in the Eastern District of Arkansas was made on or about December 15,2006, after the Attorney General had spoken with Senator Pryor. * The Department of Justice is not aware of anyone lobbying for Mr. Griffin's appointment. Consistent with longstanding Administration practice, the decision regarding whether Mr. Griffin (who then was on active military duty) might be considered for appointment as U.S. Attomey upon his return from Iraq was discussed and made jointly by the Departinent of Justice and the White House. ... The Honorable Charles E. Schumer Page Three . As the Deputy Attorney General testified, Mr. Cummins's continued service as U.S.Attorney was not considered at the same time as the other U.S. Attorneys that the Deputy Attorney General acknowledged were asked to resign for reasons rzlated to their performance. As the Deputy Attorney General testified, the request that Mr. Cumins resign was "related to the opportunityto provide a fresh start with a new person in that position." * The Department is not aware of Karl Rove playing my role in the deckion to appoint Mr. Grisfin. We appreciate the opportunity to respond to your inquiry. Sincerely, Rich* A. Hertling Acting Assistant Attorney General cc: The Honorable Mitch McConnell The Honorable Arlen Specter "i* US. Department of Justice Office of Legislative Affairs - Office the Assistoel Atlomey Geneml - . . Wrtshi~~got~. D.C. 20S30 February 23,,2007 The Honorable Pany Murray United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Murray: This is in response to your letter to the Attorney General dated February 8,2007. An identical response has been sent to-the other signatories of that letter, As an initial matter, the Deparment agrees with the principle you set forth in your letter that "[ojnce appointed, U.S. Attorneys, perhaps more than any other public servants, must be above politics and beyond reproach; they must be seen to enforce the rule of law without fear or favor." That many U.S. Attorneys, appointed by Presidents of both parties, have had political experience prior to their appointment does not undefiine that principle. Your letter, however, contains assumptions and assertions that are simply erroneous. First, your letter truncates the actual quote of the Attorney General's testimony at the Judiciary Committee hearing on January 18,2007, and consequently, mischaracterizesthe statement. In full, the Attorney General stated: "I think I would . never, ever make a change in a United States attorney for political reasons or ifit would in any wayjeopardize an ongoing serious investigation. Ijust would not do it" (emphasis added). The Depariment of Justice rejects any suggestion that U.S.Attorneys were asked or encouraged to resign for the inappropriate "political reason" of interfering with any public comption case or retaliating against a U.S.Attorney who oversaw such a case. .. ' Second, your letter mischaracterizes the testimony of the Deputy Attorney General given at the hearing held on February 6,2007. 13e Deputy Attorney General simply stated the Department's view that asking U.S. Attorney Bud Cummins to resign so that Special Assistant U.S.Attorney Tim Griffin might have the opportunity to serve as U.S. Attorney i s not an inappropriate "political reason." This is so, the Deputy Attorney General testified, because, inter alia,Mr. Griffin is very well-qualified to serve ai U.S.Attorney, and Mr. Cummins "may have already been thinking about leaking at some point anyway." - -- The Honorable Patty Mumy Page Two -. Indeed, at the time Mr. Griffin was appointed interim U.S.Attorney in December 2006 he had far more federal prosecution experience (in the Criminal Division and in the U.S. Attorney's office) than Mr. Cummins did at the time he was appointed U.S. . Attorney in January 2002. Mr. Cummins himself credits Mr. Griffin with the establishment of that office's successll gun-crime prosecution initiative. And Mr. Griffin has substantial military prosecution experience that Mr. Cummins does not have. Those who know Mr. Griffin must concede that he brings a style of leadership and level of energy that could only enhance the success of a U.S. Attorney's office. Moreover, it was well-known, as early as December 2004, that Mr. Cummins intended to leave the office and seek employment in the private sector. Ses "The Insider Dec. 30," Ark. Times (Dec. 30,2004) ("Cummins, 45, said that, with four children to put through college someday, he'll likely begin exploring w e e r options. It wouldn't be 'shocking,' he said, for there to be a change in his office before the end of Bush's second term."). Finally, the Deputy Attomey General did mt state or imply that Mr. Griffin would be appointed as the U.S.Attorney without Senate confirmation. Such a statement would be inconsistent with the Department's stated position that we are committed to having a Senateconfirmed U.S.Attorney in all 94 federal districts. -, Third, the Department does not consider the replacement of one Republican U.S. Attomey by another Republican lawyer who is well-qualified and has extensive experience as aprosecutor and strong ties to the district to be a change made for "political reasons." Mr. Cummins was confirmed to serve a four-year term, which expired on January 9,2006. He served his entire term, plus an additional year. United States Attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President; that has always been the mle, and U.S. Attorneys accept their appointment with that understanding. In answer to your specific questions: * . - Although the decision to have Mr. Griffin replace Mr. Cummins was first contemplated in the spring or summer of 2006, the final decision to appoint Mr. Griffin to be interim U.S. Attorney in the Eastern Disbict of Arkansas was made on or about December 15,2006, after the Attomey General had spoken with Senator Pryor. TheDepartment of Justice is not aware of anyone lobbying for Mr. Griffin's appointment. Consistent with longstanding Administration practice, the decision regarding whether Mr. Griffin (who then was on active military duty) might be considered for appointment as U.S. Attomey upon his return from Iraq was discussed and made jointly by the Department of Justice and the White House. ... The Honorable Patty Murray Page Three * . As the Deputy Attorney General testified, Mr. Cummins's continued service as U.S.Attorney was not considered at the same time as the other U.S.Attorneys that the Deputy Attorney General acknowledged were askad to resign for reasons related to their performance. As the Deputy Attorney General testified, the request thal Mr. Cummins resign was "relaied to the opportunity to provide a fresh start with anew person in that position." The Department is not aware of gar! Rove playing any role in the deckion to appoint Mr. Griffin. We appreciate the opportunity to respond to your inquiry. Sincerely, Kcbard A. Hertling Acting Assistant Attorney General cc: The Honorable Mitch McConnell The Honorable Arlen Specter -- ~~'hcllonorablc Albcrro R. Go~lzalcs Atronlcy C;cncral of the Lnircd Statcs U.S. Depatn~enloSJcstice 950 Pe~msylvaninAvmue, N.W. Washington. D.C. 20530-0001 - -. Ilcar Attorney Gc~icralCionzalcs: As you know. rhc Scriatc judiciary Committee held a hca*iny this week to cxan~i~ic the growing politicizitio~lof rhc hiring and firing of Ijnitcd Statcs Attonicys, our miion's top federa! prosecutors. I!nfortunatcly, rhc licaring only scnyed to intcnsifr., rather than assuagc, our concerns. paniculnrly give11tllc circumstances surrounding thc cluster of Bud Cummins, who was tllc (!.S.Attorney in ~ l l cEastern I)is~rictof' Arkansas until last llecernbcr. W!~niyou testilied bel;Jre the ~ v m m i r t con i .lanuary 18. 1007. you stntcd imcquivaca!ly that you "ivould ncvcr. cvcr milkc a change in a 1J.S. Attortley position for politiciil wasons.'' In a stuminy iidnlission. I~oweves,r)cpuiy Rtiorncy G c ~ ~ cPaul ~al . hlch'ulty. in his own rcsri~nonyon 1:chruary 6'": ackno\vlcdgcd that Mr. C u n ~ ~ n iwas ~ls posl~cd0111 li)r no reason other than to inskill . without Sellate conlirnia~ion- 'l'ini Ciriflin, a li?rnicr aidc to Karl KOGC.ATthe rirnc, Mr. Griffin had minimal fcdcral prosccurion cspcricncc. hut was highly skillcd in opposition research and partisan attacks for thc I<cpublica~~ Nrtd~nalCommitlee. This strikes us as a quintessentially "political" reason to 11~tlkt: a chii~:.g~. . - Wc rccognizc, of coursc. thar llnitcd Statcs Attorncys scrvc at thc plcasmc orthe President, hut as,scvcral highly rcspcctcd and dislingt~ishcdformer olncials ofthe Department oi'Justice have noted, [he dismissal of a well-respectrtl U.S.AlLorney simply to rewarti a!] i~lcxpcricnccdpa~tisanis unprcccdented. r'iltho~ghSenators expect soon to he biiel'ed privately about the alleged pcrfonr~nnccissues of scvcral othcr U.S. Attorneys; wc hopc that you will quickly- and publicly address the most troubling aspects ofthe Culillniils ouster and Cjrifiio appoin~mrnt. We look fnrwmd 11, a li~llercsplanaticsn ofwhy a conccdcdly wcllpcrforining prosecutor was tcrmilutcd in Favor of such a partisan figure: . .. .- Q In particular. when was the decision made to appoint Tim Cirii'iin to replace Bud Cunlmins'? . .. Specifically, who lobbied on behalf'of 'l'im Griffin's appointment. both ingide and outside thc Administration? Why \\>asflad Cuminins told to resign in June of 2006, when thc othcr dismissed omcials wer:, old in December of 2006? Was tlic rcason to give ale repkplacsment, .. 1 in1 Grillin. a chance to become ensconced at rhc U.S. Attor~icy'sOftice in Arkansas bcforc making the appointment? - In light oTt11e unpreceden~zdnature o r the appointment, we src cspccially. intercstcd in understanding thc role playcd by Karl Rove. In particl~lar,byhat roic did Karl Rove, with whom Griffin was closely associated, play in lhe decision to appoinl G r i f k ? Ciiven thal Mr. Rove was himself apparently sli!i being invesf gated by a U.S. Attorney in June 01'2006. ii would be axuen~elyunto~mrdifhc were at Ihe samc tinic leading the charge to oust u sitting U.S, Attoriicy and install his own fornicr aide. .l'l~cscquestions go to the hoa!.t of the public's confidence in the fair administration ofjusricc. Once appoi!~ted,Tj.S.Atlomcys, pcrhaps rnorc than any othcr public scnram: musi bt above politics and bcyond rcproacli; fhey must be see11t enforce the rule of la\\- without rear or favor. (iivcn the issues raised in thc rCCCnT hcaring, we are naturally concemcd about the Adminisiration's profcsscd co~nmitmtntlo keeping politics nnt of thc I)cpartmcnt o i Justicc. Wc l~opcthat you will quickly put thosc conccrns tn rest. ... Fsb-07-07 02:26rm T-856 Frm- P BD2/002 1313LONGUVORW HOUSE OFFICI: BUILDING SIU ammlCT. WaG COMMITEEOY WAY.s AND f f l E ~ ~ SUWMM~EE F-563 ' W W I w RAHM EMANUEL E o ~ E $of $fbt anittb State.$ am tiwm S Y ~ ~ DONMu M r n~ Bouge of BtptdeanBaCdbd . . 202-Z?64061 ~1~ f 742 WESTlflVlNS PARK ROAD CHICAGO, IL 6 0 8 1 ~ - n3-267.6926 tfBa&ingrort. 3620515-1305 , February 7,2007 The ~onombieAlberro Gomles U.S. A'cromey Cjencral US.Department ofJuxuoe 950 Pennsylvania AYenue, NW Was?hgron. DC 20530-0001 Dear Attorney General Gonzales: As yuu are aware, rhere are many questions surrounding the recent dismissal of seven U.S.~norneys, including whether or laar your offoe has rkc authority to dismiss dlese individuals, and if their firings were poliricallymotivated These questions will llopeful~ybe answered in good time, but in order to atparate the question of authority from r1Ie question o f political modvation, I an writing specifically a b u t the case of Cam1Lam. Carol Lam served as the U.S. Attorney in San Diego from Septenlber,'2002 until her dismissal last moqih, According to the San Diego Union-TribunelP, Ms. Lam was fired because her superiorswere cnhappy with her resulrs on crime and immipatioa prosecutions. In the l a ~ s data, t San Diego ranked sacond in tem.i of immigration prosccudo~,and Ms. ]Lam had recently convicted the chiefs of Golden State Fence Co. for ldring illegal immigrants. Since Lam's appointment as a U.S. Accomey>violenx crime has fallen 2.4% for the San Diego area. Previoualy, Lam was praieed by former Anorncy General AshcroR for her role in securing a guilry plea by Mullanled Abid Afridi and Ilyas Afi on felony clmges of conspiracyto provide material suppod to terrorists. Lsrn's record is one that should make the Repamrent ofJustice proud. Ytr Carol Lam is beat known for her successful investigation and prosecution o f former Congressman Duke Cun~lingham.Former Congressmi Cunningham is currently sewing jail time, but Ms. Laui'6 in~estipaxionhad not ended at the time of lier disn~issal.In fact, she was in the process of investigating whether or nor the cormprion involved other Members of Congress and lobbyists, as well as current and former menlbera ofthe national securiv apparorus. It is for this reason that the riming of her dismissal raises serious and troubling questions. In hct, special agent in charge Dan Dmilewski -the FBIJs 4lp official for San Diego -said, "I guarantee politics is involved It will he a huge loss from my perspective." . ... I To remove the cloud of politics over Ms. Lam's dismissal and ro ensure there are no delays in the investigation of the Cunningham matter, I call on you ro immediately name Carol Lam as ouhide couns,:l with all necessary resources to conrinue her uccellcnr work on 1110 Cunningl~qm case and rclsced manerd. - Th$nk you for your prompt attention to this matter. -. Rahm Bmanuel Member of Congress . . -- U.S. Department of Justice Office of Legislative Affairs Office of the Assisranr Attorney General . -. Wnrhin,olon,D.C 20530 January 3 1,2007 The Honorable Mark Pryor 'United States Senate 257 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C.2051.0 Dear Senator Pryor: This is in response to your letter to the Attorney General dated January 11,2007, regarding the Attorney General's appointment of J. Timothy Griffin to serve as interim United States Attorney for the Eastem District of Arkansas: As the Attomey General informed you in his telephone conversations with you on December 13,2006, and December 15,2006, Mr. Griffin was chosen for appointment to serve as interim United States Attomey because of his excellent qualifications. To be clear, Mr. Griffin was not chosen because the First Assistant United States Attorney was on maternity leave and therefore was not able to serve as your letter states. As you know, Mr. Griffin has federal prosecution experience both in the Eastern District of Arkansas and in the Criminal Division in Washington, D.C. During his senrice in the Eastern District of Arkansas, Mr. Griffin established that district's successful Project Safe Neighborhoods initiative to reduce firearms-related violence. In addition, Mr. Griffiwhas served for more than a decade in the U.S. Army R e s e ~ eJudge , Advocate General's Corps, for whom he has prosecuted more than 40 criminal cases, including cases of national significance. Mr. Griffin's military experience includes recent service in Iraq, for which he was awarded the Combat Action Badge and the Army Commendation Medal. Importantly, Mr. Griffin is a "real Arkansan" with genuine ties to the community. Based on these qualifications, Mr. Griffin was selected to serve as interim United States Attorney. As the Attomey General also has stated to you, the Administration is committed to having a Senate-confirmedUnited States Attorney for all 94 federal districts. At no - h e h a s the Administration sought to avoid the Senate confiiation process by . appointing an interim United States Attomey and then refusing to move forward, in consultation with home-State Senators, on the selection, nomination and confirmation of a new United States Attorney. Not once. . Letter to the Honorable Mark Pryor Page 2 The Eastern District of Arkansas is not different. As the Attorney Genad statedto you again two weeks ago, in a telephone conversation on January 17,2007,'theAdministration is committed to having a Senate-confirmedUnited States Attomey in that district too. That is why the Administration has consulted uiith you and Senator Lincoln for s e v a months now regarding possible candidates for nomination, including Mr. Griffin. That is why the Attorney General has sought your views as to whether, if nominated, you would Support Mr. Griffin's contimation. The Administration awaits your decision. - -. If you decide that you would support Mr. Griffin's confirmation, then the President's senior advisors (after taking into account Senator Lincoln's views) likely would recommend that the President nominate him. With your support, Mr. Griffin almost certainly would be confirmed and appointed. We are convinced that, given his strong record as a federal prosecutor and as a military prosecutor, Mr. Griffin would serve ably as a Senate-confirmed United States Attorney. If, in contrast, you decide that for whatever reason you will not support Mr. Griffin's confirmation, then the Administration looks forward to considering any alternative candidates for nomination that you might put forward. In any event, your views (and the views of Senator Lincoln) will be given substantial weight in determining what recommendation to make to the President regarding who is nominated. Last year's amendment to the Attorney General's appointment authority was necessary and appropriate. Prior to the amendment, the Attomey General could appoint an interim United States Attorney for only 120 days; thereafter, the district court was authorized to appoint an interim United States Attomey. In cases where a Senateconfirmed United States Attomey could not be appointed within 120 days, the limitation on the Attomey General's appointment authority resulted in numerous, recurring problems. For example, some district courts - recognizing the oddity of members of one branch of government appointing officers of another and the conflicts inherent in the appointment of an interim United States Attomey who would then have many matters before the court - rehsed to exercise the court appointment authority, thereby requiring the Attorney General to make successive, 120-day appointments. In contrast, other district courts - ignoring the oddity and the inherentconflicts - sought to appoint as interim United States Attomey wholly unacceptable candidates who did not have the appropriate experience or the necessary clearances. Contrary to your letter, nothing in the text or history of the statute even suggests that the Attorney General should articulate a national security or law enforcement need for making an interim appointment. Because fhe Administration is committed to having a Senate-confirmed United States Attorney for - a1194 federal districts, changing the law to restorc the limitations on Me Attorney General's appointment authority is unnecessary. Enclosed is information regarding the exercise of the Attorney General's authority to appoint interim United States Attorneys. As you will see, the enclosed information establishes conclusively that the Administration is committed to having a Senateconfirmed United States Attorney in all 94 federal districts. Indeed, every single time . - -- Letter to the Honorable Mark Pryor Page 3 that a United States Attorney vacancy has arisen, the President either has made a nomination or - as with the Eastern District of Arkansas - the Administration is working, in consultation with home-State Senators, to select a candidate for nomination. Such nominations are, of course, subject to Senate confirmation. Sincerely, Richard A. Nertling Acting Assistant Attorney General cc: The Honorable Blanche L. Lincoln Enclosure . . FACT SHEET: UNITED STATES ATTORNEY A P P O I N T ~ N T S . NOMINATIONS AFTER AMENDMENT T O ATTORNEY GENERAL'S A P P O r n N T AUTHORITY Since March 9,2006, when the Congress amended the Attorney General's authority to appoint interim United States Attorneys, the President has nominated 15 individuals to serve as United States Attorney. The 15 nominations are: * 3 * * * * * * Erik Peterson - Western District of Wisconsin; Charles Rosenbei-g - Eastern District of Virginia; Thomas Anderson -District of Vennont; Martin Jackley -District of South Dakota; Alexander Acosta - Southern District of Florida; Troy Eid - District of Colorado; Phillip Green -Southern District of Illinois; George Holding - Eastern District of North Carolina;. Sharon Potfes -Northern District of West Virginia;, Brett Tolman -District of Utah; Rodger Neaton -Central District of Illinois; Deborah Rhodes -Southern District of Alabama; Rachd P aulose - District of Minnesota; John Wood - Western District of Missouri; and Rosa Rodriguez-Velez - District of Puerto Rico. - * All but Phillip Green, John Wood, and Rosa Rodriguez-Velez have been confirmed by the Senate. VACANCIES AFTER AMENDMENT TO ATTORNEY GENERAL'S APPOINTMENT AUTHORITY Since March 9,20Q6, there have been 13 new U.S. Attorney vacancies that have arisen. They have been filled ¬ed below. For 4 of the 13 vacancies, the First Assistant United States Attorney (FAUSA) in the district was selected to lead the office in an acting capacity under thd Vacancies Reform Act, see 5 U.S.C. 9 3345(a)(1) (first assistant may serve in acting capacity for 210 days unless a nomination is made) until a nomination could be or can be submitted to the . Senate. Those districts are: -. - - * Central District of California - FAUSA George Cardona is acting Unitedstates Attorney Southern District of Illinois - FAUSA Randy Massey is acting United States Attorney (a nomination was made last Congress for Phillip Green, but confirmation did not occur); -. Eastern District of North CaroPina - FAUSA George Holding sewed asacting United States Attomey (Holding was nominated and confirmed); * Northern District of West Virginia - FAUSA Rita Valdn'ni served as acting United States Attomey (Sharon Potter was nominated and confirmed). For 1 vacancy, the Department first selected the First Assistant United States Attorney to leadlke office in an acting capacity under the Vacancies Reform Act, but the First Assistant retired a month later. At that point, the Department selected another employee to serve as interim United StatesAttorney until a nomination could be submitted-to the Senate, see 28 U.S.C. $546(a) ("Attorney General may appoint a United States attorney for the district in which the office of United States attorney is vacant"). This district is: * Northern District of Iowa - FAUSA Judi Whetstine was acting United States Attorney until she retired and Matt Dummermuth was appointed interim United States Attorney. For 8 of the 13 vacancies, the Department selected another Department employee to serve as interim United States Attorney until a nomination could beSubmitted to the Senate, see 28 U.S.C. $ 546(a) ("Attorney General may appoint a United States attorney for the district in which the office of United States attorney is vacant"). ,Those districts are: Eastern District of Virginia -Pending nominee Chuck Rosenberg was appointed interim United States Attorney when incumbent United States Attorney resigned to be appointed Deputy Attorney General (Rosenberg was confirmed shortly thereafter); * Eastern District of Arkansas -Tim Griffin was appointed interim United States Attorney when incumbent United States Attorney resigned; Disfrict of Columbia - Jeff Taylor was appointed interim United States Attorney when incumbent United States Attomey resigned to be appointed Assistant .. Attorney General for the National Security Division; * District of Nebraska - Joe Stecher was appointed interimUnited States Attorney when incumbent United States Attorney resigned to be appointed Chief Justice of . Nebraska Supreme Court; Middle District of Tennessee -Craig Morford was appointed interim United States Attorney when incumbent United States Attorney resigned; * Western District of Missouri -Brad Schlozman was appointed interim United States Attorney when incumbent United States Attorney and FAUSA resigned at the same time (John Wood was nominated); Western District of Washington -Jeff Sullivan was appointed interim United States Attorney when incumbent United States Attorney resigned; and District of Arizona -Dan Knauss was appointed interim United States Aqorney when incumbent United States Attorney resigned. - - - ATTORNEY GENERAL APPOINTMENTS AFTFER AMENDMENT T O .. ATTORNEY GENERAL'S A P P Q I N g ~ N T AUTHORITY Y The Attorney General has exercised the authority to appoint interim United States Attorneys a total of 12 times since the authority was amended in March 2006. In 2 of the 12 cases, the FAUSA had been serving as acting United States Attorney under the Vacancies Reform Act (VRA), but the VRA's 210-day period expired before a nomination could be made. Thereafter, the Attomey General appointed that s a w FAUSA to serve as interim United States Attorney. These districts include: * District of Puerto Rico -Rosa Rodriguez-Velez (Rodriguez-Velez has been nominated); and Eastern District of Tennessee-Russ Dedrick In 1case, the FAUSA had been serving as acting United States Attorney under the VRA, but the VK4's 2 10-day period expired before a nomination could be made. Thereafter, the Attorney General appointed another Department employee to seive as interim United States Attorney until a nomination could be submitted to the'senate. That district is: District of Alaska -Nelson Cohen In 1 case, the Department originally selected the First Assistant to serve as acting United States Attorfiey;however, she retired from federal service a month later. At that point, the Department selected another Department employee to serve as interim United States Attorney until a nomination could be submitled to the Senate. That district is: s ~orihei-nDistrict of Iowa -Matt Dummermuth In the 8 remaining cases, the Department selected another Department employee to serve as interim United States Attorney until a nomination could be submitted to the Senate. Those districts are: - - . . Eastern District of Virginia Pending nominee Chuck Rosenberg was appointed interim United States Attorney when incumbent United States Attorney resigned to be appointed Deputy Attorney General (Rosenberg was confinned shortly thereaftzr); * Eastern District of Arkansas -Tim Griffin was appointed interim United States Attorney when incumbent United States Attorney resigned; District of Columbia - Jeff Taylor was appointed interim United States Attorney when incumbent United States Attorney resigned to be appointed Assistant .- . Anomey General for the National Security Division; District ofNebraska -Joe Stecher was appointed interim United States Attorney when incumbent United States Attorney resigned to be appointed Chief Justice o f Nebraska Supreme Court; - - p. >a > = -1 -. . Middle District of Tennessee - Craig Moriord was appointed interim United States Attorney when incumbent United States Attorney resigned; Western District ofMissouri -Brad Schlozman was appointed interim United States Attorney when incumbent United States Attorney and FAUSA resigned at the same time (John Wood was nominated); Western District of Washington -Jeff Sullivan was appointed interim United States Attorney when incumbent United States Attorney resigned; and District of Arizona -Dan kkauss was appointed interim United States Attorney - when incumbent United States Attorney resigned. ,a>*" U.S. Department of Justice Office of Legislative Affairs . Office of the Assistant Attorney General . Wmhingfon,D.C.20530 January 22,2007 The Honorable John Conyers, Jr. Chairman Committee on the Judiciary United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C.205 15 The Honorable Howard L. Berman Member Committee on the Judiciary United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Deiu Chairman Conyers and Representative Berman: This is in response to your letter, dated January 17,2007, regarding Carol Lamls resignation as United States Attorney for the Southern District of California. Your letter's suggestion that Ms. Lam was asked or encouraged to resign in an effort to disrupt an ongoing public corruption investigation is categorically untrue. United States Attorneys never are removed, or asked or encouraged to resign, in an effort to disrupt any particular investigation, criminal prosecution or civil case - including any public cormption case. Any suggestion to the contrary simply is irresponsible. Indeed, the Attomey General has directed United States Attorneys to prosecute public cormption vigorously. A fair examination of the Department of Justice's performance in this area clearly demonstrates the Department's commitment to protect the integrity of government by rooting out public corruption - whenever it is found and whoever is implicated. . ; I Moreover, the removal of a United Slates Attomey to impede an ongoing public cormption investigation would be entirely ineffective. Public corruption investigations typically involve many agents and prosecutors. The departure of the United States Attorney, for whatever reason, does not stop or even slow the investigation. Given the occasional turnover of United States Attomeys, career investigatorsand prosecutors exercise direct responsibility for nearly all such cases. . . United States Attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President.,Like other highranking Executive Branch officials, they may be removed for any rzason or no reason. The Attorney Genera! and the Deputy Attorney General are responsible for evaluating the performance of the United States Attomeys and ensuring that they are leading their .. Letter io Chairman Conyers and Representative Berman January 22,2007 Page 2 offices effectively. That on occasion in an organization as large as the Justice . Department some United States Attorneys resign - for whatever reason - should come as no surprise. With regard to the upcoming United States Attorney vacancy in the Southern District of California, the Department will select a person to serve temporarily as United States Attorney until a Senate-confirmedUnited States Attorney is appointed, and the Administration will consult with home-State Senators to select a person t c be ~ nominated, confirmed and appointed. Please be assured that both persons will be experienced lawyers who are committed to the Department's priorities -: including the vigorous prosecution of public corruption. Sincerely, Richard A.Hertling Acting Assistant Attorney General cc: The Honorable Lamar S . Smith Ranking Minority Member -.