Actual Amazon AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUD-PRACTITIONER Exam Dumps Updated 2019 20% Discount on Amazon AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUD-PRACTITIONER Exam Dumps. For more info Amazon AWS-Certified-Cloud-Practitioner Exam AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUD-PRACTITIONER preparation is not a piece of cake for the professionals or full-time office workers as you actually need to invest time and mind for its preparation. No doubt EN is very effort taking and difficult exam but it is not impossible to clear it. Dumps4Success offers Amazon AWS-Certified-Cloud-Practitioner Exam AWS-CERTIFIEDCLOUD-PRACTITIONER exam dumps that includes guidelines and information according to the Amazon AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUD-PRACTITIONER exam. The Amazon AWS-Certified-Cloud-Practitioner Exam AWSCERTIFIED-CLOUD-PRACTITIONER exam dumps involve content and instructions which are explicitly designed to assist you in getting through the AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUD-PRACTITIONER exam. The AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUD-PRACTITIONER Amazon AWS-Certified-Cloud-Practitioner Exam exam practice material includes everything that covers the Amazon course content and prepares the candidate for all the possibilities in the future. It includes study material, a pattern of Amazon AWS-Certified-CloudPractitioner Exam AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUD-PRACTITIONER exam, sample question papers and tips to make the Amazon AWS-Certified-Cloud-Practitioner Exam journey successful for you. We hope that you’ll find our services very useful for your upcoming exam. AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUD-PRACTITIONER Preparation Material For Best Result: Exam Our Amazon AWS-Certified-Cloud-Practitioner Exam AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUD-PRACTITIONER exam dumps has been designed to enlighten the candidate about the whole thing. We make it sure that candidate is well aware of Amazon AWS-Certified-Cloud-Practitioner Exam AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUDPRACTITIONER exam scope. The whole plan focuses on the preparation and guidance of a candidate until they are satisfied. The Amazon AWS-Certified-Cloud-Practitioner Exam AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUDPRACTITIONER exam dumps includes all the important areas which you need to focus on if you want to get Amazon certification. Dumps4Success believes that the student deserves to know every challenge regarding Amazon AWS-Certified-Cloud-Practitioner Exam AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUD-PRACTITIONER exam which he/she has to face in future. If we acknowledge everything clearly in the start then it becomes easy for the candidate to prepare himself. 100 % Success Amazon AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUDPRACTITIONER Exam Dumps: The AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUD-PRACTITIONER exam is prepared by experts who have been in this field for years. They are well aware of the pattern of exam and relevant study material. In fact, many of the writers have designed the Amazon AWS-Certified-Cloud-Practitioner Exam AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUDPRACTITIONER themselves. They are expert in training a beginner to get an adequate understanding of Amazon course outline. So, with the help of Dumps4Success guide, you are very much likely to get Amazon certification in the first attempt. AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUD-PRACTITIONER Amazon AWS-Certified-Cloud-Practitioner Exam Quick Tips: Exam Many students rely on the internet for the preparation of Amazon AWS-Certified-Cloud-Practitioner Exam AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUD-PRACTITIONER exam. Well, you can get study materials from the internet but it is always the possibility that you are missing out something. On the other hand Dumps4Success is offering you complete package in one deal. You do not have to look into different websites and libraries to collect all the study material. You can get everything just a click away with this guide. Rather than wasting your time & effort on finding different sources for EN, you can just rely on our guidebook to assist you in every way. 100% Money Back Guarantee: Dumps4Success cares about the candidate and want to facilitate them in every way. Although our plan will help you in getting more than passing marks for Amazon AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUD-PRACTITIONER exam, if the candidate is unable to pass the AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUD-PRACTITIONER exam after taking the sessions of our AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUD-PRACTITIONER exam dumps, then we can refund your money under certain terms & conditions. 20% Discount on Amazon AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUD-PRACTITIONER Exam Dumps. For more info Version: 11.0 Question: 1 What is the term used to describe giving an AWS user only access to the exact services he/she needs to do the required job and nothing more? Choose the Correct answer: A. The Least Privilege User Principal B. The Principal of Least Privilege C. The Only Access Principal. D. None of the above Answer: B Question: 2 What you create and S3 bucket, what rules must be followed regarding the bucket name? (Select all that apply) Choose the 2 Correct answers: A. Bucket names must be unique across all of AWS. B. Bucket names must be between 3-63 characters in length. C. Bucket names must contain at least one uppercase letter D. Bucket names can be formatted as IP addresses Answer: AB Explanation: Although certain regions do allow for uppercase letters in the bucket name, uppercase letters are NOT required. Also, a bucket name cannot be formatted as an IP address. Question: 3 What are the main benefits of On-Demand EC2 instances? (Select all that apply) Choose the 2 Correct answers: A. They are the cheapest buying option. B. They are the most flexible buying option. C. They require 1-2 days for setup and configuration. D. Create, start, stop, and terminate at any time. Answer: BD Explanation: On-demand EC2 instances are widely used due to their flexibility. You can create, start, stop, and terminate at any time (with no startup or termination fees). Although due to this flexibility, they are the most expensive buying option. Question: 4 What AWS service must you use if you want to configure an AWS billing alarm? Choose the Correct answer: A. CloudWatch B. CloudMonitor C. Consolidated billing D. CloudTrail Answer: A Explanation: CloudWatch is the AWS service that allows you to collect metrics, and create alarms based on those metrics. Billing metrics can be tracked in CloudWatch, therefore billing alarms can be created. Question: 5 What are some common uses of AWS? (Select all that apply) Choose the 4 Correct answers: A. Networking B. Analytics C. Storage D. Virtualization Answer: ABCD Explanation: All of the answers are common uses of AWS. AWS has thousands of different uses. In this course we discussed some of the major categories, including: Storage Compute Power Databases Networking Analytics Developer Tools Virtualization Security Question: 6 How much data can you store in S3? Choose the Correct answer: A. Storage capacity is virtually unlimited. B. You can store up to 1 petabyte of data. C. Each account is given 50 gigabytes of storage capacity and no more can be used. D. You can store up to 1 petabyte of data, then you are required to pay an additional fee. Answer: A Explanation: Although there is theoretically a capacity limit, as an S3 user, there is no limited on the amount of data you can store in S3. Question: 7 You have just set up a brand new AWS account. You want to keep monthly billing under $100, but you are worried about going over that limit. What can you set up in order to be notified when the monthly bill approaches $100? Choose the Correct answer: A. A CloudTrail billing alarm that triggers an SNS notification to your email address. B. A SNS billing alarm that triggers a CloudWatch notification to your email address. C. A CloudWatch billing alarm that triggers an SNS notification to your email address. D. A CloudWatch billing alarm that triggers a CloudTrail notification to your email address. Answer: C Explanation: In CloudWatch, you can set up a billing alarm that will trigger when your monthly bill hit the set threshold. That alarm can then be set up to trigger an SNS topic that will send you a notification that the alarm threshold as been met. Question: 8 What best describes the purpose of having many Availability Zones in each AWS region? Choose the Correct answer: A. Multiple Availability Zones allow for fault tolerance but not high availability. B. Multiple Availability Zones allow for cheaper prices due to competition between them. C. Multiple Availability Zones allow for duplicate and redundant compute, and data backups. D. None of the above. Answer: C Explanation: Availability Zones work together within a region to provide users with the ability to easily setup and configure redundant architecture and backup solutions Question: 9 What TWO services/features are required to have highly available and fault tolerant architecture in AWS? Choose the 2 Correct answers: A. Elastic Load Balancer B. CloudFront C. ElastiCache D. Auto Scaling Answer: AD Question: 10 Which S3 storage class has lowest object availability rating? Choose the Correct answer: A. Standard B. Reduced Redundancy C. Infrequent Access D. All of them have the same availability rating Answer: C Explanation: Infrequent access has the lowest availability rating (99.90%). Standard and Reduced Redundancy have an availability rating of 99.99% Thank You for trying AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUDPRACTITIONER PDF Demo To try our AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUD-PRACTITIONER practice exam software visit link below Start Your AWS-CERTIFIEDCLOUD-PRACTITIONER Preparation 20OFF ” for special 20% [Limited Time Offer] Use Coupon “ discount on your purchase. Test your AWS-CERTIFIED-CLOUDPRACTITIONER preparation with actual exam questions.
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