22nd Sunday Ordinary Time 28th August 2016


22nd Sunday Ordinary Time 28th August 2016
Responsorial Psalm:
In your goodness, O God,
you prepared a home
for the poor.
Gospel Acclamation:
Alleluia, alleluia!
If anyone loves me he will keep
my word and my Father will love
him and we shall come to him.
Candidacy Mass
13th September Tuesday 7pm
Mr. John Goggin will be
formally received as a candidate from
our parish to the ministry of the diaconate by Bishop Peter Brignall on 13th
September at the evening Mass at 7pm.
I would like to invite the whole parish
community to this special and joyful
occasion and the celebration with the
bishop and deacons of the diocese.
Exam Success
Congratulations to all those pupils who have
achieved so much in their GCSE and A level examinations this year. St David's School
and Parish are extremely proud and wish
you all continued success.
Traidcraft are asking the government to
amend the law, so big British companies can
be prosecuted in the UK, if they cause serious harm abroad. Most UK laws only cover
actions that take place in UK, despite the
international nature of business today. Another problem is that prosecuting a company
involves proving the involvement of senior
managers, which can be very difficult to do.
But both these gaps could be addressed by
changes in legislation. For more info
Joyce and John Elcock
Money Matters :
Eglwys Catholig Dewi Sant, Yr Wyddgrug
St.David’s Catholic Church, Mold
Offertory Collection last weekend
£785.80 of which £414.50 was Gift Aided.
Gift Aid: If you are a Tax Payer, please
consider filling out the Gift Aid form which
is in the church porch to receive a box of
weekly envelopes for your offertory donation or for a one-off donation then please
use the Green envelopes. Please remember to write your name, address, sign and
date the green envelope.
Thank you for supporting our Parish.
Let us pray for the Sick
Parish Priest: Fr. Pius Mathew CMI,
St.David’s Presbytery, St.David’s Lane, Mold. CH7 1LH
Email: piuscmi@gmail.com
01352 752087
Deacon David Joy:01352 754722 LSUConvent:01352 700121
Website: http://www.stdavidsmold.org
www.wrexhamdiocese.org.uk http://www.cmi.org.in
28th August 2016
Michael Jones, Anne Jones, Jim Hughes,
22nd Sunday Ordinary Time
27th August Saturday
Mass 5.30pm
Margaret Carr, Judith Rowe, Margaret Evans, Fred Battersby, Gwen Jones,Joe Goggin,, Debra Ann Roberts,Tricia Twizell, Rosa Maria, Joan Lawrence, Gay McCornick,
Moira Catherall, Lea Hill, Anne Turner,
Mary Rowe, Jenny Mansley, Jennifer Rowley, Nancy Wilson, Joe & Luisa Desena,
Shelagh Fulham, Margaret Stubbs, Philomena Lamano, and Leo McManus.
Mrs. Maura McCourt RIP
(Maire & Michael Greaney)
28th August Sunday
Mass 11am
For People of the Parish
We remember in our prayers
Those whose anniversaries
Occur this week
(27th Aug) John Edwin Bryan, William Joseph
Pearce (28th Aug) Mildred Teresa Lewis
(29th Aug) James Hayes, Mary Ann Griffiths,
Anna Calamatteo, (30th Aug) John Thom-
as, Mary Henderson, Sophia Wilson, Matilda Lawler, Ruth Hamer , (1st Sept) Mary
Kearney, (2nd Sept) William Shanaghan
St. David’s Golden Jubilee
Parish Picnic/ Barbecue
(Please note the change of date)
On Sunday 18th September, Everyone is invited to a Parish Picnic/
Barbecue immediately after School/
Parish Mass.
There will be family games, lots of food
and great celebrations. Further details to
Today : Collection for Flowers
For the Altar
Year C
Monday :
29th Aug
30th Aug
The Passion of St.John the Baptist
Mass 10am
Ann Henderson RIP (Kathleen Jones)
Liturgy of the day
Mass 7pm
Kenneth Gray RIP (Sam Doak)
Wednesday: Liturgy of the day
31st Aug
Mass 9.15am
Int. Josephine & Clifford Welsby
Liturgy of the day
1st Sep
Mass 9.15am
Dorothy Stubbs RIP (Anne Cheetham)
Liturgy of the day
2nd Sep
Mass 9.15am
Int. Frank Casey (Anne Cheetham)
3rd September Saturday
Mass at 5.30pm
4th September Sunday
Mass 11am
Int.Mike&Maire Greaney
For People of the Parish
Rosary and
Every Friday
following the
morning Mass
at 9.15am
Sacrament of
10.30am to
& Before the Vigil
Sundays before
the Mass
woman spent 45
minutes in the queue
for confession. As she was
leaving the box she said to
the priest, “Thank you, Father. With my sins forgiven
I’m as pure as a newborn
baby now.” The priest
said to her, “That’s pride.
Get back in the queue!”
God-given talents that they
nd “God-given” is the
operative phrase. For
humility does not consist in
being the shrinking violet in
the room, or in acting like
here’s a lot of prejudice about pride
and humility. Some people think that humility
means soft-pedalling on
the truth. So even though
they may have won the
Nobel Prize for Saving
the World there are some
people who feel that it’s
somehow indecent to
admit it. They should
actually take pride in it.
his approach to
humility often
means that people fail to
use their talents because
they don’t want to be considered pushy. There are
lots of parishes where excellent readers and musicians, organisers and volunteers, just remain quietly
in their seats because they
are reticent about using the
some unctuous Uriah Heap
character, but in being
proud to admit our qualities,
but acknowledging where
our gifts come from.
o humility is a type of
pride in God, because
humility means using our
gifts and talents, being the
real people we are, while at
the same time giving glory
to the source of all good
things: God.
he actual word
“humble” has nothing
to do with “humble
pie” (which is really
“umble” or offal pie) but
everything to do with
“humus”, that good rich
soil in which seeds can
be planted and produce
a rich crop. If a person is
humble then they are
more susceptible to the
action of God working
through them. So a humble person is one who is
likely to produce lasting
fruit. A humble person is
one who makes things
grow, one who is
loating in your
own strengths
leads to a fall; glorying in
the gifts God has given you
leads to praise. That’s why
Jesus tells us today that
those who exalt themselves
will be humbled but those
who humble themselves
will be exalted. And that’s
something to be proud of!
Checking In Today"
A Minister passing through his church
In the middle of the day,
Decided to pause by the altar
To see who came to pray.
Just then the back door opened,
And a man came down the aisle,
The minister frowned as he saw the man
Hadn't shaved in a while.
'I Just Came By To Tell You, Lord,
How Happy I've Been,
Since We Found Each Other’s Friendship
And You Took Away My Sin.
I Don't Know Much Of How To Pray,
But I Think About You Every day.
So, Jesus, This Is Me,
Just Checking In Today.'
His shirt was torn and shabby,
And his coat was worn and frayed,
The man knelt down and bowed his head,
Then rose and walked away.
Past noon one day, the minister noticed
That old Ben hadn't come.
As more days passed and still no Ben,
He began to worry some.
In the days that followed at precisely noon,
The preacher saw this chap,
Each time he knelt just for a moment,
A lunch pail in his lap.
At the factory, he asked about him,
Learning he was ill.
The hospital staff was worried,
But he'd given them a thrill.
Well, the minister's suspicions grew,
With robbery a main fear,
He decided to stop and ask the man,
'What are you doing here?'
The old man said he was a factory worker
And lunch was half an hour
Lunchtime was his prayer time,
For finding strength and power.
I stay only a moment
Because the factory's far away;
As I kneel here talking to the Lord,
This is kinda what I say:
'I Just Came By To Tell You, Lord,
How Happy I Have Been,
Since We Found Each Other’s Friendship
And You Took Away My Sin.
Don't Know Much Of How To Pray,
But I Think About You Every day.
So, Jesus, This Is Ben,
Just Checking In Today.'
The minister feeling foolish,
Told Ben that it was fine.
He told the man that he was welcome
To pray there anytime.
'It's time to go, and thanks,' Ben said
As he hurried to the door.
Then the minister knelt there at the altar,
Which he'd never done before.
His cold heart melted, warmed with love,
As he met with Jesus there.
As the tears flowed down his cheeks,
He repeated old Ben's prayer:
The week that Ben was with them,
Brought changes in the ward.
His smiles and joy contagious.
Changed people were his reward.
The head nurse couldn't understand
Why Ben could be so glad,
When no flowers, calls or cards came,
Not a visitor he had.
The minister stayed by his bed,
He voiced the nurse's concern:
No friends had come to show they cared.
He had nowhere to turn.
Looking surprised, old Ben spoke up
And with a winsome smile;
'The nurse is wrong, she couldn't know,
He's been here all the while.'
Every day at noon He comes here,
A dear friend of mine, you see,
He sits right down and takes my hand,
Leans over and says to me:
'I Just Came By To Tell You, Ben,
How Happy I Have Been,
Since We Found This Friendship,
And I Took Away Your Sin.
I Think About You Always
And I Love To Hear You Pray,
And So Ben, This Is Jesus,
Just Checking In Today.'