What is spinal muscular atrophy and what is its tratment


What is spinal muscular atrophy and what is its tratment
What is spinal muscular atrophy and what is its
Most spinal muscular atrophies are caused by a problem in a gene called SMN1. The
motor neurons decompose and cannot send messages to the muscles. In this condition
it is must to get in touch with Spine Doctor Nyc.
If a child only receives an altered copy of the SMN1 gene from one of their parents, it
most likely does not show any signs of spinal muscular atrophy, but it could be passed
on to their children.
What are the signs and symptoms of spinal muscular atrophy?
Some babies are born flaccid or lax (with a great lack of muscle tone) and do not learn
to turn around when they are lying down or to sit at the expected ages. An older child
may fall more often than children their age or have trouble lifting things.
Children with spinal muscular atrophy may develop scoliosis (curved spine) if the
muscles in their back are weak.
What are the types of spinal muscular atrophy?
Type I : also known as spinal muscular atrophy of onset in lactation or
Werdnig-Hoffmann disease. It begins to affect the infant from the moment of birth or
until 6 months of age, but most babies show signs of the disease when they are about
3 months old.
Type II: begins to affect children between 6 and 18 months of age.
Type III: also known as Kugelberg-Welander disease or juvenile spinal
muscular atrophy, begins to affect the child as early as 18 months or as late as
adolescence. Children can walk without help, but they have weakness in arms and legs
and fall often. It is the mildest form of spinal muscular atrophy that affects the child
Type IV: Since their evolution is very slow, many people with spinal muscular
atrophy type IV do not know that they suffer from it until years after their symptoms
How is spinal muscular atrophy diagnosed?
When a Lower Back Pain Treatment Doctor thinks that a child may suffer spinal
muscular atrophy, he may ask:
• Genetic tests: this is the most frequent way to diagnose spinal muscular atrophy.
• A muscle biopsy is when a Chronic Back Pain Doctor removes a small sample of
muscle tissue to be analyzed under a microscope.
How is spinal muscular atrophy treated?
Although spinal muscular atrophy cannot be cured, the following treatments at
Chronic Pain Treatment Center can help children who have it.
• Nusinersen is a new Lower Back Pain Treatment that was approved in 2016. This
medication increases the amount of proteins the body needs due to the alteration in the
SMN1 gene. Four doses are administered over 2 months and then, after concluding
this guideline, every 4 months. Studies have shown significant improvements in
breathing, motor function and survival.
• Chronic Pain Treatment that help children cough and clear mucus, which also
helps prevent infections
• Adequate nutrition Sometimes a tube has to be inserted through the nose that ends in
the stomach (called a nasogastric tube) or directly into the stomach (called a
gastrostomy tube) to help patients eat.